Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Who should Mason save?

NATE: plug gag, gorilla tape bonds, nipple clamps
CODY: duct tape gag, handcuffs, Icy Hot
LEO: Hoss' sock gag, rope bonds, tickle torture
RAY: bandana gag, slave harness, in his underwear
Total votes: 26

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Post by Volobond »

Is it wrong that Nate just got super hot to me right there? We love to see a burgeoning supervillain protect his friends, though I hope he and Hoss are okay! I know Sam was well-meaning though kinda crazy, but I do definitely think he got off easy, even with the biological warfare gag.

The theatricality of TUG is one I enjoy so very much, and all my boxes were ticked not only by Cody helpless and gagged (the way he should be ;) ) but by LJ participating and shirtless! Yum. Call me Buffalo Bill the way I'm going wild for these cowboys.

But with that, the slate is clear, and I can't wait to see our boys in more situations! @wataru14 your writing always hits me to the core, and you always jump right back into it like you've never been gone. Just no misses with you! :D

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by _zin_ »

I really enjoy this story. The TUG rituals are always a great read. Glad Cody is back safely and the punishments have been doled out to Sam and Ryan. Curious, of course, as to why Nate and Hoss sneaked out early.
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Post by wataru14 »

CHAPTER 1: Prisoner of War

One of the buildings on the far edge of campus had been in disuse for quite some time. It had been built back in the 20s or 30s or so, and was on a list of historic buildings protected from demolition. But the university didn’t really do much with it. Mostly storage of old desks and books and things that they didn’t have the staff to catalogue or throw out. It was old brick and concrete, and had a dilapidated, derelict look to it. So, of course, the film department treated it like Xanadu. Pretty much every film that needed a dingy interior used it. It had been bunkers, dungeons, fallout shelters, mobsters’ lairs, you name it. But at the present time, it was being used as a WWII German prison camp.

Ray sat at a table in a large storage closet that had been assigned as the makeup room, shivering his ass off. A space heater had been set up, but it didn’t do much to fend off the mid-November cold that permeated the building. There wasn’t much insulation to begin with, and what the building did have was mostly removed decades ago for being toxic. And his costume didn’t do much to protect him from the cold, either. His black combat boots were fine, and his camo cargo pants left enough room for him to wear two pairs of thermal longjohns underneath. As long as his belt was buckled, they’d be hidden from the cameras. But his costume did not include a shirt, and he was definitely regretting that directorial decision right about now.

A Sophomore theater student had been diligently working on applying cuts and bruises to his arms, torso, and back. And also bruising on his wrists from the restraints used on him during his captivity. His character, Private O’Brien, had been a prisoner of the Germans for a few days and had been subjected to rough treatment. Forced labor and cramped quarters. And that needed to be reflected in his physical condition. A series of photos of a shirtless Ray were laid out on the counter, showing his progression from fresh to his current state. Each one added more damage and the photo spread ensured continuity. If he had a welt on his arm in photo 2, he’d better still have it in photo 4. Plus additional. But Ray was getting fidgety. He had heard of movie stars that spent hours in the chair, and while this wasn’t THAT bad, each makeup session was longer than the one before. While filming, adrenaline helped him ward off the cold. But he didn’t have that luxury in the makeup room.

As he sat, trying to think about something else to pass the time, Travis came in. He was wearing a German army uniform, complete with long coat. “Lucky him,” Ray thought. “At least he won’t be freezing his ass off in here.” Ray wanted to say something, but the makeup artist was applying a gash to his lip and gave him a look that said he would brook no interference in his work. Travis’ entire demeanor changed when he entered the room. At first, he had his usual cocky fratboy swagger, but that faded quickly when he saw Ray in the makeup chair.

There were three Travises, Ray thought. The public one that walked around campus: suave and collected. The one that appeared around Clay and the DIX crew: sad, submissive, and craving validation. Almost broken. And the real Travis: which Ray suspected only he saw. Travis gave a weak smile as he sat in a second chair and started receiving his touchup from a second makeup artist. They hadn’t spoken since the skate park after the auction. Not really. Ray still couldn’t believe how badly he fucked that up.

Their previous meeting at the readthrough flashed through Ray’s mind. Travis had been belligerent and surly, but now Ray realized that he had been put up to it by Clay. Or he had agreed to do it as a desperate attempt to gain his brother’s approval. Like when he volunteered to be the spy at the Bid Night Party. Ray could definitely empathize with doing whatever you could to try to live up to the impossible standards set by a loved one. Somebody that no one was ever quite good enough for. Travis did have a lot to offer. Even if Clay didn’t see it. And Ray desperately wanted to reconnect. Travis did, too, but neither seemed to know how to make the first move. Travis couldn’t even look in Ray’s direction while he got his makeup applied.

“This is stupid,” Ray thought. “Why am I being such a wuss about this? Just talk to him like nothing happened. Chat about football or cars or something.” Conversation came easy to Ray, and it was puzzling him why he seemed to clam up around Travis. “That’s it,” he thought. “I’m through with this Lifetime Movie bullshit. No more longing glances and wistful sighing. I’m going to flat out tell him that I want to see him again. I’m going to…” His lip now done, Ray took advantage of his makeup artist changing brushes to turn his head in Travis’ direction. But he was already gone.

His makeup job now done, Ray headed out to the main room to get the shoot underway. The director and first AD were there, wearing knit caps and coats and drinking hot coffee. Lucky bastards. The director’s face lit up when he saw Ray. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “That looks great! Like you’ve been through the ringer!” Ray nodded with a smile. A few years ago he had wiped out on his bicycle and got pretty banged up. This makeup job did a near-perfect recreation of how he looked. “OK,” the director continued. “So I mentioned this at the readthrough as a possibility, and I decided we’re going to do it. Today is the torture scene. At first it was just a passing thought, but your acting has really impressed me, Ray, and I want to give you a special scene to feature you a little more.” Ray smiled, beaming with pride. Of course he was exceeding expectations. That’s what he did.

Travis was sitting in the corner, his back to everyone, reading script pages. The director said “Travis will have a script for this, but you won’t. I want to see how you improv and what you bring to the scene. I think you understand O’Brien well enough to do it. Now let’s walk the set.” The director motioned for Ray to follow him to a side room off the main area. He shot a look at Travis before going, and saw that he was not pleased with what he was reading. There was a tension in his shoulders that Ray could read even from here. He wanted to say something, but the director whisked him away before he could.

They came to what was once a small store room. Concrete walls that had been aged and weathered. A dingy window that had bars applied over it. A worn straw mat on the floor. Rusty manacles hung from the wall in various places. And a thick wooden post had been set up slightly off the center of the room. Midway between the center point and the wall. Everything had been placed off-center like that. Partially to give somewhere for the crew and camera to stand and partially to make the room look smaller. More claustrophobic. Ray took it all in, imagining how O’Brien would feel being in this room.

“We’re going to start with you being dragged in by two guards. You’re pretty tired and ragged by this point. It’s been about three days since you’ve been imprisoned here and they’ve been giving you hell the whole time. But I still want to see some fire in you. You’re not Rambo, so don’t go to and 80’s-action-hero level of defiance. O’Brien is tough, but he’s still green. He’s scared inside but doesn’t want to show it.” Ray nodded, his mind churning over how O’Brien would think and feel. “There will be some light stunt work, but you can roll with that. The kommandant will be here for the beginning, along with Travis, and then he will leave with the guards. Then it will be just the two of you.”

Ray walked over to the post and ran his hand down the wood. It was a heavy construction beam. Unsanded. Stained with what he assumed was supposed to be blood. The director said “Yeah, you should familiarize yourself with that because you and that post are going to be getting very close. Heh heh.” The director turned to the AD and said “while I’m working with Ray and Travis, have the second AD take the kommandant and the soldiers and film some of the transition scenes. I don’t want them to think we’re wasting their time.” The AD nodded and scurried out, getting everyone prepped for the shoot. “You ready?” the director asked Ray.

“Let’s do this.”


The cell door flew open with an ominous clang as it hit the stone wall. The kommandant strode in, a look of aloof superiority on his face. He walked with a grace and authority fitting his rank. Behind him, two soldiers dragged in a struggling prisoner. He was stripped to the waist, his fit torso covered in bruises and painful looking welts. His skin was red from sun exposure and his blonde hair was matted and dirty. He had a black right eye and a split lip. Even though his arms were restrained behind his back with handcuffs, and a soldier held him tightly by each arm, he didn’t stop fighting. He pulled and struggled against their grips and shouted curses at them in both English and German.

A haughty sneer flashed across the kommandant’s face. “You Americans are so uncouth. Still, I admire your spirit. Your people are my favorite to break.” He snapped his fingers and the two soldiers pulled the struggling captive over to the post.

One soldier socked him hard in the gut, the punch making a dull thud sound against his abs. With the wind knocked out of him, the prisoner couldn’t fight back as the second soldier undid his cuffs and pulled his hands behind the back of the post before relocking them. The young prisoner’s chest, smudged with dirt and soaked with sweat, heaved as he gasped for breath. When his strength returned, he stared up at the sneering kommandant’s face, his own trying to keep a mask of defiance despite the panic welling up inside him. As he glared, the guards approached him with more chains. They started with his bare chest, looping the chain around and pulling it behind the back of the post and looping it around again. After a few revolutions, the chain formed a thick band around O’Brien’s torso, holding him tightly to the post, the rough texture of which grated against his bare back. The chains were so tight, O’Brien could not take full breaths as there was no room for his chest to fully expand. The soldiers kicked his legs apart into a wide straddling stance. Keeping him off-balance and vulnerable. They shackled his ankles to small rings in the floor, forcing his legs far apart. One of them made like he was going to kick O’Brien square in the balls, which were completely unguarded due to his wide stance. The kick stopped just short of connecting, though. O’Brien had tensed up in expectation of the blow, though, causing the soldiers to laugh at his plight. The kommandant chuckled and waved the soldiers away before ominously walking up to O’Brien, his heavy boots echoing on the concrete floor.

The kommandant grabbed Private O’Brien by his matted blonde hair and pulled his head up. The captive soldier grunted in anger as the German officer made him look him dead in the eyes. “My my,” the kommandant said. “It seems someone has been most uncooperative during work assignments. You’ve been giving our officers quite a lot of trouble.” The kommandant ran a leather-gloved finger down O’Brien’s bare, dirt-and-sweat-covered chest, bouncing it over the chains that enveloped his torso. “And now you shall learn the penalty for disobedience.”

The kommandant released his grip and walked away. As soon as he was clear, two guards approached, carrying truncheons. One of them was that cocky young recruit that had been taking special pleasure in making O’Brien’s life hell. A young, smug upstart looking to make a name for himself in the German ranks. As they approached, O’Brien spat and gritted his teeth, ready for the blows to start raining down. The young upstart was first, smashing his club into O’Brien’s ribs.


“Cut!” the director said. “Good work. Everything OK Ray?”

“Yeah,” Ray said. “Those rubber clubs sure look real.” Travis chuckled and grabbed his club, bending it into a bow shape and letting it snap back into position.

“But they look real good on camera,” Travis said, putting on his first personality for the benefit of the director and other actors.

The director smiled called for makeup. “OK, so O’Brien just got beat all to hell. I need more bruises, more gashes, and more blood.” Ray braced himself for the cold liquid to be applied from the scurrying make-up artists, and as he did he saw Travis out of the corner of his eye. The long-suffering DIX pledge was clearly watching him in is half-undress, but doing a poor job of hiding it. They hadn’t spoken since the awkward encounter at the skate park. Not really. And the times they crossed each other’s paths on campus, each had been accompanied by guys from their respective squads, making a personal conversation impossible. Ray had wanted to apologize for his boorish behavior at the skate park while they were looking for Cody, but it was too awkward and… he wasn’t used to apologizing for anything. He wasn’t even sure how to go about it. And there was so much going on with everyone being worried about Cody he couldn’t find the time even if he did know where to start.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that the makeup artists had finished and that everyone was waiting for him.

“Ray?” the director said, snapping his fingers. “You there, buddy?”

“Oh… yeah, sorry,” Ray said, blinking and getting his focus back. “I was just… thinking about the scene.”

“Yeah, the big torture scene,” the director said. “Now remember, your part isn’t scripted. Travis and I thought it would be better to improv it and see how you do. Just go with the flow and I’ll stop you if I don’t like it. You ready, Travis?”

Travis jumped, barely hiding his discomfort that this scene was his idea in the first place. “Um… yeah. I’m ready.”

The director frowned. “What’s wrong? A few weeks ago you could barely contain your enthusiasm over this scene. Now it looks like you’re about to eat cold brussels sprouts.” The director chuckled.

“Yeah, well… I’ve been thinking about that and…”

The assistant director cut him off. “We only have this room for another hour or so,” she said sternly. “If we change the scene now we’ll loose filming time and it’ll put us behind. So man up and get to work.”

“You heard the lady,” the director said. “Everyone in position? OK, Action!”


O’Brien collapsed against the post as much as his restraints would allow. He looked like hell. His handsome, boyish face was bruised and swollen and blood dripped down from a gash on his forehead. The kommandant sneered from his position leaning against the chamber wall. “Where is that American bravado now?” he scoffed. “Surely we couldn’t have broken you so easily. Why, we’ve just gotten started!”

O’Brien flared his nostrils and spat at the jeering officer.

“Now that’s more like it!” the kommandant said gleefully. “We’ve got something special planned for you, American. Herr Schultz here has been eager to get his hands on you for a while now. To pay you back for your insouciance during work detail. So I have allowed him some alone time with you. He has a keen mind. I look forward to seeing what he will do.”

Schultz stepped up next to the officer. A cigarette dangled from his sneering lips. He produced a silver lighter from his pocket and lit it up. After taking a quick drag, Shultz held the cigarette in his fingers and advanced on O’Brien. He held the glowing end an inch from O’Brien’s sweaty, heaving chest for a moment… and then pressed the tip against his prisoner’s flesh.

Ray could slightly feel the heat from the cigarette through the protective patch of latex that had been applied to his chest and blended with makeup matching his skin complexion to be invisible. In character, he let out a cry of pain and shock. The German soldiers laughed as Schultz held the glowing tip against O’Brien’s flesh for a moment more before pulling it away.

“Very nice,” the kommandant chuckled. “I will leave you to your work.” The kommandant signaled for the other guards to come to him and they left the chamber, the door closing behind them with an ominous clank. O’Brien gasped in pain and fury, barely able to stand or draw breath. The chains securing him to the post were the only think keeping him upright.

“Do your worst, you Nazi bastard!” he barked. Schultz looked back at the door for a moment, then walked up to O’Brien. He grabbed the young American’s chin in his leather-gloved hand and held his head straight forward. He leaned in with a sneer, his face inches from O’Brien’s. The prisoner’s face snarled once more as the German soldier drew closer… and kissed him.


The entire production crew jumped out of their seats. What the hell was Travis doing??? The assistant director was halfway to her feet, but the director grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, making a “shhhh” gesture. She looked at him incredulously, but he just mouthed “let’s see where this goes…”


O’Brien reacted in total shock and disbelief as Schultz pulled his lips away. His eyes were wide with confusion. Schultz stepped back and said “Be quiet. I only have a short time.” His accent was most definitely not German.

“What?” O’Brien coughed. “Who are you?”

“Right now I am Herman Schultz, but my real name is Jean Dellacroix. French Resistance.” Dellacroix looked at the door again and whispered, “Scream. Now!”

O’Brien grunted and let out an intense cry, as if he was being horribly tortured.

“Good,” Dellacroix said. “We have to make them think that I’m torturing you. It will give us time to talk. Now listen. I can get you and your men out of here, but you must do exactly as I say. Can you do that?”

O’Brien thought for a moment. Could he believe this man? Or was this some kind of psychological torture tactic? The confusion and uncertainty played across his face and the cameras ate it up. The director was beaming.

“In two days, you and your comrades are going to escape. I will leave the door to the garage unlocked for you so you can steal a Jeep and get back to Allied territory. There is just one thing I need you to do.”

“What?” O’Brien asked, his voice full of desperate hope.

“In the kommandant’s office there is an important file on German troop movements. I need to get it and bring it to the Partisans. To cover my infiltration, I need you and your men to make as much chaos as possible during your escape. I need the kommandant and his guards to be out of the room… Scream!”

O’Brien nodded and howled again, adding a desperate moan and whine at the end. Dellacroix nodded approvingly. “Once you’re out, go to a village called St. Cyr ten miles east of here. I will meet you there the following morning. Then you and your men will take me with you. Don’t worry about hiding. The villagers are Resistance, too. They will shelter you. Just use my name and you will be safe.”

“Is this… is this for real?” O’Brien asked incredulously.

“Quite so, my friend,” I will have weapons hidden for you to use during your escape. I will give you the locations tomorrow during work detail. But I have to ask one more thing… Scream! Big!”

O’Brien put everything he had into this bellow, making it sound like he was in absolute agony. When his cry died away, he panted and said “What? What else do you want?”

Dellacroix smiled gently and said “When we are back in Free France, I would like you to have dinner with me. A simple request since I am saving you and your comrades lives, non? I must admit, I am quite taken with you. Forgive me for my boldness a few moments ago, but I saw your beauty and simply could not resist. I hope my advances were not unwelcome…”

O’Brien blushed and looked away. Ray wasn’t sure how much of this was coming from Dellacroix and how much was coming from Travis, but either way, he could work with it. “Yes… I mean, no… I mean… fine… anything,” he said. “Just as long as you do what you say you’ll do.”

“Excellent,” Dellacroix said, glancing at the door again. “They will soon be back. You must pretend that I have tortured you into unconsciousness. Hurry!” O’Brien slumped down in his chains, looking like he was barely alive. Dellacroix scattered various grizzly devices around the room to keep the ruse going, then he came back over to O’Brien. He reached into his pocket and took out a key. “This will unlock your manacles. Yours and your squad’s. Keep it safe until it is time.” He put the key into O’Brien’s mouth. As soon as O’Brien secured it under his tongue, the door opened.

Schultz gave O’Brien a hard slap across the face as the kommandant and his men re-entered the room. O’Brien slumped down against the post, kept from collapsing onto the floor only by the chains tethering him to it. He looked half dead. “It looks like the rumors of American endurance are exaggerations,” Schultz said. “All that swagger and he’s out already.”

The kommandant grinned. “So I see. Men, take him back to his cell. Herr Schultz and I have to discuss the secrets the American prisoner revealed during his interrogation.” The kommandant and Schultz walked together out of the chamber as the soldiers unchained O’Brien from the post.

“Come on, schwein,” one said, giving O’Brien a quick jab in the ribs with his fist. “Back to your pen.” And they dragged O’Brien from the room.


Ray sat back at the makeup table, carefully peeling the latex pad off his chest. The director said he had to save it so they could use it again. The burn mark wouldn’t just go away between shots, after all. As he removed the makeup from his face and body, he couldn’t keep his mind off the scene they had just shot. Travis went very far off-script. That was clear from the AD’s reaction. But the director let it happen. What did this mean? He wasn’t as good at reading people as Nate or Shane were, but he could tell that the kiss was genuine. So did that mean that he didn’t completely blow it with Travis? As he pondered this, the director came in to the room.

“Hey, you decent?” the director joked. “I just finished hosing off Stacey. Travis threw us for a loop today, but I kinda dig it, so we’re going to use it and go forward. Doesn’t change much for you. The escape scene will be altered slightly to adapt to what he said. And the sergeant’s death will happen in the village instead of the woods, but otherwise it’ll be the same. We’re also going to kill off Dellacroix during that scene, too. I think it will have more impact if he dies. You on board?”

“Sure,” Ray said absently. He was only half paying attention.

“Good,” the director said, picking up the latex pad and pocketing it. “Part of me wanted to nix this new plot arc because it seemed like Travis is just fishing for a bigger role. But… I think it will really be a cool twist, so we’re keeping it in. I’ll send you the rewritten pages as soon as I finish them. We’ll resume filming in a week. After you get back. Your frat is going on that retreat thing this weekend to the next, right?”

“Oh yeah,” Ray said, wiping the fake blood from his face with a wet towel. “I almost forgot.”

“Well, have fun and try not to get too wasted,” the director joked. “I need you in top shape for the action sequences. Anyway, have fun, man.” The director shook Ray’s hand and left. Ray continued to take off his makeup. When he was done, he put a TUG T-shirt on and was about to leave when someone stopped him at the door. Travis.

“Hey…” was all Travis could say.

“Hey…” Ray said in response. “…Actually, you got a minute?”

Travis nodded. “This is it,” he thought. “He’s going to tear me a new one for that stunt I pulled. The AD almost fired me on the spot. If the director didn’t step in…” But all he said was “Sure.”

Ray sat back down and said, “I’m sorry for the way I acted at the skate park. I just… I had no idea that you would do that. You have to admit, you threw me for a loop, man.”

“Yeah,” Travis said sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I put you on the spot. I should have asked…”

“No,” Ray said. “You don’t have to ask. I was too stupid to say it then, but… I’m glad you went for it. I enjoyed it.”

“You… you did???” Travis said, his heart skipping several beats.

“Yeah,” Ray said. “I did. And you’re a cool guy. I know we didn’t get off to a good start, but without all the frat obligations I think you’re a pretty chill dude. If you wanted to hang out more… or whatever… I’d definitely be down for that.”

Travis was so happy he couldn’t speak.

“But you’ll have to deal with Clay on your own,” Ray said. “Can you imagine his face when he finds out you’re seeing a guy from his ‘hated enemies?’ It’s like Romeo and Juliet, huh? I mean, he’s gonna have a cow when he sees the movie. That scene we just filmed is really going to piss him off. That’s for damn sure.”

Travis’ face darkened. “Clay…” He sat down in a chair and buried his head in his hands.

“What’s wrong, man?” Ray said. “I was just kidding.”

“I can’t take it anymore, Ray,” Travis said. “He’s my brother and I love him, but… it’s all fucked up. I can’t do it anymore. DIX, I mean.” Ray stood in shocked silence. “After what happened at the old house… with the fire and everything… I thought Clay would settle down. Stop being as much of an asshole. But he’s been riding me so hard. He’s probably lashing out at me because he can’t go after you guys anymore. I don’t know what to do. I almost thought about dropping out of school because of it. But I can’t do that. Dad would kill me. I just feel… like I have nowhere I can go.”

Ray put his hand on Travis’ shoulder encouragingly. “It can’t be that bad, bruh. I know DIX’s pledge period is longer than ours, but things should settle down in a few more weeks.”

“It won’t,” Travis said. “Clay has already talked about extending my pledgeship until the end of the year. He says I’ve messed up too much. He says he’s the only thing keeping them from kicking me out. Part of me wished he would. He’s only doing it so he can punish me for helping you guys out.”

“What do you mean?” Ray said. “You’re a DIX Legacy. It’s in your blood.”

“They… they’re assholes,” Travis said, on the verge of breaking down. “They don’t care about me. Just my name. I thought the fraternity would be a brotherhood. But the upperclassmen just look at it as a way to farm people to abuse. I thought… I thought it would be like… what you guys have.”

Ray said nothing. He felt sick to his stomach hearing this.

“You and Mason and Nate and the others… you’re like a family,” Travis said. “And your Big Bros care about you. That’s the way it should be. Not like…” he looked down at the DIX letters on his own t-shirt, but couldn’t finish the sentence.

Ray didn’t know what to say. He really wished that Shane or Cody were here. Or even Leo. Someone who could articulate something to make Travis feel better. All he could say was “Look, man. When we get back from the retreat, you can bank on every one of us having your back. You’ve done us some big favors, and I’m going to make sure we pay them back.”

Travis seemed to feel better hearing this. “Thanks, Ray,” he said, forcing a small smile. He turned away to start taking off his own makeup, which Ray took as a signal that it was time for him to leave. He told Travis he’d call him as soon as they got back from the retreat and left the building.

As soon as he was clear, Ray grabbed his phone.

“Leo,” he said. “I need a favor. It’s big. Listen, asswipe, I don’t care if you are in the middle of a raid. This is important. I need you to get the guys together and meet me on the Hill. They can pack for the retreat later. I’m calling the banners. We might have another war on our hands.”

Coming Soon – Part 2: The Wheels on the Bus
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Post by gag1195 »

How do I get invited to the premiere of this film? It's shaping up to be fantastic!

As for Travis and this new poll, I'm actually going to say No, but with a lot of caveats! He obviously needs to get away from/out of DIX, but I don't think he should be allowed to join TUG, at least not fully. I think giving him a place to stay, at least temporarily, is a great start. I also think he should be given a slot to rush next year, if he's still interested. Adding a 6th pledge this year feels... messy? Who would his Big Bro be? Which senior is going to have to split his duties and time with a second pledge? What about the pledge activities/assignments Travis has missed? When they become seniors, what will the 6th leadership role be? What happens if Ray and Travis don't work out? TUG has pretty well established decorum around 5 per class. TUG should 100% help Travis, but I don't think that help needs to involve a full TUG membership.
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Post by Guardianbound »

How do we turn this film into a drama series? We need more! I would have gasped out loud watching the kiss scene.

I voted yes on the poll. With time I'm sure Travis will be able to fit right in with the group.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

gag1195 wrote: 4 months ago How do I get invited to the premiere of this film? It's shaping up to be fantastic!

As for Travis and this new poll, I'm actually going to say No, but with a lot of caveats! He obviously needs to get away from/out of DIX, but I don't think he should be allowed to join TUG, at least not fully. I think giving him a place to stay, at least temporarily, is a great start. I also think he should be given a slot to rush next year, if he's still interested. Adding a 6th pledge this year feels... messy? Who would his Big Bro be? Which senior is going to have to split his duties and time with a second pledge? What about the pledge activities/assignments Travis has missed? When they become seniors, what will the 6th leadership role be? What happens if Ray and Travis don't work out? TUG has pretty well established decorum around 5 per class. TUG should 100% help Travis, but I don't think that help needs to involve a full TUG membership.
I agree. As much as I want better for Travis, it would create a huge plot hole. Short of killing off another pledge, it would be hard to make work logistically.
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Post by Volobond »

I love how Ray is really flourishing with his acting now that the Major is somewhat behind him on his life.

I definitely think that Travis needs to get out of DIX, but I don't think TUG is the place for him. He needs to find his own way, and find his own sense of brotherhood in a place that he doesn't already have bad blood with.

I agree maybe giving him a temporary place to stay might be an option, out of gratitude for his assistance, but anything further would be too disruptive. I know all the pressure Travis is under, but to be equally fair, it was all his choice to remain in DIX and to be an asshole all those times, just as much as it was his choice to help out. So to that end, I say no, he should not be allowed into TUG.

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Post by CowboyStud »

Travis saved them from the fire!

He should be allowed into TUG…

I think if he is turned away when ray returns from the retreat.. tragedy will happen before than. Travis is not in the mind set to be turned away.

He has no family,
He feels alone,

He was who I was before I came out.. and speaking from experience I see him going through suicidal thoughts.

I truly think and sincerely at that… think that Travis needs tugs. I agree with the above statement he needs to feel that sense of brotherhood.

I just think that turning Travis away or acting like it’s no big deal with what he’s going through .. it’s going to be bad.

I suspect Mason to help him out. Ray and Mason are like brothers and I don’t think rays protection of Mason is one sided. I think Mason will try to become friends with Travis to better understand him and for rays sake.
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Post by CowboyStud »

Wedgieboy69 wrote: 4 months ago
gag1195 wrote: 4 months ago How do I get invited to the premiere of this film? It's shaping up to be fantastic!

As for Travis and this new poll, I'm actually going to say No, but with a lot of caveats! He obviously needs to get away from/out of DIX, but I don't think he should be allowed to join TUG, at least not fully. I think giving him a place to stay, at least temporarily, is a great start. I also think he should be given a slot to rush next year, if he's still interested. Adding a 6th pledge this year feels... messy? Who would his Big Bro be? Which senior is going to have to split his duties and time with a second pledge? What about the pledge activities/assignments Travis has missed? When they become seniors, what will the 6th leadership role be? What happens if Ray and Travis don't work out? TUG has pretty well established decorum around 5 per class. TUG should 100% help Travis, but I don't think that help needs to involve a full TUG membership.
I agree. As much as I want better for Travis, it would create a huge plot hole. Short of killing off another pledge, it would be hard to make work logistically.
When did a pledge die?
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Post by wataru14 »

CowboyStud wrote: 4 months ago
When did a pledge die?
I think he means "killing off one of the other pledges."
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

wataru14 wrote: 4 months ago
CowboyStud wrote: 4 months ago
When did a pledge die?
I think he means "killing off one of the other pledges."
Yes, that's what I meant.
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Post by CowboyStud »

Wedgieboy69 wrote: 4 months ago
wataru14 wrote: 4 months ago
CowboyStud wrote: 4 months ago
When did a pledge die?
I think he means "killing off one of the other pledges."
Yes, that's what I meant.
Sorry 😅
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Post by gag1195 »

CowboyStud wrote: 4 months ago
Wedgieboy69 wrote: 4 months ago
wataru14 wrote: 4 months ago

I think he means "killing off one of the other pledges."
Yes, that's what I meant.
Sorry 😅
New Poll Idea! Which pledge should be killed off to make room for Travis? :lol: :lol:
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Post by Guardianbound »

gag1195 wrote: 4 months ago
CowboyStud wrote: 4 months ago
Wedgieboy69 wrote: 4 months ago

Yes, that's what I meant.
Sorry 😅
New Poll Idea! Which pledge should be killed off to make room for Travis? :lol: :lol:
Oof for the drama I'm going to say Ray. He's a great guy but think of the DRAMA
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

gag1195 wrote: 4 months ago
CowboyStud wrote: 4 months ago
Wedgieboy69 wrote: 4 months ago

Yes, that's what I meant.
Sorry 😅
New Poll Idea! Which pledge should be killed off to make room for Travis? :lol: :lol:
I guess they don't have to actually die. I mean Leo is going to probably end up expelled or in prison soon enough anyway 😆
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Post by wataru14 »

@gag1195 Those are some extremely valid points. And points that Brett and Danny would most certainly appreciate someone raising. Whatever the decision is, it won't be as easy a road as our five naive pledges seem to think it will be.

@Guardianbound I always try to think cinematically when I write. Who would you cast in this drama series? I remember we got some good suggestions in Dr. Calamity.

@Wedgieboy69 I don't know about a plot hole, but it would be a break from over 125 years of tradition. Something very important to groups like this. That's a pretty big obstacle, I would think.

@Volobond Travis has done a lot that he needs to atone for. As you said, it was his choice. He could have NOT volunteered to be the spy and he could have NOT messed with Ray at the readthrough. As you say, he made those choices on his own.

@CowboyStud Travis is definitely in a very dark place. I will say that the coming week will be a little easier on him since most of TUG won't be on campus. Less of a trigger for Clay.

And I want to thank everyone for voting. It's nice to see readers engaged. So I will give a little teaser of the next chapter...

It involves a game of chance where someone will have to make a choice. A choice of whether to avoid a heavy burden or to take another's burden upon himself.

And we will get a glimpse into the background of one of the main characters whose history has not really been explored much...
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Post by gag1195 »

wataru14 wrote: 4 months ago @gag1195 Those are some extremely valid points. And points that Brett and Danny would most certainly appreciate someone raising. Whatever the decision is, it won't be as easy a road as our five naive pledges seem to think it will be.

And I want to thank everyone for voting. It's nice to see readers engaged. So I will give a little teaser of the next chapter...

It involves a game of chance where someone will have to make a choice. A choice of whether to avoid a heavy burden or to take another's burden upon himself.

And we will get a glimpse into the background of one of the main characters whose history has not really been explored much...
I already can't wait for the next update! What will the burden be, who will make the choice, what will they decide? And who's layers will get peeled back next? Edge of my seat already!

Also, glad to have Brett's and Danny's support in the Travis debate. @Volobond can rest our hats on that fact at least! :lol:
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Post by _zin_ »

A new chapter! And that torture scene with Ray and Travis was fantastic! Looking forward to the upcoming TUG retreat! And discovering if TUG will be able to help Travis work through some of his personal challenges.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Sorry for the delayed response.

Wow! That was some French kiss!!!

I feel both thrilled and fearful for Travis. Thrilled that he and Ray will have something going, but fearful that his brother and DIX will take it out on him, when they discover what he's been up to and wants to do.

Ray amazes me as a dude and as an actor. He may not be as articulate as his brothers at TUG, but he is a sensitive, Stand-Up guy! And with St. Patrick's Day approaching, I love his Irish-American GI alter-ego getting it on with the Resistance! :D
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 months ago Sorry for the delayed response.
Don't sweat it. Appreciated as always.

The next chapter should be up in a few days. And the coming section will be more light and fun than previous. The boys could use it!
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Post by cj2125 »

A little bit late for the train, but I enjoy your Tau Upsilon Gamma updates! And one of my favorite subplots is Travis and Ray! That kiss was awesome!

Now, as for the poll question. I think I'm in a minority, but I'd prefer for Travis to remain in DIX or just stay out of TUG, I guess it would add an outsider perspective to whatever goes on TUG and if he stays in DIX, add a little bit of star-crossed lovers to his and Ray's dynamics. With that said, if he choses to stay on DIX things will need to change. I feel that the guys in DIX went from being jerks to sociopaths after the fire incident. Maybe there could be a shakeup in the leadership, Travis could help stage a coup and knock Clay down a couple pegs, the guys in DIX can still be jerks but less abusive about it. Of course this is your story and I'm sure however you want to deal with this will be great!

Looking forwards to the next arc!
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Post by wataru14 »

Yes is in the lead, but the "no" supporters are making strong cases. Perhaps things will change? This won't be addressed until after the retreat, so there's plenty of time.
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Post by Volobond »

I urge you yeasayers to review our arguments. And just think about what Travis has been willingly part of, and the opportunities he had to not be. Think about the brotherhood as we know it, and the safety it provides to its members, and whether or not Travis would help that safety or hinder that.

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Post by Guardianbound »

The disparity between votes and active comments is interesting. I'd encourage the 'YES' camp, of which I am a part of, to voice their opinions in the comments too!

@wataru14, maybe you should write a chapter where the TUG Brothers and the advisor debate this very topic. It'd be interesting to see where the various characters would stand on this.

There are times when breaking with tradition would be the appropriate thing to do, and I believe this is one of those cases. Travis needs help from TUG to escape DIX, but also needs a new family where he can feel truly welcome and included.

Finally, I don't think we should be thinking in terms of what benefits Travis brings to the table versus the cons. TUG proves that through tight bonds of brotherhood the sum can be greater than its parts. Extending a helping hand to those that require it is what matters here. Thinking transactionally is what DIX and Clay would be doing, our rope loving frat should be better than that ;)
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Post by CowboyStud »

Guardianbound wrote: 3 months ago The disparity between votes and active comments is interesting. I'd encourage the 'YES' camp, of which I am a part of, to voice their opinions in the comments too!

@wataru14, maybe you should write a chapter where the TUG Brothers and the advisor debate this very topic. It'd be interesting to see where the various characters would stand on this.

There are times when breaking with tradition would be the appropriate thing to do, and I believe this is one of those cases. Travis needs help from TUG to escape DIX, but also needs a new family where he can feel truly welcome and included.

Finally, I don't think we should be thinking in terms of what benefits Travis brings to the table versus the cons. TUG proves that through tight bonds of brotherhood the sum can be greater than its parts. Extending a helping hand to those that require it is what matters here. Thinking transactionally is what DIX and Clay would be doing, our rope loving frat should be better than that ;)

This is exactly my point. If they turn their back on Travis it would be very very out of character for them! Think of when ray joined.. he was somewhat violent. They accepted him.

Turning Travis away now when he needs someone would be very very out of character. Not to mention he saved them when the fire happened.

MAYBE have Travis turn into a vigilante- a heroic character? Maybe he’s the one that turns tugs away?
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