The Saleswoman’s Deal M/F

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Post by Bigballgag1 »

0Kay wrote: 1 year ago Great writing, and definitely going into an interesting direction!
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying, i have a lot planned for this :)
BearPlants wrote: 1 year ago Yessssss, awesome turn at the end there. Can't wait to keep reading!
Thank you! Next part hopefully coming soon :)
DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago I was thinking boss ends tied, not kidnapped tho. Good twist
Thank you! Of course its not certain how she might react to such a request. Can she really pull this off? Next part soon hopefully :)
CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 1 year ago Can't wait to see and read what happens next. Very Good Story
Thank you! Much appreciated :)
Switcher1313 wrote: 1 year ago Aha! The plot thickens! Superb twist! Bravo!
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying :)
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

[mention]CarouselCowboy13[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]BearPlants[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Mr Underheel[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention] [mention]0Kay[/mention] [mention]charliesmith[/mention] [mention]gaggedrock29[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention] [mention]JulieG[/mention] - Here is the next part, hope you enjoy! :)

Karly paused. She did not know whether to laugh, cry or express her anger. A mixture of all 3 contorted into her open mouthed facial expression. It felt cruel. This promise of a new life where all her problems would be taken care of, she could explore being tied up and tormented and still end up paid for it. It had all been dangled in front of her like a carrot on a string.

“ would I do that? Are you serious?” Karly finally managed to formulate her reaction into some kind of audible sentence.

“Absolutely.” Danny rebuffed. He spoke as if the request was completely normal like requesting to pick up some shopping on the way home.

“But why?”

“I have my reasons. You’ll find out when I can trust you. Look if you are not up to it, thats fine. I’m not going to pressure you either way. That is my deal on the table. If it’s a no then I wish you well with the rest of your life.”

“But sir, you must understand surely? Thats a really big ask. Is there anything else I could do instead? I...I’ve never kidnapped anyone before, how on earth would I pull this off.”

“Its the big thing I would like in return. In terms of experience, you have the internet and books, i’m sure you can think of something.”

Karly couldn’t believe it. It felt like her whole future had been snatched from her right in front of her eyes. She hesitated, wiped the tear from her eye. She then sighed and gave her answer.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do this. I would like to leave now.”

“Of course. Understandable. If you change your mind, just give me a call.” Danny smiled as if nothing had happened. He passed Karly a business card which she took with her. She grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the house towards her car where she drove off in a hurry.


*the next evening*

“Make that a double. Can we get another round of shots whilst we are at it? Thank you!” Jenny shouted at the barman. She had to shout as the noise from the loud music some may know from a band called LMFAO accompanied by the background noise of everyone in the building made it very difficult to be heard.

Right now if Karly could choose to be anywhere else she would. These frequent work socials were killing her in her current situation. Still, she sat in her pink knee length dress with dark stockings and pink high heels having made an effort. She sipped on her cocktail and faintly listened to the discussions going on around the table. Occasionally she might chime in but regularly she didn’t. Tonight she was in no mood for this.

She watched on occasionally taking a sip of her drink at Jenny and could not help feeling a building sense of jealousy. The slim attractive brunette was 28 only recently. She had long straight dark brown hair that fell almost perfectly to her mid back. Her large breasts and pert rounded ass gained a lot of attention from the men and some of the women as they passed her.

She had chosen a more casual style for the evening. She had a long sleeved woollen burgundy top on which had a slice showing off a bare shoulder underneath. It finished just below her belly button. On her legs she had a pair of very short denim shorts that barely covered her behind. A pair of knee high boots completed her look as her deep hazel eyes charmed any man she fancied.

She watched as she partied, laughed, drank and had fun. She watched her kiss with one man, two, three. In essence she was everything Karly wanted to be. Popular, easy-going and happy. Her ever-building resentment was not helped by her return to the table.

“Thanks Karly for the drinks. Maybe next month it won’t be you that buys the drinks for a change.” Jenny smirked. The music was sligtly quieter in this corner. The other women on the table laughed and Karly played along. It was a wearing in-joke.

“No in all seriousness she did make a major sale. But she STILL finds herself bottom of the sales table. Its almost like you want to buy us all drinks.” The group laughed again. Karly laughed through gritted teeth. She was tired of being the butt of the jokes and it was all getting to her. She needed to pay her rent not buy her boss and staff drinks but the culture here was difficult to remove herself from. In fact the fact she came out with them was probably one of the few things keeping her in the job.

Her nails dug into the palm of her hand under the table. Her fist was clenched. She needed out of this before she did something stupid. She was careful not to be drunk but the alcohol was clouding her judgement.

She glanced at her phone and made an excuse. “Sorry, May i be excused. I’m not feeling great this evening.”

“Oh surprise surprise. Wanting to go home already?” Jenny smirked.

“No, really. Here is your precious drink money.” Karly insisted. She withdrew £20 from her purse, it was all she had left in cash. She then grabbed her bag and began walking away from the table. The red mist was beginning to descend. Jenny was blocking her path so she barged past her.

“Not tonight. No thank you. No.” She muttered a few times to opportunists wanting to try and tempt her into one night stands. She made it outside and headed for the bus stop.

Once the bus arrived to take her home she pulled out the business card again. Her finger stroked over the ‘Danny’ as a tear filled her face.

She filled out a text and was busy reading through it.

An elderly man interrupted her as she hesitated on pressing send. She had read the message over and over by now.

“Everything alright luv?” He could obviously tell she was a little upset.

“Yes. Fine thank you.” She smiled. “Thanks for asking. Rough night is all. Figured an early night would probably be better for me.”

The announcement for her stop came over the intercom. “This is me actually. Have a nice evening.” Karly spoke kindly to the man. They had not had much chance to talk.

“You too. Everything works out in the end.” He smiled. It was obviously a reference to her tense state and him reading between the lines. It was sweet nonetheless.

As the bus drove away that simple line played on her mind. Her feelings of anger were already being replaced by guilt. She had not even done anything yet but it was too late. The message was sent.
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Post by Mr Underheel »


You’re toying with us! I get the feeling that she’s going to do it, but was that text to confirm? Now we’re waiting again! 🤣🤣
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Post by BlissfulMisery »


Wanted to say, enjoyed reading. I liked the descriptions of Karly's feelings in the given moments.

I will say I have an interesting (or at least different) theory on where this is going:

Look at this from Danny's perspective (or one possible interpretation of such). An attractive woman comes to his door, clearly emotionally (and he quickly learns financially as well) distressed. He slowly builds up trust by simply listening to her and complimenting her, which is easy to do since she is in such a low state.

He then takes advantage of her situation to have his own fun by basically buying her time. Again, he goes slow in order to not spook her and build up trust.

Her boss calls, he once again has another chance to build up trust with her, with nothing more then words. A plan hatches in his head.

Now he makes his offer to her. In order to make sure she in for the whole mile, he asks her to commit a serious crime on his behalf. Cleverly, he does not even tell her how to do this, so that he cannot be charged with conspiracy/accessory to the crime, as all he did was merely suggest the idea. He also dangles the prospects of financial freedom in front of her, again when she is in an emotionally and financially difficult spot. Essentially 'I can solve all your problems, just sign over your entire life to me', which is basically how cults operate.

All of this is fairly classic manipulation if viewed this way (it is telling how gentle Danny is the whole time, how he never pushes too hard, but JUST enough to make it 'her idea', again this is almost textbook manipulation of a vulnerable person), and it would not be shocking if he 'conveniently' had a secret basement dungeon to put Karly's boss in. Again remember that psychopaths tend to be quite charming and the way he behaves is definitely in line with the way they can be kind/polite to get what they want.

From Karly's point of view, she needs to realize how silly this is. Danny is asking her to commit a serious crime, and more importantly, how exactly does she plan to get away with it? Keep Jenny locked up forever? Murder? Blackmail? It would be hard to come up with blackmail material sufficient to prevent Jenny from going to the police, since at the very least the crimes involved would be assault + kidnapping (and probably more to come depending on what happens).

Obviously however Karly is in a precarious emotional state, so she likely will not realize this (or see the massive amounts of red flags around this guy; he has dangled a lot in front of her but not actually delivered much but words/had his own fun with her. And is now asking for a massive commitment, at which point she would be basically stuck with him for better or worse.)

Even more whacky possible side branch of this theory: Jenny is actually in on it and they are trying to torment Karly. Less likely however, but still possible if they were being clever in setting the whole thing up.

Anyways not sure where to go from here/how to wrap this post up, but it was interesting writing this out.
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

Mr Underheel wrote: 1 year ago @Bigballgag1

You’re toying with us! I get the feeling that she’s going to do it, but was that text to confirm? Now we’re waiting again! 🤣🤣
Thank you! Sorry about that :lol: :lol: indeed all will be revealed soon! ;)
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago Hey,

Wanted to say, enjoyed reading. I liked the descriptions of Karly's feelings in the given moments.

I will say I have an interesting (or at least different) theory on where this is going:

Look at this from Danny's perspective (or one possible interpretation of such). An attractive woman comes to his door, clearly emotionally (and he quickly learns financially as well) distressed. He slowly builds up trust by simply listening to her and complimenting her, which is easy to do since she is in such a low state.

He then takes advantage of her situation to have his own fun by basically buying her time. Again, he goes slow in order to not spook her and build up trust.

Her boss calls, he once again has another chance to build up trust with her, with nothing more then words. A plan hatches in his head.

Now he makes his offer to her. In order to make sure she in for the whole mile, he asks her to commit a serious crime on his behalf. Cleverly, he does not even tell her how to do this, so that he cannot be charged with conspiracy/accessory to the crime, as all he did was merely suggest the idea. He also dangles the prospects of financial freedom in front of her, again when she is in an emotionally and financially difficult spot. Essentially 'I can solve all your problems, just sign over your entire life to me', which is basically how cults operate.

All of this is fairly classic manipulation if viewed this way (it is telling how gentle Danny is the whole time, how he never pushes too hard, but JUST enough to make it 'her idea', again this is almost textbook manipulation of a vulnerable person), and it would not be shocking if he 'conveniently' had a secret basement dungeon to put Karly's boss in. Again remember that psychopaths tend to be quite charming and the way he behaves is definitely in line with the way they can be kind/polite to get what they want.

From Karly's point of view, she needs to realize how silly this is. Danny is asking her to commit a serious crime, and more importantly, how exactly does she plan to get away with it? Keep Jenny locked up forever? Murder? Blackmail? It would be hard to come up with blackmail material sufficient to prevent Jenny from going to the police, since at the very least the crimes involved would be assault + kidnapping (and probably more to come depending on what happens).

Obviously however Karly is in a precarious emotional state, so she likely will not realize this (or see the massive amounts of red flags around this guy; he has dangled a lot in front of her but not actually delivered much but words/had his own fun with her. And is now asking for a massive commitment, at which point she would be basically stuck with him for better or worse.)

Even more whacky possible side branch of this theory: Jenny is actually in on it and they are trying to torment Karly. Less likely however, but still possible if they were being clever in setting the whole thing up.

Anyways not sure where to go from here/how to wrap this post up, but it was interesting writing this out.
Wow! thank you for the in-depth analysis and glad you are enjoying so far. You make some good points and have picked up on a lot of the mannerisms and smaller details around all the characters so far.

Without trying to give too much away as there will be more twists and revelations to come, I guess it will become clearer as the story develops how close you are with your theories!

Many thanks again, much appreciated! :)
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Good and Awesome Chapter! Thank you for excellent writing
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 1 year ago Good and Awesome Chapter! Thank you for excellent writing
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it :)
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

You're welcome and I enjoyed it very much Sir
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

@CarouselCowboy13 @Switcher1313 @BearPlants @GreyLord @Mr Underheel @Nainur @LunaDog @0Kay @charliesmith @gaggedrock29 @DommeKirsten @JulieG [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention] - Here is the next part, hope you enjoy! :)

*a few days later - Monday 7:15pm. *

This was insane. Was she really going to do this? She had barely concentrated all day as she sat in the office. The first stage of her plan had worked. She had switched Jenny’s calendar around so that she would be working late tonight and off tomorrow. Thankfully being far too reliant on her e-calendar she had not questioned the changes. This left just the two of them alone in the building.

She had spent the weekend building herself up for this. She had watched many bondage videos and looked at pictures on the internet. She had considered her outfit bringing a specialist outfit to pull this off. She had a bag of freshly purchased supplies. All that remained was for her to go through with it.

‘Look. Its just one time. She’s a bitch. She needs to be taught a lesson anyway. It will all be fine.’ Karly tried to reassure herself.

Her phone began to buzz “Karly? Can you get me a drink please, coffee, black.” The short phone call from Jenny sounded. This did provide her an opportunity.

She walked calmly to the kitchen and began making the coffee. It was a simple process thanks to the on demand hot water boiler and the disposable packets the coffee was contained in. She took something out of her pocket studying the small glass bottle with an orange lid.

Once the coffee was made she again studied the bottle. However she just couldn’t bring herself to use them. This would not work, it was too risky if it went wrong. She had also never used them before herself. She clicked the lid back down and sighed putting them back in her pocket. No. There had to be another way.

She walked as carefully as she could with the coffee, the tension was getting to her. She knocked twice on the door and put the coffee on the side of Jenny’s desk on her coaster.

“Thank you.” She smiled. She took a break from typing. Suddenly there was an awkward tension between the two.

“Look. The other night...I just want to apologise if I went too far with the banter. Sometimes a few drinks can make me like that. I would hate to think I made you uncomfortable and was just trying to motivate you. Having the least sales is something nobody should aim for here.”

‘Oh. Shit. Don’t be nice. Why are you being nice? This is so much harder when you are not a bitch.’ Karly thought to herself. This was not how she thought this would go down.

“Oh...its ok. I wasn’t feeling great and I have a few things going on currently.” Karly tried to deflect.

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Is everything ok? You’ve not been yourself since last week?” Jenny gestured for her to sit. Karly by now was freaking out.

“I...erm...its complicated.”

“I have time.”

“No, really I..I...”


Jenny with a bewildered expression let out a smile. “You know what? Sure, i’ll do it. I’ll help you.”

For the second time in a week she had let out all her struggles to somebody unrelated. She had probably overshared but the worry and stress this request from Danny was causing was enough to make anyone feel that way. The pair had been able to talk about the events with Danny and what options Karly had.

“Really? Are you serious? It sounds so silly having said it aloud. Are you sure you would want to do this?” Karly’s eyes lit up.

“Sure. It could be fun. I’ve dabbled a fair bit with bondage before myself and am aware of the feelings it can make you feel. It also might go some way as to an apology for the other night and humiliating you like that.” She smiled. It was an unexpected reasonable reaction to a bizarre and potentially dangerous request.

“Ok...well if you are sure...”

“Let me switch off, use the ladies room and I can be ready for whatever you need me to do.” Jenny smiled. “Just promise me one thing.”

“Yes. Anything.”

“Keep me safe. I’ll let you do whatever you need to do, I’m fully on board with this unusual request and will be surprised if its something I have not tried before. Just bear in mind after a few days people might ask questions and the police may get alerted. I have annual leave with nothing planned anyway for the rest of this week.”

“Absolutely. You have my word. I’ll meet you back here in 15 minutes with my stuff.” Karly smiled as she departed the room.

She walked back to her desk with a half breath of relief. This was surreal. She was kidnapping her boss but her boss was up for it. However her mind began to question why? Why would she be willing to go through with this? Up until half an hour ago Karly thought Jenny hated her. Yet now she was surprised by her cooperation.
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Post by GreyLord »

Karly said,
Up until half an hour ago Karly thought Jenny hated her. Yet now she was surprised by her cooperation.
Karly was surprised? I am surprised? Extremely well done, [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention]. But is just a complex plot to further degrade Karly? Looking forward to reading the story as it continues.
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Karly said,
Up until half an hour ago Karly thought Jenny hated her. Yet now she was surprised by her cooperation.
Karly was surprised? I am surprised? Extremely well done, @Bigballgag1. But is just a complex plot to further degrade Karly? Looking forward to reading the story as it continues.
Thank you! Much appreciated :D indeed is Jenny being genuine or is there another motive at play? Hopefully the next few parts will help answer this!
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

This is a Great and Awesome Chapter and Interesting and Intriguing plot twist. What Does are Jenny's intentions
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Rather cooperative, eh? I don't trust Jenny. But, am very interested how this will go! Please continue!
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 1 year ago This is a Great and Awesome Chapter and Interesting and Intriguing plot twist. What Does are Jenny's intentions
Thank you! Hopefully the next few parts will help to discover if her intentions are genuine or if something else might be at play :)
Switcher1313 wrote: 1 year ago Rather cooperative, eh? I don't trust Jenny. But, am very interested how this will go! Please continue!
Thank you! Indeed she is. It is understandably suspicious to become so cooperative but equally her intentions might well be genuine. Hopefully the ext few parts will help. :)
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Post by LunaDog »

More 'twists' than a piece of rope. Superb!
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago More 'twists' than a piece of rope. Superb!
Thank you, much appreciated! I like the analogy :lol:
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

“Ready?” Jenny asked Karly.

“Ready.” Karly repeated with a deep breath. With her she had a large backpack full of supplies she had managed to order online.

“You will get used to being the Domme trust me. I’m not your boss in this moment, i’m your target.” Jenny smiled.

“Thank you!” Karly smiled, appreciating the confidence boost. “Well assuming we can skip the part where I would have to threaten you I would probably start by taking a rope and securing your wrists behind your back?”

“Correct...but don’t you want to strip me first?”

Karly was taken aback. “Wh-what? I mean...”

“Think about it. Whilst you tie my wrists I could retaliate and run for safety. I’m less likely to do that whilst in my underwear.”

“Thanks, I didn’t really think of that.” Karly replied appreciative of the helpful tip. This was like a lesson for her in becoming a Domme.

“Step out of your clothes please.”

“No.” Jenny laughed. “Impose yourself more. Its an order not a request. Come on, go to town on me. I know i’ve probably annoyed you!”

“Ok-ok....STRIP. NOW. REMOVE YOUR SKIRT, BLOUSE AND SHOES. COME ON.” Karly surprised herself as she boomed the instructions. She even added a double clap for pace.

“Ok-ok as you wish. Just don’t hurt me.” Jenny responded putting on a mock worried face. She gave Karly a wink telling her that was much better.

Jenny began by unbuttoning her blouse and removing it exposing a black bra. She then unfastened and removed her skirt revealing a matching black pair of panties, garter belt and her stockings. Finally she slipped her shoes off and placed the items on her desk.

“Good. Now turn around. Hands on your head.” Karly really felt she was beginning to get a much better hang of this now. Jenny obediently turned around slowly and faced the wall. Her hands placed on top of her head.

Karly retrieved the first rope from the bag and pulled Jenny’s arms sharply behind her. She then began cinching the rope in place. She had practiced a fair bit on herself beforehand but made sure the rope was tight but not too tight. Jenny too seemed to be enjoying herself so far. It was clear there was an underlying mutual interest in bondage between the pair. Jenny was much more experienced but was happy to let Karly do the tying.

Karly soon retrieved the next rope and used it to secure Jenny’s elbows together behind her back. With her elbows tied she moved on to tie Jenny’s ankles and thighs together. She was gradually feeling increasingly in her element. She had not felt so powerful over someone before. It was surreal.

After a study of her phone to remember the finer details of tying someone up she remembered to add two ropes above and below Jenny’s chest next pinning her arms to her back.

“Thank you for the pointers. I guess I am probably going to need to gag you now.”

“Of course. The ropes are well done so far. Tight but not uncomfortable. You may be a natural Domme yet.”

“Thanks...for this and for your help.”

“You are welcome. Ahhh” Jenny opened her mouth after a pout ready to receive whatever the gag was.

A red sponge ball was soon being slowly stuffed into Jenny’s mouth. She mpphed in surprise and her eyes widened but it was not one of complaint just yet. It was more that she had expected a simple gag such as a cloth over the mouth, cleave gag or the classic strip of tape.

With the sponge ball in her mouth and filling Jenny’s cheeks she took a roll of pink vet wrap and began tightly wrapping over and around her mouth. This was something else she had picked up from her research. This was a much more effective gag.

With the gag secured in place she added a black cloth neatly secured over Jenny’s eyes as a blindfold. She then left her and returned with the empty spare cleaners trolley.

With a little bit of a struggle she loaded her boss onto it. The rest of their stuff were also added on there before she wheeled it towards the lift. Suddenly Karly’s senses were heightened. There was so much to take in and so much responsibility. How would she explain this if somebody else was still here? The blanket tossed over the top of the bound package did help and once they got to the darkness it would be fine. However it would be simple to work out in the light.

Having made it down in the lift and out to the car park she was almost home and dry. She reached her car and opened the trunk. Again she struggled with the weight of Jenny’s body but it was soon dumped roughly down into the trunk. Their handbags and remaining supplies were placed on Karly’s back seat.

With the trunk door shut Karly finally allowed herself a sigh of relief. That was the difficult part done. She headed inside to return the trolley before locking the office up, putting the keys in the keysafe and driving off with her captive in the back.

Now to make contact with Danny, she had done what was asked of her.
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Post by GreyLord »

You are charging ahead, [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention]. Still waiting to understand Jenny's motivations. Maybe it is as simple as it looks.
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Post by Koirtza »

Hot story
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago You are charging ahead, @Bigballgag1. Still waiting to understand Jenny's motivations. Maybe it is as simple as it looks.
Thank you for the comment! All will hopefully become clear soon :) I guess the question is whether she is being genuine with her assistance or if she is looking to get something out of her help in return! :)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Too good to be true! Call me a skeptic, but I smell a twist coming up! ;) :D
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

Switcher1313 wrote: 1 year ago Too good to be true! Call me a skeptic, but I smell a twist coming up! ;) :D
Thank you! Indeed it is all going rather too well, or it could be a simple straightforward kidnap...hopefully the next part will answer that question ;)
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Post by JulieG »

Thanks [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] I rather hope the next episode,will not explain everything but just heighten the mystery. I’d also love to see someone join Jenny tied up in underwear. But Karla or Danny, who,knows?
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

This is a great and awesome chapter. Can't wait to see and read what happens next
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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