Susans Crazy Arrest (FF/F) (vote story)

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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Well naturally I love the idea of Clare being tickled, but I also want to see her tied up and left alone for hours on end. Gagged and maybe blindfolded. Hear what’s going on in her head. Maybe Susan and her mum tickle her from time to time to irritate her, sneaking in barefoot so she doesn’t know what is going to happen to her.

Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by johopp »

A and D mix in

Chapter 86

Claire tried once again with all her might to escape from her carpet prison - in vain. The ropes wrapped around the carpet didn't give an inch. And the tape over her mouth let out only incomprehensible murmurs. She was helpless.

Susan was showing her the marker she had used to write the address on the soles of her feet - it was black and waterproof. Claire sighed. But the sigh gave way to a surprised yelp as her head and feet suddenly floated free in the air. Susan pushed the hand truck with Claire back and forth across the apartment. Only after what felt like an eternity did she stop and call out loudly: "Hello, Ms. Stephenson, I have a package for you!"

When Susan's mother saw Claire tied up, she burst out laughing, which was met with an angry "hmmmpfm" from Claire's taped mouth. Then the mother said, "I'm sorry, but I certainly didn't order anything naughty like that. You can take it back with you!" Another outraged moan!

But Susan refused to take the package back, and they got into a huge argument. In addition, they seemed to have completely forgotten about the "Claire Package". Even as Claire yelled several times (unintelligible, of course), the argument continued unabated.

At some point, the mother angrily stomped past Claire and said to Susan: "For the last time - I didn't order anything! And certainly not such a wimp!" With these words, she ran her nimble fingers over the soles of Claire's feet until she was about to faint again.

Finally, the mother said: "The discussion made me pretty hungry! There's a restaurant around the corner - maybe our differences can be settled over a meal - of course at your expense!" "We'll see about that - but I'm really hungry! Let's go!" The two left Claire tied up.

What happened?

A) Susan and her mother loosen Claire's bonds a bit. When they return from dinner, they are overpowered and tied up by Claire.
B) Susan has to take the package back with her - and simply throws it in the garbage can downstairs.
C) The mother not only has to pay for the package, but also for the food - she takes her anger out on Claire.
D) A card game between Mom and Susan decides the fate of the tied up Claire package
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

I vite C.

I want to see how much more she can take
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Turn around

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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

A. But I hope the bonds are not too loose and we get a good description of Clare’s feelings tied up and struggling for an hour or two before she gets free.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by johopp »

A wins:

Chapter 87

Susan and her mother high-fived - they actually managed to overpower and tie up Claire! "This needs to be celebrated! Shall we have a really nice meal?" "I'd love to! I know a really nice restaurant - I went there recently with my daughter Claire. However, it's an hour's drive away by train!"

Claire moaned loudly into her gag: from the distance she deduced that only one restaurant could be meant - with many Michelin stars, tiny portions and huge prices!

But bound as she was, she could only watch helplessly as her mother took Claire's piggy bank and they both left the apartment. First, she tugged at her bonds - but the carpet didn't let up. She then moved the rug left and right to loosen the restraints - to no avail. She started sweating - both from the heat and from fear of imminent financial ruin.

Family Stephenson had meanwhile reached the train station - but just missed their train. They had to wait for the next one and the hunger grew stronger and stronger.

Now Claire took a deep breath. She tried to get narrow enough to wriggle out of her carpet prison - again unsuccessfully. She was running out of time. She screamed for help - but the stamp gag proved amazingly effective!

The Stephensons just got off the train and entered the restaurant. The waiter took their order.

Meanwhile, Claire changed her tactics - after what felt like hours of back and forth, she lay there calmly this time - and took a deep breath. It worked: she was able to push herself forward a few centimeters in her carpet. If she were to repeat this action a few more times... Since she had to catch her breath again and again in between, it felt like an eternity before the carpet finally fell off her. She immediately ran to the subway. Hopefully it wasn't too late.

Will Claire lose all her savings?

A) Yes, the amount is just enough.
B) Yes, but the amount is not enough. Susan and Carol are sentenced to wash dishes.
C) No, the mother does not pay with the piggy bank, but with her own credit card.
D) No, Claire arrives at the restaurant in time and takes her piggy bank. Since Mom's credit card doesn't have enough money for it, all three have to wash up the dishes.
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 88

After the mother paid the bill, Susan and her mother left the restaurant. Since the weather was nice, they decided to walk home. They had just disappeared around the corner when Claire, sweating with haste and fear, stormed up the subway stairs a few yards from the restaurant. A look through the restaurant window was enough to know that both had already left the restaurant.

And another look at the menu hanging on the wall confirmed her idea of the prices. And she'd seen both Susan's and Mom's wallets on the table at home (she didn't know that Mom had put her credit card in her purse). That could only mean one of two things: either the restaurant had accepted her piggy bank as a down payment, but forfeited all her savings for the next few years—or she would have to wash plates and glasses until she was old and gray, as soon as she entered the restaurant. But she just had to be sure, and entered the restaurant with shaky legs. She looked around - no sign of Susan and her mother! Claire cautiously asked for the two, expecting to be dragged into the kitchen at any moment to pay off the debts of the two by washing thousands of plates! When she found out that the debt had already been paid off by credit card, she vacillated between relief and anger!

Because of the nice weather, Susan and her mother decided to walk home. Claire, on the other hand, took the subway, seething after being laughed at by the waiters for her unfounded fear for her savings. With the subway, she was home before the other two and was able to prepare her revenge plan.

When the front door is unlocked, Claire hides nearby. Before either of them even realize what is happening, Claire covers Susans mouth with one hand while holding a dull knife to her throat with the other hand. To her shocked mother, she said: "You two thought it up - just get out and let me pay the bill! Do you two actually know how many plates I had to wash up for it? I'm already growing webbed between my fingers! That's what I expected! But you pay me back - every penny! And now hands up and move!"

Ms. Stephenson led the way into the basement with her hands raised, Susan following with Claire`s hand still over her mouth. In the basement they both have to sit down on two vertical support beams, opposite each other, facing each other. Both suspected Claire`s next step, and a little later their hands were indeed tied with ropes behind the back, and behind the support beams. Both lost shoes and socks and Susan`s and Ms. Stephensons bare feet were tied parallel to each other, as well as her thighs.

To the great surprise of the two prisoners, the rest happened differently - Susan was blindfolded, her mother's mouth taped shut instead. Claire then explained, "Since you probably won't be able to repay me financially for the many horrible minutes I spent watching myself wash dishes until the end of my life, I have devised another repayment plan for you. Ms. Stephenson, I'll show you Arithmetic problems, the solution of which is always a whole number from 1 to 5. Since you are gagged, you will show me the solution with the fingers of your tied hands. If the solution is correct, the soles of your feet will be tickled for exactly as many minutes as the correct solution is, but if the answer is wrong, Susan's feet will be tickled for twice as long! If I catch either of you cheating, you'll both be tied up in that basement all night!"

Susan realized: Since her mother was gagged, she had no chance to tell her the solution - and thus Susan had no chance to know exactly when and for how long her bare soles would be subjected to the tickle torture. What a diabolical, but - as Susan had to admit - brilliant plan!

A) The mother answers most questions correctly, which is why she is often tickled herself.
B) The mother answers most questions wrong, so Susan is often - and long- tickled.
C) The mother answers about half of the questions correctly, so Susan is tickled twice as long in total like herself.
D) Susan is caught cheating, so both of them, still tied up, are locked up overnight - with no chance to break free.
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Post by JulieG »

D. After prolonged tickling for both
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Post by johopp »

D wins

Chapter 89

Susan was relatively confident: If only whole numbers from one to five came into question as a solution, the problems couldn't be that difficult! With a sure feeling of imminent liberation, she enjoyed the scenario and waited for the first math problem.

After all, no multi-digit or even decimal numbers came into question, but only five different possibilities! But instead of the expected loud laughter from her mother, she suddenly felt Claire's nimble fingers darting over the soles of her own feet. Apparently the answer was wrong! She wriggled in the bonds and laughed into the gag! After what felt like an eternity, the tickling finally stopped and she heard her mother being given the next task. This time Susan heard her mother's muffled laughter - apparently the right answer and a - literally - "breathing space" for Susan!

After a while, Susan had completely lost count of who had been tickled and for how long - the ropes cut into her wrists and ankles without yielding, sweat poured from every pore and she gasped greedily for air! Judging by the sounds of breathing, the mother felt the same - although Susan was sure she herself had been tickled at least a hundred times as long! Either her mother was playing dumb on purpose so the soles of Susan's feet would get it all - or she was just bad at math. Either way - Susan couldn't change it!

Eventually the tickling stopped and Susan gasped several times. All she heard was two steady breathing sounds - apparently Claire and mother had fallen asleep! After a last unsuccessful attempt to free herself, Susan also dozed off, still tied to the support beam. But at some point she suddenly jumped up! It was pitch dark outside.

What's the matter with the still tied Susan?

A) She has to go to the toilet.
B) A mosquito buzzes around her head.
C) Water drips from the ceiling onto her head.
D) The full moon blinds her.
E) Claire sleepwalks.
F) The church bells suddenly jingled non-stop.
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 90

Susan winced when something cold and wet landed on her forehead. What was that? Before she could think straight, the next cold drop of the unknown liquid landed on Susan's forehead. SPLASH!

Susan was quiet and listened. She heard Claire snoring softly and evenly. SPLASH! Again Susan involuntarily flinched. SPLASH! Susan yelled three times into her gag and Claire jumped up, "What's wrong?" She looked at Susan, who in turn looked at the ceiling. SPLASH! The next drop hit Susan in the face!

Claire tiptoed out of the room. Susan breathed a sigh of relief - surely she would be coming back with a pair of scissors to cut the rope holding her wrists together behind the post!

Certainly! She spread her wrists three millimeters apart - the rope around her wrists didn't allow more than that - so Claire would only cut the rope and not her hands. But instead of the expected metal of the scissors on her wrists, Susan suddenly felt several strips of tape on her mouth! Her screams only came through as an indistinct murmur!
Claire said, "I put headphones on mum! She deserves her sleep - unlike you, wimp!" With these words, she began to tickle Susan's bare soles until she was about to faint! Then she let go of Susan, waited for her breathing to return to normal, and tickled again! Glancing at the still asleep mother, she said: "Well, she's still asleep! And now I don't want to hear a sound, Mrs Stephenson Junior - or the tickle monster will come back! Sleep tight!" As the only one of the three, Susan hardly got any sleep that night!

The big local ice hockey derby was on the agenda for the next evening. The hall was sold out down to the last seat. To their great regret, Susan and Claire hadn't been able to get hold of a ticket, so they had no choice but to watch the game together in Claire's apartment in front of the television. Susan was a die-hard fan of the "Reds", Claire had a fever with the "Blues". This gave Carol the idea for a new game. She gave each of the girls an identical roll of duct tape and explained her plan: if your team conceded their first goal, you would have to take off your socks and the opponent would tie your bare ankles together. The second goal would tie the thighs together. The upper arms would be tied behind the back for the third goal, and the wrists for the fourth goal. The fifth goal conceded eventually resulted in a hogtie.

Penalty times were also taken into account: the player whose team was outnumbered would have their bare soles tickled for as long as the penalty time lasted.

How does the game end?

A) 5-0 goals for Susan, 8-2 penalties for Claire.
B) 3-2 goals for Claire, 6-0 penalty minutes for Claire
C) 5 : 2 goals for Claire, 2 : 2 penalty minutes + a "5 minute penalty" for Susan
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Post by JulieG »

I don’t understand the quest but I’ll say C
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 91

A few minutes before kick-off, both girls sat tensely in front of the television. Of course they would cheer for their favorite team to the end this time too - but secretly they were hoping for a close but goal-rich game, because that would mean a lot of ties.

At the beginning it didn't look like it at all: Both teams were initially careful not to concede a goal. Claire yawned - then one of Susan's players tripped the opponent. The referees awarded Susan's team a two-minute time penalty. Susan protested—but already Claire and Mother's dexterous fingers darted over Susan's bare soles—for as long as Susan's team was outnumbered. For the first time in her life, Susan was hoping for a quick goal against her team - because only that would end the tickle torture prematurely! But Claire's team didn't do her any favors, and the two minutes of non-stop tickling of the soles of her feet felt like hours to Susan!

A few minutes later, Claire was able to celebrate her team's first goal. "That was lucky!" Susan said, but as agreed, she had her bare feet tied. The second goal followed a few minutes later, whereupon Susans thighs were tied. 2 - 0 went into the break.

During the first break, Susan asked if she could be untied for a moment as she needed to go to the bathroom. But Claire only said: "Since your hands are still free, I see no need!" Susan hopped in surrender.

The second third brought a quick hit for Susans team - 1-2! "Yes! Finally!" She quickly grabbed the roll of duct tape and tied Claire's bare feet together. But the joy didn't last long: a two-minute time penalty meant that Susans feet were tickled non-stop for two minutes this time! Since her legs were already tied, she couldn't pull her feet away to avoid the tickling fingers!

And five minutes later it was 3-1 - Susan`s upper arms were tied behind her back as tightly as possible. “When I concede the next goal, it will be extremely difficult for me to tie or tickle Claire - for then my wrists shall be bound!!” thought Susan, but remained outwardly confident of victory.

And the game did seem to be going in Susan's direction: first Claire's team took a penalty - which meant two minutes of non-stop tickling for Claire's bare feet, and a few minutes later Susan's team scored the goal - which tied Claire's thighs! "Lucky shot!" was Claire's only comment.

With the one-goal lead we went into the last part of the game. There, Susan's team conceded the fourth goal. Susan sighed, but Claire said, "You know the rules: Go on, hands behind your back!" Reluctantly, Susan obeyed. "But if your team gets a penalty, I can't tickle you with my hands tied behind my back! By the way: not so tight, please!" But Claire found that circulation to Susan's wrists was secured.

The fifth goal and the following hogtie finally destroyed all of Susan's hopes. She didn't even try to free herself, but lay motionless on the ground and longed for the final whistle. Claire scoffed, "No time for losers because we're the champions!" Susan sighed: Claire was right! But then the referee gave Claire's team a 5-minute penalty. "You can now tickle the soles of my feet for another five minutes - but you can't get to it in a hogtie, you loser!" She pointedly held out her bare foot to Susan and laughed sardonically. The bound Susan was seething with anger.

What is hogtied Susan doing to the soles of Claire's feet?

A) She spits on the soles of Claires feet.
B) She bites Claire's big toe.
C) She puts Mom's lipstick in her mouth and scribbles on the soles of Claire's feet.
D) She pours bottles with various liquids over Claire's feet.
E) She pushes Claire's feet in front of the open refrigerator door.
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Post by Jennyjay »

C, but can she try to write something with her mouth?
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Post by johopp »

Thanks for the many votes.

C wins

Chapter 92

Inwardly, Susan was seething with anger: What was this cheeky brat thinking, taunting her like that? But since her movement (and thus also room for maneuver) was unfortunately restricted at the time, she had to put on a good face to the bad game.

Susan decided to give the still smirking Claire a false sense of security: "You did really well! I can hardly move - let alone free myself! You really are the best bondage expert ever!" Satisfied, she noticed how Claire blushed. Susan nodded: "Yes, yes! The tape is so tight that I can't free myself without your help - but not so tight that it cuts off blood circulation either! Simply perfect - a real master was at work! You should get a certificate!" praised Susan.

"I'm really glad that I only tied you up, but not gagged you! Your praise is good - even if it only describes the obvious, of course!" Claire said a bit too snootily. "Arrogant monkey!" thought Susan. But instead she said: "Since, as far as I know, such a certificate unfortunately doesn't exist yet, I'll be happy to put together one for you!"

Claire jumped up in anticipation and fiddled with the knot that connected the ropes around Susan's wrists to those around Susan's ankles. "Very good - the trap's snapped!" thought Susan - but she said: "No! Please don't destroy your masterpiece you've put so much work into! Please take a picture of your 'masterpiece' with my phone instead, so from me!"

Claire didn't need to be told twice and began photographing the bound Susan several times. She then showed the photos to Susan, who was full of praise for the photos (and at the same time erased all the photos taken of her with her nose, which Claire didn't notice!)

Susan said: "I'd be honored to autograph the photos of such a bondage genius - but unfortunately it doesn't do well on the phone screen! But how about I autograph the soles of your bare feet instead? Get mum's lipstick out of the Bathroom, unscrew the cap and put the lipstick between my teeth! I write: "Claire, undisputed bondage champion 2023!" Claire laughed as the tip of the lipstick tickled the soles of her feet - if she had known what Susan was really writing it would be her laughter stuck in her throat!

What is Susan really writing on Claire's bound soles?

A) Claire's cell phone number
B) "Claire and Mike in Love"
C) "Claire is afraid of the dark"
D) "Who wants to tie me up? Claire"
E) Carol's top secret cake recipe
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

It’s got to be “please tie me up”.

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Post by johopp »

D wins

Chapter 93

Claire laughed out loud as her friend's dexterous teeth flicked lipstick down the soles of her bare feet. She was definitely no novice when it came to using lipstick - Claire knew that straight away! She wanted to ask, but the tickling on the soles of her feet, which was caused by the movement of the lipstick, hardly allowed intelligible sounds!

But Susan still understood what Claire was trying to say, saying, "Ever since I was a little kid, I used to doodle a lot with my mum's lipstick - be it on paper or on walls - although the latter didn't go over too well, if I remember correctly! So I have no problem painting with just my mouth since my hands and feet are still tied together perfectly!”

Claire had a little trouble following Susan's words, as she continued to decorate the canvas - which of course means Claire's bare soles - with the lipstick during her presentation. "Oh god - why am I so terribly ticklish?" thought Claire, firing up a veritable giggle of laughs. And whenever she thought she was over it, Susan would think of something to add or correct! Then the lipstick darted around again, triggering another fit of tickle laughter.

When Susan finally finished her artwork, Claire gasped greedily. She was pleased to see that Susan photographed the lettering on the soles of her feet with her cell phone - she was too curious to see exactly how the lettering looked. "Could you please send the photo to my phone?" she asked. "I would love to, but the hogtie restricts my freedom of movement a little too much!" "We can change that very quickly!" Claire undid Susan's hogtie and then tied her hands in front of her while leaving Susan's feet tied. Susan sent the photo and Claire's cell phone rang to confirm receipt. Susan took Claires phone in her tied hands and in front of her only feet-tied friend.

Claire saw what was written on her feet: "Please tie me up - Claire." Plus her cell phone number. "Of course you alone decide who sees this photo!", Susan wanted to calm her friend down.

A) Nobody sees it except for the two of them.
B) Claire sends the photo to her mother.
C) Claire accidentally uploads the photo to her class chat.
D) Criminals have installed a spy program on Claire's cell phone and are now blackmailing her with the photo.
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Let’s get some more friends involved.
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Post by Bondageboi »

B. I want to see mum involved in these games again.
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Post by Jennyjay »

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Post by johopp »

B and C wins (since there are more votes for the photos to be sent)

Chapter 94

When both girls were untied again, Carol called them both over. She showed her cell phone, which showed her daughter's bare, tied feet with the message on the display. "I hope you realize that this photo is not allowed to be seen by anyone other than the three of us - and maybe your mother, Susan! With other people you never know what they plan to do with it!"

Claire nodded. "Of course, Mom! I don't want the whole world to see my bare feet, but it's different with your mother, Susan! Would you allow me to send her the photo?" Susan nodded and Claire sent her the photo. The answer was a laughing smiley - and that the mother would like to take up the offer.

As Claire was about to put her phone down, she saw that she had an unread message in her class chat - the part that only students, not teachers, had access to! Lara asked if someone could send her the math homework! Claire said yes, but didn't notice that instead of the photo on the math notebook page, she attached the photo of her bare soles. Then Claire logged out, put the phone away and went to sleep.

What happens at school the next day?

A) Lara would like to meet Claire for a private bondage session in the afternoon.
B) Lara wants to tie Claire up in front of the whole class, but without the teacher noticing anything.
C) Lara is undecided, she asks the class teacher for advice
D) Lara wants to be tied up by her classmates during class if Claire lets herself be tied up too.
E) Lara wants to be tied up by her classmates after class if Claire lets herself be tied up too.
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