My Guardian Angel (M/M) *Part IV Available*

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My Guardian Angel (M/M) *Part IV Available*

Post by Viperbound7 »

Part I

Angelo was a gorgeous 27 year old guy in one of my night classes. He appeared to be slightly asian,
with short black hair, a slightly twinkish but fit body, and a clean shaven face and slightly darkened
skin. He had a keen sense of style which was a mixture of nerdy and sexy, wearing black thick rimmed
glasses and a necklace over his tight T-shirts and with very tight jeans which wonderfully accentuated
his wonderful bubble butt. Sometimes the waistband of his underwear was visible, which was black
and bore the top of the words “Calvin Klein”. I could only speculate what type of underwear, he
seemed like a personality which would wear boxer briefs. However very faint lines sometimes visible
through his tight pants made me believe they are tight fitting low rise style briefs. Some might describe
him as a “pretty boy” but he did not have a conceited personality whatsoever, his humble and friendly
attitude made him very popular with everyone. He would easily get any girl he wanted, however it was
known that he was openly gay. You wouldn’t know this from merely talking to him as he didn't wear this
detail on his sleeve. I actually knew him as being part of a social group I had once found myself in bad
standing with after getting in a heated political argument with one of them. Ever since then, one guy
in particular named Seth in particular seemed to have it out for me, sort of a real jock type-A personality.
I still remember all of them threatening revenge on me. Angelo himself calmed things down, urging him
to back off. This was partially what drew me to Angelo, in addition to his looks of course.

I had a crush on him for quite some time, though as a shy introvert who was somewhat average
looking I had long considered him out of my league. I myself was a 30 year old going back to school
to obtain a bachelors degree in finance. Not a bad catch by any means, but I couldn’t imagine a guy
like Angelo paying much attention to me. I was a person who held romantic attraction to guys on
occasion, but for the most part kept to myself and shy’d away from relationships. Every so often I
would check Grindr for some potential romantic partners in the area or just out of boredom, but
nothing substantial ever came from it. Only rarely would I actually find myself infatuated with a
person, and Angelo happened to be one such rare occasion. I was frustrated because I could never
really have a decent chance to talk to him, I would only mostly see him from afar.

However this all changed with this most recent night class, as not only was he also in this class
but had even taken a liking to sitting in front of me. My heart swooned on the first day when he walked
up to where I was sitting and took the seat in front of me. He saw me make eye contact and gave me
a warm smile. “I know you” he said with a nonchalant friendly tone. Somewhat nervous but keeping
my cool, I laughed and struck up a brief conversation with him. Eventually I worked up some courage
and made a bold suggestion. “Hey would you want to form a mini study group? Might be helpful for
a class like this.” I said, feeling sort of a wave of heat rush through my body immediately after
saying it. “Sure, come over to my place sometime” he said, much to my surprise and excitement.
It might've been my imagination but he appeared to maintain his gaze on me for a few seconds,
giving a slight flirtatious smirk. We only had arranged to meet up but I felt overjoyed, moments like
this felt like a rare treat!

We had several meetings and studied, getting along as friends. Typical meetings about the
subject matter. However something quickly happened which changed our chemistry. One night I was
browsing Grindr as normal looking for some hope of romance when there I saw it. One of the pictures
on the screen was of Angelo. My heart raced. “Do I dare view his profile? Possibly even message him?”
I pondered. I was well aware that if I even view his profile, he would be able to see that I had done so.
Eventually I did so. His profile was pretty standard, nothing over the top though I couldn't help but
notice that he mentioned a love for kink and bondage, which I also love. I also took note of him mentioning
that he's an aspiring massage therapist. His pictures were all clothed and his description merely said he
was hoping to meet guys in the area. I thought about sending him a message to really break the ice but
I couldn't do it. I minimized the app and switched to watching YouTube for awhile, my heart racing over
what just took place. He’d know I was on the app for sure. Eventually I reopened Grindr and froze in
terror when I saw that he had messaged me. I opened it and saw the words “Shhhhhhh. Don't say
anything to anyone about me being on here please. Lets keep this our little secret.” I responded
“Of course! No problem at all”. He later responded “Good boy ;). Guess I wont have to kidnap you
after all, haha jk”. His flirtatious and dominating way of saying that filled me with warmth!

At our next study group it inevitable came up. “So…” He said. “I was shocked to see you were gay!”
“Sort of” I said. “Hard to explain, I like some kinky bondage play here and there, maybe some cuddling or
romance sometimes. Sorry, I know that sounds weird”. “Nah, I get it, you're complicated, we all are” he
said understandingly. I wanted to keep the topic going. “So I saw you want to be a massage therapist.
Thats cool!” I blurted. “Yeah, Im a very sensual person and love the feeling of putting my hands on someone
while they relax.” “Hmmm guess you like to gently be in control of a guy” I said jokingly. Once I said it I
noticed that look of his again, keeping his gaze on me and giving a slight smirk. “I guess you could say that”
he said, his eyes moving up and down my body. This made me shiver with slight arousal. “Want a sample?”
He asked, making me blush. “Sure!” He stood up and walked behind me. My heart soared as he gently
put his hands on my shoulders and began kneading. His soft hands felt so gentle and sensual, I didn’t want
it to end. Every so often he grazed my arms and neck with his finger tips with a sense of flow, making me
quiver. “Feels amazing” I said softly, falling into a trance. Then it happened. “Man, you're too good at
th-mmph”. Mid sentence I was cut off as I felt his hand slowly come up still in rhythm with his strokes and
his palm gently but firmly press over my mouth, his fingers pressing against my cheek. “Shhhhhhhhhhh.
Your mouth is making too much noise. Just relax...” he softly whispered into my ear. I had never been so
aroused in my life. I breathed heavily through my nose, and a probably noticeable bulge began to appear
in my pants. Turns out he did notice. “Awww you like this? Looks like your pants are getting tighter”
He whispered, keeping his hand tightly over my mouth and continuing to graze my neck, now occasionally
going up to stroke my hair. I was helpless as my body was numb with pure ecstasy. He applied a little
pressure to my mouth so that I gazed up at him, meeting his teasing gaze. “Bondage play huh? Maybe
I’ll snatch you up and make you my hushed captive one of these days” he cooed. I could've stayed that
way forever but eventually he stopped and we resumed our studying. As I left, he gave me one last
flirtatious smirk. "See you soon" he said.

End of Part I
Last edited by Viperbound7 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by sharpliketoday »

Nice start, really looking forward to more! I like how Angelo is assertive but not overly rough. Also, yay for handgags :D
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Post by Viperbound7 »

Yeah not gonna lie Angelos my idea of the perfect bondage partner. There’s definitely more handgags to come!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

A very promising start.

Angelo is quite a looker with amazing taste in underwear and I really liked how flirtatious the relationship between him and the narrator. I also appreciate that you took your time to describe the characters and build their personalities before jumping to the action.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Johnbound »

Awsm start
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Post by MountainMan_91 »


I liked this... I found myself reading it twice to check if I missed anything. Nice premise and I like Angelo's uh... I like all of him ;) .

Great characters. Part II ought to be a blast...
Learning new things each day...

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Post by dahanband »

good start
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Post by Viperbound7 »

Thanks all! Part II should hopefully be up soon, I’ve got an outline for two more ready
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I like this story. Just like with the massage, after reading some lines you’re hooked and continue reading. And you start to know the persons better. I like the way you introduce Angelo by telling something about him in the first part and then continue fleshing out who he is while we’re reading about what’s on his Grindr profile.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Yeah, a great start!

And the handgag was my highlight in that first chapter, too.
Keep it up! :D
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Post by Viperbound7 »

Part II

My moans are silenced by a very effective ballgag in my mouth. I’m bound to a chair, as a gorgeous fit
twinkish body with a bubble butt circles me, brushing his fingertips across my body. In a teasing way he
brushes my hair and runs his fingers across my shoulders, and gently cups his hand over my mouth to
tease me. Walking in front of me, he sits on my lap and straddles me, his perfect groin region pressing
intimately against mine. I see his beautiful face with his short black hair and stylized glasses. My moans
remain confined behind the gag as he brushes my hair and whispers that I’m his helpless hushed little
captive. I’m so aroused that I’m about to burst. He stares into my eyes with his flirtatious teasing smirk,
the look alone says all I need to know, that I belong to him. Its pure heaven.

I open my eyes as I wake up. A sinking feeling of crushing disappointment rushes through me as I
sink into my bed. Angelo is absolutely dominating my mind. I’m so infatuated that I can barely think.
I can hardly wait for the next opportunity just to see him again. He should be there today in class but
I won't have much opportunity to talk since its a lecture day. In class that day to my disappointment
however, he is nowhere to be found. Thoughts of the dream I had last night swim through my head
and I cannot focus, and because of the disappoint I felt from his absence. The class goes by in a blur
as I barely process any of the information and leave. I need to at least see him. I thought maybe I’d
pass by the spot I know he can sometimes be found talking to his crew of friends. Although I dread
the idea of seeing that Seth guy, or his friend Jake. Compared to how warm and inviting Angelo is,
those two are just belligerent and unpleasant. Nonetheless I decide to chance it and pass by their spot.

I pass the spot. Angelo is nowhere to be seen, but some of his usual group are there at the table
eating lunch together. Sure enough Seth and Jake are there, talking very loudly. At first I don't think
much of it, but immediately I can't help but eavesdrop as some key words immediately jump out at me.
I stop and sit nearby and listen to them, as I hear them talking about some kind of plot. “Lets just face
it, I need those answers” Seth said. “My parents paid for me to be here, Im not just gonna fail. If I have
to break into some office, then thats what I’m gonna do”. I must’ve arrived just at the perfect time, as
they were discussing the key points of some plan to burglarize a teachers office. I’m also filled with a
sense of conflict. What do I do with this sudden information? Can I just let this happen? “Obviously we
can't talk about this here. No one can know” Seth continues. “We’ll talk about it more when Angelo
gets here, I think he wants in on some of it also.”

Suddenly they go silent. I feel a sudden rush of fear as I look over and see them staring right at me.
“Sup” Seth says. “Arent you that annoying guy we once had to teach a lesson?” I am at a loss of words
and I begin to stand up to walk away but I’m cut off as a tall figure stands in front of me and pushes
me backwards. Jake backs me into the wall as he stares down at me. “Whats the matter? You gonna
try and be a hero and stop us?” Nervously I look around, hoping that being in public would reduce the
chances of me getting a beating from this guy. “No..No, I won't say anything” I say. He doesn't seem
to buy it. “Maybe I can find a way to make sure you keep your mouth shut. Teach you a lesson you
won't forget anytime soon.” He looks at me ravenously, with aggressive sadistic intent. He reaches
into his pocket, he pulls out some dirty handkerchief that was in there and stuffs into into my mouth.
“Let this be a lesson, until next time” he says, and shoves me aside. “We’ll be seeing each other again
real soon.” He says, his voice oozing with a threatening tone. I turn to bolt and run, spitting out the
handkerchief as I do.

Trying to clear my head, I take a walk around the campus. Not long after I receive a text from Angelo.
“Hey, are you okay? I heard that Jake and you got into an altercation.” At first I’m filled with warmth
from receiving a text from him. “How are you? I saw you were gone today” I texted. “Sorry, I had an
appointment to go to and couldn't make it there today” he said. Suddenly I felt the urge to ask him
about the conspiracy. I told him I was okay, and also everything I overheard them talking about. “Yeah
its true. It was partially my idea.” He said. Once again I felt conflicted. I really liked this guy and felt
deeply infatuated with him, but also felt I couldn't stand by and act like I was okay with this taking
place, after all someone could get hurt. Before I can text him back I got another message. “Are you gonna
say anything?” He asked. I had to think long and hard about this. Just then I got a text from an unmarked
number I didn’t recognize. My body went cold with terror as I read simply the words “Shut the fuck up,
or else you’ll regret it”. I think I had a pretty good idea of who it was from. Completely shook, I had to
sit down for awhile and process that I was now being threatened with violence.

“You doing okay?” another concerned text from Angelo read. I snapped out of it as I realized I let a half
hour go by without responding to him. I sent him a screenshot of the text. Soon after he responded,
“Seth and Jake are kind of moronic and impulsive, I can’t say for sure what they might try to do. I care
about you and I don't want you to get hurt in any way. I think you should stay quiet. Trust me on this”
I paused and thought about this “I don't know, I think I should tell someone, the police even”. He
responded “I know you're scared but I need you to stay quiet. If you go to the police then I might be in
trouble as well, so I can't let you say anything. Trust me on this.”

On my way out of class that day I walked through campus through the quiet darkness towards the
nearest police station. I hadn’t fully made up my mind yet, but I walked in the direction with the strong
consideration of going against Angelos wishes. I then saw Seth, Jake, and the other friends of Angelo
quickly approaching me from both sides, I immediately had a sinking feeling as I realized what was about
to happen. I turned to run, but it wasn't long before I was grabbed and thrown against the wall. “Where
were you going? I can’t help but notice you’re walking towards the campus police station” Jake said
forcefully. My mouth was dry with fear, I didn’t know how to answer. “How about we take you for a little
ride? Maybe beat a little bit of sense into you until you decide to accept that you're not going to interfere
with anything.” I turned to run again but Seth was standing there, with a look on his face that showed
he was in agreement with Jake as to the horrible things they planned to do with me.

As I backed a way, I felt an arm wrap around mine and restrain both of my arms behind my back. Turning
my head to look behind me, I saw it was Angelo. I put up some amount of fight but Angelo was quite
strong and had me tightly restrained with just one of his arms. “Sorry, but I told you, I can't let you say
anything about this” he said to me. His voice was soft as always but the words themselves coming from
him sent chills down my spine. “Hey Angelo, you're finally here, took you long enough! We gonna beat
this guy or what?” Seth said. I felt a tremendous sinking feeling as I heard confirmation that my crush
was turning on me.

I fought once more but Angelo held me tightly. “Wait” he said. “Let me take him. I’ll keep him quiet
until after you guys got the answers. I’ll make sure he keeps his mouth shut afterwards”. Jake seemed
almost disappointed, “Seems like you want to go soft on him, I think we should make sure he learns his
lesson” he snorted. “I’m serious, let me do it my way. Get the duct tape out of my bag and help me
get him in the car” said Angelo assertively. They appeared to relent and walked towards Angelos bag.
“Wait…Angl-” I said, before being hushed mid sentence by his tight handgag. “Hush. You're not saying
a thing to anyone” he said forcefully. His friends brought over the roll of duct tape and began
wrapping my legs with it. I tried to yell and get someones attention, but Angelos handgag was very
tight and cancelled any noise. “Shhhhhhh” he whispered. “I warned you to hush before, but you didn’t
listen. Now its quiet time.” He let go of my arms so they could wrap them in tape. Seth brought the
tape up to my face, but Angelo insisted that he do it. I could tell Angelo was enjoying this quite a lot
and was enjoying the opportunity to gag me. Instead of doing it in a hurry, he slowly and sensually
wrapped the duct tape over my mouth and around my head, caressing my gagged lips to smooth the tape.
He then put his hand back softly over my mouth, for no apparently reason other than he wanted to.
Seth must have noticed as he remarked, “wow, try not to molest him while you're at it.” Angelo was
amused and softly joked “I’ll try not to. No promises.”. He was joking but a slightly ravenous gleam
almost seemed to appear in his eye as he said it. I think he knew I was enjoying this as well, despite
being uncertain of my fate. They came over to pick me up but Angelo easily swept me off my feet
and began to carry my bound body off to the car.

Seth and Jake and several of the group had gone off to carry off their heist while two more of the
group drove the car which now carried me to the spot where I was to be kept silent. In the back
seat Angelo held my bound body close and kept his hand over my gagged mouth. With his other
hand he was using his phone to take selfies of himself holding his silenced prisoner. He seemed
to be having fun with it as he teased me with the poses and faces he chose. “Sorry” he said.
“Just a little memento for me, and a little blackmail incentive for you to keep your mouth shut
after all of this” He teased. Looking up at the drivers and then back down at me he said “Awww
poor baby, can't say much can you? Don’t worry, I’ve got a long day planned for you” almost
seemingly so they could hear. Up to this point I had difficulty reading his intentions, and what I
should think of him.

But then it happened. A very subtle hand motion, without the others in the car noticing he gently
put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a loving playful squeeze. He gave me a slight smile, as if
to reassure me. I interpreted this as him signaling to me that I was in good hands and had nothing
to worry about. I felt a wave of relief and excitement, as I anticipated what my approaching day
as Angelos silenced captive might be like.

End of Part II
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Post by dahanband »

so hot...
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Post by dahanband »

please continue
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Post by Viperbound7 »

Glad you like it!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's what I call a surprising twist.

Not a big fan of dream sequences but the one, in the beginning, worked so well. The kidnapping scene was intense and well-paced but I loved the last part the most. Nothing like relieving the sub after tying him up.

Looking forward to seeing what Angelo plans.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Yes, definitely a great new part!
Keep up the great work. Look forward to more!
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Post by squirrel »

Wow, the story is great! I wonder what Angelo has in store for his little captive...

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Post by sharpliketoday »

I like where this is going ;) Another nice chapter!
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Post by Charmides »

Really love the plotting in this story, and I can't wait to see how it all pans out! Angelo is a gem of a character; gentle and sly and just enough of an enigma that we can all collectively fall for him. Looking forward to seeing what's up his sleeve!
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Post by Viperbound7 »

Thanks! It’s an honor, Shadow of the Mountains one of my favorite stories on here hehe
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Post by Viperbound7 »

Part III

As the car pulled into the garage, Angelo brought me into the house, still tightly bound and gagged with tape.
Angelo looked at me with a thirsty look while saying to the other two, “Ill take it from here, you guys can go
join Seth and Jake in the heist, they probably need help.” One of them gladly left, while the other, named
Oliver, stuck around. “I can't help but notice you're really coddling him, I can't help but wonder what you're
actually up to” he said. I could see Angelo roll his eyes with slight annoyance and then turn around. “I don't
know what you mean, I just need to prevent him from saying anything, so he's staying with me for the night.
Theres no reason for you to stay here as well so you can go join the others.” Oliver decided to be a pest, and
said “I don't know, I have a feeling I need to stick around, maybe help you remember to teach him a lesson.
Seems like you might not do it on your own.” With this Angelo walked right towards Oliver and pinned him
against the wall. Oliver thrashed but Angelo was clearly the stronger off the two and Oliver couldn’t get
free. “What the fuck?!?” Oliver protested. Angelo, still having a hand free despite dominating the guy, then
put his finger right up to Olivers lips, signaling him to stop talking.

“Since you're going to be like this, Ill just let you know something. Im a pretty resourcefully and snoopy
guy with everyone I interact with, so Ive seen your little online fetlife account. Now, I’m not judging you,
but I wonder what Seth and Jake might think if they saw it. They definitely aren't as sexually tolerant other
peoples interests as I am.” With this, Oliver stops struggling. A deep look of concern flushes over his face as
he submits to Angelos commands to remain silent. Angelo continues, “your silence buys mine. But if you
insist on being a loud mouth, I have plenty of tape for you as well, and I promise you won't receive as much
mercy or love as my little captive over there. He's my special prize for the night but you would simply be
another inconvenient mouth to silence. Rest assured, I’ve captured and silenced a lot bigger guys than you”.
With this, Oliver nervously simply said “of course, I won't say anything”, with Angelo simply said “good boy”
and set him free into the night. Angelo then turned to me and said “good, now I can pay exclusive attention
to you, my special sexy captive.”

He cut the tape off of my wrists, and allowed me to remove my gag. It seemed to me that I was now
in the clear, and his true plan was to set me free. “Thank you Angelo, I owe you everything” I said with
tremendous gratitude. But somethings amiss. “Hmm? You think Im just letting you go, or that you're going
somewhere?” He slyly says. I begin walk to the door but to my surprise he places his hand on it and holds it
closed. He begins to walk towards me with that irresistible flirty smile of his. He backs me into a corner.
“Wait Angelo, I can’t…” I barely get any words out before Im tightly pinned against the wall, with his hand
tightly covering my mouth. “Thats better” he says.

I’m taken aback but I hardly struggle, quite content to be in Angelos powerful grasp. He looks directly
into my eyes, with a look of pure dominance but also a tinge of playful friendliness, giving me the impression
he will not resort to violence against me. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I wasn't about to
let them take you or hurt you in anyway, but make no mistake, you're not saying anything to anyone. You’re
all mine for the whole night”. With this, I’m feeling quite aroused, but I keep this info to myself, not that I
have a choice. He continues, “I’ve got a nice intimate night planned for you, little prisoner. You're staying
with me whether you like it or not, thats not up to you. But I do care about you and your comfort as well as
your consent for certain things, so if at any point I make you uncomfortable, just snap your fingers twice and
I’ll stop”. I silently laugh behind my handgag, opening my hands to show that I have no intention of snapping.
He smiles playfully, “very well then, I’ll take that as your consent for me to make you mine however I wish!
Don't worry, I have no desire to harm you. But I hope you like being bound, and I hope you like having my
hands massaging every inch of you!”

My handgag is released as he walks behind me and lifts my shirt over over my head. “First lets lose
these clothes of yours” he says, reaching down and slowly unbuttoning and unzipping my pants. He slides
them down, revealing my blue boxer briefs. He sensually places his hand on my side, “ooooo Ive been given
quite a gift haven't I?” He says, eyeing me and flattering me. He places a hand on my hip, feeling my underwear
fabric, saying, “These are okay, but I think we can do little better”. He takes me by the hand into the bedroom,
then reaches into a drawer and unfurls a tiny pair of white low rise style bikini briefs. “These are a bit more
what I want to have to have you in. Take these into the bathroom, don't come out without them on.” In the
bathroom I switch into the tight bikini briefs. They certainly are quite sexy, very much showing off the bulge
and butt. I feel self conscious, but also comforted by the mere fact that its a comforting presence like Angelo
who will be seeing me. I emerge from the bathroom, clad only in the cute briefs as Angelo smirks. “Thats
much more like it. I like you better as my eye candy tighty whitey boy!” He comes over and places his hand
on the hip, “this is one of my favorite pairs, I just love feeling the wonderful fabric.” His hands start grazing
my butt and cupping my bulge, “Especially the contours of the fly, I could feel this all day”, he says with a
laugh. I could stay like this forever. “Hmm, feels like they're getting a little tighter on you” he says. I can
barely contain myself. “That feels so-“, once again I am cut off as Angelos hand gently covers my mouth.
“Aww how cute, you forgot that you were my captive and thought I wasn't going to keep that mouth quiet.
Naughty boy”.

He helped me onto the bed and instructed me to lie facedown. “Time for your massage” he said,
sensually placing a hand on my back. He then made his way to the headboard and began to fasten my arms
with something. I then noticed that he had already tied silk scarves onto the headboard and was binding
me in place. They felt soft and comforting on the skin, but held me in place very effectively. I could no go
anywhere even if I wanted to. I was glad I trusted the person doing this to me. “Now then, this massage is
up to you. Would you like harder pressure or soft?” He says, straddling my back. “I think I’ll do-” I manage
to get out, before an unseen knotted scarf firmly enters my mouth. “Aww silly boy, you keep falling for my
traps” Angelo says, as he tightly ties the gag in place behind my head. The gag is extremely effective,
cancelling out all sounds but feeling soft and sensual in my mouth. In ways it was a good representation of
Angelo himself. “Hush now, I picked a nice silk scarf for your gag but let me know if its uncomfortable okay?
Oh wait thats right” he says, playing ruffling my hair. I playfully make grunt noises. “Dont worry, that gag
will hold you. These walls are also pretty thick and the neighbors are away. Really there would be no reason
to gag you…if I didn't want you that way. But gagged is a very good look for you hehe”.

Angelos phone vibrates. He looks at it and says “Just one second babe. Don't go anywhere”. I can only
hear Angelos side of the conversation. “You’re almost there? Yeah…no I won't be there, I’m staying with the
prisoner…dont worry about him…yeah he's been silenced, he can't talk…no you're not beating him up…no he's
mine…youre worrying too much, he can't say anything to anybody…just do your thing at the campus, let me
handle him my way…alright bye”. “Ughh that guy” he says as he hangs up. He diverts his attention back to
me, “Its happening now, and here you are, unable to do anything about it or say anything. You can only lay
here helplessly under my power with a gag in your mouth, hehehe.” I struggle and give a slightly frustrated
grunt into my cleave gag. “Awww poor baby. You don't know how lucky you are that I was the one who
successfully got my hands on you. They wanted to take you out somewhere and beat you into submission
until you agreed not to talk, but I had other plans for ensuring your silence”. He then leans close to my ear,
I then felt his hand sensually feel my briefs clad butt. “Im going to make you enjoy yourself so much that
you enjoy being my captive and don't even want to say anything. A happy mouth is a hushed mouth heheh.
Plus Ive been wanting to get my hands on you for quite some time now” he says, giving a gentle squeeze.

With this both of us went silent, as his hands began to gracefully explore my body. His hands were
soft and perfect for massages. Angelo had earlier silenced me before I described what I wanted him to do,
but it seemed like he had read my mind. He softly grazed my shoulders, and then sensually ran his
fingertips up my tied arms and then back down my sides. It was so soft and sensual that it tickled. I couldn't
help but let out a brief sensual moan, which was absorbed into the silencing silk scarf. His hands kneaded
my upper back and gradually worked their way down to the lower, finally parting to the sides to gently
enfold my flank areas. Angelo was now totally silent, completely focused on my body. I let out another
slightly loader moan. Without a word I feel him reach up and tighten my gag ever so slightly. He stands
up and gets to work on grazing and kneading my calves, then with one hand I feel his fingertips slowly and
teasingly begin to run up my leg. I grow excited as his fingertips reach my upper thigh and hamstrings.
Softly and sensually his palm cups my buttock and sensually start kneading, his fingertips going between
my legs and resting on my bulge. His other hand lovingly finds itself laying on my lower back, the
fingertips curling around to my side area. Once again I cannot contain my moan, this time Angelo breaks
his total silence to let out a tender barely audible “sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh…” To my total joy, the massage
continues this way for quite some time, with Angelo giving a great deal of attention to my butt and groin.
Every so often he straddles me and I can feel his hard bulge pressing against me through his tight jeans,
and I can tell that he is enjoying this as much as I am. I also hear him beginning to breathe slightly heavier
though he's clearly trying to conceal it. “Youre mine” I hear him say, as he gives my butt a light spank
followed by a gentle squueze. The already tight briefs then instantly grow tighter on me, having my
difficulty concealing my bulge. He gives me another spank. “Ive seen and played with many butts in
my life. Yours is the most gorgeous of all”, he says as his hands caress and squeeze every last intimate
area of my underwear clad loins. I’m so turned on I’m about to explode.

“Remember our snapping system. Just let me know if you're not okay”. I once again open my hands
to show that I'm good. “Good boy” he says as his hand goes between my legs and starts rubbing my bulge.
I moan loudly into the gag. While relentlessly pleasuring me he starts whispering into my ear“Youve been
a very good boy so its time for you to cum for me. Thats it just moan into your gag. You're mine to gag.
Your mouth belongs to me. A gorgeous guy like you should always be gagged. Your beautiful butt and
crotch belong to me. You're mine. This is exactly where you belong, your butt underwear clad and on
display for my pleasure and your mouth kept quiet like the little boytoy of mine that you are!” I moan
uncontrollably into my gag and my loins burn with ecstasy as I orgasm right into his cupping hand on my
bulge. “Mmmmmm good boy. Thats it, shhhhhhhh. Good boy, thats a good little captive, shhhhhhh.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…..” He trails off into a whispered hush as his rubbing slows down and stops, his
hand continuing to rest on my crotch. I lay there in ecstasy for several moments and then come back
to reality. Angelos smiling down at me when I turn to look up at him. “Very hot, you make a good
captive” he said. I glance down at the crotch of Angelos pants, he has a hand on his still very tight pants
which contain a significant bulge. Angelo catches me looking and laughs, “Dont worry about me just yet.
Our nights just getting started and Im savoring it.”

End of Part III
Last edited by Viperbound7 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by dahanband »

" A gorgeous guy like you should always be gagged " :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

My usual ideology! :twisted:
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Post by dahanband »

Oh, Jesus Christ!

I love this story, Angelo is so wonderful, I really really really, can't wait for the next episodes!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Angelo is a super sweet dom but I like that we see how scary he can be when he gets angry. The way he put Oliver to his place was impressive.

Aside from that, it's great to see that Angelo shares my taste in underwear. He's fully in control but he still clearly cares about the consent of his captive which makes it a nice change of pace from the usual "kidnapping" stories around.

I'm curious to see where this night will go. Keep up the great work!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here:
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Post by dahanband »

Don't you have another story?
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