Knights of the Bound Table (M+/M+) - May 26 NEW

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Now that the Knight and King have spent a week with the Hound...

Poll ended at 1 year ago

They need to collar their new Hound and welcome him to the fold!
They need to gently tell him that they will remain solely a Knight and King.
They need to take more time to decide.
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Knights of the Bound Table (M+/M+) - May 26 NEW

Post by Volobond »


Wednesday evening started out as it usually did - with Deke helpless. His mouth was stretched around a huge black ball gag, locked tight behind his head, and it was starting to make him drool on his boyfriend's thigh, where his chin was resting, although Max didn't seem to mind at all. He was even absently stroking Deke's head, running fingers through his thick long hair.

It was both a soothing and exciting sensation, particularly as Deke's limbs were cruelly roped into a hogtie, making the only movement he was capable of be a small flopping motion. Deke, being relatively new to bondage, was already quite turned on despite the uncomfortable stretch of his back, and his erection was pinned beneath his stomach, making the bouts of occasional tickling Max would deliver even more torturous.

Deke was a huge man, broad and muscular and very tall, but he had to admit he loved being dominated by his smaller boyfriend. In fact, he'd often tease his sweet-natured lover in order to receive some of that rougher treatment - to awaken that thing inside him that could simply stare Deke into submission.


As they had become closer, Deke had started to more naturally fall into a submissive state of being, always being ready to obey his boyfriend and resign himself to being restrained and gagged. Bondage had become a regular part of their life together ever since Max had tricked Deke into being a live tickle torture demonstration at a Renaissance Faire. Deke had never considered before how much he loved it when his big frame and muscles were rendered useless. Not to mention, the pure trust he felt whenever Max was in control.

He felt a little rumble of pride deep in his belly as Max's hands roved across his broad back, checking out his straining back muscles... only for his little sound of contentment to turn into a whine when Max's cell phone began to vibrate and Max reached for it, cutting off the soothing touches.

"Mrrrrrrrm." Deke grumbled, before seeing Max smirk at him and place a finger to his lips.

"Hey, Kell, what's up?" Max asked. Deke sighed from behind the gag, his head slumping as much as his position allowed. Kellan was one of Max's closest friends. Along with a few others, they formed a little group Max often called the Knights, as in "sorry to leave the cock cage on you all night, babe, I have plans to play D&D with the Knights" or "Dekey, I'm going LARPing with the Knights, so I won't be coming over tonight" or whatever. Deke had actually started to resent them for keeping his boyfriend away from him every Friday night and various times throughout the week. Although outwardly he'd never begrudge Max for having friends.

In the midst of this reverie, Deke completely missed the entire conversation, so was at a complete loss as to the reason why Max was jumping up and down in glee. Max quickly hung up and charged the couch Deke was still tied up on and slid the last few feet to press a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead. "We did it, Dekey! We finally found the Castle!"

Deke tilted his head, groaning as Max finally began to undo the ropes holding him captive. He was kind of glad that the situation gave him the excuse to claim his groans were from soreness and fatigue rather than disappointment at not being kept as his boyfriend's prisoner. He sighed a little when Max took out the gag and massaged his jaw. "Better?"

"What's the Castle, babe?" Deke asked. Normally during a scene he'd refer to Max as "Sir" or "my lord" or "king" but he sensed that he had shifted back into boyfriend from bondage pet status. Although Max did keep the ropes binding his hands in place. He awkwardly shifted to the floor, leaning against Max's leg.

Max grinned. "Okay, so don't laugh."

"You know I won't." Deke smirked.

"Ever since Arthur and I were little, we always talked about living in a castle. It was our dream. We even had a clubhouse right on the border between our houses. We called it the Castle and we'd spend hours out there."

Arthur King was Max's oldest friend, all the way back since they were children and next-door neighbors. In high school they had gotten together as boyfriends and stayed together into college, where they discovered bondage together. Unfortunately for them (but much to Deke's good fortune), they discovered they were both dominants, and since going back to vanilla lovemaking appealed to neither of them, they returned to being the best of friends. Although Deke knew there wasn't anything between them... Arthur was still a very attractive man, and a model to boot, and seeing them greet each other with cheek kisses and hugs caused a twinge of jealousy to prick him. But Deke always knew that he had something to give Max that Arthur never could: submission.

Deke nodded to show he was listening.

"So, as we formed the Knights, we all thought about how cool it'd be to all live together in our own castle. Like make our own house. And finally we've found a place. We made a plan, about three years back, now. We'd pool together our resources, get a loan, and move into a place together. We'd be able to make adjustments to give us all our own areas. We even talked about how we'd deal with decorating and chores and stuff. Plus, most of us have lived with at least one other Knight, so we know we're compatible. But basically, we'd all move in together and share living costs, and it'd be just awesome - we'll all be able to make D&D sessions! It'll take a while to go through with this, but..."

Deke tilted his head, resting it on Max's knee. "But what?"

Max slid onto the floor and cuddled into Deke's side. At first the bound hands chest hug had been awkward, but over time Deke had become an expert at giving Max cuddles while he was tied up. Max sighed happily. "But I'm not going anywhere without you."

Deke shrugged. "Babe, you know I'm with you no matter what. You might as well put a collar on me that says 'Property of Max.'"

Max chuckled. "Oh, I plan to, cutie."

They laughed together before Max became serious again. "No, I mean it. Before you decide, I need to see if you're compatible with the Knights. Don't worry, it's not just me. Derek's got a boyfriend too, and he'll have to make sure we all mesh too. We have to be sure, 'cause this thing won't work if we're not all a hundred percent on board."

Deke leaned over to nuzzle Max's cheek with his nose. "Babe. What part of "I'm yours" are you not getting? I'm ready to do whatever I can to make you happy. So come on. Let's see if I can earn a seat at the Knights of the Nerdy Table."

Max grinned and pulled Deke into his lap, handgagging him and kissing his forehead. "Oh, Dekey. I have a feeling you actually might like the Knights more than you think. Especially since our full name is something you'll enjoy."

Deke made a quizzical "Mmmmph?" behind Max's hand.

"We're actually the Knights of the Bound table, my sweet knight."

Deke gave a little shudder. Something told him he'd be quite pleased with whatever his king had just gotten him into...

In case you're wondering, I have written about Max and Deke before! Check out one of their previous escapades here in "A Knight and His Lord" linked here!:
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Oh, [mention]Volobond[/mention], you are truly Uther Pendragon...the progenitor of an Arthurian tale of new, knotted knights! 8-)

I love the dominated Deke! And the masterful Max! :twisted:

I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting the next tale of captured, chivalrous chevaliers!! :D
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Post by gag1195 »

YES! I've been eagerly awaiting this story! Deke and Max are already so cute together, and I love big guy Deke so easily submissive. I can't wait to meet the other Knights and see their plans for getting everyone to fit together. I also can't wait to see this castle. I know for sure there's going to be at least 1 dungeon... ;)

I see that Arthur King is an obvious nod to the legendary King Arthur, so now I'm thinking that the other Knights may be references to some of the better known members of the Round Table. Max=Merlin? I may be overthinking things, but I'm just so excited for this story! A fantastic start, and I cannot wait for more!
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Post by Volobond »


It was still a few weeks from that conversation before Deke was able to meet some of the Knights. While the group moved ahead as if everything would proceed according to plan, it would still be months before they could secure the loan, and still longer before they would be able to move in. As usual, coordinating a shared schedule for the Knights as a whole was a nightmare - Deke figured that was probably another reason living together was so attractive to them.

It was finally decided that Deke would be given the opportunity to accompany Max to the next LARPing session with some of the Knights. Live Action Role Playing - as far as Deke was concerned, it was an excuse for a bunch of adults to play dress up and pretend for a weekend. Pretty cool, but not necessarily his thing. However, Max thought it would be a good opportunity for Deke to see some of the Knights at their most potentially annoying, so away they went. He made it up to Deke by dressing him up - an activity they both enjoyed immensely, especially as Max would be very hands-on about it.

Deke glanced down at himself once they had reached the campground that served as the central hub for the LARPing event. There was a village of large tents set up, merchandise stalls, and even a medical tent! Max had gone all out on their outfits. Deke had been dressed in what appeared to be Roman legionnaire's armor - a leather chest plate and leather war skirt with leather sandals, except the whole thing had been spray-painted silver and was covered in intriguing bright blue designs. Earlier that morning, Max had locked Deke's ankles into a spreader bar and his arms and neck into a yoke, then used rope to tie the yoke to the curtain rod in the shower so Deke couldn't move away. Then he had spent quite a long time sensually painting Deke's skin in the same designs that had been on his armor.

Imagining the tingling, just-at-the-edge-of-tickling sensation of the paint being applied made Deke's cock twitch in interest, even now, even if he could have done without being ordered to hold Deke's spare warlock wand in his mouth as a symbolic gag the whole time. He felt a little naughty - Max had made him wear only a jock strap under his costume, so beneath his war skirt he was ass to the wind, like a real warrior.

"Remember, Dekey. You're an automaton created by my patron, the Dead God Tharizdun, to serve and protect me as my companion." Max said dramatically.

"English?" Deke laughed.

Max rolled his eyes. "You're a magic robot bodyguard-slash-pet. You obey my orders and follow me."

"As you wish... Master." Deke grinned as he saw Max visibly shudder with excitement at being called such. In fact, as silly and geeky as they looked, Deke had to admit Max was rocking his warlock outfit. He wore a black frock coat with gold designs etched along it (Deke only realized looking at the pictures months later that the designs matched the ones covering his armor and skin), and to be honest, with his gold tights and high black boots, he looked a little bit like an American Revolution person - like John Adams or something. But still, he looked confident and powerful, with wands strapped to his belt and multicolored powders in his pockets. For a moment, Deke was starting to think this was really kind of cool.

Not to mention, the idea of being a thing meant only to serve Max? That was something Deke was very much liking the sound of. He was now really wishing he had a collar or something to symbolize that, not realizing that Max's intent in their shared design was exactly that.

"There they are!" Max cried, waving wildly towards the east. Deke chuckled at his enthusiasm, before turning to size up the Knights.


Deke's eye was immediately drawn to Arthur. The man was dressed in barbarian furs and looked like some kind of ancient Nordic prince. He was, of course, shirtless, showing off his godlike physique. It was pretty hard for Deke to believe that this guy, with his muscles, was also a pretty damn good calligrapher in his spare time, but he had seen the evidence firsthand. Arthur carried two foam battle hammers clipped to his belt.

Kellan wore a loose white sleeveless hoodie that had been festooned along the back with brightly colored fabric, along with woven leather bands around his biceps, his fists wrapped in what appeared to be athletic tape with runes on it. Deke recalld that he was a personal trainer, and in his spare time he made TikTok videos, occasionally with Arthur or the other Knights. He was quite obviously dressed as one of his most popular characters, the Silent Monk, whose signature feature was black cloth wrapped around his mouth to prevent him from speaking.

Of course, Deke recognized Brent - one of the Knights who was literally famous for nerdery, being a YouTuber gamer of some renown. Currently he was dressed in a set of shining white and gold chainmail, with a foam mace in his hand and a number of coils of bright red rope clipped to his belt.

Deke frowned a little when Max greeted Arthur with a kiss on the cheek, but recovered quickly enough when Kellan clapped him on the back and Brent offered a handshake and introduction.

"It's great to finally meet the famous Deke!" Kellan chuckled. "Maxie's told us all about you."

Deke grinned in delight at the name as Max sighed.

"What are the ropes for, man?" Deke pointed, and Brent smirked.

"Oh, you'll see."

Arthur led them to their large tent, which had enough space to fit all of them in cots and yet still kept up the fantasy aesthetic, with a lantern in the corner and a treasure chest to store their stuff in.

"Okay, I have to admit, this is a lot cooler than I had been expecting." Deke chuckled, earning a grin from Kellan.

"Right?" he practically cheered. Deke had been pleasantly surprised at how excitable his friends seemed to be - on first glance they were all intimidatingly handsome men, but they all seemed fun and welcoming. Even Arthur.

"So, here's the deal for the day." Arthur called out, raising his hand to call for attention. "Since Deke's new to the whole scene, I've signed us up as an NPC party. We get to wander the woods as a combat encounter, and otherwise, we're able to do our own thing and make our own story. It's up to us to decide how we want to portray our characters. Maxie, you and Kellan are the rovers for today. Sadie sent me the packets."

Max hesitated. "I don't wanna leave Deke on his own..."

"What's a rover?" Deke asked.

Brent turned to him - Deke got the feeling his plate armor was a little unwieldy and he was starting to regret it - and explained. "It's a feature here. Some of the experienced LARPers here go around 'roving' - they'll join other parties as important NPCs with story information. It's so fun."

Arthur chuckled. "We'll take good care of Deke, don't worry."

Deke nodded eagerly to Max - this did seem pretty cool to him, and hey, this was meant to be him getting to spend time with the Knights, anyway. Max inclined his head, and Brent and Arthur cheered. "Great! Let's get set up."

Max took him aside as everyone started putting their stuff down. "Hey, cutie."

"Yes, my handsome master?" Deke teased, earning a gentle slap on the arm.

"Let's just say, I think that Arthur and Brent are trying to, ah, initiate you. Have a little fun."

"What do you mean, 'initiate?'" Deke tilted his head, but Max only pulled him down for a kiss.

"Don't worry about it. Just enjoy yourself, and remember the magic word is 'Odin.'"

Deke scrunched up his face in confusion, but by then Max was dragging him out into the woods to follow the others. There had been so much to take in that Deke had quite forgotten about the coils of rope still dangling from Brent's belt...

Last edited by Volobond 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

[mention]Volobond[/mention], you're definitely back with a bang! Great to see your twist on the Arthurian legend although hopefully your story will have a happier ending.

It's nice to see Max and Deke back again, they're definitely a fun couple with a sweet relationship. The extended cast also look like they won't disappoint and I'm looking forward to finding out what this castle they have bought turns out to be like. I'm sure you'll come up with an appropriate name for it!

You're definitely letting the geek out in this story and it's great to see. We definitely need more bondage combined with fantasy costumes. Looking forward to what the Knights have in store for Deke by way of an initiation.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by gag1195 »

I love how cutely innocent Deke is about all this stuff, but come on, even he has to realize what the initiation is going to involve, right? ;) A great set up, and I love the other guys too! Everyone is very attractive, wonderfully geeky, and I'm eager to see the ropes put to use!
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago I'm looking forward to finding out what this castle they have bought turns out to be like. I'm sure you'll come up with an appropriate name for it!
Maybe "Knot"tingham Castle? :lol:
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Post by wataru14 »

My inner nerd is squeeing with delight over this!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago I'm looking forward to finding out what this castle they have bought turns out to be like. I'm sure you'll come up with an appropriate name for it!
Maybe "Knot"tingham Castle? :lol:
I like it although I think you might be mashing together your British folklore with that suggestion!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Volobond »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago I'm looking forward to finding out what this castle they have bought turns out to be like. I'm sure you'll come up with an appropriate name for it!
Maybe "Knot"tingham Castle? :lol:
I like it although I think you might be mashing together your British folklore with that suggestion!
Haha, honestly Knottingham was way better than anything in my head! Apart from just "the Castle," the only thing in my head was Gagbury Castle instead of Cadbury, one of the theorized sites of Camelot. Lol I'm liking Knottingham, though.

Perhaps one of the characters might be a Robin Hood in his own right?

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago

Maybe "Knot"tingham Castle? :lol:
I like it although I think you might be mashing together your British folklore with that suggestion!
Haha, honestly Knottingham was way better than anything in my head! Apart from just "the Castle," the only thing in my head was Gagbury Castle instead of Cadbury, one of the theorized sites of Camelot. Lol I'm liking Knottingham, though.

Perhaps one of the characters might be a Robin Hood in his own right?
"Bravely bold Sir Robin
Rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die,
Oh brave Sir Robin.
He was not at all afraid
To be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin."

Now I've got Monty Python stuck in my head!

Still, I think Sir Robin Hood would make a fine Knight. (Now trying really hard not to think of Kevin Costner and his historically and culturally inappropriate accent!)
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nice one, [mention]Volobond[/mention]. I like a slow build-up.
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Post by BDBrit »

I'll admit, the title of this drew me in. I'm a sucker for a good pun. The story is very well-written. I look forward to seeing where it will go next.

Also, is the picture you've used for Brent who I think it is?
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Post by Volobond »

BDBrit wrote: 2 years ago Also, is the picture you've used for Brent who I think it is?
If who you think it is is who I think you think it is, then yes ;)

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Post by gag1195 »

Volobond wrote: 2 years ago
Pup Wingletang wrote: 2 years ago
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago

Maybe "Knot"tingham Castle? :lol:
I like it although I think you might be mashing together your British folklore with that suggestion!
Haha, honestly Knottingham was way better than anything in my head! Apart from just "the Castle," the only thing in my head was Gagbury Castle instead of Cadbury, one of the theorized sites of Camelot. Lol I'm liking Knottingham, though.

Perhaps one of the characters might be a Robin Hood in his own right?
[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] I probably am mixing up some stories, but oh well! Unless someone wants to try and stop me!

[mention]Volobond[/mention] feel free to use Knottingham if you so desire! It's yours for the taking!
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Post by Volobond »


Deke knew he'd have to admit it sooner or later - his nerdy boyfriend's nerdy friends had converted him. Not that it took much - Deke was already interested in knights and fantasy and such - it was part of the reason he and Max got along so well, and the reason Deke loved being called Max's knight.

The LARPing had taken a little bit to get used to, for him to abandon his inhibitions and the worries about looking stupid, either in general or to Max's friends, and let loose. Max and Kellan were rovers, so they all had to come up with a group story that allowed the two of them to accompany any other parties they met - or, rather, allowed Mithanras the Lord of the Spiral and Ika the Silent Monk to leave with other parties.

It was decided that an argument between Brent's character Ronan, a cleric of a sun god, and Mithanras led to Deke's character, an automaton, to go haywire, infecting Brent and Arthur's characters with battle madness and making them into an enemy encounter.

While they waited for one of the three parties of players to stumble across them, they acted out a battle, and Deke had an unreasonable amount of fun with his foam swords, whacking at Arthur and Brent while Kellan darted around with surprising speed and Max sent clouds of multicolored powder into the air, leaving scintillating trails. When finally a party came across them, Max called for help from them, explaining the situation in his character's voice - a Scottish accent that sent chills down Deke's spine (he made a mental note to suggest some character roleplay at home).

Within ten minutes, Deke, Arthur, and Brent all laid on the forest floor, pretending to be vanquished, while Max and Kellan began to lead the other party away, Max's character translating the sign language Kellan's used instead of talking. Deke groaned as he finally stood once they had gone, massaging his back where a stone had dug into him. "So, uh... now what?"

Brent and Arthur stood as well. "Well, now we got some time to kill. Normally we'd make our way back to camp and wait. Check out the merch."

Brent winked at him. "But we could also keep having fun out here."

"Doing what?" Deke asked warily, although he definitely had an idea.

"Welcoming the newest Knight of the Bound Table." Arthur chuckled, quickly throwing his arms around Deke in a bear hug. Deke was loathe to admit it, but despite Arthur being a few inches shorter than him, he was definitely stronger. As he and Arthur wrestled each other, Brent calmly uncoiled the red ropes from his belt. Arthur dragged Deke backwards towards a tree, before stepping aside and letting the bigger man crash into it, calmly stepping in to grab Deke's wrists and pin them up above his head.

Brent tossed a rope high into the air, watching as it sailed over a sturdy branch. With Arthur using all his strength to keep Deke's wrists crossed over his head and lifting his knee to press between Deke's thighs, uncomfortably pressing against his package, Brent was able to securely bind his wrists, keeping him vulnerable. Deke cursed playfully at them as Brent tossed Arthur another coil and they lashed him to the tree, crossing ropes all over his chest, puffing his pectorals out, and practically welding him to the trunk. With only a little movement to struggle, Deke found himself stuck.

At least now Deke understood Max's warning about the "magic word." He meant a safeword. Which made Deke feel a lot more comfortable than he normally would in this situation, and why his struggling had been mostly for show. Arthur held up his hand to about shoulder level and brought his index and middle fingers together to his thumb, almost like a little finger puppet mouth closing. "This is the signal." he said calmly. "Gonna gag you, so just stare up as best you can and make this sign with your hand if you need out. Got it?"

Deke nodded and groaned as Arthur pulled out a big ball gag. It was not particularly comfortable, and it kept his mouth wide open, but it felt nice and restricting and he liked the way it stifled his voice.

Arthur grinned at their handiwork. "Damn. Maxie is a lucky guy."

Brent chuckled. "And to think we were gonna ambush Kellan this week instead."

"Grraph?" Deke gurgled, laughing a little when he realized just how well the gag garbled his speech. Fortunately the two seemed to understand.

"We tend to add a little bondage into whatever activity we do." Brent explained. "We're all into it one way or another, so it's just a lot of fun. We respect each other's boundaries and we always have a safeword or signal."

Arthur chuckled. "Judging from that boner you've got, you're enjoying yourself?"

Deke nodded, blushing slightly.

"Sometimes our play does get naughty, if we're okay with that. Most of us like guys anyway." Arthur smirked.

"I'm actually bi." Brent added cheerfully. "Kellan had a girlfriend up until a few months ago, and he still says he's straight, but he doesn't mind it getting sex-aaaaay." Brent did an absurd little dance on the last word that had Arthur threatening to tie him up and leave him here until tomorrow.

Arthur steered the conversation back on track. "But still, the initiation has always involved one specific activity that bonds us all in brotherhood."

"Heh. I see what you did there." Brent said placidly, earning an annoyed look from Arthur.

"Ronan! We must deactivate the automaton before it breaks free!" Arthur said suddenly in his character's voice, making Brent jump, startled, before getting into character.

"Yes, Ivor. Maybe we'll find a control panel somewhere!"

Arthur dramatically rolled his shoulders, unclasping his fur cape to leave his torso bare except for straps that held his gear. Brent rolled his eyes.

Deke's eyes widened a fraction of a second before they lunged with realization of what they were about to do. On the pretext of looking for a control panel, they probed every inch of his skin, tickling him mercilessly. Deke screamed and giggled wildly behind his gag, thrashing as much as possible. Brent seemed to enjoy finding the extra-effective tickle spots - which was difficult because Deke was wildly ticklish absolutely everywhere, and thanks to Max's dressing of him, he was vulnerable everywhere but his stomach, back, and chest. Arthur definitely seemed disappointed at not getting at the nipples, but made up for it by absolutely destroying Deke's armpits and neck with feather-light touches.

At one point, after Deke had started to sweat the painted designs off, Arthur even grabbed Brent's hair and stuffed his face into Deke's armpit. Deke jumped as much as he was able when Brent started to sniff deeply, which somehow tickled even more. Arthur and Brent also had a fun time with the fact that Deke was only wearing a jock strap, and both spanking him and tickling the skin between his thighs and buttcheeks, which he didn't even know could be ticklish.

Deke was dripping sweat and practically crying with laughter when they finally stepped away, and he was achingly hard - neither man had touched his bulge. He was even thrusting a little, trying to get some friction.

"Nuh-uh." Arthur teased. "You and Maxie gotta work that out between yourselves before we stick our hands where they don't belong."

Due to being gagged, Deke was unable to remind him of what his hands had just been doing.

"What we're going to do to complete the initiation," Brent giggled, "Is take you back to camp all trussed up and leave you on your cot for your boyfriend!"

Deke tried to protest, but he really couldn't say anything.

The two men worked fast at getting Deke loose from the tree and re-bound securely. With all three of them giggling, they simply carried Deke hurriedly back to the village of tents, running the last hundred feet to ensure nobody would see.

Arthur kept watch while Brent stayed in the tent to make sure Deke didn't wriggle loose - although he spent his time acquainting himself more closely with the smell of Deke's pits and feet.

All the while, Deke's dick was pulsing with need, and he was pretty sure his jock was obscenely stained with pre-cum. All he could do was wait for Max to rescue him, to be under his king's control once more...

By the way,[mention]gag1195[/mention] I think Knottingham Castle works perfectly for the place all these nerdy bondage-loving hunks can reside!
Last edited by Volobond 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by gag1195 »

this group is already great. Extremely jealous that they aren't my D&D group! The first part of the initiation was great, and I'm looking forward to Max's part. Deke is very lucky he has such a loving boyfriend, and such new kinky friends.
Volobond wrote: 2 years ago By the way,[mention]gag1195[/mention] I think Knottingham Castle works perfectly for the place all these nerdy bondage-loving hunks can reside!
Happy to help! Can't wait for the knights to move in and take full advantage of the space for some well written bondage fun!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

At one point, after Deke had started to sweat the painted designs off, Arthur even grabbed Brent's hair and stuffed his face into Deke's armpit. Deke jumped as much as he was able when Brent started to sniff deeply, which somehow tickled even more. Arthur and Brent also had a fun time with the fact that Deke was only wearing a jock strap, and both spanking him and tickling the skin between his thighs and buttcheeks, which he didn't even know could be ticklish.
This part drove me over the edge!!! :oops:
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Post by szlm1515 »

Truly cute and kinky story, can't wait to see wherever it goes😍
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Who'd have thought there'd be a bound tickling initiation in a [mention]Volobond[/mention] story! Not that I'm complaining! Looks like Brent has a bit of a nose for the smellier things in life! Loving the banter and the hints at the higherarcy within the group.

I'm not sure I have the imagination for all this role playing stuff although I'm sure if I had the right team of geeky hunks to help and guide me I could get into it!

What will Max do with his restrained automaton when he gets back?
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Volobond »

Hey, everybody! [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] has made me some amazing character cards that I'll be sharing with y'all over the course of the story! Here's a closer look at Deke and Max! I hope y'all appreciate how much smaller Max is compared to his big burly sub ;)



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Post by bondagefreak »

Alright, so I've cheated and moved this up to the top of my catch-up list.

First thing I wanna point out after reading the opening chapter is how happy I am with the font size you chose.
Yes, I know it's not a big thing. But as someone who spends a fair amount of time reading the news online and consuming a large number of written words per day, the 110-115 font size is a huge relief for me. Definitely makes the reading process less of an eye strain.

I also really like the length of your chapters.
They're not intimidating at all and make the whole catching up process very fun.

Now as for Deke and Max, all I can say is "what an amusing duo!"
I really like the explanation of how they got involved and very much enjoyed Max telling Deke about his past with "Warrior King" Arthur...not to mention the quiet jealousy spike Arthur's name prompts in Deke 8-)

Deke leaned over to nuzzle Max's cheek with his nose. "Babe. What part of "I'm yours" are you not getting? I'm ready to do whatever I can to make you happy. So come on. Let's see if I can earn a seat at the Knights of the Nerdy Table."
Knights of the Nerdy Table indeed! :lol:
Max is gonna have to let his fellow Knight know Deke called them nerds.
Hopefully, that'll land our submissive muscle-bear into a heap of ropes 8-)

I'll be coming back here for Chapter II later this afternoon and should be all caught up by tomorrow.
Now I have [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]'s latest tale to catch up to.

Keep at it [mention]Volobond[/mention].
Love where this is heading so far!
And as a minor spoiler to everyone, having worked with Volo on some of his character sheets, I was able to get a sneak-peek at some of the hot hunks and cutties Deke's about to meet once he's initiated to his boyfriend's quirky circle 8-)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention], those character cards are great...

Just love how Deke - a Jason Momoa look-alike - is described as a "submissive!" :twisted:

A brilliant addition to your story, [mention]Volobond[/mention]
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Post by bondagefreak »

I was going to say "poor Deke for being bound, gagged and tickled like that" but then it seems that our big muscle-bear actually likes the initiation treatment he's getting at the hands of the party Cleric and the Nordic Warrior King.

Glad to see the guys didn't spare his gooch.
That was probably the high moment of chapter III for me as well 8-)
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Post by fruityguy »

The entire scene where Deke is at the mercy of Arthur and Brent is really hot! Especially when they tie him up against the tree.

Can't wait for the next section.
Haha writing about guys squirming is a lot of fun~~~ ;) ;) ;)
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Oh wow!

This was great. the build up to chapter three is perfect and I do love me some fantasy influence :)

I wanna know more about Kellan and his monk and their way of doing the vow of silence...

Great addition to your amazing repertoire of tales!
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