Disney Tourist Trap (F+/m+) - Chapter 3 Added!

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Disney Tourist Trap (F+/m+) - Chapter 3 Added!

Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

Drawn This Way

It's not everyday a flyer with a naked Jessica Rabbit is slid under your door. She was clearly in the middle of a stripper routine flirting with the viewer of said flyer. She was blowing a kiss with what could only be described as 'bedroom eyes'. At the bottom of the page was a small message written in cursive.

'Want to see this in the flesh? Jessica Rabbit herself will be performing for one night only at Beloved Abductress. See you then.'

Les Turner reread the flyer for the hundredth time as he stood under the streetlight. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to a seedy club in the middle of the night? To make matters worse the only reason he was here was because someone had slipped this flyer under his dorm room door. Had they known about his obsession with the character. About the stories he'd written? Had they chosen him specifically or was it a lucky accident? Did it really matter?

As a teenager he had seen the infamous cut of Who Framed Rodger Rabbit? that showed her vagina. That coupled with her all around sexy nature stirred something deep within him. Something he dared not share with the world, save for his anonymous postings online. Now here he was about to see a performer dressed as her doing strip tease. He was truly pathetic.

He entered the converted warehouse to find he was the only one there. Tables were set up for a show, but they all stood empty. Save for the one directly before the stage. It was adorned by a single rose in a vase, a cocktail of some kind and a place setting. It read 'Les Turner' in fancy cursive script. Apparently, that answered the chose question. This was getting strange. The spotlight on the stage came on, as did Jessica's song from the film. He was about to turn and leave when a shapely leg protruded from the curtain. He sat down and watched, practically drooling.

The leg was long, smooth and thicc as fuck. A little red heel graced her foot. His dick sprang to attention. The wide womanly hip it was attached to soon joined it, along with the rest of her amazing physique. A thin taught waist, not as thin as the cartoon but that wasn't healthy on a real woman so that was ok, supported the largest chest he had ever seen on a real woman. It was almost certain they passed far beyond the DD range. Her dress was a red ringer for the red sparkly number from the movie. They matched perfectly with the elbow length gloves on her long, sensuous arms. Her face was gorgeous.

Flawless skin shined with an inner confidence she deserved and then some. Large expressive eyes shined with a mischievous hidden inner knowledge. Her red hair was long and silky, perfectly coiffed over her eye. Had he not known any better he would have sworn the character had stepped from her screen and into his world. He sipped his drink as he watched. She stepped off the stage and sat on the edge of his table as the song ended.

"Hello, Les."

"How ... how ...?"

"Do I know your name?"

He nodded dumbly.

"I've found your writings online."

His fan fics? Oh god, this was embarrassing.

"I found them very exciting. I've read them and re-read them. That's not enough anymore. I need more. I need to live it. So, I tracked you down. I had to bring your very first story to life."

It came back to him now. The flyer, the empty club, this was all from "Jessica Rabbit's Private Show" which he had posted online under a pseudonym. This was the point in the story where Jessica and his self-insert character ...

"Bring how much of it to life?"

She smiled wickedly and kicked off her heels. She rubbed her toes over his crotch. He shuddered from the pleasurable experience. Too pleasurable. It felt too intense. Had she spiked his drink? That would explain why it was getting harder and harder to think right about then. She bent over and undid his fly.

"Why ...?"

"Drug you? I need your mind more pliable. The sex will do that too, of course, but it won't lead to true mind control. I've got to test out my new concoction before I sell it on the black market."

She forced down his pants. He watched helplessly as his dick sprang to attention for her. She spread her legs to reveal she was film accurate as well. She slid off the table and onto him.

Breaking Les took no time at all. She knew from her research how strong his addiction to Jessica Rabbit was. Using this guise made it even easier for him to give in. Now he sat in his seat, dumb smile on his face, ready to be taken back to her home. True, she didn't need to keep him for her research, but an attractive boy was totally under her power. Why the fuck would she give that up?


She turned to look as Anne entered the club from the front door.

"He was perfect, thank you."

"No, thank you for shopping with Tourist Trap."
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Post by Mike »

Love this! Will you post more?
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

Chapter I
Change Your Fate

The arrow struck the board inches from his head. That frightened him far less than the one that landed just inches from his exposed dick. She shuffled in the leather straps holding him in place in the center of the knife board.

“Stop squirming.”

Liam Stevens just glared at the woman.

“Easy for you to say.”

“Yes, this is far safer than if the roles were reversed.”

“How so?”

“I don’t miss.”

The naked woman smirked at his indignant look. Her curly red hair graced creamy white shoulders framing a beautiful freckled face.

“Don’t be such a baby. After all, this was your bet …”

“This is soooo boring,” Liam complained.

Three months would pass before he would find himself on that board. This night however he was on the couch with his girlfriend Carrie. The blonde pixie had her knees curled up under her, covered by his old shirt. “Sh,” she hissed at him.

She turned her rapt attention back to Fantasia.

“They’re not even talking,” he whined again.

“It’s culture, you could stand to get a little.”

“It’s torture. I guess it’s just lucky for you I’m willing to withstand it.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Smiling he handed her a piece of paper.

Congratulations on your purchase of two (2) tickets for a round trip with the Disney Tourist Trap guided tour vacation service. We will be departing from Glosgow, Scottland on October 17th. Please print out a copy of this recept to keep in your records. These tickets are non-refundable.

“Oh thank you! Thank you!”

She hugged him and kissed him all over his face. She ran off to tell her mother. Time for something a little more manly than Disney, Liam thought, ESPN.

“Mr. Stevens I feel I should be honest with you.”

“That’s not what I pay you for Carlsbad.”

“There is virtually no chance of you qualifying for the Olympics.”

“That is a filthy lie.”

The two men stood across from each other on the tennis court, sweaty and out of breath. They had just finished their third game of the day.

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re very skilled. I just don’t think it fair to overstate that skill just for a bigger paycheck. You would probably do well but you would not qualify for the American team. Telling you otherwise would be a disservice.”

“You’re fired.”

“I figured as much.”

“Oh quit your pouting.”

Liam glared at his friend. Sherman A. Arthur sat in his wing-backed chair smirking. The two sat in the drawing room of the old country club gently sipping bourbon. Being only in their early thirties the two men stood out like sore thumbs. No one else in their generation came to places like this. They all went out clubbing or to over priced restaurants. Not them, they were rebels, boring, boring rebels. “You need to learn to accept your limits,” Sherman told him.

“For the amount of money I pay there should be no limits.”

“We all need limits. I put them on myself too. It’s how I keep from getting too emotionally invested in the companies I invest in, from spending more money than I can ever make back.”


He came home one night just a month before the trip to an eerily quiet house.


She was nowhere to be seen. All her stuff was gone. A note lay on the bed. He began to read.

“Dear Liam, I’m so sorry …”

All of this led him to the strange place he was. No, not the board. That was still to come. It turned out non-refundable meant non-refundable. He was going on this stupid trip with or without Carrie. He would get his money’s worth however. Sherman was coming with him. The two men now stood in line outside the pub where their journey would begin. Even here they stood out. Sherman’s round face and big expressive eyes couples with the exaggerated curl of brown hair that reached down to his eye and fine suit made him look like the businessman he was. Liam’s hair was trimmed short but a mess. His eyes were bloodshot and face unshaved. His suit was rumpled. He looked like a drunk, not the man he once was.

In front of them a man their age was waiting with a little girl dressed like the girl from Frozen.

“Are we going to meet Elsa?” she asked excitedly.

“No, Sweetie, that’s tomorrow. Today we’re meeting Merida.”

An overgrown Catholic schoolboy shifted nervously from foot to foot in front of them. A nerdy college kid refused to make eye contact with anyone in front of him. The boy ahead of him was happily talking to some bookworm dressed like Nic Cage from National Treasure. A brother sister pair of college freshmen were squabbling at the head of the line.

A curvy woman in a tour guide outfit came out of the pub. She wore a big smile that did not extend to her eyes. Her eyes were those of a predator seeking out her prey.

“Welcome! Welcome everyone! We’ll be letting everyone in for our character breakfast shortly. Please enter single file and remember to have fun.”

Liam was not having fun. He sat at the table next to Sherman, pouting. He kept pounding back beers not listening to anything anyone was saying.

“Take it easy,” a woman said behind him.

Her Scottish accent was very sexy. “What’s the point?”

She grabbed him and roughly turned him to face her. She was clearly the actress the company hired to play the girl from that Brave movie. Still she was beautiful. Long curly red hair framed a lovely but intense face with piercing green eyes that matched her emerald dress. She had an impressive ornate bow slung over her shoulder.

“Can you even fire that thing?” he scoffed.

“Can you?”

For the first time in over a month he felt something other than sorrow or anger. He felt righteous indignation. “Better than you.”

“Alright then. Prove it.”


“No, ding dong, when we hit the range after breakfast.”

“You’re on.”

The rest of breakfast for him was spent downing coffee.

About an hour later they were outside the city at an archery range that could have easily been centuries old. Classic circular targets were set up for some basic target practise. The tour guide stood before them next to ‘Merida’.

“Before Merida teaches our newbies how to fire a bow and arrow we’re getting a special treat. She’s going to compete in an archery competition right out of Robin Hood. Her opponent will be your own Liam Stevens.”

Liam stepped forward to accept the bow and arrows the range provided.

“Ready?” ‘Merida’ teased.


She pulled back and let go of the bow string. Her arrow took flight. With amazing aim it struck dead center on the target. She gave him a cute little smirk. Oh, it was on. The two unleashed a barrage of arrows. The poor targets looked like the victims of a medieval siege. Despite himself Liam found the whole experience … fun.

“Angel your thumb outward.”

“What?” she asked.

“It’ll help with your grip.”

He had no idea why he told her that. It’s not like he wanted her to beat him. He really just hated seeing someone so talented do it so wrong. “Thanks for the tip.”

Over an hour later they will still dead even.

“Alright,” the tour guide shouted, “I think that’s enough. It’s time to let the others play.”

The two sat down on a bench and began guzzling water.

“You are very good,” he told her.

“Not good enough.”

“How so?”

“I’m going to be an Olympian. I just can’t afford the gear and training right now. It’s the only thing keeping me from qualifying.”

He knew that feeling. That give him an idea. “We never did finish this little contest.”

“You want a rematch?”

“First to miss a shot loses. For each shot made the loser has to pay the winner a dollar.”


As soon as the others left they took their positions. The two raised their bows and began to fire. As the sun set hours later neither had won. “Maybe we should up the stakes,” she suggested.

“Oh yeah? What do you have in mind?”

“Challenge of endurance. Winner takes all.”

“Go on.”

“We flip a coin. Whoever calls it choose the challenge. If the other cries uncle they lose.”

“You’re on. I call heads.”

She flipped her coin. Tails.

“Come with me.”

That’s how he ended up where he was: strapped to that board. They were out behind her house in a fenced in backyard. He had no idea why she felt the need to be naked too. He wasn’t complaining though. The arrow that close to his dick was too much. Not even he was that competitive.



“Now untie me and I’ll get you your money.”

“Oh that won’t be enough.”

“What do you mean?”

“The bet was winner take all. I won so I get it all. Everything you own.”

“What?! That’s not how this works!”

“I need the money for supplies and training. You’re going to foot all my bills.”

“Why the fuck would I do that?”

“Until you agree to do so I’m going to keep you tied to that board locked away in my garage.”

Oh shit.

“Oh don’t give me that look. I won’t leave you high and dry. I read all about you. You would make one hell of a coach.”

“Thank … you?” he said uncertainly.

“Agree to be my coach and I’ll let you keep living the life you’ve become accustomed to. Hell it will be even better.”

“How so?”

She ran her hand over his bare chest.

“I’m one fucking good lover.”

“This is insane.”

She began dragging the board into the garage.

“Probably, but after a few days of some very sensual persuasion you’ll be just as crazy as me.”
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

Chapter II
"Let It Go"

As his young daughter climbed into bed with them Noah Moore was gratful she only made it under the first layer of thick blankets. He would have hated to explain why Daddy and Elsa were naked. Though that would have been far easier to explain than why Daddy was tied up.

“Happy birthday to you.” everyone sang.

Five year-old Mary beamed up at her father as he struggled to carry her birthday cake to the picnic table. It was a heavy sucker sculpted to look like the ice palace that went along with the sparkly blue dress his daughter wore at all times. “I love it!” she squealed.

Huffing and puffing he sat the monster down and lit the candles. She quickly blew them out.

“What did you wish for?” he asked her.

“To meet Elsa.”

“Again! Again!”

“Anything for the birthday girl.”

Astrid raised her hands above her head. Snow fired up from them. The kids cheered. None knew she was just standing in front of a snow machine. Ah, the magic of youth. “Come on kids,” one of the mothers called, “time for Elsa to go back to Arendale.”

The kids all moaned.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be around if you need me. After all the Queen always watches out for her people.”

The party closed down and everyone headed home. Astrid began packing up her stuff. One of the mothers approached her.

“You are so good with these kids. Yours must love you.”

Astrid sighed sadly.

“Haven’t been that lucky.”

“I get the feeling you will someday.”

“Yeah, someday.”

“Well then I have a surprise for you,” Noah told Mary.

“What is it?” she asked excitedly.

“We’re going a trip.”


“Well first we’ll fly to Scottland where we’ll meet Merida.”


“Then we’ll fly to Norway to take a train all over the place. We’ll meet Belle, Jasmine, Mulan …”


“Before we get on the train.”

“Oh thank you Daddy! Thank you, thank you! I love you so much.”

Astrid stretched out on her bed, exhausted. Her phone rang. groaning she reached over and grabbed it.


“Astrid Hansen?”


“This is Anne Chanticleer with Disney Tourist Trap. We want to hire you to play our Elsa.”

“I’m pretty busy right now, lots of bookings.”

“We’ll make it worth your while.”

“How much we talking?”

“No money. We can give you what you want most.”

“What the hell are you going on about?”

“We’re going to give you a family.”

Noah and Mary arrived at the pub. Look at all these people. Two young WASPs stood in the back. One was in a chipper mood talking to anyone he saw. The other looked hung over and pissed. A college student dressed as a Catholic school boy for some reason looked about to faint. Another other college boy, albeit more normally dressed, also looked extremely uncomfortable. The third looked so excited he might burst. A young scholar was reading a thick book in a foreign language as he waited. The only man his age looked like he was just happy to be there.

Anne, the tour guide, stepped out of the pub. His eyes were immediately drawn to her pronounced breasts. Hey he was a single father not a celibate monk. It had been far too long now and it was starting to show. He took a deep breath as she continued talking. He thought about old men’s knees, moldy Bologna, anything he could to kill his erection. Heading inside they sat down for breakfast. A nice meal it was, served by Merida from Brave to boot. Mary loved it.

After breakfast they were taken to the arrow range. Merida got into a shooting competition with the hung over guy so they were on their own. Noah watched as Mary practised with a toy bow and dart arrows. The sight made him very happy. Not as happy as she was on the flight from Scottland to Norway.

“Are we meeting Elsa now?”

“A few more days, Sweetie.”

“Why can’t we do it now?”

“Cause she and Olaf are sleeping. Like you should be.”

Those few days did pass and soon they were flying to Norway. Noah looked around the cabin. They seemed to be missing someone.

Astrid watched as they checked into the hotel. She sat in the lobby pretending to read a newspaper. Even with their first client satisfied Disney Tourist Trap still had a large party. How was she supposed to know who … there they were. The little girl was the cutest she had ever seen. Her father was a handsome fellow. There was no one else it could be. This was going to be her new family.

The first stop of the day was to be a breakfast buffet at a local Kafe as they called it in Norway. Mary was piling food onto her tray running ahead. Noah struggled to keep up. Getting to the drinks she had trouble deciding.

“I’d take the milk,” a woman said behind her, “they say it’s too cold but you know, the cold never bothered me anyway.”

The squeal from his daughter almost shattered glass.


“Hello there. What’s your name, sweetie?”


“Well Mary, how would you and your daddy like to sit with me?”

The glass was threatened yet again. They took their seats and Noah beamed as his little girl talk Elsa’s ear off. A rather guilty feeling began eating away at him. As he watched he focused on the woman’s face. She really was very beautiful. His eyes began to wander downward. He took in the shine of her dress. Well that and the curves it so snuggly held. Eventually they had to drag Mary away to perform crafts with the other children.

“You’d better be careful.”


He turned to look at ‘Elsa’ who was smiling knowingly.

“She’s too young to know it’s checking me out but she’s gonna notice you looking at Elsa so much.”

His face burned with shame as he looked down at his plate.

“I’m so sorry,” he muttered.

“Hey, hey.”

She brushed his leg with her own.

“Did I say I didn’t like it?”

The burning was so much worse now.

After breakfast everyone went outside for a sleigh ride. There didn’t seem to be enough room though. ‘Elsa’ had a remedy for that. She turned to Mary as they waited in line.

“Want to sit in my lap?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

She snuggled in next to Noah as Mary plopped down, beaming like a lottery winner. ‘Elsa’ made sure she was pressed as close to Noah as possible. As they rode he struggled to figure out what to do with his hands. No matter what he did with them the small confines of the sleigh made sure one of them was touching her. Seeing this she took his hand and laid it on her leg. She gave him a knowing smile. He blushed hard and looked at Mary instead.

He felt ‘Elsa’ slide his hand down her leg a little. She let it linger on her bare skin. God, he loved the way it felt. She maneuvered the hand closer to the area between her legs. His breath became ragged. She stopped with a teasing gleam to her eye and returned his hand to its starting position.

The sleigh ride came to and end at one of Norway’s famous Fjords. Everyone piled out for a short hike. Thanks to Mary’s begging, as far as she knew, ‘Elsa’ walked with them. She really should have changed shoes though. The terrain was rockier than she had apparently been expecting. She stumbled once or twice. The third time Noah reached out and took her hand to steady her. She gave it a grateful squeeze and held on as they walked. The hike came to an end at their new hotel which overlooked a series of hot springs. As everyone played in the water ‘Elsa’, now in a blue one piece, rubbed her feet in the warm water.

“Not a hiker I take it,” Noah said.

“That obvious?”

“Just a little.”

“My feet are killing me.”

“Maybe you need a foot rub.”

“You offering?”

He blushed hard and looked down.


Smiling she handed him one of her feet under the water. He began to rub. Bolts of pleasure shot through her body.

“You’re very good at this.”

“I’ve had experience.”

She leaned in close and whispered into his ear.

“Tell me more.”

Noah looked down at the sleeping Mary. He was glad she was having such a good time on this trip. There was a knock on the door. He was pleasantly surprised to see ‘Elsa’ on the other side.

“Good evening, ‘Elsa’.”

“Astrid, please.”

“Astrid, I like that.”

“I’m glad. I’m taking a shower. Care to join me.”

“I can’t leave Mary alone.”

“We’ll do it here.”

“We’ll wake her.”

“Got that covered.”

That’s how he ended up climbing into the shower with nothing on but a ball gag. Lust and instinct took over. He pinned Astrid to the shower wall. She wrapped her legs around him and rode him as he thrust away. Once safely in the after sex glow they removed the gags and began to kiss.

“So,” she asked, “got any plans tomorrow?”

The next day would be there last in Norway. As with the other countries their stay would end with a self-guided tour of the local city. Astrid offered to be their guide. They saw museums, rode on a recreation of a viking ship, went fishing. They did it all.

“There is something else very special I could show you,” Astrid offered.

“What’s that?” Mary almost shouted.

“My house.”

Indeed she lived in a cabin over looking a small lake.

“Very nice,” Noah marveled.

She gave an ‘it’s alright’ shrug. After a lovely dinner and a show of the northern lights outside the window Mary dozed off on the couch.

“You know,” Astrid teased, “you took the gag well last night.”

“I have my … kinks,” Noah blushed.

“Let’s unpack that shall we. I’ve got ropes up in my bedroom.”

“I might be falling in love with you.”

“Then I’d better keep going.”

The next morning the two boarded their car on the train. It had been a very pleasurable night for the two adults. Mary, waking alone, joined them. She never knew what was going on and never would. Both the Moores were sad to say goodbye to her as their tour continued. There was a knock on the cabin door.

“Room for one more?”

“Elsa!” Mary shouted.

“What brings you here?” Noah asked, blushing.

“I’ve been given permission to be your personal guide for the rest of the trip.”

“Oh really?”

“I told you, I’m going to keep going. I think the three of us are going to get very close on this trip.”

“Well then, welcome aboard.”

The smile and twinkle of lust in his eye told her she was getting her family before this trip was through.
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

Chapter III
"I See the Light"

Harry lay on the bench nude, ass up in the air. He watched her legs as she walked around him. He braced himself. He prepared his ass for the paddling to come.

He whimpered as he watched her boots walk across the floor. His eyes stayed glued to them as they approached her prisoner. He moaned in pleasure as she paddled the man's bare ass. He stroked himself as she denigrated the man.

"Hey! Harry!"

Harry M Cohan slammed his laptop shut and quickly fixed his pants before his roommate entered the small dorm room.

"What's up?" he asked, trying and failing to sound cool.

"We're all heading out to a party at Beta, why don't you join us?"

"I don't think so. That's really not my scene."

"Harry, this room can't be your scene. You need to get out there. Meet people."

"I... I just don't think the kind of people I want to meet go to a school like this."

"Suit yourself."

He turned and left the room. Why did he always do this to himself? This was wrong. These feelings were wrong and he knew it. So why did he always let himself indulge in them? He needed to purge them from his system. That was it! He would go to a dominatrix and feel it for himself! Once he knew he could move on.

No, not a dominatrix. The dominatrix. The one from his video. The one from his dreams. Mia Muller. The problem was she lived in Frankfurt, Germany. It would draw too much attention from the people in his life just to go there for no reason. He had to have a cover. So he began searching the web for answers. Soon enough he found one. Disney Tourist Trap.

They began in Scottland where they learned archery from Merida. It was fun except for that pouty jackass. Harry was glad he stayed behind. Norway was interesting but Elsa was more interested in this guy and his kid. He tried to be patient but it was a struggle. When we boarded the train for Germany he was sweating, trying not to get sick. His rolling stomach only got worse once they were in the country. Reaching Frankfurt added a cold sweat. He had to do this. He had to.

As they disembarked the tour was greeted by their guide. She was dressed as Rapunzel from the beginning of Tangled. She was a striking woman, familiar in a way Harry could not quite place.

"Welcome," she said in lyrical German-accented English, "I'm so glad to show you all my wonderful country. We will begin with a brief walking tour of the city."

Harry didn't retain much from that day. He wasn't listening. All he could think about was Mia Muller. Well that and watching Rapunzel's barefeet. The way she held herself... so sexy. Each step felt like it was trying to knock something loose in his mind.

As night fell everyone was instructed to head out and explore the city. Harry immediately whipped out his phone and found the nearest fetish club.

"Mia Muller?" he asked anyone who would listen.

Not a lot of people did. Probably didn't help that as the night went on he was drunk and shouting like a tourist. He stumbled his way to three more clubs before crawling back to the hotel.

The next day was a castle tour. Harry was too deflated and hungover to care. He just followed. Well, followed and watched Rapunzel's feet. Why were they so enticing? What was so familiar about her stride? His eyes went wide as the realization hit him. The rest of the tour was spent trying to hide his massive hard-on.

Arriving back at the hotel he held back until he and Rapunzel were alone.

"Are you Mia Muller?" he whispered.

"I am," she whispered back.

"Please punish me, Mistress Muller."


Down winding streets and dark alleys, they walked. Harry watched her bare feet with each powerful step. Muller stopped at an old, nondescript house. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. He followed. She locked the door behind him and walked down the hallway. Like a good little sub, he followed. At the end of the hall was a heavy wooden door. She pulled out an antique-looking key from a pouch hanging around her waist. With a loud click, she unlocked the door and pressed it open to reveal an old wooden staircase.

As she descended he followed. Reaching the bottom Harry gasped. He was here. He was in Mia Muller's dungeon.


Not missing a beat he did just that. She pointed to her bench.


He almost jumped on it. She grabbed the shackles on the floor and secured his limbs. She walked around him, foam frying pan in hand. It came as a prop for her role as Rupenzel but was thick and solid as a wooden paddle.

"Ready to begin?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Mistress Muller."



He was soon lost in the hours of pleasurable pain.

"Time for bed" she eventually announced.

"Shouldn't we be headed back to the hotel? Or the train?"

"The train left three hours ago."

"How long have we been down here?"

"Long enough. Rest. Your submission begins when I wake."

She walked upstairs. Harry heard her close the door and lock it.
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