Susans Crazy Arrest (FF/F) (vote story)

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Post by CapturedCarol »

So what’s the penalty for C? Please elaborate otherwise I’ll sayA
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Post by JulieG »

D please. Her mum did try the straight jacket on, and it’s only been used once. Just saying!
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Post by johopp »

D wins

Chapter 74

Susan was deeply shocked when she heard her mother's threat to lock the ropes and chains away again. Over the last few weeks and months, the various bondages had become a part of her life that she no longer wanted to be without. She knew her mother felt the same way, but unfortunately adults tended to put boring school work ahead of everything funny - and her mother was no exception in that regard!

But Susan just didn't understand this point of view at all. She thought feverishly how she could still come up with a little tie up game. Before that she wouldn't be able to concentrate on school anyway!

Suddenly she had an idea! She tore a few pages from an old exercise book. She then called her mother, ostensibly because she needed help with her homework. The mother immediately offered to help and Susan showed her some tightly written sheets - but pulled them away before the mother could get a closer look. "Everyone in my class has an essay to write about a famous American from the first half of the 20th century. I chose escape artist Harry Houdini," she lied.

The mother began to reel off a short biography of this famous escape artist, but Susan nipped the rant in the bud: "Very nice mommy, but I already know all that! But I couldn't find a photo anywhere and thought maybe you could have your picture taken performing his most famous trick: getting out of the straitjacket!

The mother ignored her daughter's malicious grin and willingly allowed herself to be put in the straitjacket - after her daughter's promise not to be hung upside down like the famous artist! What she didn't realize, however, was that Susan installed some padlocks as she tightened the straps.

When the mother was tied up in the straitjacket, Susan actually made the drawing - not for the school, but for herself. When she was done, she grabbed the football and yelled, "I'll be gone for two hours now - don't do anything stupid!" Stunned, her mother stayed behind in the straitjacket!

When Susan eventually came back and finally freed her mother, she grinned. "That was fun - thanks!". Susan was surprised but also relieved not to be fined.

As Susan sat on her homework the next afternoon, the mother said she had another important video call and didn't want to be disturbed (like in Chapter 41). So she would have to gag her daughter in such a way that she could not remove the gag even if her hands were not tied. So Susan could keep doing her homework.

How does the mother do that?

A) She sews Susan's lips together with a needle and thread.
B) She puts an inflatable rubber ball in Susan's mouth.
C) She puts a ball gag in Susans mouth, which she locks behind Susans head with a padlock.
D) She glues Susan's lips together with super glue.
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Post by JulieG »

C everything else is a little weird.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by CapturedCarol »

C . Glue and stitches are as Julie says. Weird.
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 75

Susan laughed victoriously - she couldn't think of any way she could have a gag in her mouth that she couldn't remove with her hands free - none at all! She held out her hands to her mother, waiting for some form of bondage to bind her wrists together. She would be unable to do her homework if tied up - or, if untied, she would bug her mother on the video call. Both together her mom would not be able to avoid it!

Angry, her mother pushed Susan's hands aside! "Stop doing that!". Then she took out a round black rubber ball with two black ribbons hanging from it. Susan looked puzzled! The mother wanted to put the ball in Susan's mouth, but Susan pressed her lips together and held out her clasped hands again - first tie!

The mother lost patience - she pinched the nose of the puzzled Susan. Susan held her breath, but eventually she had to gasp for air! Her mother used this moment to push the rubber ball between Susan's teeth and lock it behind her head with a little padlock. "Mmmmm!" was the only thing the totally stunned Susan could say!

"Now you can't bother me when I'm on the phone anymore! I won't release you from the gag until you've done your homework! That's why you're not tied up!" Susan laughed nastily, but the mother said: "You'll soon stop laughing - the gag will soon become very uncomfortable, believe me! Do your homework and you'll be free!" Sullenly, Susan went to work - and found that the gag was very effective. She really couldn't get a word out that she could understand! Nor could she spit it out or take it off - a tiny padlock prevented that! Susan was fascinated.

When Susan finished her homework, she gave the agreed signal and the mother removed the gag after spot checking the homework. Susan moved her jaw up and down to release the tension that had built up there. The mother was also finished. She got the cake box and Susan's mouth watered. But when the mother opened the lid, the box was empty. The mother accused Susan of stealing the cake! But then she grinned - and took the rope in her hand. Susan grinned too and let herself be tied to the chair.

The mother blinded Susan with a flashlight and again accused her of stealing the cake. Susan said there was no evidence and stuck her tongue out. Then she tugged at her bonds again. "Besides, you have no proof that I was the one who ate the cake, officer!"

Then she waited - curious to see what her mother would do to prove her guilt. This was definitely not going to be easy!

How does the mother convict Susan of stealing the cake?

A) Hair sample
B) Saliva sample
C) fingerprints
D) Fibres from her sweater
E) footprint
F) Susan will not be untied until she makes a confession.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

E of course. Susan is nearly always barefoot.
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Post by CapturedCarol »

F. And mother has ways of making Susan confes, mostly involving her bare feet.
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Post by JulieG »

F. And of course because Susan does not really know where the cake has gone, mum will just have to keep interrogating her til she makes a lucky guess.
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Post by Bondageboi »

I like E. but having Susan tortured would be a good alternative
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Post by johopp »

E and F wins

Chapter 76

Susan was absolutely certain: her mother would never be able to prove that she had stolen it. As well - she was innocent after all! So she sat back in her bonds and watched her mother who was scanning the whole room. She wiped surfaces with a brush to reveal possible fingerprints, took photos of all sorts of objects, and looked for fabric fibers.

When the mother was done, she turned back to her daughter, who was tugging violently at her bonds. "Well, is anyone panicking? Justified, because the so-called mouth robbery can certainly be punished with imprisonment! Maybe you'd rather confess straight away?"

Susan grinned and shook her head. The mother sighed. "Unfortunately, according to the current legal situation, I can't sentence you without a confession - although the evidence for your guilt is clear!" When she saw her daughter's astonished look, she continued: "Yes, my dear - you are convicted! Look!" With that, the mother took a brush and began painting the soles of Susan's feet blue - a very ticklish affair. The mother then pressed a sheet of paper against the soles of Susan's feet, leaving two clear blue footprints on the sheet.

As her mother examined the imprint on the paper with a magnifying glass, Susan tugged at her bonds again, to no avail. When the examination was over, the mother said, "The print is identical, you're convicted! That means a life sentence - unless you show remorse by returning the prey - or have you already eaten it all up?" Susan shook her head.

"Then where is the cake? Answer!" "For the last time, I don't know where the stupid cake is!" "Wrong answer!" With these words, the mother tickled the soles of Susan's feet until she - completely out of breath - begged for mercy! When asked again about the current whereabouts of the cake, Susan named everything possible: cupboard, oven, washing machine, freezer, bed and much more! Every time the mother didn't find the cake in the indicated place, she started the tickle attack all over again!

Only after several hours - at least that's how it seemed to Susan - did the mother conjure up the cake from somewhere. The words "The defendant has repaired the damage herself - and is therefore to be acquitted!" Susan didn't really notice anymore, nor the loosening of her bonds. She had to get her breathing rate back to normal first. But the cake tasted even sweeter!

Susan, Claire and Carol spent the next afternoon at the lake. They swam, sunbathed, hiked, played volleyball - in short: had a lot of fun, barefoot and in their bathing suits.

Sometime after her mother fell asleep, Claire led Susan into a wooded spot. Then she conjured a pair of handcuffs from behind her back. Susan grinned and willingly allowed herself to be chained to a tree that was out of sight of the bathers. She trembled happily as the cuffs closed around her wrists, which were wrapped around the trunk behind her back. Claire said, "I tied the key to a branch near where we were seated. I'll get it quickly. But first, a little something!"

With a mixture of curiosity and horror, Susan watched as Claire handcuffed her own hands behind her back. Then Claire ran - Susan was left alone chained to the tree, barefoot and in a bathing suit. She didn't have a chance to free herself, she had to wait for Claire to return with the key. But that certainly wouldn't take long!

Susan is wrong about this! What happens?

A) Claire forgot which tree she tied the key to.
B) Claire has tied the key to a branch that is out of reach of her cuffed hands.
C) Claire trips over a root and sprains her ankle.
D) A couple in love is having a romantic date right under the tree with the key.
E) Squirrels steal the key and are about to take it to their den.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

B please. Carol has to get involved somehow and punishes Clare in some way for being reckless.
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Post by JulieG »

E. But how about that’s actually the key to Claire’s cuffs. She mixed them up. Mother can u lock Susan but Claire has to walk home in Cuffs

(PS . Can we have Susan and Clair’s mums tied up too?)
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Post by CapturedCarol »

D. It is the most embarrassing
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Post by johopp »

Maybe the moms will be tied in the future, but not now.

B D E Mix in

Chapter 77

When Claire was no longer to be seen, Susan tugged hard again at the handcuffs that fixed herself to the tree trunk. But the only success of this action were scratched wrists - no chance to escape. So she made herself as comfortable as possible and waited for Claire to return. At least she was somewhat protected from the prying eyes of third parties.

Claire, meanwhile, was making good progress. Skillfully using trees as cover, she sneaked closer and closer to the target tree. All she would have to do was turn around there and then… Her heart skipped a beat from shock!

Claire saw the blinking key. He was clearly marked on the branch. But now she realized the fatal mistake she had made: she had hung the key on a branch just above her head so that she could easily remove it afterwards for the test by stretching one arm over her head and reaching for it. Now, however, her hands were handcuffed behind her back, preventing them from being lifted above her head. The key was out of reach! And climbing up the tree with her hands behind her back was impossible! She had only been careless for a moment, but that would have terrible consequences for her friend! Claire was so panicked that she couldn't think of the simple solution of asking the moms for help - she started crying uncontrollably!

Susan had no idea of the danger her friend had put her in - on the contrary: When she realized that she could neither free herself nor run away, she was completely relaxed. She enjoyed the warm rays of sunshine on her face, the bark on her back and the ropes on her skin. She wished she could be tied up like that for hours. If only she knew!

Normally Claire would have been happy to see the two squirrels that suddenly darted around her, but now she hardly noticed them. It wasn't until they ran across Claire's bare feet several times, tickling her, that she got up annoyed. "Get off!" she yelled at the squirrels when she suddenly saw something flash between their paws: A small key! She jumped up so suddenly that the squirrels fled in panic, but didn't let go of their unusually glittering prey. Claire followed them as fast as she could with her hands cuffed behind her back and with her bare feet.

When she saw the squirrels disappear into a hole in the tree trunk, Claire breathed a sigh of relief: She could easily get there! But in the middle of the movement, she stopped - and saw the young couple, who had obviously just fallen in love, directly under the tree, slowly but deeply kissing. Claire turned away in disgust - stepping on a branch. The man heard the crack and said, "OK, you disgusting Peeping Tom! Come out slowly, hands in the air! Maria, call the police!”

The couple had expected an old, confident man to emerge from the bushes - instead, a shy, trembling girl appeared. And even greater was the surprise when they realized that this girl's hands were handcuffed behind her back. Worried, the woman asked, "What happened? Have you been kidnapped? Shall we call the police?" Claire blushed bright red and told the whole story.

The man found the key in the tree and took it with him. "This part of your story seems to be true! But is the rest true? I have no idea!" The woman added: "And even if it's true, that was extremely reckless of you! Hm, I don't know what to believe! Give me your mother's cell phone number, I'll call her!" During the phone call, Claire's complexion became even redder. She would never survive the shame!

But at least Carol confirmed her daughter's story and promised to come to Susan's tree immediately. The couple and Claire also made their way there - although the woman insisted that Claire's hands remain cuffed behind her back - to be sure!

The mother was able to free Susan with the key. But when Claire also held out her handcuffed hands to her, her mother shook her head, "I'm afraid I don't know where your key is". Claire laughed out, "Good joke! We all know from experience that the keys to all our handcuffs are the same! So the key in your hand unlocks mine too!" For Susan, however, this information was new.

Horrified by so much impudence, Susan whispered something in Carol's ear. Claire suspected bad things - but what Carol said next exceeded her worst fears! "I'm going to drive Susan and her mother home now. You'll follow on foot - I'll unlock your handcuffs at home! See you then!"

Claire looked pleadingly at the lovers, but the man immediately waved him off. "That would be too much of a detour for us - we live outside the city!" The shocked Claire didn't notice that he winked at Carol.

As two cars pulled out of the parking lot, they left a barefoot, handcuffed girl behind. Claire had hoped to the last that it was just a bluff and that she - albeit in handcuffs - would at least find a place in one of the cars! But now she was alone! (She didn't catch Susans and the mothers' agreement that if Claire didn't ring the doorbell within two hours, they would drive back!)

Realizing that none of the cars were coming back, Claire, with her hands tied, rummaged in her back pocket for the purse to pay for a cab or bus once she got out of the woods - but it was on her bedside table at home ! So all she could do was walk barefoot and handcuffed all the way home!

As long as she was in the forest, the ground was at least soft and she was able to avoid the few walkers unseen. But then there was a long road that made Claire feel like she was on a salver. She was able to avoid questions from passers-by by claiming that she had lost a bet, but she blushed every time. And her bare feet almost burned on the hot asphalt - not to mention the blisters on them.

At home, Claire apologized and was eventually released - but had to go to bed without supper for her recklessness.

A few days later, the class had to make short films on the subject of environmental protection in several small groups. Susan and her classmates Karen and Birgit formed a group.

In the film, Susan sat on a park bench and drank from a soda can. But instead of putting it in the trash can, she carelessly threw the empty can on the floor and walked on.

A few seconds later, Karen hopped down the same path. Because of the nice weather, she was barefoot. She stepped into the discarded can and fell on the grass, screaming in pain. Susan immediately called the ambulance (represented by a toy car in the film), but it was too late: the doctors could only amputate the foot! (For this, Karen hid one of her real feet in her pant leg and held a papier-mâché foot with her toes, which the doctors sawed off. The pant leg was then sewn up and Karen had to hop on the other leg).

Susan was crying so much that she barely noticed how Birgit (in police uniform) first asked her a few questions, then handcuffed Susan's hands behind her back and led her away. Susan also wore the handcuffs in front of the judge (again represented by Birgit)

What verdict does Judge Birgit make? (The film ends with the execution of this sentence, Susan is handcuffed during that)

A) Susan is locked in a prison cell for several years.
B) Susan has to pick up the garbage all over the park
C) Susan has to care for Karen, who ended up in a wheelchair, for the rest of her life.
D) Susan has to give a lecture to the whole school about her crime and the aftermath.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

I love the long walk home barefoot. Good story.

Option B has to be making the punishment fit the crime.
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Post by Bondageboi »

B. Handcuffed and barefoot.
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Post by johopp »

B wins

Chapter 78

Susan didn't say a word. She sat in a chair next to the classmate who played her defense attorney. The judge's words barely got through to her: "The defendant is guilty of negligent grievous bodily harm. She is therefore ordered to pay damages in the amount of 5 million dollars to the plaintiff. The reasons: ..." Susan didn't even notice the rest.

Susan played a role worthy of an Oscar: When the injured Karen - her left leg still sewn into her trouser leg - hopped past her, leaning on the shoulders of two stuffed animals who were playing her parents, she hardly noticed either.

Mechanically and without saying a word, Susan stood up, had her hands, which were previously tied behind her back, chained together in front of her body with the same handcuffs and then led out of the hall. According to the script, she was careful to avoid eye contact with Karen and the stuffed animals who impersonated Karten's parents.

The toy police car brought Susan into the park via camera cut. There the official Birgit took off Susan's shoes and socks and gave her a large blue garbage bag in her left hand and a long sharp branch in her right hand. Between them was still the short chain of the handcuffs.

Only a few seconds of footage of the "cleaning up" scene was supposed to be captured for the film, but the three agreed that Susan, bound and barefoot, should clean up a larger area of the park. Susan prevailed, arguing that this would give them more material to choose from and also help the environment. (Susan didn't mention that the main reason she was suggesting this was to prolong her time in handcuffs!)

Susan worked conscientiously. She enjoyed the warm sun on her face, the soft grass under her bare feet and the cool steel of the handcuffs around her wrists. Square by square meter she worked her way forward. At some point she even forgot that Birgit and Karen were constantly filming her.

Only when the entire area was cleaned was the camera switched off and Susan (much to her regret) freed from the handcuffs. She got her shoes and socks back and all three took the subway back to edit the film. The trash collected by Susan was properly disposed of on the way home. All three got top marks for their film.

A few days later, Claire's birthday party was held. She had invited several friends her own age - and Susan. When the daughter reported on previous bondage experiences with Susan, everyone wanted to try it out. Susan willingly stood against a tree and crossed her wrists behind it.

Each time it only took a few seconds for her to free herself. Seeing the many disappointed faces, Susan said, "I'll show you how to tie a person up so she cannot free herself! Would you be so kind, Claire?" Claire nodded and placed her back against the tree trunk, just like Susan did earlier. Slowly, explaining each step, Susan first tied Claire's wrists behind the tree trunk, then she took off Claire's shoes and socks and tied her bare feet also on the trunk. A third, longer rope wrapped Claire and the trunk from ankles to chest.

After Claire tried unsuccessfully to free herself, Susan wanted to untie her again, but the other girls begged Susan not to do that. Claire's protest was stopped by a cloth gag. Susan got more short ropes and helped the other girls tie each other's hands. They ignored Claire's (too theatrical and slurred) cries for help.

When everyone had practiced enough, they wanted to play another game with the birthday girl, who was still tied up.

What are they doing?

A) Everyone is blindfolded, they have to blindly attach post it notes to Claire.
B) They have to use balls to shoot an apple from Claire's head.
C) Claire's eyes are blindfolded, the others have to sneak up quietly and poke Claire with their finger before she notices them.
D) Claire's eyes are blindfolded, the others drawing figures on Claire's cheeks with lipstick. Claire has to guess the figure.
E) The other girls are blindfolded, they threw water bombs on Claire.
F) Carol is blindfolded and tied behind, she has to find and free her daughter.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

E or F.

How about carol has to free Claire whilst she has water bombshell thrown at her?
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Post by Jennyjay »


But I like [mention]Alisonlovesropes[/mention] idea above
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Post by JulieG »

You’ve given us too many choices. I like B, I like A. I like D. I like [mention]Alisonlovesropes[/mention] idea

But it’s going to be F
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Post by johopp »

F wins

Chapter 79

The other girls thought about what "gift" they could give the birthday girl next, who was tied barefoot to the tree - ideally in the form of a game. But they couldn't think of anything - something inhibited their creativity. So they just watched Claire trying in vain to free herself while screaming indistinctly into her gag.

Eventually Carol came in. She asked the girls if they needed anything and if their daughter was still okay. After receiving the confirmation, she asked the girls what else they planned to do with their prisoner. A disturbed silence followed, and malicious muffled laughter from the prisoner.

Realizing there was no response, Carol smiled: "I think you need a crash course in 'how do I take a hostage'? Fine! You've already done the first two points: you captured the hostage and you made sure she couldn't run away! "Excellent!" To prove it, Claire tugged at her bonds as hard as she could - to no avail!

Smiling, her mother continued, "Next, you must deliver a ransom note to her parents - in this case, me. What do you want in return for her release?" The tied Claire happily listened to the ever-increasing amounts that quantified their value - but at some point the mother stopped bidding: "I can never pay such high amounts in my life - in this case there will be no deal and you have to free the hostage If you do, you risk her running to the cops - you'll be in jail faster than you can say "chocolate cake!"

The young kidnappers and their hostage tied to the tree listened in fascination. One of the girls said: “Oh yes - I would also like a chocolate cake!" "Fine, I'll bake you one!" The mother disappeared and came back with a bucket of water bombs. She put the bucket down in front of the group. "But first I'll try to get the ransom for myself to keep and free the hostage myself instead. You have to stop me!" Claire understood and mumbled "Fire at will!" as clearly as she could in her gag. Under constant fire, the mother tried to get through to Claire, who herself became the target of the water bombs as the spatial distance between mother and daughter decreased.

When both mother and daughter were soaked, Carol said: "Very good, you've foiled my attempt to free the hostage by force! I'll dry myself off now, then I'll bake the cake for ransom - just make sure you guys the hostage does not escape!”

Well guarded, Claire, still tied to the tree, slowly dried in the warm sun. Meanwhile, the mother prepared the cake. When her mother came out of the kitchen with the fragrant, warm chocolate cake, Claire's mouth watered. But to her great surprise, she was still not untied.

What else are the girls up to with Claire?

A) They throw the cake in her face
B) They feed her the cake
C) They eat the cake in front of Claire - and don't tell her that her mother kept a piece in the fridge for her.
D) They blindfold Claire and let her choose from a variety of spoons, half of which are filled with cake and the other half with mustard.
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