A Lad in Distress (M/M) - Endless Plight - Complete - November 27th

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Post by Bondwriter »

I'm a day late, if someone noticed.

15. Misadventures on Set

They were wrapping up the scene when the chief cameraman called Shaun. Unpleasant reflections occurred during the gagging scene, he just realized, and though the shots were usable, he wanted to let the director know.

“Thanks for warning me. These scenes are crucial, so let’s redo them. Get set, we’ll have another one of Paul’s characters gagged.”

Bill didn’t mind wielding his silk scarves again, tools he mastered and cherished. They moved the camera; the actors took their spots. Paul looked fidgety. Zach scrutinized his frowning face; when Shaun suggested a final take and Ted plucked out the stuffed rag from his mouth, Paul went for it.

“They’re rmmmmgrmmm!”

The rag went back immediately into his gob, a large hand placating over his mouth, deafening his calls, and making them a weak, unsure moan. His acting partners had their features concealed, and their surprise didn’t show. The goons added scarves, thin ones at first, cleaving Paul’s jaws and forcing the bulky package. It wasn’t big enough to their taste, so Ted grabbed a textile from his robe’s pocket he inserted through the thin tie and Paul’s teeth, filling the palate and bulging the cheeks.

Bill used wider scarves next that went from just under Paul’s nose to his chin. After knotting three of these, pulled to encompass the jaws, he used two more that came just under Paul’s eyes. The prisoner opened his eyes wide: the white silk had been used extensively as a cum rag. Its colour prevented the spunk stains from showing too obviously, but the smell gave away its nature. Bill had yet a navy blue layer to add, which made the whole thing tidy.

“Now you’re silenced to our liking, it’s time to wrap you up!”

“Cut!” Shaun said, clapping his hands.

“Wonderful! Great performance everybody—you in particular, Paul. You’ve had enough, that’s true, but we’re done with you, so you may go get a rest.”

TJ volunteered to accompany the young movie star to his dressing room for a nap. He stepped up to take hold of the boarder. Zach didn’t spot any crew member noticing what had just happened. Were they in on the whole charade?

Shaun gave the crew the directions to the room where a buffet awaited them, and he turned to the sitting audience.

“Paul won’t be available this afternoon, I guess. We shot everything we need with him on this set, so it’s fine. Mark will be our star this afternoon.”

The man didn’t comment further. A guy from a catering company entered carrying large boxes filled with food, which Ted and Bill took delivery of. The feeding and watering were quickly expedited, and for once the captives ate first, but they were ordered to hurry. They got earplugged and gagged anew; Shaun wanted to savour his meal and discuss freely with his goons.

“I thought we had done all the shots with Paul, but we are missing those where you disappear in the distance with him on your shoulder,” he told Ted.

“We can just use a stand-in. He’s wrapped in a carpet anyway. Sean is the same size.”

“True. Your acting was good and expressive despite the hoods. Don’t hesitate being rough. It adds to your persona and makes your partners look good.”

TJ joined them.

“I’ll take it Paul is taking his nap?” Shaun said, a devious smile twisting his lips.

“Let’s hope he manages to sleep, but he won’t move much in his cage.”

The man of few words didn’t detail his thorough, extensive treatment: TJ was growing fond of knots and ropes, and he’d had fun weaving a net around his standing victim. The gleaming silk robe’s reflections showed the wearer was male, and the ropes enhanced his shapes. The web was enough to ensure immobility, but TJ played it safe and lifted his prey an inch above the ground to stick him in one of the gibbet cages. He used the leather straps to pin the firm, youthful body to the iron frame’s back.

“You pissed off Shaun and you have plenty of time to think about this outburst before I come back. I think your bottom will be very warm this evening.”


Throughout his journey and binding, Paul had begged in his gag.

“You should have thought about your stupid move before. You may plea all you want. Here, offenders pay the price.”

TJ slammed the lid shut and turned the key that triggered three locks welding the cage’s halves. He was hungry and dashed upstairs to the sandwiches.

“Paul’s timing to ruin the project was poor. We don’t need him again until tomorrow. I haven’t even changed the shooting schedule, but we can have another day without our star,” Shaun explained.

“He’s safe and sound—or lack thereof,” he said in his matter-of-fact tone, but he got chuckles from his accomplices.

Ted and Bill were already releasing Mark from his chair. Shaun went to talk to the crew, which trickled back in, to recap the afternoon’s shooting.

Zach watched the whole thing with interest; it was a small yet professional set, and Mark was as hot as Paul dressed in the long, clinging robe. He was diligent and respected the guidelines; no doubt the words Shaun had whispered in his ear before starting were threats or news on Paul’s fate.

The shooting was long and lasted into the evening. They filmed the scene where Bill took out the rolled-up captive and a longer one in which Mark walked through the market, asking about his friend, and got abducted inside a house, where he got cruelly ball-tied in miles of rope to be stuck inside a four-foot-tall clay jar. The two attackers in black then snuck the jar outside the building, set it on a cart, and disappeared around the corner.

“Great job, everyone,” Shaun announced, calling it a day. “Tomorrow we’re in the Cave set, so that’s where we’ll meet,” he informed the crew. The director met with the chief cameraman to make sure he was OK with all the requirements for the next day’s scene. He praised each technician individually before seeing how his actors were doing. Ted took him aside.

“I wanted Mark and Paul to do a short broadcast this evening. Should I go get Paul?”

“Hmm. Can you do without him? I was about to check on him and make sure he knows why he’s cast away from our exciting enterprise. Why don’t you have this one introduced to your audience?” he said, pointing at Josh with his chin.

“Abooboo’s friend,” Ted replied, grinning. “It could be fun, and I’m sure he loves showing off!”

The fiends grabbed Josh and Mark; TJ and Shaun waited until the technicians had all left before taking the rest of the troop back to TJ’s lair. Paul hadn’t moved, and he groaned when he saw the procession enter. The routine was dull and predictable, though.

Once all the boys were in, restrained and waiting to be cleaned up and fed, Shaun switched on a large screen that displayed Ted and Bill’s live video stream. Ted’s merry face spoke to the audience and a panel on the screen’s side flashed with instant messages.

“Our young men had a long day, but they’ve chosen to come and entertain you anyway. Oh! You people seem happy we’re making a movie with your heroes. Yes, Paul has a nice arse and I know you’re missing him, but he’s having a bad cold and might stay away from his fans for a day or two. But we’ve got a substitute, a new guest, a young man who’s sent tens of applications before we gave him his chance. Here he is, for your eyes only!”

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Post by blackbound »

Looks like some people never learn. But will the captives ever be able to get out of this situation, especially now they've failed once already? Looks like they're not even trying anymore.

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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]blackbound[/mention] The poor lads are in the hands of ruthless, well-equipped captors. The close watch keeps them docile. And they're always eager to model cool costumes and experiment interesting bondage, to the pleasure of the tale's writer and readers!
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Post by Bondwriter »

16. Josh gets the Limelight

The screen showed Bill standing next to a pillar to which Josh was trussed up. Shiny swimwear was all he wore, though ropes covered a good share of his skin.

“Your friend takes the light well, Abooboo,” Shaun taunted Zach.

“Our new friend here is Josh,” Bill said. “He loves rope bondage and thick gags.”

The camera zoomed in on the groin; Bill felt the flesh inside the Lycra.

“He’s not as hard as usual.”

“He’s not bound tight enough,” Ted’s voice said off-screen.

Zach feared what was to come; he’d been in Bill and Ted’s hold enough times to predict how each added ropes. The many pulls and knots unifying the net woven around Josh made him more helpless and more uncomfortable.

“You feel for your friend, don’t you, Abooboo?” Shaun asked, patting his captive’s hair fraternally.

Zach stayed mute, having no desire to indulge in his jailer’s games.

“You’re going to be the brave hero and ignore the villain, then?”

Shaun’s hand slid inside Zach’s jacket and pinched his nipple.


“Here you go, defiant and angry, that’s how you should play your part!”

Ted and Bill had remained quiet while they fine-tuned Josh’s rope bondage, but they addressed the audience again.

“Now this fine fellow has been trussed up according to popular requirements, let’s see how our followers suggest we should gag him. What do they say, Bill?”

The camera shifted to Bill, who quoted the commenters. They all thought proper stuffing was required; thankfully for Josh, Bill discarded the worst ideas with very unsavoury content. Bill knew the audience members by then and searched for comments he would like.

“There’s a consensus on a gob well filled to start with, but there are doubts as to the best way to seal the lips and keep the stuffing in. A hood is suggested by twenty-three percent of our members, twenty-four advise tape, and thirty-five recommend a scarves-only approach and adequate mummification using just scarves. It’s challenging, but I like it.”

“What about a combo with all three to satisfy our loyal fans? A silk stuffing with a mix of tape and scarves to shut his mouth and a hood to top it all.”

“Our members approve,” Bill commented, casting glances at the chat window. “I agree with them and with you. Let’s be generous!”

The fiends kept chatting, casting looks at the camera as they removed the previous gag. Ted’s hand covered Josh’s mouth.

“Why should we gag our young entertainers, will you ask?”

Ted droned on for at least ten minutes on the need for quiet obedience and why gagging his young guests avoided many behavioural issues.

“I know lots of you are keen on seeing the whole process,” he concluded. “Josh’s mouth is still empty, but of course I can’t have him spout nonsense when watched by his many fans, so a hand solidly clamped is silencing enough. It requires effort from me, though. With my other hand behind his head, I can follow his attempts to get away from my grip and keep speech impossible through my exposé. Bill, the stuffing? I’m sure our young friend won’t make a fuss.”

Ted’s hand glided down; Josh parted his lips, but his beefy captor kept grasping his chin.

“You asked for worn underwear and socks,” Bill said, winking at the camera. “I’ve gathered stuff from his fellow-models. Although they keep clean, they work out a lot.”

Josh feared retaliation if he didn’t comply and accepted the rolled-up Speedos. He recognized its colour and make, and he picked up Zach’s smell, reminding him of the morning’s intimate moment. The socks that followed were the surfers’; how many of these stinkers did their captors store? The goon’s fingers pushed the bulky, smelly fabric, filling up the space behind his teeth.

“It should do, but of course, let’s test the gag’s effectiveness,” Ted said, his hands having regained their grip on the prisoner’s head and lips.

Bill squeezed Josh’s nipples.

“Mmmmm …”

The faint whisper brought a smile to the accomplices’ faces.

“It works,” Bill said, “and our viewers agree. ‘I am a fan of massive mouth packing, but if he has to have it on for a long time, this will do the job.’ True. Some of you want more. I guess another ankle sock will fit.”

He added the sock as Josh rolled his eyes in anguish, his jaws stretched open painfully. Once the soiled fabric invaded the cavity, Ted could apply the provisional handgag again.

“I have ribbon for a first containing layer.”

The satiny red ribbon was an inch wide. Five turns around the captive’s head kept the whole thing in, even if the fabrics overlapped and left much of what was crammed inside visible. Josh felt the thin layer bite into his cheeks as Bill made sure every turn was at maximum tension. The final knot made the state more permanent.

“Since many asked for tape, let’s indulge,” Bill said, showing a roll of surgical tape to the camera.

“This is two-and-a-half inches wide, which makes for good plastering.”

Nine strips soon masked Josh’s lower face completely.

“The tape makes it smoother. Almost done.”

Bill unstuck the tape’s end from the roll and set it on Josh’s taped cheek. He went three times around his prisoner’s head, the second turn resting over the packing’s middle tighter than the others, causing the wearer to have a misty, wide-eyed look.

“Let’s leave our young friend recover for a couple minutes,” Bill said, “while we discuss how we should proceed. I’m unsure about using a swimming cap and more tape or a hood next. Maybe you’ve got ideas, my friends,” he winked at the lens.

“That’s a great debate topic,” Ted commented. He stood next to Josh, holding the captive’s chin in his gloved hand and turning his head to see it from all angles. “You’ve done a great job with the foundation. Both options should look amazing,” he praised his partner.

“The vote is open for ten minutes. While we wait, will you explain about the last poll we’ll have afterwards?”

The show host smiles and picks up on cue.

“Well, once our young friend is trussed up and gagged to this exclusive crowd’s standards, we’ll have you rate Bill’s work. The higher his grade, the longer Josh must enjoy the quality tie-up he’s been so generously granted.”

He paused, turning to Bill, who was watching the comments.

“It’s only fair that he gets to enjoy his predicaments for a long time if they’re deemed high-quality by the public,” Ted went on.

Zach was in awe; Josh’s face was visible in all the shots now, the right half of the screen being a view of him from the front. His eyes expressed discomfort, and he made faint gurgling sounds at intervals. What could he do to make them stop?

Ted blabbed for five more minutes before he turned to his assistant, who was watching the poll’s results.

“The swimming cap wins, but by five percent only,” Bill announced.

“I’ll watch you perform your magic. You’re the head-mummification expert.”

Bill tried to keep a straight face and hide his pride. He stuck his hands in the silicone cap; looking into his victim’s eyes, he pulled them apart to enlarge the stretchy material and slide it down over Josh’s skull. He checked it was centred.

“You know, Ted, as long as we don’t go for too many more layers, we could hood him too. What do you think, people?” he asked the camera. Bill moved out of the frame, letting Ted plaster long strips of pliable and extremely sticky surgical tape according to anatomical considerations, which were to restrict motion from the jaws.

Skill and habit made Ted’s effective work seem easy. The tape’s tension was reasonable, but the stretchy material clung to Josh’s face where it mattered, pulling up his chin and making the packing more ineluctable.

Bill was keeping an eye on the chat and the dashboard.

“Your hood suggestion is favoured by sixty-eight percent of the audience. Eighteen suggest full mummification in strapping tape. I bet you like the audience’s idea better,” the poll analyst told his coanchor.

Bill came back in the frame, holding a leather item. The hide shone and glided inside the man’s hands.

“We have a tailor-made hood for our young friend, but with his jaws spread so wide, the lacing would be difficult. This hood is two parts, the beanie cap to cover the top of the skull and the chin sheath. The straps keeping both together allow for a wider range of mouth openings.”

Bill proceeded with the fitting; he was wearing kid-leather gloves himself to add the extra layer. He set the beanie cap on Josh’s skull and got the straps coming from both halves through the slits and buckles. He united them before he tightened the setup, going over the three buckles three times.

Ted was behind the camera and had zoomed in on Josh, a frame that included an inch above his head and his nipples. His eyes looked wet. Zach hoped he’d get through OK.

“I’ll end with a posture collar.”

The contraption he waved at the camera was more a corset than a collar and encased Josh from his chin to the top of his chest—and back. It had stays in it, and once his neck was wrapped in the thin leather and its steel reinforcements, Josh had to keep his head straight.

Bill stuck a small pad behind Josh’s head. He encircled his forehead in a leather belt stitched to another strap, which Bill buckled behind the pillar, pinning his victim’s head to the pole and making Bill’s number complete. He bowed at the audience and patted his model’s head.

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Post by mig137 »

great chapter, thank you for the good description of the tie-up and gagging.
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Post by Jb99 »

Awesome! The detailed description of Josh's predicament was, as we've come to expect, excellent and very horny.

Will be looking for a hood like that!
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]mig137[/mention] You're welcome. The lads are fun to describe!
[mention]Jb99[/mention] They have time and means to entertain their guests properly, don't they?
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Post by Bondwriter »

17. Made to Watch

Bill let Ted introduce the next event.

“Bill did a fine job, and it’s time to vote. If his bonds and gags are good, it would be cruel to deprive our young experimenter from them too soon. So high votes will mean high duration. For those of you who think Josh’s predicament should be a punishment, you may vote to extend his time, too. It’s a fine tie-up, but it’ll be a bore to anyone if it’s made long enough.”

Zach could read fear in Josh’s eyes; no doubt all the perverts, whom he was acquainted with, were squirting their loads. Zach’s own feelings were mixed. He disliked seeing his friend suffer, yet he couldn’t help finding the show arousing.

“So, how does the audience say you did, Bill?” Ted asked after filling in for five minutes, praising his accomplice’s handiwork.

“We score ninety-five percent, which means the full twelve hours are due, but many recommended adding punishment time on top, in recognition of our talent.”

The close-up on Josh’s face and the sensitive microphone made his distress visible and audible, his wide eyes and the soft, pleading moans conveying his helplessness.

“I’ll let you do the tally. I’m glad our audience acknowledged the hard work and the training. You see, people, Bill has worked very hard to get where he is. Josh will also benefit from a stay at his pole. I’ve always gotten great outcomes by using extended times in punishing bondage for lads who can’t behave. It gets the worst offenders back in line soon.”

“Our amazing viewers took time to voice their concerns for more disciplinary measures, which earns our young model extra seven hours at the pole.”

“Twelve plus seven, that’s nineteen hours!”

“Not a full day—you escaped this, at least.”

Josh had tears rolling down his gagged cheeks, which had Zach squirm and yell his hate and contempt at Shaun, who laughed out loud.

“My, Abooboo, I can’t believe how entertaining you remain. Don’t worry, it’s all for show. He’ll be there for twelve hours only. Bill will plead with the audience, who no doubt will enjoy seeing him in a different position. He’ll have to be available for the movie. The parts I got for him are important even if mute.”

The camera zoomed out to display all of Josh’s pole-tied body.

“I expect he’ll still get benefits from Ted’s and Bill’s company. They’re on a roll.”

Bill wriggled his fingers in front of Josh’s face.

“Just to make sure the rating was deserved, I’ll check once again how well we handled you.”

The digits hovered slowly over the helpless body, moving like tentacles, preparing to attack his most sensitive spots. Bill let his fingers run over the bound boy’s skin for a couple minutes to find the target areas. The viewers saw limited motions, but Bill was rating the various spots that caused the most notable spasms.

“I’ll have you squirm a while, young man. Use the breaks I’ll give you to recover your breathing.”

Josh mewled his despair, which was quickly interrupted by the gloved fingers aiming for the square inch just above his pubis, which reacted strongly to the stimulation. The satiny shorts, Zach knew, enhanced the touch and made the tickling more unbearable.

Ten minutes of watching Josh being tickle-tortured later, Zach felt Shaun’s hand feeling his loins.

“How naughty! You get boners watching your friend undergoing his martyrdom. I’ll take it into account, Abooboo.”

Zach wondered if his captor would have him shoot his load, but Shaun pumped the aroused member only long enough to cause frustration. Zach felt shame realizing how his eyes kept riveted at the cruelty display.

The evening went on, with Bill’s and Ted’s voices occasionally booming from the speakers, requesting support and ideas, and telling of the movie project. Shaun had allowed them to present it as their initiative and to try to bilk the viewers for funding, having no doubt some of them would finance a good share of the high-range clothing and accessories they needed.

To get some action in, they had Mark as a guest undergoing the same treatment as Josh, though they bound him to a wooden pole. The show definitely got Zach’s libido going. He felt no qualm finding the show enticing, and the two goons went for having Mark coo and moan like a nice, willing pup.

Even Shaun stopped and looked at his henchmen in awe. They had a knack to make the tedious act of binding a person entertaining. And their skills allowed putting the products on display in the most irresistible manners.

Ted and Bill had Mark tightly tied up, the pole now planted onto a metal fixture on a small stand. His gagging had been as thorough and tidy as Josh’s, and once they’d decided interactively to let Mark remain Josh’s companion throughout his captivity, they wished them good night. They cut the audio, though the video stream was still on. Ted and Bill’s clientele loved having hostages to watch at any time.

They switched a monitor on that could be seen by the captives only.

“We’ll let the audience keep you company. They have lots of advice to give or tales to tell. I’m sure they’ll prevent you from getting bored.”

Ted and Bill left their captives under their online watchers’ supervision and headed to the ‘dressing room’ where Shaun was.

“How did you like the show, boss?” Bill asked boisterously.

“You did fine. I must say watching you gave me many ideas of the shots I want. I need to use the resources at hand. Your training and skills make you naturals in my features. I must say, the way you handled Mark, which was basically the same as Josh, but without all the talking, was mesmerizing. Don’t get me wrong. The talk was highly entertaining. The rushes I saw from the movie confirm my initial feeling.”

Ted and Bill felt powered up by all the praise.

“Thanks, boss,” Ted answered. “It was lots of fun. Josh has this newbie quality that makes our job magic. How did Abooboo like it?”

“Our lad showed signs of distress, regretfully for him, because watching Josh become a video star will be most of his entertainment in the weeks to come. Abooboo’s friend is a promising actor, and I hope the workouts and the proper diet I submit my privileged guests to will make him a requested commodity for Ted and Bill’s site members. Having one’s performers displayed long-term for the pleasure of an audience and involving it in running their lives of silence and bondage predicaments is fun and profitable!”

Zach usually had his ears plugged when Shaun and his crew talked business, but he’d picked similar bits and pieces of information before.

The monitor showed sponsors making wishes to see the victims in more restrictive tie-ups. Some horny viewers found the victim cute and sent a flurry of flirty messages. Some messages were explicit and let them know what they’d do with their arses and pricks if given the chance.

Zach had experienced such ordeals. Kept helpless among the speaking men, he now had to bear their conversation. They hinted that they should get some legit models to provide their service twenty-four seven. They imbibed liquor and loosened up.

“If we keep having increases in subscribers, we can afford it. Countless actors looking for gigs, and we could compensate them adequately. We’ve managed to stash huge amounts from our volunteer acting troop’s sales,” Ted explained.

Zach understood the fiend was talking about him, Sean, and Marty. They were profiting off them!


“Ha! Ha! Having disagreements on contracts and pay is common in tour trade, but our current business model has our actors unlikely to cause fusses or become rabble-rousers. Take it easy, Abooboo,” Ted advised.

Shaun switched the large screen on. Josh and Mark appeared in the bright studio lights both without a change since he’d last seen them, held rigidly against their poles, cruelly muzzled, and submitted to a barrage of concerning messages from the audience. Many were keen on discipline and longed for the moment the subjects would be fit for posture training and deportment lessons. Some messages were about their penises, others about the facilities they had to welcome guests and keep them out of sight and hearing from anyone around.

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Post by blackbound »

*sigh* oh to have a link to those streams, or a copy of the finalized movie (if it ever is completed, at this rate...)

I've also gone back and re-read the part about the devious armchair. Such a device would be invaluable...

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Post by Windrunner »

“You asked for worn underwear and socks,” Bill said, winking at the camera. “I’ve gathered stuff from his fellow-models. Although they keep clean, they work out a lot.”

Josh feared retaliation if he didn’t comply and accepted the rolled-up Speedos. He recognized its colour and make, and he picked up Zach’s smell, reminding him of the morning’s intimate moment. The socks that followed were the surfers’; how many of these stinkers did their captors store? The goon’s fingers pushed the bulky, smelly fabric, filling up the space behind his teeth.
Be still, my beating har... er, heart.

Lovely, sexy gag, and I'm sure even Josh would be grateful for the relative comfort of silky spandex in his mouth.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]blackbound[/mention] Ted and Bill's channel would sure get lots of subscribers. Alas, it is fiction, and it's up to you to make up the lovely sights it would offer.
[mention]Windrunner[/mention] Josh is given a rather pleasant treatment, I agree!
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Post by Bondwriter »

18. Working Hard on and off the Set

The men had dinner, for which Sean and Marty were released and shackled. The captives all got fed quickly and with unrelenting handgags while they chewed. Then, for dessert, the captives got plugs of various makes stuffed in their mouths.

Dragged on a leash and shackled together, Zach, Sean, and Marty had to follow TJ downstairs. Shaun and his goons were around the chain gang, dealing smacks to the prisoners’ bottoms to communicate urgency.

Once down in TJ’s quarters, which they used as their dressing room during the day, they found out about Paul. His gibbet cage hung three feet above ground, spinning very slowly. The thin but plentiful bars making the cage didn’t conceal the tight rope network in which the youthful, fit body was enmeshed. He grunted a relieved welcome.

“Still here, Paul?” TJ taunted. “In your defense, you weren’t intended to get away from the cage. It’s meant to keep naughty boys in.”

“Exactly,” Shaun approved. “You know how to handle young meddlers. Paul has erred, but I think he’s paid his dues?” he asked his henchmen.

The men held a council, deciding on the pupil’s merits. After a debate, they decided to leave him in his cage. They cleaned him up, wrapped his supple body in a blanket, and stuck him back in the contraption, which was lifted two feet above the ground.

The other captives were bound inside sleeping bags tied down to cots with belts and straps, which the fiends buckled tightly. Most were roller buckles that could be fine-tuned, providing the care workers with more customizable subjugation tools.

All the captives being tucked in for the night, Shaun switched the light off; his squad moved to TJ’s living quarters, leaving their bound and gagged guests to rest.

Lying in the dark, the young men processed the day’s events, the curious treatments they underwent, and the tasks they had to perform. They pictured being put on display and filmed in devious movies with thin plots that justified them spending their time on-screen restrained and silenced.

Zach thought of Josh, whom he imagined under the spotlights in his garish predicament, uncomfortably restrained. Sleeping had to be impossible for him, too. Maybe they had wrapped him in something warm, but even then, the fiendish gag was one that didn’t make relaxing possible. Eventually, Zach fell into slumber, one replete with weird and obscene thoughts, obscure feelings, and obscure narratives, all involving bound and gagged young men. Sometimes, he was one of them.

The lights woke him up. Shaun was waltzing through the cells.

“Good morning, sweet little pets! It’s time to rise and shine for another great day with Shaun and his friends.”

Bill and Ted were less bubbly today but as eager to get the day going and handle all their impotent guests. They knew the shooting would be a success. In less than one hour, the three boys had been fed, emptied, washed, and dressed-up in shiny, thin sports gear.

Shaun had them stand in a circle around Paul’s cage.

“The day started peacefully for your friends, Paul. Before I let you out to get ready, I thought I’d interrogate you in front of your peers. They’re expected to support you, and the whole cast expects a role model. You failed yesterday, trying foolishly to warn of your plight. It was pathetic, of course, since all these men have helped with my bondage videos for years.”

‘Of course, they’ve helped to shoot videos with real prisoners many times, without having a hint of what was going on,’ Shaun deviously thought. The captives watched his evil grin as he paused.

“Anyway, did our lead actor have time enough to think?” he asked, turning the cage so Paul stood facing him.

“Hmm.” Paul acquiesced, beaten by his endless stay inside the bars.

“Will you behave today?”


“Will you speak only your lines? Will you obey all orders immediately? Will you do your most for the movie?”

The litany of questions was parsed with gagged approvals. Despite the layers covering the caged boy and the bars, Zach spotted him blushing from the interrogation.

“To make sure you comply and don’t even think of pulling the same trick as yesterday, we’ll keep a hostage. Today, it’ll be Sean, the younger kid from school you’ve lured into bondage debauchery and who now ends up a successful webcam porn performer. He’ll stay here, in relatively comfortable bondage, strapped to the wheelchair. If you behave in any way that contradicts the promises you just made, it’s he who’ll suffer the most. Mark has a part today, but don’t worry. When he doesn’t, he can also stay, so we make sure our lead actor is fully inside his role.”

After a few more humiliating jabs, Shaun ordered the cage to be lowered and Paul prepared. He took care of leading the other actors to the set; they also had a part to play in the shooting today.

They got to the large room where Ted and Bill had set up their studio. Josh and Mark were just as they’d last seen them the day before. The restraints kept their bodies erect; Zach found the sight erotic and arousing. The messages in the chat window confirmed the audience got the same impression.

“Thanks for babysitting our two culprits,” Bill said, addressing the camera. “Our lads have a working day ahead. They’ll post an ad for their next event!” he said before greeting them off and ending the video stream.

“I hope your warm-up was long enough,” Shaun taunted the captives who’d spent more than half a day in their strenuous position. “It was good practice for today. We’ll do lots of very still shots, and we’ll do the scene where Jafar shows his guests around and introduces them to his private boy harem.”

The goons and TJ handled Josh and Mark promptly. Shaun reviewed his troop members, ensuring they were fit for their roles; he checked their clothes and their hygiene and used his time to fondle and knead the appetizing flesh. Soon, the five boys formed a chain gang, which the men escorted to the Cave of Wonders set, where the crew was busy reviewing the day’s shooting schedule. Shaun greeted them, telling of how they’d started getting the troupe in an adequate mindset for the day’s scene and checking that the lighting would be as he’d asked.

The set was impressive, painted in bright colors picked from the cartoon Shaun was obsessed with; the vast room and high ceiling allowed for majestic decors. A large beam, with a bar on top making it into a T, was at the center. It had three pillars on each side and two pedestals in front, one featuring a trestle. A painted background represented a cave in a range of blue and purple hues designed to provide the illusion of volume.

The actors had to don their costumes first. The outfits sewn for them wouldn’t be worn in a Middle-Eastern country, but they made the young men look good, though more like Greek characters; short togas barely covered them under their loins, showing their legs and wrapping their shoulders and chests in their bright colors. The lush silk clung to their skins and highlighted the worked-out bodies underneath.

This time, two young men from the crew were in charge of costumes. They handled Sean and Marty, who felt the curious looks and the prodding fingers from the assistants. No doubt Shaun had recruited them for their taste of bondage.

Mark and Paul donned the same long robes they wore the day before, which had been laundered and ironed to give out the best reflections under the spotlights and show off the muscular bods. TJ led the change in clothes. He took the two crew members apart to admonish Paul with threatening whispers.

“It’s a big risk we take having you perform after yesterday’s mishap, Paul. Thankfully, the scene requires you being bound and gagged, which should make it easier for you to remember what you’re here for. See them as tactile aids to help you play your part,” he sniggered, tightening the ropes encasing Paul’s silk-clad torso.

Ted and Bill got the ‘harem boys’ ready. Zach was at the center, of course, to satisfy Shaun’s passion for his special captive. His toga was various shades of blue; it showed his hairless, smooth legs. His feet were shod in satiny blue pointy slippers, which showed his instep. He stood against the pillar bound in an evenly laid-out network combining ropes and leather straps. Marty and Josh were bound to the pillars on each side, and Sean was ensnared in ropes and frog-tied on a pedestal in front. The position and the loose clothing set his genitals on prominent display. Shaun oversaw the procedure and gave a hand; the crew fine-tuned its camera moves and was ready, as, at last, the actors playing Jafar’s prisoners were.

They started with individual shots of the four prisoners: some static, some involving camera moves; Shaun wanted plentiful takes to allow for more creativity during editing. For an hour, the four bound and gagged boys squirmed and fought their bonds on demand, the restraints holding on and doing their job throughout. The camera recorded the tight, sexy clothing and the endless amounts of white rope pinning the prisoners in place.

They shot face close-ups. Bill was the technical advisor and main actor for the scene. He decided to go with silk scarves to fit the time period and the movie’s general look. The boys’ gobs were brimming with silk, thin bands wrapping their lower faces and keeping them shut tight.

Ted and Bill coached the boys on their lines, having them repeat their moans with changes in ‘intent’ and ‘intensity.’ They heard enough about acting to make credible instructors, and they relished playing the acting specialist. They didn’t forget their real role within Shaun’s scheme and kept a close eye on the bonds to make sure their pupils would stay and enjoy their teaching skills.

Standing bound in ropes, Mark and Paul witnessed the lengthy photography work. Shaun came to get them ready for the scene. He adjusted their bonds according to the script and went over the dialog.

“I’ll introduce you to Sean first, who’s playing Salim, the captured thief. You must show displeasure and scorn when you learn how he got in the harem. His immorality shocks you. You’ll act impressed when I announce he’s been sentenced to thirty years in captivity.”

Shaun moved to Mark, and soon the acting duet knew what he expected from them.

“When I let you know that Abooboo will remain my captive until he displeases me, when I will throw him off a cliff, you must look very concerned and afraid.”

The acting and technical crews focused on the task at hand; Shaun dragged his western catches inside his lair six times in total. The two-camera setup allowed recording the actors’ faces at the same time. The prisoners did their utmost to convey the feelings as told by the director.

The four actors playing Jafar’s harem also needed more directions as the takes followed each other. Shaun got irritated by the slightest mistake.

“When your background is exposed, you should act more worried and angrier, Salim. As for Abooboo, we need to see you struggle and fight your bonds and gags. Exaggerate, experiment with the noises your gag lets you make.”

This went on all afternoon. When Shaun called it a day, three to four minutes were in the box, which he deemed more than planned. He watched the rushes with the chief cameraman.

“Nice job, everybody,” he told the departing crew. Once they were gone, he turned to the troupe. “Your performance and participation were adequate. We’ll have a relaxed evening.”

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Post by mig137 »

Great chapter, i can't wait to see what comes next.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]mig137[/mention] We're a bit more than halfway through, so more is coming indeed.
The little dolls have more entertainment to provide their audience, do not fear.
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Post by Bondwriter »

19. Personnel Issues

Shaun gathered his troupe in the dining room adjacent to the kitchen once they had showered and changed under Ted and Bill’s guidance. He let the guards handle the group; the atmosphere felt peaceful. He could stay, if only to watch. Although he found the five other boys attractive, his eyes always came back to Zach.

After dinner, Shaun took his men aside.

“We’re running a bit short on staff, don’t you think? You wanted to train a couple of prisoners to take care of the others, but I have doubts. Our guests have proved willing to exploit supervision flaws.”

Ted and Bill had often fantasized about having an extra employee who would perform the menial, annoying tasks.

“That would be great,” Ted approved. “It takes too long to get our boys ready in time. We manage, but when we’re on a schedule, like today, it would come in handy.”

TJ and Bill agreed.

“I’ll check with my network,” Shaun said.

“What if we put an ad on our site’s message board?” Ted offered. “I’m sure people will volunteer for the job. Some of the maniacs certainly will be willing to pay extra, too.”

“I’ll take good note.”

They chit-chatted for a moment, but Shaun didn’t linger on too long with the others; he decided to get Zach to bed upstairs. He untied him from the chair and got him on a leash. As they passed the large window on the landing, an amateur snoop was watching them from twenty yards away.

Darren reviewed the scene in his viewfinder. He saw what he saw: Shaun Wainworth dragging a prisoner behind him. The young man had been in town for two days, and he’d managed to find spots offering a view into the building. People inside had to pass in front of a window to exit the kitchen.

Darren saw shadows in the background; he would wait to confirm whether his friend Josh was part of the group in the lit-up room. Since he had disappeared after letting Darren know he was searching for an actor, the young hacker hadn’t remained idle. Hidden behind a bush, Darren breathed slowly, wondering how long he would have to stay in ambush, his lens aimed at the window. He launched the recording and didn’t miss what he had come for.

A muscular man with short hair opened the way to five bound and gagged prisoners. One of them was Josh. Darren had also borrowed a shotgun mic, which allowed him to hear the men’s conversations.

Darren waited for all the lights to be off to slowly leave his hiding spot. He gathered all his gear and left, with a new course of action in mind.

His suspicions had been proved right. The month before, Josh had come up to him asking for a favor; he wanted info on a Hollywood director, especially on the estate he owned in Washington State. The bartender had gone on a rescue mission based on the maps and information on the security system Darren had found.

When Darren went to the local police, they welcomed him politely, and even though he wasn’t a relative or a spouse, they recorded his statement, but they didn’t seem they’d do much to find the young man.

After five days sending messages and posting on the select social media Darren was acquainted with, he got a lead. Troy, a bellhop who’d helped Josh search for his boyfriend, sent him a text message.

Troy wanted to see Darren in person, and he offered to meet after his shift in the hotel lobby. Darren was curious about possible revelations, and he had the hots for Josh. Even if the bartender was taken, he’d like to see him shaking his bottles again.

He monitored Shaun’s manor, which he’d done on Josh’s behalf before. Online searches about the director turned up news about his local involvement; he funded the police department and to a lesser extent the Chamber of Commerce, given that he owned a company located within the county’s limits. Did the man sprawl his corrupting tentacles across the local community to run his dubious businesses in peace?

Troy was frantic when Josh showed up.

“Let’s keep our voices low,” he whispered to Darren, feeling more relieved.

They sat on a sofa.

“Josh’s request that time is still eating me up. He said I had let Wainworth get away with kidnapping his boyfriend. I admit I like bondage myself,” he said in an even lower voice, “and I went on forums and messaged some friends to dig up info on Shaun Wainworth. A guy on social media forwarded me a link to a dark net site; he claimed it featured content produced by Wainworth. You had to pay just to get a preview, which was all I could afford, but I scoured every available page and took screenshots.”

He showed Darren his phone’s screen. Two young men were depicted in fetish costumes and tight bondage. Many other boys were featured in all the snippets, whether pics or videos.

“I think this one is Josh’s boyfriend.”

The twenty-two-second video featured a pole-tied black-haired young man squirming in his bonds and trying to plead through a multi-layered gag.

“This guy wanted to be an actor. Couldn’t he have gotten a gig with a sleazy porn website?”

“I thought about this, but the little bits the site lets you see give me an uneasy feeling, as if the guys in bondage are actually prisoners.”

Darren calmed Troy down; he had means and he knew people. He wouldn’t stay idle if their acquaintances had really been whisked away in a dungeon. They promised to call each other before they parted.

The puzzle was starting to fall into place. Darren drove back home, thinking. He jumped out of his car and ran up the stairs. He signed up for Ted and Bill’s website as a businessman from Latvia, making sure he couldn’t be tracked, and he paid for the full site access with cryptocurrencies. Livestreamed events were advertised on the first page, from where you could access galleries and videos.

A chat window displayed the messages of other subscribers who were online and commenting an ongoing event. Darren clicked on the link to the video stream and a high-definition picture filled his screen: a young man was pole-tied with a muscular man wearing a balaclava standing next to him. He asked the audience how long the young man should stay tied to the pole.

The bondage was formidable, with sturdy ropes laid out regularly around the athletic body. Many layers of scarves, tape, and bandages encased the young man’s lower face. His sexy minder moved to the side, followed by the camera; another young man entered the frame, standing on tiptoe next to him, facing the pillar; he was fit, healthy, and as cruelly restrained as his fellow-captive. His wrists were high up his back and his backside on prominent display. The captive could move his gagged head, several knots on his nape betraying the many layers that piled upon each other.

Darren browsed through more of the site’s content, occasionally casting an eye on the two surfers kept helpless. The men’s chatter was entertaining for like-minded fellows. The site contained more clips with other boys. Some acted in several videos, which showed them in all angles, postures, and situations. The two guards weren’t always masked; their pleasant looks and attitudes made the videos more cheerful.

Many were just recordings of live events, though most had been edited down from six to twelve hours to highlighted versions of fifty-two minutes.

Bondage was how he got acquainted with Josh. The videos were arousing, but he couldn’t make up his mind whether the boys were kept there against their will. Feeling guilty if it was the case, he logged off. He would investigate the estate cautiously and surround himself with the best.

Darren had a taste for adventure; he also relied on a family trust fund that allowed him to take time off work. He planned to finance a team that would rely on stealth but would also have some muscle and firepower.

A week later, he had confirmation Josh was held inside Shaun’s estate. Darren slid down from the tree he’d perched on to watch. He tiptoed to the large yard’s back. With his gear tucked inside his bag, Darren jumped the garden wall. A row of trees concealed it from the estate. Darren’s time going into urban explorations with his friends finally paid off.

Darren had done his homework over the two days he’d been lurking around the estate: he spotted hideouts and paths to the building that were out of sight. A security audit revealed the video surveillance covered the building only. He identified blind spots for all the three cameras pointing outside. No camera filmed the wall. Finally, Darren snooped Shaun’s network—which wasn’t too difficult to break in—to confirm his observations.

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Post by mig137 »

:o Hello Bondwriter, it seems to get really interesting, I hope the new intruder will be quickly captured and strictly bound and gagged. It is not nice that the bondage adventures of the boys are constantly disturbed.
Keep going Bondwriter, it's a story that is really exciting.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]mig137[/mention] Thanks. The pesky investigators might save the helpless captives, who knows?
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Post by blackbound »

Man, everyone here's pulling for Shaun! It seems like Darren is another lonesome investigator not telling anyone where he's going and why, so it might end bad for him as well...

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Post by Windrunner »

Bondwriter wrote: 1 year ago @mig137 Thanks. The pesky investigators might save the helpless captives, who knows?
Well of course we'd want the best for the helpless captives, but with scoundrels like this on the loose capturing guys and tying them up and having them wear sexy, revealing things and teasing them to the point of incoherent frustration, it's only a matter of time before they capture someone else!

*makes note to paste make and model of car, where I park, what hour I usually leave, and location of kidn^H^H^H^Hvisitor parking*
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]blackbound[/mention] Coming close to this mansion could induce some peril for a snoop, it is a legitimate concern!
[mention]Windrunner[/mention] There's clothing and space for more guests, Ted and Bill are welcoming guests. Having colleagues could also prove helpful.

20. Somewhere Out There

In a swift leap, Darren climbed the wall and landed outside, on the moors, a few yards away from the road. He jogged the hundred feet separating him from Troy, who came from behind a bush. The bellhop came with two other friends, packing heat, though Darren had advised against it.

They all walked in silence up the country road to their van and then drove fifteen miles to their motel beyond the county’s limits. Although old-fashioned, the owner tried to keep his business high-grade, offering workable internet connection and lots of space for team work.

Troy followed Darren into his room. He fired up his laptop and connected to Ted and Bill’s website to witness what he’d seen the night before: Josh in harsh bondage, submitted to a stringent chair-tie.

“It’s up to us now,” Troy said. “We can easily storm the place, you know.”

“Right. It seems they have no armed guards, and the place is short on security. We have dart guns with tranquillizing needles— they’ll do the job. And we won’t have any trouble finding ropes to make our friends’ abductors helpless for a while.”

Troy didn’t mind restraining dangerous foes in the exciting rescue mission.

“Karma is a bitch. If we do tie them up, we must do it really well so these bastards can’t get away. Do you think we’re trained enough?”

Darren knew an invitation when one was made in earnest.

“Do you want a lesson?”

Fifteen miles away, Ted and Bill were entertaining their patrons by displaying Josh, Paul, and Mark. Inside his lair, facing his large monitor, Shaun was typing an ad.

The director and landlord was thinking of increasing his staff; he could ask the two costume assistants if they wanted extra work. They knew about his bondage leanings and had both undergone a couple moments in Shaun’s ropes. The story he fed them about his more personal filmmaking and its select audience convinced them, since the pay was decent, all expenses covered.

Nevertheless, the lads were no Ted and Bill. He doubted they would become decent guards even after long training. Still, they could help greatly with domestic duties and maybe monitor restrained staff. Marty was ripe for being turned into a slave, and one by one, Shaun could convince the rest of prisoners that being his property was for the best.

Shaun was done typing. ‘Our fans have been the best. Your online monitoring has made it possible to beat record times in bondage. We are delighted to offer a select few direct access to our models. How? Become one of our guards! Join our staff and help out with our bondage video venture. You will assist the actors in their everyday life and of course join the gang for exciting tie-ups just like you’ve seen on the website. Send me a video explaining why you are the best fit for the job.’

Shaun was satisfied; the copy was vague enough that he would get proper input and questions. He was looking forward to finding cute sadists in the crowd sponsoring Ted and Bill’s gig. He would answer every submission politely, but good looks would be a crucial recruiting factor.

As soon as Shaun posted the ad, a pop-up showed up on Darren’s screen. ‘Hiring!’ flashed in the top right corner. Darren read the ad out loud for his crew.

“Are you thinking the same thing I am?” he asked Troy, whom he had trussed up on a wooden chair. Dressed in spandex boxers, the bound bellhop nodded, which was his only manner to answer, the heavy packing in his mouth making attempts at speech unpleasant.

“Do you want to play a part in my job application?”

Troy nodded again.

“I’ll mummify your head, then.”

It took less than twenty minutes for the first application to come in. Shaun was only half-surprised, considering the audience engagement his henchmen usually got. Fifteen more followed within the hour.

The videos featured mostly older males who seemed eager to come and see the location up close. Shaun just skimmed for now; he would watch and listen afterwards. Having wealthy patrons pay to come and knead his captives was fine. He wouldn’t discard all of them.

When Shaun launched the fourth video, he got a jolt of excitement. The applicant stood next to a boy tightly bound to a chair and whose head was covered in tape save for his nostrils. The young man had thick black hair, green eyes, a charming smile, and a dominating stance.

“Good evening, Ted and Bill. My name is Doug. Even though I’ve joined the website just a few weeks ago, you’ve been an inspiration to me. I’ve recruited a friend to train in tying knots and make someone helpless. Travis here has been a good sport. He loves being tied up. I’ve learned to handle him for days on end. It’s grueling at times, but it’s good fun, too. If your actors need someone to help them to keep in character during a long shooting, I could be of some help. I’m on the West Coast and willing to travel if you cover my expenses. I’m looking forward to spending a weekend training as an assistant guard. I can bring Travis along. I’m sure he’d love to spend some time in the spotlight.”

Shaun watched the clip five times, refraining from messaging the applicant straight away. To calm down, he watched other videos, picking the info from the men who would indeed pay to toil as guards. He wrote them short, polite replies, letting them know they would be most welcome and that they could even make their own short video for a price.

After handling the volunteers, Shaun looked at his phone; enough time had gone by to prudently message ‘Doug.’ The young man was online and accepted when Shaun offered to shift to a video call. He sat straight in his desk as Doug appeared on the screen.

“Thanks for your nicely staged ad,” the director praised as a greeting. “I’m in charge of recruiting for Ted and Bill and conducting the interviews with the bold young men willing to join us.”

Darren identified Shaun immediately and concealed his surprise with a beaming smile.

“You work with Ted and Bill? That must be awesome! I can’t help fantasizing about being them and having such fun toys to play with.”

Darren’s webcam moved to the right, and a pole-tied man appeared in the background.

“I’m trying my best with Travis,” Darren cheekily addressed the camera, “and we’ve had lots of fun. I think that being supervised by experts like Ted and Bill would certainly improve my knot and bondage skills. I played tie-up games before when I was a kid, but having models enact real strict scenes must be even better.”

Shaun smiled. He was charmed by Doug’s willingness to subdue, bind, and muzzle other young men. The shape struggling to no end behind him made the young sadist’s confession more arousing yet.

“Of course, you can’t go more than twenty-four hours without a drink, but a three-day detention is doable. Travis has gone that long. If he’s in good company, he could even break this record.”

“So you’d rather come to stay longer than a weekend, then?”

“I wish I could, but I have a weekday job …”

“One you can’t quit? One you want to be doing ten years from now?”

The young man frowned.

“I’m waiting tables at an overpriced restaurant, so not really. But you offer actual jobs?”

“We have lots to do around here, servicing our actors and maintaining the estate. If you have skills that can be of use, it could become a full-time job. Your friend could join. Ted and Bill will be delighted to have a new model. That is, if you feel like sharing that cute little bundle.”

“Oh! I’ll have to check with Travis once his gag is off, which won’t be for a while.”

“Can’t you remove his gag, if temporarily?”

“No, I’m punishing him for taking too long in the bathroom when I gave him a break, and the gag has to stay on for twelve hours. It’s been only six hours. He’ll say yes, though. He’s a fan of Ted and Bill, too. But can he work as a model for the site?”

“Of course. We hire actors. We don’t hold captives to expose them to paying subscribers. We take only men of legal age who sign a contract. Your friend would have to, though from what I see and what you tell me, I’ll take it he likes being on display.”

“He likes showing off, that’s for sure,” Doug replied.

With a smile on his lips, Shaun made arrangements for a tryout during the coming weekend. He asked for an email address to send the flight tickets and politely parted with Doug/Darren. In his inbox, some of the wealthy patrons had already replied with available dates. One could join them the following Monday; the entrepreneur provided all the information to make the visit possible.

The director called it a day and switched his laptop off. He turned to the wheelchair ten feet away from him. Abooboo was still and quiet, but Shaun wanted to hear gagged moans before falling asleep at his side.

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Post by Bondwriter »

21. Growing Enterprise

The days went by in Shaun’s estate with the same routine but also exploring new areas. The shooting got most of the residents busy, though usually half the actors weren’t needed. The crew didn’t question their silent presence.

Forty-eight hours after having posted his ad, Ted and Bill welcomed their first colleague, Mr. Herbert. He was a skinny, bony man; at fifty-two, he’d held several positions in educational settings.

“Maybe here I can use my full potential,” he explained over a cup of coffee. “I am at my best when I can choose my methods and apply them without interference. At previous institutions, remedial treatments for the twerps I was to educate were weak and ineffective; time out or oral rebukes don’t work. Once you’ve shown the young men under your care that improper behavior triggers consequences, such as half a day tied to a chair in a dark closet, you get much better attitudes.”

“What if your charge protests and pleads from his prison?”

The man’s evil grin revealed his crooked teeth.

“I can’t bear a whiner, and I hate pupils who can’t take their punishment. A filled mouth and sealed lips are of course a must. If you ask me, even when boys are unfettered, they need to be muzzled to prevent unhealthy conversations and scheming against the institution.”

Shaun liked Herbert. The director remained behind Ted and Bill, who were acting like they were running the place. They interviewed the patron in the kitchen with the captives out of sight. Zach, Mark, and Paul were on set, while Josh, Sean, and Marty awaited in TJ’s lair.

“I like your approach,” Ted rejoiced. “We welcome your help to ‘babysit’ some of our young residents. We’re shooting a movie, as you know, and we need those who aren’t on the day’s schedule to learn their lines and memorize the script.”

“Our guests would be cared for better that way, too,” Bill approved.

Ted and Bill led Herbert to the space that had been furnished for him, while Shaun set off to the movie set.

TJ turned to the incoming trio, gauging who the applicant was. The gleam in Herbert’s eyes as he spotted the two pupils at their desks reassured the guard the new recruit would likely fit the position.

“Welcome to my domain,” TJ greeted. “I usually handle our guests if they misbehave and keep them in detention. From what you told us, we thought best to provide you with the classroom environment.”

They had brought student desks, a platform with a teacher desk, a blackboard, and a coat hanger that could be used for various tie-ups. Ted pointed at the scripts on the desks. The three pupils’ hands were bound to the seats behind them.

“They’re waiting for someone to turn the pages and make sure they’ve learned their lines by heart.”

Herbert smirked.

“It’s definitely a task I can handle. Of course, I’ll have to explain them the incentives and rewards I have in store for them.”

“Rewards? Incentives?”

“I try to be positive. I’ll say not being punished is a reward!”

The men guffawed.

Two stories above, Zach was waiting for the day’s filmmaking to start. Strapped on wheelchairs, the three actors had been on set for a couple hours. Shaun checked with the chief cameraman and the assistant director that everyone had the same agenda before he went to coach his actors.

“I hope you’re not getting bored. Ted and Bill will be here soon to supervise your dressing up and getting ready for the shooting. We’re doing the escape attempt today so we need perfect behavior. Should I remind you that TJ has you friends under lock and key for the day. He gets help today, from Mr. Herbert. You’ll find out about him in time.”

Zach looked at the fiend, whose wide smile turned into the usual devious grimace.

The actors were left to their own devices until Ted and Bill got on set. They summoned the costume assistants and got the boys ready. Laundered and pressed every day, the costumes made the three actors look sexy. Mark and Paul received a new costume: in the script, Jafar had them stripped so he could torture them better.

Shaun felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He checked before turning it to mute: Doug was letting him know that he and Travis were leaving for the airport. The young man’s picture in the IM app smiled at him; although he enjoyed Herbert’s approach, this younger candidate seemed as willing to enforce drastic discipline—and he’s good-looking.

Actually, Herbert’s features could make him an excellent villain in a feature, he thought, like a mad professor’s assistant. With a prosthetic hunch, he’d be a great Igor. Shaun got out of his daydream when Ted and Bill announced the actors were ready. From his seat, the director could see the set and his video monitor at the same time.

The morning went fine; Ted and Bill remained busy setting the three prisoners on a large rack, one by one.

“Cut!” Shaun called out before Paul’s joint would dislocate. Ted had turned the crankshaft pulling Paul’s wrists above his head to the maximum. The young man squirmed and yelled through his gag, to the director’s delight. Three minutes later, the harsh tension had stopped and the three troop members got shackled to go for lunch.

They entered TJ’s level to discover the new guard and his stern handling. Josh was kneeling, frogtied and with his thighs spread open, his head bound in a rope harness pulled backwards so he watched the ceiling. The handsome middle-aged man was towering over him.

“Here come the movie stars, then. I’ve heard a lot about you from TJ. This young man,” he said, designating Josh, “didn’t perform adequately when quizzed about his lesson. I’m showing him the type of detention I favor.”

“Mr. Herbert is joining our staff as a coach. He’ll help you memorize your lines and arrive ready on set,”

That is all the introduction the new attendant got; he demonstrated his skills by having Marty undergo punishment, too. He proved keen on binding the boy’s arms together, hands palm-to-palm, elbows cruelly touching. Marty was gagged with cloth balled up inside his mouth. Plus, he had to balance a notebook on top of his head.

Herbert was five minutes into helping with the meal when the notebook fell. He headed back to Marty, picked it up, and put it back on top of the penitent’s skull.

“I told you not to move. I’ll have to watch you lads closely. You seem feisty and stubborn.”

He came back to the table, looking at Sean.

“This one knew his lines,” he said. “A smart ginger, who knew they existed.”

Zach was horrified at the idea of having another guard, a prejudiced one at that. The handsome man’s cruel smile didn’t reassure him, but he took upon himself to comply; he was aware of the man’s attention and willingness to find flaws.

The actors and pupils being fed all got to experience the newcomer’s discipline over the following forty-eight hours. He was eager to have hands-on knowledge of each boy. Zach was put in the corner for half an hour for loudly gulping the water the man offered him. The leg bonds were tight, and the cords linking his arms made his elbows touch.

The household was a real beehive: the shooting and the video streaming required the crew and the actors to spend much time both on their professional activities and on the more mundane tasks of sustenance and hygiene.

Herbert blended in the team despite his age; Ted and Bill grew confident to let him and TJ clean up the boys. He was also good with ropes, and they made some shots of his long slender fingers weaving a web around Josh while Zach was strapped to a chair and forced to watch the expert rigger ensnaring his friend.

The reinforced team became less stressed out with the activities. Besides Herbert’s will to get acquainted with his new pupils, no major punishment was earned; the fetish outfits and the constant supervision kept the unwilling residents in line.

Shaun reveled in the guards’ camaraderie and the appetizing prisoners they kept. Soon, he would have enough manpower to make the content that would keep the pot boiling so he could focus back on Zach. He made the announcement in the evening as the men were preparing the lads for the night. They were to all spend it in TJ’s cells bound to benches while wrapped in blankets.

“Having more staff really helps. I’m glad to let you all know that Doug will join us tomorrow. He’s another personal coach that will get the most out of our performers. Rejoice and rest. This doesn’t mean you are getting any less work!”

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Post by Jb99 »

Can't wait to see what happens when Doug arrives - and Travis will become part of the cast?

Or maybe they'll be found out and both join the cast.

Either way, looking forward to the next instalment.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] Doug and Travis will find out themselves soon. Stay tuned, part of the answer coming next Sunday!
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Post by Bondwriter »

22. Trojan Horse

Warmth and sensory deprivation meant the captives to catch some sleep. Pinned down to their benches, gagged, and their heads mummified, they got some relief. A couple floors above, Ted and Bill slept tight, too, spent from their day tending to the captives but satisfied with their thriving enterprise.

Herbert was first up, and TJ heard him heading downstairs to the cells; he trusted the man but not enough yet to let him run the whole routine by himself, which even TJ didn’t do. He found Herbert watching the captives, who were unaware of his presence thanks to the plugs in their ears and the layers of bandage covering their eyes.

“They need to wake up fast and be able to see and hear to follow instructions right away.”

TJ showed Herbert how to prepare their captives without fear of a rebellion; Ted and Bill soon joined them and gave a hand. The shooting was off for the weekend, which meant they had to make the best of their acting cast for their online audience’s delight. The school theme they’d launched on the site the day before yielded enough feedback for a day of severe school discipline.

The classroom on the lower floor was lit for cameras, and once fed, cleaned, and dressed, the pupils sat one by one at the desks, each accommodating a pair of students. The initial lecture didn’t require them the use of their hands, so their cuffed arms were locked behind them over the low chair’s back.

Herbert had been assigned the headmaster’s role, and he went from one boy to the next checking their uniforms didn’t crease and their bonds held fast. He stepped onto the podium at the front of the room. Spotlights made him glow; he loved the attention.

“Good morning, pupils. We busied ourselves making you comfortable to attend the assembly and my lecture.”

The restraints, including posture collars, prevented fidgeting or protests, but none of the young men felt like provoking Herbert, whose covetous gaze ran over them trying to pick a victim to demonstrate his taste for discipline.

“Today is a special day for our young boarders. We gathered our sponsors’ advice and scheduled a timetable accordingly. We’ll have a lecture, a quiz on the lecture, and a science class before lunch. The afternoon will be game and sports. Current punishments are lifted, so you’ll all take part in today’s events. You’re still liable for punishment. Don’t get me wrong. Our audience provided several scenarios to enact on poor performers.”

The boys stayed perfectly still while the bony man puffed his chest, straightening up, his malevolent eyes gliding over the audience.

“I’ll start by explaining how posture-training, restraints, hoods, muzzles, and gags work wonders to discipline unruly boys and turn them into meek little lambs.”

Zach conceded that Herbert spoke well; his speech was clear and confident. Zach had roleplayed a student more than once before, to his keepers’ great satisfaction. The new teacher seemed to be equally demanding as Ted, Bill, or Shaun; the glint in his eyes foretold of an even crueler tormentor.

After speaking for a long time from his desk, Herbert stood up. Ted and Bill picked up the cue; they were at the back, out of the cameras’ angles. They freed the pupils’ wrists from the chair’s backs to fetter their hands in front, a few inches of chain allowing them to write while restraining their hands enough to ensure obedience.

Herbert dictated the questions and left ten seconds to his pupils to write down true or false. “A prisoner shouldn’t be left idle for too long when he’s strayed from the path he was given,” he started. The lads scribbled and quizzically grunted when they heard the warning that their spelling would be checked.

“Hush! Focus on your task.”

Herbert dictated twenty statements, using double negatives and complicated adverbs to make sorting them properly difficult. The warning yielded the expected outcome; they all penned their letters and thoughts as quickly as they could, the fiend leaving them so little time to answer before he went on with another ambiguous sentence.

Herbert set his notepad down.

“Time’s up! Pens down and wrists on the table.”

Paul went on beyond the warning. The teacher picked up the boys’ papers and stopped when he reached the rulebreaker.

“If you can’t follow simple guidelines, young man, why should I waste time checking your work?”

Paul tried to look up, which the collar prevented. Herbert leaned in, his piercing eyes appearing in the boy’s field of vision to lock into his.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“Mmm mmm mmm mm mmmmm.”

“You apologize. That’s a start. You should end with ‘Sir,’ though. Repeat, ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Herbert, Sir.’ I’m listening!”

Paul complied.

“A good beginning, but you’re going to get detention nonetheless. Hopefully, your quiz is flawless.”

Herbert finished collecting the sheets of paper and got to his desk, sitting as an emperor settling on his throne.

“Let me work in silence,” he said, picking up the first sheet.

He lifted his eyes two minutes later, looking at Josh with sadness.

“I hope your friends fare better than you did. Otherwise, this afternoon’s games will likely be called off.”

Unseen from the classroom, Herbert chatted with the online audience on a tablet; he gave them the grades, asking them what reward and punishment scheme should apply. Behind the pupils, Ted and Bill also took part in the chat, happy to see they shared the same values as Herbert.

Half an hour later, Herbert reported the results. He read his answer key, but the nebulous explanations didn’t convince anyone; his gaze dared the gagged boys to challenge his rationales with nasal sounds. They suffered the announcement without a gagged gasp.

Zach, Josh, and Marty fared the best; they would be allowed to exercise with some slack in their bonds; the others would have to be hobbled tight and would probably have to perform more straining tasks than their fellow-students.

At the back, Shaun’s cell vibrated; their recruits would soon meet the new staff and his pet. The boss waved at Bill that he was meeting the newcomers. He got a thumb up, Bill turning his attention back quickly to the awards ceremony.

“Paul deserves time at the pole for his lack of compliance, but the poor grade he gets for the quiz has me wonder about his participation in games and sports.”

Ted and Bill nodded, a smile brightening their faces.

“We’ll get him trussed up to the pole, unless you feel like handling the miscreant yourself,” Ted remarked.

“No, I enjoy watching experts. I’ll give you a hand, if you allow me to practice some.”

The cameras would record great stuff with three thorough gentlemen castigating a poorly performing pupil. The ropes got looped around one of platform’s three poles at the desk’s left side. The three ominous rods reminded the class that they could be put in detention throughout their school day.

The orderlies kept out of each other’s way while leaving ample access to the cameras pointed at them and their gorgeous model, which was the main focus. The coils ensnared the youthful body, tightening and pulling the school boy tight against the thin beam, his limbs welded to it by the relentless white cotton.

“You weave tight nets,” Herbert congratulated the two riggers. He’d helped out with a knot or two, taking the opportunity to sniff the appetizing turkey they were trussing up.

“It looks better,” Bill replied.

The audience in the classroom felt bad about agreeing with their abductor. The tight, shiny uniform turning Paul into a cute little boy—with very fleshy thighs and rather broad shoulders—and the white cord imprisoning him so tight caught their eyes.

The men were improving on the thin leather plug gag, its front panel covering Paul’s head fully, but Herbert was keen on adding a white silk scarf. He got a lesson in weaving a head harness to pin a victim’s head to the pole.

The pupils heard voices at the back of the room, Shaun’s and another man’s. The three stooges looked at the visitors. Shaun got into the boys’ line of sight, followed by a youthful silhouette wrapped in a tight, elegant tracksuit.

“Meet Doug and Travis,” Shaun introduced his guests. “Doug has trained Travis, and he feels the young man is now ready to confront other fetish-lovers.”

Josh identified Troy under the Travis alias when Darren removed his blindfold. He’d dyed his hair and wore color contacts; his lower face wasn’t visible, being plastered with white tape that made his cheekbones stick out. But it was his fellow-bartender all right. Josh focused on trying to suppress his excitement.

“Doug is willing to come give a hand with our guests. He’s keen on our institution’s vision to grant young men who enjoy bondage with the ultimate experience.”

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Post by Bondwriter »

The story almost slipped to page 3 this week. Have my readers been kidnapped? This is the end of the volume, but rest assured, the third and final one will be posted starting next week.

23. A New Recruit

Shaun turned toward his guest to yield the floor.

“Travis loves kink. He’s letting me have my fun with him during the ten days before he takes another job.”

Troy shook his head, grunting and making uncomely noises through his gag.

“Ha! He’s pissed at my surprise! I told him I had something special in store. I didn’t tell him he’d make new friends. You know some of them, Travis. You’ve seen their videos. They made you hard, you little perv,” Darren said, patting his captive’s bulging crotch. Troy wore a wrestler’s outfit made of gleaming nylon that the polished boots outshone, making him fetish eye candy.

“He’s feisty,” Ted assessed. “Do you need a hand?” he asked, looking at the two remaining free poles.

‘Doug’ was fast to pick up on the suggestion.

“Of course. Is there some rope?”

Ted got more from the desk, whose large storage contained a seemingly infinite supply of sturdy white cotton coils. Zach was mesmerized. He’d seen the handsome newcomer before, and he was racking his brains to remember where.

Darren had practiced enough; he knew what the kinky audience expected and knew how to give it to them. His hands lingered on while binding the knots, brushed against the flesh the ropes enhanced; he pulled the ropes tight and smiled as he tied inescapable knots.

While he labored, he got acquainted with Ted, Bill, and Herbert, who cleared the stage but provided encouragement and advice. ‘Travis’ got the same treatment as Paul; Darren used the captive already bound as a model.

The ropework wasn’t as perfect and neat but it held and looked proper.

“The real test is your tie-up’s inescapability,” Bill asserted, feather in hand; he handed it to Darren, who displayed an evil grin as he took it. Troy opened wide eyes when the attack started, making him squirm, grow red in the face, and puff through his nose while casting pitiful wails through his thick gag.

After ten minutes of taunts, Ted and Bill congratulated Doug, whose skills had rendered Travis helpless. Herbert was keen on praising and playing the expert with anecdotes from the educational work he’d undertaken with one of his older pupils.

The men gathered around Troy, lining up for the camera without even realizing it. Most victims were still visible, and the threatening group posed to make the most of their looks.

“Could you tell us more about this young man you’re speaking of, Mr. Herbert?” Shaun asked. His recruit loved hearing his own voice.

“I have tutored young Tyler for three years now. I mainly supervise his homework and make sure he studies when needed. You see, working in education, I got requests from parents. They knew I was rigorous and dedicated. Tyler’s dad works a lot; he’s keen on having me, an almost neighbor and teacher, see to it that his son occupies his time fruitfully. Tyler has a brother, Kyle, who’s two years younger and has proved useful in straightening his brother out.”

Herbert puffed his chest, exhaled, and widened his arms, his eyes going over the crowd.

“Tyler had a secret. His dad asked me to check the boy was doing his homework daily with a webcam, and he’d granted me the power to remediate any issue in person. Tyler knew he was watched, but many times he came to my place to do his homework. I found out about his peculiar games six months after I started tutoring him. I’m sure he did it on purpose, though he claimed it was a mistake, but the camera was on when he undertook convincing his younger brother to help him see what escape artistry was like.”

The captives were appalled at the devious story, which went on for half an hour. Herbert got to see the large supply of ropes for the trial and the tight gag. The topic came back later during a private lesson. A creative writing exercise had Tyler spill the beans and tell of a young man trained into bondage discipline.

To the audience’s distress, not surprise, the fiendish Herbert had dragged the young fetishist in his net. The end of his story suggested Tyler was still in his clutches at times. Ted and Bill thanked him for the edifying story; the chat was brimming with praise; some of the members discussed videos or pics Herbert had shared with the group and hoped this young man would be further willing to act in bondage videos.

Shaun had taken notes when Herbert assessed the quizzes, and he heralded the results again. Paul and Troy would be joined by Mark at the torture poles. Zach and Marty would lie ball-tied on the teacher’s desk. Josh would be strapped to a wheelchair with many layers constricting him. Sean would be clad in leather and caged. Ted and Bill set the cage on a wheeled platform; it wouldn’t rock, but it still would hold Sean in an enticing setting.

Josh got settled first; he was straitjacketed in leather before being wrapped in a long rubber mac. Tons of straps prevented walking. They added a large poncho and sat him on the chair, using all the straps to anchor his legs and torso to the metallic piece of furniture. They took care of his gag, plugged his ears, and blindfolded him.

“Total sensory deprivation does a lot of good to our boarder. It calms him down,” Bill said, as much to the audience as to Herbert and Doug.

The people on the site were enthusiastic; Bill sometimes read their opinion.

“Nice way you wrapped the little ginger in leather before you locked him in his cage. Can you make the ball-ties so the models’ behind stick out best?”

Doug was eager to satisfy the crowd, whereas Darren was horrified at the audience’s collective cruelty. He kept playing his part without a hint of discomfort. Soon, all the boys were set to spend a peaceful afternoon. Ted and Bill auctioned the right to decide who would be tickle-tortured, and it fell on Troy. ‘Travis’ already had fans, who liked how he moaned behind the muffling layers and wanted to test the silencing further.

Marty was also voted a winner. He ended up kneeling on the desk, and Zach was bound exactly the same three feet away. His shins rested on the wood, his soles exposed. Ted added a wooden stick on the desktop screwed at each edge. It was thin but had holes to fit ropes through, which had been done before getting the captives on top. Several thin pieces of cord then wrapped the two victims folded at the knees and waist, their behinds and bare feet facing the audience and cameras, their gagged faces a few inches away from the teacher’s.

Darren had let the experts work, learning from Ted’s and Bill’s mastery. He had already picked on some of the local habits, but seeing how they handled the cotton bonds to ensnare their models gave him ideas for improvement; he had to play the part without being unveiled. His eyes lingered on the behinds wrapped in satiny stuff and ropes.

He was missioned to pinch clamps on the caged prisoner’s nipples; Darren didn’t flinch, and he got the gimped redhead to moan. The leather block inside Sean’s mouth and the tight leather hood made the protest meek.

The pole-tied boys all got their share of torments throughout the afternoon: being tickled, their nipples being played with, or being required to repeat inane sentences despite their gags. Only Josh, lost inside his stuffing layers, drowned by the mask, gag, and plugs that cut off his senses, avoided attention.

Time flew by and it was soon dusk. The men decided to keep the captives in their strenuous positions while they had dinner. TJ disappeared to come back with a tray filled with food and beverages—only the guards got any. The men talked leisurely, telling stories about their captives. Ted and Bill pretended all their charges were there voluntarily; neither Herbert nor Doug expressed a willingness to abduct and keep young men.

The long bondage ceased eventually; only chains cuffing their hands or hobbling their legs remained. However, all muzzles stayed on, and Herbert and Doug, who tended to the feeding and the cleaning, applied the required handgags. Being new, Travis tried his luck at pleading, which meant he had to skip the bowl of porridge.

Josh, who’d eventually recovered from the stern afternoon, felt Darren close to him. Before he applied the gag following the ‘meal’, he whispered: “Hold on. You’ll be free soon.”

Josh would have loved to ask what they were waiting for, what Darren’s plans were, but the rubber plug was well slithered inside his gob.

Two stories above, Shaun was hanging up the phone. Officer Rodney was frantic. Shaun smiled, leaving the perverted policeman to his woes. More toiling for him ahead, but the kind he loved. He beamed as he wished the captives good night half an hour later.

End of the Volume
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