The Burglar's Bad Luck (F/FF)

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The Burglar's Bad Luck (F/FF)

Post by Gagfan »

Paula had been fiscally struggling for years now. Tired of barely making ends meet she decided to turn to a life of crime, burglary in fact. It wasn’t the best career choice obviously, but her options at this point were pretty much down to stripping or crime. Paula was a 26 year old 5’8” blonde bombshell with perky D cup breasts and a beautiful face so she probably could have done rather well with it, but the idea of selling herself like that disgusted her so crime it was. She had been doing it for about a year now and in her modest opinion had gotten rather good at it. She didn’t picture herself as a Robin Hood type persay, but the young burglar definitely tried to only rob those who weren’t going to miss it as badly. Plus from a less moral standpoint frankly they just had better stuff to steal anyways.

Paula was in grey yoga pants and a grey long sleeved shirt. She was wearing tight fitting leather gloves to not leave finger prints. She parked on the street a couple of blocks from her latest mark and got out to make the short walk. Unlike some burglars she didn’t really care if the victim was home so long as they were alone as it gave her a chance to practice bondage a little which was a nice bonus. Her current mark was a 35 year old woman named Cheryl. Cheryl was a cardiovascular surgeon and as such had more than enough money and as a bonus she was single, making her Paula’s ideal sort of mark. Cheryl should be home assuming she didn’t get called in for an emergency. She was a cute red head with a very Scarlett Johansson sort of look to her so Paula was really hoping she’d be home so she’d have a chance to tie her up.

Paula arrived to the house with her gym bag of supplies and made for Cheryl’s garage which would serve as her break in point. Paula jimmied the window and slid in. She was delighted to see Cheryl’s Mercedes was there so the cute red head would be there for the taking. The thief put on a grey ski mask and quietly began sneaking through the house. Neutralizing her prey was the top priority, both because that meant she could rob the place at her leisure and because she was legitimately excited to tie up such a beautiful victim. Paula didn’t see her on the ground floor and based on time of night she would likely be asleep in her bedroom. Paula slinked up the stairs and heard a fan blowing in a room down the hall, likely the red head’s bedroom. Paula quietly snuck into the room and saw her victim. Cheryl was sleeping in a tight white tank top with a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. The tank top didn’t leave much to the imagination when it came to how shapely the doctor was.

Paula grabbed a foam ball and some white rope out of her bag of supplies and quietly as possible snuck up to the red head’s bed. She admired her sexy little body for a moment, soaking in the sight of the gorgeous woman. Remembering she was here for business and not pleasure, Paula leapt onto the bed. The young burglar had become fairly experienced at jumping people in their beds as they slept and in one fluid motion the foam ball was shoved into Cheryl’s mouth and Paula was straddling her in such a way that her arms were pinned to her sides.

Cheryl awoke with a start, her deep brown eyes flew wide open and she immediately started squirming and trying to scream.

“Shhhhh I’m not here to hurt you I’m just here for your stuff” Paula roughly grabbed her lower chin and leaned in closer “but if you are difficult I’m not afraid to get a little rough, understand?”

Cheryl quickly shook her head up and down in agreement, her shoulder length red hair bouncing as she did so.

“Mmmm good girl” Paula gave Cheryl a quick peck on the lips then quickly flipped her on her back and straddled her again. She took the pretty physicians hands and crossed her wrists, quickly lashing them together snugly with several passes of the soft white rope. Cheryl gave a surprised yelp when Paula cinched it off.

“Oh don’t yelp cutie, just a little snug to make sure you don’t get into any trouble while I’m sniffing about”.

Paula playfully slapped Cheryl’s tight butt before sliding down her body so that she could reach her ankles. Paula took another length of white rope and tightly lashed her prey’s legs together. As a final touch Paula took a third length of rope and ran it from Cheryl’s ankle tie to her wrist tie, putting her in a rather firm hogtie tie. Cheryl gave a slight groan of discomfort from being painfully arched back in the tight hogtie. For a final touch Paula took a roll of duct tape and tore off a few strips which she carefully smoothed out over Cheryl’s mouth.

“Now I’ll check on you in a little bit, I have some hunting to do. If you are lucky maybe we’ll have some light fun when I get back”

Paula gave her a mischievous wink and leaned in to give Cheryl a kiss over her duct tape gag before setting off to explore the large house. She rummaged through some rooms grabbing the random piece of jewelry here or there before coming to a room that was locked

“Well well what does the little minx gave locked away here I wonder?”

Paula got her lock picking gear and worked on the lock. After about five minutes of work she finally got the lock to give. When she opened the door she gave an audible gasp over what she saw. On the bed was a woman, she was wearing a puffy white down jacket, some thermal pants, and a pair of grey ugg boots. What was alarming was what she was clearly here against her will. She was in a tight frog tie, her calves were tightly tied to her thighs with numerous winds of white rope, but the legs weren’t tied together. Her arms were tied behind her back in a tight inverse prayer position. More rope winded above, below, and between her breasts making a tight chest harness which complimented her apple breasts even through the puffy jacket. Another length of rope went from the front of her chest harness, below her crotch, and back up to the inverse pray tie making, judging by how deeply the rope was biting into the girl’s crotch, an extremely tight crotch rope. A collar was around her neck and a chain went from the collar to a ring in the ceiling which forced the young woman into a kneeling position. Paula assumed she was young based on how she was dressed, but it was impossible to tell as her lower and upper face were brutally wrapped in a combined duct tape blindfold and gag. Her purse had been tossed to the side of the room. She gave a pitiful moan when she sensed someone else was in the room

“What the fuck?” Paula mumbled under her breath as she slowly walked closer to the tied up girl. Every instinct in her body told her to run, run and call the police from the safety of somewhere that isn’t here but she was transfixed by the sight of the heavily bound woman. She had always loved bondage and she had never since this level of bondage in person before.

“I’m glad you are clearly so impressed by how it looks, let’s give you a chance to see how it feels”. A sultry voice said from behind her.

Paula turned and saw the red head standing in the door way smirking at her.

“Plus clearly you need some lessons on how to properly tie a girl a up”

“Shit” Paula was taller than the red head so she made a move for the door and figured she’d fight the red head off if she had to. She grossly miscalculated though as Cheryl quickly used her legs to trip Paula to the floor. The young thief tried to fight her off but Cheryl was freakishly strong. Paula’s arms were wrestled behind her back so that her arms were positioned above each other in a box tie position. Cheryl took a length of rope and lashed Paula’s arms in position before roughly adding 3 more lashes to her arms keeping them firmly in the box.

“Let me to you freak!”

“Shhhh let’s see what my new prize looks like”

Cheryl removed Paula’s ski mask and undid the hair tie that was keeping it in a tight bun, letting her golden shoulder length hair fall into position.

“Mmmm oh my you are quite the pretty little toy aren’t you?”

“Jesus what is wrong with you you demented pervert?”

Cheryl suddenly grabbed the back of Paula’s head and gave her a deep French kiss, her tongue aggressively forcing its way into Paula’s mouth. She now pulled back and smiled at the thief.

“Now now don’t lie, I saw how mesmerized you were by my little victim there. Let’s not pretend I’m the only pervert in the room”

“Mmmmpphhh!” The poor girl on the bed was now pathetically whimpering behind her gag.

“Oh don’t be jealous.. Samantha was it? You’ll still get your fill of attention from me soon enough. I just have to get our other guest bundled up.”

Cheryl took another length of rope and tightly tied Paula’s legs together.

“Just let me go ok? you don’t report me to the police and I won’t report you. Everyone wins”

“Mmmmphhhh!!” The girl on the bed cried something unintelligible behind her thick gag, clearly not feeling like a winner in this offer.

“Hmmm but why assume you are being honest when I can just tightly tie you up and keep you here knowing you’ll be quiet?”

As she was talking Cheryl was shoving the foam ball into a thick wool sock.

“Oh come on please, I just wa-“

Paula was cut off as the sock-ball stuffing was shoved into her mouth. She nearly gagged from the size of the stuffing.

“Let me show you how to really gag someone.” Cheryl said with a flirty tone as she grabbed a roll of duct tape and began wrapping it extremely tightly around the burglar’s face, sealing the stuffing in. The perverted doctor did not bother moving Paula's golden locks as she began mummifying her lower face in silver tape


“Now you get some points because you were smart enough to use stuffing, but single strips are never a good technique”

Cheryl cheerfully talked as she continued wrapping the duct tape around her newest victim’s face. The air filling with the loud ripping of tape coming off the roll. She added a solid 40 wraps before stopping. Paula’s lower face was aching from how viciously tight it had been wrapped, she saw herself in the mirror and noticed how much her cheeks were bulging out from under the tight wraps of tape.

“Now I would tell you to be a good girl and I won’t be rough...” she roughly grabbed Paula and forced her into a kneeling position and leaned in close to her ear and whispered “but I plan on being rough either way so you might as well squirm”


Cheryl took a length of rope and got to work trying a harness around Paula’s ample breasts. Paula was grunting from discomfort as she was tying the bindings very tightly.

“Kidnapping people is sort of a hobby of mine. Usually I go to some college town, find some cutey, man or woman I’m not picky, then I swoop them up and take them back here to play with and torment”

“Pmmmmphhh” the girl on the bed was squirming more at hearing the words ‘torment’ to describe her future.

“Hush unless you want some stinky socks added to the gag missy! Anyways I take them here, have my way with them for a weekend or so then I let them go. I of course inject them with a special mixture I came up with that makes the whole weekend a complete haze that way I don’t get caught. I maybe sprinkle some booze on their clothing or inject them with a mild amount of drugs so people assume they went on a blackout of a binder. They go back to their lives confused and I have some fun memories!”

The girl on the bed gave a sigh of relief at hearing she would be getting to go home at some point.

She finished tying the rather ornate harness around Paula then took some more rope and got to work tying her legs.

“Now let me tell you a little secret thief; I’ve been wanting to find a longer term toy for quite awhile now. A proper little sex slave to have at my beck and call any time I want it”. Cheryl had tied rope around her shins, below her knees, and above her knees at this point. Being sure to cinch off every binding as much as possible. Unfortunately for Paula between being quite experienced at binding people and being a doctor Cheryl was comfortable making the bindings exceptionally tight.

“Wmmmphht??” Paula gave a frightened questioning behind her gag.

“Oh of course I mean you. Police and mommy and daddy would look far too hard if some cute coed disappeared and never came back. What more perfect victim than a thief who willingly came to me? Clearly you didn’t tell anyone where you were going and I doubt anyone looks too hard for you”

Paula lost it at this point, she tried squirming, but Cheryl had finished her leg bindings by adding some more rope at a three spots on her thighs so struggling was not going to accomplish much.

“Pmmmphhh nmmmph!!” Paula begged for mercy, she liked bondage but she didn’t want to be some demented pervert’s long term toy.

“Oh you might come to enjoy your new life as you slowly get used to being nothing more than a toy. I have plenty of vibrators, dildos, clamps, plugs, and more to keep to entertained”

“Nmmmphhh!!” Paula watched helplessly as Cheryl went to a closet and pulled out several thick looking sleeping bags.

“Now I promised Samantha I’d give her proper attention so I’m going to get you bundled up and put into storage while me and her have our weekend together”

“Pmmmphhh!!!” Paula desperately squirmed and begged for mercy behind her gag as Cheryl dropped a puffy green mummy sleeping bag on the ground next to her.

“You might as well get used to the thought of being tightly mummified. When I’m not in the mood to play with you you’ll be tightly mummified and shoved in a small little box, so you’ll be spending most of your time like that for the rest of your life”


“I’m not heartless though, let me give you a little present to keep to entertained while Samantha is getting your mistress’s attention this weekend”.

Paula tried to resist but her pants and panties were pulled down off her crotch and Cheryl shoved a rather large dildo deep inside her. Paula moaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain as the too large to fit object was forced into her womanhood. Her pants were quickly pulled back up. Cheryl smirked and showed Paula a remote before pressing a button. Immediately the dildo began vibrating, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. Suddenly the vibration stopped as quickly as it had begun.

“Now there are so many things I can do with this. I can edge you for hours at a time, never giving you a climax or I can set it to where it gives you a climax that goes on for hours at a time. You’ll learn quickly pleasure can easily be torture”

“Pmmmmpphhh stmmmphh”

Despite her muffled pleas no mercy was coming, Cheryl forced her captive into the thick green bag and zipped it up. She went back to the closet and got a large bag and set it on the ground next to Paula. The beautiful redhead pulled out a roll of shiny industrial strength duct tape and began to wrap it around the green bag, starting at her ankles and very slowly moving up Paula body. Cheryl was being brutally thorough, making sure every wrap was as tight as possible and making sure not even one centimeter of the bag missed an embrace of silver. Paula tried to struggle, to slow down the process in anyway she could, but tightly tied up she could do little but rock back and forth which did nothing to slow the demented doctor’s work. After forty minutes Cheryl had finally finished the process and the bag was a solid mass of silver from Paula’s ankles to her shoulders. The wrapping was so tight that even with a puffy bag between her and the tape, Paula’s enviable feminine form was still visible.

“Mmmm you look like such a sexy little present like that, I look forward to unwrapping you later after you’ve had a few days to marinate in there”

“Fmmmphkk Ymmphhh!!” Paula was scared but growing frustrated by this woman treating her like a piece of property

“Oooo so feisty, bet we get that worked out of you on time. In the meanwhile your gag clearly needs some work. I don’t want your complaining to disturb Samantha’s fun weekend” Cheryl teased her victim as she got up to get a few more supplies.

She tossed a thick wool sock and a pair of panties next to Paula’s head. The bundled up burglar’s nostrils wrinkled when she realized that unlike the sock in her mouth these were clearly not clean.

“Now since you were being so disrespectful to your new mistress I’ve decided your gag should get just a bit more disgusting. Maybe after a weekend of smelling my laundry your learn better behavior. Or maybe I’ll turn your mouth into my personal washing machine if you don’t!”

Cheryl had an evil smirk on her face as she tied the thick sock around Paula’s face. Paula for her part was desperately shaking her head around trying to prevent the addition to her gag but it was a futile effort. Soon the thick sock was tied over her tape gag with the sole of it pressed right against her nostrils. Paula’s nostrils burned from the sweaty food odor permeating every breath. Her captor quickly took another roll of tape and began quickly and brutally wrapping it over the sock and around her head. After 30 wraps she now took the panties and pulled them over Paula’s head, being sure the crotch sat over her nose. Paula nearly gagged as the additional odor hit her nose. The panty hood quickly had more tape added to it around her lower face, insuring it would not come out of position. The smell of the two pieces of clothing was fusing into some indescribable odor more terrible than anything Paula had smelled before. She felt legitimately light headed from the stench.

Cheryl went and grabbed a thick red sleeping bag and worked her mummified victim into it. Quickly the frustrated thief was zipped up in the bag. The red head got on top of the newest layer of her prison and began grinding on her captive. She turned on the vibrator again sending waves of pleasure into Paula.

“Mmmmm you may learn to enjoy being my little toy, the mix of misery and pleasure I’m going to subject you too will be quite the erotic cocktail.”

“Mmmmphhhh” Paula moaned behind her thick gag, ashamed of how turned on the vibrating dildo was making her.

Suddenly the vibration stopped leaving Paula painfully on edge. Cheryl leaned close to her face and planted a kiss over her tape gag.

“Or at least I hope for your sake you learn to take pleasure from this or else it is going to be a very very long life for you”

Cheryl now grabbed some more tape and began wrapping around the new sleeping bag. Like before she was moving slowly, making sure every wind was as tight as possible. The physician only stopped when a roll ran out, tossing it to the side to join the growing graveyard of cardboard tubes from used up tape rolls. After 30 minutes she was finished with the latest layer of wrapping. Despite the tightness Paula’s sexy form was finally disappearing under the thickness of her prison. Paula was weakly squirming, about all she could do is rock back and forth or pointlessly wiggle her feet since they were the only part of her sleeping bag prison not wrapped in brutal winds of tape.

Cheryl got down and straddled her cocooned victim again and leaned close to her face. Paula for her part was wide eyed and straining to breathe, she could still hardly believe this was actually happening to her. It seemed like a nightmare.

“I know you are scared right now and probably pissed, but with time I think you’ll grow to love your situation. If not...”. Cheryl leaned in and licked the gag and Paula’s cheek causing the mummified woman to shiver in disgust “Well if nothing else I’ll have fun. Maybe someday I’ll get you a friend, hey Samantha do you want to be our little thief’s friend?”

Samantha who had been quietly focusing on maintaining her kneeling position and ideally being ignored desperately shook her head no, wanting to get back home as soon as possible.

“Oh well, just a little more and I’ll leave you with your thoughts”

“Nmmmphhh!” Paula was incredulous that her captor planned on wrapping her up even more. She already felt like she was boiling alive as it was.

Cheryl grabbed the final bag, a super thick yellow LMR bag. It took a fair amount of effort but eventually she forced the burglar into it. She was sure to position her backwards so the hood was in front of her face. Deciding to mix it up some, she grabbed 100s of yards worth of thin clothesline and began tightly wrapping the yellow bag in it. Up and down the bag she went, tying it brutally tight of course. At first the puffy nylon material could be seen poking out from between the winds of thin rope but over time as more and more layers of rope was added eventually everything below Paula’s head was a solid mass of white rope. The demented doctor wasn’t done yet though, she then took duct tape and began wrapping the rope mummified woman in yet another layer of silver. Slowly the white rope disappeared under the silver tape. The whole process took over an hour, but eventually Cheryl finished her toy’s final layer of cocoon.

“God you look so sexy like that. We’re going to have so much fun in the future”

“Mmmphhh!” Paula groaned behind her gag.

“Oh well that’s for next week, time for lights out!”

Cheryl now grabbed the hoods of the first two bags and pulled them over the back of Paula’s head, tightly cinching them so the hood openings constricted over her face. At this point all that could be seen was the terrified thief's panty covered nose and some of the thick silver gag embracing her mouth. Finally she took the super thick yellow hood and pulled it over the thief turned slave’s face. Paula panicked in her puffy cocoon, the final hood had made breathing much more difficult. She squirmed desperately and Cheryl sat back mesmerized as she watched the fat silver cocoon rock back and forth desperately on the floor. After watching her newest victim struggle for awhile she grabbed the bottom of her cocoon and drug her over to a wooden chest in the corner of the room. With some effort she pulled the large silver mummy off the ground and forced it into the cramped space.

“Well I’ll give you a few days in there, you can listen to what Samantha is going through and just imagine it happening to you soon enough. In the meantime I’ll put that little dildo on random, keep you on edge for a day or so until you are begging me to torment you”

“Nmmmphhh!!” Paula screamed behind her gag as the box was shut and locked. Suddenly the pounding vibrations began rocking her body. Shortly after they started they would stop though, keeping her frustratingly on edge. She couldn’t imagine suffering through this teasing for a day.

Cheryl used a thick padlock to seal the wooden chest that contained the poor burglar. Satisfied her new toy was hopelessly secure she now turned her attention to the trussed up coed who was whimpering on the bed. An evil smile grew on her face as she grabbed a wand vibrator and a strap on.

“Ready for your turn cutie?”

Samantha squealed behind her gag as she began to get Cheryl’s full and undivided attention.
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
Deleted User 5143

Post by Deleted User 5143 »

Nice story so far. I love the kidnapper, she seems absolutely evil.
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Post by Reidy »

Great story.
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Post by Corrigon »

Loving the story. Waiting for the next part
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Post by Trickster »

Absolutely fantastic!
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