New Adventures of Simon (m/m) News on April 16th

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Post by Mummyboi »

Excellent story... can’t wait for next part
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Post by Veracity »

"Simon couldn’t believe how bold and reckless the plan was." These are words that fill my heart with glee!
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Post by blackbound »

Fully agreed, Veracity!

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Post by Bondwriter »

@Tied-up-boy @Mummyboi @Veracity @Blackbound
Glad you guys enjoy it. New chapter coming up on Saturday.
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Post by kankuro10 »

OMG! Another exciting chapter. Very good. More moments of Simon (I love the new information, and I waiting to read more thoughts and emotions of Simon), and curious about the new plan of Wilhelm.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Hey Kankuro! Glad you enjoy yhis new story. Here comes a new chapter...

Simon and the Boy-Scouts

Chapter 4 – Meeting the Lads

Wilhelm pulled off the latex layer, revealing a red, sweaty face and the still impeccable-looking leather muzzle. It featured a big plug that kept poor Simon irremediably silent. He adjusted the cub-scout hat; the chinstrap hadn’t moved and he could barely tighten it. The captor followed with a rubber foam donut behind Simon’s head to keep it straight and spread the pressure on his skull. A white silk scarf topped it all.

“Your eyes forward and the scarf are less bizarre than the muzzle if passers-by see you.”

To complete the head immobilization, Wilhelm threaded a piece of fishing line through a small ring in the hat, over the wearer’s temple. He pulled the end behind the trunk and around it to reach the other side of Simon’s head, where he threaded it through the symmetrical steel ring. He then had the fishing line go back, repeating the procedure twice, which pulled the top of Simon’s head against its foam support. Once the tightening was finished, the captive could not move his head at all, whether horizontally or vertically.

Wilhelm straightened Simon’s dick through the two layers of gliding fabric so it would point forward and be unmistakable to an audience.

“Let’s make you elegant. You want to make a good first impression.”

He took a few steps back, assessing the quality of his bonds.

“I’ve done it again, Simon the Lousy! You are trapped, at my mercy—and at the mercy of those who roam around these woods. I’ve spent time visiting the whereabouts, and I’ve crossed some who were a bit scary. I can’t imagine what they would do if they found you.”


“I agree,” Wilhelm answered, pretending his prisoner wore no speech-muffling device. “I will go check on our guests, but don’t worry, I’ll keep close. You know how much I care about you.”

Simon saw his captor follow a path opposite the one they’d walked to get to the small clearing and its renowned tree. His mind was reeling with the prospect of being found out in his embarrassing costume. He acquiesced to playing the part Wilhelm had cast him in, but he just wished he wouldn’t be so easily triggered into having a boner. His penis had grown over a year; the crotch was the part of the uniform that he’d outgrown the most. Could it deflate quickly enough?

His wait started with the necessary exploration of his bonds. Alas, without a hairpin to pick the lock, he couldn’t achieve much. He enjoyed the fresh air of what promised to be a beautiful summer day, the wind over his silky uniform, and the smell of the underbrush. It was a change from being stuck inside the cottage. Simon always saw the positive side in a situation.

Wilhelm was crouching in the bushes thirty yards away. He’d spotted a location where he could keep an eye over his ginger prisoner while seeing the camp to check on the boy-scouts. He didn’t have to wait for long.

James and Joseph were first to get out from the tent. He saw them light the fire and go to the second tent to get a large pan and a crate with all they needed for breakfast. Had it been an actual surprise inspection, they would have passed. The boys were methodical, organized, and focused.

It took half an hour before they headed back to the tent.

“Rise and shine, John! Breakfast is almost ready.”

“I wasn’t sleeping, I was talking to Albert. I’ve had an idea for a game overnight; I wanted to tell him about it before I forget.”

Wilhelm could only perceive very remote grunts. The lads had remembered his gagging lessons.

“What’s the game?” James asked.

“Just an escape challenge, but if he doesn’t succeed we whip him with a switch.”


“Good idea! He will try harder to escape. This can be fun,” Joseph agreed.

“Give me a hand to get him ready,” John asked.

The routine went unseen from Wilhelm; he could hear some words, but no real dialogue. They were certainly getting Albert dressed up. Three on one, it was child’s play keeping him bound the whole time.

Simon heard some voices, but he was a bit further away, and he had the wind against him. He guessed they belonged to boys. Wilhelm hadn’t told him much about the audience.

In the meanwhile, Wilhelm witnessed the boys taking their prisoner out of the tent. They were all neat and tidily dressed, and Albert had a very elegantly woven harness enhancing his chest and ensuring his wrists would stay pinned between this shoulder blades. Hobbles at knees and ankles? They were on the cautious side indeed, Wilhelm thought.

The boys had their biscuit and tea under the patrol leader’s envious eye. James eventually noticed; part of their challenge was to take care of their patrol leader, after all.

“I’m done, Albert,” he said. “I’ll feed you, but only if you behave!”

The little boy untied the scarf covering Albert’s lower face. Flesh-coloured surgical tape was plastered underneath. He ripped it at once, eliciting an annoyed grunt of pain. James removed a large ball of fabric that turned out to be socks. Wilhelm saw different colours, but he couldn’t tell if there were two or three.

James handgagged Albert every time he gave him a piece of biscuit. It puzzled Joseph.

“What are you doing, Jimmy?”

“You fell asleep before we did. John and I offered Albert an extra challenge for today. If he manages to say ‘Release me, peasants, I’m your king and emperor’ clearly once, he doesn’t get to sleep with John’s shoe over his nose tonight.”

Albert remained subdued, chewing on his food and pretending he wasn’t the topic of the conversation.

“It didn’t seem to make him too happy last night,” Joseph giggled. “I don’t think I would be, John’s feet really smell!” He sipped the last drops of lukewarm tea left in his cup. “We’re done, why don’t we move on to the escape challenge?”

“We’re almost done,” James said. “We just need to gag Albert once he’s chewed this last biscuit and we can be on our way.”

Wilhelm was impressed that James’ words triggered John into standing up and fetching the needed material. The boy-scouts helped each other.

“Scarves, socks, bandage, here I come with what’s called for!”

The trio tackled the task together. James removed his hand, which allowed Albert to attempt saying the magic sentence.


Joseph had grabbed the wet socks his patrol leader had chewed on overnight. They went in immediately. James picked another small one.

“It’s Albert we’re dealing with, he’s really eager to win the challenge. He must be able to get rid of a gag or make lots of noise if we don’t stuff his mouth well enough! He’s managed to make the socks a tight ball overnight, so we need to make it bigger. You’re up, James.”

The little hand pushed the sock, sliding it on the right side, which bulged Albert’s cheek.

“Get another one on the left side, otherwise it will look weird.”

John had some footwear, and with his friends holding the bound boy’s head, he managed rather easily to stuff the remaining cheek.

“There’s not enough sticky tape to wrap around his head, but the bandages will do. Can you hand me one roll, Joe?” he asked while pushing and compacting the mass of socks inside Albert’s mouth.

John started doing horizontal turns across the patrol leader’s mouth and around his head. He made ten turns before the roll was up, overlapping each turn a bit so the boy’s lower face would be swathed in white gauze from nose to under the chin. He stuck the end between two layers on the neck.

Joseph stood in ambush with yet another roll. He undertook vertical turns, pulling Albert’s jaws shut. Shifting angles slightly, he covered the whole head. The boy insisted on the chin, making sure each turn exerted some pressure on it. The bands were taut, but never painful.

After their first games with Albert, the three friends had been curious about how it felt being tied up, and they’d helped each other experimenting. Joseph had been the victim of a similar set-up, but the excruciatingly tight bandages had him almost cry in pain from the pressure after barely ten minutes.

James had removed the bandage in time. Joseph had taken five minutes to recover, and then they had spent almost a full afternoon to get the tension right—to hold the jaws and keep the mouth shut without crushing the flesh underneath.

An expert now, James came with a third roll of crepe bandage. He did a mix of his friend’s job, unrolling a length across the mouth that brushed against Albert’s nostrils. He did each turn lower and ended up with vertical turns.

John folded a scarf into a three-inch bandage. He used it as an over-the-mouth layer, which was knotted quite tight on the captive’s nape.

“I say Albert’s not about to shout his magic phrase!” John laughed, having stepped back to face their standing victim. “Try it, then.”


“It does the trick. Time for the escape challenge. To the tree!”

Wilhelm felt aroused. His plan was working.

The trio framed the prisoner, with Joseph on the right, John on the left, and James behind, holding the ends of the long cotton scarf trailing between Albert’s shoulder blades as a leash.

“Should we challenge ourselves and go with a limited number of ropes only? I mean, we must be fair,” John suggested.

“Very noble of you, Johnny, but…”

Joseph didn’t finish his sentence. He froze in his tracks, his eyes wide as saucers. His friends had the same reaction, James watching over Albert’s shoulder. They’d just turned around the coppice before the clearing. Beyond it, Albert’s favourite tree was in view—and someone was already trussed up to it!

John started moving again, triggering the group into getting closer to the bound shape. Albert could not believe his eyes either. The light was still dim, but a spot of sun reached the tree. The shape’s satiny costume glimmered, highlighting the anatomy of the wearer. The apparition seemed more and more heavenly to the patrol leader as the pack came closer and could make out the bound and gagged boy in more detail.

They hadn’t spoken a word, the whole group moving silently to make sure they were not dreaming. It was a cub-scout, though a tall one, but with a weird uniform. He was bound in ropes and gagged with a scarf that pinned his head to the tree, which explained the boy’s immobility.

“It’s not a statue,” James finally said, having reached for the boy’s shoulder, then chest and arms, to make sure it was alive.

The grunts Simon emitted convinced them he was flesh and blood.

The abducted escape artist had watched the arrival of the little procession in awe. Three cute thirteen or fourteen-year-olds were escorting a much taller bound and gagged boy who had to be around his age.

He recognized them from the time Wilhelm turned him into a scarecrow. The one holding the prisoner from behind was the one who’d first gone over the fence to the meadow where the scarecrow stood. The two others were his friends.

He didn’t know the restrained one, but Simon found his big blue eyes enticing. The tie-up expert inspected the rope work, checking for a flaw, but it showed it was a labour of love.

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Post by Mummyboi »

Love it like usual
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Post by blackbound »

Me too. Let's see what Wilhelm has in store for these unsuspecting kids.

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Post by kankuro10 »

The new chapter was very exciting. Now, with the last scene, the story is more interesting.
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Post by Bondwriter »

@Mummyboi @blackbound @kankuro10: I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

Simon and the Boy-Scouts

Chapter 5 – The Trap Closes in

The three boy-scouts packed in front of Simon, inspecting his badges. They wondered out loud about the one with a boy bound to a tree and asked Simon if it was his troop’s emblem. He denied, which led them to look at the ropes and the uniform.

The elephant in the room was the strange shorts. Everyone spotted his impeccably hairless legs, but no one mentioned the weird garment wrapping his mid-section and letting his penis stick out so prominently. The three boys were not ignorant of the effects of puberty. So far, though, they’d avoided the subject of Albert’s hard-ons when being trussed up. Talking of whom, his eyes were riveted over the quivering manhood wrapped in silk.

“You need to see this, Albert,” John said, turning to their bound patrol leader, who’d thought of using the surprise to get away but then decided to watch the captive stranger. Had there been an opportunity to escape, it was gone. John dragged him in front of Simon.

“Look at Goldilocks, who comes and takes your tree!”

Albert was so close he could no longer watch the silky boner—Simon’s pole flag brushed against the front of his shorts. Albert blushed.

“Goldilocks is blond, this one is Copperilocks,” James claimed, standing next to his patrol leader. He was looking up close at Simon’s face. He had spotted a strand of red hair coming from under the hat. “He’s ginger.”

Simon started understanding some of Wilhelm’s stern warnings. He hadn’t explained his audience would be boy-scouts, but he’d said that if he ever got untied or had his gag removed, he was to tell them it was a game. Wilhelm had implied that he would otherwise make the people he’d meet disappear. He’d bragged so many times about his kidnapping talent. And he’d proved it to Simon.

The three cute boys who surrounded him would be no match for the evil blond abductor. There was plenty of room left in the basement. Simon knew Wilhelm could perfectly keep three boys totally incommunicado for weeks, months, or even years!

Simon hence felt some deep turmoil as Joseph eventually suggested the tree-tied victim should be allowed to speak.

“Let’s remove his gag; I have a few questions for him.”

“I’ll handle it,” John offered. “I sure would like to know who this chap is, and what troop he belongs to.”

He fumbled with the scarf on Simon’s face that was triple-knotted behind the trunk. The first knot removal released an envelope. It fell to the ground.

“A letter!” John exclaimed. “Read before you free me,” he said, brandishing the white paper rectangle.

“What?” James asked.

“That’s what’s written on the envelope.”

“Oh? Open and read it, then.”

Simon felt a rush of adrenaline. It was a repeat of Wilhelm’s prank with the lumberjack; the letter would mislead the boys into thinking he was there playing a game with other kids or that he was justly punished for some menial fault. He felt relieved that he wouldn’t have to come up with a story to lie to the boy-scouts.

“Hi, boy-scouts! You don’t know me, but you know my brother William.”

The three faces brightened up.

“We should have guessed,” John exclaimed, “our knot-tying teacher. He said he’d come over. Let me read on… ”

All five boys were equally interested in the content of the letter. John gave his best shot at a proper public reading.

“My name is Reginald.”

Simon sighed at the silly first name. The boy-scouts greeted him, immediately calling him Reggie.

“William is my older brother. He helps me out with my artistic career. I want to be an acrobat, a magician, and an escape artist. William has always provided me with the best equipment for my hobbies. I’ve been working on a number for months now involving a cub scout who comes upon some poachers as he picks mushrooms in the woods. They catch him, bind and gag him quickly, and take him to their lair. They bind him to a pole, and because of his special scout talents, he eventually manages to escape.”

“Cool number!” Joseph cheered.

“I wouldn’t mind being an assistant,” James confessed in a small voice. His tongue running over his lips told Simon of a much stronger motivation.

“We could prepare a similar skit with Albert for our October scout pageant. Everyone does music, theatre, magic, or some boring number with dogs, but it would be a first if we had an escape artist act!” John beamed. “Let’s see what else Reginald has to say… ”

He turned back to the letter. “I’ve come to visit my brother for a three-week practicing retreat in the countryside. William told me yesterday about you. He said you would keep your patrol leader captive for four days, and I thought it was a brave challenge. I dared William to do the same, but for one week, to show I’m braver. I asked him if he could introduce me to you. He said he could, provided I wrote this letter. The challenge started on Saturday at eight. Will you help me? Signed: Reginald.”

Joseph made a loud wolf whistle. James clapped his hands. John laughed in a rather undistinguished manner.

“Haha!” John said. “We’re going to help. It’s our duty, isn’t it? You will get company, Albert.”

Behind the scenes, someone was glowing; Wilhelm couldn’t be happier. He had spent the last twenty seconds preparing his entrance. He stood from behind the brushes and undertook walking the thirty yards fast, unconcerned with discretion. Simon spotted him, and the four other boys turned around to see who was coming.

Three beaming smiles welcomed Wilhelm; his fan club was pleased with his latest feat.

“Good morning, lads. I see you found my brother?”

“This is quite a surprise visit, Mr. William. You hadn’t told us about your brother the escape artist.”

“An escape artist in training, so far. Reginald is my special brother, so I thought I’d better tell him about your challenge. He was very jealous of Albert and dared me just like you patrol leader! How could I refuse?”

“You’re a generous chap, Mr. William,” John praised the cheerful newcomer. “How can we help you?”

“Maybe we could work together and have both Albert and Reginald under our control to win the dare.”

Grunts came from both gagged boys.

“I must warn you, Reginald has some escape skills. He’s practised way more than Albert.”

“With you as a brother, he must have,” John slyly stated.

“I guess I could let you keep him your prisoner until sunset. I may even watch Albert so the three of you can handle my little brother.”

“We’ll make sure we do as you showed us, Mr. William,” Joseph confidently announced.

“You’ll have to. I will also give you cuffs and chains with padlocks. He can get out of most rope ties. He’s done shows before, you know? I mean, most of the tricks’ secrets have to do with the equipment, but he still can get out of any pair of handcuffs if he’s got a hairpin. It’s unlikely you get him to keep still with just your rope work, even if you lads have excellent knot-tying skills.”

The boys turned back to Simon, giving him impressed looks.

“We could leave him like this,” James offered.

“That would be cheating,” John scolded, “and we would miss a great opportunity to learn more about escape artistry.”

Simon couldn’t believe how easily Wilhelm had enrolled these boys. They seemed good-hearted, though also willing to tie a mean knot without any qualms. He suspected Albert had played a role in getting the lads to enslave him. Simon had distinctly felt his keenness when the front of his kinky shorts had rubbed the boy’s tented ones.

The small band was in high spirits. The young escape artist wondered whether Wilhelm didn’t have an end game to actually abduct or abuse the boys, but so far he was just happy playing the big brother who wanted the best for the little one.

Simon had fantasized about a bunch of boy-scouts kidnapping him before. Living it wasn’t unpleasant; it was definitely a welcomed change from Wilhelm’s basement. The three cute mugs and the handsome black-haired prisoner looking intently into his eyes were enough reasons for his boner to persist unashamedly.

Wilhelm walked to a bush from which he took a large leather bag. He’d set it there the evening before. It made clattering sounds as he set it on the ground.

“To win against Reginald, I would advise you plan a little, my young chaps,” Wilhelm began. “A short course in using the cuffs and chains might be useful. There are a few techniques to move a captive around safely.”

“One limb at a time!” James boisterously recited, proud to show he’d remembered the lesson from weeks ago.

“True. There are three of you, so you have the upper hand. You’ll have to be methodical and pay attention to avoid mistakes. And there’s one last thing I need to tell you,” he said, lowering his voice, “about Reginald’s willy. It gets like this when he’s tied up. That’s what happens to some boys. You lads didn’t seem to notice, but as you handle him, you might feel his thing brushing against you. I’ll tell you more about it once we’ve gotten our two challengers lying down.”

The three boys looked at each other briefly. The frank and open speech on sex coming from a grown-up –even a young one– wasn’t the sort of things they heard from their parents or teachers.

The patrol leader had himself noticed Simon’s gleaming hard-on; his glance was set on the throbbing sausage. Mr. William didn’t sound as repressed as other adults; the impressive erection didn’t seem to bother him.

“You feel like handling him and helping me win the dare?”


“We’re in!”


The three youths loved to be challenged. Simon noticed how bright John’s eyes became as Wilhelm revealed his plan and talked about genitals.

“You’ll show us, but don’t worry, Mr. William. We’re quick learners and good friends. We make quite a team!”

There were nods and approvals from James and Joseph.

“Let’s get to it, then,” Wilhelm heartily declared.

The next ninety minutes were a masterful lesson. Simon first witnessed Albert’s temporary immobilization. James helped the patrol leader kneel down before he roped his ankles to his wrists. Wilhelm had him knot the long ends on top of the boy’s elbows.

“You don’t want him pulling the ends and removing the knot binding his hands. You won’t stay in your kneeling hogtie too long, Albert. Now that this one is safe, let’s untie Reginald from his tree… ”

He first showed the lads the padlocks and the little tricks to grab a link of chain and snap it to a ring or a bar. They practised, but the instructor was able to move on after just a few minutes. They were lively and quick learners indeed. They had experience in crafts of all kinds they were proud to show.

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Post by kankuro10 »

Yeah. New chapter. Once again, very exciting.
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Post by Bondwriter »

@kankuro10: Thanks for keeping up the support! Here is this week's chapter.

Simon and the Boy-Scouts

Chapter 6 – Staked Out

The blond professor had the boys plan for briefly releasing their prisoners so they could tie them up differently. While the boy-scouts gathered their equipment and conspired away from Simon’s ears, Wilhelm sneaked behind the tree.

“Remember, Simon,” he whispered. “Show off your escape skills, but let them catch you again. You know what will happen if they have the least doubt that you are Reggie, my knot-loving sibling. You love being my little brother, Simon, your shorts surely say so… ”

“All done, Mr. William,” John announced and ran back towards Wilhelm and Simon, his mates on his heels.

“You can release Reginald, then.”

Wilhelm stepped back and let the boys work. He stayed close, pointing to the steel cuffs that made the learning entertainer helpless. The three lads saw his point and used the restraints he provided methodically.

“You’re thorough, aren’t you?” James remarked as his friend clicked the steel cuff one notch tighter.

“If he’s good, we’d better be,” John replied.

The removal of the scarf covering Simon’s lower face got the lads curious.

“This is a muzzle,” Wilhelm stepped in. “There’s a rubber plug inside so he can’t speak. It’s more convenient than tape when you need to put it on and off often.”

The boys agreed. The cap and its chinstrap, as well as the fishing line pinning Simon’s head to the trunk, got a keen interest from the boys. “Mr. William, this is all most ingenious. It shows you went to ‘engineering school,’” James winked.

Wilhelm chuckled as the boys laughed and went on removing the ropes and coiling them neatly.

It took half an hour to move Simon from the tree back to a nearby meadow. There he realized he would be spread-eagled on the grass. The boy-scouts had planted four wooden stakes for Albert and four steel hoops for the experimented escapist. The latter looked as if they belonged to a croquet set, but they were much longer, at least five feet.

The lads pushed Simon to the ground and pulled his limbs taut, padlocking them to the hoops with as few links as possible. They re-tightened them fiercely when they noticed Simon could somewhat flex his elbows. They reinforced Simon’s chains with steel pegs, trapping the middle link of the chain with a well-hammered steel rod, making it a first obstacle to gaining freedom.

Albert was bound in rope, but the boys made the spread-eagle as strict. They used coils around his waist and a chest harness to pin him down further, fixing the ends to the ground with more wooden pegs.

Wilhelm hadn’t spoken. He’d positioned himself to trade looks with Simon without being seen by the hard-working boy-scouts. His reluctant guest seemed to enjoy himself. His boner had dwindled a bit when they’d removed it from the tree, but he was now back to a priapic condition. Having the lads crawl over him to plant their pegs was stimulating.

The supervisor couldn’t help but notice how James tended to brush the silky erection more or less inadvertently every time he could. This boded well. Wilhelm needed to give the boys the Talk.

He joined them to assess the sturdiness of their restraining. The two teenage boys were lying side by side, their stretched fingers mere inches away in their middle.

The four of them sat cross-legged in the grass on Wilhelm’s suggestion. The three boys sat inches away from their captives’ heads, while Wilhelm faced them, sitting next to Simon, his ‘brotherly’ hand resting on his chest.

“I’ve been told the boy-scouts make it their duty to help others. You need to know a few things about boys like Reginald or Albert if you want to help them. This could be embarrassing, but you boys look bright and resourceful. You might be of age to discuss the things of life.”

“You mean sex, Mr. William?” John said, always one step ahead. “We know all about it, we’ve all spent time on farms.”

“I’ve seen horses mate!” James added.

Wilhelm cast a discreet smile to his spread-eagled captive, satisfied to have loosened the boys’ tongues.

“You know how babies are made, then. That’s good. Well,” he said, feigning embarrassment, “to make babies, you need your willy to get hard.”

“The horse does and it gets very big!” James confirmed.

“That’s right. But sometimes your willy gets big and hard, it makes you very happy and you don’t end up having babies.”

“You mean, like when a chap beats the bishop?” John said. His friends giggled, apparently aware of the actual meaning of the phrase. “You seem to be a chap who can keep a secret, Mr. William, so we may tell you. We’ve all done it.”

They’d even done it together a few days before in their first circle jerk, but what happened at sleepovers wasn’t discussed much afterwards, these topics especially.

“You know what arousal is then. I was telling you about how special my little brother is,” Wilhelm said, patting Simon’s muzzle with the tip of his fingers, “and he’s been special ever since he was a baby. He had me tie him up when he was six. I found out that being bound and gagged had him sprout boners when he turned ten. I guess it had some effect before, but I just didn’t notice. We talked about his feelings on that day, once he could talk, of course! He told me how warm it made him feel being all trussed up, and how it got his willy to harden. He loved feeling helpless, and he really liked when he couldn’t move or talk. We’d played many times. Reginald had me play the burglar or the poacher, and he was always the meddling little boy who got caught by the villain.”

“It’s just like Albert!” James piped in. “He loves games where thieves or gangsters catch him exploring their lair and make him a prisoner.”

“I’ll say, lads,” Wilhelm resumed in a confidential tone, “that’s at least two things in common he has with Reginald… ”

“What else do they have in common besides games they like?” James prodded in his high-pitched voice.

“It makes their willies hard. My brother doesn’t seem to be able to bring his flag down when I have him trussed up. Your patrol leader also seems quite aroused, though his uniform hides it a bit.”

Wilhelm’s hand travelled from Simon’s belly to Albert’s shorts, as he leaned over Simon and towards the older boy-scout. He unbuttoned them and spread the flaps open, revealing the white cotton briefs, which were much looser. The bulge that popped up confirmed Wilhelm’s claims.

The boys looked at each other; John was in the middle, and he only had to cast a glance to know what Joseph and James were thinking.

“We’ve noticed,” Mr. William, John said. “But we didn’t know how to bring it up with Albert. He’s older, and he seems shy about sex.”

“We aren’t,” Joseph admitted.

“He’s your friend. I’m sure Albert doesn’t mind sharing secrets with you, does he?”

Albert had felt this moment coming; it was a relief his friends knew already and that they were not as pure and innocent as they appeared. And that they hadn’t made fun of him.

“Mmh. Mmh.”

“You see, he likes his friends. Are you glad I let you meet our new friends, Reginald?”


“Perfect. So, boys, you have special lads in your hands. They like being tied up tightly. That’s how you reward them if they behave. Now, why don’t you boys check that you’ve staked them down well?”

John, who was turning out to be the trio’s leader, guided his gang into action.

“Tickle time! We’ll see if they’re pegged down solidly enough.”

He uncrossed his legs and got on all four, his face inches from Simon, to whom he smiled. He moved forward and sat astride him, his bum resting on his victim’s chest. Simon’s silk-clad belly was his fingers’ target.

Joseph had adopted a similar position on Albert. James kneeled between the two, watching.

Twenty fingers attacked the two bellies at first; five more could come into reinforcement on each side. Simon hadn’t been tickled in a while. He had two spots that caused him uncontrollable shaking and squirming, even if he’d learned to master some amount of discomfort.

There were hampered motions and restrained contortions, with long moans and repressed laughter. Wilhelm stood a few feet away. It was a lot of fun watching the lads experiment. They tried to find the softest spots and the best touches to get maximum effect.

Gasps and muffled laughter went on for a few minutes. John stopped and told his accomplices to take a break so the prisoners could recover.

Their faces were red and sweaty. It was the middle of the morning and they were under the sun, but the torment was the main cause of perspiration.

John stood, his brown shorts brushing against Simon’s face. His accomplices followed suit, and the trio towered over the spread-eagled prisoners. Wilhelm admired the show as well, delighted by the wriggling bodies and the hoops’ sturdiness.

The boy-scouts taunted their prisoners, gloating over their helplessness. They removed their shirts, being quite hot themselves. Joseph suggested a new round of tickling with some nose flicking or hair pulling. They jumped on the two supine captives to torture them further.

Wilhelm winked at Simon, who kept signalling enjoyment with his raised manhood. The boys crawled over him and didn’t seem bothered by making contact with the wrapped-up member. Simon didn’t act too frantically or moan loudly, which had Wilhelm smile.

James and Joseph made sure their moves yielded adequate contacts with the tented shorts. Wilhelm caught the look they traded. Joseph sat on Simon’s right thigh and James straddled the left one. They started flicking the inflated prick. They giggled as it bounced back and forth.

“He’s hard,” Joseph observed pensively.

They repeated the torment, but it certainly didn’t get their prisoner to soften. John had turned his attention to his friends. He sat on Simon’s chest, his bum touching the leather-covered chin. He felt his captive’s nipples between his thighs.

“You were right, Mr. William. Your brother really gets excited from being tied up by boys. I’ll say, lads,” he addressed his mates, “give Reggie a hand. He looks like he needs it.”

James looked at him quizzically, but Joseph got the message bright and clear; his long, slender fingers wrapped around the engorged member.

“This is so soft and feels nice! There are two layers.”

“Reginald has a silk fetish,” Wilhelm explained. “That means he really enjoys rubbing his willy in silk fabrics. I found him tainting my grandmother’s scarves last Christmas, which was a good reason to keep him under lock and key for the rest of our stay there. Try for yourself.”

Joseph was at it already, feeling the flesh under the gliding layers. His fingers settled for a position with the index finger sliding over the tip, the thumb ensuring a firm grip. The curious hand started pumping.

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Post by blackbound »

Wilhelm is truly a supervillain-level mastermind at this.

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Post by Mummyboi »

Excellent .... keep story going
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Post by squirrel »

Fantastic chapter, can't wait to

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Post by kankuro10 »

Another very exciting chapter. Yes. I loved it
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Post by bondagefreak »

Still loving this!
Makes my day every time I see a new installment from you.

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Post by Bondwriter »

@blackbound @Mummyboi @squirrel @kankuro10 @bondagefreak
Thanks for commenting, guys, it is indeed motivational. Wilhelm does plan masterfully; doesn't he?

New chapter coming up on Sunday.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Simon and the Boy-Scouts

Chapter 7 – Trading Partners

Simon’s gagged noises could have been an angry denial of alleged unsavoury habits involving his grandmother’s shawls; it could equally be a protest against getting his cock fondled. Joseph didn’t pay any attention to the moans, delighted about masturbating the kinky young man.

James and John were fascinated by the show, and Simon’s nasal wailing got louder, with short breaks when he got his breath back.

“Come on Reggie! Show us you’re a man!”

“Soak your shorts, we know that’s all you want!”

Simon was sensitive to verbal stimulation. Joseph felt the throbbing rod harden and tighten; he increased the pressure and speed of his hand motions and Simon felt six strong spurts fill his fancy undies and shorts.


“His balls must be empty.” Joseph removed his hand from the wet spot it had created.

“I doubt it,” Wilhelm said. “My little brother has stamina. You’ll see. His roommates at the boarding school managed to milk him dry a few months back, but it took them a full night. They had him spill his juice countless times from dusk to dawn. In the end, they couldn’t get him to squirt anymore. They may have some special wrists, but Reggie is also a randy boy. Keep him like this, repeat what you did over the last twenty minutes, and Reggie will release his seed again.”

The boys’ faces lit up. Their captive was not only an escape artist but a boarder at a school with lads who played with his willy. Reginald sure was a creature they wanted to know better.

“I’ll let you try to beat this number. If you want, I may take care of Albert while you do your best.”

The three friends had enough to do with just Simon, so they didn’t object. Wilhelm released the black-haired boy from his spread-eagle, cuffed his hands behind his back, and hobbled his legs.

“I’ll get him in the shade. I feel like doing a little tree-tie.”

The pubescent group was too busy to listen to him. Wilhelm grabbed Albert’s arm and led him back where they came from.

“Let’s get you back in the woods so you don’t get sunburnt.”

The special tree Simon had been bound to was now available.

“We made room for you, patrol leader.” Wilhelm pointed at it with his chin. “You get trussed up to the tree, eventually.”

Wilhelm showed off as he bound Albert to the tree. He made ample gestures, pointed out the fancy knots he used, and checked his ropework over and over, especially when the cordage came close to Albert’s more intimate body parts. Under the guise of an inspection, Wilhelm felt the bound boy with the tip of his fingers. His bum was soft and supple, and his boner had now become a feature; his white cotton briefs bulged perhaps even more than when he was staked out.

“I’ve done it again!” Wilhelm self-congratulated. “A lad bound in ropes with no hope for escape.”

He came closer to his prey and reached for his chest. Through the shirt, he could feel the nipples. He let his hand go down; the journey over the stomach caused a few muffled giggles, Albert being rather ticklish.

Wilhelm’s knowledgeable hand assessed how long it would take to bring the bound boy to orgasm.

A few tens of yards away, laughs and cheers erupted. Mr. William was right indeed; his brother had grown big almost as soon as he’d gone out with Albert. James had tried his luck and gotten ‘Reginald’ to cream his shorts again. He wiped him dry with a towel, both inside and outside.

“You’re up, John. I mean, if you feel like kneading his sausage.”

“Of course I do,” John said, kneeling between the prisoner’s thighs, and letting his hands run over the slightly wet fabric to get a feel of what was underneath. “I’m sure Reggie wants me to caress him too. I’m the most handsome of our patrol, after all.”

Joseph and James protested loudly, but their friend ignored them and started reviving the penis with the tip of his fingers. Simon had a hard time believing his predicament. So many orgasms in so little time… He was used to the opposite: Wilhelm frustrating his sexual urges.

“Do you like a handsome boy like me fondling you?” John asked, having noticed he was on the right track to trigger another hard-on. “When you’re all helpless, bound and gagged in such a strict way?”

The fingers and the words achieved their mission. Simon felt desire rising up in his loins again.

James and Joseph sat to his flanks to watch the creaming of the shiny material from up close. Simon’s senses were assaulted by sights, sounds, smells, and a touch that lead him to a third orgasm in less than half an hour.

In the woods, Albert still hadn’t squirted his juice. The binding had taken a while and Wilhelm was in no hurry; lengthy palpations were his type of foreplay.

Kneeling in front of the tree-tied Albert, he went on with his fingers, spotting wetness spreading at the front. A stain appeared on the white briefs after a couple minutes. Wilhelm then decided to get the member to squirt. He didn’t even need to get the piece of flesh outside his cotton shield. He wanked the boy-scout through his underwear, getting him to make gagged shouts until he got the intended result.

Albert’s deep grunts reminded Wilhelm of a wounded animal. He squeezed the dick to get all the juice out. The cotton was soaked and started seeping out. Wilhelm’s reached into his large leather bag that was still nearby and picked a silk scarf. He used it to sponge the boy juice off and then then set it aside. With a new one, Wilhelm began to work on his horny pupil again.

“Isn’t it the greatest morning, Albert? Captured by your little friends and given away to me, the lecherous stranger. Kept trussed up like a turkey, unable to move, unable to resist the caresses to your genitals… ”

Albert reacted much as if Wilhelm had hit the bull’s eye with his remarks. His dong kept hardening and growing. Wilhelm slid the briefs down and stood behind the tree; with one hand he wrapped the scarf around the turgid penis.

Wilhelm kept hinting at how he would handle him if he had full custody.

“I have a small cabin in the woods. If I took you there, I could keep you for weeks. You would be locked behind a thick door and thick walls. Of course, you’d be bound and gagged, so you wouldn’t be able to protest against all the things I’d do to you.”

Albert thought he wouldn’t mind staying in Wilhelm’s jail if the things he would do to him were what he was currently doing. Wilhelm had a good grasp of the situation and of the boy’s quivering boner. His adapted dirty talk and his hand pumping got Albert to coo and gasp louder and louder until the warm stream of semen erupted and filled the silk receptacle.

“I like to have my fun with healthy boys, Albert. I might need to run some medical tests when you come to my place.”

Wilhelm stood in front of Albert, whose dick hung limp after the first rate orgasm the blond stranger had brought him to. He leaned into the bound captive, resting his ear on his chest, just above his heart.

“I got your little heart racing, my young chap!” he said, straightening up and locking his eyes with the boy’s again. “I’m delighted to see how stimulating you find being bound and gagged.”

He wiped the dick and dried most of the dampness from the briefs.

“Once your friends release you from the tree, we should get you into clean underwear. You soiled these. I’m glad I took some of Reginald’s in case he needed a change, so you can borrow a pair from him. You’re roughly the same size. My brother’s taste in underwear could match yours, from what I’ve seen.”

Wilhelm went on chatting with his charge. With his basic interrogation technique, he was still able to find out there had been many games, that Albert had quite strong feelings about them, and that he had enjoyed being masturbated very much.

“There will be fun time ahead together, little Al.” He paused, pricking up his ears. “It sounds like your patrol members are coming our way.”

The morning scene repeated, with Simon and Albert having traded parts. The three teenage boys prodded “Reginald” in front of them; the lads grew used to having another older teen as their captive. There was no surprise this time.

“I see you’ve dealt with Albert the only way he understands, Mr. William,” John observed.

“You trussed him up well,” James praised.

“And Reginald hasn’t been able to show us a clean pair of heels yet,” Joseph said, his hand firmly holding his captive’s shoulder.

Wilhelm looked approvingly at Simon’s shackles. He also realized his absence hadn’t made the abducted boy try anything funny. Maybe the boy-scouts were thorough enough that Simon had actually no chance?

For the last hour and a half, Simon had totally surrendered. Three pubescent lads crawling over his spread-eagled body, using him to experiment with intimate caresses, had made the time go like a blur the staked boy didn’t want to end.

“Albert and I had a little talk. We’re all good for the challenges, I see.”

“Speaking of which, we won the beating-the-bishop challenge. Reggie came five times.”

“He is skilled, but not everybody manages such a feat. Great job! Bring him closer and have him kneel. I’m sure it’ll be a treat for Reginald to sniff Albert’s underwear.”

The three boys smiled and complied immediately, getting Simon on his knees. James noticed how Simon’s knees touched Albert’s ankles. He took coils of rope from his pocket and wrapped them around the thighs–just above the bends of the knees–and the tree and legs.

John asked for more rope, which Wilhelm brought: they’d left a pile of neatly coiled rope when they’d released Simon.

The resourceful boy-scout wove a harness around Simon’s chest to bring him close to the tree-tied boy’s thighs. His nose was indeed meant to stay rubbing against his briefs.

Simon picked up the pungent and enticing smell of cum. He caressed the lad with his nose, feeling a welcoming reaction. The boy went on with gentle caresses, not paying attention to the taunts and cheers asking him to get Albert to cream his briefs.

Getting acquainted with a fellow-prisoner wasn’t bad. Albert had a fine body, and the first impression from his dick was good: it reacted to his nose and felt worthy of further explorations. Hopefully, he would get a chance to see what the piece of meat looked like.

The boys fell silent; Wilhelm had asked the floor, no doubt. He had another story to tell.

“You boys seem to have taken up to Reginald. You seem tolerant of his weird tastes. It’s nice to see there are young people who genuinely want to help others.”

Wilhelm went on praising the boys’ generosity and kind hearts.

“You like pleasing others. I don’t know if you realize, but Reginald is living his dream, aren’t you, little brother?”

Simon knew he was supposed to answer yes and appear friendly in public.


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Post by Carnath »

Excellent once again :)
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Post by kankuro10 »

Your chapters of Simon are always exciting, but this one was really very, VERY, exciting, and I loved it. Also, the story is more interesting.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Thanks @Chloroboy & @Kankuro10. It's always nice to know even the big fans see differences from a chapter to the next. So, here comes...

Simon and the Boy-Scouts

Chapter 8 – A Day at Camp

Joseph kneeled at Simon’s sides. He checked Simon’s state of mind with his fingers.

“He’s still hard, though not as much as at the beginning. He must still be happy, then.”

“They’re having the time of their lives,” Wilhelm picked up, “thanks to you. And such hard-working boys must be hungry by now.”

“I don’t know about you,” Joseph replied, “but I wouldn’t mind having lunch. Come with me, James, we’ll get the food.”

John stayed with Wilhelm. He looked at the tree-tie and how closely Simon’s arms had been brought to the trunk, his forearms being strictly parallel.

“Your cinches are clean,” Mr. William, he appreciatively praised. “Should we untie the prisoners for lunch?”

“Did we say they would have lunch? There’s no need. You see, John, what they really enjoy is being made helpless, tied up, and silenced. They don’t need to be punished, so we can keep rewarding them with the position they both seem to enjoy.”

His wink got John to smile.

“You’re really kind-hearted too, Mr. William. You must have been a boy-scout as well, no doubt!”

“No, but having this special brother I love very much tell me about his peculiar likings, I had to learn what was a reward and what was a punishment.”

James and Joseph were back with a large tray filled with food and a pitcher of water.

“I was just telling John how I handle my little brother.”

This time, Joseph went to check on Simon, who still felt stimulated by his environment and the predicament he was in. The erection subsided.

“He likes sniffing Albert, it’s certain.”

Wilhelm seized the opportunity for a little tale.

“This is another quirk of my brother’s. He’s fond of smelling other boys’ clothes, especially socks and underwear. It got him in some trouble back at his boarding school. He ‘borrowed’ dirty underwear or socks from other boys for the night.”

“He didn’t steal them, I hope,” James stated self-righteously.

“No, Reginald is very honest. One of his dorm mates had spotted him taking his socks at night. The boy waited and crawled in silence to Reginald’s bed. My brother was pleasuring himself with the boy’s sock over his nose. The lad was smart, so he arranged a settlement without making too much of a fuss.”

“Because he had quirks himself?” John suggested.

“He did; thankfully for Reginald, they had the same tendencies. The boy went to his wardrobe and brought back coils of rope. He surprised Reginald, letting him know he would help him avoid sinning. He grabbed his wrists and bound them over his chest. Reginald didn’t react, and the chap went back to sleep. Only he couldn’t, because he heard Reggie’s bed creak. Reginald had turned over and he was shagging the mattress. The lad had wanted to punish Reginald, he made him very happy instead!”

“So Reggie has lots of friends who tie him up?” John enquired.

“A few, but he loves making new ones.”

The pleasant chatting went on, with Simon listening to his abductor making up stories about his fictional little brother. Every time he gave some salacious detail, or some fetish-related information, the boy-scouts turned to Simon. Their amused eyes twinkled with interest.

Joseph had offered sandwiches to his unrestrained peers. Sitting down cross-legged, they chewed their bread, ham, and cheese, taking the occasional sip of water from their tin cups. Albert also became the topic of stories. Remembering his behaviour since their first experiments, the boys could identify the traits he shared with ‘Reginald’.

“The time we bound him standing to the back of the chair, he wriggled his bum. He was actually wanking on the chair’s rung!” James explained.

Once they were all done eating, it was the prisoners’ turn.

A major release operation ensued to get both boys next to each other in kneeling hogties. Wilhelm smiled as they coiled the spare ropes carefully and put them in a neat pile.

Wilhelm stayed out of the way and refrained from giving advice. He had to make sure the lads were up to his standards when handling prisoners. So far they seemed to know what they were doing. Had Wilhelm noticed an issue, he would have pointed it out. The boys issued stern warnings before they removed the gags. Albert still had to try to tell his magic phrase. The number of minders meant six hands controlled him the whole time. The two captives got a sandwich each, eaten while handgagged the whole time. Not more than one syllable came out of their gobs when it was time to stuff their mouths anew.

James had found apt to trade the soaked sock and underwear with fresh ones. Simon could benefit from a sock from Joseph and one from John. These lads had sweated in their big leather shoes. Simon had had ample leisure to witness they no longer were little boys; they had hair on their legs, John’s voice was breaking and despite never saying anything about the enjoyment they felt, he’d seen bulges in their shorts as they crawled over him. Their socks tasted accordingly, which meant Simon’s penis wouldn’t go soft soon. He did compare with Reginald when it came to sniffing boy clothing.

Wilhelm had provided the boy-scouts with rolls of tape; their stock turned to be low, as the stuff was pricy. He’d made sure they had access to a large supply of the stuff, which was always handy when it came to silencing an unruly boy. The rolls were two inches wide, which helped with creative head wrappings.

Albert got James’ socks stuck in Simon’s mouth and an X of tape slapped over his lips, sealing them tight.

“I also have swim caps, chaps,” Wilhelm said, picking two rubber caps out the large satchel.

At first, the boys looked at him quizzically, but then they started smiling.

“We can wrap tape all around their heads, then.”

“And it won’t stick to their hair!”

John let James and Joseph pick the items and put them on the two kneeling teenagers’ heads. He had the roll of tape at hand.

James fumbled putting the cap on Simon, trying to pull it like a sock. Wilhelm came to his rescue.

“Put your hands into it, like you’re praying … Good. Now pull your hands apart and stretch the thing. Stretch it more … Now, slide it down Reggie’s head.”

It worked! Simon felt the little hands gliding over his hair and pulling the headwear down. Joseph got the tip. Soon Albert’s skull was wrapped in shiny rubber too.

John was next to intervene. He went from one captive to the other for his taping. He added a vertical band going from their chins to the top of their heads, then two horizontal turns wrapped around their lower faces to keep the whole thing together.

“No slant, no crease, this looks great!” James praised John’s handiwork.

“You’ve taken care of their heads. You should put them in clean underwear now.” Wilhelm fetched the ‘Simon briefs’ fans loved and an extra pair for the patrol leader. The shiny silk glimmered and impressed the lads.

“It’s fancy, like a lady’s knickers,” Joseph said, referring to the soft touch of the blue underwear Wilhelm put in his hands.

They untied the boys’ legs and changed their underwear.

“They have boners, both of them!” Joseph remarked as he bound Simon’s legs anew.

“I hope this stuff is solid, Mr. William, or they’re going to rip those briefs apart with their big boners,” John said as he took care of Albert’s legs.

The lunch was over. Wilhelm wondered if the boy-scouts had anything planned next. Of course, the resourceful trio had ideas on how to spend the afternoon.

“Could we have some workshop with Reginald, Mr. William? We would like to see how he escapes. If he can… ” he concluded, a faint smile on his lips.

Wilhelm liked these lads’ initiative.

“I’m sure he’d like to show off a bit. Don’t forget I have a challenge, so when he escapes, be ready to putt the cuffs on him.”

The boys were thrilled with the challenge.

“Let’s move him back into the sun,” Joseph suggested. “It’ll be nicer on the grass.”

Everybody agreed. Wilhelm helped the group escort the captives to their next trial. Framing the boys, with arms and hands threatening to grab them for any sudden move, the two lads accepted their fate and hopped docilely into the meadow.

Wilhelm offered assistance: “Before you try a tie-up on Reginald, why don’t I show you how it’s done on Albert? It’ll help you review and make no mistake when you bind my skilled escapist.”

This pleased the boys, who sat to watch the first demonstration.

“We’ll go for a frog-tie first. Can you give me a hand untying his legs, James?”

The youngest boy was delighted to help. He wrapped the ropes in neat coils as Wilhelm removed them.

Only Albert’s ankles were left bound. Wilhelm had him kneel straight with his bum off his heels. He couldn’t help but pat the gleaming mounds, which made the audience chuckle. He removed the final hobble between his limbs, but left it wrapped around the right ankle. There was some length on both ends of the loop, perfect for what he had in mind.

He took another coil and wrapped a clove hitch above Albert’s knee, with its ends over the back of his leg.


Albert sat on his heels.

Wilhelm had his victim spread his legs. He threaded the end of the rope from the boy’s ankles around the top of his thigh, brushing against the soft and silky bulge. These briefs sure made the package look bigger, and young Albert had lots of enthusiasm to display.

He wrapped the above-the-knees rope several times and connected its ends to the rope that was higher.

“Let’s get the other leg wrapped up.”

James assisted holding Albert as the left leg got immobilized in rope. In the end, six turns at the top and bottom of his thigh kept his heel tight against his silk-clad buttock.

“By Golly, this looks neat. And Albert has gotten very fitting underwear,” the boy said.

The blue briefs clung to the poor lad’s genitals; the size and hardness were unmistakable. The boy closed his thighs, trying to gain a modicum of modesty, which would prove impossible.

“No, no.” John frowned. “You’re among friends; you should show that you enjoy Mr. William’s gift.”

He rushed to the woods while Wilhelm and James fastened the ropes further under Joseph’s curious eye.

“We’ve got many turns, so it doesn’t need to be too tight. If we leave him like this for the whole afternoon, it shouldn’t hurt, or at least not too much,” Wilhelm explained.

“We don’t want to cut off circulation,” James expertly confirmed.

Albert frowned. Simon stood a few feet away and noticed his reaction wasn’t followed by a grunt. The submissive patrol leader didn’t even dare protest in his gag anymore.

John was back with a stick he’d cut from a tree. He took his penknife out and started cutting wide and deep grooves at each end.

“We’re going to sort this out, Albert. I’m going to make sure we can’t miss the fact you’re hard.”

He wrapped thinner rope at each end and then had Wilhelm and James spread Albert’s thighs open; he inserted the stick and tied its ends to the ropes around his knee. This improvised spreader-bar served its purpose well. Simon enjoyed seeing someone else wear his sexy briefs. He wasn’t sure, as the bright sun caused lots of reflections over the fabric, but he thought a darker hue betrayed some leaking.

Simon was next.

“Time to try your hand at it with Reginald,” Wilhelm said. “Watch out, a knot a little too loose and he’s gone!”

The trio had a short, private council to decide how to bind the young expert. They decided Simon had to submit just as Albert did. He was still under Wilhelm’s eye and had to play along.

The boys took a bit longer than Wilhelm did but soon achieved the same result. To keep his thighs spread open, James fetched two tent pegs and the hammer. He planted them next to Simon’s knees and bound coils to the pegs and the knees. Joseph helped him.

Both boys let their hands wander on Simon’s thighs, occasionally resting them on his bulging package and feeling the softness with their palms or fingertips.

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Post by kankuro10 »

Yeah. New chapter. Once again, I loved it. Very exciting.

Omg. Eight chapters of this adventure? I can't wait for new chapters (and new adventures of Simon)
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Post by Bondwriter »

Thanks, Kankuro. I hope you'll enjoy this week's chapter. We're getting to the end of this adventure soon...

Simon and the Boy-Scouts

Chapter 9 – End of a Busy Day

Wilhelm steered the boys away from lust to have them bind each captive in a reverse prayer position. He whispered to Simon to stay still as he approached the prisoners to supervise the boys. They’d done it before, and John led the group into binding Albert’s wrists between his shoulder blades and weaving a rope harness holding his folded arms tight against his torso.

It was Simon’s turn soon. Every time they bound him in a new position, they showed something new. Quick learners; that was his luck. He was waiting for the moment he could show them ‘Reginald’ wasn’t bothered by a few flimsy ropes. They’d done well and tightened them rather tight, but this wouldn’t be an issue. He knew how to slip out of them.

The four captors lined up in front of the captives. With their heads wrapped in black rubber and tape, their legs obscenely open and their arms invisible, they were a matching pair.

“They look alike when we can’t see their hair!” Joseph noticed.

“But only one of them is an escape artist. Time to show us you can get out of ropes, lads.”

Wilhelm hadn’t seen Simon perform his craft for a long time. He didn’t remember the boy was fast;

John had an eye on Reginald, though. When Simon managed to free his wrists, the attentive boy-scout was there to snap a pair of handcuffs around them.

Soon, his legs slipped out of the ropes thanks to all his twisting and restrained contortions.

Joseph and James sat next to him and held his gams. Wilhelm brought them the shackles they needed: two cuffs and a bit of chain. They allowed for more leg motion, but without a key there was no way out.

The attention turned to Albert, whose own writhing didn’t bring much result. At least, not towards escaping. It did get his little friends to congratulate him for filling his borrowed underwear so well.

The little group had lots of fun. Simon stayed put, looking at his neighbour and his package, charmed by the naughty boy-scouts taunting their patrol leader.

They moved to the ball tie. Albert was first, which allowed Simon to get another half hour of the most interesting display. The young patrol leader ended up folded at the waist and knees, with ropes wrapping him up like a parcel ready for shipping. Simon benefitted from the briefs’ nice cut, as they enhanced the pert bottom.

When it was his turn, the fact that his behind was within reach caused the lads to caress it while performing the tie-up; the hands lingered on, attracted by the derriere’s softness.

Simon managed to get out of the ball tie and the hogtie that came next. His new friends kept close and got him in cuffs at the first hint he’d freed a wrist or slid his shoulder out of the harness around his torso. The afternoon went like a dream. The end of their workshop saw the captives bound and gagged in a lighter way, with restraints at ankles and wrists only. The gags hadn’t changed. The boy-scouts could launch the evening activities; they needed to light a fire to cook and prepare for the campfire.

John had a concern.

“Mr. William, I was thinking that we’ll need another pole tonight. We planted one last weekend so we could have Albert next to us around the fire, bound and gagged …”

“… At the torture pole,” James grinned.

“There isn’t one for your brother, Mr. William. Could you handle it? There are poles over there,” he said, pointing to a pile of logs.

Wilhelm felt unusually satisfied to be useful. These boys and their good behaviour seemed to rub off on the blond abductor.

He took a seven-foot post from the pile, a shovel, and got to the campfire.

He dug the earth, used a pick to remove the roots and the stones, and planted the post two feet underground. He got rocks and earth back in the hole and packed them tight. He knew his escape artist was kept in shape and couldn’t be left to push his legs to lift the post. With the small trunk firmly planted, he could get back to see what the boys were up to.

Albert and Simon were hung by their wrists at each end of the table. They stood on tiptoes, their lags bound together and their arms above their heads, giving the captives a Y-shape.
The table was made of two tripods over eight feet in height and facing each other, and bars linking their inner sides, on which they’d set long board that made the table. There was some space for someone to stand under the tripod and it seemed natural to ‘store’ their prisoners there while taking care of dinner.

“I see you’ve decided Albert and Reginald should be at the dinner table,” Wilhelm commented, a smile on his face.

He detailed the new bondage. They’d worked with ropes; Simon had been cuffed with a short chain linking his wrists to the two inside posts of the tripod. His dong hung a couple of inches over the bar holding the boards. His legs were wrapped in tons of rope; Joseph and James had reproduced the various crisscrossing techniques Wilhelm had showed them.

He went to Albert, who was bound the same way.

“You see that, Mr. William,” John bragged, “perfect symmetry!”

Looking at the table, which they’d made a few weeks ago, Wilhelm noticed that John’s meticulousness showed in his craft; the table offered straight lines, the long boards meant he’d thought about the matter and talked to people to obtain them.

The use of pegs on top of this made the construction sturdy. It was meant to last for years—and apt to welcome the two guests. All four walked around for some time, watching and commenting on the tie-up and on the prisoners.

Albert had gone beyond shame and started wondering where he was. Simon enjoyed the mild aspect of the light tie-ups, performed by very enticing boy-scouts.

“I was wondering, John, if Reggie stays here, I’d better not be too far in case he pulls one of his escape tricks. I’ll go get the required equipment. Can you handle him for half an hour?”

The ‘of course’ he received betrayed some annoyance. John went to guard Simon as Wilhelm left for his errand.

Wilhelm had packed their sleeping bags and the gear for the night in two bags he’d let at the cottage’s door, so the trip was fast. The food was just getting ready to serve when he came back; the two table decorations remained just as they’d been before he left.

The meal was warm soup, bread, and cheese. The quantities they consumed were impressive. The prisoners behaved and got their meal along with lots of attention from their captors surrounding them.

Wilhelm offered the stuffing for their gags, removing his thin black leather boots. His socks were thin, but he’d worn them since yesterday morning in the summer heat.

The three youngsters guffawed at the disgust both Albert and Simon displayed when they had to open their gobs. A simple combination of tape and cotton scarves ensured the tall young man’s smelly and salty socks would stay lodged inside.

“Hey, Joseph,” James told his friend, “I bet I can get Reggie to squirt his load before you get Albert to!”

John gave the countdown and the boys undertook to get the special boys to come in their briefs, which bore stains of male-fluid leakage but nothing like the flood the agile hands meant to provoke.

This time, the boys weren’t silent. There was panting and gasping and grunting. They exploded at the same time. They hadn’t been milked for four hours, but they acted as if months had passed.

John had grown accustomed to the show.

“They seem to be having fun,” he told his friend William standing next to him.

“They’ve been rewarded all afternoon, haven’t they?”

“I guess,” the boy replied thoughtfully.

After the dicks had been wiped and the briefs dried as much as could be and the night now being a short while away, the little troop moved on to the next stage.

“To the campfire!” Joseph proposed.

The boys were relentless, Wilhelm thought. Binding knots, untangling ropes or coiling them, working the proper rope work and redoing constantly, nothing seemed to stop them. The captives were supposed to be the ones with an interest for tie-ups and gags, but the three little captors proved overly keen to assist them with their fetishes. It had to arouse them also.

Albert and Simon stood four feet away from each other when the sun had completely set. They were trussed up to the torture poles, once again able to participate in the group’s life. James lit the campfire, and the group sat around it.

The captives remained part of the early evening’s activities. The roaring fire shone bright. Joseph suggested some gag workshop, as he wanted to try to tape up Reginald’s head with the rubber cap.

John deemed it a good idea; he recruited James to do the same to Albert. The two poor prisoners had their heads fully wrapped up again, with only eyes and nose apparent.

Wilhelm had long leather belts and cushions. His bag packing had been impeccable; he had all the necessary accessories at hand throughout the day. He gave the straps and pillows to the boy-scouts, who didn’t need an explanation. They set the pads between the boys’ heads, which they pinned to the tree with a tightly buckled belt that went across their gagged mouths and around the tree.

“It’s always best to prevent them from shaking their head. My poor little Reginald has a tendency to fall and bump into things, so I tie him up!”

The tormentors sat around the fire and sang a few songs. Wilhelm didn’t know them but he had a good ear. James smiled. “Nice voice, Mr. William,” he said when the song was over, “but I don’t hear Albert, and he knows the song.”

He jumped to his feet and leaped to Albert’s sides.

“Let’s go for the chorus again!”

The chorus resounded in the night, reinforced by a nasal whine that accompanied the tune.

“Reggie likes music too,” Wilhelm told James, pointing to Simon.

“One more time, or two maybe?”

Simon had to hum the tune also. The other boys had stood and circled in front of the pole-tied choir members.

This occupied the lads for another half hour. Then they told stories; Wilhelm had more of Reginald’s tales to tell: self-tie-ups gone wrong or the hazing by the wrestlers in his boarding school.

Judging by the captivated faces lit by the fire, he knew the boy-scouts loved this stuff.

He smiled at Simon and stood to move around him while delivering his tale. He saw the twinkle in his eye every time he gave lurid details about the wrestlers’ bonds, gags, or bodily smells.

“It has been an amazing day, but I’m tired. How shall we sleep?” John asked Wilhelm. “Do you stay in our tent too?”

“I have a sleeping bag; I can sleep wherever you want. What about Reggie?”

“He’ll sleep with us in the tent,” Joseph said with a feral grin.

“That’s fine. I have his sleeping bag too. It has some special features to make sure I don’t lose the challenge and Reginald doesn’t escape. The sky is bright, I can sleep outside and watch Albert. Your tent might be a bit small for six. He can stay bound to his post, so there’s only one prisoner to untie.”

The suggestion’s practicality struck the boys. Albert opened his eyes wide and begged through the packing in his mouth, but the convenience of the plan prevailed.

“Great idea. We’ll wrap Albert in a blanket. He’ll learn to sleep standing,” John said with a grin.

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Post by Straitjacketed »

Can't wait to discover the "special features" of that sleeping bag... :)

If M/M overkill bondage in stupidly excessive amounts of gear is your thing as well as mine, here's a list of my TUG stories.
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