The Strangers: Bound at Night (MMM/MF)

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The Strangers: Bound at Night (MMM/MF)

Post by ropegagged »

It was a late night, and Jeffrey was alone in the basement of his church. This was often the case - as a volunteer of the youth group, he was often left behind after activities and meetings to clean up or set up for the next day. Today, he was cleaning up after a meeting. Sweeping and mopping the floor, getting rid of the trash, etc. He was wearing a red collared shirt and black slack pants, as well as a black tie. Outside, a storm raged and the patter of rain assaulted the building. The only lights that were on were the ones in the function room, where they held most youth group meetings and activities, and the rest of the building was empty.

Or so he thought.

A noise - a tap on the doorway - made him startle, and he turned around to get the fright of his life. Standing in the doorway was a girl in a blue button-up blouse and a black pencil skirt. A scarf was looped around her neck, and he could see the gleam of her crucifix necklace peaking out beneath. She was a simple looking girl, pretty in a plain way. The most remarkable thing about her was her lips, beautiful and plump, but Jeffrey tried not to look at them. She was blinking at him, her dark doe eyes confused at his startled reaction.

It took him a moment to realize that the girl was the pastor's daughter, Crystal, and he gave a sigh of relief.

"Jeff?" she tilted her head. "You're here late."

He nodded, a sharp little movement of his head, and gave her a formal reply. "Yes. I had to clean up. Is your dad here?"

She frowned a little, her pretty pink lips downturned. "No. I was driving home and the storm outside...well, I wanted shelter is all. And I figured I could drop by and do my nightly prayer. Do you need any help down here? I could keep you - "

"No," he shook his head quickly. He didn't need the eighteen year old pastor's daughter down here bothering him. Or...distracting him for that matter. "I don't need help. Sanctuary's open, if you still want to pray."

She frowned again, but nodded. "I'll be upstairs, if you change your mind."

He watched her disappear into the darkened hallway, wondering how it was she'd been able to get through so quietly and without turning on the light. After a moment, he shrugged, and returned to his task.

It felt like only fifteen minutes or so later when he heard footsteps again, and he sighed in disbelief. What did she want now?

He turned around, but this time the doorway was empty. What was she doing, sneaking around like that? He sighed and put down his broom, walking out into the dark hallway. He was surprised to find the floor out there was wet, as if someone had dripped water. Hadn't she been completely dry though? Aside from her wet heels, he hadn't seen a trace of the storm on her. He walked further into the hallway, until he could barely see ahead of him. Suddenly, slapping, wet footsteps began to rush toward him from behind, and before he could so much as turn around, he felt someone's arms wrap around him - one around his lower arms, pinning them down, and the other over his mouth. Now, Jeffrey was relatively tall, and quite buff, but whoever was holding him had an iron grip. He knew almost immediately that it wasn't Crystal playing a prank, but couldn't fathom who it could be. He struggled, but he soon realized that his mouth wasn't just being covered witha hand, but a damp cloth....which could only mean one thing. He tried to struggle harder but it was too late, the chloroform was doing it's work. His attempts to get free became more and more feeble until finally, he was drooping, falling limp in his assailant's arms....


When he woke, he was in the function room, facing the doorway, and sitting in a chair. His vision began to clear to reveal, standing before him, a man with a white mask that covered half of his face. The man's hair was dark and curly, and he wore a black suit and leather gloves.

Jeffrey gave a confused grunt, and tried to move, only to find that his hands were bound tightly behind the chair by a rough length of rope, and his ankles were bound to the legs of the chair. He looked down to see that rope secured above and bellow his chest kept his back pressed firmly up against the chair. "What...what the hell?"

"Such profanity, in a church! That's such a shame. I guess the youth of today really are quite disrespectful." Judging by the rough timbre of his voice, he was quite young himself. "Do yourself a favor and stop stsruggling. There really is no use, I'm quite good at this."

Jeffrey narrowed his eyes. "What is this? Why am I...who are you?"

The man laughed. "Now isn't that a good question? You don't really think I'd answer that, do you?" He shook his head, and began to walk towards Jeffrey. "Maybe I'm a robber, coming to steal the church's best silver. Maybe I'm here to burn this place down." He reached forward and began to play with Jeffrey's collar, straightening it out. "Or maybe I'm just here to kidnap you and make sure no one ever finds you."

Jeffrey grunted, trying to surge forward, and the masked man pulled away. "Woah, there! Fussy fussy, bring it down a notch. You're not getting out," he chuckled, raising his hands. "I think it's my turn to ask you questions, now. What's your name, pretty boy?"

Jeffrey stared, jaw clenched, and the masked man chuckled again.

"Fine, fine. Maybe that one was a little too personal, huh? We aren't even friends yet!" he leaned back against one of the desks, and smirked. "How about this....and this one, I really need to know. Is there anyone else in the building with you? Wouldn't want our bonding time to be interrupted, now, would we?"

Jeffrey's heart stuttered. Crystal! He had completely forgotten about her. But if the man was asking, that had to mean he didn't know she was here, right? Or she'd left before he arrived....but he didn't want to take chances. Crystal must've not been caught, if the man was asking at all.

"No, there's no one here. It's just me," Jeffrey said, hoping against hope that he was right or that, if he was wrong, the man would believe him.

"You're sure? You don't sound sure."

Jeffrey didn't hesitate. "Yes! I'm sure, I'm sure." He nodded.

The man straightened, a cheshire grin pulling at the corners of his lips. "Wrong answer. Boys, bring her in!"

Jeff's stomach dropped as he heard shouts, very familiar shouts, and - just as he suspected - two similarly masked men walked in, holding between them a struggling girl in a blue button up, collared blouse and black skirt. The black silk scarf she had been wearing earlier was tied tight over her eyes, blindfolding her, and though her hands and elbows were obviously roped tightly behind her back, her long legs were free, kicking as much as they could given her tight skirt. A length of knotted black silk was pulled tightly between her pretty, pump lips and her teeth, and her cheeks seemed to be stuffed with some kind of cloth. It took Jeffrey a moment to recognize that length of black silk, and he looked down to confirm that yes, indeed, his tie was not around his neck and was instead being used to gag her. They pushed her down onto her knees, and one of them kept his hand on her shoulder even as she tried to shake it off.

Jeffrey tried to surge forward again. "Crystal!" he cried. "Crystal!"

She froze. "Jmpph?" she tried to say his name, but the gag made it a mess of muffled sound. Her head swiveled wildly as she tried to locate where his voice was coming from.

"Oh, isn't she pretty," He sighed, shaking his head. "Though I must say, I'm a little disappointed you two gagged her before I could get his name out of her." He walked up to the girl kneeling at his henchmen's feet.

"Sir, she bit me!" said one. "I was trying to keep her quiet, but she bit my hand. I had to gag her."

"Bit you?" the masked man laughed. "This sweet little thing?" he began to run his fingers over her cheek, and she tried to squirm away from him, screaming a muffled protest, but one of his henchmen surged forward to hold her in place.

"Don't you touch her!" Jeffrey cried, struggling against his bonds. "Don't you fucking touch her!"

"Woah, woah, woah. You should watch your mouth, we're in a holy place," the masked man drawled, amused. He looked up at his henchman. "Hey, no need to hold her. I've got her." The man shrugged and backed away, but the moment he did so she began to squirm so hard she nearly fell over. The masked man quickly grabbed her shoulders, holding her up. "Hey, hey. Calm down, Crystal. You'll only hurt yourself."

She tried to struggle harder, but he held fast.

"Please," Jeffrey said, struggling. The sight of Crystal struggling like that....the way her lip trembled. His instinct to protect her was on full-force. She was the pastor's daughter, and he'd practically grown up with her. He didn't want to see her get hurt. "Please, let her go. Please, you can keep me. Just let her go."

Crystal shook her head, groaning into her gag at his words, protesting his self sacrifice.

The masked man tilted his head. "Let her go? Oh, no no no. I would never do that. This pretty little thing?" he crouched behind her, placed his chin on her shoulder. "Look, she's shaking her head. No, I think I'd like to keep her." His gloved hands slid from her shoulders, down the lengths of her arms, and she squirmed, grunting and crying out into her gag. "Keep still, lovely," he murmured, arms wrapping around her as he reached for her buttons.

Jeffrey realized what he was about to do. "Don't you dare," he growled, struggling. "Don't you - "

"Or else what?" the masked man smirked, and pulled her shirt open. Some of the buttons popped out, pinging over the floor, but Jeffrey could barely hear it over the startled cry that Crystal made behind her gag. He winced. She began to struggle against the man's hold, but he continued to pull her shirt down, so that only her bra concealed her breasts. It was black and lacy, relatively modest, and Jeffrey felt his body betraying him at the sight of her bare skin. He squirmed uncomfortably, trying to get free so he could stop them, so he could protect Crystal, so he could stop feeling the bulge in his pants tightening.

"I'll give you anything," Jeffrey begged. "Please, just stop - "

The man's hands stilled. "Your name," he said, lips set in a triumphant smirk. "I want your name."

"What?" Jeffrey froze, astounded by the simplicity.

"Well, if you don't want to give it to me...." his hands found the straps of her bra, and he turned to his henchmen. "Don't you guys want to see sweet little Crystal's breasts?"

"Sure thing, boss," said the one that Crystal bit. Crystal screamed into her gag and struggled against the masked man's arms.

The idea of that creep seeing Crystal like that...

"Jeffrey," Jeff cried. "My name is Jeffrey."

Immediately, the masked man dropped his hands and stood, leaving Crystal with her blouse hanging off her shoulders and kneeling at his feet. "Now isn't that sweet. Jeffrey. Can I call you Jeff?" he asked. Jeff didn't answer, his eyes on Crystal, filled with a mix of frustration and concern. She was panting from the exertion of her struggles, and he could see the knot of his tie shifting as she tried to push out the stuffing with her tongue. A pink flush was climbing up her neck, reddening her cheeks. The crucifix necklace she often wore sat between her collarbones, resting against her tantalizingly smooth skin. She was obviously embarrassed and frightened, with her breasts hanging out. She couldn't even see her surroundings. He couldn't imagine how scary that was. The henchman who she bit was leering at her, while the other seemed bored.

"Cover her up," Jeffrey demanded, looking up at the masked man. "Look at her, she's shaking."

"Now, now, Jeff. Are you really in a place to be making so many demands?" the man asked. He looked down at the bulge in Jeff's pants, and whispered conspiratorially, "Especially when you're enjoying the show just as much as he is?" he motioned the henchman who was leering at Crystal.

Jeffrey closed his eyes, turning away in shame, but the masked man grabbed his hair and forced him to face her. "Open your eyes. Open them," he tugged at his hair. "If you don't, I'll cut off her pretty little bra and we can all have a look."

Jeff opened his eyes, looking at the girl who was still kneeling. She was completely still now, as if waiting for something. He couldn't help but stare at her pink, swollen lips, trying to close over the packing in her mouth. Curls of brown hair were falling from her braid as a result of her struggling. He searched her shoulders for any signs of bruising, trying to be as clinical as possible in his appraisal of her body, and avoid staring at her nearly bare breasts, but he felt his cock hardening anyways. The rise and fall of her chest made her crucifix necklace shift over skin, drawing Jeff's eyes, but he quickly looked away. She moaned quietly, shifting on her knees, and he had to suppress a frustrated groan of his own. There was no worse time or place for him to be horny, and yet he couldn't get himself under control.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" the man mused, for only Jeff to hear. "I don't think anyone could blame you for getting a little excited."

"Why are you doing this to us?" Jeff growled, his shame at his body's reaction growing by the second.

"Why else?" the masked man's murmured into Jeff's ear. "Because it was fun." He let go of Jeff's hair forcefully and nodded at the two men. "Grab her and get her up. We'll truss her to a chair and leave them alone for a while."

Crystal grunted and began to struggle anew when the henchmen grabbed her and lifted her to her feet. She used her heel and, estimating where their feet were, ground it into the leering one's foot. He yelped, letting her go and she was able to break away, stumbling wildly toward the wall. Jeff straightened. "To your left, Crystal! There's a door to your left!" He cried.

"You idiots! Grab her!" The masked man yelled, as Jeff yelled instructions. She was only able to evade them for a few seconds, before the masked man finally had enough. "Someone gag him! I'll get her myself." He paced towards her, and before Jeff could shout a warning he was being hand gagged, his mouth clamped roughly shut by the silent one. He struggled, grunting against the man's sweaty fingers.

She ran straight into the masked man's arms, and he wrapped her in a vice like grip. "Aren't you just the prettiest little escape artist?"

He dragged her over to a chair as she struggled and grunted, and he sat her roughly down, pulling her and the chair over so she was facing Jeff. "Someone hand me some rope!" he commanded, and Jeff was forced to helplessly watch as the silent one walked over to the duffel bag in the corner and dug out a coil of rope. He tossed it to his boss, who began to fasten her chest to the chair. Jeff struggled as his gloved hands lingered at her breasts, but he couldn't do anything but watch.

The leering one leaned in close, taunting him. "Can't help her now, can you? Your feisty little girlfriend is all on her own." He grunted, struggling, but it was no use. "I might have a little fun with her...maybe I'll even let you watch." Jeff growled at that. "What's that? You give me permission? Why, thank you so much." He chuckled as Jeff was unable to speak, instead watching as Crystal's ankles were fastened to the chair legs, and her knees were tied with a long length of rope to the beams of the chair, forcing her legs open and her pencil skirt to hike up her thighs. Her lacy black panties peaked from beneath her skirt, and Jeff felt his handgagged mouth water a little, even as he tried not to look. He grunted, trying to turn away and erase his dirty thoughts, but the henchman's hand kept him in place.

"Scissors, please," said the masked man, admiring his work. "I think it's time we give our little friend Jeff here the gag that he deserves."

The henchman removed his hands from Jeff's mouth, and he gasped as he was finally free. "What are you doing?" he asked as the silent one handed the scissors to the masked man.

"Just wait and see. I promise, you're going to love it," the leering one laughed, playing with Jeff's hair.

He watched as the masked man knelt before Crystal's open legs, fingers running up her thighs. She struggled, trying desparately to close her legs, but couldn't because of her bonds. Her frightened grunts made Jeffrey squirm. The masked man's fingers hooked under her panties, pulling them down her legs to reveal the mound of dark hair that covered her pussy. She struggled, her moans becoming louder and more frightened, as the cold metal of the scissors slid beneath her panties. Jeffrey pulled at his ropes, desparately struggling to free himself. "Stop it!" he cried out. "Don't touch her, don't touch her, stop it!"

The silent one rolled his eyes and finally spoke. "Jesus Christ, I cannot wait until he's finally gagged."

"I don't know," the masked man said as he carefully cut the material. He held her leg to still her. "I think it's kind of cute."

"Please stop," Jeff begged. "I'll do anything. I mean anything."

"Will you shut up?" asked the silent one.

"Hey, shutting him up is our job," laughed the leering henchman.

As if they were delicate glassware, the masked man finally removed the panties from her legs. He kissed her knee, the unmasked half of his lips lingering on her skin, and she tried to drive her leg into his face. He backed away just in time, and tapped her thigh. "Tut tut, aren't you a feisty little girl."

"Get off of her," Jeff growled.

The masked man rose, holding her black lacy panties. "No problem, pretty boy. I'm all done with her...for now." He smirked. "You, however..." he reached for the black scarf that was blindfolding her, and carefully untied it. Crystal's doe eyes blinked at the sudden influx of light, and she grunted as she looked at Jeff, tied up almost the same as she was. Her cheeks burned even further when she looked down to see how disheveled she was.

"What are you doing..." Jeffrey stared at the man as he tied a knot into the center of Crystal's black scarf, and balled up her panties, walking towards him. Crystal's eyes widened and she struggled, grunting.

"Oh, looks like she knows exactly what's going to happen," laughed the leering one.

"Wha-mph!" Jeff was interrupted as the masked man shoved Crystal's undies into Jeff's mouth, quickly preessing his gloved fingers over his mouth to keep the cloth in. Immediately, the taste of Crystal's crotch and sweat filled Jeff's mouth. Despite his disgust, he could also feel a rush of excitement, which made him flush with shame. The masked man removed his fingers, and Jeff opened his mouth to release the sweaty undies, but Crystal's scarf was forced between his teeth, the knot holding the panties tight into his mouth. The man wrapped the end of the long scarf around Jeff's head twice more before tying it into place at the back of his head, making it impossible for him to push the stuffing out. "NNNGG!" he tried to cry out, but it was muffled by Crystal's lacy panties.

"Aren't you a pair," laughed the masked man. "I think I like you better like that."

Jeffrey grunted, annoyed.

"Now, I think I'll leave you two alone for a while. Seems like you need to talk," he said, then chuckled at his own joke. His henchmen chuckled too.

"But wait, boss. I want to see the little bitch's tits before we go. Didn't you promise me a show?" the leering henchman said.

The masked man's eye narrowed, and - much to Jeff and Crystal's surprise - he smacked the man right in the face with his gloved hand. The man stumbled away, holding his cheek, and gave him a betrayed look, like a puppy being kicked. "Wha - "

"What did I say about manners? You need to show Crystal some fucking respect." Jeff and Crystal watched with wide, confused eyes as the henchman rubbed his cheek. "Now, I want you to apologize."

The henchman glared stubbornly at the wall, and the masked man grabbed him by the collar, pulling him close. "I said, fucking apologize!"

He threw him back down, so he was kneeling at Crystal's feet, and Crystal winced, trying to back away as much as the chair would allow her. Jeff could see the shock in her eyes, but also...was that vindication? No, he must have been mistaken. She was too sweet, too kind. She was the pastor's daughter, for goodness sake.

"I'm sorry," the henchman ground out.

"I'm sorry, what?" the masked man insisted.

"I'm sorry, Crystal," he sniffed, indignant.

"Now kiss her foot," the man murmured, a sort of wild delight in his eyes. The henchman looked at him, shocked. "You heard me. Kiss her fucking foot and beg her forgiveness."

The henchman looked like he wouldn't give in for a long moment. But he leaned down and kissed her foot, making Crystal inhale sharply. Jeff wasn't sure what he was witnessing, so he stayed silent. "Please forgive me," the henchman groused.

"For what?" the masked man snapped.

"For calling you a bitch."

He stayed there, kneeling at her feet, and the room settled into an awkward silence before the masked man looked at Crystal. His voice was dangerously soft. "Well, lovely? Do you forgive him?"

Her brows scrunched, her eyes confused as if she wasn't sure what the right answer was. But she nodded slowly, giving a noise of affirmation behind her gag. The masked man gave her an approving nod, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"Get out of here," he nodded at the hallway. "Both of you. And if I catch you coming near them without my permission, you're both dead meat."

The leering man lingered for a moment, before getting up and giving a huff. He stomped out of the room, arms crossed petulantly. The silent one simply gave his boss a nod, and followed after his fellow. Jeff and Crystal were silent, but Crystal was watching the masked man with narrowed eyes. He approached her, fingers cupping her chin, and his grip tightened when she tried to pull away, making her grunt.

"Such pretty eyes. I should have taken your blindfold off sooner," he said quietly. Her eyes flitted to Jeff, who tugged at his ropes when he saw the trace of fear there. Get off her, he tried to say, but it was unintelligible. "Look at me, lovely," he said. Stubbornly, she kept her eyes on Jeff, gaze defiant. The masked man frowned and squeezed her chin. "Look. At. Me." Finally, she let her eyes meet his, giving a pained noise. Jeff winced, but the man simply loosened his grip a little. After a moment of staring at her, he let her go, running his fingers down along her neck. She continued to stare at him, suspicious and angry.

"What's this?" he asked, hooking his fingertips under the chain of her necklace. "Aren't you just a good little Christian girl." Gently, he tugged, and the clasp came loose. She gave a cry of protest, squirming as he fastened the crucifix around his own neck. "Could have fooled me...if it weren't for what we caught you doing in the chapel."

Crystal froze, eyes widening and cheeks burning red. Jeff just stared, confused.

"Lgg rrr aggoogg," Jeff tried feebly. Leave her alone.

The man looked at Jeff and back at Crystal, then nodded. "Don't you worry, I'll be leaving you both alone for a while." He shrugged out of his suit jacket, then placed it over her, tucking it behind her shoulders so she'd be covered. The gesture might have seemed tender, if it weren't for the fact that he had been the one to tear her blouse open in the first place. "How about that, huh? Your necklace for my jacket. Don't go anywhere, lovely. I'll be back." He turned to Jeff and winked. "Enjoy the show."

He walked out, closing the door behind him and leaving the two to struggle and listen to the storm and their own moans.
Last edited by ropegagged 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent writing! A great start to an intriguing story. The characters are well-drawn and of course I'm wondering what Crystal was doing. Please continue.
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Post by ropegagged »

MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago Excellent writing! A great start to an intriguing story. The characters are well-drawn and of course I'm wondering what Crystal was doing. Please continue.
Haha you're definitely going to find out soon. Thanks for enjoying!
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Post by gagged-cowboy »

Oh I loved it, the church setting is really intriguing. I always love a good couple-in-distress story. Thank you and I am looking forward to part II
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Post by ropegagged »

gagged-cowboy wrote: 5 years ago Oh I loved it, the church setting is really intriguing. I always love a good couple-in-distress story. Thank you and I am looking forward to part II
Thanks for enjoying! Part two is on its way very soon. I also really love couple-in-distress stories, especially if the two in question aren't actually together but are attracted to each other or maybe even hate each other. I guess I just like a bit of dramatic tension in my stories and I wanted to write one like that! And yeah, theres something about the atmosphere of a chapel at night that I thought would make it a good setting. Thanks again!
Deleted User 1895

Post by Deleted User 1895 »

Really looking forward to part 2 you've got me hooked!

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Post by Gagfan »

Very well written! Excited to see more
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by jocastacicely95 »

100/100 excellent!
Don't call me an asshole.
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Post by WAMGuy »

Love it! Looking forward to reading more!
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Post by DTbound »

Awesome story so far!
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Post by ropegagged »

There was no doubt about it. Jeffrey Duarte was having what was panning out to be the worst night of his life. Being left behind to clean? That was fine, he did it all the time. It was just a part of volunteering, honestly. The problem was, of course, the fact that he was now tied up in the basement of his church. His mo uth was stuffed with the pastor's daughter's panties, the one thing that he had never imagined would even come near his mouth, and as if to rub salt in the wound, she was sitting across from him, bound and gagged nearly the same.

He could taste her. Maybe that was the worst part. He had never imagined how she tasted - of course not, of course not - but now he was looking at her (trying not to look at her) and tasting her pussy in his mouth and...God, it was not doing him any good. He just hoped that the tent in his pants wasn't as conspicuous as he felt it was, though he highly doubted that, as he himself could not stop noticing the little peak at her pussy he could see beneath her hiked up skirt.

Whoever their assailants were, their intentions were incredibly unclear. All Jeff knew was that their motivation was purely their own sick enjoyment, or something along those lines. He couldn't help but shiver at the way the masked man had treated Crystal, with that strange tenderness...and the way he had humiliated his own accomplice for not showing her respect, when he was the one who had tied her up and tore open her blouse. There was no way that guy was completely right in the head. And what had he meant, about what Crystal was doing in the chapel when they caught her? Jeff shook his head. Whatever. That stuff wasn't important. What was important was getting both him and Crystal out of here, to safety.

He pulled at his bindings, trying to pick at the knots. His wrists were crossed behind his back, and the ropes were looped around so tight that he was struggling to find the knots.

"Ggrr guu oggay?" he said, looking up at her face. Are you okay?. He hoped she'd be able to understand him. "Ggg gey gurr guu?" Did they hurt you?

She was already watching him, and her eyes quickly darted away. She shook her head. Jeffrey nodded, and hoped that she was telling the truth. "Ggg gog hu ggg oungga gere," she replied, pulling at her bonds for emphasis. It took Jeffrey a moment to understand what she was saying, but he finally interpreted it as something along the lines of. We got to get out of here.

Before he could (try to) speak, Crystal thrust her hips forward, making her chair scrape against the floor toward him. He startled at the sound, but quickly understood what she was doing and gave a muffled approval. He thrust his forward too, and nearly groaned at the friction in his pants. He grunted, pushing forward once again, trying desperately to ignore it. God, he felt like such a dirty old man. He was only two years her senior, but he had known her since she was a kid. It was wrong, so wrong, for him to be reacting like this. Not once had he seen Crystal so much as glance at the tent in his pants, and he could only hope that that meant she hadn't noticed it.</r>
They remained like that for a while, simply grunting and trying desperately to reach other, scooting their chairs along and mmphing into their respective gags. Soon, they were almost knee-to-knee. By that time, Crystal's skirt had hiked up her thighs nearly all the way, giving him a full view of her mound. Not that he was looking, of course. The masked man's suit jacket was beginning to slip off one of her shoulders, allowing a peak at her skin. His own shirt had hiked up his stomach considerably, baring his navel. He wondered, briefly, if Crystal was having just as much trouble as he was avoiding looking at the bare skin.

This was so inexplicably humiliating - being helpless and unable to protect Crystal or himself. Crystal nodded at him, jerking her head to the side as a signal for him to turn around, and she began to do the same, painstakingly jerking her bound knees to the side in order to swivel her chair. Jeffrey watched her for a second, eyes unintentionally flickering to her thighs as they strained against the ropes, before he started attempting to do the same, twisting his shoulders and trying to jerk his chair to the side.

Suddenly, Crystal gave a muffled squeal and Jeff gave a yelp of concern as her chair leg caught on a crack in the floor, causing the chair to tilt a little. She tried desperately to jerk it the other way and find some balance, but it was too late - the chair collapsed, bring her with it. She gave a cry of pain and squirmed as the impact caused the masked man's suit jacket to fall from her shoulders, revealing her lacy bra underneath. One of the straps had slid down her shoulder, and her blouse still hung at her elbows. She closed her eyes and groaned.

"Mpph!" Jeff cried, squirming for release. "Mpph!" He wanted desperately to help her, but he could only helplessly watch. He began to squirm, trying to shimmy his wrists out of the tight loops of rope. "Cmpppph!" He tried to say her name, but could only make helpless, muffled noises. "Gggg nguuu grrrrrr?" He couldn't even ask if she was hurt!

She had fallen onto her side, angled mostly away from him, so he couldn't see her pussy anymore, but the side of her leg and now her whole top half was almost completely naked. He felt his cock twitch, but ignored it. Crystal gave another groan and began to struggle anew, grunting and panting through her nose. The knot of his tie was now darkened with moisture, but she still couldn't push it out with her tongue. Jeff's jaw was beginning to ache, and he'd only had the gag in for a while. He couldn't imagine how much pain Crystal was in right now. Her arms had been slung over the back of the chair, which should have made escape easy, but the masked man had also secured her chest above and below her breasts. She squirmed, groaning and grunting. "MMPPPH!!! MMMMPHH!"

Buzzz. Buzzz.

The struggling pair froze, both snapping their attention to the direction of the noise.


Then, once again. Buzzzz. Buzzzz. Jeffrey realized the sound was coming from the man's jacket. Crystal seemed to realize that at the same time, as she tried to scoot her fallen chair across the floor, toward the sound. It must have been a phone. it had to be a phone. Even if they probably couldn't answer the current call as it was most likely one of the masked man's accomplices or friends, they could definitely use it to contact the police. Crystal jerked her shoulders, trying to roll the chair over so that she could reach for the jacket.

Jeff couldn't help but find himself entranced by the way her bare shoulders shifted beneath the ropes. The other strap of her bra slid down her shoulder, but she was too focused on the task at hand. Of all the people to get captured with, for the first time Jeff found himself grateful that it was her. He wouldn't have ever expected her to be so focused and practical. She was such a flighty, inattentive girl, after all. He'd known her all her life, pretty much, and she always seemed silly and childish to him.

It was a pleasant surprise in an unpleasant situation. He wanted desperately to keep her safe and to help her, but he was helpless, and she was the one with a phone in reach. So the best he could do was give encouraging, muffled grunts, and try not to focus too much on how exhilarating he found the taste of her panties.

After a few attempts, she was able to slowly and awkwardly tilt her chair so that she was on her face. She gave a few pained groans before rolling onto her other side, and almost immediately started reaching her bound hands to grab the jacket. She was facing him now, but Jeffrey had the grace to avoid looking at her disheveled state, though it was with great effort. The phone started buzzing again, and she tried to maneuver the jacket in her hands and feel for the pockets. Jeff's heart started to race desperately. They were so close. So close to release. Anxiety flooded his senses and he tried to calm his nerves. The captors had been gone for quite a while, and he could only hope that they wouldn't return soon...

Several times, Crystal dropped the jacket, and each time she gave a frustrated mmph. Jeff tried to give her guidance, tilting his head this way and that and mmphing to show her which direction the pockets were.. It was difficult work, especially since they could barely communicate. Jeff scrutinized the jacket in her hand, and nodded when she reached the left side pocket. She blindly reached into it, and gave a shriek of triumph as she felt the buzzing rectangle and dropped the garment, pulling the device out. Jeff gave an excited laugh behind his gag, and nodded at her, mmpphing his approval.

Jeffrey suddenly noticed that the movement and struggling had caused Crystal's bra to slide down a little, showing the tops of her brown nipples. His eyes widened at the peak he was getting, and he looked up to see that Crystal was watching him, a blush rising on her cheeks.

Shame burned in the pit of his stomach. "Mmm ggrrry," he tried to apologize. For not protecting her, for his sick excitement at the sight of her, for seeing her bare like this at all.

Her eyes searched his face, and for a second the only sound he could hear was her breathing. Had she understood his apology? After a moment, she simply shook her head and turned back to the task at hand. She tried to maneuver her arms and twist her head so she was looking at the phone. It was a flip phone, one that she could open and dial a number on. Jeff looked away as she struggled to open it. God, this would be awkward when they got out. He'd never be able to look her father in the eye again, or her for that matter. It slipped out of her hand, but she simply reached for it and picked it up again, determined. Finally, she got it open, making a little sound of joy. He could see her slim fingers starting to dial. 9-1-

They both startled as the door clicked, the phone slipping out of Crystal's hands again. Jeff hadn't even heard the footsteps, but now the door was opening and they had been close, so close to freedom and -

The silent henchman stepped into the room, looking a little annoyed. "Well, what do we have here?" He looked around at the carnage - Crystal on the floor, her bra slipping from her breasts and skirt hiked up almost to her hips, and Jeffrey, sweating and panting from trying to move his chair toward her.

"MPPH," Crystal cried out as the man walked toward her, crouching down to pick up the phone she'd dropped. He flipped it closed and she gave a groan of dismay, reaching for it with her bound hands as if in a last ditch attempt to grab it from him. He snatched it back, holding it just out of her reach with a frown on his face. Disappointment burned in the pit of Jeff's stomach, but all he could do was glare and growl.

"The boss'll be here soon, and he won't be too happy to hear about this," he murmured, brushing a lock of fallen hair out of her face. Crystal twitched away from him as best she could, but there wasn't much movement she was allowed, while being bound to the fallen chair.

"NNGGG!" Jeff shook the chair with his effort to tear his hands out of his bindings. "Gggg ooggg gggrr!"

Jeff's cries fell on deaf ears. "Or maybe he will. He was curious as to what kind of escape you two might attempt. I'm sure he couldn't have possibly imagined it to be so..." he ran his fingers down the column of her neck, brushing them over her shoulders and stopping at her barely covered breasts, "revealing." When he looked up at Jeffrey, his eyes were amused. He surged forward against his ropes, yelling unintelligible protests into his gag. That asshole was touching her, touching what he had no right to touch, what no man was worthy of touching -

Crystal jerked, trying to shrug off his wandering hand. Her eyes were dark with fury, an anger that Jeff hadn't ever seen in her. "Mpph!" she cried, indignant.

"Come on, darling. Satisfying as it is to see you on the ground like that, it's time to get you up," he stood, tossing their salvation onto a desk, and lifted Crystal's chair. She groaned in relief as the weight was relieved from her arms.

He pulled up her bra straps, letting them snap onto her shoulders. "Mph!" she cried out, wincing.

"You're welcome," he drawled, sounding bored. He turned his attention to Jeffrey, approaching him slowly. Both Jeff and Crystal's gazes were intent on him, unsure of what he would do.

"How about we make this equal, hm? I'm a little disappointed that we haven't got a good look at you yet."

"Mph?" Jeffrey questioned. His unspoken question was answered as the man's hands traveled to his buttons. "HMPH!" Jeff cried, struggling against his ropes as the man unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it open so that the ropes that bound him to the chair dug into his bare chest. Crystal was silent, but her eyes were angry and she began to struggle.

"Mmm...Boss said the girl was off limits when I came to check on you. He didn't say anything about you, pretty boy. I can do whatever I please with you."

Jeff's eyes widened in horror at the prospect of this man doing anything he wanted. Desperately, he started to struggle again as the man chuckled at his fear. Crystal was struggling too, grunting in anger and frustration.

The man struggled to pull Jeff's shirt down his arms. Finally, he grew tired of that and grabbed the scissors that his boss had cut Crystal's panties with. "Keep still, lover boy," the man muttered. He began to slice neatly, cutting Jeffrey's shirt from his body. Jeff stilled as the cold metal of the scissors pressed dangerously close. He was struggling to breathe, panting through his nose.

Briefly, his eyes met Crystals. The fear and worry on her face made him try to calm down. He had to be strong, didn't he? He didn't want to make this any scarier for her than it already was. He continued to stare at her, even as the last scraps of his shirt were cut from his body.

He only looked away when the man slapped his chest, making him yelp.

"You sound so much better gagged," the henchman laughed. "Don't you touch her, don't you dare!." He mocked. "You don't look so unhappy about your situation now, though..." He placed his hand over Jeff's bulge, making him grunt in discomfort. "Shall we have a look?"

Crystal's eyes widened. "Mph!" she cried.

"What? You've never seen it before?" he turned to her, laughing. "That's funny, considering how loud you were in that chapel..."

Crystal's eyes widened and her ears went completely red. Jeff grunted, confused.

The man gasped, as if sheepish. The effect was ruined by his smirk. "Oopsies. Are you two not...? Oh, well this is awkward."

Jeff looked at Crystal, but she was avoiding his eyes, staring into her lap. He remembered what the man had said earlier about what she was doing in the chapel. Before he could think any longer about it, the door opened, and everyone in the room turned to watch the masked man walk in with his other henchman.

"Having fun without us?" the masked man chuckled. "That isn't fair."

The leering henchman still looked petulant after the earlier events, glaring in Crystal's direction. She squirmed in anxious discomfort, but didn't flinch away or make a sound. Jeff glared at the masked man, struggling to get away from the silent man's hand on his crotch. In response, the man grabbed his bulge, making him cry out as he squeezed his already stiff penis.

"You snooze ya lose, boss," he shrugged. He turned to Jeffrey, who was moaning into his gag. "Woah there, someone's a little stiff." He squeezed again. "Why're you so hard, pretty boy?"

"Stmmph, pmmm…" Jeff begged weakly, trying to struggle and loosen the man's grip.

"I'd be pretty hard if I was left alone in the room with her looking like that," the masked man nodded toward Crystal. He looked down at his jacket, discarded on the floor when she fell, and walked over to pick it up. "My jacket not good enough for you, darling? Wanted to show off your pretty bra to your boyfriend?"

Crystal's cheeks burned, but she didn't make a sound.

"She fell," the silent henchman supplied. "It must have fallen off her when she tried to escape."

The leery one snorted, but went silent when his boss shot him a look.

"Jeffrey, you really let her fall like that?" the masked man asked, voice teasing. Jeff grunted angrily. "Aw, I almost miss the sound of your voice."

"I think he looks cuter gagged," the silent henchman said, releasing Jeff's crotch and gripping him by the cheeks. "Don't you think so, Crystal?"

She glared at him, eyes narrowed, but still stayed silent.

"Giving us the silent treatment, lovely?" the masked man pouted. Crystal glared up at him, and remained silent, as if to answer his question. "That's too bad. I guess we'll just have to find a way to make you squeal." He looked at the leery one, who straightened eagerly. The petulant expression on his face disappeared. "Don't have too much fun with her."

"Thought you'd never ask," the leering man said excitedly.

Crystal's eyes widened as he approached and Jeff began to make garbled pleas behind his gag. "Dnphh tggg hrrrrr!"

She squirmed away as he reached her and began to run his fingers over her, starting from her shoulders. The masked man watched, a smirk on his face. "C'mon darling, all you have to do is scream."

Crystal eyes darkened with defiance, and she lifted her chin, glaring at the masked man as if in challenge. Jeff struggled harder, but she went completely still as the leering man's fingers began to undo the ropes securing her to the back of the chair. Her eyes narrowed in confusion, but even then she didn't make a sound.

As he did that, the silent one turned his attention back to Jeff. "Don't worry about your girlfriend, pretty boy. She's in good hands." Jeffrey shook his head, mphing angrily.
"Jealous, huh? That she's getting all the attention?" The silent one tilted his head. "I can give you a good time too, hon." He ran his hands over Jeff's tent. "What's got you so worked up, though? Is sweet little Crystal that pretty to you? Or is this your secret fantasy?"

The man's hands moved up his body, and began to tickle his ribs and his chest, making him squirm and struggle. When he finally stopped, he slapped Jeff's chest, causing him to cry out in surprised pain. The man continued to do this, alternating between tickling and slapping Jeff's chest and abdomen, causing red hand marks to form over his bare skin.

Meanwhile, the leering man had undone all the ropes securing Crystal to the chair, and pulled her up so she was standing, her legs free. The ropes had left marks on her bare ankles and thighs, and her skirt was bunched up around her ass. Before she could make a run for it, the he grabbed her around the waist and led her to one of the tables behind Jeffrey.

"Turn him around," the masked man ordered. "I want him to see everything."

Jeff grunted as the silent henchman roughly twisted his chair around, allowing him to watch what was going on. The silent one's fingers groped at Jeff's chest, running over his bare skin and occasionally fondling his bulge, but Jeff didn't have the energy to do anything but groan in protest and watch the other man handle Crystal.

First, he secured her ankles to the table legs with rope. When she tried to stand up straight, he pushed her down again, roughly, and secured her chest to the table's surface, forcing her breasts against the wood. Jeff could see her shaking with dread, but all throughout she didn't make a single sound.

Jeffrey's stomach dropped as he realized what was about to happen and his groans and feeble struggles became angrier.

"Shut the fuck up," the silent henchman ordered, slapping him across the chest. That only made him cry out louder. The masked man leaned against the wall, watching as his henchman tormented them both.

"All you have to do is scream, love," the masked man murmured, eyes glinting. Even though she was tied to the table, she was able to look up and glare at him, raising her chin. Jeff silently urged her to make a noise and be done with it - he didn't want to watch them torment her like this.

The leery one looked up at Jeff, then winked. "Got something to say, pretty boy?"

"G," the masked man said impatiently. "That's enough. Cut to the chase."

G, as Jeff assumed his nickname or whatever was, shrugged. "Touchy as usual, boss man," he said, confident and cheery now that his boss had allowed him to have fun with Crystal. He hiked her skirt up, so that her ass was completely bare, and ran his hand over it. The masked man watched with interest, but the silent one seemed bored, tugging at Jeff's hair and running his hands over his chest again.

"Never got to do this to a pretty Christian girl," G chuckled, rubbing her ass. Crystal's eyes met Jeff's for a brief second, and he could see the wild fear in them just before G gave her the first spanking. She flinched, so hard that the table budged below her, and began to squirm, but didn't make a sound. "Aww, boss. She didn't scream," G sighed, though he didn't sound so disappointed that he had an excuse to do it again. "Wanna count with me, lover boy?"

Jeff cried out angrily, desperate for them to stop, but he couldn't do anything. The silent henchman used one hand to grip him by the hair so he couldn't look away, and the other to run over Jeff's chest and abdomen, sometimes grazing his cock.

G ran his hand over her ass again, then, quick as lightning, smacked her hard against her other cheek. She inhaled sharply, but didn't make a noise otherwise. "For a Christian girl, you're a pretty tough nut to crack." He began to alternate between cheeks, slapping each one harder. With each <I>crack</I> of his hand on her ass, her skin became redder and redder. Jeff was crying out enough for the both of them: pleading for them to stop, struggling to free himself.

After three rounds, she was panting through her nose, shaking with the effort to keep quiet.

"Darling, you can make it stop. Just let us know when you're ready." the masked man said, voice husky. Crystal raised her chin, this time a lot more shakily than she had earlier. Her legs were shaking, struggling to hold her weight. The masked man's brow raised, but there was something like an impressed look in his eye. "Whatever you want, lovely." He motioned for G to continue.

Crystal's eyes screwed shut as she waited for the blow. This time, however, G undid his belt and pulled it out of the loops, careful not to let the buckle make a sound. He looked up at his boss for assurance as he folded it, and he gave a nod of approval. G smirked.

Desperately, Jeff tried to warn Crystal as she couldn't see behind her, but she couldn't understand his gagged warnings. Her eyes opened, flicking to his, just as the belt came down.

Finally, finally, she gave a quiet cry. G didn't stop there, however, raising the belt and smacking her once more. She whimpered again, louder, twisting against her bonds. Jeffrey winced at the sound of her cries, responding with his own angry yelling.

G spanked her four more times, until finally her quiet grunts escalated to screams. His boss motioned for him to stop. Crystal relaxed against the table, sniffling gently. He wished she would look at him - he didn't know how, but if she looked at him maybe he could make sure she was okay.

"Aw, boss, I was only getting started," G pouted. The masked man sent him a look that clearly told him that the fun was over, and he backed off, setting his belt back down and hovering behind Crystal. He stared greedily at her bare, red ass as his boss approached her, slowly peeling off his dark gloves.

The masked man tipped her chin up so she was looking at him, his touch gentle. "See what happens when you defy me, darling?" he murmured. There was a sick glee in his eyes. Jeff growled into his gag.

Crystal tried to pull away, groaning, and the man's grip tightened. "Sssh, darling, sssh," he placed his finger over her lips. "You're worrying your boyfriend." He motioned Jeffrey with his head. "Though I'm sure concern isn't all that's on his mind." He grabbed her roughly by the hair, tugging her head back so that she was forced to look at Jeffrey. She whimpered a little, the defiance in her eyes clouded with tears of pain. "Don't you see that?" he asked, cruel glee in his voice. "How hard he's panting? The tent in his pants? Something tells me that it has something to do with your pretty little breasts, your lovely ass stuck up in the air. How crude. Then again, isn't that what you wanted?"

She tried to pull away, shaking her head as much as she could with his hand coiled into her dark hair, shaking pieces loose from her braid. "Stpp," she whimpered. A tear broke from her eye, trickling down her cheek.

The man softened, hand loosening in her hair. "Now, darling, no one wants to see you cry," he murmured, reaching forward to gently wipe the tear with his thumb. "Though your eyes are particularly vibrant when they're full of fear." He kissed the tear off the tip of his finger, then reached for her face again, this time caressing the bottom lip which framed her gag.

Crystal's eyes narrowed, and she grunted in annoyance.

Jeff watched with confusion. What game was this man playing at? What sick fun could be found in tormenting them like this? He stayed silent, unsure of how the masked man would react should he give him any reason to.

Suddenly, they heard a sound echo from the ceiling. It took Jeffrey a moment to realize what it was. Footsteps, he thought, eyes swiftly flicking to the ceiling. Crystal realized at the same time as him, her eyes darting upward in surprise.

Before any of them could utter a sound, however, G perked up, rushing to the door to quietly shut it, he reached for the light switch, flipping it and flooding the room with inky darkness. There was some shuffling, quiet movements in the dark. The sound of something being sliced. Jeff inhaled sharply as the footsteps continued upstairs, travelling above them, readying himself to scream. He was startled, however, by hands on his ankles, and the feeling of the rope suddenly falling away. Before he could move, perhaps kick the one touching him, a light suddenly flickered on - not the overhead lights of the room, but a flashlight. A phone flashlight, held in G's hand.

It's beam revealed Crystal, standing up straight though her legs were still bound to the table. She was shaking, skirt still hiked up her thighs, wrapped in the masked man's arms as he held a knife to her throat. He was frowning, angry but calm. "Someone's come to join the party," he whispered, annoyance in his voice. "And you'll treat our treasured guest as we say you will, or Crystal suffers for it. Lee, untie him and give him your shirt."


a/n: if y'all are lucky and/or into that, next chapter might have a brief crystal pov ;) and afterward will be a lot more jeff focused
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

U continued it!
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Post by ropegagged »

*An hour or so earlier*

Crystal walked down the aisle, kneeling in one of the pews, and began to pray. She couldn't stop thinking about Jeffrey...downstairs, all alone, sweeping and being his industrious self. It was embarrassing how much she liked him, and how oblivious he was to it. He had such a wonderful body. The thought made her skin begin to heat with shame and...something else.

Ever since she'd reached puberty, beginning her journey through hormonal teenhood, she'd been unable to resist the sight of Jeffrey. He was loyal, a gentleman in all regards. He'd always do favors for her family...the pastors family. Gardening for them, parading around shirtless in her front yard, oblivious to his appeal. She used to dream that he'd catch her leaving the shower in only a towel and be unable to resist her, either. But that's all it was. A dream. He was a college student, now, and she a senior in high school. She looked too young to him, and he'd known her ever since she was a stupid kid, brattily stomping her foot and screeching at the boys who tugged her pigtails.

It was increasingly clear throughout the years that he only thought of her as a little sister, if ever. He'd good-heartedly threatened any boy who hurt her, warded off the older boys in his college from her. He was such a pain while she was growing up, constantly placing himself just out of her reach while confusing her by caring so much. But she was just the pastors daughter to him. Just a stupid little teenage girl who wanted...wanted him to come up here while she was kneeling in prayer and kiss her right there, where she so often sat while her father preached.

She shook her head, trying to think clean thoughts. But God...she felt so wet just thinking about it. No one would know, she thought...if she just relieved herself right here. No one would catch her so late at night, during a storm. And Jeffrey had made it very clear that he was not coming up here to accompany her. And so what, if he did? The thought made her skin burn with lust. She reached into her shirt and began to fondle her nipple, tugging and massaging it, pinching it gently. A low moan escaped her. She imagined Jeffrey kissing her nipple, sucking at it and playing with it the way she was now.

Her other hand pulled up her skirt, and she began to circle her clit with two fingers as well. Jeffrey's hands would be deft at th - no, they wouldn't, she realized. They'd be clumsy and awkward. He'd keep asking her if she were alright. He'd just want to make her feel...good. She moaned again, louder, and this time she said his name. "Jeffrey," she moaned. The thought exhilarated her. She kept moaning, touching herself, thinking of how Jeffrey would do this. She didn't notice the slightly opened door opening wider. Didn't notice the three, stealthy men, creeping up to her pew. Didn't notice as one of them motioned the others to stay behind and quietly approached her.

But just as she was about to orgasm, panting desperately, she felt someone slide in behind her kneeling form and cease her, one hand over her slightly opened mouth and the other grabbing the wrist of the hand she was touching herself with. "Thanks for the show, and I'm sorry I had to spoil it by interrupting," a man's soft voice murmured into Crystal's ear, sending chills down her spine as she cried out and began to struggle and claw with her free hand at his arm. "But I figured you wouldn't be so distracted if we let you finish first."

Crystal whimpered, struggling futilely against the man's muscled arms. She couldn't turn her head to look at him, as he was holding her face too tightly, but she attempted to anyway. Suddenly, she felt another pair of hands cease her free arm. The man lifted her struggling, kicking form with the help of his friend, while someone else approached and tossed them some rope. They then began getting to work on trussing her up, keeping her hand-gagged all the while...


Crystal couldn't see much from the storage closet where the Masked Man had dragged her into, but she could judge based off of the Man's instructions and the slit in the door exactly what was happening. One of the henchmen had given Jeffrey his shirt, but upon realizing that it didn't fit, the masked man handed his over instead, leaving him shirtless except for his jacket. The other two were now hiding under tables, guns out just in case Jeff tried any funny business. Meanwhile, Crystal had been dragged into the storage closet with the Masked man, who'd brandished his gun at Jeffrey to remind him exactly what would happen to her if he decided that he was willing to risk his life anyways.

Jeffrey, now untied, was to distract whoever it was who'd decided to pay them a visit until he went away.

The Masked Man was now behind her, bound body held loosely in his embrace as he held the gun under her chin. "No noises, lovely. Let's make your friend's visit as painless as possible," he'd murmured when he first dragged her in there. All of Jeffrey's bindings - rope, her scarf, her sodden panties which had been stuffed in his mouth, were pilled on the floor in front of her, having been tossed in while they were trying to make things look normal. Crystal blushed, remembering how he'd struggled and moaned behind that panty-gag, begging them to stop.

She felt disgusted that he'd seen her like that. Naked, screaming as she was humiliated and spanked. Her ass was still sore, too. She couldn't stand the thought of him pitying her, seeing her as even more of a kid because she'd caved so quickly and given them what they wanted.

But God...he'd been so hot, too. Straining at the ropes, his...his cock erect. It was adrenaline. It must have been adrenaline, there was no way....but she shouldn't be thinking about that now. It was not the time or place to be wondering about it. She had to think about getting out. She looked up at the light in the door slit, unable to hear much but the sound of the Masked Man breathing in her ear.

Suddenly, the hand that was holding her waist began to run up and down her bare stomach, the cold leather of his glove sending chills down her spine. She flinched, startled, and felt his chest shake with a chuckle.

"You're very lovely when you're scared, has anyone ever told you that?" he murmured, drawing circles into the skin below her bra. Crystal stared adamantly at the door in front of her, trying to make out what was happening. She could see Jeffrey moving around, pretending to be cleaning as if everything were normal. Another voice filled the room, and she recognized it immediately.

It was her ex-boyfriend, Brandon. He'd been such an asshole to her, was probably the most annoying of her church's community.

But he could be their salvation, if Jeff could find a way to let him know what was happening.

Suddenly, the masked man's grip tightened, and he pulled her closer to his bared, muscled chest. She gave another startled whimper. "You know, it's rude to ignore someone who's complimenting you. I thought I taught you a lesson about silence," he hissed at her. "You weren't so silent in that chapel earlier," he added, voice shifting to a more teasing purr.

She stiffened against him, humiliation burning in the pit of her stomach. A low, offended growl escaped her.

"Oh now you're ready to talk, aren't you?" he chuckled quietly. "I wish I could see your eyes right now. So vibrant, so angry." He reached his weaponless around her, wrapping her in his arm while he tucked his chin into her shoulder to bite the finger tip of his glove. She could hear the crinkling leather as he pulled it off with his teeth, revealing a long-fingered hand. He released the glove, and it fell soundlessly in the pile of Jeffrey's torn shirt and ropes. "I have to say, it was a bold move touching yourself when the object of your carnal affections was just downstairs. I'm sure you were mighty disappointed that we caught you first."

Crystal squirmed against him, the fingers of her bound hands grasping at his suit jacket and tugging to try and distract him. She couldn't be too loud, lest he shoot her or his minions hear her and hurt Jeffrey and Brandon. But she wanted to scream in protest at his teasing.

"I wasn't, though. These outings get mighty boring, and you were quite the sight to see," his ungloved hand began stroking her stomach gently, up and down, side to side. The warmth of his bare skin was much more chilling then his cool gloves had been. "Kneeling in the dark chapel, nothing but the dim candle and the moonlight in the windows. The pure little Christian girl. I almost ran in right then and there to get you, until I saw your hand go into your blouse." His hand lingered under her bra, tracing the underwire, picking gently at the little bow. Crystal tried to jerk away, but he pushed the gun barrel into her skin. A rough reminder.

"You practically distracted yourself for us," he continued. Crystal's skin was burning, from humiliation and disgust, but also....also his fingers circled around her bra cups, slowly, gently, closing in to the center. Where her nipple was. And the anticipation was setting her on edge. She squirmed a little, making a weak noise of protest that sounded suspiciously close to a moan. "What were you imagining him doing up there, sweetheart?" his finger began to swirl gently around her nipple over her bra, and she could feel them hardening. "Was it something like this?" he slid his hand into the top of her bra cup, gripping her breast and running a finger, feather-light, over the tip of her nipple. She gasped sharply, a shock of heat running though her.

He began to gently pinch her nipple, rolling it between his finger and thumb, making her release muffled whimpers. She felt disgusting. She felt hysterical. She felt so, so aroused.

He brushed his lips against her neck, then pressed an open-mouthed kiss there. A shock ran through her as he scraped his teeth against her skin, and began to suck gently. She couldn't hold back the begrudged moan, even as she tried to squirm away from him.

"Ssh, darling. Your pretty boyfriend and our little intruder might hear," he warned.

"Stpp…" she begged weakly, as he continued to play with her embarrassingly sensitive nipple. No man had ever touched her like this. Only herself. And it was so, wonderfully, terribly different.

"Answer my question, was this what you were imagining?" he demanded. "Or this?" Suddenly, he spun her around, pushing her so that her back was against the shelf. She had a second's respite, where he placed the gun in his pocket, before he began kissing and sucking at her collarbone. She couldn't dare move, her balance too precarious on her bound legs to try and struggle out of his grip, but she tried to back up away from him. He pushed closer still, though, the cool material of his half-mask pushing into her skin as he left a trail of burning kisses that led to her breast.

"Dnpph…" she pleaded quietly, but he already had nudged her bra cup out of the way with his chin, and kissed the tip of her nipple. "uh gddd," she moaned, as his lips puckered around it and he began to suck, massaging her breast with his hand. She writhed against him, breath becoming labored as he sucked one nipple and pinched the other. She could FEEL his shit-eating grin against her breast, and she glared down at his shadowy silhouette.

"I'm so glad I finally have you all to myself," he whispered, pulling his mouth away but continuing to pinch her other nipple with his gloved hand. His voice was a husky growl. Crystal's glare intensified as he looked up at her, his eyes clearer now that they'd been in the dark for a while. She looked at his gun, safely nestled in his pocket, but he grabbed her chin and forced her to look down at him again. "Don't get any ideas, sweetheart. My men are still out there with your lover boy." He straightened, crowding her body against the shelving, and ran his fingers through her disheveled hair. "I'd shoot him just to hear your gagged screams begging me not to."

Crystal remembered abruptly who this man was: a dangerous criminal with unknown, but very malicious, intentions, and she jerked her hair from his grip. She couldn't believe what she'd just done - become a slutty, moaning mess, all because he - what? Touched her? Treated her like a woman instead of a kid? She felt ashamed, disgusted with herself.

He moved in closer, somehow, arm wrapping around her as he leaned in to whisper into her ear.

"Oh, don't be angry at me, darling. You can't blame me for wanting to off the competition. For a man you were masturbating to all alone, though, he seemed pretty excited at the sight of you, half-naked, spread out on that chair before him." He reached down to run his fingers along the hem of her skirt, pulling it up gently and stroking her thigh. She merely stared at him, nose flaring from the effort of her angered breathing. With his other, still gloved, hand, he pulled down her bra strap, kept pulling until he'd peeled away the cup. "Can't imagine how he'd feel if he saw you now, panting..." suddenly, his bare fingers were running up her pussy lips, and she gave a quiet squeal. "Soaking wet..." his gloved thumb brushed her nipple, and she closed her eyes. "Look at me, darling," he pinched her nipple, now. Hard. "Look. At . Me."

She opened her eyes, looking at her captor as he rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb again, and began slide his fingers up and down her wet pussy, pushing his finger deeper and deeper inside until they reached her clit, where he focused his ministrations. She couldn't move, paralyzed with fear. All she could do was shake her head, whimper a muffled plea - whether it was for him to continue, or stop, she didn't know anymore.

The two in the closet were so focused on each other, that they hadn't noticed the commotion outside. And when the door opened, revealing Jeffrey, holding a paperweight with the two henchmen standing behind him, they found Crystal with her breast out and the Masked Man's hand between her legs. They both turned to the light, Crystal's eyes wide and startled, the Masked Man's smug.

Jeffrey looked dumbfounded.

"Oops," the Masked Man smirked.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Please continue, it's a great story!
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Post by slackywacky »

Great writing, please continue.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by gagged-cowboy »

Amazing continuation. I hope there are more chapters coming soon.
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Post by ropegagged »

In perhaps an ironic parallel to the earlier hours of the night, Jeffrey was once again sweeping the floor. The difference now was that his shirt had been replaced with a pristine, very expensive feeling, dress shirt, the tables and chairs were arranged more messily, and his neck-tie was now residing between the teeth of the pastor's daughter. Some other things that could not be gleaned from observation or first glance alone: his wrists were chafed from rope burn, his mouth was dry from having been stuffed with Crystal's panties, and two men were hiding behind the podium and the filing cabinet respectively, prepared to shoot him if he stepped out of line.

Crystal was also trapped in the storage closet on the other side of the room, where all suspicious objects had also been thrown in, helplessly bound and gagged and at the mercy of their masked assailant. These arrangements had been quite rushed, but somehow the henchmen and the Masked Man had managed to hide all evidence of their presence and make sure Jeffrey could serve as a distraction within a matter of minutes. It was almost as if it had all been planned.

Jeffrey stared at the closed door, wanting nothing more than to open it and get Crystal out of there. What was happening behind that door? What could the Masked Man be doing to her? He couldn't hear a single thing from within. That must have been a good sign, right? Then again, the acoustics in the multi-purpose room made the storage closet pretty soundproof from within.

"Hello?" called a voice from down the hallway, which Jeff instantly recognized. Brandon. A young boy from their congregation, and one of Crystal's ex-boyfriends. (One of her least desirable boyfriends, in Jeff's opinion). Jeffrey steeled himself to put on a show. To protect Crystal. To protect himself. And to protect Brandon.

He was already trying to brainstorm ways to subtly hint at their situation.

"Brandon?" Jeffrey asked as the boy popped up in the doorway. He was wearing a t-shirt and baggy sweatpants, his ginger hair wet from the rain. His eyes were green, dull in the chapel's dim lights. He rubbed his freckly arms with his hands, trying to warm up after his brief time out in the storm. "What are you doing here so late?"

"Oh, Jeffrey. It's you," Brandon ruffled his wet hair. "I was just coming home from track and I saw the chapel lights were on. I'd ask you the same, but you're always here anyways. Cleaning up after everyone."

Jeffrey eyed the hiding places of his assailants. Get rid of them, they'd told him. And do it fast. "Yup, here I am. Look, I'm going to close up soon so you should get out of here." Jeffrey nodded toward the door.

"Really? You're not even done sweeping," Brandon pointed out. "Besides, the storm is getting pretty bad. I'd rather not get caught in it again."

Jeffrey resisted the urge to shoot the closet a look. He didn't want Brandon to get suspicious and open the closet. He needed a way to subtly tell him that they were in danger. Or at least get him out of danger. Maybe he could get him to wait upstairs. "Okay, that's fine. I am cleaning in here though, so it's probably not - "

"It's fine!" Brandon said, walking over to the old couch someone had donated for the multipurpose room and hopping onto it. It was farther away from the closet Crystal was being hidden in then Jeffrey was, pushed up against the side wall on the other end of the room. Jeffrey cringed, in irritation and anxiety, and this time could not resist the urge to shoot a look at the cabinet where the leering man was hiding.

"Look, kid - "

"I know what you're gonna say, but if I could help you I would. I'm just too tired from track," Brandon said, snuggling into the couch.

"That's not what I - "

"I did notice something funny though," Brandon cut Jeff off again, sitting up a little. There was a suspicious gleam in his eye. "I noticed Crystal's car. Outside. What's the pastor's daughter doing hanging around the chapel this late at night? She wasn't in the sanctuary, either."

Jeffrey stiffened, his fingers prickling. No, no, no. "Oh, r-really?" he hoped the stutter wasn't too noticeable, and tried to forge on with a steadier voice. "I didn't know she was here. I haven't seen her all night. Maybe she left her car here and got picked up."

"Hm," Brandon huffed, leaning back into the couch. "Maybe. She's terrible at driving in storms." He snorted. "Then again, she's terrible at driving at all."

Jeffrey could hear something faint coming from the storage closet, something like very muffled whimpers. He dropped the broom loudly, trying to cover up the noise, and hoped he had been the only one to notice and recognize it because he knew what was going on.

"Oops," he muttered, bending over to pick it up.

Brandon laughed. "Woah, getting clumsy now are you?"

"Yeah, I don't know, it just um slipped," he laughed nervously.

He began to sweep again, feeling Brandon's stare burning into him as he did so. "I mention Crystal and you're suddenly all over the place, huh? It slipped? Really, Jeffrey? That's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard."

Jeffrey looked up at the other boy, stomach dropping a little. "Um, what?"

"I know what's going on here. When we were dating, you were always hovering over her like you were her dad or something. He's just protective, she always used to tell me. But I could tell she wanted it to be something more, the little two-faced slut," Brandon raised his brow, now standing up fully. "You've always been such a little ass-kisser to the pastor. Perfect Jeffrey, just looking out for his daughter. I don't blame you either, she may look innocent but she's a feisty one. Definitely an experience. Well, where is she then, big guy? Where is she hiding?"

Jeff hesitated. God, if only this kid knew. This was why he hated teenagers. Why he stayed away from Crystal when he wasn't looking out for her. They were so damn immature. Could there have been any worse time for one of Crystal's dumbass ex-boyfriends to come over here and start shit?

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about," Jeff said, trying to stay calm. He wondered what the henchmen must be thinking now. They were probably gaining some perverse pleasure from this stupid exchange. "If you're just going to make unfounded accusations, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"What, is the chapel you're property now? Cause the pretty pastor's daughter swiped her v-card on you?" Brandon asked, prowling toward Jeffrey. "You know, don't you think you're a little old for her? She always told me you were like an older brother to her, you know."

"You need to stop talking about her like that," Jeffrey snapped, finally. He very rarely lost his temper, but Brandon was being incredibly frustrating and trying his patience like it had never been tried before. "Crystal's - " he hesitated. "You're right, she's too young for me and she's like my little sister. There's nothing going on, and if there were I would be incredibly ashamed of myself." He was fuming now. Why had she ever dated this asshole?

"Oh really? Nothing going on, at all?" Brandon scoffed. "Then why is her scarf poking out from under that closet over there?" he asked, nodding towards the storage closet where Crystal was being held. Jeffrey froze, paling, and turned to look at the door. Indeed, peaking out from under the doorway, just enough to be recognizeable, was Crystal's scarf. The one she always wore. The one Jeffrey's own mother had gotten her for Christmas, as their families had always been very close.

"Busted," Brandon hissed. "I wonder, how much of her clothing is she wearing right now? Have far have you gotten with her?" he taunted. "Her tits are a little small for my liking, but maybe you're into that."

Jeffrey twitched, pissed beyond belief. He'd hoped that Brandon would help them, but he was going to make things worse. "Get the fuck out," he hissed. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"Oh really?" Brandon whispered, standing nearly nose to nose with Jeff. "Then I guess you won't mind if I open that door." Before Jeff could stop him, Brandon was shouldering roughly past him and walking toward the storage closet. Panic and frustration beat a rush of adrenaline into Jeffrey's blood, making him see red. If he opened that door, someone would get hurt. Maybe die. And Jeffrey knew that that someone would be Crystal.

He saw the paperweight on the desk, and rushed forward to grab it.

"Crystal," Brandon sing-songed, reaching for the doorknob. "The jig is up - "


Jeffrey swung the paperweight at his head, hard enough to knock him out but hopefully not kill him. It was a moment of pure panic, primal and thoughtless. Brandon fell like a puppet with it's strings cut, hitting the ground with a thud.

Jeff gaped at his body. Had he seriously done that?

The cabinet door opened, and the leering man emerged, holding his gun casually in his hand. "Well, well, well, who knew you had it in you."

The silent man also came out from behind the podium. "Not such a perfect guy now, are you?"

"I didn't - I just - "

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you did it to protect Crystal, yadayadayada. God, you're back to being predictable aren't you?" the silent one scoffed.

Crystal. Fuck. Had she seen that? Had she heard it?

Instinctively, he looked up at the closet door.

The leering one sounded amused as he began to warn him, "Wait, I wouldn't do that if I were - "

Jeffrey opened the door, wanting to ensure that she was okay, and stopped dead at what he saw.

Crystal was cornered against the shelf, her bra pulled down so one breast was pulled out. The masked man's hands were...everywhere, to say the least. One playing with her nipple while the other had her skirt hiked up and was between her legs. For a half second longer, they didn't notice him. Crystal's face was flushed, her eyes hooded as she moaned. She was something different entirely. Jeff couldn't see the masked man's expression, but he could tell by his posture that he was very pleased with his threatening advances.

They both turned to Jeff at the same time, Crystal's eyes now wide with surprise. Quickly, her expression changed to shamed, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she whimpered. The masked man just looked smug. He tilted his head. "Oops."

Jeff saw red.

"Get your fucking hands off - " he dropped the paperweight and charged forward, hands out to grab him or push him or just fucking strangle that man for touching -

And immediately he was tugged back, as the henchmen grabbed his arms and hauled his struggling frame away from the door. "Get the fuck off of me! Get the fuck - fmphhhhhh."

The silent one pressed a gloved hand over Jeff's mouth, squeezing his cheeks painfully. Jeffrey didn't stop trying to break loose, opening his mouth and biting down into the man's gloved hand. Hard.

"Fuck!" he snapped, pulling his arm back and freeing Jeffrey's mouth.

"Fuck you!" he cried. "Get off of her!"

"Good lord," the masked man rolled his eyes. "Believe me, I didn't do a thing she didn't like."

That only made Jeffrey angrier, the frustration and helplessness of the night all culminating. He was at his wit's end. "You don't know shit about what she likes, you bastard!"

"Oh?" the masked man pulled out a knife from his back pocket, twirling it and grabbing Crystal's hair with his other hand. He pressed it into her throat, making her cry out in surprise and squeeze her eyes shut. "I can assure you she liked what I was doing more than she liked this."

Jeffrey froze, heart racing.

"What's wrong, pretty boy? Cat got your tongue?" the masked man said, dangerously low. "Call me bastard again. See what happens." He tugged Crystal's hair, hard enough to make her whimper, baring her neck like she was an animal he was about to bleed out. A tiny, tiny trickle of blood bloomed from where his knife met her skin. "I don't suppose you've ever seen someone's jugular cut, huh, Jeffrey? It's messy business indeed. I'd hate to do it right here and get my good suit jacket stained. Dry cleaning isn't cheap."

Crystal's chest heaved with her panicked breaths, her pupils blown out with fear as she peaked at Jeffrey out of the corner of her eye. Silently begging him to calm down.

Jeff was silent.

"That's what I thought," he said, but didn't relieve Crystal of the knife at her throat. "Now, will anyone care to tell me what I've missed?"

"Jeffrey here knocked the shit out of our visitor," the silent man nodded toward Brandon's body on the ground. Crystal inhaled sharply as she peaked at him from the corner of her eye. Shame made Jeffrey's stomach drop. I did it to protect you, he thought. "He was about to catch you guys."

"Oh?" the masked man looked at the body on the ground. "Very quick thinking. I suppose our brutish knight has some brains in that little head yet," he frowned, "but now I'm afraid we can't have him waking up and running free to tell someone what's happened, now can we?"

He stepped out of the closet, taking Crystal with him by her hair. He was holding it in a way that made her have to hop on her tip toes, grunting from the strain, but Jeff didn't say a word. Not wanting to anger the man again, especially when his knife was still pressed to her throat.

"I want him tied up," the man said. Finally, he released Crystal, causing her to lose her balance and fall painfully to her knees, then completely collapse onto her stomach. She cried out and Jeffrey instinctively surged forward, as if to catch her. But his arms were still tightly gripped by the henchmen. She squirmed on the ground, rolling onto her side and looking up at them.

"Please," he begged, "please, let me - "

"You know what? You've tested me enough, pretty boy," the masked man snapped. He dug through the duffel bag and tossed something to the silent one. WIthin seconds, Jeffrey's protesting mouth was filled with a giant red ball. He grunted and tried to shake it off, but the buckle was easily fastened behind his head. "That's much better," he sighed. Once again, he dug around in his duffel bag and pulled out a roll of tape. "Now, let's bring this little threesome upstairs. I have the perfect place to display our guest."

Before dragging them upstairs, the masked man and the henchmen made quick work of roping Crystal and Jeffrey together. Jeffrey's hands were forced in front of him, palms pressed together as his wrists were bound with uncomfortable tightness. The silent one, ever meticulous, bound each broad finger together with twine, rendering his hands nearly useless. Jeffrey immediately began plotting how he would use this newest advantage, limited as it was, to help himself and Crystal out.

And then the masked man took the loose end of the rope and, bringing the squirming Crystal back to her feet, wound it around her throat. Crystal inhaled sharply through her nose, trying to look back at Jeffrey who sputtered in protest. "Now, now, sweetheart, you'll have plenty of time to admire your boyfriend later." The masked man tightened the rope around her neck, just enough that it rested against her collarbone like a necklace. Just enough that she could not slip out - and that, if Jeffrey made any sudden movements, she would pay for it. "It's just business, lovely. Nothing personal. Wouldn't want you slipping away, now, would we?" He said, stroking her hair.

Jeffrey, needless to say, wanted to punch him. Instead, all he could do was drool helplessly as the henchmen continued to bind him. Crystal was tugged back, just a little bit, and nearly lost her balance on her still bound legs, if not for the masked man steadying her with a hand to the elbow.

"I guess this won't do now, will it?" the masked man asked. He crouched down, kneeling by her legs, and pulled out the knife he had threatened her with. Crystal whimpered as he ran it over the back of her thigh, tracing it down to the ropes around her ankles. He sliced them in one, clean motion, so only her knees were still bound. Crystal narrowed her eyes, drew her leg back, but he grabbed her ankle, nearly toppling her once again. A choking noise sprung from her throat as the rope did it's work, digging into her neck.

Meanwhile, the henchmen were still working on roping Jeffrey up completely. One of them began to undo his pants, and Jeffrey shook his head profusely as they pulled them down. "This'll keep your legs still enough," the leering one, G, giggled. Jeff growled, but whimpered as he felt the silent one grasp his package and begin to weave rope around it. "NGGG!!"

Finally, they were ready to go. They walked the halls of the chapel to go upstairs, Jeffrey keeping careful not to jostle Crystal overmuch. They were too smart. With Crystal in their grip, they had too much power over him. He was truly helpless. One of them had Brandon slung over his shoulder, currently unbound. They seemed to have plans for him, but Jeffrey couldn't figure it out. They stopped in the lobby outside the sanctuary, where a giant wooden cross was on display. Jeffrey passed it every day on his way to worship.

"Alright, mummify our new guest's legs. I'll just make sure the lovebirds are settled."

Jeffrey was forced into a chair, Crystal trailing after him as her choke rope was still in place as if she was attached to a lead. Even so, the masked man still kept a firm grip on her elbow. They wove a quick web of rope around Jeffrey to secure his midriff to the chair, spreading his legs open to fasten his ankles to the legs of the chair. Jeffrey's hands were still in front. The Masked Man cut Crystal's wrists and elbows loose but held onto them tightly as she squirmed and struggled, grunting and growling. The silent one raised his arms while the Masked Man pushed Crystal into Jeffrey's lap. Jeffrey gave a surprised noise, shuffling backwards on his chair, but the two men pushed his arms back down so he was embracing Crystal. Her wrists were fastened on either side of Jeffrey's body, pointed straight down, and tied to each back leg of the chair. She tried to tug on the ropes, but there was no give.

They quickly made sure Crystal and Jeffrey were fastened together completely, dragging her waist backwards so her ass was pressed against his crotch. Jeffrey couldn't hold back a moan as he desperately tried to think of other things to prevent his cock from hardening any more. Crystal gave a sharp inhale as she felt his wood pressing against her through his boxers. Her tiny frame folded into his perfectly - Jeff's chin could tuck into her shoulder. ​And if he looked down... he could see the tops of her breasts, one bra cup slipping down to reveal the top of her nipple. And how close his hands were to her breasts. Their midriffs were secured together with rope so she couldn't get very far.

Meanwhile, Brandon had been wrapped up all the way to his thighs and was starting to groan and shift around. The Masked Man sent the silent henchmen to help his fellow lift him up and tape his arms to the wooden cross, propping his stiff bound legs up on a chair for the time being. The Mask Man peered at their work but did nothing, happy to watch the young, blonde track star get taped up. "My, my. What did that boy do to cross you, Jeffrey? You must have hit him pretty hard."

"He was her ex," the leering henchmen laughed. "He was claiming his territory."

Crystal stilled in Jeffrey's lap. That didn't seem like something Jeffrey would do...they must have been teasing. Jeffrey was calling out a muffled protest - she could feel his breath on her naked back as he shook his head. She was right. There was no way. Jeffrey wasn't interested in her that way - she was not his territory.

"Not to mention Brandon had some saucy things to say about little miss Chastity Ball over here. Calling her a tease - the whole works," the silent one added. He was almost done with a second layer of duct around Brandon's arm. "Said her tits were small. Jeff over here took a world of offense to that."

Jeffrey groaned as he wasn't able to defend himself. He could see the flush of Crystal's back from here, all the way up to the nape of her neck. His arms were threaded just under her chest. He couldn't stand to hear them talk about her like that.

"Well she is a little tease, isn't she?" the Masked Man came around to crouch before Jeffrey and Crystal. Jeff watched him over her shoulder, glaring. He stroked her thigh and Crystal shivered, remembering his touching her in the closet. Jeff couldn't even move without rubbing against her, but he wanted to struggle and scream. "I can't stop thinking about you melting under my touch, sweet thing. If we hadn't been interrupted...well, I would've given you something to masturbate about."

Crystal gave a shamed moan, twisting back into Jeffrey's grip and turning her face away. Jeffrey growled at the Masked Man, even though the thought of Crystal melting under...his own touch was now starting to take root. He couldn't deny it - he was jealous. He hated this man for touching Crystal, as many others had. Including Brandon.

The Masked Man pulled down her bra again, sliding each strap down her shoulders. Jeffrey tried to push him away, but his arms had been anchored to Crystal's waist and could not reach. Soon she was exposed, nearly naked, squirming in Jeffrey's lap. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs, so her ass ground into his crotch as she struggled. The sight of her breasts combined with her grinding into him caused precum to begin to seep through his boxers. He could feel it leaking out, and hoped she would not notice the dampness against her bare ass.

The Masked Man swirled a finger over her nipple and she trembled at his touch, even though her eyes were hot with anger.

"Embarrassed? After all, Jeffrey hasn't seen it all. Even though he's had plenty chance to, seeing as you're enamored with him."

"Fkk ff," Crystal groaned. She tried to shake him off, only succeeding in rubbing up against Jeffrey more. Jeffrey couldn't hold back his moan this time, loud and needy, and instinctually thrust his hips into her ass. His hot, throbbing dick was beginning to poke out of his boxers with all the movement and it's stiffness. He could feel her skin against his, and despite himself it made him harder. He didn't even know it was possible.

Crystal stiffened.

"There you are, Crystal. See what happens when you're such a tease?" the Masked Man laughed and stood again, turning to watch his henchmen as they finished up wrapping Brandon up.

Crystal didn't respond, sitting stiff and still in his lap. Jeffrey tried to mumble a sorry through his gag, low in his throat, just for her. He felt dirty and horrible, and yet she was still in his lap, her lithe body bound tightly to his. His hands were still wrapped just under her breasts, her bra pulled down and draped over his arms. No amount of thinking about taxes, cold showers, or his great great Aunt Joan could resolve that.

Crystal sat still for another moment, watching the men as they paid attention to wrapping up Brandon. She couldn't say she was too sorry for him - that small part of her that was vindicated by the Masked Man telling his henchman to kneel at her feet thrilled at the sight of Brandon getting wrapped up. But she did feel bad that he was tangled up in this mess with them, and wasn't even conscious enough to fight back as they immobilized him. Now only his crotch, feet and head were exposed, though she wondered how long that would last.

They were so busy with their fun - even the Masked Man, laughing and giving them direction to wrap him in a second layer of duct tape - they wouldn't notice if she...tested a theory.

She could feel Jeffrey's breath in her ear, ghosting over the hairs at her neck. He had drooled a bit on her shoulder, which she didn't begrudge him considering the humiliating gag. Could feel him shifting back and forth, testing his bonds, pressed against the chair in a way that he would not be touching her as much as possible. Slowly, she pushed her ass back. She felt Jeffrey suck in a surprised breath, his half hard dick springing very quickly to attention. She could feel the slight dampness in his boxers, the slickness of his dick sliding against her ass cheek. She could feel the slick wetness between her own legs.

"Csstall?" he mumbled past the gag, quietly as he could.

She shifted further, grinding into him with intention. He tried and failed to hold back a quiet moan. What was she doing? What was she thinking? There was no way she didn't know by now - the power she had over him. His dirty thoughts. Why was she encouraging those thoughts when they were in this predicament?

He remembered her half-lidded eyes in the closet, the sound of her wantonly moaning, staring at their captor. The captor's idea that she was enamored with him. She must've known. She must've been enjoying it.

He shook away the thought. There was no way, she was innocent - the preacher's daughter.

Crystal's pussy began to throb as she ground into Jeffrey, feeling him tremble and squirm beneath her. His hands twitched as he held himself back, breathing slow and labored. He couldn't hold back the low moans coming out of his mouth, pried open by the large rubber ball, as she rubbed her ass against him. The power she felt at making him so horny was heady, like the wine she and Brandon had once stolen from his parents cellar. Crystal grunted gently behind her gag while she slid up and down his crotch through his boxers.

God, the Masked Man was right. She was a tease. But she couldn't sit there in Jeffrey's lap, quietly and subtly making him squirm, and pretend to herself that she didn't enjoy it a little. To a girl like her, power was a drug. He wasn't immune to her, after all. She wasn't just a kid to him.

Jeffrey pressed his face into her neck helplessly, arms suddenly tightening around her to bring her closer, or possibly to stop her movement. "Cshtal," he moaned desperately. His lips were pressed into the side of her neck, wrapped around the ball, brushing the lobe of her ear. She shivered, but did not still, grinding her hips against his steadily.

Jeff hated this. He hated how much he wished his hands were free - or at least his fingers - so he could feel her breasts, roll her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and feel her tremble. He hated how he wanted to make her melt, tease her like she was teasing him. He hated how he couldn't stop himself from thinking about her smooth thighs against his, legs spread open. What was she doing to him?

God, he felt so close. It was happening. If she went any faster, Jeff was going to cream his boxers like a 15 year old boy.

"God, lovely, you're going to kill him," the Masked Man suddenly said, snapping Crystal out of her reverie. Crystal hadn't even realized they were done wrapping Brandon up.

Everyone in the room was leering at the couple. Crystal's face burned red and Jeffrey's grip around her loosened, head falling back against the chair. Her heart began to race. What had gotten into her? Humiliation burned beneath her skin. She tugged at her wrist bonds, glaring at the Masked Man and mumbling muffled "fuck you"s, demanding to be let go. She shook her head back and forth, trying to shake her gag loose.

"Don't pin this one on boss man over here," taunted the silent one with a sneer. "You're the one getting cozy in lover boy's lap."

Jeffrey didn't know what to say, but glared silently. It was their fault they were in this mess in the first place. Fucking asshole.

"Come, Crystal. Maybe it's time we finally got you a new gag. As wonderful as seeing your lovely lips wrapped around this one has been," the Masked Man motioned for the leering henchman to undo her gag. Jeffrey's eyes narrowed. What was he playing at? "Don't worry Jeff dearest, you'll get your turn. As you always do. Watching you drool all over Crystal has been a bit on the nose, but I'm enjoying it for now."

With rough fingers, the man pried her jaw open and pulled out the stuffing. Crystal remembered how angry he'd been when he'd shoved it in there. They'd trussed her up and thrown her to the ground. Under strict orders from their boss to leave her clothes in place, the leering one had taken to messing with her, grabbing her by the face, covering her mouth and pinching her nose to stop her breathing. Finally, she'd bit him when he pried her mouth open and stuck his fingers in, demanding that she suck them like she was sucking his dick. She'd bit him, them, and again when he tried to cover her mouth with his hand to keep her from screaming out. Eventually he had to shove his handkerchief in between her teeth, as well as the handkerchief his fellow henchman had in his pocket. He must have forgotten, or maybe thought she wouldn't dare do it again, because he traced his thumb along her bottom lip. Even though her jaw was sore, she snapped at him, but this time he snatched his hand back.

"Bitch," he muttered, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her head back. She cried out as he tugged her up and Jeffrey screamed in protest as she was tugged away from him, straining his arms. He tried to pull her back closer. He whispered into her ear and she whimpered. Jeffrey couldn't hear what he said, but he could guess based on her reaction.

"Enough, G," the Masked Man snapped.

"C'mon, Boss, always ruining the fun," he sighed, dropping her. She fell back into Jeffrey's lap, panting.

"Fuck you," she hissed. Jeffrey's arms tensed around her, silently begging for her to not antagonize them. "You're sick. Fuck all of you."

"Sweet Crystal, don't be a hypocrite," sneered the Masked Man. "You've been having too much fun to take the high ground now. Maybe now that you're ungagged, you can tell Jeff all about your little scene in the sanctuary."

That was when Brandon finally stirred, groaning. "What the fuck?" he said as he realized he was immobile. He looked around and surveyed the situation, eyes narrowing on Crystal half-naked in Jeffrey's lap. "What the hell, Duarte? What is this all about?"

"Now, now Brandon. Don't worry about Jeffrey and Crystal here, they're just here to spectate what I have in store for them later," the Masked Man announced, approaching Brandon. Abruptly, he pulled the chair out from under him and Brandon gasped as the support disappeared, leaving him hanging off the wooden cross. "Now time for some more fun."
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Post by TayDay95 »

I’d feel sorry for Brandon, but, he is kind of a twat lol.

Jeffrey’s protectiveness of Crystal is really touching, though I’m dying for the moment when they can consummate their feelings without being forced by Masked Man and his thugs.

I don’t know that there’s many characters I’ve wanted to punch more than these three villains, and I love it. I can’t for the life of me piece together their motivations beyond “make Jeff and Crystal’s lives miserable” lol

Great story man please keep it up, I’m so keen to see where this goes!
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Post by ropegagged »

That moment is coming soon, as well as a little bit more feeling bad for Brandon! The Masked Man is a little fond of Crystal so he's keen to torment and interrogate Brandon a bit. And you're right - right now he just loves chaos and domination, and tormenting this particular pair has proven very rewarding to him. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!
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