Shelter from the Dust (M/M) - 23 Nov Update!

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Shelter from the Dust (M/M) - 23 Nov Update!

Post by Volobond »

The wastes were a dangerous place at the best of times, but now, in the windy season, they were nigh-impossible to cross. During the days, it would be incredibly hot, and when the sun went down, the temperature would plummet until it was bitingly cold. The wind made this terrible but constant procession of temperature unpredictable and more dangerous with addition of awful duststorms.

The wind would whip up the dust of the wastes into a hazardous, choking cloud. If you were lucky enough to avoid laceration by minute, razor sharp fragments of rock and sand, you couldn't avoid the fact that the air was unbreathable without inhaling a host of sedimentary strata. And the storms would not end when the wind died - no, the dust would linger in the air like a deathly fog until it had time to settle. A single hour of duststorm could render an area impassible for days at a time.

The wastes were often a death sentence. Which was why Kai was so surprised to hear a frantic knock on his door.

The stranger seemed prepared. A damp rag over his face in case the wind blew up a stray dust plume around him. His broad shoulders and narrow waste in a flowing, heat resistant fabric dyed white but stained grey from the dust. Cloth trousers of a similar fabric. It was hard to tell if the sandy hair that escaped the hastily-wrapped headscarf he wore was naturally that color or just encrusted with actual sand. And yet he had no supplies, no satchel or rucksack to carry food or water or a tent.

"Please," the stranger began without preamble. "I won't survive without your help."

Kai crossed his arms over his chest. He wore no shirt, his bronze skin protected by the high walls of his home, built of strong stone and metal to withstand the duststorms. "I don't see how that's my problem, stranger."

"There's a duststorm coming, and I don't even have a tent. I am lost without shelter. I... I need help."

"We're only ten miles from the edge of the wastes. If you're upwind of the storm, you could make it." Kai said, scanning the stranger, but dust and cloth obscured anything that would give more context. And as if to punctuate the stranger's plea, the sky began to darken from the impending duststorm.

"I beg you. I beg you. Please don't let me die." the stranger's pleasant voice cracked, his legs shaking visibly, even through his loose trousers. Kai wasn't sure that the stranger would make it past the threshold even if invited in.

"I am the master of this house. And should I allow you in, you will respect me. The wastes are a dangerous place for dangerous people, stranger, and I do not know you yet nor trust you. You will be restrained as I see fit during your stay, and you will obey my orders without question. In return, I will grant you shelter, food, and water."

The stranger looked at him with disbelieving eyes that were impossible to tell the color of as the sky darkened and the dust began to thicken. "Does the tradition of hospitality mean nothing to you?"

"Not in the wastes, stranger. The dust is getting thick. Submit or leave."

Kai moved to close the door, but the stranger gasped and held onto it, preventing him from doing so. "I yield. I yield. The terms are fair."

The stranger yelped as Kai deftly spun him around and used his own cloth belt to bind his wrists , crossing them in an x and winding around them in various directions, ending with a cruelly efficient knot that left no slack but did not cut into his skin overmuch.

"Then welcome, stranger." Kai said with a smirk as he dragged the stranger into his home, swinging the door shut with a grandiose thud, sealing the dust out.

Sealing the inhabitants in.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Tantalizing start, [mention]Volobond[/mention]!

Who is this mysterious stranger?

Kai's "hospitality" is more like boldness...rather than showing no restraint in offering welcome that the stranger will find it hard to leave, Kai offers restraint so the stranger can never leave! :twisted:
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Post by Guardianbound »

Is this perhaps connected to our team of ghostbusters? Or a standalone Dune inspired bondage tale. Either way, I'm very excited.
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Post by gag1195 »

Settles in for more, because this is already a fantastic start! I'm hooked! I like Kai's style, too! I wonder how many other travelers he's been the host for, using these techniques?
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Post by bondagefreak »

Awesome! Loving the start of this one, [mention]Volobond[/mention].
Seems like a fair trade, honestly. From what we can gather so far, the Wastes sound pretty dangerous; no doubt home to many an unreputable character. Kai probably has good reason to be wary of strangers. Good on him for taking precautions.

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Something tells me this might be up your alley.

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Post by wataru14 »

I'm intrigued by the theme of this one. Great visuals and tone. Looking forward to this!
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Post by MaxRoper »

You're off to a good start here. Carry on, please.
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Post by Volobond »

Hospitality was sacred in most of the civilized lands. Myths abounded of gods in disguise intending to audit just how well mortals abided by this particular edict.

The stranger didn't feel like a deity incognito. He was not frail nor aged like a well-disguised god would be, nor was he unnaturally strong and perfect like a poorly disguised one.

Besides... there were no gods in the Wastes. None that listened to the pleas of mortals, anyway.

"You are filthy." Kai stated. Not complained - it was a fact of living in this place that even at its most clean, everything here would stain a few shades darker than its intended color.

It was impossible to tell if the stranger blushed.

"Remove your shoes in my home, stranger."

"My name is -"

"I did not ask for your name. I told you to remove your shoes. Are you so eager to be thrown out into the duststorm?"

The stranger shuddered as the eerie whistling that heralded the start of a duststorm began - the sound of miniscule debris being hurled at high velocity by an unnatural wind. He tried to use his left foot to leverage off his right boot, but there was no good spot to gain purchase. Instead, he had to perform an unwieldy movement to bend backwards to lower his bound hands, and lift his leg far enough back that his fingers could scrabble to grip his boot and pull it off.

Kai nodded in approval. The stranger was showing great balance and strength - grace and power in equal measure, a most appealing combination.

The stranger let loose a puff of breath as he completed his assigned task. Kai gave a disapproving tut and set the boots off to the side, in a small bowl of water mixed with mineral - used to slowly abrade the clinging dust from the leather. The stranger shifted awkwardly.

"You are filthy." Kai repeated. "And I will have you clean before you move any further into my home."

The stranger waited, fidgeting a little until Kai moved and seized him once more by the arm, steering him to the side, to the washroom adjacent to the entrance.

Tiled in cerulean, the room's most dominating feature was the waterfall along the far wall, lightly distorting but not obscuring the mosaic beneath. This room was meant for cleansing from the Wastes and luxuriating.

The stranger marveled so at this room that he only noticed what Kai held in his hands once he began to neatly slice off the stranger's filthy vestments.

"Please, Sir! These are all that I have!"

Kai mercilessly used the fabric shears to denude the stranger, revealing his skin, which had also become dust-encrusted even through his clothes. Kai's eyes darkened in sympathy. There was no escape from the filth.

"Wrong. The only thing you have is what I grant you."

The stranger whimpered as Kai examined him - his hands' position prevented him from concealing his manhood.

"Please... I can bathe myself."

"I am no fool. I do not doubt your ability to bathe, but I have no assurance you would not attack me."

"You... you're not the trusting type, are you?"

Kai allowed his lips to quirk upward in a small smirk. "Let us hope you remain this quick a learner."

"Can I at least know your name?"

"No. Now hush. Your whimpering grows tiresome."

"But I -"

Like the fabric shears, Kai retrieved a bolt of pale cream-colored fabric from the mirror and washbasin - and deftly twirled it to tie a thick knot in the center, pulling it taut between the stranger's teeth and tie it behind his head.


Kai used the considerably lengthy tails of the silk bolt to wind through the stranger's gag once more, and then a third time, smoothing the silk over the stranger's mouth to cover it, and tucking the tails behind the knot behind his head so nothing would trail in the water.

"Hrmmm..." the stranger gargled, trying to shake his head to dislodge the gag, but it was well-placed.

Kai only wore his footwrappings and trousers, but quickly removed both in preparation - noticing the stranger avert his eyes when he noticed - and pulled the stranger into the water.

"Do not resist me. If there is a speck of dust in my chambers because of some misplaced modesty or preservation of virtue, I will throw you naked into the duststorm. Is that clear?"

"Hrmm-hmm!" The stranger bobbed his head in a nod.

"I am master of this house and everything in it. And while you remain here, this includes you. Understood?"


For the first time, Kai smiled. "Good boy."

The whimpering had grown tiresome, but a good gag had a way of turning the tiresome into the appealing. The stranger squirmed as Kai left him in the center of the pool to plunge his hands into the shelves behind the waterfall, their utility concealed by the distorted mosaic.

He returned with a disc of abrasive soap and a scrub brush, and set to work. The abrasive agents helped to scrape through the film of dust and grime (and likely several layers of skin) - enough that the preliminary round had sent black clouds of sediment swirling through the water and down the drain.

But Kai demanded perfection, and so he revealed another secret. Thick manacles set into the floor of the bathing pool in which the stranger's ankles were locked. He was forced to sit down before Kai used the shears to slice through his wrist binding and pinned him down to lock his wrists in place, the stranger now floating spread eagle, a buoyant pillow keeping his head above the water.

The strange whimpered and, despite himself, giggled ticklishly at Kai's ministrations, as every part of himself was cleaned. Kai must have spent over an hour simply cleaning him, rubbing his skin pink and raw to make it cleaner than it may ever have been before. No nook or cranny was left unscrubbed, not the joins between his crotch and legs, not in between his toes, not behind his ears, and not even the cleft between his buttocks, or even slightly inside him.

The stranger quickly fell into a deep daze as the endless cleaning continued. Whether this was the heavens or the hells, he couldn't say, and no longer cared, because his host's hands were in his hair, scrubbing and massaging his scalp, and -


Kai grinned at the deep moan of satisfaction and almost reluctantly removed the silk gag in order to wash the stranger's lower face. The stranger had cool, peach colored skin that showed he was not from the same sunny reaches that had given Kai his warm bronze complexion, and hair that seemed to be brown or blond depending on the light, falling straight, unlike Kai's dark hair with its gentle curl. But their eyes matched, both hazel, though Kai's had more brown and the stranger more green.

"There. You almost look human again." Kai crooned, voice shockingly soft and warm, almost making the stranger moan again from the sound alone.

Whether it was stress or exhaustion or comfort, or simply the hypnotic lull of the waterfall, the stranger's eyes drooped closed, and he fell asleep.


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Post by gag1195 »

Ok, so Kai has definitely done this before! :lol: He's very well equipped and well prepared for potentially dangerous long-term guests!
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Post by Guardianbound »

He can't keep him forever can he? What happened to the other strangers?
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Really unique setting!

I can definitely understand where Kai's mistrust is coming from but it's also obvious that he more than a little enjoys the power he has over the desperate stranger - who makes a surprisingly obedient captive. I'm interested to see where their dynamic will lead them. Nice work!
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Post by Straitjacketed »

The setting is super-evocative, almost a third character in the story. Part of me wonders if it's set in the very distant future, centuries post-apocalypse, and we can look forward to a Planet of the Apes style reveal. ;)

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Post by bondagefreak »

Hot stuff, [mention]Volobond[/mention]. You know how much I enjoy a good forced-washing scene. That was highly erotic and it definitely succeeded in having an effect on me; particularly the detailing about how thorough Kai's ministrations were. A wonderful tale so far.

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Post by Volobond »

Kai mused over the stranger as he carefully dried his body.

No one but the overconfident or the foolish attempted to cross the Wastes in the windy season. And as evidenced by the lack of true defiance from him, he was not the former. As evidenced by his clothing, he was not the latter.

So why, then, did he have no other supplies? The only answer would be that he lost them - no, not lost. Left them behind. For what? To make his load lighter as he fled?

Fled from what? Or from whom? There were legends of malicious spirits in the Wastes, but Kai knew from experience that this was one of the only places in the world that nothing survived long enough to adapt to. The few animals in the Wastes never ventured as far into it as Kai's home was, and in fact had migratory patterns to leave them during the windy season.

And thus, the logical conclusion was that the stranger was being pursued. Hunted.

This did not matter overmuch to Kai - any hunter with sense would assume the stranger died, because he should have, had it not been for Kai's interference. And that made the stranger a treasure. Someone that owed Kai his very life, twice over, should his hunters have had murderous intent.

But all this was premature. Kai had not made his home in the lonely Wastes so that he could break his solitude for just anyone. Was this one... the one?

Kai put his trousers back on before carrying the stranger over his shoulder into the house - to the sitting room, with plush chairs strewn with blankets. The tiles of this room were lavender, but the wall hangings were a rich cobalt blue, lending the area grandeur.

The stranger's limp and relaxed body made it both easier and more difficult to secure him. His dead weight was cumbersome, and Kai positioned him with great difficulty. However, without any flexing or awareness, the stranger could not leave himself any slack or disrupt Kai's ropework.

The silken rope was a gentle sky blue, and its beauty struck Kai even as he bound the stranger efficiently with it. Arms parallel behind his back in a boxtie position. Woven between arms and back to immobilize the arms and limit struggle. Strands over the shoulders and chest. Between the arms and torso to further steady the ropes. Knees bent, ankles together, keeping him in a kneeling position. When Kai steadied him, the stranger stayed up, slouched in position all on his own.

Kai placed a thick bamboo bit between the stranger's teeth, using a rougher twine to hold it in place. He then allowed himself a moment of affection, gently scratching the stranger's head. But once the stranger stirred, Kai moved to the other side of the short table the stranger had been bound to kneel before, and sat upon the long couch.

Kai was taller than the stranger, by a small margin, but was bigger in stature by a greater one. He placed his bare feet upon the short table, and was somewhat pleased to see that they were nearly as big as then stranger's face.

The stranger whined as he awoke, once more unable to make coherent speech.

"You begin, stranger, with nothing. I do not trust you. I do not care for you. But you will earn privileges through service. You lose privileges through punishment. Understand?"

The stranger nodded, whimpering.

"Before I feed you, you will choose which privilege, if any, you wish to earn. You will choose either the privilege of speech between the times I have you gagged or the privilege of getting to sit on the couch. Do you understand?"

The stranger nodded once more.

"If the former, speak. If the latter, remain silent."

The only sound for a heartbeat's breadth was the eerie whistling from outside, even audible here in one of the central parts of the house.

And then the stranger whimpered and vocalized. "Agh whgg ghh gheee."

Kai did not completely remove the gag, but simply loosened it so it hung around the stranger's neck. In that position, it would remain a constant reminder that Kai could at any time choose to put it back where it belonged.

The stranger eyed Kai warily as he returned to his seat, feet up, right in the stranger's face. They weren't particularly ripe or noisome, considering Kai had bathed along with the stranger, but clearly the boy had never had anyone's feet in his mouth. It seemed, though, that the boy knew what foot worship was, because he tentatively leaned forward and gave a ginger flick of the tip of his tongue against the sole of Kai's left foot.

"I have no patience for half measures, stranger." Kai spoke in warning.

The stranger made a wordless yelp and began his task in earnest, hastily slathering Kai's foot with his tongue.

Kai deftly hooked his other foot around the back of the stranger's head, pressing his worshipped foot flat over the stranger's mouth, gagging him.

"Center yourself, boy. Accept your fear, and marshal it. Master it - I will be the only one to master you." Kai said, his possessive words tinged with a gentle undertone. A guiding one.

Kai allowed several seconds to pass with the stranger footgagged before he let go. Slowly, but no longer hesitantly, the stranger set to work a third time. Not hasty and desperate, not ginger and fearful, but focused. Kai provided gentle instruction that the stranger in his near-trance accepted almost immediately.

"Good boy."

The stranger trembled. It was the first time he had been praised for something he had chosen to do...

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Aw, the poor stranger is really found his match! I love how Kai doesn't even need to tell him what to do and he eagerly works for praises. I think he'll make an excellent companion if his new master decides to keep him.
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Post by Guardianbound »

It's meant to be! Stranger needing protection, and Kai needing companionship. Wonder what further privileges will come with his obedience?
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Post by gag1195 »

I desperately want to know more about both Kai and the Stranger! Unfortunately, Kai seems quite content not to ask questions! I'm wondering, though, if Kai is right. Are there others hunting his new guest? If so, I suspect Kai's solitude will be even more greatly interrupted than it already has been!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

gag1195 wrote: 1 year ago I desperately want to know more about both Kai and the Stranger! Unfortunately, Kai seems quite content not to ask questions! I'm wondering, though, if Kai is right. Are there others hunting his new guest? If so, I suspect Kai's solitude will be even more greatly interrupted than it already has been!
Maybe the stranger should be asking some questions... oh, wait, he can't! :mrgreen:
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Post by Volobond »

Although he had earned the privilege of speech, the stranger did not utilize it once Kai had granted it to him by removing the gag. The stranger simply stared with a glazed expression straight ahead without deviation.

Kai took the opportunity to examine the stranger further.

His position was a stressful one - not simply mentally but physically as well. Even with no cushion to comfort his knees, the stranger seemed to have far less outward fatigue from kneeling than would be expected - the only conclusion being that he had spent a great deal of time on his knees before.

His naked body was smooth, the too-short fuzz along his torso and groin indicating he was recently shaved but either abandoned the habit or neglected it even more recently. The evenly toned, unblemished skin suggested he also was familiar with a lack of clothes and had not needed to work in the sun. His lean physique was for show, not function.

Though he could not be certain, Kai's best guess was that the stranger was someone's property already. The slave trade was abhorred by most of civilization, but the meecantile empire of the west did not keep such unjust things as slaves - the west dealt in indentured servitude, the labor and service of prisoners for rehabilitation, and of course the traditional systems of the courtesans.

The stranger was clearly no labor servant, nor did he bear the customary marks of piercing or tattooing that festhall boys accumulated over years of earning their freedom. He must have been a courtesan.

Kai remembered his time in the west. In a land where coin was the only constant king, marriages were for allegiance and for profit - bloodline mattered less than name and exclusivity, and thus the courtesan system was born. These young men and women, plucked from obscure common beginnings where no one would miss them, were educated and trained to serve, to obey, to be both object and subject to their eventual noble partner. Where a wife or husband was something of a business partner, a courtesan was a lover and emotional confidant. And any children would inherit the most prominent family name.

It was how things were done.

This stranger... the way he had been shaved, but not waxed. His strong but lean physique. His as-yet-unmodified hair and lack of ornamentation. He must not have been chosen yet. No lord or lady yet with desires to match him to.

Until now, Kai considered.

The stranger had a willingness in him to obey, but it was won through reason and understanding. He did not instantly capitulate to Kai's demands, but relented after the lack of suitable alternative was explained. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

And he had earned a modicum of Kai's respect. If the story he had formed from his observation of the stranger was accurate, then the boy had escaped the imperial guard and evaded capture, and fled into the Wastes knowing that no one would follow - simple bad luck had pushed him to Kai's door, else his plan would have worked. No easy feat. And it truly must have been bad luck. The stranger's crossing of the Wastes was likely calculated to coincide with the traditional end of the doldrums and the start of the duststorms - who could know that the winds would decide to start a week early?


He winced at the sound of Kai's voice.

Kai made a noise of impatience. "I have not ordered silence - you are free to speak at any time."

"O-oh. You... want me to speak?"

Kai did not deign to reply with the obvious answer.

"...yes? S-sir?"

"Do you hunger? Fleeing the imperial guards must have been bitter work."

Kai allowed himself a smirk at the look of utter shock the stranger displayed. But he was surprised by the next question.

"Will you take me back to them, Sir?"

"You do not ask how I knew?"

"It doesn't matter. Sir. I cannot afford to look over my shoulder at my past."

"Clever. And no. I will not."

"Why, Sir? May I ask."

"Because your tenacity impresses me. Now. Do you hunger?"

"Yes, Sir. Greatly."

Kai retrieved a platter of bread and cheese, grapes and small, voluptuous berries. Oil and wine. He set them on the table, and pulled the stranger over to sit between his legs.

He fed the stranger by hand, like a dog, alternating bites with him. He cut the wine with a decanter of crystal-clear water before lifting the goblet to his lips.

"Sir? Why are you... being kind to me?"

"Would you prefer I was cruel?"

"It would feel... expected. At worst, you have enslaved me. I have not... been taught to expect kindness. Praise. Cleaning. Food."

"I am harsh, not cruel. I am no unjust slaver. I take care of my things."

"Am I one of those things? Sir?"

"The strong earn the right to choose. The weak have the strong choose for them. And... you are not weak."

The stranger's mouth gaped.

"You will have the choice to leave when the duststorm ends. That, you have my word on. But until then, you will still be restrained. I have respect for you, but I have no reason to trust you."

"I... thank you, Sir."

"Then eat. I will not have a guest nor a prisoner die under my care."

The ghost of a grin passed the stranger's lips before another bite of food was pressed into his mouth, and he said no more.

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Post by gag1195 »

The lore... the fucking world building! The tenderness that Kai shows the Stranger! The insight Kai is able to discern about his guest! The intrigue! The potential for strapping guards to be suckered into Kai's compound! The chance for the Stranger to show off his skills/training! Here's hoping that this dust storm rages for a good long while!
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Post by Guardianbound »

This is amazing!!! It's a whole new word being built and Kai and the stranger all seem like real believable characters. But the smile at the end can mean so many things...there's still the possibility that the Stranger is more than Kai thinks he is.
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]

It was not unheard of that a dominus should wish to personally attend to his property. While many households that kept slaves (or in the west, indentures) would have them cleaned and fed and watered outside of the main property, courtesans or those dominae who wished to have their property more on the level of pets would engage in feeding by hand and personal washing. This encouraged a sort of dependence and familiarity in the property.

But even this protocol Kai did not follow. He did not ritually clean his hand in a bowl of water between the bites he gave to the stranger and the bites he took for himself - to an observer, despite the stranger's clearly submissive position, it would appear they were sharing a meal, like lovers or equals, not as owner and owned.

Kai himself felt a warming regard for the stranger, if not a grand effusion of trust, as they began to fill the empty hour with conversation. Drifting from topic to topic like the little particles of dust lazily floating hither and thither in the light. They remained guarded, but enough mutual respect had grown between them to make the conversation pleasant, even as the eerie whistling from outside became ever more intrusive, punctuated by echoing sounds of impact as debris began to impact the metal shields bordering Kai's home at incredible velocity, like some kind of strange satire of a thunderstorm.

Though their conversation was pleasant, it was not without purpose. Kai filled his words with little traps that the stranger was not adept enough to notice - Kai knew his training in conversation would have been postponed until he was chosen by a lord, to whom his speech patterns and intellect could be molded; some of those desiring courtesans wished for an intellectual equal or advisor, while others wished for a handsome fool - but Kai did not hold the stranger's missteps against him. In fact, he had been counting upon them.

The stranger knew not to confirm what crime had him running from the imperial guard, but did let slip that the western empire was the only homeland he had known. Which all but confirmed Kai's notions of him being a courtesan.

The stranger had been bound before, as he remarked on the quality and gentility of Kai's materials - the implication being he had known rougher ones. Perhaps a punishment for disobedience in training?

The stranger was well-educated, even for a courtesan. It made Kai suspicious, but he surmised that the stranger must have been earmarked for the elite. One only had to look at his beautiful countenance and unblemished skin to confirm this. The former indicated that he was of high quality stock, the latter that none of the courtesan academies had yet sullied his skin with a tattoo or brand, perhaps in wait for a high house's crest, or even the imperial heraldry.

The stranger, ostensibly more comfortable with Kai now, was a blithe spirit, smiling a little and making a joke here and there. And Kai did admire that the stranger's skin dimpled when he smiled, and that even his nervous laughter was enough to cause a full-body motion.

Being much more skilled in the ways of conversational warfare, Kai did not let slip any hint of his own origin from the western empire, his education from a noble house and service in the imperial guard, nor his history as a mercenary of some infamy across the world. The Gleaming Death, they called him, the Diamond Dog, and no one would ever suspect that the Bloody Jewel of Makaranth would be resting in the no-man's-land of the Wastes.

But soon Kai came to notice the stranger finally beginning to fatigue. The brief winces and futile attempts to shift and move into a more comforting position. He waited a little longer, to ensure that the stranger would have no strength to fight or resist when he was untied, and did so, surprising the stranger once again by massaging the circulation back into unused limbs.

Kai gave the stranger only a few breaths of freedom before crossing his wrists and binding them together with a complex lacing, attaching the whole thing to a loop around his waist so he would not be able to lift his arms. Another rope was used to hobble the stranger at the ankles and knees, ensuring the most movement he could make was an awkward shuffle.

The stranger whined when Kai returned the thick bit to his mouth, but gave no more protest than that, especially when Kai's hands lingered in his hair. His eyes closed then, and he instinctively leaned into Kai's touch. Kai indulged him, gently swiping the pad of his thumb across the stranger's cheekbone.

Breaking away from the suddenly charged moment, Kai hauled the stranger up, resting him over his shoulder ‐ and despite his yelp of surprise, his approval was readily apparent.

Kai carried the stranger past other rooms of the house, past the kitchen and the library and the training room and armory. He paused just long enough in front of the lowly lit room with the implements of restraint, pleasure, and pain to make the stranger squirm, before finally moving into the innermost sanctum of Kai's fortress.

Kai's room was the same mixture of opulence and practicality as the rest of the house. Tiled in cornflower blue, the room was furnished for comfort. The bed was clad in bamboo sheets, with fleece comforters available for the chill. Wall hangings in rich purples and reds showed the evidence of Kai's worldly experience that he had not let slip in conversation, and the well-used bookshelf and writing desk evidenced that he was a scholar as well as a warrior.

Kai saw the stranger taking in all these things and sighed. "Will you control yourself enough to keep your questions silent, or will you have to sleep with the gag?"

Consternation crossed the stranger's features at the idea, and he shook his head.

"Nnngh ghhhg."

"Very well." Kai removed the bit, once again letting his fingers linger. He appraised the stranger's position, determining it would be save to leave him tied so overnight, and grabbed a flowing sheet from the linen closet, expertly wrapping it around the stranger, mummifying him in a few turns of fabric. The stranger's arms were pressed tight to his sides and body, his legs solidly imprisoned, only his head and feet sticking out. Kai allowed himself a small smile at the stranger's look of surprise and the stifled questions he had to bite his lip to hold back.

"Before we retire for the night. I have determined that the most practical step would be to know what to call you. The familiarity may breed trust, but at this point, i have the measure of you as a man. So what are you called, stranger?"

"...I am Avel, Sir."

"Thank you, Avel. I am Kai. Though you will still address me as Sir or Master."

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy."

Kai retrieved a bolt of navy silk, winding it over Avel's eyes as a blindfold and sleeping mask. He picked him up and placed him on the bed with ease, leaving him with a soft touch, gently running fingers through his sandy hair. It was easy to tell when his breathing became evident of sleep, and Kai remained at his desk, busying himself with his books and writings before retiring in an armchair to watch over Avel as he slept.

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Post by Guardianbound »

It would be a great twist if Avel was in fact sent to hunt Kai down. Lull him into a false sense of security then take down the Bloody Jewel of Makaranth :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by gag1195 »

It does feel like serendipity that Avel found his way to Kai's door. While the trust is still growing, there is clearly something there between the two of them. I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop, the drama to start...
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Post by Volobond »

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]

Even when his blindfold was removed, it was clearly surprising to Avel that the windows of the house were still dark, as if nighttime still reigned outside - the duststorm was raging on.

He was released from his fabric wrapped prison, only for Kai to fold his limbs behind him in a strict hogtie, the position preventing him even from wriggling.

Avel was allowed to keep the bolt of silk that was his blindfold loose around his neck, almost like a collar, and Kai provided him with another challenge.

"I can afford you modesty, or I can afford you comfort. Choose which you would prefer."

"I... ungh... I pick comfort." Avel whined, quickly fatiguing in the stress position. Another hidden test. The position was an imperial invention, meant to wear out enemy soldiers so they could be shackled and counted upon not to run or fight back. One untrained or untested as a soldier or spy would grow weak within minutes of the harsh, slackless tying. It was close to a complete confirmation in Kai's mind that Avel was an escaped, educated courtesan-trainee.

"I am going to touch you, boy. And no matter how pleasurable you find the sensation, you may not release until I have permitted it. Understand?"

Avel nodded, clearly surprised that Kai was not going farther. Kai's eyes narrowed slightly - as much as his guest needed to earn his trust, he needed to earn it from his guest.

"I... yes, Sir."

Kai did not bother to untie Avel - though he wished to challenge the boy, he did not altogether desire him to fail, and knew the fatigue and pain from the position would help him keep away from the edge.

Kai had attired himself in a short tunic overnight as the bitter chill of the Wastes set in - but removed it once more to use as a gag for Avel, stuffing the fabric into the boy's mouth and securing it there with his loose fabric collar.

Kai grinned as he saw Avel's eyes flutter at the sight of him. In the morning light (suffused as it was by dust), Kai's numerous faded battle scars were thrown into relief. But rather than fill Avel with fear, they seemed to excite him further. Enough that the boy was already half hard by the time Kai actually began to touch him.

Avel whined as Kai began to stroke his hard member in earnest. "Remember, lad. Not until I say."

"Ymmph, Phrrr."

Kai watched as Avel tried to twist in his strict bondage - knowing that his sinewy body would be undulating most pleasantly if he was only able to thrust his hips into Kai's hand, but as it was he was completely trapped, any thrusting causing mor strain on his shoulders, and thus he remained completely at Kai's mercy.

"Phhrrr! Phrrrrrr!" Avel began to yelp, eyes widening.

Kai smirked and kept stroking for a second longer, before removing his hand, watching the mingled relief and frustration building in Avel's expression - Kai knew he had brought the lad close to the edge.

Avel, meanwhile, seemed to think Kai had simply disregarded his warning, and when he again came close to succumbing to his ministrations, yelled louder, trying to be heard.


Kai continued as long as he dared until Avel began to twitch, and then stopped, the lad letting out a howl of conflicted emotion.

"Such a good boy." Kai purred, his deep voice soft with appreciation. "You're doing so well for me, Avel."

Avel whined, shaking his head in warning, his spasms becoming more violent.

Kai's eyes widened as he realized what a potent weapon had been revealed to him. He launched a distracting assault of tickling across Avel's ribs, making the boy shriek into his gag. Kai laughed in triumph, tickling Avel long enough to make him forget the slip-up.

"Do you want release, lad?"

Avel nodded in exhausted desperation.

"Are you certain? I don't hear anything..."

"Prhhsss, Phrrrrr! Prhhsss!"

"Very well." Kai grinned, and knelt down so his face was level with Avel's as he began to stroke once more. "My good boy. You did so well, Avel, my lad, and now it's time to give in. Let your master take care of you."

Kai had once been to a festhall where a fallen ascetic initiate had given up on his vow of chastity and let a festboy suck him to completion for the first time in a year. If that eruption were a geyser, then Avel's was a volcanic plume, hot pyroclastic flow cascading down Kai's hand. Avel's eyelids were still fluttering from the exertion as Kai milked him of every last drop and then tore the gag from his mouth and kissed him, bringing Avel to another climax almost instantly, the word "Master" shouted against Kai's lips.

Avel stared with an open mouth as Kai shuffled down his trousers just enough to seize his manhood and follow suit behind Avel, using the hand still dripping with Avel's spend to get his own release. Ropy strands of fluid landed across Avel's face from Kai's completion.

Both the master and his lad breathed in heavy synchronicity for several heartbeats before Kai regained composure, moving quickly to retrieve a hot damp towel to clean Avel's face and manhood, and then his own, swiping away the sweat and other grime from their bodies in efficient strokes.

Kai untied Avel, then, with no care for what would happen when he was released. He was not altogether surprised, then, when Avel sprang at him.

But not to claw or strangle, as all his instincts told him to expect. Avel clung to him like a barnacle to a whale's underbelly, sniffling quietly, face buried in Kai's neck. Kai wrapped his powerful arms around the lad, comforting him.

"Lad... what's wrong?"

"I... don't know, Master. I... it was good, I just... I -"

"It's all overwhelming, is it not?"

"Yes... but not like this. Not here."

"In my arms, Avel? Is that what you mean?"


"Then stay."

"You don't know what you're asking, Master..."

Kai pulled back, but maintained a hold on Avel, forcing them to look at each other. "If you wish me to own you, nothing will remove you from this place without my wishes."

"I... don't know you."

"You know me better than whoever would have been decided for you back in your homeland."

Avel looked stunned for a moment. "Even knowing what I am... you still want me?"

"We have a time to learn each other better. But if you wish, I will treat you as mine until the day you tell me you wish to leave. Upon my honor as a warrior, and upon my well-earned respect for you."

"Yes... Master."

Given that Kai had promised his Avel comfort as a reward for the challenge, no seat besides his lap was good enough. Avel had seen Kai's strictness, and now he was experiencing the tenderness the warrior hid behind his metal walls. And as the day passed, around them, the eerie whistles began to die, forty-eight hours after the freakish duststorm blew in, though the dust would stir in the air for at least a week more.

What Kai did not know, but Avel suspected, was that there was a windjammer tank sliding through the Wastes towards them. The brutal metal was sharp, like an arrow, poised to cut straight through the buffetting winds of a duststorm, the airtight seals enough to keep the inside free of the razor sharp particles of choking dust.

Three imperial agents, dressed in the red and gold of the western empire, piloted the mechanical nightmare. Their informant, a merchant who had seen Avel flee the imperial guard by cutting into the Wastes, lay at their feet, wrists and neck locked into a metal yoke, ankles shackled with a short chain connected to the floor of the tank'a cockpit, and mouth occupied by a crude leather insert, filling enough to choke him if he struggled, but hollow so that he could breathe through it all and be watered without ungagging him.

The dust formed a tunnel behind them as they traveled at speed, the particles swirling - the empire had mastered the Wastes. All for Avel...

You can find my M/M stories here:
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