My Best friends Birthday Present M/F

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My Best friends Birthday Present M/F

Post by WyattW5 »

Sorry for the length of this one, I had an idea rolling around upstairs and I needed to get it out, must've tried six times. I apologize if this is a little more 'mature' but I hope you like it. the real TUG doesn't start until later in the story. may do a sequel or continuation if some like it.

Richards POV

For starters, I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Richard Mueller. I am a Mechanic for a small-town garage. My best friend in the whole wide world is Samantha Granger. Blond hair pale blue eyes heavy chest and medium height. We have been friends since we were both in public school.

The proudest day I can think in my mind was when I had the honor to walk her down the aisle and give her to her husband Jack. He was a lean man with short black hair and warm brown eyes. Sadly a car accident had taken the use of his legs and lower extremities. But none the less I was happy for both of them.

Five years pass things change their love only increases. But one particular day on the day of their anniversary they invite me to join them for dinner. We had sat down at the dinner table and Samantha gave each of us a glass of wine.

They expressed their marriage was fantastic and they thanked me for making the introductions. Being Jack was a mechanic at the same shop I worked in. As Samantha was doing the dishes Jack kindly asked me to go to the back deck and share a beer.

“So how is it going?”

“It is going Richard, it’s going well...”

“But?” I prod with a smile on my face until I see the tears in his eye rubbing his nose

“I love her so much man”

“Don’t tell me your already sauced” Jack looks up to me recognizing the genuine pain he is in.

“What is the problem?”

Jack began to describe the issue with him being a paraplegic. Sam was missing the intimacy of lovemaking. While I fought to blush I listened as Jack explains he and Sam had tried several means. From watching and reading adult fiction. To cuddling while she used a personal toy. It was not the same.

“I want to give her that intimacy again but... how can I?”

“I don’t know what to tell you Jack, hell I’d love to help you but I am at a complete loss” at the word help I noted Jacks expression brighten as he snapped his fingers

“say yeah you help”

“Jack hold on” Jack looks to me smiling he turns his chair to face me waving his arms in this drastic fashion I could see he was indeed a little tipsy. Before I could intervene Samantha comes out to the porch holding a glass of wine.

“Hello, boys mind if a girl joins in” she smiles sitting on a patio chair across from Jack and beside me. The evening remained quiet and slightly awkward between Jack and I. Thank god Sam was a good little chatterbox.

(A month later)

Samantha’s birthday was coming in early May. I was at work on my lunch break when an unexpected visitor came into the shop wheelchair and all. Jack smiling at me.

“Hey big guy”

“Richard glad to see you”

I look out to his van looking down on him “van needs fixing?”

“No no this is a personal call my friend” we hadn’t spoken since his last drunken outburst not out of spite or awkwardness simple inconvenience. Jack scoots the chair up to my side.

“So, Samantha’s birthday is coming in a week or two and I want to get her something special”

“I know I brought this up when I was a little sauced but, I think it would mean a great deal to us if you would” shaking my head I rub my eyes before turning to Jack and look down on him.

“I’ll pay you if money is the issue I”

“The money isn’t the issue, your asking me to have sex with your wife my best friend?”

“She doesn’t need to know it’s you, if you will just listen to me I have an idea she doesn’t need to know it's you” I look to him and listened as he laid out the whole plan. I began to wonder how much thought had he put into this, it struck me as he was anxious for this. Listening to his plan and reasoning I look to Jack whose expression went from happy to ecstatic before he had finished.

“But you would want to be in the room to watch and I don’t know if you’ve noticed some have trouble with audiences”

“In truth Richard, I want to be nowhere near when you go at it, but I do want her to feel those pleasures again, just cause I can’t make her happy doesn’t mean I don’t want her to be happy” I look to Jacks soft gaze melting my resolve like butter.

“All right all right I will do it” Jack smiles pumping his fist

“awesome ah I love you, man I really do I can’t” I wave my hand to stop his tirade. He left with a bright warm smile on his face and I went home with a sickening feeling in my stomach.

I couldn’t believe I was actually thinking of doing it. Samantha was my best friend through the years we had both been through our share of lovers and lemans. But never had he ever thought of asking her for an intimate relationship. Past friends that is.

(Next Week)

Jack called me on the Saturday before her birthday telling me the plan. Reminding me of the plan on Tuesday. He and Samantha were going out to dinner that is when I would slip into their house. And set some things up.

Wednesday night. I get a text from Jack they are leaving now, should be back in an hour and a half. Supplies are in a black bag in closet and refreshments ‘if needed’ in a certain section of the fridge’.

I jump in my truck and drive over to their place my stomach was doing belly flops what if she didn’t like this... what if she began to scream. I close my eyes and try to calm myself no doubt Jack would tell her there would be some... Surprises tonight wouldn’t he? Shaking my head I get to the house parking my truck a block or two away.

Walking back up to the house I find the spare key below the floor mat. Unlocking the door I let myself in locking the door behind me I flicked on the entryway light. Finding the closet Jack referred to. I grab the bag and walk into the kitchen to see what refreshments Jack had procured.

Opening the door to find three tall Jack and Coke cans. I shake my head probably should be sober for this. I take the bag and walk up to their bedroom. I remember helping Samantha set this bed up years ago I always wondered why it had a ring on each bedpost. Chuckling to myself I pull out the supplies.

Four lengths of Nylon rope with a loop in each length. A black satin scarf a red satin scarf and a note. What is the red scarf for? Reading it I nod placing the black scarf on the bed with the note I set up the ropes so the loops are all on the bed. Holding the red scarf I sent Jack a quick text. What is the red scarf for?

I waited for about a half-hour before he sends me a reply. In case she is too loud. Now hurry up we are on our way! Taking a deep breath I remember what Jack told the idea was I hide in the closet until she arrives. Opening the walk-in closet I take a deep breath. They will be here any minute.

Samantha’s POV

Jack Drove home a warm smile on his face and a gleam in his eye I hadn’t seen in years. I sat in the passenger seat breathless over a wonderful dinner. Jack had managed to get reservations in my favorite sushi bar.

“Something I need to inform you, Sam I arranged your birthday present to arrive while we were out”

“Jack you didn’t need to get me a present dinner with my loving husband was all I need” he smiles when I placed my hands on his arm he turns to grin at me

“none the less I instructed the delivery man to put it in our bedroom so when we get home I want you to go straight to our bedroom” my eyes narrow how could he have organized this, what delivery company would drop something inside the house let alone in the upstairs.

Figuring it be unwise to ask unless I wanted a smart-ass based answer I left it at that. But I couldn’t keep still I was so excited curious as to what Jack had gotten me, his gifts were always thoughtful and filled with heart and love. My hands began to shake with anticipation.

“Can I get hint honey?” my voice comes out at a pitch just shy of a little girl asking her daddy for a present. In which case, my husband smiles “it is something you have been missing since my accident”

Cryptic...missing since your accident? I couldn’t think of it. We’ve been together for at least eight years and the accident happened in our second year. I let the question plague me the entire ride home before reaching the house to see nothing undisturbed.

“You go on in honey, I will catch up” Jack states crawling into his wheelchair I waited regardless to see him out of the van and wheel himself toward the door. I try to open the door to find it locked
“I am not sure your present arrived yet dear the door is locked” I lean down to use the spare key opening the door. Walking in I hold the door for Jack to wheel himself through looking around.

“Shall we get you on the stair elevator and?” I ask and Jack shakes his head “no-no go upstairs and enjoy your present I’ll be down here watching the game”

He says wheeling himself into the living room. I take off my heels and ascend the stairs walking very slowly I look around as if expecting a burglar or an ambush. Steeling myself to go into our bedroom finding a little white note next to a black scarf.

I Love you honey so much, so I have organized a little present for you to get it I need you to do the following. Change into the Teddy I left on the nightstand once changed put the blindfold on and call out.

Looking around the room I see nothing out of the ordinary save. My favorite teddy purple lace with v neck wire straps. Taking a deep breath I couldn’t help but wonder what my dear husband was planning.

Changing from my dress and stockings I put the teddy I felt loose and sleek. And sexy as I did whenever I wore this Teddy. I seldom wear it with Jack around because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings or taunt him with this. Looking in the mirror I liked the sight of myself in the teddy while it was a little snug. I relished the feeling of the soft lace against my skin.

Taking a deep breath I wrap the scarf around my eyes tying it loosely around my head. I steadily lower my hands this is when I realize what I am doing. Standing in Lingerie blindfold basically vulnerable to whoever decides to come into this room. Reaffirming myself Jack wanted this, this was Jack's present to me the least I could do was give it a chance whatever it was.

“Alright I am ready” I call out my hands begin to fidget together. I hear the door open slowly but steadily. Steady breathing taunting me as they grew closer.

“Jack what is” a hand touches my chin softly “no words” a low but soft voice whispers to me swallowing my nerves I feel his hand run up my arm to my shoulder the stranger's hand simply melted away the tension with a gentle rub of both shoulders felt heavenly.

I felt his breath against my neck making me tremble before I felt two soft lips touch the skin of my nape. Lifting his chin to kiss around my ear making me smile a sensation I had grown accustomed to when Jack would attempt to help me.

Feeling this man's arms against my elbows I felt a twinge of excitement as he guides me forward slowly kissing the other side of my neck. I move my head to try and kiss his lips drawing him back.

“Your lips are not for me for your husband alone”

“My husband?” feeling a hand brush her chin and cheek “you are his wife, the love of his life I am merely a tool, to help you” the man commences to kiss on my shoulders his hands rubbing around the front of my teddy feeling my belly below the fabric. He leans into my ear “I need you to tell me what you want, what you like in lovemaking?” my mouth was dry this was blissfully too much. Feeling strong arms and gentle touches around me were making me melt in his arms.

“Tell me what you want Samantha?”

“I like the feel-feeling of your hands, please proceed” I inch my chest forward silently asking him to touch and feel my left bosom, his hand caressing the fabric above my chest. His other hand began to rub and caress the other breast making me emit a little grown of pleasure feeling his hand cupping my chest entirely.

“I am going to take you to the bed understand” his soft whisper breezes through my hair into my ear and I nod and slowly the man brings me to the bed sitting me down softly on the mattresses soft covers.

“What do I have to do?” I ask trying to look up to the stranger and he whispers
“do as I say” I nod looking down as his hand brushed my cheek again sending warm tingling feelings across my face. I was liking this.

“Lay back and let me move you without fuss” I nod laying back holding my hands above my head. I feel his arms strong but gently hoist me off the bed and gently setting my head on the pillow as if I was a child.

“Do not move your hands, and do not touch your blindfold try and I’ll have to restrain them” I nod looking clenching my fists together as he begins to kiss the bare skin between my collar bone teasing kisses begging me to kiss him back so I did all I could and moan softly.

“Spread your legs for me” I heard him whisper his fingers were edging the lips of my sex. Making me shriek a little I had not felt anything down there in a long while.

“Would you like me to proceed?” the question caught me off guard leaning my head forward looking up to blackness imagining this man's face inches from mine.

“Please but gently it’s been a long” pressing a finger to my lips he stopped my whimper “I know Seven years”

“How did you” a finger is pressed to my lips again silencing me. I can feel his fingers withdrawing from my space before he raises the finger to my lips kissing the tips I begin to suck on them smiling at the taste.

Feeling his right hand cupping my breast while his mouth began to kiss the other I swear my hips lurched at the feeling. Whoever this person is... is driving me crazy I have to see him I have to know what he looks like. I begin to reach for my blindfold when I feel my left hand clasped by his right hand my entire body pinned below his heavy body.

“I told you not to remove the blindfold”

“Uhphf whphf tophf sphephf yuphf!” I try to speak through the man's hand but to no avail, he lifts my hand and laces it through a loop on the bed. Binding my wrist to the bedpost I smile as he does the same with the other wrist.

“Oh please, I just want to see you please” I beg and whimper shaking my head vigorously trying to shake the blindfold off. Getting the cloth drops almost down to my nose when two large hands cup my face.

“You don’t need to... just know he is someone who cares deeply for you and your husband” his husky voice whispers inches from my face I feel his warm breath brushing my cheek a heavy sigh followed only by a kiss to my forehead.

“Now... tell me, would you like me to proceed?”

“Yes please, I am sorry Jack... please continue” I squeal as he commences to adjust my teddies bottom. Feeling him go down I feel his mouth contact my legs kicked trying not to kick him I found the task harder than expected. But he continued without qualm holding my left ankle. Stroking my right thigh reveling in the treatment I can’t help but smile as he proceeds.

Breaking it off as I am mere inches from my release I nearly scream as I hear him walk away.

“What are you doing... please come back I am so close....” I beg to try to get his attention.
“Hey come back please I am nearly” fighting the bonds I struggle into my bonds fighting hard I was about to scream when something soft was pushed between my teeth.

“Relax, I was coming back I was just making sure I wore protection” my eyebrows rose over the blindfold. I could feel him get situated above me taking the scarf out from my teeth again.

“Are you comfortable?”

“Yes please proceed” hearing him grunt his voice starting to get a little louder as I feel his manhood insert gently between my folds.

“Oh my god” I mutter before I feel the scarf set between my teeth again. The stranger began to thrust slowly at first as if he was setting a path. As his thrusts grew more powerful I felt my hips finding the rhythm.

I could hear him gasp and groan in his exertion. I couldn’t help but think of Jack what was he doing downstairs, why did he do this...would he let me do this again.
This last question plagued my mind before I pulled on my bonds for what felt like an earth-shattering moment. Years of pressure and torment built up released in a matter of seconds and I found myself drifting off. I did not care that the stranger was now collapsed on top of me. I wanted to touch him kiss him something.

Richards POV.

Two emotions came boiling up as I lay on Samantha’s ignorant form. Great joy for bringing her this pleasure and releasing some of my own... but great sadness followed suit. I was indulging in something that did not belong to me. Clenching my fist I begin to stand up when Samantha spits out the cloth.

“Hey... can’t I see you before you leave me?” taking deep breathes I sit on the edge of the bed and rub my hand over a lock of her hair feeling her hum at my touch.
“No... not until... well not right now”
“can I at least give you a kiss?” I lean down and kiss her forehead once again taking a whiff of her gorgeous blond hair.
“I will untie you before I leave but you must promise to leave the blindfold on” Samantha let out an exasperated sigh “okay I promise but I have one question?” I stood deadly still as I began to dress.
“Can I see you again?” I look down on her thinking would it be a good idea to reveal who I am could we do it all again but I did the only thing I could conceive.

“You will have to ask your husband, he is a good and kind man... treat him well and maybe he will contact me again” I lean over and loosen the bonds to her wrists dressing my shirt on I hear her begin to snore softly. She was adorable in her sleep just as she had been when we had sleepovers as kids. I sat on the bed once again looking to her covered eyes wishing I could see them I close into a whisper “Happy birthday Sammy” kissing her forehead I stand up and walk out Smiling to myself my how we’ve both grown. Looking down I walk down the stairs my shirt half-buttoned up I see Jack sitting in the living room.

“How did it go?” Jack asks looking to me with concern on his face. I could only look up the stairs “I think she enjoyed herself” I say in a whisper I look to Jack who grumbles before shrugging

“I am sorry Jack. I truly am” he waved his hand “no use in complaining about it, suppose I should thank you... I hope this will help her” I nod looking down

“well I do not want to be an uninvited guest Uhm, I untied her and she has the blindfold on yet but that is it... do you need or want anything?” he waves his hand leaning back on his chair as best he could “I am fine good night Rich”

“Goodnight Jack” Walking out of the house I walk down the block to my truck looking back on the house. A helluva thing being your best friend's Birthday Present.
Barden Fayle
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Post by Barden Fayle »

Hi. Great story. Loved it all.
Is there going to be a follow-up?
Does Jack get to have her again?

Love to hear more
Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

Barden Fayle wrote: 4 years ago Hi. Great story. Loved it all.
Is there going to be a follow-up?
Does Jack get to have her again?

Love to hear more
I did not know there was much appeal to this story I will see about a sequel.
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Post by tieduptee »

Barden Fayle wrote: 4 years ago Hi. Great story. Loved it all.
Is there going to be a follow-up?
Does Jack get to have her again?

Love to hear more
I agree! Is it going to be like once a week sort of thing? hahaha!

Keep up the good work my friend :)
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by WyattW5 »

Chapter 2

Samantha had been the happiest woman alive. Over the months that pass. Waking every weekend morning she would make Jack a grand breakfast feast between his favorite Sam=style western omelets to chocolate and blueberry pancakes.

In truth, she felt like a new woman. The sunny month of May Samantha decided to have a Sunday dinner. Having over most of their friends. This party was set to be a relatively small one.

Richard was requested, no instructed to bring someone. However, the man had only come by with a case of beer and the steaks for the barbecue. Being the second to arrive. Richard and Jack spent most of the day together at the barbecue, seemed tense around each other.

Thankfully Samantha was too busy flaunting with the other guests who were having a good time.

“So how have things been?” Richard asks flipping a steak over the flaming grill. Jack looks up to his friend holding a beer and smiles.

“You know I think it worked, look at her” Richard sipped his beer then turns to visually scan her. She had a tremendous glow about her. Her skin seemed wonderful and soft. Her hair flows with gentle grace echoing every smile. Even her blue eyes had a certain sparkle to them.

“Glad I could help” Richard whispers flipping rolling a foil baked potatoes on the top rack. Remembering the nice occasion he had the last time he was here. Scratching his chin and upper lip where the makings of a mustache grew.

“She never guessed anyway, though I think she told her friends about the occasion her little sister asked me for the man's number” Richard bit his lip to suppress a smile.

“So have you anyone in the romance department?”

“No... no” Richards reply came with a depressing sigh. Sipping his beer he checks the steaks again.

“Tater’s are ready”

as if he rang a dinner bell the small assemblage gathers in a line with their plates he deposits a baked potato and steak in each plate. Samantha was the second last to grab a plate walking over Richard places her steak and potato on gently.

“Thank you so much for helping” Richard nods as he continues his work. Forking a steak onto his plate and a baked potato. Samantha had taken upon the task of setting out the salad bowls. Jack had begun to wheel away from the table.

“Richard could you come with me for a second I forgot to grab something” Richard's eyes narrow walking around to follow Jack’s wheelchair. They go into the garage where Jack calls out.

“Close the door Richard” doing so gently Richard turns to his friend who looks up shaking his head.

“You wanna tell her do you?”

“Yes, think she has the right to know” Jack nods looking up to him

“Okay, but we will tell her after dinner when everyone leaves, but I have one favor to ask” Richard leans backscratching his chin. Waiting for his friend to speak.

“Would you be interested in, being I don’t know what the right word is like friends with benefits” fighting a snort Richard stands up “likely she’ll kick me out as soon as we tell her the truth” Jack nods scratching the back of his head.

“That had crossed my mind, but I don’t think she will you did not force her last time and from what I gather from her friends she had a good time” The heat began to rise to his cheeks.

“So what are we grabbing?” Jack nods and looks down “help me with this case of beer please set it on my lap and wheel me out there” Richard chuckles setting the case on his friend's lap.

“Beer anyone!” Jack shouts as they exit the garage passing the beer around. They all sat at the table and joined in friendly and calm. Richard and Jack both sat reserved and silent as the rest of the table was lively with laughter.

When dinner was finished Richard started the clean up from washing the dishes to set the condiments away. Samantha had the others put the deck supplies away while she helped Jack.

In a conjoined effort. They managed to get the deck and backyard back in order before all had left. Richard had taken the task of stacking the two cases of beer in the garage for Sam and Jack to do as they wished. Entering through the garage.

“Oh, Richard thank you so much for your help” Samantha approaches to wrap her arms around him when his hands touch her elbows.
“Sam, please sit down Jack and I have something we need to talk to you about” her eyes narrow and both sit down while Jack wheels into the room.

“What is going on?” Sam tries to calm the nerves in her face and Richard looks to Jack but the man seemed to stutter viciously.

“I hear you enjoyed your birthday this year” Sam nods looking to Jack then Richard before speaking gently.

“Yes Richard, Jack was very thoughtful and well” Richard rose a hand and nods looking to Jack who clears his throat speaking unsteadily.

“A week before your birthday I had asked Richard, to be your ugh” Sam’s blue eyes grew wide with surprise as she looks from Jack to Richard.

“You!” Richard nods trying to hold his reserve “I was not too keen on the idea at first Sam, just know that Jack had known you had been missing a certain element and thought”

“Richard was the only one I could trust, I figured you could trust him too” Sam’s face was a blend of horror and disbelief “you mean I...” she stuttered pointing from Jack to Richard.

“What if I don’t believe you?” Richard forced his mouth to form a few simple words.

“Your husband is a good kind man, treat him well and maybe he will contact me again” Samantha’s hand shot to her mouth to suppress the gasp. She stood up and walked to the other room. Richard felt weight collapse into his stomach. Gripping his stomach with an iron clamp.

Standing up Richard knew he ought to leave and let these two sorts out the issue. If Sam never spoke to him again. Richard could forgive her. Walking from the house Jack was about to speak but no words came to him.

Samantha trembled as the door closed with an inadvertent slam. Looking at her husband tears in his eyes. The sound of Richards truck start and roll out of the driveway.

“I knew you were not happy honey, I thought I tried to find a compromise” Samantha shakes her head rubbing a tear from her cheek.

“Richard was the one who wanted to tell you I had hoped to keep it a secret and maybe if you wanted to ask him for another favor” Jack admits running his hand over his face. Smothering his tears into his red cheeks.

“Its fine Jack I just... I just need to be alone for a while” Samantha walks from the room. Jack sat alone in the living room resting his elbow on the arm of the chair.

three months later.

Richard had been the last one to leave the shop again. He did not care he had to finish an oil change for one of the regular customers. Locking the man door Richard walks to his truck jumping in. He starts his truck.

Checking his phone for the first time since his lunch break a solid six and a half hours and his phone had at least eight unread text messages groaning over them he scans the first few.

Happy birthday Rich... happy birthday Richard... Happy birthday Richard... Have a great day Richard. And it went on and on. Even his cousins who he hasn’t seen in a year sent their regards. All just seem to add to the depressing nature of his life.

Pulling into his garage Richard ran a hand through his hair grabbing his lunchbox and gets out of the truck locking it. Richard opens the door to the house and walks in unlacing his workboots and setting them aside. Richard could smell some wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen walking steadily he opens the door his eyes open wide to see Pork ribs nicely glazed in barbecue sauce with a note besides.

“Enjoy Richard you need this, no name or anything hmm” Richard grabbed a beer from the fridge and set himself to the task of eating the pork rib. Whoever had made it certainly knew how he liked it.

Finishing the meal Richard set the dishes in the sink. And was washing his hands drying them he looks to the fridge to see a note he had not noticed before. Walking over he began to read.

Present upstairs get cleaned up.

Getting a change of clothes and a hot shower. Wearing only a towel as Richard ascends the stairs into the bedroom. He was almost oblivious to his bed before he quickly turns in shock.


On the bed, Samantha sits her legs tied to the foot posts with purple cotton rope. A purple basque set with black stockings running down her legs her hands were tied to the headboard of the bed.

“Happy birthday Richard” smiling she began to wiggle her shoulders which made her chest roll in a very seductive way.

“Why are you... where is Jack?”

“At home... he said this was okay” she nods as if trying to convince Richard he looks around. Seeing the pretty woman laying tied up in his bed she smiles a pair of come and get me eyes.

Letting the towel fall from his waist. Samanthas eyes grew to saucers as she visually examined her best friend. Ever since they first met she wondered what he looked like naturally. But she found herself biting her lips when she watches him climb on the bed running his hands over her. She let out a faint moan.

Richard began to give her pleasure. Her hands began to tighten around the headboard. Tensing with wonderful pressure building up inside. She had not been given such pleasure since her last encounter with Richard. Biting her bottom lip she curls her head back as Richard begins to get her a little warmer. She calls out.

“Please don’t stop Jack please don’t stop” Richard found himself stopping right in the middle of pleasuring her. Looking forward she calls out in a fury.

“Jack what are you doing... huh!” gasping her large eyes open wide realizing what she had been saying she began to stutter struggling to find words. Richard looks down on her midsection and her legs.

“I am sorry Richard... please” he looking down his hands gently began to move to her thighs. Unclipping the hose from her basque he began to pull the one side down. Samantha watches Richard with curiosity. As the man was able to pull the hose off both legs. Folding the one side up he holds it to her mouth.

Nodding submissively she takes the worn hose into her mouth leaving only an inch of black fabric between her lips. Before Richard spread the other one out and began to push it up to her lips once it was tied off Richard raised the top side up to her upper lip and drops the other half below her bottom lip. Covering her mouth completely.

“Now you may call whoever name you want”

“Umphf sophfiee” Richard set his hand to motion between her thighs while he sits on her side kissing her neck and nibbling her ear. God. Richard had always admired Samantha’s body perfectly proportioned. Her skin was soft as freshly cleaned cotton.

But it was one of those things he always longed for. But could never have she was his best friend. And he would never have done anything like for fear of ruining the bond they have shared. A small pang of guilt or anguish pained the back of his mind. But was quickly succumbed to the desire for her flesh.

Unable to do anything save relish and enjoy the feelings. Samantha gave him. He was unable to stop before spilling his seed collapsing on top of Samantha. Breathing heavily he feels the warmth of her body. Before a small cloud of shame-filled his mind. Realizing now he had forgotten something terribly important. Richard drew back.

Removing her gag Richard had half expected Samantha to scream a storm but she only laid there her eyes closed moaning softly.

“I am sorry Sam I should’ve I didn’t think to”

“Hush... all is forgiven” she smiles laying there looking up to Richard a smile on her face.

“Why did you do this Sam?” Samantha shrugs looking down on Richard sitting forward to kiss the back of his head.

“Because one good present deserves another... Richard looks at me” he glances up from her lap to look into those big happy eyes.

“You have been my best friend since we were knee-high to grasshoppers Rich, I know I can come to you for anything just as I hope you can come to me for anything you need now or the future” smiling she grins before Richard wraps her in his arms holding her close.

“Should I untie you” he spoke into her shoulder smelling the strong luscious aroma of her hair. Smiling she shakes her head
“Can we go again” to which Richard only gave a quick nod and steadies himself.

(Next Morning)

Samantha walks from Richards house a strut in her step. Her head held high and a tremendous glow. Walking from the house she took a deep breath maybe she should ask Richard to make this a monthly occurrence.
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