Taken By Jason M/m

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Taken By Jason M/m

Post by Gagman »


My friends and I pulled up in front of the giant mansion. I couldnt believe that we managed to get an invitation! My buddy Paul is a friend of the accountant of the owner, multi millionaire Jason Grey. Grey is known for his raucous parties, especially his Halloween parties. Thats where we are now.

We walk up to the massive front door. I look down at my attire, a bit apprehensively. The party is a costume party, and Paul forced me to wear a rather revealing Robin costume. He says there is bound to be a bunch of sexy ladies there, and they gonna love my revealing outfit. He has chosen a cowboy outfit, complete with chaps and lasso. I thought we looked a bit more silly than sexy.

Paul knocks on the door, and a man in a tuxedo opens it. Paul presents our invitation, and we are gestured inside. I look around. Paul was right: the house was full of some of the most beautiful women in some of the sexiest outfits Ive ever seen. Unlike Paul, however, I was equally entranced by the handsome men in their glorious costumes. Paul doesnt know that Im bisexual, nor does anybody else. Needless to say, Im in paradise!

I am in a sea of sexy witches and wizards, vampires, catwomen, and every superhero you could think of. Paul looks at me, smiling widely.

"My friend, let the games begin!" he says.


We both struck out. Miserably. It appears that most of the gorgeous people in this room are all other millionaires, as well as couples. Ive never beem turned down so many times. I gave up after the seventh rejection. Paul was even worse. Im fairly sure he was turned down by every woman in the room. As such, he resorted to down every drink he can find, and was causing quite a scene. I tried to calm him down to no avail. Finally, I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn around, and stare in awe.

Behind me is the most handsome man Ive ever seen. Its him, Jason Grey! He is wearing a tight silk ruffled shirt, tight black shiny pants, and tight black shiny gloves that look to be made of rubber. He also has a black silk cape over his shoulders. Im not sure exactly what his costume is, but I like it!

"Is that guy a friend of yours?" he asks sternly.

"Uh, yeah Mr, um ,Grey, he is," I stutter. "Im sorry, we'll leave."

"No, thats ok," he says. "Ill have my butler call him a cab. You can stay... if you want."

He smiles at me slyly.

"Yes sir. Thanks," I respond.

"No problem. Excuse me," he says.

He winks at me, and strides away.

I watch him in a trance. Is he hitting on me? He cant be, his house is full of the sexiest people on earth. He could have any of them. Why would he want the loser in a cheap Robin costume? Regardless, Im fascinated. So I start to follow him.

He wanders through the house from room to room. Talking briefly with people. Finally he enters the library. I peer around the doorway. The room is empty. Jason walks to a bookcase, and pulls on a book. The bookcase swings open, revealing a hidden passage. He enters, closing the door behind him. I stare in shock. I continue to watch, and about fifteen minutes later, emerges from the passage. He leaves the library, and I get an idea.

I sneak to the book case, and pull on the same book Jason did. The passage opens, and I sneak inside. I dont shut the passage completely. I dont want to get trapped in here!

Inside the passage is a long dark staircase. I slowly start to walk down them. After a long descent, I come to a large, dimly lit room. I smile at what I see.

It must be a haunted house! The room is filled with a bunch of really realistic looking Halloween props. Coffins, a mummy sarcophagus, a torture rack, an iron maiden. There are racks of countless costumes. A box full of rolls of different colored duct tape sits on the floor. Coils of rope sit next to a tool box on a table.

I love haunted house tours! This one looks like its gonna be really cool when its done. I walk around the props, inspecting them happily. But while walking, I bump into one of the coffins. As I do, I hear an odd, muffled noise.


I do a double take, and stare at the coffin. I reach out and knock on the lid.


My heart starts to race. I slowly lift the lid up, and peer inside. My eyes shoot open.

Lying in the coffin is a young man. He is wearing only a pair of small black briefs. He stares up with big scared eyes. He has a bunch of shiny, silver duct tape wrapped tightly over his mouth. More tape binds his hands, arms, legs, and feet.

I stagger back and begin to scream, but a smooth, black glove tightly clamps over my mouth.

"You shouldnt be here."
Last edited by Gagman 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for this. A good start.
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Post by Trickster »

Great start!!! And a really nice cliffhanger ending. 🙂
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Post by george_bound »

Well I betcha anything Jason has another coffin ready for the sexy Robin to stay in... great start :)
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Don't you hate that feeling when you meet a hot billionaire and then he turns out to be a kidnapper?

Anyway, I loved this start! Classical "curious hero gets captured" story but with enough teists to keep it fresh. I'm looking foward to seeing where this goes.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808

Post by Gagman »

[mention]Xtc[/mention] [mention]Trickster[/mention] Thanks for the positive feedback, Ill try to keep it up! :D

[mention]george_bound[/mention] What?! What would give you that idea? ;) :D

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] Dont you just hate when that happens? You meet a hot rich guy, you're loving life, then he whips out some duct tape and rope. Disappointing. :(

Post by Gagman »



I turn around in fear. Standing behind me is the handsome, yet angry face of Jason Grey. His big gloved hand sealing my mouth, and preventing me from screaming. The man in the coffin was squirming and struggling wildly. I am paralyzed with fear. Jason leans down, his face an inch from mine.

And he breaks out laughing.

"Aw man, you should see your face!"

He takes his hand from my mouth and steps between me and the coffin. I look at him, very confused.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You found my haunted house!" he answers.

Relief spreads through my body. I knew it!

"Who is he?" I ask him.

"This is Nick. He's an actor I hired. He's gonna play the vampire's prisoner."

"Well he's certainly dedicated to the part," I say.

Nick is still struggling furiously. Jason reaches down, and pushes Nick back down in the coffin, his hand on Nicks chest.

"He's from LA," Jason says. "Big method actor. You know what I mean?"

Jason looks down at me and grins. I go a little weak in the knees.

"Dont worry about him," Jason says. "Lets let him go back to his rehearsal. Bye Nick!"

Jason closes the coffin lid. Nick squirms and moans until the lid shuts, sealing him away. Jason turns around and looks in my eyes.

"So what do you think of my haunted house?" he asks.

"Uh, I think its gonna be great!" I answer. "These props look really real!"

"They better," he says. "I paid out the ass for them. By the way, how did you find this room?"

My cheeks start to burn, and I look at the floor.

"Well, I kinda watched you come down earlier."

"I didnt think anyone was around when I came downstairs," he responds, raising an eyebrow.

"I...I might have been spying on you," I mumble.

"Oh really?" he asks, smiling. "And why were you spying on me?"

Jason steps towards me.

"I...I...was just..." I stammer.

Jason puts a gloved finger to my lips.

"Shh. Does anyone else know you're down here?"

"Um...no," I answer.

"Good," he says.

Jason pulls me close, and kisses me full on the mouth. I moan and tremble. His kiss is so tender. I feel his tongue in my mouth. I kiss him back. I start to get hard, a tent forming in my green Robin tights. I feel Jason becoming hard as well. His gloved hands reach around and grasp my spandex covered ass. Then without warning he picks me up, and sets me on top of the coffin containing Nick. I hear him moaning inside. He must be wondering whats going on! Jason climbs on top of me, and starts to kiss me even harder. Our bodies grinding together. My hands running over his silk covered, muscular body. After several minutes of furious making out, we take a much needed break. Jason sits up and looks at me.

"I just had a great idea," he says.

"Oh yeah, whats that?" I ask flirtatiously.

"How would you like to be in my haunted house?"

"Uh, I dont know." I say uncertainly.

"Its gonna be great!" he says. "And I know exactly what role you can play. The Helpless Mummy!"

"What would I do?" I ask.

"Nothing. We just wrap you up tight, stick you in that sarcophagus, and let you scare everybody!"

"So Id be tied up in the mummy case? Kinda like Nick?"

"Yeah!" he says. "It will be fun! Nick loves being tied up. And dont tell me it you didnt like how he looked."

"What?" I ask.

"Cmon. You didnt like how he looked? Cute guy, all tied up and helpless? You're not at all curious how that would feel?"

Truth be told, I did kind of feel that way. But I was more shocked than anything. And Im not sure I would like being on display for a bunch of people to oggle at, all tied up.

"I dont think so, Jason," I say. "I dont think I would be very comfortable with that."

"Aw, cmon," Jason says playfully. "You would look so sexy all bound, gagged and helpless."

"I appreciate that, but Im not ready for that," I say.

Jason looks visibly disappointed.

"Im sorry, but Ive never been tied up before. Maybe some other time, but Im not ready. Can we take things a bit slower?"

Jason grins at me.

"Of course," he says. "Dont worry about it. Lets take things slow."

He climbs off of me, and we climb of the coffin. He looks at me, smiling.

"Wanna go back to the party?" he asks. "Im kinda hungry."

"Me too."

We turn, and start to head toward the stairs.

I cant believe this is happening! I just made out with the Jason Grey! And he seems loke he really likes me! Im so excited I just wanna-


Jason suddenly grabs me from behind, and clamps his hand over my mouth again. This time, however, there is a damp silk handkerchief in his hand that he holds over my mouth and nose. It smells strange. I reach up to pull his hand away, but my arms feel heavy. Im suddenly very sleepy. I start to go limp, then finally fall asleep.

30 Minutes Later

I slowly wake up. What just happened? I was walking with Jason, he grabbed me, and then I just passed out. I reach up to rub my eyes, but I cant. I look down at my body and let out a yell.

Im lying in the open sarcophagus. My body is tightly wrapped in bandages from neck to feet. I try to break free, but can only squirm around. Just then, Jason walks over to the side of the sarcophagus, smiling down at me.

"Jason, what did you do? Let me g-mmph!"

Jason puts his shiny gloved hand back over my mouth.

"No more talking."

He bends down and picks something up. My eyes widen.

Its my skimpy bikini underwear!

"I stripped you down before I wrapped you up," he says. "Im gonna stuff these in your mouth. Dont even think about spitting them out!"

I dont want to cross him, so I obediently open my mouth. He stuffs the sweaty worn panties in my mouth. I can taste my own crotch and ass on them. He holds up a roll of wide white tape.

"This is microfoam tape," he says. "You're gonna love it. Close your mouth."

I do as Im told. Jason pulls off a long strip, stretches it out, and brings it down over my lips, sealing my underwear inside. My lips are visible through the tape. Jason leans down and kisses my taped lips.

"See? I told you. You look so hot like this."

He kisses me again.







"And you look like you like it too," he says, pointing downward.

I look down. A bulge is starting to appear under the tight wrappings. I moan under my gag.

"I wish Nick felt the same way as you do. I thought he would like being my bondage toy. Thats why I kidnapped him."

"MMPH?" I moan, shocked.

"Oh yes," he says casually. "I met him at a premier two weeks ago. We hooked up, he rejected my bondage requests, much like you. As you can tell, I dont like rejection."

Jason walks over to the coffin, and opens the lid. Nick's head pops up, mumbling into his gag.

"Yes, young Nick here has brought me a lot of pleasure," Jason says. "But he doesnt get much out of our games, do you Nick?"

Nick shakes his head, still mumbling incoherently.

Jason shoves him back down, and slams the lid again. He walks back to me.

"You and I are gonna have a lot of fun," Jason says.

He reaches down with his gloved hand, and starts to gently rub my bulge.


"Oh, one more thing!" Jason says.

He holds up a roll of white bandages. He pulls me up into a sitting position, unravels some of the bandages, and starts to wrap them tightly over my mouth. Round and round and round. Finally, my mouth is fully sealed and mummified, but he doesnt stop there. He wraps the bandages over the top of my head, and under my chin. He keeps on wrapping until the spool is empty, and the only part of me that isnt mummified is my nose and eyes.

"There. See? I told you you would make a cute mummy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a party to... wrap up! Haha! I'll be back for you later. Bye for now!"

Jason picks up the big, gold sarcophagus lid, and slowly starts to lower it over me.


The lid silences my gagged pleas, and Im left in darkness.
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Post by Volobond »

This has been a fabulous story so far! I like how when Jason couldn't get the narrator to submit willingly, he broke out the chloroform. And of course, the old "method actor" excuse to explain away old Nick. Looking forward to see exactly how this kinky rich guy treats his playthings. ;)

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Our protag is a little too trusting for his own good... or he's not great at thinking when handsome guys are around which I can relate, haha. Characters being gagged used as a plot point is always nice to see.

I love how Jason seduced him before bringing out the bondage and the mummification + underwear gag combo was great. I wonder what he has in store for his two captives now.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Gagman[/mention] Absolutely loving this, my friend!
I don't have much to say other than the fact that I've enjoyed reading and re-reading this immensely.

Always up for a good mummification story, and this one certainly qualifies.
The underwear gag was just the cherry on the cake for me.

Well done!
Your well on your way to creating a hit here!


Post by Gagman »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]

Im glad you guys are enjoying it. I hope I dont let you down with where the story goes from here. Its probably gonna get a bit more intimate in the next chapter.
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Post by CowboyStud »

Could you include the victim being in tight jeans and cowboy boots ;-)
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Post by RopedBud »

Definitely a hot story so far, definitely looking forward to seeing where this goes!
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Post by RopingRingers »

Gagman wrote: 3 years ago
"Thats why I kidnapped him."

Aaaaand you're FUCKED 😂

"Oh yes," he says casually. "I met him at a premier two weeks ago. We hooked up, he rejected my bondage requests, much like you. As you can tell, I dont like rejection." - Anybody who's a fan of NBC's Hannibal - this is what Hannibal would have done to Will if he was kinky, amirite? 😂
Ummm gagman didn't write this, RopingRingers did lol, I don't know what I did while editing but I'm too wasted to be bothered fixing it edit oh wait I think that is how it was supposed to work, sorry like I said I'm really drunk 😂 I'll probably come fix it tomorrow lol
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Post by Gagman »

[mention]CowboyStud[/mention] Sorry man. I dont think my guys gonna be wearing much at all for the rest of the story. ;)

[mention]RopedBud[/mention] Thanks, glad you enjoy it.

[mention]RopingRingers[/mention] Haha, I was so confused reading this at first. I was like 'I know I wrote part of this!'

That said, I promise my guy isnt a kinky Hannibal. No gruesome endings here. :D
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Post by Michael-Colin »

Loving this so far. Definitely one of my many MANY fantasies to be held captive among others by a kinky millionaire with too much time on their hands.
Banner courtesy of bondagefreak ^_^
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Post by Gagfan »

M/M usually isnt my thing but I make exceptions for well written stuff and this definitely qualifies as well written stuff! Im really looking forward to seeing where this is going, I always enjoy good old fashioned kidnapping and extended enslavement stories.
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here: https://gagfan.wordpress.com/
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Post by RopingRingers »

Gagfan wrote: 3 years ago M/M usually isnt my thing but I make exceptions for well written stuff and this definitely qualifies as well written stuff! Im really looking forward to seeing where this is going, I always enjoy good old fashioned kidnapping and extended enslavement stories.
Fully agree here lol
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Post by RopingRingers »

Gagman wrote: 3 years ago
@RopingRingers Haha, I was so confused reading this at first. I was like 'I know I wrote part of this!'

That said, I promise my guy isnt a kinky Hannibal. No gruesome endings here. :D
Yeah sorry haha I was pretty smashed at the time, I confused myself 😂 I'm so glad you got the Hannibal reference haha. Although, Mads Mikkelsen being a kinky bastard would be interesting 😂
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