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Post by bondagefreak »

For ease of reading and to make finding this easier for you guys, here's the entire 17,000 word manuscript of the kidnapping scene that was featured not long ago in BOUND & GAGGED. Chapter-pausing removed and original illustrations included. Enjoy, guys!



Things were shaping up to be quite normal that Tuesday evening. That is, until a call from my boyfriend resonated across the house and summoned me down to the basement workshop.

Pulling my attention away from the computer screen, I rapidly sprinted out of the bedroom and happily sauntered down the stairs leading to the basement exercise room and the attached workshop garage.

The first thing I did upon reaching the bottom of the staircase was turn the light switch on. Bizarrely enough though, the basement lights themselves didn't respond. Either the bulbs had all burned out, or the breaker had shut off.

Thinking nothing of it, I made my way across the gloomy unlit room and opened the door to my man's dusty workshop garage.
My brow arched up in surprise as soon as the heavy door swung open and revealed a seemingly desolate, pitch-black workshop.


"Nick?" I asked, believing that he was down here but not understanding why all the lights were off.

Still seeing no reason to be alarmed, I slowly stepped into the roomy workshop and blindly felt around in search of that light switch. My fingers found it, but much like the basement lights in the exercise room, none of them came on.

"Hmm. Nick must've gone outside or something." I silently thought to myself, turning around to head out of the lightless garage, but freezing in place upon hearing the sound of rushing air from somewhere in the vicinity.


"Nick?" I quietly called out, only to be answered by nothing more than an eerie silence.

Then there was another rush of air. And another, and another.


I didn't know much about power tools but understandably thought it might be one of Nick's compressors going awry for some reason. My inquisitive nature immediately caused me to press onward. I squinted my eyes to try and see better and tentatively took a few steps towards the mysterious sound.

There it was again! That strange noise.


Forms slowly took shape around me as my eyes began adjusting to the darkness. I could see the lightless silhouette of Nick's large pickup truck, could make out the garbage bin he used to collect sawdust and could spot the shapes of various power tools lining his cluttered work tables.


The sound was getting louder and clearer.
It definitely sounded like rushing air, but what was making it?
Something sinister was afoot. I could practically feel it.


My eyes struggled to make out the two dark shapes standing immobile in front of me, but when they finally did, my blood froze into an icy terror and my body grew rigid with fear.


An overwhelming feeling of dread overwhelmed my senses as the sight of the two immobile figures standing in front of me slowly dawned before my eyes.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to bolt out of the room and run out of the house to alert the neighbours. I wanted to do something, anything! But I couldn't. I was paralysed, and not because of some spell or some foul dark magic. I was paralysed by nothing more than my own fear.

My motor cortex communicated with the neurons in my spinal cord, but all its commands were hampered by the blood-freezing fear still coursing through my body.

My eyes scanned the freakishly immobile figures standing in front of me, sizing them up in an effort to ascertain the degree of threat they both presented. In those fleeting seconds of inaction, I noted the height and broadness of their hulking statures, noticed the absence of any discernable differentiating features to set them apart and took note of the face-concealing military gasmasks adorning their respective heads. In other words, the stuff of nightmares.


I just stood there, terror-stricken and paralysed as the two towering silhouettes looked at me through those freakishly-hued circular eyesets of theirs. Neither myself nor the duo of masked intruders made a move during the initial three seconds of our encounter. But when the one on the left pulled out an expandable police baton and snapped it to attention with one lightning-fast flick of the wrist, I immediately felt a kinetic surge and took a tentative step backwards.

As soon as I did, the two would-be assailants advanced.

I saw their positively towering bodies draw closer, saw their freakishly oversized, lustrous gloved hands reach out to grab me, and then I bolted. Bolted out of the gloomy workshop and rushed towards the adjacent exercise room.

My socked feet sped me off the cold workshop's cement floor and onto the ever-so-slightly better lit gym area's warm wooden one. I saw the staircase, saw the welcome brightness of the not-so-distant main floor beaming down across its wooden steps.
I ran. Ran as fast and as speedily as my cotton-padded soles would carry me.

The thin hairs populating the back of my neck stood up to attention as the bone-chilling sound of laboured breathing echoed from somewhere behind me.


I ran, faster than I ever had.
The staircase's ornate wooden railing seemed almost within reaching distance.
My feet sped me towards it at a velocity I'd never previously thought imaginable.

Hoping to use the railing as leverage to further increase the swiftness of my upcoming ascent to safety, I extended a hand out to grab it.

In my single-minded focus to reach the stairs leading up to what my mind perceived as a safe haven, I failed to notice the heavily cushioned gym mat lining the floor space around my boyfriend's punching bag and benchpress machine. The front of my foot caught into it, briefly propelling me up in the air before sending me crashing down to the vinyl-covered foam flooring.

The high-density foam's embrace absorbed the shock of my unceremonious collapse but didn't protect me from the weight of the positively hulking intruders that came crashing on top of me. The adrenaline spike still coursing through my veins would've normally been enough to ensure a near-instantaneous recovery had it not been for the fact that my accidental collapse had sent my two towering pursuers barrelling down onto me.

I yelped, or rather, tried to. But the impact of their colossal bodies landing on my meagre frame was such that my lungs found themselves robbed of air and gasping for normalcy.

Whoever these men were, they were heavy.
Even at a glance, that much would've been obvious.
Seeing it and living it were two different things, however.

Heavily geared up as they were, each of them weighed no less than an estimated three hundred pounds.

My panicked mind momentarily struggled to identify the hulking intruders, attempting in vain to understand the purpose of their unexplained presence and the motivation behind their aggression towards me. But the urgency of my dire predicament rapidly did away with those questions, and then all I could think about was the danger I was in and wonder what fate had befallen my unsuspecting lover.

I struggled to recollect whether Nick's call had sounded distressed and struggled to cope with the possibility that he'd been assaulted and possibly killed or knocked unconscious while I'd been gaming on the computer.

My mind raced to fill in the gaps, but still, no answers came.
Only the cacophony of fiercely laborious breathing filled my ears.


The hulking intruders worked with the silent efficiency of trained professionals.
One of them sat on my head and upper back whilst his equally hefty counterpart took position on my hips and upper thighs.

Insanely powerful legs clad in jet black police-issued cargo pants and boots straddled my comparatively scrawny, incapacitated form.

The largest and most forceful of gloved hands took hold of my feeble wrists, crushing them together behind the small of my back and giving little doubt as to the musculature that wielded them. I let out a pained whimper, but the leathery grip remained stringent and inflexible.

A series of clicking sounds ensued, followed by that of a very distinctive low-pitched zipping noise.
I felt something hard press against the skin on my wrists and then felt it tightening around them, securing my hands behind my back.

From the feel of the hard plastic as well as the sheer thickness and width of the object restraining me, I knew I'd just been zip-tied. Even more alarming was the zip-tie itself. It felt nothing like those hardware store cable wraps. This was SWAT unit calibre stuff. In other words, riot-grade police cuffs.

Another series of clicking sounds were heard; the eerie silence of my captors being punctuated only by the dissonance of their filtered breathing. A second thick restraint was added around my already cuffed wrists, and then a third one after that; each one causing telltale zipping noises to fill the room up.

The 135-kilogram gasmasked assailant straddling my upper thighs briefly stood up before turning around to face my legs and regaining his position on top of me.

The disproportionately restrictive process which had just been imposed on my wrists was repeated around my ankles.

Considering the lightness of my body and the relative thinness of my limbs, a single one of those massive anti-riot restraints would have been amply sufficient at preventing my escape. That, however, did nothing to dissuade my assailants from continuing their showy display of brute force, nor did it convince them that the imposition of disproportionately severe restraints was both unnecessary and uncalled for.

When the zip-tie wielding intruder climbed off my thighs and forced me to bend my knees and raise my ankles up, I yelped again. I tried raising my head up off the foamy gym mat, but the hulking giant straddling my upper back was quite literally sitting on my cranium and crushing the left side of my face down to the floor.

My hopelessly restrained ankles were forcefully pulled up towards my similarly incapacitated wrists before a pair of those dreadfully thick police restraints trapped me into an excruciating hogtie. Much to my rapidly mounting terror, the cold and dispiriting bite of steel police cuffs were slapped and double-locked onto my already zip-tied limbs, even further securing my restraints.

I whimpered and moaned, both from the discomfort of my bonds and from the terrifyingly dire predicament I was in.

I got a better view of my captors when the giant man sitting on my shoulders and head climbed off of my hogtied body just long enough to spin around and sit himself down on my upper back again. This time his tremendously heavy rump came down on my upper back, allowing his unreasonably harsh grip to grab my head by the hair and yank it up 'till my chin was off the cushioned gym mat.

I coughed from the weight of his seated body and yelped in fear that he would sever my spinal cord.

When the zip-tie wielding captor crouched in front of me and sent his gloved fingers fishing into one of the many pockets adorning his heavily-padded ammo vest, my eyes were permitted to briefly dance over him.

The room was still dark, but due to our proximity to the staircase and the light beaming down from the main floor, I could see him much better now.

Whoever he was, the guy was a behemoth. His body - and that of his fellow intruder - was clad in a complete set of jet black and dark blue riot armour. Not a single micron of skin or a single glimmer of his identity could be seen from outside the innumerable layers of protective gear adorning his tremendously tall and incredibly broad-shouldered body.

Every part of him was clad in cumbersome body armour; from the Kevlar helmet covering his gasmasked head to the heavily-insulated and thickly-padded armour protecting his knees, legs and lower shins.

My still very much fear-stricken eyes were still wandering across the monumentally large intruder's hulking frame when my head was unceremoniously swallowed up into a thick sack of some kind. I panicked at first, but then breathed a little easier when I realised the fabric was porous and allowed for normal breathing.

A series of drawcords were tightened off and knotted, securing the black burlap sack around my neck. A pair of fingers then squeezed my nose shut, catching me off guard and causing me to yelp out and whimper into my lightless prison. As soon as I tried doing so, a squishy mass was pressed against the cloth sack - right where my gaping mouth was positioned - and forcefully pushed in.

I cried out anew and tried expelling the intrusive object from out of my mouth, but the angry growl of some seriously heavy-duty-sounding tape filled my ears up and preceded my demise. By the time my mind was set on pushing the speech-impeeding material out, some freakishly wide and incredibly sticky tape was being wrapped around my lower face; securing the cloth bag over my head and preventing me from ridding my mouth of the bulbous mass that had been rammed inside it.

The cacophonic dissonance of heavily filtered breathing and the angry growl of uber wide military tape noisily resonated across the basement gym room. Seven revolutions of the stuff were wrapped around my lower face, and then four more were spun around my eyes and upper head.

The vision-impeeding cloth sack not only prevented me from seeing anything but also prevented me from accidentally choking on the gag I'd been imposed. There'd be no calling for help or assistance and no alerting the neighbours of what was happening.

With the treatment I was getting being reminiscent of how extranational spies, high-priority criminals and dangerous terrorists were captured; something led me to believe that I'd been accused of the most gruesome of crimes or that my identity had been mistaken.

For a while there, I even found myself considering the possibility of this being a prank; something set up and orchestrated by my own boyfriend. But when my hogtied body was lifted up off the gym room floor and carried back into what I could only guess was the garage, I right away felt as though something was off.

I screamed into my gag and struggled against my undefeatable riot restraints; something which yielded absolutely no worthwhile results.

The sound of laboured breathing continued permeating the air, and still, no answers came.


Before I knew it, my fully incapacitated, gagged and blindfolded body was lifted up and placed side down into a very narrow crate of some sort. The wooden box must've been about a meter and a half in length but was far too narrow for me to think about turning over on my stomach or moving around at all.

My state of alarm skyrocketed once more as I heard the telltale thud of a heavy lid being closed on top of me.
The sound of metallic clicking ensued, instantly causing me to realise I was being locked in. And then there was nothing.

Only the sound of my own breathing and the thumping of my rushing heart provided me with a pale semblance of company.
I was very much alone and possessed no way of warning the neighbours, no way of alerting my lover and no way of breaking free of my bonds or escaping this wooden crate I'd been locked in.

I was too scared to cry and too frightened to shed tears. The events of the past year rushed through my mind, flashing before me as though they were nothing more than a jumble of distant memories. It's only when the rumbling of an engine drew me out of my frightened stupor that I realised I'd been loaded in a vehicle of some sort.

The rumbling continued for a while still, and then I felt myself moving.

No answers were provided as to what lay ahead and no assurances were given either.
I was being forcibly removed from my own home and taken away to an unknown location.
Everything else remained cloaked beneath a thick veil of mystery.

With no sure way to tell the time, I found myself unable to accurately guess the duration of our bumpy ride across town. My shoulders and thighs screamed a silent protest as the strain of my excessive bonds tested their endurance. I tried getting a call for help out, but with the sound of the rumbling engine and the intrusion of the noise-impeeding fabric lodged deep inside my cavity, I knew it was a pointless endeavour. No one would hear my repeated calls for assistance and no one would rise up to rescue me.

The truck or van I'd been loaded into continued en route toward its undivulged destination.
We went over a few speedbumps, made innumerable turns and even travelled over a stretch of highway.

When the sound of an opening garage door met my ears and the vehicle finally came to a halt, my breathing grew more ragged and my senses went on full alert. I heard the vehicle doors opening and closing, and then...nothing. Only silence followed suit.

Minutes went by before my captors signalled their presence again.

The telltale metallic clicking of the padlock alerted me to the fact that my wooden prison was being unlocked, and then I heard the crate's lid being pulled open.

My body involuntarily shook and trembled with fear as it was pulled out of the rectangular box and lowered down to what felt like a frigid cement floor. Had my bladder contained any significant amounts of liquid by that point, I would've surely peed myself on the spot.


The frightening dissonance of filtered breathing continued filling the air, and I once again found myself wondering who my faceless captors were and what they wanted. Whoever they were, they obviously took their jobs or the bounty that had been placed on my head very seriously. I took a figurative glimmer of solace in the fact that they'd gone through painstaking lengths to restrain my limbs and gag me; something which probably meant that I was worth more to them alive than dead.

Various possibilities flashed through my overclocked mind; possibilities which included being shipped overseas and sold to some foreign cartel or slave trafficking overlord. None of the scenarios my imagination conjured up were even remotely comforting, but I thankfully found myself focusing on my immediate predicament when the zip ties that kept me hogtied were cut off and removed.

A pair of absolutely massive gloved hands grabbed my still-restrained body and pulled me up into a standing position.
I whimpered beneath my gag, trembling uncontrollably as the sound of heavily filtered breathing permeated the air around me.

A mixture of fear and relief washed over me when one of my captors suddenly picked my quaking form up and slung me over one of his shoulders with more ease than I would've thought possible.

Then we were on the move again.
The discordant thud of booted steps stomping heavily across the floor left little doubt as to the presence of both captors. I was marched across several rooms and then felt myself being carried up a flight of stairs. Only the faintest trace amounts of light made it into the heavy burlap sack adorning my head, but the wide tape that had been wrapped around it ensured the continued dominance of complete darkness. In other words, I was blind as a bat and left in complete ignorance of my surroundings.

The only reminder I was given as to the flesh and blood nature of my speechless captors was the sound of rushing air hissing in and out of their military breathing units. It was frightening and disheartening, but at the very least, it was human. I took some meagre form of comfort in that.

We finally came to a halt shortly thereafter, something which prompted the masked assailant who'd been carrying me to lower me down to the floor of whatever room or dungeon we were in.

My limbs were uncuffed and one by one, my bonds were removed. A pair of armoured knees dug painfully hard into my back and a very imposing gloved hand pressed my bagged and gagged face down to what seemed like a carpeted floor.

As soon as my body was free of restraints, I was not-so-gently pinned down to the floor and my clothes were forcibly stripped off. And by clothes, I don't just mean my sweater, socks and running shorts. I mean my underwear as well.

A pair of gloved fingers then spread my naked bum cheeks apart, proceeding to something reminiscent of an intrusive cavity search. My mind inevitably looped back to one of the possibilities I'd previously conjured up; that of having been mistaken for a national threat or a terrorist of some sort.

When the spreading of my bums failed to yield whatever drugs or hidden objects my masked detainers were looking for, my naked body was brutishly lifted up off the floor and placed stomach-down on a very plush and lofty surface. The scent of it was quite potent, but the smell of the burlap sack covering my nostrils made the identifying process impossible.

I whimpered in my gag when I felt my naked skin being surrounded by some kind of thin fabric.
At first, I thought it was a linen sheet, but then realised it was a little stretchy and...restrictive!

The fabric - or whatever it was - encompassed my whole body from the neck down; constricting my arms and limbs down to my sides while slowly taking my freedom of movement away from me. I struggled to free my arms and legs out of the constricting material's now inescapable grasp, but was instantly crushed down and swallowed up into the lofty surface I was lying on when one of my gargantuan captors decided to straddle my fragile form.

I felt a zipper being pulled up across the length of my spine and then found myself being flipped over on my back. I knew I was in a sack of some kind, but could not, for the life of me, comprehend who my captors were or what their plans for me entailed.

A pair of heavyweights settled down on both sides of me. Then I felt the tape that had been wrapped around my sack-clad head being removed and breathed a sigh of relief when the bulbous mass keeping me silent was pulled out of my oral cavity.

The burlap sack was finally yanked off my head, granting me the use of my eyes once more.
I tried making out my surroundings, but the moderately well-lit quality of the room I was in proved incredibly blinding.

It took a good ten seconds for my vision to adjust to the ambient luminosity, but much to my continued fear and terror, the sight of my two freakishly gasmasked assailants was there to greet me. One on my right, the other on my left; both of them looming over me and silently observing my reactions. It was almost as though they thought of me as a test subject or a human experiment of some sort!

Only when I lifted my head up to try and gather clues about my location did I make the most puzzling of discoveries.

I was...home? And not only that, I was on my own boyfriend's bed, inside his reasonably luxurious bedroom no less!
The computer screen was still on, and the menu of the game I'd been playing prior to my capture was clearly visible on the 30-inch monitor. That lofty surface and that powerful scent my burlap-covered nostrils had picked up a short minute ago, it was Nick's comforter!

I was in my own bed and in my own home, but why?

I looked down at my own body, struggled against what I now recognised as my body-hugging curfew sack and then looked back up towards my silent captors.

A look of sheer puzzlement and incomprehension lined the features of my face, but still, no answers came. The behemoth intruders just sat there, watching me and looming rather menacingly over my helpless form. No words came out of their heavily gasmasked mouths. No explanations came my way either. Only the sound of noisy, dissonant breathing.


"What's going on? Nick, is that you?" I asked, slowly coming to terms with the realisation that my boyfriend must've been in on this.

"Nick, this isn't funny!" I cried out, struggling against the undefeatable body restraint and glancing both left and right in a desperate attempt to determine which of the two captors was the man who'd claimed ownership of me.

When the gasmasked men looked at each other and cocked their heads in apparent confusion, I understandably grew doubtful about my hypothesis.

"Nick?" I asked again, eyeing the behemoth on my right and then eyeing the one on my left.
No response was given, but their continued silence was deafening.


None of this made any sense!
Why the forceful kidnapping? Why the ride across town?
Who the fuck were these guys? And more importantly, what the hell did they want with me?!

Words cannot accurately describe the sheer level of confusion and puzzlement I experienced as the events of the past half-hour came rushing back to me. I'd been wrestled down, forcibly restrained, locked in a wooden crate and driven around town...only to windup back here, in my own home and in my own bedroom.

A look of unabashed fear and incomprehension draped itself across my features as my repeated calls to get Nick to reveal himself yielded only silence.

I was terrified, upset, fearful and confused. The many unanswered questions running through my head weren't being helped by the sight of my behemoth captors looming menacingly above my form as I struggled in vain to break out of the maddeningly tight, body-hugging sleepsack restraint.

No words of explanation came my way and no semblance of sympathy either. The silent goliaths simply sat on the heels of their booted soles and kept inching closer and closer, until their armour-padded knees were pressed up against both sides of my darlex-clad torso.

When the two of them suddenly placed their hands on me, I instantly recoiled, thinking they were either going to hurt or brutalise me. The eerie behemoths did nothing of the sort. Instead of snapping my body in half like I knew their gargantuan gloved hands could, they simply began rubbing me down; slowly and salaciously massaging my chest, my arms, my shoulders and my thighs.

My facial expression contorted into a confused cocktail of emotions as the reality of what they were doing began dawning on my senses.

The silent ministrations continued unabated as downright colossal fingers ignored my many half-hearted protests and kept on lavishing my wiry form with attention. The creaking black leather stretched taut across their hefty palms added to the strangely erotic cacophony of noises filling up the otherwise silent bedroom.


"Gnn.!" I sporadically cried out, struggling to defeat the effects of their alluring palpations. Still, the leathery palms and digits kept working their magic on my unwilling form; rubbing my tight muscles, massaging my trapped limbs and even twirling around my nipples every once in a while.

The sleepsack's thin fabric proved of no benefit in defending my vulnerable skin against the plurality of freakishly oversized hands lathering my body.

For minutes on end, their giant palms and fingers worked tirelessly. Not once did their leathery digits leave my skin-tight cocoon and not once did their roaming hands tend to my now bulging arousal. I groaned and involuntarily bucked my hips up to try and guide their ministrations, but the gasmasked behemoths simply disregarded my unspoken wishes and continued ignoring the one thing that demanded their attention.

Only when my voice rose up to emit another half-hearted request for them to stop did one of the terrifyingly large palms slowly leave the fray and start gliding up my chest and neck. I twisted my head away and tried getting a call for help out, but the impossibly enormous hand effortlessly slid up my neck and up my jawline before settling itself on top of my protesting face and clamping down on it.

"No! Stommphhh..." was all I managed to blurt out before the near entirety of my visage was swallowed up beneath the absolute widest and beefiest of leather-clad palms.

My body convulsed and my darlex-covered erection throbbed as one hand massaged my thighs and the other two began converging on my utterly defenceless crotch. I bucked my hips up again, but my faceless captors paid no heed to that. Their superbly broad fingers kept kneading and pressing into my groin, rubbing against both sides of my painfully swollen erection but never actually raising a finger up to touch it.

I was quite literally on the verge of suffocating when the smothering handgag left my face and continued its upward ascent past my forehead. Much to my imminent surprise though, I didn't even get the chance to properly fill my lungs with air that a second beastly palm - this one belonging to my other captor - slid up to replace the recently departed one.

"Nnnmphh." came my desperate attempt to cry out for help, just as everything from my chin all the way up to my brow once again found itself smothered beneath a speech-impeeding airtight seal.

Each time a smothering palm would leave my face, another one would immediately rise up to replace it.
Only during the brief seconds separating the departure and arrival of new handgags did any air make it into my burning lungs.

My erection was positively trembling with envy and engorged by that point, but still, my torturously silent captors kept dancing around it. Their beastly fingers continued kneading my crotch, massaging the area surrounding the base of my boner, rubbing my thighs and teasing my nipples.

When their stupendously gargantuan hands finally pulled away from my face and body, I was able to catch my breath, fill my lungs up to capacity and voice my aggressive demands.

"Who the fuck are you guys?! Let me go! Get me out of this stupid sack!" I growled, putting on a brave front and struggling in vain to defeat the body-hugging sleepsack restraint. The order to be quiet and the command to stop resisting never came.
Only the cocking of their heads and the cacophonic orchestra of their filtered breathing.


"What d'you guys want with me? Why are you doing this?" I asked, repeating the same questions I'd voiced multiple times and betraying the growing sense of urgency I felt.

I watched as the masked assailant on my left grabbed what looked like a big black duffle bag from off the floor, and then watched as the one on my right unfolded his legs and began unlacing the monstrously oversized boots adorning his equally oversized soles.

"Wait...wait, what are you doing?" I asked, a look of confusion and panic immediately lining my features as the supremely colossal man's left boot came off with a sickeningly wet plop.

No less than two or three seconds went by that the foulest of odours began permeating the bedroom.

"Oh, god..."

*Sniff Sniff*

"Oh, GOD! What the fuck?!"

By the time the gasmasked behemoth managed to get his second boot off, I was grimacing and struggling like mad to get away from the impossibly overpowering reek now building up around him. I watched with wide fearful eyes as the duffle bag-rummaging intruder pulled an uber wide roll of black duct tape out, and then turned my panicked face around to see the unbooted goliath on my right slowly peeling his socks off.

Had it not been for the downright ghastly state of the gargantuan man's discarded tube socks, I would've no doubt been flabbergasted by the sheer size of his enormous feet and the insane fatness of his lint-infested toes.


So absorbed I was by the repugnant appearance of his positively massive socks that I barely registered the approach of my other captor. At least, not until I felt a gloved hand slide itself beneath the back of my skull and then felt my head being raised up off the squishy mattress.

My eyes tore away from the sight of the barefooted hulk slowly putting his boots back on and focused on the equally imposing figure now holding my head in one hand.

I scanned his gasmasked face, peered into his red-hued goggles and felt the humidity and moistness of his breath as warm air rushed out of his breathing unit.


The masked leviathan said nothing. He simply held my head up with one of those freakishly ginormous gloved hands of his and then unhurriedly extended his other hand out to grab one of his accomplice's tube socks.

"No! No no no! NO!" I franticly cried out, struggling vehemently against my body-hugging sack restraint and fighting in vain to try and defeat the downright beastly fingers that prevented me from turning my head away.

As soon as I saw the colossal wadding approach, I clenched my jaw tight and pressed my lips together. My unwillingness to allow the repulsive fabric from entering my mouth eventually caused a burning in my lungs; something which inevitably resulted in my nasal airways flaring open in a quest to supply me with oxygen.

I took a big whiff of air and practically went ballistic from the indescribable stench that immediately spilt into my nostrils.

The barefooted goliath's soles were about the same size as Nick's, but the impossibly cheesy reek wafting out of his tube socks instantly alerted me to the fact that he wasn't my boyfriend. I could recognise my fatherly lover's rotten foot odour from a mile away, and this certainly wasn't it. The stench now permeating my nostrils was every bit as terrible as Nick's - if not worst - but several orders of magnitude cheesier than anything my boyfriend could produce.

Right after that single whiff, I gagged and broke down into a series of panicked coughs. My body convulsed and my face went crosse-eyed. To say that the sock was nauseating would've been something of a euphemism. It wasn't just nauseating, it was puke-inducing! I wanted to barf so bad and was quite literally terror-stricken and mortified by the prospect of being made to suck on it.

Part of me was momentarily duped into believing that wouldn't happen when the brute holding my head up tossed the putrid sock back down to the duvet. My self-delusions were quickly dispelled when he instead clamped his hand around the underside of my jaw and forced me to watch the other behemoth slowly pulling his boots back on.

The preposterously burly riot cop finished lacing his boots up and then snatched one of the dreadfully reeking socks he'd peeled off before scooching towards me and approaching my immobilised head.

I cried out and struggled to get away, but my other captor's tremendously beefy fingers had my cheeks crushed to my gums and my head in a vice-like grip.

I had no choice but to eye the approach of his sock-wielding counterpart and had no choice but to watch in absolute horror as lustrous gloved fingers leisurely tucked the sock's pristine-looking leg tube into the mind-blowingly rotten lower half of it.

I watched as the gasmasked giant sat on his padded knees - with his heavily-armoured legs folded up beneath him and his huge rump positioned on his booted soles - and watched as he menacingly inched his way even closer towards me.

Even as I struggled to get away and whimpered in uncontrollable panic, his gas-masked face betrayed no outward semblance of sympathy.

The 300-pound behemoth simply placed a mammoth hand on my hair-covered dome, joined his equally monumental accomplice in exhaling laboriously over my face, and then presented me with the balled up wad of indescribably putrid fabric he'd peeled off his foot just a short minute ago.


With one ginormous hand holding the back of my head up, a second one draped across the top of my scalp, and a third one clamped around the underside of my jaw, I found myself unable to turn around or move my face at all even as the downright putrescent ball of fabric came down to pay me a visit.

I saw the outrageously hulking sentinel whose giant foot it had been peeled off of, witnessed the alluring sheen of his exceptionally broad, leather-clad digits, and then focused on the positively rotten-looking sock being hosted in between them.


I knew what he wanted.
I knew what both of these faceless masked sentries wanted.

My many agitated questions and the growing frequency of my attempted calls for help had obviously convinced the both of them that something a little more drastic needed to be done. More specifically, something that didn't involve diverting a significant amount of effort into keeping me smothered down and silenced. In short, I was to be gagged.

Come to think of it, something like a muzzle, a rubber plug or even just some tape would've fit the soirée's theme a little better. After all, my faceless captors had proven both cold and silent. Not only that, but their treatment of me had been ruthlessly efficient, something which only further contributed to the glacial aura their mechanical ministrations gave off.

Their latest actions, however, were proving entirely different. For one of the speechless sentinels to remove his boots, peel his own socks off and opt to use one of them as a gag to prevent me from speaking seemed to indicate something far more personal than I'd initially suspected.

Either way, this whole kidnapping ploy clearly wasn't a case of mistaken identity.
These guys were out to get me, and they knew exactly who they were dealing with.

Going back to more immediate matters, I'd already eliminated Nick from my list of suspects when it came to guessing the identity of the sock-wielding behemoth sitting on my right. The gas-masked leviathan's foot shape was a little different, and the unbearable odour his socks were giving off did not match my boyfriend's overly potent foot odour in the slightest. The reek was far too cheesy and lacked the rotten acridity Nick's socks consistently produced.

I didn't yet know who the sock-wielding goliath was, but one thing I did know for certain was that whoever was behind that mask obviously had some very serious problems in the foot odour department. And by serious, I mean very serious.

Sniffing the positively putrid cloth once again sent me into a frenzied panic, but much to my own chagrin, the gargantuan gear-clad sentries had no interest in negotiating my surrender or hammering down a peaceful agreement with me.

Giant fingers brutishly dug into my cheeks and beastly hands forcibly pried my jaw open.
I cried out and yelled, immediately trying to get a desperate shriek for help out. Unfortunately for me, only the very first syllable managed to make it out past the speech-capable aperture that was my gaping orifice. The fuming ball of barf-inducing fabric was rammed in, turning my valiant protest into nothing more than a jumble of garbled choking noises.

"HELmmppgghh nggmph ughn mphhh."

I just lay there and watched as the giant mass of cheese-ridden cloth conquered the warm chasm of my mouth and gradually disappeared from view. I tried fighting it and tried mounting some sort of resistance, but the absolute beefiest of gloved fingers easily defeated all my efforts. Their noisy creaking, glistening blackness and powerful leathery scent numbed my senses and acted as a sort of temporary distraction from the foul gag I was forcibly being fed.

So overwhelmed and mesmerised I was by those huge leathery fingers, that I could hardly bring myself to care about the fact that my yap was now overstuffed and that a pair of massive leather paws had left my head to grab the roll of tape from off the mattress.

The masked behemoth who'd just completed the task of stuffing my mouth up immediately jumped in to fill the void.
He clamped his enormous hands around the top and bottom of my face; forcing my jaw shut and causing my front teeth to bite down on the excess fabric still poking out past my heavily-bulging lips.

I remember this terrifyingly deep growl filling the room up and then recall the sight of this freakishly wide strip of tape being aligned over my still-gaping, sock-stuffed mouth. The tape came down, swallowing the bottom half of my face up and just barely clearing my nostrils.

The aggressive screech of tape once again echoed about the room, temporarily drowning out the cacophony of gas-masked breathing as the uber fat roll was pulled taut and slowly spun around the back of my head. The stuff-gag's overpowering reek was such that I could do nothing but squint my watery eyes and look on as the indescribably colossal brute wrapped his furiously sticky tape around my face and sealed his buddy's sock in.


A total of five orbits were spun around my face before four additional revolutions were unleashed; these ones going from beneath my jaw, all the way up to the top of my head and back again. By the time the tape-wielding sentinel tossed his hefty roll of tape back down to the duvet, my mouth had been muzzled and my face had been sealed shut.

My eyes were shedding tears by that point. Not because of any physical pain or emotional trauma, mind you, but simply because of how absurdly pungent the huge sock plugging my mouth up actually was.

The duo of masked behemoths spent a few moments just holding my head up and staring down into my tear-filled eyes; their nightmarish gasmasks looming dangerously close and their front-facing exhale nozzles blowing sickeningly hot air right onto my face.


I was understandably alarmed when a pair of gloved fingers hovered down over my cartilaginous protrusion and clogged the lifelines that were my two nostrils. I tried alerting my captors to the fact that I couldn't breathe and tried screaming for help to whatever deities might've been listening, but still, the leathery digits remained in place over my utterly indefensible airways.

Only when my face grew beet red and my eyes betrayed an unmistakable sense of urgency did my merciless captors allow me to draw breath and fill my lungs up.

I heaved and breathed laboriously for the next thirty seconds or so. My nostrils flared in a furious attempt to supply my oxygen-deprived lungs with as much air as they could carry, but even so, the burly riot cop whose sock I was sucking on appeared bent on reinforcing the overkill tapegag his fellow sentinel had imposed on me.

I could only look on helplessly as he grabbed the same roll of tape his counterpart had used and could only lay there and watch as his gargantuan gloved fingers struggled to find the end of it.

The brute eventually did manage to work the sticky adhesive off the roll, but neither he nor his fellow goliath paid my heavily gagged protests any attention. My already muzzled face fell prey to yet more of the uber wide, super sticky duct tape, and no less than four insanely tight revolutions were pulled around my lower face before the cheesy-footed behemoth appeared even mildly satisfied.

The same nostril-clogging process was applied to me a second time, and I was once again brought to the point of burning lungs before my nasal passageways were freed of those impossibly beefy digits.

Whatever these gas-masked sentries had planned for me tonight, they obviously wanted my face under an airtight seal.

I was quite literally struggling not to puke my brains out by the time the burly behemoths went back to massaging my trapped body. The giant wad of fabric in my mouth didn't just reek of the foulest cheese imaginable, it actually tasted like it!

Considering the fact that gasmasks in no way protected their wearers of unpleasant odours, I wasn't entirely surprised when the behemoth on my left seemed greatly miffed by the foul fumes his buddy's leftover sock was producing. Still, with my own mouth being sealed shut and with that dreadfully pungent sock lying just inches away from my gagged face, the spectacle of my captor's mild displeasure proved of little enjoyment.

I let out an exasperated moan of relief when the revolted colossus grabbed his counterpart's sock and unceremoniously tossed it to the far side of the bed. I knew that he'd done so for his own benefit rather than mine, but was still unabashedly grateful for the benediction and reprieve his self-serving actions indirectly granted me.

The next dozen or so minutes proved both torturous and highly gratifying.
The gag in my mouth was positively puke-worthy and the foul stench filling the room up made my stomach churn.
On the flip side, it was growing virtually impossible to ignore the tactile sinfonietta of gargantuan hands and fingers kneading my darlex-clad form.


The stupendously oversized men worked tirelessly at turning my compact body into a moaning mass of putty.
They worked on my feet, my legs, my thighs and my crotch, and spent an inordinate amount of time massaging my chest, my shoulders and even my forearms. No part of me from the neck down was spared, save for the very angry slab of meat straining up against the dreadfully thin material that covered my body.

My arousal grew even more strenuous when the sentry on my left pulled his right hand from the melee and cupped it down on top of my gagged face. His incredibly hefty palm covered everything from my chin to the bottom of my eyes, but his grip was mercifully loose enough that I retained my ability to breathe.

I was admittedly a little combative about it at first, but was quickly made to realise the sheer futility of resistance.

Nostrils flared wide open, and with it came the mesmerisingly intoxicating scent of my captor's smothering glove-gag.
I tried holding off on its overpowering effects but soon found myself eyeing his freakishly oversized palm up and drawing in laboured sniffs from beneath its immensely suffocating embrace.

The silent soldier's gargantuan grip grew tighter and tighter, rendering my breathing more difficult and forcing additional blood flow to my groin. Meanwhile, huge hands and fingers slowly converged on my crotch, their torturous ministrations causing me to grow more aroused and agitated.

Audible sniffing noises soon filled the room up as my vulnerable nostrils struggled to keep me alive and conscious.

The smothering hand finally slid down a bit, clearing my nostrils for only the briefest of moments before a second gloved hand finally descended upon me. Then there were not one but TWO massive palms smothering my hopelessly gagged face up; one of them belonging to the behemoth on my left and the other one belonging to the masked sentry on my right.

Their incredibly broad hands and fingers piled atop me, burying everything from my chin all the way up to my forehead and gobbling up my easily assailable nose in the process.

The sound of my frantic sniffs was soon joined by elated moaning as beefy gloved fingers once again began massaging my crotch.

I could see nothing from beneath the sea of leathery palms, but definitely remember rolling my eyes towards the back of my skull and bucking my hips up in a desperate attempt to grind against something.

I practically lost myself during those blissful minutes.

Only when the seemingly unending ministrations stopped and their smothering gloved hands pulled away from my muzzled face did I regain some momentary semblance of composure. Alas, my fleeting relief proved exceptionally short-lived.

I watched with growing concern as the raunchy-footed goliath whose putrid sock I was sucking on began rummaging through the contents of his big black duffle bag. A look of absolute terror seized my facial features when I finally caught sight of the items being pulled out of its clutter. A Russian army gas mask and a pair of big-ass vibrating wands!

The enormous sentinel on my left lost no time in taking hold of the head-encompassing military mask. I watched as those insanely beefy gloved fingers of his stretched the rubber contraption's neck opening, and watched as he slowly lowered it down atop my very much mortified face.

As soon as the skintight rubber mask swallowed my face up and clasped itself around the back of my head, I knew I'd be in for a world of trouble. The sticky black rubber easily encompassed the totality of my dome; covering my ears up and moulding itself to the shape of my jawline. With the exception of the closed-off front nozzle section that housed my nose, its grip on my head was so tight and so complete that it formed a vacuum.

A pair of circular eyesets granted me vision of my captors, but I knew that would do me little good considering how utterly defenceless I was.

I could only lay there and watch as the masked behemoth looming over my face used his leathery fingers to pull the rubber breathing unit down around the base of my head. I could see his gasmasked face through the foggy goggles over my eyes, but was left in the dark as to his identity due to the frightening hue of his own circular eyesets.

The sound of rushing air immediately bathed the room and filled my ears up as I flared my nostrils open and drew my first lungful.

The air that entered my passageways was hot, heavy and smelled of rubber. The very cumbersome dark green chemical filter adorning the front of my breathing nozzle made the inhaling process somewhat difficult. It also became glaringly obvious that my laboured sniffs were only succeeding in supplying me with oxygen-depleted air due to how close the colossal sentinel fixing my mask up was looming over me. The stupendously armoured brute's forward-facing exhale vent hovered just inches atop my oversized breathing filter; its proximity causing my mask to fill up with the used-up air he was expelling each time I flared my nostrils open to sniff.


"Ugghmmphh!" I cried out, shaking my head no and attempting in vain to voice out my mounting displeasure.

I let out a sigh of relief when the impossibly beefy sentinel finally pulled away from my masked face and regained his former sitting position left of my body. My relief at being able to finally draw in oxygenated air proved short-lived though. If the incredibly muffled sound of my own screams and protests wasn't cause for alarm, then the sight of those giant vibrating wands most certainly was!

When the sound of telltale buzzing joined the cacophony of gasmasked breathing, I screamed my heart out in a desperate attempt to alert the neighbours. My efforts, however, failed to yield any worthwhile results. So heavily gagged and muffled down I was that I could hardly hear my cries over the noisy dissonance of filtered breathing.

I was gagged with a revoltingly pungent sock, muzzled beneath innumerable layers of uber-wide duct tape, and stuck inside this damnable rubber breathing contraption!

My body-hugging darlex prison allowed for the spreading of my fingers and the separating of my knees, but only the most strenuous of unremitting efforts caused the fabric to capitulate. As soon as the sustained exertion grew too demanding for my muscles, the highly elastic and overly taut material would crush my limbs down to my sides and force my panting body into a state of helpless mummification.

That's precisely how my hulking captors found me when their big vibrating wands finally began descending upon my body.
In other words, heaving from the exertion of my fruitless struggles and sniffing laboriously through the military breathing unit they'd imposed on my gagged face.

A stimulating jolt of energy immediately coursed through my hopelessly incapacitated frame when the first of the buzzing wands landed on the flat of my stomach. Then the second one - this one wielded by the behemoth on my right - made a touchdown on my thighs, both wands buzzing louder as they made contact with my body.


I moaned beneath my horrendously putrescent sockgag and tried desperately to overcome the undefeatable darlex body restraint. My head kept twisting left and right in a futile attempt to dislodge the vacuum-sealed gasmask, but still, the faceless sentinels sitting on either side of me paid my protests no heed.

I was forced to just lay there and draw sniff after sniff through the oversized chemical filter attached to the front of my mask. The skintight sleepsack easily defeated my valiant attempts to get away, while the fattest and absolute cheesiest of sockgags prevented my many screams for help from alerting the neighbours.

The passage of time eluded me somewhat, but judging from the fact that it was growing dark outside, I knew that it was closing in on my usual bedtime.

I was still calling for help and yelling beneath my gag when a positively gargantuan gloved hand soothingly cupped itself over the top of my rubber-clad head. Maybe it was just my imagination, but something about it felt very human...almost as though the fear-inspiring leviathan sitting on my left was trying to let me know that everything would be alright.

An equally monstrous gloved hand then took hold of my safely sleepsacked ankles; pressing them down into the lofty duvet and preventing me from raising my legs up. That's when those infernal buzz-machines of theirs went to work and began aggressively roaming across the topography of my body.

The impossibly burly pair of armoured behemoths spent what must've been at least ten or fifteen minutes carefully exploring my helpless form. Their hellish Hitachi wands traversed the full expanse of my wiry frame, travelling from my neck to my soles and investigating every nook and cranny they came across.

My limbs trembled and my body quaked with envy when one of the plum-sized knobs slowly buzzed its way up my left thigh and began ascending the steep bulge of my trapped erection.


I let out a series of soft whimpers when it started running up the underside of my shaft, and then broke down into a panicked struggle when its ministrations were predictably cut short.

The fiercely vibrating knob spent almost three full seconds buzzing angrily atop my hard-on before rising up into the air and hovering teasingly right above it.

I screamed, lifting my hips up off the bed and arching the centre of my body up to reach it.
My crotch was drawn to its foul magic as though bewitched by some nefarious spell.

The wand returned to my bulging crotch a second time, but only dawdled there for the briefest of moments. I was quite literally beside myself with anger when it resumed exploring my body and joined its friend in plundering my riches.

I must've spent an entire minute yelling beneath my gag and screaming obscenities at my captors by that point.
My thoughts were distressingly conflicted and so were the angry demands I was trying to voice out.

On one hand, I was downright furious and understandably indignant at being kept bound, gagged and trapped in some sleepsack. But on the other, I was desperately longing for one of their freakishly oversized gloved hands or infernally powerful vibrating wands to offer me release. Half of me was crying out to be let go. The other half was screaming for their ministrations to bear down on my woody.

Still, the gasmasked behemoths just sat there, running their torturous wands all over my body and breathing laboriously through their chemical filters.


When one of the buzzing knobs made a return to my crotch, I trembled with excitement and practically creamed myself on the spot.

The rapidly pulsating bulb pressed itself into the left side of my groin and slowly began tracing around the outline of my cucumber-shaped bulge. My toes and fingers curled up as it slowly rose up the length of my trapped member; pausing at the tip of it before lazily descending towards my balls and back up again.

Much to my incredible frustration, the buzzing wand left my crotch and set a course for my chest and stomach. It lingered there for several minutes and alternated between spinning orbits around my sensitive nipples and teasing the black hole of my darlex-covered navel.

Only when it returned to my bulging erection a third time was it joined by its more exploratory companion.

The two knobs converged on my arousal and began simultaneously running up both sides of its painfully rigid length.

My eyes rolled up into the back of my skull and my nostrils struggled to get enough air into my lungs.
My sleepsack-clad boner throbbed against the flat plains of my lower abdomen; quivering rather vehemently beneath its stretchy prison and smearing generous amounts of precum below my navel.

The body-hugging darlex afforded me no protection against the buzzing ministrations, and the dreadfully restrictive sleepsack's internal sleeves kept me from interfering.

My rockhard shaft was being tormented and pleasured by two positively bulbous vibrating plums, and there was quite literally nothing I could do about it. for chewing on my sockgag and drawing in arduous sniffs through my gasmask.

"Ugghhmm! Ugggmph! Ugghmph!" I repeatedly moaned, struggling to retain some measure of sanity as a flurry of arousing sounds and sensations assaulted my defenceless body.







One of the cock-hugging, plum-sized bulbs suddenly pulled away from the melee just as I was getting close to release.

I watched as the behemoth on my left slowly rose up from the bed and departed from the bedroom. My gasmasked head rose up to eye his departure but my attention was rapidly drawn back to more pressing matters when his cheesy-footed counterpart picked up the now discarded vibrator.

I was quite understandably taken aback when the terrifyingly high-powered wands were tuned up to an even higher setting and the ambient buzzing grew louder. Still, the fear and excitement I experienced at that moment paled in comparison to the shitstorm of emotions that dawned upon me when the recently departed leviathan finally returned from his brief foray.

My eyes practically fell out of their sockets when the heavily armoured sentinel emerged through the doorway, his gargantuan gloved hands carrying what can only be described as weapons of mass destruction.

The impossibly hulking brute climbed back up into bed with us before placing a pair of stupendously oversized basketball shoes down, right next to my gasmasked head.

A look of immeasurable fear and panic draped itself across my tape-muzzled face when I finally laid eyes on the product of his venture. The shoes he'd brought back were none other than my own raunchy-footed boyfriend's indescribably putrid bad boys. In other words, Big Daddy Nick's decade-old basketball shoes!


"Ugghmmph! Ugghmph!" I screamed, shaking my head no over and over in a desperate attempt to let my captors know I was in distress. I struggled in vain to protest through the puke-inducing sock plugging my mouth up and tried my best to formulate some sort of comprehensible plea from beneath my speech-impeding tape muzzle.

I wanted to let the armoured sentinels know that the shoes they'd fished out from the main entryway weren't normal, and desperately wanted to inform them of the fact that those battered sneakers had spent a decade being worn by a man with a clinically-diagnosed foot-related disorder.

In my panic to notify my captors of their mistake, I drew a single laboured sniff through my heavy-duty breathing filter and was immediately punished with the unspeakably rotten stench escaping from my husbandly Master's not-so-distant basketball shoes. Tears instantly welled up in my eyes as I coughed and gagged on the revoltingly putrid smell.

I loved my boyfriend. Loved everything about him; from his fiercely overprotective nature to his highly attentive and hyper-dominant personality. His touch was soothing enough to make me melt and his body was tremendous to the point of filling me with fear. Just the sight of him coming into bed at night - strutting into the room with only his boxers on - was enough to make me all jittery. I was head over heels for the man, and still regularly experienced awe and disbelief at the fact that he had chosen me as his mate. Nick wasn't just a tremendously hulking, dominant guy. He was the absolute Boss of bosses. And yet, for reasons still unknown to me, he saw fit to keep me as his personal consort and fill me up with superior Hoffmann seed on a near-nightly basis.

Even taking into account his rough edges, his crude behaviour and his sometimes brutish personality, I was beyond blessed to have him. His footwear, however, was a totally different matter.

Nick had a very severe condition; one which had been plaguing him since his early teen years. His foot odour was inexplicably potent and the smell produced by his soles was unnaturally foul. Even the daily use of his anti-fungal prescription creams and the implementation of a strict sock-changing regimen wouldn't have protected me from his indescribably pungent ailment.

His soles were freakishly oversized. Their incredible length was somewhat reasonably proportioned to his mountainous 6ft4 stature, but their width and the fatness of his toes was quite grandiose, to say the least.


The odour they gave off was virtually unmatched and the reek coming out of his work boots and decade-old basketball shoes was beyond the point of puke-worthy.

While I found the acrid cheesiness of Zack's foot odour insanely distressing and feared Shawn's socks even more than my boyfriend's, no one was cursed with an irksome ability to stink a room up quite as fast and as bad as Nick could. You could wash his massive soles with a soapy sponge, scrub the cracks in between his uber fat toes, and then have him sit down in front of the TV for a while...only to have his feet stink the room up just two or three hours after they'd been washed.

I realise that on paper this may sound kinda hot, but I assure you, when you're living it day in and day out, it starts getting old real fast.

The only reason why our place didn't permanently reek of foot odour when Nick was home came down to the fact that he pretty much always had his bad boys on. Basically, the only time those morbidly decrepit basketball shoes were kicked off was to shower and sleep. While it's true that I was somewhat grateful for the protection they afforded me, the mere thought of getting up close and personal with them was distressing enough to send even the most resilient of foot odour fetichists scurrying away in a frenzied panic.

Accidentally catching a whiff of the putrescent fumes coming out of them when I took them out of the closet upon Nick's arrival from work each evening was already bad enough. But having to actually take sniffs of the rotten odour festering inside their chasm-like maws was something out of an Alfred Hitchcock horror movie.

I hadn't sampled the full potency of my boyfriend's shoes since that initial ride to Brad's cottage almost ten months ago, and I sure as hell wasn't looking forward to drawing laboured sniffs from out of them now!

I was quite literally screaming for help and choking beneath my foul sockgag when the devilish vibrating knobs resumed stimulating my engorged crotch and roaming across my body. I wasn't screaming for my captors to stop, mind you. I was screaming for them to toss my boyfriend's putrid shoes away. My eyes were watering over from the stench and my pleas for mercy were growing more panicked by the second.

Still, the impossibly burly masked sentinels paid my desperate screams and protests no heed. They just ran their high-powered wands atop my aroused body and watched as I drew sniff after sniff through the heavy-duty filter adorning the front of my breathing unit.



An exasperated and somewhat relieved whimper finally escaped my gagged lips when a set of large fingers made contact with my bulging erection. I was overjoyed beyond words when those same gloved fingers took hold of the small zipper that constituted my crotch access and began slowly and dramatically pulling it down.

My six-inch hard-on immediately sprung out of the darlex body sack; bobbing up and down as though possessed with a mind of its own.

A shiver ran down my spine and my thighs quaked with envy when the sensual embrace of leathery digits reached into the sleepsack's crotch access and pulled my hairless nuts out. The diminutive access was then partially zipped back up, and my throbbing erection grew even angrier as the opening closed in and tightened around the base of my engorged appendage.

With my cock and balls now fully exposed and with the rest of my body still trapped inside the maddening prison, I felt more vulnerable than ever.

Words cannot adequately convey the sheer mixture of panic and dread I experienced when the behemoth on my left pulled his torturous wand away from me and extended a hand to grab one of the vomit-inducing basketball shoes he'd fished out of my boyfriend's entryway closet.

The brute's breathing became erratic and I could tell from the way he handled the monstrously worn-out trainer that he wanted nothing to do with it. I couldn't blame him. I didn't wanna have anything to do with it either!

Unfortunately for me, the menacing goliath had other plans...for both myself and his unlucky accomplice.

I watched as he brought the shoe up to his unsuspecting counterpart's inhaler and watched as the wand-wielding leviathan whose sock I was sucking on gagged and broke down into a series of heart-wrenching coughs. The poor sentry batted his associate's hand away and seemed greatly destabilised by the impossibly foul reek now lingering inside his gasmask.

His breathing grew ragged and the sound of his heavily filtered coughs soon filled the dimly-lit bedroom.


As embarrassing and as irksome as Nick's dreadfully fearsome foot odour was, I had absolutely no qualms about seeing it imposed on those who were deserving of serious punishment. Wait a minute. Scratch that. I didn't only not have qualms about seeing it imposed on others...I found it fuckin' hot!

Seeing the masked sentinel choke and gag on the unbearably rotten stench of Nick's giant shoe just filled me up with pride. Pride at the fact that he'd just caught a whiff of my own husbandly boyfriend's shoe, and pride at the fact that the colossal muscle-god whose foot odour he'd just choked on was the same beefy hunk injecting his fertile seed inside me each night.

I remember being filled up with that same sense of pride upon seeing Jeremy gag on my man's smelly jock-pouch a few nights ago, and experienced that very same rush back when Nick had wrestled Brad down and gagged him with a raunchy sock back at the country cottage last summer.

That being said, under any other circumstance, the spectacle of the cheesy-footed leviathan's revolted reaction would've been a cause for celebration. But only for the briefest of moments did I allow myself to draw any satisfaction from it.

'Yeah! Choke on that, you big oaf. That's my boyfriend's shoe you're sniffing.' I silently cheered, my throbbing boner bobbing left and right as I saw the faceless goliath clawing at his own gasmask in a desperate attempt to escape the putrid fumes now festering inside it.

Had it not been for the sight of the shoe-wielding behemoth finally turning his attention toward me, I would've undoubtedly cherished the moment for quite a while longer.

Alas, the heavily sickened sentinel on my right eventually recovered from his traumatising encounter with my Master's shoe, and before I knew it, both he and his masked companion were looming menacingly over my terrified face.


Gargantuan gloved hands took hold of my rubbery head, forcing me to watch as the freakishly gaping and morbidly putrescent maw of Nick's colossal basketball shoe came down.

This was it, I knew. This was the end of me.
Death by my own boyfriend's unbearably putrid foot odour.

My captors spent a few seconds hovering the shoe above my face; obliging me to sample the reek escaping its decrepit maw and forcing me to peer into the abyss-like chasm that was its opening. The unbearably rotten stench spilling out of it was familiar to me. And yet, no matter how distinctive and recognisable it was, I took absolutely no solace in the fact that I was facing off against my boyfriend's footwear. Quite the opposite in fact. The thought of being forced to sample my own muscleman's foul shoe odour was terrifying to the point of scaring me shitless.

At first, I just lay there, holding my breath and eyeing up the inside of my lover's trainer with a mixture of fear and unspeakable revulsion. I looked at the shoe, noticed the brownish inner sole and saw the heavily-insulated, bacteria-ridden walls rising up all around it.

I wanted to puke and run away.
I wanted to scream and barf my brains out.

The need for oxygen eventually caused a familiar burning in my lungs. I tried turning my head away and putting some distance between myself and the dreaded sneaker, but my faceless captors wouldn't let me. Instead, they just held my head in between their huge hands and hovered the putrid basketball shoe a few centimetres above my gasmask's breathing filter.

I tried resisting and tried holding my breath, but the need to draw air in eventually became too great to ignore.
Before I knew it, *HHFFFFFFF* in came my boyfriend's indescribably rotten foot odour.

I screamed, I gagged and broke down into a series of panicked coughs. The gag in my mouth prevented me from crying for help, but I still made the attempt and screamed my lungs out for the neighbours to come and help me. The armoured sentinels, however, would have none of it.

The shoe-wielding behemoth raised my head up off the mattress and rammed the sneaker's putrid maw down on top of my gasmask inhaler.

I watched through foggy circular eyesets as my oversized breathing filter disappeared inside the shoe's nauseous chasm, and was positively terror-stricken upon witnessing the other leviathan grabbing hold of the crummy-looking laces. Thick, leather-clad fingers moved with lightning speed; pulling the laces tight and closing the reeking maw up over my defenceless breathing filter. I watched as the rotten thing was secured to the front of my mask and could only lay there in utter panic as my head was lowered back down to the duvet-covered mattress.

My stupendously burly captors just loomed above me and waited; waited for the violent shitstorm of garbled screams and coughs that would inevitably follow suit once I was forced to breathe in.

I struggled like mad against the body-hugging sleepsack and shook my head vigorously in a desperate attempt to dislodge Nick's putrid basketball shoe from the front of my mask.

"Mggghhpph! Mgghh ppgghhmpph!" I cried out and cursed, as the burning of my oxygen-deprived lungs became borderline unbearable. I shook my head 'no', tried letting out a final desperate scream for help past the revoltingly raunchy sockgag and then finally broke down and gave in to the intense burning.

I took a big whiff of air just then, and as soon as I did, my body convulsed and my eyes practically bulged out of their sockets.
I was too revolted to cry out and was so horrified and overwhelmed that my face temporarily went crosseyed before refocusing on the gargantuan shoe that was attached to the front of my breathing unit.

The cursed thing was downright massive! It was as wide as my face and it rose up from the bottom of my chin and all the way up past the top of my head.

I spent what must've been a good twenty or thirty seconds fighting against the undefeatable sack restraint and futilely trying to shake my head around. But no matter what I did or how hard I tried, the putrescent sneaker just wouldn't budge. Only when the futility of my efforts really sunk in did I allow myself to breathe in a second time.

I screamed for help, coughed and gagged to the point where I feared choking on my own vomit. The stench now filling my mask up was so strong and so foul that I found myself no longer caring about my captors. I heard the noisy huffing of their frightening gasmasks and heard the familiar buzzing of their high-powered wands being turned on, but none of it mattered.

I was trapped in my own hell and it was all Nick's fault!
Yes, you heard me. Nick's fault!

The brute spent so much time taking care of his body; keeping track of his daily protein intake, drinking his three litres of water per day and keeping a watchful eye out for sugars, carbs and sodium.

He washed his face and showered twice a day. He deodorised his pits, kept his hair neat and always maintained an impeccably trimmed beard. Body-building was a way of life for him and he worked on his huge muscles with religious fervour. So why on earth could he not do something about his feet?!

Why was he always slacking off on his sock-changing habits? Why didn't he use the anti-fungal foot creams his doctor had prescribed him? And why oh why did he insist on wearing the same unbearably rotten, godforsaken basketball shoes year after year after year?

His shoes didn't just smell bad. It was to the point where you could smell them from all the way across the house if the entryway closet was left open for longer than five seconds. I liked feet, but Nick's foot odour wasn't at all normal. I didn't find it sexy and didn't find it funny either. And yet there I was, stuck inside some stupid sleepsack, gagged with some impossibly revolting sock, and forced to draw laboured sniffs from within the blond man's puke-inducing basketball shoe!


My voice rose up into a panicked cry as my nostrils once again flared open and drew a lungful of the goliath-king's absurdly putrescent foot odour. The powerful vibrating wands buzzed around my exposed nutsack and converged atop my defenceless boner. My eyes narrowed down on the gargantuan shoe latched to the front of my face. I looked at it, shook my head 'no' for what felt like the millionth time, and then once again breathed in.


My body convulsed and my face went crosseyed as I bore the full brunt of indescribably pungent foot fumes. I struggled against my darlex prison, squinted my eyes shut and used all my strength to try and defeat the internal sleeves that kept my arms and hands pinned down to my sides.

The devilish vibrating knobs continued their assault, forcing more blood into my crotch and driving me closer and closer to what I knew would be an epic climax. I coughed, gagged, tried screaming for help and broke down into a frenzied panic each time my lungs were forced to draw air, but still, the heavily-armoured behemoths paid my protests no heed.

For a while there I actually thought I was gonna die.
I thought I was gonna pass out from the stench or choke on my own vomit.

Only when one of the plum-sized knobs slipped beneath my upward-pointing erection and the other one began roaming up and down the underside of my shaft did my mind allow itself to wander. I closed my eyes shut, bucked my hips up, curled my toes and found myself thinking of Nick.

I saw his handsome face and his powerful jawline. I visualised his incredibly large feet and stupendously massive body.
Then I thought of his freakishly colossal arms, chest, thighs and bums.


I thought of how enormous his cock was. Thought of how rigid it became whenever I worshipped his feet, kissed his muscles or sucked on his nipples. I pondered his overbearing masculinity; the way he'd unashamedly strut around the place every morning, the way he had no qualms about airing his huge feet out and the way he just casually allowed rotten farts to blast out of his giant bums whenever he felt like it.

I thought about him, and then I sniffed.


As soon as I did, I felt a tingling in my groin, felt the blood rushing up my thighs and felt the centre of my body arching upwards. The angry wands buzzed in unison; the first one wedging itself in between my lower stomach and the tip of my engorged boner while its companion ran up and down the underside of my shaft and stimulated my sensitive nutsack.

I screamed into my gag, took another whiff of my Master's positively reeking shoe, arched my hips up off the bed and exploded in an orgasmic release of unmatched proportions. wasn't so much an explosion as it was three meagre squirts.

*Squirt. Squirt. Squirt*

My body trembled and my muscles immediately softened.
I felt as though I'd been drained of my very essence, but due to the massive release I'd given myself earlier that day, I didn't exactly have much to show for it.

I let out a sigh of relief when the buzzing stopped, and then saw my captors lower their wands down and cock their heads in apparent confusion. Neither of them said anything for a few seconds. They just sat there, looming down over me with those freakishly scary gasmasks of theirs.


The putrid shoe was unlaced and removed from my breathing unit, and then my captors both began unbuckling their kevlar helmets and pulling their face-concealing masks off.

Had my mouth not been stuffed with a sock and tightly taped shut, my jaw would've surely dropped at that point.

Through foggy circular goggles, I watched as the behemoth on my right was finally revealed to be Zack and the one sitting on my left turned out to be none other than Nick. Their faces were sweaty and the hair around their temples was all wet and matted down. Both of them heaved as though they'd just run a marathon, but the look on my lover's face immediately betrayed what I can only describe as incomprehension. Incomprehension...and perhaps even disappointment.

The two heavily-armoured musclemen heaved beneath their gear and spent several seconds catching their breath.
Zack used the padded underside of his forearm to wipe the sweat off his brow while Nick took his box of moist baby wipes out of the nightstand and proceeded to clean the meagre mess I'd made on the flat of my own stomach.

"What's a matter, babe? Didn't you find any of this hot?" he asked, visibly disappointed and a bit perplexed as to why I'd leaked such a small amount of milky semen.

I whimpered beneath my gag, but Zack simply cupped his gloved hand around the top of my gasmasked head and offered his own hypothesis as to why my climax had been so...unimpressive.

"He's not used to vibrating wands, is he?" he asked, causing Nick to confirm that I wasn't. "Then maybe we oughta just give him a handjob like he's used to." the handsome knight suggested, immediately forcing me to cry out in despair and shake my head 'no'.

"Mgggphhh uugghmm mgghhphh mhh." I whimpered and objected, sucking on my gag and finally realising that the sock in my mouth was Zack's.

Unfortunately for me, neither of my behemoth guardians suspected the real reason behind my meagre ejaculation and both of them were apparently convinced that my unfamiliarity with the wands had caused what seemed like a failed orgasm.
They had no way of knowing I'd emptied my balls out just a few hours prior to Nick arriving home from work, and no way of understanding the nature of my frantic attempts at forming an explanation beneath my frustratingly speech-proof gag.

Nick was intent on granting me a special release, and neither he nor Zack would be satisfied until I managed to deliver and spill the remainder of my juice out. Only, I had no juice left to spill out!

"Alright, let's give him a break and get something to drink. I'm fuckin' sweating like a pig beneath all this gear." Nick announced, before he and his fellow muscleman stood up from the mattress and retreated out of the bedroom.

The passage of time still eluded me somewhat, but I must've spent five minutes just lying there and struggling to defeat my stretchy sleepsack prison. The two leviathans returned shortly thereafter, their armoured bodies too broad to easily fit through the doorway and their sweaty heads appearing disproportionately dwarfed due to the sheer buffness of their heavily-padded torsos.

Seating positions were retaken on both sides of my scrawny form and both of them spent a few moments absentmindedly massaging my sleepsacked chest whilst chatting about tactical gear and other unrelated stuff.

I was too drained and tired to pay close attention, but from what I gathered of their conversation, Nick and Zack had bought this riot gear a few years ago and used to regularly suit up this way when playing competitive airsoft back in the day. Nick had stopped playing at some point in his mid-20s, but Zack still met up with the old guard and helped them compete against rival teams once or twice a year.

"You should take back your gear, bro. I still hang out with the gang from time to time, but I've no need for two complete sets of armour. None of the other guys like to gear up as heavily as we do." Zack spoke, apparently encouraging Nick to reclaim the stuff he'd previously parted ways with.

"Aw, I dunno, man. I've got no room to store all this bulky gear. Besides, I haven't played airsoft in years so I doubt this stuff would see any use." Nick responded, something which made his charismatic counterpart chuckle and flash me a sly wink.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I have a feeling this little guy might be pretty happy to have his big strapping boyfriend gear up every now and then." came the sound of his somewhat cheerful remark.

Nick eyed me up with his usual stoic expression. He ran the back of his gloved hand across the surface of his sweaty forehead and arched his right eyebrow up as though pondering what his friend had just suggested.

"What d'you think, babe? D'you think I should keep the riot-cop armour and gear up in it from time to time?" he asked, not seeming entirely convinced that I'd care enough to offer an affirmative response.

Zack was once again ahead of the game, and it was obvious from his line of reasoning that he understood me in more ways than he was leading on. The fact that he was so accurately able to predict my likes and dislikes was almost as disturbing as it was exhilarating.

Having said that, Nick also deserved his own special spot in the limelight. Even with Zack's eerily accurate revelations, a more judgemental and selfish boyfriend might've ridiculed me for my many peculiar kinks and desires. Nick did find some of my quirks mildly amusing, but he was also very open to trying new things and regularly went out of his way to try and accommodate me. He was, in more ways than one, a very forgiving and generous lover.

I eyed his extraordinarily massive suit of armour, looked at the frightening gasmask he'd shed and thought of how terrifying and strangely arousing he and Zack looked when suited up beneath all that gear. Only three seconds went by before I answered his question with a series of very energetic nods.

Of course I wanted him to keep the body armour!
I had no idea whether or not it would see any use in the future, but I sure as hell found the sight of it super hot and arousing.

"Hahaha! You kinky boi, you..." Zack chuckled, rubbing the top of my gasmasked head with one hand and tickling the underside of my exposed nutsack with the other.

I laughed, squirmed around and cursed beneath my cheese-infested gag for a bit. The two unmasked behemoths continued chatting for a couple of minutes, but even though the subject of their banter didn't revolve around me, Zack just couldn't keep his hands to himself. He kept on teasing my darlex-covered nipples and continuously dug his fingers into my crotch.

"It's a pity I didn't bring my hockey gloves with me. I have a feeling the little tyke might've enjoyed getting up close and personal with them." the brown-haired hunk teased, just as he and my ruggedly handsome Master resumed focusing the bulk of their attention on my defenceless form.

I gave the hockey player a weary look through the foggy circular goggles located at the front of my gas mask, but that only awarded me a few teasing jabs and a chorus of hearty laughter.

"Speaking of hockey gloves, I have something that might just do the trick. I'll be right back." Nick announced, before finally excusing himself from the bedroom and leaving me alone with the burly brown-haired tickle-tyrant.

Much to my imminent chagrin, I was given another whiff of my man's reeking shoe and got my feet, crotch and thighs tickled for several seemingly unending minutes. Only when Nick returned from his brief foray did I lift my head up off the plush mattress and give the contents of his hand an unabashedly frightened look.

My eyes went wide, my limbs struggled against the body-hugging sleepsack, and I violently shook my head 'no' in an attempt to ward off the next phase of my torturous ordeal.

"Uggghmph. Phhhuuhhg nnmpph!"
Not those stupid boxing gloves!


When my husbandly boyfriend's big fat boxing gloves landed on the mattress, I knew I needed to try and make a run for it.
My trapped limbs did their best to carry me out of the bedroom, but much to my eternal chagrin, they were utterly powerless to break out of the sleepsack.

"Haha! Someone sure looks happy to see the arrival of these gloves." Zack teased, once more digging his fingers into my defenceless crotch and getting a big kick from the sight of my hardening appendage.

I shook my head 'no' to refute his frustratingly outlandish claim and broke down into a hysterical bout of laughter beneath my positively reeking sockgag.

"Hahaha! Coochie coochie-coo." the heavily armoured tickle-tyrant teased, filling the raunchy bedroom with his incredibly sexy laughter whilst I choked and convulsed in a mixture of uncontrollable delight and panic.

Nick even joined the fray and dug his beefy fingers into my darlex-clad soles at that point. His laughter wasn't even close to being as prominent or as vocal as Zack's, but the sound of his deep chuckling nevertheless proved extremely arousing.

In the seconds that followed, my erection swelled up to full mast and I remember letting out an alarmed whimper when my man suddenly pulled his gloves off and wrapped his calloused fingers around my rigid shaft.

I watched as Zack brought one of the bulbous boxing gloves up to his face and watched as he stole a tentative whiff from the rather diminutive opening.

*Sniff Sniff*

"Holy fuck!" he half-cried out, half-laughed. "These aren't as bad as my hockey gloves, but they still smell like shit." he excitedly cheered, causing a look of unmistakable pride and satisfaction to drape itself across my manly lover's smoking hot face. The strong reek festering inside the glove was a testament to Nick's manliness, and judging from the look of things, I knew it pleased him a great deal to have another man sample it.


When I saw Zack slowly moving the glove down towards my gas-masked face, I panicked and immediately tried squirming away and making a run for it. I cried out for Nick to come save me and screamed for help beneath my gag in the hopes that he would intervene. Unfortunately for me, neither of my behemoth captors gave my protests any heed. My boyfriend simply used his gargantuan right hand to start jerking my erect member off and watched as his more chivalrous friend chased my gasmasked face around with the orifice of that dreadfully pungent boxing glove.

"Haha! Gotcha!" Zack triumphantly grinned upon successfully clamping the glove's tube-like opening down atop my hopelessly protruding breathing filter.

I let out a heart-wrenching shriek and actually managed to shake myself free of it. But my valiant efforts to get away only postponed the inevitable and my intake filter was eventually swallowed whole once more.

The next five minutes or so proved indescribably torturous. Not only was I being forced to sniff up the potent funk of my own boyfriend's heavily-insulated boxing glove, but Nick's skilful ministrations themselves were driving me to the brink of hysteria.
The stony-faced brute's fleshy warm palms were massive, and my average-sized boner was dwarfed by the sheer size and thickness of his impossibly broad fingers.

Nick's furrowed brow and stern expression betrayed no semblance of sympathy as he pumped my shaft up and down with something of a minor vengeance.

He was bent on milking me dry and was determined to give me the release he felt I so badly needed. The only problem was that I'd already given myself that release and had no way of articulating an way of letting him know what I'd done. And so, my freakishly colossal, 248-pound boyfriend was going to milk my balls dry whilst remaining completely oblivious to the fact that I was already spent, drained and empty.

"Uggh mpggh phhhgghh!"

The reek filling my mask up stank of leather, sweat and bacterial buildup. But even so, my predicament reached a new level of dire when Zack pulled the funky boxing glove off my mask and picked Nick's giant sneaker up instead.

"So which d'you prefer, Steevie-boi? The stinky boxing glove or the old basketball shoe?" the brown-haired muscle-knight asked, causing me to once again break down into a panic and struggle to escape my fate.

Jeremy's stupendously hunky boyfriend paid my screams little heed as I protested the return of Nick's shoe. He promptly slid his left hand beneath the back of my head, raised it up off the mattress and brought the putrid thing's maw down on top of my defenceless breathing filter.

I sniffed, coughed, gagged and cried out, just like I had a million times before. Zack pretended not to know what I was telling him and kept on alternating between making me sniff the shoe and the boxing glove. Meanwhile, Nick was still busily pumping my shaft up and down and no doubt wondering why I hadn't actually shot my load yet.

"Yeah, you prefer the shoe, don't you?" Zack teased, forcing me to violently shake my head 'no' and causing me to lament the fact that he was intentionally deducing the exact opposite of what he knew I was telling him.

"Uggh ggghhmmph ggh mpphhh!" I screamed, flashing him an angry glare through the foggy goggles of my gasmask.

I watched as the unbearably rotten sneaker began making its much-dreaded return towards my face, but was understandably surprised and relieved when Nick's voice suddenly rose up to intervene.

"Wait. Pass the shoe." he called out, taking a break from the laborious milking of my hard cock and motioning for Zack to hand over the shoe he was holding. That momentary glimmer of relief I experienced almost instantly faded away when my husbandly Master's mercy turned out to be nothing more than a fanciful illusion.

Nick was neither sadistic nor was he by any means cruel.
As far as Masters went, he was remarkably fair, if not a little iron-fisted. But one thing he was not known for was showing mercy. He could occasionally be swayed by heartfelt pleas for leniency, but the chances of that happening were very slim and laments to that effect were almost always met with deaf ears. This was one of those times.

My terror-stricken eyes watched as the beefy blond goliath-god reached out to grab his hockey-playing friend's nauseatingly putrid tube sock. I watched as he wadded the putrescent fabric into a ball and watched as he stuffed it into the puke-inducing chasm of his own basketball shoe.

My gagged mouth immediately let out a string of protests and my rubber-clad head shook 'no' over and over again. Still, Nick's face betrayed no outwardly decipherable signs of sympathy. He simply glared at me with a furrowed brow and menacingly made his way even closer towards me.

"Quiet!" the gargantuan brute somewhat angrily roared, apparently not appreciating the unrelenting nature of my pathetic complaints. "If you don't shoot your load in the next five minutes, I'm gonna fucking leave you like this and you're gonna spend the rest of the night sniffing Zack's shitty tube sock!" he aggressively growled, turning my cacophonic screams into nothing more than a set of submissive whimpers.

"Here. Plant this over his mask." he spoke, suddenly adopting a much more relaxed and casual tone as he handed the sock-stuffed shoe back to his visibly amused friend.

Still shocked from the ferocity of my authoritarian boyfriend's fear-inspiring outburst, I literally just lay there in complete silence as the reeking mixture of horrifyingly putrid footwear was lowered down onto my gas-masked face.


The soft creaking of leather met my ears as the shoe's gaping maw adjusted itself to the size of my intake filter. Then I watched as the brown-haired muscle-knight's superbly beefy gloved fingers knotted the laces tight and secured the "new and improved" torture chamber to the front of my breathing unit.

"Haha! There you go, buddy-boi. Enjoy that." came the sound of Zack's teasing chuckle as he rubbed the top of my rubbery head with the flat of his hefty palm.

The combined stench that went on to assault my vulnerable sniff-holes was indescribable at best. I choked on my gag, convulsed in my sleepsack and spent the next three minutes quite literally struggling to hold on to what little sanity remained within me.

My chest heaved and my nostrils flared open, causing rush after rush of morbidly sickening air to spill into my heavy-duty gas mask.


Nick's shoe was rotten to the point of nearly making me barf, and Zack's unbearably torturous tube sock reeked of acrid fumes cheesier than anything you can possibly imagine.

My heart rate struggled to keep up with the positively gargantuan hand pumping my rigid member up and down, and my breathing grew erratic when Zack's cruel fingers joined the fray and began tickling my body senseless.

"Yeah. We're gonna milk his little balls dry." Nick mused, the sound of his uber deep voice and the cadence of his heavy-handed ministrations filling my thighs up with what can only be described as a familiar tingling sensation.

Zack just laughed and dug his leathery fingers into my soles, ribs and stomach. But it's only when both of his gloved hands converged on my overstimulated crotch and began tickling the underside of my nutsack that my body arched up and let out a momentous release of energy.

Two meagre squirts fired out of my flaring piss slit, followed by nothing more than a rapidly-dwindling stream that gave way to some minor tears and droplets. In other words, definitely not the showing that my well-meaning captors were expecting.

When Nick finally pulled the gas mask off my face and asked me why the loads I'd spilt out had been so meagre, Zack was quick to hint at the idea that I might have already given myself a release earlier on during the day. As usual, the blond man took note of what his charismatic friend had to say and then questioned me accordingly.

"Is that true, babe? Did you cum while I was at work?" he asked, his stoic face leaving me no hint as to whether or not he would be angered by an affirmative reply.

Maybe it was the knowledge that he could easily go through the contents of the hamper and spot my cum-soaked undies and running shorts that convinced me to look up into his ruggedly handsome face and tell the truth. I thought about lying and thought about shaking my gagged head 'no', but when the time came to offer up a response, I gulped apprehensively and nodded my head 'yes'.

I very much expected some form of rebuttal or the furrowing of Nick's brow, but the only look that momentarily dawned upon his features was one of slight disappointment. It stung me to witness that. Probably more than it should have.

Zack's cheerful expression, however, didn't die out or dwindle even for a second.
"Aww, what a naughty boy jerking off when you're not supposed to." he playfully chuckled, squeezing my right cheek between his gloved fingers and ruffling my dishevelled hair up in a teasing manner.

A feeling of relief came upon me when Nick began unwrapping the numerous revolutions of uber-sticky duct tape that had been spun around the lower half of my face. I still had his buddy's reeking tube sock in my mouth and several layers of tape plastered atop it when our chivalrous guest voiced another one of his colourful suggestions.

"You should think about locking up that little cock of his. I'm sure spending a few weeks under lock and key would ensure some pretty stellar releases." he went on, causing me to gulp once more at the thought of being locked in a chastity device.

Jeremy and I had talked about it once or twice, and while he and many of the subs I'd briefly connected with online seemed to be big fans of enforced chastity, I wasn't entirely enthralled by the concept.

"Yeah, that might not be a bad idea..." Nick somewhat stoically replied, before pulling that final strip of tape from off my face and digging into my lips to extract the putrid sock-ball.

Contrary to what one might expect from a man who owned a leather straitjacket and a heavy-duty muzzle, Nick would've been considered fairly vanilla as far as most kinky guys went. He had a serious thing for getting his soles worshipped and genuinely seemed to get off from having his toes and nipples sucked, but aside from that, he wasn't even close to being as kink-minded as Zack.

The concept of having my manhood under constant lock and key didn't turn him off per se, but his reaction wasn't exactly one of boundless enthusiasm either. Still, I didn't entirely appreciate our smooth-spoken guest planting those kinds of ideas in my man's head...especially considering how prone Nick was to taking cues from them.

In any case, I nearly puked my guts out when the positively putrid sockgag was finally freed from my cavity. The gear-clad behemoths wasted no time in crawling up off the bed and slowly stripping themselves of their bulky body armour. The powerful reek of ripe socks, pungent basketball shoes and godawful boxing gloves that lingered about the bedroom certainly wasn't helped by the thunderous fart my boyfriend let rip.

The sound of my displeased groan and the spectacle of my genuine revulsion only caused Zack to chuckle with glee and approach my securely sleepsacked form.

"Coochie coochie-coo!" he laughed, digging his ungloved fingers into my defenceless crotch and getting a huge kick out of watching me squirm.

"Haha! Yeah. Next time we do something like this, I'll be sure to bring my hockey gloves." he promised, his deep voice sending a shiver up my spine and his gorgeous smile filling me up with a mixture of fear and excitement.

"If you think those ones are bad, then you're really gonna be in for a shock." he chuckled, motioning his head toward Nick's smelly boxing gloves before getting up off the mattress and ruffling my hair up one final time.

The men spoke for a few minutes, during which Zack collected his gear, got dressed and confirmed to us that he'd be dropping Jeremy over before going to work on Friday morning. He and Nick eventually walked over towards the front door; Zack fully clothed and my boyfriend still in his undies. They exchanged a series of parting words and then our guest headed home, most likely anxious to see his own boyfriend and crawl into bed with him for the night.


[mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]luiggi87[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]sws91[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]zzzz12333211[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]user3434658[/mention] [mention]jammer212[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]SquashMeDown[/mention] [mention]cherryboy[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]smushboy[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]Gaybondage[/mention] [mention]Boston2265[/mention] [mention]Hornysub[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]that1kid13[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]BondageFootPig[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]Ayu[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]justinlogget[/mention] [mention]maliki[/mention] [mention]grayboxers[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Michael-Colin[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]njr[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]BoudBoy22[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]TightropesEU[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention][/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention] [mention]stormchaser1[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]NeedControl[/mention] [mention]Gaybondage[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]cowboygf[/mention] [mention]BondageFootPig[/mention] [mention]Hornysub[/mention] [mention]Ayu[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]njr[/mention] [mention]sjb6785[/mention] [mention]that1kid13[/mention] [mention]Stormee[/mention] [mention]FelixSH[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Finnan[/mention] [mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]BlueZephyr[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]gag1195[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Gagfan[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]DeanSummer24[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]JDT544[/mention] [mention]N9292[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]tugfan[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]EJTied22[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]Boston2265[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]frankburns[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]ChiDrag221[/mention] [mention]grayboxers[/mention][mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]4toes[/mention] [mention]subguybr[/mention] [mention]sami200456boyfriend[/mention] [mention]wataru14[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Michael-Colin[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Batsox[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]njr[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] [mention]Footsub[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]vincenzotognolo22[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]BoudBoy22[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Mummybag[/mention] [mention]TightropesEU[/mention] [mention]Ropelover98[/mention] [mention]Kratos[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]boundguy190[/mention]
Last edited by bondagefreak 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bradstick »

Thanks! I love rereading the certain chapters but sometimes navigating can be bit difficult even with chapter index, so having it one place is great. Gonna have to reread this again now.
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Post by Straitjacketed »

Ah yes, time for a reread!

If M/M overkill bondage in stupidly excessive amounts of gear is your thing as well as mine, here's a list of my TUG stories.
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow haha
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Post by bondagefreak »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago Thanks! I love rereading certain chapters but sometimes navigating can be bit difficult even with chapter index, so having it one place is great.
Glad you approve, buddy-boi!
Yeah, I know a lot of you guys like to go back and reread past B&G scenes. Some of the scenes can't be pulled out and posted as standalonea (due to them not making any sense without substantial background info), but this scene right here works on its own even without previous knowledge of Steven, Nick & Zack.

Speaking of the chapter index, I need to update ASAP.
I haven't even added any of these chapters to it yet.

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Post by AbductedAddiction »

He used the word "glove" (gloves, gloved) 49 times in this story. THIS is how you write a kidnapping story. You can keep me. I surrender! :D
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

The fact that just some chapters from one big project work so fantastically as a standalone is telling, in my humble opinion, of Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]'s outstanding writing abilities. All this to say I really enjoyed my reread. THE KIDNAPPING is any sub's wet dream ( at least when it's a roleplay and one doesn't end up on an island in the Pacific)- and it's certainly my dream!
Once again, splendidly written!
Last edited by Sockgaggedman 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks for the nice comment [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention]
Glad you enjoyed this sequence of chapters enough to give this scene a reread.
Gonna have to get back to B&G soon. But yeah, these chapters were a lot of fun to write! Thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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