wishing (m/f+)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Wednesday afternoon.

Everything slips back into relative normality. College on Tuesday passes like any other Tuesday, as does Wednesday morning. He doesn't see Lucinda, but that fact doesn't panic or upset him. It's not such a big campus, and she spends a fair amount of time running laps around it for training, so eventually their paths will cross. He knows, based off the flirt heavy message session on Saturday evening, that she wants to see him again, so he's content to wait for fate to place them together.

He files into Miss Castles classroom Wednesday afternoon, alongside everyone else, and takes his customary spot at the back on the left, a desk that always provides an excellant view of the front without it being too obvious. He can't help himself really, Miss Castle, even before he got a better look at her, is a stunning young lady, so he can't help but look and daydream. About five minutes later, with the rest of the class sat down, all except for Alison Roland notes, Miss Castle gets up from behind the desk and walks over to the door, she closes it and turns to face the class, speaking as she walks back to the front. "I hope you all made the best use of the extra few days, I hope you all revised. The test is ninety minutes long, but if you finish sooner then you may bring your papers up to the front, quietly, and then leave. Do you all understand?" There's a murmor of "Yes." from several, nods from most. She looks over the room, appearing to focus briefly on each of them in turn, Roland tries to shake the sudden feeling that she smiled briefly as she looked at him, then she nods back, at the room in general. "Okay then." Taking a stack of papers from her desk she hands piles to the front row. "Please pass these back, one per student. Thank you. Place them face down on your desks, no peeking Thomas I'm talking to you." A snicker from Thomas, and his friends sat near him. Finally everybody has a paper, being in the back row Roland receives his last, placing it face down as instructed. Miss Castle casts a final eye over the room, then looks at the clock sat high on the wall behind her desk, above the blackboard. "Okay, it's two, you have until half past three. Any problems put up your hands. You may now begin." And with a rustle of papers the test starts, as Miss Castle sits back down behind her desk.

Roland concentrates on the papers, not looking up, losing himself in the test like he always does, managing to largely shut out the people and world around him. It's the same test paper he saw on Friday, so he's prepared, and by the twenty minute mark he's almost halfway through, making sure to show his workings where needed. Shortly after he looks up, something nagging at his sixth sense, ruining his concentration, to find the 'something' in question is Miss Castle. She's dressed in faded tight blue jeans today, with several small designer rips on each leg, the jeans are tucked into black combat boots that she no doubt needs to ride her Harley. A tight white tee is cut short to show off her belly, with a plunging v neckline revealing possibly too much cleavage for a teacher tasked with educating a bunch of almost permanently horny teenagers. On the back of the tee is a black Pheonix, rising from red and orange flames, with the legend 'Never Die' beneath in gothic script. She bends forward, and leans folded arms on his desk, which positions her cleavage directly infront of him. Her head is now almost touching his, as she starts to whisper. "B, A, A, draw arrows pointed at the smallest two, C, E and H..." He looks up at her, shocked to realise she's reciting the answers. She looks him in the eye, and smiles. "What's the matter Roland, I thought having studied the test paper on Friday, you know, after you tied me up and felt up these," she nudges a breast with her folded arms, it bounces slightly, "I figured you'd of finished by now." He can't speak, is just staring at her as she looks back at him from a distance of inches, still smiling, still basically thrusting her huge breasts into his face. "Let's talk somewhere more private yes?"
"Okay." He manages to struggle the single word out. She stands up, turns around, and claps for attention. "Class, todays test is now a take home assignment. Consider it my apology for the rescheduling at short notice. So you can all go. Take the papers with you, bring them back Friday. And I want nothing except a sea of perfect scores understood?" There's a moment of silence, as what she's said sinks in, and then the room erupts in noise as everyone tries to leave at once, jamming up the door as they pile out. Roland is left alone with Miss Castle, who closes the door behind her last student, and then turns to face him.

"Did you ever find me online?" She's sat on the desk next to his, using the chair as a foot rest, leaning slightly forward resting her crossed arms on her knees. The question is an unexpected one, and it brings whatever apology he was about to make up short, the words dying on his tongue, to be replaced by "What?"
"I've heard the rumours Roland, us teachers aren't deaf, I know people think I did porn, I know at least some of the boys claim to of found me in some old video somewhere. So, are you one of them?"
"Honestly. I never looked."
"Why not?" She seems genuinely puzzled. "After all, you enjoyed feeling me up right?" He nods, hoping honesty will help, not wanting to lie anyway since she already somehow knows enough to bury him. She laughs. "I thought so, so why not search me out?"
"Because it's private, I guess. Because I like you." He smiles a small smile, which she actually returns. "I think you're stunning, and a great teacher. It just doesn't seem fair to see you like that without you saying it was okay." And then he blushes, realising the implications of what he just said. She smiles sharks teeth at him, spotting the mistake. "Maybe there's a gentleman in there somewhere, but you didn't ask permission in my classroom did you?"
"Would you of given it?" She laughs. "If you'd been that bold then I just might. There are videos and images of me out there you know, all under a stage name, on several different sites. I was younger, with different hair, but these," she gestures at her breasts, "I got my breasts super sized to get me more work, and then when it came time to quit I'd gotten used to them, so they stayed. It's exclusively bondage work that I did, some of it girl/girl. I got tied up a lot. And I've got to say Roland, yours was pretty lame in comparison."
"Well, it's not so easy." He says shrugging. "It isn't like I tied you up myself, well, not with my hands anyway."
"Right. You're not in trouble, I'll put you at ease now on that." He breathes out, and she smiles. "Yeah, you're welcome. In truth I'm not even mad, curious mostly. Like I said, I've been tied up by all sorts of people, in a variety of positions, with a variety of styles and equipment. But I've never been tied up as quickly as that. Will you tell me how you did it?"
"Sure, but first can you tell me how you knew it was me?" She smiles. "I saw you, peering in the window whilst Alison Smith was talking my ear off about how well she's doing in all her classes. I was actually glad to see you, hoping for a distraction from her endless chatter. That girl winds all her teachers up, let me tell you. So I saw you, and then next thing I know there's a quiet pop, and I feel air rush across me, and then I'm tightly tied and hooded."
"I thought you said it wasn't tight?" He smiles, actually trying to be a tease with his teacher. She smiles back. "Are you flirting with me?" He shrugs, and blushes, she laughs. "I said it was lame Roland. When you've been bound in a hogtie so tight it arches your back, with your head in a ball gag harness, clamps and toys inserted everywhere, and then left there for a couple of hours whilst they tie up another girl and then shoot photos and video of you both orgasming and struggling around together on a hard wooden floor, then some simple chair tie just doesn't seem so scary. So, anyway, how did you do it?"
"I wished." She gives him a quizzical look, which he waves away before continuing. "It's complicated, and kind of private. But for certain reasons it seems if I verbally wish a girl tied up, so long as she's in the correct position and I imagine it, she gets tied up."
"That simple?"
"So it only worked because I was actually sat in my chair, with my arms by my sides?"
"Yes." She looks thoughtful, then looks at the clock, then back to him. "Could you show me?"

"You want me to tie you up?" He really hadn't expected this, in the several minutes since discovering she knew he'd mostly been picturing expulsion, or worse. She shakes her head, and the disappointment must be shining through on his face, because she laughs. "Sorry Roland, not today, I'll let you know." And she winks, causing him to blush for about the tenth time. She looks at the clock again, and as if on cue there's a knock at the door. "Ah, right on time." She says. "Come in." Two girls file in, Roland vaguely recognizes them, both a year behind him in this class. "Okay girls, come up the front." Miss Castle gestures to the front of the room, then as the girls walk over there she gets up, and walks over to the door, locking it and pulling the blind down, hiding the room away from outside observation since it's on the second floor so can't be viewed from outside. She returns to Roland, kneeling down beside him to whisper in his ear. "Caught these two dealing on campus, plus their both failing my class. But I cut them a deal, said I'd stay quiet if they came here today and helped with an experiment." She smiles. "You get it?"
"You wanted me to tie them up, however it was I did it you wanted it proved on these two?"
"Got it. Handy that I caught them, otherwise I might've had to let you show me on me." He gives her a look, and she slaps him playfully on the arm. "Focus Roland. On the girls. Want do we need to do first?" He thinks, and decides to see how much he can get away with, feeling bombproof now. "They need to strip."
"You need them naked?" She gives him a look, somewhere between shocked and impressed at his cheek. He smiles, and shakes his head. "Down to undies is fine. It, um, it works better the more skin is on show."
"Works better huh? You idiot." But she says it with a smile. "Okay girls," raising her voice, "you both remember our little deal right?" Both girls nod. "Good. In a couple of hours you can both go home, and so long as I never catch either of you dealing again we'll say no more. Now, I need you both to strip to bras and pants please. Clothes in a pile on that desk." And she points to one at the front, near them. As they strip she stands back up. "Come on." And together they head to the front of the room.

The girls are Denise and Carmen. Denise has dark black skin, and is skinny with a small bust, her black hair is straight and hangs down past her shoulders. She's wearing a tiny white thong, just a string really, which she needed since she had on white leggings when she came in. No bra, after taking off her sky blue strappy top her small breasts are exposed, the nipples standing out erect. Carmen is very tanned, more curvy then her friend with an average bust, her long brown hair is curly, streaked through with red and white. She's left wearing a small black thong and a pink push up bra. "Okay girls, me and my assistant are going to put hoods on you now, you won't be able to see or hear, so just come willingly if we move you okay?" Both nod. "Good." At her desk she opens a draw, and pulls out two familiar looking latex hoods, handing one to Roland. "Kept them." She says, as they approach the two girls from behind, sliding the hoods over their heads Roland and his teacher lace and tie them up tightly. The hoods, as before, cover the heads completely, save for two small nostril holes. Whisky putting it on Roland is careful to fit the inflatable ball into Carmens mouth. With both girls hooded Miss Castle produces a pump from the same draw, and inflates each gag in turn, before closing the valve that sticks out of the front. "Right." She says, clicking her fingers in each girls face, an action that neither so much as flinches from. "What now you little perve?"
"Now we position them how we, how you I guess, want them tied."
"Right." She says, thinking. "Hold on then." Roland sits on a nearby desk whilst she works. She clears her desk, then lays Denise and Carmen face up on it, side by side, with each girls arms held above their heads, and legs pointed straight down, so each girl looks like a lower case l. "Okay then, like that. Let's see the magic." She looks at him and grins. So he grins back. "I wish Denise and Carmen were tied up tightly to the desk, with rope. Arms and legs tied together, tied up underneath." He hears the pop, sees Miss Castle jump briefly as it sounds, and then both girls are tightly bound to the desk.

She approaches, with him staying seated, watching as she inspects all the ropes, tugging and prodding. "It worked." She says, looking up. He shrugs, and nods. "It worked."
"I don't understand how though?"
"Nor do I really." He tells the small lie, watching as she flicks at Denises exposed nipple, causing the girl to jump. "So what now?"
"Oh." She looks up. "You can go thank you Roland. I'll keep them tied up for a couple of hours, kind of like detention, and then let them go."
"Okay." He decides it isn't his business to enquire whether anything might happen to either girl whilst she's helplessly bound to the desk. He retrieves his bag, and walks to the door. Miss Castle joins him, turning the lock, ready to close it behind him. He pauses, turning to her. "What about my test?" Gesturing to where it sits on his desk. "Oh, well," she smiles, "given everything that's happened I think we'll just call it an A."
"Works for me." He smiles back. "See you Friday then Miss?"
"Call me Rebecca. Yes Roland, see you in class on Friday." He hears the lock click as he wanders away, heading home.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Great chapter again, this story is one of the best I've read, for a long time.
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Post by Solarbeast »

I agree with tieup1, this is a leading story on this site. Another great two chapters. I can’t wait to read where this story goes next.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Another Great Story, maybe you could add Some new handjob etc. Scenes
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Post by RopeBunny »

009. Final chapter.
Friday evening. One month later.

Roland, walking home from a couple of hours spent at Zaks after college, let's his thoughts drift over everything that's happened recently.

He's seen Lucinda five more times, aside from on campus, with them now at a mutual yet unspoken friends with benefits level. Both know, though haven't said, that either one could return things to just friendship with no warning and no reason needed or given, but they're adults, and so it's fine. He's simply enjoying it whilst it lasts truth be told. She came to his big chess tournament, and turned more then a few heads wearing a short white dress with a red Dragon silhouette climbing up the side and back, the dress had a plunging neckline, with a criss cross effect on the fabric, and she wore brown heeled sandals with straps that wrapped around her leg up to the knee. She sat next to Rolands parents, turning up to offer their regular show of support, and to her credit endured a barrage of questions from them both without flinching. Afterwards he took her out for a meal to celebrate victory in both the games he'd played. Later, cuddled up naked, in her bed since her parents were away, laid staring up at the ceiling with her half ontop of him, he stroked her back whilst she ran nails idly up and down his hard on, and they kissed. She'd also accompanied him to see the latest Marvel offering, one evening after college, insisting he bring her a 'suitably geeky' top to wear, which he had, a green tee with Stealy from Rick and Morty on the front. It was slightly baggy on her, and coming out of the cinemas toilets, having changed out of her pink Animal tee, she'd silently handed him her bra, then spent the rest of the evening teasing him with occasional half flashes of underboob, or pulling the tee tight so he could see her nipples. Halfway through the movie he got revenge of sorts, leaning close to her he whispered "I wish Lucindas breasts were tied in a tight rope harness, underneath her top." She shot him a look, and then gasped, before lifting a corner of her tee to show him the newly appeared tight ropes crisscrossing underneath. He blew her a kiss, and she flipped him off. He refused to remove it until he'd walked her home, even joke threatening to wish add a second rope down below, at which point she squealed like a little girl, and ran away laughing as he chased her, yelling random wishes at the top of his voice.

The other three meetings were all the result of too much horny late night message flirting, and they all involved wishing. One time he turned up first thing in the morning at her door, literally hiding around the corner as he watched her parents drive off to work. She answered the door naked, as she'd threatened to do. And he in turn wished her wrists, elbows, breasts, knees, crotch, and ankles bound, along with a tight ball gag, just as he'd threatened to do back. He kept her like that for the morning, forcing her to hop all over the house. He kept ordering her to run silly tasks for him, like fetching a can from the fridge, or going upstairs to retrieve a pencil. Each time she'd huff, and roll her eyes, before hopping off out of the room to comply. Later he took the gag off, and his clothes, before sitting on the sofa, with her laying down so her head was in his lap. They watched a couple of movies whilst she nipped and licked at his erection, him waving it playfully in her face as he tugged on her crotch rope and flicked her hard nipples. On another occasion it all got to much, and he wished her onto his bed, only this time in some sort of bent backwards kneeling arched tie, with her arms together under her tied to the foot of the bed, whilst her ankles were tied to the head end posts. He'd dared her to assume the position, saying if she did it at exactly ten then she'd appear on his bed, as that was when he'd speak the wish. She looked over and grinned at him, then cursed as she realised just how tight and uncomfortable the tie was, but he kept her like it awhile to have some fun, gently sticking just the tip of his erection into her, then sliding it out, or holding it against her but refusing to put any inside her, being a little tease. Eventually, after plenty of first name calling, and then begging on her part, he relented, and put his hard on to proper use. Afterwards, with just her wrists bound behind her, they both fell asleep exhausted, only to wake up in a semi panic the next morning realising not only was she still there, but she also had no clothes. So, after his parents had left she had to dress in a pair of his shorts and a baggy Batman tee, and he walked her home, both of them smirking and giggling.

He's even seen Rebecca outside of class. Clearly having been rebitten by the rope tying bug she sought him out one lunchtime, and asked him out for a coffee after class where she had a proposition for him. She wanted to semi relaunch her career, start a pay website based on 'magic' tie ups. The premise for each video would be her as a Witch, interviewing a recruit possibly, or simply teaching a lesson, or even more normal tie up scenarios, but with a twist, things like an attempted home invasion where the female robbers don't realise the occupant is magical, trying to ride the coat tails of Harry Potter. Most videos would involve her having some reason to cast a spell that tied up the other girl, or girls, involved, with sometimes the girl managing to get one over on Rebecca, leaving her tightly bound instead. She felt his wishing, done at a whisper and off screen as she or whoever said the pretend spell words, would add a unique hook and twist, since it ought to look far more real then a jump cut of footage where the girl was tied up and then the cameras restarted. He loved the idea, and they came up with a number of ways to hide her features enough so that she hopefully wouldn't get in trouble at work. Luckily he has the computing knowledge to both design and code the website, which he does at her flat on his laptop over a half dozen evenings. She stumps up most of the cash for a decent camera and lighting, with him pitching in by raiding the car and lessons fund he'd been steadily saving into for a year. Luckily her flat, a penthouse, is a three bed, so they have a large empty room to make up however they please for each shoot, sometimes also rearranging her lounge or kitchen as needed. For one video they use the far corner of a nearby woodland, where it backs against a rarely used Railway line, shooting just after sunrise to minimise the chances of being seen. To keep costs down Roland operates the camera. So far they've filmed four videos, using amateurs Rebecca finds through old contacts, girls looking for paid adult work, all of them late teens to early twenties. Of the four, only one video has ended with Rebecca losing, an old friend of hers appearing as a visiting Witch strides on set and the two go at it, both tying the other limb by limb with spells until the visitor gags Rebecca and is then able to complete her upside down suspension unhindered. The next video is due to be streamed live, just to baffle their subscribers as then it will prove everything is done on camera. Roland takes a cut of the monthly profits from the site subscriptions, and from individual video sales, giving him an extra injection of cash. He's already begin driving lessons, and by the time he passes, in about three to five months his instructor reckons, he should have enough for something slightly sporty, or an old four wheel drive.

So he walks home, up and over the gentle hill at the centre of the park, following the path with trees to his right and a deserted playground to his left. He's lost in thought, going over some ideas and plans for the live video on Monday night, when the sounds of several girls shouting brings him back to the here and now.

He looks around, and then sees them, four girls, all look to be in their late teens, none of them familiar, chasing one girl he does recognize. It's Samantha, from college, who happens to be number four on his list. She looks like the typical average girl next door. Average height and slightly curvy figure, with an average sized bust. She has shoulder length curling blonde hair, but what really makes her stand out are her eyes. The left one is a pale blue, whilst the right is a deep striking green. She's the only girl in chess club, having bitten the bug off her Dad. She's dressed in her usual outfit of figure hugging jeans and some kind of cut off top, a grey one today. He watches her run, the other girls are clearly gaining on her, will catch her within the next few hundred metres in fact. He doesn't know what it's all about, but making a sudden decision he realises he can't ignore whatever's about to go down, from the curses the other four are shouting alone it's obvious they don't simply want to talk to Samantha. So, putting both arms through his backpacks straps so it's more secure, he sets off on an intercept course.

He reaches them just as they reach her, the lead two pouncing from the back to bring Samantha down hard onto the grass, with them landing ontop of her and straight away trying to rip her backpack off her, as she rolls around trying to fight them off. The rear most girl is stood leaning against a nearby tree, just about to light a joint as she watches her friends do over Samantha. Appearing suddenly beside her, Roland pushes her back against the trunk, knocking the air out of her and throwing her hands down to her sides. "I wish you were tied to this tree, with rope covering you all over from breasts to ankles, securing you tightly, and gagged with wrapped tape all around your head."
"What the fuck?" She exclaims, and then with a pop Rolands wish becomes reality, and she's suddenly huffing and squirming as what looks to be hundreds of feet of rope is wrapped around her, tying her in place against the trunk. The next girl turns around, just in time to be tripped by Roland, who then grabs her wrists together behind her, and with his other hand pulls her ankles back whilst she's still winded. "I wish you were hogtied tightly with rope, and gagged with wrapped tape like your friend." He lets go, just as the pop changes her into the tightly bound and helpless bully he just wished for. She rolls onto her side, and glares at him, but he's already moving onto the final two. They're still attacking Samantha, hitting her even as they still try to take the bag. He grabs them, finding the strength from somewhere, and flings both girls backwards into the air. Luckily both throw out their arms as they fall backwards, stretching all four limbs out in a failed attempt at balancing. "I wish these two girls were tightly tied up on the floor where they land. Rope attached to wooden stakes stretching them out helplessly, and both gagged with tape like their friends." He finishes speaking the words just as the girls hit the floor, winded, and before either can move the wish has done it's job, binding and staking them out face up on the floor. All four are now helpless, grunting and wriggling, yet unable to get free. He turns his attention to Samantha.

"It's okay Samantha, they've gone, you can get up now."
"Gone?" She asks, rolling over. "Roland, is that you?"
"It is. Hi." He waves, and she laughs, relieved to see a friendly face. He reaches out a hand to help her up, and as she does Samantha flinches, catching site of the two nearest girls. Then she looks harder, and gasps. "Are they tied up? And gagged?"
"They are." He agrees. "Did you do that?" And then she sees the other two. "And them too?"
"I did. Sorry. Didn't have time to be neat I just needed to get them off you."
"Thank you." She says this sceptically, unsure of exactly what is going on, he can almost see her brain trying to make sense of it. "You tied them up?"
"But how?"
"Let me walk you home." He says, holding out a hand. "I'll explain, I promise, but it's a long story."
"Okay. Thank you. And for saving me too. Thank you Roland." And she smiles at him. A genuine smile, which he returns. She takes his hand, and together they set off. "Can I take you out, tomorrow, maybe for a coffee?" He asks, after a few minutes. "I can tell you all about it then."
"Okay." She says, giving him a sideways smile. She still hasn't let go of his hand. "Tomorrow."
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Post by RopeBunny »

I hope you all enjoy the end.

I genuinely enjoyed writing this, and probably could've kept it going for another ten chapters, the stuff I glossed over in 009 alone would be good for three or four at least. But I didn't want it to become a huge story.

Should I write any more within this idea? PM me if you like, let me know.

Louise x
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Post by Tieup1 »

A nice ending to the story, it's been a really good one. You've set yourself a very high standard to follow.

No doubt you will rise to the challenge. ;)
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Post by Solarbeast »

A great ending chapter to one of my favorite stories on this new site. I would love to see more stories around the idea of wishing, even if it is not exactly the same idea as this story.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Please write another story about this idea
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

This was really well-imagined.
The ending did come a bit abruptly, but I can understand not wanting things to get too long, as you said.
Great job!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Hello all.

Just an update, I've come up with another wishing based story idea, one I hope will be different enough, whilst still sticking to the core themes, to be interesting and not just a chapter by chapter rehash. I'm writing it now, so hopefully within the next week chapter one will be posted in the adult section here.

Louise x
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Cant wait for the new story!
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Post by Risperdaltied »

That is one of the best stories I have read on either this site or the previous one.

A story to rival the legendary Sarobah....

Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by leahjstaples1234 »

This is is lovely!
Like breast bondage.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

I enjoyed this immensely. My only wish is that there had been more variety in the binding and gagging material. :lol:
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