Helpless (M/MM) Complete!

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Helpless (M/MM) Complete!

Post by cj2125 »

Part 1

Rowan looked at the items on the bed one more time, trying to gain enough courage to proceed. He felt ridiculous, this was what he wanted, what they wanted! There was no need to be worried! Yet he could feel his hear beating faster, a sensation of excitement mixed with dread. “Just do it!” he told himself and let the towel around his waist fall to the ground. He crouched over the bed and picked the piece of fabric, feeling it’s texture between his fingers; his cheeks turned red as he remembered how he acquired it. His nervousness, bordering in panic, as he approached the counter holding the package, he couldn’t look at the cashier’s eyes and ran as fast as he could, he didn’t even stop when he almost knocked that old lady; he could add that incident to his already long list of public humiliations.

Of course he could have bought it online and save the embarrassment but that would risk Jason finding it first. No, he couldn’t let Jason see it, not after all the times Jason had wished for him to wear one of those and he had adamantly refused on the infallible reason that he looked ridiculous on them. He still operated under that believe yet he was willing to make an exception just for today.

Rowan grabbed the black jockstrap and slid his legs through it’s wholes, releasing the waistband around his hips and awkwardly adjusting his manhood to the fabric; he was definitely not used to that kind of pressure around his crotch!

He carefully folded his clothes and tossed them inside the closet, taking a moment to admire himself in the mirror. “Okay, I don’t look that stupid” he had to admit; despite not having the typical jock built, the underwear adjusted nicely to his body, wrapping snuggly around his package leaving little to the imagination, he turned around, craning his neck so he could take a glance at his bare butt

He is right; I’ve got a great ass” he chuckled remembering all the times Jason had assured him that.

He turned around and looked at his body, examining every part that Jason had complimented. His smooth chest, his flat stomach, his thin arms with just a hint of muscles, his wavy blond hair that in one of his cornier moments Jason had compared to those of an angel (he still refused to admit he ever said such a thing) and his boyish, freckled face that, according to Jason, hide well enough his more deviant side.

Rowan couldn’t help but laugh, he was a prude compared to Jason! In fact, it was because of him that he had explored his more unorthodox side… it was because of him that he was about to do this.

He opened the laundry basket and pulled out a pair of gray compression shorts, those that Jason wore d to go to the gym. He knew how much he liked gagging him with those, it was another way of exercising dominance over him; normally it would be Jason who would force them inside his mouth while he grunted and struggled, all part of the game, this would be the first time he would chew on them completely willingly. He opened his mouth and pushed the used shorts inside, stuffing them with his fingers until only a piece of fabric was visible.

They tasted as bad as he remembered, a mixture of Jason’s sweat and other fluids, he suppressed the first instinct to spit them out by imagining his boyfriend wearing them, flexing his muscles in the gym, all sweaty and tired, stopping from his routine to rub his crotch, letting out a few moans from his mouth. Of course he never had done anything like that but Rowan had a vivid imagination.

To avoid any more temptation, Rowan grabbed a roll of black duct tape, ripped a strip and smoothed it over his lips, followed by a second one, third, fourth and finally he applied the fifth strip to his chin, encasing his lower face in tape “Mpphh ghmm” he tested his gag and was quite satisfied with the results.

Next he grabbed the same tape and kneeled on the mattress, once more adjusting his manhood, preventing it from popping out. Perhaps he got the wrong size. He pulled his left ankle against his left thigh and started wrapping it in tape, each round tighten the restrains until his ankle felt welded to his thigh. He applied the same treatment to his right leg rendering useless, as he attempted to test their effectiveness he lost his balance and fell face flat on the bed

“At least it works” he thought rolling his eyes at his own clumsiness and turned his attention to the last item of his plan. This was the moment of truth! Was he willing to go through with this? There was still time to call everything off, after all, he had to admit this was madness

What would Jason do?

He smiled realizing the answer to the question. He grabbed the last item, pulled his hands behind his back and snapped the cuffs around his wrists. It was done. He was trapped, with no way to escape on his own, nothing to do but to wait for someone to find him, for Jason to release him. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand… ten more minutes before he arrived.

Rowan smiled under his gag and rolled on his side, looking at the close door were Jason would soon walk in, and on the bed, all the toys they had ever used! Ropes, bandanas, cloth pegs, rings, vibrators, paddles. He could remember the first time they used each of them; he could remember each time he found himself tied up at Jason’s mercy… he could clearly remember the first time Jason tied him up.

They had been dating for a couple months and had begun getting intimate with each other, in fact, Rowan was at a point where he was ready to take the next big step but didn’t know if Jason would do it. He was quite nervous to be honest, Jason was his first serious relationship, he had never felt more connected to anyone than him. Jason on the other side had a history of partners, they even met when he was dating another guy! Even though he repeatedly had assured Rowan that none of his previous partners could even compare to him, he couldn’t help but feel insecure, nervous. What if he failed to satisfied Jason like the others?

He was quite surprised when that night, during one of their incredibly touchy make out sessions, Jason dropped the bomb on him “Can I tie you up Row?”

Perhaps was curiosity, a desire to look cool in front of him or the hormones that were melting his brain but Rowan found himself nodding. Jason smiled and kissed his lips one more time before pulling back “Take off your clothes!”
Rowan felt stupid, sheepishly asking to go to the bathroom. Why did he need privacy to remove his clothes? Perhaps Jason thought the same but he merely smiled and nodded. Rowan still remembered standing in front of the mirror for almost ten minutes, nervously looking at his naked self, well, half-naked, he opted to keep his green boxer shorts on, wondering if he had lost his mind; why would he agreed to do that? Yet there was something inside that want to try it, Jason asked him nicely and he loved pleasing him, perhaps he would enjoy it.

He finally took enough courage to walk back to his room and all his doubt left his mind the moment he lay his eyes on Jason, standing by the bed, wearing a pair of white tight boxer briefs, his arms crossed over his chiseled chest, a cocky smile on his face “I figured we should stand in equal grounds” he explained and told Rowan to sit on the bed. So enthralled he was admiring his boyfriend’s body that he didn’t notice the coils of red rope until Jason pointed at them.

Jason took his time restraining Rowan, tying him up, making sure that he was comfortable, that the ropes weren’t too tight. Despite his care, everything seemed like a blur to Rowan, the next thing he remembered was lying on his bed. His hands were tied behind his back, the ropes went above and below his chest, over his shoulder and under his armpits. His ankles, knees and thighs were tied together, pulled against his wrists in a hogtie.
“Open wide!” Jason’s voice was still gentle yet commanding, something on his tone made Rowan obey without hesitation. He watched the knotted green bandanna moving across his face and being pulled between his teeth, tied behind his head “Try to speak!”

“Whht fhhhld Hm fhn?” he asked not feeling particularly creative yet it seemed enough for Jason
“You sound cute” he smiled patting his cheek before pulling a second bandanna that he tied over his eyes, rendering him blind.

Rowan had never felt this way before; bound, gagged, blindfolded, unable to move any muscles, mumbling unintelligible words, shaking his head in a futile attempt to catch a glimpse of his surroundings. Yet despite his helplessness, he felt completely at ease. He trusted Jason and knew nothing bad would happen to him, in a way he felt more freedom than he ever had, no worries, no concerns or responsibilities. It was something he never felt before and he was loving it

He spent the first minutes of captivity testing the ropes, grunting and struggling although he didn’t expect to escape; the way Jason had tied the knots told him it wasn’t his first time yet for the first time he wasn’t concerned about Jason’s exes, he knew that right now, he had all of Jason’s attention.

“You look so adorable like that” Jason smiled ruffling his hair “like it?”

Rowan purred and nodded, rolling on his side so Jason could have a better view of his body, the ropes were quite tight and so were his boxers, which was odd since they were of a loose model. Jason seemed to know what to do for soon he grabbed Rowan’s bulge and started massaging it; at first, slowly and gently, careful to not cross any boundary but as Rowan let himself go to pleasure, so did Jason, rubbing it harder, kissing his neck and playing with his nipples while Rowan moaned and squirmed. He was so lost in the moment that he didn’t objected when Jason pulled his boxers down his hips, letting his hard member bounce out. He didn’t even object when Jason grabbed it tightly and started stroking it harder. Rowan closed his eyes and arched his back, feeling the pressure building up below his stomach, he tried to flex his arms ready for the climax…

And Jason let go

It took him a few seconds to realized what had happened, but when he could no longer feel any friction around his shaft he started whimpering

“You though I would let you finish?” Jason smiled gently tugging at Rowan’s hair “we are just starting!” that night Rowan also learned one of Jason’s most devious and cruel methods of torture: denial. For what felt like hours, Rowan was repeatedly subjected to that same torture, always brought to the edge but each time denied release.

As the time went by, Rowan’s groans became louder and more desperate, soon he went from pleading to cursing at Jason, his shaft was throbbing, constantly leaking pre-cum. Whenever Jason felt he was too close, he would slap his balls until he had “calmed down” a little bit. Rowan was drenched in sweat, tears soaking his blindfold, his teeth kept gnawing at the bandanna, his chest heaved rapidly and his dick felt on fire, tired of being denied for so long.

“What’s the matter Row? Can’t cum?” Jason teased him rubbing his thumb on the pink tip of Rowan’s member, that got the desire effect of driving Rowan insane, making him scream and roared while trying to struggle

“You are such a nice obedient sub” Jason continue, ignoring Rowan’s meltdown “but I like it better when you struggle like that, shows your inner fire” he tightened his grip on the shaft “and for that, you deserve a reward”

Once more he started stroking Rowan’s dick, his fist went all the way from its base to the tip, furiously jerking it off. Rowan started moaning again, arching his back despite the fact that there was little energy left. He could feel himself getting closer, he willed himself to belief that Jason wouldn’t leave him hanging this time, he wouldn’t dare, he would let him finish this time, he HAD to!

And then Jason let go

“FHHHHGG NHHHH! NHH HRM HN HFFHHLM” Rowan roared bouncing on the bed, shaking his hard member in the air as if it somehow could give him some relief, but that probably was the last straw; once his outburst had subsided, he started whimpering, begging Jason for relief, he would have gotten into his knees if he could
Jason begun untying his legs, gently spreading them apart and massaging them to allow the circulation to return “How bad do you want to cum Row? What would you do?”

“Hnnthnng! Plmhfm lmt mm ghm!” he begged practically sobbing, Jason lifted his legs, placing them over his shoulders and slowly ran his hands down his thighs, grasping his firm butt

“Well… if you really want to cum, let me fuck you” Rowan froze, his brain momentarily winning the battle against his hormones. His hesitation seemed to had an effect on Jason too, he released his legs slowly lowering them “I-I’m sorry” he said quietly “Crap! I… that sound better in my head. Listen Rowan, you are amazing and I really want to do this with you… but you have to do it willingly, I don’t want to pressure you, if you aren’t ready don’t worry, I promise I’ll make you cum this time, no more teasing” he spoke and gently kissed Rowan’s forehead.
He leaned back feeling Jason’s warm body, he couldn’t believe Jason was the one who asked! And all he had to do was get tied up! That was the key! While helpless, Rowan didn’t need to worry of anything, there was nothing he could do so he only had to lay back and relax. He didn’t have to decide.

He felt Jason’s hand over his manhood and immediately snapped his legs close, trapping his hand between them. That was enough to take Jason by surprise and give Rowan a chance to open his legs and raise his hips “Row…you really want me to?”

Rowan nodded and felt Jason’s body on top of him, his lips searched for his under the fabric of the gag and kiss them tenderly; in an act that surprised Rowan, Jason grabbed the blindfold and pulled it over his forehead; Rowan blinked for a few seconds as his eyes adjusted to the light, the first thing he saw was Jason looking back at him, his face just as he remembered: his brown hair more disheveled than usual, the mole und his right eye, the stubble over his chin and his green eyes looking at him tenderly accompanied by his usual half smirk

“I want you to look at me for this” he whispered and spread Rowan’s legs.

That wasn’t the last time they did it but certainly was one of the bests. Rowan smiled as he remembered the feeling of pure bliss when he finally ejaculated, flashes of his adventures with Jason for the next months crossed his memory: Him tied to a tree being sucked by Jason, tied to a chair in the kitchen while Jason applied the cloth pegs to his nipples for the first time, spread eagle to the bed, screaming through Jason’s underwear as he poured hot wax on his chest (that was one of the few ideas they agreed to never try again), him hogtied on the coffee table, Jason rubbing his sweaty socked feet against his face while he watched a game (which one he didn’t remember). He had enjoyed all (well most, looking at you hot wax!) of those times that Jason dominated him, controlled him, rendered him helpless. In a way he was a total sub and Jason was his master, not that he ever called him that although sometimes he indulged in calling him sir. In other words, he was thankful for having Jason in is life for this past year.

It had been a year together; their anniversary would be tomorrow so Rowan had decided to surprise him like that. He really hoped Jason appreciated the gesture... “he will!” he told himself, remembering the conversation they had a few weeks ago that gave birth to this idea. Jason would love it!

Rowan was pulled from his thoughts as he heard the door open and someone walking down the corridor. He smiled under his gag, feeling his heartbeat increase and his palms sweaty, it was the moment of truth.

The door opened and the man stepped inside, stopping on his tracks as he saw Rowan bound and gagged on the bed, wearing only a black jockstrap and surrounded by all those toys

“What the fuck?”

That man wasn’t Jason

To be continued...
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is great! Love the ropework and edging of course, but also the writing style with the change from present to past and back to present. I sorta had a feeling Rowan was in for a surprise, and sure enough.
Please don't make us wait too long.
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Post by Phoenix »

This is my kind of story!

Especially with how empathetic you made Jason, that was the most interesting cliffhanger you could’ve left it on. I’m eager to see what’s next!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] It's great to see another tale from you, mate!
Very well written and entertaining, as we've come to expect of you.

I must say, you're starting to surprise me quite a bit.
This seems to deviate a bit from your usual style. Smelly compression shorts, edging, jockstraps, tasty gags 8-)
Always enjoy discovering new things from you.

Jason and Rowan sound like a great pair.
Very thoughtful of Rowan to wanna offer himself up to his dominant boyfriend like that.

Great cliff-hanger as well.
Can't wait to find out who this stranger is and what's gonna happen next!

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Post by NotRowan »

Woah awesome start dude, loving the cliffhanger and the name choice :lol:.

Now if only I knew someone named Jason :roll:
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Post by LK3869 »

Summer's giving someone nasty ideas...
We'll see if that unexpected visitor will be inspired by the conveniently displayed toys collection.
Jockstraps... :roll: ( :mrgreen: )
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

What a great cliffhanger.

Also, I really appreciate the jockstrap, frogtie and underwear gag. Shame that Jason wasn't the one who found Rowan...
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by cj2125 »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago I must say, you're starting to surprise me quite a bit.
This seems to deviate a bit from your usual style.
Well, I like to go out of the routine from time to time! Does wonders for your inspiration

[mention]NotRowan[/mention] only after posting this story did I realized you shared the same name with Row, must be a happy coincidence (or my subconscious asserting himself :mrgreen: )

[mention]LK3869[/mention] Summer seems to be the season where I get the most ideas but the least enthusiasm for writting; apparently equivalent exchange is a real thing

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] and [mention]Phoenix[/mention], glad you all enjoyed it!
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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

A much expected new story. I loved the characters and narration. Keep it coming!
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Post by zavulon »

Excellent story. Quite a departure from your earlier works, but certainly not unwelcome! It's nice to branch out like this. Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds ;)
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Post by Volobond »

Oh wow, that flashback sequence was so hot! I'm loving the style and the gag talk so much. Seems like Rowan's bit off more than he can chew, and I can't wait to see what's in store for him. Hoping its more gags and sexy torture!

You can find my M/M stories here:
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]EzraMarubayashi[/mention] and [mention]zavulon[/mention] thanks for the coments, I'm glad you liked it!

[mention]Volobond[/mention] oh you have no idea what Rowan has gotten himself (and Jason) into :mrgreen:

Part 2

“You know? I knew I would find you here but I wasn’t worried, I bet I could take you down easily, tie you up, lock you in some closet and finish the job, but I could have never imagined that you would be nice enough to get all trussed up for me!” the man smiled and slapped Rowan’s thigh. The blonde guy whimpered and curled, his eyes open wide with fear, he lay on his bed, wearing only a black jockstrap, his boyfriend’s underwear stuffed in his mouth, tape covering his lower face, hands cuffed behind his back and ankles taped to his thighs. He did all of that himself in order to surprise his boyfriend when he came home, what he didn’t expected was for this man to break in.

“What? Don’t tell me you are scared of me?” he smiled and squeezed his pale thigh, Rowan let out a pitiful moan and looked up at the man. He wore a dark leather jacket with dark gloves, a pair of jeans with black boots. Rowan was pretty sure he wasn’t a door to door salesman; he was also pretty sure that he was fucked… soon in a literal sense most likely “why are you scared? Didn’t you set all of this for me? I mean, I knew it would be fun but I never expected find such a good looking gift for me” he had a handsome face, tanned skin, black short hair and a five o’clock shadow, even the small scar over his right eyebrow help accentuate his handsomeness. Rowan could see his grey eyes ogling his naked body, admiring every inch of it and his mouth opening in a wide, lustful smile, relishing on his helpless prisoner.

Rowan cringed, imagining every lascivious thought the man was having; he nervously chewed at the cloth in his mouth and pulled his knees against his chest, not so much as to protect himself but more to cover himself from the embarrassing truth.

Ever since Jason tied him up for the first time, he had enjoyed the feeling of helplessness, of being at someone’s mercy. Yet being tied by Jason was one thing; no matter how trapped he was, what tortures Jason put him through, he always knew that he was safe. Here though, he was at someone else’s mercy, someone with whom he had no idea what was going to happen, how long he would remain tied, what he would do to him; that feeling of total helplessness excited him more than he would have wanted.

He could feel the man’s gloved hand over his bare chest, gently caressing him; Rowan silently cursed the vicious cycle he was trapped in, the fear that his evident arousal might be noticed made him more aroused which only increased his worries. A cruel irony indeed!

“Don’t be like that” the man grinned noticing Rowan’s discomfort “I can do whatever I want to you and you can’t stop me” he smiled with a sadistic grin and grasped Rowan’s blonde hair, pulling it up and forcing the bound guy to look up at him “You’ve got a pretty face did you know?” he asked running his tongue across Rowan’s cheek, chuckling as he whimpered in fear

He chuckled and let go of Rowan, his eyes wandering to the toys on the bed “and look at this! You were kinkier than I thought” he grabbed a vibrator and dangled it in front of Rowan. The bound boy let out a few unintelligible moans and shook his head, beads of sweat running down his forehead. The man placed the toy with the others and unzipped his jacket, tossing it aside, revealing the black tank top he wore beneath and his large, thick arms and muscled torso, Rowan always described Jason as having strong and welt built physique and a traditional masculine aura around him (among other less creative words) but he dwarfed compared to this man. He had figured he was strong but watching his muscles bulge as he flexed his arms made him realized that even Jason probably wouldn’t stand a chance against him. The intruder stepped back watching Rowan squirm “Well, let’s being!” he placed his hands on his hips, flexing his arm muscles, he hated to admit it but that guy was fairly attractive

“Here, let me secure you properly” he once more used Rowan’s hair to force him to maneuver on his knees; the intruder kneeled behind him, one hand grasping his hair, forcing his head backwards, pushing his chest against Rowan’s back, pushing his increasingly tight jeans against Rowan’s exposed bottom

“Let’s see…” he grinned looking at the toys over the bed, finally settling for a coil of black ropes. Rowan closed his eyes trying to fight off the guilt, this was probably the worst time to feel arouse but he wanted nothing more than for the man to take advantage of him, to use him now that he was helpless. He felt the ropes being circled around his wrists, just above the cuffs, painfully biting into his skin as he tightens them, going up his arms and looping around his elbows, pulling them back until they almost touched before being cinched in the middle, forcing him to further puff his chest forwards. His arms were aching from the pressure and his scalp was on fire, must he keep pulling his hair? While Jason was always careful, this man was rough and uncaring, something that was making Rowan’s jockstrap feel smaller than it already was.

The man finished looping the ropes around his chest and over is shoulders before tying the knot between his shoulder blades. “Hmm… such a nice body you have” he whispered in Rowan’s ear; the captive closed his eyes, feeling the gloved hand going down his chest. Rowan bit down on Jason’s underwear trying to focus on the thought of his boyfriend; letting his taste fill his mouth, imagining that it was him who was groping his body; that way, perhaps he could justify his arousal. Nothing wrong with feeling excited upon thinking of your partner right?

“HHGH!” he was pulled out of his fantasy by the intruder grasping his crotch, tightly squeezing it

“You are enjoying this pervert?” he spoke while tightening his grip on Rowan’s crotch, as he instinctively struggled he pulled his hair even further, forcing him to remain still “You little slut, think this is a fantasy?” the pain made Rowan’s eyes fill with tears, he tried to shake his head but the man’s grip kept it still

“Don’t lie to me!” he asked again and twisted his crotch; if not for the gag, Rowan’s scream might have warned the neighbors. Defeated, he nodded between sobs “I thought so”

He pulled his underwear down letting his shaft out, seemingly happy to be free of its tight prison. Rowan felt the leathery hand around his member, rapidly stroking it. Even though this wasn’t something he wanted, he found himself moaning and thrusting his hips, getting ready to explode.
And he let go

Rowan whimpered, frustrated at being subjected to the same insidious torture even though this time it wasn’t Jason’s doing, yet he didn’t press the matter despite the fact that his body was screaming for more, what was left of his reason was telling him to stop it from going further. He didn’t expect to feel a thin string being wrapped around the base of his cock.

“Whht thm fhgg?” he opened his eyes and saw the man circling his balls with a black shoelace. He was tying them up! That man was tying his balls up!

A new sense of defiance rose inside Rowan while the man kept circling the string, splitting his balls and moving up his erect shaft. The gagged guy glared at his captor, a sense of indignation growing inside him as the man was crossing a line yet he didn’t notice it or didn’t care, what could Rowan do outside of glaring at him?

Satisfied, with his job, he shoved Rowan forwards, making him bounce on the bed, his legs shooting up “Like that view” he chuckled slapping Rowan’s butt “don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of time for us to play, but first there’s work to do” he ruffled his prisoner’s hair and his eyes fell on a shiny object on the night stand “oh right! Almost forgot!” he grabbed the small key and unlocked Rowan’s handcuffs, not that it helped him since his wrists were tied with ropes “better have them at hand in case your boyfriend shows up” he grinned

“Lmhvm Jhfhn hlhnm!” Rowan screamed, straining against the ropes and tape. How could he have been so selfish? So engrossed he was in his predicament that he completely forgot the fact that Jason should be coming home at any minute! He banged his head against the mattress in frustration as the man waked away. He needed to get out of this! He needed to warn Jason!

Alone in the bedroom, Rowan reviewed his situation. His legs were taped spread so at least there was some movement there, is wrists were free from the cuffs so he just needed to find a way to undo the ropes and he would be free. But it wasn’t easy; the ropes were tight, digging in his skin, the way his arms were tied, with his elbows together, put a strain on his muscles even without moving and his little buddy seemed to be throbbing in frustration at being bound. It was already hurting him and he had no doubt it would get worst as time went by.
Rowan tried to think how to escape, sweat was running down his face and the coarse ropes were brushing against his nipples only making him more uncomfortable. He arched his back trying to find any knot but they were well out of his reach. “Don’t give up, you are smart! You can find a way out of this!” he told himself and rolled on his side, looking around his bedroom.

With the knots out of his reach he would need to find a way cut the ropes, he remembered Jason’s pocket knife, the one he always kept at hand during their sessions. Rowan always thought Jason was being overcautious about it “Add another check to the list of things I was wrong and he was right” Rowan sighed and glanced at their desk. The knife was tucked away in a can, surrounded by pens. He would be able to reach it if he could stand up, which of course wouldn’t happen the way his legs were tied; so the natural course was to cut the tape off his legs.

I can use the desk” he thought glancing at the square metal legs of the desk, it wasn’t that sharp but he trusted it was sharp enough to cut through tape. He made a mental note to put a loose nail by the floor for future escape attempts.

Rowan focused on the desk, wishing he could move things with his mind, that would be quite useful in a situation like this! For now, though he had to reach it the old fashioned way. The bound man rolled on his belly, trying to ignore his increasingly furious bound buddy down his crotch and instead focused on the prize. He lifted his but in the air, trying to pull his knees forwards, the ropes tighten and creaked under the strain but he persevered, getting as high as he could, before stretching his whole body.

Immediately it shot forwards, his body sliding over the mattress; “Mppphh!” he moaned as the friction reached his dick. It felt amazing, he could feel the waves of pleasure across his body, in fact, if not for the ropes he would have achieved climax right there

Don’t get sidetracked” he told himself, heavily breathing “focus on escaping!” once more he lifted his butt, pulled his knees forwards and spread his body. Once more he moved a few inches forward and once more his buddy jumped with joy at the attention he was receiving “I didn’t expect to end this night fucking my bed” he grunted and moved again, finally reaching the edge of the queen size bed.

He smiled while recovering his breath; beads of sweat were running down his chest. Now he had to get down to the floor, cut the tape off his legs, get up, cut the ropes with the knife and take down the robber…. He might have to rethink his strategy once he was free, but first things first; he needed to get off the bed

It should have been easy, Rowan just needed to let his body slid down the edge, legs first and then crawl across the floor. But like everything else that day, it didn’t turn out as he expected. He miscalculated the edge, losing his balance and sliding down head first. His face hit the floor slowly and his body followed, bending backwards until he did a somersault and landed on his back.

Seriously? What’s next?” he asked himself and heard the door opening

“Trying to escape twink?” Rowan closed his eyes cursing himself for asking and also silently objecting being called a twink. He opened his eyes and watched in weary silence the man walking towards him. “Although I admire the valiant effort, I can’t have you doing that” he grinned and pressed his boot over Rowan’s crotch making him moan in pain “What? You don’t like it? Then say you are sorry”

“Hm'm fhrrn! Hm'm fhrrn!” Rowan cried yet despite the pain, he felt his arousal return and he hated himself for that. He bit down on the underwear trying to focus on Jason, think of his boyfriend probably coming home from the gym, all sweaty and tired in need of a shower


“Can’t understand you” the intruder laughed cruelly crouched over him, making sure to inflict as much pain as he could on Rowan “Still enjoying this bitch?” he asked feeling Rowan’s member replied under his boot. He pulled another toy from the bed, a pair of wooden cloth pegs and dangled them in front of Rowan.

The blond guy opened his eyes wide and shook his head pleading for mercy but the most distressing fact for him was the inside he really was looking forwards to have the pegs used on him. As if he could read his mind, the man attached each peg to Rowan’s nipples

“HMMMPPP!” He moaned with more pleasure than distress, arching his back as he felt the sharp pain on his chest

“You fucking slut, you love this don’t you pervert?” the man asked twisting the pegs, Rowan screamed yet his expression of bliss betrayed him. Despite his harsh words, there wasn’t a hint of disgust in the intruder’s voice, on the contrary, he seemed genuinely curious to find how far was Rowan willing to go; his experimentation would have to wait though, for they heard the front door being opened.

In a second both forgot their roles of captive and captor and both exchanged anxious glances “so your boyfriend is here” the man smiled recovering his role and got up, pulling the handcuffs from his pocket and dangling them in front of Rowan

“JHFHHN!” Rowan screamed at the top of his lungs trying to warn his boyfriend but the gag muffled his warnings. He squirmed desperately on the floor, hating himself for once more falling to his own desires. The man in the meantime merely motioned Rowan to be quiet and hid behind the door.

The two waited listening as the new party made his way down the hallway, calling for Rowan. Rowan yelled once more with tears in his eyes just as the bedroom door opened and Jason stepped inside. The young man wore what Rowan had imagined, a red muscle shirt stained with sweat spots, a pair of black basketball shorts and was in the process of kicking his shoes off his sweaty feet when he noticed his boyfriend, tied on the floor.

“RHN!” Rowan pleaded but Jason remained motionless, looking down at his boyfriend, trying to comprehend what was going on. That proved to be his undoing though, those few wasted seconds were enough for the intruder to charge at Jason, knocking him to the ground

To be continued...
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Post by MaxRoper »

Well done, [mention]cj2125[/mention]. You've succeeded in making part 2 at least as good as part 1. Lucky intruder, seems it's two-for-one day.
Excellent descriptions of the bad guy's handiwork. I'm looking forward to his plans for restraining Jason, and whatever else he has in mind for his captives.
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Post by Deleted User 5118 »

That’s quite a cliffhanger.
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Post by Phoenix »

I, uh, woah.... I... :shock:

I’m loving what zI’m reading so far. It’s ringing all my bells. Admittedly, I can’t help but feel a little envious of Rowan.

Can’t wait for more!
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Post by LK3869 »

You know how to cut stories in slices. I first thought " woa, long chapter!" but it practically reads itself. It's fluid with chunks of nasty bits, like a perfect ice cream :roll: (sorry, it's the heat wave coming back...30°c at 8.00 AM and i read this 8-) )
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Your writing is as great as always.

And man, that's one hunky intruder. I can definitely relate to Rowan's unwanted attraction. Loved the new ties and dirty talk, too.

Can't wait to see what kind of ordeal waits Jason next.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

That chapter was better then the first chapter maybe in the third chapter use the massager
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Post by bondagefreak »

Well I for one wouldn't say that this was better than the first chapter.
It was more intense and hotter, but quality wise, both are well on par with each other.

Congratulations [mention]cj2125[/mention]
I'm glad you decided to join this mid-summer M/M writing spree!

Usually this is a quiet time of the year on this board, but it seems that as far as summers go, this one has been rather favourable to our readers (and to our fellow authors).

Poor Rowan doesn't like being called a twink. Haha!
He'd better get used to it, 'cause that's exactly what he is.
Glad our kidnapper realises that.

And it certainly looks like things aren't boding too well for Jason either, though I'm sure he'll be able to put a bit more a fight. Can't wait to see where you take us next, mate!

As usual, keep it up!
Will be anxiously waiting for the next part.

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Post by privateandrews »

Great story. love it.. keep up the good work. cant wait for the next chapter.
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]MaxRoper[/mention] Glad I managed to nail part 2 XD, yeah, he is a lucky intruder indeed ;)

[mention]LK3869[/mention], yeah, I was a little worried about the lenght but I'm glad it worked! And be sure there are more nasty bits for your ice cream (aaannnd I think I got lost in the metaphore)

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention], my main issue was showing how Rowan wants and doesn't wants it XD, and it will only get more interesting when Jason gets involved XD

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Yeah, already planning next story too, just want to finish this one first before starting it or else this might go unfinished XD

[mention]privateandrews[/mention], [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] and [mention]Phoenix[/mention], thanks for your comments! I'm like you are liking this story!
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Post by dwild »

Exciting. Look forward to seeing them both tied up and what will happen to them
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Post by cj2125 »

Part 3

Jason looked around the room, his boyfriend lay on the floor, wearing a jockstrap (why was he wearing that?), bound and gagged, cloth pegs on his nipples and his, admittedly impressive, hard member bound too. The intruder, the man seemingly responsible for Rowan’s predicament was currently tying him to the heavy wooden chair. He hanged his head in shame; this man had knocked him out, removed his clothes and restrained him and the only thing Jason had managed to accomplish was getting a swollen temple from when he tried to head-butt him. Not a good day for his ego

“Aaand done!” the man stepped back to admire his work “you certainly put up a good fight!” he complimented Jason while rubbing his sore ribs and wincing in pain “yep, this will hurt tomorrow”.

Jason was sitting on the chair, his legs were spread and pulled back, his ankles were tied to the rear legs of the chair with red ropes, his knees were tied to the front of the chair, keeping his legs spread and his crotch quite exposed, with only the fabric of his red compression shorts giving him some privacy, to finish securing is lower body, ropes were looped over his thighs and the chair, pressing his butt against the wooden seat. His hands were pulled behind the backrest, cuffed together, red ropes went around his waist, pinning it to the backrest, then moved over his shoulders, crossing his chest and circling his torso, wrapping themselves around and below his chest. To top it off, a red ballgag had been attached to his mouth, resting behind his teeth. Jason really hated this infernal gag, drool was already forming in his lower lip and his jaw was starting to ache. He was even willing to ignore the fact that up to yesterday he was in love with that toy given how good it looked in Rowan’s mouth.

“Don’t tell me you are mad?” the intruder asked ruffling Jason’s hair, he didn’t appreciate the gesture “I would be thrilled if I had a boyfriend who willingly tied himself for me!” he added getting a reaction of surprise from Jason “what? You didn’t know? That-” he pointed at Rowan “was all his doing! I just added a few extra touches!”

The couple exchanged glances, one touched, the other ashamed. Jason was clearly endeared that his boyfriend had taken such lengths to please him even though, because of the asshole who was holding them prisoner, things had turned for the worst. Rowan eye’s betrayed shame, not only because he rightly blamed himself for putting them into that mess but also because he had enjoyed being manhandled by that man, even though he repeatedly tried to convince himself otherwise, he now realized that in a way he had betrayed his boyfriend.

“Okay” the man broke their silent exchange “since none of you are going anywhere, maybe it’s time for proper introductions. My name is Dominic, but you can call me Dom, kinda appropriate for my role here” he chuckled “and you are?” he waited a few seconds for a reply that never came “well, I guess I’ll call you Twink and Jock” this time he did get several indignant grunts from his captives. Jason, who would be referred as Jock, grew especially vocal against being reduced to his body type.

Dom merely pulled Jason’s hair back and grasped his crotch, just like he had done early with Rowan; and just like Rowan, Jason let out a whimper “shut up Jock! See? It works!” he smiled before returning to his serious tone “now, tell me, is your name Jock?” he asked increasing the pressure in Jason’s crotch, the bound guy moaned in pain yet he refused to yield; he wasn’t giving that creep the satisfaction!

Of course said creep was prepared for a stubborn captive, so he let go of Jason’s hair and used his newly available hand to slap the space between his legs, right under the larger part of Jason’s bulge. They weren’t particularly hard but that part of the male body is sensitive enough so that even those short and firm slaps send waves of pain through Jason’s body to the point of tears forming in his eyes.

That was far more than he could handle and, after screaming uncomprehensive pleas into his gag, he hanged his head defeated and nodded “So your name is Jock?” Jason nodded although there was fury in his eyes.

“Hadn’t break him yet” Dom thought recognizing that there was still fight in him yet “but I’ve taken the first step, and that’s the most important” in a couple hours at most, Jason would be as docile as Rowan; speaking of him…

“What about you?” he asked turning to his other prisoner “your name is Twink right?” Rowan had already suffered through Dom’s tortures, beside, unlike Jason he was of a more submissive nature so he meekly nodded, accepting his new name even though he still wanted to object.

“Good job, Twink” Dom put emphasis on the last word as he gently stroked Rowan’s hair “come on, let’s get you more comfortable” he whispered and slid his hands beneath Rowan’s armpits, effortlessly carrying the smaller man and dropping him on the bed. “Now, now, you aren’t that bad looking” he spoke lying next to him, ignoring Jason’s glares “in fact you are quite handsome” he added brushing Rowan’s hair from his forehead. Rowan gave him a fearful look; Dom always had loved when boys give him that look.

He flicked one of the pegs, getting pleasure from Rowan’s whimper “yeah, you are really handsome” he whispered running his hand down his smooth chest and across his stomach, he couldn’t help to lick his lips at the sight of the bound boy, he could feel his jeans getting tighter just thinking of all the things he was about to do. Finally, he removed his glove and grabbed Rowan’s bound cock with his bare hands

“GMT THM FHGG HWHN FRHM HNM!” Jason roared, jerking his body forwards, the ropes tensed, dug in his muscles and strained under his pull and for a moment it seemed they would break but Jason wasn’t that strong and they immediately pulled him back against the chair

Dom didn’t even flinch, he kept gazing at Rowan while slowly stroking his member. Rowan closed his eyes trying to clear his mind, trying to forget about the pleasure, about the feeling of helplessness, of Jason’s grunts and muffled screams or the fact that his shaft was clamoring for release. He, of course, was failing to ignore any of those stimuli

While working on Rowan, Dom took notice of the other toys available. He could already tell which ones he would use, already thinking which ones would work better with each captive. His thoughts were interrupted by the fact that Rowan had started to moan, rather loudly and judging by the sticky feeling in his hands he was close to climax, so he lowered his pace, he knew that the ropes would make it hard for his erection to go away.

“Do you want to cum Twink?” he asked Rowan, the guy closed his eyes and nodded, begging under his gag. He picked up a small metallic rod with a spiked wheel on its end and slowly rolled the wheel across Rowan’s shaft. Rowan howled and strained, his member twitching at the new source of pain “tell me what you want Twink”
“Hm whnnh ghm! Plmhfm lmt mm ghm!” Rowan begged forgetting of his initial reservations, right now there was only one thing in his mind and he knew this man was the only one who could provide it

Jason glared at them, fuming at his own impotence. He wanted to break the ropes, he wanted to beat the hell out of Dom, he wanted to protect Rowan but more importantly, he wanted to give him what he needed right now, it should be him whom Rowan was pleading, not Dom! Yet there was nothing he could do. He was stuck to that chair, forced to watch that cruel pantomime in front, helpless at the whims of that freak, utterly helpless. And in his helplessness, he could feel the bulge in his shorts growing, the fabric stretching and taking shape around his member, for even though he wasn’t ready to admit it yet, the same idea of helplessness that was so frustrating for him was also arousing

Dom kept rolling the wheel across Rowan’s shaft, tugging the cloth pegs on his nipples, watching him moan and thrust his hips. “You really want this don’t you?” Rowan nodded without hesitation. The man stopped and slowly removed the cloth pegs, rubbing his sore nipples “Do you really want this?” Rowan nodded again between moans, this time more eagerly than before, trying to convey without words how much he wanted it. Dom smiled and started to untie the cock “this is what’s going to happen. You are gonna get fucked by a real man, not that pansy you call boyfriend, only then you are going to cum”

“DHN'T NHH DHRM! NHH FHGGMR! HM'LL GNLL NHH!” Jason roared, the whole chair shook and creaked with his struggles yet it didn’t give in.

“You don’t want it? Then come and stop me” he gave Jason a cruel, mocking smile. The bound man struggled, roared, fought valiantly against the ropes yet there was nothing he could do, tears started forming in his eyes at the same time as a small wet stop begun to appear in his shorts.

Dom meanwhile turned his attention back to Rowan, ignoring Jason’s outburst. He spun the prisoner over so his face was buried in the mattress; Dom kneeled behind him and removed his tank top, letting Jason admire his sweaty physique. He knew what he was doing, he could have asked Rowan for permission but he knew that, given the chance, Rowan might chicken out, right now he was taking the choice from him, he was rendering totally helpless, free, in an ironic way, to pursue his deepest desires. As subtle sign of his compliance, Rowan spread his knees and raised his butt in the air without being prompted. Dom unzipped his fly and pulled out his own large, thick member, giving it a few strokes. Pulled a condom from the drawer by the nightstand and put it on. Ignoring Jason’s frantic screams, he pushed inside Rowan.

Rowan closed his eyes and let out a loud moan as he felt Dom inside him. The initial flush of pain was replaced by a sensation of pleasure, he rocked his hips back and forth, feeling the ropes straining and digging in his muscles, feeling his still sensitive nipples brush against the mattress, a choir of moans and screams surrounded him yet he could only think of his own pleasure, spreading through his body, infecting his nerves. His own shaft bounced around happily as it grew thicker with each thrust until, finally, everything he felt built up into a climax, he could feel the warm ooze shooting off his member, splashing is chest and the covers beneath.

For a second he felt amazing, but soon common sense took over and with it came guilt, shame and pain. Dom kept going and soon Rowan felt his insides burning. He started moaning, wanting him to stop, wanting him to pull Jason away, to spare him more pain; he blamed himself for being so selfish, for only thinking on his own desires over Jason

Dom arched his back and shoot his load, momentarily relaxing from the rush, his hands grasping Rowan’s hips, enjoying his pitiful moans and Jason’s desperate grunts. Finally, he pulled back from Rowan and tossed the used condom aside “I really needed that” he smiled and smacked Rowan’s butt yet he didn’t respond, he remained still with his eyes closed, in fact the whole room had gone quiet

Dom rolled his eyes and grasped Rowan’s hair, pulling it back “hey slut! Look at your boyfriend!” his command was enough for Rowan to open his eyes and look at Jason, mustering all his apologies in a single look. He was ready to face Jason’s expression of betrayal, of righteous anger; he certainly wasn’t prepared for what he saw.

Jason was panting, tears running down his cheeks, body slumped against the ropes, skin glistening from the sweat, his whole demeanor spelled defeat. He had witnessed his boyfriend being fucked in front of him, he had witnessed his boyfriend willingly spreading his legs to another man. But there was a single not so small detail that betrayed his true feelings, the real reason of his tears. The tight lycra fabric of his shorts did little to hide his prominent erection; his cock seemed to push hard against the cloth and if that wasn’t enough to betray his real feelings, a wet spot on the tip served as the cherry on top.

Of course Dom wasn’t surprised, he had noticed Jason’s crotch begin to grow when he first started tying him up, he had noticed the fabric tightening around its engorged shape while playing with Rowan; the only surprise Dom had was the Jason didn’t last longer. “Look at you!” he said putting his member away “you got off watching your boyfriend being fucked?” he teased Jason “Or could it be that you liked being replaced by a real man?” he asked tugging Jason’s hair, forcing him to look at him “You enjoyed this show bitch?”

Jason tried to shake his head, but in a more restrained manner than before and without that fighting sparkle in his eyes. “Almost there” Dom thought and slapped him “Tell me the truth! You enjoyed this?” once more Jason shook his head even though he seemed to hesitate this time.

Dom smiled and lifted his boot, pressing it against Jason’s crotch making him squeal “I told you to tell me the truth!”

“NHHGGG!” Jason screamed in pain and shook his head once more only to feel the pressure in his crotch increase, it was unbearable, he could feel his balls on fire, he tried to plead but the ballgag drowned any word. His captor was merciless in his torture

“Tell me the truth!” Jason hanged his head and nodded and the pressure stopped; he hanged his head down, letting a thread of drool fall down on the chair, defeated once more.

“Jhfhn?” Jason lifted his face and saw Rowan, lying on his side looking at him. Despite neither of them was able to speak, there was a silent understanding between the two bound captives, Jason found reassurance in Rowan, confirmation that it was okay to feel this way. Rowan finally was able to relax, knowing that Jason would forgive him for this, finally he felt his guilt drifting away.

Dom walked behind Jason and gently massages his shoulder. For a creep he knew what he was doing! Jason closed his eyes and let himself moan, feeling his body relaxing under Dom’s work “Relax Jock” Dom whispered in his ear, his hand making its way down his chest “because we are far from done…”

To be continued...
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Post by Phoenix »

Something tells me Jason won’t actually get to “enjoy” himself as much as Rowan did...

Really good story! I’m so eager to read more
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This chapter was so positively intense.

Loved the part where Jason and Rowan agreed on letting it go without words. And Dom calling them Jock and Twink is just gold.

Great work!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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