Something I would never expect (M+/MM, MM/M, M+/MM) - part 27

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Something I would never expect (M+/MM, MM/M, M+/MM) - part 27

Post by squirrel »

Chapter one - The damn day

Every now and then everyone comes across that particularly nasty day when nothing goes according to plan and when the time slows down; minutes last for hours and hours seem to plod on mercilessly for days. Whatever you have to do during such day costs you much more effort and usually lasts at least twice as long as it should. And the worst thing is that you can’t do anything to make it better; if you try it will only get the matter worse. And that Friday was definitely one of those damn days.

My name is Jeff Wheat and I am a 46 year old construction worker. I like my job a lot; in fact I have always liked spending time with my father in his workshop when I was a young kid, building, mending, finding out ways to solve unpredicted problems. I was never afraid of hard physical work and that helped me develop my muscular silhouette I was really proud of; most guys needed to attend to the gym three or four times a week to gain what got from my work. So even though I wasn’t that young anymore I knew I attracted people’s attention, both women and men. And it stroked my ego when I noticed guys looking at my rock hard six pack, muscled chest and broad shoulders, something they apparently couldn’t achieve.
Me - Jeff Wheat.jpg
Unfortunately no matter how much muscles you have, they can’t help you when one of those goddamn days comes along…

I was leaning against the wall, looking for same shade. The sun was high in the cloudless sky, making all the physical work almost unbearable. I took off my hard hat and wiped the sweat from my forehead. I took several deep breaths and looked around; all the guys I was working with had the same problem as me: they were really tired and wanted that day to finish. But, unfortunately, the boss had other plans for us. I saw him getting out of his makeshift office and walking towards me and one other guy, who was standing next to me. We looked each other in the eye; it was obvious that the chief had some work for us and, as we both expected, it wouldn’t be anything we would like to do. We waited for him to join us.

“You guys hanging in there?” He asked.

“Sort of. The heat is killing us today, boss.” I replied.

“Well, we can’t make the sun stop, can we? But never mind. Soon two trucks with cement will arrive and I want you to unload it and move the bags into one of the containers.”

“Two trucks!? And only two people!?” The guy standing next to me asked angrily.

“Of course not, you think I’m an idiot?” The snapped coldly. “I’ll get you some people to help, don’t worry. But the good news is that once you finish with the task, you are free to go home.”

“Is that supposed to make all the work easier?”

“No, I just wanted to show you the light in the dark tunnel.” He said, smiling. “Come on boys, I’ll show you the container.”

I sighed, put my hard hat back on my head and followed the boss. When I left my shaded shelter and went out into the sun again, I immediately started sweating. And I wasn’t any exception; when we reached our destination I noticed that all the guys who were supposed to unload the trucks were all covered in sweat and their shirt were dump and clinging to their bodies. The boss returned to his office, leaving me and my buddies alone. We chatted casually for some time, until one of my mates saw a big lorry coming towards the entry of our construction site.

“Fuck, it will take us forever to unload them…” One of the guys said.

“I know, but there are nine of us here, so maybe if we get ourselves together it won’t be that bad.”

Fortunately the container wasn’t too far from the place where the driver parked his truck. But that didn’t help much; when we opened the back of the lorry we realized it was all packed with bags of cement, each of them weighed twenty five kilograms.

“All right, let’s get to work. Adam and Rick can get on the truck and move the bags to the edge of the floor and the rest of us will carry them to the container. Does this suit you, guys?” I asked, wiping the sweat from my forehead again.

“No problem, let’s deal with this and get out of here.” Adam replied and the rest agreed with him.

It took us almost three hours to unload the first truck and when we were done we had to rest for a moment. We were exhausted and the sun wasn’t making the job any easier for us. Once in a while we had to stop for a second to catch a breath and do something with the sweat flooding our eyes. But then it got worse: the empty truck was replaced with the full one and everything had to start over. Adam and Rick climbed on the lorry and started moving the heavy bags closer to us, so we could grab them and transport them to their new destination. If empting the first lorry was exhausting, doing the same with the second one was pure torture. But finally, after another three long hours, the last bag of cement left the truck and found its place in the container; we were free to go.

“Dude, can you give me a lift today? I need to borrow something from a friend of mine and he lives somewhere near you.” Adam asked.

“Sure, no problem man. But I want to do the grocery shopping first and drop in to my favorite cigar store to get a nice box of fresh stogies.”

“Yeah, I know. The Friday lazy evening…”

He was right: every Friday, when I got back from work I liked to pour myself a large glass of whisky and enjoy a cigar while watching TV. It was something my wife didn’t like too much, but since I was her beloved husband she turned a blind eye on my fad. But today it was supposed to be different: Susan was out of town for three weeks. She said she was having an important conference and, using the opportunity, she wanted to visit her parents for a few days. They lived in the same city the conference was supposed to take place, so it was natural she wanted to use the occasion. And that meant I had the house all to myself.

Adam and I got on my pickup truck and we drove off. Once I did all the shopping I wanted and bought a box of cohiban cigars I dropped my buddy at his friend’s place. We shook hands and I went home. When I arrived I parked the car in the garage, unpacked everything and closed the garage door behind me. But when I was about to enter my own house I realized someone was inside. It seemed that the damn day wasn’t over with me yet…
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Post by Xtc »

Good to read a new piece from you.
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Same for me!

I love to see a new piece of yours :)

And if there's a robber in the house, I already feel bad for him - cause he picked the wrong house, as it seems :lol:
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Post by privateandrews »

oh I like how this is shaping up. look forward to reading more.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Squirrel is BACK! Wouhou!
This is gonna be another incredibly fun and wild ride. I just know it!

Really liking Jeff, and although I won't pretend to know what'll happen with him or the intruder(s) in his house, I just know I'm gonna love it. Your writing never disappoints.

So glad you're back 8-)

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Post by Bondwriter »

Great to see another Squirrel story! Looking forward to reading the continuation.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Really promising stuff. Jeff is one hot guy and the writing is very witty.

I'm curious about what comes next, you got yourself a follower.
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 2 - A huge surprise

I opened the doors and went inside. Normally I would have to take my shoes and socks off and put them into the shoe cabinet, but since my wife wasn’t there I didn’t worry about it. I put the groceries on the kitchen counter, unpacked everything and put the food into the fridge. Once I dealt with the shopping I grabbed a glass and went to the living room, where our little alcohol cabinet was. I opened it and found a bottle of whisky; I filled the glass half full. Then the longed-for moment came; I took my sweaty orange shirt off, revealing my huge muscled chest I was so proud of. I sat on the couch, put my still booted feet on the small coffee table and lit a fresh cigar from the box. Then I turned the TV on, searching for something interesting to watch.

Several moments later I heard someone entering the living room; I turned around and saw my youngest son, Taylor. I didn’t expect him to be home, since he was supposed to stay at his friend’s house for the weekend. But I had no choice and had to deal with this. Of course, I loved all my children, but Taylor was the most… troublesome.

I have three kids; a daughter and two sons. Megan is the oldest and she is living with her fiancée in the other city. They are planning their wedding for the next year. At first I wasn’t too keen of the guy she had chosen to spend the rest of her live with; people always say that every father thinks no one is good enough for his daughter, and I was no exception to this rule. When I first met her soon to be husband I didn’t like him at all. But I had to admit that he had never done anything to make me think bad of him; in fact he was doing a lot to prove that his feeling for my daughter were honest and he would never harm her in any way. Plus, he has some manual skills and is always eager to help me in my workshop. This helped me to know him and his background a little better; it seemed that my daughter had made a right choice.

Jacob is my oldest son, he is 23 and has moved out not so long time ago. He is now renting a flat with his best friend. He works in a computer software store and, from what I hear, he is getting by really well. He still visits us from time to time, usually at the weekends; but this time he was on a trip with a bunch of his friends and was supposed to be back in a week or so. Recently he and his girlfriend broke up and I was a little worried about him; he really liked her and this whole splitting up thing make a big impact on him. But, apparently, he started getting over her and I hoped that several days spent with his buddies will help him.

Me and Susan were really proud of those two; we had the feeling that we did a good job bringing them up; both were resourceful and capable of taking care of themselves. We managed to teach them to solve their problems on their own if possible, and not to be afraid asking for help when necessary. They were turning into responsible young adults, who were ready to live without their parents and make enough money for their need.

Unfortunately, our youngest son was whole other story. Taylor is 20, but he is nothing like his older siblings. His grades at school were never impressive, although they could have been much better if he had studied a little harder; the kid isn’t stupid, but his laziness is unimaginable. He has never had a normal job, and was still living with Suzan and me. He is completely irresponsible and often gets into trouble; I still remember the time when he was 16 and went to a pub with his friends. He got really drunk and was caught in a brawl. He got arrested and I had to take him out of jail at three in the morning. And that was only one of his… feats.
Taylor Wheat.jpg
“Oh, hey Dad, I didn’t hear you enter.” He said when he saw me.

“Hi, kiddo. Aren’t you supposed to be at Tom’s right now?”

“Yeah, but he canceled. He says he doesn’t feel so well. Probably got the food poisoning or something.”

“I see. Well, I guess that means we spend the whole weekend together, kid.”

“Well, yeah, I’m sort of glad about this too, Dad. In fact, there is something I want to tell you…”

“What is it?” I looked at him sternly. Whenever I heard this it meant that Taylor was in trouble and needed my help.

“I found a job, Dad. It’s not anything huge, I’ll be working in a bicycle store in the city. It’s not far from the house, and the salary is quite good. So I thought that I would work there for several months, and once I earn enough money I would move out and try to live on my own. I think I’ve been living under my parents’ roof long enough.”

My jaw dropped. I looked at my glass of whisky; I’ve taken barely a sip, so I couldn’t have been drunk. And yet what I heard was really hard to believe; was it possible that my son was finally pulling himself together and wanted to start behaving like an adult? Was he really done with all the stupid things he was doing and wasting his time? It was almost too good to be truth.

“You found a job? How come? I thought you were quite happy with your current life, Taylor.” I said with a smidge of doubt in my voice.

“Yeah, I know… hard to believe, isn’t it, Dad? But I’m twenty now and I think it’s time to change something. I mean, look at Megan and Jacob: they’re living independently, have good jobs, lead a normal life… and they both tell me that they didn’t have to give up on any fun stuff they like; Megan still meets with her friends and Jacob plays basketball with his buddies every now and then. So, if they can do it, I also can.”

“Oh man, I definitely didn’t see that coming…” I said looking him in the eye.

“I know, Dad. But there is more: I realize that I caused much trouble… well, more than Meg and Jacob. So I thought that once I get some money I could send you and Mom to a nice hotel for the weekend.”

“Now you’re joking, right?” I asked, still incredulously.

“No, Dad, I’m serious.”

I took another sip of my whisky, looking closely at him. What he said was really amazing and if that was truth I couldn’t be more happier. For a moment I thought that he would burst with laughter and tell me that he was just fooling around, but he didn’t. He was standing there, waiting for my response and my approval. And there was no sign of any artifice in his eyes.

“Son, I’m so proud of you!” I finally said, standing up and giving him a hug.

“Thanks, Dad.”

The rest of the afternoon was unexpectedly nice. We were watching TV together and I ordered pizza for us. We ate it and once we were done I offered my son a glass of whisky, which he accepted gratefully. This was great to finally spend some quality time with my youngest son, not worrying about him and not expecting a call from the Police and God knows whom. But all good things must come to an end, and on one of those horrible days they end much sooner that one could wish. Taylor and I were talking about his job when we both heard the front door open…
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I wasn't expecting to get so much backstory on Jeff's family, I'm pleasantly surprised. I love TUG stories that allow readers to connect with characters before "getting to action", so to speak, and you've done a quite good job at this.

Taylor looks like one of my favorite character types: A trouble maker with a good head on his shoulders and actually works to improve himself (and admittedly easy on eyes). He and Jeff have an interesting relationship and I'm looking forward to seeing how this will come into play when they meet with the surprise guest/s.
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Post by bondagefreak »

So glad we now have a second chapter to enjoy!

Taylor certainly is pretty cute.
And looking at the M+/Mm gender tag, I can't help but wonder where he'll end up fitting in in all this 8-)

I can't tell you how happy I am to see you writing again, mate.
I really CANNOT wait for part three.

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Post by Bondwriter »

Two episodes and still no socks and tape? That's a feat. Great writing!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Can't wait to read the next part, buddy!
Don't keep us waiting too long!

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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Oooooo this is looking interesting!
I can't help but wonder what kind of surprises are being held in those boots ;)

Really REALLY excited for the next part :)

Cheers to bondagefreak for the banner!
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Post by harveygasson »

Cool start I'm looking forward to the next part
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 3 - From bad to worse

Taylor and I looked at each other anxiously; none of us was expecting a visit that evening, so the fact that someone was about to enter our house didn’t bode well. I was wondering who was that and for a brief moment I thought that it might be one of our neighbors. It calmed me down a little bit, but my relief didn’t last long. After what seemed like eternity masked guy came inside, closed the door behind him and locked it. My paternal instinct flushed me in a blink and I started moving towards the intruder. I didn’t manage to make as much as two steps when I realized something that send shivers down my spine. The guy was having a gun.

“I suggest you stay calm and not do anything stupid, Mr. Wheat.” He said coldly.

I immediately stopped and backed a little; I stood in front of my son, trying to protect him. The adrenaline was filling up my whole body, the heart was pounding like crazy and the testosterone was starting to take control of me. I felt my senses sharpen in a blink and I took a moment to take a closer look at the intruder. The guy was tall and very well built; even though he was wearing military pants and his torso was hidden behind a leather jacket I was absolutely sure he was muscular and strong. He was also wearing thick leather gloves on his palms and had tall military boots on his feet. He was carrying a black duffel bag in his left hand. His eyes and mouth were actually the only parts of his body I could see.
The masked intruder.jpg
For a second I was considering charging at him and tackling him down. This would give my son the time to escape and call for help. But as soon as I decided to rush at the masked figure, the guy pointed his gun at me. There was no way I could reach him now; he would have enough time to kill me and then Taylor. At that moment something else hit me: the guy knew my name, so he was probably preparing this for some time and that meant he was a professional. I was standing there in front of my son, looking the masked intruder in his cold, blue eyes.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked loudly and calmly.

“That’s not important, Mr. Wheat. I could of course tell you my identity, but that would cost you a lot. And I don’t think you are ready to pay that price, are you?” He replied in a dead serious tone.

“What do you want from us?”

“Isn’t that obvious? We’ve been observing you and your family for a long time Mr. Wheat. We know you would be willing to pay a nice ransom for your child, every parent would. But you have also something that many families don’t: the money.”

“What?! We don’t have any money, you fucker!!”

“Really? It’s not very wise to lie in your current position, Mr. Wheat.”

“Dad, what is he talking about?” I heard Taylor from behind my back.

“Smart move, Mr. Wheat… Keeping your kids in complete ignorance was the best thing you could do”

I was boiling inside; not only there was an intruder in my house, who was pointing his gun at me and my youngest son, but it also looked like he was going to take us both as his hostages. What was even worse, he seemed to know much about our family, much more that anybody should. But if he knew our biggest secret we were screwed: Susan and I had a special fund in case something happened and we would need the money. We decided not to tell anyone about it and I was absolutely sure that my wife didn’t spill the beans. Neither did I. It was very strange that this guy found out about this, but that was the least of my concerns at that moment. My only job was to keep my boy alive and I had to focus on that.

“What are you going to do to us?” I asked slowly.

“Before I answer I want both of you to sit on the couch, next to each other.”

I turned around to my son and looked him in the eye. I was so proud of him at that moment; even though he must have been scared to death he wasn’t showing his fear to the intruder. But I was his father and I knew him better than anybody: it cost him a lot to keep his emotions under control. I smiled faintly at him and nodded my head, telling him to do as the intruder said. We sat on the couch as close to each other as possible and watched the masked guy walk in front of us.

“Good. Now listen to me carefully. I don’t want to hurt you and I won’t, but only if you obey my orders. Since there are two of you you’ll be responsible for each other. This means that if Taylor does something stupid or angers me in any way you, Mr. Wheat, will pay the price. And if YOU aren’t obedient enough, your son will suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes.” Taylor and I said in unison.

“Good boys. Now stand up and I want Tyler to come with me for a moment.”

“No fucking way!” I yelled as I got up.

“I don’t think you understand everything, Mr Wheat.” The intruder said and pointed the gun at my son. “I don’t need you both, one of you would be enough for my purposes. It’s only up to you if you both survive this. So why don’t you shut your fucking mouth and let me do my work? Or do you want me to kill you son so I can deal with just one hostage as I planned?”

“No, I won’t do this again, I promise. Just… just don’t hurt him…”

“It’s ok, Dad, I’ll be all right.” Taylor said. He tried to be brave but I sensed his voice was trembling a little.

He got up and followed the intruder to the front door, where he had left the duffle bag. He opened it and pulled out a pair of steel hinged handcuffs. He handed them to my son and said:

“Go there and cuff your father’s arms behind his back. Make it tight. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir..”

“When you cuff him lie down on the floor with your head between your father’s boots and put your both hands on the back of your neck.”
Taylor came back to me and looked into my eyes. He seemed a little dizzy, so I put my arms behind my back and smiled at him again.
The handcuffs.jpg
“Go ahead, son.”

“Sorry, Dad…”

After a moment I felt the steel handcuffs tighten around my wrists. Taylor made them really tight, but I didn’t blame him; he did what he had to do. Then I saw him walk in front of me again and lie down on the floor. Soon his head was between my construction boots and his entwined palms were resting on his nape. The intruder seemed satisfied; he came to me and searched all my pockets. He took out my cell phone and placed it on the coffee table.


The guy took his own phone from his pocket and pressed some digits.

“We’ve got complications here. There are two of them. Bring one more bag. Everything else as we’d planned.” Then he hung up.
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely paced follow up.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »


Now I'm really wondering what the hell will end up happening.
Okay, I know this probably isn't the point, but having Taylor get down on the floor and put his head between his dad's boots is kinda hot.

Really liking where this is going.
I could keep reading your stuff all day, mate.

And as you know, I often come back to your works for re-reads.
I guess this one'll be going right into my repeat reading collection 8-)

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

You can really see that this masked intruder doesn't play around. I really enjoyed how Taylor was forced to cuff his father and then lie down between his boots.

Great work, man!
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Post by NeedControl »

So tense! So exciting!!
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 4 - The intruder's orders

The guy put the phone into the inside pocket of his leather jacket and sat down on the sofa next to me. What I had just heard was very alarming; the guy wasn’t working alone. He and his partner must have planned this more carefully than I had presumed. What was worse, I was now handcuffed and could do even less to stop them from doing whatever they had planned. In fact our only chance to survive was to cooperate with them, at least until the time I could find a way to escape or overpower the thugs. On the other hand, there was something I found a little comforting; the masked guy didn’t expect two people to be home and decided to change their plan to adjust to the new situation. That meant that he was serious when promised not to harm us if he wouldn’t be forced to.

“All right, gentlemen. Now we need to wait for my buddy to arrive so we can take you both with us.”

“Take us where?” I asked

“That’s not your concern, Mr. Wheat. The only thing you need to know is that if you do as told, nothing bad will happen to you. This I can promise.”

“Very reassuring…” I barked back before I could stop myself.

“I told you this once, and will say so again: I’m not a murderer and don’t want to became one. But if you dare to question this, your boy will pay the price.”

I looked him in the eye; the guy was serious and that was enough to make me shut up. I sighed and closed my eyes. I tried to calm down and think of a good plan, but nothing was good enough in that situation. If I had been alone I wouldn’t have been so biddable, but I had to think about my son’s safety first; angering the intruder was probably the worst thing I could do. I tugged at the cuffs in a futile attempt to free myself, but they held me well. At that moment I heard my son’s loud breathing; I hoped he was all right, but could do nothing to comfort him.

“On your feet, Taylor!” The masked said after a while.

My son stood up, still with his hand behind his head. He was definitely nervous but was trying not to show it. He was looking at me and then at the intruder and, awaiting further instructions. But as got a closer look at him I realized there was something else; a weird calm fierceness and fury. The kid was now overwhelmed with emotions and seemed ready to attack the aggressor at any moment. If I hadn’t been restrained there could have been a small chance to use the moment of surprise and tackled the guy to the ground. But with my arms stuck behind my back my son was on his own and I absolutely didn’t want him to take any unnecessary risk. I shook my head a little.

“Move the coffee table to that wall and take your shirt off. Remove your shoes and socks, too.”

The boy lifted the table and moved it to the place where the masked man wanted it. Then he returned and took off his shirt, cleats and socks. When he was finished he put his arms back behind his head.

“Good. Now un-cuff your father.” The guy threw my son the keys and walked away a few steps.

I got up and turned around allowing my son to unlock the handcuffs and remove them from my wrists. He did it quite swiftly and I moved my hands in front of me. I rubbed them a little bit.

“Now, Mr. Wheat, I want you to tie your son up.” The intruder threw his duffel bag towards me.

“Is that necessary? The kid isn’t causing any trouble” I tried to oppose.

“I saw the look on his face and I know what he’s capable of. And I prefer to be on the safe side. Now open that bag and start roping your boy up. And I’m warning you: if you don’t tie him up tightly enough he’ll regret this. Do I make myself clear?”

“I understand.”

I opened the duffel bag and saw coils of rope and rolls of reinforced duct tape and gaffer tape there. I gulped, but was powerless. Tying up my son was the only way to protect him at the moment, so I pulled myself together; I had to rope him up as best as I could. I grabbed the first, very long coil of white cotton rope and went to my son.
The rope.jpg
“I need you to cooperate with my, Taylor.”

“I understand, Dad. Tie me up as well as you can, I can handle it.”

I looked him in the eye and we both nodded. Then I went him and yanked his arms behind his back. The intruder came closer to observe the whole process from a safe distance. I took the rope, folded in two and wrapped it around my son’s right bicep twice, just above his elbow. I then moved the lose end towards his left bicep and tied the rope around it, making the elbows as close as I could without actually harming him. He grunted a little, but otherwise stood still. I did two more turn around his upper arms making it even tighter, then wrapped the rope around his chest, pinning his arms to his back. I did several turns around his body before I cinched an extra tight knot, far beyond the reach of my boy’s fingers.

“Now his forearms” The intruder ordered.

I grabbed another coil and crossed Taylor’s wrists. I wrapped the rope horizontally around both wrists, fastening them neatly together, then went vertically, making the bonds even more inescapable. To make sure the guy was satisfied I added several more turns diagonally around his arms before tightening the final knot. I knew I did a good job; there was no chance my son would be able to free himself without help; which made him safe, at least for now.

“Nice work, Mr. Wheat. Now rope his arms to his torso, I want them completely immobile.”

Silently I took two more coils. I tied the longer one between my boy’s elbows, then went up near his right shoulder blade, around his neck, down to his left armpit and under it and then to the elbows again. I repeated the process, this time up his left shoulder blade, around the neck, down to the right armpit, under it and to the elbows. The last coil I tied to his bound wrists and wrapped it around his abdomen several times before cinching the knot. I put a lot of strange into this, so when I was done, the kid and I were both drenched in sweat.

“Now sit on the couch with arms in the air, while I inspect your work, Mr. Wheat.”

I did and watched as the guy walks around my son, checking all the knots and looking for some slack. Fortunately I knew there was none, so I was quite confident he wouldn’t find anything.

“Great work! You should do this full time… Now, let’s finish with your son, shall we?”
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Post by Xtc »

A good update, thanks.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by RopedBud »

The story is getting good! Can't wait for the next part!
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Post by dahanband »

gagged him
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Post by bondagefreak »

Oh damn! You're really fooling around and teasing us, aren't you bud?
Chapter 4 almost instantly got me hard and did not disappoint.

The only downside of this chapter is having to wait for the next one!
This is insanely hot!

I really want Jeff's son tied up real tight and I absolutely cannot wait for the those big rolls of tape to come into play 8-)

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