David and the Dawg Pack - Chapter Four (M/M)

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Deleted User 122

David and the Dawg Pack - Chapter Four (M/M)

Post by Deleted User 122 »


Young hockey players skated hard on the ice, whacking away at the puck up and down the rink. They wore a mish mash of different branded jerseys donned over their bulky gear. Most of them were young men trying out for a spot on the Port Duncan Bulldogs, a junior hockey league in British Columbia, Canada. They came from all over North America.

The star who immediately stuck out was a smaller sized boy. He was David Prusa, 18, aspiring for a right wing slot on the team. Off the ice, the hotshot was a shy, mild-mannered young man. He was a bright blue eyed cute, slender lad with beautiful, wavy brown hair; thick as a bushel of wheat. On the ice, however, the kid was a real hotdog, skating faster and more nimbly than anyone. He was also quick and accurate on his shot. What he lacked in physical stature, he made up for in lightning skill.

The boy had the attention of the coaches. From the stands nearby, a small group of the team’s current players also had their eye on the young stud. The group of guys were known as the “Dawg Pack,” mostly starters from the squad.

“Checkout Speed Racer!” Nick laughed, watching from the stands with his buddies in the Dawg Pack.

Nick Miller, 21, was the starting lineup center and team captain. He was an attractive and jockish dude with bushy blonde hair. Nick exuded confidence on and off the ice. He was the de facto leader of the Dawg Pack clique.
Flanking him to his right was Carson Yewchuck, 19, a left-wing starter. He was good looking, broey type –a meathead meets a surfer – towhead blonde with baby blue eyes. Carson was a happy go lucky character who liked playing pranks and fucking with his teammates; sometimes with sexual undertones. Because of his crazy, goofball personality, his nickname was “Chucky Cheese.”

Flanked to Nick’s left was Aiden Penner, 19. He was a defense starter, a masculine pretty boy with a military style blonde buzzcut. He was tall, broad shouldered, and smoothly muscled. He was the most classically beautiful of the bunch and the local girls called him Aiden the Adonis.

Next to Aiden was his best friend, Denny Tremblay, 19, who played defense as well. He was a ruggedly handsome, black haired young man with pasty, milky skin, and a hint of a white trash who spoke with a slow drawl. He had a sexy swagger about him. He and Denny were inseparable.

Last in their crew, also watching the tryouts, was Kenneth “Pug” Pugliese, 18. He was the team’s starting lineup goalie. He was smaller than the rest of his clique; boyishly cute, clean cut with short light brown hair, and kind blue eyes. He was similar in age and size to David. Although he was pretty low key and easy going compared to the rest of the cocky Dawg Pack, he was tight with the posse.

There was one other member of their band of bros, however, who was participating on the ice with the newbies. It was Carl “Stink Boy” Erhart, 20. He was a right wing substitute. The badass was lean and muscled with a real mean streak. Everyone knew not to mess with him. He had cropped short brown hair and a light scruff of facial hair over his square jaw. His body was covered with tattoos. He earned his name “Stink Boy” because he had notoriously bad hygiene, something he bolstered by skipping showers and wearing the same gear for days on end.

Carl was now facing off with young David. His role there was twofold, assisting the coaches as they assessed the newbies but also in actuality auditioning himself for a starting lineup slot as a right wing. The faceoff was personal to him.

When the puck dropped, young Prusa, a real sniper, a pure scoring winger showed once more his speed and skill. He took possession of the puck, flew down the ice, and navigated past the opposing defense. When Carl caught up with him, David faked a forehand shot, went to his backhand and shot the puck into the net. This threw Carl off his balance who slipped and fell on the ice. He stood up, angered to be so embarrassed in front of his buddies up in the bleachers. He didn’t like that some little punk bested him. He shoved David down on the ice, landing him on his side hip, possibly causing injury he hit so hard.

“Asswipe! Stay down unless you want a fight!” Carl warned.

From the stands, his Dawg Pack were laughing and saying as well, “Stay down little man! Stay down” towards the kids’ direction as they watched what he would do.

Prusa ignored the threat and the pain. He stood back up and boldly faced the bigger, older boy. Carl just chuckled, threw off his gloves, and aggressively grabbed the smaller youth, ready to punch him in the mouth. In the nick of time, though, the coaches skated over and broke up the fight.

The Dawg Pack reacted again with laughter. “He’s got balls!” Denny admitted referring to the kid. They agreed “Stink Boy” was gonna want them to own this boy’s ass soon and good. “Yea, if makes the team,” Aiden said. “I hope so. We’ll have fun breaking that one in,” Carson replied. Kenneth just grinned at his buddies and shook his head.

“Let’s get suited up, fellas. We’re next on the ice,” Nick told the rest of the group.

A few minutes later…

The Bulldog’s locker room, a modest sized cinder block and concrete built cavern of rusty metal lockers and wooden benches, was crowded. It was filled with its current members who were suiting up for hockey practice and the new youths who just finished trying out on the ice. The damp room was filled with youthful exuberance and testosterone as sweaty, half naked or half-dressed young men carried about. It reeked of typical odors all players knew and grew to love. It was the smell of dirty feet, armpits, and most of all that familiar musty aroma of wet, old hockey gear.

As the current teammates suited up, including the gaggle of young men making up the Dawg Pack, they all had eyes on Assistant Coach Anthony Zarco giving young David Prusa a new team uniform. He congratulated him with a handshake. The boy’s brand-new blue jersey had the number 10 in orange decal on the back. His name would be printed on it later. Prusa was one of four rookies to make the team but he was the star, the hotshot, who made starting lineup.

Zarco was a relatively young man himself, 27. Fit and handsome. He was a former NHL player whose career ended after an injury so he was sympathetic as he asked how David was doing after the incident on the ice. Zarco had chastised Carl earlier and warned him to reign it in. David brushed it off though, not wanting to be the new guy who whined about being bullied. Zarco patted him on the back and called him a good sport. He told David to get checked out in the training room, regardless.

On the way to his new locker, the youth was beaming with a smile, so happy to have made it on the team. He walked through the crowded locker room past boys in various states of nudity, heading for the showers after their tryouts. Most of them weren’t lucky ones like David. As he passed by Nick, Carson, Kenneth, Aiden, Denny, and Carl, whose lockers were close together, they stopped him. The Dawg Pack was suiting up for the actual first practice of the day.

“Congrats ‘Quicksilver’, This team could use a good sub,” Nick said with a chuckle as the kid passed.

“Thanks, uh, right wing starting lineup, actually,” David proudly corrected, not getting the joke Nick was making.

The lads cracked up and Carson roared looking Carl’s way, “Oh man, ‘Stink Boy.’ Hear that? Pip squeak is bragging about taking your spot, bro!”

Carl was in the middle of putting on a pair of long, sheer white socks that looked pretty worn and dingy. As he continued suiting up in his sweaty gear, he mouthed off, “The runt is gonna get his.” Looking around at his buddies he added with an odd tone, “I think one of our players is having an operation tonight. We gonna be there?”

The rest of the guys, seated together on the dressing benches, chuckled quietly and looked coyly at one another, as if they knew what Carl was referring to but didn’t want to respond. It couldn’t have been a good sign.

Young David, however, was an innocent sort and new to the odd, machismo culture. He didn’t understand there was a threat. He was oblivious to the Dawg Pack’s devious minds and their penchant for breaking down rookies in the most degrading of ways. David shyly smiled, nodded, and moved on to drop off his uniform at his new locker. Then he headed to the sports medicine room, or alternatively known as the training room, for some physical therapy.

On the way to the treatment room, he passed by two of his fellow rookies who made the cut. He slowed down to chat but the pair had a dismissive air and continued on. David shrugged it off.

Inside the training room he met Spencer Schuldt, 18, the team’s jack of all trades. He was the sports trainer, the equipment manager, and sometimes basic janitor. He was a local young man – a “townie” – who mostly volunteered his time to the Bulldogs because he had aspirations of becoming a licensed physical therapist. He planned on college next year after high school and getting out of that small hockey obsessed town he hated. He was a lanky, nerdy sort with wavy, reddish brown hair, and green eyes. He was quirky cute.

“Heard about your little altercation. Erhart is a hothead,” Spencer said. He knew about the incident because one of the new recruits was another local kid that Spencer knew from town. “Let’s check you out.”

The teenage jock pulled his jersey and shoulder pads so he could drop down his suspenders to remove his padded pants. His Under Armour long sleeve compression shirt, sweat soaked, stuck to his slender frame. He then pulled down slightly his padded hockey underpants, which a cross between a jockstrap and padded compression shorts. He pulled them down just enough to expose the top half of his butt so the trainer could do his work. Spencer applied an ice pack over the bruised area just behind the boy’s left hip, over his left buttock, and held it there while he wrapped a special roll of tape around it. Spencer geekily took pride in explaining it was Vetrap bandage, the latest in sports medicine technology. It was better than ace bandage because it was stretchy and self-adhesive. Once it’s on, it’s not coming off unless you peel or cut it off. Spencer wrapped the blue colored sticky bandage around David’s waist then the top portion of his left thigh to hold the cold pact over the left buttock. David found Spencer’s nerdish, eager innocence welcoming, being surrounded by cocky, arrogant jock heads.

“You had a rubdown before?” Spencer then asked.

“Not really I guess,” David shrugged.

“Hop up and lay down, you deserve it,” the young trainer offered. “Take off the compression wear.”

David felt comfortable with him and didn’t think twice about stripping butt naked before the young trainer. His sweaty UA undershirt and padded compression shorts came off. The skinny but muscle toned athlete jumped up on the rubber padded table and laid face down.

“I kinda stink,” David apologized.

“I’m used to it from you guys,” Spencer giggled as he began to treat the youth to a deep tissue rubdown. “I can handle it.”

Prusa was surprised by how strong the lanky, young trainer’s hands were and appreciated his touch right away.

They had a conversation about many things as the chatty Spencer educated him about the team and the culture. David learned about the Dawg Pack and their reputation. David took it in stride. He also discovered the boarding house, the Schmitzel House, he’d be lodging at housed much of the young team since most players came from all over Canada and the US. Port Duncan was a stopping point for young hockey players hoping to make it in the NHL.

David was feeling so much better as Spencer dug his strong hands into the muscles on his shoulders and back. He even worked on his upper thighs and gluts which was a new and unusually good feeling to the lad. It was a welcome relief from a stressful morning in his new, intimidating world.

“See, we’re not all jerks. Spence here is the bomb! He’s got the ‘magic hands’,” Kenneth exclaimed as he walked into the sports medicine room unannounced during the rubdown. The small framed goalie was suited up in his uniform, eating a sandwich and an apple, presenting a friendly demeanor.

“Thanks man, and didn’t know I was taking your friends starter spot. Guess you guys hate me. Wish I could do a re-set,” David admitted, looking over to Kenneth.

“Don’t take anything personal, dude. A rookie, especially a starter, is gonna take shit. Just roll with it. We all went thru it. I got your back. Welcome to the team!” Kenneth smiled.

Kenneth came over and shook hands with the young rookie and said, “I’m Kenneth. But I go by Pug, too. Where are you from?”

“Iowa,” David answered.

“Hey, I’m from the states too, Indiana. Cool! We’re both a long way from home, but that’s what you do for glory on the way to the NHL. You’re really sharp out there, you’re gonna get a lot out of this.”

“Thanks, glad you’re on my side at least, ha hah. I appreciate it!”

“Like I said, I got your back. See yea at your first practice tomorrow!” Kenneth waved as he left the doorway frame back to the loud, crowded locker room, leaving the door open.

“These players!” Spencer joked, shaking his head, as he went to the door and closed it. He returned to a very relaxed and thankful David, moving down to his calves and skillfully massaging them with deep pressure.

“Ohhhh, man!” young David sighed with blissful pleasure.

Sometime later…

David, content and revived, had showered and returned to his new team’s locker room. He had removed the ice pack and tape, then dressed back in his street clothes. He was alone in the dressing room eagerly outfitting his locker. He took a wide strip of white athletic tape and wrote “Prusa #10” on it with a sharpie and taped it over his locker trench, proud to see his name and jersey number displayed. He was too excited to wait for the official placard to be printed out.

Then they arrived.

The Dawg Pack clan, minus Kenneth, trampled into the locker room, the five of them, taking off their gloves, helmets and various padding. They dropped them to the concrete floor, making noise that got David’s attention. He turned around to see the devious grins on their sweaty faces. Clearly, they were just back from a grueling workout on the ice but looked hungry for trouble.

“Well, I think he needs a shave. What do you think guys?” Nick suggested with a sinister tone.

“Ah, yea I already shaved,” David nervously smiled.

“When? Last month!” Aiden joked.

“I don’t think he knows what we mean,” Denny grinned.

David knew this wasn’t good and looked for ways to escape, eyeing the various exits.

“I think he’s gonna do something funny, guys,” Carl alerted.

David was like a cornered animal with no place good to go but nonetheless tried to make a break for it. He dared off towards the nearest exit point.

“Get ‘em fellas!” Carson hollered.

The gaggle of hockey players effortlessly grabbed the rookie and manhandled him into submission. He tried to fight them off but couldn’t. He began to yell for help but his mouth was covered with one of their hands. They hoisted him up and dragged him into the sports medicine room. Spencer was no longer there, gone for the day.

In a mad flurry of activity, as the Dawg Pack crew cheered and roared, they stripped off young David’s clothes from top to bottom. They yanked off his underwear and plopped the boy’s naked butt ass side down on the treatment table he had been so relaxed on an hour before. The cluster of older teens held him down while Captain Nick found a box of extra suspenders and belts used for hockey pants and poured them on top of David’s nude body. The athletes immediately began using the various items as bondage straps to tie him down! He fought the best he could but there too many of them and all bigger than he.

The kid’s upper arms and thighs were spread out to the opposite ends of the massage table. They grabbed his forearms, winged them back behind his head and tied each of his wrists to the tops of the table leg posts behind and below him. Keeping his thighs spread on the padding, they pulled down his lower legs and secured his ankles to the legs posts at the foot of the table. The suspenders and belts were strong and secure and easy to knot. Last they took some athletic cloth tape and wrapped his hands into balled up fists so that his fingers were prevented from messing with the knots. His attackers were cruel, clever ones who clearly knew what they were doing. He was spread-eagled, face up, stark naked, on the table.

During the strapping down, the rookie tried to cry out for help, hoping other teammates or coaches would hear him. His thick lock of hair was grabbed to hold his head still and one of them shoved their sweaty wristband into his mouth. This was immediately followed by a generous wrapping of Vetrap bandage, this time orange colored ones. It enveloped the lower half of his face multiple times. It made a very effective gag.

“Mmmphh, Mmmphh, Mmmphh!” David gasped into his gag, trying to fight it off his face but quickly determined it wasn’t going anywhere.

For an extra laugh, Carson took the strip of white tape adorning David’s locker and slapped it over the tightly wound bandage gagging him. The words “Prusa #10” was now prominently sealed over his mumbling face.

The Dawg Pack delighted in their capture and wanted a memory of it so they grabbed their cell phones to take pictures of the helpless, humiliated rookie.

“Wait!” Carson stopped them. “Let’s give the poor kid some dignity, “ he followed sarcastically with a chuckle.

Carson next grabbed one of David’s hockey gloves from his locker and placed it between the boy’s legs, pushing it up into his crotch, cupping his genitals inside the opening of the warm leather glove. Though it covered his private parts, it would make for a more hilarious, demeaning photograph.

“Now we can post the pictures online and not get busted for kiddie porn, ha hah! Nice move ‘Chucky Cheese’!” Carl howled, high fiving Carson.

The guys snapped away, taking plenty of pictures of David in his embarrassing state; spread eagled, butt naked, with only his hockey glove covering his crotch. The tape with “Prusa #10” on his gag made for a nice touch. His hazers joked that mommy and daddy back home should get a photo of him like that so they knew their American farm boy was being treated to good ole Canadian hospitality.

“Mmmhhhm!” the poor kid grunted with anger.


Assistant Coach Zarco could be heard from the locker room calling out for anyone still at the facility. The Dawg Pack quickly stopped what they were doing and smartened up. They filed out in a cluster from the small training room, comically stumbling over each other as they tightly burst through the doorway of the training room, not wanting the coach to see their bound victim back there. They shut the door behind them.

With his first moment alone, David valiantly fought the restraints which mostly served to flex his biceps, pecs, and calves’ muscles as his slender body bucked and gyrated on the table. Worse, the belts and suspenders tied around his wrists and ankles only tightened more. He could only yell for help, which he did.

Meanwhile, outside the training room door, the Dawg Pack stood close together looking suspicious as they faced Coach Zarco with smirks on their faces. Standing with Zarco as well was their buddy Kenneth, aka Pug, who had been meeting with him in his office.

“What are you Dawgers up to?” Zarco asked with eyes squinting. ‘Dawgers was another term for their Dawg Pack.

“Just putting some Icy Hot on,” Nick said as the rest of his crew surrounding him nodded humorously in agreement, saying “Yup,” and “yea” etc.

“All of you needed to be there for that?” coach questioned.

“We travel in a pack, coach! We’re the Dawg Pack!” Carson chuckled as the others followed with affirmative responses.

Meanwhile, behind them in the training room, the bound rookie was still trying to get Coach Zarco’s attention by gasping and grunting as loudly as he could through his gag, wiggling in his bonds.

The collective of the hockey players standing in front of the door as they yammered away helped drown out the noise. Zarco couldn’t hear the powerless teenager.

“Yea, ok fellas. Keep it under control and don’t break anything… or anyone. That includes new members, right Erhart?” Zarco said looking authoritatively at Carl.

“Yup, coach!” he smiled big.

The young coach knew the culture and kept a hands-off policy on most of the rowdy antics the boys played. As long as they brought it on the ice, he was happy. Perhaps he knew what was going on behind the group of players and didn’t think it was necessary to intervene?

Coach Zarco looked to Nick and to Kenneth to be the responsible ones and lock up the place before they left. He told them, however, that Spencer the trainer would be there some time later that night to drop off an air unit they purchased.

After the young coach left, Nick quickly instructed the gang to “Prep for surgery!”

Kenneth knew what that meant all too well and shook his head. He looked at Carl and said, “You better not have gone too far!”

“Just the routine bro!” Carl laughed. “See for yourself,” he said gesturing to the training room door.

As the others got various things together for their hazing ritual in the locker room, Kenneth stepped inside the sports medicine room to check on David.

The young team goalie saw the newest rookie, naked and tied down helpless as a lamb, beet red all over with humiliation. Kenneth looked at him with sympathetic eyes and said, “I’d untie you but they’d get you sooner or later. This is kind of a rite of passage. We all go through it.”

“Mmmm nnn, mmm nnn!” David tried to disagree with Kenneth as he shook his head begging to be released. The boy was so frustrated that he couldn’t speak through his gag or rub it off his face. That damn Vetrap bandage was too good.

The rest of the Dawg Pack stampeded back through the doorway, past Pug, their bulky gear clanking against one another as they returned to carry out the team’s infamous initiation.

They huddled around table and placed their hands all around David’s slim, nude frame, holding down his spread-out limbs. Sweat dripped from the faces down on the kid’s smooth, bare flesh. Kenneth even joined them in the debauchery, pinning David down, though he wasn’t whooping and hollering with rowdy excitement like the rest of his teammates.

They were waiting on their leader, Captain Nick, to appear and begin the sacred hazing ritual they had in store. Carl slapped around David’s face a little and said, “Don’t worry, kid. You won’t feel a thing. I got the ‘gas mask’ for you.”

“Man, so not cool!” Kenneth shook his head at Carl, knowing what the ‘gas mask’ was. The others laughed and told him to “put a sock in it” and not be so serious.

David wondered what the “gas mask” meant but understood it couldn’t be good.

Suddenly the players were ready to begin their initiation game as they saw Nick coming their way.

“Ding! Ding! Paging Dr.Miller!” Carson playfully shouted out while he and the others stood around young David holding him still on the sports table.

Nick appeared in the huddle and David got his first look up at him. He was in a costume of sorts. His hands were covered with latex gloves, held up as if he just sterilized them. Over his face was a clean jockstrap with the words “Dr. Miller” written over the waistband in black sharpie. It was made to look like a surgical mask.

“The doctor, is here!” Nick said dramatically in a parodied, lower voice. “Scalpel!”

“Scalpel!” Aiden repeated in a goofy voice as handed Nick a straight razor ominously fixed with a large razor blade.

“Shaving cream!” Nick then dictated in character.

“Shaving cream!” Denny replied, also using a funny tone, handing him a can of Edge Gel shaving cream.
David saw Nick flicking open the straight razor, grasping the shaving gel canister. He knew his crotch was the target.

“Mmmmhh mm! Mmmh nnmm!” he whimpered in protest through his gag, pleading for mercy. He struggled like a wild animal trying to escape the bindings and the grips of sweaty hands holding him down but it was futile.

“Woah! Woah! Hold him still boys! We don’t want another Reggie Wheeler incident now do we?” Nick said.

“Poor Regina! And he really wanted children!” Aiden crowed, glaring down at David.

David kept up his pointless struggles, shaking his head and moaning, “MMmm! Mmmm!”

“Time for the ‘gas mask’!” Carl alerted everyone.

“Well, the patient clearly is still conscious so, Dr. Stink Boy, if you don’t mind administering the ‘gas mask’,” Nick responded.

Carl pulled off his jersey and pads then dropped down his suspenders so he could slip out of his hockey pants. There it was. The gas mask. He proudly wore a classic jockstrap, with a banana protective cup in the pouch. It was a dingy, frayed disgusting thing that had seen a lot of wear. Normally white, it was so filthy that the jock strap was dullen brown and grey in coloration. The smell of it and his crotch was already filling the room. Carl had the name “Stink Boy” for good reason. It was as if Carl had a fetish for this kind of thing.

Carl slipped off his smelly jockstrap and held it up like a fresh catch from the lake, beaming with pride for the others to see. They all gasped at how rank and putrid it was and poor David looked up mortified by the sight and the scent.

“Dude! Smells like horse balls!” Denny exclaimed, waving his hand over his face.

David wiggled and squirmed around under their clutches and groaned once more, “Mmmhhhm mmm! Mmmmmhhmm mmm!”

“He’s a fighter! I think he needs gas right now, ha hah,” Carl laughed.

The scruffy faced, tattoo covered stinky player then took his jock-strap, placed it over his butt cheeks and bent his knees. “Wait for it!” Carl squinted.

“Dude come on!” Kenneth complained, not approving of Carl’s action but his teammates held him back.

Laughter filled the room as the Dawg Pack chanted, “Gas! Gas! Gas! Gas!”

Carl let out a high pitched, long and sustained fart. He farted a second time, then a third. The fabric of the pouch, housed with his protective cup was positioned over his butt crack and took in all the gross blasts of unpleasant gas.

Aiden and Denny grabbed the rookie by his thick lock of hair so his head couldn’t move. Carl took his sweaty jockstrap and cupped it, upside down, over David’s face. He tied the butt straps and the waistband into knots behind David’s head so the raunchy, foul fabric pouch and its cup sealed firmly over the poor kid’s nose!

The young rookie was holding his breathing as long as he could but ultimately had to give in, taking a deep breath and experiencing the foul thing through his nostrils.

“Mmmphh!!” David groaned in agony as panted heavily for air, sucking in overwhelming man stink.

Being gagged, he was forced to sniff in the nasty, intense vapors through his nose. The young man looked so sickened by it, rolling back his eyes, shaking his head in discomfort. He had to endure the terrible scent of his nemesis’ warm farts and the smell of his swampy crotch sweat.

Everyone but Kenneth were brutally giggling at the kid’s expense. He felt sorry for the young man. This was something the others didn’t have to endure in their hockey hazing rituals. It was Carl’s special payback. Maybe getting punched in the face would have been better.

As if that wasn’t enough, Nick began the nut shave task.

Nick removed the hockey glove from between David’s legs. The boy’s groin was now exposed for all the players to see. He had a nice sized cock and a large saggy nut sack for such a small, skinny kid. The amount of pubic hair surrounding his genitals and collected on his balls, however, were modest, as appropriate for an eighteen-year-old teenager.

“Lookie! Lookie! This shouldn’t take long at all!” Nick mocked the star rookie.

David glanced down at his privates then up at the team captain with puppy dog eyes as he watched him squirt Edge shaving gel all over his dick and ball sack. It was a cool, blue stream that tickled on impact.

“Nurses, your assistance,” Nick snickered in his parodied adult doctor voice.

Denny and Aiden knew what this meant. They were up now for their part in this wicked hazing roleplay. They reluctantly spread the blue gel around David’s genitals, working it up into a light white lather and made grimaces of disgust. They hated it.

“Move aside!” Carson laughed, bucking his two teammates out of the way. “I’ll show you how it’s done!”

The broey, dopey towhead jokester went right into it, more intensely lathering up the teen’s groin, to activate the gel into a thick white foam. He caressed his boy nuts, glided his fingers into the corner crevices of his crotch, and had no shame in completing the intimate task.

All that fondling, though, got to David. He had never been touched by another guy and it was unavoidably stimulating. He started to form an erection. He was so embarrassed when his dick sprang upward.

“Look! He’s poppin’ a boner!” Carl hee-hawed.

Nick was unphased by the erection and proceeded with business. With the straight razor in hand, he moved towards David’s testicles and started there. The blade went through the white foam and contacted the fleshy skin of his scrotum. David then felt the cool, thin blade roughly glide over his nuts, feeling all the little pubic hairs taken with it.

“Mphhh grrhh!” the helpless rooky groveled through his muzzled face, as he felt the humiliation of his crotch being shaved by his new teammates.

The athletes hooped and hollered, rejoicing in the rookie’s embarrassment. They egged on their team captain to shave down the rookie further.

As they eagerly watched and held David still, Nick continued to move the shaving tool to the side of his scrotum, removing more pubes, brushing over the saggy skin, skillfully avoiding any cuts or nicks. He did a few more swipes, taking on the more difficult areas first. An embarrassed David, maintaining his woody, looked down and watched as his pubic hairs were being cut away.

Nick wiped the excess foam and scattering of pubes on to a towel they kept between the boy’s legs.

“Who’s next?” Nick exclaimed.

Each member of the Dawg Pack crew would get their turn shaving David’s dick and balls. It was tradition that all of them participated in the unusually homoerotic sports hazing.

“Let’s get this fag shit over with, ha hah,” Aiden crowed taking ownership of the straight razor. He applied the blade to David’s innermost right thigh, adjacent to the fleshy testicles, because he said that was the least offensive area to touch. He stroked the razor along the skin and took a fair amount of hair off. “There!” he said relieved, wiping the blade on the towel.

Aiden handed the razor to his best buddy Denny, who also expressed disgust for taking his turn. Nonetheless, he shaved David’s innermost left thigh and did his job.

Carson volunteered to be next. The jockish bro, true to his no holds barred nature, was eager. He boldly grabbed the young boy’s hard dick, clutching his around the shaft, and pulled it up and back, making David’s saggy balls clear the way to see underneath. David yelped from the awkward sensation and tensed up his body, feeling so violated yet stimulated. Carson dug in with the blade, shaving the hairs underneath his nuts and around his gooch area. He even made several passes, wiping down the blade with the towel each time, doing a thorough job.

“Nice work ‘Chucky Cheese’,” Carl told Carson as the two studs high fived.

Carl was next and when Carson passed off the razor to him, all of the team reacted. “’Stink Boy’ has a weapon. Watch out, this one might hurt ‘lil guy,” Aiden said.

“Yea, I might slip and cut off your nuts!” Carl grinned deviously looking down at David.

David looked worried and lifted his head as he nervously struggled to watch because his eyes were partially obstructed by the pouch of the dirty jock masked to his face. Carl advanced towards his groin. The nemesis now had, for all practical purposes, a knife at his dick.

“MMmmmh nnhmm, mmm nnh!!” David grunted, not liking what was about to happen.

Carl moved around David’s stiff dick and settled the razor on the patch of hair above his groin nearing his waist. There was a more generous amount of pubic hair here. He even rubbed more of the shaving foam into the patch, pressing down hard, causing David some discomfort. Then he began stroking and wicking the razor along the boy’s flesh, pulling away at all the densely collected hair. Being so bunched up as they were there, this was the most painful area to be shaved and David hated every minute of it. Carl knew it and just snickered back at the kid. The hockey bully, though, didn’t cut or scratch him and finished the job without a drop of blood.

David dropped his head back down in relief when Carl was done. The stress and worry, however, broke him out into a sweat that coated his whole red flushed body.

“You’re up!” Nick said looking at Kenneth.

“Nah, I’m good,” Kenneth said. Of course, Nick wouldn’t hear of it and motioned him to take the razor.

“Pug! Pug! Pug! Pug!” the rest of the team chanted, slapping Kenneth on the back, working him into compliance.

Kenneth glared toward David who shot him a look back as if saying “It’s ok,” with his eyes and modestly nodding his head.

Kenneth reluctantly took the razor and placed it around the base of David’s shaft were some healthy amounts of pubic hair remained. Since the boy was rock hard, it was a relatively easy area to navigate without having to move his dick or nuts out of the way. As Kenneth spliced away the pubes, he looked back at David and said, “It grows back, I promise!”

“Ahhhhh!” Kenneth’s teammates collectively mocked their buddy Pug. “Stop coddling your boyfriend!”

Nick tidied up the rest of the shave while the boys still held the kid still. When it was all done, the poor rookie had a clean-shaven crotch as smooth as the day he was born. The only thing in the area spared was a light, thin happy trail of hair leading up to his navel.

The fellas decided to group together for a selfie and stood around their newly shaven victim, making goofy faces as they snapped a picture with an iPhone. Nick proudly help up the straight razor in frame of the camera, showing a dollop of shaving cream with bits of David’s freshly removed pubic hair. “Say cheese!!” they smiled for the photo.

When they were all finished, the tightknit posse debated how to handle David, with Nick getting a consensus. Kenneth insisted they untie him and let him go. One of them, though, objected, not wanting the party to end for the poor newcomer.

“Spencer can find him later tonight. It’ll be a nice surprise,” Carl insisted, wanting David to stay tied up. “The dude deserves our thanks, guys! It’s the least we can do for all of Spence’s hard work!”

“MMmm nnn, mmmm nnn,” David shook his head, whining, wanting to be released. Would they really abandon him like this, he imagined?

Denny liked the idea and went along with Carl. Aiden agreed and said suspiciously, “Maybe he’ll give him a late-night rubdown, ha hah!” Carson said with a laugh, “Well nice for Spence, not so nice for #10 here! Sure!” and looked David’s way, adding, “Sorry, hotshot!”

David looked around as they debated, hearing these innuendos and concerned by what they meant. Carl, however, really made it clear for him. The nemesis leaned in to the boy and whispered, “Yea, you should be afraid. Spence is a homo. Like fuck you up the asshole gay. We hear he has a thing for twinks like you.” Carl let out a long roar of mean laughter as he pulled away from David.

As they walked out, Kenneth was more vocal about wanting to release David and not happy about the vote. But they browbeat their buddy into letting it go. David could faintly hear Kenneth threatening to return later to release him and nothing could stop him, etc. It was much comfort, but it was at least something.

The Dawg Pack had turned out the lights to the sports medicine room and the facility. They left the rookie tied down spread eagle to the treatment table, gagged, and still – unfortunately – sniffing on Carl’s foul and funky used jockstrap.

More time goes by…

Minutes seemed like hours. He had no concept of time. His hands were still wrapped up in a tape ball preventing him from using his fingers to work away at the knots attaching the restraints to his wrists. He could only buckle and pull at his restraints. The more he struggled, the more the belts and suspenders that strapped him down tightened around his wrists and ankles, furthering to cut off his circulation. He stopped fighting his captivity. David had been trying to rub off the tape bandage gag but the Vetrap, true to its guarantee, still wouldn’t loosen up or give way. He was staying gagged and would continue to taste of the one of the young men’s soaked wristbands in his mouth.

There was one small victory, however. He was able to successfully remove the disgusting, pungent jockstrap from his face by rubbing his head around constantly on the rubber padding of the table. It in the least allowed him to breathe a little better as he waited for rescue.

The young man wondered why he was singled out when there were three other rookies who made the team. Where was their hockey initiation?

As more time went by…

Young David heard someone in the locker room outside the door. Maybe it was finally Spencer arriving to deliver the air conditioning unit. Maybe it was Kenneth returning as promised. He cried out for help, muffled by his gag. Whoever it was, they didn’t come into the training room so he continued.

The boy let out more muzzled screams at the top of his lungs until finally he heard the door open to the darkened physical therapy room. Someone stood in the doorway. It was pitch black in his room but faint light from the locker room behind the person cast him in a silhouette. The best he could make out, it was a male figure, probably young. Certainly, it was Kenneth or Spencer, he thought.

He continued to cry out to the rescuer glad to see help had arrived, though embarrassed to be seen like he was.

The mysterious young man closed the door, bringing the room back to total darkness, and David heard him walking towards his table. Why wasn’t the person saying anything he wondered? Was it not Spencer? Was it not Kenneth?

He felt their hands grasping his hair, then placing his head into a lock under one of the stranger’s arms. Then he felt his eyes being wrapped up with something and quickly surmised he was being blindfolded by the infamous Vetrap bandage. The person wrapped it tight and skilled like a pro.

“Mmm!” David grunted.

After that, David could hear him move back to the wall, flick on the lights, and saw the faint illuminating glow from under the blindfold wrapping over his eyes. Still, he couldn’t see the stranger.

The young boy was terrified and confused. He was tied down stark naked to the rubber padded table, gagged, and blindfolded in a room with a silent stranger. Was it Kenneth or Spencer playing a cruel joke? The poor rookie already had enough abuse. What was going to happen?

His hands, both of them, contacted the boy’s feet and started to glide up his legs, brushing his hairs, then up his thighs, past his waist, then the sides of his chest past his pecs. They settled underneath his spread out arms, his fingers diving into the contours of the kid’s armpits nestling through the puffs of armpit hairs, and began to tickle him. David began to giggle reflexively, and thrust about in his restraints, unable to escape.

“Mmhhhh mmmm mmm, hmm,” David gasped.

Then the stranger moved his fingers down and into his pecs, finding the boy’s nipples. He squeezed them with his soft, supple, but strong fingers.

David jolted. He’d never been touched there and it was a profoundly intense feeling having his nipples pinched. He shook his head and moaned but the person didn’t stop. In fact, he was getting pinched harder. It was torment.

At this point, David realized it was no joke and he was experiencing assault.

The attacker moved down, running his fingers past the rookie’s chest and torso, over his belly button, and lightly pulled at the hairs of his happy trail until he reached the freshly shaved, smooth area of his upper groin. The fingers then stopped, just shy of his flaccid penis, which flopped to the side.

David panted, wondering what would the guy do next and braced for anything.

The stranger’s hands suddenly grabbed the teenager’s cock and wrapped his fingers around the fleshy shaft, gently squeezing it. Then he started to stroke him, slowly.

“Mmmmphhhh!” David yelped into his gag, shaking his head, wanting to be left alone.

The stranger continued, though, stroking him. David heard the sound of spit being ejected then felt the slimy stream of it coating his dick as the hand jerked faster, lubricated by the spit.

Eventually, David couldn’t help feeling naturally exhilarated by the sensation and began to get hard despite the fact he was being raped.

The jerking off continued until he was at a full erection.

“Mmphhh!’ David whimpered, feeling so violated and helpless but turned on at the same time. The virgin teenager was so easily aroused and felt guilty about enjoying it.

He got close to cumming and gave the tell-tale sign by tensing up, shuttering, and propping back his head about to explode.

“Mmmmmm!” he moaned.

The violator then stopped all at once, denying him release. Instead he moved back to his nipple and pinched them some more, this time even harder than the last.

“Grrmmmm mmmm grrrhhpph!” David groveled in frustration as he jerked in his restraints.

Unfortunately for David, this became a repeated pattern. The poor young hockey stud would get edged like these multiple times. The kid was in heaven and hell. He was brought close to cumming each time then denied any relief.

As the mysterious person proceeded again, the captive boy once more was close to spraying his nut juice, so ready to succumb to the exhilaration. David felt it welling up and it was going to happen any second.

The stranger leaned in with his body now in closer proximity to David’s face so that the boy could more definitively smell the faint hint of musty body odor that was unique to hockey players and their gear. Was it one of his teammates after all, like Kenneth? No way he thought!

David sensed the stranger was about to blow his load as well, feeling the shaking and pulsating of the stranger’s bicep against his ribcage, clearing jacking himself off. The stranger moaned in ecstasy, as did David. They were going to cum together.

David readied himself to climax, along with the stranger. They were milliseconds from shooting!

Then, suddenly, a voice was heard from outside in the locker room beyond the door.

“Is someone in there??” the familiar voice shouted curiously, gesturing towards the training room most likely. It was Spencer’s voice!

That immediately stopped everything and the stranger pulled his hand away from David’s cock and stopped masturbating himself.

“Mmmphh!” David whimpered in frustration, so close to squirting and denied once more.

“Shhh!” the stranger warned briefly cupping his hand over the boy’s mouth. He then slipped away and David heard the sound of a door behind him, not the main door to the locker room, opening and closing.

Next, David heard the main door from the locker room opening up.

“Oh shit!” Spencer exclaimed, discovering David bound and gagged naked on the table. He couldn’t miss the major erection sticking up with pre-cum oozing out.

In a span of five seconds, David went from being exhilarated to being totally degraded.

Spencer rushed over and went for the Vetrap bandages around David’s face. He removed the blindfold then the gag.

“Mmmphhh grrrr…. Ohhh! Ahhhh!” David grunted then gasped as he took his first free breaths, panting wildly. He stayed otherwise silent though, unable to form words to describe.

“What happened?” Spencer asked him.

“Initiation,” David blushed with embarrassment. That’s all he said.

Neither young men talked about the huge boner David displayed, though. They choose to pretend it wasn’t there. David had the worst case of blue balls as well, being prevented an orgasm when he was so close. He almost wanted to rub one out right there in Spencer’s presence it hurt so bad.

Whomever the mysterious guy was that edged him was hidden behind the closet door behind the table. He was still there. Would David give him up to Spencer? He wouldn’t.

He’d let the mysterious person, he assumed now was one of his hockey teammates, escape later when he and Spencer left. He wasn’t sure hey he kept his mouth shut. Was he too embarrassed from being basically molested? Was he afraid of repercussion? Maybe he liked it?

After getting cleaned up with Spencer’s help, David got dressed back in his clothes which were still scattered on the floor, next to Carl’s disgusting jockstrap. Spencer held it up and David smiled, “Don’t ask!”

Before buttoning up his jeans, he pulled out his underwear and looked down a last time at his newly shaved groin, and grieved at the loss of the little manhood he had previously.

“Don’t worry, it grows back,” Spencer sympathized. “That’s what they tell me.”

“Yea, I heard,” David smiled sheepishly.

David grabbed his gym bag from his locker and walked out to the locker room with Spencer as they locked up the place. David looked back though the open door to the training room and noticed the closet door beyond was now cracked open. Whomever it was, was watching them, waiting for them to leave.

As the boys walked out through the parking lot, David made Spencer promise not to tell the coaches. Spencer nodded and said he knew the drill.

“Anyway, see ya later, man,” David waved as he parted ways with the young sports trainer.

As David walked home, he was tempted to go back and camp by the sports facility to see who would exit the backdoor of the locker room, making their escape from the training closet. He wouldn’t, though.

Still, he couldn’t help but wonder who it was and filed through the options. It probably wasn’t Aiden or Denny because they seemed so grossed out by the earlier experience. Kenneth was hard to believe because he couldn’t imagine the betrayal. As for Carl, he’d sooner believe he’d be beaten up by him than beaten off. Carson, while oddly kinky in his antics, didn’t seem like the stealthy, secretive type. Nick, the ring leader, didn’t add up either. What about Coach Zarco? The fact that he got a whiff of “hockey smell” from the perpetrator told him it wasn’t a coach, it was a hockey player.

He let it go.

Perhaps back at the boarding house that night, or at practice tomorrow, he’d be able to deduce who tried to rape him by looking into their eyes. Whomever it was, he wanted to take care of unfinished business. He still had blue balls.


If you have thoughts for the next chapter, or want to guess who the mysterious intruder is, write some comments.
Last edited by Deleted User 122 5 years ago, edited 8 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 728
Joined: 6 years ago

Post by GoBucks »

Looks like another masterpiece in the making! Sports hazing stories are so hot. Do you have any pictures of guys you had in mind while writing the story like you post in your others?
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Thank you and yes I actually do have specific real life guys in mind for each character. I MAY post pictures of them but no promises

Rest assured though, my next story to post will be a continuation of this story.... perhaps this weekend

Anyone have any wagers, guesses or HOPES as to who the mysterious perpetrator is??
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 691
Joined: 6 years ago
Location: canada

Post by socjuc »

The coach? :D
This story can be found HERE.
Banner by Bondagefreak
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »


Boyishly attractive David Prusa was preoccupied while he navigated the quiet, late night streets of the small town. He had one thought on his brain. Who was the mysterious teammate that fooled around with him inside the locker room. The young athlete had been tied down, gagged, and blindfolded as a stranger fondled his dick and nearly brought him to orgasm. Instead of focusing on his first day of hockey practice tomorrow, this was his mind’s obsession.

He still had the worst case of blue balls, too. He felt guilty for it, wondering if being stimulated by the situation meant he was gay. He obviously enjoyed the torment on some level.

After a few more minutes of walking, he came upon the Schmitzel Boarding House, a large Victorian era home on Maple Street. He found a note on the front door addressed to him that invited him inside where he’d find his room key, room #4, with directions to head upstairs. Once inside the hallway, he saw a square board on the wall with a grid of hooks that held room keys. Only his key and room #6 were still on the hooks. He grabbed his key and went upstairs.

His room was small and sparse with a basic cot bed in the corner. On top of the mattress were fresh sheets and a towel. He found the bathroom right away so he could take a piss and was surprised to see a smattering of pubic hair collected on the tile floor. It was a shared bathroom so he figured it was his suitemate. It certainly reminded him of his previous ordeal at the hands of his new teammates. It was an odd coincidence.

It was late and time for bed but David had to rub one out. Like any healthy, male teenager that wasn’t uncommon for him. This time, though, he was desperate. He had to relieve those blue balls. As he laid down in his cot, he pulled down his underwear and started to masturbate. He found himself, oddly, racing through images of his teammates as he jacked off, trying to land on which one took advantage of him while he was tied down to the sports table. He couldn’t help himself. The teenager’s newly found homoerotic, kinky urges were stronger than the guilt he felt for fantasizing about other boys. When he ejaculated, he shot his semen so high it almost hit the wood paneled ceiling. With that, David fell fast asleep.

The next morning, the boarding house was a madhouse of young players stomping around in various states of dress, mostly in their underwear. He headed downstairs for the breakfast table, sleepy eyed with a severe case of bed head, his thick bush of brown hair mopped over his face as he flung it back.

He met the owners of the boarding house, Harry and Gayle Schmitzel, in their sixties, who seemed kind enough but somewhat indifferent to all the commotion from the young, male athletes running about the home. He learned that Harry was a former hockey player himself and a retired carpenter while Gayle was a retired teacher. They’d been housing members of the Port Duncan Bulldogs hockey team for years. They must have been used to the rowdy atmosphere, even so early in the morning such as this.

Carson, aka Chucky Cheese, and David’s nemesis, Carl, aka Stink Boy, were already at the table slurping down cereal, and seated shirtless in their boxers. They were in the middle of a burping contest and calling each other faggots. They cracked jokes about David’s “late night date” with Spence and wondered how it went as they laughed it up. The implication struck David curiously. He wondered if one of them was putting on an act, playing innocent, to deflect from the truth of what really happened. Could one of them be the assailant? They also told him to mention when he got a case of “swamp crotch” as they laughed some more, high fiving each other. David wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but ‘whatever’ he thought.

Finally, a kinder face came downstairs, Kenneth, who sat next to David, full of energy. “Surprised you’re so perky, ‘Pug,’ you got in kind of late,” Carson said. Kenneth ignored him and began conversation with David.

“Hey man, I’m sorry about last night but the guys wouldn’t let me out of their sight. I came later and you were gone. Did Spencer untie you?” Kenneth asked David in a quiet voice.

David looked at his face and wondered if it was a sincere question. Circumstantially, he should be suspect #1 but he gave the friendly teammate the benefit of the doubt because he was the only nice boy thus far, outside of Spencer.

“Yea, he untied me,” David smiled, eating his waffles and a banana.

Two of the other new rookies showed up next to the breakfast table. They were Jake Wiebe and Jimmy Jensen. Both of them were 18, fresh out of high school, like David, but cocky, arrogant chumps. They happened to be best friends, both played defense, and were inseparable. The young men were modestly framed but all muscle and tough kids. Jake was strikingly handsome with a boyishly masculine face and dreamy, big blue eyes. Jimmy was blonde with dimples and had a broey swagger about him. They trotted down the stairs like they were hot shit.

They huddled around David for a moment while they fixed their meal and chatted about last night. They said they heard about what happened to David. Since they weren’t “nut jacked” like him, they probably felt they were immune to the team’s abuse. Not wanting to take any chances, though, the duo proudly admitted to David they voluntarily shaved their own genitals last night. Remembering the pubes on the tile floor, David now knew which boys he shared a bathroom with. They must have roomed together? The thuggish, young pair laughed about dodging a bullet and teased David about taking one for the rookie squad.

Later that morning…

Once they were back in their musty locker room, as the boys suited up for the day, David journeyed over to his nemesis, Carl, and did something that surprised him and the others that watched. David returned his dirty jockstrap. It was a token of respect, really, and a way to show that David was unphased by the hazing. Carl looked somewhat impressed but didn’t really want to show it. He grabbed the foul, odor infested jock-strap in a nonchalant manner while the rest of the Dawg Pack took note and nodded with smiles, approving of the move. Carl snapped back at them, “He’s still a pip squeak rookie. He’s got more coming to him.”

The last rookie to make the cut, Jaxsen Beamin, 17, appeared in the locker room with this hockey bag in tow, having just been dropped off by his mom. The kid was even scrawnier and smaller than David, an innocent looking youth. He happened to be a town local so he lived at home with his parents. David could see that the boy, similar to him, wasn’t the brash loud type and looked intimidated to be in the new environment. David made a point of saying hello and introducing himself.

At the opening of practice, David’s first performance as a team member wasn’t too impressive on the ice. He was still wrestling with the big question, who was the perpetrator? Which teammate, skating with him, was the one who basically gay raped him the night before? It was such a preoccupation that Coach Zarco chastised him for having his head in the clouds when it should be on the ice. The rest of the team, particularly the members of the Dawg Pack clique, laughed.

“Sorry Coach,” David apologized to Zarco.

What really pissed David off was the sight of fellow rookies Jake and Jimmy joining in on the laughter. They were so damn cocky. They even tried to get Jaxsen to join in but he wasn’t participating and focused on the drills.

The young man quickly found his concentration and got back in the game. Ultimately, David played like the young hotshot he was, showing his skills as a flawless, speedy right wing. Over the remainder of the practice, Captain Nick and the Dawg Pack seemed to throw praises his way and acted friendlier. While Carson was up to his usual antics, playfully “cup checking” the other rookies, he even left David alone in the cruel hazing.

In fact, the crew invited David to join them for pizza and beers that night at Captain Nick’s pad. He was being accepted into the circle. David felt more confident.

After the grueling first practice, he stripped down from his bulky hockey gear. When he slipped out of his hockey girdle the young man suddenly realized what Carson and Carl meant by “swamp crotch.” His groin was unusually warm and soaked. Having a hairless scrotum baking between your legs after a workout made your nuts sweat even more.

The team’s assistant and sports trainer, the nerdish cute Spencer, walked by David as he collected dirty towels from the lockers and benches. He noticed that the young player had the embarrassing, sweating problem down there. He handed him a fresh towel with a sheepish gesture. The two boys exchanged awkward glances, recalling the predicament of last night perhaps.

Jaxsen eagerly came over to David and told him that he and the other rookies had been invited to the Captain’s apartment for beers. Suddenly, David didn’t feel as special anymore, but nonetheless he liked Jaxsen so he was happy at least for his invite. He wasn’t looking forward to Jake and Jimmy, however, who would likely engage in more asshole behavior, joining in with the older boys.

Later that evening…

The Dawg Pack crew was gathered at Captain Nick’s home. He had an apartment that was situated above a recently shut down tractor repair shop. It was the quintessential bachelor pad. Cans of empty beer and pizza boxes were spread across the coffee table centered between two old, trashed out couches.

The players sat on them with their socked feet propped up, guzzling more cold brew. David was shoved in-between Carson and Carl who were once again engaged in a burping contest, scratching their nuts, legs sprawled on the couch. David looked and felt out of place with the two Neanderthal studs flanking him. Aiden and Denny sat with Kenneth on the other couch who all just shook their heads at the ridiculous vulgar braggadocio invested over who burped the loudest.

Nick was holding court, telling stories and encouraging the bros to drink up, the night was young. David noticed the other rookies still weren’t there and finally asked if they were coming.

“Oh, they’re already here,” Aiden and Denny laughed.

“What do you mean, where?” David asked.

“That’s right, fellas, we’ve been neglecting our other special guests. Young Prusa is entitled to see them, don’t you think?” Nick laughed.

The rest of the Dawg Pack chuckled, even Kenneth a little.

The six boys walked downstairs and entered the abandoned repair shop through a rusty metal door. Nick had free roam of the place and it was basically like an extension of his home. The greasy shop was all his. The smell of dirt, oil, and oddly, body odor, hovered in the air.

When David and the Dawg Pack rounded a corner, standing before them were the three young rookies; Jake, Jimmy, and Jaxsen. The trio had been stripped naked. They were bound and gagged.

All three of the teens were forced to stand in a degrading predicament; their hands bound over their heads, tied with ropes to a heavy metal beam running across the ceiling which stretched out their arms and torsos. They were roughly three feet apart from each other with their legs tightly spread apart; their ankles tied with rope to various machinery bolted into the concrete floor.

They almost looked like kidnapped sex slaves embarrassingly on display at an auction. “Mmmphhhh!” all three of the rookies whimpered in their gags, totally humiliated, looking at the Dawg Pack with their helpless eyes. Their mouths were duct taped shut.

To the left was young Jaxsen, who was clearly treated to the same fate David endured the night before. His genitals were freshly shaven as evidenced by the carved razor trails of shaving cream on his smooth pubic skin. A big bowl of water smattered with shaving cream residue and removed bits of pubic hair was on the ground between his legs. It must have been a humiliating experience for the boy as his whole body was still beet red with shame.

In the middle was Jake and to the right was Jimmy. Since they had already shaved themselves, they had received different treatment and it wasn’t pleasant to witness. Hot water bottles, filled to the max, had been tied to their scrotums and dangled like heavy pendulums between their legs, pulling down their nuts. They looked like they were in agony, their faces sweating bullets. Their bodies quivered. Jake’s intense, beautiful eyes were as wide as sand dollars.

David also noticed that Jake and Jimmy had been treated to the infamous “gas mask.” Carl “Stink Boy’s” rancid jockstrap was masked over Jake’s face. His smelly protective cup had been removed and was taped over Jimmy’s nose.

David’s teammates huddled around him, their hands on his shoulders, stating how lucky he was to have been through the wringer already. Now he could enjoy the view from the VIP section. He realized he enjoyed it, too. Perhaps David discovered he had a bondage fetish.

Carson picked up a balled up smelly sock that had been lying on the floor, he soaked it with beer from his can so it weighed down more.

“Pitcher on the mound, eyes on the plate,” Carson narrated as he adjusted his ballcap backwards, looked side to side, nodded, and raised his leg. He was imitating a baseball pitcher on the mound about to throw the ball.

Carson then threw the soaked sock ball towards Jake’s direction. The ball traveled fast and straight, hitting solidly the hot water bottle dangling from Jake’s nuts.


“MMMMPPHHHH!” Jake cried out in pain as the hot water bottle swung back from the force of the sock ball slamming against it. It began to sway back and forth. The rookie jerked, and throttled about like crazy.

Nick, Aiden, Denny, and Carl loudly hollered in admiration for Carson, slapping him on the ass for a job well done.

Aiden was next “on the mound” taking another socked ball, soaking it with beer, and aiming for Jimmy this time. He missed the first time but on a second shot, hit the hot water bottle sending poor Jimmy similarly into a flight of pain as he wailed loudly though his gag.

Each of the Dawg Pack, even Kenneth, got their turns throwing balled up socks at Jake and Jimmy, as they drank more beer and passed the time with great laughter. The cocky rookies were being reduced to whimpering, teary eyed messes.

Young Jaxsen was being spared the cruel game but was forced to watch the action, tied up next to the fellow newbies.

Nick handed one of the retrieved sock balls to David and invited him to participate in the game. He was one of them now. David tried to pass on it, opting instead to just drink more beer and watch. He didn’t have the heart to haze his fellow rookies, although it happened to be Jake and Jimmy the arrogant shitheads. Kenneth, who was pretty drunk at this point, egged him on as well, not taking no for an answer.

Finally, Carl was the most convincing. He half joked, “Which team are you on, bro? You’re either pitching, or your ‘catching’. I’m happy to tie you next to your buddies and we’ll take our turn on you, ha hah.”

With that, young David succumbed to the peer pressure and took his position, holding the sock. He threw it, aiming for Jake, naturally. He was successful in hitting him on the first “pitch” sending Jake into more fits of pain, groaning through his gag. The teammates patted him on the back and encouraged him to get Jimmy next, and so he did.

Aiden and Denny took some video of the moment with their cell phones.

David and the boys drank more beer down in the repair garage, leaving the rookies trussed up and helpless. An hour or so later, though, Kenneth was sloshed. He was a lightweight the others laughed. They said he should call it a night since practice comes early.

David offered to make sure Kenneth got back home safely. Before he left, though, he asked the teammates to take pity on young Jaxsen. After all, he was the one rookie who didn’t try to cheat his shaving initiation.

“Yea, good point. And local boy probably has to get home before mommy and daddy wonder what happened to junior,” Carson agreed with a laugh.

Nick and Carson helped David untie Jaxsen from the ceiling and released his ankles from the ropes. The kid was exhausted, almost falling to the floor, but managed to stay tough. David peeled off the duct tape from his mouth and Jaxsen spit out a disgustingly saliva soaked sock.

While Jake and Jimmy remained tied up, they helplessly watched as Jaxsen was restored his dignity and put on his clothes. As he pulled the underwear over his crotch, looking down at his shaved groin, David remarked with a smile to him, “Don’t worry. It grows back!” The others roared with laughter at the irony of young David repeating the phrase from last night.

“Wait up, let’s make sure you’re not injured, sport,” Carson said, expressing concern as he wanted to check out Jaxsen.

Instead, he did a sneak attack “cup check,” racking the rookie in the scrotum. Jaxsen yelped, “Oww!” and keeled over.

“Yup! We didn’t severe any nerves down there!” Carson chuckled as he playfully ruffled young Jaxsen’s hair and slapped him on the ass. He handed him a beer and told him to down it on the way home, doctors’ orders.

Jaxsen helped David bring Kenneth to his feet who was so drunk that he couldn’t stand easily himself. As they left Nick’s building, Jaxsen offered to lend a hand back to the boarding house even though it was the opposite direction from his parent’s house. David insisted he was fine. He had ulterior motives, though, in being alone with Kenneth. Having him drunk, he wanted to interrogate subversively about last night and find out if he was “the one”.

Jaxsen and David fist bumped and parted ways. David threw Kenneth’s arm around his shoulder and helped him with the walk back to the boarding house.

Kenneth was rather ridiculous, even sloppy, as he rambled with slurred speech about random things. Mostly it was praise and admiration he was giving David, such as how tough a kid he was for putting up with the bullshit.

“I’ll admit, it was kind of fun playing the game, having to be brave I guess. What was it like for you?” David asked.

“Oh, hella fun, ya ya,” Kenneth said slurring his speech. “Especially tormenting you with you know,” he continued but caught himself and stopped.

“Tormenting me how, ha hah,” David wanted to know, provoking him on for a truthful answer.

“Ya, razor. The razor,” Kenneth mumbled. “And if want, man. Shave me. Shave my nuts!!” he suddenly yelled in a drunken slur.

Back at the boarding house, David helped him grab his key. Room #6. Room #6? As they walked up to Kenneth’s room, he remembered that the only other key on the grid last night was #6. Kenneth was the only one not home when David returned!

As far as he was concerned, David just discovered who the mysterious teammate was. Kenneth was “the one” who fondled him!

David laid Kenneth down on to his bed. He pulled off his beat up pair of Vans sneakers, getting a whiff of the warm, pungent foot smell that radiated from Kenneth’s sweaty socks. Knowing now that Kenneth was indeed the one who got sexual with him, he didn’t hesitate to strip him out of his clothes. He unbuttoned the drunken boy’s blue jeans and slid them off his nice legs. David was taken aback by the slight chubby that had formed inside Kenneth’s boxer briefs. He was aroused. He went further, pulling off his t-shirt so he could admire Kenneth dressed down to his underwear. The young man was fit and smooth with a hint of washboard abs.

He was so tempted to reach for his erection, wanting to give in to his raging teenage hormones. In fact, David was getting a boner himself. Turnabout was fair play, right? But he restrained himself considering how drunk Kenneth was, feeling more honorable perhaps than Kenneth was to him in his feeble state last night. Still, though, he wasn’t angry with Kenneth. He was filled with curiosity and attraction.

Young David took off his own t-shirt and lied next to Kenneth, edging up close to his body, their bare chests pressing against one another. He could smell the beer hops on Kenneth’s breath as he kind of lied there, half passed out. He looked down at his underwear and raised the waistband a few inches to have a peek. Kenneth seemed to grow even harder, perhaps a reflexive response since he wasn’t totally coherent? The boy’s dick was beautiful with a nice nest of pubic hair surrounding it and his balls. David licked his lips, placing his fingers over them so the tips of his fingers were coated with his saliva. He reached down with that hand and lightly closed the tips of the fingers over the very top of Kenneth’s shaft, right at the flesh head. Kenneth quietly moaned, still lying half unconscious, and pre-cum got on David’s fingers.

As he was about to go further, however, a commotion was heard outside the door in the hallway. He carefully cracked Kenneth’s door and peeked inside the hallway. He saw Carson and Carl carrying up the two rookies, hoisted over their shoulders. Jake and Jimmy’s hands and feet were tied up. They quietly groveled into socks tied as cleave gags around their mouths. The older boys carried the rookies inside their room, next door to Kenneth’s. After a few minutes of whispers and fussing about in there, he saw Carson and Carl leave the room.

“Nite! Nite! Boys!” Carson sarcastically called out as he and Carl high fived and disappeared into their separate bedrooms, Carson going down the hall and Carl down the stairs.

David decided it was too risky to stay there so he covered up Kenneth with a blanket and snuck out. As he passed by the rookie’s door, though, his curiosity got the best of him and decided to peek inside. He cracked the door. Thanks to a night light in the room, he could make out that Jake and Jimmy, still butt naked, had been hogtied and left on the floor, next to each other, as they struggled with their ropes. They grunted and groaned through their gags.

Would he let the bastards go and spare them further humiliation? Nope. He closed the door and retired to his bedroom. As he laid in his bed, he jerked off thinking about Kenneth as he listened to the helpless rookies next door trying to call out to him for help. Again, he ignored Jake and Jimmy.

The next day at practice, the once cocky rookies were now perfect, little lads who didn’t smarten off with their mouths. They must had learned a lesson thanks to the Dawg Pack. They were also visibly exhausted.

As they sat on the benches, David noticed the heavy rope burn on their wrists after Jake and Jimmy removed their gloves. Jaxsen had marks as well but David only card to point out the ones on Jake and Jimmy as he deviously smiled.

“How’s it hangin’?” David asked wittily.

Jake and Jimmy kept their mouths shut at first but Jake couldn’t help but shoot a glare of animosity towards David.

“We were left tied up all night in our room. We didn’t get out till breakfast. No fucking sleep! You didn’t hear us calling out for help?” Jake stared at David.

“Nope,” David nonchalantly shrugged, pretending he didn’t hear the poor guys when in fact he reveled in their sounds of misery last night.

As David got up and returned to the ice, Jake said under his breath to Jimmy, “We’ll get him back.”

Meanwhile, Kenneth was really hurting out there on the ice as he tried to net mind the goal. He was hungover and it showed. Shot after shot was getting past him. The coaches told him to take a break because he was white as a ghost and in a cold sweat. Captain Nick, flanked by Aiden and Denny, assessed their friend probably needed to fix himself up in the locker room and come back.

“Hey, Prusa, can you take care of ‘Pug’?” Nick asked David.

“Sure thing,” David eagerly responded. He would have done it anyway but was particularly moved by the fact that the leader of the Dawg Pack saw him as valued.

In the bathroom adjacent to the locker room, Kenneth was bending over the toilet ready to blow chunks. David held him by the jersey and shoulder pads so he didn’t slip. Kenneth stuck his finger down his throat and made himself throw up. After a while, he felt better though he still had a headache he complained. David laughed and returned shortly with a hot water bottle filled with ice.

“Put this on your forehead,” David offered him the rubber bladder.

“Thanks, bro,” Kenneth smiled as he held the cold press over his brow. Lowering it down briefly to his nose, he joked, “Actually, it smells like a rookies nut sack, ha hah!”

The two boys shared a laugh and David helped Kenneth return to practice.

That night…

It was going to be another drunken blowout at Nick’s apartment and David was invited once more. When he learned, however, that Kenneth was going to sit that one out he decided to hang with him instead. As a matter of fact, he was ecstatic to have some alone time with him.

The boys decided to go to the movie house in town and watch the latest Mission Impossible movie. They ate hot dogs, drank cokes, and talked throughout most of the film about various topics. Conversation ranged from their favorite hockey teams, to favorite video games, and what kind of guns they liked to shoot. It turned out both of them were gun lovers since they grew up hunting with their dads. They also discussed getting the team together for an intense game of paintball someday soon.

As they walked back to the boarding house after the movie, Kenneth remarked about the shitty town. He said there were only three things to do there: skate, get wasted, and hook up. That last option certainly appealed to David and he knew it must to Kenneth as well. Normally he’d assume he was talking about girls but not after the last two nights they had together. Still, being stone cold sober, David was nervous about broaching the subject or making a move. Perhaps he had his best chance last night when Kenneth was half passed out and they were both drunk. David was a reserved boy. He made a little effort, though. He asked if he remembered anything from last night. Kenneth shrugged and said, not really after they left.

“What happened?” Kenneth asked.

“Nothin’,” David shrugged.

Suddenly Kenneth got an alert text on his phone from Amazon. “It’s here!” he lit up. “My hockey girdle! Man, let’s go check it out!”

The two boys raced each other back to the boarding house. Kenneth grabbed a large box from the kitchen table and the young men darted upstairs to his bedroom. Once inside, Kenneth locked the door, which was an interesting gesture David thought.

From the package, Kenneth pulled out a garment packaged in plastic wrapping. After he removed it, he held up a brand new Bauer hockey goalie girdle. It was black, made of lycra and heavy padding for every possible area from the hips, to the thighs, tailbone, and of course the groin.

“I’m gonna try it on,” Kenneth beamed. He took off his shirt, shoes, and jeans. Standing in his skin tight, red Under Armour compression shorts and ankle socks, the excited boy slipped on the hockey girdle. He sealed the Velcro strap and laced it up tight.

The slender, goalie looked, in actuality kind of ridiculous in the overly bulky protective padding. It made the trim young man almost look skinny. Not being bothered by that, Kenneth bragged how he would be invincible in front of the net. He lightheartedly flexed his biceps, and his pecs, pretending to be a bodybuilder in competition. It was silly and adorable for David to watch.

As David laughed at him, Kenneth said, “Let’s see what you look like in it, ha hah.”

David was only too eager to have an excuse to undress in front of Kenneth. He took off his clothes. Standing in his tighty-whitie underwear, David donned the large hockey girdle and cinched it up tight.

He mockingly imitated his buddy Kenneth, doing the same goofy bodybuilding poses and saying, “Look at me! I’m super goalie! Ha hah!”

Kenneth shook his head, saying “Dick cheese!” and pushed him at his chest, playfully. David started to lose his balance and fall to the ground but not before he grabbed Kenneth by his wrist and took him down with him. The two boys landed on the floor on top of each other. They immediately launched into a wrestling match, fighting for dominance. Kenneth was in his underwear. David was wearing Kenneth’s new girdle.

When they started to tickle each other, David let out a loud burst of laughter. At that same moment, they heard activity next door in the rookies’ bedroom. Jake and Jimmy could be heard carrying on, having returned home.

“Shhhhh!” Kenneth whispered as he cupped his hand over David’s mouth. “Do I have to tie you up and gag you?” he grinned.

David fought back, rolled him over, pinned him down and returned in a strong whisper, “I think YOU’RE the one who should get tied down.”

“Just try!” Kenneth whispered loudly. “And don’t fuck up my new girdle, ha hah!”

Once more the youths returned to wrestling around on the floor, getting as physical as possible. They were about the same size and similar strength so they were well matched. After ten minutes of struggle, David finally pinned Kenneth into submission. The two of them now had boners, with Kenneth’s the most prominent since he was only in underwear.

“Tap out! Tap out!” Kenneth quietly giggled, unable to handle more tickle torture.

“I own you!” David quietly roared.

David grabbed a leather belt from his jeans on the floor and used it to tie Kenneth’s hands in front of him. Kenneth didn’t resist, accepting that he lost. He moved him to his bed, on his back, and pulled his arms back behind his head. He found a long sock from the dresser drawer next to the bed and used it to tie Kenneth’s belted wrists to one of the metal bars of the headboard.

David pulled off Kenneth’s new hockey girdle and proudly stood in his tighty-whities displaying his erect penis underneath. The two boys quietly marveled at each other’s bulging underwear.

David sat on Kenneth’s thighs, just below his crotch and slapped him around on the stomach, playfully.

“That’s all you’re bringing?” Kenneth laughed.

“Oh, you’re beggin’ to be gagged!” David smiled. He reached back and removed one of his dirty ankle socks from his foot. He balled it up and shoved it into Kenneth’s mouth.

Like a good prisoner, Kenneth didn’t spit out the sock.

David started to flick at Kenneth’s underwear with his fingers, right at the tip of cock, causing his friend to wince underneath.

The young rookie admired his prize, bracing his hands to the sides of Kenneth’s head and staring closely down at him with a big smile. His mopped hair fell forward into his face, the sight of which made Kenneth chuckle a little in his gag.

“Shut up, bitch,” David mocked putting on a ghetto character voice, unlike his usual, casual tone.

Without warning, David dug into Kenneth’s exposed armpits and tickled him mercilessly. He also pulled at the sweaty, fine, curly hairs in the contours of his pits. Kenneth was both laughing and whimpering. David found himself captivated by Kenneth’s distinct body odor. He sniffed his pits then plowed his face right into them. He licked the sweat and tasted the saltiness with pleasure. When he was done licking, David invaded new territory by navigating towards his pecs. He moved on to his nipples. He squeezed them and twisted his man nips like dials on a receiver.

Kenneth squirmed and bucked, but his arms remained tied to the headboard behind him.

“Consider this payback for two nights ago!” David announced. “Sucks to be fucked with on your man tits?”

Kenneth groaned into the gag but still didn’t spit it out. They could hear the rookies Jake and Jimmy next door playing video games. They didn’t want to alert them.

The boy in control, shifted down slightly, keeping his butt on Kenneth’s thighs so the bound kid’s crotch was free for a dick rape. David dramatically wiggled his fingers and advanced them slowly to Kenneth’s waistband. He curled them underneath the edges of the elastic fabric and slowly began to pull down the boy’s tight, red compression underwear.

At once, the helpless teenager’s healthy, hard dick popped to attention, pointing straight up. David immediately grabbed the cock with his left hand, feeling the warm, hard shaft pulsating. Pre-cum oozed out.

“Mmmmmphhh!” Kenneth moaned with ecstasy as both his eyes and his head rolled back.

David took his right hand and pulled down his own underwear. His young cock sprang out and his shaved balls. He slowly stroked himself, feeling the light pre-cum and the sweat from his “swamp crotch” coating his fingers.

He slowly stroked his submissive teammate. The two young players were pre-cumming like mad.

They were starting to moan more and louder, briefly forgetting that the arrogant rookie pair were next door. They settled back down, staying as quiet as they could.

David liked being in control and having Kenneth tied down beneath him. It felt good to be a “master”.

He reached into Kenneth’s mouth and pulled out the sock gag. David placed his lips over Kenneth’s and the two young jocks immediately began kissing. As they kissed, David kept jerking off the two of them. They could taste hot dogs and soda on their breath.

Being so young and full of teenage testosterone, it wasn’t going to be difficult for the boys to climax. They were already close. David knew he could cum any second and he sensed that Kenneth was on the edge of shooting.

David placed his tongue into Kenneth’s mouth, which really turned David on more. He returned the move and the boys were deep in a French kiss.

They moaned as they got closer and closer to cumming.

A moment later, both boys squirted their nut juice all over each other. They let out a long, sustained, but quietened sigh of relief and joy.

David untied Kenneth’s hands and the two embraced, not caring that their sticky semen was all over each other’s chests.

Over pillow talk the athletes couldn’t believe their luck, and they just stared for long periods of time at one another. Kenneth ran his hands through David’s thick, beautiful wavy hair. David lightly explored the contours of Kenneth’s earlobes, feeling the peach fuzz on the surface.

This was the first time for the both of them and it was magic.

The conversation moved to their favorite moment of the night but Kenneth ribbed him a little for the nipple torture and asked why he had called it “payback.”

“Funny,” David rolled his eyes, not buying his playing dumb act, pretending to ignore two night ago.

Kenneth persisted he didn’t know what he was talking about, only that he was sorry for coming too late to save him.

When David told him about being fondled and groped by the mystery player, Kenneth was genuinely shocked. When he said he’d have no reason to hide that revelation at this point, it made sense to David. He asked if he thought it was Spencer.

“Well it wasn’t Spencer. And if it wasn’t you… Then who was it??”

Kenneth thought about it with David for a moment, then his eyes got big as he said, “I think I have an idea who it is!”


Shameless plug from the author: I enjoy writing new chapters for stories that are well received. If you liked this story, PLEASE consider giving it a GREAT rating.

If you have thoughts for the next chapter, or want to guess who the mysterious intruder is, write some comments.
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Post by Johnsnow »

2nd chapter was even better than the first! Can't wait for more. keep up the good work.
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Post by Phoenix »

I’m at a loss for words. Both of these chapters have been really good. Jake and Jimmy’s predicament was something that’s right up my ally, lol.

I can’t wait for the next part!
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Johnsnow wrote: 5 years ago 2nd chapter was even better than the first! Can't wait for more. keep up the good work.
Hi thank you, trying to weave in future story tidbits that will definitely play out later!
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Post by Canuck100 »

I like how you end your chapters on a cliffhanger!

Great story!
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Phoenix wrote: 5 years ago I’m at a loss for words. Both of these chapters have been really good. Jake and Jimmy’s predicament was something that’s right up my ally, lol.

I can’t wait for the next part!
[mention]Phoenix[/mention] , thank you! Ch 3 coming soon!
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Canuck100 wrote: 5 years ago I like how you end your chapters on a cliffhanger!

Great story!
Hey [mention]Canuck100[/mention] , thanks for the kudos!! Yea, I have a bigger arc in mind lol for the mystery person. Could be solved in CH 3, which is coming soon, or maybe not! :)
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Post by LK3869 »

Oh boi ! Was that... interesting :mrgreen:
Sorry I waited two chapters to comment, because this one may well be your best so far. Horny team of cute boys, a mysterious 'dick-rapist' AND a hot couple... phew!
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

David and the Dawg Pack – CHAPTER 3

David and Kenneth laid closely together in the small bed of Kenneth’s room. The lean teenagers’ naked bodies were still glistening in a shiny film of sweat after their first sexual experience.

Amongst their pillow talk was a pervasive topic: Who fondled David when he was left tied up after the hazing scene? Who was the mystery hockey player?

David was shocked by the revelation that Kenneth wasn’t the mysterious one. Kenneth, in fact, eagerly had his own theory to solve the puzzle. He suspected Aiden. Aiden had left their pool game early the night David was bound and gagged in the treatment room awaiting Kenneth to rescue him.

Besides, Kenneth added, most of the team believed Aiden and Denny were gay or at least bisexual, and secretly dating. Aiden, after all, he joked, was a real pretty boy.

It was hard for David to believe, though, recalling how grossed out the two were when they had to touch his private parts during the hazing incident.

David filed through the rest of the suspects – Denny, Carson, Nick, Carl, even Coach Zarco – but there were seemed to be so many reasons why none were as likely as Aiden. Maybe Aiden was deflecting when he acted disgusted?

Kenneth promised to help David get to the bottom of this and had the idea of spying on Aiden. He said he’d work out the details and to trust him.

The boys heard commotion downstairs and recognized the voices of Carson and Carl, who were entering the living room of the boarding house. It was time for David to scurry out of Kenneth’s bedroom. As they heard Carson saying “nite, bro” to Carl, who roomed downstairs, Carson would assuredly be heading up the stairs. David stole a quick kiss from Kenneth and darted out of his room. As he heard the footsteps of Carson coming up and rounding the corner of the upstairs hallway, David made it into his bedroom just in time!

As the two boys laid in their separate beds that night, with the noise of the rookies, Jake and Jimmy, playing video games in the room between theirs, they texted each other silly affections like teenage girls. They eventually fell asleep, content.

The next day…

The ice rink was active with a small group of players practicing. Every other Saturday was an off day for the team so workouts weren’t required. Assistant Coach Zarco, however, was always there that particular day doing his morning workout routine. Some of the players, including all of the rookies, showed up for practice drills. It was mostly goofing off on the ice with some of them not even in full hockey gear. None of the Dawg Pack were present, either.

David was there, suited up in his uniform, diligently practicing. Kenneth later showed up, dressed plainly in a t-shirt and grey sweats, and called him over to the sidelines.

“Hey,” Kenneth said with a big glowing smile he couldn’t hide.

David took off his helmet, his sweaty thick hair matted down around his face, and smiled back even bigger, returning another simple, “Hey.”

Kenneth jokingly said he was there to get his wrists checked out – because of being retrained last night – by Trainer Spence but realized he and the other facility staff weren’t on duty that day. Spencer looked at his friend’s wrists and said they were just fine, no marks from the belt.

“Maybe I just wanted to check on you,” Kenneth beamed.

While making sure no one was looking, David took Kenneth’s hands and placed them at his nose and took a sniff. He was turned on by Kenneth’s “hockey glove” smell that all players had.

“I was thinking, can I call you ‘Pug?’” David asked.

“It’s my nickname, why not?” Kenneth grinned.

“Yea, I know, but still, just wanted to ask,” David said smiling.

“We look like grinning idiots!” Kenneth laughed. He and David snapped out of their swooning manner.

“By the way, I won’t lie. Coach Zarco is kind of… ah,” David started to say, then hesitated.

“Hot,” Kenneth said finishing the sentence. “Yea, oh man. You know it!”

David speculated Zarco could be “the mystery man” given the fact that he worked out in hockey gear. This meant he could have the raunchy “hockey smell” David remembered from that fateful night. Kenneth doubted it but he dared him to go sniffing around his locker anyway. “I know you get off on that kind of thing, you should!” Kenneth added. David liked the idea.

Kenneth said he had to run to the local hardware store to get some things in preparation for tonight. It struck David’s curiosity but he didn’t’ ask for the details.

“We’ll leave from the boarding house at 9pm. We’ll head to Denny and Aiden’s house. Be ready!” Kenneth said as he playfully punched David in the chest and left the ice skate rink.

As David turned around to return to the ice, Coach Zarco skated by and told him he was hitting the showers. The young assistant coach’s face was dripping in sweat underneath his helmet. He’d been practicing since 7am and had a long workout.

Young David decided that was his perfect opportunity to ruffle through his sweaty gear, while he showered. He was going to follow him a few minutes later into the locker room.

He joined the team on the rink for a bit and was approached by Jaxsen, the other young rookie. The younger kid thanked David for saving his ass the other night when he had been tied up alongside Jake and Jimmy.

“Me and Spencer are going to the movie theatre tonight. Wanna hang with us?” Jaxsen eagerly invited him. He and the sports trainer, Spencer, grew up together in that small town and were friends.

“Oh, man. I would but got plans. Def another time!” David smiled. “So… are you ok?” he then asked with a sincere tone, referring to the humiliation Jaxsen endured that night.

“Yea, it’s fleek,” Jaxsen smiled. “I know the drill. We’ve heard about it in this town. Like you, I can tough it out.”

David found the younger kid’s remarks endearing. He was looking at him like a younger brother he wanted to support.

“By the way, you’re ‘off wing,’ right?” David said. He made this remark because Jaxsen was a left wing but shot with his right hand.

“Yea, you noticed,” Jaxsen beamed.

“So maybe try holding your second hand a little higher up at the benchmark,” David said positioning his hands on his hockey stick.

David leaned in to Jaxsen, grabbed his hands and guided them along his own hockey stick to a more neutral position.

“Just a slight adjustment. You already have a powerful strike,” David flattered the other rookie.

“Thanks, I really mean it,” Jaxsen said with a wholesome reply.

David tapped him on his helmet and smiled. He watched Jaxsen return to the ice and practice the tip he just gave him.

Nearby, the other rookies, Jake and Jimmy – the menacing pair – were watching with jealously. They didn’t like David’s respectable status with the Dawg Pack, or the others, one bit. They were pissed off from the hazing night. They sought revenge.

A few minutes later…

While Anthony Zarco, the young coach, was in the shower, David snuck into the dressing room and headed for the coach’s personal locker. He found his mound of recently discarded hockey gear piled up in an open space slip. The dirty gear was soaked in sweat. He took in the smells, pressing some of the stuff like his shoulder pads and girdle to his face. The warm, sweet aroma of his body odor was everywhere. David became erect. He saw his jockstrap next and took the moist undergarment into his hands and placed the pouch with the protective cup over his nose. As he inhaled, he could smell the musk of a man. The handsome, young coach had a distinct scent that David definitely liked. While he couldn’t determine if it was the same scent he encountered that fateful night, he didn’t care. He was enjoying this too much. He wished that Kenneth shared his new found fetish and was with him, indulging in the coach’s man scent.

Meanwhile, Jake and Jimmy had quietly journeyed back to the locker room. The boys had determined to catch him while no one else was around so they could rough him up. To David’s great misfortunate though, the pair walked in on the sight of David sniffing the used gear.

David was still fully suited up in his hockey uniform and skates but the visual of him sniffing another guy’s sweaty uniform and pads as he rubbed himself was very compromising.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jake pulled out his mobile phone, which he had conveniently kept with him, and started secretly shooting video of David in the process of the dirty deed.

While David was in the middle of sniffing the coach’s dirty hockey socks, Jake and Jimmy decided to announce their presence.

“Well now! Hotshot is kinky freak!” Jake exclaimed as he and Jimmy walked into the locker room.

David looked mortified, putting down the sweaty socks and trying to explain it was not how it looked. This made the boys laugh.

The thuggish, young duo – still in their hockey garb and ice skates – clamored over to the embarrassed teammate. They had cornered him.

The hapless rookie was subdued; wrestled down to the floor by the other two. They grabbed some bungie cables and wrapped it around his neck and one of the metal posts supporting the wooden benches. Using some athletic tape, they tied his hands behind his back. David, suited up in his bulky hockey uniform, fumbled awkwardly underneath the locker room bench.

“See this?” Jake growled as he played back the video of David sniffing hockey gear. “We own you! Don’t piss us off or this video goes viral!”

They could hear the coach still in the showers and felt safe to torture their victim some more.

The young bullies unlaced their hockey skates, sat down on the bench above David, and began taunting him with their sweaty socked feet. They shoved them into his face and told him to sniff “like a good sock boy faggot.”

David squirmed about but couldn’t escape as the bungie cord painfully kept him in one place, noosing him to the metal posting.

The boys continued assaulting their fellow rookie with the smelly cotton fabric of the socks between their toes pressing against David’s nostrils. It wasn’t the foot odor that bothered him, so much. It was the painful pressure and the relentless taunting.

“Take some deep breaths sock sniffing fag!” they demanded.

They subjected him to their spit, drawing big lugies that landed on his face as their smelly sock covered feet kept attacking him. Jake also knelt down and farted right into his face.

Jimmy grabbed David’s hockey pants. He unbuttoned and unlaced them, pulling them down just far enough to reveal his padded compression shorts. He yanked the padded underwear down. David’s dick, which was still erect, popped out.

“See! The fag likes it!” Jimmy mocked.

Jake grabbed an electric toothbrush he saw in the nearby locker; Coach Zarco’s locker. He turned it on and glided the vibrating bristles of the toothbrush on David’s exposed scrotum. It was torment, tickling him like crazy. David started howling with discomfort.

Jimmy pulled off one of his socks and shoved it in David’s mouth to shut him up. “Chew on this!”

The pair of young misfits continued their degrading assault on David for a few more minutes, fondling him in merciless ways. They teased the tip of his cock with the vibrating bristles which was a particularly cruel sensation. Jimmy’s sock was replaced his sweaty toes in David’s mouth so he could “suck the toe jam” out.

They were, meanwhile, still carefully listening to the sounds of Coach Zarco still in the showers so they wouldn’t be caught.

But when they could tell coach was wrapping up, they smartly stopped their hazing attack. Jake quickly took a pair of the coaches socks, the ones David had been smelling, and tied them together. He cleave gagged David with them, tightly knotting them off around his head.

“Mmmphh!” David gasped, as his cheeks pushed back and his lips caved in around the dirty socks.

The demented duo grabbed their skates and darted out of the locker room. On their way out, they warned David not to tell on them, or that video would go to the whole team, including Coach Zarco.

David was abandoned, with his hands bound with tape behind his back, and neck fastened to the leg of the locker room bench. He struggled awkwardly about on the floor, grunting into the sock gag.

Coach Anthony Zarco soon appeared in the locker room from the showers. The young assistant coach was wrapped in a towel. His lean, muscular body was dripping wet.

He quickly discovered David underneath the bench near his locker and ran over, kneeling down to him. He untied the long socks from his mouth.

“Mmmmhh, mmph.. mmhh, thanks,” David shyly said as he was freed from the gag.

“You hurt?” Zarco asked.

“Yea. Well, maybe my ego, but yea I’m fine,” David said, trying to shrug it off. He was embarrassed to be caught like that.

Zarco freed him from his restraints and pressed him for who did this but David wouldn’t give up the perpetrators.

As the handsome assistant coach was squatting down, David noticed his groin through the opening of his towel. His nice set of balls dangled between his thighs and a beautiful flaccid penis flopping to the side.

The coach caught him staring, then noticed the erection David had which made David turn beet red with embarrassment.

“What’s wrong? I’m getting you a little excited?” the slender, young coach teased, mostly trying to diffuse the situation. “Admit it, ha hah.”

“Yea, you do,” David accidently blurted out! He immediately realized his admission and tried to cover with a rambling about how he was just joking.

The hot coach shot him a big smile, helped the rookie to his feet, and ruffled his thick mop of sweaty hair. “It’s ok kid,” he said with a sympathetic tone.

Zarco started dressing back up, putting on his underwear and sweats. David, still humiliated, quietly stripped out of his hockey gear and donned his street clothes. He skipped the showers because he was anxious to get out of there. The two exchanged casual conversation about hockey and didn’t talk further about the incident.

As David was about to leave the locker room, however, the coach surprised him.

“Here,” Zarco said as he threw David his pair of dirty hockey socks still tied together. “You can throw these out in the dumpster or whatever when you leave. They’re too trashed.”

David caught Coach Zarco’s sweaty socks, somewhat soaked in the knotted middle with his own saliva. He nodded sheepishly. He waved bye and left.

As the young man walked by the dumpster outside the sports facility, he instead stuffed the dirty stretched out socks into his pocket. As he walked home, he couldn’t help but think that Zarco probably expected that of him, to keep the socks.

Later that night…

Back at the boarding house, Kenneth and David were eating tuna fish sandwiches and leftover pasta at the kitchen table. The house was quiet. The Schmitzels were on vacation in Toronto. Carson and Carl had gone to a neighboring town with Nick to get into some trouble, no doubt.

Jake and Jimmy walked through the front door. They gave a casual “what’s up” to Kenneth and David as they made their way through the living room. They made a point of shooting an obvious snarky glare David’s way as they clamored up the stairs to their bedroom.

“What was that about?” Kenneth asked, noticing the strange glare they made towards David.

“I’ll tell you later, ha hah,” David brushed off. Changing the subject, David said, “So I can’t figure out Coach Zarco, I tried.”

“But you sniffed his shit, admit it, right?” Kenneth egged.

“A little,” David coyly responded.

“Ha ha, figured. You’re more in to that than I am, but what’s his gear smell like?” Kenneth asked.

“Pretty nice,” David replied, as he felt the bulge in his jeans pocket where the pair of coach’s knotted up used socks were stuffed.

“Anyway, dude. It’s time!” Kenneth announced.

He produced a backpack, stuffed to the hilt, and pulled out two camouflaged neoprene ski masks from it, handing one of them to David.

An hour later…

Kenneth and David were sneaking up to an old Victorian style house in a darkened neighborhood of the town. It was the home of Aiden and Denny. As they stealthily approached the side, they donned their neoprene ski masks to cover their faces.

Kenneth, leading the way, seemed to know how to navigate the perimeter of the home. He had been there many times, naturally. They peered through the living room window which was empty. The young men made their way further beyond, going in to the backyard. The boys wound up crouched underneath a window where light emitted and noise could be heard. Kenneth told David it was one of the bedrooms.

They slowly stood up and peeked inside. What they saw, their eyes couldn’t believe. It was a scene right out of a gay porn movie. Denny was fucking Aiden!

Both of the masculine, hot hockey jocks were butt naked. Aiden was on the edge of the bed, laying on his back with his legs up in the air. Denny was on his knees, pressed up against Aiden’s ass and penetrating him with his dick. Denny was pounding him hard as Aiden moaned with pleasure.

Kenneth and David were awestruck. The boys watched with empathic curiosity as the other two had sex. They’d never seen such a thing before. It immediately turned them on, however, and the young men couldn’t help but spring boners in their pants.

Aiden and Denny, both nineteen –only a year older than Kenneth and David – were still more physically developed and athletically framed than the skinny pair.

Denny, ruggedly handsome with pale skin, a hint of freckles on his back, looked in his element as a top. His apple shaped ass was tight and muscular with a contour on the side of his buttocks that dimples as he fucked Aiden.

Aiden, the blonde, pretty boy stud, with his thick legs spread eagled in the air, took the pounding with an aching, exhilarated expression on his beautiful face.

As they kept watching, the young friends groped each other by reaching into the other’s crotch underneath the waist of their jeans.

The youths secretly wanted to try out what they were witnessing. Each one of them thought of topping the other.

Losing themselves in all the wonder of what they’re watching, one of them slipped and hit the window with their head. The noise immediately got Denny and Aiden’s attention as they looked to the window. Before the boys can retreat down, the older boys saw two masked faces peering inside. They’ve been spotted!

“Shit!” Kenneth exclaimed.

“Who the fuck is that?” Denny yelled from inside.

Denny and Aiden hopped off the bed and went to the window. By the time they opened the window to look out, David and Kenneth were running away from the house. As they darted into the night, they could hear the older boys yelling, “Hey, get back here you two!”

The young men ran all the way back to the boarding house. They were out of breath. The two briefly collected themselves and quietly stepped through the front door and up the stairs.

They made their way to Kenneth’s room. Burning up, they removed promptly removed their jackets and shirts. The lanky boys collapsed on to the bed, exhausted. Their hearts were racing and they were perspiring. Kenneth dropped his stuffed backpack to the ground next to the bed.

“Do you think they made us?” David gasped loudly.

“I hope not!” Kenneth gasping as well.

Next door they could hear the sounds of Jake and Jimmy playing video games. They quietened down so as not to draw any attention they were in the bedroom on the other side of the thin wall.

“Well, I guess that means Aiden is the one,” David said, referring to the mystery man who almost raped him that night in the sports medicine room.

“Yea, that was unbelievable,” Kenneth agreed.

What they saw a few short moments ago was exhilarating. It was also making them horny. They laid out on the bed shirtless, exploring each other’s smooth bare chests. David nuzzled his head underneath Kenneth’s armpits and licked them, relishing in the warm salty sweaty puffs of hair. It tickled Kenneth a little so he returned the sensation with a playful squeezing of David’s nipples.

Their faces then met and their lips locked with each other. David and Kenneth started to make out, wrapping their arms around their backs, pressing their bare chests to one another. They were engaged in a feverish kiss. As they did, they kicked off their sneakers and unbuttoned their blue jeans. Kenneth could feel a strange, large bulge from David’s left pocket. Before he could be stopped, he reached in and pulled out the pair of dirty socks still tied in a knot.

“What’s this?” Kenneth asked.

“Coach Zarco’s socks,” David sheepishly smiled, as he kissed Kenneth again.

“Freak, ha hah,” Kenneth giggled. He briefly shoved them in David’s face and dropped it to the floor next to their dirty shoes.

As they returned to kissing, they helped each other remove their pants so they were stripped down to their underwear. Their throbbing dicks, fully erect, were popping inside their briefs. As they continued kissing each other, pressed close together, the popping crotches of their underwear, containing their hard cocks, rubbed side by side.

David wandered down towards Kenneth’s crotch and inhaled the musty scent of his sweaty nuts through the fabric of the underwear. He stuck out his tongue and licked along the edge of it, between his thighs and balls. Kenneth laughed at David’s attraction to smells but nonetheless enjoyed the attention.

Fucking each other was what was really on their minds, however.

“I wanna…” David started to say as he returned his attention to Kenneth’s lips.

“Yea.. I really wanna too..” Kenneth interrupted.

They laughed, realizing they both desired the same thing. They wanted to fuck the other.

“We can flip a coin, ha hah,” Kenneth laughed. He found a quarter from a pocket of his discarded jeans.

“If it’s heads, I get to fuck you,” David smiled.

“Yea, then tails, I smash you, bruh,” Kenneth beamed back cockily, confident he would win the coin toss.

Kenneth flicked the coin up and it landed on the hardwood floor, spinning.

They watched intently as the coin slowed its spin and started to fall by one side.


“Yes!” David quietly cheered. “He looked at Kenneth with a gloating expression.

Kenneth smiled back and responded, “Nah! I don’t think so!”

Kenneth tackled David to the floor and held him down. They wrestled briefly on the floor but Kenneth ultimately won. Keeping his weight over David, Kenneth opened up his backpack and pulled out a collection of white cotton rope. He had bought it previously that day at the hardware store.

“Ugh, you jerk,” David laughed.

“Yup, gotta take you by force,” Kenneth smirked, maintaining his control over David.

Pulling David’s hands behind his back, Kenneth tied his wrists tightly together. David certainly tried to fight him, but Kenneth was far more determined. Kenneth pulled a pocket knife from a zipper of the backpack and used it to cut the extra length of rope away from David’s restrained hands.

David was hoisted up and thrown chest down, over the side of the bed, with his knees touching the floor.

Kenneth yanked down David’s underwear and slipped them off his legs, leaving him nude. David, his hands tied behind his back, and lying face down over the side of the bed, tried to sit up.


Kenneth spanked him on the ass, demanding him to stay down.

When David warned him about the loud noise of being spanked, Kenneth laughed, “Then stop being a little bitch.”

Not putting up much more resistance, David laid over the bed while Kenneth took more lengths of the rope to secure his legs. He tied knots around his thighs just above his knees and then extended each rope to the floor posts of the bed. He tied off the ends of the rope after removing any slack. This forcibly spread David’s legs apart.

David realized this was now the second time he was tied down in one day and both times by teammates. He started to explain what had happened earlier in the day in the locker room.

As David was in the middle of trying to tell him the story, however, Kenneth shut him up. He gagged him with the coach’s smelly socks and tied the gag tightly behind his head.

“Mmmphhh!” David grunted, frustrated at first from being cut off but ultimately satisfied to be biting down on Zarco’s stinky socks.

“There! You can taste on those!” Kenneth laughed. “I know you like it.”

Kenneth pulled down his underwear and began stroking his hard dick with his right hand. He was anxious to fuck David. With his left hand he began caressing David’s smooth butt cheeks, moving his fingers close to his butthole.

David moaned agreeably into his gag as he stayed propped over the side of the bed with his ass hanging over.

“Man, I don’t have a condom!” Kenneth said aloud. “I’ve never used one, ha hah. I should right??”

David shrugged at first, thought about it, and then nodded affirmatively back.

“Okay. Carson will have one! I’m gonna steal one from his bedroom. Just stay still and keep quiet!” Kenneth said.

Kenneth threw on his jeans and t-shirt, comically trying to fold his rock hard dick to the side. He then opened the door, looked out into the hall and quietly, but quickly exited the room. In his haste, however, he failed to close the door completely, leaving it ajar.

David watched as Kenneth’s bedroom door slowly creaked back until it was wide open! Fuck, he thought. What if those asshole rookies next door come knocking.

Bound and gagged over the bed, David nervously waited alone in silence for Kenneth to return.

A few moments later, however, Kenneth heard a terrifying sound. It was the commotion of Jake and Jimmy opening their door and stepping into the hallway. “Yo, Kenneth!” they called out.

David gulped and was overcome with fear as he could hear the boys making their approach. He was fucked.

“Hey, Kenneth,” the boys called once more, their voices just beyond the doorway, moments from appearing.

His eyes widened as he looked towards the open doorway bracing for the mortifying sight of Jake and Jimmy catching him bare assed, helpless in bondage. He was about to be humiliated at Jake and Jimmy’s expense a second time.


If you have thoughts for the next chapter, or want to guess who the mysterious intruder is, write some comments.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

For the next chapter I would love you to include unwashed sweaty ballsacks unwashed sweaty armpits crusty sweaty unwashed jockstraps unwashed sweaty athletic cups gasmask farts tickling crusty socks
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Post by LK3869 »

Addiction to body smells and worn personal belongings, and well described... Everyone's a potential suspect, that crazy team keeps its promises :evil: I'd say the mysterious gropper isn't among the usual suspects, since everyone's spying on everyone, everyone gets ideas :D
Mmmm... what to ask for? I guess you already planned for the thugish rookies to be dealt with soon - will be fun, and you're never afraid to go a little rough - so why not a threesome? (not very original, I know...)
You've found good momentum with this one, anyway, so it won't be disapointing.

EDIT, just thought of it: since it's your field and I think they use that in hockey too: how about using these "teeth protections" - no idea what it's called - as a part of a gag:
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Post by boundsub »

Great story series, pushes a lot of buttons for me on different levels. I also like the relationship with David and Kenneth.

The hazing is part 1 of the the series seems very much inspired by the hazing scene in the 1986 movie Youngblood; which by itself it seems more like the start of a bondage porn than a scene from a Hollywood produced movie... wonder how that made it past the censors?

Anyway, Sporty guys who are/were actual athletes into bondage are my absolute favorite type of kinksters so this pushes and as a sub the kind of dom's I seek out (unfortunately, there don't seem to be many kinky bondage loving jocks out there). This story pushes almost all of my buttons in that respect.

Where does one sign up to be apart of a hockey team filled with kinky gay, bi and bi-curious guys like the Dawg's btw?
LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago EDIT, just thought of it: since it's your field and I think they use that in hockey too: how about using these "teeth protections" - no idea what it's called - as a part of a gag
Yes! I was just thinking this after trying out a mouth guard that I ordered online during some self bondage experiment fun this past weekend. It was actually fairly comfortable and prevented any teeth grinding brought on from..... well, let's say overstimulatory pleasure ;) Mouth guards and duct tape make for a creative sporty gag.
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Post by LK3869 »

boundsub wrote: 5 years ago It was actually fairly comfortable and prevented any teeth grinding brought on from..... well, let's say overstimulatory pleasure ;)
You got that problem too ? My jaws ache more and more because of compulsive clenching and pushing on teeth with the tongue during act :(
Think l I'll buy a mouth guard too, never tried it so far... Things to do while waiting for Jason to come back...
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Post by boundsub »

LK3869 wrote: 5 years ago
boundsub wrote: 5 years ago It was actually fairly comfortable and prevented any teeth grinding brought on from..... well, let's say overstimulatory pleasure ;)
You got that problem too ? My jaws ache more and more because of compulsive clenching and pushing on teeth with the tongue during act :(
Think l I'll buy a mouth guard too, never tried it so far... Things to do while waiting for Jason to come back...
Oh, I don't have any jaw or dental problems thankfully I didn't get one for that reasons *knock on wood*

I was referring to sports mouth guards being also useful as a creative gag... or rather a gag accessory. I bought it with that in mind. I found the rubbery mold helps "fix" your jaw in place when used with a traditional duct tape gag, prevents any involuntary clenching or grinding teeth during moments of peak pleasure (nipple stim, edging and during orgasms).... which naturally sometimes happen when you're really getting into whatever is going on. It also makes it harder to vocalize- even my "mmppffs!" were muffled with it in. :twisted:

It's a lot fun to use even if you don't play contact sports. Maybe one will even find its way into a future art piece of yours one day ;)
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Post by Phoenix »

Every time I log in, the first thing I do is check and see if there’s a new part for this story. I really like the way it’s going. And where we left off is so hot and such a cliffhanger.....

I hope we’re not waiting to see what happens to David too much longer!
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Post by LK3869 »

boundsub wrote: 5 years ago It's a lot fun to use even if you don't play contact sports. Maybe one will even find its way into a future art piece of yours one day ;)
Just bought two different models :D Getting used to it and experimenting...

And yeah, our [mention]sockgagged[/mention] 's mind is busy somewhere else, hope you're back soon, man. We miss the sport!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

Are you going to keep is hanging mutch longer
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

Warning: This story chapter features explicit anal sex. While bondage is obviously part of this installation, keep this in mind and read on only if this doesn't offend you.

David and the Dawg Pack – CHAPTER 4

Our young hero was bound and gagged, compliments of his friend who wanted to fuck him silly. But now others were about to discover him!

David Prusa, forcibly tied down over Kenneth’s bed, remained frozen with fear as he heard Jake and Jimmy advancing to the room. They were the hockey teammates who bullied him earlier that day. He braced for the utter embarrassment of being caught bent over and butt naked in such an erotic and sexual position. Two humiliating events in one day!

Then he heard Kenneth’s voice down the hall call out, “Hey guys, I was in Carson’s room looking for some deodorant. What’s up?”

Thankfully this stopped the other young men from coming to the open doorway.

“We’re going to the bar to shoot pool. Go with us,” Jake offered.

Kenneth told them he was too beat and was going to hang back at the boarding house and call it an early night. Jake and Jimmy eventually said their goodbyes as they trampled down the stairs and left the house. David sighed with relief, having been spared humiliation, as Kenneth returned to the bedroom and locked the door.

“THAT would’a been weird, ha hah,” Kenneth laughed in a carefree manner as he mockingly patted David on his right butt cheek.

“Mmmhhrrpphhh!” David growled and groveled frustratingly into the smelly socks tied around his mouth. He was pretty pissed that Kenneth forced him into restraints for one, but more so that he was so cavalier about leaving the door open.

David couldn’t stay mad for long, though, as he watched his best buddy and teammate excitedly strip out of his clothes once more. Kenneth was skinny and boyish but still a handsome and well-toned athlete. And, most impressively, he had a large, meaty cock. David was feverish for him.

The intense attraction was clearly mutual…

Kenneth, standing over David, was still hard as a rock and stroking himself as he admired his captive’s beautiful, nude trim body.

“Man, I won’t lie, you look fucking hot like that!” Kenneth admitted, feeling his teenage testosterone kick in.

Leaning down, Kenneth grabbed David’s thick, silky brown hair, and pulled his head back slightly. He playfully nibbled on David’s earlobe and stuck his tongue out into the opening of the ear. It tickled David.

“I can smell those things. They’re nasty!” Kenneth chuckled, referring to Coach Zarco’s funky socks gagging David. “You sure you want those?”

David nodded, who maintained a hard on just from the scent of the socks reaching his nose and the taste of them on against his tongue. He had recently discovered he had a foot fetish.

“Anyway, seriously, how are the ropes? You ok?” Kenneth asked in a sympathetic tone, sitting by his friend’s side, as he rubbed David’s back and inspected his bound wrists.

“Mmmhhhmm, mmmm,” David muffled, nodding his head again. Though he didn’t want to be in the submissive role, he trusted his friend and was ready for action.

“Good!” Kenneth beamed as he sprouted up.

Kenneth opened up a small, shiny square package and pulled out a fresh condom. He placed it on the tip of his cock and rolled it down. Though it was his first time, he applied it like a pro. Then he took some lubricant, also taken from Carson’s room, and squirted it on his dick.

“Man, I’m so fucking horny, I can’t believe it,” Kenneth confessed. “You?”

Kenneth reached down between David’s thighs, spread over the side of his bed, and grabbed underneath. He pulled out David’s dick which had been buried into the mattress. It revealed a healthy sized woody that sprang downwards against the side of the bed. He rubbed it a little, causing David to moan and grow harder.

Kenneth caressed David’s bottom with his left hand, beginning to spread his smooth, firm cheeks. He ran his right hand, still covered with lube, along the crack of David’s asshole. He felt the tiny light brown hairs hidden in David’s butt crack brush over his fingers as he probed the virgin ass. David tensed up and moaned slightly, feeling both tickled and aroused by the touch of Kenneth’s cool, lubed fingers. He arched his butt into the air, exposing his crotch below, which flung his boner back forwards, free of the bedside.

Kenneth pulled at some of the small, fine hairs in David’s crack and jokingly said, “Looks like we didn’t get everything the other night.” Kenneth was referring to the infamous night of David’s pubic hair being shaved by the Dawg Pack.

Kenneth reached under David’s spread legs and groped his nuts. He playfully tugged at his balls and delicately fondled them. As he observed how smooth and clean David’s scrotum was, free of any pubes, he remarked, “I was secretly so turned on by that night! I’m glad Aiden didn’t get you first!”

Of course, the infamous night of the shave was the same night David was mysteriously molested in the sports medicine room. After their recon mission earlier, they now assumed their fellow teammate Aiden was the culprit.

Kenneth spread more of the lubricant around David’s butthole and slightly inserted the very tip of his middle finger into David’s anus. David wiggled and gasped. Kenneth continued to push the middle finger deeper, overcoming the resistant sphincter muscle.

The nerves surrounding David’s tight boy hole electrified his body when he felt the first moments of Kenneth’s nimble fingers prodding him. At first it felt great. Then in an instant he had awkward discomfort. As badly as David wanted this, he disliked the foreign sensation of a finger up his butthole. It felt like he had to go to the bathroom. He shuddered.

David tried instinctively to close his legs which only pulled the ropes secured around his thighs tighter. His knees, now slightly off the ground and mashed against the side of the bed, were modestly relieved by his feet whose tiptoes pressed against the floor. David was screwed.

Kenneth went deeper with his middle finger, probing David’s butthole until the digit was all the way inside. He then inserted a second finger. David bucked around and squirmed uselessly, staying annoyingly tied up.

The eighteen year-old virgin managed to say through his gag, in muffled tone, “Mmhhthis is too much!” David couldn’t comprehend how he could withstand Kenneth’s dick if his fingers were irritating enough.

“Shhh. You’ll be fine. I’ll take it slow,” Kenneth reassured him as he positioned himself behind David.

Kenneth was a slender, small framed teenager like David, but took a confident, in charge manner as he mounted his teammate and best friend.

Kenneth began to stick his hard cock into David’s asshole. David felt the sphincter muscle close up so Kenneth grabbed David’s ass cheeks and spread them apart as he pushed slowly, but steadily, deeper into him.

“Mmpphhh!” David moaned.

David bucked his back downward and gasped, trying instinctively to brace himself with his hands but his wrists were bound behind his back.

“Mmmphh, mmnno, no!” David rebelled into his gag.

Kenneth, sympathetic, pulled down the socks that cleave gagged him so David could talk. “You okay, bud?” as he stroked David’s thick hair.

“At least untie my hands. I can’t get comfortable,” David asked after licking away the smelly residue of sock stink from his lips.

Truthfully, Kenneth didn’t want David to suffer. He smiled and nodded as he untied the cotton rope that bound David’s wrists. The boys then embraced in a brief but lustful kiss for a few moments.

He returned to his position behind David, who now laid on the bed with his hands pressed down at his sides to steady his body. The tied socks were hung loosely around his neck.

Kenneth, still sporting an erection slowly started to re-insert himself into David’s ass. David, using his hands for support, lifted his body slightly, bucked his back some more, and arched up his butt. David’s rock hard dick was more readily accessible too. Kenneth reached down with his right hand and started to stroke David’s throbbing penis. This seemed to help, just a little, with the awkwardness.

Kenneth started to slowly move back and forth, thrusting and retracting his pelvis towards David’s backside and pounding him with his stiff dick that penetrated his butthole.

The young man’s virgin ass was being fucked for the first time. David had wondered about anal sex before though he didn’t expect to be the bottom. He’d not had thoughts of being raped or degraded either but suddenly found himself enjoying, well somewhat at least, the predicament.

David bowed his head and moaned, gritting his teeth trying to endure the pain. His thick mop of hair fell in front of his face. He bucked his lean torso more and raised his firm, smooth buttocks more. Being restrained in a half spread eagle position, however, he couldn’t contort any further. He felt the ropes around his thighs pinching at his skin as reached his maximum leeway. Each foot was barely touching the floor by his toes.

Kenneth continued fucking his teammate, making moaning sounds of pleasure. David, meanwhile, whimpered and winced underneath, with sweat from his forehead dripping down his hair and onto Kenneth’s mattress.

When Kenneth hit David’s prostate, it entered a whole new realm of ecstasy and torment. It was an extreme sensation. The unpleasant part only lasted a few more minutes, thankfully. David momentarily relaxed his body, without really meaning to, and it alleviated his tension. He realized, suddenly, most of the sheer pain was gone and it was mostly pleasurable if his body stopped resisting. Learning the trick, he relaxed his demeanor and started to LOVE being fucked.

David dropped his head down to the mattress and looked back. He had an upside down view of Kenneth’s scrotum as he pelted him. He noticed how Kenneth’s large and loose hanging nut sack flopped around like a punching bag.

The young lads were glistening in sweat as they made panting sounds of ecstasy. Kenneth was dominating with his cock. David was now fully submitting below.

“Oh, yea, fuck me!” David moaned with approval as he raised his head, turned it, and looked at Kenneth. He saw Kenneth, flushed with sweat on his face, smiling back at him as he pounded away.

Kenneth leaned his body forward, his face meeting David’s. The two boys kissed each other’s wet lips.

Kenneth’s cock briefly came out of David’s butthole so he went right back to shoving it inside. Ouch! David yelped from the initial pain and returned to enjoyment.

Kenneth turned to his wall where his mirror hung. He noticed his reflection and admired the sight of him topping David. It was something else! It looked like a porn movie; two hockey jock twinks engaged in kinky, hot sex.

Kenneth humorously flexed his biceps as he kept his glance on the mirror. The lanky hockey player, feeling like a stud, enjoyed what he saw as he continued to fuck his tied up teammate over his bed.

“Yea, that’s right, bitch,” Kenneth said in a lowered voice. “I own you! I’m your master!”

There was a hint of awareness in Kenneth’s delivery, as he laughed, jokingly playing out a macho character. David chuckled a little between his grunts of discomfort and liked the carefree, cocky roleplay Kenneth assumed.

Indeed, David was getting more aroused. As Kenneth returned his focus to penetrating his hole with his steely, fleshy rod, David’s own boner became harder. David reached down with his left hand and began jerking himself off.

Kenneth’s hips continued to go back and forth as his thighs slapped against David’s bare ass cheeks, making a clapping sound each time.

“That’s it, take it like a good little rookie!” Kenneth mocked as he spanked David firmly on the ass while fucking him silly. “You’re my slave!”

“Oh man, yea, yea!” David respired as he continually plowed.

Kenneth’s small bedroom was filled now with their heady body odor. It smelled similar to their locker room scent of armpits and dirty feet but even heavier and more enveloping.

“Uhhh… I’m close!” Kenneth gasped.

“So am I!” David replied.

The boys were on the verge of release. Both of their smooth, slim bodies were coated in sweat and blush red.

“Ohhhh… ohh!” Kenneth moaned. “Yea, oh yea!” David gasped, still masturbating as he was getting fucked.

“Ohhh! Ohhh!!” Kenneth wailed as he tilted his head back.

Kenneth was starting to shoot. He pulled out his dick so quick that his condom came off. He continued shoot. Semen squirted high into the air and landed on David’s sweaty back.

“Yea, yea.. yea!” David howled, moments later.

David reached his climax and shot his load downward. His warm cum sprayed all over the side of Kenneth’s bed and his floor. He reflexively shook his legs and tried to close them, which he couldn’t move of course because of the bondage.

“Man!” Kenneth sighed with satisfaction after their monumental orgasm.

Kenneth saw their pile of clothes on the floor. He grabbed his pair of cotton underwear from the pile and used it to wipe the load of sicky semen David shot on his bedside and floor.

Kenneth fell on top of David’s back, his own cum on still on David’s backside. Their sweaty slim bodies were pressed together.

“I should gag you with this, ha hah, for messing up my room,” Kenneth laughed clutching his dirty underwear soaked with semen.

“That’s a reward, not punishment,” David chuckled.

The two boys heads met one another. Their sweaty hair fell in each other’s faces as they engaged in a passionate kiss; play footsie with their tongues.

The rope that tied his thighs apart was released and finally David was free. He and Kenneth rolled around on the bed together, arms wrapped around each other.

After a while, the young lovers laid side by side, arms folded back behind their heads.

“Pug, I’ve never felt anything like this before,” David gushed, playfully pulling at the bushel of hair at Kenneth’s left armpit.

“Me neither,” Kenneth returned with a big smile.

“Does this mean we’re boyfriends?” Kenneth asked.

David shrugged, then smiled, and then said, “Uh, yea. You okay with that?”

Kenneth eagerly grinned back.

David reached down to Kenneth’s nipples and pinched them lightly, sensually, as he kissed him some more. It turned Kenneth on who returned the favor, putting his fingers over David’s nips and squeezing them back.

“Boy, I’m glad we caught Aiden and Denny like that,” David said referring to catching their teammates fucking earlier that night.

“We need to figure out what we’re going to do with Aiden. Payback,” Kenneth said.

“I have a feeling he and Denny knew it was us spying on them, so they may be coming for us,” David warned.

“Well, then the game is on, ha hah. We’ll get ‘em first somehow,” Kenneth confidently replied.

The pair of best friends pressed more tightly against one another, their sweaty bodies almost fused as one, with their stiff dicks colliding.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms in Kenneth’s small bed, blissfully unaware of the Pandora’s box they opened when they went set out for revenge on Aiden.


If you have thoughts for the next chapter, or want to challenge the assertion Aiden is the mysterious culprit, let's hear it.

Regardless I love feedback so I know people are interested.
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Post by socjuc »

Great descriptive chapter and continuation [mention]sockgagged[/mention] !

I wonder now if they will get busted by the other 2 they discovered on their spy operation ? :o
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by LK3869 »

Yeees! Dawg Pack is back !
Talking about "back", that was quite something... 8-) Thanks for that, such scenes aren't easy to write ( and share ) and this one is dynamic and balanced (emotions+action...) and well inserted into the story.

Won't try to guess who's the molester was, they're all suspects. :D Maybe someone else than David and Kenneth saw Aiden and Denny and started to get ideas...
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by GoBucks »

Great chapter! I'm so happy to have you back and continuing this. David and Kenneth make a hot couple. Liked how Kenneth really got into the whole master role :twisted:
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