Your Business Is My Business Part 11 live 15/4/2024 M/M

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Your Business Is My Business Part 11 live 15/4/2024 M/M

Post by TheDapperKing »

Hey guys and gals. So I apologize for the long intro but this story is definitely going to be something of huge import to me. Let me explain. Last night, 29th of February for international folk, I drove 300 damn kms to explore something, new. Recently, seemingly out of nowhere, I started showing an interest in other men. Last night, I spent about 6 hours total bound tighter than I had ever been before by any woman, felt more at ease than I had with anyone else (though that has to be taken with a grain of salt as, yes drugs were involved. I was still too insecure to let go sober, judge that if you will) Anyway. I leant into a 'damsel in distress' role harder than I ever thought I would (I went there with the intent of being in charge!) but I just, like, submitted. And it was the hottest thing I ever had experienced. So, I have to acknowledge something, well many things actually, I have been in denial of, I guess my whole life. And rather than run from it like I always do from these hard truths, I have to look closer.

And that's where this story comes in. Because this isn't just a story for me. I'm writing this to figure out what is really up here. What I really like. Not what I want to believe I like. I'm going to just write it as it flows. No denials, no hiding. Express myself and discover myself the way I always have - creatively. And hey, I know not everyone will care about what I'm saying. That's ok. I'm writing this for me. Not anyone else. But I've seen enough of the community here to know that LGBTQ is very welcome here and logically at least some of you would quite enjoy taking this 'initial discovery journey' in a way I'm assuming is pretty unique. I do have ADHD, PTSD, a few others so this processing is probably going through some odd 'me'isms' but hey. We all do how we do, don't we? Anyway, enough about the logistics. Let's get to what y'all are hungry for.

Obligatory warnings before we get started - this story will contain heavy non consensual themes, drug use and various themes. Please be aware that if you are triggered by heavy hitting themes, you may not like this. But as I said, I'm working through it all. The good, the bad, the parts that terrify me. And I do hope you enjoy the story. Maybe some people will relate a little. We all have our darkness.

YOUR BUSINESS IS MY BUSINESS - MOSTLY M/M, will be some F/M-F/MM sprinkled in at some point

I step up to my bathroom mirror and take a look at the new man standing before it.

'Damn, a lot has changed in the last six months,' I think to myself as I tighten my newest acquisition, a beautiful blue and grey silk tie adorned with flowers and roses. It popped brilliantly against the blue vest and pants I wore, and sat well AGAINST the deep burgundy shirt below.

I smiled at the man looking back at me. Life had been nothing but punches lately and they just kept on coming, but damn if I hadn't hit rock bottom and starting pushing up. I check the watch on my watch - a gorgeous gold and silver piece worth $300. Of course, I had gotten it on clearance (my financial situation was yet to catch up with my increasingly expensive tastes) but I did have a goal in mind to focus my energy on - an absolutely stunning piece with diamonds encircling the face.

Well, I planned to find one with rubies. I've never liked diamonds, I don't understand how something you can fake with clear glass is so valuable. As a TOOL sure, diamond tipping and such on concrete saws, but as something to look sexy? No. A deep red ruby or a stunning green emerald. That's where its at.

I lift my forearm up, adjusting it again. 'Ok Patrick Bateman, dial the vanity back a SMIDGE,' I smile to myself. But I don't think I'm that vain. I'm just, making up for many years of living with the polar opposite of vanity. I turn and stride away, having applied some Lambourghini style fragrance I'd bought from Chemist Warehouse. Hey, I spent my whole life never buying more than Lynx for four bucks. This shit was thirty! Baby steps. Alls I'm saying.

As I hurry out the front door, patting my pockets to ensure I have my treats. 'Good,' I think to myself as I lock the door of my shitty little unit. If you could even call it that - the owners had just bought a motor inn and decked it out for rentals, near the beach so they could charge extra. As I walk briskly towards the street, I feel the wind lightly brushing past my waxed and styled hair.

With a childhood I didn't like to think about, let alone talk about, I had entered adulthood with more hangups and neuroses than Arnold Rimmer, but now, as I just passed the cusp of 30, things were finally, finally, coming up James.

Of course, it had meant facing some hard truths. Looking into corners I had always been scared to acknowledge. After twenty or so minutes I reach my destination - a roaring nightclub in the Adelaide CBD. But this one was special. The result of many nights, scoping out many places. As I see the red and blue neon lights lighting up the frosted glass of the front entrance, I purse my lips slightly, hesitate.

'This isn't just a game anymore,' I think. The whole walk I had been striding briskly, with purpose, my mind alight with fantasy. I glance at my pocket. Inside, 6 pills I had personally designed to be as tasteless as possible. Roofies are not something you want noticed.

As I stand, frozen, I don't notice a pair of eyes on me from just beyond the frosted glass, deep, piercing blue eyes that drill into your soul. I don't know that this person has been watching me for quite some time, a few months in fact. Someone whos been waiting to see if the beast inside the man was going to stay hidden, or bare it's teeth.

'If I had to take a guess, I'd say tonight will be the night,' the hidden observer thought to themselves. They had seen James go into many clubs, on many nights, for months, but he had never once frozen like this. And after some simple observations of his many outings it was easy to see he was noting things like security, cameras...........

And girls. He covered it up well, but there were cracks in the facade that revealed a far more sinister mind. A predator. But there was more to him. Months of watching and waiting had revealed quite a few unexpected things, a surprisingly strong moral streak, directly alongside some very dark and dominating needs. And as far as could be seen, he was just as confused and torn by the contradictions. It was, it was interesting. A finger pushed a set of deep black glasses up over the eyes, and with a turn the mysterious observer hurried inside the club, as James had just begun moving again.


As I entered into the deafening boom of the club music - Katy Perry? I shake my head with a smirk as I move through the flashing lights and dancing bodies, well aware of where I'm planning to go. Towards the back of the club is a secluded terrace, nothing fancy, but it's nice enough - some green ferns in black vases with silver rims, some chairs and tables, a couch in the corner. Surprisingly, however, it's completely empty. Well, apart from one person. I notice an absolute beast of a man sitting at a nearby table, drinking from a tall martini glass. I assume anyway, it has an olive in it.

I'm unsure why but the man catches my attention. Maybe it's the disappointment of having to come back when I see a few more people come back here, ( 'Great, more money,' I think sourly. But I can't take my eyes off of the man. I don't think he's noticed me - though it's hard to tell with his eyes hidden behind an, actually gangster pair of black glasses perched on his face. His clothes are tight, strained by what is clearly an extremely well built physique. His skin is olive, and his face is clean shaven.

He's dressed, I hate to admit, better than I am. His bone coloured suit radiated confidence and he was also wearing burgundy, with a light coloured tie that I note is tied in the power knot. I haven't learnt that, and I feel my hand subconciously twitch toward my throat, to the small schoolboy knot adorning it. I scowl at myself, then the spell breaks and I glance around again, weighing my options. I don't notice the man's head turn as I look away, just slightly.

'It would seem you chose a quiet night to come in,' I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn, it's the business beefbus. I smile. 'Yeah. This room is usually more swinging than this, I'm honestly surprised.' I don't notice the slightest twitch of a smirk. 'Well, if you're not in a rush,' he says, and indicates the seat opposite. 'It just so happens my date decided not to turn up, and frankly I'd rather break bread with you and be able to say I still met someone new tonight.'

'Break bread,' I smile to myself. 'That's a phrase you don't hear often.' I hesitate for a moment, but then I notice the watch on his outstretched wrist, still indicating the chair. 'Hey, no way! I think. 'Is that.....'

The watch is solid gold, with a single strip of silver running the centre of the band. The face is silver, with golden Roman Numerals. And the face was........ 'Frigging rubies,' I think, feeling varying pulls of appreciation, and envy.

'Sure, why not,' I say as I sit down. There's a drink already on my side of the table. 'You did time it well,' the man said. 'I only ordered that about five minutes ago. Wild Turkey and coke, if that's your thing.' I'd already smelt the scent of my favourite whiskey before he had said anything. 'Are you sure?' I say. He waves a hand. I shrug and pick up the drink, the ice clinking in the dark brown liquid. I take a large swig, and smile. 'Damn, you got her the 101 too. She's missing out.' The man smiles at me.

'I didn't say it was a she,' the man smirks. I raise an eyebrow, surprised. 'No, no you did not. I guess I just assumed. I didn't mean any offence or anything.' The man shakes his head. 'No offence taken,' he smiles at me. 'And who knows, he might show up.' I nod. 'Very true sir. Optimism is always a good approach to life.' I take another big gulp, and notice it seems, grainy? I swirl it absentmindedly in my hand. 'Is everything alright?' the man asks. 'Yeah, just,' I start to say. 'I think they didn't clean the damn glass properly. Ah well.' I take another gulp, throwing my head back, and not noticing the man visibly relax behind his glasses.

"So what's your name, young man?' the man asks me. I chuckle. 'Young! Gee, thanks mate. Haven't heard that in a while, I needed that!' I smile widely. 'I actually turned thirty recently.' The man fakes surprise. 'I don't believe you.' He then continues. 'So what are you looking for tonight?'

I pause, choose my words carefully. 'I've been doing some introspection the last few months and well, I've had to face some hard things about myself. I guess I'm, figuring out what I want and, how to make it reality.' I stop, shift slightly. 'Well, it was nice to meet you, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your -'

But it's the last words out of my mouth as my world turns blurry, black, and then with a wave of nausea surging through my body, I faintly feel myself fall against some sort of firm, warm, fabr.............

The man looks down at my unconscious body, now caught in his muscular arms. With zero effort he slings me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and simply steps over the knee high barrier around the rear patio, across the laneway and over to a nearby parked car. MY parked car.

'You know, you really did come up with a foolproof plan,' the man laughs to himself as he bundles me into the trunk. And while I hear none of this, if I were conscious I would be as aware as the man is of just how much trouble I was in.

Because this club, tucked away in the Adelaide CBD, off the books and far from a legally operated venue, after months of painstaking study had been discovered to be the only one with no cameras and no security past the front door. Anywhere.


I groan. Start to stir. My head is thumping with pain, and as I slowly open my eyes I put a hand to my forehead.

I TRY to put a hand to my forehead. 'whaa, wazgoinon' I mumble groggily.

I TRY to mumble groggily.

My eyes begin to open wider as I start to realise more and more that something is wrong. As I blink to clear my vision, I look down. I feel a surge of adrenaline and ice run simultaneously through my veins and in an instant, I am WIDE awake.

I am standing with my wrists bound tightly together, with thick and coarse rope. My elbows are bound as well, and there is a thick chain leading from the ropes around my wrist up into dimly lit shadow above me, and I can faintly see some sort of attachment in the roof. Whereever I am is poorly lit, a single old yellow bulb dangles from the roof far away from me, about twenty feet. I feel terror build as I look down to see my legs are bound at the ankles and thighs with more thick, coarse rope and theres another chain attaching my ankles, to what i CAN see here is a chunky steel ring set into a concrete floor. As if that isn't bad enough, when I try to call out, all I can make are muffled groans. I feel some sort of rubbery ball in my mouth, and then, in a strange moment, I find myself thinking of Pulp Fiction. In the basement.......

'Ball gag,' I realise as I begin to breathe heavily. I glance around but I can't see anyone. I don't notice the quietly smouldering cherry of a thick cigar burning behind me, or the man sitting, legs crossed comfortably, puffing a cigar as he watched, waiting and savouring every new moment of realisation. He'd seen the head look up, down, heard the gagged whimpers begin. He felt himself growing hard as his prisoner began to squirm.

'Help me!' I tried to scream through the gag but no discernible words had come out, just grunts and whimpers. I feel drool start to run out over my chin, dripping down the front of my body. I start throwing myself around, hoping for something, anything to give out. But after a few minutes all I've managed to do is rub my wrists raw and painful against the rope. My ankles were at least protected by my pants. I slump against the ropes, begin crying softly. But then, I smell something. I straighten up, start sniffing the air. 'That's, that's someone fucking smoking!' I realise. I twist my body as much as I can, straining my head to look behind me. That's when I see him. The businessman. My eyes widen. He's still wearing the bone pants and the shirt, but I see his vest and jacket draped over the back of the plush chair I can just see. He has his sleeves rolled up and I feel myself grow fearful as I realise just how solid this man is built.

'Took you long enough,' he says, standing. He slowly walks around in front of me, locks eyes. He's taken off his glasses now, and I notice deep, piercing blue eyes and a well cared for but middle aged face. The man looked in his forties, he had some grey in his black, styled hair but nothing crazy. He reaches out and I try to pull away, but I can do nothing as he reaches into my pocket, and holds something up. My eyes widen in horror.

'I'm sure you're wondering how I know about these. Same way I knew what your favourite drink was, James. And how I know your name, despite your attempt to avoid the question. He steps forward, starts unbuttoning my vest. 'Mmmfmfmf!' I start objecting but he ignores me. He undoes all the buttons, the unbuttons my shirt too. I am struggling and straining but he just seems to be amused as he bares my chest and a split second later more drool starts running down my torso. I couldn't feel it with my clothes done up but now, all I feel is the humilation of drooling all over myself and being powerless to stop it.

Suddenly, I feel the gag loosen! As it comes free I groan loudly, flexing my sore jaw muscles. As the man returns to my sightline, I'm breathing heavily. 'Please,' I say. 'Look, I don't -' I dont get any further as the man holds a finger up to my lips. 'Hush now. Now so you know, this room, soundproof. So you can scream all you want, I do like that.' As he speaks my breathing quickens even more. 'Of course, I'll still gag you most of the time because, I like you screaming into that too.' My eyes widen. 'Please, you don't have to -fuck, you don't -' my words become more frantic as he steps closer. I fall silent, my wide, terrified hazel eyes staring into his calm and powerful blue eyes.

'That's better,' the man said. He holds up a roll of duct tape with one hand and what looks like a sock in the other, and before I can even think he YANKS my head back, causing me to yelp in pain. He wastes no time cramming the sock in and then, he begins looping layer after layer of tape around my head. If my speech was muffled before, now it is essentially none existent. All I can do is stare in horror as the man steps away and begins unbuttoning his shirt, revealing an extremely chiselled physique. I moan involuntarily.

'What the fu -' I think, as I see his head tilt slightly toward me. 'So,' he says. 'Seems you might have some desires rattling around in there you don't know about.'

Fuck. He heard me.

Part IV

The man approaches, slowly dragging a cheaper, plastic chair behind him. He puts it in front of me, sits down. He looks thoughtfully up at me. All I can do is whimper and plead with my eyes, but he just smiles. 'I get you're scared,' he says. 'And I don't want you to have any undue stress, you'd be surprised how much panic increases injuries, especially when you're really scared. So,' the man crosses his legs and reaches behind his ear for a more traditional cigarette. He lights it, allows the pale grey smoke to trickle out of his mouth. He sighs.

'I'm not going to lie to you. You've gotten yourself into a right mess. He then produces something small and black from behind his back, and I feel my entire soul shrivel as I realise that this man now owns me.

'Going on your expression, you recognise this,' the man says. I feel a tear run down my cheek as I nod and begin sobbing quietly, trying not to be obvious about it. It doesn't take though, and the man steps up before I even notice he stood. I shy away, expecting pain, a punch maybe as he -

Dabs my cheek with a silk hankerchief. I look at him with eyes beginning to become red and puffy, and see, compassion? 'Like I said James. You've gotten yourself into a right old mess. He holds up the book again. 'This, is very detailed. Very well crafted in fact. I've looked into your past a little and from what I've seen you didn't excel at school.' He jiggles the book.

''But I know men with university degrees and bachelors that couldn't have come up with some of the meticulous, creative and outright genuis concepts you have outlined. You're a very smart young man, and quite the attractive one. Especially now you pulled your head out and actually dress well and not like you shop at the 99 Hobos store." I can't help but narrow my eyes at the compliment and insult combo platter.

'So what do you want from me?' I try to ask, forgetting that I can't speak as muffled noises emanate. 'I'm guessing you want to know why you're here, what I want, something like that?' I nod, then tilt my head slightly, trying to utitilize whatever non verbal communication I have available to me.

'Let me ask you something. Have you ever acted on any of these, plans?' he asks with an eyebrow raised. I shake my head. 'Didn't think so. You've got too much soul to just be some bog standard rapist.' I squirm uncomfortably. 'You don't like that, do you?' he asks. 'You don't like me calling you that. But its what you were going to do. Right?' He holds up the pills again. I can't look him in the eye, the only thing I feel is shame. I feel a rough hand grab my face and suddenly our eyes are locked. 'Look at me boy,' he hisses. 'Do you, or do you not, like the thought of raping someone?' I shake my head in fear. 'No. You know what it feels like. Don't you?' 'How in the name of god does he know so much about me?' I think to myself.

'But the thought does arouse you. Doesn't it?' I stare at him. I feel another tear run out. 'Yeah. That's what I thought. But you can't choose what turns you on. Can you?' he says, as he begins running his hands underneath my open shirt, running his hands sensually along my skin. 'We can't choose what we like any more than we can change those horrible acts from the horrible people that seed the desires in developing minds.' He pauses. 'What we can choose however, is how we feed those hungers. You were about to choose poorly tonight James. In a way that would cost you everything. In a way that would visit your pain on some blameless woman.' I can't meet his eye. The waves of guilt surge like electric current.

'I'm not trying to judge you, James. Quite the contrary.' He smiled. 'I think we're very similar.'

'So, this is how it's going to work. This is your new home for the next week. If you refuse, that's fine. I will untie you right now, then drive to the police and hand them your little plan book and the roofies with your fingerprints. That's intent as well.' As he speaks I feel myself growing terrified once again.

'Or, you can agree to this proposition and as a show of good faith, I will burn the book in front of you. After all, once I have your agreement I won't need it. I will however hold on to the roofies and your prints. Just in case. Then, after a week, you're free to leave.

He looks into my eyes, once again leaking a cascade of tears. 'What's it to be, James? Slave for a week or prisoner for ten years?' I hang my head in total submission as I realise that I haven't been caught by some justicial avenger personally offended at my darkest desires. No. I've been caught by a bigger predator, with a better plan to win his prize. And he has gotten me by the balls.

As if he read my thoughts, I hear what I can't deny anymore is essentially my new god, whisper into my ear.
'Your plan was good but it lacked forward thinking. I have gotten your, well, perhaps not WILLING consent, for a prize you hoped never to sell.' I feel his hand reach down and start massaging my crotch, and I can't help moaning, my head involuntarily leaning back into his torso as he stands behind me. I feel something wash over me, some feeling I've never felt before. Suddenly a rag is clamped over my face.

'Rest easy, James,' he whispers. 'I think you'll enjoy yourself when you wake up. I know I will.'
Last edited by TheDapperKing 2 months ago, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

hey guys so the first four parts are in the first block, but I'll start doing them seperately now. Also, I do tend to reedit as i post first draft so if youre enjoying my writings, check the edits. You might notice some added meat to the story :)
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Post by harveygasson »

I wasn't sure on this story when I started as I can get uncomfortable with some of these themes but, having finished what you've done so far, I think it's well written and not what I had expected. I've enjoyed it and I'm interested to see what you come up with next. Thanks for posting it.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

harveygasson wrote: 3 months ago I wasn't sure on this story when I started as I can get uncomfortable with some of these themes but, having finished what you've done so far, I think it's well written and not what I had expected. I've enjoyed it and I'm interested to see what you come up with next. Thanks for posting it.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story mate.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

Part V

Flashes echo through my mind. Images of bound women, bound men, various backgrounds, scenarios, a kalaeidoscope of kinked imagery seemingly going on and

My eyes slowly open. The first thing I notice is something hard pressing into my mouth. I run my tongue along what feels like a - steel ring? ''Ot the?' I mumble, surprisingly clearly. ''Ello?' I call out. No answer. As I try to move, I'm not surprised to find I can't. I look around. I'm lying on a clean looking white mattress. My arms are pulled tightly behind me, and as I roll around and look down at my chest, I see silver tape crossing my body. My legs are also taped at the ankles, knees AND thighs, and were pulled tighly towards my wrists. A hogtie. I start rolling around, making indistinguishable moaning noises as I tried to find some slack. But there was none of course, and I finally give up, resigning myself to trying to find a semblance of comfort as I waited for whatever fate had planned.

As I lay there, I start running my tongue around the ring. This seemed odd. Ball gag, tape, both gags he'd used on me before were highly restricting. But this? All it did was make me talk weird. I poke my tongue through the hole, poke at my teeth, top and bottom. Quite the distance.

'I don't get it, it's just holding my mouth open this ti -' A wave of absolute, soul numbing fear swept through my entire body as I remembered what these gags were for. I was just not used to them being used on men. I start whimpering, begging to noone in particular. As if on cue, my captor appears before me and to my absolute horror, he is completely naked. My eyes widen as they fall to his groin, then I raise my eyes up, to see him looking directly at me.

His body is perfectly defined. His thighs are bulky but not repulsively, round smooth calves, bulky forearms and GIGANTIC pecs. I find myself mesmerized by the perfect dimensions before me before catching myself and looking back into his eyes. 'I can see you appreciate what I've worked hard to have,' he smiles. I look away, embarassed, but as he steps forward, and I notice his cock getting harder, growing even bigger, I start to plead.

'Please, sir, you don hav o do this!' I say in a panicked tone but he just seems amused, slowing his steps as he comes closes and closer, his, I hate to admit not disgusting, cock blocks more and more of my view. I start catching scents of cologne and body odour as he gets closer. I continue to plead but it does no good as he grabs my head, lifts my face up and without hesitation, starts fucking my mouth, and roughly. I begin gagging and spluttering as it hits the back of my throat and as he pulls it out I cough, huge strands of spit hanging from my face.

I start to speak but the second I catch my breath he shoves it back in, fucking my face harder and harder as all I can do is lie there, my eyes blurry, filling with water, tears running down my face as I pray he doesn't choke me to death. 'Oh, I liked the sir. That was very pleasant. You're already learning your place,' I hear his voice faintly but its so muffled against my own gags and splutters that are all I can hear inside my skull, and all I can do is hope this ends soon. But strangely, at the last of his words, I feel a slight surge of arousal.

The oral extravaganza seems to go on for ever, the only moments of respite when I'm on the edge of blacking out and i'm allowed a second to breathe. Then my mouth is crammed full of cock again. Finally, it stops. As i feel my head release I allow it to simply drop as I cough and splutter. I feel strong hands roll me over and grab my, apparently rock hard cock. I hadn't even noticed. 'So, tell me again how you didn't enjoy that,' the man chuckles. I look up. 'Sir?' I say tentatively through the ring.

He looks at me, smiles. 'Yes?'

'Wha's yo nam?' I ask, holding his eye. He raises his eyebrow. 'Huh. Not what I was expecting. Well, while I expect you to continue using the respect you are, I suppose I can tell you that.'

He squats down, looks at me. 'It's Vincent.' 'Really?' I say. 'What?' he asks. I look him dead in the eye and say 'Huh. Not what I was expecting.' There is a moment of silence as Vincent just stares. Then he starts to chuckle as he turns away and starts walking toward a nearby bench. 'Ok, ok, very good,' he says to himself as he feels the euphoria surging. James was taking to his new role even better than Vincent had hoped. He turned and looked at the bound boy on the bed, face covered in spit, struggling every now and then but seemingly just moaning to himself.

'I couldn't have found a better subject,' Vincent thought to himself as he quietly left the room, wondering how long it would take James to notice. He stepped out of what James' did not know to be his basement, which led directly into his kitchen. It was spacious, chef quality, with various cooking utensils hanging from hooks in the ceiling, the glistening steel slowly moving in the air. There was a huge window with a table in front of it, with two chairs. Of course, one chair was, customized.

On the table, was a spread of food, various sandwiches, small meat pies, a tall red jug filled with punch. It seemed that Brendan had set everything up as he had asked before going home for the day. Vincent poured a glass of punch for himself and another one for James. Of course, James' had a little something extra. As he sipped the drink, he smiled as he looked out the window at the rolling green hills, the rose bushes outside his window, and the clear visual demonstration of just how isolated James' new home was.

He stirred James' drink to ensure the ecstasy he had added was well dissolved. 'Freaking roofies. Child's play,' he thought as he turned back to the basement. He had every intention of releasing James, if he wanted to leave. But he wasn't averse to some old school gaslighting to maybe make the boy want to stay. After all, Vincent wasn't lying that they were similar. He had sensed James the moment he laid eyes on him. There was something special about him. Something, intoxicating to Vincent. And nothing on earth made sex, touch, everything really, feel better than the love drug. But first, some food and stimulating conversation. The boy must be hungry.

He couldn't know he was sedated and flown to his current destination over 24 hours.
Last edited by TheDapperKing 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

Part VI

As Vincent opened the door and descended back down the rough wooden stairs and back into his soundproofed dungeon, he noticed some odd sounds. He paused, listened. It was moaning. But……

Vincent noticed the differences. The heavy breathing was gone, the lack of panic in the sound now. He looked at James. I was lying on my stomach, still hogtied of course, my eyes held shut as moaning noises escaped my still-open mouth. Vincent felt himself growing aroused again but he shook the thought away. There was all the time in the world, there was no need to rush things.

He patted me on the cheek and my eyes opened, saw him, saliva dried and crusted all over my face and torso. Vincent saw my eyes flicker away with what looked like shame, or embarrassment? Vincent frowned, usually the embarrassment has passed by now, why is James so -

And then he noticed. And started to chuckle. As I started to cry quietly Vincent realized what the problem was. ‘Ok, better go with reassurance on this one,’ Vincent thought. Damn, he hadn’t even had the drug yet! Vincent reached up and as he gently rolled me I started to object, but Vincent had already seen the large patch of cum soaking through my clothes, sticky and hot.

The boy sobbed again. ‘Why are you crying?’ Vincent asks. I looked up with red, puffed eyes. ‘I don kno wha,’ I splutter, panicked. Vincent sighs, reaches round and undoes the steel ring. It comes forward, and Vincent feels a surge at the moan of relief. ‘Breathe,’ Vincent says. ‘Catch your breath.’

‘I’m sorry,’ is the first thing I say as I look up, eyes turgid with fear. ‘I didn’t mean to, I don’t know why it -’ Vincent holds up a finger. ‘Why are you crying?’ he asks again, firmly, as he squats next to the mattress and looks squarely into my eyes. I looks back, tears still dripping down my cheeks..

‘Because I think I like this,’ I whisper before a fresh cascade of, very powerful sobs started shaking my whole body. Vincent blanched. The excitement that was now surging through his entire being was more powerful than anything he’d felt before. He was sure the boy was just embarrassed to have ejaculated everywhere but even in his wildest dreams, Vincent had not expected the boy to take to his new role THIS quickly. But he had to be careful. Even Vincent hadn’t expected THIS much submission, so quickly.

“Are you hungry?’ Vincent asks. The subject change works. I stop crying, sniffle slightly. I nod, eyes still puffy. ‘Ple……’ I start to say, then stops. ‘What?’ Vincent asks, genuine curiosity flashing across his features. James gulps.

‘I, you’re not going to…..’ I start but then trails off. Vincent raises his eyebrow before grabbing James by the chin, not gently but not roughly either, and angles his eyes up. ‘Spit it out!’ he orders.
‘You’re not going to make me eat from, like, dog food or something?’ I ask, head slumping against Vincent’s hand.

Vincent cocks his head to the side, before inadvertently glancing off at his clothes, draped nearby. He then looks back at James. ‘Do I look poor to you?’ he said, slightly irked. James just seems confused. ‘Do you think I can’t afford to feed you or something?’

‘No, no, I mean,’ I say before, ‘oh come on, you clearly know that’s a thing.’ Vincent hides his amusement. ‘Yeah. I do,’ he says. ‘And no. I don’t plan to feed you dog food.’ He sees me visibly relax. ‘Now, I’m going to untie you. Do I have to warn you that I can easily overpower you, restrained or no?’ I whimper. ‘No, sir,’ I say. ‘Good.’

Within sixty seconds the tape has been cut so its not holding me, and Vincent then orders me to pull the tape off my skin myself. I yelp and squeal as the tape comes away from more sensitive areas, but before long my pale skin was tape free – though there were angry red patches from the tape.

I settle on my haunches, hands rubbing my sore legs. Vincent just started walking towards the wooden stairs in the corner that I hadn’t noticed. They led up to a simple but thick, white painted oak door. ‘Are you coming?’ Vincent says as he looked back over his shoulder. I looked down, he was still basically dressed, just unbuttoned. I also notice that there is a mirror mounted on the wall nearby, a full length body mirror too.

Without asking, I walk over to the mirror and begin buttoning my shirt and vest, tucking in the shirt, making myself presentable. As I smooth my hands over my vest, noticing dried saliva all over it, a dark patch on my groin, and I sigh.
I turn to head towards the stairs Vincent had – HOLY FUCK!

He was RIGHT THERE, two inches in front of me, his towering form looking down at me. ‘How is this mountain so quiet on his feet?’ I wonder but it’s all I have time to think as he grabs my arm roughly, spins me around and latches a set of steel handcuffs around my wrist.

‘I want you to be aware,’ Vincent says as he begins dragging me towards the stairs. ‘That I’m not angry you fixed your appearance.’ He stops at the bottom of the stairs, looks me in the eye. ‘I’m angry you didn’t ask permission.’ I feel fear start to grow inside. ‘What was he going to do to me if he’s angry?’ I wonder, more excited by the thought than I had any reason to be.

We ascend the stairs, my bicep gripped tightly in his beefy hand, and the white door is swung open, revealing an absolutely stunning kitchen. I notice polished wooden benchspace, chef styled oven and stovetops, a very appetizing scent hanging in the air. Then I see the view outside. And any semblance of hope that I may be able to escape this place shrivels and dies. A wide open expanse of, admittedly gorgeous, rolling green hills. For miles. And no buildings.

Vincent doesn’t seem to care, he just leads me over to a table with quite the lunch spread set up, and presses me down into a chair that has been heavily customized. There are steel manacles at the legs, which of course are tightly locked around my ankles. I notice that each arm has a manacle as well, and there is a chain that Vincent has begun looping around my waist.

When he finishes, he grabs a plate and loads it up with a couple sausages, some rissoles, cheese cubes. He seems to be picking carefully from the selection. He then puts the plate in front of me, and slides a tall glass of red liquid towards me. He walks over to a nearby cupboard, reaches in and comes back. He plops a green plastic straw into my drink, stirring it. I hear the ice clink against the glass. ‘Don’t want the punch settled,’ he says.

He then, walks over to the chair on the opposite side of the table and begins getting himself food. It takes me a few seconds to realize, he forgot to uncuff my hands. My eyes drop to the straw. The straw he, had gotten, from the cupboard……

‘Like me drinking with a straw wasn’t the initial plan. Like he’s trying to -

Punish me.

I look at the strange assortment of foods in front of me, the shapes they take. All relatively easy to eat, say, without the use of one’s hands.

Oh no.
Last edited by TheDapperKing 3 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Part VII

I sniffle as I look down at the food on the table in front of me. My stomach is churning – I am so damn hungry. But, this? This is so humiliating. I feel myself growing angry, prideful, and despite knowing that it’s not in my best interest, because there’s no immediate threat keeping my natural obtuseness in check, I simply turn my head and look away, trying to ignore the scents wafting all around me.

I hear nothing but the sound of consumption. Lips smacking, slurps, chewing. After a minute or two I, as stealthily as I can manage, flick my eyes at Vincent. He’s buttering a slice of toast, and I can hear the crunching sound of the knife against it. He’s not even looking at me.

I sigh slightly, and this seems to get his attention. He looks at me impassively. ‘I’m not undoing your hands, so the pouty game won’t work,’ he says. ‘I told you. You didn’t ask permission to fix your clothes. So, you can either eat your food without use of your hands, like a good boy, or you can continue to starve for the next session.’ He raises an eyebrow at me. ‘Either way, you’ll have been punished. However, as this IS only day one, I’m going to give you, at least a hint or two. Keep it fair.’ He then smiles widely.

‘I’d eat if I were you.’ And with that he returns to his food, and leaves me alone with my thoughts. I stare down at the cheese cubes. I gulp. Sniffle. Then I lean down and, baring my teeth as well as I can, grip the first cube between them and lift up, chewing. It’s very soft, creamy. I can’t help but moan as the taste fills my mouth – god, I’m so hungry.

It was like the first cube had coursed into every cell in my body because all I can think about now is the food in front of me and I lean down and start grabbing more with my teeth, not even lifting up now, just swallowing, chewing, tearing, and before long there’s a mess of half demolished scraps everywhere, my face is smeared with oil from the sausages and then, suddenly reality smacks me again and I freeze mid mouthful – then my eyes slowly lift up and I see Vincent, just watching me with a smile on his face. ‘Hungry?’ he asks. I sigh. It’s hard to deny. ‘Yeah,’ I say. ‘Though the eating arrangements leave something to be desired.’

‘Why don’t you try the punch? It’s quite nice – my housekeeper Brendan makes it, with cranberries, is all he’ll tell me.’ Vincent slurps some more. I lean down and wrap my lips around the straw. I start sucking. It’s quite nice, the flavour spreads through my mouth – cold and refreshing. It’s very sweet, some tang, but there was also, something familiar? Something, sour? I continue to drink, and the line of the red slowly descends the glass. I don’t notice Vincent’s eyes, firmly fixed on my glass. As the liquid nears the bottom, the sour taste gets a bit stronger. More familia – I freeze. I slowly look up. My lip begins to quiver slightly as my tongue pokes at my cheek.

‘You didn’t,’ I say. Vincent gets up, walks around slowly to me, then slaps me without warning.
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Post by harveygasson »

Still going well on this.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

harveygasson wrote: 3 months ago Still going well on this.
Thank you kindly :) Unfortunately I DID just notice a massive continuity error. Fortunately its easily fixed lol

im also hoping to get some more comments as we go :)
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I cry out as I fall into the side as he returns to his seat. ‘I’ve given you enough leeway,’ he says as I stare in shock, my cheek still stinging. ‘What did you do wrong?’

I cock my head slightly, confused, and I see him rise again. ‘No, please, sir, I’m sorry, don’t hit me again!’ I say, cowering. He stops. ‘You just did it right then. Think. What did you do wrong?’ I pause. ‘I, didn’t call you sir?’ Vincent settles into his seat again, picks up his cutlery. He then nods.

‘He did, I can taste it,’ I think. I begin to shake. ‘Sir, did you drug my drink with MDMA?’ I blurt. Vincent raises his eyebrow. ‘Impressive. I didn’t expect you to notice.’ My jaw drops. ‘What? Did you expect me to lie?’ Vincent asks. ‘We have an agreement, James. I own you, for the next week. And if I decide that maybe things could be, improved upon, well. I don’t really need your permission, do I?’

I feel, surprisingly unbothered. I do love molly – and given our current surroundings I’m assuming his is probably better sourced than anything I’ve had. ‘So, you’re trying to make me horny…….sir,’ I quickly add. He cocks his head, smiles. ‘Go on. Tell me what you’re thinking.’

‘You’ve been watching me. You’ve made that much clear, I don’t know how long but, I mean, you found it.’ I hold his eyes. He nods. ‘You’ve been in my home. You’ve,’ I feel my breath catch in my throat, my throat clenching. ‘You know what I use molly for more than anything else.’ He just sits, allowing me to speak. He seems strangely entranced by my words. ‘You want me to enjoy this as much as you are. You want me to have fun. You -’ I freeze as I realize the truth of all this. ‘You’re not letting me go. Are you?’ The final words are already starting to crack and tears are welling in my eyes but before I fully break down, Vincent holds up his hand.

‘Bravo, my boy. I knew you were cluey. But, calm down. You got ONE part wrong.’ He stands, and walks away. All I can do is wait and listen to the sounds of clanging and banging metal. Suddenly, he’s back, with a small steel box of some kind. It’s about the height of my knees, as big as a large hardcover book, with a small metal grate on top. There’s some sort of liquid sloshing at the bottom. Vincent strikes a match and drops it in, and the liquid ignites, flames now licking up at the grate.

Vincent pulls my book out of his pocket, full of my darkest secrets. He opens it, shows me the pages, it’s mine. No doubt. He drops it on the grate, and then returns to his seat. I watch as the book slowly starts curling, the edges of the white papers blackening, curling into themselves, before the book catches alight.

‘I told you. If you want to leave at weeks end, you will be free to leave. On my honour,’ Vincent says. ‘However, yes, I would like you to perhaps stay as my guest, a while longer. You would be well cared for, and comfortable. And, I’m sure you of all people can appreciate some, underhanded tactics to skew the odds in my favour.’

I can’t help but smile slightly at his words. ‘I mean, yeah. I’m not above covertly lubricating the wheels to get a girl naked.’ But then I have a thought.

‘May, may I speak, sir?’ I say carefully. ‘Of course. If you haven’t been explicitly told to, you may speak. Provided you do so respectfully.’ I’m not sure how to say it, so it just falls out in a rush.

‘I’m not gay, sir. I mean, look, I know that I’ve, ok I’ll admit even I’m surprised at things I haven’t, completely hated so far,’ I’m stammering my way through but to his credit Vincent sits silently, allowing me the time to enunciate my thoughts. ‘But, like, I like women. I like dropping pills and having a girl tied up for hours and hours to play with. Even if, even if I enjoy this week sir, I, I can’t just give up women forever.’

I stop, look at Vincent. He seems to be weighing something in his mind. ‘That’s fair,’ he says. ‘However, I don’t believe I said I WAS gay, either. You can enjoy both sides of the buffet, James. In fact, it’s far more enjoyable to sample ALL of life’s pleasures, as opposed to only half of them if you ask me.’ Vincent’s mind wanders to the second dungeon, coming off his bedroom. The one that James couldn’t see until he had made his choice, otherwise Vincent WOULD have to choose for him, and he didn’t want that. He didn’t want another prisoner. Another victim. That bored Vincent now. He wanted a friend. A partner. The yin to his dark yang. And this boy, was exactly what he needed. But he did have to tread carefully.

He saw, in his minds eye, the gift that he had for James. Something the young man wanted, very, very much. Something to be delivered only at the right time, the right moment. It had to be perfect.

‘That red hair…….’ Vincent thinks absentmindedly, before coming back to reality. For my part I had gone back to trying to eat, so I hadn’t seen his mind wandering. The look of darkness that flitted across his face, just for a moment.

‘Are you still hungry?’ I look up at his words. I nod. ‘Yes, sir.’ Suddenly it hits me. The first wave of ecstasy comes on like a steam train and I start swaying, and giggling. ‘Oooooh, ok, maybe not now,’ I say, before I slump forward, face straight into the food, still laughing a bit. ‘Hey, the sausage feels squishy,’ I chuckle, and I can’t see it but Vincent is covering his mouth so the laughter doesn’t escape.

And that’s how we spend the next ten minutes. Me riding on a peak of stupidity, while Vincent watches, amused and bemused. I don’t even try to struggle when he finally walks over, grabs the back of my chair and starts dragging me towards a sliding glass door and out into the bright morning sun of Scotland.
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Post by harveygasson »

Interesting to see the change in the dynamic of their relationship and his captivity.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

harveygasson wrote: 3 months ago Interesting to see the change in the dynamic of their relationship and his captivity.
I'm not even sure where this is going - like I have an end point in mind (though I might keep it going/sequel if the story seems popular) but even I'm surprised how well it's been flowing so far.
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Post by harveygasson »

I guess you can begin a story with an idea, only to see that change and develop and you write it. I think that's more common when I story is broken up into parts that get posted rather than a complete story in one go.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

harveygasson wrote: 3 months ago I guess you can begin a story with an idea, only to see that change and develop and you write it. I think that's more common when I story is broken up into parts that get posted rather than a complete story in one go.
that is also a fair point, sorry for the delay in the next part, the story hasnt been garnering much interest unfortunately so I've slowed down a bit
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As we pass through the doorframe and out into the bright sunlight, I squeeze my eyes shut at the blinding light. ‘Ah, fuck,’ I groan. ‘What’s wrong?’ Vincent says as he spins the chair, positions himself behind it so he can drag me in front of him, then starts pulling me backwards, across the emerald green grass, and I’m surprised to see no damage. I can’t see that the chair has vertical beams along each side, almost like skis, which allows it to glide across the grass with little resistance.

‘The sun, sir,’ I groan. ‘It’s really bright,’ I add, eyes still closed. I feel my movement stop and a second later I feel something placed on my face. I open my eyes to see that Vincent has put his sunglasses on me. ‘Is that better?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Thank you, sir,’ I say and Vincent continues to drag me along, around the first corner of the house and now away, towards a large steel shed-like structure about a hundred metres away from the house.

As we move, I’m lost in thought.

‘I can’t like this. I refuse to like this,’ I think as we continue our journey. ‘I will not allow this to be my reality.’ I can feel the initial high of the MDMA wearing off – I’m starting to think that Vincent doesn’t know EVERYTHING about me. Or he wouldn’t have fed me an amphetamine.

As the peak wears off, I feel my mind focusing as the molly begins to function as, an admittedly very subpar but functional enough, ADHD medication. My mind is no longer a whirlwind, and I’m finally able to think clearly.

‘I’m fucked,’ is the first thought I have. As I glance around, all I can see is goddamn rolling green hills in every damn direction. With the exception of the, damn that’s actually huge, house and this shed he’s leading me toward. As we cross the threshold into the air conditioned air within, I have to admit I’m curious what lays within. As Vincent turns the chair around and I get my first view, my jaw drops.

The shed is quite large, about the size of a school gymnasium. The floor is a solid slab of concrete, and the air smells of leather, steel and grease. My eyes widen as I see chains dangling from O-rings, a big wooden X with manacles at each point, a large double bed in the corner.

There’s various benches around, different shapes and sizes, some comfortably padded with leather, others clearly designed to be as uncomfortable as possible. There’s a large peg-board sorta thing hanging on the wall near the X – directly opposite the door on the other side. I feel myself growing apprehensive as I see an assortment of implements hanging from it – paddles, cuffs, whips, lots of things I don’t even recognise.

Vincent squats in front of me, and smiles. ‘Are you ready for some more fun?’ he says, and as he speaks I feel another surge of ecstasy. ‘Shiiiiiit,’ I think. ‘I didn’t think it’d come back that quickly.’ But then I notice something else.

We aren’t the only people here.
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Post by harveygasson »

Lots of fun to be had now then.
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harveygasson wrote: 3 months ago Lots of fun to be had now then.
yeah but now I have to figure out the angle haha theres a few different ways I can take this from here and I'm torn which way to go lol
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Post by slackywacky »

TheDapperKing wrote: 3 months ago the story hasnt been garnering much interest unfortunately so I've slowed down a bit
It is actually surprising that not more people reacted to this story. A lot of M/M stories on this board get lots of attention, so I do not know why this one is not. Although, it is not the easiest subject you cover. Most people (even M/M) might want lighter reading.

Your thoughts brought back my own thoughts on what I wanted. Not what people expected me to be, but what I wanted to be. Food for thought. Even when my stories are less intense (by far), I do see things in them of what I like, which is I suspect what writing is, reflecting on things you like. I might not get the things I really want, and take for granted the things I do get, but that is life.

Looking forward to more chapters, seeing where this journey brings you (and through your writing brings me).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by privateandrews »

i am rather enjoying it.
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Post by Fidelis11 »

I am really enjoying this. I do have a fetish (among other genres) for suit and tie bondage, so this ticking a lot of the right boxes.
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Post by harveygasson »

I hope, having seen a few more people comment on your story, that you decide to continue. I appreciate it's difficult to know sometimes on the board if a story is gaining traction with the readership as there isn't always a lot of comment engagement so thank you to everyone else that's commented on the story thus far.
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Post by TheDapperKing »

Hey guys! So i'm really sorry for the delay in posting - I've had some issues lately but I want you all to know that your comments mean a lot and have really given me the motivation to keep this story going for your viewing pleasure :)


As Vincent smiles at me, the figure that, I only just now consciously notice is cloaked in shadow, steps forward, I realise with a start that the figure isn’t wearing shoes, and is moving quickly toward Vincent, who hasn’t noticed – and then with zero hesitation, reaches around with what I see is a white rag, cheap and ratty, with loose strands hanging off its frayed edges.

As the rag clamps down and Vincent begins to struggle, I can only watch in horror as Vincent goes limp and is released unceremoniously to fall to the floor. Then my eyes focus on the strange figure before me.

It’s a man, tall and lean. He’s not as solidly built as Vincent, not bulked. This man was sleeker, more chiseled. His features were strangely soft – white skin, green eyes and blonde hair, completely free of stubble. His eyes fixed on mine, and he smiled.

‘Hello there, James.’ I gulp, the ecstasy I’ve been given not helping my nerves in this now completely new situation. ‘My name’s Brendan.’

‘The housekeeper,’ I think. ‘Are you going to kill me?’ I ask. The man laughs. ‘Damn, you are a glass half empty kind of guy. No, that’s not what this is about.’ As he speaks, he bends down and rolls Vincent over. I hadn’t really taken much note of the man’s clothing – I’ve kind of been focused on other things – but I now notice that this man, like myself and Vincent, is rather well dressed.

Long black pants, a deep scarlet red shirt and an admittedly GORGEOUS black tie, adorned with golden dolphins stitched into it, along with a matching pocket square. As I watch, Brendan pulls his tie off and stretches it out to full length, before rolling Vincent onto his stomach and pulling his arms behind his back. His vest fell open as his arms drew back and Brendan wasted no time binding his wrists together, before he reached down, and, pulling Vincent’s legs up toward his butt, bound his hands to his ankles with the tie, leaving Vincent in a rudimentary hogtie.

‘You know,’ Brendan says, ‘I love using my ties for bondage. I can wear them out in public openly without anybody batting an eye, not knowing what nefariously fun deeds they might have been used for.’ He smirked at me. ‘You’re about to learn a thing or two.’ He walked off behind me, and I crane my head to see where he’s gone but all I hear is the sound of footsteps and my own breathing.

I look down at Vincent, who is still unconscious and showing no signs of stirring. I don’t know why, I know it’s utterly pointless, but I begin to scream.
‘Please, help me! Somebody!’ I start to shriek, as loudly as I can possibly muster. ‘Please, anybody, please, just get me out of he -’ Without warning, my head is pulled roughly back and I yell in pain. I don’t yell long though as I feel something being crammed into my mouth, HARD. I try to resist but it’s pointless and as what feels like fabric fills my mouth, puffing my cheeks out and sucking the moisture out of every surface, I noticed a very unpleasant taste.

I start to object but without any hesitation Brendan starts ripping tape of a duct tape roll and, begins looping it around my mouth and head! I try to scream but it’s no use, and I resign myself to my fate as Brendan continues to loop the tape around my head. After at least ten laps, he stops and tears the tape off. He bends over and looks me dead in the eyes. I plead through the tape but he just slaps me hard across the face.

‘Listen boy,’ he snarls, and I’m somehow more terrified by this seemingly harmless, if not physically imposing, individual than I have been at any moment by Vincent. ‘Firstly – the ONLY reason I’m not wrapping tape around your eyes as well is because I can see your pupils and I don’t want you to have an actual heart attack. Secondly – I was going to gag you with a comfortable ball gag. But because you decided to squeal like a little piggy, now you get my old socks and duct tape to enjoy for the next few hours.’

At his words, my eyes widen in horror. But before I have time to process, Brendan clamps the rag over MY face. ‘Sweet dreams, boy,’ he whispers as I drift into unconsciousness. ‘You’ll be quite uncomfortable when you wake up.’
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Post by TheDapperKing »

I hope this is enough to whet appetites - i will try to make the next part much longer :)
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I have no concept of how much time has passed as I blink my eyes open, but I can feel that I am still heavily buzzed. I realise that I am blindfolded, and my breathing quickens through my nose. ‘Ah, you’re awake.’ I hear the voice but I can see nothing.

I can feel that my arms are pulled tightly behind my back, and lifted enough to put stress on me. I groan involuntarily as I try to move and realise my legs are tightly bound as well, pulled tightly up towards my hands. I can’t see it, but my wrists and ankles are both bound to a large, thick O ring hanging from a chain, forming a sort of hogtie. As I try to move my head I realise that it too, has been attached somehow, because I can’t let my head drop any further than having a neutral neck.

I jump as I feel a hand slap my arse, hard. I begin to struggle and plead through my gag, cursing the fact I can feel my cock growing harder from the bondage. Brendan of course notices, and I’m made painfully aware of my helpless state when I feel him reach under and squeeze me roughly, chuckling.

‘So, you may have noticed you’re blindfolded.’ I groan sarcastically. ‘I said I wouldn’t tape them. Takes too long to remove.’ I feel hands begin running up my body and I squirm, but I know that I’m helpless to resist, the pathetic sounds escaping my still-taped mouth might as well have been the squeaks of a small field mouse, gray and soft and caught in an inescapable trap. I squeal as I feel a finger start probing near my rectum and I do my best to resist. ‘You know, the more you tighten it, the worse it gets for you, but it doesn’t really affect me.’ As if to prove the point, without warning I feel him RAM his finger through and inside, and I wail into my gag, convulsing as Brendan stops at his knuckle, then starts flickering his finger around inside me.

Another finger. I find myself making increasingly gutteral noises through the gag as I feel myself being roughly finger blasted like I’m some streetwalking whore. I let my head sag as much as I can as I begin to quietly cry, losing awareness of my surroundings. All I can see is black as the sheer hopelessness of my situation hits hard. The violent probing continues but I am registering it less as I close my eyes and beg to nobody in particular through the gag.

‘Please, please just stop! I don’t like this, I don’t want to do this anymore! Please, just let me go, I promise I won’t say anything, just please, stop hurting me……’

I’ve long lost track of how long I’ve been pleading into the abyss, speaking words only I can understand, until suddenly, without warning, I feel an IMMENSE pressure. I begin to tremble and struggle but all I can do is scream as I feel what I don’t SEE - a gigantic black butt plug, easily the size of a golf ball, stretch my asshole out more than I thought possible. The animalistic noises I begin to make wouldn’t be intelligible even if I wasnt gagged at all

My hair is grabbed, not quite gently but far less roughly than the treatment my rear end had received. I feel a finger brush across what little of my face can be seen.

‘Jesus, are you crying already?’ I hear Brendan ask in a mocking tone. ‘Jeez, I haven’t even put my cock in there yet.’ Another loud sob escapes me. ‘Oh shut up,’ Brendan says, before he grabs my, still rock hard cock. ‘This tells me you’re not having as bad a time as you’re acting like.’

I hear a pause, then I feel my cock being grabbed again. He’s, attaching something? Suddenly the vibration begins and I begin moaning like I never have before. I start squirming against my bonds, unable to escape the relentless buzzing feeling on my cock.

‘Now, I’m going to grab myself a drink, maybe a snack, check on Vincent. I’ll be back in ten minutes, maybe twenty.'

I hear him step forward and grab my face, and when I feel warm breath I realise he’s leant right up to me. ‘And if I see you’ve cum when I get back, I promise you, that plug in your arse right now will feel like a fucking grape.’ I start to breathe faster as I hear the footsteps recede. I can already feel pressure building in my balls, the early signs of an impending orgasm. I scream helplessly into the gag, one long, if not loud, sound. I squirm. I struggle. I’m trying everything I can to stop the relentless buzzing, if only for a moment.

A minute passes. Three. Five. After what seems like an eternity, I hear the sound of the nearby door opening. As, at the exact same second, cum shot out of my cock with so much pressure that I was momentarily surprised my nuts didn’t explode.

I squeal into my gag helplessly as I hear laughter echo across the room.

‘Oh, sooooo close!’
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Post by TheDapperKing »

privateandrews wrote: 2 months ago i am rather enjoying it.
Fidelis11 wrote: 2 months ago I am really enjoying this. I do have a fetish (among other genres) for suit and tie bondage, so this ticking a lot of the right boxes.
Next parts up guys - hope it was worth the wait :)
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