Moral Quandaries M/M (New Chapter 2/18/24) (Concluded)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I love the mix of lavender and leather!!!! Office Ortiz will soon be putty in Sarge's hands! :twisted:

@DeeperThanRed, great minds think alike! :D

I voted for Grant. I prefer Aegis to take a man on who is deserving to be called Master. 8-)

All Actors like Carter are needy and look for to keep them bound, gagged, and spanked often to remind them how bad they are! :lol:

Maxim and Heath? For an anniversary present...send them on a vacation...kidnap them and ship them off to a tropical dungeon for two weeks! :)

And Danny...I despise trust fund brats...Just kidnap him and demand his trust as a ransom...Be careful, however! His "loved ones" might despise him so much that they'll beg you to keep the money and him!!! :lol: :lol:
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Post by Volobond »

I had to go with Danny! Although I love the idea behind Maxim and Heath... it's been too long since we made an actually good decision for Bastien, and he needs to not neglect his debts. He owes Sarge, and tbh...

I'm not happy with Aegis' emergence at home. Bastien needs to be reminded of how a soft touch can affect a boy, and I hope dealing tenderly with Danny can rekindle his desire to take it slow and steady with Andrej.

So for these reasons, I voted Danny the special request.

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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I had to go with Danny. First, it's Sarges special request, and sarge isn't someone to say no to. Second a rich brat like Danny needs someone with the proper touch, like Aegis.

Grant is a novice. He needs to start at the bottom. He hasn't earned the right to learn anything from Aegis.

Carter had his chance. It wasn't properly appreciated. Time to move on.

As for maxim and heath, it's your anniversary. Go have fun together and stop wasting the doms time on your romantic crap.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Well, Ortiz did bring it on himself by not being able to leave things alone... so, maybe only feel a little bad? In regards to your other question, the future relationship status of Bastien and Andrej is still up in the air... and potentially in a future poll... Also, I'm glad to see some vocal support for Maxim and Heath! I'm excited for all four possibilities in this poll, but I think Maxim and Heath's anniversary might be my favorite option!

@Socksbound Tough choices indeed! Wouldn't be a moral quandary without at least some deliberation! Your reasoning on Danny seems to be a popular one! Eye for an eye, favor for a favor!

@blackbound Now that is an interesting idea! If Grant gets more support in the poll, I could definitely consider it! After all, Grant does want to see a Master at work, which will happen with the other choices as much as it would happen if he wins!

@DeeperThanRed For better or worse, Aegis has been freed from deep inside... How this will impact Andrej going forward will be interesting to see unfold! As for Ortiz, twisting his sense of justice into blind devotion to Surplus' safety is just the right kind of karma for the nosy hotshot! And I'm happy to see Grant getting some love, given his very minimal role in All Inclusive!

@KidnappedCowboy Leather and Lavender, a lovely combination indeed! And again, I'm happy to see Grant getting love! A Top/Dom under Aegis' control is quite the fun challenge to think about! Though I think you might be a bit harsh towards the other options! No shame in Maxim and Heath wanting a kinky anniversary with a professional Dom! And I certainly couldn't fault Bastien for doing exactly what you suggested to Carter!

@Volobond Who's to say that Maxim and Heath wouldn't be a good decision! :lol: I legit laughed out loud reading your comment! Y'all really have been putting Bastien through his paces in some of these polls! Giving him challenge after challenge to overcome! Meanwhile, Aegis would certainly argue his necessity, given how soft Bastien had been to Andrej before Aegis took over! Regardless, whoever the next client is, I'm sure Aegis and Bastien will learn something to apply to Andrej's training!

@Wedgieboy69 Have to wonder how Sarge might respond if Bastien doesn't choose Danny! *Sarge pushing Danny's file closer and closer to Bastien* and Bastien slamming down Grant's or Maxim and Heath's file instead!

Thanks for the fantastic comments everyone! And a big thanks to everyone who has voted so far! Things are shaping up quite interestingly in the poll so far, but there is still time to vote and change your selection! Thanks for the continued support!
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Post by gag1195 »

Poll Results: Who Should be Master Aegis' Next Client?

Grant, the Novice Dom Seeking Instruction: 3 Votes

Carter, the Rebellious Actor Looking for a Repeat Session: 0 Votes

Maxim and Heath, Kinky Couple Celebrating their Anniversary: 5 Votes

Danny, Sarge's Special Request: 8 Votes

Danny, Sarge's Special Request will be the next client to spend the evening with Master Aegis! Danny was definitely the favorite to win, but I have a feeling that we'll see Grant, Maxim and Heath, and even Carter pop up in the story and the polls again! Stay tuned for Danny's session soon!
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Good to hear. I would hate to see Aegus on the wrong side of sarge. I don't beleive sarge is used to being told no, and I am sure he has some interesting ways of "persuading" people to get his way.
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Post by wataru14 »

Oh, too late for the poll. But my vote wouldn't have changed the outcome anyway.
Looking forward to see what you've got planned.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound @DeeperThanRed @KidnappedCowboy @Volobond @cj2125 @MountainMan_91 @Msueta@2 @squirrel @Pup Wingletang @tugfan @TightsBound @szlm1515 @ohazut @gaggedfeety @MaxRoper @Donbrown @TayDay95 @ShortSocks @bondagefreak @blackbound @LockedCheeseBird @NeedControl @Jason07 @privateandrews @Canuck100 @jackroper @fratboydanny @wataru14 @TightropesEU @AbductedAddiction @dahanband @socjuc @harukatsukino @Bradstick @Guardianbound @Wedgieboy69 @george_bound @Shadowtied2294 @DuctTapeIsSilver @BDBrit @AznSwimmer @Straitjacketed @OrdinaryWorld @Boundguys97 @_zin_ @Sockgaggedman @Bootmark @TickleTorture @ATOne @noescape

A thousand apologies for the lateness in updating! I had hoped to get this chapter out at the start of last week, but work proved more than I anticipated! But it is here now! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and I hope to hear your thoughts and comments about the chapter and the latest poll!

Part 17: Special Request

Saturday night. Late. but still early for Surplus. I was stood outside the entrance to the leather club. Waiting. Stalling perhaps. I opened my security app once more, another glimpse at my Andrej.

I’d continued his new training each day this week. And each time, Andrej was more receptive, more willing, more open to the idea of me, of pleasing me. I was beginning to suspect that he enjoyed the training too. He occasionally bucked his hips involuntarily, and I also suspected he’d be sporting an erection if I freed him from the cage locked around him.

This evening, as I finished our training, I purposefully didn’t finish. I needed all my stamina for Aegis’ session tonight. Andrej whined. Whimpered when I pulled out of his mouth without shooting. Leaned in as much as the restraints would allow. I caressed him, petted him. Praised him and his good work. I even kept his restraints light as a reward. His muzzle remained firmly locked around his head, his ankles chained to the foot of the bed, his hands mitted. But his limbs were free to move and he could walk his room with some leeway from the chain.

A motorcycle revved its engine as it approached, and I quickly stashed my phone. The less prying eyes on Andrej, the better. It was time. Master Aegis was needed inside.

“Master Aegis!” A happy call echoed through the parking deck and suddenly a pair of arms was wrapped around my torso.

I turned to see my joyful assailant. Carter. Young Mister Bradburn, all done up for a night of fun at Surplus. His hair was still coiffed and neat, unlike the unruly tangled mop I first saw him sporting. A slinky black tank top hid his chest but did nothing to hide his impressive abs. Leather pants, of course. And a spiked collar choked around his neck.


That’s certainly new. As is the leash stemming from it. It was yanked back, forcefully, and Carter reluctantly released me and followed the command back to the leash holder. Fuck.

“Good night, Master Aegis.” Gerard’s overly saccharine voice spoke up from where he still sat on the motorcycle. “What a pleasant surprise. I would have thought you’d already be inside, worshiped by your adoring fans.”

Gerard Bandem. Talent agent. Ironic, given his own lack of talents. No, that wasn’t entirely true. Gerard had a few special talents to his name: unparalleled taste in choosing vulnerable, eager young men to seduce; and an apparent allergy to wearing a shirt, or at least one that closed fully. Mr. Bandem had built a small, but comfortable, empire using his acquired talent and their hard work to support himself. Flesh peddler.


“Carter was quite disappointed when Sarge rang to inform him that Master Aegis had engaged with another client.” He yanked the leash again, forcing Carter to his knees. Gerard gently stroked Carter’s cheek as he continued. “But I told him it was for the best, given how poorly mean Master Aegis treated him the last time. Humiliated him, berated him, punished him for simply having a bit of fun on a night out.” Gerard looked up at me, eyes glaring. “It’s a good thing that Master Aegis has since learned not to play with what doesn’t belong to him.”

I took a deep breath. Centered myself. I had to. Gerard was trying to get a rise out of me. But to what end? To save face and look tough in front of his current ingénue? Try and convince me that my stunt with Carter hadn’t gotten under his skin… or in his upholstery?

High road, Aegis. High road. “Good evening, Carter.” I looked down and smiled. “I’m sorry that my dance card is full tonight, but I promise, we’ll play again soon. You two enjoy your night.”

I turned to enter the club, and leave Gerard fuming behind me. Then he spoke again. “I wonder who will have more fun tonight, Aegis? The boi you’re off to see, or the one you left at home? I know I would dream of a night away from you. I just hope he isn’t the jealous type.”

He yanked Carter up and dragged the young actor through the door to the club, leaving me seething. How did Gerard know about Andrej? Sarge hadn’t said anything, had he? Was Gerard investigating me, as Ortiz had been? Was it a coincidence that the Officer couldn’t let things go?

Something wasn’t right, that was certain. Nothing to do about it tonight. But this was far from over, Gerard.


Surplus on a Saturday night. Leather. Sweat. Musk. Shouts. Smacks. Lust.


A houseboi was quick to greet me and show me to the room I’d used with Carter previously. Sarge seemed content to make this the Aegis room. That was fine with me. Danny was already there, waiting for me. Anxiously. The boi jumped up when I entered, nodding at me, then thinking better of it and bowing his head instead.

I chuckled. Sarge hadn’t joked when he called this kid inexperienced. At least he looked the part. Mostly. Dark jeans and a quilted leather racer jacket. Except for his basic gray hoodie underneath the jacket, he could look like a regular. And it was my job to get him to that point.


“Good evening, Danny. I’m Master Aegis. Are you ready?” I asked, closing the door and locking it with a satisfying click.

Danny gulped. “Y-yes!”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Yes, what?”

Danny’s mind raced. “Y-yes, Sir!”

I smiled and Danny visibly relaxed. “Yes, Master Aegis, is also acceptable. It’s important to show proper respect to your Dom, to your Master. Give respect, and you’ll get respect. Understood?”

Danny nodded. “Yes, sir!” At least he’s enthusiastic.

“Good boi. Now, strip and tell me your experience with all this.”

To his credit, Danny was not phased by my command to strip naked. He doffed his jacket and hoodie, revealing those nice arms from his file’s picture. Danny was taller than I’d expected, but he was still short compared to me. Closer to Carter’s height, actually. I wonder, had Gerard not claimed the actor, would Sarge have tried? I inspected Danny. More twunk than twink. He had clearly been improving his musculature. A bit more meat than some of the leather twinks here at Surplus.

“Well, to be honest, Sir, almost no experience. I’ve seen stuff online, of course, but never tried anything myself. Bought a few things from a store downtown, but was too chicken to try anything out. Then I got a black envelope from Master Sarge inviting me to the club.”

Sarge definitely researched this boi. I wonder what he learned that made him pursue this crush? “So, a virgin, eh? It’s alright. I can work with inexperienced.” Which further explains why Sarge wanted me. Danny was his Andrej. “We’ll take things slow. But I will test your limits. Speak up if something bothers you or hurts you.”

I grabbed some rope. “Now, turn around.” Not asking. Commanding.

Danny nodded along to everything I said, turning around and showing off his little ass. Sarge will have fun with that. And so will I. I couldn’t resist. I smacked the waiting cheeks. Danny yelped in surprise. Wonderful.

I positioned Danny’s slender wrists so they were crossed, then fixed the rope around them. Tight. “How’s it feel, boy?”

“Unh….” Danny struggled with his first real taste of bondage. He pulled. He strained to move his hands and fingers, awkwardly flexing, opening and closing his fists. “It’s tight… Sir.”

“Is it painful?”

“Mmmmm…. No? Uncomfortable, I guess, Sir, but it doesn’t hurt.”

“Good. We’ll continue.”

Rope harness around his chest. Wrists restraints connected to chest restraints. He was beautiful. I saw the appeal for Sarge. Looks good in bondage, check. Submissive and follows orders, check. Inexperienced enough to perhaps give up more to please his Sir, check. Money, as an added bonus, check.

I pushed against Danny’s back. Hard. His legs were still free, and Danny could have easily braced himself, caught himself. But he wasn’t expecting to be pushed. So he fell. Face first onto the bed. He lay limp, confused.

More tight ties around his ankles and knees. He looked delicious, like a trussed up holiday ham. Almost. A hogtie was in order.

I fed the rope around his ankles, drawing them up and close to his buttocks and waiting wrists. I yanked, pulling hard on the rope. His legs snapped up, torso arched, and he moaned. “Ooooooohhhh… Sir! It’s tight!”

“Good. Hogties are supposed to be tight.” I slapped his ass. Another yelp, almost a squeal. “Looks good on you, boy.”

I turned him on the bed so his head was just hanging off. I stood in front of him. I wanted a comparison between my Andrej, and seemingly who Sarge wanted as his own Andrej. I had to know, would Danny’s willingness improve his skills?

“Worship me, boy.” I commanded, pressing my leathered crotch into his face.

Eager, despite, or perhaps because of, the restraints. Danny inhaled my leathery musk. He felt my manhood stirring under the leather and he began licking, coaxing a satisfied groan from me. Even through the leather, Danny’s willing tongue felt wonderful. He wanted me, craved me. But he needed to learn some patience. Sarge would train that into him, but I could certainly help.

I pulled back, even as his tongue continued to swipe at me. I replaced my crotch with my boot, raised up to Danny’s waiting tongue. He recoiled, but I mashed my boot closer to his head. “I said, ‘ Worship me’. That disobedience will not fly with me, boy.”

“But, Sir…” Danny hesitated, trying to talk around the tip of my boot. “I don’t want to-”

SMACK! A hard crack of my leather gloved hand to his cheek. “Don’t want to? Don’t want to? You don’t have wants anymore. The only thing you want is to please your Master. Master Aegis commands you to worship his boots, and you happily do so.” I knelt down and grabbed his head in my hands. “Do you understand, boy?”

Danny nodded, and I saw him fighting back tears.

“Do you want to make Master angry?”

He shook his head.

“Do you want Master Aegis to take care of you?”

Again, he nodded.

“Then you need to listen and obey your Master’s orders.” I gently petted his head and stood, placing my foot once again against Danny’s face. “So, worship me, boy. Make your Master happy, and he will make you happy.”

Danny nodded a final time, and hesitantly extended his tongue and began to lick. My boots weren’t exactly dirty, but Danny still grimaced. A mental struggle, a fight between what he still believed was his own autonomy, his own self, and the humiliation of following orders, of relinquishing control.

He would learn, he would accept his position. He would find joy, pleasure, happiness under my boot, and eventually under Sarge’s.

Already, he took to cleaning my boot easily, despite his initial hesitation. I switched boots, and he immediately began licking. A fast learner. An eager pleaser. Sarge has good taste.

I smacked his ass in appreciation of a job well done and rewarded him by allowing him to worship my crotch again. This task greatly excited him. “Please, Sir, let me taste you, Sir.” he moaned in between licks and sniffs.

“Soon, boy, but not yet.” I answered, petting his head and back with my leathered grip. “You’ve only just gotten a taste of bondage, and Master Aegis is nothing if not thorough…”


Danny looked beautiful spread-eagled. Not to the bed, he hadn’t earned that comfort. But stretched in the middle of the room, his limbs extended in that beautiful X-shape, leather cuffs and ropes pulling in four different directions.

Danny bucked, whining, unhappy with the rope that was twined around his hard member. Nor was he too happy that his bound cock was subsequently bound to rope tied tightly around his waist.

Not that I heard, or much listened to, his complaints. I was done with his mouth for the time being. A simple leather bit. Nothing too scary… yet. But perfect for training young Danny into knowing when and how to use his mouth. His voice wasn’t necessary. Not until it was asked for. Drool dripped down his bare torso, which he also moaned about. He was cute when he tried to offer garbled pleas to his Master.

I stepped up to him, held his chin in my hand and stared at him intently. “It’s time to test your pain tolerance, boy. Pleasure, pain, agony, ecstasy. You want one, you must first endure the other…”

I produced a pair of nipple clamps. I extended one close to Danny’s left nipple. Before I even made contact, he was screaming, the anticipation already more than he could handle.

“NNNNNNNAAAAAA!!!! SSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRR NNNNNNNNAAAAA!” He shook his head as the clamp moved closer and closer. It opened, its vice grip grazing against its target. Released, pressed down, smashing the tender flesh into its grasp. “GGGGAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” He screamed as the pain blossomed against his chest.

It was likely he’d never experienced such acute pain in that area before, at least not as a young adult. Clearly, his previous partners, if they existed, were not as versed in giving pleasurable pain as I or Sarge were.

“Pleeeefffff, Suuuuuurrrr, iiiiit huuuuutssss!” Danny pleaded.

“It’s supposed to hurt, boy.” I replied simply, and attached the other clamp.

More screams, more pain, more suffering. Exquisite.

Danny’s eyes were welling up with tears, but he wasn’t crying yet. He was handling the clamps well, even if his caterwauling suggested otherwise. That would make Sarge happy. The Master of the House loved to push the pain threshold of his boys. Again, I was simply here to start the process.

“Hush, now, boy.” I said reassuringly. “The pain is intense at first, but it’ll lessen soon. In a few moments, you won’t even feel them anymore. They’ll be nothing more than a dull sensation. But what they will do is heighten your arousal.”

I stroked his bound member, eliciting moans. Moans of pleasure mixed with cries of pain. Time for more.

I left Danny to squirm, suspended in painful pleasure. I retrieved one of the many toys provided by Surplus. The rooms were so wonderfully well stocked, Sarge saw to that. Like a kid in a candy store, there were many choices. I could employ similar training that I was using on my own Andrej. Or I could pump Danny silly like I’d done with Carter, and perhaps what the actor wanted done to him again. But no. I needed to switch things up for my subs.

I grabbed a leather paddle from where it hung on the wall. More tolerance training. Then a reward for Danny.

I smacked the paddle against my leather palm. WHACK! Danny tensed, the sound scaring him, distracting him from his already sore nipples. I remained behind the boy. He tilted his head, turning his neck, trying to see me, and what I had planned.

WHACK! A firm swat against his ass. “NNNNNNNAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” He tried, his head snapping back to the front as the pain sensors took over.

WHACK! Another hit. “MMMMMMMMNNNNOOOO!” Danny cried out as more pain radiated from his backside.

WHACK! His butt turning rosy in response to the hits. “PLLEEEEESSSSSS!” Danny begged.




Quick, successive hits against Danny’s tensed ass cheeks. Danny whimpered, apparently screamed out.

WHACK! A final paddle. “Do you like that boy?” I asked, savoring Danny’s moans.

Danny didn’t respond.

WHACK! “I asked you a question, boy! Do you like that?”

Danny’s shoulders shuddered, not struggling against his bonds, but a more defeated motion. He meekly shook his head and whined again. I set the paddle down on the bed and stepped in front of my client.

The tears were flowing. Not the sniffling, watery eyes of overwhelmed emotions, or even the slight pain of the clamps. These were intense tears, uncontrolled, unbidden. Tears of anguish. His cheeks were red with blushed embarrassment, his eyes red and puffy from crying. The tears rolled down, past the bit gag.

Fuck. I’d pushed too far. I’d found the limit. Pushed passed. Kept going. Forgot my position. Forgot the boy’s inexperience. Fuck.

I reached out, hands cupping Danny’s face. Leather thumbs brushed the tears away. I quickly freed Danny from the nipple clamps, gently rubbing each pec to ease the pain. Then right back to cupping the boy’s face. More wiping of tears. Whispered cooing of praise.

“I’m sorry, boy. You did so good for Master Aegis. I got carried away. But you did so well… sshhhhh, shhhhh, easy now. That’s it. Cry the pain out. You’re okay.”

Danny nodded. When I wrapped myself around his bound form, he rested his head against my chest until the tears stopped, until his breathing calmed. He nodded again. “Can you forgive Master Aegis?” I asked.

Again, Danny nodded. Thank fuck. I can only imagine how fuming Sarge would have been had I broken his new acquisition on the first night.

“No more pain tonight. You’ve more than earned that pleasure. How does that sound?”

“MMMMHMMM!” Danny enthusiastically nodded, like a true excited puppy.

I wonder if that’s what Sarge had planned for him. A new pup, a loyal lap dog? Seemed to fit Danny’s personality. Though perhaps too easy of a read. Sarge was nothing if not unexpected. Danny the gimp? Seemed a shame to hide such a pretty face behind the mask, but he’d take the training well enough. Or could this be the one that Sarge finally elevated to true romantic partner.

The Owner of Surplus had often joked about wanting to settle down with the right slave. A real husband, firmly collared, devoted. A partner, romantic and business alike.

Hmm… Just what was Sarge planning here?

I grabbed a bottle of lotion and began rubbing it into Danny’s ass cheeks. A soothing balm for the abused skin. As I did so, my mind drifted. Strange at a time like this, but nonetheless, I found myself back in my basement.

Gerard’s words haunted me. Did Andrej truly look forward to the times I left him alone? Danny’s tears haunted me. How often had I exceeded limits with my own slave? Sarge’s mystery plans haunted me. Forced me to ask the same questions. What was my desired outcome with Andrej?

No. Not now. I was not prepared to confront those thoughts. Certainly not while in the middle of Danny’s sessions. Later. There would be time for that later. But not now.

Danny had relaxed now, the pain to his nipples and butt now soothed, the sharpest bite lessened. He was ready to be entered. I lubed up his entrance and my own member.

Then I hesitated. I stared at my hard cock and Danny’s hole. But it felt… wrong somehow. This wasn’t Andrej’s ass, primed and ready for me. And this wasn’t Sarge’s dick, hard and ready for Danny.

With Carter, it had been easy to force my cock into his mouth, use his face as my personal hole. I didn’t know Carter then, other than as a pawn to mess with Gerard. And the actor, like his agent, needed to learn their lessons. But Danny was different. Innocent. And Sarge’s.

It didn’t seem right to be positioned this way. I stepped back. No. It wasn’t right. Not this way, at least.

Time for another tool. Danny deserved some pleasure. A perfect tool. A dildo. But not just any dildo. Sarge had a large selection available in each room. But one in particular caught my eye. On the top shelf of the toy cabinet, sitting alone, above the other ass toys. A beautiful, realistic looking phallus. One that mimicked a real penis perfectly. And not just any penis.

Sarge’s. He’d commissioned Sarge dildos for each room, mostly as a laugh. But it was perfect. Who better to fuck Sarge’s new boy, than Sarge himself. At least by proxy.

Fake Sarge was quickly lubed up and gently, slowly inserted. Danny moaned in ecstasy as the penetration began.

“Nice and slow, boy.” I said, pulling in and out. “You like the feel of this dick in you, don’t you boy?” Danny nodded. I grabbed his hair. “Not good enough, boy. I want to hear you! You like feel of this dick in you, right boy?”

“Yuuuuussssshhh Suuuuuuhhhh!” Danny shouted, raising in octave as the phallus pushed deeper.

“Yuuussshh Suuuuhh!” Danny repeated each time the dildo was shoved back inside him.

I released Danny’s own member from its rope prison, and pumped it with my free hand. Again and again. Pump and pump, in time with the boy’s penetration. It didn’t take long for Danny to finish, screaming affirmatives into his bit.

I joined him shortly, spilling over his backside. Only then did I remove the dildo. “Be sure to thank Sarge next time you see him, boy. You’ve got him to thank for this fine fuck you received.”

Danny nodded, then lowered his head in exhaustion. I was spent too. But I had one more lesson to start teaching my young client.


Danny lay on the bed. His arms were by his side, his legs together. Leather straps wrapped around the twunk, firmly pinning his limbs and keeping him immoble. Straps tightly pulled around his ankles, above and below his knees, his thighs, kept his legs trapped.

A special leather strap wound around Danny’s waist and wrists, with two smaller straps wound in the space between each wrist and his hips, ensuring that Danny couldn’t slip his hands free. Three more straps around his arms and torso, around his abs, his chest, and up to his shoulders.

A final, loosely tightened strap around Danny’s neck. Not a collar, at least not officially. But the message was clear.

A leather breather gag, a leather panel with a small breathing tube sticking out and built into the small pecker in Danny’s mouth, was tightly fastened around the boy’s head. A leather blindfold.

I stroked Danny’s cock, gently. Enough to keep him hard, but too infrequently to cause another climax. My other hand casually explored my client’s strapped body. Our time was nearly up. I suspected that Danny was thinking he’d be free soon, that he’d rush home and masterbate while thinking about tonight, thinking about me or perhaps Sarge.

He reminded me a bit of Jake and Benji. Mostly innocent boys, unknowingly or unwillingly thrust into this dean of leathered lions. Meek, unprepared, ignorant. But Danny’s future was more clear, more secure. He was perfect for Sarge, whatever the Owner’s plans for him ended up being.

I still needed to decide what to do about my extra boys, the ones I never wanted or expected. As well as Andrej. There was still so much to do. So much to plan.

“I had a great night, boy. I hope you did too.”

“Mmm hmmmm, hmmmmk hmmmm mmmmrrr!” Danny nodded in the direction of my voice. He waited, expectantly, to be freed or finished. Neither came.

“You’ve given me a lot to think about, and for that, I thank you, boy.” I patted his thigh as I stood and strode towards the door. “Have a good rest of your night… err, morning, boy. Someone will be along in a bit to free you.”

“MMMMM? MMMMMM HMMMMMM HMMMM!” He cried and struggled, even as I closed the door behind me. A final lesson to start his training. His freedom belongs to his Master. And a boi must learn patience in accepting this.

I caught Sarge on my way out of the club. “You know how to pick ‘em, Sarge. I think Danny’ll be perfect for you. I left him wrapped up for you.” I held my hand to his chest when he made a move towards the door. “Let him wait for a bit longer. Then go and rescue him from mean Master Aegis’ bonds. Let him want to be with you.”

“When did you get so wise, Master Aegis?” Sarge joked.

“Tonight, apparently…”


Gerard’s motorcycle was gone when I emerged from the club. Good. I didn’t need another conversation with that asshole. But again, Gerard’s taunts floated in my head.

I needed to decide what mine and Andrej’s future would look like.

But I still wasn’t ready for that mental conversation. Not yet. A distraction. A diversion. A visit to Jake and Benji was in order. It had been too long since I checked in on them. Of course, the question was, had my little thorns behaved themselves?

Remember to vote in the Poll! I need at least 10 Votes for this story to continue!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Why is Sarge outsourcing his slave/sub/partner training duties :lol: :lol: I want to think the guy is smitten and shy and doesn't know how to approach Danny, unlike all the other club goers.

I wonder if it's known by everyone at Surplus that Sarge's dick is available for use in every room ... Nice touch there.

I voted for both misbehaving :twisted: :twisted: punish them Master Aegis
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I love how Danny is learning his place.

I want to see more of the rivalry (don't know if that's the right word) between Master Aegis and Gerard. Why is Gerard such an arsehole??

Wonderful update!

I voted for more punishment for those cocky, young men. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Guardianbound wrote: 7 months ago Why is Sarge outsourcing his slave/sub/partner training duties
I suspect it's not as much about training a slave as much as developing a Dom.
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Post by Bradstick »

Fantastic chapter! I am loving Danny and this is a fantastic take for a Bdsm story. Someone who is interested in Bdsm online experiences it in person only to find it is different. And showing his limits being pushed and being comforted, great touch!

I voted for Jake behaving and Bengi being bad. Bengi could always make a not so anonymous tip to the police department about their missing teacher. Maybe even making a deal with an officer for a shorter sentence. Anything is possible when you’re young and stupid. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
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Post by Volobond »

Awwwww, methinks it's Sarge who's the wise one here.

And as for the poll, I had both boys behaving, but only because I wanna see Bastien play on Jake's protectiveness of Benji more. At this point, they're gonna have to be slaves sold as a pair!

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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Sarge? Smitten and shy? Couldn't be! lol Perhaps Sarge is human after all, under all that gruff, illegal night club owner bravado! Glad you appreciated the little Sarge surprises in each room. It's those (not so) small details that keeps Surplus so popular!

@KidnappedCowboy Glad everyone enjoyed Danny's session! As for Gerard, there were chances to introduce him sooner, but those options weren't voted on at the time, so this was the first place I could really bring him into the story. This is certainly not the last we've seen of the smug agent, nor his animosity towards Bastien/Aegis!

@Wedgieboy69 Strong possibility! Perhaps there are multiple reasons why Sarge employed Aegis' services for Danny...

@Bradstick It's one thing to start exploring bdsm using some cuffs/ropes/tape with a partner or safely at home. It's quite another to be thrust into an illegal underground bdsm club and given a private session with a professional dom! It's definitely a unique situation, one that Bastien wasn't exactly prepared for at the start of their session!

@Volobond Wise, leather-clad Sarge serving up lots of important lessons tonight! And my goodness, how evil! Selling Jake and Benji! That certainly hasn't crossed anyone's minds... You're right though, if that is the inevitability, they definitely need to be sold as a bonded pair lol!

Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts and ideas everyone! I've especially enjoyed seeing the poll change, and the duality of you voters- Have both boys behaved or do both boys need punishment! There's still time left to vote, and I'd love to see your comments! Thanks for the continued support of Bastien and his Moral Quandaries!
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Post by ATOne »

Since the story’s already gone on so long, I’d love to see a special chapter where Bastien treats Andrev so badly he wishes he’d never kidnapped him and wakes up in a dream where he had kidnapped another boy from chapter 1
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Post by gag1195 »

@ATOne that's an interesting idea! Sort of a "It's a Wonderful Life" What-if! Certainly something that could be explored in the future!

I see that the poll has been tied for a bit! If you haven't voted yet, or would like to change your vote, there are still a few days left in the poll! If it remains tied, we'll have to do a run-off poll! Let your voices and votes be heard!
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Post by ATOne »

Yeah, that’s definitely where I was leading onto with my comment. But it does feel like the Christmas episode has passed already in this adventure :P
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Post by ATOne »

Wait? This isn’t ranked choice voting?! Jake obviously needs punished! 7 for both, 3 for him, it’s just poetry!
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Post by gag1195 »

The poll ended last night! (had no internet so I couldn't make my usual announcement until now!)The Results of the poll, "Have Jake and Benji Behaved"?

Yes, both boys have behaved. Both deserve a reward: 8 Votes

Benji has behaved, deserves a reward. Jake hasn't behaved, deserves a punishment: 2 Votes

Jake has behaved, deserves a reward. Benji hasn't behaved, deserves a punishment- 1 Votes

Neither boy has behaved. Both deserve a punishment- 7 Votes

It was a close vote, with the opposite options fighting for the top spot, but ultimately, we have our decision! It turns out that both Jake and Benji have behaved and done their best to follow Bastien's instructions! They are both deserving of a reward from our protagonist! Look forward to that update! Also, it may be hard to believe, but this story is starting to wind down. I still have a good handful of chapters/polls planned, but all good things must come to an end eventually! I hope everyone continues to enjoy this story, and continues to help shape it with their votes!
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Post by Boundguys97 »

Can’t wait for the next chapter. Maybe Benji and Jake earned some light teasing and tickling before allowing their reward.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound @DeeperThanRed @KidnappedCowboy @Volobond @cj2125 @MountainMan_91 @Msueta@2 @squirrel @Pup Wingletang @tugfan @TightsBound @szlm1515 @ohazut @gaggedfeety @MaxRoper @Donbrown @TayDay95 @ShortSocks @bondagefreak @blackbound @LockedCheeseBird @NeedControl @Jason07 @privateandrews @Canuck100 @jackroper @fratboydanny @wataru14 @TightropesEU @AbductedAddiction @dahanband @socjuc @harukatsukino @Bradstick @Guardianbound @Wedgieboy69 @george_bound @Shadowtied2294 @DuctTapeIsSilver @BDBrit @AznSwimmer @Straitjacketed @OrdinaryWorld @Boundguys97 @_zin_ @Sockgaggedman @Bootmark @TickleTorture @ATOne @noescape

I apologize for the extended absence from this tale! Life, writer's block, and other general happenings kept me from finishing this chapter sooner! I hope you enjoy it and hope it was worth the wait! Also, thank you for the continued support on this story! I have only a couple chapters planned, which means only a couple more quandaries to vote on!

Part 18: A Gentle Approach

Ortiz? Enjoying Sarge’s hospitality and training.

Danny? Special request fulfilled, and with any luck, he’d also soon be enjoying Sarge’s hospitality in full.

Andrej? Progressing well in his training. My beautiful, wonderful slave had performed well in my pleasure training. He was growing accustomed to the sensory deprivation and the mild electrical torture I used to guide his behavior. He was even growing eager to please me. Beginning to crave me. In spite of himself, he was beginning to desire his Master. He was very close.

Gerard? An unfortunate and unsavory variable. I hadn’t yet spoken to Sarge about what Gerard had said, but it still weighed on me. Gerard had somehow known about Andrej, about his new life here with me. And only a small handful of people know about Andrej. But Sarge wouldn’t have said anything. Right? Perhaps this is why I hesitated. I trusted Sarge, especially after all his help with Andrej. But would he turn around and discuss my situation with Gerard? Of course, there were two others who knew something about Andrej.

Jake and Benji? Annoying thorns I still needed to deal with. The cages and blackmail seemed to be working, at least for now. But how long could I keep that control over those two idiots? I was overdue for a visit. And with Ortiz the shadow out of the way, I was free to plan my next drop in with my two charges.

But not right away. I needed to plan. And I still had Andrej’s training to attend to.


I set about monitoring my two caged nuisances. It was easy enough to find their social media profiles. Jake’s thirst traps, Benji’s pretentious coffee pictures, Jake’s pictures of friends at different sporting events, Benji and Jake at parties and college events.

Benji with his arm around Jake, both wearing University Bookstore polos. Jake, working. Listening and following instructions. A promising start.

It was easy enough to determine their rough schedules from their continual postings. And it appeared as though both were free this upcoming weekend.


Performing my neighborly duty was easy enough, wonderfully uncomplicated, now that I was free of my shadow. I walked through Andrej’s old home, making the rounds. Watering the abandoned plants, collecting and organizing the mail into neat stacks. I’d need to start going through those growing piles soon, but that could wait.

I wandered upstairs, ensuring that no windows were open, nothing was disturbed. I passed by the open door to Andrej’s office and paused. I don’t know why, but Danny and Sarge flashed into my thoughts. Sweet, innocent, pliable, willing Danny. He reminded me so much of Andrej. What Andrej is, and could become.

I recalled the tears I needed to wipe away from the boy during our session. His breaking point. His limit. The gentle touch he responded to. The gentle touch Andrej responded to.

I stepped inside and quickly grabbed a small stack of books. Each one had a bookmark sticking out, and each spine was well worn. Clearly favorites. A gentle approach.


Andrej lit up when I placed the books down on the nightstand. “Mmmm?” He hopefully cooed.

I nodded, smiled, and kissed his forehead. “You’ve done so well with all of this, by perfect boi, that I wanted to reward you.”

He was as I had left him, laying on the bed, hands mitted and attached to his thigh restraints, ankles joined together. I grabbed a length of chain and locked it onto his collar. I locked the other end to the bed. It was long enough to allow ample movement around the basement, even into the bathroom. I freed his ankles and removed the leather mitts.

Except for his gag and the chain attached to his collar, Andrej was a free man. A free slave.

“I’m keeping you gagged until we finish our training, but as I said, you deserve a reward.” I caressed Andrej’s cheek. Gently. “You’ve behaved, you always obey my orders, you are doing well in your training. It is only right and fair that I reward you.” I leaned in, my voice soft. “I love you, Andrej.”

Andrej hesitated. Contemplating the situation, my words. He slowly moved his arms, wrapped them around me. “Mmm hmmmm mmmm, mmmhmmmrrr.” He choked out. I kissed him again and left him to his books, which he immediately picked up and began reading, settling into the bed comfortably. Naturally. Gently.


Decked out in my gear, save for the ski mask, I walked up the stairs to Jake and Benji’s apartment. I instead wore my leather executioner mask. It served well enough to disguise me when paired with my dark hoodie.

I knocked on the door, then turned around slightly, ready to push my way inside. I studied their schedules that I cobbled together. At least one of them should be home. And sure enough, moments later, Jake answered the door.

He recognized me immediately and tried to slam the door. I was faster. We were inside, door closed, his hands cuffed behind him in the blink of an eye. I held him close to me, limiting his movement, my leather hand placed firmly over his mouth.

He was dressed nicely. Long sleeved button-down, sleeves tastefully rolled up, an expensive looking pair of jeans, hair combed neatly. Well dressed for his kidnapping.


“Calm down, Jakie-boi. We’re overdue for a chat.” I whispered, tightening my hold around his torso as I guided him towards the couch. “Can you behave and talk calmly? I certainly hope so, for Benji’s sake.”

Jake stopped fighting. He slowly nodded. I eased up on my grip and we settled onto the couch. I remained next to him, arm wrapped around him, ready to silence him if he chose to misbehave.

“Fuck you, man.” Jake growled, but he kept his voice at a reasonable volume. “I’ve got a date tonight!”

“Oh yeah? Fun plans?” I joked, then flicked his crotch, my fingers hitting against the cage still firmly locked around his member. “And do they know about your hardware?”

“Fuck you.” Jake looked away. “I agreed to bottom. He knows about the cage, but not the real reason I have it. Besides”, he looked at me again, “I’ve behaved. I followed your stupid orders. We both have. So you can go now.”

So angry, so defiant. And yet he listened, obeyed. Full of complaints. All bark and no bite. “We’ll see about that.” It was time for my questions. “Explain to me exactly how you have followed my instructions.”

Jake sighed, adjusting himself to get more comfortable with his arms pinned behind him. “For starters, I drove us home and back again during Winter Break.I even got that stupid job at the bookstore with Benji.”

“And?” There was more. More instructions he needed to follow.

“And I met with the university about my grade and my scholarship. Whole committee and everything. They agreed to drop the class from my transcript and reinstate me as a student. They were initially against it, but when they couldn’t reach Professor Stankovic, couldn’t get him to defend his grading decision, they saw it fit to reverse the decision. I’ll be back on the swim team next year with a partial scholarship. I’ll have to reapply for the full scholarship, but it’s something.” Jake was almost smiling now, thinking about his admittedly surprisingly good fortune.

I nodded. But my thoughts went elsewhere. Ortiz. Following up on Andrej because of a concerned colleague. They couldn’t reach him. They needed to reach him because of Jake’s petition. And Jake only petitioned because I forced him to.

I was angry. Ortiz was my fault. Wouldn’t have been sniffing around if not for my commands with Jake. I couldn’t be mad at the blonde sitting next to me. He had no way of knowing the domino effect he was a part of. I was mad at the situation. At myself. I was still furious at Jake for his initial stupidity, but in this instance, the blame lay with me.

“I’m impressed, boi. You can be taught to listen. Almost proud. Can i assume that little Benji has behaved?”

Jake immediately nodded. “Of course he has! He always behaves!”

“Good. I think you boys deserve a reward.” Jake gave me the side-eye. I shrugged. “I’m in a giving mood. Recent circumstances have me feeling… generous.” I produced a roll of duct tape. “But, I’m afraid that you’re going to miss your date. If he’s the one, I’m sure he’ll understand!”

“WAIT! NOO-MMMM!” I silenced Jake in rounds of sticky silver. “Gmmmmmmhhhhh!” He growled. Back to angry Jake once again.

“And now we wait for Benji!” I said happily, petting Jake’s head with my leather glove.

But Jake shook his head. “Mmm mmmm!” But he didn’t look defiant. Almost remorseful. He tilted his head towards one of the doors. I stood us both up, not trusting Jake to stay put while I investigated.

As I walked towards the door, the faint, telltale muffled moaning escaped from beyond. I slowly opened it and laughed. There, on the bed, was a hogtied and gagged Benji. In just his underwear, white boxers and an adorable American Flag shirt. Silenced with duct tape like his roommate, Benji feebly struggled against the ropes wrapped around his wrists and ankles. His eyes went wide when he saw the both of us.


I turned to Jake. “Present for your Date? You kinky fucker!” I couldn’t stop laughing.

Jake vehemently shook his head, angrily growling at me once more.

“Oh, I get it, I get it! You did this to keep Benji-boi out of the way in case the date went well?”

Jake nodded, and blushed. Maybe there was hope for these two yet. “At any rate, you just made my job easier. Hope you’re ready, Benji! I owe my well behaved bois a reward!”

I inspected Jake’s handiwork, then shook my head. I needn’t have worried about them escaping from my ropes those months ago. Jake’s rope skills left much to be desired. So too did Benji’s escape skills. These knots were pathetic, yet Benji remained firmly trapped. I adjusted everything to my satisfaction, then rolled lanky Benji up in the blanket, mummifying him completely, his head and feet hidden away in the fabric.

I left him laying there and directed Jake to show me where he keeps his shoes and jacket. I held him steady as he stepped into his tennis shoes, then draped the jacket over him, hiding my own ropework from potential prying eyes, I pulled his hood up to hide the gag, and gave him a final warning to cooperate and remain quiet.

I slung Benji over my shoulder, looking like a bundle of blankets. We rejoined Jake, still waiting for us. A firm hand on his arm, I guided them outside. I fished their keys out of Jake’s pocket to safely lock up, then pulled my prisoner along towards my car.

Bundled Benji was deposited in the trunk, with a reminder to stay silent. Jake began crawling into the trunk expectantly. I smiled, but pulled him back and guided him to the passenger seat, closing the trunk on Benji. I sat Jake down and buckled him in, before closing his door and crossing around to the driver’s side.

Once inside, I began unwinding the gag around Jake’s mouth. “You’ve behaved so far, Jakey, and it’s going to be a decent drive. Could use the company.” I also had some questions, and this was as good a time as any to find some answers. “So, I’m going to ungag you, but you still need to behave. You know what will happen if you don’t.”

The duct tape was removed, but I produced another roll from the glove compartment and quickly placed a few strips over Jake’s eyes. I pulled his hood low so it would look like he might be asleep to any passersby.


I of course took my more circuitous route through the city, out to the surrounding highways, needing to confuse my prisoners about their location. About half an hour into the trip, I finally spoke. Jake, to his credit, remained silent, though most likely confused.

“So, Jakey, tell me about this date you’re missing tonight. What’s he like?”

“Why do you care? Planning on kidnapping him too?” Jake shot back. Attitude. Grit. Understandable, and at least somewhat endearing that he hadn’t lost his edge. A few weeks ago, Aegis would have slapped that shitty behavior off his face. But after Danny, and time to think, I decided to ignore it, at least for now.

“Bold words considering how I found Benji tonight.”

“That’s different!” Jake immediately fired back.

“Is it? Why did you really tie up poor Benji? Surely you could have just asked him to stay in his room, right? Tying up your roommate seems a bit drastic for some alone time.”

“Whatever…” Jake shifted in his bonds and turned his hooded head away.

“Especially when there’s no guarantee that this date of yours would end up back at your place.”

He didn’t respond, just shrugged his shoulders.

“So, tell me about this date, Jake. What’s he like?”

Jake huffed and puffed, but finally relented and began talking. Angry complaining was preferable to forced silence it seems.

“He’s tall, cute in a boyish way. He’s fit, but not too many muscles. Light brown hair. He’s kind and easy-going.”

“And the cage?”

“Understanding. Which is surprising. He’s apparently pretty kinky, so when I told him that I was locked up, he actually seemed more interested.”

“Hmm…” I laughed. “So, tall, skinny, brown hair, sweet and kind, kinky.” Realization dawned on me and I smiled, though he couldn’t see it. “So, you’ve got a date with Benji.”

“What! N-no!” Again, defensive. Denial.

“And that’s why you got the drop on Benji. You didn’t want your friend to potentially see this doppelganger date of yours.” I playfully smacked his chest. “I get it! I really do. Both you boys are caged, can’t easily help each other out. Gotta get your needs met somehow, right?”

“Fuck you. Just let us go! You’ve had your fun with us, proved your point, let us go!”

“Not happening, Jakey-boi. At least not tonight.” I reached over and patted his cheek. “But, you’ve given me a great idea for your reward tonight. So, thank you.”

Jake didn’t respond, and the rest of the car ride passed in silence. But Jake brought up a very important question. One I didn’t have a good answer for yet. What was to happen to him and Benji?


I left Jake and Benji hogtied on the floor of the basement, tight ropes bound around wrists, ankles, chests, legs, pulling them both in uncomfortable arches. Blindfolded, gagged, deafened. Left to struggle.

I needed to check on my boi. My Andrej.

He remained as I had left him when I went to collect Jake and Benji. Comfortably wrapped in his leather sleepsack, muzzled and blindfolded, he hung in the basement’s closet, among the other sacks, jackets, and other similar pieces. Andrej was also deafened with earbuds, narration from one of his favorite books gently playing.

I removed the earbuds and blindfold and placed kisses on his muzzle. I pulled him into my arms and held him there. “Did my boi miss me? I missed you.” I kissed him again as he nodded. A seemingly genuine nod and my heart melted. “You doing alright?” Another nod and his eyes smiled back at me. “I love you, Andrej.”

“Hmmmmm mmmmm.” He mumbled back.

“I have to keep you here tonight, while I entertain Jake and Benji, but I promise I’ll check on you periodically. If you behave, we can sleep upstairs. Would you like that?”

Andrej nodded enthusiastically. It would be his first time out of the basement since I carried him down here on his first day with me. I kissed him again, reapplied the blindfold and earbuds. Kissed him a final time, caressed his cheek. A final hug before closing the door and turning my attention to my two charges.

I undid their gags, blindfolds, and headphones and explained their promised reward. “Jake has helped me realize that you two have been missing some needed pleasure since getting yourselves locked up. So, let’s see if I can help with that.” I leaned down and ruffled Jake’s hair, even as he tried to buck me off. “We also have Jake to thank for tonight. For behaving and listening to instructions.” I pet Benji’s hair. “And Benji, for always being such a good boy.”

They knew better than to talk out of turn, so both remained silent. Staring at me, waiting. I produced their reward and both pairs of eyes widened. A double-ended dildo, shiny and black, rested in my hand.

I bent down and oriented Jake and Benji so they were facing each other, and pressed the dildo in between their mouths. “Go on, don’t be shy, bois!” I nudged the end into Benji’s mouth, who offered little resistance to the phallus. I had to hold Jake steady as I forced the other end into his mouth, but to his credit, he held it in. They both lay there, dildo in their mouths, staring up at me. “Come now, I know you both know what to do in a situation like this…”

I pushed both their heads closer together, forcing the dildo further into their mouths. Until I met resistance and both boys began to suck. Bob their heads back and forth. Benji took to it naturally. No surprise. Jake was more hesitant, but managed to find his rhythm. He should thank me. And his date should thank me too. Spared him an awkward blow job from the grumpy blonde.

“Keep it up, bois! This is only part one of your reward! You’re going to want to get that nice and wet! Part two involves that dildo entering a different hole, and the only lube you’re getting in your spit!”

That announcement lit a fire in the pair of captives, who practically inhaled the toy in their efforts to sufficiently lubricate every inch. When I was satisfied with their performance, and tired of waiting, I carefully extracted the dildo from my prisoners. I flipped them over and carefully inserted both ends. Slid in with little resistance.

While they busied themselves with their awkward grinding, I took the opportunity to gag each boi with a ball gag. I then settled in front of Benji and carefully freed him from his catch. It sprang to life, and a few strokes ensured it was at attention. Jake’s took a bit more coaxing before reaching its full length, but both bois moaned in satisfaction at finally having this freedom.

I sat back and watched as they pushed against each other in a happy frustration, moving closer and closer to a long denied climax. It didn’t take long. Nor did the second one. Jake and Benji moaned and groaned in satisfied exhaustion.


When the saliva lube finally dried and Jake and Benji could hardly move, barely wiggling on the floor, I decided it was time to get everyone settled for the night.

Dildo removed, each boi was given the chance to relieve themselves and hydrate. When Benji emerged from the bathroom, the pup hood and leather mitts greeted him. As did a tight tape gag and rope to loop around his wrists and ankles. He didn’t fight when I guided him over to a massive cage and pushed him inside and on to the comfortable dog bed. “Good night, pup. Thank you for always being a good boi.”

Jake groaned and rolled his eyes when his tape gagged face disappeared into the familiar gimp mask, but didn’t fight it when I fitted a leather straitjacket around him. I guided my gimp to lay down next to his pup friend, and bound his legs together. More rope connected the jacket to the cage. “I hope you enjoyed seeing what happens when you behave, gimp. Get some rest, and think about things.”

I collected Andrej from the closet, and carried him upstairs, nestled against my chest and he hummed happily into his gag.

I freed my boi from the sleepsack and allowed him his own time to relieve himself. When he finished, I connected wrist cuffs together in front of him, locked his ankle cuffs together, and spent the night spooning my perfect Andrej.

It really felt perfect. But those nagging questions plagued me long after Andrej drifted off in my arms. What was to become of Jake and Benji? Sarge? Gerard? Keep them myself? Let them go? No option seemed like the right one.

Then it hit me. To answer the question about Jake and Benji, I first needed to answer another question: What would Andrej’s future with me look like?

He’d progressed so far in his new life with me, but what would Andrej’s life be long term? Depending on that answer, I would be able to determine what to do with Jake and Benji. I loved Andrej. Deeply, truly. But would he feel the same? I thought of Sarge and Danny, and what Sarge seemingly intended with the young man. Was that in the cards for Andrej and myself?

Andrej the devoted husband? Given more freedom, perhaps even return to work, but happily collared and chained to me and my will. A more independent husband Andrej would allow for Jake and Benji’s freedom as well. If everything is on the up and up on the surface, their servitude and continued existence in my life is no longer needed.

Andrej the house boi? Cooking and cleaning, serving all my needs? He was already quite the skilled cook, and could be quite content in that life. House Boi Andrej might allow Jake and Benji to exit my life, but might require some form of regular check in, just to be safe.

Andrej the sex slave? He was progressing well in his training, and seemed to finally enjoy himself around me. I could have all my needs met. But sex slave Andrej would mean that Jake and Benji would never be free of me, nor me from them. And that would mean they too would eventually need to disappear, find a new life not too dissimilar from Andrej.

It seemed so easy when all of this started. Make Andrej mine. Keep him safe, secured, and happy. But now it seemed like nothing was easy and I had no idea how to keep Andrej as my happy, safe, and secured boi.

Remember to vote in the Poll! I need at least 10 Votes for this story to continue!
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Post by Socksbound »

What a brilliant chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Really wonderfully written.

I voted house boi that way we get check ins with Benji and Jake. Who wouldn’t want a repeat of this every now and then.

So happy Andrej is progressing in his training and got such a sweet reward
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Post by Volobond »

A wonderful chapter - Bastien learning a wonderful lesson that the carrot-and-stick only works when the carrot is something more appealing than the absence of the stick.

Meanwhile, I voted to make Andrej the house boi. Andrej, it seems to me, would thrive in an environment where he had clear rules and duties, as with too much independence, he seems to be prone to melancholy or self-doubt. Keeping house in a cozy and warm domain seems to be a perfect solution, and one Andrej himself may not even have been opposed to prior to the kidnapping!

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Post by Guardianbound »

Glad to see Bastien being so giving and generous.

I voted for House boi, seems to be a good balance of independence and restraint.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound Thank you, friend! I appreciate the kind words! I also love your reasoning to selfishly keep Benji and Jake under some sort of lock and key as well!

@Volobond Bastien, like some of my other characters, have a terrible habit of being very stubborn, so we love when they finally move past that block and let some of that stubbornness go! I appreciate your thoughtful response towards Andrej's future. This poll is shaping up to be quite interesting!

@Guardianbound Bastien would argue that his is quite giving and generous, always, even if we don't always see it! Thanks for voting and commenting, friend!

I appreciate the continued support for this story as we start to wind down! I've added an extra day to the poll, given the recent issues many of us had in accessing the forum! I'm also out of town this weekend, so you've got some extra time to vote, change your vote, and share your thoughts in the comments!
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