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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

I personally despise it and think it borders on abusive, but it's seeming to work """well""" for Steven, in whatever way that can be defined or measured.

Still think that he's a spineless, love-blind pushover, and I think their relationship needs to be at least slightly better balanced.

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Volobond wrote: 1 year ago I simply had to answer with other and give my usual long-winded explanation in the comments.

In a normal situation, I'd say it's not my thing, but if they're happy, then that's that. However, Nick and Steven did not start this relationship from a position of equality, they started out not only with a power imbalance but from a place of coersion. Nick kidnapped Steven. By any legal definition. And when Steven's trauma, both at burgeoning sexuality and at being taken advantage of by a man he trusted and a man he feared who threatened his very life, imploded Steven's life, the only person he could go to was his captor. And Nick made it clear it was a choice between houseboi and homelessness.

Look how long it took Steven to establish any sense of feeling secure in his life. How long it took for him to ask things of Nick. Nick may be endeavoring to be better, but he still took advantage of a vulnerable person at his absolute lowest, and thus I can never fully be comfortable with the level of control Nick maintains in their dynamic. It can't be a truly consensual relationship because Steven was under duress and arguably still is the longer it goes on. Since he could not consent at the beginning of the relationship, it's still an unhealthy dynamic that continues to support Steven's emotional and financial dependency on Nick.

I do love the story, and seeing both men grow and evolve. However, my conscience cannot see their dynamic as one I can condone because of its nature as a result of Nick taking advantage of Steven. If it had started with Steven not being in dire straits financially and emotionally and CHOOSING to return, then I could maybe overlook the Stockholm Syndrome and sign off on them. Unfortunately, I cannot at this moment.

Hope that makes sense, and I just want y'all to know I really do love the story and how it makes me think!
Excellent write-up, and you put my own concerns far better than I ever could've done myself.

Nick is simply put an immoral tyrant, no matter how much he allegedly cares about Steven and masks his abuse in love and it works thanks to Steven's own personal shortcomings.

A relationship is dangerous THE MOMENT it begins with a kidnapping, and Nick literally refers to Steven as a "possession".

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Post by Ossassin »

It’s not my kink but I’d hardly begrudge someone something they enjoy.
Hence I voted accordingly.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I chose "other."

Control is a wonderful dynamic in a relationship -- as long as both adult men consent, and that consent is always freely given by one and always responsibly held by the other. And I truly believe it is the controlled who is in charge in this power exchange.

Is Nick taking advantage of Steven's vulnerabilities? Perhaps.

He may also be attempting to teach him discipline and standing on his own two feet in the process.
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Post by Bradstick »

I love it in B&G but I don’t think it would work for me. The best thing about this dynamic is they both enjoy it. Nick likes being the head of house and in charge while Steven likes where he is the teen with his “father”. He has to sweettalk his way into what he wants which works great for Steven.

In real life I would find this difficult for me because I want to make my own decisions. I think as long as Steven and nick both enjoy their dynamic, than it is perfect for them!
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Post by Red86 »

I voted for being somewhere in the middle. I still have an almost like grudge (not quite grudge though) against Nick for the way he took advantage of Steven's downwards spiral after the kidnapping, that comes into play a bit. But there's definitely a connection between the 2, however, is there any Stockholm like syndrome there? I'm mostly unsure with that.

At the end of the day, as long as it's not harming anyone and they are happy, I will support their decisions. Hence me being somewhere in the middle of this one.

I still go with my opinion from months ago, I still think Nick and Steven need to pull themselves out of this dom/sub dynamic temporarily and have a 1 on 1 conversion. Yes their relationship has improved but it still is something I believe needs to happen to make their relationship more successful.

IRL, I'm not really for, nor against age play. I can see myself dabbling into it some but isn't something I want to be a normal thing. In my opinion, every sub still needs some independence. Stickly my opinion and I know some don't. To each is their own and whatever works for them.
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Post by Starcomet »

I am certainly fine with it!
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Post by Stormee »

I'm not into the age-play much, but as long as Steven and Nick are happy with their relationship, then it's fine in my book. Steven has a nice man into the relationship and will cater to his every needs and Nick has goofy, but adorable boi in their relationship.
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Volobond wrote: 1 year ago I simply had to answer with other and give my usual long-winded explanation in the comments.

In a normal situation, I'd say it's not my thing, but if they're happy, then that's that. However, Nick and Steven did not start this relationship from a position of equality, they started out not only with a power imbalance but from a place of coersion. Nick kidnapped Steven. By any legal definition. And when Steven's trauma, both at burgeoning sexuality and at being taken advantage of by a man he trusted and a man he feared who threatened his very life, imploded Steven's life, the only person he could go to was his captor. And Nick made it clear it was a choice between houseboi and homelessness.

Look how long it took Steven to establish any sense of feeling secure in his life. How long it took for him to ask things of Nick. Nick may be endeavoring to be better, but he still took advantage of a vulnerable person at his absolute lowest, and thus I can never fully be comfortable with the level of control Nick maintains in their dynamic. It can't be a truly consensual relationship because Steven was under duress and arguably still is the longer it goes on. Since he could not consent at the beginning of the relationship, it's still an unhealthy dynamic that continues to support Steven's emotional and financial dependency on Nick.

I do love the story, and seeing both men grow and evolve. However, my conscience cannot see their dynamic as one I can condone because of its nature as a result of Nick taking advantage of Steven. If it had started with Steven not being in dire straits financially and emotionally and CHOOSING to return, then I could maybe overlook the Stockholm Syndrome and sign off on them. Unfortunately, I cannot at this moment.

Hope that makes sense, and I just want y'all to know I really do love the story and how it makes me think!
Thank you for this explanation because you explained it better in one comment than I have in the various ones that I have written over the months.

I thought that the original question about age-play was interesting because I never really saw that when initially reading; I just assumed it was a variant of the dom/sub relationship. That being said, I haven't read the story for some time now, so it sounds like this has changed or evolved? Regardless, it's not really my cup of tea but I don't have any strong feelings towards it.
Red86 wrote: 1 year ago I still think Nick and Steven need to pull themselves out of this dom/sub dynamic temporarily and have a 1 on 1 conversion. Yes their relationship has improved but it still is something I believe needs to happen to make their relationship more successful.
I also really appreciate this comment, as this has been my main complaints regarding Nick and Steven's relationship. I know this is less about the age-play aspect of their relationship and more about the relationship dynamic overall, but even with their relationship strengthening and Nick's (and Steven's) communication with one another improving, there still really hadn't been a conversation about all of this: what initially happened with Nick and Brad, how broken it left Steven, what their relationship actually was, what were Nick's friends and acquaintances allowed and not allowed to do, and so on. So for me, until that conversation happens, I can't call their relationship a healthy one. It's not fully unhealthy, but what makes it unhealthy overrides the positive aspects.
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Post by Straitjacketed »

I chose the second option, largely because it alluded to what I consider the two ways of answering the question: in terms of what I find hot in a fantasy story or in terms of my reaction to a similar scenario enacted in real life.

On its own terms, I find the relationship a turn-on - or, perhaps more accurately, I find the character of Nick a turn-on. Why? Because I fetishise non-consensual (or consensually non-consensual) bondage, leather and down gear, muscle and because I'm well aware of my own thundering daddy issues. :)

Steven? Welllll, even in fiction, I find Steven harder to like. I know that doesn't make logical sense (any more than liking Nick makes logical sense) and some of it may be down to projection of my own internalised... what, "self-sub-loathing"? Somehow, he still makes me roll my eyes in irritation in a way no other character does.

I have no doubt that, if I happened across a Nick/Steven relationship in the non-virtual world, it'd concern the hell out of me. I'd consider it abusive, Stockholm Syndrome, for the reasons so brilliantly articulated by [mention]Volobond[/mention].

Obviously, being cognisant of the boundary between the two, I'm able to consume and enjoy the first without thinking too much about the second.

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Questions about Nick and Steven's relationship always manage to bring forward an interesting range of views! [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] knows exactly what he's doing!

For this poll I voted for: "I love it in B&G, but would probably find it a bit difficult to adapt to in real life. Open to trying though."

I do love the idea of it but I think as a 24/7 thing it might get a bit much. I did get a bit of a taste of what Steven's life might have been like during the pandemic when I was at home and my husband was still working. Various chores to do and making sure tea was ready for him when I got home but also lots of free time to do my own thing. I barely left the house for several months and only really spent time with him. I quite enjoyed it. Sadly I didn't end up zipped in a sleepsack every night :( but there was definitely some bondage along the way :) . At the same time it was also nice to get back out to work and a more normal routine.

There is something nice about taking care of someone and being taken care of in return and decision making is over-rated! I do like to call my husband Daddy on occasion and it is always fun when people misidentify our relationship and think I'm actually his son - there are 7 years between us.

As for Steven and Nick, there has always been an age element to their relationship. Before the story starts we have Big Brother Nick and little brother Steven with Nick protecting Steven from others whilst also claiming the Big Brother right to torment the little brother. Over the course of the story this has morphed into the Daddy/boi relationship we have now.

The kidnapping was definitely a betrayal of trust and something that Nick shouldn't have done but I'd still like to hear Nick's side of the story. It feels like an extended and misjudged prank that went off the rails (the involvement of Brad definitely didn't help.) It was this experience that awakened a lot of new feelings in Steven, things that have given him a lot of pleasurable moments down the line. It wasn't an entirely negative experience for Steven and I guess the question is how far does someone have to go before you end a longstanding friendship?

I don't think everything that has happened after the kidnap can be pushed aside as 'Stockholm Syndrome'. The pair clearly have feelings for each other that go far beyond that. There is a strong power dynamic in the relationship but I think that works for both of them - Nick wants to be in charge and Steven wants to submit and I think both have a positive influence on the other. I think most relationships have some level of power dynamic to them - even the completely equal ones!

Steven is very reliant on Nick for things like money and housing but I think that can be the case in a lot of relationships. Steven still has a lot of freedom, still has friends. If the relationship breaks down it will undoubtedly be messy but is that really that unusual? They probably should talk more about their relationship but this is something that has developed organically rather than a Recon hookup. It is also comparatively early days for both of them.

I'm going to support Steven and Daddy Nick for as long as they are happy together!
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

I voted for the first choice I adore it .
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Post by wataru14 »

I chose option 4 (not into it but if it makes them happy) because its the closest to how I feel. I didn't pick #2 because of the "open to trying it" clause.

A dynamic like that makes sense for them. It gives them both what they need. It's a little flawed in its execution, but it's clearly what they each want. They just need to refine it a little more.

My own feelings on it are different. I like the idea of dominance like that in theory, but I'm far too independent a person to live like that. It's fine for play, but the second someone starts trying to control my life outside of bedroom time, there's gonna be trouble in River City.
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Post by Stormee »

I've been reading on and off on this site and been slowly working on book 5, I got to say, Steven has been having it a bit rough. Losing a friend like Jeremy for going back to Brad, but was happy for Nick to cheer him up by buying him new clothes and shoes and chocolates in their relationship. The ultimate tease so far was the first night of Steven getting introduced to the sleepsack by Nick and Zack and tormented on ends and edged into oblivion. But least the lad wasn't going anywhere once they left him in the sack, tucked him in, and plugged his mouth with an inflatable gag.

I got to keep reading now, but this is great work, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 1 year ago Questions about Nick and Steven's relationship always manage to bring forward an interesting range of views! [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] knows exactly what he's doing!
Indeed they do!
I suspected this poll would reward us with some very uneven and spread-out results. Glad to see those expectations held up!

On a more general note, these opinion polls consistently garner fewer votes than their horny-themed counterparts but generate a lot more discussion and interesting exchanges. Looking at the results so far, it seems as though a bit more than half of those who voted really enjoy the Steven & Nick dynamic, while a solid 30% have at least some reservations about it.

I am however surprised by how few respondents claim to outright dislike the daddy-son factor. I was expecting it to be a bit higher, but then I guess it makes sense seeing as how most of those who hate it would've most likely lost interest by now.

Definitely one of the most spread-out results we've seen so far though.
Also pretty hyped up about the fact that B&G is closing in on 2M views! That's a tad bit crazy for a small-time forum thread.

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Post by Stormee »

And I have finally finished Book V of this series. It was a slow process for me to read, but I'm glad to get another book under my belt.

Everything was just nice after the incident of Jeremy leaving to Nick and Steven building their relationship up. Nick being a great boyfriend by buying things for Steven like clothes and chocolates and taking him out to dinner. Even having his own garden made Steven even happier to be with the man. Even made it funny when Nick and Zack first introduced him to the sleepsack and having to hate it from now on.

But in the end, I'm glad Jeremy is back and happier than ever before with Zack. Don't worry Steven, I'm sure we both know that Jeremy is getting the same nightly routine as you are. ;)

Overall, another great book and I can't wait to read through Book VI, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! :D
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Post by that1kid13 »

bondagefreak wrote: 1 year ago
sock slave boy wrote: 1 year ago hello, I would like to know if we could collaborate, I would like to know if we can include a new character in this story or create a new one with me, I follow French
Bonjour boy. I would normally respond to you by private message, but since it takes ten forum posts for the private message feature to be unlocked, I'm going to respond here. Unfortunately, I'm not looking for any input or help when it comes to writing stories, particularly this one. Bound & Gagged's plot is already well established, from the beginning to the end.

The story is one of redemption, forgiveness, love and reality. It starts off with a simulated kidnapping but slowly evolves into a love story between two imperfect men - one, an insecure gay twink who struggles with mild asexuality and low self-esteem, and the other, an outwardly hardened man who clings to more traditional values.

All characters introduced so far have a purpose, or will have a purpose in furthering the main relationship (Nick & Steven). I do fulfil minor requests on a regular basis and tend to focus on popular things more frequently, but as far as characters and plot are concerned, I'm not looking for any external input. This is a story I want to tell.

If you want to contribute, I suggest you look at the BOUND & GAGGED QUESTIONNAIRE and take a go at answering some of the questions. Don't shy away from sharing your comments, thoughts and opinions with us. I highly encourage it!

Get In line, I’ve been trying for years 🤣 ❤️
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Post by that1kid13 »

I’m gonna jump in on this poll, I voted for loving it since it’s fiction.

Although this is a story. IMO this is NOT how sub/dom relationships work nor should work. Many people brought this story back to the beginning where this “relationship” started with a kidnapping. In real life Steven would have Stockholm syndrome and nick would have a mental illness. Both are fucked in the head in this story.

It can be irritating at times because it doesn’t express any type of real sub/dom dynamic. From good, bad, lessons, etc the dynamic is stagnant.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hey buddy-boi! Well, aside from the poor choices made during the ill-handled prank kidnapping at the start of the saga, I can't say I agree with any of your assessments. But then again, that's just me. I am, however, sorry to hear you find the current dynamic between Nick & Steven stagnant. To readers like yourself, who can't relate to subs like Steven or who prefer faster-paced stories, a saga like this one, which deals in the menial/everyday aspects of a newly-formed couple's foray into BDSM would indeed seem tedious and bland.

I'm sure the guys on here that do relate to Steven - whether it be because of his delicate sensitivity, his mild asexuality, his strong desire to please and be cared for, or his innate craving for rank smelly footwear - feel somewhat differently than you do.

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

that1kid13 wrote: 1 year ago Although this is a story. IMO this is NOT how sub/dom relationships work nor should work. Many people brought this story back to the beginning where this “relationship” started with a kidnapping. In real life Steven would have Stockholm syndrome and nick would have a mental illness.
While I don't think it's for us to explicitly say "This is not how relationships work", I agree that Steven would have Stockholm Syndrome. Bondagefreak even had "Stockholm Syndrome" in the running for what to name this story! I certainly think that Steven and Nick's relationship is problematic, although I don't think Nick would have a mental illness. He just has certain... views about relationships and people.

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Post by that1kid13 »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 1 year ago
that1kid13 wrote: 1 year ago Although this is a story. IMO this is NOT how sub/dom relationships work nor should work. Many people brought this story back to the beginning where this “relationship” started with a kidnapping. In real life Steven would have Stockholm syndrome and nick would have a mental illness.
While I don't think it's for us to explicitly say "This is not how relationships work", I agree that Steven would have Stockholm Syndrome. Bondagefreak even had "Stockholm Syndrome" in the running for what to name this story! I certainly think that Steven and Nick's relationship is problematic, although I don't think Nick would have a mental illness. He just has certain... views about relationships and people.
I think you cut out the most important part of my statement. Figuratively and literally. “Nor should it.” Nick possesses some quality’s of a good dom but is also extremely mentally abusive. I’m not saying people with a sub dom mindset have mental illnesses, kinda just a wiring thing. I just idk get a little irritated when people on here fantasize that the way nick acts is just a dom minset. It’s not. Some people are just so new to the sub dom scene it’s pretty important to remind that this is purely fiction and a HEALTHY dynamic wouldn’t look like Steven and Nicks.
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Post by chadmc90 »

that1kid13 wrote: 1 year ago
OrdinaryWorld wrote: 1 year ago
that1kid13 wrote: 1 year ago Although this is a story. IMO this is NOT how sub/dom relationships work nor should work. Many people brought this story back to the beginning where this “relationship” started with a kidnapping. In real life Steven would have Stockholm syndrome and nick would have a mental illness.
While I don't think it's for us to explicitly say "This is not how relationships work", I agree that Steven would have Stockholm Syndrome. Bondagefreak even had "Stockholm Syndrome" in the running for what to name this story! I certainly think that Steven and Nick's relationship is problematic, although I don't think Nick would have a mental illness. He just has certain... views about relationships and people.
I think you cut out the most important part of my statement. Figuratively and literally. “Nor should it.” Nick possesses some quality’s of a good dom but is also extremely mentally abusive. I’m not saying people with a sub dom mindset have mental illnesses, kinda just a wiring thing. I just idk get a little irritated when people on here fantasize that the way nick acts is just a dom minset. It’s not. Some people are just so new to the sub dom scene it’s pretty important to remind that this is purely fiction and a HEALTHY dynamic wouldn’t look like Steven and Nicks.
I actually kind of held the same sentiment that this situation is not really healthy. It's a work of fiction, so at the end of the day it's still just a story. However, the kidnapping and cabin thing I feel was way out of line and too much for what a "prank.". He practically kidnapped, traumatized, and, if I'm being honest, sexually assaulted Steven at that cabin(if I remember right Steven was jacked off against his will, which is technically sexual assault). Who wouldn't be messed up in the head after an experience like that, especially by someone who was supposed to be a friend? Idk.

The story is still one of the best on here plot wise, but I do agree that this is NOW how a healthy dom/sub relationship should start.

I haven't read the recent chapters so I have some catching up to do, but saw your comment and thought I would add my two cents seeing it was something I thought as well.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

chadmc90 wrote: 1 year ago I actually kind of held the same sentiment that this situation is not really healthy. It's a work of fiction, so at the end of the day it's still just a story. However, the kidnapping and cabin thing I feel was way out of line and too much for what a "prank.". He practically kidnapped, traumatized, and, if I'm being honest, sexually assaulted Steven at that cabin(if I remember right Steven was jacked off against his will, which is technically sexual assault). Who wouldn't be messed up in the head after an experience like that, especially by someone who was supposed to be a friend? Idk.

The story is still one of the best on here plot wise, but I do agree that this is NOW how a healthy dom/sub relationship should start.

I haven't read the recent chapters so I have some catching up to do, but saw your comment and thought I would add my two cents seeing it was something I thought as well.
I am very much in accordance, and it's a shame to see other users brush this extremely problematic context under the rug.

Is their relationship now alright (mostly)? Yeah. Was it built upon deception, manipulation, abuse, and misery? Also a very strong Yes.

Frankly, I can never entirely accept their relationship due to how it started and developed, and its extremely lopsided dynamics. I accept that dom/sub relationships are fine, but Nick + Steven is a step too far. Nick needs to get some perspective and self-consciousness, and Steven needs to grow a spine - neither of which will happen.

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Post by gaggedfeety »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 1 year ago
chadmc90 wrote: 1 year ago I actually kind of held the same sentiment that this situation is not really healthy. It's a work of fiction, so at the end of the day it's still just a story. However, the kidnapping and cabin thing I feel was way out of line and too much for what a "prank.". He practically kidnapped, traumatized, and, if I'm being honest, sexually assaulted Steven at that cabin(if I remember right Steven was jacked off against his will, which is technically sexual assault). Who wouldn't be messed up in the head after an experience like that, especially by someone who was supposed to be a friend? Idk.

The story is still one of the best on here plot wise, but I do agree that this is NOW how a healthy dom/sub relationship should start.

I haven't read the recent chapters so I have some catching up to do, but saw your comment and thought I would add my two cents seeing it was something I thought as well.
I am very much in accordance, and it's a shame to see other users brush this extremely problematic context under the rug.

Is their relationship now alright (mostly)? Yeah. Was it built upon deception, manipulation, abuse, and misery? Also a very strong Yes.

Frankly, I can never entirely accept their relationship due to how it started and developed, and its extremely lopsided dynamics. I accept that dom/sub relationships are fine, but Nick + Steven is a step too far. Nick needs to get some perspective and self-consciousness, and Steven needs to grow a spine - neither of which will happen.
100% this...I always preface that my comments are never a criticism because it's the storytelling that gets me thinking and feeling, and these conversations get to happen, so I do appreciate that! But the comment about the whole cabin sequence basically being a prank gone wrong was surprising since it downplays the gravity of the situation and the anguish that Steven went through. And it does seem like people dance around what he went through. It's not that I can't get past it because it's too dark or intense, I'm just calling it what it is: a traumatizing experience. And since we're seeing all of this from Steven's perspective, we wouldn't necessarily be privy to Nick's thoughts. Still, I don't think Steven has ever looked back at that as a mishandled prank.

On the other hand, I guess it very well could've been, it just went horribly wrong, or rather it had some serious negative effects on Steven that Nick doesn't fully realizes or is in denial about. I can't remember if Steven originally knew if Nick was going on a trip (if he did, I don't think he knew it was with Brad because he was surprised/embarrassed when his rival showed up), but even if he did, maybe the prank was to have him go while all tied up and then they'd release him when they arrived. But when Nick saw Steven in the back seemingly getting off by being tied up and sniffing his shoe, maybe he changed his plans and now here they are. But we (and Steven) don't know because they've since never talked about that whole thing. However, I haven't been following the story for some time now, so I don't know if Nick's been more forthcoming about it...
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Post by chadmc90 »

And just to clarify: in no means was my post a criticism of bondagefreaks storytelling. I think he's created a phenomenal story. I just wanted to point out that this is still a work of fiction and that the way Steven and Nick's relationship started is not healthy in a real setting.
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