Dinner Parties with a Difference! (F/M)

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Dinner Parties with a Difference! (F/M)

Post by LunaDog »

It's back to my normal telling of this tale from the perspective of the male captor for this one, although my last story DID go down well, so maybe i'll try telling things from the female side of things more often. And just maybe in this one there'll be parts of it that seem a little, how shall we put it, 'convenient' or 'coincidental.' But, hey, this IS fiction is it not? And if some of those 'co-incidents' do seem a little unlikely, NONE of them are blatantly impossible.


CRASH! The box had slipped out of the woman’s hands and landed hard on the ground with the resulting destruction. For it had been full of expensive crockery, all handmade with real precision, care and almost love. But now it was simply a pile of useless junk, smashed to pieces, totally and utterly broken. And it was ENTIRELY my fault!

Yes, I’d been completely immersed in my ’phone and quite simply hadn’t been paying an awful lot of attention as to where I was going. And walked right into this Lady, causing her to drop the box she was carrying, containing the aforementioned items, that she had only just purchased. As if that wasn’t bad enough, there were several witnesses who had seen what I’d done, some of whom knew her, so there’d be NO denying my liability.

“Well then Good Sir, you now owe me five hundred and thirty-six pounds. There’s no doubt that you are at fault here, you walked into me and caused me to drop these. I’ve only just purchased them, and now I, or rather you, need to return to the shop where I’d bought them and procure another set.”
“I’m so sorry Ma’am, but I don’t have that sum of money with me. I won’t be able to pay you until I get paid, next week.”
“Well, that’s just not good enough!” And then she paused, and I looked at her properly for the first time since we’d bumped into each other, as she did me. She was attractive, quite a little older than me, clearly rich and upper middle class. After all, what ordinary working-class person could afford to spend over five hundred quid on crockery? Suddenly she smiled, a rather predatory smile it must be said, and then continued. “Or maybe you could pay me another way instead of in cash?”
“I’m sorry Ma’am, but what do you mean by that?”
“I mean that you could perform a service for me, instead of paying me in the form of money.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Let’s go and have a coffee, somewhere more private and I’ll explain just what it is I want from you.”

She led me to a small, rather exclusive, nearby café, purchased two coffees, and we sat down at a table in the corner. “Well Darling, I have a few little desires that you can help me with. Firstly, let me assure you that NO harm will happen to you. You have my word on that.”
“Yes Ma’am, I believe you.”
“Good. Firstly, I’m holding a dinner party for a few of my friends this evening, that’s what the crockery set is for. Well, we could do with a ‘waiter,’ and you will fit the bill rather nicely.” Bang goes my Saturday night down the pub! “And then, well it’s been a few years since my Henry passed away, and I fancy some bedroom ‘action.’ You’ll spend the rest of the night in my boudoir where you will then service my sexual desires. Which can be quite perverse and will most definitely include you being securely tied to my bed whilst I ravish you. But as I say, I will look out for your safety. Well Darling, there it is. Become my sex slave for the night, and I’ll readily accept that as payment.”

Quite frankly, what choice did I have? And, although clearly far older than me, she looked to be in her late forties, like I say she was extremely attractive, sexy even. And dressed immaculately, an absolutely delicious champagne leather suit, with a very short skirt that only just concealed whether the hosiery upon her shapely legs was in the form of stockings or tights. And the blouse underneath her jacket, in a similar colour, was clearly made of satin. About five feet eight in height, roughly the same as myself, with golden hair and blue eyes, this was a Lady of class and style, no doubt about that. It began to occur to me that I might even actually enjoy what she wanted. And if I refused, what then? I’d owe her a sum of money that I really could NOT afford to lose, Saturday nights down the pub would be out of the question for several weeks, months even.

“Ma’am, I accept your offer. I agree to serve you and your friends for dinner this evening and then become your complete carnal captive, to surrender myself to your sexual desires.”
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

Great start, hope you continue.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Oh yeah, we definitely need you to keep this one going. It's a classic plot and one of my favorites. I'm quite anxious to see where you take it.
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Post by LunaDog »

[mention]Lost_the_keys[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] Well then my good friends, it appears that your wish is my command!

Her face broadened into a MASSIVE smile. “Thank you, Darling. Well right now I need to purchase another set of just what you broke. Which you can then carry to my car. And then you will go and fetch your own and follow me back to my house.”
“I didn’t drive here Ma’am, so maybe I’ll just come back to your home with you in your car. If that’s alright with you? Although I’m not exactly dressed to be a ‘waiter,’ am I?”
“Perfect! Now don’t you worry about your ‘attire’ for this evening, you’ll be dressed by me in some of my clothes.” Ah, just WHAT have I got myself into here? “Oh, and there’s no need for you to keep calling me Ma’am, my name is Geraldine Winterburn, although my friends call me Geri. Which, if you are going to allow me to make you my carnal captive is just what you will then be, my friend. So please, call me Geri.”
“Geri it is then. Well Geri, let’s go get another set of plates, and then I’ll hand myself over to you, ‘on a plate’ as it were!”
“VERY good, Darling, very droll!” Rewarding me with another lovely smile.

We returned to the store Geri had just visited and I had to stand there, rather sheepishly, as she explained what had occurred and fully outlined my role in the disaster. So, I decided that if I was going to enjoy what Geri had planned for me then this, uncomfortable, moment was my punishment, a deserved one after all. But having endured that I carried her package to her waiting car, an almost brand-new Jaguar, and successfully loaded it without any further breakages!

About thirty minutes later we reached the home of Geraldine Winterburn, who, I had discovered during the journey was the widow of a very successful and wealthy businessman. And her home reflected that affluence. It was a large, detached house on a very exclusive estate, clearly worth a great deal of money. She opened the garage door, remotely, drove in and parked up. The door closed behind us, and I suddenly had this creepy feeling that I’d just been shut away from the rest of the world. A light came on, and as the pair of us emerged from her car, she indicated a door leading into the house itself. “Follow me Darling, let’s dump those in the kitchen.”

Once there, I in fact opened up the box and started to unpack the contents. For Geri was running a little late, that coffee while she made me her offer taking up time she hadn’t allowed for. However, my presence now enabled her to regain much that had been lost, for I paid attention to her instructions and proved my worth. Soon the dining room table was correctly set, the vegetables were peeled and ready to be cooked when required, and her main dish meat in the oven. “Thank you, Darling,” she addressed me, “now come with me please.” It’s time for you to take a shower and then get ready for your duties tonight.”

Geri led me up the stairs to the master bathroom. Switching the shower on, “there’s the controls, Darling, strip off then and proceed when ready.” I removed all of my clothes there and then, what was the point of being bashful, she’d see EVERYTHING tonight when she tied me to her bed and shagged me, thought I. Once I was happy with the water temperature, I entered her shower cubicle, shut the door and proceeded to wash myself, hair included.

Now Geri’s shower cubicle was made from frosted glass, I guess to give the user a reasonable degree of privacy. Fine, but it also prevents said user from seeing any details of anything occurring outside, especially if water is cascading over them. So, I had NO idea that Geri had removed all of my clothes from the room, just leaving a pair of satin female panties for me to wear and a short-handwritten note to the effect.

Therefore, when I’d finished, reading her instructions, I dried myself off, put on said panties, and proceeded to her bedroom, as directed. “Ah Darling, feeling all nice and clean?”
“Yes, thank you, Geri.”
“Good. Come and stand here please then.” As she pointed out a large mirror. As I walked towards that, I noticed her full King size bed, complete with solid metal, slatted bed frames at both the top and bottom ends, and therefore absolutely perfect for the purpose of tying a sex slave to. “Yes, go on, take a good look Darling, you’ll BELONG to that later on. But not now, time is pressing on, and I’ve so much more to do.” Then I saw the silk bondage tie in her hand. “Turn around please,” yes Geri was VERY polite must be her upbringing, as I reached her. Now my back was towards her, and she pulled my arms together, before taking me into her captivity by securely, and I DO mean SECURELY, tying my wrists together. There was NO doubt that she knew EXACTLY what she was doing, and this bond was completely inescapable! “Good, now I can begin.”

Geri fetched a razor and began to ‘attack’ the hair on my legs! Then she pulled down those satin panties, and ALL of my pubic hair joined that from my legs on the floor! “You don’t mind do you, Darling?” Bit late now, IF I did, don’t you think?

So, with all of my lower body hair gone, Geri fetched a very lacy suspender belt, slipped it around my waist and buckled it together. “Good fit, Darling, we’re almost the same size I see. Handy for what I have in mind for you.” Next, she fetched a pair of VERY sheer nylon stockings, which soon covered my legs, and much to my surprise felt absolutely delicious!

Now then, just a word about the colour of this hosiery that now adorned my lower body. For this Lady’s favourite colour was clearly brown, light brown. Her bed was covered in champagne coloured satin bedsheets, and both her and my stockings, as were the panties I wore, were also of that shade. This needs to be born in mind, as the next item of clothing she intended me to wear was removed from a tall wardrobe.

For it was a ‘French maids’ outfit but in chocolate brown and champagne instead of the ‘normal’ black and white. Whatever, it was still sensuous. “Now then Darling, I’m going to untie your arms, can I trust you? Although I rather feel you WANT to wear this?”
“I gave you my word, Geri, and I STILL intend to keep it. I won’t attempt to escape you.”
“No, I don’t think you will.” She untied me, and then slipped the maid costume over my head. Believe me it felt as good as it looked! Remember I could now see myself in that mirror of hers. As she re-tied my wrists together. Just for effect of course, she KNEW I was hers!

“Now come and sit here please.” Indicating her ‘dressing table,’ and another, smaller mirror. Where she ‘made up’ my face, obviously giving it a VERY close shave. And then the final touch, a blonde wig, and the normal maids, in champagne, head dress. God, I almost ‘fancied’ myself. Untied again, “come along please Darling, you can’t stay there looking at yourself, we’ve work to do! I need to make a start in the kitchen and my guests will be here soon. Oh, and in front of them, please address me as ‘Mistress’ Geraldine.”
“Of course, Mistress Geraldine.”

As Geri started to cook the prepared vegetables the front doorbell rang. “Ah, that’ll be the first of my guests. Remember MISTRESS Geraldine now, Darling! And ask them for their name and please call them Mistress too!”

As I opened the door, there stood another middle-aged attractive Lady, whose face immediately brightened into a massive smile upon the sight of me in my ‘uniform!’ “Good evening, Ma’am. Whom shall I inform Mistress Geraldine has given us the pleasure of her presence here tonight?” Standing slightly aside, “please come in.”
“Thank you, young man. Tell Geri it’s Lucinda. And I must admit I’m impressed with her for ‘acquiring’ you!” As she walked past me and into the house, I called out. “Mistress Lucinda, for you Mistress Geraldine.” And the same time the ‘hostess emerged from the kitchen to greet her friend. “Lucy, please come in. Drink?”
“A dry white wine, come on, you know me by now Geri!”
“True but my ‘waiter’ doesn’t, not yet anyway. Please fetch a large dry white wine for Lucy please, Darling.” Into the kitchen I went, to pour this friend of my Mistress her wine.

“Geri, sweetheart, where did you get him, or should that be ‘her,’ from? Are you planning to have some ‘fun’ with him after our dinner?”
“Oh, he bumped into me whilst he had his head in his ’phone. Breaking the first lot of the style of crockery we’ll be utilising tonight. And he couldn’t afford to replace them, so I made him an offer which he couldn’t, and therefore didn’t refuse. He’s mine but I’ll let all three of you have a little ‘play’ before you leave here. But NOTHING serious, as I say HE IS MINE!”

It wasn’t long before Geri’s, or should that be Mistress Geraldine’s, other two guests arrived, to be greeted by myself as ‘Lucy’ had been. The first was Abigail, known as ‘Abi,’ and last but not least, Madeline or ‘Maddy.’ Having announced their respective arrivals to Geri, I fetched the pair of them the drink of their choice. Mistress Geraldine now announced that her planned starter was ready.

It was a simple prawn cocktail, brought from the kitchen by myself, and then having eaten my portion in said room, Geri was NOT cruel, I stood silently by the wall, arms behind my back, as the Ladies finished eating. When I swiftly and efficiently, but also politely and respectfully, cleared the table. Replenishing their drinks too, and I noticed that Geri wasn’t drinking much alcohol at all. I knew all too well from experience that sex and ‘booze’ don’t go together!

Again, I helped Geri to put the ingredients of her main dish, a chicken roast dinner, into serving dishes, which I carried through to the dining room and placed on the table. Once I’d checked everything that needed to be done, was done, also charging the Ladies drinks, with Geri still abstaining to a large extent, I again retired to the kitchen to eat my share of the meal. Superbly cooked and utterly delicious, by the way. Again, I waited for the Ladies to finish eating before clearing the table.

But before dessert, now was the time that Geri decided to allow her guests to ‘examine’ her acquisition, ME! A couple of bondage ties in her hands, she tied my wrists together behind my back, then securing my ankles tightly together, resulting in movement becoming effectively impossible for me. And so, the three other Ladies, to a limited extent, were allowed to ‘set about’ my bound body.

They were not permitted to remove or lift any item of ‘my’ clothing but were allowed to touch my ‘clothed’ form in any way they chose. And Geri also gave permission for them to kiss me, which all three of them did. They were basically allowed thirty minutes or so with me.

And I’m sure you can all imagine the uncomfortable degree that my boner produced within the satin panties and tight French maid costume, as the three of them enjoyed ‘playing’ with me! With there being NOTHING, I could do to stop them in any way. And I thought I heard Geri indulging in a very sly chuckle to herself at my discomfort. Finally, to my GREAT relief she called a halt to these proceedings, dessert was ready. Now Geri released me from my bonds, in order to serve the, homemade, strawberry cheesecake, with clotted cream. Again, I was permitted a share, but had to eat in the kitchen. Didn’t spoil the superb taste, one thing I’d learnt tonight was that Geri is a magnificent cook. I was hoping that her skills in the bedroom at least matched those of hers in the kitchen, if so, I was in for an exciting night!

And once I’d cleaned up after the Ladies had consumed their own shares, and also drunk the normal ‘after-dinner’ coffee, it was time for them to go. Time for the night to REALLY begin!

It was crystal clear by the look on Geri’s face that she felt the same way, although she did insist on cleaning up first before taking me up her stairs and to that large bed. Which took some time, in order to pass much of what the pair of us had consumed that evening. So, by the time we did proceed to her bedroom much of that had passed through with several toilet visits by both of us.

In her bedroom, Geri kissed me first, a long kiss FULL of TOTAL passion, before informing me, “we need to get you out of that outfit, Darling. Oh, and now we’re alone at last, please simply call me Geri again. By the way, I’m VERY pleased with you and how you behaved tonight. Thank you, Darling.”
“You’re very welcome, Geri. Enjoyed it to be honest, but I have a feeling that the night is NOT yet finished by a long chalk!”
“NO! You’re DEAD right there! Right out of that ‘French maid’ suit, then!”

It soon on the floor, followed by those satin panties, although the stockings were staying on, and here Geri had used some foresight. For when she’d fitted my stockings in the first place, she’d fed the suspenders UNDER the panties, so they could be, and were, removed without needing to disturb them. “On the bed please.” I obeyed and stretched out my limbs without needing to be told, by now I WANTED this! As my, soon to be captor, noticed. “You’re looking forward to this aren’t you, Darling? Well, I’ll try my very best NOT to let you down.” With that she sat down on the bed very near to my left arm and began the process of taking me into her captivity!

By looping the wrist of that arm, then having pulled said wrist right to the outer bedpost she made them become ‘one.’ Securely! It had started. It wasn’t long before my right arm was also ‘joined’ to the opposite post, and so now I was captured and helpless, the ‘private property’ of this gorgeous cougar! In both cases there was a fair amount of tie left over, so Geri decided a bit of ‘belt and braces’ was called for and bound my hands too. Just to add to my feelings of TOTAL capture. Which was soon reinforced as shortly afterwards she bound my ankles to the lower bed posts, meaning even just movement was very limited and escape TOTALLY impossible. I now BELONGED to Geraldine Winterburn, utterly and completely!

She sat on the edge of the bed facing me and crossed her legs. My cock jerked with the creaking of her leather skirt and the rasping of her hose. Her skirt raised itself higher so I could see the tan suspenders holding up her stockings. Geri saw where my eyes were fixed so she thought she would tease me some more by undoing the buttons on her blouse and pulling it open so I could see her luscious breasts pouring over her tight champagne satin basque. Now this older but still sexy woman stood, unbuckled her skirt, allowing it to drop to the floor. Which, of course, it did almost revealing all. The blouse now joined the skirt on the floor, soon followed by HER panties, which she’d also fed her suspenders under. Smart cookie, this Geri! Meaning that now she was ready to enact her plans for me.

Climbing onto the bed, she knelt between my legs, and cupped my balls in her hands. “Now then, just WHAT do we have here? Are THESE mine?”
“I guess so, Geri. Whatever you have planned for them, I’m in NO position to stop you!”
“No. You’re NOT, are you? You BELONG to my bed, you’re tied to it, and will remain so until I, and ONLY I, decide otherwise! Therefore these, and the rest of you, belong to me! Who do you belong to, Darling?”
“I belong to YOU, Geri. I am YOURS to command!”
“Aren’t you just?” Moving her hands to my cock. “And what is this?”
“Something that exists to please and pleasure you, Mistress!”
“Doesn’t it just. And for tonight it’s NOT yours, but MINE! My very own LIVING DILDO!”
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Post by LunaDog »

Geri moved herself forwards until she was laying on top of my bound form, her lips found mine and she began proceedings with a kiss FULL of energy and passion. She might well have born roughly twice my age, but there was NO doubt in my mind that she’d still ‘got it’ and that I was in for a long but thoroughly exciting night in her hands! And things were going to become a little ‘darker’ if only for me! For while her lips were attacking mine, one of Geri’s hands reached underneath the pillow where my head lay and withdrew a blindfold.

So, when that kiss finally ended, and believe me for a while I began to wonder if it EVER would, she teased me by waving this item right in front of my eyes. “Now then Darling, are you worthy of actually being able to see your complete Mistress, I wonder? No, I don’t think you are, so I’ll just have to remove your power of sight, won’t I?” With me knowing she was going to blind me, as if I had any choice?

Said blindfold might well have been champagne in colour, but that didn’t stop it reducing my world to TOTAL darkness, even if it allowed my eyes to remain open all they now saw was black, as it was one of those ‘proper’ items that allowed NO light whatsoever to penetrate.

So, I couldn’t see my captor as she placed her pussy over my totally rampant cock and slowly, very slowly, began to lower herself upon it. “Wow Darling, it’s been such a LONG time since I’ve had THIS pleasure, well worth the price of a set of plates! Let’s make this good, eh?”

Can’t argue with that, Geri, I thought as she began to pump herself on said cock. And this woman possessed both sexual skills and energy in full abundance, and those qualities made themselves clear very quickly. Her vaginal muscles clamped onto my cock with surprising firmness as their owner furiously kept up her rapid movements, and things began to become VERY hot and ‘exciting’ down there.

And then it happened. As Geri’s own climax hit her and her own body arched and froze as she screamed at FULL volume, so my balls contracted as they shot their ‘load,’ via my cock into my captor’s almost vibrating pussy! Clearly both of us had just been taken to a REAL high, one of pure joy and ecstasy!

It took a little time for the pair of us to ‘calm down,’ but once we had Geri simply announced, “thank you SO much for that Darling. But I warn you now, it was just the beginning of our night together.” As her lips once again ‘assaulted’ mine!

About twenty minutes later my cock was hard again, and we repeated the whole cycle once again, with the same delightful result. But when I was hard again Geri decided to change tactics! This time she fitted some satin panties, yes champagne coloured again, to her ‘nether region’ and climbed aboard my rampant cock yet again. Using the hardness of said organ, she rubbed her pussy through the delicious material against it. Somehow managing to stimulate her ‘clitty’ she bought herself to a climax, even if not quite as intensive as those earlier ones. But the point was that those panties were now covered in her juices, just as she wanted them!

For now, she removed them again, but it wasn’t her washing basket that she intended to now place them in. Oh no, she had another location in mind, my mouth! And if that wasn’t enough, she removed the blindfold, so I had a perfect view of them being placed there. “Open please Darling, they’re going in one way or the other!” Knowing that she’d just grab my nose and close it, until I HAD to breathe, I was going to simply comply, until the look in her eyes suggested that she WANTED me to resist!

Therefore, I didn’t let her down at all and clamped my mouth firmly shut. “I see,” in a tone that implied this was EXACTLY what she DID want, “hard way it is then!” And, just as I’d correctly anticipated, she clamped my nose shut. Forcing me to open my mouth to breathe, and then, WHAM, in they went! And then another bondage tie was wrapped around my head and tied right by my mouth to hold its unwanted ‘guest’ inside. But then, was it so unwanted? Geri’s scent immediately filled my orifice and my entire breathing tracks and once the shock had dissipated, I actually began to enjoy her ‘aroma,’ much to my surprise!

“But now things aren’t quite ‘square’ are they Darling? I’ve just ‘cum’ to a nice climax but then you haven’t! Doesn’t strike me as right. And therefore, we can’t have that can we?” With that one of her hands cupped my balls as the other started to stroke my cock, very slowly at first and then accelerating until she was REALLY pumping it. Naturally I, or my cock, couldn’t ignore or resist just what Geri was putting it through, although she, VERY teasingly stopped for a small period causing me to attempt to scream in frustration, difficult with her panties shoved into my mouth; but she soon resumed her actions. The invertible result arrived, of course, my entire being became consumed by what was occurring ‘down there,’ as my spunk shot out of the end of my cock with such force and ferocity that even I was taken a little by surprise!

Geri seemed completely delighted, as indeed she genuinely was. “Well done, Darling, I think you’ve performed superbly here! Be honest, you LOVE being mine, don’t you?” Obviously gagged I couldn’t answer her with speech, but I nodded my head frantically as she was ABSOLUTELY correct, I DID enjoy being hers. And now, thank goodness, she did remove my gag. After a couple of breaths, then I did reply. “Yes Geri, you are completely correct there. You’re utterly FANTASTIC, and you’re taking to places I’ve never even imagined let alone been to before!”
“Good. Because I still have strength left so I’ve not finished with you just yet!”
“Well, I’m in NO position to stop you, am I?”
“No. You are NOT! You are still MINE!”

About thirty minutes later I was fully hard again, and Geri resumed the action in the conventional manner. With one difference from beforehand, now I could see her lovely face and body as she shagged me with the utmost ferocity! What a beautiful sight, I can tell you! Once again, this older, but gorgeous, woman managed to ‘press all the right buttons’ and soon she bought us both to a fantastic climax. All because of some smashed plates!

Geri kept me tied to her bed for two more really QUALITY shags before she sensed that her limit of endurance was being approached, remember not only was she far older than me, but it was HER doing most of the ‘work’ here! So, she decided to ‘call it a night,’ finally untying me from bondage to her. I immediately cuddled her, gently whispering in her ear. “Thank you SO much for tonight, Geri, I’ve enjoyed this FAR more than I thought. You are such a lovely and highly skilled Lady, please believe me because I TRULY mean this, tonight with you has been the greatest ‘sexperience’ of my ENTIRE life!” No, I was NOT lying!

And just before we went to sleep, we ‘shagged’ again, but this time, with me totally free to move, it was gentle and loving rather than frantic. And, in a different way admittedly, just as enjoyable. This was a LOVELY Lady in EVERY way!

When we awoke in the morning, several hours later, it HAD been a LONG night before, we ‘made love’ again. Then Geri looked me straight into my eyes and asked. “Do you need to go home just yet, I fancy having you in my hands and power again, IF you’re up for it!”

“Geri, even IF I did need to go home, I’d lie to you and say I didn’t! But as it happens, I don’t need to. Please, make me YOURS again. Although, I might need to go to the loo first!”
“The bathroom? Ever had sex in the shower, Darling?”
“Can’t say that I have, Geri. No.”
“Would you like to? Whilst in my bondage of course!”
“WOULD I? Yes please, Geri!”
“Best get up then, and strip off those stockings! But don’t worry, I KNOW how much you enjoyed wearing them, I’ll put you into a fresh set before I tie you to this bed again!”

Soon we were both naked in her ‘en-suite’ she reached into the shower cubicle and switched on the water supply, waiting for it to reach the correct temperature. In the meantime, she took me back into captivity to her by securely tying my arms together behind my back. I noticed a wall mounted ring within the cubicle and guessed that I’d be tied to that.

I wasn’t wrong! Once she was satisfied with the water temperature, Geri guided me inside where she swiftly tied me to this ring, holding my body firmly in HER power, and then, with the water cascading over us, she set about me! It was my first ‘sexperience’ in a shower, but believe me, I was definitely left with the feeling that I hope it wouldn’t be my LAST! She skilfully took us both to climax twice before deciding enough was enough of this particular pleasure. Untying me from that ‘ring’ she guided my form out of the shower before drying both herself and me off. Having untied my arms first.

She now led me out of the ‘en-suite’ bathroom, back into the main bedroom, and placed me back onto her satin covered bed. “Now then Darling, I’m about to tie you securely here again, but in a slightly different manner as to how I did so last night. Do you mind?”
“Not at all Geri, you’re in charge here!”
“Aren’t I just, Darling, aren’t I just!”

Now Geri grabbed both of my arms, and VERY securely tied my wrists together. And then pulled the whole ‘assembly’ above my head, and now tied it to the top rail of her bed’s metal frame, also making sure she fastened it to one of the vertical stays, preventing any side ‘movement’ at all. “Good, now before I secure your legs, I did promise you that I’d put them back into nylon, didn’t I? And as you well know by now, I’m a girl of my word!” Which she kept, putting both of us back into stockings, her own like mine now held up with a simple suspender belt, as opposed to her basque this time.

Now she took both of my legs and put them into a state of captivity to the outer bed posts of the lower bed frame, meaning I was now in an inverted ‘Y’ shape. And Geri had one more slight change to the bondage she’d subjected me to from the day before in mind. For after she’d reached into one of her drawers this time her hands emerged carrying a set of ear plugs as well as the blindfold. “Oh yes Darling, now you’re going to be deaf AND blind as I take just what I want from you!” In went the plugs, and as the foam material expanded, I now realised I could hear almost nothing. Soon I couldn’t see anything either as she fitted the blindfold over my eyes. In her hands then, I’d lost the ability to see, hear or move. Smashing!

Geri kept me tied to her bed and subject to her darkest sexual desires for over two hours. Keeping me fully ‘at it’ shagging me again and again, enjoying climax after climax, especially once she’d tied a stocking around my balls and the base of my cock, preventing me from cumming of course, but not herself. Not that I could hear her screams of pleasure, just a very faint version as she was claimed by ecstasy over and over again. Towards the end she relented, untying my ‘tools’ allowing me to also become overwhelmed by pleasure. Finally, with her own strength beginning to fail, she released my ears, eyes and limbs from bondage to her, almost to my regret. I’d simply ‘loved’ being hers, being subjected to her complete command and unable to prevent her acting HER desires in the way SHE chose!

She retrieved my clothes, and once I’d dressed, she kindly sat me down in her spacious living room. “Now Darling, you have completely kept your word of honour and fulfilled your part of the bargain we had. Your financial obligations towards me for smashing that first set of plates have been well and truly met. But I have something interesting to tell you.”
“Oh yes. I’m intrigued.” And I was! Taking her hand, I asked. “What’s on your mind Geri?”
“Firstly, may I ask, have you enjoyed this weekend, being helplessly mine?”
“VERY much so, and yes that is a TOTALLY honest answer. I DID!”
“Good, I believe you. Well, you see the thing is we get together every Saturday, well very occasionally something comes up to stop us, but generally speaking we entertain each other in turn as it were. For example, next weekend all four of us will be at Maddy’s house for dinner. Then Lucy’s the weekend after that and finally Abi’s. After which the cycle will begin again, here with me. And the four of us wonder if you’d like to carry on your waiting and shagging duties? Like I say, this will be COMPLETELY voluntary on your part, you’re UTTERLY free to never wish to ever see any of us again if you don’t want to. I mean it, your debt is FULLY paid. But we thought you might like to ‘entertain’ us again.”
“Let me get this straight, Geri. I would ‘go round’ in this cycle of your friends and yourself, would I? I’d be waiting upon the four of you at whichever one of you happened to be ‘hosting’ that week. And then go to bed with that week’s ‘host?’ Am I right?”
“That’s the general idea, Darling, yes. OH, I must warn you now, ALL four of us are WELL into bondage and ‘femdom.’ You’d be our sex slave, in rotation, as it were.”
“I wouldn’t want it any OTHER way, Geri. The answer’s yes! Provided the four of you accept there might be weekends where I’m NOT available. Mate’s or family birthdays and sporting events I want to attend, that sort of thing. But those sorts of occasions don’t happen that often, so most of the time I’ll gladly be delighted to ‘serve’ the four of you!”
“I think we could all agree to that very reasonable request, Darling.”
“Well then, the four of you have got yourselves a deal. You say it’s Maddy’s turn this coming weekend. Where does she live? Shall you tell her to expect me? At what time?”
“Let’s ring her now and find out, shall we?”

Geri dialled her friend’s number and passed the ’phone to me. When Maddy answered I tried to sound as ‘posh’ as I possibly could. “May I converse with Mistress Madeline, please?” She seemed a little wary as she answered, obviously not realising who was on the other end. “I am Mistress Geraldine’s partner from last night. I understand from her that all four of you wish to avail yourselves of my services, starting with your very good self, this very weekend? Well, if that IS the case, then I’m delighted to inform you that not only am I available, I’m also VERY willing to assist you on that day, both in your kitchen and your bedroom. Could you please provide myself with directions as to how I may proceed to your abode, and also at what time you wish me to attend to you?”

“Oh, our Lovely Boy! Yes, I’d LOVE for you to come here next weekend!” She gave me her address and telephone number, Geri had provided ‘pen and paper,’ and asked me to arrive at hers at three o’clock in the afternoon. And then finally, after subjecting me to another VERY passionate kiss which she made last for ages, Geri ran me home, confessing that she’d been REALLY tempted to take me back up to her bedroom and tie me to her bed again! And, IF she’d told me that BEFORE we’d left the house, I’d have willingly LET her!
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Excellent story yet again [mention]LunaDog[/mention] ! Thanks for creating and sharing.
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[mention]tiedinbluetights[/mention] Please believe me, my good friend, it's good people like you who show your enjoyment of my work that encourages me to try and create stories here. Thank you once again. Your support is most DEFINITELY appreciated.

There's still a fair bit more to come on this one, as my character goes on that round of the four Ladies, servicing their wishes, both in their kitchens and bedrooms. How we he find them, compared to his original Mistress? Will Maddy, Lucy or Abi exceed the pleasure he derived from giving his to attentions to Geri'?
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Fantastic story. A great work of fiction, that isn’t soo far out there that it’s impossible! Can’t wait to read more.
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Tie_me_up91 wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic story. A great work of fiction, that isn’t soo far out there that it’s impossible! Can’t wait to read more.
Thank you once again for your support my friend, much appreciated and i'm glad you're enjoying this. It's possibly the next chapter where things might get a little, 'convenient!'
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That week at work seemed to last forever, but eventually Saturday morning arrived. After the normal Friday night down the pub, I might have lost Saturday evening at the ‘boozer’ but I could still go there on Friday. In the morning I did all of my ‘chores’ around the flat, didn’t need to worry about food that evening, before showering and generally tidying myself up, before cycling to Maddy’s address, that I’d checked out on ‘Google Maps.’ I knocked on the door and Maddy, all dressed in red to match the natural colour of her hair, invited me in, before shutting the door and kissing me just as passionately as Geri had done!

When she at last released my lips from her own Maddy explained this ‘colour’ thing. I remembered last week at Geri’s house, each Lady was wearing a stylish leather suit, as Geri had done. And then I ‘twigged’ it, of basically the same colour as their respective hair colour. For example, Geri was blond, so her suit and lingerie were champagne. Maddy was a red head, so her gear was red, be it leather, satin or nylon in material. Lucy had jet black head covering, so SHE was THE one in black, whereas Abi tinged her hair blue, so therefore she dressed herself in that shade.

As Maddy took me upstairs and into her bedroom for the first time, it soon became clear that this colour ‘matching’ didn’t just apply to the respective Lady’s clothing. For Maddy’s bed was covered in delicious bright red satin sheets. But that still wasn’t all. For some time, all four of the Ladies had planned and hoped to find a male willing to play the role I was fulfilling now. So, again I was going to find myself attired in a satin French maid’s outfit, but in a delicious dark red shade, with all of the accompaniments in a very soft, almost white, pink. Not that I minded, I KNEW it would be very sensual for me to wear. And, YES, it was! Together with the scarlet panties, suspender belt and stockings that Maddy placed my lower body into, teasing me as she did so, with myself unable to stop her, because just like Geri had, Maddy tied my wrists together, VERY securely behind my back! Kissing me again, Maddy, temporarily of course, released me from her bondage. “We’d better go downstairs and get ready, My Love, the others won’t be long arriving.”

She was right. Lucy arrived first and I’d only just fixed her up with her normal large dry white wine when Geri arrived, followed almost immediately by Abi. The radiant Maddy disappeared into the kitchen as I sorted out drinks for the new arrivals, and soon the host announced that the starter was ready. Naturally that was my cue to retreat to the kitchen myself, to carry the food to the dining table. I served up the four women just as I had done the previous weekend, Maddy had dished up home-made pâté on toast. Although I had to eat my portion in the kitchen that didn’t stop it being absolutely delicious!
I ate quickly, without rushing things, and soon was back in Maddy’s dining room so I could ‘wait’ upon the host and her three friends. Soon the table was clear, ready for the next course. So, the evening went on, until it was time for the others to leave, meaning I was now alone with Madeline.

Again, like with Geri we tidied up both the kitchen and dining room, allowing the food and drink consumed, again just like Geri had, Maddy hadn’t drunk TOO much alcohol, to pass through our bodies, BEFORE Maddy took my hand and led me into her bedroom. “Here we are at last, My Love! Just you, me, my bed and some bondage ties! Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be, Maddy!”
“Well, out of that ‘uniform’ then!”

Maddy helped me ‘undress’ down to just the suspender belt and stockings, again like Geri she’d fed the suspenders UNDER my panties. “On the bed, please! I think you KNOW how I want you on it, don’t you?”

I did, taking up the required position. Maddy started with my legs, red, naturally, silk bondage ties in her hands. It wasn’t long before both of my ankles had been ‘looped’ in red silk, and then became fastened to the outer bed posts of the lower frame of Maddy’s bed. “Excited?”

“Yes Maddy, VERY much so!”
“So I believe, My Love, so I believe!” As she looped my left wrist, tying that VERY securely to the equivalent bed post. “Nearly there My Love.” Seconds later Maddy had finished the job, I was now completely captured by her, the full prisoner of her bed. And therefore, totally and utterly HERS! As the beautiful smile on her radiant face absolutely confirmed!

“Well then, My Love, it appears that you have lost control of the situation. You belong to somebody else now. And, just who is that?”
“You Maddy. I am yours now.”
“Aren’t you JUST, My Love! And for how long?”
“For as long as you decide, Maddy.”
“Correct! As long as I WANT! Which WILL be quite some time, young man, THAT I CAN assure you!”
“As if I’d want it ANY other way Maddy!”
“Careful now! We’ll see if you’re quite so smug after a few hours in my hands, shall we?”

Before any ‘action’ could begin, Maddy needed to shed some, if not all, the clothes that she presently wore. First to come off was her red leather skirt, the jacket had been shed and remained downstairs. She wriggled herself out of it, very provocatively, before stepping out of it once it had fallen to the floor. Next came the satin blouse, exposing her scarlet basque. And finally, her panties, leaving her covered in just the basque and stockings. And didn’t she make a REAL show of all this, purely for my benefit, I guess. I mean, who else was there?

Maddy climbed onto the bed, but instead of lying on top of my body in the ‘normal’ manner she did do in ‘reverse’ as it were. “How about a little ‘soixante-neuf’ to kick things off, My Love?” Not that I had any choice, of course! So as Maddy’s mouth enveloped my rampant cock, so my tongue got to ‘work’ on her ‘clitty!’ With the desired result for both of us, and our combined timing was almost perfect! As my seed threatened to fill her orifice so she pulled away, her job done, and also to enjoy her own climax. With the result that her juices covered my face, as we both shook and screamed!
At least Maddy had the decency to wash my face after this opening salvo. “Well, that has opened the ‘ball’ hasn’t it, My Love! But shall we carry on in the ‘normal’ manner?” With that Maddy turned herself around and then started on my lips as she waited for my cock to become hard yet again.

Maddy kept me there, tied securely to her bed as she rode me to climax after climax, well for her anyway, although she skilfully bought to a good few as well. Until finally, after a couple of hours her own strength began to fail, and so she called a halt to the night’s proceedings. She untied me and after a quick visit to the bathroom for both of us, it was back to her bed. To sleep.

Now if I’m going to be totally honest, whilst I MUST emphasize that Maddy is a lovely Lady, and I HAD enjoyed my time with her, it had NOT reached the highs that my time with Geri had done on the previous weekend. And I wasn’t dis-appointed at all when Maddy had NO desire to resume the action come the morning. She seemed completely satisfied with the night before, and like I say I wasn’t going to argue. I simply grabbed my bike and rode home. There had been something missing. But no, I could not pinpoint just what it was. Maybe Lucy could ‘re-light the fire’ next weekend?

Well, she sure tired her VERY best to do just that. The meal went well, myself now in the ‘ordinary’ black French maid outfit, served the four of them well, I’d got the taste of this now, and was beginning to recognise their own individual ‘foibles.’ Just like Geri and Maddy, Lucy was a SUPERB cook, and the meal was fantastic. Then after tiding up like before, it was into Lucy’s bedroom and her black satin covered bed. Again, I found myself tied securely to it, my legs coated in sheer black stockings and my power of sight gone! And Lucy WAS skilled in bed, please be in NO doubt about that! The sex she subjected me to was exciting, exhilarating, passionate and full of ecstasy. But there was STILL something missing. What was this mysterious factor? It wasn’t that either Maddy or Lucy didn’t know what they were doing or weren’t VERY sexy Ladies. Maybe Abi could provide an answer?

Unfortunately not! Again, another lovely meal, and some more great sex with me helpless on Abigail’s blue satin covered bed. But still the ‘X’ factor wasn’t there. Never mind, it would be back to being Geri’s next weekend, surely, SHE would put the excitement back in? But no, enjoyable though it was being subjected to Geri’s awesome sexuality once again, it still didn’t quite come close to that very first time in her hands! What was missing?
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Oh man. Sounds like Geri is gonna have some fun!
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Tie_me_up91 wrote: 1 year ago Oh man. Sounds like Geri is gonna have some fun!
She sure IS going to, my friend. For it is HER, in the next chapter which is nearly ready, who works out just what this 'problem' her young Gentleman companion seems to be having is. And again, it's HER who works out the solution!

Which means that she's going to get just, WHAT SHE WANTS, WANT SHE REALLY, REALLY WANTS!

Oop's wrong Geri! Or is it? I was a BIG fan of Miss Geraldine Estelle Halliwell, and THIS Geri IS named after her! Maybe i should have named her friends as Emma, Victoria and Melanie!

But then she went and married the Rull Bull F1 team manager, Christian Horner! As a Lewis fan, anyone who follows F1 will know why THAT became a problem. And anyway, before that her status as my ultimate 'dream girl' became usurped when i watched a certain, 17 year old Russian girl win the Wimbledon Ladies Singles Championship in 2004. And still holds that dubious 'honour' now.

Maybe i ought to try and come up with a 'tennis' story here?
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And it was Geri herself who worked it out AND came up with the answer. Smart cookie that she is, it suddenly occurred to her just what this missing ‘factor’ was. “Darling, you’re not quite enjoying things as much as you did that first time, are you? And I think I know why.”
“You’re NO fool are you, Geri? Because you’re right, although YOU have been superb, and yes, I HAVE enjoyed being yours again, things aren’t quite up to last time. So, what do you believe the possible problem might be?”
“Correct me IF I’ve got this wrong, but I think it’s because you’re here by CHOICE! You don’t HAVE to be here! Therefore, I believe THAT is the missing factor, you can say ‘NO’ if you want. But what you REALLY want is to have NO choice, you WANT to be ORDERED to be our sex slaves. What do you think?”
“Yes! I think you’re onto something here, last time when I was in your hands it wasn’t my decision, I had been FORCED to be yours! THAT is what added that ‘X’ factor to the equation, THAT is why it was SO special and exciting! But then, I can’t go around smashing plates all of the time. What can we do about it?”
“Well, I’ve got an idea, that will solve quite a few problems. If you’re interested, I’ll gladly explain just what thought I have in my mind?”
“Sure thing, Geri. Please, what harm will it do to at the very least hear what idea you have in that head of yours.”
“Simple really Darling. You leave your flat and come and live here with me. Firstly, that will save you some money as you’ll live here ‘rent free.’ In pure monetary terms anyway.”
“Yes, that would be great, it would be a significant saving. Ah, I think I can see just where you’re going with this. I’d be beholden to you then, wouldn’t I?”
“Precisely! If you don’t please me, then you’ll lose the ‘roof over your head.’ So, you’ll be in my power, as it were. And, of course, not only would I DEMAND a certain level of effort from you towards me in OUR sex sessions, but I’d also be able to make sure that you try your hardest to please Maddy, Lucy and Abi. Wouldn’t I?”
“YES, YOU WOULD! Although, please believe me Geri, I DO regard them ALL as lovely Ladies, and I DID try my best. But, as you say, the ‘missing piece’ of the jigsaw would now be present, and things WILL improve.”
“I believe you completely, don’t worry about that. So, do you agree to live here with me then?”
“Yes please, Geri. But only if you PROMISE to show me NO mercy!”
“Count on it Darling, count on it! And now that’s all sorted out, BEDROOM! NOW!”

Very shortly afterwards my stocking clad body was TOTALLY held by Geri’s bed, and yes, we DID reclaim those levels of excitement of our first time as she REALLY put me though it! Shagging me ABSOLUTELY without mercy, again and again. Until I was forced to BEG her to stop! Even then she was VERY reluctant to do so, and I truly believe it was ONLY because her own strength was beginning to fail that she agreed to cease!

Geri had, of course, been absolutely ‘spot on’ in her assessment of the situation. Two days later, with her help I DID move all of my belongings, and no that wasn’t an awful lot, into one of her spare bedrooms, handing over the keys to ‘my’ flat and terminating my tenancy. Just as she’d planned! Achieving just what she wanted, I was now hers in a more permanent fashion, I DEPENDED on her now. Something she wasn’t slow to exploit, believe me!

For when I arrived ‘home’ after my first day at work while living at Geri’s home I saw a hand-written note on my bed, together with a set of champagne stockings, suspenders and some satin panties. “Welcome home Darling,” it read, “shower, fit these and then report to my bedroom!” Naturally I obeyed.

When I reached Geri’s room she was lying on her satin covered bed. Dressed for sex, not even wearing panties, just a champagne basque and stockings. “You took your time, didn’t you?”
“Sorry Geri. I tried to be as fast as I could.”
“Did you now?” She KNEW I had done so; she was simply teasing!
“Well, you’re here now. ON THE BED!”

Geri soon had me tied to it, and then shagged me twice before announcing. “Don’t just lie there on that bed, you’ve a meal to cook for us both! Oh, don’t tell me, you can’t leave it! I’ll just have to ‘abandon’ you there, won’t I while I have to cook for us?” And I couldn’t reply to her, as she’d shoved some of her panties in my mouth, tying them in place with a stocking. So, I just had to lay there as I heard her cooking. Then she came back to her bedroom, plates in her hand. She sat on the side of the bed, eating her portion, before turning to me.

“Not hungry Darling! You haven’t even touched your dinner, and I put in SO much effort to make it for you! Can’t have that, can we? I’ll just HAVE to feed you!”

And having removed the gag but before she started to ‘spoon feed’ me, as if that itself wasn’t humiliating enough, she blindfolded me! Meaning I really struggled to eat this, delicious of course, food, but somehow, I did cope. “Thank you, Geri, utterly delicious.”
“You’re welcome. Good though it was, it’s not THE most delicious thing in this room, is it?”
I KNEW where she was going with this, but why does ALL the teasing have to go in just one direction? “Really Geri. What do you mean by that?”

Grabbing my, totally erect again by now, cock she declared “because there’s a lovely hunk of meat right here, ready to be eaten by me!” As she ‘climbed aboard’ once more to subject me to another quality shag! After which she DID release me from the bed, I needed to go to work on the following day!

Geri left me alone for the rest of the week, although when I did reach my room on the next day, those same items of clothing, together with a champagne satin dressing gown were waiting on the bed. With a note informing me that from now on, THAT would be the only clothes that I’d be allowed to wear whilst inside of her home. Ah well!

However, on Friday evening, when I reached home Geri’s abstinence ceased. Another one of her notes awaited on the bed. “Shower, dress yourself in your ‘home’ uniform, then MY bedroom!” Naturally I obeyed, and there she was again, just in a basque and stockings. “Dressing gown off, Darling!” I complied again, knowing just what would come next, but WANTING it to. “On my bed, please!” Obviously, I did not question my ‘orders!’

Geri soon had me tied to her furniture in the normal secure manner, where she shagged me twice, both times in a VERY exciting and passionate manner, before stopping. “I don’t what to overdo things Darling, it’s Maddy’s turn with you tomorrow and I want you in decent ‘shape’ for her.” She released me from the bed, and then both of us went downstairs for dinner. After which we both went to our respective bedrooms, to sleep alone.

I found myself back in the red French maid’s outfit once I’d ‘reported’ to Madeline’s on the following afternoon. Which also meant being addressed as ‘My Love.’ For none of the four friends EVER called me by my name, in fact only Geri actually knew it. But I was ALWAYS just ‘Darling’ to her as I was ‘My Love’ to Maddy. To Lucy I was simply ‘Sweetheart’ and as for Abi, with some American heritage in her background I was called, yes, you’ve guessed it, ‘Honey.’

I assisted Maddy with both the preparation of her meal itself, and the setting of her table, before her guests started to arrive. Another superb meal was cooked, served and eaten, before the other three left, leaving myself alone with Maddy again.

And this time, with myself beholden to Geri and therefore feeling dominated before we even reached the bedroom, THAT missing ‘spark’ WAS present, and both of us gave everything we had to the stormy sex session that she put me through! Now I saw and felt the VERY best of Madeline’s considerable sexual skills, and therefore responded in the only natural way, giving MY very best to match her abilities. THIS weekend Maddy DID want to continue come the morning, and please believe me, I was only too happy to accommodate her desires!

This utterly delightful kiss that Maddy subjected me to as I left her home late in the afternoon assured me that she HAD thoroughly enjoyed herself, and when I reached my new home, Geri was clearly delighted herself with how things between Maddy and myself had gone. Enough so to actually allow me to go to bed and forego her planned seduction of me that night!

The next week was my first ‘full’ one as Geri’s ‘lodger’ and she established her ‘control’ over my life in NO uncertain terms. But she DID respect a few things, as suggested before she fully recognised my need to go to work and fulfil the demands of my employment. And also, on Friday evenings although she DID confine me to her bed and shag me vigorously, she NEVER overdid things, because she didn’t want to spoil the next day for whichever of her friends I was due to ‘attend’ to.

Which this following weekend would be Lucinda. Meaning myself being called ‘Sweetheart’ and her bed coverings, both of our lingerie, the leather she adorned herself in and the French maid’s suit I wore being black. Again, the meal was superbly cooked, I did my part in ensuring that the evening went smoothly and then the other three left, leaving Lucy and I alone in her abode.

When we were ready for bed, Lucy decided she wanted to change things a little. Her large, black satin covered, bed was of the ‘four poster’ variety, with a full frame. And having stripped me down to just stockings and suspenders, Lucy tied me, standing in a spread-eagled manner to the frame at the foot end. Allowing me a full view of the bed itself, because NO blindfold had been fitted to my head, although two pairs of her satin panties had been tied, with a silk tie, inside of my mouth. So, her idea of foreplay was to strap a powerful vibrator to my, already rock-hard cock, controlled by a handheld remote. Then having removed all her own clothing except her black basque and stockings, she climbed on top of her bed, and began to ‘play’ with herself with another vibrator, controlled directly this time. As Lucy switched my dildo on, so she did her own. At a low setting, the LOWEST in fact.

So, things started slowly. But it didn’t take long for Lucy to ‘ramp’ things up as it were, she soon switched up the speed of both vibrators. With the obvious effect. With me watching her lovely body start to gyrate uncontrollably, soon the actions of ‘my’ dildo began to make their presence felt. But unlike Lucy I was bound, so could hardly move to counter their actions!

By now Lucy had switched both of her ‘tools’ to maximum and obviously our bodies could resist their efforts no longer. Lucy beat me to her own climax seconds before I reached mine, but there wasn’t a lot in it, and her bedroom became full of the sounds of ecstasy, from two sources, well as much as I could gagged, that is!

“Wow!” My captor declared, “now THAT is what I call a STARTER! Did you enjoy it too Sweetheart?” Hanging from my bonds and with my mouth full of her panties, all I could do was nod my full assent.

With that after a few minutes Lucy released me from her bonds but left the ties still around my wrists and ankles. It soon proved to be a temporary release, a kind of ‘out of the frying pan and into the fire’ moment, as she soon directed me onto her bed itself, and after only approximately one minute later I was securely bound, spread-eagled to her furniture.

And stayed that way for over two hours of pure pleasure for the both of us. Again, the memories of my last time here, and the slight dis-appointment were completely banished. Just like Maddy, Lucy took this shagging of my captive form into the second day, so Geri was once again denied her Sunday evening sex session. But pleased for her friend once more.

Could I complete the ‘set’ and also give Abigail a weekend to savour? I was at hers on time, and once again the ‘meal’ part of the evening went superbly. Time to become her ‘Honey!’

So out of the blue French maid set and onto her blue bed. Although Abi didn’t try anything different other than simply tying me spread eagled to her bed and shagging me in the ‘conventional’ sense, knowing that if I did NOT please her, Geri would ‘sling me out’ of her house gave me the extra ‘spark’ that had been missing the last time I’d been with her. Again, Abi kept me in her hands for over two hours, shagging me relentlessly and mercilessly, and again I’d given her SO much pleasure that she too took things into the second day! By the time Abi finally released me, I was SO shattered that for the third Sunday evening running, Geri was denied any sexual action for herself! “This is getting tiresome,” she remarked to me when I finally found the strength after Abi’s ravishings to return home!
Last edited by LunaDog 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

Great addition! Lucy sure sounds like fun to me!
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Tie_me_up91 wrote: 1 year ago Great addition! Lucy sure sounds like fun to me!
Yes she is. My chap seems to have found himself in the middle of a demanding but exciting quartet.
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Never mind, the very next weekend it would be HER turn. And here things took another turn, as I volunteered to do the cooking. If I say so myself, I’m NO mug in the kitchen and offered to cook the meal for the four of them that Saturday. I cooked a curry for just Geri and I during the week, demonstrating that my boasts about my culinary skills were NOT idle ones, resulting in Geri taking me to her bed, where she securely tied me to it and then shagged me mercilessly for some time, to show her appreciation! And agreed to let me cook ‘Prawn Chilli Masala’ for the four of them on Saturday evening.

I’d made a list of all the ingredients I’d need in order to purchase them from the supermarket on the Saturday morning, but as I awoke, I received a summons from my ’Landlady’ to report to her bedroom. “You can’t just go shopping, Darling, without ‘dressing up.’ Come here!”

I obeyed, and Geri beckoned over to her mirror. “Stand there. I going to make you look respectable before you go shopping, by the way I’ll be driving you there and back.” Firstly, she shaved EVERY bit of hair that she could from my body, and especially my face. “You’re going shopping as a female, Darling, MY FEMALE!” Having summoned me to attend to her completely naked, so she began.

Firstly my ‘underwear.’ The normal satin panties, and stockings, in champagne of course. But not a simple suspender belt, no today Geri placed my body into one of her satin basques. Which felt ABSOLUTELY delicious of course. Some pads, to make it look as if I possessed some, well you know! Then a champagne-coloured blouse over that. And then the final touch, her divine leather suit, the one she normally wore. God, did it feel utterly and totally FANTASTIC or what?

She directed me over to her dressing table, sat me down, and by the time she’d finished putting on ‘make-up’ and a lovely blonde wig, I TRULY fancied myself! She’d done a magnificent job and I really DID look a feminine version of me. “Now you are ready to shop, Darling!”

As she’d promised Geri drove me to the large supermarket on the edge of town, and sat in the car waiting as I had to enter the store and complete my purchases. Oh, what was she wearing, I hear you ask? As I wore her normal clothing, so she wore mine. Geri was a brown ‘French maid!’ Although she never left the car at all.

I had to though, but I must admit, apart from the actual sex when tied up, I had NEVER felt SO excited or exhilarated as I walked around the shop, fetching the items I required. Thank goodness for the ‘self-service’ tills thought I, as I processed my goods and paid for them. Pushing the trolley out of the store and towards Geri’s car, a REAL mixture of relief hit me that I hadn’t needed to speak at all, but then an almost dis-appointment that I’d soon be taking this delightful attire off.

However, when we reached home, Geri informed me that I’d be dressed in her leather apparel for the WHOLE day, including cooking and eating the meal, and for today I’d be joining the four of them at the main table. WOW! I wasn’t going to argue with that at all! I WANTED this!

And I was soon in the kitchen, with the jacket removed admittedly as I prepared the food for MY meal. Home-made meat samosas and onion bhajis, with the masala for mains. With Mango Fool for dessert. Although the Naan bread was bought and was not produced by me.

Basically, no sooner than I’d got everything ready then the first of the guests, Abi in this case arrived. It was now that I discovered that Geri had been in contact with all of them when she’d be waiting for me at the supermarket, for just like herself, Abigail was in her blue French maid set. As were Lucy and Maddy in the respective coloured own sets, when they turned up. Of course, this time it was Geri who was fixing up their drinks, as I continued to cook. And her that transferred the food when it was ready to the table.

With me, the only one in leather today, the jacket refitted by the way, at the head of the table, we consumed the starter. Straightaway afterwards I was back in the kitchen, but the masala and mushroom rice were virtually finished, so it wasn’t long before Geri was placing the meal onto the table. I must admit I’d excelled myself and it was cooked to perfection, as ALL four of the Ladies commented! Nice one!

Just because it was MY meal, and I was now the one in the leather suit, that didn’t stop the fact that this was Geri’s house, and despite the fact she was dressed as the ‘maid,’ it still meant that SHE and not I was in charge here. For again, she decided that her friends could have some ’playtime’ with me now in leather. Again, she tied my arms behind me, and my legs together, allowing the three ‘French maids’ to rub my leather and satin clad body ALL over. And kiss me as much as they wished to, which was a hell of a lot, I can assure you! With her tight leather skirt actually making the inevitable ’boner’ ever so slightly painful!

Once released Geri served the dessert and coffee. After which Abi, Lucy and Maddy left, full of compliments about MY cooking, and asking if I’d be willing to do the same for them. Receiving an affirmative answer. Just Geri and I again. Once we’d tidied up it was soon up to the bedroom.

“Now then Darling, just as we swapped ‘roles’ in the kitchen, so tonight we will do so here in the bedroom. YOU are going to tie ME to this bed. I know, I know, but in order to gain a REAL understanding I believe we BOTH need to sample things from the ‘other side of the coin,’ as it were. You never know we might both enjoy it, don’t they say a change is as good as a rest sometimes?”
“Yes, they do Geri. Well, I’m ‘game’ if you are. As you say we might both learn something.”
“Good boy, you know it makes sense!”
“Well then. You’d better strip off down to just stockings and suspenders and get onto that bed in that case! NOW!” By the confused but smiling look on her face it seemed I’d shocked AND delighted her, all at once!

So, just for once it was HER who took her orders from me. She ‘assumed the position’ on her satin covered bed, and it was my turn to grab one of HER wrists, the left one first in this case. And it seemed that I’d paid attention as she made my body the property of her furniture, because I tied her arm to the outer bed post VERY securely, but NOT too tight or uncomfortable. Naturally I soon followed by capturing her other arm, and so, this gorgeous, extremely sexy and forceful Lady was now utterly helpless in MY hands! And my next move was to remove ANY hope of escape from her as I completed my spread-eagled capture of her body by tying her legs to the lower bed posts.

“Well then Darling, it’s now ME who’s totally in YOUR hands and power. I hope you’re NOT planning to show me any mercy, to be honest I’ll be VERY dis-appointed if you don’t shag me half to death! Or EVEN more, if YOU so choose!”
“I can assure you, that mercy is the FARTHEST thing in MY mind at this precise moment. There’s rather I lot of ‘payback’ to be re-claimed, don’t you agree?”
“There certainly is, Darling, a heck of a lot. I take it I’m going to lose my power of sight shortly.”
“Count on it, Geraldine, COUNT ON IT!” I reached under the pillow, removed the blindfold and swiftly delivered on that promise.

Which meant that Geri didn’t see me remove myself from her delicious leather clothing or the satin blouse, which I KNEW I’d wish to wear again at some stage. Or that I didn’t remove the basque, although of course she’d be able to feel that I was still covered with that. The nipples of Geri’s tits were as hard as my cock, as I sucked and chewed on first one and then its companion, my fingers gently playing with her ‘clitty.’ Getting my ‘Landlady,’ who of course was my sex slave for the time being, rather stoked up nicely. However, I’d had enough of ‘foreplay’ by now!

Climbing on top of my captive I FINALLY placed my ‘rock-hard’ cock into her soaking wet pussy, and immediately began to ‘shag’ her, gently at first admittedly, but VERY rapidly accelerating the process until I was REALLY pounding her! Naturally it wasn’t long before my efforts began to produce the desired effect, and for the first time since I’d met her, Geri and I enjoyed a climax whilst she was in MY hands and power.

The first of quite a few to be honest. Because I DID enjoy holding her in the desires of my sexuality, and like she had suggested, I DID learn a few things, as did she. But, at the end of the day, BOTH of us KNEW this was just a distraction, the normal and CORRECT way for our couplings was with me firmly in HER power. So, as said, after few enjoyable shags, I released her from the bed, and we both settled down to sleep.

Come the morning I awoke to the sight of Geri smiling and looking at me with clearly something on her mind. “Darling, may I ask you something? Please be completely honest with me though.”
“Of course, Geri. What’s on your mind?”
“You’re utterly in love with me, aren’t you? As I say, please be truthful.”
So then I told myself, she KNEW! Because, if I WAS going to give her an honest answer, then there was only ONE possible response to her question. “Yes Geri, with ALL of my heart. Have been since that first weekend together, and YES, I’m being COMPLETELY honest with you here. Look me straight into my eyes and you’ll see I’m NOT lying!”
“I don’t need to do THAT, Darling,” although she did, “I utterly believe it, and you. And here’s the thing, that love is NOT ‘one way traffic,’ I can assure you! Meeting you has given me my life back; it’s given me purpose in life once again. I WANT to be alive now, so I can enjoy myself with you. But why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I was scared you wouldn’t want it. That you’d tell me to go. And I’d lose you!”
“Completely understandable. Well now, you can get rid of any such thoughts. You are MINE now, for the rest of our natural. As I can fully tell, you WANT to be!”
“More than ANYTHING in this world, Geri. I’ve NEVER meant anything as much as that.”
“I know Darling. In that case we’ll just HAVE to get married then, won’t we?”
My initial response was in the form of an action rather than speech. I kissed her passionately! Then I looked her right into her beautiful eyes, and simply said, “YES.”

Within minutes I was blindfolded and securely tied to the bed where my ‘fiancée’ kept me ‘at it,’ with TOTAL passion for several hours! Until exhaustion utterly claimed us both.
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Post by LunaDog »

Once we’d slept for a while, we both awoke again, and now cuddled rather than shagged. “Do you REALLY mean it Darling; I am quite a bit older than you?”
“So what? I LOVE your company, I LOVE being with you, doing things, and NO, not just in bed, with you. In short, I LOVE YOU, GERI! Can I put it any clearer or plainer?”
“No, you can’t. But I WANT to be sure that you are just that, sure. Although I really DO believe that you are, aren’t you? But then, what about your family? I guess your parents won’t be TOO keen that their son is about to marry a woman of their own age?”
“Geri, sorry. I’ve never got around to telling you, my parents are both dead. Got slaughtered by a drunk driver when I was seventeen. And I was their only child, so I’ve no brothers or sisters; I’m on my own to be totally honest, or I was until YOU came into my life!”
“Yes, I am an only child too, and my folks have also passed on. So I do understand. Oh, and I have no children, so I was lonely too. I do have very good friends though, some of whom you know very well of course.”
“Yes, I was thinking about Abi, Lucy and Maddy. What’ll happen when we marry? Will I still continue to see them. And let’s NOT muck about, shag them?”
“I’ve no objection. As I say they’re the nearest thing I have to family these days. So, if you and they wish to continue the present arrangement, then I’ve no problem with that.”
“I would actually like to. Although only once each every four weeks as we do now. And NO gentle ‘making love’ or any such loving, caring coupling. THAT IS JUST FOR YOU, GERI! Any ‘interaction’ with the three of them will be conducted on a purely ‘lustful,’ not ‘loving’ basis. Like I say, that’s exclusively for you now.”
“Fair enough. And I KNOW they WILL all accept that! And will be delighted for us!”

Finally, we rose from the bed, to have something to eat and drink if nothing else. And when we soon returned to it the sex resumed. But with NO bondage, it was time for the gentle caresses, the loving touches, it was time to ‘make love’ not to shag. As we cemented our agreement to become man and wife.

Just as Geri had predicted, Abi, Lucy and Maddy were absolutely thrilled at the news that Geri and I were to become married. And yes, the present arrangement wherein we continued the ‘four week’ cycle including myself being their ‘waiter’ and ‘carnal captive’ for the respective evening would continue. Although there would be a break in said cycle, the next weekend should have seen the five of us at Maddy’s home, but in light of this fantastic development, we would ‘go out’ for dinner on the next Saturday, to celebrate!

All five of us dressed in leather suits by the way, yes, without my knowledge Geri had ordered on-line, identical to the one she wore, for me! With more champagne lingerie to match. So, five ‘Ladies’ turned up to a rather posh restaurant on the following Saturday evening to celebrate the engagement of myself to Mrs Geraldine Winterburn. And, believe me, the five of us did so in REAL style!

Well, Geri and I did become ‘Man and Wife,’ with Lucy acting as the one to ‘give her away’ and Maddy and Abi as the ‘witnesses’ to the legal union. Got to admit it was a ‘low key’ affair as just the five of us were present, and I guess the Registry Office staff are used to, how shall I put it, ‘unusual’ weddings. Such as the five of us all dressed in female leather clothing, in the ‘normal’ colour schemes. So what? I’m now legally married to the Lady whom I LOVE with my head, heart AND cock! Knowing I WANT to be with her for the rest of my days.

So now I’m Geri’s husband and she is Mrs Geraldine Adams. I still work in the employment that I was in before I met her, although she’s told me that I can leave if I wish to, because she has enough money to ‘look after’ us both financially. Maybe I’ll take her up on that one day. I’ve learnt how to drive, and yes, she was a VERY good teacher. She’s bought me a car, a small Ford Fiesta, but she trusts me enough to let me drive her ‘Jag’ on a regular basis.

But oh yes, my Saturday evenings still BELONG to the ‘fab four’ consisting of Geri, Maddy, Lucy and Abi, although I now sit at the table to eat my food with the Ladies, dressed in leather, just like them. All of them special and thoroughly enjoyable in their own respective ways. But and I’ll be totally honest here, while I still DO very much enjoy the attentions of her three friends, it’s still Geri, my wife, who naturally I look forward to being shagged by most! The most delicious sound now, in my ENTIRE world, is the wonderful ‘snap’ that is emitted when Geri fastens a bondage tie, the other end holding either one of my wrists or ankles, firmly around the respective post of her bed. Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, in life excites me than the prospect of being her TOTAL sex slave, tied SECURELY to her bed, subject to HER wildest desires, and with no choice but to simply become food for her massive sexual appetite! For as long as she, AND SHE ALONE, wants to keep me there as HERS!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Hi [mention]LunaDog[/mention] i haven’t been on this site in an age (sorry [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] )

Found your story and fell right in.

F/M is my fav format and you’ve made something really sweet and very sexy, thank you so much.

Looking forward to checking out all your other work now. And awaiting further posts on this thread. It’s such a great concept (and hot to think of this guy and these women in their colourful - and hopefully silky - maid outfits)

Well done
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Oh my [mention]LunaDog[/mention], that's one amazing F/M story! It also sounds like it has concluded sadly :( even if it is a most happy ending for the narrator! I do have a question, but only I can answer it, for it is "which one of your stories shall I read next and immerse myself in?" Thanks for sharing your amazing stories!
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Post by LunaDog »

[mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] [mention]tiedinbluetights[/mention] Thank you both for your very kind words, which, as ever , are VERY much appreciated.

As for my previous stories, these are the ones that I have enjoyed WRITING the most. Although i DO accept that they might NOT be your favourites, they are somewhat darker than THIS tale. And if you DON'T like them, please also feel free to comment so, as long as it's polite and constructive, criticism is also welcome. btw, tiedinbluetights, i believe you have read the first two.




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Post by LunaDog »

One thing here, this is as far as i intended to take this one. Perhaps i could return to my man and his four Ladies at some stage if people wish it, but at this moment i've run out of ideas for these five. But, i HAVE thoroughly enjoyed writing this one. Thank you ALL for your very kind support, it DOES encourage me to write more.
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