They made two....a new wishing story (mf/f+)

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Post by RopeBunny »

Twenty three.

They pay her off, in the end, the top bosses at the Forestry Commision don't want the scandal and bad press of having everything dragged out publically in court. So they make Scarlet a very sizable monetary compensation offer, with three additions: Franks sacking, the signing of a non disclosure agreement by her, and a glowing reference for whichever job she decides to go for. She accepts.

The hardest part comes after she sits down and tells her parents as much of the truth as she dares, leaving out the exact nature of her state when found. Mostly she relays only that Frank took advantage, that he went beyond good behaviour, and that the company are taking care of her and the situation to her liking. Regardless though, it still takes several hours effort from both her and her Mum to calm down her Dad, to talk him out of simply taking his military issue gun and shooting Frank.

Without a job, but with money to burn, what next she asks herself.

As a surprise for her parents, and a treat for them all, she buys first class plane tickets to the US, and rents a top of the range camper van. Her Mum, like her, is similarly out of work, and her Dad has the time off owing, so the three of them spend two months crisscrossing from East to West and back again, stopping everywhere they desire, seeing all the sights, riding the coasters and enjoying family time with no distractions. It eats up a chunk of her money, but it's worth it. She returns home refreshed, ready for the next challenge.

She searches the internet, and spends time thinking, of more alternative forms of tree care job. Scarlet has no real desire to start a new job that simply mirrors her old one, caring for a patch of woodland, but she still wants to work with trees and all the associated equipment of that industry. She eventually settles on the Railway, having learned that there are specific divisions of Network Rail that deal with lineside foliage, the challenge of combining her knowledge base with whatever trackside safety she'd need interests her, so she composes an email, attaching her glowing letter of reference from the Forestry Commision, and waits.

She's perfect, apparently, according to the response that arrives in her inbox three days later, Scarlet is just what they're looking for, to fill what appears to be a handily vacant supervisor position. She goes for an interview, and impresses the two man and one woman panel with both her knowledge and desire to learn more. She goes home happy, and a week later when a letter arrives containing a formal job offer her parents take her out to celebrate. She goes for a company medical, a final easy hurdle for someone in her shape, just to confirm she isn't a drug or alcohol addict the doctor tells her as he checks her pulse and urine, amongst other things. Then two weeks later her training begins.

Six weeks of classroom training, with a mixed group of other new starters from across the industry, learning how to properly behave on the railway, learning the very real danger that a near silent train approaching at over 100mph poses, learning how to stop that train with hand signals should she ever need to. Scarlet is closed off at first, still learning how to trust people again, and often catches herself idly fingering the bracelet on her wrist, her protection as she sees it. But by the end of week two she's emerging from her shell, sharing the occasional after class meal, even giving one of the other girls, Karen, a lift home in her new Nissan 350Z, something she bought and modified after the holiday, a complete contrast to her old company four wheel drive, which is how she likes it. She aces all the final tests, then has a weeks break before she starts in her new role.

She's based over an hours drive away from home, but hadn't wanted to consider moving until she'd passed the tests and was sure the post was hers. Since parting ways with her old job she'd moved back in with her parents, it was only a rental after all, but now, with the last of her compensation stash perhaps it's time for a real place of her own. Scarlet waits a month first though, suffering through the commute by both train and car depending on her shifts, familiarizing herself with the job, not wanting to split her focus. She does talk with her team though, both those she's been placed in charge of and those more senior, trying to get a sense from each of where the better neighbourhoods are. In the end she settles on a new development, unable to resist the thought of buying a house untainted by any previous occupants.

It's called The Dockyard, being situated as it is beside a meandering river, and according the her workmates once a sprawling industrial complex crisscrossed by railway sidings, where boats were unloaded and the cargo moved on by road or rail. The development is made up of both houses and flats, Scarlet is hoping her remaining funds, combined with her salary, can secure her a top floor flat, a 'Penthouse' in the clouds she thinks, smiling. She drives there straight from work one day, still dressed in her white long sleeved shirt and blue jeans tucked into steel toed black work boots. She notices, whilst locking her car, that some of the old tracks have been preserved, running through grass verges or with new roads following their same path for several metres. She likes it. The building she's interested in backs onto the river, and at seven floors plus ground floor under building parking it's the tallest building for several miles. The uninterrupted view from the top appeals to her. Rolling up her sleeves she walks up the short path and into the house being used as a temporary sales centre.

There's only one staff member there, a young girl, and butterflies break out inside Scarlets belly at the sight of her, causing her to stop just inside the door as it swings shut behind her. The door bangs, causing the girl to look up, she smiles at Scarlet as she gets up and comes around her desk extending a hand. "Hi, I'm Sophie."
"Scarlet." She says her name more out of habit and reflex, she still can't think straight. "Yes you are." Sophies smile widens as she takes in Scarlets dyed Fire engine red hair, her gaze appearing to linger at her cleavage before returning to meet Scarlets eyes. In comparison Sophie is slimmer then her, almost anorexically so, and flat chested. She's braless beneath her own long sleeved shirt, the small bumps of her nipples just poking at the fabric. Her legs are bare under her black skirt. Sophie is silent, and Scarlet realises with a start that it's up to her to begin this conversation. She shakes herself, regaining at least some of her wits as she does, and returns Sophies friendly gaze. "I'm here to look at a flat, I phoned ahead."
"So you did." Sophie returns behind her desk to run a finger down an open diary, stopping and tapping it against a line of flowing script. "Bob, my colleague, took your call. Right?" Scarlet nods. "Hold on then, I'll just fetch the keys." Sophie says, rummaging around in a draw, finally producing them. "Number 49, the top floor right?"
"The penthouse, yes." Scarlet grins, which Sophie mirrors, before coming back around her desk. "Follow me then." She says, leading the way out the door and across the site, towards the river and the home Scarelt hopes to buy.

Sophie makes small talk as they walk, asking after Scarlets job, what made her decide to look over this specific development. She somehow manages to casually ask after Scarlets partner, and to equally casually drop her own single status into the conversation. Once in the building they're confronted by both stairs and a lift. "Do you mind?" Asks Sophie, gesturing at the lift. "I'm fed up of these stairs, and we'll use them on the way back down if you want, so you get to see them."
"That's fine." Scarlet nods, leaning forwards to push the call button. The lift doors open instantly, having been already waiting on the ground floor, and both girls step in. Scarlet looks at the panel, puzzled. "Only six floors?"
"It's a key for the top, for added privacy. Here." Sophie leans over, very close to Scarlet, when perhaps it might've been easier to step around her, and inserts a key into a blank slot beside the floor buttons. She turns the key, and the lift pings in response, shutting its doors. Sophie retrieves the key, this whole time having been pressed up against Scarlets chest, and steps back, a knowing smile on her lips. Scarlet smiles back. "Very forward, aren't we."
"Am I wrong then?" Scarlet shakes her head, looking Sophie up and down. Sophie does a twirl for her, which makes Scarlet laugh. "No, you're not wrong. But one thing at a time okay?"
"Okay." Sophie suddenly darts forwards, giving Scarlet a quick peck on the lips, before hopping back giggling. The lift pings again, announcing their arrival on the seventh floor.

The flat is amazing, and huge. Two massive bedrooms, with high ceilings all around. The lounge faces west, with views across the river, and has doors leading out to a large fenced balcony, really more of a roof garden given that its floor is actually the sixth floors roof, currently empty save for a gazebo constructed in one corner, a pale green canvas roof stretched over four thick wooden posts fixed into the ground. Scarlet leans on the rail, looking out over the city, and Sophie joins her. "So," the salesgirl asks, "what do you think?"
"I think I like it." Scarlet smiles. "If I can afford it, then I'll take it."
"Excellent." Sophie smiles back. "We'll start on the paperwork back at my office, and see how we go." She levers herself off the rail, and wanders over to the gazebo. "What do you think of this?"
"The roof gazebo? I like it, means I could be out here even in the rain right?"
"True." Sophie grins, tapping at the post nearest to Scarlet, the one not on the balconies edge. "Plus, maybe these posts might be handy."
"Do you think?" Scarlet pushes back off the rail herself, only to turn around and lean against it, arching her back slightly to emphasise her large bust. "Handy for what?" She smiles, seeing how Sophies eyes linger on her thrust out chest. "Well," Sophie backs herself into the post, pushing against it as she reaches her hands around behind her and the post, "if I had my kit here, I could show you."
"Your kit huh?"
"Ropes and stuff?"
"I see." Scarlet idly fingers her bracelet. "Hmm." Sophie raises an eyebrow. "Not interested? Don't you like the idea of me tied up to this post?"
"Is that what you want? You like being helpless do you?"
"I do." Sophie blushes, slightly embarrassed despite herself. "I'd like to be your little rooftop ornament."
"Yeah?" Scarlet grins, already decided but waiting for a final confirmation, despite the fact that poor Sophie doesn't actually know the true stakes she'd be agreeing to. "You really wish I could tie you up right now then?"
"Yes." Still blushing, but Sophie nods. "I do."
"Okay. Done." Sophie opens her mouth, and begins to lever herself off the post, she never gets the chance.

The rope that binds her is a dirty white colour, it wraps her limbs tightly, just as Scarlet pictured. Her wrists and elbows are together behind the wooden post, with the rope binding them to it, and also cinching tightly around her waist. Her ankles and knees are bound and then tied to the post too. A thick woollen stripey scarf is knotted and forced into her mouth, then wrapped tight both around Sophies head and to the post, plastering her long curly black hair to her face. Sophie is naked, all her clothes are folded neatly off to the side, with her sensible black shoes, all she has on is her underwear. White and lacy, skimpy, and tight enough to reveal the subtle shapes between her legs.

Scarlet smiles, walking up to Sophie. "Something like that?" She asks innocently. Sophie struggles, wriggling slightly back and forth as little as her ropes will allow, her nipples standing out erect on her small flat breasts. She shrugs, grinning around her gag. "So," flicking and teasing Sophies nipples, causing her to gasp, "nice and private up here huh?" Sophie nods, and Scarlet stoops down, licking from Sophies crotch, tasting her damp undies, all the way up the centre of her to her gagged lips. Next she kisses each of her nipples in turn, the kiss turning into a bite on the left one, Scarlet gradually increasing her pressure until she hears Sophie gasp at the pain. She let's go, standing, and slaps at the tender nipple she just realesed. Sophies breath is coming in short gasps as she becomes more aroused. Grinning, Scarlet reaches down into her undies, slipping fingers easily inside and beginning to stroke, all the while looking Sophie in the eye. Sophie, helpless to pull away, fixes her gaze back at Scarlet, moaning louder as her climax builds. After, she ungags her, and whilst Sophie watches, licking her lips, Scarlet unbuttons her shirt, and removes her bra, discarding both items on the floor. She leans into Sophie, squashing her breasts into the other girl, kissing her passionately, a kiss Sophie returns eagerly, their tongues dancing around each other. She breaks contact, and grabbing a fistful of hair pushes Sophies face down towards her breasts, offering up her own erect nipples which Sophie kisses obediently. Scarlet unbuttons her jeans one handed, and slips a finger inside herself, gaining her own climax whilst she uses her hold on Sophies hair to control her, yanking her up for a kiss or pushing her down towards her waiting breasts as she sees fit.

Afterwards, she unties her, and grinning they both redress, before returning to the lift. The ropes and scarf they leave in a puddle beside the post. In the lift Sophie opens her mouth, looking thoughtful. "How did you do that?"
"Trade secret." Scarlet has a mock serious expression on her face, which she falls to maintain as Sophie steps up to her, pushing her back against the lift wall and grabbing a handful of breast in each hand. "It's too complicated. It's magic, can we leave it at that?"
"Sure." Sophie shrugs, smiling. "Can we do it again though?" She steps back, suddenly shy. "Whether you buy the flat or not, can I see you again?" Scarlet lunges forwards, grabbing a handful.of hair with one hand, possesively, and an erect nipple with the other, she uses her grip on both to tug a gasping Sophie towards her. "Sure." She grins, kissing her, not letting go as she does, claiming ownership over the more submissive Sophie. "Anytime you want."
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another great chapter, this is a brilliant story. :)
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent writing and a fun plot. Your hard work is much appreciated.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Twenty five.

It's early, pre dawn early. Scarlet can't be sure exactly what's woken her. It isn't the half empty bed, Sophie doesn't stay every night at the penthouse, it's more of an on and off casual fling then a serious lifetime commitment, though Sophie should be there next to her now, and isn't. Scarlet frowns, and listens, hearing nothing. Which in itself is strange. No toilet flushing, no late night drink being poured from the fridge. Sophie has never snuck out before. She sits up in the dark, fingering her bracelet, the sheets falling from her naked body, and listens harder. She almost calls out, then feels silly, it's her home, she should feel secure behind her triple locked front door. Properly awake now she resolves to go and find Sophie, she could do with a glass of water anyway. Scarlet climbs out of bed, and pads naked across the room.

Walking down the corridor, towards her combination kitchen dining room, she can see a faint light, possibly the fridge. She shakes her head, smiling, and walks into the room, coming to a dead stop just inside the doorway as she's confronted by the sight of Sophie tightly bound to a chair, whilst a half dozen black clad figures stand around her room.

Sophie is naked, neither girl wears anything to bed, or if they do then it's only ever for show, and doesn't tend to last more then an hour. The intruders have used rope to bind her, with a small pile still spilling out of a sports bag dumped on Scarlets circular wooden table. Sophies chair has been spun around and pulled clear, the other three left in place. Her legs are spread wide, tied at the ankles high up to a rear wooden leg. Her wrists and elbows have been bound together behind the chair, then to the chair, with rope also wrapped several times around her chest, holding her in place. Her small breasts are rising and falling, about the only movement she can make. A black sleep mask has been placed over Sophies eyes, with a thick woolly scarf serving as an effective gag.

One of the intruders points at her, at her bracelet specifically. All of them are dressed in black jeans either tucked into boots or worn with trainers. Zipped up hooded black tops combined with mouth covering cloth masks cover them up. "He's there, she wears him."
"Hand him over girl." Speaks another, stepping forward to face her, a red sash tied and hanging down the left side of his waist possibly marking him as the leader of this weird bunch. Scarlet looks him up and down, trying to stay calm, for Sophies sake if nothing else. "Let my friend go, and then we can talk."
"No." The leader gives a small shake of his head. "No talk. No bargains. Hand him over."
"Hand who over?" She fingers her bracelet. "Just what do you think this is?"
"I know what it is girl."
"Fine. Then what is it?"
"One of the dark Gods."
"Fuck off." Shaking her head, because even knowing that the bracelet has power of some kind, these hooded believers are taking things several steps too far in Scarlets opinion. The leader takes another step towards her. "Hand him over girl. Now." Acting without thinking beyond the window of opportunity she suddenly perceived, Scarlet vanishes all of Sophies bonds, including her mask and gag, and lunges towards her. Sophie, shaking her head to clear her suddenly restored vision, gasps as Scarlet practically scoops her up, flinging her towards the door. "Go." Scarlet shouts in her face, adding a final push, and Sophie runs, with two of the intruders finally shaking off their surprise and giving belated chase. Far too late. Scarlet turns, facing the leader once more, a small victory smile on her lips. The leader shakes his head. "A pity." Is all he says, before pulling a small pistol and shooting Scarlet several times in the chest.

There's no pain, no shock, her body simply isn't registering anything. All she's aware of is falling backwards. But instead of the floor, she tumbles into darkness.

And lands on her feet. Darkness surrounds Scarlet, but it isn't total, streaks of pink and green, the occasional dull white, pepper the sky, affording some limited view. If there was a view. All she can see is a stone path, flat and level, disappearing off on all sides. With a start she remembers the bullets, the angry bark of the gun as it spat metal death at her. She looks down, patting her chest. She's still naked, but unmarked, yet she vaguely remembers each impact. Strange. A memory surfaces, she's been here before, briefly. Scarlet looks at her wrist, not surprised to find no bracelet, on some level understanding at least some of what's going on. "Of course," she says aloud, "can't wear it when I'm inside it right?"
"Just so." The voice, like a snakes whisper, comes from her left, making her jump. She turns to look. Part of the darkness shifts, revealing a black silhouette of a tall man, the only feature a sharks teeth filled mouth, impossibly large, grinning at her. She shivers, taking a step back, but the dark man holds up a hand. "You need not fear me Scarlet. Please. Come closer so we might talk."
"What big teeth you have Grandma." Scarlet replies, but steps forwards as she does. After all, what else can she do. The dark man grins at her joke, nodding once. "Yes."
"Okay." She thinks, what to say, where to even begin given she has literally a hundred questions. Start with the obvious one. "So you're the dark God?"
"Who lives in my bracelet?"
"In a manner of speaking."
"You don't?"
"I am trapped in here. Against my will. It is not the same as living."
"No," Scarlet shakes her head, "it isn't." She looks up at the black face, all those teeth. "Can I help you in any way?"
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For offering willingly. I do require your help Scarlet."
"Okay then, tell me."
"I must always inhabit something. A host. Something living. I was torn from my last, and forced into the bracelet." Scarlet takes a breath, afraid to ask, but needing to know anyway. "Must the host be willing?"
"No." A smile. "But to take anything with intelligence above that of an animal is not easy."
"Right. So. You want to leave the bracelet and join with me?"
"What if I say no?" She has to ask, taking the risk, needing to know exactly where she stands. The dark man sighs. "There is something you're not taking into account here Scarlet. I'm afraid you really have no choice." She raises an eyebrow. "Well then, care to fill a girl in?"
"You are dying." She shrugs her shoulders, not understanding. "The bullets." And then she gets it, gasping. The dark man nods. "Two of the five bullet wounds you've taken are fatal. Right now, even as we talk, you are bleeding out on the floor whilst those others argue on what to do next."
"So." Shakily, the shock of dying is still raw. "You can save me?"
"Yes." A nod. "One of the bullets tore a hole in the bracelet, I can escape through that, and enter you instead. I can then heal you, and together, with my powers, we can rid us both of these nuisance intruders."
"Wait though, hang on." Seeing a flaw. "Aren't these people your worshippers or something?"
"No. They seek only to bind me to their own purposes. I would be free. Slave to no man. If you will help me Scarlet?"
"Okay." Decided, willing to take this risky leap into the unknown to save herself. "Let's do this."

Scarlet stands up, rising from the floor with a smile already on her lips. The intruders, there are four of them still left, at least one having been too spooked at the repercussions of Scarlets death to stay, abruptly stop shouting and stare open mouthed at her. The bracelet falls from her wrist in tatters, turning to dust as it tumbles to the floor. There is a tinkling sound as the five bullets fall from her unblemished body, following the bracelet. She feels great, as though her whole body is humming with power, everything is in sharp focus, she feels she could hear a pin drop. There's a hissed whispering, and it takes her a moment to place the voice, it's the dark God, prowling around inside her, sharing the secrets of its power. Willingly.

The leader has pulled his gun again. Scarlet frowns at him, shaking her head. "Not this time." She wags a finger, and her shadow races out from under her, attacking him, climbing and wrapping about his legs, dragging him down even as he begins to scream. Two others draw guns, one of them even gets off a shot that explodes a hole in the wall behind her, going wide. Scarlet glares at them, baring her teeth, and her shadow complies. Within five minutes all three have vanished, pulled struggling and screaming down into whatever hell awaits them. Her shadow withdraws, but seems too restless to resume it's shape, instead swirling and yawning at her feet. She turns her attention to the remaining intruder.

The black clad figure stays rooted to the spot as she advances. She doesn't slow down, instead grabbing them by the neck she propels them backwards towards the wall, lifting them easily off the floor to slam them into it a metre off the ground. At her command the wall changes, growing steel hoops from the buildings internal strucrure to capture the final intruder. The hoops are skin tight and snug, allowing no room for movement. One goes around the waist, with another at neck level. The legs are spread wide, with hoops at the crotch, knees and ankles. The arms have been forced out cruciform, held at the shoulders, elbows and wrists. A final hoop is forced into the mouth, keeping the head tightly in place. Scarlet lets go, stepping back smiling. The intruder is screaming, or possibly begging, through her gag. "Too late for that now." Tutting, Scarlet walks through to her kitchen, returning with a sharp knife. "Now," holding it up as she advances on her bound captive, "let's see what we've caught."

With all of the clothing cut free what she discovers, surprisingly, is a woman. Skinny and busty, with pert high sitting breasts that are surely fake, and Asian. Dark skin and long straight black hair. A huge Dragon tattoo, in the Chinese style so it's more like a snake with legs, climbs from her right ankle all the way up to her shoulders, twisting around her body as it does. Chinese writing, almost an essays worth, covers her left side. Scarlet stands back, considering, whilst the woman looks fearfully down at her, obviously aware of her vulnerable state, her breasts and the landing strip of hair between her legs totally exposed. "So." She muses aloud. "What am I to do with you now?" The woman begs, moaning through and around the metal bar forcing her jaws wide. "Don't worry." She continues, smiling. "I'm not going to eat you, the God has had its fill on your friends. What to do though?" She paces, tapping the knife against her leg as she does.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Super chapter, a good story, you have a very vivid imagination, well done :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

These were great continuations. I can't wait to read what happens in the next chapters and potentially in the future of this wishing idea you have created. I wonder if the dark god will find his way into another object in the future or will stay with Scarlett for the rest of her life.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Twenty five.

A knock at the door interrupts Scarlet mid pace, breaking her train of thought. She scowls, which makes her captive laugh, as best as she can around the metal bar anyway. "Yeah, ha ha, I guess someone thinks they're getting rescued hmm?" She reaches up, grabbing hold of and twisting a nipple, causing a yelp. "Not today." Scarlet shakes her head, and heads for the front door, making a quick detour to her bedroom so she can throw on a pair of baggy dark red drawstring trousers and an old white tee with the British Railways symbol in white on the chest, something she found online. She drops the knife in with a pile of clothes and goes to see whether it's a friend or foe come to call.

It's the police, two of them, both tall middle aged men in uniform, well built, with high vis coats and stern expressions. Between them stands Sophie, wrapped in a black blanket, looking worried. Before the officers can speak she pushes past them both, jumping into Scarlets arms, covering her with kisses, making both girls laugh. After a minute one of the officers clears his throat diplomatically. "Sorry officers," says Scarlet, putting Sophie down, "what can I do for you?"
"We found this young lady running naked down the road." Says one, holding a notepad. "She was in quite a state, insisting you were in some kind of trouble. Are you okay Miss?"
"It's Scarlet. And yes, I'm sorry to of caused you trouble officers but everything's okay."
"It's no trouble Miss. But your partner seemed to think there were several dangerous men trying to rob you." He leans in slightly, lowering his voice. "Just a wink Miss, a nod. Are you okay?" Scarlet gets it, a sudden revelation, they think she has a knife to her back, somehow, that the gang are still here. She smiles. "I'm okay really, everything's fine." She cocks her head, listening to the God as it prowls around inside her, nodding slightly. "Why don't you come in, please." She stands back, opening the door wide.

The officers conduct a room to room search, whilst Scarlet helps Sophie find and put on her clothes. "Where are they? What happened?" Sophie whispers to her. "Are you really okay?"
"I'm fine," whispering back, sat side by side on a sofa, with half a view of the naked Asian fixed to the wall that both Sophie and the two officers are failing to spot, even as she screams around her gag at them each time they pass her. "they ran shortly after you escaped, I guess they were worried the police would turn up. As they have." She gives her prisoner a little wave, squeezing Sophies leg. Sophie looks at her, giving a sudden start. "Fuck."
"Have you seen your eyes?"
"My eyes? What?"
"Come here babe." And Sophie drags her into the bathroom, standing her at the mirror. Scarlet looks, and isn't really surprised to see completely black eyes peering back at her. As she watches they flare briefly green, before returning to what must be the normal all black. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, really." Scarlet can't think of a suitable way to explain this, and she certainly doesn't feel like sharing the truth with anyone just yet. So she shrugs. "I'm fine. Come on, let's go see the policemen." They go to the dining room. The two officers are waiting for them, talking on their radios, Scarlets struggling and screaming captive right behind them which they're again failing to either see or hear. "Well officers, am I safe?" They nod. "Yes Miss, we can't find any sign of intruders, so we'll be leaving now. Thank you for co-operating."
"Happy to help. Can you take Sophie home for me though please?"
"You want me to go?" Sophie looks sad, so Scarlet gives her hand a squeeze. "I've got work early tomorrow." A small lie. "I think you'll feel better after a night at home. Call you later okay?" She leans in, giving her a kiss. "Okay then babe." Sophie doesn't look like she wants to go, but allows the officers to escort her away, leaving Scarlet alone with her prisoner again.

After locking the door Scarlet returns to her dining room, the wall mounted captive looks scared now, almost certainly freaked out by her apparent invisibility moments ago. Scarlet looks up at her. "Any noise, other then speaking in a reasonable tone, and it will end badly for you. Understand?" The captive nods, and Scarlet nods back, satisfied, hopeful her threat has been heeded. With a gesture the wall flows like liquid, lowering the Asian lady down until she's stood on the floor, then rising again to become just a wall, with no signs of the metal restraints. As it released her though, the captives arms were bent around behind her, and pushed together. Still flowing metal formed into tight loops at her wrists and elbows, keeping her in some form of restraint. She stands, and Scarlet gives her a moment to find her balance again before asking. "Thirsty?" The lady nods. "Coke?" Another nod. "Okay then, go on through to the lounge, have a seat."

In the lounge Scarlet finds her captive perched on the armchair, sat upright. She sits on the sofa opposite, placing an open can, to which she's added a straw, down on a small table between them. The Asian lady drinks half the can without stopping, bending forwards to do so, offering up a perfect view of her large firm breasts as they hang off her slim frame. Scarlet tries not to stare, tries not to get too turned on. Finally her captive straightens, and nods her thanks. "You're welcome." Replies Scarlet. "What's your name?"
"Akira." Her accent is English, and quite well spoken. Scarlet frowns, and seeing this she continues. "I'm British, Japanese on my Mums side." Scarlet looks again at the characters of her tattoo, and tuts, got the country wrong. Akira is still talking. "My Dad, he was nuts for Manga, so they named me after the movie. Are you going to kill me?" This last is said so matter of factly it brings Scarlet up short. Akira is looking at her, legs spread slightly, appearing very vulnerable still with everything exposed and on display. "No." Scarlet shakes her head. "You didn't pull a gun. I'll take you home." She puts her hand up. "Promise. I just need you to help me first." Akira breathes a sigh of relief, and nods. "Of course, if I can."
"Tell me why you were here tonight? For the God, right, but tell me why? Explain it to me."
"Jeffrey, our leader, has been into occult and supernatural stuff for years. Always researching. Always trying to find the real spells hidden amongst the child's party magician stuff. About two years ago he stumbled on an article referencing a trapped dark God. A supreme being bound in knots and forced to do the bidding of any man...." Scarlet shakes her head, tutting. Akira nods. "....I know, but it's old school writing. Anyway. Jeffrey finds this article, and it's like it flips a switch. Like he can't stop imagining having access to all that power. All he's done these past two years is research. He blew all his cash, his rich boys trust fund, on bribes and globe trotting after every rumour, seeking out the location of this God. Seeking you as it turned out."
"So who are you to him?"
"Dave." She nods towards the middle of the dining room. "He was my fella, my boyfriend if you want to be school playground about it. He's one of the people your God ate."
"Oops." Scarlet can't help the giggle that escapes her at the blunt way Akira points this fact out. "Are you mad?"
"No." Akira puffs out, blowing some hair off her face. "He was too like Jeffrey, they're old school pals since childhood. He wanted the power too. Cared more about that, less about me. In truth I've been looking for a way out for a couple of months now."
"You're welcome." Which gets a laugh from Akira. "Thanks, I guess." Scarlet laughs back. "So who else knows about all this?"
"Just our group. Jeffrey played it close to his chest. Didn't want anyone else stealing his God from under his nose."
"Just your group, some of whom escaped."
"Yes, I saw that."
"Did you have a plan, like a meet up if anything went wrong?"
"We did." Akira nods. "What will you do, if I show you?"
"Just warn them off."
"Just that? You won't eat them?"
"No." Scarlet smiles. "As long they don't make me."

Ten minutes later, with darkness still cloaking the world outside, Scarlet takes the lift down to her car. She's changed into faded black jeans, more grey then black, and a purple hoodie, she's kept the white tee on. Akira stands beside her, still bound and naked, a length of thick rope slip knot tied around her neck, which Scarlet is using as a leash to keep her close. Strangely, Akira hasn't asked for clothes, or to be untied, despite how well they're getting on, closer almost to friends now, she seems content to remain bound and submissive, not to mention on display. Almost as though she's teasing. The lift pings, and the doors open onto the thankfully deserted parking level. Scarlet leads Akira to her Nissan, with the other girl whistling appreciativley at its low slung high spoilered appearance. Scarlet grins, despite herself, and helps Akira into the front passenger seat. Climbing in herself she notices that Akiras arms, pinned behind her, are preventing her from sitting back properly, and so she's leaning sideways against the seat back, which of course means she's facing the middle, which means her large dark pert breasts are mostly in Scarlets face. "Can you move those?" Smiling as she says it though. Is she really flirting with her bound prisoner? In response, blatantly flirting back, Akira simply jiggles them from side to side. "Is that better? Ouch." This last as Scarlet flicks at the closest nipple. "It'll do." Shaking her head, but smiling, as is Akira, she fires up the engine and eases the car out into the night.

"Right there."
Right," Akira nudges her, making Scarlet turn to look. "there." At which Scarlet has to giggle. Still bound, Akira is pointing with her nipple, thrusting it forward by jerking her whole body to point out the front window. She's pointing at a drive thru McDonalds, an all nighter. They're parked across the road in a layby, engine off, dark and silent. Through the glass windows Scarlet can see three black clad figures sat around a table, the only customers, no cars in the small car park. "Okay." She goes to open the door. "Wait." Almost like pleading. Scarlet turns, one hand on the latch. "What? Something else?"
"It's just." Akira looks embarrassed. "Well. Shouldn't you secure me? Or something."
"Secure you?"
"Yes. Only. Whilst you're gone, I might run away." Scarlet rolls her eyes, giving a small shake of her head. Akira is clearly into being a hostage. Or into her. Or both. Bizarrely she appears to be having too much fun to want to escape. Scarlet looks at her again, eyes drawn to those breasts, pointing right at her. She raises her eyes quickly, to find Akira looking right at her, smirking. Busted. "Okay then, smart girl, have it your way." Taking the slack end of the leash Scarlet wraps and ties it around the cars Rollcage, Akira now can't move off the seat, her neck being jerked slightly upwards by the rope. "Happy now?" Scarlet asks, in a teasing tone, reaching forwards, placing a hand palm down right at the top of one leg, fingers splayed suggestively towards Akiras crotch. Akira nods, her breath catching. "Good." She smiles sweetly, withdrawing her hand and exiting the car.

Ten minutes later she climbs back into the car, thick splatters of blood painting her clothes and skin in the dull interior light. Akira looks at her, opening her mouth, but Scarlet shakes her head. The engine growls into life, and Scarlet throws the short shift into first, slackening the leash so Akira is no longer hanging and can sit again, before accelerating away from the broken glass and smashed table mess she created. After ten minutes, driving nowhere, mostly observing the speed limits, she speaks, Akira has thankfully kept silent, waiting. "It didn't go well. They took one look at me, at my eyes, and freaked. I didn't even get a chance to speak before they were all rushing me, trying to overpower me. At that point it's like the dark God just took over. To watch the sheer power it pumped out of me, into that small building, was...." She shakes her head. " was almost frightening. To know that's inside of me."
"They're all dead then?"
"Yes." She shakes her head. "I'm going to take you home."
"Are you sure? If you want some company?" Scarlet turns, smiling at how sincere Akira sounds, how funny her concern is when it's combined with the image of her naked helpless and bound. "Maybe later, if you'd like?"
"I would. You asking me out on a date?"
"I think I am. Is that okay?"
"Yes. I'd like that. Here then, take this exit left, I'll show you the way to my flat."

Scarlet drops Akira off, the metal melting harmlessly off her arms as she climbs from the car, puddling on the floor. Scarlet hands her the keys and purse she liberated from the clothes she'd earlier cut off. Then stands and watches as Akira makes her still naked way towards her buildings front door. At the door she turns, calling out. "Half five?" Scarlet nods, giving a thumbs up, and Akira walks inside. Getting back in the car, driving home, she cranks the music up and thinks about the crazy night she's just lived through. Then she thinks about Akira, and the prospect of what might happen this evening, unable and unwilling to stop both the image of those breasts swimming to the front of her mind and the accompanying smile. She needs a bath, and several hours sleep first, as she's almost certain this date will end in either her bed or Akiras. She needs to ring Sophie, let the girl down gently when she tells her their casual fling is over again.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Great chapter, this is a really good read. :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

011 finale.
Twenty seven.

Scarlet and Akira have been married six months now, and life is good. In truth neither girl wanted to wait, both admitting early on that they felt a strong enough connection forming between them to be worth the lifetime commitment. It helped that not only were both sets of parents happy to give their blessings to the marriage, but both hit it off instantly with the girl their daughter was bringing home. For Scarlet, a big factor in her feeling so settled with Akira is the Asian girls acceptance of her changed condition. From her black occasional flaring eyes to all her still being discovered magical abilities, not to mention the fact of her shared body, Akira has welcomed it all, never once flinching or shying away from Scarlet. That unconditional love of who she is becoming brings a smile to Scarlets face at least a dozen times each day.

Scarlet still works on the Railway, with Akira landing a job as a van courier driver, working towards her truckers license. The flat was sold, and both girls, plus Akiras pet husky Mr Snowball, the man of the house they like to joke, bought a two bed near the train station just outside of the city. The house suits the dog better, as it has a garden, and Scarlets flat held the weird memory of that night anyway.

The only downside of dating Akira, Scarlet thinks shaking her head as she pulls up to the curb, are the parties. Akira is younger then her, twenty three now, and as such only left college behind a couple of years ago since she took some time out between courses in her late teens. The upshot of this is that some of her friends are much younger then her, and so she still gets invited to teenage college parties, which Scarlet now gets dragged along to. She doesn't mind so much, she's hardly old herself, just older then almost everyone else there is all, but she still has fun, she just finds herself sometimes watching all these teenage boys and girls drinking to excess and shaking her head, knowing better how that will feel the following morning. This time around it's some boys house, a friend of a friend or something, Scarlet always forgets to pay proper attention to exactly who it is Akira is supposed to know, regardless. Some boys parents are away, and so suddenly he's Mr popular. She's parked a couple of streets away, backing her Nissan into a row of spaces next to a childrens playground. It's summer, so neither girl has a jacket. Akira has opted for a pair of tiny frayed blue denim shorts, and a white vest top that only just covers and hangs off of her large pert breasts. Black heels on her feet have straps that wrap up her lower legs. She's showing off plenty of flesh, and almost the whole of her Dragon tattoo is visible. Scarlet has opted for a knee length dress, dark khaki green with a plunging neckline it hugs her figure, with a slash cut flare on the legs so that when she walks almost her whole legs are revealed. Knee high lace up black heels complete her look along with a pair of blue tinted aviator glasses, something she wears outside almost all the time to minimize the attention she draws.

The front door is open, so they walk in, instantly becoming swallowed in the music and mass of people all around. They fight their way to the kitchen, dumping the four twelve packs of beer, their contribution, on the counter top and stealing one each, before making their way towards the back garden.

Two hours later, Scarlet is in the kitchen, grabbing a water, since she has to drive home later. She's not too sure where Akira is, but isn't worried, or lonely, she might be slightly older then most of the kids here, but has still found plenty to talk about with the half dozen girls and boys she's found herself nearby when the music wasn't too deafening. Though, she tells herself smiling, mostly the boys were only trying to hold a conversation long enough to get a good look down her top. Suddenly, spat out of the mass, Akira comes into the kitchen, and seeing Scarlet immediately marches over, and grabbing her hand yanks her wordlessly to her feet, dragging her off through the house, towards the stairs.

"What was all that in aid of?" Scarlet asks, as Akira shuts the bedroom door behind them, cutting the music down to more reasonable levels. She smiles. "Wanted some alone time did we?" She looks around, at the posters on the wall, at the furniture. "In a boys room huh?"
"Sorry pretty demon girl." Akira is smiling, using one of her teasing pet names for Scarlet, but it's only a half smile, she's distracted. "But not this time. You need to see this."
"See what?"
"Well, I came up here for a pee, and the door was open. This is the kid whose house it is room...."
"Your friend of a friends room?"
"Something like that." Akira smiles, shaking her head at the complexities of how they ended up with an invite. "Anyway. You need to see this."
"See what?" Looking around. "This room?"
"No." And Akira pushes Scarlet forwards, towards a wall. Towards a shelf on a wall. Gesturing at something on that shelf. "This." So Scarlet looks, feeling the tug of its power as soon as she sees the small braided rope, feeling the angry snarl of the dark God. She stumbles back a step, and Akira catches her. "Thanks." She says, slightly shakily. "What is it?" Asks Akira, almost whispering. "I thought?...."
"Yes." She shakes herself, recovering her composure. "It is like mine. It's a piece of the God, a small piece it was forced to part with. I can feel it's anger. I think it had forgotten it wasn't whole."
"Should we take it?"
"I think we have to."
"Hey." A new voice, a male voice, sounds suddenly from the doorway. "You two girls shouldn't be in my room."

Scarlet turns, to find a teenage boy stood in the doorway. Blue jeans and a black skull tee hang off his skinny frame, he's wearing glasses, and has a cute designer goatee on his chin. The girl behind him, she's holding one of his hands in her two, is tall and blonde, and very curvy. Her huge breasts are all but spilling out of her tight tiny red top, which is cut very low, and the sides of her white thong are plainly visible riding up out of her low slung faded black designer ripped jeans. She has black converse on her feet. Both of them seem over halfway drunk, which probably counts for his next actions. He glares at Scarlet and Akira, then his eyes widen as he sees that Akira has frozen in the act of reaching for the colourful rope on his shelf. "Mine." He says, shaking his head. Scarlet takes a step forward, opening her mouth, not sure of what to say but knowing she needs to both calm the situation and somehow explain to this boy that the rope is hers by right. Akira, in response to his single word, jumps back, putting both hands up. The boy sees this, and grins. "I wish she was tied up to my bed, tightly, with rope, and ball gagged." He says, pointing at Akira, who gasps, knowing what's coming even as Scarlet spins around. There's a pop, and Akira appears on the bed. She's still dressed, but each of her four limbs has been stretched out tight by rope connecting it to one of the wooden bedposts. A large red ball gag fills her mouth. The girl in the doorway bursts out laughing, clapping her hands. The boy grins, even as Akira stares at Scarlet from her prone position. Scarlet spins, turning to face the doorway, throwing off her glasses as she does. At the sight of her eyes the boys smile vanishes, and the girl stops clapping. "You stupid fuck." Says Scarlet. "We could've talked this over." She grins, feeling the power rise inside her, welcoming it, embracing it, channelling it. "My turn."

She drags the girl backwards through the shadows, transporting her from the doorway to the centre of the room, appearing her directly between herself and the boy. On the way through she tears off all her clothes, so the girl is naked, with long shallow scratches covering her body, deep enough to sting but not to bleed. The dark God has wrapped her into a punishing hogtie. Black rope binds her legs above and below the knees, and at her ankles. Her arms are pinned behind her at both wrists and elbows, with a severe chest harness already turning her large breasts purple. Each of her nipples is pinched tightly between the sharp toothed jaws of a metal clamp. A tight crotch rope digs in between her legs. Her wrists have been tied off to her waist, with her ankles being tied to her elbows, causing her back to arch. Her big toes have been bound together, and her blonde hair has also been bound up and joined to her ankles, forcing her head back off the floor. A huge ball gag, black as night, fills her mouth. She lays there, on her belly between them, rocking gently, moaning and panting, drooling a puddle onto the carpet. Scarlet stares at the boy, undoing all of Akiras ropes with a thought as she does. He looks at her, seemingly unsure of how to proceed. "Now." She says to him, trying to sound calm even as the power still flows around inside of her, crashing and rolling like the ocean. "Can we talk?"
"I wish Emily was untied." And he looks down, obviously expecting something, then looks back at her when nothing changes, when the girl he obviously hoped to score with remains tightly tied on his floor. Scarlet shakes her head at him. "You can't. Your magic is just a small part of my own, which I want back. Preferably with your full co-operation. Now hear me well boy...."
"Its Roland."
"....Roland then, mark me. If the next words you speak are 'I wish'. If you so much as look at my wife. Then I will see your insides painted all over the walls of your room. Now. Can we sit and talk like reasonable people?" She watches him shake himself, calming down and sobering up. Good for him. Then he looks at her and nods. She smiles. "Good." And gestures to his bed. "Shall we sit?"

Akira leaves, after a quick kiss, closing the door behind her, and Scarlet sits down with Roland, to talk and explain. She shakes her head no, to his request that Emily be freed, and so the naked scratch covered girl stays in the centre of the room, moaning as she occasionally struggles, trying in vain to untie herself. She decides, on reflection, that he's a good man, sobered up and sensible, he's easy to talk to, willing to see reason and almost apologetic when her story is told and he understands exactly what gives his rope it's power. He surrenders it to her without any further argument, and holding it tightly in her closed fist Scarlet feels the God absorb the power, becoming whole again. She can almost feel it's sigh of contentment as the ropes remains crumple into dust. She's tempted, almost, to play up the vengeful God role. Tempted to demand Emily as some form of sacrifice or offering. Tempted to lead her out of the party naked and in chains, even catches herself smiling, picturing the fun both her and Akira could have with a bound playmate for a night or two. But of course it isn't the old times anymore, there would be inescapable consequences, and so she simply leaves. Let Roland do what he chooses with trussed up Emily, his smirk as she left, realising she wasn't going to untie the girl, told her Emily wouldn't be getting completely free anytime soon.

She collects Akira from the kitchen, and they wander back to her car. Later, in bed, cuddled up belly to belly, comforted by the feel of each other's flesh pressed close, she tells Akira what happened, laughing as her wife pouts at the lack of a new toy. She rolls over, straddling her, kissing her lips, working her way down.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good story, well written. Really enjoyed reading it :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

As said above, this was a wonderful story and I also very much enjoyed reading this. I'm hoping though that this is not the end of the general theme of the stories you have decided to share with us.
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Post by ThatDino »

Amazingly told, loved the entire concept!

Also nice work putting in Roland as a cameo and finishing off his story arc!
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