The B-Hotel (F/M) new part added

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The B-Hotel (F/M) new part added

Post by fulleclipse »

Hello, this is my first story, sorry for my english I used the translator.

The B-Hotel

The beginning:

It all started with a dispute with my wife. It was about all sorts of things, anyway, in the end she said I should disappear and she does not want to see me anymore. Angrily, I stormed out the door, got into the car and drove off. After driving around for a while, I drove to the next bar and got some drinks. While I was sitting at the bar I searched in my phone for free hotel rooms. It turned out to be difficult because some events were running in our city and all the hotels were fully booked. I took a few more shots and then decided to walk around a bit. It was already evening and I could not drive anyway because I was a little drunk. The fresh air was good for me and I walked around aimlessly for some time. As I strolled so thoughtfully, I passed a multi-story, nondescript building. There was a small sign on the door, it said "B-Hotel". I had never heard of it and I thought, I can try my luck. Maybe they have a room here .. So I went in and got into a big room. The Room looked pretty sterile, everything white, no pictures and plants. Farther back was an elevator and laterally a white door. In the middle of the room stood a white, large table with one chair on each side. There was an old-fashioned bell on the table as you know from old movies. Since I did not see anyone, I went to the table and picked up the bell. I looked around again and then rang the bell. When nothing happened after a few minutes, I rang again.
Shortly thereafter, the side door opened and a woman came out. The sight almost blew me away. She had blonde, long hair, was no older than 25 years and had piercing blue eyes. What irritated me the most was her outfit. She had a skin-tight white Lycra catsuit to emphasize her gorgeous body and white sneakers. I had never seen such hotel staff before, but I liked the sight. She came to the table and said:
"Excuse me for keeping you waiting, but I had to look after a client. My name is Carmen. What can I do for you?".
I was still stunned by the sight that I did not notice that she used the word "client" so I replied stuttering, "Hello, I wanted to ask if you had a room available at short notice?". She looked at me with her piercing blue eyes and asked: "So you have no appointment?". I said, "No, it happened in the short term and I did not have time to make reservations". She opened a laptop in front of her and said:
"Let's see."
She tapped something and then said:
"You're lucky, there's a room left. How long would you like to stay with us? "
I thought for a moment and replied:" well I think about 2 weeks ". She looked at me startled and said:
"Really? Did you think that over well? "
I answered:" Yes, of course ". She started to grin and said:
"All right, that makes us happy. We never had that". She pushed a questionaire over and said, "Please answer the questions carefully, you can not change anything afterwards." It seemed a bit strange to me but I did not really think something about it. So I filled out the first page. It was the usual things like name, address, credit card information, etc. When I turned the pages then came a kind of questionnaire. I did not read very far because I was dead tired and had no desire to fill in a questionnaire. I only briefly saw a question regarding food and any preferences. I just skipped some pages and just signed on the last page. I pushed her over the questionaire again. She looked through it briefly and then asked: "Dont you want to skip anything or at least ...". I immediately interrupted her and said: "No, that's okay". Her grin widened, and she replied:
"Wow, the full program. As you wish".
She picked up a cell phone and spoke briefly. I could not understand anything.She said shortly afterwards:
"Someone will take you to the room, I wish you a pleasant stay." I said, "Thank you very much." I waited a moment and then the elevator opened further behind. Out came two beautiful black-haired women, both had the same skin-tight catsuits, the hair tied tight back and one had glasses on. They were certainly not older than 25. They came closer and the lady with the glasses said: "Hello, my name is Tina and my assistant is called Luna. We will now bring you to your room and prepare you for the night. Please follow us ".
I followed them into the elevator and Tina pressed the button for the second floor. The doors closed and during the ride I could not resist looking at them more closely. They had gorgeous bodies and I looked at their sneakers and noticed that they probably wore skin-colored tights or socks underneath. Luna noticed me looking at her and asked, "Well, do you like what you see?". I was scared and I replied, "Well, I would have to lie if I said no." She smiled and said, "Great that you have planned a longer stay, because you will get to know everything from us, without limits." I was a little embarrassed and became something red. I thought that she flirts a little with me. Thank God, the elevator doors opened at that moment. We arrived. We walked down a long corridor and past some doors from which strange Noises.came Sound like a whimper. I did not care about it and finally arrived at room # 13.
"This is your room, from now on you are # 13." Tina said, open the electronic lock with a card. We went in and I looked around for a moment. In the room was only a large bed, a TV and a large closet. It looked pretty sterile like the rest of the hotel. Funny was just that everywhere in the walls and the ceiling hooks were attached. For me it was enough to sleep and I reached into my pocket to give them a tip.
But suddenly Luna closed the door behind her and locked it. Tina grinned at me and said, "Please take off your clothes now." I was completely confused and said, "Excuse me? Why should I do this?". She said: "We want to prepare you for the night, and here you only wear what we tell you or nothing at all". She winked at me. Still completely surprised I said: "I do not quite understand". "Please do not make it difficult for us and do what we tell you, otherwise it will be even more difficult for you and a pleasure for us" said Tina. I did not like the tone and I said, "What comes to your mind? That`s not how you talk to me. " Tina turned to Luna and both started to laugh. Tina said: "#.13 you filled out the form and signed it. So you belong to us for the next 2 weeks. You have not specified limits and have renounced the safe word. During your stay, you will be bound tight, gagged and we can do anything with you what we want. And we are very creative! ". I was completely shocked and said, "What? Where am I?". Tina said:
"at the Bondage Hotel, we were surprised, no one ever had booked such a long stay but I am all the more pleased that we can now let our creativity run free as you have also waived all limits and Safeword.

Many clients like to disguise it as kidnapping and probably you too, so my assistant Luna has a little toy that will persuade you to do what we say. " Luna pulled out of her bag a stun gun and grinned. Tina smiled and said, "Well, how would you like it? Will you please undress or do we have to become clearer? ". I had no desire to feel the stun gun and started taking off my clothes. I just stood there in the boxer shorts and Tina said, "Not a bad sight, the boxer shorts too". I said, "I really do not want that, that was a mistake, I just wanted ...". Tina interrupted me and said sternly: "Yeah that's what they all say and now do what we say # 13. There are certain lessons that you will still learn from us ". So I also took off my boxer shorts. "Very nice," said Tina. "Now for the fun part".
She opened the big closet and I was completely scared what I saw there. It contained ropes, gags, chains, handcuffs, masks, straps, suits, and much more that I did not know. She took out a pair of gloves that looked like leather mittens, with no fingers and two rubber balls. "Take a ball in each hand and squeeze it tight," Tina said, handing me the balls. I did what she said and she put on my right hand first and then on the left one glove. The gloves were quite tight and I could not stretch my fingers anymore. I could not close the fist because of the balls. My hands had become completely unusable. She closed both gloves with a zipper and then with a small padlock. I had no chance to open them without keys and help. "Hands on the back," Luna said sternly. I did as she said and Tina locked the two Gloves behind my back with a padlock. I was now tied up helpless.
"Now your feet," said Luna. Tina took two cuffs out of the closet which she put on both ankles and then closed with a padlock. Then she brought my feet together and also closed both cuffs with a padlock. Now my feet were tied up too. "That's really enough," I said, already a bit panicked. Both laughed and Tina said, "This is just the beginning". She took ropes out of the closet and began to tie my legs, above and below the knees. I could not move my legs any more. She pulled the ropes very tight. I said, "that's too tight, I can not stand that very long." Both laughed again. Luna then said, "You will have to endure it for as long as we want.
What do you say Tina? It's time to shut him up. " "Definitely," said Tina and went to the closet. She turned to me again and said with a grin, "Hmmm we really wanted to take a little bearable gag for the first night but since you were so loud you have to learn your lesson. It will be a little uncomfortable for you. Punishment is needed". She took a ballgag out of the closet as big as a tennis ball with many straps and approached me smilingly. "Please do not do that, I'll be quiet." I said. "Oh yes you will and the gag will be very, very uncomfortable after some time. No one had it in the mouth for more than 2 hours and that's why it feels interesting to us how it feels all night. You can tell us tomorrow morning. " Tina said and laughed loudly. "Open wide" said Tina. I kept my lips closed because I did not want this giant ball in my mouth. When I did not open my mouth, Luna just held my nose and I had no way to breathe through my mouth. When I opened my mouth Tina took the chance and stuffed the ball in my mouth. She had some trouble getting the whole ball in, but with a bit of violence, it worked. I could not spit it out because the ball was so bigl and my jaw was already hurt because my mouth was torn to the limit. She started to pull on the straps. The main strap at the back of the head, under the chin and which is connected via nose and head with all others. She pulled everyone very tight. When she was done she came to me grabbed me by the chin and said: "Well no.13, how does it feel? Is it comfortable? "She chuckled. I tried to tell her that she should take the thing out from my mouth because I can not stand it, but only a muffled loud "Pffff, MMPPPHHH, MPPHHH" came out. "I do not understand anything, I think you have something in your mouth," Tina said and they laughed loudly. She kissed me on the gag and gave me a push so that I landed sitting on the bed.
"There are several lessons you need to learn now" said Tina. "You do not wear the gag for no reason, so be quiet. Nobody can understand anything as long as you wear the gag, so it does not make sense to speak. If you try it anyway you will be punished and it will get more and more unpleasant. Everything we do with you, as we bind you and gag you will have to endure as long as we wish. You belong to us for 2 weeks. Do you understand?". I mmmpppfffed into the gag. She just sighed and got back to the strap of the gag. She pulled all the straps one more notch tighter. The gag hurts like hell and hugs my head tightly. She looked me in the eye again and asked: "Anything else to say?". I tried again to say that they should let me go. "MMMpppFFF". Tina sighed again and just said "Luna" and waved her hand. Luna grinned, went behind me and once again pulled all the strap of the gag a notch tighter. Tina asked, "is it enough? I screamed again in the gag. "So you want it even tighter? With pleasure. Luna please ". Luna pulled all the straps again tighter. The straps digged into my skin and it was hard to stand it. But I understood now that I should be quiet when she asks me a question because she has made it clear to me that every attempt to speak with a gag penalty draws. Tina then asked me something again "Well? Still objections? ". I tried to be calm and she smiled. "Very nice, you learn .
Luna please finish him for the night ". Tina then leaned into a corner and watched. Luna then locked all the gag straps with small padlocks. So I could not take off the gag even if my hands were free. Then she helped me get up. She pulled out of the closet small cable ties and came grinning to me. "Now for the fun part," she said. She was working on my penis. She massaged him very sensitively until he was rock hard. I moaned a bit and she said "Any objections?". I stayed calm. She took a cable tie and tied it around my balls and pulled it tight. I mpppfffed into the gag. One more click. "Any Objections?" She asked, looking at me. I learned and stayed calm. She took another cable tie and tied it to the end of my testicles and penis. She pulled it very tight. I groaned again. Click, click, the cable tie was pulled tighter again. "Tighter? "She asked. I stayed calm. She took some more cable ties.She tied three around my shaft and two between the testicles until they were separated. She then cut off the descending parts with scissors. It looked like artwork. "That looks so wonderful," said Tina, who was still watching. "Thanks," Luna said and smiled. "How do you like No. 13?" Luna asked and slowly massaged my cock. The cable ties were very tight and it hurt like hell. I groaned and screamed in the gag. "Oh, oh," she said, pulling all the zip ties a click tighter. It hurts like hell, but I understood. She started to massage my shaft again and asked me: "Well? How does it feel?". It was unbearable. On the one side, it hurt terribly and on the other it was very exciting. I tried to stay calm. "Very good," she said. Then let's come to the end. You have to be tired already.
She got more ropes out of the closet. She turned me over and put a rope just above my elbow. She pulled and my elbows were contracted painfully togehther. I was not very flexible so it was not possible that they would touch. But it was already extremely uncomfortable, I had to bend very much and give way to the pressure she exercised. After my elbows were not far apart, she gave up and knotted the rope. She was visibly disappointed and said, "So at the end of 2 weeks your elbows will touch, I promise you that." The bondage was unbearable. My jaw ached from the huge gag, My penis hurt like hell and my arms were already aching. I could not even imagine holding it all night. She turned me over and pushed me back onto the bed. I was lying on my stomach and she placed me in the middle of the bed. She took another rope and tied it through my ankle bracelet. She then pulled the rope through my elbow shackle and tied it again with the ankle bracelet. She pulled on it. I was bent backwards and my feet pulled further and further towards the arms. She stood up and pressed her foot into my back to apply even more pressure. She pulled again with all her strength. I kept folding up. I never thought that I was so flexible but it was extremely painful. She tied the rope tight. I moaned in the gag and tried to tell her that she should stop. "MMMPPPFFFhhh". "Very disappointing," she said. "Objections too?" She grabbed another rope, tied a loop and hooked it into a hook over the bed. The other end she pulled under the rope that hold my hands and feet together. She pulled on it, it had the effect that my hands and feet were pulled together even further. When I thought I was lifting off the bed, she tied the rope to the hook and said, "Wow, you're pretty flexible," Tina said, coming back in. "Good job Luna,". "Thanks," said Luna. "So we hope you have it comfortable for the night and you can sleep well" said Tina. The thought of being in that position and capturing the night made me panic. I could not stand it for another minute. I shouted in the gag: "mmmmmppppfffhhh". Already every muscle hurt, the gag was unbearable and I was drooling. The two laughed and Tina got another cable tie and tied my big toes together. "Are you comfortable yet?" She asked. I tried to stay calm. They sat down on the bed with me. Luna played again with my tied penis, which hurt like hell and Tina stroked my head: She said: "I can not imagine how it feels to be in this position all night and with this gag in the mouth. How does it feel? Its really cool that you have no limits. We will have great fun with you ". I stayed calm because I did not want to be tied even harder, although I did not know how it could be even tighter. They both got up and headed for the door. Tina turned back and said, "We wish you a good night and a pleasant stay with us. The room is video-monitored and from time to time someone will look after you, so do not worry ". They went through the door, the light went out and I heard the door being locked. I could not believe it. Should I really spend the night like this? Every muscle hurts already, I did not feel my hands and legs anymore. I tried desperately to free myself but everything was locked tight. I could not even move my fingers. I shouted several times in the gag but only muffled sounds came out: "Mmmmmpppfff". My mouth hurt like hell as it was so unnaturally torn open and the straps of the gag digged hard into my skin. After some time I gave up the fight and could only wait and hope to be released soon. Unfortunately that did not happen.

Of course I could not sleep and the minutes went by like Hours. I often screamed desperately into the gag but nothing happened. I was tied up at around 9pm and I had no idea what time it was now. It must have passed several hours when I heard the Door open. The light went on. It was Tina. “Hello #13, how are you?” she asked. “mmmmppppffff, mppppfff, mpppppf” was my answer. She giggled “ I´m glad that you like it, “ At first I thought it was a bit too strict but you seem to be comfortable”. “Mmmmmmppppffff, mppppffff, mpfffffffff, plmmmmmmpppfff”. I hoped that she would free me. She sat down on my bed and said: “It is now 2 o`clock in the morning and I just wanted to see if everything is alright”. She checked the ropes. “Everything looks good” she said. Then she grabbed my tied Penis and massaged him a bit. My balls were already blue and it hurt like Hell. The cable ties were very strict. “Mpppfffff, mpppfff, mpppppfff, “ “ Wow that must be very uncomfortable” she said. “Do you want me to free him?” she asked “Plmmmmpfff, mmmmmm,pppfff”. I tried to say “Please let me go”. “What? No? But it looks painful” she teased. “plmmppff, mppppfff, mppppf” “ What? Tighter? Are you sure?” “noopppffff,mmmmmpppfff,plmmpfff” “ Ok, as you wish”. She tightened each Cable Tie even tighter. I screamed in the gag. “Is it better this way?” she asked. I mmpffed and screamed in the gag. “Nice that you feel comfortable with us” She giggled. “How does the gag feel? You have been wearing it for a long time”. “mmmpppf,mpppf,mpppf,” I drooled immensly and my Jaws were numb. “I´m glad you like it”. She kissed me on the gag. The she got up from the bed and headed for the door. I screamed and mpppfed with all power. She stopped and turned around. “ Hmmm our clients usually do not sleep so tightly tied but you really want it” She went to the closet and got out a rope. I screamed “nopppmmff,pfffffff”. She tied one end through the ring of my gag and threaded the other end through the cable tie that hold my toes together. She pulled tight. “Gluck, oommmpppfff” she pulled again. “noommmpppfff”. My head was pulled further and further in the directon of my feet. “Come on, a little bit is still possible” she said and pulled again. I was bent more and more backwards. When my feet almost touch my head she was satisfied and tied the rope off.” Wow you look awesome, like an art object” she teased. “It must be very uncomfortable in this position but you want it that way”. I barely made a sound, I could only whimper. She was a real Sadist and she seemed to like it when someone was suffering. “Do you think you could sleep in this Position?” she asked me “mmmnnnnn” was all I could say. “Oh, you do not need to thank me. I like to do that for you. We are happy when our clients are satisfied”.She went back to the door. She turned around again and said:” My Colleague arrives at 8am to check on you and prepare you for the day. See you again in the Evening. We will have a lot of fun together. I wish you a good Night. She was joking. How should I stand it in this Position for 6 Hours?. But she was serious. The Light went out and she went out the Door.
It`s going to be a painful Night.

To be continued
Last edited by fulleclipse 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TripleZero »

Nice story, dont worry about your english, its fine. Hope we get a part 2 :)
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Post by BoundJana »

I totally agree, a very well written beginning. I look forward to read the continuation of this story ^-^
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by Reidy »

Loving this so far.
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Post by fulleclipse »

Day 1:

There is no need to say it was the worst night of my life.
Of course I could not sleep and I tried again and again to free myself, but it was useless.
It seemed like an eternity when I heard the door being opened.
I had no strength left and moaned only quietly in the gag.
The light came on and I saw a pretty young blond woman in the same outfit as the other ladies.
Good morning my dear, did you sleep well?
She looked at me a little surprised and said:
“I did not see any client sleeping in this position, what did you do?”
“Was that Tina?”
“Well anyway, I'm sure you did not have a comfortable night so let's give you a little break, my name is Agatha and I have the day shift.”
She untied the rope that held my toes and head together.
My head fell on my bed immediately and I could not move it as my neck was extremely painful.
I drooled in the gag”pffff,mmmmpppf”
She untied the rope that kept me in the hogtie.
It was an incredible feeling to be able to stretch out again, I moaned relieved in the gag. I still had no feeling in my back and neck and she said” Take a few minutes”
She loosened the ropes that bound my feet and cut the zip tie that hold my toes together.
I could barely move, but the feeling slowly returned to my joints and everything hurt like hell
I hoped that she would also free my hands and take off my gag but she waited a few minutes and then said:
“Now are you ready? I bring you now to the toilet but I must disappoint you, the other Restraints stay where they are and the gag too.”
I screamed loudly in the gag
“The gag will only be taken off when you eat, but if you try to speak without permission, it will come in immediately and stay in it for the rest of the day. Do you understand?”
I nodded
She helped me up from the bed.
I could not stand alone because I still had no feeling in my legs. She had to helped me.
We stood there for a few minutes and she looked at me from top to bottom. She looked at the ties of my member and my blue balls and said:
“Ouch that is really tight, does it hurts?”
“I know it is uncomfortable but you will have to deal with it, the ties will not come off during your stay. But we will massage you several times a day. But it looks wonderful”. she grinned
When I was able to walk again, she led me out the door and into the bathroom across from my room.
“You have 5 minutes” she said and closed the Door.
It`s really hard to pee when your cock is tied so tight.
But I did it. It was really painful
She opened the door again after a few minutes and led me back to my room.
„Wait here, I bring you your breakfast” and she went out.
Since my feet were not tied up I thought about running away but I did not have the courage. Besides, I could not even open the door with my tied hands. I sat down on the bed and waited.
After a few minutes she came back with a tray. On it were a sandwich, a coffee and an orange juice.
"Well my dear, remember what I said, do not talk when I take the gag out, do you understand?" I nodded. I just wanted to get that thing out of my mouth.
She opened the locks and the straps.
As the straps hung loose, she said, "Try to spit it out"
I tried but had no chance. The ball was too big and my jaw was numb. "Looks like someone does not want to eat," she said, laughing loudly
She watched me a bit as I tried to spit out the gag and then said, "Well, I'll help you"
She tugged the belt with some force and the ball came out with an audible "plop"
Oh my god, the ball was out but I could not close my mouth anymore. Everything was numb and hurt. "You'll need a few minutes to get the feeling back, none of the clients has worn that gag for so long. A new record," she giggled.
It took some time for me to close my mouth and then she fed me and gave me the coffee and orange juice to drink. My jaw hurt a lot and it was hard for me to eat.
When I finished, she went to the closet, opened it, and then thought. I dared not say anything because I did not want to be gagged again. My arms and hands hurt and I wanted to ask her to let me go, but I kept quiet. I was just looking for a way to escape. But there was none.
"hmmm, what are we going to do with you today, dear?" she wondered. "I have so many ideas". I took my courage and pleaded: "Please let me go, it's a mistake, I did not want to come here, I can not stand it." She laughed and said, "Then say your Safeword." "I have none, it was a mistake". "Then you have a problem, there is no turning back and you will spend time here with us, after all you have booked, we want our customers to be satisfied." she teased. "Please, please let me go, I'll pay the full 2 weeks," I said. She then said, "Where's the fun for us, we love our job, and besides, who gave you permission to speak, I was too kind to you." She glared at me and walked to the cupboard. "Let's see what we have for you," she said
She took out a gag that looked like a butterfly with a pump on it and many straps. She came smiling to me and said, "We have a lot of nice gags to keep you quiet, there are some small ones and very uncomfortable.Since you are too loud you will be punished, so please open wide," she said. "Please do not, I can`t take it anymore, let me go," I begged. "So the hard way," she said, closing my nostrils. As I gasped for air, she pushed the limp gag in my mouth and immediately closed the straps.
She tightened all the straps very tightly and then closed them all again with a small lock.
She took the pump ball in her hand and smiled. "Just say if it's too much," she said, laughing loudly. She started to press the ball several times "Pff, Pff, Pff," I felt the gag in my mouth get bigger. "Pff, Pff" It got bigger and my mouth was already filled. "Pff, Pff" ... "Mmmmmmmnnnn" I tried to say that she should stop and shook my head. "Pff" She smiled. "How is that? Is it comfortable?" "Mnnnnpppff". "Still a bit too loud". "Pff, Pff" Two more pumps. "nnnngggg": "Better, but for safety ..." "Pff, Pff,". She pushed the ball twice more and closed the valve. My mouth was incredibly full and my cheeks were bulging. It was very uncomfortable because my mouth still hurt from the last gag. "Very nice, you look like a hamster" she said and laughed.
She then led me to the middle of the room and then went back to the cupboard. She pulled out a chain and came to me with a smile. She hooked the chain to the restraint that held my hands together. Then she got onto the bed and pulled up my hands. I was forced to bend forward. She kept pulling until my arms were pulled up painfully and I had to bend far forward. Then she hooked the chain in the ceiling and locked it with a lock.
She got ropes and tied my feet and legs again. "Now for the fun," she said, taking another rope. She tied it through the ring on my gag and pulled my head down. Then she tied it to my cock. This had the effect that if I tried to lift my head it would be quite painful. I moaned into the gag. "Oh what's wrong, don`t you like it?" "mppppfff, nnnngggg, pffffffsss" "don`t be afraid my dear, we`re finished soon and then you can enjoy it". She took a long thin string and tied my toes together again. Then she pulled on it and I was forced to stand on my heels. She tied the string to my balls. It was an incredibly painful position. "Well my dear, how do you like it? I would not struggle too much as it could be painful" she said and laughed. "It's also a good workout for your balance, if you can`t stand it anymore you just have to say your safe word ... Upps I forgot ... Well then I wish you a nice day and I hope you enjoy it. I have a look at you in the afternoon, have fun. " She kissed my cheek and went through the door.
The next hours were a nightmare. I do not know which body part hurt more.
I was forced to balance on my heels, every movement of my head or feet had unpleasant consequences for me. The gag was inflated to the maximum and my arms had gone numb a long time ago. Well I had no choice, I had to endure it and could only hope that I will soon be released. But it took an eternity until I heard the door again. Agatha came in.
"How are you, dear, are you having a nice day?". “nnnggghhhh”.
She came to me and stroked my body.
"I can not imagine what it's like to spend the day in this position"
"I know my dear, but you do it really well, I would have bet you speak the Safeword but you seem to like it"
She started to rub my Cock.
It was an extreme pain because my cock was tied tightly and connected to my head and toes. But at the same time it was an extremely erotic feeling. " Do you like that?" she asked. "mmmmmhhh, pfffffff, nnnngggghhh" "Your little poor laced thing needs some fun too". "Pffffffffsssss". It hurt more and more, but she got faster and faster. "Dont you dare to cum," she warned me`.
When I was about to explode she suddenly stopped. "So that was enough fun, Tina and Luna come back in 4 hours and then you get your dinner and you will be prepared for the night, I wish you a nice day, see you tomorrow morning". She laughed loudly and went out the door.
Having to endure 4 hours was a terrible imagination but I had no choice. I never thought to end this way. Every muscle was extremely painful or numb. I never thought that there are such beautiful women who like to torture me.
Well, I had to kill time until dinner. For most of the time, I struggled to keep my balance. My tied up cock hurt even more now after Agatha played with it. At some point, time passed and I heard the door open.
Tina and Luna entered with a smile. They were two beautiful women and I could hardly believe that they were capable of such a thing. I was already scared of Tina because I had not forgotten the last night. "Hello No. 13, how are you?" Tina asked. "Mmmppfff, nnggghhh, pffffff"
"Wow Agatha has come up with a nice position, I like it, do you like it that way?" Pffffffssss, nnnnnnnggghhh "
I can`t understand you, it seems you have something in your mouth. " She came to me and reached with her hands over my arched cheeks. "I like Agatha but she is always too careless, tztztz," she reached for the pump ball. "Pff, Pff, Pff," She squeezed it three times. "Nnnnnnnnnngghhhhh". She laughed. "I love hamsters". "Well, there will be dinner right now, while you wait, Luna will take care of you, but don`t cum without permission, Luna would you please ..."
Tina went out the door and Luna came to me. She grabbed my cock and said, "Well, let's have some fun?" Mpppfffffff "She started to pull me down, it was an incredible feeling, my little friend was tight and rock hard, she was getting faster and faster, then she stopped and started to give me a blowjob, it was wonderful, I fought to not cum I knew what to expect but it was a wonderful feeling, I tugged on my shackles and tried to tell her to stop. " pfffffffssssss, stttpppp ".

She stopped with the blowjob and took my cock back firmly in the hand. "Well, do you want to finish it?" She asked. "nnnnnooooooppppffffsssss" She started to rub my cock again. She was getting faster and faster and I could not hold it back anymore. I exploded in her hand. She smiled. At this moment Tina was already at the door. "Oh, oh, what did I tell you, you should not cum without permission." "Nnnngghhh, mmmmmhhh" "Did you give the permission Luna?" "No I did not, I just played something with him." said Luna.
"Ok, you deserve a punishment," Tina said. But first the dinner. She put the tray of food on the bed and started to untie me..
She first loosened the rope that connected my gag with the penis. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to straighten my head.
I moaned relieved in the gag
Then she loosened the rope that pulled my arms up. now I could straighten up again. I could only straighten up very slowly because everything hurt a lot. Luna helped me a bit.
I almost fell down but Luna held on tight. Then Tina let the air out of my gag. It was a wonderful feeling as it got smaller and smaller but at the same time the feeling came back and it hurt. She opened the locks and took the gag out. Of course I could not say anything because I did not feel my mouth anymore. "She did not untie other restraints, not even those that tied my toes to my testicles. She helped me on the bed." "Let's wait a few minutes for your feeling to come back and then I'll feed you, but dare not speak said Tina.
After a few minutes she gave me a soup. I could not chew anyway because my mouth hurt so much. Then she took the gag again in her hand. "Well then let's go again, open up." I tried to say "No, please no more" but I still could not speak. She put the gag back in my mouth and closed all the straps and locks. She picked up the pump ball and started pushing. "Pff, Pff, Pff, Pff, Pff," "nnnnnnnmmmmppppfff", "Pff, Pff, Pff," she squeezed again. I shook my head. "Pff, Pff, Pff," "Nnnnnnnnn" "My mouth was incredibly full." Pff, Pff, Pff, "She squeezed again ... She groped my cheeks." What do you mean Luna? Is it enough? "" Hmmm, he was a bad boy, "said Luna." Pff, Pff, Pff, "I could not make any sound, I thought my mouth would burst, she stroked my head and then said:
"Now you can go to the bathroom and then you go to bed"
She led me into the bathroom but it was very slowly because my toes were connected to my testicles. Every step hurt like hell. She sat me on the toilet and went out. "You have 5 minutes," said Tina. I tried to pee but I could not feel anything, everything was deaf. After 5 minutes she came back and picked me up. She led me back to my room.
"What are we going to do with you, my dear?" she mused, "After you have cum without permission you must be punished." "Ngggghhhh" I could not stand it anymore. I just wanted to be freed and move again. She went to the cupboard and took out a collar. she put it on me. Then she took a rope and connected the collar with a ceiling hook. So I had to stand there. Then she took another rope and tied it to the gag. She pulled my head back and tied the other end also to my testicles. She pulled so tight that I just had to look up. My head and toes pulled from both sides on my testicles.
"As a punishment you will spend the night in this position, you could have had it comfortable today but you chose another Way.
, I hope you learn your lesson".
"Ngnnnhh, pfffffsssss". "Pff, Pff" she pushed the pump ball twice again. "I wish you a good night, see you later" Both went out the door.
Now I was standing there. I did not know what hurt me more. My little tied friend, my mouth or my muscles. It was hard to believe that I would endure this for a few hours. But I had to ... I had no choice ... Of course, sleep was out of question, I had to struggle with it, to keep the balance and as good as I could to relieve my bound testicles. I shouted several times in the gag but only a whimper came out. Nobody came and nobody helped me. Of course, I had no sense of time anymore. At some point I heard the door again.
Luna came in with a smile. "How are you my dear?" "nnngggghhhh, nnnggghhhh, pfffffssss". "ohhh my poor little thing, you make it really great, it must be quite uncomfortable for you but punishment must be" she said and laughed. She came to me and stroked my head and body. Then she grabbed my cock and whispered in my ear "Tina does not know that I'm here, I just wanted to have some fun with you". She started to massage my cock. "Nnnnnghhhhh, pffffssss, mmmmppfff". The pain was unbearable. My cock was rock hard and in tight restraints every movement hurt.
"You like it too, admit it, tied up tight ... you can`t do anything about it" She then bent down and gave me a blowjob. I moaned in the gag. After a while she stopped and massaged again. "I give you the order now to cum, you should also have your fun." She got faster and faster, I could not hold back and splashed off. "She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said" Very good my dear, did you like that? "Mmmpppfffhh" My dick hurt terribly ... She took some handkerchiefs and wiped the sperm. Then she whispered again in my ear: "Pssss, that remains among us my dear". "Pfff, Pfff," She gave my gag two more pump strokes. I whimpered. "I still wish you a good night my sweetheart, see you tomorrow evening again". She winked at me and then walked out the door.
"Nnngghhh". So I stood here again. Everything hurt even more now and my gag was even thicker. So I struggled again to survive the night. But I did not know if I can look forward to the morning and what awaits me the next day.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Please continue!
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Awesome story. Hope to read more
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Post by stormchaser1 »

Great story
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Post by jumanjipr »

Hey!! You can't leave us like that. This story is good. Please continue!!
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Post by TapeBondage123 »

That is a hotel I would love to stay in!
Duct tape will fix that cut under your nose.
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Post by Highpointer642 »

Where is this hotel? Lol
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Post by fulleclipse »

New part

I don`t have to tell you about my feeling over night.
There was no way out.

Being tied and used by hot girls sounds great but not in my position.
Anyway somehow morning came.

The Bitches came in my room and made jokes about my situation and then started to release me.


I made noises in my incredible big gag.

„Now my dear, today is your free day…you can walk around the hotel and talk with other guests“. Tina said.

I was so happy to hear such words, this was my chance to escape.

„But since you cum without permission twice we have to punish you“
I looked at her scared.

„Yes, Luna told me about you breaking the rules again“.

Luna giggled.“ Uppps i should learn to shut my big mouth“.

„Anyway, you can walk around but you remain tied and gagged“.


I wanted the gag out of my mouth and be able to move again.

„It`s your own fault,you should learn to behave“

„hmmmpphhh“ i grunted.
They brought me then to the bathroom again
No Breakfast today as Punishment.
The gag didn`t came out.

I think it lost a bit of air over night so it was smaller. I could only hope they don`t pump it up again.

„So my dear we prepare you for the day“.

Luna came with a strange leather sack that had a lot of straps on it.
They released my arms and put them without hesitation into the sack.

As i know now it was an reverse prayer armbinder.

They tied my arms in really tight.
My fingers touched my neck and my elbows were welded together.
During this procedure i tried to fight but i was powerless. I was an easy prey.

„auuumphhh“ I tried to tell them that is was too much but guess what…
They ignored me. I only heard the locks click shut and i was trapped in it.

„mmmphhh“ i was frustrated.

„Luna said then. „What you think Tina, is he done?“.
Tina walked around me and inspected me.
My tightly tied cock and balls,my arms,my gag.

„I don`t know… something is missing.“

„Oh i know…“ Tina said.

She walked away and came back a few minutes later.

As i saw what she had in her hands i screamed in my gag.
It looked like a big cock with a pump ball on it.

„Good idea“ Luna said.


„Shhh, you will love it“.

They went behind me and i felt how they worked on my butt.
They put a liquid on the cock and pushed it slowly inside me.


I tried to keep my cheeks together…

„Relax honey, it will be easier“ Luna said.
After a few minutes the whole thing was inside me.


„There you go .,i said you will love it“. Tina said
„No limits means even your ass is ours“.


I never felt something like this, it was terrible.
I tried to push it out but it was stuck.
Only a small piece of the tube and the pump ball were visible.
Then i felt how Tina squeezed the pump three times.


The thing inside me started to grow.

„Don`t worry we start your training slowly, in the next few days we make it a bit bigger“.


„You are all set up and ready for your free day“. Luna laughed.
They pushed me out of my room into the corridor and then walked away..


What should i do now?, I had to find someone to release me.
So i walked around in the Hotel and hoped to find other guests.
It wasn`t comfortable to walk like this.
My arms tied in this position, i drooled from my gag, the big plug and my strictly tied little member.
The corridors were pretty empty.Only a few hot girls from the staff came towards me
They giggled when they saw me but ignored my moaning.
Only one of the girls stopped and started to talk with me.

„Are you looking for someone?“ she asked

She was pretty young and also wear one oft he hot skin tight suits.

I tried to beg her for release but of course my no intelligent word came out from my mouth.


She smiled. „silly me, of course you can`t answer. Seems you booked the hard time here. Do you looking fort he other guests?“.
I nodded.

„Ok, follow me“.

She lead me to a lounge, there were a lot of things in it, a TV, pool table , a big couch etc…
And of course the other guests.

I think there were around 20 people in the room, the half of them were man.
As i stepped in the room they stopped talking too each other and looked at me in shock.
But it was soon over and they continued to talk . The most oft hem wear normal clothes. There were 2 man who wear a latex suit and a few girls wear a full body nylon suit.

But no one was tied or gagged.

I walked through the crowd and tried to ask for help.
It seemed to be funny for them, the guys and girls inspected me and played with the pumps sticking out my mouth and butt. They laughed as i grunted in the gag… I was angry and tried to get out somehow. My mouth and ass were filled until i thought i would burst.
But at the exit door a really hot girl was leaning on the wall and looked at me with a smile.

I went to her. She was short red haired. Her body was encased in a nude nylon suit.

Except her head. She had a hot body.

I made noises in my gag. „ppffss,mmmmm“.

„Awww honey , i can`t understand you with your mouth filled .“

She tried to open the straps from the gag but they were locked tight.

„I`m afraid i can`t remove the gag. Seems you were naughty mister“.



She then inspected the rest of my body. My tied arms and of course my strictly tied little member.
She started to stroke it carefully.

„hmmmm that must be painful or do you like it?“.

„mmmmmm“ i shaked my head no.

„Of course you like it, why would you be in this position then?“


„Shhhhhh“ she gave the pump another squeeze.
„I know now why you are gagged“


I don`t think this thing in my mouth can grew bigger anymore.

„Do you want to have some fun sweetheart?“ she asked me.

„I nodded.
„Well then follow me."

She lead me through the corridors in one of the rooms.
It was pretty the same room like mine.
She closed the door and pushed me on the bed.


I fell on my bound arms and the plug was pushed further inside.


She took something out from one of her drawers.
It was a packet of condoms.
She smiled and i looked at her with wide eyes.


„I will use you now like a toy, any complaints?“

„npphh“ i shaked my head no.


She looked and massaged my strict tied cock.
I was in pain but it felt good.

„It will be hard to get it in tied like this.“
She tried to remove the cable ties somehow but they were too tight.

„Well we have to try it like this.“

She pulled a few condoms over my little member and then started to sit on me.
She somehow managed to get it inside and started to ride me like a horse at the rodeo.

I made noises in the gag.

I didn`t felt much. My cock was half numb because of the tight ties and the condoms she pulled over it removed the rest of the feeling.
It was very uncomfortable to lie on my arms and plug.

When i made a noise she squeezed the pump of my gag.
She was very wild, she slapped me and screamed.
I think it was about 15 minutes later until she rammed her fingernails in my body and had an orgasm.


She was sweating and out of breath.
Then she kissed me on my gag.

„Thank you darling“.

Then we heard a voice at the door

„tztztz, i can`t remember we allowed such naughty things“.

We looked scared at the door. It was Luna. I don`t know how long she was there already but i think she had seen enough.

„I think this requires severe punishment” she said.
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Post by jone123 »

Fun story, I liked the idea of the B hotel
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Post by Speedo »

I like the idea too and hope for a late further part. There are many days left for #13 and I hope he still has to suffer.
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Post by Kashifsajjad »

Next part please fast .i like store
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Post by LunaDog »

Just goes to show how one MUST read the small print BEFORE signing anything. But, from the point of view of this SUPERB story, i'm glad your chap didn't!

And, obviously, i'm sure it goes without saying, i just LOVE the name of one of his tormentors!
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Post by Kashifsajjad »

Next part upload .
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