A Survivor-Inspired Tie Up Game (M+/M+) - New Chapter 12/21

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A Survivor-Inspired Tie Up Game (M+/M+) - New Chapter 12/21

Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 1 - The Newbie

He laid there on the ground, restrained in the most unforgiving hogtie he'd ever been put in. The other men watched him sturggle, chearing on him and his opponent. He found against the ropes, desperate to get out, knowing that if he couldn't, he be these other men's prisoner for the rest of the weekend.
Once or twice a year, Henry would invite a group of his kink buddies to his house out in rural Minnesota for a weekend of bondage. In the past years Henry had come up with games that spanned the weekend and provided ample opportunity for the group of kinky men to tie eachother up. Henry was waiting in his room in the upstairs of the lakeside house. He liked waiting for everyone to arrive so he could make a big entrence.

"So much of kink is the presentation" he said to an old leather friend of his, "the sub is letting you tie him up, but he wants to pretend that you're doing it against his will. It's the fantasy of it. A wet rag so he can pretend to go limp and lie on the floor, or a wrestling match with handcuffs conveniently close by, or a contest where the loser is bound by honor to be the winners prize... these things go a long way to getting the boy submissive before the rope is even on."

Henry watched the men arrive. The returners caught up in the driveway and headed inside to the big comfy living room where they waited a few hours for the rest of the guests to join them.

One guest was new this year. Ricky stepped out of his beat up car and looked at the house. A group of men he'd never met were gathered, chatting and catching up, laughing and helping eachother bring their bags inside. Ricky's legs were shaking

What have I gotten myself into. Why the fuck am I here He though about getting back into the car and leaving, turning around before anyone saw him. But then, a voice from behind startled him.

"Hey dude! Welcome to Master Henry's, what's up?"

Carlo had a warm smile that helped put Ricky to ease. Ricky introduced himself.

"Want help bringing in your bags?" Carlo asked.

"Oh, I'm good. I just got the one." Ricky said, immediately worried about how he was coming off to this friendly stranger. Ricky watched the other men bring in multiple suitcases and backpacks. Each full of all manner of bondage equipment. "Thanks though, dude, I appreciate the offer."

Ricky and Carlo walked towards the door of the house. There was a silence that felt very awkward to Ricky, which didn't bother Carlo at all.

"So uhh," Ricky said, filling the air, "where are you from."

Shit, what a boring question. Maybe even an offensive question. Come on Ricky everyone's going to hate you, Ricky thought.

"Ft. Lauderdale!" Carlo said. "You?"

"Just moved to Minneapolis last year, only like three hours away. Dang, Florida though, that's far."

"Worth it though," Carlo said, "this weekend is a blast. Ive come every time for the past four years. Great group of guys. You're going to love it... well if you like being tied up you'll love it, if not - good luck dude."

Ricky smiled and gave an awkward chuckle. He did very much like being tied up. He'd only had the chance to be restrained a few times. Once really shittily by a hookup. A few times an ex had tried to indulge him but quite frankly wasn't all into it. He'd had one mind blowing bondage experience when he first got to the twin cities, but the man that had tied him had almost immediately then entered a relationship and they were never able to meet again. A whole weekend of bondage was incredibly exciting to him, though he couldn't help feeling way out of his league by these more experienced men. Not to mention the fact that he was never great in social situations, didn't super like the way he looked, and was still -all things considered- new to sex (at least for a gay man).

Ricky scratched his palms and swallowed three times, a tick he did when he felt overwhelmed. He was careful to do it discretely - the nickname 'Ticky Ricky' from middle school looming in his mind.

Ricky followed Carlo into the house. As they walked and made small talk Ricky found himself in awe of Carlo's magnetism. In addition to being very friendly, Carlo was quite hot. A sort of man-next-door not-in-your-face hot. He was toned, but still had a belly. His curly hair caught the sun just right, and he clearly took good care of his face, which lit up with his smile. He was fairly short, shorter than Ricky and from the looks of the men he'd seen from a distance, the shortest man here. Ricky hoped he'd get a chance to tie him up, or be tied by him.

They entered the house and the group of guys yelled out, making a big huge deal as Carlo and Ricky entered."

"Ayyyyyy Carlo, welcome back dude"
"Howdy yall"
"Ooh who are these hot young men coming in here"
"Yo dude who's your friend?"
"Oh new guy, I'm gonna have so much fun with you this weekend"

Ricky smiled, as overwhelming as the situation was, the very warm welcome and playful cat-calling actually made him really happy. These guys seemed fun. It also helped that Carlo tried his best to introduce him to all the guys. Ricky was the only new guy this year, and the other guys were all excited to meet him. Ricky tried to remember everyone's names, but there were just too many people he was meeting at once. Oh well, he had the whole weekend to meet these guys. Carlo did a lit of the talking, which Ricky appreciated. The tried and true introvert strategy of being adopted by an extrovert once again saving Ricky's ass. An ass that got grabbed quite a few times as he met the other men. The men that came to these weekends were definitely not shy to outwardly showing attraction.

As much as Ricky enjoyed being an object of desire, one introduction gave him pause. Roland, a beast of a man came up and shook Ricky's hand. He was huge, well over 6 feet tall. He was bald, but had a large well-groomed black beard. His tight shirt showed off biceps that were the size of Ricky's head. Ricky wasn't sure if he chose that shirt to show off how jacked he was or if he chose that shirt because it was the only size that would come remotely close to fitting him.

"Hey rookie," Roland squeezed Rickys hand hard. With his other hand he cupped Ricky's face, pulling his head up to make Ricky look him in his eyes "I'm going to have a lot of fun making you my bitch."

Roland let go of Ricky's hand and grabbed Ricky's dick through his jeans. Ricky was already hard. Roland walked away, leaving Ricky equal parts afraid and turned on.

He was glad he wore jeans, they made it a bit easier to hide his election. Though Ricky was sure modesty was a very temporary privilege in a gathering like this.

One more man arrived, bringing the count to 8 guys. He sauntered in confidently, wearing the shortest shorts Ricky had ever seen and the loosest tank top over his skinny body.

"What's up bitches!" He greated the group of men, who cheered and went over to catch up with him.

The group of 8 man chatted and caught up for a bit. When Master Henry sensed an air of anticipation had finally built to a breaking point, he walked down the stairs.

The men quickly stopped talking and stared at their host as he came to meet them. Ricky had seen the pictures of this man as they'd talked on Recon, but seeing him in person was a whole different thing. He stood straight, with impeccable posture and confidence. Each step looked meticulously thought out and effortless at the same time. He was well dressed, and his salt and pepper hair was groomed immaculately. He had a powerful demeanor tempered with just the right amount of gentleness, that let ever sub of his know that he would both control them and take care of them.

He led his husband on a leash behind him. A shorter man who's features were fully obscured by the latex suit and gimp mask he wore. His hands were trapped in fist mitts. A padlock connected the mitts together in front of the gimp. A short chain, just long enough to let him hobble down the stairs, connected his ankles together. Through the tight latex, everyone could see the outline of a chastity cage the gimp had been forced into earlier that morning. In their normal life Master Henry and his husband had a relatively equal relationship, though sexually Henry always dommed and his husband always subbed. During these weekends however Henry's husband assumed a fully submissive role, becoming Henry's assitant, slave, and sex toy. The men at the gathering didn't even know his name.

The crowd of men cheered and whistled as Henry entered the living room. Henry bowed, and then led his gimp over to a dog cage in the corner of the room. He locked his husband inside and turned to address the men.

"Thank you all for coming" he said, "I trust you've all had a chance to catch up. But if not, we have a whole weekend together. Right now, I'd like to introduce our game for the week."

The room waited quietly for Master Henry to explain. He let the silence sit for a few seconds, milking the anticipation.

"As some of you know, I am a big fan of the show 'Survivor'" Master Henry continued, "Eventually I'll find a way to kidnap Jeff Probst and take his job. In the meantime I thought it might be fun to practice hosting a season of survivor with all of you."

The men in the room whistled, hollered, and talked amongst themselves, all save for Rolland, who stood still and stoich, watching from the back of the room.

"There will some major changes from the tv show, of course" he continued, "to better fit our particular reason for being here. You'll find many of these out as we go, but perhaps the biggest change is that no one will be sent home. Instead, those voted off at tribal council will become subs for the rest of the group, until only one dom remains among you. This game will last the weekend, and while there will be opportunities to get back in after being voted out, it is very likely that some of the first people voted out among you will remain in some form of captivity for the entire weekend."

Micky nervously looked around. He could see the other men sizing eachother up, making knowing eye contact to one another and giving all manner of hard to read non verbal ques. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the buff, domineering Rolland looking at him from across the room.

"Now," Master Henry continued, "telling a group of kinky gay men that if they lose they'll have to spend the weekend in bondage may not be as strong of a motivator to do well in the game as it would be with most people. So to help motivate you all to do your best and not get voted out, there will be a prize for the overall winner of the competition. More on that later."

"For now," he said, walking around the room to hand out index cards and pens, "I hope everyone remembers eachothers names. Because we are going to start this game strong. Without talking, I want everyone to vote for the person they most want to be our first sub for the weekend."

Ricky's pulse skyrocketed. As the new guy he immediately assumed there was a target on his back. To make matters worse, the only name he could remember was friendly, extroverted Carlo, and he didn't want to turn on his new friend. It was probably a dumb move, but Ricky decided to leave his paper blank. Hoping his thrown away vote wouldn't come back to hurt him.

Master Henry collected the votes and silently counted them. Ricky waited, trying so hard not to show to all these new men that he was shaking. He did every tick he could to calm himself down. It was a scary feeling, having his freedom literally in the hands of these strangers he had just met.

Master Henry announced the results:
"One vote for Artis"
"One vote for Dasol"
"One vote for Nahum"
"Two votes for Rolland"
"Two votes for Mickey"
"One vote left blank"

The guys immediately broke into a dozen conversations. Who'd put in who? Who put in the blank vote? Ricky cursed himself for leaving his blank. If he'd just remembered Rolland's name he could have been the breaking vote, he could have saved himself and neutralized the man that'd threatened to "make him his bitch".

"So like," one of the men piped up, "does it go to rocks."

Master Henry gave a hearty laugh, "Oh no. That kind of luck based mechanic has no place in my perfect game. No, this tie will be broken with a ... tie."

"Good luck bud," Carlo whispered to Micky, as the crowd looked to Micky and Rolland.

"Rolland, Micky," Master Henry said, "Strip. Take off everything but your underwear."

The guys who'd survived the vote started hooping and hollering. They whistled as Rolland confidently and wordlessly took off his shirt and began undoing his pants. Micky's eyes darted around the room, he could feel his heartbeat throughout his entire body. Everyone was watching him. In moment a group of guys he'd never met would see him nearly nude. Not to mention what might happen after that. Timidly and slowly he took off his shirt, which just made the other guys shout out compliments and chant his name - something that would have normally felt great if there wasn't the risk of immediately becoming their captive. He undid his buckle and pulled down his pants.

Rolland wore loose boxers, his many chest and back tattoos now visible on his exposed muscled form. Ricky had on black briefs, which were cut pretty low and probably a bit too small for him. A fact he was increasingly aware of as his cock started to swell and get hard for everyone to see.

"Now," Master Henry said, "for the tie breaker I need two volunteers. One to hogtie each of our 'finalists'. Whichever of them gets free first remains in the game, the other becomes our first elimination and first house prisoner."

Nahum, a large, hairy man wearing overalls and a cowboy hat volunteered.

"Let me have a go at the newbie here" he said, his words thick with southern twang.

"Oh you know Nahum knows a thing or two about hog tying," one of the other men said.

"You want a turn next?" Nahum winked and walked over toward Ricky. One of the other guests had already gone to grab rope, which he gave to Nahum and the man that had volunteered to hogtie Rolland.

Nahum stood in front of Ricky, who swallowed hard. Ricky stared at the lengths of rope and the man that would restrain him.

"You ever been hogtied before, boy?," Naham asked

Ricky shook his head no. The group of men murmered among themselves, while Nahum got a great big smile on his face.

"Well lucky you, boy," he said, genuinely sounding excited for Ricky, "you'll get to start with one of the best! Turn around."

Ricky did as he was told. He turned to look out of the large glass windows to the lake outside. It was better looking that way then at all the men staring at him. He didn't dare look down and see his cock straining against the tiny tight fabric that did nothing to cover his erection. He felt so exposed, a feeling that was about to get a lot worse.

Nahum grabbed Ricky's hands and brought them together behind him. Ricky breathed heavily as Nahum wrapped the rope around this wrists, and then looped some between his wrists to form an textbook quality double column tie. Ricky tested the tie, tugging with is hands. Already it was the tightest rope he'd been put in, and Nahum was far from finished.

Nahum tied a chest harness on Ricky, and connected his bound hands to it. He made sure to put the know that sealed the harness on his captives front side, so that his hands would have no chance to reach it, he also made the know as flat as rope could go, so there wouldn't be any uncomfortable pressure on Ricky's chest as he lay on the ground for who knew how long.

Nahum ordered Ricky to kneel, which Ricky did. Nahum played with Ricky's hair, something that felt so intimate in front of these group of watchers. Once Ricky was kneeling, Nahum grabbed the back of his harness and slowly lowered him to the carpeted floor. Ricky felt a rush of vulnerability as he was lowered. If Nahum dropped him he would fall face first, with no chance to catch himself. He safety was fully in the hands of this man whos name he didn't even remember, this man that was tying him up in front of everyone.

Nahum got Ricky to the floor and tied two more double column ties, one on Ricky's thighs, and one on his ankles. Then Nahu tied a rope rope Ricky's ankles to the chest harness, pulling it taught so that Ricky's legs were bent backwards, completing the hogtie.

"It's better to tie the legs to the harness than the hands for longer scenes," Nahum told Ricky, "less pressure on the wrists, plus harder for the guy to stretch and untie his ankles."

Nahum looked over and saw the guy that had tied Rolland had in fact, tethered his wrists directly to his ankles. The big muscled man, while currently in a very compromising position, didn't at all appear as concerned or helpless as a good hogtie should invoke.

Ricky on the other hand, felt truly trapped. He'd always considered himself good at escaping bondage. He had pretty small wrists and was pretty resourceful. But this hogtie was a whole other level. Still he could probably get loose eventually, he just had to hope Rolland was tied as tight as he was.

"Begin" Master Henry ordered.

Ricky began wiggling and tugging, trying desperately to get free. But the knots were out of reach, the rope on his wrists and ankles perfectly snug to keep him from slipping out, but not too tight to cut off circulation. All he could do his rock side to side, a movement which did nothing to loosen him up, ad just made him look more desperate and pitiful - a look the group of sexually charged, kinky men found very hot. The guys cheered and chanted, half for Ricky and half for Rolland. Ricky couldn't tell if they were chanting for him to get free, or chanting because they wanted him as the house sub. He felt so vulnerable, half naked on the ground in front of the guys, unable to do anything to break free or hide from their peering, hungry eyes.

Then, Ricky felt a pressure on his head, a foot gently push his head into the carpet. A chill ran down Ricky's body as he had no way to stop whoever this was from whatever they planned on doing to him. The foot lifted off his head, and a moment later a huge hand gripped his chin and lifted it up. Rolland, free from his bonds, forced the newbie to look him in his eyes. Ricky shuttered.

He was fucked.
Last edited by CaptiveDan 5 months ago, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 2 - The First of Many

Ricky, the awkward newbie, lay face down on the ground, in an unforgiving hogtie. His defenseless body covered only barely by his tight briefs and the even tighter ropes. Rolland, the domineering giant that had promised to make him his bitch, forced Ricky's face up to meet his eyes. Ricky shook in his bonds, partly out of fear, partly to try and break free, and partly out of excitement for what was coming.

Then Rolland wordlessly let go of the house prisoner's head and walked away. He'd made his point and earned his freedom.

"Congradulations on your escape Rolland," Master Henry said, "excellent ropework Nahum, and good try Ricky."

The guys cheered, Rolland walked over to his pile of clothes on the ground, putting his jeans back on, but leaving his shirt off.

"Our first challenge will be at 5pm, right before dinner. Until then, enjoy yourselves. If you haven't had a chance to meet our new guest, you know exactly where to find him. Now would be a great time to... make an intimate introduction."

The men hollered and catcalled Ricky, who was getting more and more scared about his predicament by the second.

"Now, as usual I have compiled a list of each of your limits"

Master Henry passed around another index card, which had each man's name, a picture of them, and three collumns: 'no safeword' 'safeword', and 'hard limit'.

"Anything in the hard limit column is something you cannot, under any circumstances do to that person." He continued, "things in the 'safeword' column are things you can do to that man but they must be allowed to safeword out at anytime, things int he 'no safeword' collumn are acts that man has consented to you doing to him without anyway to stop it - no amount of begging or pleading will end something In a man's 'no safeword' collumn."

Ricky's eyes went wide. He didn't remember what all he'd told Master Henry his limits were when they talked online. He was sure though, in the horny hours he sent over the list of things he enjoyed, he probably agreed to all sorts of things he'd now regret. Tied up as he was, he had no way to prevent having to endure everything he'd agreed to when the conversation had just been sharing fantasies.

"House safeword is red" Master Henry said, "Three snaps if you're gagged, five rhythmic grunts if you can't snap. As rule for the weekend, while you can safeword out of a bondage position if it becomes too strenuous or dangerous, you can NOT safeword to freedom. Anyone who has been eliminated from the game and become a house prisoner, must submit to be bound by anyone who requests, save for a few time periods I will enforce a whole house reprieve. If you have any questions come and talk to me."

Ricky had a million questions, but from his position on the floor, he had no way to go and talk to Master Henry. Master Henry went upstairs, leaving the other men to themselves.

Nahum, the bearish country rope top, walked over to the man he'd so expertly restrained. As the other men saw him going over to Ricky, they split off into groups. One group chatted on the couches, one played cards in the dining room, and another went outside to shoot hoops in the driveway.

"So boy," Nahum asked, sitting down in front of Ricky, "what do you think?"

"It's really tight," he said, "I can't get out; this is really good."
Ricky avoided eye contact with his captor, partially because he hated eye contact in general, and partially because he didn't know what was coming. What was he supposed to do, supposed to say in this situation?

"Oh good," Nahum said, "new folk like yourselves need a good strong introduction to our weekends. You'll spend a lot of time tied up in a group like this, might as well be tied up well."

Ricky was put a bit at ease by how warm and carefree Nahum seemed. He was glad to know at least one of his new doms seemed kind enough.

"Where you from?" Nahum asked, "I know you ain't talked much yet but I think I hear a bit of twang in that voice."

"I live in Minneapolis now," Ricky said, "but I'm from Georgia originally. Lived in Athens and then Atlanta."

"No shit," Nahum reached over and squeezed Ricky's ass, "we got ourselves a little Georgia peach! I'm from Greer myself, it's close to Greenville South Carolina."

Nahum played with the hogtied southerners ass, eventually sliding his fingers between Ricky's ass cheeks. He gently circled Ricky's hole, which sent a wave of fear and excitement through Ricky's body. Ricky's dick, pressed against the carpeted floor, was hard as a rock.

"I'm sure I'll have a chance to play with that nice ass of yours a little later boy," Nahum said, "but a hogtie ain't a great position for that. Thankfully it is good for a different kind of fun."

Nahum unzipped his jeans, through the flap in his boxer briefs he pulled out his dick, gave it a few jerks, and moved closer to Ricky's face. He sat so his legs straddled Ricky's bound body, and his dick was right in front of his face.

"Alright georgia," Nahum said, "suck me off."

Nahum dick was a little bit bigger than Ricky's, but from thr men Ricky had seen it was probably pretty average sized. Definitely something Ricky could handle, which Ricky was greatful for, since he'd have no choice but to suck any cock that was put in front of him. Nahum's bush was thick and untrimmed, which Ricky was less excited about, since he'd have no way of pulling any hair out of his mouth. Ricky opened his mouth like a good little sub. Nahum slid forward so his cock was inside the trussed up captive.

Ricky sucked him off, moving his head as much as he could and letting his tongue dance around Nahum's dick. Nahum leaned back, and ruffled the newbie's hair as Ricky blew him.

"Atta boy Ricky," one of the other guys sitting on the couches called out.

"Oooh, looks like newbie's getting the hang of his role. Finish quick bumpkin I want a turn next."

As Nahum got closer, he started to thrust his hips forward, fucking Ricky's throat while the hogtied prisoner sucked him closer to the edge. Nahum grabbed Ricky's hair and fucked his face, pushing his dick down his throat until finally he came.

Nahum leaned back, taking his dick out of Ricky's mouth and putting it back in his underwear. Ricky tried to swallow - he really did - thinking it was the good sub thing to do, but he couldn't. He spit the cum out in shame. But Nahum didn't give shit, he simply got up, zipped up his jeans and called out:

"Who's next?"
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 3 - Bullies

Ricky was right where Rolland wanted him, tied up and already being given the treatment a sub deserves. Despite this, Rolland didn't go over to make the awkward newbie suck him off. No, he wanted to get Ricky alone before he could properly use him.

So while Ricky became the house's blowjob dispenser, Rolland headed outside to find Chet.

The college aged football player was playing one on one basketball with Selim. Both men already had their shirts off. As Rolland approached, Chet waved to him.

"Hey Rolland," Chet said, "what's up?"

"Just wanted to say welcome back." Rolland said, "we missed you last time. Glad you didn't have a game this weekend."

"Thanks dude," he said, "glad I'm here. You want in on this game?"

"No, I'm good," Rolland said, "just wanted to say welcome back. Oh, and thank you."

Chet had been the one to tie Rolland up. Chet had done so in a way that made it pretty easy for Rolland to get free. Rolland and Chet had allied in previous games, and Rolland assumed Chet had done the easy hogtie as a way to subtly save a potential ally.

Rolland was glad Chet was with him, and super thankful Chet, and not Nahum, had hogtied him. Had Nahum hogtied him, he would probably be in Ricky's place right now. A position he was going to avoid at all costs. Dominant men like him self didn't let themselves get tied up and used so quickly.

Two people had voted for him. He needed to find them. He needed to figure out who they were and either threaten them to back down, or convince others to vote them out instead.

He went back inside and surveyed the room. He had his suspects, first among them currently heading over to the bound bitch on the floor.

Artis walked over to Ricky and sat in front of him as Nahum had. Ricky looked at the new man coming to use him. Artis was realitvely skinny, looked in his late thirties, and had short blond hair. He was the only other person besides Ricky at the house who wore glasses, Artis' having big thick rounded frames. He was already pants-less when he sat in front of Ricky, wearing white briefs, which he quickly pulled down to reveal a 7 inch uncircumcised cock.

"Figured I might as well enjoy being on this side of the game," Artis said, holding his dick up to Ricky's mouth, "while I still can."

Artis' cock was harder for Ricky to take. But trussled up as he was he didn't have much of a choice but to take it. He gagged a few times, but slowly got the hang of sucking the slightly longer dick.

Artis was interested to see what role Ricky would have in the group, if he'd really have one at all. Artis had noticed that many of the men at these gatherings (including himself) had a role they'd play into. Dasol, the short-shorts wearing latest arrival who was currently playing cards, had a flirtatious and party-boy persona he put on. He wanted the men to know he was up for anything. Lots of "harder daddy" and "yes sirs".

Artis meanwhile, played into the very bully-able nerd role. And while in his day to day life he definitely had some nerdy interests, he definitely played up his geekiness to the men here. He'd wear glasses that were a little thicker and over the top, he'd speak with longer words and add an "um actually" or two he wouldn't dare drop in his normal life, he wore tightie whitie briefs that weren't all that comfortable, just to serve the persona he was trying to craft.

His reason for playing this role was many fold. One, by being "the nerd" he had a shorthand for how to behave. He didn't need to worry about doing or saying the 'right thing' because he was playing a character, something which took a lot of pressure off of him. In addition, it was a role the other men, especially the more jock-y and bro-y of them, really had fun engaging with. Many times Chet the football player had given him a wedgie, or pinned him down and forced his socks into his mouth. Many times country boy Nahum had woken up early to steal him from bed in his white underwear and tie him to a tree outside.

And Artis enjoyed this. He liked the playfully mean attention he received from these strong men. It played into the fantasies he'd had since his days of being actually bullied, but it was better because by all accounts these guys were generally good guys. Outside of the bondage games they were actually chill guys, they didn't insult his hobbies or looks, and they seemed actually interested in getting to know him. The bullying was contained to the weekend.

Even Rolland, as aggressive and stern as he could be, was a chill dude in his normal life. But Artis was genuinely scared of Rolland. Artis knew that Rolland was playing a role - same as him - but Rolland played this role much more intensely. He was ruthless and sadistic during these weekends, and Artis was unnerved to see Rolland watching him as he fucked Ricky's throat.

Soon enough, by nature of his role as the guy to bully, Artis would be voted as house sub. As much as he liked being the nerd everyone ganged up on, there was one drawback. He spent so much more of his time tied up than tying these hot guys up, a lot more time edged then getting to cum, a lot more time servicing then being serviced.

And so, while he still had a chance, while this newbie had taken his usual place of helpess victim, he was going to take full advantage of the situation. He fucked Ricky's throat with the aggression and desperation of a man who knew this might be his one chance to be on top. He used the fresh meat's mouth the way his had been used so many times before. Knowing that soon he'd join Ricky as the house's plaything.
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Post by gag1195 »

An interesting concept, and already full of equally interesting and engaging characters! It's a shame that Ricky is already seemingly stuck in his new position for the weekend, but even if he hadn't lost this vote, I suspect he wouldn't have made it much longer regardless! Can't wait to see what else this weekend has in store for everyone!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Interesting premise. But like any reality show I can't help screaming at my screen: it's all rigged!! Master Henry is pulling strings and he's going to have huge influence on who comes out on top. Can't wait to see all these guys go down one by one
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Post by CaptiveDan »

gag1195 wrote: 6 months ago An interesting concept, and already full of equally interesting and engaging characters! It's a shame that Ricky is already seemingly stuck in his new position for the weekend, but even if he hadn't lost this vote, I suspect he wouldn't have made it much longer regardless! Can't wait to see what else this weekend has in store for everyone!
Glad you like it! Yeah rough lot for Ricky but hey someone's gotta be first
Guardianbound wrote: 6 months ago Interesting premise. But like any reality show I can't help screaming at my screen: it's all rigged!! Master Henry is pulling strings and he's going to have huge influence on who comes out on top. Can't wait to see all these guys go down one by one
What? A game show, rigged? Impossible ;)
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Chapter 4 - A Brief Reprieve

Nerdy Artis finally came, pumping his load down the still hogtied Ricky's throat. Carlo decided it was his turn to pay his new friend a visit.

"Hey buddy," he brought a glass of water with a straw over and held it to Ricky's lips, "you enjoying your first day?"

Ricky thought for a moment but then answered honestly.

"You know, I am" he said, "this is the tightest, best bondage I've ever been put into. Being forced to give all these guys blowjobs is pretty hot."

"That's good," Carlo said, "cause you have many more hours to go. How's your arms feeling?"

"A little sore, not too bad" Ricky said, "jaw hurts too but I guess that's just going to happen."

Carlo had been hogtied before and knew how quickly a small discomfort could turn into a painful soreness. While Ricky drank the water Carlo gave, Carlo tried to think of a way to help his friend avoid getting worn out this early into his weekend of bondage.

The trick was that, with this group of competitive and chummy men, showing kindness to a prisoner was a bit of a taboo. For men that enjoyed putting their freedom on the line - risking torture and sexual submission with each competition - there was an expectation that the losers of each contest were shown no mercy. It drove everyone to give their all to each competition. Releasing Ricky, or ‘going easy on him’ was a quick way to get a target on Carlo’s back.

Still Carlo liked Ricky, and he wanted to make sure he had a good enough time that he came back to future weekends. Thankfully, he had an idea.

But first.

“Do you want to suck my dick?” Carlo asked Ricky as he finished his water.

“I mean,” Ricky said, blushing a bit, “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

“Not really, no” said Carlo. He took off his basketball shorts that were already starting to tent. He slid off his boxer briefs and presented his hard dick to his new friend.

Carlo was thankfully smaller than Artis, closer in length to Nahum, though uncut and with pubic hair that had been trimmed, something Ricky was very grateful for. Nice Carlo slid his cock into Ricky’s mouth. He let Ricky suck him off. The newbie used his tongue to play with Carlo’s cockhead, to the point that Carlo actually had to pull out and cool down - not wanting to cum too early. Over and over Carlo slid inside Ricky, let him play with his cock, and then pulled out before he came. Finally, when he could tell Ricky was getting tired, he leaned back and let the bound cocksucker bring him over the edge. He pulled out as he came, finishing on the captive’s face.

“Fuck man,” Carlo said, “you’re good at that. I’m glad you ended up as house sub.”

Ricky smiled. He didn’t think he was good at giving blowjobs, or really anything at doing anything sexually. It was nice to be affirmed. Even if it was a man who had just used his mouth as his personal fleshlight.

“Yo Nahum,” Carlo called, “get over here, I got a plan for newbie.”

Carlo whispered something to Nahum. As much as Ricky trusted Carlo, he was a little nervous to see what he had in store. Nahum and Carlo untied Ricky, releasing him from the hogtie. It felt good to stretch out for a minute, though he knew he wouldn’t be free for long.

The men of the house had gathered around to watch what was happening to their prisoner. Carlo ordered Ricky to stand up, and then Nahum had him hold his arms in front of him. Nahum tied his wrists together with another double column tie, this time crossed so they made an ‘X’ shape. Then, Nahum threw the rest of the length of rope over a sturdy wooden beam above Ricky. Nahum pulled the rope, which tugged Ricky’s arms up over his head, stretching him upward so he was standing tall. Carlo passed Nahum a chair, which Nahum used to climb up and tie the rope above Ricky’s hands, just out of reach so Ricky would have no way to untie the knot and bring his arms down.

Coming from outside, Selim noticed what was happening and went to his bag to grab a spreader bar. He presented the bar to Carlo, who spread Ricky’s legs until they were shoulder length. He then used the cuffs at the end of the spreader bar to secure Ricky’s ankles, so he was forced to keep his legs apart.

Having his arms stretched above him actually felt nice after what had to have been an hour hogtied.

The downside was that this position felt a lot more vulnerable. Ricky was standing, legs spread apart and arms far above his body, in the middle of a room of men who all saw him as a plaything. He had no way to defend his chest, dick, or ass from whatever they might do to him.

To make matters worse, Carlo came over with a pair of scissors.

“Let’s see what Newbie’s packing”

The men cheered as Carlo carefully cut Ricky’s briefs off of him. Ricky tugged with his wrists, instinctively trying to cover himself, but like before the rope had no give. His heart raced, terrified that these guys were about to see him naked.

He should of been more scared about what they would do to a naked prisoner. But truth be told the only thing that was on his mind was what they would think about his dick, what they would say when they saw his just barely over four inch long penis. He’d been rejected too many times by hot men who wanted someone bigger. His ex had regularly mused that he wished Ricky would be a few inches longer. His cock was smaller than every man he’d already sucked off in this house. How would they treat him once they knew how little he was packing.

But as Carlo cut through the waistband, and his underwear fell to the floor, the men cheered and whistled. No one laughed, no one berated him or left. Instead, the men of the room approached and circled him.

Ricky was so relieved the men hadn’t immediately rejected him he didn’t fully understand what being the center of attention to half a dozen horny gay men meant. But he quickly found out as countless hands began exploring his body.

The men, all packed close together around him, felt up every inch of their displayed captive. They grabbed his balls, gently caressed his dick, pinched his nipples, squeezed his ass. Ricky immediately buckled and tugged, trying to pull himself away from the hands all over him, but as much as he wiggled and fought he couldn’t get away.

Ricky was incredibly ticklish. Light touches of any kind drove him wild. Even though he knew it was no use, he couldn’t resist struggling and squirming. He involuntarily laughed, which only let the men know he was ticklish, a fact they immediately took advantage of. Ricky broke into uncontrollable laughter, stopping just long enough to shout “please stop, please I- I can’t” and all other manner of pitiful pleas.

But he never said red. Partially because he wanted to impress these guys, and partially because he wasn’t sure whether he’d put ticking in his ‘safeword’ or ‘no safeword’ column.

Carlo came over, having walked away, in each hand he held a tool that would make Ricky’s bondage complete.

Carlo forced a rubber bit gag into the captive’s mouth, reducing his laughter and pleas to nonsense mumbles. He placed a blindfold over Ricky’s eyes so he couldn’t see where he was a about to be touched next.

Carlo stood back, admiring his work, as the guys went about having their fun at poor bound Ricky’s expense. He’d done good. He’d given Ricky, a chance to stretch his arms, a break from giving blowjobs, and a nice comfortable gag he could bite down on. He’d given the other guys a plaything that he hoped would buy Carlo some goodwill from them.
Carlo knew he needed goodwill. A tie up game based on survivor meant alliances, betrayals, schemes. At any moment popular opinion could turn and he could be the next guy strung up like Ricky. In the first vote, Carlo theorized, people were voting purely based on who they wanted to be tied up. People voted for Rolland because they liked to see the big guy on the receiving end, something that didn’t happen often. Someone voted for Dasol because they knew he can take a lot of pain, and they probably had big plans for him. Someone voted for Artis because these guys love having themselves a nerd to abuse. He didn’t know why someone voted Nahum, but it didn’t matter. What did matter, was that sooner or later, the contestants would shift from voting with their dicks to voting with their heads.

Rolland made the most sense to vote out next. He was a powerful opponent, and already had two votes for him - though there was a risk that Ricky had been one of those original votes. Either way, he could count on Artis to vote for Rolland, but he wanted more. At the same time, right now, no one had beef with him, and he didn’t want to stick his neck out too early. Better to wait, observe, and find a moment to strike.

The men tickled, groped, and played with Ricky for the better part of an hour. Ricky was hard the whole time, something the guys made sure of as they gently fondled his balls and teased his cock. They never let him cum, and so when they finally took their hands off of him, when their time fooling around with him was cut short by Master Henry coming down the stairs, he was left standing there - sweating, panting, and so desperate to cum.

“I see you all have found a use for our eliminated friend” Master Henry said, “It won’t be long before one of you joins him. But first, a wrestling competition, with a prize of immunity in the next vote.”
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Really like this story. And I really cannot feel too bad for "Ticky Ricky." He's the new guy after all. But I'm with @Guardianbound. Master Henry is not playing fair. Then again, "Survivor" is not about fairness!
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Post by blackbound »

Finally had some time to read this - love the idea of not remembering what he put where in his list and being too ashamed to admit it.

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Chapter 5 - A Wrestling Challenge

“We devise many elaborate games, rituals, and fantasies to justify letting ourselves be tied up,” Master Henry told the group of expectant men. “And yet there’s something so primal about being truly forced into bondage.”

Master Henry walked over to a cabinet, where he’d stashed a dozen rolls of duct tape in preparation for this very occasion. He opened the cabinet and held up a silver roll.

“Your first competition is a wrestling contest, with a twist” he continued, “You’ll be split randomly into two groups of three. Each group must then wrestle, pinning their opponents down and taping them. Once only one man from each group remains free, those two will face off against each other until only one man remains un-taped.”
“Now,” he said, “to make things more interesting, there are… let’s say... tiers of victory. The four who lose in round one will be up for elimination vote. The winner of both groups will be safe from elimination, and the overall winner will get an additional boon - he will have the chance to choose one of the duct taped men to bring bound and submissive into that bedroom over there, and do with him as he pleases until dinner is ready.”

The guys murmured amongst themselves, peacocking and saying all the things they’d do to the person they got to use.

“Because this is a wrestling match, everyone will be required to change into singlets. There are some in the closet if you didn’t bring your own.”

The guys went and got changed into the tight wrestling singlets, some brought from home and others borrowed from Master Henry. While they changed, Master Henry looked over to Ricky, his newest guest who was currently bound with his hands above him, naked and covered in sweat. Master Henry took off Ricky’s blindfold, grabbed a chair and untied the rope that drew his arms above him. He unlocked the cuffs that connected his ankles to the spreader bar so Ricky could walk freely. He left Ricky’s gag in, and left his wrists tied, using the extra length of rope as a lead to pull the house sub along with him. When the guys returned in their singlets, Master Henry unlocked his husband from the dog cage. In one hand he held the rope that pulled Ricky along by his wrists, in his other hand he held the leash connected to his gimp’s collar. Master Henry led the men outside to a soft patch of sand on the lake’s shore.

Ricky had never been tied up outside before, let alone tied up outside naked. As Master Henry pulled him along, his eyes darted all around, hoping no one could see him. Thankfully Master Henry’s house was far from anyone else; the only men who would see him were the ones who’d already had their way with him.

Master Henry tethered Ricky and his gimp to a tree and assigned the two groups.

“Rolland, Chet, and Artis will wrestle each other in one group. Carlo, Selim, and Dasol will wrestle each other in the other group. The winner from both groups wrestle eachother for the grand prize. Nahum, because the prisoner you tied up earlier took longer to escape than Rolland, I am counting that as a competition win - you automatically have immunity and can watch this contest with me.”

Master Henry handed each man a roll of duct tape.


Immediately, Rolland and Chet teamed up on Artis. They grabbed the nerd and pinned him down. Rolland pulled Artis’ wrists behind his back and taped them together. Before Chet had a chance to finished duct taping Artis’ legs, Rolland turned on him, and wrestled him in the sand. They went back and forth, Chet holding his own as long as he could, but the surprise early strike from Rolland had sealed his fate from the start. Rolland duct taped Chet’s wrists together, then wrapped his hands in tape to further immobilize him. Rolland taped Chet’s ankles together, and then finished what Chet started by taping Artis’ legs.

Carlo had a different strategy, he allied with Dasol to take down Selim. Dasol was a little twink of a man, and Selim bigger than both of them, but Carlo had wrestled in high school and in an adult league. Carlo took down Selim, and ordered Dasol to duct tape his wrists and ankles while Carlo kept him pinned. Then once Selim was restrained, Carlo and Dasol reset and fought honorably. The fight was over in seconds, Carlo pinned Dasol and easily taped him down, giving the twink a playful slap on the ass when he was done.

Master Henry had Carlo and Rolland face off against each other.

Rolland charged at Carlo. The two wrestled in the sand for a few minutes, with Carlo actually holding his own. For a second it looked like the small wrestler might overpower the big giant, but then, Carlo made a tactical decision.

He let Rolland win.

Either way he was going to be immune from this second round of voting. Winning here could put a target on his back, or at the very least make the person he took back into the bedroom to fuck have a reason to want revenge. Better to let the guy he was already trying to get the group to turn on make himself even more of a threat in need of elimination.

So Rolland pinned him down, duct taped his hands, and stood over his defeated foe.

“Well done Carlo and Nahum, you have immunity in this next vote,” Master Henry said, “And congratulations Rolland. In addition to immunity, you may pick your prize.”

Rolland walked over to Artis, picked the bound nerd up, and threw him over his shoulder.

“Dinner is in one hour,” Master Henry told Rolland as the big guy walked towards the house, “enjoy your time with your prize.”

Some of the duct taped men had already managed to get free - the bondage had been very rushed and makeshift - but to speed up the others’ escape Master Henry untied Ricky and ordered him to help untie the others.

“When you’re finished,” Master Henry told Ricky, “come upstairs to my room. Do not put any clothes on along your way.”
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

A great concept for a story with scope for lots of drama and intrigue as alliances form and fall.

I can definitely empathise with newbie Ricky and the nervousness that he feels in joining this group. I guess being immediately bound and turned into the house sub is a great ice-breaker! I also liked the observation from Artis about adopting a role to make the experience easy to deal with. Looking forward to more.
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Post by blackbound »

Interesting that Rolland isn't targeting Ricky here.

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Post by gag1195 »

Looking forward to the conversation between Master Henry and Ricky... Even, or especially, if Ricky remains gagged during it!

Also, excited to see what comes from Carlo's scheming! He's playing a dangerous game, though I suppose most of them here are!
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Post by Croup »

Really enjoying this story. My favorite kind of bondage tale is the kind with alliances that can break and turn into betrayals in an instant.
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Post by jase1010 »

Very hot story. I love how Ricky is trapped as the house sub almost the second he’s in the door. Oddly enough, being the newest rope bunny in a group of already established friends, having agency taken away from me so soon would set me at ease in a way. So wonderfully humiliating to be a bondaged prisoner for a weekend, but so hot. Sexy concept. Please continue!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Continuing with the "it's rigged" theme, I don't think Carlo's plotting is going to get him over the finish line. Master Henry won't play fair. I'm looking forward to Rolland's downfall and humiliation though :lol: if all the foreshadowing is to be believed.
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Thanks yall! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I appreciate your comments alot!
jase1010 wrote: 6 months ago Very hot story. I love how Ricky is trapped as the house sub almost the second he’s in the door. Oddly enough, being the newest rope bunny in a group of already established friends, having agency taken away from me so soon would set me at ease in a way. So wonderfully humiliating to be a bondaged prisoner for a weekend, but so hot. Sexy concept. Please continue!
There is something wonderful about not having to make decisions or worry about what you have to say, and hey if the price of that is being tied up and used, I'd happily take that deal
Guardianbound wrote: 6 months ago Continuing with the "it's rigged" theme, I don't think Carlo's plotting is going to get him over the finish line. Master Henry won't play fair. I'm looking forward to Rolland's downfall and humiliation though :lol: if all the foreshadowing is to be believed.
As the story goes on I'm excited to see everyone's predictions. They'll also be a bit of an audience element I'm about to introduce so I'm excited to see what yall choose as well
Croup wrote: 6 months ago Really enjoying this story. My favorite kind of bondage tale is the kind with alliances that can break and turn into betrayals in an instant.
Yay! I'm a huge fan of betrayals and forced switching too. Something extra hot about thinking you've got someone right where you want them only for them to turn the tables on you
gag1195 wrote: 6 months ago Looking forward to the conversation between Master Henry and Ricky... Even, or especially, if Ricky remains gagged during it!

Also, excited to see what comes from Carlo's scheming! He's playing a dangerous game, though I suppose most of them here are!
I'm about to post the Henry-Ricky chapter right now! I think you'll like it!
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Post by CaptiveDan »

blackbound wrote: 6 months ago Interesting that Rolland isn't targeting Ricky here.
Ah yes, don't worry, it will all make sense later. I got some big ideas for Rolland
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 6 - What He Agreed To

Rolland threw Artis onto the bed, face down. He sat on the duct taped nerd, and grabbed a leather wrist cuff that was already chained to one of the bedposts. He tore the tape off of Artis’ hands, forced his wrist into the wrist cuff and tightened the strap as tight as it would go. Artis winced as Rolland did the same with his other wrist, and then his ankles.

In minutes, Artis was tied spreadeagle, face down on the bed, alone for an hour with the giant who loved to bully him.

“I know you voted me out in round one.” Rolland said, towering over his prisoner.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Artis said, deliberately baiting Rolland to lash out at him. Artis was already so turned on by the situation, he wanted to see how far he could get Rolland to go.

“Don’t fucking lie to me” Rolland pulled Artis’ hair back and grabbed Artis’s neck. The helpless nerd let out a pained scream.

“Okay, okay,” Artis said, “It was me.”

“You’ll fucking pay for that.” Rolland said, letting go of Artis to search around the room.

“I’m sure I will,” Artis said, “but soon enough they’ll turn on you. They’ll have so much fun tying your big strong body down. They’ll have their way with you just like they do to every other sub.”

Artis knew he could piss Rolland off, and he was very excited to see how Rolland would take that out on him. Normally he would be a bit more careful, the big guy did scare him, but at least right now he knew Rolland only had an hour to hurt him - and Artis was confident he could endure an hour of just about anything. There was always a chance that he then got eliminated, which would give Rolland as much time as he needed to break Artis, but Artis liked his odds and just hoped that when Rolland was done here he would find someone else to be mad at.

“In the meantime,” Artis taunted, “how do you plan on making me pay right now? This is Master Henry’s singlet, so it’s not like you can tear it off and fuck me. Without access to my ass or throat there’s not much you can-”

Artis was cut off by a sock that Rolland shoved into his mouth. Using copious amounts of bondage tape, Rolland secured the sock in the geek’s mouth, muffling any noise he tried to make.

And Rolland planned on giving him a reason to make lots of noise.

Rolland had found a number of floggers, paddles, and whips around the room. Over the next hour he was going to use every one of them to inflict as much pain on the little dweeb as possible.

Thankfully for Rolland, Artis had put “impact play” in his ‘no safeword column’. Rolland planned on making him regret that.

As the other men, free from their bounds, came inside, they were greeted by the sounds of Rolland smacking Artis’ ass over and over, without mercy or breaks. As loud as Artis screamed, the men in the living room and kitchen heard only the pitiful mumbling of a man who’d gotten exactly what he’d asked for.


Ricky walked up the stairs and into Master Henry’s bedroom. The room was incredibly clean, everything put precisely in its place. Master Henry had a great sense of design, the room was organized and decorated tastefully. Surprisingly there was no visible bondage equipment in the room, a fact that shocked Ricky - considering everywhere else in the house had been loaded with all manner of rope, chains, gags, cuffs, and other restraints.

Master Henry sat in one of two armchairs that faced the large window on one wall of the room.

“Hello Ricky,” He said, standign and turning around to face his naked guest. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

Ricky, still gagged, nodded his head and said “yes” as best he could through the rubber bit.

“Excellent,” Master Henry said, smiling. He walked over to Ricky, and grabbed one of his wrists. He began to lead Ricky to a different door in his room.

Ricky followed Master Henry's lead, his heart pounding in his chest. Master Henry opened the door to reveal a walk-in closet. Hanging down from an eyebolt in the ceiling, two locking leather wrist cuffs sat right at the level where Ricky knew he would have to really stretch to reach them. Ricky gulped, preparing himself to be put back in the upright stretched out position he'd gotten familiar with downstairs.

“I’m very happy you were able to join us, and the other guests seem to have already taken a liking to you.” Master Henry guided Ricky's arms up toward the cuffs. Ricky stood as straight and tall as he could, even still, his wrists just barely slid into the high up cuffs. Master Henry tightened the leather around Ricky's wrists, then locked the cuffs closed.

“I do apologize that you were voted out right away,” he continued, walking behind Ricky, "I'm sure you were hoping to get a chance to compete.”

To Ricky's surprise, Master Henry removed the bit gag, giving him a chance to speak.

Ricky had in fact hoped to play a few of the games that Master Henry had alluded to in their online talks. On the other hand, being tied up had helped him avoid much of the social maneuvering that stressed him out so much. Being the group’s plaything had been exhausting, but it meant he could let others take the lead, and he was forced to follow instead of having to make stressful decisions for himself. The bondage had put his body and brain into a sort of autopilot, where all he could do was react naturally to the things being done to him.

Ricky, ever bad at communicating, managed to convey exactly none of these feelings to the wonderful host.

“Eh, well, you know, it's like, all good.” He said, “I’m enjoying being the-”

Ricky's word salad was cut short when Master Henry shoved a ball gag into his mouth. The gag forced his jaw open, a lot wider than the bit gag had.

“They will do worse,” Master Henry warned, “The bondage will be stricter and last longer. Your captors will act more and more sadistic. You will be forced to do things your body will tell you you cannot bear.”

Ricky gulped, terrified of what was in store. Master Henry secured a head harness on Ricky, a large panel covering his gagged mouth and preventing any hope of pushing the gag out.

“When we talked online,” Master Henry said, walking back around to look over his gagged captive from the front, “you agreed to submit without safeword to a surprising amount of things.”

Ricky tried to remember everything he’d agreed to, horrified of what his past self had condemned him too.

“I've talked with many men like you, new to bondage and so confident that they can handle anything done to them” Master Henry continued, “they always break, they always beg for me to stop.”

Ricky was shaking, he stared deep into Master Henry's eyes, wordlessly pleading preemptively for mercy.

“I usually have mercy,” Master Henry said, “I understand where they're coming from, I was in their shoes once too. The problem is, those guys down there, they aren't as merciful. They'll see ‘no safeword’ and hold you to that. They do anything and everything they can to you, partially because they want to, and partially because they really think you want it. ”

Master Henry stepped back into the doorway of the closet.

“Of course,” he said, “I was the one that made those cards with your limits on them. I very well could have chosen to be generous. I could have seen some of your more bold ‘no safeword’ acts and moved them to ‘safeword'; I could've decided to be gentle on the newcomer and make sure he always had an out.”

Ricky gave a muffled whimper.

“Or,” Master Henry said, “I could've decided to teach him a lesson, to keep his limits exactly as he set them, and force him to learn from his mistake.”

Ricky wiggled his wrists, pulled his arms as hard as he could, desperately trying to free himself.

“I guess you have all weekend to see which choice I made.”

Master Henry closed the door, leaving Ricky strung up alone in the dark closet.


The men gathered in the kitchen, where Master Henry’s husband had whipped up a delicious smelling meal and was beginning to set the table. Artis came hobbling out of the ground floor bedroom behind Rolland. As he walked, Chet slapped his ass, which made Artis wince and nearly stumble to the floor. Some of the men were still in singlets from earlier, while others had changed into more comfortable shorts or sweatpants. Carlo wondered where Ricky was, and what had happened to him during his meeting with Master Henry.

“It is time for another vote,” Master Henry said, handing out index cards and pens to the remaining seven in the game. “Rolland, Nahum, and Carlo, you are immune from elimination this round, but the rest of you are now at risk of joining Ricky as house submissive.”

The men exchanged quick glances, trying to read one anothers’ expressions. Each secretly chose a man to condemn, and passed their ballot to Master Henry.

“The votes for the next person to lose their freedom are…”
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

An interesting exploration of limits and safe words. I feel Artis was rather brave for putting impact play in the no safe word column!

I wonder what things Ricky put in his various columns and whether Master Henry has helped him out. I feel he probably has but it'll be a surprise for both us and Ricky to discover! Always a bad idea to do things like that when you are horny. Lots to think about in the closet.

Now who is our next captive going to be? I feel like probably Artis but whoever it is at least Ricky will have a partner in bondage - unless it's Rolland...
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Post by gag1195 »

Loved it! The one sided conversation, the lingering threats about Ricky's card, leaving the poor bastard strung up in the closest, all fantastic!

Though I have to wonder, what is on Rolland's card? What would he put with the expectation that will likely never sub? Is he overly confident, or overly cautious?
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Post by Croup »

Another fun chapter. I really enjoy Master Henry *not telling* Ricky which he chose. Really keeps him guessing, and keeps the aura of uncertain danger around him too.

Also loved the spanking play. Artis was asking for it, though I'm of the opinion Rolland can use one himself too! In this case he had the power though, and isn't the type to hesitate about giving it. Definitely hoping to see the big bully get a comeuppance eventually, but maybe after a few other guys are tied up first.
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Post by CaptiveDan »

Chapter 7 - Jock and Jockstrap Part 1

As the men had come inside, serenaded by the sounds of Rolland torturing Artis, they'd split off, some going to change out of their singlets, and others lounging around in the living room.

This was Chet's perfect opportunity.

Chet had a bit of a reputation as a dumb jock. He had a very frat-bro way of talking, picked up from his peers. He was the youngest guest at the gathering, a 23 year old college senior, and besides Ricky he was the newest to bdsm, and his many genuine curiosities about kink (“yo what's that?” “what is he doing?” “that's a thing?”) came off more like stupidity or naivety. And historically he had done better in the physical competitions and worse in ones that required scheming or thinking.

But he wasn't fucking stupid. While football had helped him get into and pay for college, while there he'd made a point to take more challenging classes then he needed to. While he'd missed the last bondage gathering, the one before that he'd actually started to get the hang of some of the smarts-based challenges. He wasn't dumb, he was just learning, he was just curious.

And he was smart enough to know that with Rolland safe, his head was on the chopping block.

The big football player spotted Carlo and Nahum, both opting to stay in their singlets, chatting with one another. He walked over to them.

“Sup” Chet said

“Hey Chet”
“What's up”

“I saw you wrestle Dasol,” Chet said to Carlo, “that was wild, you're a strong dude.”

“Ah thanks man,” Carlo said, “I didn't see much of your match, but I'm sure you put up a fight.”

That comment shook Chet a bit. He had put up a fight. Why did Carlo say that? Did he think he hadn't?

Chet knew people thought he and Rolland were in an alliance. Heck, even Rolland thought Chet was working with him. When Rolland had thanked Chet after the tiebreaker last round it had pissed Chet off. One, because he hadn't actually tried to let Rolland win, he'd tied him up as best he could, he just wasn't good at tying people up. And two, because it meant other people thought he'd thrown the match for Rolland.

He needed to separate from Rolland.

“So Chet,” Nahum asked, “who're you thinkin’ of votin’ out.”

“I want Rolland out,” he said, “but he's safe right now so we should take out Selim.”

“Woah,” Carlo said, “you're cutting ties with Rolland.”

“He thinks I'm on his side,” Chet said, “we can fucking use that, dude. Take out his allies when he's safe, then get his ass when he loses a competition.”

“Selim's his ally?” Carlo asked, Nahum turned and smiled at Carlo.

“Yeah dude,” Chet said, “Remember two gatherings ago, when we did handcuff hunger games. Me, Rolland, and Selim allied for most of the game, until big man turned on us. I'm fucking done working with Rolland, but when I was outside with Selim, it sounded like he was still in for an alliance with Rolland.”

That was a lie, Chet had no reason to think Selim wanted to work with Rolland, but no one else had been outside with him.

“Shit, man,” Carlo said, “that's good to know. You're right, Rolland needs to be taken down. I'll vote for Selim with you.”

“Same here,” Nahum said, he gave Chet a playful punch, “gotta say, that was pretty smart thinking.”

Chet smiled. He'd secured three votes for Selim. With only four left he was probably safe, but he should probably find Dasol just to be safe.


Dasol and Selim had both gone to change out of their singlets, but had gotten a bit distracted along the way.

“So what fun new things did you bring this year,” Dasol asked Selim, playfully rummaging through his many bags and boxes of diy gear.

“Oh, I'm sure you'll see very soon,” Selim said, “unless, of course, you want to go ahead and try something out now.”

“We only have one weekend,” Dasol said, “might as well make every second count.”

Selim took out a few pieces of some device and quickly assembled it. It looked like a padded chair without a back, or a stool with a cushion. The entire stool sat on a wooden platform that went a foot outward. At the four corners on the top of the stool were metal rings that could serve as clip or lock points. In the very center of the stool was a dildo.

“Take your singlet off” Selim said

“Yes sir!” Dasol slowly slid the tight fabric down off of him, making sure to put on a bit of a show as he did. When it was off, he went to remove his bright blue, designer jockstrap, but Selim stopped him.

“Keep that on, it won't get in the way.”

Selim grabbed a leather strap and put it around Dasol's waist like a belt, locking it in place with a padlock. Spaced out along the belt were for rings. He handed Dasol some lube.

“Sit on the seat. Go slow and make sure you get nice and comfortable.”

Dasol lubed up the dildo on the seat, and then lubed himself up. Standing with one leg on either side of the stoop, he slowly lowered himself onto the dildo. It wasn't particularly big, definitely nothing Dasol couldn't handle, but it was a lot firmer than most he'd used. He slid all the way down on the rubber cock, until his ass touched the chair. He adjusted his legs so he was sitting as he would sit in a normal chair, hiding the dildo that was currently penetrating him.

Selim took four padlocks and locked each one of the rings on the Dasol's belt to one of the rings on the top of the chair.

“Okay,” Selim said, “try to stand up.”

Dasol tried to stand and lift himself off the dildo. The locks connecting his belt to the seat kept him from being able to pull his waist up off the dildo. Meanwhile, the fact that his legs were on the platform the stool sat on made it so that - even though he could move his legs - he could never move them in a way that would make the stool he was locked to move. Last, while he could spin around on the seat, the dildo in his ass kept him from being able to move much in any direction.

His arms and his legs were free, and yet Selim’s device kept him sat on the chair, his ass filled with the rubber cock until Selim unlocked him. Dasol wiggled around, stimulating himself with the movement of the dildo inside him.

“Are you comfortable?” Selim asked.

“Oh, so comfortable sir,” Dasol said, “you could keep me here all day.”

Selim smiled, happy his device was working as intended, and already coming up with ideas for what to do if Dasol lost the next vote.

“Of course, I could also lock your hands and feet” Selim said, “but what I like about this is you can be my prisoner even when so much of you is free for… other things.”

Selim stepped so he was standing over Dasol. He held the captive's face in his hands, while Dasol used his free hands to feel Selim's hard cock through the singlet. Selim reached down and played with Dasol's dick through the thin jockstrap fabric. Dasol made small circles on the stool, moving the dildo inside him. Dasol closed his eyes, only to feel Selim take his hand off his cock and start unlocking the belt.

“We should probably finish getting changed” Selim said, “so we're ready in time for dinner.”

Dasol gave an exasperated, over the top, sigh.

“Don't worry Dasol,” Selim said, “you'll have plenty more time in the chair once you're voted out.”


By the time Chet saw Dasol, it was already time to vote.

It could be close, but as long as he, Carlo, and Nahum voted Selim, all he needed was at least two others to vote anyone but him. Rolland would probably vote Artis, so as long as there wasn't some other scheme against him, Chet was probably in the clear.

Master Henry read out the votes.
“One for Dasol. Two for Artis.”

So far so good. Four votes left, and Chet knew three were Selim. He breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to Carlo and Nahum. The two grinned back at him.

“One for Selim.”

Chet's eyes went wide.

“and three votes for our next house sub, Chet”
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Post by gag1195 »

Poor Chet! All that effort to scheme and wheel and deal, all that effort! Only for it to be ripped out from under him! Excited to see how they will restrain the dumb jock! And I'm sure Ricky will be happy that he's not alone anymore!
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Chet, glass is postively opaque when compared to you but as they say - "It is better to try and fail then to not try at all". Now wouldn't it be terrible if Carlo and Nahum were to inform Rolland of this awful betrayal...

I'm also liking Salim's DIY approach to bondage furniture. Hopefully we will get to see more of this before he ends up trapped in one of his own contraptions.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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