A Night on the Town (FF/M) CHAPTER 5 ADDED

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A Night on the Town (FF/M) CHAPTER 5 ADDED

Post by dillonmichael080 »

Hey! Thanks for clicking on this post to read it. I've been on this site for several years now and finally made an account last year to begin posting stuff. I found this site to be a safe haven to express my kinks and desires and even practice my storytelling. So I hope you enjoy my first story! I don't know how to properly format on this site yet, I've just copied and pasted from Google Docs. If you have advice, please let me know! Thanks again!

“God fucking damnit!” Matt shouted to himself in the car as the engine made a strange sputtering noise. The car shook lightly as if driving over gravel, but Matt found himself pulling off to the side of a highway. His brights lit up the guard rail of the bridge he was crossing. The night sky and the faint sounds of crickets outside his window made for an all-around eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Sssssshit” he muttered. He was on his way to his friend Damien’s birthday party just outside of town when his car decided to shit itself. Checking to make sure no cars were passing, he opened his driver’s side door and walked to the front of his 2011 Kia Soul. Popping the hood, a ploom of dark smoke ruptured in his face. He coughed and stumbled back, wafting the smoke away with his hands.
He waited for the smoke to clear so he could take another look. Matt wasn’t the most skilled car technician, but he could tell it had something to do with the fuel system. Knowing this was beyond him, he pulled his cell phone to call AAA. Unfortunately, at the top right of his iPhone screen was “No Service”.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” Matt grumbled to himself. “My fucking luck”. He sighed deeply and leaned against the edge of his car, not knowing exactly what to do. He looked left and right down the highway, and seeing no cars, took the key out of his car, locked it, and began to walk.

About forty minutes later, Matt saw a pair of headlights coming his direction. He stuck out his thumb and leaned over so the driver (whoever they were) could see him, but all the car did was continue driving.
“Typical,” Matt said. This was the start to any horror or thriller movie he had seen, but frankly, what else was he supposed to do? Wait by his car for no one? He remembered passing by a gas station a few miles back and figured that was his best bet.
Another car drove by him. And another. And another. Eventually, Matt gave up even signaling that he needed help and just ignored the next few cars that passed him. He figured he was halfway to the gas station by this point, so he might as well just walk the rest of the way.
A loud rip of an engine startled him, seeing a red corvette zoom past. His heart leaped as it sped away, clearly over the speed limit.
“Fucker,” said Matt. Almost as if the driver of the car heard him, the corvette slowed down not too far past him. The red tail lights lit up, and the car turned around to Matt’s side of the road. The corvette cruised up beside him. A little unnerved, Matt watched as the driver’s side window rolled down, revealing a dark interior only lit by the LED smart screen in the middle console. Illuminated by the light was a blonde haired woman. She had red lipstick and a full face of makeup. Her eye shadow was dark from all he could see in the night and she was chewing gum.
“You lost?” she said flatly. Her voice was like butter and sultry. Matt thought for a moment she had eyed him up and down, but it could’ve just been a trick of the light.
“Um…yeah. My, uh, car broke down back that way,” Matt pointed in the direction of his car. “So I’ve been walking back to that gas station up ahead”.
“Oh love, that place looked closed when I passed it,” she said. How could she even know with how fast she was going? “You’ll have to wait until they open in about-” she looked at her clock. “Seven hours”.
“Dammit,” Matt said. “Thanks…I guess.”
“No problem. Though, I suppose I could give you a lift to wherever you were headed. Were you going far?” she asked him.
“No, just a few more miles in the same direction. A friend’s house. His birthday party,” he could feel a nervousness growing in the pit of his stomach.
“I see. Well, I can give you a lift there and you can ask him for help,” she responded and smiled. This time, he definitely saw her eye him up.
Matt eyed her up too. She was beautiful from what he could tell. And her smile was perfect. Getting into a car with a gorgeous woman? How could he not?
Matt nodded. “Uh, yeah, that’d be great. Thanks!” He walked over the passenger side of her car and got in. The inside smelled of some type of expensive perfume Matt could never afford. She had money, this one.
“Buckle up,” the woman said. “My name is Samantha, happy to help.” She rolled up her window and began to turn her car back around.
“Matt. Uh, my name is Matt. Matt Russo,” he stuttered in response. Why did I say my last name?
“Well, Matt. Glad I was driving by,” she smiled at him again, and Matt took in her full appearance. She was gorgeous. Her cheekbones were high and her lips were full. Her eyeshadow, he could see now, was a deep red to purple color and her eyelashes were layered in mascara. She wore a deep purple dress that was wrapped snugly around her curved body. It ended around mid-thigh. She wore black hose underneath that went to her black high heels. He caught himself staring and straightened himself to look out the window.
“Like what you see?” Samantha asked.
“Um- what? No- I mean, yes? Um, no sorry that was so rude. I’m so sorry,” Matt began to panic. Ten seconds in and he ruined it. She might as well dump him back on the road.
She giggled. “I’m just messing with you, relax! It’s okay to stare. I like what I see too.” she gave him a side-long glance.
What did she just say? She likes what she sees? Meaning…me? Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy SHIT!
Matt felt a stirring in his jeans. No! No! You stop that right now, fucker. He placed his hands over his crotch in the most nonchalant way possible.
“How old is your friend?” Samantha asked.
“What’s that?” Matt said, still preoccupied with covering his growing erection.
“You’re friend. You said it’s his birthday?”
“Oh. Yes. He’s uh- twenty-four.”
“And you?”
“Um. Twenty-five.”
“Having a big blow-out then? Lots of drinking and drugs?”
“Um…no…I don’t- I don’t drink,” said Matt. “Or drugs. I don’t do any drugs.” Is she an undercover cop or something?
“Good boy. Just asking. Lord knows I had my fair share of partying when I was your age,” said Samantha. She chuckled to herself.
Good boy!? Fuck, what is this person doing to me? The stirring in his jeans grew again. He felt himself staring at her again. Is she wearing stockings?
Samantha shuffled in her seat and her dress rode up her thighs another inch. Matt saw the tops of her stockings and her garter belt between her thighs. The perfume in the air was getting stronger. Or was that just his imagination?
“Did you tell your friend what time you were supposed to be arriving?” she asked. Her hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. Her nails were painted that same shade of purple.
“Uh, no. I hadn’t given an exact time,” Matt responded. Like her, his hands were also clenched, but for a completely different reason.
“Oh. Good,” she replied. Good? As he thought this, there was a quick shuffling behind him. Is there someone in the backseat? FUCK! His heart jumped through his mouth as a gloved hand reached from behind the passenger seat and clamped over his mouth. Another hand held a cloth to his nose that had a strange chemical smell. He tried his best not to breathe, but the panic and strength of the person behind him scared him so bad he caught himself hyperventilating into the cloth. Soon, his consciousness left him and a female voice behind him slowly giggled to herself.

When Matt awoke, he was no longer in the car with Samantha. He was in a black carpeted room with wooden walls and a door facing him. He was sitting in a chair of some sorts, but when he tried to get up, found that his wrists and legs were tied to the chair with coils of soft, black rope. The rope also went around his chest and stomach, tying his torso to the chair.
He struggled against his bonds, hoping to wiggle them loose. He grunted and cursed himself for being so naive and stupid.
“Good morning, Matt,” a voice came from behind him. It was Samantha. “I was hoping Tiffany didn’t use too much chloroform on you. I wasn’t sure when you were going to wake up.”
Tiffany? The other person in the car! The aforementioned Tiffany emerged from behind Matt, giggling to herself as she did in the car. She walked around him before delivering a solid smack across his face. She, unlike Samantha, was not dressed for a night on the town. She wore a large yellow knitted sweater and had dark brown hair curled in a bun behind her head. She wore light gray shorts and over-the-knee cable-knit gray socks.
“Fuck! What the hellmph-!” Matt shouted but Tiffany clamped a hand over his mouth. She sat in his lap staring into his eyes smiling like a devil.
“Such a mouth on you. We’ll have to do something about that,” Samantha said, still behind Matt. Tiffany looked up behind him and released his mouth and walked behind Matt out of sight.
“What do you want, huh? What did I do? I don’t understand. Please, tell me whatmpf-” a pair of hands covered his pleading mouth.
“Shhhh. What did I just say?” said Samantha from behind. “You talk too much,” Her hands released his mouth and pinched his nose shut. Tiffany appeared again carrying what looked like a tiny belt. It had a small bladder on one side and a hose with a pump on the other.
Startled, Matt closed his mouth. Tiffany sat in his lap again, this time with a big smile across her face. She waited for Matt to open his mouth to breathe, as Samantha kept his nostrils closed. Matt lasted about thirty seconds before opening his mouth a pinch to breathe, at which point Tiffany jammed two fingers into his mouth and forcefully pried it open. She attacked his mouth with such ferocity that Matt was scared she was going to break his jaw.
The small bladder side was pushed into his mouth and Samantha grabbed the two straps and fastened it behind your head. Matt’s cheeks were squished against the tightness of the gag now plastered to his face.
“I was waiting to do this when you were awake,” Tiffany said. Her voice was not as sultry as Samantha’s, but she was just as seductive in her tone. She grabbed the pump side of the gag. “I love seeing the look in their eyes.” She squeezed the pump and Matt felt the bladder inside his mouth slightly grow. His eyes widened with fear. She squeezed again and once more. Matt’s tongue was compressed to the bottom of his mouth. Tiffany stopped and gave a quizical look to her partner.
Samantha reached over and pinched one of Matt’s nipples through his shirt. “Mmpff!” Matt mumbled through his gag.
“Nope. More Tiffany,” she said. With a smile, Tiffany gave the pump two more squeezes, filling Matt’s mouth even more. The balloon in his mouth made his jaw ache. Once more, Samantha pinched one of Matt’s nipples, and though he tried to, he couldn’t make much more than a faint mumble through his gag.
“There. Much better,” Tiffany said. Matt thought he might choke on the thing in his mouth if he stopped focusing on it. Samantha pinched his nose shut again and proceeded to control his breathing. She would let up as Matt’s body convulsed for air, but only for him to get a little breath in before pinching his nose again. She did this for about ten minutes while Tiffany left the room and came back with a high heel in her hand.
“Ah. Thanks Tiff,” said Samantha as he walked in front of you to grab her heel. Matt could see now that Samantha was wearing the same outfit as she did in the car, minus her high heels. He could see now that she held one of them in her hand.
“Well Matty, it’s time for bed. But I don’t want you to think the fun will stop tonight. I’m going to give you something to remember me by, and that way you can look forward to tomorrow,” Samantha smiled as she walked over to one of the walls. It held a pegboard, but instead of tools for a woodshop, it held all sorts of strange devices Matt had never seen before. She picked up what he assumed to be a roll of tape.
She walked behind him and forced her shoe over his nose and mouth. The smell was unpleasant, but not unbearable. She had been wearing these for a while, he assumed. He felt the tape being wrapped around the shoe and the back of his head, but he didn’t feel the normal stickiness of duct tape. Samantha made sure to make sure the tape was tightly wound around his head. The tape seemed to stick to itself more than his skin, Matt realized. The smell inside the shoe was warm and damp. Each inhale made him second guess whether he wanted to take another breath, but seeing he had no other option, he pushed through it.
Samantha ripped off the tape after about six passes over Matt’s head. She replaced the tape on the wall and turned around to smile at him. “Have a good night, love. We will see you in the morning!” The two women smiled at him, and left the room, turning off the lights, leaving him in darkness.
Matt was terrified. He didn’t know where he was or why he was here. He had so many questions. So many conflicting feelings. He needed to get out of here. But at the same time, he didn’t feel as scared as he was when he first woke up in this room. He was overpowered by two strong, beautiful women, and while he knew he needed to escape, part of him wanted to see what else they had in store for him. Maybe a part of him even liked what was happening to him. He had never experienced bondage like this before.
Matt closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep. He dreamed of how he might get out of this prison he found himself in, and of what plans these two women might have prepared for him tomorrow.
Last edited by dillonmichael080 8 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by crow3467 »

That is a great start for a story! Can't wait ti read more :D
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

Yes, really nice story! :D
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

Chapter 2

The darkness enveloped Matt as he sat in his chair, tied the same way he was when the two women left him alone a few hours before. He closed his eyes, trying to get sleep, but every time he drifted off, he choked on the large rubber mass inside his mouth. The inflatable gag pushed down his tongue, trapping it, and leading the inflated ball to reach the back of his throat if he wasn’t careful. He breathed slowly through his nose, which was attacked by a pungent odor. He had forgotten that Samantha had taped her heel to his face before leaving him for the night. Forced to breathe in the smell of her foot, he sat in this position, living off the brief moments of sleep he could achieve.
His body and limbs were secured to the chair with black rope. He couldn’t move more than an inch. At one point he tried to scoot his chair around, but realized this type of chair was bolted to the floor of this dungeon. That’s what he decided this room was: a dungeon. A kink-infested, BDSM room. Admittedly, he was a little turned on by the thought, and felt a shifting in the crotch of his jeans.
Stop. STOP. What the hell am I getting turned on for? You’ve just been kidnapped for Christ’s sake. Now…find a way out. There’s got to be a way out.
All Matt could see in the darkness was a glowing outline of the door about fifteen feet away from him. Once his eyes adjusted, he could faintly make out shapes in the room. He was a little distracted when he first awoke to try and familiarize himself with the layout of the room. He tried to crane his neck back to see what was behind him, but all he could make out was a bed of sorts and a collection of what looked like thick wires hanging from the ceiling that coiled back upwards.
Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the door. The glowing outline grew and the door opened. Matt whipped his head back and let it drop, pretending to be asleep. He breathed deeply, trying to calm his heart rate. The light in the room got slightly brighter from a possible dimmer switch. He opened his eyes slowly as he heard soft footsteps approaching across the carpet. With his head down, he could only make out two sock-clad feet. Gray in color.
Gray…Tiff- Tiffany, was it? The one who pumped up this fucking ball in my mouth? Yes!
Matt felt a grip on the top of his head, pulling his hair. He quickly yelled, or tried to, but all that came out was a muffled yelp.
“Shut up, okay? I know you weren’t asleep. I could hear you shuffling around in here for the last hour. Now…are you hungry?” she said. Matt’s breath was heavy and quick, but he managed to nod his head. He hadn’t eaten since before he left for his friend’s house.
“Okay. I’ll be right back,” Tiffany left the room and came back with a silver tray with what looked like different cheeses and meats with some crackers on it. Pulling up a leather piano bench, she sat beside Matt and placed the tray beside her.
“I’m going to undo your gag, but if you yell or anything, we’ll both be in trouble and you won’t get any food, got it?” she threatened. Matt nodded, unsure of the sudden kindness being gifted to him at this moment. “Good boy,” she replied.
Tiffany walked over to the side of the room and picked up a hose that was previously inserted into the gag to pump it up. She took some scissors and cut the tape holding Samantha’s shoe to Matt’s face. Once it came loose, she grabbed his cheeks and inserted a needle into the front of his gag. The gag was pushed back with the force, causing him to choke for a moment, but then his head was released and felt a sweet release as the ball in his mouth deflated, leaving only the bladder.
The gag was unfastened from his mouth, and Tiffany pulled the flat gag out, soaked in saliva.
“Thank you,” Matt whispered. He hoped that was an okay thing to say and wouldn’t result in her leaving.
“Don’t mention it,” she said as she picked up a cracker, placing some cheese and meat on it, holding it up to his mouth. “Really. Don’t mention this to Samantha.”
Matt nodded and opened his mouth to receive the food. He ate in silence for a while before finding the courage to speak up.
“Why am I here?” he said slowly. Tiffany glanced up at him and for the first time he took in her appearance. She was pretty. Her brown hair was out of its bun and dangling in curls around her round face. She had taken off her sweater and was wearing a light gray tank top. She had a small amount of freckles around her button nose.
“I can’t tell you that,” she said. She fed him another cracker. “It’s complicated right now. I really can’t say much else right now.”
Matt chewed on his food. He found himself staring at Tiffany. After a second, he shook himself back to reality. He was kidnapped. He was taken off the road, away from his friends who knew he was coming. Away from his family. The reality of the situation set in for the first time and Matt felt his heart start to beat faster. He began sweating. His head reeling.
“Hey, calm down. You’re fine, alright?” Tiffany placed a hand on his knee. Matt looked at her hand, her nails unpainted. The dimly lit room seemed to return to darkness. He could only faintly make out Tiffany in the room. His breathing quickened even more.
Tiffany’s silhouette reached behind her and began pouring small amounts of water into Matt’s mouth. He drank thankfully, but the panic attack that was reaching its climax overwhelmed him. He didn’t know where he was. How far away from his family he was. Were they isolated? In the basement of someone’s house? Could he yell for help? What would happen if he did? These questions raced through his mind before he made a decision. He took a deep breath.
“HELP! HEEEEELP! SOMEONE PLE-” he shouted before Tiffany’s fist connected with his cheeks. Matt looked up at her, his vision swaying and his lip bleeding. Tiffany stood there, her fist still clenched.
“Why did you have to do that?” she seemed truly sad Matt had ruined this quiet moment together. Matt, still recovering from the punch and his panic attack, took another breath to scream again. “Why did you have to fucking do that, you little bitch!”
She slapped Matt in the face. Hard. She slapped his other cheek. Three or more times, Matt lost count and she smacked his face until he was seeing stars. Out of breath, she stood there angry as hell.
Fast footsteps were getting closer. Samantha. Matt must’ve woken her up or got her attention, depending on what time of day it was. Tiffany, meanwhile, was taking off her socks. She took one, balled it up, and while Matt was contemplating what just happened, began stuffing the knitted sock into his mouth. He protested, shaking his head against the material. It didn’t taste bad, but there was a hint of sweat to her socks. Tiffany was cold. She focused on jamming the entire knee sock in his mouth, silencing him.
Samantha arrived in the doorway as Tiffany finished stuffing Matt’s mouth. She wore pajama bottoms and white tank top. She had been sleeping.
“What the fuck is happening, Tiff?” Samantha demanded.
“What happened is you didn’t gag him tight enough! The motherfucker was able to wiggle out of it.” Tiffany glared at Matt knowingly. “I heard him trying to escape and had to improvise. Tie the other sock around his mouth, quickly, before he spits this one out.”
Samantha ran over, picking up Tiffany’s other sock and double-knotted the center of it, shoving the knot into your mouth, she pulled tightly, pushing the sock deeper into Matt’s mouth, knotting it behind his head. Tiffany had walked over to the wall of toys and grabbed the tape from before.
“I like your style,” Samantha said with a wink. Tiffany was not smiling. She plastered the tape on Matt’s mouth and began wrapping layers around the socks. Smoothing the tape and she passed, she made sure that it was tightly snug to his face. After about ten or so wraps, Tiffany bit off the tape.
She gave Matt another slap across his face and began to walk out of the room.
“Uh, hey Tiff, what’s with the crackers?” Samantha asked. Tiffany froze, nearly out the door. Matt sat there, waiting for her reply. If Samantha found out that Tiffany had given him food, who knows what would happen.
“I was having a midnight snack when I heard his shuffling. Must’ve brought them with me without thinking about it.” Samantha responded, and looked back at Matt. For a second, he thought he saw a look of pity in her eyes. Even if he did see pity, why did she attack him so fiercely? Tiffany walked out of the room, leaving just Matt and Samantha.
“Damn. You really pissed her off. Lucky for you it wasn’t me who heard your escapade. You’d have a lot worse punishment than some socks in your gob,” Samantha chuckled to herself, and began to walk out of the room. She stopped when she noticed her high heel on the floor.
“How did you manage to get this off anyway?” she picked up her shoe and turned back to Matt, questioningly. “Well, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.” In a few minutes Samatha had re-taped the heel to Matt’s face, this time with a lot more tape and an additional scarf to hold it in place.
“I’ll see you in the morning, love. Tiff and I will have to think of a proper punishment for you while we sleep.” Samantha winked at you, turned off the light, and closed the door.
Maybe I should’ve waited until after the crackers to try that shit…
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Great continuation! Curious as to what's going on between Tiffany and Samantha. Looking forward to more.
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Post by crow3467 »

Great continuation :D
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Post by LunaDog »

This is VERY promising. I've enjoyed reading it, hope there's more to come.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Heyo, this is some really good stuff! At first I believed Samantha would be the softer captor but turns out Tiffany is the gentle one all along, I'm wondering how this will turn out and if Tiffany will give Matt another chance
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

Hey! Just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone who has read my first story and commented that you've enjoyed it. It makes writing the next chapters much more enjoyable. A lot of my writing style and fantasies that these stories help me talk about come from previous authors on this website who are still here or not. I don't remember all your usernames, but thanks to @bondagefreak and @chloroformmeplease, and many others for writing the gateway stories that led to me to where I am now. Please enjoy the next chapter of A Night on the Town!

Chapter 3

Matt struggled in vain against his binds. Samantha had made sure to sinch up the knots everywhere before she finally left. His hands began to tingle with that pins and needles feeling like when you sleep on your arm wrong and you wake up not being able to feel it. Matt felt like that, but all over his body soon after his hands gave way.
He chewed on his gag, the thick sock crammed into his mouth, in an effort to relieve some tension in his jaw. Matt had a large mouth though, so the thick kneesock fit snugly within its new home. The taste at first wasn’t bad, but after Matt’s saliva began to seep into the material, it gave way to the salty taste of Tiffany’s feet. His dick pricked up a bit after tasting it, but he had to push down the thought. He could not get turned on by his captors, it wasn’t right in the slightest.
For what felt like thirty minutes, Matt sat there trying his best to fall asleep, his head drooped down against his chest, which hurt like a bitch after a while and he tried to sit his neck back up. He had read stories online about people who had been kidnapped for extended periods of time and how they were bound and gagged all night. He thought (just for a second) that it sounded nice, but now actually being in this predicament, on top of having one of his captor’s shoes taped to his face, slapped him back into reality.
Matt truly had no idea how he was going to get out of here. First, he would need to be untied. Surely they’ll let him go to the bathroom at some point?
“When they do that, that’s when I’ll have my moment. I’ll break free and try to find an escape,” he thought to himself. “But I don’t know where in this house I am. I don’t even know if I’m in a house. I could be in some abandoned factory-turned-sex-dungeon!” The thoughts poured through his head, landing on the floor in a puddle of defeat. He thought back to all the movies and television he watched to recall anything that might help him out. How did people escape from their captors in real life?
Patience. Bravery. Sacrifice. These words pounded at the back of his skull. He’d have to do something brave to get out of here. He needed to sacrifice something of himself and that would take patience. Slowly, he began to concoct a plan. As the ideas formed in his mind, Matt found himself drifting off to sleep.

* * *

Tiffany laid in her bed gazing up at her ceiling. Her arms reached above her and she rolled her knuckles against the wall. She laid under the thick comforter and bed sheets trying to fall asleep. The room was cold and dark minus an essential oils emitter that faintly glowed different colors. She shivered under her sheets, tightening herself into a ball in her university sweatshirt. Her legs were covered in goosebumps, and for a second she wished she had kept her socks on before gagging her captive with them.
Her captive. This was Samantha’s captive. It was her idea to kidnap this guy.
“Who am I kidding? I helped. I more than helped, I knocked the guy unconscious and helped tie him up downstairs. This is as much my fault as hers,” she thought to herself. “Oh, Sam…”
A faint orange glow was beginning to make its way into Tiffany’s room. Her alarm clock was about to go off in ten or so minutes. She didn’t get much sleep anyways. She kept thinking of the man bound and gagged in her “pleasure room” (as Samantha called it) choking on his gag and dying, crying for help, or breaking free and ruining her life. There were no positive thoughts. Well…except the money. Samantha and herself would be making some good money by tonight. Lord knows they needed it. Samantha spared no expense on her Pleasure Room, making it the sexiest and scariest room a person could find themselves in.
It would soon be time to get up and get ready for the day before she headed to her day job, a waitress at Une Nuit en Ville, a local French restaurant that she worked at. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it paid the bills, and was her first of two jobs she maintained. Her second job would be later tonight and would involve her new captive roommate.
Samantha worked from home. She worked as a customer service representative for some big software company that paid decent money, and she also had her website “Alura’s Lioness Den”. She was still working on the title. The website, as she explained to Tiffany, was essentially a cam-girl site, but focused only on Samantha (or Alura as she was to be known) as a growing spot for her fanbase. Samantha was quite popular on Only Fans and wanted a place to have more explicit content for her most loyal viewers. She would upload her own porn and charge pay-per-view for the media.
Tiffany was all for the idea, until it came down to who she would be fucking in the aformentioned sex tapes. Samantha had explained that there was a niche of her viewers who wanted to see her dominate them or dominate others, but finding that company was hard. Especially in the rural area where she and Tiffany lived. So…how about kidnapping an attractive guy, hiding his face in the videos, and making a shit ton of money off of it? It took a lot of convincing (and a look at how much money they could make) before Tiffany agreed to help out.
Samantha’s first livestream with her new boy-toy would be tonight and she already had lots of ideas and plans to make it a great show.
It was then that Tiffany’s alarm clock sounded. A faint collection of birds chirping that slowly got louder and lit up her room until she could see her red-painted walls and beige carpet. Tiffany sat up and stretched herself out, rubbed her eyes, and got ready for the day.
After doing-up her hair and applying her make-up, she put on her work uniform, which consisted of a tight-fitting black dress, sheer black pantyhose (although today she chose stockings) connected to a garter-belt, and flats or heels. Tiffany decided on a lacey black thong and matching bra to go underneath. All dressed, she walked to the kitchen.

Samantha and Tiffany’s house was a smaller two-story house with two bedrooms and two bathrooms (one on each floor). Tiffany’s room was on the first floor, with Samantha being on the second. As she exited her room, she made herself a latte before frying up some eggs and toast and making her way to the basement to check on her captive.
When she turned on the light to the dungeon, Matt awoke and immediately yelped into his gag. He had fallen asleep with his neck at an odd angle and must’ve tweaked it when he woke up.
“Good morning. How did you sleep?” she asked calmly.
“Mm pfthn unn mmh'' Matt tried to mumble an “I think you know” response, but it didn’t quite work.
“Sorry. Shouldn’t have asked,” she sat the latte, toast, and eggs down and walked behind Matt fiddling with the knots of his gag. “I swear to God, Matt, if you make a single fucking noise that isn’t ‘thank you’ or below a whisper, I will gag you so tightly you won’t be able to make a peep and hang you upside down from the ceiling until the blood rushes out of your eyes,” she leaned in front of him so he could see her. “Got it?”
Matt was stunned. “Mm hmm” he mumbled.
“Great,” Tiffany untied the shoe from his face before unwinding the tape that covered her socks. The bondage tape only stuck to itself, so it didn’t hurt Matt like he seemed to think it was going to when he flinched after she first tugged on it. After the tape was gone, she pulled out her socks, which were now soaked with his spit. “Yuck,” she said and tossed them to the floor in a wet heap.
“Thank you,” Matt said, making sure to whisper. He licked his lips and stared at the breakfast food across from him.
“So this is what is going to happen, Matt,” Samantha said as she squatted in front of Matt. “I have to go into work today while Samantha is here getting ready for tonight. I’m going to feed you breakfast then you’re going to use the bathroom. If you’re a good boy, I’ll tie you to the bed where you might actually get some sleep. If you do anything to ruin my morning, I’ll hogtie you and throw you in a chest, understood?”
Matt tried his best not to stare up her dress, but forced out a “I understand.”
“You will say, ‘I understand Mistress Tiffany’. Try again,” she demanded with a cold stare.
“I understand, Mistress Tiffany,” he replied.
“See? That wasn’t so hard,” she gave a light smile and began to feed him the toast and eggs with sips of the latte she made. After the eggs were gone, she began to untie his wrists from the chair but quickly tied them in front of him. She untied his legs, allowing him to stand for the first time in what felt like twelve hours. He was a good few inches taller than Tiffany, who walked over to the wall of toys and grabbed what looked like a collar with a leash. She cinched it around Matt’s throat before giving him a slight tug.
“Remember. No funny business,” Tiffany glared at him and led him out of the room and up the stairs to the first floor. Matt realized that he was indeed in a basement, but the dungeon had been built within it. The rest of the basement was cold cement floors and pillars to hold up the house, like any other basement.
Climbing the stairs proved difficult, but Matt made it, seeing sunlight for the first time since he left his apartment to get to his friend’s party.
“I wonder if they’re even worried about me?” he thought to himself. The thought was quickly replaced by the urge to urinate. He found himself standing outside the door to a black and white tiled bathroom.
“In. And make it quick,” Tiffany scolded. With a soft shove, Matt was pushed into the bathroom and the door was shut. His bound hands lifted up the toilet seat and he managed to relieve himself. His eyes surveyed the bathroom, spotting a rectangular window in the shower. A moment of hope leaped in his throat, but he found that the window was one of those glossy windows that made it so you couldn’t see in or out of.
A knock at the door made him jump.
“Hey! Hurry up in there,” Tiffany’s voice called out. It was at this point Matt realized he was incapable of wiping his ass with his hands bound the way they were. Rather than saying anything, he sighed, and left the bathroom.
Tiffany nabbed his leash and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Feeling better?” she asked.
Matt simply nodded his head. He didn’t feel like he could respond even if he wanted to, less he was punished. He hadn’t forgotten Samantha’s promise of some kind of punishment for his behavior last night. He was left ungagged for this little excursion, and it had crossed his mind to try screaming for help again, but he didn’t know what these women were capable of or why they kidnapped him. Ransom? Sex? Or were they just going to kill him in some slow torture fashion? His heart began to beat again and he had to take slow breaths to calm himself back down. He would soon be tied up back downstairs and he needed to act fast.
Tiffany was walking him back down the hallway when Matt stopped moving. He took a deep breath, and as Tiffany glanced back at him in frustration, he thought he saw a look cross her face. A look that read: “Don’t try it, kid.” But it was too late. With a hard tug, using his legs and back he yanked the leash from Tiffany and bolted down the hallway.
“Shit! Fuck! SAAAAM!! He’s loose!” Tiffany yelled loud enough for Samantha to hear her upstairs. In an instant, Matt heard Samantha’s footsteps running down the stairs.
Through the hallway, Matt entered a study room of sorts. Bookshelves were built, but contained no books. They appeared to be still sitting in moving boxes that cluttered the room. A doorway to his left was his exit. He took it and ran, hearing Tiffany run behind him.
The house was like a maze. Small rooms connected by hallways or weird in between areas that contained an overhead light and some abstract paintings. He ran from room to room, eventually finding himself in a hardwood entryway, where at the end stood the door to freedom. A large white door with inlaid glass windows. He had never seen anything more beautiful. He leapt at it in a sprint. He was a second away and could almost touch the door before a foot swiped his legs out from underneath him.
He landed hard on the floor. The wind was knocked out of him and he choked on the small amounts of air his lungs struggled to take in. A familiar face appeared in front of him. Blonde hair and piercing blue eyes stared down at him. She looked as gorgeous as ever, wearing a red tank top and gray joggers. She looked sweaty.
“You really should’ve thought about that more.” Samantha spoke down at him. She lifted up one of her feet, covered in a thick white crew sock with the Nike symbol on it, and slammed it onto his face. He thought maybe she broke his nose. She was definitely sweaty and the damp sock rubbed into his nose, mouth, and eyes. He took note of the larger size of her feet.
Matt struggled to move under the weight. She reached down and pinched his nose, pushing her whole body weight on top of him. He felt a secondary weight pin down his legs and lower body. Through the sock, Matt could see Tiffany applying herself to holding him down as well. She looked at him with annoyance more than anything else, though he did see the ping of pity.
With his nose still pinched, Matt was slowly losing air and began to convulse under the weight. He tried to take breaths through his mouth underneath Samantha’s foot.
“Oh no you fucking don’t,” she said from above him. As soon as Matt opened his mouth to attempt to grab a breath, Samantha plunged her foot deep into his mouth. She dug her toes and balls of her foot past his lips so that her socked toes were tickling the back of his throat. He choked and gagged both from the size of Samantha’s foot in his mouth, but also the taste of her sweaty sock that invaded and attacked his taste buds.
His gag reflex triggered but there was little food in his stomach to make him throw up and Samantha didn’t seem to care. She gripped his nose tighter, twisting it to the left. Matt’s face turned purple. He looked up with a pleading expression to Samantha who smiled wide, like she had come up with the most devilish of ideas. Matt’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his vision faded to nothingness.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I'm loving it, Matt isn't making the smartest decisions by making an enemy out of Tiffany, at least Tiffany somehow cares for him
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Awesome chapter! Maybe he'll still get tied to the bed? Get good and stretched......
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

Chapter 4

Tiffany watched as Samantha fucked Matt’s mouth with her foot. He had passed out by this point, but Samantha still stood above him, repeatedly shoving her foot down his throat, deeper than she could’ve gone if he was awake. Samantha moaned and reached a hand down the waistband of her joggers. Tiffany looked on as Samantha craned her head back and moaned some more, continuously foot-fucking Matt’s mouth. Tiffany stood up and began to tidy herself up before opening the front door.
“Where are you goooing?” Samantha whined. It was in a tone of voice that seemed like that of a child. Tiffany looked back at Samantha, whose hand was still shifting around in her crotch.
“I have to go into work, unlike some people who get to stay home all day,” Tiffany snapped. Her response came out a little harsher than she intended. “Sorry. This whole thing has got me riled up and I’m not sure how I- ya know…feel about it.” Tiffany couldn’t look Samantha in her eyes.
“Tiff. I get it, you’re new to this. But like I said, you have nothing to worry about. We have all our bases covered. No one will know where he is or where to find him. Trust me.” Samantha winked at Tiffany and took her foot out of Matt’s mouth. She walked towards Tiffany and planted a long, wet, and passionate kiss on her mouth. The two tangled with each other’s tongues for a minute before Tiffany pulled away, giggling.
“Okay! Okay. I’ve just never done this before. You’re more adept at this kind of thing than I am,” she looked at Samantha and reflected on their first encounter. It had been a strange one, with a lot of conflicting emotions, but she loved Sam and Sam loved her. They’d get through this together no matter what. Even if it scared her. “But I do actually have to go or I’ll be late for work.” she began to exit through the door when Samantha called out to her again.
“Oh wait!” Samantha held up a finger, signaling for Tiffany to hold on while she ran out of the entryway to get something. She returned with a pair of black ankle socks. “Can you wear these while you’re at work today?”
Tiffany gave Samantha a quizzical look. She had been asked to do a lot of strange things for Samantha, but compared to what the pair did last night, this was low on the list.
“Um, sure? Why? If I may ask?” Tiffany asked as she took the socks from Samantha and began layering them over her stockings.
“I wore them yesterday while I was at the gym. I want to get them as nasty as possible for our little guest here,” Samantha grinned and looked back at her captive. Tiffany tried her best not to make a face as she realized what exactly the socks she had just put on were being used for.
“Right,” Tiffany responded. She went to put her heels back on, but opted for her ankle boots instead to hide the socks. “Okay, now I actually have to go. I’ll see you when I get back”
“I love you!” Samantha called after her. Tiffany paused only for a second before responding.
“Love you too,” and shut the door.

Samantha hooked her arms under her captive and began the grueling process of dragging him back down to the basement. She had to stop several times to catch her breath, but Samantha was fairly strong. She had a lean but toned build and worked out every morning. She alternated by cardio or strength training four days a week. Today had been cardio and she very much enjoyed the look on Matt’s face as he tasted the results of her six mile run.
It took about ten or so minutes before Samantha had brought Matt back to the dungeon in the basement. She flicked on the lights and began to make preparations. She laid Matt’s lump body on the ground and moved the chair from the night before out of the way. Behind it, a large queen size bed with maroon sheets and black pillows dominated the room. It had four bed posts with silver loops for easy attachment for locks.
Samantha walked over to the bed, unlocking the wheels on the bottom that allowed the bed to roll to a different position. She pushed the bed to the center of the room, checking to make sure it was perfectly in the center. Once she was satisfied, she locked them in place and began hefting Matt’s body onto the bed.
She began to remove his clothes. She took her time, admiring the twenty-five-year-old’s chiseled body. His muscular arms and abs would look great on camera. She silently thanked her father for the expensive camera he bought for her a few Christmases ago. In fact, it was her father’s house that she was living in. Her father was a realtor and made more than enough money to provide for himself and Samantha. He had practically given Samantha the house to use so she could focus on her social media influencer status.
Tiffany also lived there. She came into Samantha’s life two years ago and had been described as Samantha’s girlfriend to her father. He let the two live together in this home so long as they both worked jobs and were able to cook and clean for themselves. No housemaids, no personal chefs. The two women were in their late 20s - Samantha being twenty-nine and Tiffany being twenty-seven - and needed to be full-grown adults.
Samantha was perfectly fine with this arrangement. She worked her full-time job as a customer service representative during the day and attended to her Only Fans as well as other media sites during the night. She partook in chat rooms, live-cams, photo looks, she did it all and she made good money doing it. However, she had been losing that spark that drove her to keep creating for her fans. She wanted something new. That something was currently having his jeans removed.
Samantha left Matt naked except for his boxer briefs. She was tempted to remove those as well to look at what the boy was packing down there. She could tell from the bulge it would be something her viewers (and herself) would love to enjoy, but she refrained herself.
“Don’t want to spoil the fun too much, now do we?” she asked Matt, who didn’t respond due to the lack of consciousness.
Samantha stretched both his feet down and, using some scarves, secured his legs with the scarf around the post. She did this for his arms as well, securing his body in a spread-eagled position.
Matt’s mouth still hung open from being unconscious. He would wake up soon, and no doubt try to call for help. Samantha, still fairly sweaty from her cardio, sat on the edge of the bed and peeled off her white crew socks. The bottoms had turned a dirty gray color and she took a brief sniff before recoiling.
“Phew. Man, I almost pity your cute ass,” she sniped at him, almost hoping he would wake up at this moment so he could see her as she stuffed her socks into his big mouth. She scooted closer to Matt, and leaned over him to kiss him on his lips. She stuck her tongue into his mouth, exploring and feeling every nook and tooth. She tasted the warmth of his lips before pulling away, biting his lower lip enough to draw blood. She felt Matt stir in his state. His eyes fluttered open, still confused.
“Wha-” he began, but Samantha smiled, her plan to wake him up worked and she giggled as she crammed the sock into his mouth. She pushed it as far back as she could, placing two fingers on it so he wouldn’t spit it out. He began shaking his head from side to side, but having just woken up, his resistance was futile.
She pried off her other sock and repeated the process. Stuffing the other one into his mouth, knowing he could fit both. She clamped a hand over the socks, reaching back for another scarf that she tied over his mouth, double knotting it behind his head, bringing the excess around and tying it once more over the front of his mouth.
Leaning back, she watched as Matt discovered the taste of her socks trapped within their new prison. His eyes frowned in disgust and he mumbled something but it could barely be heard. The socks were thick and packed his mouth, pushing his cheeks out underneath the scarf.
Samantha just smiled again and stretched her long legs out, flexing her feet, pushing them into Matt’s face. His head squirmed and wiggled, but Samantha was strong and kept one foot on the back of his head while the other pushed the arch of her foot over his nostrils.
She could still hear whimpers coming from underneath Matt’s gag, so she just added more pressure until she heard silence.
Her feet wiped their sweat off onto Matt’s face, making sure he felt every part of her soles. She spread her toes, forcing him to smell the spoiled milk scent that came off her feet. She alternated between her toes, the balls of feet, or the arches, making sure he got to inhale every inch.
“This is what happens when you misbehave, foot boy,” she said. “Mm. Foot boy, I like that. I think that’s what I’ll call you from now on. Foot boy. Slave. Foot slave. It’s what you fucking deserve after all.”
Matt and Samantha remained in this position for another thirty minutes, with Matt being forced to endure this smelly torture while Samantha browsed her recent comments and likes, most expressing their excitement for the Big Event tonight. She glanced at Matt who was still struggling to take breaths through her toes.
“If you don’t like this, then you’re gonna have a real bad time tonight, foot slave. Just you wait.” Samantha sat up, moving her feet away from him and stepping off the bed. “You stay just like that now until tonight. Get yourself ready, slave. It’s going to be a long night, so I suggest you try to get yourself some sleep.”
She winked and crossed to the door to the dungeon, looking back at her spread-eagled and nearly naked, soon-to-be, boy-toy. Blowing him a kiss, she turned off the lights and slammed the door shut.

* * *

The darkness once again enclosed Matt to his prison within the basement of Samantha and TIffany’s house. A prison he was afraid he was becoming used to. He tested his bonds, noticing that Samantha had utilized a complicated knot to fasten him to all four posts of the bed. He wished had stayed knocked out for the gagging process. The feeling of this sweaty article of clothing being crammed into his mouth revolted him.
He attempted to cry out, but little was heard beyond his own range. He figured it was probably only nine in the morning, meaning that within the first thirty minutes of his being awake, he had already fucked his chances of trying something like that again.
Matt thought about what Samantha was talking about. What event was happening tonight that would involve him? Would he be tortured, sold as a sex slave, forced to have sex with one of his captors? That last idea seemed to stir something within him and it was at this moment he noticed how starkly naked he was aside from his briefs. Through them, he saw his shaft getting harder, making a clear bulge within his underwear.
If the event was to happen tonight, it means he will certainly be down here a while. He only had a small breakfast and would probably have to use the bathroom again before then. He would think Samantha wouldn’t want him to piss the nice bed he was on. Though, if he did, it would certainly result in more punishment for him.
It all wasn’t bad though. Matt had figured that his little attempt at escape would fail. Though he surely didn’t expect the maneuver from Samantha. He shivered at the way in which he lost consciousness before getting his mind back on track.
He knew where the front door was.
There was a way out.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Samantha is evil but that's why we love her, thank you for the new chapter! Will Tiffany still try to help him though?
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Post by mrskeletor »

Wow, I'm loving this so far! Especially the forced foot worship :D can't wait for the next part
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Post by guardian741 »

Very much enjoying the story - keep up the great work! Love the sock gags and foot smelling!
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Post by houdinincfm »

Great story so far!
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Post by dillonmichael080 »

Hope you enjoy the latest addition. I don't know how long the series will go on, but I don't have an ending planned. If you've got suggestions on what should happen, PM me and let's chat!

Chapter 5

Tiffany eyed the clock that hung above the swinging door to the kitchen. Twenty minutes until five. The last hour of her shift always seemed to take the longest. She must’ve been staring for too long because her boss, Benjamin, tapped her on the shoulder. “Tiffany. You have a table that’s been waiting for one minute too long,” he flicked his eyes to a table off in the far corner. An elderly couple that would most certainly give her trouble. “Now, Tiffany.”
She let out a sigh and nabbed her notepad from her apron, walking over to the table. She thought she could feel a slight wetness in her high heels, possibly her imagination, but also a strong likelihood of her feet having sweat a small puddle underneath the stockings and Samantha’s socks she was asked to wear today. Whatever she was planning, Samantha certainly was going to make Matt suffer.
Tiffany only felt slightly sorry for the guy. He did try to escape earlier, and if he had, it would certainly mean prison time for both herself and Samantha. Hopefully, she does a better job at locking up that fucker this time, she thought to herself. She imagined the different ways that Matt could be bound at this moment.
A strict hogtie, tightly binding his arms to his feet, with a large ball gag keeping his mouth quiet, but not inaudible. She liked hearing his moans. The gag was connected to his hogtie, digging the straps of the gag into his soft cheeks, pinching the skin. He also had a blindfold and one of her boots from today’s shift duct taped around his face.
A warmth began to spread between her legs.
She pictured him hanging suspended from the ceiling, with her laying on the floor beneath him, reaching her long legs up to his face, rubbing her feet into the face. He had his arms and legs hogtied behind him with several ropes connecting him to swing. She forced her toes into his mouth for him to suck on.
Tiffany closed her eyes and let out a soft moan.
Her mind flashed to a vision of Matt spread eagled to the bed tightly. Naked, Tiffany was sitting on his face, using Matt’s mouth to pleasure her pussy. Samantha was naked as well, riding Matt’s cock. The two women leaned over their helpless captive swapping spit and and tousling with each other’s tongues until all three of them screamed in-
“Tiffany,” a cold voice said from behind Tiffany. She pulled out the finger that had been reaching down beneath her apron and turned to face Benjamin. “Take care of these customers. Then see yourself out. We will talk about your poor work ethic next week.” The plump man turned on his heel away from her.
She glanced at the clock.
Ten minutes left.

* * *

Matt awoke from the few hours of sleep he was able to get. His limbs ached, though the softness of the scarves provided a little more comfort than rope would. His mouth was dry as a bone, the socks crammed inside had dried up any amount of saliva he could make and his jaw had become numb from being forced open for so long. He coughed, which hurt his throat more than anything else. He had to navigate his tongue to avoid the large socks passing any deeper down his throat.
The lights had been turned to a dimmer setting, allowing him to make out the layout of the room, but not hurt his eyes in the process. The bed had clearly moved from the farthest end and there appeared to be a tripod standing by one of the corners near his feet.
He wondered where Samantha and Tiffany were at this moment. Samantha had mentioned something about an “event” that struck a nerve anytime he thought of it. Who knew what she had planned. Maybe he was going to be tortured in one of the red rooms found on the Dark Web. No, this room was too BDSM centric, blood doesn’t fit the vibe. The vibe? What the fuck am I saying? He thought to himself.
Almost as if on cue, the door opened, revealing a shadowy form of Samantha, standing there in an outfit that made Matt’s dick grow hard instantly. She had her long, blonde hair curled and hanging freely down to her shoulders. A lacy red bra and matching panties clung to her gorgeous hourglass figure. Her legs were encased in sheer black stockings with silk red bows that went all the way up her thigh and attached to a garter belt. She covered herself in a silky red robe tied across her waist, though that didn’t stop Matt from ogling her.
“Like what you see?” that sultry voice called out to him, taking him back to the first words she spoke when he met her on the road last night. Or was it two nights ago? He couldn’t remember at this point. She walked slowly and seductively into the room. Her face was set with makeup, thick eyelashes and eyeliner that made her eyes pop, blush and contour that made her cheeks accented, and a deep shade of red lipstick over her full lips.
Samantha held in her hands what appeared to be a large camera. She connected to the tripod and aimed it at the bed - and Matthew - like a sniper. She blew him and kiss and left the room once again, but not before noticing the tent in Matt’s underwear. He thought he saw her bite her lip before she turned away.
She returned with a tall lightning fixture, like ones they would use during picture day at school. She set that up at one end of the bed opposite the camera, then brought in another positioning the fixture behind the bed as a sort of backlight. Matt was a little confused, but it seemed Samantha had done this before.
He was beginning to think the Red Room torture might not be so far off anymore. He moaned into his gag, hoping for some water, but more the chance to talk to Samantha and figure out some answers.
“Shhh…I stuffed those socks into your mouth for a reason, Matty. Don’t make me think about adding a few more into that big mouth of yours,” she cooed. Matt shut up quickly. He gulped, taking down some of the sweat still embedded in Samantha’s socks.
She had come and gone with a few more things: a laptop, some cords, another fixture which appeared to be a white balance sheet, and a black sheet. Once she had laid these things where they needed to be, she walked over to the bed and sat next to Matthew.
“I suppose I need to give you some water,” Matt’s eyes lit up. “Don’t look excited, you’re not going to be getting much here soon.” She leaned over and undid the knot at the front of his mouth before doing the same at the back. She slowly let the scarf unwrap around his mouth revealing the two socks packed into his mouth. Sticking a manicured nail into his mouth, she yanked out the first sock, then the second, tossing them on the ground. She picked up a bottle of water from the floor and poured some water little by little into Matt’s mouth.
The water felt like heaven. It wasn't ice cold or anything, but he had been dying of thirst. It felt like he was tasting water for the first time.
“Thank you,” he croaked. Samantha smiled.
“You’re very welcome,” she said. She continued to pour the water into Matt’s mouth until the bottle was empty.
“Please- I’m hungry. Could I just have-” he attempted to ask before being cut off.
“Ah! I don’t think so. You’ve been a bad boy attempting to escape earlier today. Bad boys do not get food.” she smiled devilishly.
“Please, I’m sorry, I won’t-” again, Matt was stopped from finishing his sentence when Samantha’s hand clamped over his mouth.
“I was trying to be nice. Do not push it,” she scolded him and the seductive mistress was gone from her face, leaving something cold that made Matt feel very conflicted about the bulge in his underwear.
Then, just as quickly as it appeared, it left, and that lustrous smile came across her face. She reached a hand down his abs, grazing the shaft of his dick. Instinctually, Matt pushed against it, his hormones overpowering him. Samantha giggled and pulled her hand away.
“I don’t think so. Not right now at least,” she said. “We will have to see how well you behave tonight.” Keeping her right hand pressed against his lips, she maneuvered her body so that she laid on top of him. He could feel her breasts through the lace against his chest. Her perfume and breath were so close. She clamped her other hand overtop of his mouth and leaned in close.
He wanted her. He didn’t know what was coming over him. Thoughts of ravaging her body swarmed. He would do anything to feel her, taste her, smell her. In this moment, escape meant nothing, and he only wanted to feel the release of his cock entering her.
His dick twitched, rubbing against her. She giggled again.
“I should probably tell you what is happening tonight so that you don’t freak out,” she said, her breath wafting into Matt’s face.
“You see, I am a pretty famous personality. I have fans that love me and my content, but something has been missing. A lot of my fans want to see me do so many different things and I can’t keep up. So, I’ve decided to do a little livestream event!” she smiled wide. Famous? Matt tried to navigate his brain for a face like hers during his time on pornsites, but he couldn’t recall anything.
“You, my little slave, are going to be the main subject. Well, next to me, that is. I’m going to have you tied to this bed, and my viewers are going to get to vote on what I do to you!”
There it was.
The answer he had been waiting for. What this “event” was and why she had kidnapped him. To be used as her…toy…for profit. Matt wondered what kind of things she would follow through with what her viewers requested. Hell, she’ll do anything if they pay her enough, he thought.
“Don’t worry,” she whispered. I’m not allowing anything that is going to cause you pain. Well, at least not a lot of pain.” she winked and got off of his body, releasing the hands on his mouth.
“And after that you’ll let me go?” he spat out.
“Well, I don’t know, sweetie, you know our faces.” she said looking at the toys on the wall.
“I won’t say anything! I swear! Please I’ll do whatever you want, just let me go after that.”
“There you go, running your mouth again. Why can’t you just let me do my job and we can go from there? You might be worthless if this livestream doesn’t go how I want it to.”
“Then what?” Matt asked.
Samantha paused and grabbed something from the shelf. “For your sake, you better hope they love it.”
She rushed him. Running and jumping onto the bed. Matt let out a scream.
“HELP! PLEASE SOMEMPFG-” he sputtered as a familiar bladder was crammed into his mouth and strapped behind his head.
Samantha grabbed the pump and smiled down at Matt. That same scary demeanor once again took over her face. “I fucking love this thing.”
She squeezed the pump five or six times, the bladder inflating so much that it crushed Matt’s tongue and puffed out his cheeks. He tried to cry out, but not a sound passed through his gag. Any sound he made resulted in him choking.
“You are so sexy with that thing on,” Samantha said as she bit her lip. She glanced at the clock that hung above the door. “About an hour until showtime. Try not to choke too hard on that thing. I’m going to need your mouth for other things later.”
She brushed her hand against his cock, which was once again hard at the mention of her calling him “sexy”.
“See you soon, Matty.” she walked towards the door, and slammed it shut, plunging him into the dimness once more.

* * *

Tiffany pulled up to the house around six thirty. Half an hour remained until Samantha’s show started. She had asked Tiffany if she wanted to be a part of it, but she had given Samantha no response. There was something off about the way Samantha had been acting about this livestream. She was excited. Very excited. Obviously, the kidnapping was an extreme Tiffany never thought in a million years she would have to go through, but it was how okay Samantha was with it. She seemed to think that whoever they kidnapped, they would be okay with what was happening to them.
Is she going to give them a cut of the money she makes? Tiffany thought.
She stepped out of the car and walked to the front door. She didn’t leave on a good note at work, and was more than a little concerned whether that shift was her last. Unlike Samantha, Tiffany grew up struggling. Her single mother could barely keep a job, which meant Tiffany had to pick up jobs when she was thirteen years old. Part of her worried she would follow in her mother’s footsteps. Living paycheck to paycheck for the rest of her life. She shuddered at that, and walked through the front door.
She was grateful for having met Samantha, who allowed her to stay with her in this near- mansion-of-a-house. But this was Samatha’s, not Tiffany’s. She wanted to work for something. She was honestly a little envious of Samatha’s internet personality. Maybe not to the extreme of what was about to happen to Matthew, but enough to envy the money and the adoration.
Tiffany removed her boots, and peeled off Samantha’s socks that she had worn. They were damp with sweat. I can’t believe I did that, she thought. She set the socks on the side table in the entry way, and walked to her room.
Samantha must’ve been getting ready, because she heard her music (Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do”) blasting from her closed door.
Tiffany immediately plopped onto her bed and closed her eyes. A million thoughts raced through her mind. Thoughts about Matt, the police, Samantha, her father, the thousands of viewers that would watch Matt endure whatever they wished to happen to him. Could she really be a part of that? Why did she ever allow herself to help out with this?
The money. Samantha had made promised Tiffany that she would give her half of whatever she made during her livestream with Matt whether she wanted to participate or not. Tiffany had helped her acquire the boy, and that was enough for her.
At the same time. She couldn’t forget the thrill that came with abducting Matt. She remembered how it felt to plunge him into darkness. Covering his mouth and nose with her hands. She remembered the thrill of inflating his gag for the first time. What she said was true. She did like watching her subs eyes as she gagged them. She had gotten that from her previous partners.
Maybe she would participate? No. Yes. NO. The argument with herself lasted a while before she sat up and took off her uniform. She had taken of her dress revealing herself in just her bra, panties, and a stockings. She admired herself in the mirror. She was hot. She was sexy. She wanted a taste of that confidence Samantha had. She bit her lip, then bolted to Samantha’s room.
She burst open the door. Samantha was touching up her makeup but stopped to eyeball Tiffany.
“My, my, my, look at you!” she flirted. “What are you-”
Tiffany cut her off.
“I’m in.”
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Post by Gluba »

YES!, More punishment for the male!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I can't stop thinking that perhaps they can work out a deal and split up the money if they eventually let him go.

Also I'm believing both of them have a little crush on Matt

Once again amazing chapter, can't wait for what is next
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Great story. Love the sock gags. Can’t wait to read the next part!!
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Post by houdinincfm »

What a great story, and very well wrtten. Hope there's more soon.
Oyster stew 2.0
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Post by Oyster stew 2.0 »

Hope this deranged bitches get what they deserve

Good story
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