Moral Quandaries M/M (New Chapter 2/18/24) (Concluded)

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Post by Bradstick »

What an amazing chapter! I love how Bengi was already bound by Jake. That was a fantastic turn that I loved! As for the poll, I voted house boi. I think that would be his reward, if he misbehaved, he would return to the dungeon. Can’t wait for the next chapter! This story is fantastic!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Bound Men writhing on basement floors...I love it!

I voted to make Andrej a collared husband with independence.

He's a college professor...He cannot be on sabbatical forever.

More importantly, our Protagonist needs a who is subservient...but a partner nonetheless.
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Post by _zin_ »

Enjoyed getting back into this story. The last 2 chapters were fantastic! I also agree with KidnappedCowboy, and voted accordingly.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick Thank you friend! It appears that Bastien's influence over Jake and Benji is indeed spreading! Jake previously ambushing Benji on the same night that Bastien planned to drop by was just too perfect not to include! Should hopefully have the next chapter up before Christmas!

@KidnappedCowboy It had been far too long since Andrej, Jake, and Benji were all bound in the basement, so we needed to fix that! I appreciate the vocal support for Husband Andrej! You raise good points about his job, his sabbatical, and his position with Bastien! I can't stop picturing Andrej lecturing away with a tasteful collar or chain hidden under his dress shirts and turtlenecks!

@_zin_ Glad you're still enjoying this story, friend! Thank you for taking the time to vote and comment! And again, glad to see more vocal support for Collared Husband Andrej!

Thanks again for the comments, everyone! Still some time left to vote for the outcome! I appreciate you all!
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Post by gag1195 »

The Poll has officially ended! The Results of What Andrej's Future Should Look Like:

Andrej the Husband- 9 Votes

Andrej the Houseboi- 9 Votes

Andrej the Sex Slave- 4 Votes

That means, yes, there is another tie. Both the husband and houseboi option continued to climb, overtake each other, and remain deadlocked for long enough for me to call the results. However, rather than take this to a run-off poll, and extending this story any longer, I'm going to accept both winning options and incorporate both into the upcoming chapters of this story. It will mean a bit more training for Andrej, but Bastien is more than capable of molding Andrej into the perfect Husband and Houseboi. That also means we won't be releasing Jake and Benji anytime soon!

Thanks to everyone who continues to read, vote, and comment on this story! It may not seem like it, but we are approaching the end of this tale, with only a few more chapters planned/expected! Stay tuned for how things shake up, and what remaining Moral Quandaries there are to be voted on!
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Post by wataru14 »

It's ending soon...ish? Oh, no!

You've created a really interesting and well-executed concept with this tale and I can't wait to see where it goes next!
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound @DeeperThanRed @KidnappedCowboy @Volobond @cj2125 @MountainMan_91 @Msueta@2 @squirrel @Pup Wingletang @tugfan @TightsBound @szlm1515 @ohazut @gaggedfeety @MaxRoper @Donbrown @TayDay95 @ShortSocks @bondagefreak @blackbound @LockedCheeseBird @NeedControl @Jason07 @privateandrews @Canuck100 @jackroper @fratboydanny @wataru14 @TightropesEU @AbductedAddiction @dahanband @socjuc @harukatsukino @Bradstick @Guardianbound @Wedgieboy69 @george_bound @Shadowtied2294 @DuctTapeIsSilver @BDBrit @AznSwimmer @Straitjacketed @OrdinaryWorld @Boundguys97 @_zin_ @Sockgaggedman @Bootmark @TickleTorture @ATOne @noescape

Sorry, for the delay in posting this! Last minute Holiday plans and events, coupled with the continued Site errors, delayed me in uploading the chapter. But finally it is here! Hope you all enjoy, and continue to vote as we move closer and closer to the end of these Moral Quandaries!

Part 19: Worth the Wait

Waking up with my arms wrapped around Andrej, my body pressed against his, his bound and gagged form contentedly dozing. A perfect feeling. What I wanted when I committed to this plan. That Andrej was finally coming around to his situation helped immensely.

He stirred when I did. Not surprising given how tightly I held him. He hummed into his gag when I pressed a kiss to the back of his head. “Good Morning my perfect Boi.” I murmured. I pressed closer, if that was even possible, squeezing Andrej tight against me. I was stiff, erect, and pushed closer and closer to Andrej’s backside. He no doubt felt me, but he did not try to shift his position or move away with this limited mobility. Did he want it? Was he finally ready? It was time to see if all of our training had been worthwhile.

But, Andrej was still a fragile soul. It wouldn’t do to push too much too quickly. No, but there were other ways to check my Boi’s preparedness. I slowly untangled myself from around Andrej, laid him on his back and propped myself up so I could stare at my perfect boi. His hazel eyes were beautiful, with no hint of fear or concern. He eyed me carefully, but there was a trust in them, an understanding.

I cupped his muzzled face in my hand and watched him for a moment, committing this moment to memory, a perfect snapshot of my perfect Boi. “Andrej, I love you. I hope you know that. I hope you believe that. You don’t have to feel the same way right now, but I needed to say that. You’ve done so well with everything. You’ve come so far. I love you and I am proud of you.”

He nuzzled against my hand and nodded. Beneath the muzzle, his cheeks reddened. Blushing from the praise. My good, good Boi.

“I know I have asked a lot of you, demanded a lot from you, Andrej. I want to demand more. If you can manage it, we can begin to discuss more freedom and privilege for you. Did you enjoy sleeping up here, with me, out of the basement?”

Andrej enthusiastically nodded, his eyes beaming.

“I did too. And do you remember how you earned this reward?” I pressed. I needed him to understand, internalize. He nodded, and tried mumbling out his answer.

“Mmmm mmmmhmmmd mmm hmmmmuu.” He nuzzled my hand again, his beautiful hazel eyes going puppy dog on me.

“That’s right, Andrej. You listened to me. You obeyed me and my orders. You followed my instructions. And because of that, you were rewarded. I want to continue to reward you. That’s all I want to do. Praise you, reward you, love you.” He hummed again. “And there are two things I want to do this morning to see how ready we are.”

I pulled Andrej off the bed, gently, setting him down on the floor, kneeling in front of me. I slowly removed his muzzle, placing my finger over his lips to keep him quiet. He nodded carefully and obeyed. I removed my finger and adjusted my position at the edge of the bed. My erect member waited for Andrej.

I gently held Andrej’s head and guided him closer and closer to my crotch. He didn’t fight, didn’t resist. He waited as I pressed my length against his lips. He parted, slowly taking me in. It was clear this would require some practice. I had no doubt that Andrej had been on the receiving end more than once, but until now, he’d had little cause to practice giving. That would come in time, improve in time.

He was careful, but calm, and began an earnest effort to please me. I gently thrust in and out, keeping my guiding hand against his head, helping him, coaxing him. My academic Boi was a quick study, and began moving his head back and forth to take me in.

I’ll admit to being eager. I wanted this for so long and it was finally happening. My perfect slave was willingly pleasuring me. And doing a decent job of it for his first time. It didn’t take long for me to finish, and I began convulsing. I tried holding Andrej still as I finished, but he couldn’t quite manage it all. He choked, releasing me from his mouth, and my remaining climax landed over his mouth and chin.

It was not a truly perfect ending, but I cannot fault him. For what I assume his first time, he performed admirably. I smiled down at him, caressed his cheek and whispered softly, “Well done, Andrej. You did well.”

He remained quiet. Didn’t respond, but beamed up at his Master. I quickly reapplied the muzzle, then kissed the leather over his mouth. I wanted him to taste and smell my seed for as long as possible.

I scooped him up and carried his bound form downstairs, Complimenting him the entire way. “An impressive first time, Andrej. There’s room for improvement, but you managed perfectly. You performed wonderfully. Passed my test with flying colors.” He continued to blush, and even attempted to hide that fact by burying his head against my chest. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Andrej, my perfect Boi.”

I gently set Andrej down on the kitchen floor. “I will be right back, stay still.” I commanded, then trusting my Boi to listen, quickly made my way downstairs.

It was still dark enough in the basement that my two guests couldn’t see me clearly. They heard me descend the stairs and began whimpering and begging in my direction. I heard the cage shake as the pair of them struggled, but I ignored them. I collected my Aegis Mask and donned it, just to be safe, as well as a length of chain. Leaving Jake and Benji unacknowledged, I returned upstairs to my waiting slave.

I took a moment to make sure the curtains in my kitchen windows were closed, then I unlocked Andrej’s ankles and stood him up. I attached the chain to his collar, the other end I locked around the refrigerator door handle. Only then did I free Andrej’s wrists from their own lock.

There Andrej stood, naked except for his cuffs, collar, and cage, standing in my kitchen, dutifully waiting for my instructions.

“You did well upstairs, Andrej. You passed that little test. Now I want to test you again. Make breakfast. You have free reign of the kitchen, anything in the fridge and pantry. Make breakfast for us. All of us. Wouldn’t be a very good host if I let those two idiots downstairs starve.”

Andrej looked at me confused, uncertain. I stepped closer and held his head in my hands, forcing him to look up at me. “You enjoy cooking, don’t you Andrej?” He nodded. You enjoy cooking for me, right? That massive meal you made just for me is proof enough.” He hesitated, but again nodded, blush creeping back in. “So let us see what you can do, then. Make a breakfast we can all enjoy.”

I kissed his forehead and retreated to the dining room table. There, I had an unobstructed view of my Slave working away in the kitchen, but I would not be in the way, nor would I be looming over him as he worked. Husband or houseboi, Andrej would need the space to prepare meals without me crowding him. Too many cooks, not enough space, and all that.

Besides, what sort of test would it be if I were breathing down his neck the entire time? I needed to continue to build Andrej’s trust, even in these small ways. He couldn’t escape, not with the collar chained to the bulky refrigerator, so my continued presence next to him was superfluous.

Let us see what my perfect Andrej can do. I sat back to watch, envisioning our future. Andrej happily humming into his gag as he prepares his delicious cooking, serving me the lovingly prepared food. Serving me in other ways.


Andrej’s breakfast was indeed delicious. With my limited stores, he had managed to create flavorful ham and cheese omelets and even prepared a potato hash from some frozen tater tots I’d forgotten about.

He placed two plates down at the table, one in front of me, and the other expectantly in front of the seat next to me. Then he waited. Wondering if I would allow him to sit with me. Waiting. I smiled and nodded to the seat closest to the kitchen, and he happily sat, the chain just long enough to allow him that dignity. I reached over and removed his muzzle.

“It looks delicious, Andrej.” I was about to dig in when I saw Andrej hesitate. “Is something wrong, Andrej? You may speak.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Andrej said shyly, remembering the owed respect. “I wanted to properly respond to you. To what you said this morning, and last night. You told me you loved me. Desired me. Want to care for and protect me.” He looked at me, and my heart fluttered. “I first want to say, thank you, Sir. For everything. I… I think I love you too.”

I closed the distance and kissed him. Our hands held each other close, exploring our naked bodies. Only the rattling of his chain reminded either of us of the nature of his predicament.

“Andrej… Andrej, do you mean it? Truly?” I pressed. I had to hear it for sure. Hear it again.

Andrej nodded. “I do. It has taken me a while to think about everything. But I see that you have done much for me. That what you have done for me and to me comes from a place of caring. I see that. I have grown to appreciate that.”

I kissed him again, pinning his hands to his lap and attacking his mouth with my own. “You really are the perfect Boi.” I managed to huff out between kisses.


I descended the stairs once more, two plates in my hand, Andrej’s chain wrapped around my left hand. After breakfast, I’d gagged my Slave and reattached his wrist cuffs. He willingly accepted both. I led him down into the basement and attached the chain to the bed. His hands were still in front of him, so he settled down and awkwardly grabbed for the book at the top of his neat little stack. He devoured his text, all but ignoring the other two prisoners.

I freed both Jake and Benji from their masks and tape gags, and released Benji from the dog cage, and set the plates in front of each. “Eat up, Bois!” I happily commanded. “Gotta get you both home before too long!”

Both stared at me, Benji raising up his mitted hands, Jake shrugging in his straitjacket. I shrugged back and nodded down to the plates of food. I left them and returned to Andrej, positioning myself behind him. He leaned back and used me as a cushion as he happily continued to read. I absentmindedly ran my fingers over his form.

Jake and Benji hesitated, but eventually, their hunger won out, and they both awkwardly shifted, descending towards the plates and lapping up their breakfasts as best they could. I jokingly whispered into Andrej’s ear, “After you are fully finished with your training, we should consider getting a dog.” I reveled in the shiver that ran down my Slave’s spine as he glanced over at his former students. “Don’t worry. I want you all to myself for as long as possible.”

When the bois had finished eating, I sent Benji off to shower, locking him in the bathroom while I collected their dishes. Jake was forced to wait his turn, still in the straitjacket and silenced with a ball gag. I deposited all the dishes in the sink and quickly set about rinsing up everything from breakfast. Eventually, this would be Andrej’s job fully, but he’d already done so well today. I didn’t want to push him too much. We had all the time in the world for Andrej to perfect his role here.

Benji was fresh and clean, and Jake was given his opportunity to shower. In the meantime, I prepared Benji for the trip home. I placed cooperative Benji in a loose hogtie, using the same ropes that Jake had initially used on him, and silenced him with a firm and tight tape gag. I added a strip of tape over his eyes and wrapped him once again in his blanket. A snug little bound burrito.

Jake, once finished with his shower, was likewise similarly bound, as I had bound him the previous night. Hands tied behind him, arms secured, blindfolded and tape gagged, jacket and hood covering up the bondage from any potential onlookers.

I pressed a kiss onto Andrej’s head and said goodbye to my perfect Slave, promising that we would continue our training when I returned in a few hours.

Benji over my shoulder, Hand on Jake’s shoulder to guide him, the three of us made our way up and out to the garage. And continuing the repeat of last night, Benji was stored in the trunk, and Jake was allowed to sit, bound, gagged, and blindfolded in the passenger seat.


The ride back to Jake and Benji’s apartment was long and silent. I wasn’t interested in another conversation with Jake, and I wanted to hurry and deposit the two thorns and race back to my Slave. So the necessary twisting, turning, confusing ride back was torture.

I carried Benji in, depositing him back on his bed. I tousled his hair, thanked him for continuing to be a good boy, and encouraged him to keep Jake on the straight and narrow. Back in the Living room, I sat Jake down and began untying his chest rope. “You should tell Benji how you feel. Worst thing he can do is tell you he doesn’t feel the same way. It’s not an order from me, boy, just some advice. I’m going to continue to check in on you two, but you’ve both proven to be well behaved and trustworthy bois. Keep this up, and you both might have a future ahead of you.” I tousled his hair too, loosening his wrist restraints enough for him to slip out, but only after I was completely gone.


The next few weeks passed in complete bliss. Something had clicked between myself and Andrej, and he was well on his way to true perfection in my eyes. We discussed his new responsibilities around the house, cooking and cleaning, supervised and collared/chained, and the increased privileges he could earn: time out of heavy restraint, time ungagged, more books and other hobbies to help keep him mentally stimulated.

We also increased the final training, servicing his Master. Which he took to with a talent and hunger I didn’t think possible from my Boi. He’d finally accepted me, his position, his new life.

He whined and moaned when I finally entered him. It was painful. First time. Understandable. But he performed well, and the pain lessened each time.

Andrej finally seemed happy. Content. Relaxed. He had time to read and please me, he cleaned without complaint, and found a renewed joy in cooking. He really was the perfect Houseboi. He was perfect and he was mine. Completely.

I even incorporated a workout routine to keep my Slave in shape. Those months of restraints and limited movement had done much to erode the definition he had before coming to this life. I wanted him to build that back up. I wanted him in his best shape, not only for himself, but also for me. I kept it simple, but it was enough to help him redevelop a more toned form. He was happy.

A few weeks into this perfectly content life, Andrej approached me with a question. “Master, I want to ask you something. But I worry you will be mad when I do ask.” He sheepishly said. He was sitting on his knees at my feet, his chain wrapped around my hand. I relaxed on the couch, my feet lazily resting on his shoulders as he worshiped them.

“Yes, Boi? What is your question?” I sat up to give my Slave complete attention.

“Well, Sir, I was wondering if you might allow me to return to work.”

I raised my eyebrow but said nothing.

“Please, Sir. I miss teaching, miss working with students. I want to challenge my mind more.”

I kissed him. “Let me consider this, Andrej.” How much trust did I have in Andrej? He’d surprised me with his transformation into my perfect Houseboi. But could I trust him to remain faithful, remain mine with that much freedom? I couldn’t exactly follow him to and from his classes each day. Did I trust Andrej enough? Could I trust him? Could I trust my own training? Was it enough?

I needed to decide soon though. The time was running out on the initial cabin rental I’d placed for Andrej. Would I need to extend Andrej’s sabbatical? Or was he ready to return to the real world?

I wanted to discuss things with Sarge. I needed to check in with him and see how things were going with Danny. I texted him, but he never responded.

Ghosted. By Sarge. Not entirely unheard of for the club owner. But after three days of silence, I finally called him. Still no answer. I called twice more. No answer. But a curt text back, finally.

Can’t talk. Under the weather. Check back in with you later. Also, need Aegis to work this weekend. I’ll send you the client list. Let me know who it’ll be.

A few minutes later, the email arrived. Hmm… Almost the same dossiers as last time. Sans Danny.

Grant, the muscular, sexy bartender interested in learning how to dom in true BDSM fashion. Cousin of Sarge’s friend. I could already picture restraining those impressive muscles, and stealing a Surplus Houseboi for Grant to practice on.


Carter, eager actor. Interesting. Had Gerard mellowed out? Would he allow Carter to experience another session with Aegis? Could I trust myself, trust Aegis, not to push things too far? Carter would have fun, no doubt, but I’m not sure goading Gerard was worth the fun.


And finally, Maxim and Heath, Surplus power couple. Rich lawyer and successful artist. Kinky couple. Apparently it was Heath’s birthday soon, and again, the couple wanted a memorable night. I felt somewhat terrible that I might have ruined their anniversary. Two subs for the price of one was also intriguing, even if Maxim and his tough, in charge attitude might present a challenge.


Which client to pick?

Perhaps Aegis and his upcoming session would allow me a chance to think things through regarding Andrej, his request, and our future.

Remember to vote in the Poll! I need at least 10 Votes for this story to continue!
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Post by Guardianbound »

My mind has not changed, Maxim and Heath!!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Worth the wait indeed! Andrej finally embracing his position as Bastien's kept man was all I wanted from this story from the start and it looks like they could even reach an agreement on his career. The sex scenes between the two were not only hot, but they were also quite wholesome.

Jake and Benji keep being adorable little subs; here's hoping they can keep discovering their affinity for bondage on each other, haha! For Aegis's next job, I'm still voting for Grant but I also wouldn't mind seeing him handling a power couple.

Thanks for another great update! I thoroughly enjoyed this story and as reluctant as I'm to see it ending soon, it's amazing how well you handed such a long-running plot that's partially decided by reader votes. Kudos!
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Post by blackbound »

Two things:

One, the treatment of Jake and Benji continues to be the hottest.

Two, *bangs fists on table* GRANT! GRANT! GRANT!

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

After not being able to access the site for a few days, I was more than eager to digest the coming conclusion of this journey.

I am happy for Andrej finding a Dom and a partner! :)

The two scallywags have received their comeuppance! :twisted:

And the baton needs to be passed to the sexy, muscular bartender, Grant. 8-)
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Post by Volobond »

Wow, can you believe the last time I read this story was last year??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

But seriously, I loved the way Andrej and Bastien have resolved their love - although part of me thinks they could have arrived here at this point even without kidnapping lol.

I voted for Maxim and Heath - maybe Bastien can get some inspiration from seeing another happy kinky couple!

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Post by Donbrown »

Happy New Year, everyone!!
I kinda agree with @KidnappedCowboy. Andrej and Bastien are made (or, in this case, trained) for each other and Andrej needs to make a public appeareance. All this time, his absence has caused much unwanted suspicion and he can't extend his sabbatical indefinitely.
Hope we see more of the two cute thorns' relationship. But, if Jake is about to become the dom, will he be experienced enough to control and train Benji? Maybe Bastien or Sarge should train him first ;)
I voted for Maxim and Heath. It'll be interesting to see Bastien dominating a more experienced and mature couple.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Guardianbound Maxim and Heath will be very happy to see your support, and their current lead in the poll!

@DeeperThanRed Happy to finally fulfill your wish, and the wish of so many of you from the initial Andrej pick at the very beginning of the story! Also, happy to see Grant get some support! You never know how the readers will react to certain characters, but Grant has some decent support considering his very small role in my previous stories! And as always, I appreciate your very kind words! This has been and continues to be a very ambitious project and the fact that is continues to get so much support, views, votes, and comments is wonderful!

@blackbound Thorns they may be, but Jake and Benji do allow for a lot of interesting narrative options! And Grant definitely appreciate your vote to give him more of a spotlight to shine!

@KidnappedCowboy Yeah, I managed to get this most recent chapter posted and then like 2 hours later, I couldn't access the site again until this morning! Things are finally starting to turn around for not only Bastien and Andrej, but also Jake and Benji... but we still have a few updates left before the end...

@Volobond Could it and Would it have happened without the kidnapping? Perhaps, but I think all of us would agree that the way things ended up was far more entertaining! It was certainly more interesting!

@Donbrown If things work out well, Andrej's reappearance could certainly help smooth some things over, make Bastien's life easier, but the question remains, has Bastien's training been enough? And of course, we still need to make final decisions about Jake and Benji... So many loose ends to tie up!

Thanks for the comments and support everyone! I know there's been some site issues the past few days, so I've added some extra time to the poll! I want to make sure everyone that wants to participate has the time/ability to add their votes and comments! Also, Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for supporting my stories throughout 2023 and (hopefully) into 2024!
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Post by harveygasson »

Hadn't gotten around to reading more of this one for a while but finally up to date and loving it so much!
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Post by _zin_ »

Another great chapter! It is nice to see Andrej is responding positively to Bastien's training. And the hint of the developing relationship between Jake and Benji. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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Post by gag1195 »

@harveygasson Happy to hear you enjoyed catching up! Thanks for making the time!

@_zin_ It's been a long road for Andrej and Bastien, so its nice to finally see the payoff unfold! And of course, Jake and Benji too!
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Post by wataru14 »

I was beaming when I read this. Smile from ear to ear. The dynamic between Andrej and Master is wonderful to watch.

As for the poll, I'm torn between two choices. But I think I'll go with Grant. I love the idea of Aegis taking on an apprentice. Maybe he can be given Jake and Benji as a pet project?
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Post by gag1195 »

@wataru14 I appreciate your kind words, friend! Glad you enjoyed this update! I also like the picture you paint, Apprentice Grant coming into his own and taking over the training for Jake and/or Benji... Certainly appealing!

There's still a bit of time left in the poll, more site issues notwithstanding! Thanks for all your support, everyone!
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Post by gag1195 »

The Poll has officially closed! I know there was some issues with people being able to access the site, but I cannot extend the poll forever! Apologies if you weren't able to cast your vote this time around, there will be a few more polls/updates to contribute to before the story ends! Now, to the results for who Master Aegis' final moonlighting client will be:

Grant, the Curious Bartending Dom: 7 Votes

Carter, the Eager Actor: 0 Votes

Maxim and Heath, the Kinky Couple: 12 Votes

Maxim and Heath have the distinction of being Aegis' final clients of the story! I am very much looking forward to writing Aegis and this kinky couple's session! I'm happy to see that Grant, my very minor and admittedly under utilized character, received quite a bit of vocal support, even if he didn't win the poll! Thanks for taking the time to vote and comment everyone! Hopefully the next update will be out soon, barring more site connection issues!
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Post by blackbound »

Fine, I'll just get Grant for myself then. :twisted:

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Post by Guardianbound »

blackbound wrote: 5 months ago Fine, I'll just get Grant for myself then. :twisted:
I'd love to read that :lol:
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound @DeeperThanRed @KidnappedCowboy @Volobond @cj2125 @MountainMan_91 @Msueta@2 @squirrel @Pup Wingletang @tugfan @TightsBound @szlm1515 @ohazut @gaggedfeety @MaxRoper @Donbrown @TayDay95 @ShortSocks @bondagefreak @blackbound @LockedCheeseBird @NeedControl @Jason07 @privateandrews @Canuck100 @jackroper @fratboydanny @wataru14 @TightropesEU @AbductedAddiction @dahanband @socjuc @harukatsukino @Bradstick @Guardianbound @Wedgieboy69 @george_bound @Shadowtied2294 @DuctTapeIsSilver @BDBrit @AznSwimmer @Straitjacketed @OrdinaryWorld @Boundguys97 @_zin_ @Sockgaggedman @Bootmark @TickleTorture @ATOne @noescape

Apologies for the delay, everyone! Also, apologies for the length of this update, but I just couldn't stop writing! I hope you all enjoy Maxim and Heath's session with Master Aegis! And of course, thank you to everyone who votes and comments, especially as we are racing towards the end of this story! I appreciate your support!

Part 20: Eclipsed

I lounged on the bed in the Aegis Room, waiting for my clients. I had gone back and forth for a bit, ruminating on my client options. I quickly dismissed Carter as a possibility. Not for anything the young actor had done, other than his unfortunate connection to Gerard. The agent’s comments to me still bothered me, and I decided that my best recourse was to create as much distance as possible between myself and Gerard. That meant I could not consider Carter for this, or any future, session. That left Grant and the couple, Maxim and Heath. Grant stood out to me. Not a member of Sarge’s club, but tangentially affiliated. I saw Sarge’s reasoning for considering Grant as a potential client. Sarge often did some business with Grant’s cousin, so offering a session to Grant might have been something of a kick-back. Grant was quite attractive, I couldn’t stop picturing his muscles wrapped in Dom’s leathers. I hadn’t considered a protege, but the idea was intriguing.

But I couldn’t keep Maxim and Heath out of my mind. Perhaps it was guilt for not selecting them before. But as I settled in next to my perfect bound and gagged Andrej night after night, my thoughts turned to the kinky couple. What insights could I glean from them? Did the pair have any wisdom to impart? The questions would not go away. I texted Sarge my decision.

Andrej protested when he saw me donning my Aegis gear only to get ready to leave. I promised him that I would always come home to him, and the idea of him waiting for me was going to drive me crazy all night. I locked his cuffs and laid him on the bed. I’d moved a television down to the basement, so I handed my perfect Andrej the remote. He rested it in his bound hand, and quickly tuned it to a history documentary. I kissed my boi and carefully muzzled him, locking it in. Then I was off.

Waiting. I’d arrived early on purpose. With my first session as Aegis, I’d dragged Carter in here against his will, and with Danny, the eager boy had been waiting for me. This time, I wanted to be early enough to welcome my couple client. I wanted to see how they acted from the start.

I had also wanted to check in with Sarge. He’d been distant these past few weeks, and had complained about being sick. He refused to see me. I tried not to take it personally. The housebois informed me that poor Sarge was still under the weather. I suppose it shouldn’t be the most surprising thing, all those bodies sweating and moving around the club, the exchanging of fluids, the heavy breathing. A club proprietor catching the occasional virus was nothing more than an occupational hazard. It still hurt that Sarge had seemingly ghosted him. A conversation for another time. For now, though, Aegis had clients.

And so there I was, sitting on the bed, adjusting my leather chaps and readjusting my leather gloves when the door opened and Maxim and Heath stepped in.

Maxim entered first, handsome, confident, sure of himself. He offered only a curt nod to me as he unzipped his leather jacket, revealing a nice collared shirt and tie. His short hair was styled, bangs coiffed up and held firm with some sort of long lasting product. Short, stubbly beard was nevertheless neatly trimmed. He looked every inch a professional. Maxim was clearly a man used to getting his way. This was going to be interesting.


Behind Maxim, Heath entered, all smiles. “Good evening, Master Aegis!” He said, beaming. He doffed his peacoat quickly, only a simple sweater underneath. Not the most logical choice of attire for an underground leather sex club, but I suppose they both, rightfully, assumed that they wouldn’t be wearing much for very long. Heath sported a perfectly sculpted beard and his longer brown hair was loose and wavy. I’d need to be careful. No tape for Heath. Wouldn’t want to ruin all that work.


“Good evening, Heath.” I smiled and nodded back. “And you must be Maxim?” I said innocently enough, but without any of the peasantry I afforded his partner. Matching his energy. “I hope you both are excited about your session tonight. Oh, and happy birthday, Heath!”

Heath beamed again, something that came easily to him. Maxim crossed his arms and offered a curt smile, apparently a gesture he was familiar with making. “Yes, good evening. I hope you don’t disappoint, I’d hate to ruin Heath’s special day. Especially since we were snubbed on our anniversary.” His Italian accent was noticeable, but he spoke confidently and eloquently. He was definitely a lawyer. Maxim leveled his gaze with mine. “Still, you come highly recommended, and if nothing else, I trust Sarge.”

I waited a moment longer, expecting him to continue, but it seemed he was satisfied with his words. Heath cracked an awkward smile and glanced at me apologetically. I took a breath. Be the bigger person. “And I do apologize for your anniversary. I only have so much availability, and I am only one person. For every client I take, there are a handful more that are left wanting. I hope we can put that unpleasantness behind us and enjoy this evening.” I nodded to Maxim, then turned my attention to Heath. “Tell me, Heath, which birthday are we celebrating?”

Heath blushed somewhat, but continued to smile. “Tonight I’m 43, Master Aegis, and very excited about our session.” He gently nudged his husband. “ Maxim is excited for it too, he just has a hard time expressing joy!”

Maxim softened and looked at Heath. “You are my joy, Amore.” He sighed. “I am sorry. He is right, I am looking forward to this.” He paused for a moment, sizing me up, almost considering something. “There are a few ground rules we need to discuss before we continue.”

I nodded. “Of course. What did you have in mind?” This should be interesting. I allowed no such consideration for Carter or Danny, excepting for not pushing too far past Danny’s limits.

“First, as I’m sure you’re aware, I am the dominant in this relationship. The, uh, top, if you will. I do not consent to being fucked.” Disappointing, but fair enough. Though I’d love to claim that ass of his, I could understand this point. “Second, Heath is my husband, and mine, so only I am allowed to fuck him. You may do whatever else you want to us, but these two rules must be followed, or things will go poorly.”

I rolled my eyes, but begrudgingly nodded. It was quite different, and somewhat refreshing, dealing with Maxim. He clearly knew what he wanted and he knew how to communicate those wants. Admirable. His ground rules were fair and understandable, even if it meant I was to be denied the pleasure of taking those perfect behinds. Oh well, I had the rest of them to enjoy.

“I can agree to those rules. Now, let me gather a few things for our session. While I do that, you two strip. Completely.” I walked past them to the cabinets of gear, supplies, and toys, and while I did so, I called back, “It is customary to respond in the affirmative. I will respect your rules, but I don’t care if you are a dominant or a submissive. In this room, you need to show proper respect to Master Aegis.”

“Yes, Master Aegis!” Heath eagerly responded, removing his clothes as swiftly as he could, standing naked in his hairy resplendence. Maxim took his time, carefully unknotting his tie and slowly undoing each shirt button, but he did manage a softer “Yes, Sir.” Sir, not Master. A conscious choice. An effort to retain some level of control, to save face in front of his husband and sub. Respect. I was beginning to like Maxim.

I investigated the seemingly endless supplies, chuckling to myself at the appropriateness of the name “Surplus”. I collected coils of rope and a small assortment of gags, as well as some cuffs, even a crop and flogger. I cast a forlorn glance to the dildos, then paused. I could almost kiss Sarge. He really did have everything. I discreetly collected two items, and returned to my waiting clients. I placed my collected items down on the side table.

I beheld the beautiful men in front of me. Heath’s torso was a forest. Thick and dark, but not thick enough to hide his toned muscles. Age had nothing on him. The same was true of Maxim, lithe and firm, but smooth. He didn’t want anything to disguise his body. Their members were equally impressive, and on their way to full attention.


I grabbed a coil of rope and guided Maxim’s hands behind his back, tightening it off and securing the dominant man’s arms. This was just temporary, but I needed to ensure that Maxim was under control.

I grabbed another length of rope and began tying Heath’s wrists in front of him. I then pulled his wrists up behind his head, and used more rope to make a simple chest harness and keep his wrists secured in that position. I walked Heath over to the edge of the bed, and had him sit facing Maxim, who still stood in the middle of the room. “I hope Maxim doesn’t get too mad at me for what I’m about to do…” I whispered, kissing Heath, “and I don’t mean that kiss.” His beard was soft and tickled my face.


I didn’t wait for Heath to reply, collecting the first of those two perfect items and approaching Maxim, who glanced at what I was holding, and visibly balked. He shook his head, but I simply nodded.

The item in question was a simple leather harness, with a metal cock ring built into it. But that wasn't Maxim's concern. Attached to the harness was a leather pad. And attached to that leather pad was a butt plug. The small padlocks at the straps only added to the effect.

“There is no way in hell that you are putting that on… or in… me!” Maxim growled. He tried backing up, but I was faster, grabbing hold of his arm and pulling him back to me.

“Now, now. Your ground rule was that You not get fucked. I’m simply removing the temptation. If I cannot access it, then there is no concern that I’ll break the rule.” I looped the main leather strap around Maxim’s waist and locked it in place. He shimmied to and fro, but without success. “Come, Maxim. I am simply trying to follow your rules. Grant me that same respect.”

He huffed, but stopped fighting. I fit his cock through the metal ring, stroking it as a reward for his cooperation. He growled again, but I could tell he enjoyed the attention. I applied ample lubricant onto the plug and to Maxim’s hole. “If you aren’t used to this stimulation, it may hurt a bit. I’ll take it slow. Just try to relax.” I carefully pushed the plug into Maxim’s hole. It was tight, impossibly so. Maxim gasped, wincing as it forced deeper and deeper.

Once it was in, I pulled the lingering strap up and wrapped it around the waist strap, locking it in place. Plugged and locked, there was no access to Maxim’s backside. Rule 1 would no longer be an issue. And as an added bonus, the plug and the act of it entering was working wonders to keep Maxim hard.

Then, confusing both men, I untied Maxim’s wrists. I kept hold of his arm and guided him back to the center of the room and commanded him to wait.

I collected a few coils of rope and draped them over my shoulder. Taking one in hand and casually winding and unwinding it as I turned my attention to Heath. “You are an artist, correct?” Thinking back to the dossier I received.

Heath nodded. “Yes. Ah, a sculptor, Master Aegis.”

“Excellent.” I snapped the rope in my hand. “Well, for your birthday, Heath, I am going to gift you a sculpture. However, I am sure I am not as skilled as you. Would you direct me, help me make the perfect sculpture?” I looked at Maxim. “We have the best material available with which to sculpt.”

Heath’s expression brightened. “It would be an honor, Master Aegis.”

“Then I am your hands.” I held the rope out and turned to face Maxim, who smiled at my intentions.

Heath thought for a minute, taking in his naked husband, imagining the perfect Maxim sculpture. Finally, inspiration struck. “Master Aegis, would you please connect Maxim’s right wrist to his right shoulder.”

As I began roping Heath’s instructions, I felt compelled to make small talk with my clients. “So, how did you two meet?” An innocent enough question, surprisingly casual given our situation, their positions.

Maxim took the lead in answering, slipping back into his role as the dominant in their relationship. “I was asked to travel here to help open a new branch of the company I work for. I head up this branch's legal division, so I was tasked with finding new hires, head hunting from local firms, and helping to establish the office. There are some sculptures in the main lobby of the building. I reached out to see if the artist was available. We wanted more work like it for our branch’s lobby.”

I looked back to Heath. “And I assume that you were the artist?”

Heath nodded. “Correct! Maxim contacted me, or more specifically, his assistant did. Asking about quotes, dates, interest, things like that. I didn’t meet Maxim until a few weeks into the project. I was meeting with him and the other branch leaders to review the sketches and designs I came up with.”

I had finished my first instructions and held the next rope expectantly, waiting for Heath to consider how to continue his sculpture. “Next, Master Aegis, would you bring Maxim’s left hand up behind his back and secure it there?”

I nodded, and set to work as the story of their meeting continued.

“We were all very impressed with Heath’s work.” Maxim said, grunting slightly as I pulled his arm back and twisted it up. “But honestly? I didn’t even see the designs he presented us. I could only see him. And I knew I had to have him.”

Heath sighed and smiled. “Maxim acts very cool and aloof, but he was such a nervous wreck when he spoke to me after that meeting. Of course, he was just as attractive back then as he is now. But it took him until almost the end of my contract to make a move. I finished for the day. It was a Friday, and I only had the finishing touches to make, which I planned on doing the next week, then the final inspection and showcase to the company. I walked outside the building and found Maxim waiting for me, leaning against his fancy sportscar. He beckoned me in and I melted.”

“I finally found my confidence. I realized that Heath’s contract was almost up, and I might not see him again. After dinner, we spent the weekend in my hotel penthouse, a gorgeous view of the city, and a gorgeous artist in my bed.”

“And the rest is history, I suppose.” Heath chimed.

“And this amazing weekend, did it involve anything like this?” I asked, tightening a chest harness around Maxim, an anchor for his left hand’s restraints.

Maxim nodded. “Like I said, I found my confidence. And I wasn’t sure when I might see Heath again. So I made sure he didn’t get away. He’s been mine ever since.”

Heath nodded. “When he directed me into his car, I swooned. I was his then and there. He could do anything to me. Ten years later, here we are.”

I directed my next question to Maxim. “Dom to Dom, can I ask, how do you manage not to keep him tied up 24/7? It must be an extreme temptation not to keep him roped up as your own personal piece of art.”

Heath blushed, averting his gaze as Maxim smiled. A genuine smile. “I did, for a time. Once we tied the knot, I tied many more around my Amore. He was mine, after all, and I made sure of it. It was a fine arrangement for both of us, but eventually, we realized that Heath needed more stimulation. He’s an artist, a free spirit. He’s mine, so I trusted that he’d always come back to me at the end of the day. And he hasn’t let me down for all these years.”

“All that to stay, Maxim does find every excuse he can to make sure I am tied up. Most nights, long weekends, conference calls so he doesn’t get bored. But he respects when I need to work on my art, or meet with clients and galleries. It is a balance.” Heath saw that I was finished and waiting, and continued his instructions. “Next, Master Aegis, can you secure Maxim to something? He’s going to need to balance soon, but as restrained as he is, I think he’ll need some help.”

I nodded and smirked. “That shouldn’t be a problem.” I produced a small step ladder from the closet in the room. Sarge really does think of everything. I attached the rope to Maxim’s chest harness and ascended the ladder, tying off the end to the waiting rings hanging from the ceiling. I pulled the ropes taught, limiting the slack to make sure Maxim remained stable and secured.

“Thank you, Master Aegis. Now, if you could please attach Maxim’s left foot to his chest restraints, at the back, please.”

I did as commanded, circling rope around Maxim’s left ankle then pulling it up and bending it, attaching the rest of the rope to the ropes running across his back. Maxim was now forced to stand squarely on his right foot.

“He’s perfect!” Heath exclaimed.

“Almost.” I said. “But correct me if I’m wrong, but statues are usually silent, right?”

“You’d be surprised”, Heath laughed, “But I agree. I think it’s time for a gag. Master Aegis, could you please gag him with some rope? I want to keep the theme with this sculpture.”

“It would be a pleasure. Anything for your vision.” I began winding rope to fashion a bit gag.

“You two are becoming insufferable. Perhaps this session was a mistake after all-llllllgggggg!” I shoved the rope into Maxim’s mouth and tied it off behind his head.

I stepped back to admire Maxim’s feeble struggling, loathe as he was to move too much and risk losing his balance. He glared at me, mumbling into the rope gag.

“You do good work, Heath.” I complimented.

“Helps to have a capable assistant.” Heath returned with a smile.

“I think it’s time to examine our work up close.” I grabbed Heath’s restraints and pulled him to his husband. I forced the hairy artist down to his knees. Heath, natural that he was, needed no further instructions, and immediately took Maxim in his mouth.

They were perfectly in sync. Husbands with a decade of experience, that time, that trust, their passion and desire. I couldn’t help but imagine Andrej and I in their place; ten years of hard earned trust and passion. As husbands. I needed to trust Andrej and the training we’d completed. If this was going to work, I had to believe that Andrej would come back to me, like Heath to Maxim.

It didn’t take long for Maxim to finish, coating Heath’s mouth and beard. And Maxim continued his motions. Ever the Dom, even when precariously restrained. Both were panting heavily, Maxim around his rope gag, Heath around Maxim. But the night was not over, the birthday was not over. Besides, Heath hadn’t even had his relief yet.

I pulled Heath away, leaving Maxim to dangle. I needed to get Heath ready for his next gift. I marched him back to the bed and pushed him down face first onto the mattress. I held him there as I gathered more rope. I kicked his legs apart and began attaching ankles to legs of the bed frame. I repeated the process with his thighs. The effect was perfect, secured to the bed, hole spread and ready. I pulled his member free from under his stomach, and angled it down along the edge of the bed, stroking it to keep it firm.

I released Heath’s hands from behind his head, and secured each wrist to a corner of the bed. “Happy Birthday, Heath.” I said again as I placed a bright red ball gag in his mouth and pulled the straps tightly through his hair.

“Hmmmnnnkk hmmmm sssmmmmrrr!” He purred into the gag, relaxed and happy.

“Don’t thank me yet, Heath. Birthday means Birthday Spankings. One for each year, right?” I brandished the flogger and crop and Heath’s eyes went wide.

He began pleading. “Plmmmm, nmmmmm!”

I alternated between the crop and flail, connecting hard against Heath’s hairy buttocks each time. And each time, poor Heath cried out. Maxim jolted too, but not with concern, or anger. With excitement. He wanted that ass. He wanted to ravish his husband, but my ropes were keeping them apart. There was some poetry there, but I had no time to ponder it. I had to keep my focus on properly celebrating Heath’s birthday.

Halfway through the count, Heath’s skin was beyond red, but Heath’s cries had turned to moans. Pain into pleasure. I leaned over to look at Heath, make sure he was fine, and found him stupidly smiling around the ball gag, his eyes were closed, but not scrunched up from pain or fear, more the half lidded contentedness. We’d lost Heath completely. He was in his own happy world right now.

Still, the Birthday Spankings continued until I finally counted out, “Forty-Three! Happy Birthday, Heath!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmgggggggg…!” Heath sighed in response.

I left Heath there, forcibly leaned against the bed, and returned to Maxim. “You’re a lucky man, Maxim, to have such a fine sub.” I undid the rope bit, and began freeing him from his sculptured state.

“Thank you, Master Aegis. Do you have someone special in your life?”

I smiled and nodded. “Very recently, yes. I’ve found a sub of my own. And you two have inspired me. I think we’ll be making things official sooner rather than later.”

“I’m honored, Sir. I wasn’t sure about how things would go tonight, but you’ve made Heath very happy, and so, you’ve made me very happy.” He held out his newly freed hand for me to shake, which I happily took into my leather grip.

It was the perfect opportunity. I held Maxim’s grip and twisted it, pulling the lawyer closer and spinning him around, once again pinning his arm behind his back. A sturdy box tie trapped his arms and hands. Maxim shook his head ruefully, but he smiled at the ambush.

I finally produced the second surprise item and held it up to Maxim’s gaze. “And this is how I will honor your second rule. You, and only you, get to fuck Heath. It just might not be in the way you expected.”

I held the dildo gag to Maxim’s lips, he rolled his eyes but accepted the smaller phallus of the gag, which was swiftly buckled behind his head. Stretching out from his mouth, the dildo stood ready.

I winked at Maxim as we walked over to Heath. I lubed up the artist’s hole, and applied ample lube to Maxim’s dildo gag. I helped Maxim to a kneeling position, guiding his head to its target. I helped Maxim’s silicon tip to the entrance, then stepped back as Maxim attacked with vigor.

Both men grunted and groaned into their respective gags, Maxim growling with desire, Heath moaning in ecstasy. Maxim’s stamina was quite impressive, and his eagerness was evident. I carefully leaned in and explained to the lawyer, “Your gift is to make Heath climax using that gag of yours. Are you up for the challenge?”

“HHHMMMM SMMMMR!” Maxim shouted, thrusting his head forward into Heath.

Any shame that Maxim might have felt towards this situation, his face closer and closer to his sub’s hole, was outweighed by his desire to please his sub and husband on his birthday. He continued to thrust, to drive Heath wild, until finally the artist exploded, his climax angled down to the floor.

Maxim slid out and fell back onto his side, exhausted. Heath went silent after finishing, completely spent. I released Maxim and he immediately went to Heath’s side, rubbing his husband’s arms and shoulders, petting his soft hair and cooing praise and support to Heath’s ear. I slowly released Heath’s bonds, and when his sub was free, Maxim scooped up his sub and gently began spooning him on the bed.

As quietly as I could, I gathered the rope and gear and returned them to their proper places before slipping out the door. Our session wasn’t technically over, but right now, they didn’t need me, and might not for the rest of the night. I made my way to the bar to nurse whiskey until they needed or wanted me.

As it turns out, the rest of my shift was uneventful. I kept my eye out for Sarge, hoping he might make an appearance. No luck. I scanned the club for Danny, thinking he might be able to give me some sort of update. Again, no luck. My eyes darted here and there, eyes peeled for Carter or Gerard. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to be here tonight.

Maxim and Heath emerged an hour later, fully clothed. I made my way back to them. Heath hugged me and Maxim offered me his hand again.

“Thank you, Aegis.” Maxim raised his voice over the noise of the club. “Thank you for making Heath’s Birthday one to remember!”

“Thank you!” Heath repeated, still not completely back to himself.

“We’ll need to get together sometime, the three of us and your sub.” Maxim said, brandishing a business card and handing it to me. “Let’s set something up!”

They said their goodbyes and Maxim guided Heath out of the club. I followed shortly after, casting a final gaze at the club, hoping to spy Sarge.


The drive home, I couldn’t stop envisioning my future with Andrej, inspired by Maxim and Heath. I couldn’t wait to talk with Andrej about, well, everything. His desire to go back to work, becoming husbands, giving each other untold pleasure. I was ready, and I hoped Andrej was too.

And then my heart nearly stopped. The basement door was open. Not simply unlocked, but wide open. I froze. The front door was unlocked. Closed, but unlocked. The basement was open. I didn’t hear anything, anyone. I waited. Held my breath. Mind racing. Heart pounding in my ear.

Nothing but silence. I rushed downstairs and found the basement empty. The restraints that held Andrej were still on the bed, arranged as if Andrej were still laying there. The television was off, but otherwise, nothing else had been disturbed. Bathroom and closet were empty. Andrej was gone.

I ran back upstairs, fruitlessly searching every room for my perfect boi. But he was gone. My training hadn’t been enough. He’d escaped, and ran. It had all been for naught. He had lied to me, deceived me, played my emotions.

I called Sarge. I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t very well call the police and tell them that my kidnapped slave had escaped. I could only hope that Sarge finally decided to answer.

I called a second time. A third time. Finally, on the fourth call, Sarge answered. I didn’t even give him a chance to speak before the words fell out of my mouth. “Sarge! It’s Andrej! He’s gone! Escaped! I know you’re not feeling well, but I need your help!”

The voice, the words on the other end of the call, made my blood run cold. “It’s sweet how much you care, Bastien.” Gerard! “But you needn’t worry. Sweet Andrej is here, safe, enjoying my hospitality.”

“Gerard? What the fuck! What did you do? Where is Sarge? Where is Andrej?”

Gerard laughed. “They’re both here, Bastien. Why don’t you join us. We are long overdue for a talk. Meet us at Surplus in say, two hours? I need to finish closing up, especially since Sarge is a bit tied up at the moment.” He laughed again. “I can’t wait to see you, Bastien. And don’t be late, Andrej is waiting after all.”

Gerard hung up but my phone buzzed as he sent two pictures. One of Andrej, bound and gagged on his knees. The other was of Sarge, chained and muzzled to a wall.



What the fuck was happening? What the fuck was Gerard’s game? He was holding all the cards. He had all the power in this situation. I didn’t like it. I hated this feeling of powerlessness. He had Andrej. And apparently, he had Sarge. I needed to play this very carefully, or I might end up in a similar fate.

I didn’t like this one bit. I had two hours. Could I even the playing field? Supply my own bargaining chip? Was it worth the risk? Could I manage that and make it to Surplus in time? And what, or who, would my bargaining chip be? Jake? Benji? Carter? I’d already handed over Ortiz, who was now technically under Gerard’s control.

I was running out of time.

Remember to vote in the Poll! I need at least 10 Votes for this story to continue!
Last edited by gag1195 5 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Wow, what an update!

First things first, Maxim and Heath are both adorable and hot as a couple. I loved how Bastien coyly skirted around Maxim's rules to give him a taste of submissiveness but allowed both of them to live their fantasies. This was definitely a night they won't forget soon!

And that twist! I think Bastien's gonna need a bargaining chip but either way, there's no guarantee things will turn out in his favor.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

Yeeeeeeeeee! Maxim and Heath were lovely, especially Heath, my new obsession! There's a Daddy I wanna see tied up as much as possible! Dreamy and cute and creative...

In any case, I made my first decision actively in Bastien's worst interest! I suggested he go with no bargaining chip, because I'm interested now in jeopardizing him, because sweet Andrej looks great all worried and... maybe I want Sarge to myself, bwahaha! :twisted:

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