Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

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Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

Post by GirlBondage »

Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

in my life not everything runs so completely smoothly. I don't have a high school diploma and stumble from one job to the other, because nothing really suits me and I don't feel like it. This time I ended up at a cleaning company that specializes in cleaning public transport buses.
But first about me. My name is Denise and I am 18 years old. I have chin-length brown hair and brown eyes, I'm about 1.60 meters tall and of slim build with my about 50 kg. To be comfortable at work I wear black leggings, a white sweater, white sneakers and white overknee stockings printed with plant motifs. The overknee stockings are bunched up at my ankles and cover the transition between the sneakers and the leggings. But when it gets cold at night, I can pull them up over my knees.

So the employment agency placed me with the cleaning company, where, to make matters worse, I had to work at night because the buses are on duty during the day. At least there's an extra bonus financially for night work, I thought to myself.

Arriving at the bus depot at ten minutes past ten in the evening, a visibly unhappy woman was already waiting for me and immediately pointed out that I was too late. The woman introduced herself as Annika and told me that she was my partner for the shift.

Annika was of somewhat sturdy build and quite tall, but with her blonde stylish hair and light blue eyes she was really very nice to look at. I guess she was about 35 years old and she made a very motivated impression with a "come on let's get going" to my incomprehension.

Her annoyance about my delay evaporated immediately and she explained to me what to do while she pushed rags, buckets and mops into my hand. Our task was to mop the floors in the buses and disinfect the bus stops. We went to our first bus and Annika suggested that she would clean the front part and I could do the back part. I agreed and we got to work.

In one night we had to clean about 30 buses. It was very tiring and the pay was poor, despite the shift work. I wanted to become a star on the Internet with self-made videos, but I didn't have the idea and admittedly I didn't know how to implement something like that.

So we cleaned one bus after the other, evening after evening. Where it was always so that Annika needed only half the time. Also, I was not as neat as Annika because of my listlessness, which initially brought me evil looks from her. As time went by, Annika became more and more angry with me and told me that we could go home earlier if we finished faster. I didn't care at all about going home early and that Annika was upset about my poor work ethic and that I was so slow only led me to start laughing and mocking her.

My mocking and laughing made Annika even angrier and she threatened me with consequences. I asked her what she was going to do about it and she laughed again. Strengthened by my perceived superiority, I sat down and played with my cell phone for the rest of the evening. Every now and then I threw a stupid line at Annika and made fun of her.

Annika dutifully finished the work, which was actually meant for both of us, on her own. Strangely enough, Annika didn't get upset at all about my inactivity, which further confirmed my superiority. I guess it was that Annika depended on work, while I didn't care if I was fired again.
The following night I continued as I had left off the night before. I just sat with her on the bus and let Annika do all the work. When Annika was done with a bus, she would already go to the next bus without saying anything, while I sometimes stayed seated because I was still busy with my cell phone.

I then often followed Annika with a time delay into the bus, which she was cleaning. Once I got on the bus Annika was on, Annika was just standing in the area where strollers and wheelchairs can go.

Immediately I started to tease Annika again by asking her if she didn't want to clean the bus. Annika, however, denied it and took a step towards me. Annika grabbed my wrists and, after a brief struggle, pulled me back against a free-standing horizontal bus bar. I was completely surprised by her reaction and let her in a certain rigidity.

Next I heard a rattle and felt something tighten around my left wrist. I could not react yet when I felt Annika holding my right hand. I heard another ratchet and felt something tighten around my right wrist. At the same time, both my wrists were pulled together behind my back and the support bar.

Annika then took a step back and I immediately tugged on my wrists in panic, but they seemed to have been tied behind my back by Annika. I yelled at Annika and asked what the crap was about, which in turn made Annika burst out laughing. Annika must have gotten cable ties from the workshop belonging to the bus depot and formed an eight from them for my two wrists.

I continued to yell at Annika and told her to free me again. Annika then took another step towards me, covered my mouth with one hand and put the index finger of her other hand over her mouth to make "shhhh" noises to calm me down. She told me in a calm tone that she had warned me and now I would have to suffer the consequences.

I started protesting into her hand gag, whereupon Annika held my nose with her other hand, causing me to fall silent. She whispered in my ear that if I don't participate in the work at least she wants to have fun with me and laughed again.

I started kicking around to free myself from her hand gag. I kicked against Annika's legs and Annika backed away. Annika said that she had already expected the reaction and grabbed more cable ties, which she apparently had ready on a seat in the bus.

I repeated my demand that she free me again, but Annika, undeterred, came up to me and tied both my thighs to the bus bar, each with a cable tie just below my crotch. I of course tried to prevent her from putting my legs out of action and resisted as best I could, but Annika skillfully dodged my kicks and fixed one thigh after the other thigh to the holding bar.

She repeated the same on my lower legs, just below my knees. I was now forced to stand upright on the bar and protested loudly against my bondage, because the cable ties cut uncomfortably into my skin. Annika moved away from me without responding further to my protest. She opened her backpack, which was lying on one of the seats in the bus, and took out several bundles of yellow cotton rope.

I asked Annika, startled, what she was up to. Annika heard the anxiousness in my voice and remarked with a smile that I must not be so forward now. Then Annika said that I had complained that the cable ties were so uncomfortable and added that she would tie me up with ropes because the night was still young.

I started protesting louder again that I didn't want to spend the whole night tied up, to which Annika only answered dryly that I should have survived that before. I could not come to terms with the answer. So I protested further, whereupon Annika took some black thing out of her backpack and said that she had already thought of that.

The black thing frightened me and I asked Annika frightened what that was. Annika stood in front of me with the thing and explained that it was a pump gag. She introduced the individual elements of the pump gag and demonstrated how it worked by closing the valve and starting to pump on the small bellows. I could already imagine that the strap was there to hold the balloon, which was now getting bigger and bigger, in my mouth and that the balloon was supposed to shut me up.

When Annika explained how the pump gag worked, something about it struck me as strange. It seemed like she was explaining the pump gag not only to me, but to an audience.

While Annika opened the valve of the pump gag again to let the air out, I protested that there was no way she would put the pump gag on me, to which Annika just laughed again and told me that I had already annoyed her enough and that she would like to have her peace now.
Annika stood behind me, tried to force the pump gag into my mouth. I couldn't kick her anymore because she had already fixed my legs. So I threw my head back and forth to escape the gag.

But I could not withstand Annika's pressure for a long time. She pressed the gag in front of my mouth and held my nose at the same time. My resistance decreased and I finally had to allow her to push the balloon of the gag into my mouth. She first closed the strap of the gag behind my head and then the valve for the air before she slowly and pleasurably began to pump.

I felt how the balloon enlarged a bit in my mouth with each pump and protested again as best I could before I could no longer make myself noticeable. Annika laughed and said, "Listen to how her protest is now falling silent bit by bit." "How their protest is silenced piece by piece"? Who is Annika talking to? We're out here alone, aren't we?

The balloon already filled my mouth almost completely and my protest was just a muffled moan as I looked past Annika and discovered a small web camera. Annika was filming me as she put me here in this helpless position. I felt the rising warmth in my face, which also did not escape Annika. Annika started laughing again, turned to the camera and said that I noticed her audience.

Annika pointed to the side, whereupon I also turned my head to the side and looked into a second camera. Annika set it all up, trapped me and tied me up in front of an audience. When I thought about all the things the cameras recorded, the blush wouldn't leave my face.
I was overpowered in front of an audience, tied to a vertical support bar and then there was the conversation between me and Annika and the increasingly muffled moans as she blew the pump gag into my mouth.

Annika snapped me out of my thoughts again when she happily informed her audience that her victim today was now sedated and that she could now calmly explain the further process of my bondage.

I could not believe to be tied up so gagged now also with the whole ropes without being able to resist against it also only somehow.
Annika started by taking a really long yellow rope and started to untangle it. She explained that you had to take the rope double at first so that the rope would be more practical for tying up. Annika continued by explaining to the audience that the first thing she was going to do was put a rope harness around my upper body to restrict my movement as much as possible.

She began using the long yellow rope to tie my upper body to the vertical support bar and there was nothing I could do but let it happen. Quickly, four strands of rope lay above and below each of my breasts, loosely pressing my upper body against the holding bar.
I couldn't see what Annika was doing behind my back, but her explanations to the audience led me to believe that there must be a third camera behind me to visually document the bondage from all sides.
I could feel the movements of Annika's hands and the rope in my back as she pulled the rope through the loops and around my body and the restraining bar.
Coming from my back, the rope was passed forward between my upper left arm and body, wrapped once around my lower chest rope and passed back to my back. The same procedure was done on my right side before the rope was tightened, causing my upper arms to be pulled a bit behind my back.
The rope was passed forward a second time between the two chest ropes and between my upper arm and upper body. This time, however, the rope was passed up and over my left shoulder behind my neck. There, the rope was wrapped once around the support bar before being returned over my right shoulder to my back the same way it came on the left rope. This had the effect that my shoulders were fixed to the bar and I was forced to stand straight with my back to the holding bar.

Next, the rope came over my right shoulder and went to my lower chest rope, looped around that once, and then went over my left shoulder back to my back so that the rope made it a "V" in front of my breasts.

It was such an embarrassment for me to stand there with the gag clearly visible in my mouth and be tied up like that in front of the running camera. I didn't even know where to look or how to act during the process of being tied up. I just wanted to sink into the floor and decided to look into the space of the bus with a blank stare.

Meanwhile, Annika continued with my bondage by taking another long yellow cotton rope and stepping in front of me. She smiled at me with a kind of satisfaction as she untangled the rope and took it double.

Annika pressed against me from the front, stood on her tiptoes and laughingly played her breasts in my face, expressing her superiority over me. With my face between Annika's breasts, she hugged me from the front and tied the double-taken rope twice around my waist, around my forearms, and around the support bar before taking her distance from me again to pass the loose ends of the rope through the loop of rope she had positioned below my belly button.

I couldn't believe what Annika did next as she bent over to the side of me with the rope in one hand and reached between my legs from behind with the other. I made some kind of dancing movements to protect my shame, which of course must have looked very embarrassing on video again.

Annika laughed only briefly and went undeterred to her work, passing the rope coming from the front between my legs covered with the black leggings and thus put a crotch rope on me.

Annika straightened up again next to me and made a gesture to the camera, indicating that the audience should now listen. She pulled on the crotch rope with her hand, which was behind my butt, so that the rope dug into my crotch, which first elicited a groan from me followed by a muffled protest. Annika then smiled again and enjoyed showing me off in front of the camera.

She continued to tie me up, using the loose ends of the crotch rope to stretch the waist rope between my back and the restraining bar. Likewise, I felt the rope being tied between my forearms by Annika, causing my forearms to be forced more and more into parallelism with the holding bar.

Annika commented to the camera that she was going to tie off the rope at the level of my upper arm restraint so that I had no chance of getting to the knot, which she then did. She stepped back, admired her work for a moment and then rummaged a side cutter out of her bag, with which she cut the cable ties on my wrists.

I must have forgotten for a moment that I was being filmed the whole time, so I reflexively tried to free myself from the ropes. I twisted my wrists and tried to pull my arms out of the ropes that bound me, trying to look over my shoulder to see the bondage better. When my gaze brushed Annika's in the process and I saw her wide smile, I was back to reality.

Annika pointed at me and told the audience that I had already lost, but since my wrists could still move to some extent, she wanted to tie my wrists as well to be sure.

Annika had already taken a shorter piece of rope to hand for this and stood behind me. When she started to wrap the doubly taken piece of rope around my wrists, I grabbed the rope and held it tightly, so Annika couldn't use it to finally render me helpless. Okay, I was certainly already helpless with the chest and upper arm harness and the forearms tied parallel by the waist rope, but I figured there were still residual chances if at least my wrists would remain free.

Annika, on the other hand, made an annoyed noise and told her audience that she had already expected my reaction. She came smiling into the camera with her chin over my right shoulder and hugged me from behind. Then she grabbed the waist rope at the point where the crotch rope came off and rhythmically pulled the rope through my crotch. With her second hand she grabbed the side of my right breast and started massaging it while cuddling my cheek with her cheek.

I must admit that the bondage pleased me in a way I had not yet experienced and Annika's caresses and rhythmic movement of the crotch rope between my legs gave me a nice feeling. I was made to moan by Annika's treatment, first softly and then more and more. Even though it felt nice, I definitely did not want to be penetrated or even brought to orgasm in front of the camera and Annika's audience.

I protested against this by protesting as loudly as I could into the gag and banging my head against the head of Annika who was cuddling me, to show her that I would willingly let her tie my wrists.

Annika seemed to understand and asked me to nod my head if I agreed to be willingly tied up from now on. I nodded my head, but Annika asked me if that applied to my feet and legs as well, whereupon I nodded my head wildly again and Annika, satisfied with my answer, let go of me.

So I kept my hands still and willingly let Annika tie them up for me. Annika wrapped the double taken rope about three times around my parallel wrists and then between my wrists to tighten the rope. To secure the rope again against a possible slipping off, another knot was made higher behind my back after the knot at my wrists with the overhanging rope ends.

My upper body was now surrounded by a network of ropes, which made movement almost impossible, and now my feet and legs were to follow. Annika grabbed the side cutters again and now snapped open the cable ties that bound my feet to the support bar. To my amazement she lifted my feet one by one and took off my shoes and my overknee stockings.

I wanted to start protesting again, but this time I thought about it briefly and decided against it, so as not to be humiliated even further in front of the cameras. Annika, meanwhile, amusedly explained to her audience that I would not need my shoes and overknee stockings in a moment, because she would have to pull me up to be able to wipe the floor under me as well.

Why did she take off my overknee stockings and what did Annika mean by "pull me up" I asked myself and again got such a shameful feeling while Annika was already untangling another long rope and taking it double.

Annika knelt in front of me on the floor and commenting into the camera started to tie my feet with the rope. The double taken rope was first wrapped twice around my ankles without including the holding bar, before the rope was then tied between my ankles and including the holding bar and thus tightened.

Without tying a knot, Annika passed the rope under my calves, where the procedure was repeated. Annika removed the cable ties that bound my thighs to the support bars. Then she continued the tying, repeating the procedure of my feet and calves also below and above my knees, and at mid-thigh level, before knotting the rope in front of my belly with the waist rope.

At the feet, calves, knees, thighs, waist, at elbow height and neck I was now seven places with my back tied to the holding bar and thus forced to stand there practically motionless and candle-straight. Annika however rummaged already again a rope from her bag and I asked myself, what she still wanted with it.

She knelt down in front of me again and I felt her lift my feet a little bit at a time to place the rope under the soles of my feet. The rope was wrapped twice in a figure eight around the soles and tops of my feet, ensuring that each foot was in individual loops of rope. Then the rope was pulled through the loop at the other end of the rope, which was right at the top between the tops of my feet.

The rope was once again wrapped around the ropes between my feet and then still at the top behind my calf restraints. From there, the rope was threaded through the rope that bound my calves, knees and thighs to the restraint bar and continued up to the waist rope.

Around the ropes which forced my waist and shoulders to the restraining bar, the rope was even wrapped around it again before it was led further up to a restraining bar running across the ceiling of the bus.

Annika looped the rope around the transverse holding bar and led it from now coming from above again behind my back. Now she grabbed my crotch with one hand so that her fingers stuck out from under my butt, which made my eyes grow wide. With her other hand she pulled me up the rope seemingly effortlessly until my feet hovered about 30 cm above the ground, while she dragged her hand in my crotch.

Annika handed herself the rope with one hand, which was stuck in my crotch. She fingered the rope through my crotch so that it was now in front of my belly. The rope was passed up to the rope that was under my breasts and looped once around the rope that formed the "V" between my breasts.

The same way the rope came to my breasts, it was passed back through my crotch and then up my back to the crosswise support bar where it was knotted. I was now suspended in the ropes, with my weight well distributed by the crotch ropes and the loops that held my feet, making the bondage quite comfortable.

Annika took a few steps back, clapped her hands together and visibly admired her masterpiece with satisfaction. I, on the other hand, never felt so embarrassed in my life. I had been bound barefoot and gagged to a holding bar. Not only was I bound to the point of immobility, but I was also strung up to the point of complete helplessness.

Annika pulled her phone out of her pocket and began to take detailed photos of me, explaining that the pictures from the film were too blurry. She interrupted the photo shoot briefly to hang my shoes next to me on the support bar and then continued her photo shoot.

She asked me if the gag was starting to cause me pain and I nodded. Annika told me that a gag would be part of my punishment, but she could offer me a more pleasant alternative. She went to the seat where she had put my overknee stockings, held the overknee stockings up with a smile and asked me if I would prefer to be gagged with them.

Of course I didn't want to be gagged with my own stockings, but the pump gag had gotten really tiring and while she was replacing the gags I might have a chance to talk to her. I nodded, which prompted Annika to let the air out of the pump gag, loosen the strap and take the gag out of my mouth.

I asked Annika in a submissive voice to release me again, but Annika just laughed and replied that she had just tied me up after all. She looked at the clock and said that it was not yet twelve o'clock and the shift would still go until six o'clock.

I meekly offered to help Annika with the cleaning from now on, but Annika refused, saying that I was no longer in a position to make demands. But well, you'll stay tied up like this for an hour or two and then we'll negotiate again whether I'll free you or leave you tied up like this until the end of the shift, Annika added.

Annika meanwhile already wrapped one of my overknee stockings around the other, so that a kind of knot was created and two ends that should probably be wrapped around my head. She stood behind me and pressed the rolled up stocking on my mouth, where I immediately gave in and let her press the stocking into my mouth. My stocking filled my mouth well, but was nowhere near as bad as the pump gag. Annika took the ends of the other stocking hanging down from my mouth on the right and left and knotted them with a single blow behind my head, before making a second proper knot behind the holding rod. With that, even my head was now fixed to the support bar.

Annika surveyed her handiwork again, praising herself, and then said that the buses wouldn't clean themselves, so she had to get on with it now. "Fine, I'll do it, by myself, but you stay put and watch me," she said. She grabbed her cleaning stuff and wiped the bus. With the bus I could still watch her work, but when she continued with the other buses I was alone with the cameras.

Time passed and I had to admit to myself that I was pretty hot to have been tied up like that. And although I didn't want the cameras to film me helplessly trying to free myself, I couldn't help but try out my restraints. However, I had to stop after a few minutes because each of my movements made me a little wetter and I was afraid that it might be seen on the outside of my crotch at some point.

So I waited until Annika came again at some point, which also happened at some point when she suddenly stood smiling in front of me again and asked me how I felt. I made undefined sounds into the gag, whereupon Annika laughingly loosened it again and took it out of my mouth.
Although I secretly didn't think it was so bad to be tied up like that, I asked Annika to free me again. I couldn't possibly admit that I liked being tied up, but Annika asked me again how I felt. I didn't know what to say. Annika noticed this and made some suggestions about how I might feel by asking, "Do you feel embarrassed; are you embarrassed or maybe even into it?"

I decided to claim that I was embarrassed to be so overpowered, bound and gagged. Annika, however, only made such a gesture of a bigger ear and said that she didn't hear me, to which I answered again that I had told her how I felt. She wanted to humiliate me again by wanting me to say out loud to her audience how humiliated I felt.

She held out the prospect of freeing me if I said the sentence and after further deliberation and further possible humiliation I decided to say again louder how humiliated I felt. Annika answered me, however, only a cheerful "louder" and so it came out of me almost screaming: "It is full of me embarrassing to be so overwhelmed, tied up, gagged and hung up, although I have resisted".

Annika grinned at me again and said that if I promised to cooperate now, she would not publish the video and free me. I promised her and she started to free me again by first lowering me and then loosening the ropes one by one.

After my stiff limbs recovered, I helped her work as promised. So it went on for the next few days and also our relationship with each other improved to an almost friendly relationship. This was a very humiliating experience for me, but on the other hand I also secretly enjoyed being tied up like this.

One day Annika showed me the edited video of me, which I must have watched carefully. I must have made such a tense impression on the video that even Annika did not miss it and she suddenly asked me if I liked it to see how I was tied up.

I stuttered only something about that I was just curious, but when then came the place in the video where I alone in the bus hang and tried the ropes that tied me, you could see lust and pleasure in my eyes. I saw in the corner of my eye that Annika had turned her face to me and when I turned my head as well, I saw Annika smile at me and tell me that I liked it.

I stuttered again and at the same time betrayed myself with it. Then I diplomatically said that it had been an interesting experience to be tied up, with which Annika seemed satisfied. In the following days we talked from time to time about being tied up and I also started to inform myself about it on the Internet.

However, one day I discovered my video on the Internet. Annika pixelated my eye area, but you could still see well and hear by the voice that it was me in the video. I was outraged because I was again very embarrassed by the thought that my friends could see that.
In the evening of the day I scolded Annika, but she only laughed and answered me that I would probably now stand on the bondage or how would I have otherwise discovered the video. I was red in the face and admitted that I kind of like it already, but I still did not want to be published on the Internet.

Annika apologized for publishing my video and admitted to being addicted to followers. She comforted me with the fact that I wanted to become an Internet star and even if I had not imagined it that way, I had now taken the first step.
In fact, my video was not the only video of Annika as a rigger.

Here are the links to my other stories

Fictional Stories For Everyone

Involuntary pyjama bondage video night (FF/ff)
Be careful how you treat your admirer (m/f)
My daughter Vanessa tricked (FF/ff)
Overnight stay with my girlfriend Jessica (F/F)
A weekend with the clique in the green (??/fff)
Tied up and fixed in the trunk (F/F)
Choice, Truth or Dare (F/F/F/F)
A victim to cuddle (F/F)
3 against 3 bondage fight on the playground (FFF/FFF)
In a roundabout way to happiness (m/f)

Fictional Stories For Adults

Unexpected adventure (M/FF)
The feeling of being captivated can move mountains (M/F)
Seduced, Tied Up, In Love (F/F)
The Living Mannequin (FF/F)
Who does not cooperate, is tied up just for the amusement of the other (F/F)

True Stories for Adults

Bondage Wrestling/Sex (M/F)
Nylon Encasement Sex in Tights (M/F)
Last edited by GirlBondage 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trammel »

Great story. Very descriptive and creative.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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The bully, the tree and me (mm/m): http://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8 ... 967b8517c3

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Post by TotoTheHero »

Whatever the difficulties in translation, this was a superb story capable of extracting genuine feelings. There are several things at play here. The first being choices we make and the consequences of our actions (or "inaction" as it were).
Another tangible takeaway is the experience itself and how it created a new sense of how the young girl responds to the stimulus and how it affects her, helping her achieve a newfound awareness of herself.
Also, we see how relationships are affected by our personal bias and how those feelings can be transformed into something wonderful if we open ourselves to experimenting and accepting others into our lives.
Thank you for a great reading experience.
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Post by DioA »

I love how descriptive this was, and Denise is my favorite type of damsel. I hope there’s a continuation of this story. Also, just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan of your stories.
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Post by GirlBondage »

Thanks for the good analysis for the happening and the feelings of the damsel.
You helped me to see that what I want to describe also comes over that way : )

Describing the feelings of the Damsels, like a meticulous description of the rope work, is part of the basic recipe of my stories and is also found in most of my other stories.

@DioA and @Trammel
Thank you also for your positive criticism. I am very happy about fans : ) With this story it could really come to a continuation.
However, I am working on three other stories at the simultaneously. I have a good fifteen ideas for new stories : D
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Post by tickletied84 »

I really enjoyed this [mention]GirlBondage[/mention] - a new idea done in a different way!
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