A Bind of My Own Making: The Next Generation! (M/F) New Chapter--The Creature (Conclusion)

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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Jay, I see your point, which I might post in future chapters that might need it, but that scene wasn't really non-consensual until the very last lines about the new gag. Jillian enjoys that type of scene, but Dillan's final innovation shook her. That may or may not be a sign of things to come for her, and if so, the disclaimer may very well come in handy.

Xtc, as I said, I see his point for scene that get much more intense than that one. The thing is, this scenario is actually rather plausible, which might make a disclaimer a good idea. As it is, I don't think the scene quite rises to that level. But the night is young...

Emma, thanks! I hope you enjoy the next chapter, in which we see what Alyssa and Colton are up to out in Dad's shed...

Colton did up my blindfold again as Clinton did Charity’s. I’d already said I didn’t want to be taken back to my bedroom, and I figured Charity would want it anyway. He took my arm and guided me, and I tried to track our movement through the house. He turned me, and we went straight down the hall; I could tell because my shoulder kept grazing the wall of the hallway, and I felt myself brush against the pictures that were on the wall. Then another turn, to the right, and I was sure we were going to the kitchen. Probably to the back deck, and from there to the workshop, unless Colton had done something creative like pitching a tent in the yard. Next, we were out through the kitchen, into the TV room and the thick carpet Dad laid in there, then the wood planks of the deck, and a quick left turn onto concrete, and I had been right the whole time. The workshop. Dad’s man cave. A quick stop at the side door to the shed, and Colton was all gallantry as he ushered me inside and led me to a seat in the old stuffed chair he put out there with the sofa bed when Mom and Dad re-furnished the house with their tax refund last year. This year’s went to tires on all our cars. Only the best for his girls, Dad said.

“Ya wanna drink?” Whenever Colton is really turned on, his voice gets a little bit thick, and his voice was more than a little thick. I don’t know what there is about me to turn him on so much, but well...I sure am thankful for it! I nodded my head; you see, the thing about gags is that they dry out your mouth, and after the trip I was so thirsty after about a half hour of chewing on my knotted cleave gag! “Okay, hold on.” I felt him over me, and he worked the knot out of my mouth and left my gag around my neck. “Better?”

“You said something about a drink?”

Colton cleared his throat. “Yeah, yeah, I did.” There’s this tone of voice which practically sounds like he’s erect, and that was the tone of voice he had! “I got Dew, sweet tea, and bottled water. Or I could sneak you one of your dad’s Buds. He’s got about thirty in there!” Yes, Dad’s man cave has a full-size fridge.

“And you can bet he knows exactly how many he has left in there, so you better not have stolen one!” Besides, I don’t the taste of beer on his lips when he kisses me. It tastes stale, somehow.

“You sound like you don’t trust me.”

“Not around my dad’s beer.”

“I had a Dew.”

“Prove it.” And he proved it, all right, with a kiss that got me almost as excited as he was! I don’t mind the taste of Dew on his lips. “I’ll take one too.”

“You can have the rest of mine.” I didn’t mind that, and he gave me a long drink of his Dew. Okay, actually I finished the entire rest of the bottle. Like I said, knotted cleave gags make me thirsty! “Better?”

“A little.”

“I’ll get you a water.” I heard him at the fridge again, then the door closed and I heard the little crackle when he took the cap off the bottle. He put it to my lips, and it was so cold and so delicious! I drank and drank until I thought I’d drunk half the bottle! “Easy! You’re gonna have to pee real soon if you drink too much!”

“Eventually I’ll have to anyway, you know. Right now I’m thirsty!” So he gave me the rest of the bottle, still cold and delicious.

“Time for the gag again.”

“We have all weekend!”

“You’re getting too mouthy.” He took hold of the knot.

“Well, there is that.” And I opened my mouth for the knot. It still fit perfectly, and I couldn’t spit it out.

“I think it’s okay for you to see where we are, now.” He was standing in front of me where I sat, so I leaned forward a little and nudged against him. It was right against his crotch, and he was so erect! He jumped a little, but took my blindfold with him. My hair was a little in my eyes, but I could see the only light was the big old stand lamp Dad had beside the chair I was sitting in. What really got my attention was seeing myself on his TV, sitting there bound and gagged! Then I saw how. Colton had a couple little cameras that looked like GoPros or something, one straight at me and one to the side. He already was getting me on video! “Yeah, you’re the star! Work it, babe!”

So I did. Only my hands were tied, so I wiggled side to side and arched my back toward the camera while I did a little bit of frightened gag talk. It wasn’t all that convincing with my legs untied. He switched the camera to the profile one, so I wriggled my hands a little and kept up my arching. I almost looked like I had boobs for a few seconds there! “Not bad, but your top’s too baggy. It hides you.” He had no idea how deflating that was to me! He might just as well said I had no boobs! Not that I really do, but you get the point. I do have some self-respect! “We gotta see more of you. Hop up on your feet.” I did, wriggling some more while the camera followed me. All of a sudden he turned them off, then stepped in behind me. He put my hair to one side and nibbled a little on my neck, which turned me on a bit more, and reached for the front buttons of my suspenders. Once they were loose, he undid the top button on my skirt and took down the zipper, and it fell to the floor. He wrapped me up in his arms again, and his erection felt hard and springy against my rear, especially with it covered in nothing but my bikinis. Yes, I made sure to rub against him! That got him to reach down between my thighs with one hand while the other pawed at my supposed boobs, and pretty soon I was a whole lot more turned on! He can be a little heavy-handed between my legs when he’s too turned on, but tonight his touch was just about right. And of course as I got more turned on, so did he, and I could feel his heat against my rear, and practically his pulse through it!

Just when I thought he might go off too soon, he stepped back a little, and pulled my top over my head and down to my wrists behind my back. “This has to go, babe. Hold still.” He stepped away, and I saw he had a pile of more rope by the fridge. He picked one out of the pile and came back, and I knew what he had in mind. Like Dillan did to Jill and Clinton did to Charity, he was going to tie my elbows. That way he could get my top all the way off without leaving my arms untied. He didn’t do anything elaborate, just wrapped a couple loops of rope just above my elbows and tied it off without pulling my arms very close together. It took him a minute or so to undo my wrist ropes, and after he pulled my top down past my hands he crossed them again and tied them like he had before. He knows I prefer my hands tied that way. It’s more comfortable. I stepped out of my skirt on the floor, and Colton picked it up and draped my clothes over the back of the chair. There I was in nothing but my underwear with my arms tied, and I kicked out of my shoes. If only I had actual boobs, I would have looked pretty good!

And then he started pulling out the mattress of the sofa bed! “Wmmd rr oo dmmnng?” I fully expected us to hook up before the night was done, but he knows the rule. No ropes the first time. I like being close, all wrapped up in each other’s arms while he fills me up, which leaves me warm and fulfilled and content to let him do whatever else he wants to do. But he was getting the bed out already!

He looked up at me and chuckled while he covered the mattress with a light-pink fitted sheet. “Don’t worry, babe, I remember your rule! But you’re not tied up enough yet, and this is the best place to get you all tied tight!” The bed was down, and the sheet on the mattress, and then he went over to the cameras on their little stands, and focused them on the bed. Next, he picked another few ropes from the pile and stacked them up where he could get at them easily. Next, he touched a little remote, and there was the bed on the TV set! I knew now what he had in mind; I was going to be starring in his own personal bondage video! Him putting on a black ski mask and light black gloves on his hands had him in costume for his part.

I of course was going to play the frightened victim, so when he took me by my elbow after he clicked on his remote, I held back, pulled back a little as he dragged me to the bed. “Nnnnmph! Pwmmmz!” I thought I made a pretty good terrified kidnap victim, and made sure the camera got a good shot of me with big scared eyes as he pulled me up onto the mattress on my knees. He grabbed more rope while I turned a little more fully into the camera and wiggled around and did more frightened gag talk. I tried to shrink back when he came back and grabbed me, but not so much that he couldn’t put me down on my face while I squealed and cried through my gag. I really think I ought to go into acting! I really made a great kidnap victim!

“Hold still a second, babe.” He clicked the remote again and shut off the cameras, and I wondered what he was up to until he got out of the bed and readjusted the cameras. One was really close on the long side of the bed, and he put the other one just above the sofa back shooting down the length of the mattress. Good videography is important, you know! I just lay there a little, relaxing while Colton set up the cameras the way he wanted them, and then he was kneeling by my side, with me between him and the side camera. “You ready?” I nodded. “You mind being hogtied?” I shook my head. He pointed the remote at the camera. “Okay, then. Three...two...one...” he clicked the remote, and as soon as he did, he dropped himself down on the backs of my thighs just above my knees, and grabbed my ankles. “Nnnnnph! Pwmmmz!” I screamed through my gag, and as I did, I saw there was a little light lit up on the side camera, so that was where I faced as I pretended to fight his tying my ankles. I arched back as far as I could, looking straight into the camera and tugging at the ropes around my wrists and squealing through my gag as Colton tied my ankles crossed over each other. I was getting so turned on! I didn’t expect that being on camera would be such a turn-on for me! I really should be an actress!

Of course, part of the turn-on was that there was Colton squatting on top of me while he tied my legs, facing away so our butts were rubbing up against each other while he tied me, and I was hoping that he was getting as turned on as I was! Then all of a sudden, I felt rope around my knees, and them drawn tight together. It wasn’t going to be just a simple hogtie, then—he was making it fancy for the camera! So I played to the camera again, shaking my head and clenching my hands into little fists while I squirmed beneath Colton. I squealed a little too, as if I had been surprised by having my legs tied, and he laughed a little, a laugh that sounded like he was turned on like I was.

Now he was off of me, and when I looked, he had stopped the camera again and adjusted the other camera, the one that pointed down the mattress from just above my face, so that it was pointing straight down at me. “I’m gonna do up your elbows next,” he said, looking down at me. I must have looked like I didn’t like that because he went on explaining. “But not all the way, ‘Lyss. Just a bit, so there’s some rope there I can tie your feet to. Tying your feet to your elbows.” I still must have looked like I didn’t want that. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Mm-hmm,” and I nodded.

“You’re sure?”


“Okay then. You ready?”

“Mm-hmm!” I wiggled a little to sort of emphasize the point, and he hopped back up on my thighs, facing me this time, with his rope ready for when he started the camera again. “So here we go. Three...two...one...” and the light came on the camera, and beyond I could see my face on the TV, the big knot of my gag sticking a little out of my mouth. Beyond me, there was Colton, and there was no way you could miss the huge bulge in his pants! He was even more turned on than I was! But it was my close-up, so I put on my scared-and-angry face as Colton looped the rope around my arms just above my elbows. He’d doubled the rope and passed it through itself so he could draw my elbows back by pulling the rope through itself, and as he did, I made my eyes wide and shocked and I squealed through my gag like it hurt. It didn’t, though, not really, it was just a little uncomfortable through my shoulders for a moment until I loosened my muscles. I still looked terrified and in agony, though. I should win an Oscar for my performance! Meanwhile, he started looping the end of the rope around the part between my elbows, making it look like a tight coil of rope was between my elbows. I kicked my legs a little like I was fighting back, being careful of course to not accidentally kick him, and I wiggled a little side to side like I was trying to get out from under him. Pretty soon he had the rope tied off and was ready for the next part of my hogtie.

This time he didn’t switch off the camera when he changed position, just slid off me and switched the camera to the side view so that he could be seen tying my feet to my arms. I kicked and squealed a few times to make it dramatic, but pretty soon he got hold of my ankles and pulled them back. I squirmed some more, but gave up in a few seconds and let him get my ankles back. He worked quickly on the ropes, and in a minute my ankles were tied to the rope between my elbows. He gave me a little swat on my butt when he knotted off the rope, and stepped out of the camera to watch me struggle. Actually, it’s kind of tight to be hogtied like that, even as skinny and tall as I am! The natural pull of my feet backwards made my chest want to pull up off the mattress, so that in a few seconds I was rolling forward and backward, with my hands and feet squirming and me grunting and squealing like crazy! God, I was so turned on! Then I saw the cameras had switched again, and I put on a tearful face while I kept whimpering and squirming in my hogtie. To the side again, and as I started wiggling aide to side, I saw that Colton was sitting in the big chair with another Dew—and the biggest tent in his pants I’ve ever seen! I was a star!
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Post by BindPam »

This is very well written....I haven't gotten very far (It's my first day!) but I like it so far.....
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Hope you're still enjoying it, BindPam!

While Jillian is finding her scene with Dillan starting to sour, and Alyssa and Colton are having their own showtime, Charity and Clinton are starting up their own scene, with Charity playing a character which at first bluch might not seem quite "her." But looks can be deceiving...

“Upsy daisy.” My foot ran into a stair, and I realized Clinton was taking me upstairs, and I couldn’t be sure if I was going into Alyssa’s room or the spare bedroom. Of course I knew the layout of their upstairs from having crashed there so many times; at the top of the stairs, to the left was her parents’ room and the bathroom, on the right was the spare bedroom and Alyssa’s room. It was kind of crafty for her parents to set up her bedroom further down the hall from their room, because if she came in late, she would have to go past their room. Of course, it’s the same at my place; I have to go past Mom and Dad’s room to get to mine, past ‘Ren’s and Felicity’s old rooms. Lissy’s old room is Mom’s office, and ‘Ren’s room is a guest room. Meanwhile, Clinton helped me up the stairs to a little landing, a turn to the top part of the stairs, and I felt the floor beneath my feet. No sooner than that, I heard a door open to my right, and Clinton steered me in by my elbow. The spare room it was. That could mean anything, mostly that Clinton didn’t have to worry about disturbing Alyssa’s room with his plans for me! For all I knew, he had turned their spare room into a torture chamber! “We’re here!” A couple steps into the room, and he let go of my arm and left me standing somewhere.

I’ve said before that I don’t agree with ‘Ren on much, but one thing we definitely agree on is the sexiness of blindfolds. Clinton was somewhere in the room, a room I could not see. I had no idea what was in the room with us, no idea what Clinton was doing while I stood there sort of idly tugging at the ropes on my wrists and chewing on my gag. I couldn’t run away (even if I’d wanted to) because I couldn’t see, and I couldn’t yell for help because I was gagged, and I couldn’t fight because my hands were tied behind my back. It was sort of the ultimate helplessness! Not that the blindfold was perfect; there were a couple spaces around my nose where I could see down, so I knew there was at least a lamp on in the room. I could see my feet, and a little bit of the flare of my skirt, and I knew I had to look really good for him! It got me to whimper a little through my gag, and there’s just something about the sound of my voice being muffled by the cloth that was almost as sexy as the blindfold! I’d had my words taken away too, and there was a certain vibration the gag caused when I tried to speak that sort of resonated over my body. I was helpless in every way possible, and something about that was just so sexy!

I think it’s about trust. I knew I could trust Clinton to not do anything that would really hurt me, nothing I would seriously object to, so you feel the peril of being a prisoner while knowing at the same time that I wasn’t really in peril like all the times I’d been caught by bad guys. We were playing a game, and I could trust my Clinton that the game would not hurt me, so I could enjoy it, and enjoy my helplessness. Trust is really sexy too!

“Well now, what should I do with you?” I could hear the excitement in Clinton’s voice, and I wiggled a little where I stood. Through the little spaces by my nose, I saw that my skirt shifted a little, showing my legs beneath me, and I was sure I heard Clinton sigh really hard, as if he was excited by my helplessness. “Well, for one thing, you’re my hostage, aren’t you? I think maybe I ought to let your Daddy know I have you so he’ll pay your ransom!” So that was the game; I was going to be a kidnapped daughter. “He’s got more money than he’ll ever need, so we’ll see how valuable you are to him, princess!” Ooh. Kidnapped princess. A proud, haughty princess humbled by her kidnappers, reduced to begging her daddy to ransom her!

First, though, I had to play the proud princess, so I held up my head proudly. “Oo wmmt gmmt mmwmm wmmv thmms, oo vmmwmm!” That sounded like a good first retort from a captive princess; “You won’t get away with this, you villain!”

“There you’re mistaken, princess! There will be no rescue for you, for we are beyond the king’s reach! The only way he’ll ever see you again is if he meets our demands! So take care that you are as persuasive as you can be, princess, if you ever wish to see the palace again!” I could feel and hear him walking around me, getting a good look at me, no doubt. I kept my head high, playing my part, but I tugged at the ropes around my wrists a little harder.

“Mm wmmt hmmp oo rmmb mmf fmmvrr tmm kmmg!” After all, a princess must be brave in the face of danger, willing to face death itself to preserve the kingdom! So of course I cried out that I wouldn’t help this kidnapper rob my father the king!

It took him a minute to figure out what I said. “You say that now, princess, but let’s see if your captivity doesn’t change your mind as much as it will hopefully change his!”

“Nnvvrr!” It was nice dramatic thing, too, with my chin high and my eyes flashing and proud, even if they were behind my blindfold. I think I make a pretty good kidnapped princess!

“Oh aren’t we proud, your highness?” and I heard Clinton wander away. “Let’s see how proud you are after I’ve finished with you! I’ll bet you beg the king for your ransom, and I bet his pity for you will make him offer me his whole kingdom for your release!

Nnvvr!” It was even better the second time! “Mmph wmm dmm fmmst!” It’s a pretty good line to say you’ll die first. It gives your kidnapper so many ways of answering!

I heard Clinton chuckle. Please not some stupid variation on “we can arrange that.” He came close. “Princess, you’ll only wish to die if your father the king is hard-hearted! You will spend forever wishing I had given you that escape!” I didn’t really have an answer to that one, so I just tossed my head a little like a proud captive princess would. “Yes, I know, your pride again. I can’t tell you, princess, how much I look forward to breaking that pride of yours! The princess royal reduced to absolute humiliation!” I heard him rustling in a bag, and then the rubbing of rope, as if he were preparing something with it. “In fact, wench, let’s begin your humiliation now! This very moment!”

I was standing there wondering what he had in mind, when all of a sudden I felt a rope being draped around my head, and it being drawn around my neck! He stopped for a moment to swish my pigtails out of the way, but in another moment the rope—was it a noose?—was around my neck! It wasn’t tight, but it was firm, and then I felt it being adjusted until something that felt like a knot was on the front of my neck, and I could feel a weight of rope that fell from it. I squealed a little, because who wouldn’t squeal if she found a rope tied around her neck? “Yes, woman, I know how you lead your pets around, fancy collars and leashes. Why should you not be treated the same way you treat your dogs, eh? Because now you are my pet, princess, and you will wear my collar and leash!” And from nowhere, a little tug on the rope, and I squealed and almost fell over because I wasn’t ready for it! I caught my balance, but I was starting to breathe heavily because for the first time I realized just how helpless and at his mercy I was! “Not so proud now, are you, woman? Now you understand that you are at my mercy, don’t you? That you are completely in my hands! Your very life is in my hands, for all I have to do is tighten this leash and I choke the life out of you! Do you understand your situation, princess?”

I didn’t hold my chin up quite so high now. “Ymms.”

“Then you know that your only hope is to obey my commands.” I stayed silent; no self-respecting princess would give in so easily. “Perhaps you plan on being stubborn. Perhaps you plan on disobeying me. Let’s see how obedient you are, princess. Get down on your knees.”

Now that was an order no princess would obey, certainly not this one! “Nnnmmph!” I cried, raising my chin again. “Mmph wmm nnt!” But this time I was ready for the tug on my leash, and braced myself for it enough that I did not lose my balance. “Ooo cmmnnt mmk mmph mmbmm oo!” No, he would not make me obey him! At least that easily. After all, we were just getting started!

Now I felt the leash move, loosen and then tighten downward. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but all of a sudden my leash was pulling me downwards! I tried to stay upright, but the pull kept dragging at me, until I finally had to get down on my knees to relieve the pressure. Either Clinton had gotten down on the floor himself, or he had found a way to sneak it beneath something that let him pull me downwards, like a pulley. In any case, I was on my knees as he had ordered me! And as soon as I was down on my knees—the carpet wasn’t very thick, but still not too hard on my knees—I felt my leash being tied off, and in another moment Clinton—it had to be him—was behind me clamping my ankles together, crossed over each other! More rope, just as I expected, around my ankles and one loop cinched between them so I couldn’t straighten them and get my feet flat on the floor. I was kneeling, and I wouldn’t be able to get back up so easily now! “Now then, princess, do you understand yet that you have no choice but to obey me? You refused in your arrogance, and yet here you are kneeling before me, bound hand and foot and securely gagged! Will you now obey me?”


His chuckle now took on a certain naughty tone as he walked away and returned to me. “So you are indeed a very disobedient young princess! Perhaps you need to learn your place as the peasant daughters learn! They understand very young that they are to obey their betters, and it is only fitting that you should learn your place as they learn theirs!” He had gone behind me to my left side, and I had just enough time to wonder what he had in mind when I heard a little whir behind me—just before a hot smack lit up my bottom! It was a sharp sting, but from something flexible, like a belt! I didn’t just squeal—it was a little scream! I’d just been whipped! I couldn’t believe he did that to me!

Okay, I have to admit it; it wasn’t completely a surprise. We’d talked about things from time to time, like when we would be cuddled up in front of his place’s fireplace or ours watching Netflix (no, not completely Netflix-and-chilling, if you have to know!), and we would get into talking about the kinds of kidnap games we might play if we ever got the chance. One of them was the rich heiress or princess, and I would point out that someone from that kind of privilege probably wouldn’t be very obedient to a kidnapper. He would tease that there were ways to make a spoiled brat behave, and once or twice it got around to whipping or spanking and how that would be sure to be embarrassing for a rich brat to have to face. Of course we know Tess, and no one is a more perfect rich spoiled brat than she is, and I know for a fact she’s never been spanked or paddled or whipped in her life! Unless Merri has gotten to, but there’s no way to know that, and frankly, that would be way too much information for me! So here I was playing a kidnapped spoiled-brat princess, and I’d just been whipped! I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to actually do it! And...well...it wasn’t horrible. Kind of the opposite!

“Now, girl, will you obey me, or should that pretty rear end of yours take a few more lessons in obedience?” It was too early to give in yet, so I just sat down on my haunches, a little surprised at how my whipped butt stung when I did!

“Nnph. Mmph wmm nmmt!” I really wanted to rub my butt, but I wasn’t about to in front of him! And I couldn’t quite reach it with my hands tied, anyhow.

He chuckled. “Do you honestly think this will stop me? You’re not in your palace anymore, you spoiled little brat!” Yep, he was remembering what we’d talked about! “Maybe you need a few more lessons like that to teach you how a good girl should behave!”

“Oo bwmmt!” “Brute” is the kind of word a princess would use at someone who had just whipped her. And technically, it didn’t mean she didn’t like it.

They say great minds think alike, and just as I was thinking that calling him a brute would be a nice way to play the game without the princess admitting that she was starting to like being whipped, Clint tapped my right shoulder three times. That was our signal that we needed to pause; one of us would tap three times. “Hmm?” I asked, not as the princess but as plain me.

He sort of cleared his throat, and I felt him kneel down next to me, and the next thing I knew was that he had my gag out. “Was that okay? I mean, the belt on your bottom. We’d mentioned it before, you know.”

I was right! It was a belt! “Sure. I sort of thought you might do something like this when you started talking about obedience. I’ll tell you right now, I’m not going to give in real quick!”


“Look, just not anything too painful, okay? Nothing that leaves bruises, stuff like that.” I could feel him hesitate. “If you want to spank me, spank me. I don’t object.” Okay, so maybe Alyssa is right that ‘Ren and I are too much alike! “I love that you asked me first, though.” And that got me a nice little kiss that got me even more aroused! Right before Clinton put my gag back in, that is!

And I was right back into playing the Brat Princess. Even before Clinton got back up, I yelled through my gag, “Hmm mmr oo tmm wmmp thmm pwnssmmss!” with my chin up again.

“Your kidnapper, and your attitude shows me you need some more of it!” I heard the creak of bed springs, and realized the bed was barely one step away from me. Up came a tug on my leash, and all I could do was inch forward a little on my knees. Having my ankles tried crossed made that even harder than usual, but I got close enough that Clinton could scoop me up and drape me face-first over his knees. I had to help him a little, of course, by hopping on one foot until I was up over his knees. As soon as I was, I felt the back of my skirt being slid up onto my back; I was there over his knee with nothing on my butt but those aqua panties! “I won’t pretend, your highness, that this hurts me more than it does you, as the peasants lie to their daughters when they are punished like this! For me as for their parents, there is pleasure in this!” Not that I couldn’t tell; his erection was poking into my side!

We’d just spent like five minutes talking about spanking, but it was still a shock when he landed his first shot on my rear! A nice hard sharp spank that got a real squeal out of me! I did notice that he didn’t pick his hand back up right away, too. Anything for him to get to put a hand on my butt! Not that I objected, though, anyway. But too soon the hand had been lifted, and after what felt like a whole minute, though it was probably only a second or two, another swat on the other cheek, just as sharp and stinging! Now they came faster, alternating between my butt cheeks until they both felt on fire! But down among the flames, as I squirmed a little under the spanks, a tiny bit of arousal had started to flare up, too! As he kept spanking me, that little bit grew and grew until by the time he finally stopped I was seriously turned on! My God, I really am just like ‘Ren! She likes being spanked too!

Now I was being put on my knees again, and my just-spanked butt was squatting down on my haunches stinging like crazy! Like I said, I was so aroused by then, and I know I was panting with it. And then—“Not so proud and haughty now, are you, princess?” Trust me, he sounded as turned on as I was! “Now that you have been scolded and spanked just like any peasant girl, think yourself so high and mighty now? Behold our great and noble princess, reduced to this!” And in an instant, my blindfold was swept away and a flash of light nearly blinded me after so long in the dark! I was blinking and still heaving my breath, my butt still ringing with the spanking and me turning more and more wet, and I realized he’d taken a picture of me! Still the stinging of my butt kept up my arousal while my eyes adjusted to the room, lit only by a stand lamp beside the twin bed. There wasn’t much decoration in the room except for the bed, a bedside stand, the lamp, and a good-sized bookshelf along the wall. And Clinton himself, of course, with a bright pink face and a huge bulge in his pants! But he was still in character as he turned his phone and showed me what I looked like. “Think you your father and those people of yours will think you so haughty in this state?” O. M. G. My eyes were wide as saucers over my white gag, I was blushing like crazy, and you could tell just from looking at my face just how turned on I was! “How unseemly of a princess! Might not your father ransom you rather than see you shown, thus debased, to your loyal subjects, eh?”

“Oo wmmdmmt dmmm!” Actually, though, I had the feeling that this kidnapper would dare!

“And who are you to demand me anything, princess? Or should I say, wench?” He did have a point; if Dad ever saw me looking like that, both Clinton and I would be dead people!
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Marvelous and sinfully delightfully a royal pleasure to read.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by Xtc »

Not usually my sort of "thing" but, as ever, you write, as has aleady been said, delightfully.
We are lucky to have your skills on this board.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Jay, thanks! Now let's keep the ball rolling! You'll get the pun shortly.

Xtc, you're making me blush. :D

Anyhoo, Clinton seems to want to say a few words, so we'll let him get the ball rolling...

FYI, the story he refers to, The Fall of Verdania, is a very BDSM-y fantasy story I'm writing over at my dA page, and you're perfectly welcome to go read it. It's a bit much for here. So let's get that ball rolling again!

I’m not going to pretend I didn’t enjoy spanking Charity. I knew I’d taken a chance on her, but I also knew she was a lot like Serenity, and Cousin Joey, especially when he’d had a drink or two, had talked about how Serenity enjoyed being spanked, and I thought that maybe Charity would be similar. Then we’d gotten talking about it a few times, you know, imagining games we might play, and like she said, knowing Tess Vandiver as we do, the idea of a kidnapping of a princess or an heiress, and humiliating her pride, was sort of obvious. I don’t dislike Tess—she’s not as arrogant as you would expect a rich chick like her to be, and she’s really good-looking—but she certainly has bucks, and they do play their kidnap practice, so the idea of playing that game was fun for both of us. And as much as I love Charity, she has her pride, too. I’m not saying she’s arrogant or anything, except maybe her soccer skills (and any girl who has two straight state-championship-winning goals to her credit and at least two full-ride scholarship offers because of them has a right to be a bit proud of it!), but, well, you can sense her self-confidence even in what she writes! It wasn’t like I wanted to really humiliate her, but just to, well, sort of give her a break from it. It’s something we had talked about during those convos she mentioned, and she herself said that it might be interesting to play at being humbled, which was sort of where we got our idea about what she calls the Brat Princess. She was really getting turned on by it all, so I was going to run with this idea that I was going to get the Brat Princess so hot and aroused that the king would pay her ransom just to keep the pictures of her in that humiliating state away from the rest of the world.

Anyway, about the spanking. I was glad that that creep Dillan Danielson was all the way in the basement with Jillian, and Colt had Alyssa out in her dad’s man-cave shed, because you’d be surprised how loud a good spanking is, even when the spank-ee still has her underwear on! Of course, like I’ve already said, Charity has about the cutest rear end in the world from all her dance classes and soccer, and it’s not only so round and smooth, but it’s like all muscle, which makes it so very firm! Then when you spank it with your open hand, you get the loudest smack because of it, which is why I was glad no one else was close! She squealed and squirmed all the while I spanked her, but even I could hear a sort of whimper in her voice as it went along, and I could tell she was turned on by it! If Serenity ever hears about it, she’ll never let Charity hear the end of it, just like she doesn’t let her hear the end of us liking our tie-up games!

And there was no way I was missing out on pics of her! Now the truth is that Charity’s the most beautiful chick in the world anyway, and when she’s kneeling down at your feet all hot and wet and turned on, she’s even more beautiful! Those big green eyes of hers were so incredibly bright, and she was blushing like crazy! Well, I was too, so there’s that. I kept up the game and teased her that her dad the king would probably pay any kind of ransom to keep pictures of the princess all hot and wet and turned on away from the world, and, well, I have to give her credit for keeping her head in the game, because her expression got all shocked when I told her that, just like a snotty Brat Princess would do if she suddenly realized how badly she had compromised herself by getting turned on by being spanked!

“Nnnm! Pwmmz! Spmm mmph!” Now her gag-talk is the hottest ever, but it’s sure hard to understand what she was trying to say! The first part was easy, where she was begging “No, please,” but the last part was a little tough, and it took me a few seconds to figure out she was begging “spare me!” It was the perfect way to keep up my kidnapper routine, especially when she made her expression all pleading and begging. My princess was beginning to break!

“Spare you, wench? I would humble you to the very dust before all the world, the better to force your father the king to pay your ransom!” Okay, I was getting a little too, I think verbose, with the fancy words, but we were both enjoying it! See, both of us have read Leslie Morgan’s Fall of Verdania fantasy novel, with all its bondagey stuff, and it just sounded right that my diction (yeah, I think that’s the word) would be so fancy. Charity was enjoying it, anyway.

“Pwmmz, nnnm!” and she shook her head hard, and I was so sure that she was starting to cry that I almost stopped, at least until I saw a sort of wink in her eye even as tears started falling and I remembered that even as a kid Charity had an amazing talent for being able to cry on cue. Her eyes get big and wet, and she lets out a little whimper, and right on cue big tears start rolling down her face. She loves telling how many times she got her sisters in trouble with that crying talent of hers! “Pwmmz spmm mmph, smm! Pmmz dmm nnt oommwwymmt mmph!” Okay, I couldn’t figure out that last of hers at all, so I finally had to take out her gag a moment. I pulled out the knot.

“What would you beg of me, wench? Do you submit yourself to my command?”

She kept her tears pumping, with her lip pushed out in a brat-princess pout, and she wriggled her tied wrists behind her back. “Please, sir! Please forbear to humiliate me so before my father and my people! Surely you would spare me that much, even for a ransom!” Yeah, like I said, she’s read Verdania too!

“Perhaps I would were you to submit yourself to me, wench!”

Now she flushed and let a little anger back in her eyes. “But I cannot! I am the princess royal, and I cannot submit myself to fiends!” Yeah, now I was a fiend! I was a fiend looking down at Charity kneeling at my feet wiggling around with her hands behind her and her mouth all gagged, and God, she was so hot! Part of the reason I’d had her blindfolded for so long was that it was kind of embarrassing for her to see how hard I was just from looking at her bound and gagged! Not that looking at her doesn’t get me hard in any case, but with her squirming at my knees with those tears in her eyes...well, damn! “I will never submit myself to you!” Like I said, her pride!
“Then there is no need for me to hear you speak, wench!” and I knelt down and started to fit the knot of her gag back in her mouth. The knot was pretty big, and by then it was pretty much soaked, and I could see her sort of smirk at it when I lifted it up to her lips. She squirmed again, shaking her shoulders three times, and I guessed it was the time-out signal so I put it back down. “Are you okay?”

She smirked a little, like she was embarrassed to ask a favor. She doesn’t like to ask for favors, as you might have guessed about her. She’s also proud about being self-sufficient. “Yeah, but...well, that gag is getting a little gross. It’s been in my mouth for like a couple hours, you know. Do you have another one?” She’s also not afraid to ask for what she wants!

Which was just what I was hoping for! See, I’d already planned out the whole Princess Brat thing, with the whole humiliate-the-princess scenario, and I’d done a little extra manufacturing just for it! The whole idea of my Princess Brat scene was to humiliate her enough that the king would pay a ransom to keep the pictures of her out of the media, and my idea was to get her so turned on in her bondage that the ransom would get paid. Well, at least getting the pictures of Charity so hot in bondage, which was the real point of the whole thing! And I’ve checked out a few sites, too, and one thing that really struck me as potentially really humiliating to a proud princess was a ballgag. I’ve got to tell you, the thought of a shiny red ball in Charity’s mouth had sort of stuck in my head ever since we started talking about the Princess Brat thing, but there was one problem.

Yeah, getting hold of one! That’s when you wish you were out on your own (Colt and Trace Melton and I are looking for a place we can share), so that you could order one from Amazon or wherever you order ballgags from, and not have to worry that Mom or Dad or Cie might pick up the delivery first and start asking embarrassing questions. There’s also that Secret Pleasures shop down in Center City, but my luck and someone would recognize me if I went there! So...since I really couldn’t buy one, I had to make one! The first thing, of course, was the ball part, and I had that handled right away! See, back when I was little and we’d go to places like Chuck E. Cheese and places where they had those ball pits you could jump into, I’d gotten pretty good at sneaking them out when we left, and I still had a few laying around the house. One was red and about two inches in diameter, so there was my ball. The other thing was making some kind of fastener to fix it in Charity’s mouth, but I had that taken care of, too. I could have just used cord or string, but I wanted something classier for Princess Brat, and Mom and Cie had just the thing. This past Halloween they had made Cie’s costume—some kind of gothic witch or something—and had used a whole bunch of wide black ribbon, with plenty left over. I helped myself to about two feet of the stuff, and one night after everyone was asleep, I built the thing. The plan was simple; punch holes on either side of the ball, pull the ribbon through, and there would be Charity’s ballgag! The holes were easy with a sharp knife, and I’d made up a little device with a fishhook and string that I threaded through the ball to pull the ribbon through. It took a couple tries, but it wasn’t too hard to thread the ribbon through and even out the length of it on either side. I had enough on both sides to make little knots I snugged against either side of the ball so it wouldn’t slide around, and there it was. Princess Brat’s ballgag! All I needed was the chance to use it on Charity, and when she asked for a new gag, that was my chance!

“Yeah. You just wait right there!” Yeah, I was being funny, because there she was with her legs tied so she couldn’t go anywhere anyhow! I had it down in the bottom of my bag, beneath a bunch of old clothesline and hankies and such. I’d cleaned it off, of course, and polished it a little on one of the hankies before I went back to her, keeping it sort of hidden until I sat down on the bed and pulled it out to show her.

“You have seriously got to be kidding me!” She was looking at the thing like it was some kind of torture device!

“Oh, come on, it’s just a ballgag! I put it in your mouth, see, and take this ribbon and”—

“I know what a ballgag is, Clinton! You seriously want to put that thing in my mouth?” She was sitting down on her haunches like she was backing away from it!

“Look, Charity, it won’t hurt! I even tested it on”—and that was when she spluttered and grinned.

“You mean you tested it on yourself?” Yeah, my face felt like it was about a thousand degrees! Her suddenly busting out laughing didn’t help! “Ooh, you really are a secret little bottom, aren’t you? Just wait until I get loose and make you into my prisoner! I am so getting pictures of you in it!”

“Well...I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t hurt you.”

She wasn’t about to let up on me. “And did you get all nice and hard when you gagged yourself with it? Such a hot little subbie you turned out to be!” The worst thing is, she wasn’t wrong! She must have seen how embarrassed I was, so she sort of let up, still giggling a little. “Well...it does look like you put a lot of work into it...” She smirked at it for another few seconds, then straightened up on her knees. “Okay, at least just this once. But you owe me for this!” I knew she wasn’t kidding, either. You can just tell with Charity.

“Like what?”

And she got that mischievous sparkle in her eyes that always means I’m really going to get screwed! “I’ll tell you when it’s time, honey.” Then she sort of cocked her head and her eyes flashed and her nose went up, and I could see she was getting back into her Princess Brat character. “You may do what you please to my body, you villain, but Princess Charity will never submit to you! Never!” But her eyes got nice and startled when I pulled her jaw down and put the ball to her lips! It actually was kind of funny the way her eyes crossed when she looked down at the ball at her lips! “Umm...” but I didn’t hesitate; I set the bottom of the ball on her lower teeth and sort of rolled it into her mouth, pushing down on her jaw a little to make it pass behind her upper teeth. “Oh, my gmmmmd!” Her eyes sort of bulged like she was surprised how much the ball filled up her mouth, and I reached behind her and tied off the ribbons, being careful not to tangle it in her pigtails. Not that I think it mattered, because it looked like she wouldn’t be able to spit out the ball even if it wasn’t tied in place! A second, and then a whole new expression fixed on her face!
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

As Shakespeare himself was wont to say "The lady doth protest too much." ;)
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Well, Jay, Charity can't really protest too much. And Jillian can't at the moment either!

Any responses are welcome.

Meanwhile, Jillian plays an innocent victim.

Dillan had gagged me once before with panties, but those were a fresh pair he’d asked me to bring with me one night. These were the ones I had just been wearing, now filling my mouth along with the folded bandanna he is using to secure them in. The taste of myself in my own mouth is musky and unpleasant, but I cannot expel my gag; I concentrate on the taste of the fresh-washed cotton of the bandanna between my lips, and try to maneuver my panties to the back of my mouth so I cannot taste myself. That merely starts to choke me, so I submit to the taste of myself while Dillan sits and watches me wriggle on the air mattress. My ankles are untied, and I know what that means. I remind myself that I have taken my medication today, and that reconciles me and allows me to again play his victim, as the taste of myself has begun to fade in my own saliva. Soon my worn panties will be merely another wad with which to gag me, and by that time…

“You look so fuckin’ fine, cunt.” He too is back in character, the aggressive abductor painting my naked body with his eyes as he wriggles out of his jeans, leaving me to stare at his taut, wiry nakedness. All I am wearing are my thigh-high socks, and those will not impede him as he has his way with me. But still I must play my part too, and I whimper at his words and try to hide my naked breasts somehow with my shoulders, which I hunch as far as my tied hands will allow me. But such an effort is futile, and his eyes assail my nakedness, meandering from my breasts to my hips, my navel, and now he smiles as his gaze falls between my thighs, and even his innocent victim knows what he is about to take from her. I wriggle again, try clumsily to scuttle backwards away from him, and the vanity of my struggles begins to arouse me again. While my innocent victim character quails, I feel myself begin to moisten, begin to anticipate him filling me. But still I am the innocent victim, still horrified at having been made to pleasure him once already, and I actually begin to feel the pressure of tears in my eyes! “Naw, you ain’t going anywhere, cunt. You think you can get away from me?” Now she realizes his intentions, knows she will not be spared, and I shake my head and whimper through my gag.

“Nnmm, pwmmz! Mmph mm vmmjmm!”

He knows what I’m trying to cry through my gag; we have played this game often before. “Not for long you ain’t, cunt. What do you think that pussy’s for, huh? It’s there for me to fuck, you stupid little cunt!”

Now I find my feet, not quickly, slowly enough for Dillan to rise and catch me by my elbow as I take my first step off the mattress. “Nnmm! Pwwmmz!” I try to feel the innocent victim inside me, try to feel her terror at the rape she is about to experience, and my own body continues to respond, leaving me more and more moist as he drags me back to the middle of the mattress and forces me to my knees. He seizes me by the throat with one hand, hard enough to affect my breath, while his other hand now forces itself between my thighs, digging into my moist center. He is rough, but I expect that, and manage to still moisten with arousal. “Yeah, hot wet little cunt. You want this, don’t you, bitch? Don’t give me that ‘virgin’ shit, you want it. Don’t you? You want me to fuck your stupid little brains out, don’t you?”

It is so hard to maintain my innocent victim, but still I cry out and shake my head as if in utter terror. “Nnmm! Pwmz! Pwmmmz!” But now he is ready to claim my body, and he forces me back onto the mattress with his hand still choking me. I fall clumsily, and he takes advantage, forcing his knee between my thighs, then bringing the other between them as well. He raises himself a little, gazing down on my nakedness, feeling my thighs splayed around him, and I see his tumescence, tall and hard and veinous, fairly quivering with each heartbeat, the pink tip shaking as if in anticipation of filling me. All I can imagine now is that towering masculinity riving into me! I am supine, my tied hands beneath me just as he had planned, and my back arches up toward him even as I try to maintain the last vestige of the innocent victim, shaking my head and whimpering. Now he opens his thighs, forcing mine wide apart as he settles himself at my wet center. I try to not wrap my legs around his back, still playing the last of the innocent victim. I close my eyes and avert my face—

“It’s what you were made for, cunt!” and I feel his manhood stretch me as he enters, hard and deep, and I cry out through my gag, the innocent victim surrendering herself to me, allowing me to drink in his tumescence as it strokes deep into me, and I lift my legs, wrapping them around his back as he strokes harder and harder and squeezing myself tight around him. But perhaps the innocent victim has not yet wholly vanished, for I feel tears squeezing out from my shuttered eyelids, and I open my eyes to Dillan’s shimmering presence above me, dimmed to my sight as if he were a ghost impaling me, his hands through a haze kneading my breasts as his manhood drives into me, hard, teasing at my defenseless clit at its deepest, turning my flesh radiant as he claims me. I feel my bound hands clench behind my back, forcing me up against him, and he growls, nearing his climax, riving me so that I feel as if my body is about to be split apart—

And now the molten liquid rush, his eyes squeezed shut as he seems to lift me up by my hips, emptying himself into me almost in agony! His heat seems to melt me inside, even as my body struggles to reach its own climax, its own ecstatic release. But soon enough and too soon, his eruption recedes. He lowers me again onto my back, onto limp tied hands, and the filling presence too recedes as he leans himself on his elbows above me.
Would that I had climaxed as he has!

“Damn...damn, Jill...damn...” I too feel like damning, but for the climax I have not reached. But I know the weekend is long. Maybe he will yet give me what I have given him.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Mmmm reminds me of fun cybering bondage sessions with my own not so innocent victims on other websites hehehe.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Okay, I took a long deep breath, and after a few months away, got up the nerve to come back. I have a whole lot of this story written (and I still haven't gotten to the real crisis yet), and I thought perhaps it's time to give it another try. I hope those who had been reading haven't lost the thread, and the new folks who are just finding this story give it a chance. It might not be bad.

And just as a pro forma reminder, all the characters are at least 18. Just barely in a couple cases, but all at least 18.

When we last saw Charity and friends on their Girls Night in Ropes, Jillian and her unpopular sweetheart Dillan were getting very intense. Meanwhile, back in the Anthony family man cave, Colton and our gracious hostess Alyssa are rather involved as well. Alyssa in particular is fit to be tied...I know, bad joke, but anyway...


Look, dudes, I ain’t going to pretend about ‘Lyssa—she is the hottest chick I’ve ever known, and who cares what you think? Yeah, I know, all this BS about her having no chest and shit. She says it herself you know, and it makes me crazy! Like she can’t be hot without big tits and shit. And you know something? Don’t believe all the bullshit they tell you, either. She has too got tits, even if they ain’t big, and they’re as cute as any others out there, even if they ain’t as big as Jillian Burton’s! They’re small, but she’s got these like seriously perky nipples that look like they’re looking up at you when her top is off, with just a little extra flesh underneath. And damn but they’re sensitive—all I have to do is run my fingertip right along the bottom of them, and ‘Lyssa just goes nuts! And that’s before I even get to those big plump nips of hers!

See, that’s why I really love hogtying her. Well, one of the reasons. If she’s on her face, her ass is up in the air, and she has got one fine ass, let me tell you! It might not be quite as tight as Charity Mabrey’s is, but it’s smooth and firm, and I love handling it, and watching it bounce around when she’s wiggling around in a good hogtie! And all that with her hair, long and silky red-orange that’s the most beautiful ever! Anyway, that other reason I love hogtying her. Like I said, she has the most sensitive tits ever, and hogtying her with her top off lets her wiggle around face-down and get herself really hot. I think she deserves that for all the shit she’s been through, don’t you think?

So there she was with her feet tied to her elbows, curled up nice and tight so that her tight little ass is all scrunched up stuck in the air, and you’re surprised I had a tent in my pants? I would have rolled her over and had her right there and then if it wasn’t for our little rule that she’s never tied up the first time! But I was going to get my turn at her soon enough, so I was content to just sit there and have a Dew while my cameras recorded her wiggling around and mmphing like crazy! Yeah, she forgot to mention the microphones I had set up, too. Anyway, there she was tossing herself around in her hogtie, rubbing those super-sensitive tits of hers against the mattress, with her hair all shimmering in the light, and damn but it was hot! I think the only thing making it not perfect for her that that she still had her bra on, but I don’t think it was much of a bother for her, because you could see whenever she rolled back a little that her nips were so hard they were poking up under the cloth!

Finally she had to stop and come up for air or something, and after a moment she sort of tossed herself on her side looking at me. She had kept this scared face on while I took the video, looking into the right camera as much as she could, but now she just looked a little tired as she managed to roll herself onto her side. She was sweating like crazy! And yep, her nips were so hard you could see them beneath her bra, and damn did she have one hell of a wet spot in her panties! She looked like she needed a break, so I shut the cameras down and paused the recording. She saw that Dew in my hands, and she looked like she was ready to pull all the way out of her ropes to grab it! She started chewing on the knot in her mouth, and I knew she was thirsty again. I got up and sat on the side of the bed and took out the knot and smoothed down her hair a little from her face. “You’re giving yourself a workout, chick!”

She heaved a breath. “Yeah, a little! And you’re just sitting there watching me sweat my ass off!”

I chuckled. “I always watch your ass, babe.”

“Yeah, about my only thing worth watching. Give me a drink, will you?”

“Only if you stop whining about your tits.”

“Like what tits, Colton?”

“The ones that have their high beams on right now! You think I didn’t see that?”

“You are such a pervert, Colton Walters!” I gave her her drink, which at least shut her up for a second so I could talk.

“Yeah, I’m a pervert. And you’ve got cute tits no matter what you say about it!” I gave her my big smile. “And they look like they’re kind of confined in there! Sweaty too, I bet!”

“Not like I can stop you, you know!” That was her signal to me that I could slip her bra off. It wouldn’t come all the way off, I figured, but I could still work it loose enough that her tits would be out of it.

“It converts to strapless,” she said, just like she could read my mind! “Unhook the straps, then the clasp, and it’ll come off.” She gave me that naughty little wink that always makes me crazy! “I bought it for you, you know. And it’s perfect for strapless dresses. And I really am sweating like a pig down here!” So what else could I do but unhook the straps, undo the back, and slip it off her? She gave a happy little sigh when I got it off her, and gave me that “come get me!” look of hers. “Now if you find any boobs there, you’re welcome to them!”

Now it was my turn to tease. “Oh, you mean like this one here poking its big old nipple up at me?” Seriously, dude, it really was like her nip was looking up at me, it was so hard! And even in the low light I could see the little shadow where her tit stood out, and I went for the bottom of it with my fingertip—

And damn but she nearly screamed out! “Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Colton!” She was bucking around again as I teased her tit, but she was so hogtied she couldn’t get away! Her shoulders were wriggling, her fingers were clutching and flailing, and she was rubbing her thighs together like crazy! “Colton, please! God, you know what that does to me! COLTON!

“Okay, I’ll stop.”

She had to actually catch her breath! “Did I ask you to stop?”

“Oh, so you’re saying you like it?”

She stared right up at me and tried to not smile. “You are a total fiend.”

I chuckled. “No, a total fiend would do this.” And I took that big hard nipple and teased it between my finger and my thumb—and God, did she practically scream! It was so loud I thought maybe the rest of them could hear her in the house! But she loved it, because there she was arching her back at me trying to poke her chest out to me even more! She had her energy back all ready to go at another session under the cameras!

“You’re gonna wake up the whole neighborhood if I don’t do something about this screaming of yours!” She just looked up at me, already sweating again, and opened her mouth for the gag knot. I put it back in, and she rolled herself back onto her front, doing just what I said she would, work her tits against the mattress. Sheesh, she looked like she was about to bring herself off when all of a sudden she stopped and grunted through her gag like she wanted it out. I was hoping maybe she hadn’t pulled a muscle or something! I took out her gag. “Are you okay?”

She got a disgusted look on her face “You won’t believe this, but I have to pee!” I told you she would!

Shit. And right when she was about to bring herself off, too! Not to mention me! Well, I couldn’t let her just pee all over herself in the middle of her hogtie, so I didn’t have any choice but to completely untie her with her wiggling all the while like she really had to go, and she would have ran out of the shed butt naked if I hadn’t mentioned that she would be running around her back yard with no clothes on. So she grabbed for her white top and ducked into it. “And what if you decide to run away from me, huh?” I asked.

She looked at me a second, with her white top covering her panties, then dropped them right on the floor! Then she turned around and held her hands behind her back. “You’ll just have to keep me under control, sir!” She didn’t have to ask me twice! I grabbed the rope I’d used on her hands, and tied then again, only this time with her palms together so I could just do some quick loops and cinches so I could get her inside to the bathroom. She didn’t complain, just held her hands steady to be tied, and I attached one of the long piece of rope to her hands so it acted like a little leash to keep her from running away. Not that she would for real, but it was part of the game. She slipped her feet back into her flats, and off we went to the house by the back deck and the TV room. Her dad built a half-bath downstairs, but the full one was upstairs. The night was still warm, so it was actually kind of a nice break between sessions. She stopped to listen at the head of the basement stairs just to make sure Jill wasn’t in some kind of trouble, then up the stairs—

Where Clint was standing outside the bathroom door holding a leash that led inside! He gave us this disgusted look when he saw us come up. “Don’t tell me, let me guess. Alyssa has to pee too, am I right?

“Too much Dew,” she said with a crooked little smile on her face. “It’s been kind of intense.”

“Yeah, you look like a drowned rat! Charity’s having kind of an interesting time too.”

‘Lyssa turned to me. “I’ll need you to pull up my top so I can pee.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Clint. “Charity can do it. Her hands are free, at least for the moment.”

“And you still have a leash on her or something?” asked ‘Lyssa. “You okay in there, Charity?” There was no answer.

“Just go on in,” said Clint. “She’s there.” So she walked inside, and—

“Oh my God!” I heard her practically scream!
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Welcome back, Mr. M. I wondered where you had gone the other day.
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xtc, it's just been a busy time, and yes, the lack of comments was getting me down, both here and at dA. Took a while to work up the nerve to come back.

I'm experimenting with the formatting a little in this chapter as I'll need a way to diferentiate text from spoken words. As always, any comments are welcome. Really, any at all.

Meanwhile, Alyssa has made a discovery in her bathroom...


Well, you would too if you saw Charity in the shower totally naked, with a leash around her neck and a big old ballgag stuffed in her mouth! Her hands were free, and when she heard me yell, her hands went up to her mouth in total embarrassment! This was totally weird!

I had to know more! I stuck my face outside. “Clinton! What is all this about with Charity?”

“She wanted to use the potty and clean up, but I didn’t want my hostage to escape, so I came up with this. Sort of like The Collector.”

That shocked me a little! “You’ve read The Collector?”

Clinton looked a little shocked. “You’ve read it too?”

“What’s The Collector?” Colton asked. I love him to pieces, but he’s not the sharpest knife in the rack!

“Forget it,” I said. “Well, you can’t exactly come in and help me if Charity’s in there.”

“Charity can!” said Clinton. It was very nice of him to volunteer her to help me! Yes, I’m being sarcastic. “Can’t you, Charity? You can help Alyssa go potty and clean up, can’t you?”

“Mm-hmm.” So you really can make noise through a ballgag!

“I would give anything to get video of this!” said Colton. Yeah, as if I’m letting him see Charity Mabrey naked! “I meant of you!” Yeah, sure he did.

“You are such a liar, Colton!” But… “You sure, Charity? I’m kind of a mess.”

“Mm-hmm.” So I went back in the bathroom. Charity was out of the shower, toweling off and using my blow dryer on her hair.

I tugged my hand leash inside as far as I could so Charity could close the door. They were so not getting video of us in the bathroom! I did the same to Charity’s leash, and heard Clinton thump against the door jamb. He had it coming to him. “Could you get the door, Charity? I’m kind of tied up at the moment.” Yes, it was a bad joke. So what? It wasn’t like Charity could really laugh anyhow with that ballgag stuffed in her mouth. It gave her a sort of surprised look on her face no matter that her eyes and brows seemed sort of amused. It didn’t stop her from closing the door, though. “Thanks. I’ve really got to pee.” She sort of shrugged her shoulders and mmphed like she understood. “Now I’ve got to get my top up so I can do it.”

She gave me a long look like she was thinking, then beckoned me over and turned me around and started picking the knot loose on my wrists. “Charity, I’m not supposed to be untied! I sort of promised!” She rolled her eyes. “Sort of like you promised Clinton to not take out your gag, right?” She shrugged and nodded, but didn’t stop untying my hands. “So I don’t want to break my promise to him!” She huffed and saw one of Mom’s lipsticks lying on the sink. She grabbed it and wrote on the mirror.


This was clearly going to be an interesting conversation! “Okay,” I said in a whisper as she finished untying me. I got out of my top. I really did need the shower, you know. Lots of cool water! “Does that thing hurt your jaw?”

NOT 2 BAD. HAVE 2 REMEMBER 2 RELAX MY JAW & ITS OK That didn’t explain the blush on her face, though, and she knew it. THE DROOL IS KINA SEXY

She was drooling from the corner of her mouth, but I didn’t get how drooling is sexy! THE ONLY THING IS THE STRAP DIGS INTO CORNERS OF MY MOUTH. U MIGHT LIKE IT. I sat down on the potty, but Charity was still writing. I was going to have to explain to Mom why one of her lipsticks was used up! COLT BROUGHT U OFF, RIGHT? Yeah, my nipples tend to give me away!

“Not quite. He had me hogtied with my bra off, and I was almost there when I had to pee! My timing really sucks!” Charity was almost done drying her hair. There are certain advantages to shorter hair, I guess. “So how’s Clinton been?” All I had to see was her blush, but from where I was sitting I could see she was “blushing” somewhere else! I couldn’t help but giggle! “I see he spanked you! So you two really are doing the bratty princess thing?” She nodded “So how was that?” Her blush got even hotter!


“My god, you ought to see Colton’s setup! Two different cameras he controls with a remote!” I’d gotten into the shower, and God did it feel wonderful! I didn’t bother with my hair because it takes forever to dry so I pinned it all up on top of my head, but I scrubbed all over everywhere else. I was ready to go back already! “I’d like something like a nightie for when we’re done in here. You have anything like that?” I scrubbed off really fast, and Charity wasn’t done tying up her pigtails by the time I was out. She takes her pigtails really seriously!

REN GOT ME A WHITE TEDDY FOR AFTER PROM. HAVEN’T WORN IT YET. I decided to let that drop, though I could think of a few reasons why she wouldn’t have gotten to wear that teddy after the prom!

“Then we’ll go change after we’re done here, okay?”

OK. She finished the last of her pigtails. PUT ON YOUR TOP SO I CAN TIE UR HANDS AGAIN

She didn’t have to tell me twice!
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Really, any comments at all. Even if it's to tell me how much my story sucks.

Meanwhile, Charity and Alyssa are getting the ball rolling for the next part of the evening's festivities.


Okay, first of all, ballgags are weird. I didn’t particularly like the way it stretched my jaw, but for some weird reason I loved the drool! I think it’s that whole control thing Jillian likes to go on about, that you aren’t in control of yourself. I couldn’t even control my own drool! And yes, the deal Clinton made with me was that I could be untied and get a shower in exchange for having to keep the ballgag in. Yeah, it’s from that story, The Collector. It was some scene where the creepy guy lets his captive use the bathroom but she had to keep her gag in. She didn’t though, but I kept my promise and didn’t take it out. It still stretched out my jaw, but I got used to that after a while. It’s also weird to be free of my ropes but still be gagged. Okay, yes, I get it; I could have sneaked the gag out while I was in the bathroom and put it back in before I went back out and he wouldn’t have known, but that wouldn’t have been fair to Clinton. He wanted to make that part of our scene, and didn’t want to disappoint him. When you love your boyfriend like I do Clinton, you do things like that.

Tying your friend’s hands for her boyfriend is weird, too, but it was the only way she could use the potty and shower without me helping her, and unless Colton actually wanted her all sweaty out there in Mr. Anthony’s shed, he should appreciate the favor! Anyhow, I’d seen how he had her hands tied so I could copy it on her after she let her hair back down. It was an easy tie, just three loops around her wrists with her palms together, and a double cinch between them, with the leash tied with the cinches. I was going to ask her if she wanted me to make it loose on her, but it was like she read my mind! “Make it tight, okay? I don’t want to be able to get untied.”

I wanted to ask if I was the only one who thought this whole situation was weird, but with that ballgag in my mouth and a limited supply of her mom’s lipstick, that wasn’t going to happen. Besides, it’s not like we haven’t tied each other up before during all those times we’ve played Tess’s kidnap-practice games. Yeah, I guess we should be honest about it and admit they’re less practice than games. They didn’t start off that way, though. Back when Tess first came to Snowden, when she was hiding out with her mom as the fictional Sherry Price (and she made a pretty cute brunette too, I have to admit) back in elementary school when her criminal dad was after her and her mom to blackmail her grandfather Mr. Altamont, and we figured out who she really was, that first weekend was when we started her kidnap practice, and it was actually not completely ridiculous for a while. Things like escaping from a car trunk, seeing around a blindfold, things like that. See, being kidnapped isn’t just a joke for Tess, because, well, when you have bucks like her family and she has, being kidnapped for ransom is a real thing! So when you end up being her friend like we are, you’re at risk for it too. Heck, that first weekend, our families even got into it with a fake home invasion to see how we would react to home invaders! You can imagine how that went!

But after that, things just got kind of silly, and eventually it all turned into just tie-ups with kidnapping practice as an excuse. The one Tess had Alyssa do to her and Merri with her tying their arms and leashing them together by the neck was just silly, and from the way Tess and Merri made big goo-goo eyes at each other the whole time, you knew it was just so they could get off on it! But you know, that’s okay, I guess, especially since what did anyone think Clinton and I, or Colton and Alyssa, were doing but getting off on it? Yes, and I guess Jillian, too, though at that particular moment in the bathroom, I really didn’t want to know the details of what Dillan was doing to her. Something sick and perverted, I was sure. Okay, I get it. Pot kettle black and all that. But the thing is, I wasn’t wearing that ballgag just because Clinton was making me, it was because I wanted to please him, and wanted to sort of explore it myself, too. We were both getting something from it. Like finding out how sexy it is to drool with a ballgag! So after all that, I suppose it wasn’t all that weird for me to be standing there naked, in nothing but a ballgag and a leash around my neck, tying Alyssa’s hands behind her back and attaching her hands leash so Colton could lead her back to her dad’s man shack to do more videos of her.

At least we were going to be somewhat clothed for it. I knew Colton and Clinton would let us change into some of our other things once we were done in the bathroom. As we came out of the bathroom, I had the hands, Alyssa had the mouth. And I was drooling all the way down myself. “We need a change of clothes,” she said when we came out, and I nodded and mmphed a little. I did the whole demure-prisoner thing with my hands down by my sides and my eyes lowered, and the blush I had on my face was totally real! After all, there I was still completely butt naked in front of Colton! “Can you take us to my room so we can pick some things out?”

See, there’s a story behind that. All the way through elementary school, both Jill and I had a big crush on Colton, and did all kinds of stupid things to get his attention, but he liked Merri Howland. Of course Merri wasn’t into him because, as we eventually figured out, she wasn’t into boys, but was into girls instead. Of course, by then I’d fallen for Clinton, and pretty early in middle school Colton fell really hard for Alyssa, but just remembering I used to crush on him made me more than a little embarrassed to be naked in front of Colton. Not that he noticed, because his eyes were all over Alyssa as they should have been. And his tongue was half out of his mouth, too. He’s such a dog!

Clinton and Colton exchanged a look, and Clinton spoke up. Colton was too busy devouring Alyssa with his eyes, I guess. “What’s the magic word?” he said in the same tone of voice he’d been using on me as Princess Brat.

Alyssa gave him a weird little look. “Please.”

“What do you think, Colt? Should we let them wear clothes?”

You could tell Colt was thinking about that one! But only for a second, and he said yes, if we wanted.

“Yes, please,” said Alyssa, starting to play the same game I was, and I nodded and mmphed again. It was like we were their slave girls or something! “We won’t be long, we promise.”

They both kind of chuckled at each other, and then let us go ahead of them across the hall to Alyssa’s room. At the door, Alyssa said, “Can we have our leashes taken off and my hands untied so we can put our clothes on?”

Colton got a naughty look on his face. “Only if you wear a gag like Charity.” And right there, he had a big knotted bandanna in his hand, white with dark blue patterns on it. Alyssa was a little startled he had it, but I could see in her eyes she liked it.

“As you wish, sir.” Sir. She really was getting into that little slave-girl bit we’d started with them!

And Colton was so getting into it, too! “Then come here. If you take the gag like a good girl, I’ll untie your hands and let you get dressed.”

“Thank you, sir.” And there she was in front of him, and she opened her lips for her gag with big slavey eyes and swished her hair to one side to help him gag her. Colton didn’t miss a second, either; he had that big knot in her mouth practically before he’d gotten her hair out of the way! He was really excited—yeah, like I said, the whole boy thing?—but kind of gentle, touchingly gentle, as he tied off the gag behind her neck. He’s a dog, but you can tell how much he really loves Alyssa!

“That was a very good girl. Now hold still.” And he had her hands untied in a second. “Not too long, or we’ll come in and get you both!”

“And when you come out, girls,” said Clinton, pointing to the wall beside her door, “stand with your face to the wall and your hands behind your back.” We both nodded and went in and closed the door.

Well, with both of us gagged, talking was out, but Alyssa went to her backpack and got out her AP Psych binder. Yes, it’s her only AP course. All of mine are, which is why my GPA is 4.73 out of 4. She tore out a sheet of loose leaf and put it down on her vanity with a pen, looked at me, and wrote. Did Serenity really buy U a teddy for after prom?

Okay, so it wasn’t really a teddy, but a sort of spaghetti-strap white practically see-through chemise nightie that came with super-low-cut white silk panties. I got it out of my bag and showed it to her. OMG, that is so sexy! Did U really wear it after prom?

I took the pen and wrote while she rooted through her dresser. Didn’t get the chance. Samantha and Trace hung out with us so we couldn’t get away. Samantha McBride is one of my friends, and we do dance class together. I see Clinton talked about those home invasions that those two total animals Treadwell and Bannock did, the ones that ended at Clinton’s house. The thing is, when they started back up again after like a whole decade, the first place they hit was Samantha’s house while her dad was at work on cat-eye at the power plant, and when Clinton said how they made their victims do really sick stuff, well, all of it was done to Samantha and her mom and her little brother Caleb, and she’s been mentally sort of messed up ever since. She’s been doing okay through high school, but I’ve always made sure to be close to her in case she needs someone to talk to. She’s talked a lot to me over the years! Anyway, when she wanted to hang out with me after the prom, I didn’t have the heart to say no to her, so Samantha and her date Trace Melton (kind of cute in a nerdy way, but don’t tell Clinton that!) hung out with us all night. Tonight would be the first time I got to wear my afterprom teddy for Clinton!

Kind of worry about her after graduation. Is she going to State?

No, she’s going to AC JuCo. That’s Allen County Junior College, where she’s going to get into their pre-nursing program. All the crap that’s happened to her has made her very sympathetic to people, and she’ll make a great nurse! And do you know how hard it was to not drool on the paper through my ballgag? Trace really wants them to stay together. Trace is so in love with her, if only she can deal with it! Finally I saw that Alyssa was standing there in a thin, super short pink nightie with straps as skinny as mine, and almost as see-through! U R so cute in that! U got that at VS? Alyssa works at the Auntie Anne’s pretzel place down at the Allen Valley Mall, almost across from the Victoria’s Secret place. She traded with some girl who graduated from Center City North last year to get this weekend off, and she brought a dozen pretzels for us for the weekend.

Had 2 order it specially. I’m 2 tall for VS! Maddie made the order for me. Maddie is the girl who traded with Alyssa so she could get this weekend in the first place. North students are occasionally useful. She ordered 1 for herself 2. Not 2 sure how well it’ll work on her, she’s kina plump. But she said her BF liked her in it. While she wrote, I got into my teddy, then she saw me and her eyes went huge! OMG!!! U R SO HAWT!!! I could even feel myself blushing! Don’t let Merri see u in that, or Tess will die of jealousy! Or the other way around! She was kidding, of course—Merri and Tess are way too into each other. We ready 2 go back out 2 the boys?

Guess so. Don’t get 2 much rope burn!

U 2. Lets go be nice little slave girls 4 them! See, she was thinking the same thing I was! Great minds think alike! We took a second to straighten our outfits and fix our hair, and out we went, our faces down and our hands already behind our backs, and stood with our faces to the wall like Clinton told us to.

“We were just about to go in and get you!” said Colton, whose eyes practically bugged out of his head when he saw Alyssa in that nightie! Clinton was there, too, of course, and his smile when he saw me just melted me! Not to mention his red-hot blush and the huge bulge he had in his pants! Yes, I know I sound like some kind of slut, but you don’t know how much it means to me that Clinton really is still attracted to me all these years after we first got together in elementary school. It was one thing for him to fall in love with me when we were kids and he fell for my face or something, but it’s really something else to know that I really do turn him on now that we’re not kids anymore. So...I guess I’ve got ‘Ren’s body-image issues, too. I’m still more different then her than I am the same as her, no matter what everybody says! And I hope he knows how much he turns me on, too!

“I think they’re sorry they held us up, Colt!” said Clinton. “See how they already had their hands behind them when they came out? I think maybe I finally broke the princess down!” So the first thing I did was put my nose up in the air and sort of huffed through my ballgag to let him know the game wasn’t done yet! “Or maybe she wants a little more of the treatment!” My teddy was so thin I could feel how hot his breath was when he pinned my wrists together crossed over each other and started tying them with the white clothesline he used. I could tell he’d washed it with fabric softener to make it soft, which was just another reason to love him so much, but he used so much of it around my wrists and cinched between them that I knew I wasn’t about to get myself untied! While he tied my hands, I watched Colton tie up Alyssa’s hands, crossed the same way and with the same washed clothesline so that I guessed that they both worked on the ropes they were using on us. For all that Colton can be a real pervert, Alyssa’s lucky to have him! She smiled a little at me and blushed while Colton tied her hands, then dropped her shoulders so Colton could leash her neck the same way Clinton was putting one on my neck. Our leashes were about five feet apiece, which let Alyssa walk easily down the stairs in front of Colton, while I walked up the hall to the spare room with the door open. As soon as Clinton followed me in, he closed the door while I turned around with my nose up in the air in my Princess Brat character. “Well now, wench, I see you still think you can keep your pride, even in these wanton rags! Believe me, though, wench, when I tell you that you will end up humbled to the dust!” Now that I was clean and all put together, I couldn’t wait to see what he had in mind to try to humble me!
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Post by Xtc »

Isn't formatting really a bitch on this site?
Hang on in there, brother, we need the literate writing!
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago Isn't formatting really a bitch on this site?
Hang on in there, brother, we need the literate writing!
I do my best, old bean, but it gets difficult when there is so little response. As to the formatting, the color switching is actually pretty easy. If there was a choice of fonts, though, that would be even better. On my original .doc file, I use different fonts for each of my characters, which of course doesn't translate in bbcode. I used other different script fonts for the discussion in the last chapter, which also explains why I so prefer using pdfs over at my corner of the dA asylum.

Thanks again for dropping in, old sport; you don't know how much you encourage me.
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Yes, there are various reasons for posting pdf files on DA but I keep getting complaint that they can't be read.
Oh well, win some - lose some.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago Yes, there are various reasons for posting pdf files on DA but I keep getting complaint that they can't be read.
Oh well, win some - lose some.
I=t would be nice if dA had a real variety of fonts with their word processor, too. Oh well. That's how it goes.
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There are other fonts available. I found that out when I wanted a very strict format for a poem.

Bum, just checked; only works in profile widgets and journals! I must have writen the work in word and made a pdf.

Are you aware of thses facilities: https://www.deviantart.com/sweetduke/ar ... -217776971 ?
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Thanks, but as I see you've discovered, it only works in journals and profile widgets, not in standard Sta.sh Writer. It would be nice if the dA powers-that-be would actually give a damn about its writers.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

New chapter. As if anyone cares. I think I'm just going to bag the whole thing.


Dillan sighs as he leaves me, His chest still heaves as he raises himself on his knees and looks down on me, his face vacant from his climax as I lay before him with my thighs still splayed apart, my back arched up at him for my bound hands beneath me. Still I wish to rise up to him, still I’m reaching out for the climax I haven’t quite reached. The taste of myself in my mouth has faded a little, my worn panties washed in my own saliva, so that now there is no distraction for my frustrated arousal; I can only lie back as Dillan, above me, gathers himself. Finally, he speaks. “’dja like that?” For all that I have not yet been satisfied, still I nod and give him a sweet, lustful mm-hmm through my gag; I hope the desire in my eyes tells him I still want ever so much more, that I want him to bring me to the climax my body has given him. But now his eyes cool and sparkle darkly as he regains himself enough to re-assume his character as my abductor and ravisher. That in turn invites me to resume my own character, the now-ravished victim, so that tears brew in my eyes as they would had I truly been a ravished victim ruined by his tumescent manhood. He sees the tears, and for a moment seems to soften, so that I wiggle my bound body a little, and his eyes again light up at the sight of my defenseless breasts jiggling beneath him. “Oh, so the little slut found out she likes gettin’ it good and hard? Ya wanna get me all good and hard again so you can have another ride on it?” I cannot speak for the gag in my mouth, so I flicker my eyes for a moment over to the small shower Mr. Anthony has built in the basement, hoping Dillan will understand that I would like to shower before we resume our scenario, our erotic game, then look back up at him and nod. Surely he can see the sweat glistening on my naked body, and the wish in my eyes for a moment or two to be clean again!

But I see the crossness rise in his eyes, and I know he has misunderstood me. “You think I’m dirty or something? That I stink or something?”

I shake my head. “Nnnnnmmf.” Now I cast my eyes again at the shower and wiggle myself ever so slightly in its direction. “Mmmf. Wmmnmm shwmmr. Pwmmz.”

“Oh, so you want a shower.” I nod feverishly and murmur through my gag. He grins, the crooked sardonic grin that has always been a tease and taunt. “Well, maybe I want you all sweaty and dirty, you ever thought about that? Maybe I want my little slut all jizzed up and sweaty! Let you know you ain’t in charge here.” He now straddles my hips, pinning me to the mattress so I cannot rise to go to the shower. I am gazing at the shower, feeling dirtier than I ever have with him. Is this still the game, the scenario, or is it something else? The tears start to fall, and they are real.


And his eyes relent. “Well, I gotta take a piss anyway. But you gotta stay here tied until I get back.” He rose off me and took up the rope with which he had tied my ankles, and ties them again. “You stay right here, you hear? I’ll be back in a moment.” But he isn’t done. He rolls me onto my front, takes hold of my ankles and draws them back toward my tied hands. I am to be hogtied, but Dillan makes the tie loose, leaving what feels like several inches between my hands and my feet. “Don’t be going anywhere, now!” He laughs at his stale old joke, and I watch him trot up the open wooden stairs for the bathroom.

I am alone. Hogtied, gagged with my own panties, with the feel of his manhood still echoing inside me. I still feel the arousal of his use of me, and I slowly roll and squirm on the mattress, scraping my body along its length, and my breasts respond, my nipples tightening and prodding into the sheets. The looseness of my hogtie allows me to inch along the mattress, and my lust grows ever higher. My imagination begins to ignite, and I imagine myself again the innocent victim, despoiled and defiled, helpless and exploring the sensations her deflowering has shown her for the very first time. She lies in terror of her abductor’s return, yet her body craves the sensations that she felt even through her anguish and pain. What is she to do? Should she throw herself into a desperate attempt to escape, or accept her fate as her captor’s sexual toy? The ropes binding my wrists are firm, but not so firm that I might not be able to pull myself free, then untie my feet and run away. But where should I run? I’ve been taken far away into the hinterland, a captive far from any place I would know. Besides, my body has learned the taste of lust, and part of the victim wishes to be taken again, her helplessness allowing her to explore these strange new desires.

“Well, ain’t you cute squirming around!” Again he is here, Dillan standing above me with a hungry smile on his face. “Look at that nice hot little ass poking up in the air! I could go for that right now!” My blush is fiery, and my heart quivers a little. On this night, with his hunger for me willing to breach any of my objections, I wonder but that he might mean what he says literally. “But I made you a promise, so I’ll let you get your shower first.” I am surprised by my ambivalence; I crave the warm water and soap of the shower, yet still wish my arousal sated. He kneels beside me now, plying his fingers on the rope that hogties me, chuckles as if an amusing story has come to mind. “Got a peek at Colt Walters dragging that chick of his along by a leash. Cute chick, but not as cute as mine.” And that’s what Charity and Alyssa, and even Tess and Merri, don’t understand; sometimes he smiles and says something like that which just melts me! I don’t ignore or not notice his faults, but I do see the good in him that they don’t or wont! Dillan chats with me as he starts to untie my legs, and then my arms and hands. “Heard him talking to Alyssa about how funny it was to see her untied but with a gag still in her mouth. He must have let her change or something, ‘cause she was in some little nightie that barely covered her that I ain’t seen. Made some kind of joke about how Charity looks in a ballgag, too. Wonder if that Maser dude actually did that, put her in a ballgag? That’d sure as hell shut her up for once! Anyway, that whole thing of keeping your gag in sounds kinda hot to me! So you get to take your shower, but you’re gonna keep your gag in like it sounds like they made their chicks do. Okay?”

I so want this gag out, my panties still carrying my taste. I can imagine what Colton and Clinton may have done to Alyssa and Charity, and I do understand the sexiness of it, for I have read The Collector too, and remember the scene where she must wear her gag while she showers. I would even willingly play that scene, and let him watch me shower with my mouth gagged, but I do so wish I could have a new one. But Dillan seems to thoroughly enjoy the gag he has in my mouth, and I never want to disappoint him. I nod my head and mmph an affirmation to him. “Well, that’s a good girl!” and he pats my naked derriere just before untying my hands. “But soon as you’re done, your hands get tied again, you hear? I ain’t done with your surprises tonight!” Finally I am fully untied, and Dillan takes my hand and helps me up. I’m very sure neither Alyssa nor Charity would take notice of that had they seen it. “Now hurry up, baby doll! I’ve got lots of stuff planned!”

I see there is a new towel on the rack at the shower, and I spy small bottles of shampoo and conditioner, along with a washcloth and a bottle of body wash. Was it Dillan who put them there, or Alyssa? She knows the things I favor, and all of them are there in miniature. I pull off my thigh-high socks, offering Dillan my entire nakedness. My mouth still filled with my gag, I walk slowly to the shower, letting him watch my gait as I walk. I hear him sigh, and know he is enjoying what he sees of me.

The shower door is clear glass, the water quickly warm and soothing to my body. I decide to eschew the shampoo, and concentrate on washing my body for Dillan’s use. My arousal has not yet all faded, and the warm soapy washcloth stokes it again, and my hand guides the washcloth over my breasts, down my torso glistening with water and soap, and now down between my thighs, caressing the very center of me until I hear myself whimpering through my gag, forgetting its taste, forgetting even that Dillan is there watching me, pouring fuel on the fire of my arousal until—

“Damn!” Dillan’s voice tickles at the fringe of my consciousness, but not enough for my hands to stop. “Damn! You’re really getting into it, ain’t’cha, babe?” Only now does his voice truly reach me, and my cheeks inflame with a blush as my eyes shine upon him. But my hands act on their own, continuing to fuel my arousal, even as my eyes are full upon him.

“Mm-hmm!” My gag prevents me from speaking, but my eyes send him my message—take me! I want to be taken, impaled, filled to overflowing! The innocent victim has been destroyed in her surrender to her captor and despoiler! “Tmmk mmph!”

And now he rises from where he has watched me scrub myself into a lustful frenzy, his eyes devouring my naked form. “You want it now, don’t’cha, bitch?” He has found his character again, and a vestige of my innocent victim tries to come forth again. I press the washcloth over my breast, my other hand over my womanly parts as I shrink back against the far wall of the cement shower, but my eyes betray her. He reaches inside, turns off the water just as the last of the soap is rinsed away. A hard hand pulls me from the shower, the other with a towel quickly dries my arms as he drags them behind me. I know the ropes are next, and what is left of the innocent victim whimpers and tries to pull her arms away, but in vain. In only a moment, he has plied the rope around and between my wrists, leaving them crossed behind my back, my bonds flexible but firm, tucked behind me so that I may again lie on them while he claims my body. He pulls me backward, until I sense the post at the bottom of the stairs behind me, and he ties off the end of my rope to it. What does he intend for me? “You know, seeing you having all that fun in the shower makes me want one too. You just wait here while I clean up a little.” Oh, how cruel! Now that my body is aflame with desire for him, he will make me wait for him! The cool air breathes over my naked, wet flesh as he undresses, the soft chill prodding my nipples hard and tall. Oh, how I want him! but I am helpless, bound tightly to the post, and I cannot even plead with him to show mercy and claim me! I tug on the cords restraining me, arch my back toward him, display my nakedness to him with no thought of shame or modesty! I cry out through my gag, inarticulate cries from my very center! But he merely smiles, tormenting me with his slow disrobing. He is lean and wiry, smooth flesh, and my eyes seek out his manhood, half-limp but rising as he disrobes, and he sees where my eyes have gone. He grins. “You want it, don’t’cha? You’d do anything for it, wouldn’t you?” Again I pull at my bonds, cry out through my gag, try to escape from the post to which I’m tied, and the frustrated jiggle of my naked breasts makes him rise even more. “Well, what you’re gonna have to do is wait, bitch!” and he steps into the shower. All I can do is tug at my bonds and moan through my gag.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

The Creature

“Now Princess! Submit to your fate!” Charity knelt before her Clinton in the remains of a chemise nightie, the glint of red from a ballgag lighting her eyes and accenting her fiery blush. She tried to twist her wrists, but the bonds imprisoning them were aided by tight ropes binding her elbows together; anyhow, the rope plunging from her bound wrists and down through her crotch, fastened to ropes tied above and below her breasts, stopped her efforts to free her hands. Her breath was rapid, shallow, as her bonds stoked her desire. He drew in the focus of the video he was recording on her phone. “Let your subjects see you debased and humili—what the hell?” Charity stiffened and tried to look behind her, to the door where Clinton’s eyes had darted—and gasped in horror.

Inside the room, without its door having opened or closed, was a pale figure, a young man with dirty blond hair uncombed, it seemed, in several months, slack eyes of an indeterminate color, and what seemed like a week’s worth of thin stubble on his chin. He wore a bathrobe that might have been white four or five years ago, black basketball shorts stained in the groin with the greasy remains of millions of pizza rolls and hot pockets, and a gray tee-shirt with the sole word “Indifference” in lime green on its front. He carried no weapon but a phone with only a screen of green lettering on black. “How did you get here?” “Wmmrrmmdmmnmg?”

The specter, its face even more slack than it had been when he materialized in the room, rubbed cheeto dust from its lips and spoke. “Dudes, what’s the point? Seriously, what’s the point?”

Dumbfounded by the unkempt intruder, Clinton had quickly undone Charity’s ballgag, leaving her to speak for the both of them. “If you don’t mind, we’re trying to have ourselves a little bit of fun here! Now how about you get out of here, take your first bath since middle school, and let us play our game!”

Which made the specter even more slack, even as he chuckled. “Oh geez, don’t even kid yourself! Playing fantasy games? You two? Seriously, who are you kidding? You think anybody cares? Seriously, dudes, who really cares? You didn’t even take her clothes off when you tied her up, dude!” He glanced down at Charity and sneered. “And come on, dude! Really? We’re supposed to care about a so-called damsel like this? Some skinny little smartass with pigtails and more freckles than tits? Seriously, dude, who gives a fuck about chicks who don’t have at least double-D tits? Tits and ass and lips that look good around a cock when she’s tied up, that’s all that matters! So why don’t you two just give it up and go home, huh? Stop wasting your time and ours!” And in an instant, the specter named Indifference vanished. The game ruined, Clinton untied Charity; after she dressed, he dropped her off at home, and she spent the remainder of the weekend looking up prices for breast augmentation.

Jillian’s breasts jiggled back and forth as she strained against the ropes which bound her, tugging hard as she could to free herself from the post where Dillan had tied her while he showered. She cried out lustfully through her gag, unmindful of the taste of herself still in the panties tied into her mouth while Dillan stepped out of the shower—only to find a bedraggled, bathrobe-dressed creature wearing an “Indifference” tee-shirt in the midle of the basement between them. “What the fuck is this?” Dillan yelled, wrapping himself in a towel and instantly seeking a weapon to use against the intruder. “Who the fuck do you think you are busting in here?”

The creature snorted, scratched its balls. “Me? Who you think you are pretending with this fake Fifty Shades bullshit? Ya really think anybody cares?” The creature wandered over toward Jillian, half a smile on its face, while she goggled and wriggled. “Well, at least this one’s got tits to shake around a little, but that’s about the only thing worth our time. I mean, come on, dude. Nothing but her hands tied behind her back? Shit, that’s nothing! You actually think you’re torturing her or something? This ain’t nothing! She needs a couple vibrators taped up in her hoo-hah, some alligator clips on her nipples; you know, something that actually hurts, dude!”

“I gagged her with her own panties, ya dumbfuck!”

Another snort from Indifference. “Shit, that ain’t nothing either! Ya know what we like? Dirty socks! Ya should have stuffed those thigh-highs in her mouth and swatted her ass with a horsewhip, dude! This ain’t no kind of torture! Put a steel slave collar on her neck or something! Make her eat dog shit out of a bowl and taze her nipples until she calls you ‘master,’ dude! Show us something serious! Don’t just tie her to a post and pretend it’s anything interesting! Why even bother us with stupid shit like this? Show us some real tie-up games, you little pansy!” And as quickly as Indifference appeared, he left. Humiliated at his lack of viciousness, Dillan untied Jillian and drove off in his rusty pickup truck to get drunk on Pabst Blue Ribbon.

As for Jillian, mortified as she was that Indifference found nothing interesting about her but her breasts, she went upstairs, put on the school clothes she had come to Alyssa’s house in, walked home to her house at the fringe of Oak Run Acres, put on pajamas, and read The Handmaid’s Tale until she fell asleep.

Colton was setting up the cameras just the way he wanted. Alyssa wriggled in her chair, enjoying the ropes fastening her to it. Long coltish legs tied to the seat of the chair at her knees, and in the middle of her thighs; her lean torso was tied to the chair back at her lap, and just below her very modest breasts, her arms pinned between her back and the chair back, her arms bound tightly at her wrists and loosely at her elbows; a thick white detective gag covered her lips. As Colton dimmed the lights to make the setting look just like that favorite scene of his from Ulee’s Gold, Alyssa wriggled and tried to make her expression frightened, but she was simply enjoying herself too much for her to get quite in the right mood. She looked up at Colton adjusting the last camera—and gasped as the bathrobe-clad Indifference stepped into the little pool of light. Only when the specter materialized in his viewfinder did Colton start. “What the fuck? Dafuq are you doing here?” At least Alyssa now had the proper expression of fear on her face.

“Dude, you are so wasting your time,” said Indifference. “Ulee’s Gold? Shit, dude, why not just do something from Benji? Who cares about this shit? Some flat-titted chick tied to a chair? Seriously, dude, a chair? No frogtie? Her elbows so far apart? No titty tie? Shit, I bet she ain’t even in pain! What kind of bondage is that shit? Why even waste our time? If she’s able to move, she ain’t really tied up, is she? And Jesus, another one with no tits! What are you guys, a bunch of pedoes? Geez, dude, only one of these chicks even has tits! Why would anybody care about this beanpole freak anyhow, especially if you don’t bother actually tying her up much?”

Alyssa was outraged enough that she managed to work the detective gag free of her lips. “Tied up much? I can barely move here!”

Another short from Indifference. “A chair tie. What a fuckin’ waste of time. If you want anybody to care about this bullshit little video of ours, you need really tied up! You know, something serious, like hanging you off the ground in a strappado or something! Hanging bowling balls from those little things you call tits with fishhooks! You know, something interesting!” Snort. “Chair tie. What a waste of fuckin’ time! And a detective gag. Who cares about that shit? Dude,” he said to Colton with a sneer, “you needed to stuff her mouth with socks and hold ‘em in with a ring gag so you can use your cock to push them down her throat while you tickle her feet until she stops breathing! You know, something actually interesting!” He shook his head and chuckled. “Chair tie. Fuck this shit.” And in a blink, Indifference was gone.

Colton, realizing the futility of everything he and Alyssa had done, quickly untied his girlfriend, grabbed six of her dad’s Bud Lights, and drove home to think of new ways to tie up his sister instead of his girlfriend. As for Alyssa, she cleaned up her dad’s now-useless man-cave shed, showered, put on her own pajamas, and spent the entire remaining weekend eating Auntie Anne’s pretzels until she was too stuffed to move, or to care.


Mistoffelees out.
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Post by Rdo4y8 »

Late to the party and sorry to see this one come to such an abrupt end, because it was incredibly well written. The characters were well formed and it was just a fun read.
Fanfiction nut
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Post by Fanfiction nut »

MisterMistoffelees wrote: 6 years ago Reporting for duty, sir! :)
Have you thought about doing a story about charity being kidnapped by the earth worsping cult when she was in kindergarten that she mentioned in this story
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