St Echoes (F+/F+)

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St Echoes (F+/F+)

Post by RopeBunny »


St Echoes church is old, medieval old. Abandoned centuries ago, the land it sits on sold and sold again. Left to rot.

Times change though.

The old church, it's interior gutted, the outer stone walls restored and cleaned, now sits in the middle of Englands newest University. Steel and glass buildings sit amongst the remains of the ancient forest, mostly yew and pine, that cover the semi circular valley floor, whilst student dorms march up the steep slopes. The whole site, shaped like a bowl with the campus in the middle, acts like a trap for the worst kinds of weather. Wind, mostly near gale force, comes howling through the valleys only gap, the one access road on and off campus, usually, even in summer, bringing rain with it, after which it becomes stuck, racing around the hillside, flinging anything not secured up into the grey cloud filled sky.

It's, probably, the stupidest location for a place of learning. Ever. But, for the next three years, it's home.

"Welcome to St Echoes." It's Monday morning. Along with a scattering of other students I arrived at the weekend, ahead of the main crowd currently turning the campus into one long traffic jam, moving myself into one of hundreds of identical two bed shared dorm rooms, I'm up on the top floor of Ash house. I met my roommate, a slim busty blue haired Asian girl with a tattoo sleeve and snakebite piercings, who glared at my cheery welcome as though I'd sworn, and then proceeded to ignore me. Having had almost two days here already I've done at least some exploring, braving the never ending wind and rain to find my bearings, but, this induction is compulsory, so the dozen of us trudge along behind an over enthusiastic Thomas as he shows us around.

Two on site bars, a mini supermarket, even a cafe that does takeout. All the food options. Check.

Administration buildings. Check.

Sports complex. Check.

Creepy old church handily placed right where I'll be forced to walk past it several times a day. Check.

Thomas also walks us around, and in some cases through, each subjects custom built teaching facilities. The University is a specialist institution, focusing on the various engineering disciplines. Which means lots of huge workshop space. By the time we finish up, at a glass roofed building that's part library part greenhouse for several exotic plants, every one of us is soaked through. "Okay then kids." Some of the guys present look older then him, but the ever happy Thomas is clearly sticking to his approved script, not deviating from his current role of jolly host. He waves us goodbye. "I'll be seeing some of you in classes. The rest of you." He shrugs, spreading his arms wide, smiling despite a sudden and particularly strong gust of wind that rattles the library's windows behind him. "Welcome to St Echoes."

I get used to the routine, throwing myself into University life. Every morning I wake up to an empty room. My dorm mate, who still hasn't spoken to me, always somehow manages to leave before I wake up, whether that's at seven for an early swim, or nearer eleven due to a late night Warcraft session on my laptop. I go to my lectures, or to the library, I never meet up with friends. I'm an only child, and Mums job, she's a single parent, meant we were forever moving to a new city every other year. Making friends never felt important. I've got people I game with online, but nobody I've ever met. Now, at nineteen, how can I miss what I've never had? Food is always a take out, mostly not of the healthy salad kind. Despite the near constant storm raging outside there are a half dozen secluded spots I've discovered, benches mostly, places I can eat without getting in the way or being disturbed. In my room, if she's there too, my roommate utilizes headphones to ensure we can't talk. I usually wear a pair anyway, losing myself in any one of a half dozen online worlds, or pumping various happy hardcore tracks into my brain whilst I sit at my desk, working on the mountain of coursework that needs completing before term ends.

My course, I'm specializing in chemicals, because I want to blow shit up, is split into modules. Four different Professors teach us various parts, each in turn setting coursework or an exam as required. The first of these, an exam, takes place on the fourth Friday, in the afternoon. Our lecturer for this, the totally mad scientist looking Professor Alpine, grades all our papers as we finish, tutting and otherwise loudly commenting his way through them from his desk at the front of the room. It's quite a show, something the whole class has become accustomed to already from him. All of Alpines lectures are delivered with a flourish, plenty of arm waving, lots of passion for his work. I like him. "Right." Professor Alpine stands up, clapping his hands to get our attention. "Excellent work class." He nods, picking up our stack of test papers, waving them towards us. "A flying start. Treats all round." He grins at us, then looks down at his watch even though there's a large clock bolted to the wall directly behind him. "Shall we say six?" He nods, whilst looking around I can see confused faces that match my own. Six what? One of the boys, Ethan I think, raises his hand. "Six what Professor?"
"Hmm?" Alpine looks up from packing our papers into his worn black leather satchel. "Six?" He scratches his nose, lifting his thick glasses slightly to do so. "Six what?"
"You said six Professor." Ethan tries again, with most of us nodding to back him up. Ethan shrugs. "Six what?"
"Why, six of course." Alpine taps his watch, his forgetfulness of moments ago already forgotten. "In the student bar, all of you." He waves a hand across the room, taking us all in. "We must celebrate your mastery of the periodic table. Yes." He nods. "First round's on me." He grins again, nodding, and then leaves, returning moments after the door swings closed behind him to retrieve his satchel. "Six." He reminds us, tapping his watch, then he leaves again, this time for good.

Back in my room, having eaten a meatball and cheese filled sub for dinner, gooey tomato sauce oozing everywhere as I sat outside the library with a view of the road out, watching a steady convoy of students heading home for the weekend by car and bus, I eye myself critically in the full length bathroom mirror, trying to decide whether to make an effort and dress up for the bar. Being a loner doesn't mean I actively ignore my fellow students, I smile, I participate in group debates and projects, I just never feel the need to take things any further. I'll probably only stay for one drink anyway, let the rest of them party the night away.

In the end I keep it simple. My faded and slightly ripped black jeans are still clean. They're a skinny fit, tight around the upper leg, tighter at the waist, causing my belly to spill over. I should've gone up a size really, several swims a week are no match for an equal number of chocolate fueled evening gaming sessions. I don't bother changing my shoes either, leaving my jeans tucked into army boots that are scuffed and old. In an attempt to hide my waist, because the thought of being at the bar on a Friday night is making me self conscious, I change out my top. Swapping the plain white vest that shows off my C cups but also my growing not so slim belly for a baggy black Iron Maiden tee with the tree monster on the front. I keep my push up bra on though, not that I'm attempting to impress any of the numerous boys that are sure to be there, I just like how much perkier my breasts look. I leave my long black hair alone, it has a slight natural curl as it tumbles down over my shoulders to tickle at the tops of my breasts, with professional extensions weaved in to make it extra long. Lastly I touch up my red lipstick and redo the flicks on my blue and black eyeliner, the blue matches my eyes. Satisfied, I head out.

"You alright Morgan?"
"Hmmm?" I tear my attention away from the wind, certain it's actually speaking I'd actually been about to reply, to focus on the girl stood next to me. Dark skinned, with her own black hair styled into thick dreadlocks, a pretty white dress with green and red flowers hugs her slim flat chested frame, over which she's wearing a black waterproof jacket with the hood up. My own jacket is back in my room. "Hmmm?" I say again, swaying slightly, smiling. I pat her shoulder repeatedly whilst I try to recall her name. "Beth." I finally decide, nodding. She shakes her head. "Brandi."
"Brandy?" I look back at the pubs front door, now shut, no longer illuminated. "No thank you Beth." I giggle. "I'm only coming in for one drink."
"Just the one huh?"
"S' right." I nod, which makes the world sway. I giggle again, holding up three fingers. I stare at them, then shake my head, lowering one. I nod. "One drink, then I've got a.... um.... fucking castle or something...." I wave my hand in a vague imitation of sword thrusts. "Got a dungeon to plunder."
"Oh." Beth/Brandi nods, looking slightly puzzled. She nods. "Okay Morgan. Can you find your way back to Ash?"
"Sure." I let go of Beth/Brandi, who gives me an amused smile as I begin to wander down the streetlamp lit path, zigzagging from right to left, thrusting and parrying with my invisible sword every third or forth step.

At some point, my drunk brain, not used to being so full up of alcohol, becomes convinced I'm inside the game I was supposed to be playing this evening. The shift from reality to fantasy is seamless. A light drizzle begins to fall, meaning more clouds then stars in the night sky above. The wind drops to a light breeze, not even enough to stir my hair. I keep walking, searching for my 'castle', dodging imagined enemies as I walk up and then back down the hill twice, completely ignoring any of the darkened dorm buildings, including my own. My black tee is soon plastered to the contours of my breasts and belly, though I don't notice.

"Castle." I proclaim in victory, pointing my imagined sword, now a stick I picked up on my second trip up the hill, at the dark silhouette of St Echoes ahead. It's now long past midnight, and only half the campus streetlights are still lit, some weird cost saving measure, throwing almost everything into shadow. The rain is still falling although my drunk brain, lost in the quest daydream, is convinced I've spent the whole time wading through a swamp, which accounts for the squelching sounds I'm making with each footstep. Stopping, I smile, and look from left to right. "I'll take it from here." I tell my travelling companions, actually just the trees that happen to be currently flanking the footpath, nodding to each as they wish me well.

Coming around the buildings side, since I'd arrived at the rear, I discover a faint glow shining through the high stained glass windows. I frown, looks as though my rivals have beaten me to the treasure. "Well then." I square my shoulders, and attempt to pull up my jeans, which are so wet they've fused to my legs, so don't move. "Time to reclaim the lost gold of El-Adril." Reaching the front I find the churches only door standing slightly open, allowing more light to spill out into the dark night. I take a breath, before pushing the door open, striding in.

The interior of St Echoes is small and rectangular, with a slight dog leg alcove at one end on the left. Stained glass windows cover two of the four main walls, depicting sword wielding armies on the march against a red enemy, whilst arching wooden beams hold up the slate roof. The floor is a mixture of stone and wood, devoid of any furniture, instead three concentric circles of candles are spread out in the open space. There are four girls here, two of them, both tall and blonde, are finishing up lighting the final circle, whilst a third, quite plump with short brown hair, is just finishing up hogtying the skinny red headed forth in the centre of the smallest circle. All four girls are naked, their bodies covered in various painted symbols.

"What the fuck?" Exclaims one of the candle lighters, looking up as the door swings shut behind me with a quiet boom. She glares at the third girl, also looking at me whilst she holds the final hogtie rope wrapped around one fat hand, the muscles on her arm standing out as she keeps the tension. Forcing the tied girls wrists to remain against her ankles, her body arched with knees and breasts lifted clear off the floor. The tied girl is whimpering quietly at the strain this harsh position is placing on her body. "Elle, Damn it." The candle lighter shakes her head, pointing at the door. "I thought you locked that."
"Sorry 'Chelle." Elle shrugs, releasing the rope as she does, an act which suddenly slackens the forth girls hogtie, causing her feet, and head, to smack down onto the floor, making her grunt behind the cloth gag forced and tied in her mouth. "Oops." Elle looks down, giggling. Michelle puts a hand to her forehead, massaging her temple. "Fucks sake, the lot of you. How are we supposed to summon the storm if we can't even get the prep right?" The other three all look at the floor, chastised. Michelle turns her attention to me. "Fuck off." She tells me, advancing across the room. "We don't need a fifth."
"Hmmm?" I've spent the whole time looking around, trying to spot the hidden trapdoor down into the dungeon labyrinth, which my drunk brain still somehow remembers reading about in a forum thread, written by someone who already conquered this particular quest. With Michelle now stood directly in front of me though I'm forced to give her my full attention. I open my mouth, just as I feel my eyes and legs getting heavy, the alcohol finally taking it's toll, forcing my awake too long body to shut down. I slump forwards, Michelle catching me as I do, lowering me to the floor.

I don't see her smile, nor the other candle lighter advancing. "Lili." Michelle says, her voice so faint it sounds like it's coming from several continents away. "You're out girl. Looks like we've got ourselves a proper offering." I close my eyes, and drift.

It's my drool that wakes me, the stickiness, the feel of it leaking, leaving me with a very dry mouth and a slowly growing headache. Everything feels wrong too, my bed isn't this cold, or hard, and I cant swallow properly, or move. Opening my eyes the first things I see are the candles marching away from me at eye level, because I'm laid on the floor. I look around, discovering my predicament. I'm naked, my body turned into a canvas, painted bright reds and yellows mix with dull blacks and dark greens, swirling all over me. I blush, looking down at my exposed but paint covered pussy and breasts. The reason I can't move is because I've been tightly hogtied, not able to twist to a point I could see them, I can feel the ropes wrapping my wrists and ankles. And the reason I can't swallow properly is because I've been gagged, the more awake, and aware, I become, I can taste the knotted cloth pressed up tightly against my tongue. After some struggling I discover I'm alone, the door is shut, the four girls have left me here. Why though? Is this a prank, some kind of dare? Didn't one of them say something about summoning the storm? What the actual fuck does that even mean, it's always stormy here.

I hear a hissing noise coming from beneath me, at the same time as all of the candles extinguish, plunging the church, and me, into darkness.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Nice start - liking the intriguing setting - weather feeling like that here at the moment!

Also - love the new profile pic :D
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Post by Dpsiic »

Oh wow a great start. X
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Post by RopeBunny »


I groan, and yank the covers over my head, as the sound of laughing girls from the corridor outside shatters my sleep.

Reaching out blindly I grope after my phone, which I manage to knock on the floor. I groan again. "Fuck it. Fine. I'm awake." Wriggling my head out from the covers I reach down to scoop up my phone, then stop. "What the....?" My arm is covered in swirls of paint, some of it smudged. I stare, turning my arm left and right. The paint goes all the way up, disappearing under the covers, which I lift up slightly, taking a peek at myself. "Umm?" I fling the duvet off me, towards my roommates empty bed, grateful she always goes home at weekends. I sit up, giving myself a proper examination. Sure enough, the swirling paint covers my whole body, which is my first shock, I recieve my second after I've bent down to retrieve my phone.

1743. The digits swim up onto the small screen. "No." I shake my head. "Must be a glitch." I turn it off and on, booting up my laptop at the same time for a second time based opinion. It isn't a glitch. My stomach rumbles as though to prove the point, I'm famished after two skipped meals. There's no way I'm going out in this state though, so I go for a shower.

Washing myself all over, scrubbing off the paint, my attention is focused elsewhere, trying to recall anything from last night. Because waking up at dinner time, especially covered in paint, is not a thing with me. I remember going out, for drinks with Professor Alpine and the class in the student bar. I remember one drink becoming three becoming more as I lost myself in the noise and the banter, arguing Warcraft versus Minecraft with a cute girl gamer, and at one point cars versus bikes, despite my complete lack of a license for either, with an older bearded guy wearing a black leather biker jacket and jeans. And then, nothing. I remember getting in a round, a half dozen pints and two vodka red bulls, the clock above the bar sitting at half past ten. But that's about it, nothing but a black hole until waking up. Annoyed with myself I look down, despite all the dirty water cascading off me none of the paint seems to be shifting. I scratch at my right arm, putting more effort in, digging in with my nails. I can't even feel the paint, it's as though it's buried under my skin, like a.... "Oh shit." I exclaim, shutting off the water and stumbling out of the cubicle as the third shock hits me. This I need to see properly.

It is a tattoo, just one I guess, as I turn my body in the full length mirror, looking over my shoulder at my back and butt. The black swirling pattern, the sometimes spiky swirls seem to be the links between a dozen or so equally spiky outlined shapes, covers my whole body as one unbroken mass. Up on my face there's only a slim spiked curve around most of my left eye, which then angles down towards my neck, the rest of me though, the skin on my body, is probably about fifty percent tattoo and fifty percent not, making for a very stark contrast between my usual almost white pale skin and the black as night ink. Even the soles of my feet, even my actual pussy, every part of me is covered in some form. "No way I sat in a chair for this last night." I tell my reflection, shaking my head. There are other differences too. My butt, upper legs, and belly, are all more toned, feeling firmer as I poke and prod at them. I've somehow become a skinnier more athletic version of myself. My breasts are perhaps the biggest change. They've inflated out to porn star proportions, at least an E cup, looking huge on my new slim frame. It's as though I've had implants, sitting high up on my chest, like rounded orbs, the nipples pointing straight ahead. They feel firm, and very bouncy.

"What the hell is all this?" I shake my head, still staring in the mirror, had I not been, I'd never of seen my eyes turn from my usual pale blue to an all over red. I jump, which makes my breasts bounce, and blink. My reflection blinks too, her eyes remain a deep blood red colour. From somewhere a wind is beginning to blow, I can't feel it against my skin, and the curtains I can half glimpse behind me in my bedroom remain still, the window closed, but I can hear it, a white noise, growing louder. She smiles at me, the me in the mirror, revealing a mouth filled with pointed sharks teeth. I can feel my own mouth stretched in an answering smile, so I reach up, slowly, watching as mirror me, this other, does the same, still smiling, and sure enough my mouth is full of razor sharp teeth.

"Not real." I say, shaking my head. But the other nods in time with my shake. "Yes." I hear my own voice say, feeling my mouth forming the words. "I am as real as you now." The wind inside me is now a howling hurricane, tearing at my thoughts, making it impossible to focus. Mirror me turns my body left and right, examining it, and like a marionette I'm unable to stop her from taking control. She looks me in the eyes, and flicks gently at the nipple on my/her right breast. "Don't worry." We tell each other, my mouth moving in time with hers. "I'll take good care of this body." The world turns white as the wind finally blows me away.

I jump, causing the pizza box on my lap to slide onto the floor, the two remaining slices tumbling into the wet grass. I feel as though I've just stepped off a particularly violent rollercoaster, my thoughts are everywhere. Closing my eyes, I take a breath, then another, slowing my racing heart. Better. I open my eyes, and look around. I'm on campus, not far from the on site take away, which explains the pizza. The large yew tree behind the bench I'm sat on is mostly keeping the rain off me. It's dark, but feels more like evening then proper night. Next I look down at myself. In the combined light of two nearby streetlamps I can clearly see the black inky swirls of my tattoo on both hands, and my belly. I'm wearing faded blue jeans and a white thong, the side straps of which rise up higher then the low waisted jeans. Up top a grey tee is stretched very tight over my super sized breasts, the visible humps of my nipples making it clear I'm braless. A lightweight dark green waterproof jacket is laid over the benches backrest beside me, with a can of diet Pepsi poking out of the pocket. Patting my jeans I locate my phone, and a tap on the screen reveals it's now 2102, which means I lost around three hours to the thing, the other, that swam up behind my eyes and stole my body from me. Somehow?

I should probably be scared, after all I remember perfectly what happened. But I seem to be unharmed, and I didn't wake up in a police cell, or on America's West coast having lost two months, so right now I'm not too worried. What I am is confused, I don't understand how, or why, any of this can or is happening. "Don't suppose you'd care to explain?" I say out loud, looking around. I've got the immediate area to myself, the rain tends to dissuade casual walking here at St Echoes, the nearest people to me are a group of girls. All four: two blondes, a fat one with brown hair and a skinny redhead, are crammed onto a slightly too small bench, the only place I can see where someone could sit and still stay dry. And, when I look at them, all four are suddenly looking in four separate directions, none of which are towards me, though I'm sure that, before I looked, all were staring right at me. Weird. I give them a wave, and a smile. One of them, a blonde, turns, and gives a yelp of surprise, quickly clamping a hand over her mouth. The other blonde yanks her up, and all four leave, walking away from me, very clearly not looking back. Weird.

It's only then I remember about my teeth. "Oops." I laugh, reaching up to check, feeling the razor edged points that now fill my mouth.

I need to research this, so I head back to my dorm room.

I strip off, swapping out my clothes, especially the way too tight top, for a baggy black tee with a picture of Marvin the Martian on the front looking stern and pointing. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror I inspect my tattoo again, turning myself, my arms and legs, left and right, lifting up my tee and twisting my body. "I'm not sure I'll ever get used to this." I comment, shaking my head. Do I even have to, or can whatever's happened to me be reversed? "Fancy pitching in on the debate here?" I ask my reflection. My eyes darken to red even as, again, I both hear and somehow feel the wind beginning to blow inside me. My mouth curves into a smile to match the one my reflection is showing me. We both shake our heads in unison, the wind never rising above a slight breeze this time, and then the eyes are my pale blue again. "Fine." I huff, running a hand through my hair, pushing it back off my face. "Fucking difficult red eyed whatever thing." I mutter, tossing my laptop onto my bed.

The internet is useless. Full of information yes, more then you could ever need on subjects you've never even thought to research. The problem is almost none of it is verified, it could, and in most cases probably is, simply made up by some bored teenager or conspiracy theorist. After two hours, tutting for perhaps the twentieth time, I close it down. It could be a Demon, or an alien. It could be that I'm cursed. Or maybe this is some kind of Matrix shit, and I've become a glitch in the machine. I screw up the five pages of notes I'd been making, shaking my head. "Useless." I say, tossing them at the bin, missing. I close down my laptop, too tired now, and go to sleep.

On Sunday I see those same four girls, the weird ones sat on the bench, three times.

The first time is accidental. I go to the library, I wanted to swim, but in the changing cubicle I discover my bikini top is now way too small, barely containing my new breasts. "Damn it." I mutter, tossing the now useless orange triangle top on the damp floor. "Are you happy now?" I ask, receiving no answer, not really expecting one. I leave, and head to the library instead, there are books I need for an assignment. I almost collide with one of the girls in an aisle, too focused on the shelves to pay attention to my surroundings. I see her at the last moment as we close in on each other, and stop, putting out a hand to prevent her from walking into me since she too isn't paying attention, her head is buried in a thick book about metals. "Sorry." I grimace. "My fault."
"No it's...." She starts, looking up, her mouth dropping open as she sees me properly. "Oh. Um." She's backing off, pointing behind her. "Sorry." She tells me just as I realise who she is, long dyed red hair, currently tied back in a sensible tail, finally registering alongside her skinny pale skinned body. "Hey." I call out as she turns around, my half shout, because she's already quite some distance away, making her flinch and stop mid turn, almost like she's afraid of me. "Fuck." I point at her, she flinches again, which to me proves my point. "You know." I accuse, walking towards her. "No." She stammers, shaking her head, walking backwards in time with me, maintaining the distance. "No." She repeats, shaking her head. "I. We. You. But." She pats at her arms, tracing the swirls she can see on my own. I'm wearing a sleeveless white vest top, cut short and stretched very tight over my chest, paired with blue denim short shorts, because despite the rain and wind it's a muggy kind of day. I look down at my own arms, the sleeves of my dark green waterproof jacket rolled up against the heat, and when I look back up, she's gone.

The second time isn't long after. From the library I go to the on site shop to stock up on food I can eat in my room. I see the four of them walk past the shops window whilst I'm picking out my favourite chocolate bars, slowing their pace, peering in. When I leave, walking back to my room, I know they're following me, reflected glimpses in windows show me the four of them, never getting too close, but keeping me in sight. I wait to see what they'll do. Which turns out to be nothing. I reach the front door to Ash, turning as I swing it open to see the four of them already at the corner between Oak and Yew dorms, walking away. I watch them go, shrug, and head inside for the gaming marathon I'd promised myself on Friday morning, back when everything was still normal, back when some unknown red eyed thing didn't have control over my body.

The final sighting is at dinner. My room has no cooker, and I want my hot meal, which means I have to head back out. I'm in the mood for pizza, because I dont remember eating the one I woke up yesterday to discover the remains of. That one was hers, the red eyed me, so I want mine.

There's quite a queue for the takeaway when I get there, despite the late hour, plenty of students willing to brave the elements and the dark for a taste of kebab shop food, a wide variety from pizza and garlic bread to burgers, plus chips and big greasy onion rings. Turning up the collar on my green jacket, yanking up the zip and wishing I'd remembered my wide brimmed leather hat, I wait as the line shuffles slowly forwards.

I only see the four by chance. All are dressed for a night out down the student bar, appropriately named Noah's Ark given the on site church, and the usual weather here, already damp short dresses cling to their bodies as they hurry along, plunging necklines revealing cleavage shiny from the rain. They pass by without looking up, heads bent into the wind, eyes downcast. I look from them to the shops open front door, smelling the intoxicating aromas wafting out. I'm only a half dozen people away from ham and double cheese heaven now, but, I know they know something about what I've become, which is more then I know. "Damn it." I shake my head, I'll have to queue all over again, but I'll never get a better opportunity to sneak up and hopefully corner them. With a sigh I step out of the line. The two teenage boys behind give me a questioning look. "Go ahead." I tell them, gesturing to the empty spot I was just occupying. "You sure?" One of them asks, shaking his head. "Wouldn't give up my spot." His friend is nodding agreement, the sweet stink of weed hangs around them like an enticing perfume. "Yeah." I huff. "Just." Looking at the four girls, smiling. "Some stuffs more important then pizza I guess."
"Yeah?" He scratches his head, both of them very obviously eying my body up. I'm showing off quite a lot of skin in my shorts and vest top, which means quite a lot of tattoo, not to mention my top busting breasts. None of my bras fit, so, stood this close, it's almost as though my nipples are pointing directly at these two stoners as they attempt to drill through the fabric of my top. Not much I can do, save for zipping up my jacket, to hide my new assets, and it's still too muggy for me to cover up. They finally make it back up to my face. I wave, grinning. The friend blushes, but he just laughs. "Oops. Busted." He smiles. "Cool tats girl."
"Thanks." I laugh too, because he complimented my ink whilst still staring at my nipples and cleavage. I start to walk away. "Hey." He calls after me, making me stop, and turn. "Where you going anyway?"
"Long story." I wave my hand, cutting off anything else he might've said, resisting the urge to stay and talk to a cute boy who was obviously into me, and walk away.

I'm closing in on the girls, aiming to catch them before they make it to the bar, when suddenly the wind rushes up inside me. I've got just enough time to realise what's happening as the other assumes control, time to wonder whether I should somehow push back. Within moments though the world turns white, filled with the same howling white noise as before, and I'm pushed down, falling away into the abyss. Lost.
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Tights tights tights
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Post by Tights tights tights »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago 001.

St Echoes church is old, medieval old. Abandoned centuries ago, the land it sits on sold and sold again. Left to rot.

Times change though.

The old church, it's interior gutted, the outer stone walls restored and cleaned, now sits in the middle of Englands newest University. Steel and glass buildings sit amongst the remains of the ancient forest, mostly yew and pine, that cover the semi circular valley floor, whilst student dorms march up the steep slopes. The whole site, shaped like a bowl with the campus in the middle, acts like a trap for the worst kinds of weather. Wind, mostly near gale force, comes howling through the valleys only gap, the one access road on and off campus, usually, even in summer, bringing rain with it, after which it becomes stuck, racing around the hillside, flinging anything not secured up into the grey cloud filled sky.

It's, probably, the stupidest location for a place of learning. Ever. But, for the next three years, it's home.

"Welcome to St Echoes." It's Monday morning. Along with a scattering of other students I arrived at the weekend, ahead of the main crowd currently turning the campus into one long traffic jam, moving myself into one of hundreds of identical two bed shared dorm rooms, I'm up on the top floor of Ash house. I met my roommate, a slim busty blue haired Asian girl with a tattoo sleeve and snakebite piercings, who glared at my cheery welcome as though I'd sworn, and then proceeded to ignore me. Having had almost two days here already I've done at least some exploring, braving the never ending wind and rain to find my bearings, but, this induction is compulsory, so the dozen of us trudge along behind an over enthusiastic Thomas as he shows us around.

Two on site bars, a mini supermarket, even a cafe that does takeout. All the food options. Check.

Administration buildings. Check.

Sports complex. Check.

Creepy old church handily placed right where I'll be forced to walk past it several times a day. Check.

Thomas also walks us around, and in some cases through, each subjects custom built teaching facilities. The University is a specialist institution, focusing on the various engineering disciplines. Which means lots of huge workshop space. By the time we finish up, at a glass roofed building that's part library part greenhouse for several exotic plants, every one of us is soaked through. "Okay then kids." Some of the guys present look older then him, but the ever happy Thomas is clearly sticking to his approved script, not deviating from his current role of jolly host. He waves us goodbye. "I'll be seeing some of you in classes. The rest of you." He shrugs, spreading his arms wide, smiling despite a sudden and particularly strong gust of wind that rattles the library's windows behind him. "Welcome to St Echoes."

I get used to the routine, throwing myself into University life. Every morning I wake up to an empty room. My dorm mate, who still hasn't spoken to me, always somehow manages to leave before I wake up, whether that's at seven for an early swim, or nearer eleven due to a late night Warcraft session on my laptop. I go to my lectures, or to the library, I never meet up with friends. I'm an only child, and Mums job, she's a single parent, meant we were forever moving to a new city every other year. Making friends never felt important. I've got people I game with online, but nobody I've ever met. Now, at nineteen, how can I miss what I've never had? Food is always a take out, mostly not of the healthy salad kind. Despite the near constant storm raging outside there are a half dozen secluded spots I've discovered, benches mostly, places I can eat without getting in the way or being disturbed. In my room, if she's there too, my roommate utilizes headphones to ensure we can't talk. I usually wear a pair anyway, losing myself in any one of a half dozen online worlds, or pumping various happy hardcore tracks into my brain whilst I sit at my desk, working on the mountain of coursework that needs completing before term ends.

My course, I'm specializing in chemicals, because I want to blow shit up, is split into modules. Four different Professors teach us various parts, each in turn setting coursework or an exam as required. The first of these, an exam, takes place on the fourth Friday, in the afternoon. Our lecturer for this, the totally mad scientist looking Professor Alpine, grades all our papers as we finish, tutting and otherwise loudly commenting his way through them from his desk at the front of the room. It's quite a show, something the whole class has become accustomed to already from him. All of Alpines lectures are delivered with a flourish, plenty of arm waving, lots of passion for his work. I like him. "Right." Professor Alpine stands up, clapping his hands to get our attention. "Excellent work class." He nods, picking up our stack of test papers, waving them towards us. "A flying start. Treats all round." He grins at us, then looks down at his watch even though there's a large clock bolted to the wall directly behind him. "Shall we say six?" He nods, whilst looking around I can see confused faces that match my own. Six what? One of the boys, Ethan I think, raises his hand. "Six what Professor?"
"Hmm?" Alpine looks up from packing our papers into his worn black leather satchel. "Six?" He scratches his nose, lifting his thick glasses slightly to do so. "Six what?"
"You said six Professor." Ethan tries again, with most of us nodding to back him up. Ethan shrugs. "Six what?"
"Why, six of course." Alpine taps his watch, his forgetfulness of moments ago already forgotten. "In the student bar, all of you." He waves a hand across the room, taking us all in. "We must celebrate your mastery of the periodic table. Yes." He nods. "First round's on me." He grins again, nodding, and then leaves, returning moments after the door swings closed behind him to retrieve his satchel. "Six." He reminds us, tapping his watch, then he leaves again, this time for good.

Back in my room, having eaten a meatball and cheese filled sub for dinner, gooey tomato sauce oozing everywhere as I sat outside the library with a view of the road out, watching a steady convoy of students heading home for the weekend by car and bus, I eye myself critically in the full length bathroom mirror, trying to decide whether to make an effort and dress up for the bar. Being a loner doesn't mean I actively ignore my fellow students, I smile, I participate in group debates and projects, I just never feel the need to take things any further. I'll probably only stay for one drink anyway, let the rest of them party the night away.

In the end I keep it simple. My faded and slightly ripped black jeans are still clean. They're a skinny fit, tight around the upper leg, tighter at the waist, causing my belly to spill over. I should've gone up a size really, several swims a week are no match for an equal number of chocolate fueled evening gaming sessions. I don't bother changing my shoes either, leaving my jeans tucked into army boots that are scuffed and old. In an attempt to hide my waist, because the thought of being at the bar on a Friday night is making me self conscious, I change out my top. Swapping the plain white vest that shows off my C cups but also my growing not so slim belly for a baggy black Iron Maiden tee with the tree monster on the front. I keep my push up bra on though, not that I'm attempting to impress any of the numerous boys that are sure to be there, I just like how much perkier my breasts look. I leave my long black hair alone, it has a slight natural curl as it tumbles down over my shoulders to tickle at the tops of my breasts, with professional extensions weaved in to make it extra long. Lastly I touch up my red lipstick and redo the flicks on my blue and black eyeliner, the blue matches my eyes. Satisfied, I head out.

"You alright Morgan?"
"Hmmm?" I tear my attention away from the wind, certain it's actually speaking I'd actually been about to reply, to focus on the girl stood next to me. Dark skinned, with her own black hair styled into thick dreadlocks, a pretty white dress with green and red flowers hugs her slim flat chested frame, over which she's wearing a black waterproof jacket with the hood up. My own jacket is back in my room. "Hmmm?" I say again, swaying slightly, smiling. I pat her shoulder repeatedly whilst I try to recall her name. "Beth." I finally decide, nodding. She shakes her head. "Brandi."
"Brandy?" I look back at the pubs front door, now shut, no longer illuminated. "No thank you Beth." I giggle. "I'm only coming in for one drink."
"Just the one huh?"
"S' right." I nod, which makes the world sway. I giggle again, holding up three fingers. I stare at them, then shake my head, lowering one. I nod. "One drink, then I've got a.... um.... fucking castle or something...." I wave my hand in a vague imitation of sword thrusts. "Got a dungeon to plunder."
"Oh." Beth/Brandi nods, looking slightly puzzled. She nods. "Okay Morgan. Can you find your way back to Ash?"
"Sure." I let go of Beth/Brandi, who gives me an amused smile as I begin to wander down the streetlamp lit path, zigzagging from right to left, thrusting and parrying with my invisible sword every third or forth step.

At some point, my drunk brain, not used to being so full up of alcohol, becomes convinced I'm inside the game I was supposed to be playing this evening. The shift from reality to fantasy is seamless. A light drizzle begins to fall, meaning more clouds then stars in the night sky above. The wind drops to a light breeze, not even enough to stir my hair. I keep walking, searching for my 'castle', dodging imagined enemies as I walk up and then back down the hill twice, completely ignoring any of the darkened dorm buildings, including my own. My black tee is soon plastered to the contours of my breasts and belly, though I don't notice.

"Castle." I proclaim in victory, pointing my imagined sword, now a stick I picked up on my second trip up the hill, at the dark silhouette of St Echoes ahead. It's now long past midnight, and only half the campus streetlights are still lit, some weird cost saving measure, throwing almost everything into shadow. The rain is still falling although my drunk brain, lost in the quest daydream, is convinced I've spent the whole time wading through a swamp, which accounts for the squelching sounds I'm making with each footstep. Stopping, I smile, and look from left to right. "I'll take it from here." I tell my travelling companions, actually just the trees that happen to be currently flanking the footpath, nodding to each as they wish me well.

Coming around the buildings side, since I'd arrived at the rear, I discover a faint glow shining through the high stained glass windows. I frown, looks as though my rivals have beaten me to the treasure. "Well then." I square my shoulders, and attempt to pull up my jeans, which are so wet they've fused to my legs, so don't move. "Time to reclaim the lost gold of El-Adril." Reaching the front I find the churches only door standing slightly open, allowing more light to spill out into the dark night. I take a breath, before pushing the door open, striding in.

The interior of St Echoes is small and rectangular, with a slight dog leg alcove at one end on the left. Stained glass windows cover two of the four main walls, depicting sword wielding armies on the march against a red enemy, whilst arching wooden beams hold up the slate roof. The floor is a mixture of stone and wood, devoid of any furniture, instead three concentric circles of candles are spread out in the open space. There are four girls here, two of them, both tall and blonde, are finishing up lighting the final circle, whilst a third, quite plump with short brown hair, is just finishing up hogtying the skinny red headed forth in the centre of the smallest circle. All four girls are naked, their bodies covered in various painted symbols.

"What the fuck?" Exclaims one of the candle lighters, looking up as the door swings shut behind me with a quiet boom. She glares at the third girl, also looking at me whilst she holds the final hogtie rope wrapped around one fat hand, the muscles on her arm standing out as she keeps the tension. Forcing the tied girls wrists to remain against her ankles, her body arched with knees and breasts lifted clear off the floor. The tied girl is whimpering quietly at the strain this harsh position is placing on her body. "Elle, Damn it." The candle lighter shakes her head, pointing at the door. "I thought you locked that."
"Sorry 'Chelle." Elle shrugs, releasing the rope as she does, an act which suddenly slackens the forth girls hogtie, causing her feet, and head, to smack down onto the floor, making her grunt behind the cloth gag forced and tied in her mouth. "Oops." Elle looks down, giggling. Michelle puts a hand to her forehead, massaging her temple. "Fucks sake, the lot of you. How are we supposed to summon the storm if we can't even get the prep right?" The other three all look at the floor, chastised. Michelle turns her attention to me. "Fuck off." She tells me, advancing across the room. "We don't need a fifth."
"Hmmm?" I've spent the whole time looking around, trying to spot the hidden trapdoor down into the dungeon labyrinth, which my drunk brain still somehow remembers reading about in a forum thread, written by someone who already conquered this particular quest. With Michelle now stood directly in front of me though I'm forced to give her my full attention. I open my mouth, just as I feel my eyes and legs getting heavy, the alcohol finally taking it's toll, forcing my awake too long body to shut down. I slump forwards, Michelle catching me as I do, lowering me to the floor.

I don't see her smile, nor the other candle lighter advancing. "Lili." Michelle says, her voice so faint it sounds like it's coming from several continents away. "You're out girl. Looks like we've got ourselves a proper offering." I close my eyes, and drift.

It's my drool that wakes me, the stickiness, the feel of it leaking, leaving me with a very dry mouth and a slowly growing headache. Everything feels wrong too, my bed isn't this cold, or hard, and I cant swallow properly, or move. Opening my eyes the first things I see are the candles marching away from me at eye level, because I'm laid on the floor. I look around, discovering my predicament. I'm naked, my body turned into a canvas, painted bright reds and yellows mix with dull blacks and dark greens, swirling all over me. I blush, looking down at my exposed but paint covered pussy and breasts. The reason I can't move is because I've been tightly hogtied, not able to twist to a point I could see them, I can feel the ropes wrapping my wrists and ankles. And the reason I can't swallow properly is because I've been gagged, the more awake, and aware, I become, I can taste the knotted cloth pressed up tightly against my tongue. After some struggling I discover I'm alone, the door is shut, the four girls have left me here. Why though? Is this a prank, some kind of dare? Didn't one of them say something about summoning the storm? What the actual fuck does that even mean, it's always stormy here.

I hear a hissing noise coming from beneath me, at the same time as all of the candles extinguish, plunging the church, and me, into darkness.
Very good beginning. One of the most specifically detailed story's I have read. I loved the discription of the abandond mediaeval church, great setting and great scenario. Also love how you described what you and the girls were wearing.

Well done for the first part, don't have time to read all of the next, but will do later and I will be sure to comment on it.
HHHMMMPP mmnnpph mmpph nnnpph hmm hmmm mmmnnn hhhmmhhpp
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Post by RopeBunny »


I'm in bed. My own? I couldn't say. The mattress has a familiar feel to it though, already semi moulded to the contours of my body after four weeks. Without opening my eyes I know I'm naked, the covers cling to my flesh as I roll over onto my back, stretching, for the moment not caring about the time, or even the day, or the thing I can feel coiled around my right hand, or anything, just glad to be back in control.

And then somebody snuggles closer to me, a pair of large breasts squashing into my side, as that same stranger moans.

I jump, shuffling away, the contact is too foreign a sensation. I'm not a virgin, but I can count the number of times I've shared a bed on one hand. The stranger let's out another moan, not of pain, it sounds more like a plea. I brace myself, and open my eyes.

It's my own bed, the room barely illuminated by the dim light filtering under the curtains. But I can see enough to wonder just what the fuck happened whilst the other was in control. Laying next to me, sharing my bed, is my roommate. Even in the dim light I can make out her tattoo sleeve, a mountain range in black, complete with tall green pines, rings her upper right arm, whilst silhouetted fish of all kinds, including a couple of sea serpents, leap and swim from the river that flows in a spiral down her arm, ending in a bright blue puddle on the back of her hand. She's naked, and apparently my prisoner. The thing wrapping my right hand that I chose to ignore a moment ago is some kind of cord. Not rope, but a close cousin. It's black, looking more organic then man made, with a slightly sticky feel. The end I'm not holding has been wrapped through and tied to the single small ring that dangles from the front of a collar. The collar is made from some kind of dull metal, forming an unbroken slim band around my roommates neck. It looks very tight fitting, custom made to her exact measurements even. Her bondage doesn't end with the collar. A black hood is stretched over her head, worn skintight, the strange material moulded to her features in a way that reveals her jaws have been forced wide open, with something inside keeping them apart. The only openings, apart from her neck, around which several thick tufts of blue hair are escaping, are two small holes, allowing her to breath through her nostrils. More of the not quite rope is wrapped tightly around her wrists, holding them behind her back, and, I lift the covers to check, getting a flash of her shaved pussy in the process, her ankles are tied too.

She moans a third time, feeling the bed shift as I move around, and wriggles herself closer to me again. Her skin is darker then mine, showing her Asian heritage. Her large breasts, probably a D, each one topped by a dark almost black nipple, one of which, the right, is pierced by a good sized silver ring, bounce invitingly at me as she blindly seeks me out. Honestly, she looks amazing, her skinny but not toned frame is completely on show, I'm near spellbound, already becoming aroused despite never having wanted a girl before, but the sight of her apparently offering herself to me is proving to be an unexpected turn on. Unless. I pause, having been about to tug on her collar rope, to draw her to me. Maybe she's seeking me out so I can release her? She can't talk, so, anything could be happening here. And, logically, she's spent the first four weeks of term ignoring and avoiding me, not the actions of someone who actually likes someone. I sigh, and set to work pulling off her hood.

She blinks, flexing her jaw. The hood, sticky to the touch, not made of anything I could name, begins to crumble once I've removed it, but not before I've caught a glimpse of what had been forcing her jaws apart. On the inside of the hood, seamlessly attached, like a growth, was a very penis like bulge. The thing had been huge, perhaps seven inches long, and thick, not an easy gag to have forced deep down your throat and then held there.

I'm already sat up, the angle easier that way, and am leaning over her so I can inspect her bound wrists, when she rolls over onto her back, which means I'm suddenly looking down at her erect nipples, which bounce slightly.

"Hi." I blink, and tear my eyes away from her breasts, I swear I'd been about to lick her pierced nipple. I don't think I've ever heard my roommate talk before, her Japanese accent is strong, her voice soft. "Um." I reply, moving away from her slightly. She pouts. "Don't you want me anymore then?"
"Huh?" I look from my own naked body to hers. Anymore? Which means we've already.... Oh. "Um." How do I ask just what has happened without looking silly, or being weird? I look from her to me again, she wiggles her chest teasingly at me as I do, licking her lips, smiling. "At least come and cuddle me." She playfully squirms away, tugging with her neck at the collar rope, which for some reason I've kept hold of. Still smiling she adds. "I might run away you know." Winking. "Unless someone stopped me."
"Is that right?" I ask, smiling back, her playfulness is infectious, and, unless I'm so out of practice with relationships that I've become shit at reading what's going on, she really does want to be here, with me, tied up and helpless. Added to that, she looks stunning. I can feel my pussy, already damp when I first saw her, positively tingling at the thought of actually touching, even kissing her. Picturing what we could do to each other is turning me on to the point that I forget all this came about because of things the other did whilst I was trapped by the howling wind deep inside myself. Smiling, I tug firmly on the rope in my right hand, wrapping it up, forcing my roommate to wriggle towards me, drawing her in.

We've been making out for perhaps half an hour before it occurs to me I still don't know what time, or day, it is. My right hand is almost touching her metal collar, I wrapped her leash so tight my roommate is laid on her side inches from my own laid down body, unable to scoot away any longer, not that she appears to want to. The only times we've stopped kissing are when I'm either teasing at one of her breasts with my tongue, or when I pull at her collar, lowering her down towards one of my E cups, allowing her to tease at my own near permanently erect nipples. When we aren't grinding against each other my left hand is down between us, tracing circles around her pussy lips, or up and down the insides of her thighs, teasing, occasionally venturing closer to explore inside of her, flicking in and out whilst she moans into my mouth, making me laugh as I withdrawn my hand after a moment, enjoying her pout, knowing she can't have it unless I decide. Thinking of the time, again, though it's hard to remain focused on such boring things with my trussed up roommate in front of me, I pull away from her, uncoiling the leash as I sit up, letting it fall from my hand even as I feel it beginning to crumble, turning to dust now as though able to sense when it's no longer needed, just like the hood. "Hey boss." She calls after me, wriggling herself into a sitting position with her tied legs dangling off the edge of the bed next to me as I stand, peering at the floor. "What's up?"
"Do you know the time?" I ask, looking around. "Or the day?" I mutter. "The day?" She smiles, leaning forwards, trying to lick one of my breasts as I walk passed, missing. "Drat." She laughs. "It's Monday Boss." She tells me over her shoulder, whilst I'm hunkered down by the door, searching through the clothes I was wearing on Sunday, apparently I left them in a pile. "Boss?" I stand back up, phone in hand, giving her an amused half smile. "Since when am I boss?"
"Since last night I guess." She grins, standing up, hopping across the room towards me. I let her come, staying still, enjoying the way her breasts bounce with every hop as her still tied body prevents her from walking normally. She reaches me, looking pleased with herself, her smile widening still further as I reach around with my left arm and squeeze her cute little butt. We kiss, her mouth open to accept my tongue as it flicks out, exploring, something she does more carefully to me having clearly discovered the sharks teeth residing in my mouth at some point before I regained control of my body. Whilst kissing her I bring my phone, held in my right hand, up towards my face, and tap the screen.

"Fuck." I let go of her, stepping back as I discover that in five minutes I'll be late for class. My roommate, eyes closed, swaying, lost in the kiss, topples backwards, letting out a squeel of alarm as she luckily lands on her bed. "Shit. Sorry." I'm already wriggling into a pair of tight faded blue/grey two tone jeans, the kind where the second colour, grey in this case, runs as a patch up the front of the upper legs. "What's the rush Boss?" My roommate asks, struggling across the bed, bouncing her naked body about as she tries to stand back up. She's one hell of a distraction. She pouts, finally standing. "Is playtime over?"
"Yes." I pull a tight black tee declaring that I'm crew on the USS Sulaco over my head, shaking my hair loose of the collar as I hunt for my white Adidas trainers. "I can't miss this lecture." I smile at her continued pout. "Sorry."
"S' okay." She shrugs. "I should get to class too, I guess."
"Good. Sure." Having got my trainers on, and stuffed my keys into my front pocket along with my phone, I finish filling my black messenger bag full of whatever happens to be on my desk. Slipping into my waterproof jacket, throwing the bag on my shoulder, I turn to face my roommate. "Um." I look her up and down, still naked, and amazingly sexy. Why am I leaving again? "Something you should be doing before you leave Boss?" She asks me, grinning. "I...." Despite what we've just been doing I'm still unsure, still nervous. I take a tentative step towards her, then another. She hops, matching my approach until we're inches apart in echo of how we'd been in bed not so long ago. I put both arms around her, cupping her butt as she leans in close to kiss me. And then I pull away.

"What's your name anyway?" I ask, as she darts her head forwards to give me a peck on the lips mid sentence, making me smile. "It's Shay." She tells me, adding with a smile. "You didn't seem to care last night Boss."
"Hmm." I shake my head. "We need to talk about last night. And stop calling me boss. My name's Morgan."
"Sure thing Boss." She gives me a questioning look, slightly worried. "Are you not into this then?"
"Huh?" Confused, I look down at her perfect naked body. Did she mean girls? "Hey." I pull her into me, squashing our breasts together, licking the side of her face, making her giggle. "I'm coming back you know Shay, and I want to do this again. With you. I just." I let go of her butt with one hand, pretending to shoot myself in the head. "I can't remember much about last night. It happens. So. Can we talk?"
"Sure Boss." She grins, happier. "So long as we can be naked in bed when we do?"
"It's a date." I give her a final kiss, then near dash for the door.

"Boss?" Her use of what I guess is now my pet name, whether I like it or not, stops me halfway out of our dorm room. "Yes?" I turn around, seeing Shay hop herself in a circle, putting her back to me. "Um." She comments over her shoulder, smiling. "Do you think maybe you could help untie a girl, before you rush off and leave her helpless?"
"Oh. Right." I giggle, letting the door close as I return to help.

I never make it to the lecture. Once untied Shay decides she needs to shower, and, well, I am kind of sweaty too. Shay seems fascinated by my tattoo, running soapy hands all over me, tracing the swirling patterns, from my neck to my feet, and everywhere inbetween, making me shiver despite the warm water cascading down all over us both. The shower leads back to my bed, Shay laid onto of me, her head in my crotch, her crotch pressed against my face, both of us licking, teasing. We climax together as she collapses, squirming her body round so we're face to face. I can taste myself on her lips as we kiss, both of us smiling. Then it's back into the shower, me tugging her into the bathroom by her nipple ring whilst she giggles. We run out of hot water, which makes us both laugh all over again. Finally, both clean and dressed, me back in my jeans and black tee, Shay in a figure hugging green camouflage dress, cut just above the knee and with a plunging neckline, we head separate ways to separate classes. She still has the collar on.

I'm still sorting through the mess in my bag, trying to find the relevant notebook amongst all the crap I hurriedly stuffed in, when the messenger arrives. I've been summoned to the principals office.

For someone in charge of a whole University, principal Smallwood is young. She can't be older then fourty. Her slim body is kept in shape by a daily routine that begins with jogged laps of the campus, short blonde hair tied back off her face, small breasts held firmly by a variety of sports bras. Nobody has seen her eating anything that isn't either a piece of fruit, or a salad. Campus rumour has her as a vegan, and, because she has no wedding ring, a lesbian too. The fact that girls can marry girls, or that two people of any sex can be together and not marry, has apparently escaped the attention of those who enjoy spreading gossip here at St Echoes.

"Well Morgan, what do you think?" Principal Smallwood, Vanessa according to the small plaque on her office door, currently closed, is leaning on her desk next to where I'm sat in one of three good quality leather backed chairs, remote in hand. Today she's wearing a simple black leather skirt that finishes above her knees, cinched around her skinny waist by crisscross laces up three quarters of one side, black tights cover her legs, and low heeled black slip ons are on her small feet. Paired with this is a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up, the top two buttons undone. Her hair is tied into a sensible short tail. She levers herself upright, and walks around her desk, sitting down in her own leather backed chair, much posher, with wheels. Picking up an expensive black and gold looking fountain pen, tapping it against a sheet of blank paper with the University logo, a silhouetted church surrounded by a patchy green blob, laid in front of her, she looks at me. "I believe in fairness here at St Echoes, so, however random or strange your reasons for.... This." She waves a hand at the large flatscreen bolted to one wall of her office. "I want you to know I'll listen to your side before I make my judgement. No firing squad." She smiles, apparently trying to put me at my ease. But it's all false, I can see the unease, the confusion even, in her eyes and posture. I'm probably, almost certainly, only about a half hour at most from expulsion. She just wants to know how I did it first. I look from her back to the flatscreen. The trouble here is that I know how, but Vanessa Smallwood will never believe me.

She plays it again, maybe giving me the opportunity to talk her through it, but instead I watch, just as spellbound as the first time.

It's a high angle, the security camera is nestled in one corner, bolted to the roof of the huge warehouse like workshop space, looking diagonally down, allowing it to see almost the entire space. At the far end are two normal sized wooden doors, the wall they sit on is lined with windows. One door leads to a small office, the other to the workshops storage space. From the angle I can tell the main door, from outside, is directly below the camera, out of frame. The image is slightly grainy, in black and white, because it's dark, so the camera is shooting in night vision mode. The footage starts with the timestamp 2240, which I think was about a half hour after I lost control to the other, displayed in the top corner beside yesterdays date. Nothing happens for several seconds, then there's a flash, bright enough to turn the image white, overloading the camera. When a picture reappears, there I am.

Even from a distance, I'm stood in the centre of the room, with my back to the camera, I know it's me. The camera can just about pick out the black swirls on my arms and legs. I'm not alone. Suspended from the ceiling are four cocoons. It's the best fit description I can offer. Each is hanging down, attached to the ceiling by a thick black spiralling bundle of something that looks organic. Each of the cocoons, the bottoms of which are at roughly chest height, is twisting and wriggling, never staying still. Each is made from the same black material, an extension. As I stand there, facing them, all four spread out in a rough arc before me, apparently watching, details become more clear as each cocoon twists and turns. One of the four is much fatter, it's shape more pronounced, a naked breast leaks out from a gap in the cocoons shell, dangling towards the floor, bouncing. The other three have gaps too. Blonde hair spiils from the top of one, hanging limply. From another a single hand sticks out at right angles to the floor, the position makes it appear the arms have been forced behind the back. The hand is opening and closing. The final cocoon has most of both breasts exposed, not enough to free them, but enough to show darkened nipples. This forth one is also missing part of the face covering, and, because of the constant blinking, I can see one eye uncovered. It didn't take me long on my first go through to work out that the cocoons contain the four girls who'd been tailing me yesterday.

There's no sound, so, for almost a half hour, Principal Smallwood plays it through at fast speed, I remain in the large high roofed room with the four trapped girls. I walk to each in turn, pushing at them, causing them to swing, touching them, sometimes intimately. Do I talk to any of them? About what? And then I simply leave. Vanessa freezes the recording at the same place as the first time, just as I'm about to walk out of shot, heading for the workshops front door, apparently abandoning the four girls. From this angle, close to the camera, facing the lens, it's clearly me, the others red eyes becoming an all white glow through the night lens. There's a small smile on her/my face, it looks like victory. "That door is alarmed at nights." She points a finger, having put the remote back down, at the screen. "But it wasn't opened. Nobody found those girls until the routine morning sweep at 0600." I do the maths, trying not to smile, because the image of them all swinging helplessly for, I work it out, almost seven hours, is quite funny. Like giant pendulums. I return my gaze to the principal, she's picked her pen back up, and is giving me a serious look. "Now then Morgan." Uncapping the pen, scribbling the date and time in the top corner of the paper. "What do you have to say?"
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Um." I look at the flatscreen, at the me paused on her way out of the giant workshop. The me who isn't always me, who is, for reasons I'm still no clearer on, something else. Something other. This footage is the first I've seen of what she does with my body whilst I'm trapped by the howling wind she summons to remove me, and, even watching it a second time, I've still no real clue who or what she is. Those four girls, they knew something, I'm almost certain that's why the other stepped in last night, to stop me from talking to them. What is it I'm not supposed to know? Are those four responsible for the other being inside of me now? Is that what I can't remember, the gap on Friday night before I woke up covered in paint at dinner time on Saturday?

"Damn it." I grimace, looking at the screen, at the image of her doing as she pleases with my body, leaving me with the consequences. "Morgan?" Principal Smallwood prompts, tapping her pen against the paper on her desk. "We really do need to go through this."
"You'll get me expelled." I tell the me on the flatscreen, ignoring Vanessa, seeing her smile turn into an annoyed frown at my apparent lack of cooperation. "Do you understand?"
"Nobody's talking about expulsion." Vanessa cuts in, clearly trying to steer me back to her, back to helping her deal with this. I continue to ignore her, and remain facing the screen. "Can you help me?"
"I'm trying to help you Morgan." Tapping her pen again. "If you'll let me?"
"I know we haven't talked, you don't seem to want to." I shake my head, hearing Vanessa huff at my continued bad manners. I smile, and go on talking to the faint reflection of me I can see in the flatscreen, looking beyond the frozen recording. "Can you help me? I don't want to leave. I'll...." I swallow. "I haven't fought you yet. I don't know if I even can. But. Help me. Talk to me. Let me in on whatever this is. And...." I shake my head. "I'll do what I can for you. If you ever need me. I'll be there." Beside me I can see principal Smallwood picking up the black phone on her desk, punching in numbers. "Please." I say, meaning it, wondering whether the other can feel the truth in my words, in my offer.

I feel my mouth curve upwards in a smile that wasn't my doing, seeing my eyes change in the reflection even as the wind howls up from below, yanking me loose, pulling me down. "Thank you." I say, catching a final glimpse of Vanessa gaping open mouthed at me as the whiteness rushes in.

I'm back.

Sort of. I can't move. My initial instinct each time I've returned has been to close my hands into fists, grabbing for an imagined ledge, trying to stop myself from falling back down. This time my hands won't obey. But I can see. Fuck. I'm stood directly in front of principal Smallwoods fancy chair, which has been wheeled backwards, away from her desk. The same black slightly sticky not quite rope that the other used to bind Shay now holds Vanessa in place. Her arms are bound to the chairs arms, and in the corner of my vision, I can't move my eyes either it seems, I can see her legs spread apart, bent at the knee. Maybe her ankles are bound to the chair back? However she's secured, her spread legs have caused her skirt to ride up, high enough to show the tops of her stockings and to allow a small splash of red thong to become visible. Not tights then. Her shirt is open to the waist, pulled apart, and her bra is gone, revealing small pale breasts topped with larger then normal dark nipples. The principal isn't moving, and her eyes are pulsing gently, changing from normal white with brown irises to the all over red of the other, then back. Her gaze is locked on mine. This then is perhaps how I'm partly returned. The other is split, at least for now, doing something inside Vanessa. As I think this I realise I can still hear the wind, but only as though a light breeze is blowing, nothing like the usual howl.

Something catches my eye. A tattoo is taking shape on the principals body, rising up out of her skin. Starting at her left nipple, a spiral forms, each circuit leaving only a small gap of skin to separate it from the one before. The spiral ends once her whole breast is covered, the black inked line disappearing into her armpit.

The principal blinks, at the same time I both feel and hear the wind die down, vanishing. "Soon." The other says as I feel her retreating, allowing me control again.

I take a step back, seeing the sticky ropes crumble as I do. Vanessa's arms slip into her lap, and her lower legs drop, feet kicking the floor as she blinks again, turning her head slightly, trying to focus. I take another step back, unsure, should I leave? If Vanessa's back, and she finds herself exposed, with me still here, will I be heading for expulsion all over again? I'm about to take a third step when there's a knock at the door.

"Yes?" Principal Smallwood calls out, giving her head a small shake. I'm frozen in place, trapped, apparently. The handle turns, but the door doesn't move. I breathe out. "Principal?" A male voice comes through the door. "You called for assistance."
"I did?" Vanessa still looks in a daze. She looks at the door, then at her desk, at the phone. Then she looks down at herself, prodding at the fresh tattoo on her exposed breast. Shit. "Principal?" The door rattles slightly as the handle moves again. "Do you require assistance?"
"I." The principal shakes herself again, and takes a breath. Then she smiles. "No. Thank you." She pauses. "Carl. Everything's fine."
"Are you sure principal?"
"Yes." She traces the spiral over her breast, still smiling. "Quite sure Carl. You can leave now." There's a pause from behind the door, I can just about make out the sounds of people whispering. Then. "Okay. Cathy wanted to remind you the staff meeting is at one."
"I'll be there." I look up at the wall, the ancient looking wooden clock hanging there is showing twenty to. That's two lectures I've missed now.

"Morgan." I jump, principal Smallwood has scooted her chair back to her desk, and is looking at me now, hands clasped together resting on the desktop, shirt still wide open. "Um. Yes?" I'm not sure what the other did to her, so I don't know what to do. I half smile back. Picking up the paper, which still only contains the date and time, she rips it cleanly into four, and drops it into the bin beside the desk. "That will be all Morgan." She opens a drawer, pulling out her tablet, which is linked to the flatscreen, and taps away at it. I watch as she flicks through menus, entering passwords, deleting the security footage. Replacing the tablet she looks back at me, and nods. "Everything seems to be in order."
"It does?"
"Yes." Reaching up, the principal idly fingers her left breast, stroking at the tattoo there, at her nipple. A far away, slightly dreamy look, ghosts across her face. "Yes." She says again, giving a little shake, returning to herself. She looks down, frowning at her nakedness, then looks at me. "Oh." Pulling her shirt closed, sealing it up. "Sorry Morgan." She frowns, looking down at her now empty desk. "Was there anything I can do for you?"
"No. I...."
"I have a scheduled meeting a one you see." Pointing at the clock. "But." She stands, and ushers me towards the door. "My door is always open." She then looks slightly confused upon discovering that it is, in fact, locked. I cover a smile with my hand as she ushers me out, into the hallway. "Stop by anytime Morgan. Any more.... troubles.... I'm here to help." I can see, from the frown, that Vanessa knows something isn't right, but not what. Maybe the tattoo is doing that, blocking, preventing. Or maybe not. I'm hardly the expert, I'm not even sure why I'm now half covered in black spiky swirling ink. I smile, accepting her outstretched hand, then I leave, almost running, not looking back, half convinced that, if I do, I'll find the principal coming after me, wanting answers, or to just expel me after all.

I've no more lectures today. Despite the four weeks spent ignoring me previous to this morning though, I do have a pretty good idea of Shay's schedule. Mondays she never rolls in until around five. As I walk back to the dorm I begin to have an idea, something I can do for her, something fun.

I only stop in the room long enough to grab my car keys and bank card, then I'm off out.

It takes almost an hour to drive to the nearest town, there are a scattering of villages closer, but none of them are big enough to have the particular shop that I want. I'm glad of the car, old it may be, a Ford something or other, the paintwork a faded red, whilst the front wheel arch and passenger side door are dull battleship grey due to some collision that occurred under it's previous owner. Mum has promised to help me buy something newer, something with a bit more go, but a year spent in a rustbucket will at least keep the costs down should I make a rookie mistake and have a crash of my own. In town, having parked at the central multi story, I visit the adult shop, which is unfortunately on this occasion being staffed by an overweight older guy, his large belly spilling out underneath a too tight blue tee showing a busty anime girl I don't recognize. I can feel his eyes on me as I make a fairly swift circuit of the interior, knowing roughly what I want helps, it's just a case of refining my wants based on what's available. He grins lecherously at me whilst I pay, looking me up and down, no doubt attempting to imagine how I'll look with my purchases applied. I grimace as I leave, and crank the music up on the drive home, banishing thoughts of him so that by the time I arrive back on campus, having stopped for a quick bite at a drive thru on the way, it's nearly four, and my good playful mood has returned.

I park in my designated spot, and am happy to find Shay still not home when I open the door to our shared room. Grinning, I get to work, setting myself up for her return.

After stripping naked I spend a couple of minutes making sure the room's tidy, then I remove and fold the duvet from my bed, before shoving both it and my pillow underneath, out of sight. Out of my sex shop bag comes the vibrator, one of those cordless ones with a large massager style head, and the nipple clamps, which are metal and large, which makes them look quite scary. I place these items on Shay's desk, along with a small ring of keys, and a note. The note, only a couple of lines long, basically tells Shay that I did this for her, that I'm her treat, and, more importantly, that she shouldn't feel in any rush to release me. Rereading that last sentence makes me tingle all over at what I'm about to do, at just how helpless I'm willingly about to make myself. I get a sudden attack of nerves, a mixture of excitement and fear flooding my body. I take a deep breath, and push on before I start trying to talk myself out of this crazy idea.

The butt plug is next. I've never worn one, so bought lube too, figuring it'd help. I'm trying not to think about how much I spent today, I'm definitely not going to be eating any takeouts for awhile, but, no doubt it'll be worth it. The plug slides in on the third attempt. It's a strange feeling, the pressure of it, pressing inside me, filling me up. Certainly it isn't comfortable, but, I guess that's the idea. I get my laptop, and headphones, taking them and the bag over to my bed. In the bag are four pairs of heavy duty metal cuffs, and a latex hood. Laying down, after checking my position, I use two of the cuffs to secure my ankles to the bed frame, each one to a separate corner, which means my legs are now forcibly held apart. Next I fire up my laptop, plug in the headphones, and load up a five hour video that consists of strange noises and sounds, something purposefully designed to screw with your sense of time passing. I crank up the volume, then place the headphones in my ears. The hood comes next. It's a total enclosure model, very tight fitting, covering my whole head and neck with laces at the back to seal it up. The only openings are two small nostril holes. The gag is this hoods special feature, I hadn't set out to find this particular model, but, on discovering its box amongst the couple of other hoods, I knew it had to be this one. On the inside of the hood is a penis shaped bulge, nowhere near as scary looking as the one I found on Shays hood, but it's definitely thick, and long enough, to fill my mouth. On the outside, looking like the above water part of the iceberg, a large thick rubber cock sticks out from the hood. With the hood laced up I can feel, with my hands, the cock sticking out rigidly at right angles from my face, meaning that when I'm laid down Shay will be able to slide up and down it, whilst sat atop me. The image that conjures up has me almost instantly wet as I lick at the cock filling my mouth in anticipation. Lastly, going by touch, being careful not to knock my laptop off of the bed, I secure my wrists. One cuff for each, linked to seperate top corner posts. It takes several attempts to lock the final cuff, because im working both one handed and blind, but on my seventh go I feel the cuffs catch, and am able to push them tight, locking me in. I'm turned on still, but am hardly comfortable. The combination of the cuffs stretching my body out, the mouth filling gag, and the large plug stuffed up my butt, sees to that. I wanted to be suffering already before Shay finds me. I can't say why I wanted this as part of the game, there are easier less strict ways to display myself for her, even just cuffs on my wrsits would've been enough to show I was all hers for the taking, but I wanted Shay to find me much the same way that I found her. Helpless.

Giving each limb an experimental tug I'm satisfied to discover just how little movement I've got. The cuffs are small, which means I'm being stretched out quite tightly. Already feeling very disoriented I feel a tingle spreading over my whole body as I realise just how helpless I've made myself. I can't see, nor can I hear due to how loud I cranked up the nonsense sounds now filling my ears. Shay could already be home and I'd be clueless. Hell, the entire University male football team could be in here too, stood in a circle around me, jerking off. My body tenses in reflex at the thought, and I moan behind the cock shaped gag that prevents me from calling for help.

I don't even remember what time it was when I last looked at the clock. And I keep feeling phantom touches on my belly, or a light brush over my nipple that makes it instantly hard, followed by nothing, causing it to soften again, until the next imagined brush. I moan again, squirming at the continued discomfort of the buttplug, the moan becomes a whimper as I imagine her in the room, looking down at me, a smile on her face, the vibrator in her hand.

Helpless, having placed myself into the strictest bondage I could think up for a girl who, it just occurs to me, could find it the funniest thing to simply leave me squirming and untouched, I moan again. Too late to back out now, having willingly given away all control, I'm forced to lay here as my discomfort grows alongside my arousal.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Really enjoying this - have no idea where its going but loving it!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »


Had I begun counting as soon as I started the music, I'd still have no clue how much time has passed. It isn't even music that the headphones are piping at full volume straight into my ears. It's a collection of random sounds: the rain, whales and other various animals calling to each other, traffic on a busy road. Crap like that. The sheer randomness of it is purposefully designed to destroy any sense of time passing, which it manages to do far too well. I could've been here for anything from ten minutes to three hours already, I just don't know.

Here is my bed, which I handcuffed myself to, with a hood that handily removes my ability to see or hear or talk, after cramming a large buttplug up my ass. Because I'm an idiot.

Unless I'm not. Maybe I'm actually a genius. Like that guy who built a whole railway. Brunel somebody. The whole thing. Why the fuck didn't he just build it in a straight line? Or ask for help? I mean, it was like eighteen something. Right? Wait. Isn't eighteen just six? Anyway. Not like there were things in his way, and, if there were, then just knock at the door and say 'Hey. I'm Brunel watsisname, and my new train is going riiiight through here. So sod off.' I wonder if he stopped for tea breaks or just worked through?

Do I have work today? I mean lectures. What if I didn't want to be an engineer anymore. Couldn't I just be rich? Like, can that be a career choice? Maybe I should look into this. It might be a secret. You know. Shhhh and tap tap on the nose and all that. If I was rich maybe I'd be an explorer, with a mustache and a reeeeally big boat. I'd go see all the animals. I could bring them cookies.

Fuck me but these whales have some talk in them. What do you suppose they're saying? Is it whales that have crap memories? Maybe they keep having to introduce themselves, and that's why they never shut up.

Wish I could talk. If I could, then I'd say 'get this fucking cock out of my mouth'.

I should go out. This weekend. With Shay. What day is it again? We could go for a drive, a mission to find someplace where it isn't always raining. We could bring a picnic, and the rule is we can't eat until we've found actual sunlight. What does she like anyway, to eat? Aside from me. Haha. I should tell her that when she....

Was that a touch?


Concentrate Morgan. Fucks sake. Just ignore all those cars and trucks and buses full of people. I wonder where all those happy people are going? Are they smiling? Are they....

There it was again.

I take a breath, as best I can through my nostrils anyway, and focus. Suddenly my whole body is tingling with anticipation, and I feel my nipples hardening as I imagine Shay, finally, in the room with me. Her smile as she stands beside the bed, looking down on my helpless naked body, stretched out and trussed up, a treat just for her.

The third touch, if it even is the third, I definitely feel. There's no way to mistake having someone climb ontop of you and lay down as anything else. Breasts squash into mine, causing a brief swordfight as a pair of erect nipples clashes with my own. Legs stretch out along the length of my own, just inside and beside them, even as I feel the sticky heat of a naked pussy pressing against my own already wet slit. Arms stroke at my sides, fingers tracing from my butt up to my wrists, then back down. The rubber cock gag invading my mouth begins to be gently pushed in and out, only a slight movement each time, my mind can picture the larger cock, fixed to the outside of my hood, being licked and teased, being woked over, being blown. I moan as the pussy grinds against mine, and as the pressure on my breasts eases, being replaced by the squeezes and flicks of playfully exploring hands. All of this whilst the blowjob continues until, eventually, I feel the weight on me shift, and my head is carefully pushed down into the mattress. I can smell pussy, the unmistakable scent is strong. I moan again, and keep moaning, as my head is slowly bounced up and down, which forces the rubber gag in and out of my helpless mouth, facefucking me.

The rhythm builds, getting faster. My moans become pants. Becoming moans again as a sudden buzzing sets my pussy on fire, pressed right against my sweet spot. And still the rhythm builds, faster and faster. I scream as I climax, not even registering until some time later that, not only has the bouncing stopped, but I can no longer feel any pressure on my face, can no longer feel the buzzing between my legs.

I'd completely forgotten about the clamps.

My breasts, new and improved, blown up like supersized footballs. Even laying down they retain a rounded shape, looking like twin mountains, topped by dark pointed peaks, rising up from my equally new flat skinny figure. One of my nipples, the right, is teased, squeezed, tugged at. I moan, trying to lift myself up off the bed, chasing the sensation whilst also attempting to offer myself up. And then the clamp bites into the soft flesh of my erect nipple, the sudden pain causing me to gasp. Before I know it my other nipple is being tugged out, stretched to better accommodate the second clamp, which hurts no less considering I'm half prepared this time. Fuck but it's painful.

I lay there squirming, the throbbing pain in my nipples mixing and joining the not entirely comfortable stretching feeling coming from my butt. Occasionally one of the clamps is flicked, lighting my nipple on fire all over again. Twice I feel the vibrator, once rolling up and down my inner legs, never quite coming within reach of my pussy, and once it starts up already in place, the sudden high speed buzzing, combined with all the other sensations assaulting my helpless body, is almost enough to bring me to an instant climax. Almost.

In short, for what feels like days, I'm teased and toyed with.

Hands on my breasts, squeezing, kneading, making me moan. These are joined by a hand tickling at the inside of my thigh, right up against my pussy lips, at the same time as I feel the huge cock sticking up out of my face being batted back and forth. Wait. What?

The pain is sudden, seeming to come from everywhere inside me at once. For a brief moment it feels as though I'm being ripped apart, like my bones are being pulled through my back by some monster risen from underneath my bed. I scream against the cock filling my mouth, surging up to pull against my cuffs, then collapse back down.

Moments later my hood is removed, quite violently, yanked from my head so fast the gag almost takes my lower jaw with it, and the headphones are tugged free from my ears. I blink, flexing my mouth, waiting for the world to swim into focus, then wishing I could go back under the hood. Standing beside my bed are four familiar girls, all grinning. There's no sign of Shay.

Was she even here?

I look down at myself. I'm still cuffed, but I knew that, just as I can tell without looking that my nipples are still firmly clamped. I'm still naked, still heavily tattooed. I look up at the four girls, feeling myself blush at the state I'm in, it no longer feels like fun now, if anything I'm starting to feel slightly scared. I wonder whether the other can snap the cuffs and free us. Which leads me to wonder why she hasn't already appeared, since at any moment these girls will surely talk to me. Why else would they be here? And, historically, I'm not allowed to talk to them. So where is she?

"We've taken her away."
"Huh?" It was one of the blondes who spoke, apparently reading my mind, whilst the other three are nodding, or smiling. Agreeing. She gestures, pointing underneath my bed. "Sorry about the carpet." A shrug. "But we needed her buried until this can be fixed."
"Until what can be fixed?" I look from one girl to the next, down the line, curiosity overriding my fear, and nervous embarrassment, at how on display and helpless I am. "Just what the fuck is going on here?"
"You don't know?" Still the blonde, who appears to be the leader. Two of the others are just stood there beside her, smiling, but the slim redhead can't seem to take her eyes off of my tattoos. She almost looks envious. The blonde continues. "So." Shaking her head. "The storm is just using you." She laughs. "Don't worry Morgan. We'll take her off your hands soon."
"So you aren't freeing me?" I strain against the cuffs, hoping, but all it does is make three of the girls laugh, the redhead is still being weird. "No." The blonde replies. "Not from the cuffs anyway. Not until we take what's ours."
"Could you...." I squirm, suddenly feeling the full force of the discomfort I mostly placed myself in. I swallow, not really wanting to ask for help, becuase it's going to come out sounding like begging, and that feels too much like a victory for them in whatever messed up game we seem to be playing. I grimace, then yelp as the fat brown haired girl reaches forwards and tugs hard on one of the nipple clamps. "Stop that." The blonde tells her, but she smiles as she does. "Can't I play some more?" The fat girl replies, an evil grin I definitely don't like on her face. "Someone has to stay with her."
"Not you Elle." The blonde shakes her head, making the fat girl, Elle, pout, even whilst I relax again, having tensed up at the thought of being left alone with Elle, who it appears would've spent our time together trying to find more places on my exposed body she could attach clamps too. Or worse. "I'm not having you torture her, not before it's time. Besides." She smirks. "You've already got the roommate waiting back in our dorm. Right."
"I'll stay." The redhead quietly offers, she still hasn't looked away from me. "Sure." The blonde shrugs. "One of us has to, and I've got a date tonight, so I ain't fucking babysitting. Come on girls, let's leave Lili to explore." The two blondes and Elle leave, I hear them laughing as the door closes.

"Can you.." I start once the door has clicked closed, but Lili shakes her head, a finger to her lips, and I shut up. "Ten minutes." She holds up fingers, making her point clearer. I nod, squirming again, regretting the butt plug for prehaps the hundredth time.

Twelve minutes later, and I might still be cuffed naked to my bed, but at least the buttplug and nipple clamps are gone, the removal of the former turning out to be an overly intimate experience for both me and Lili. But I'm grateful. "I don't suppose you're allowed to uncuff me?" I ask hopefully. Lili shakes her head, she's sat on Shays bed, Shay, who I'm trying my best not to think of right now, because to do so makes me feel even more helpless. If the blonde is to be believed then Shay's their prisoner too. Worse, she's Elles specifically. I saw that evil smile when it was turned on me. Fuck, but how do I help her? "Sorry." Lili puts down her phone, but stays leaning against the headboard, a spot which allows her to see me, whilst, if I turn my head to the side, I can see her too. She shakes her head. "I can't help you. Not with...." gesturing at my stretched and cuffed body. "Or with...." gesturing out the door, towards Shay I think. "'Chelle's my big sister." Lili grimaces. "And I'm afraid after all these years, being ruled over is a hard habit to break."
"Okay." I nod, trying not to look sad. "Can you talk to me though?" I laugh, though it isnt funny, so it comes out quite deflated. "I really don't know what's going on. But. I think you and the others do." I look Lili in the eyes, which makes her flinch like she did in the library. "Can you at least fill me in on some of all this?"
"You really don't remember the church?" Lili gets up off the bed, walking over to sit beside me. "I guess you passed out. But. I still thought you'd recognised me from that night when you saw me." She begins idly tracing the swirling patterns of my tattoo, not seeming to notice my shudder and sigh as her fingers skip over my still tender right nipple. "In the library." She adds. I shake my head, my body involuntarily lifting off the bed as Lili traces the tattoo across my pussy lips and down my inner thigh, still apparently lost in thought, oblivious to the reactions my body is producing to her touch. "This wouldv'e been me." She taps at my toned stomach. "What?" I look down, unable to see beyond my breasts. "All this." Lili gestures up and down me, standing as she does, returning to Shays bed and sitting on the edge, facing me. Dyed red hair is hanging down around her shoulders, whilst skinny fit blue jeans hug her slim legs, and a white tee is stretched tight over a tiny bust, showing the shape of her A cup bra through the fabric. "You wanted the other inside you?" I ask, catching her meaning finally. "I didn't want." Lili shakes her head. "It wasn't really my choice to make. But.... Other?" She looks confused, then nods. "Right. I get it. Because you don't know what it is?"
"Exactly." I nod. "It's been a pretty steep learning curve for those of us cuffed to the bed." I smile, and Lili laughs. "Okay." Shaking her head. "Fuck it. I guess I can tell you something at least."

"The 'other'." Lili begins, doing air quotation marks, making me laugh. "Is actually the storm."
"I don't know the real name. The other three: 'Chelle, Theresa, and Elle, were already friends before we all got here. And me." She shrugs. "I'll get to that. Anyway. The first weekend on campus, early hours of Sunday, stumbling back to the dorm, we all thought it'd be hilarious to explore the church." Shaking her head at the memory. "I think it started off as a dare. You know. Anyway. Inside, Theresa tripped on one of the old stone floor tiles. Turned out to be loose, and underneath, though fuck me that thing was heavy, took all of us to lift. Underneath we found a book."
"Just a book?"
"An old book. Like ancient."
"So the storm was inside the book?"
"No. Shh." Putting a finger to her lips, but smiling. "Stop with the second guessing."
"S' alright. Anyway. You've seen the church?"
"Kinda hard to miss."
"True." Nodding, not catching my sarcasm, too lost in her story. "The images on the glass. The book is like a story." A pause, and a shrug. "I guess. We couldn't translate more then one page in ten, and most of what we could read was just pictures and guessed at symbols. But. The red enemy pictured on the church's glass. We thought. Think. That's the storm. And the church is some kind of trap."
"So you wanted to set it free?" I guess, then remember my earlier telling off. "Oops. Sorry."
"We wanted to set it free." Lili agrees, smiling, looking at me. "You don't remember finding us?" I shake my head, Lili smirks. "I'm not surprised. You were wasted. Came barging in the door waving a stick, soaked through, then you fell asleep on Michelle." She laughs. "Anyway. Lucky me. I guess. As her sister I was basically pressganged into being the offering. Then you showed up, and, in her eyes anyway, you volunteered. Bitch." That last is spat out, with a grimace. "Is she really that bad?" I ask. "Yeah." Lili looks sad. "Our parents died when we were young. She...." A shrug. "She hated that we had to be housed together, growing up. Felt I was holding her back. The older we got, the more she began to rule over me. I'm basically just her puppet these days." Lili wipes her eyes. "I. I don't make friends easily. So. She rules my life. She says jump." A shrug. "Like that. Id love to be able to break away from her. I'm just not strong enough. She takes every chance to punish me. She even gave me to Elle one night." Lili wipes her eyes again. "Sorry."
"It's okay." I give her a small smile. "I'd hug you if I could." Lili laughs, making my smile widen. "That's better. So look, back to the church. I was the offering to the storm right?" Lili nods. "So did you know what would happen afterwards. When it, when the other arrived?"
"No." Lili grimaces. "'Chelle seemed convinced that we'd be owed a favour, for setting the storm free."
"So you didn't know I'd be possessed by it?"
"No." She gestures at me. "We didn't know about the tattoo, about anything. Just that we had to make an offering, draw symbols, and then the wind would come. One page in ten like I said." A shake of the head. "I tried to point out the danger to her, to all of them. They didn't care, they were all too fixated on what they could ask for to see anything else."
"Is that why the other cocooned you? Because you asked for a favour?"
"Yeah." Lili shivers, remembering I guess. "When you, when it, came for us last night, 'Chelle thought it was to reward us. Then, like the idiot she is, all of them really, she got angry when you... when it refused. So it got angry back. Strung us all up. Just toyed with us, then abandoned us there for the night. Hanging."
"Then why seek it out again?" I shrug, or try to. "Won't it just get mad if you ask the same question a second time?"
"Probably." Lili blows out a frustrated breath. "We. My sister. Found out who you are, so we came over. I don't know what the plan was, but, lucky for us I suppose your roommate left the door unlocked, and luckier still you weren't in a position to fight us."
"Hmm." I look down at myself. It hadn't occurred to me at the time I'd be preventing the other from stepping in by blocking off all my sensory input. I'd been too caught up in the idea, too eager to give my maybe girlfriend of one day a treat. Silly Morgan. "So how does keeping me cuffed up help you get the storm back? That's what your sister wants right?"
"Yeah." Lili exhales. "She wants me to take it. I think." Another breath, she looks scared, frightened. "I think she thinks that because she controls me, she'll be able to control the storm if it's inside me."
"But." The initial look of envy has definitely been replaced by one of fear and nervousness. "You don't want it. Do you?"
"No." A shake of the head. "I don't want any part of this. Not now I've seen the power, felt it." She looks me up and down, a shiver running through her body. "I mean, you look amazing." I blush, as does she, before she continues. "But I wouldn't want what you have inside of me, not now." She looks glum again.

"She really thinks she'll be able to control it?"
"Yeah." Lili grimaces. "But it...."
"Won't work like that." I finish for her, both of us shaking our heads. "When it comes." I tell her. "When it wants control. It takes it. I can't fight the wind. I'm not sure there's a way."
"I know." Looking glum again. "But. The control thing again. I'm too scared of my sister and Elle to disobey."
"So you can't help me?"
"Please." I look Lili in the eyes, again. This time she doesn't flinch away. "I talked to it. Her. I think. I think we were just starting to get along. If you help me, then, I won't lie to you, maybe I can't do anything. I haven't been able to affect anything yet. But. I'll try. I'll try to cut you some slack. Make the storm see you as a friend, not group you with the other three." I smile, trying for friendly. "I just need you to be strong. One time. One act of defiance against all these girls it seems you hate anyway. And." A shrug, because being honest might talk her out of helping me, but I don't want to lie. "Just help me. Be my friend instead. And if I can, I'll make sure your sister, and the others, don't bother you ever again."
"I can't unlock you." Lili gestures over, showing me the absence of keys where I left them. "But." She stands up. Then sits down. Then stands and takes a step towards me, before taking a step back again. Fighting a war against everything she's always known. I wait.

"One of the few pages we translated showed a symbol." Lili points at the floor beneath my bed, shaking her head, looking sad. "The same symbol was in the church. We thought it was the trap, or a part of it anyway." She takes a step forwards again. "I want to help you. Morgan. Fuck the consequences with my sister. I. I want to try. But. I can't rub that out. I can't...."

I don't get to hear any more. Something reaches up from the depths, and drags me out of my body, down into the darkness, where a howling wind waits for me.
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Post by Dpsiic »

This is amazing, so descriptive. What an imagination you have.

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Post by RopeBunny »


When the other takes over, I don't fall asleep, or dream, or think anything. To me, the passage of time, whether it be minutes or hours, happens at near eyeblink speed. I'm aware, now I know the signs, that it's coming, so I have time to take a mental deep breath, time to briefly wonder things like 'how long' and 'what the fuck will I return to'.

An eyeblink, and then I'm back.

Can you wake up in a memory, is my first thought.

When I was sixteen our house backed onto a woodland, not a very large one, long and narrow it sat in a ditch and acted as a buffer between houses and a noisy four lane main road. One of the few good friends I've ever had, Betty, used to live four doors away. Plump and curvy without being massively overweight, she had a huge pair of breasts, like F's or something even at sixteen. Ginger hair was kept long, almost never tied back, and freckles scattered her face and body, including that massive cleavage she was always showing off. Betty had a younger brother, Nicholas, a skinny ginger haired fourteen year old who wore thick glasses he kept having to push up his nose. The two of them had a not so secret secret base made up in and around one of the trees directly behind their house, but deep enough in the woods to be out of sight. The day before I was due to leave, it being time to move on again to a new city, a new posting for Mum, Betty had tied me to one of the aforementioned trees as a fun little tease type prank on her brother, who we both knew had developed more then a passing crush on me in the two years since I'd moved in.

This is definitely my memory of that day, and at the same time it isn't. It's changed.

The sun still shines down through the trees, which it should, it's a hot July day, the last day of school. Last day ever for Betty and me, colleges in different directions loom on our horizons. The tie hasn't changed. My back is against the tree, arms reaching around either side and tied off at the wrists behind the thin trunk. My ankles are tied together too. Everything is done using school ties, Betty and me have two each, the third tie binds my ankles to the trunks base, whilst the forth is going to be my gag, though it's currently dangling from Betty's left hand. I can see her, still wearing the white shirt and black knee length pleated skirt uniform of our school, stood several metres away from me. I remember she's positioned herself with a good view of her house, better able to tell when Nicholas is coming, giving her plenty of time to dash back and gag me, before hiding in a nearby laurel bush, where I remember she'll giggle plenty as Nicholas discovers and then fumbles at my sort of helpless body for several minutes. The major change with this memory is my appearance. I look as I do now, not as I did then. Also, I'm naked. Looking down I can see the twin peaks of my huge breasts, which prevent me from seeing more, but I can feel my nakedness, just as I can see the black swirling tattoo covering my body. I giggle. "Well. At least this time Nicholas will have something bigger to grope."
"Actually." Betty turns around, revealing familiar all red eyes. "This time, he isn't coming."

"You." I gasp, struggling slightly. Before, when this had actually happened, I'd been able to free myself with minimal effort, Betty tying me for show. But now the school ties are actually tightening against my limbs, resisting my efforts. "Your mind knows you are tied." The other tells me in Betty's voice, as she walks towards me. "Therefore you must remain tied."
"So this isn't real?" I look around, nodding to myself. "This is a memory." Betty/The Other nods her agreement, now standing in front of me, idly twirling the black and yellow striped school tie around. I ask. "How are you here then?"
"There is no time for explanations."
"Then make time." I huff. "Please. I told you before I'd help, if I could. And I will. But you've got to give me something."
"Very well." Betty/The Other shakes her head. "Humans. Go ahead then. Morgan." Flicking the tie at me so it lands on my shoulder, then giving a gentle tug, making the fabric trail slowly down over my right breast, making me shiver. Betty/The Other smiles. "Ask your questions."

"Lili said you were the storm?"
"The actual storm."
"But." I shake my head. "The storm is the wind. Not a person."
"I was the wind." Betty/The Other smiles, remembering I think. Then her face turns into a scowl, and she spits. "And then men, in their wisdom, separated me."
"The church?" I guess. Betty/The Other nods. "The church."

Between one breath and the next, everything changes. Shifts.

I'm laying on my side, the cold of the stone flooring leaking into my skin, making me shiver. Around and above me the inside of St Echoes has taken on cathedral proportions, prehaps due to both my own drink fogged memory of the interior, and my current ant level viewpoint. Everything looks huge from down on the ground. Michelle, Theresa, and Elle, all naked, move through the interior like silent ghosts, lighting the candles that circle me in a triple ring, sometimes simply walking from one side of the church to the other, only to pause and then walk back. Occasionally one of them blurs, their shape losing focus. Sometimes they blink out of existence, only to reappear moments later several metres away. None of them look at me, or each other. On the floor next to me is Lili. She and I are naked too, which means I can see I'm still new me. We're laid facing each other, about two metres apart, both of us are hogtied. I can feel the rope biting into my wrists and ankles, and the not exactly comfortable arch my back is being forced into by the tight connecting rope. I can see her ropes, along with an unasked for flash of her landing strip trimmed pussy, between her spread legs. My eyes travel up her body, over the small swell of her breasts, looking tiny next to my own porn star orbs, to her face, to find her smiling at me. Lili/The Other winks one red eye. "Do you like what you see Morgan?"

"Oh. Um." I know I'm blushing. Lili/The Other laughs. "This one is pretty. Is she not?"
"Um." I sigh. What's the point in lying. "Yes. She's very pretty. But we were talking about you." I shake my head, the sheer weirdness of having a conversation with Lili, who isn't, whilst we're both tied up. "What's your name anyway? Because I don't want to call you The Storm." I smile. "It just sounds silly."
"You may call me Maelstrom."
"Yes. It is close enough, and pronouncable in your tongue."
"Okay." I nod. "Maelstrom. So. This church really was your prison?"
"Yes." Lili/Maelstrom looks around her with a contempt out of place on her pretty young face. "These stones were put here to trap that part of me torn free. The magic, or thinking, part you would say. I was buried here. Alone. Leaving only the storm."
"Is that why it's always so shitty here?" I guess. Lili/Maelstrom nods. "Yes. The rest of me, the greater whole, unguided, can still sense me, but can not reach me. So it rages." She shrugs, as best as the ropes will allow. "The wind is not a calm thing. I am not calm. I am speed. And strength." She smiles, Lili's mouth stretching far wider then is natural, filling up with the sharks teeth I now own too. I shiver. "You can not contain the Maelstrom." She finishes.

"But they did. You were trapped." I point out, instantly regretting my words as Lili/Maelstrom glares at me. "Sorry." I squeak, even as there's another shift.

It's my living room, from the house before the house I moved out of to move into Betty's neighbourhood. This house is actually a flat, right in the middle of a big city, with views out over a wide river and a huge warehouse district beyond. In front of the sofa I'm sat on the flatscreen is filled with images of animals, living, eating, surviving. Mum's a sucker for a good wildlife documentary. But it's movie night tonight, a large tub of popcorn, the butter still melting a lazy river down from the peak, sits on the small low table between the sofa I'm sat on and the wooden stand that holds both the flatscreen and sky box.

Mum is sat beside me, wearing faded red drawstring trousers and a loose white tee from an old gym she used to attend about three towns ago. Her long black hair is pinned loosely atop her head, and one arm is rested on the sofas arm. Her legs are tucked up underneath her, a strange pose, but one she always seems to adopt. I look down, knowing already what I'll find, wanting to see anyway.

No surprises, I'm naked, and am my current tattooed busty nineteen year old self, not the shy chubbier twelve year old this memory should contain, a younger me yet to discover that exercise helps fight at least some of the harm caused by all the more fun food groups. I'm also, big shock but not really, tied up. Sat on the sofa, beside Mum, someone has clearly been buying too much rope. My legs, hanging off the sofa in front of me, are pinned together at two points around my knees, rope also tightly binds them at my ankles, and much higher up where they meet my butt. My tied wrists are crossed, resting in my lap. One long, or maybe two short- I'm hardly the expert -lengths of rope have been wrapped around my upper body. This seems to serve a dual function, not only can I no longer move my arms, the rope pins them to my sides, but my overly large breasts are being squeezed from above and below. The sensation isn't entirely bad. "Well." I turn my head towards Mum, knowing anyway that it isnt her. "I get I'm tied up out there, and so this mirrors that, but someone should learn about moderation." Mum turns her body to face me, shuffling on the sky blue sofa cushion, Maelstroms red eyes looking as out of place as always.

"Do you wish to continue with your questions now?"
"I said I was sorry."
"Well then." Gesturing down at myself. "Did you have to go so overboard?"
"How you are tied each time we shift is your doing." Mum/Maelstroms lips quirk in a slight smile. "This." Leaning forwards to tug on my chest ropes, causing my breasts to bounce slightly. "This is your want invading your memories."
"Oh." I look down at myself. Do I really want to be tied up so tightly? I guess the dampness between my legs is answer enough. "Right. Fine." I shake my head to clear it. "I am sorry though."
"Okay." I look into those eyes, searching for something even vaguely human, something I can talk to. "So. Are we okay?"
"Are we still.... I mean, not that we ever were. Or." I pause, then shrug. "Maybe. Fuck. I mean. Are we friends?"
"Yes." Mum, which is to say Maelstrom, seems to consider before answering. She huffs. "You were right anyway."
"I was?"
"You were." A frown. "I was trapped."
"Yes but." I frown myself. "Surely you have friends somewhere. Or. Eventually you'd of thought of something. Right?"
"Who can say."
"Well." I try on a smile, trying to lighten the mood. "You're free now."
"But. Oh." I tut, shaking my head. "Of course. You're inside me. And I guess that isn't free huh?"
"It is not." A shake of the head. "Morgan?"
"You." A pause. Mum/Maelstrom swallows. "You offered help to me. It is not easy for one as old, with the power I should posses, to ask for assistance. But. I do require help that you can give."
"Okay." I nod. "Can you free me, free us, from the stupid thing I did?"
"It was not stupid."
"But I got us caught." I look down. "I got Shay into a bad place."
"You care for her?"
"Yes." I nod, searching myself for the truth. "I think I'm beginning to care a lot."
"Well then. Yes. I can free us. And more."
"Then I'll help." I return Mum/Maelstroms smile. "What do you need?"
"Let me explain what I can do, and what I need from you."

Everything shifts again, it seems as though Mum and me fall down through the sofa even whilst it dissappears, landing almost immediately on a bed, Mum changing as we do.

The bed is mine, in my dorm room, but this is still a memory. Of sorts. This time it appears to be more like a daydream, a wish of times I'd like to see, conjured from half of a recent memory. I think that being tied up, and letting my mind wander to thoughts of Shay, is clearly a bad combination.

Shay and I have reversed our roles. It's the morning I woke to find her laid beside me, trussed up and collared. This time though, a red eyed naked Shay lays beside me, a cheeky smile on her face as she gives a small tug on the rope held loosely in her left hand, the playful tug travels up the rope to the collar fixed securely around my neck. I'm tied the same as she was too, wrists bound behind me, ankles held together.

I shake my head. "Go on then. I'm not sure I can stand another warped trip down memory lane, so go ahead and explain it to me."
"Okay." Shay/Maelstrom gives another tug on the collar rope. I huff. "Quit that. And talk."
"Of course Morgan." Shay/Maelstrom smiles, then begins to explain.

"What those four girls did, with you, only released a small part of the trapped whole. A sliver. The ritual invited that sliver to dwell inside of you." Shay/Maelstrom runs a finger down my side. "That is why you are changed. However. The redrawing of the containment symbol, underneath this bed, has divided me again. That sliver is now almost nothing, a fraction of a piece of me."
"So," I wriggle my body, the many different ties, not to mention the spread eagle bed cuff out in the real world, making my body restless, I desperately need to stretch, "can you somehow join yourself back together?"
"No." A shake of the head. "This sliver is now trapped inside of you Morgan. But. I will surrender control, if you will free the rest of me."
"Surender control?"
"You mean I'll be me again?"
"No. But yes. I will no longer be inside of you. But this power will remain yours. This sliver of me. You will remain looking as you do now. We will share a link, but we will be separate."
"Okay." I nod. "I understand." I don't, but, Maelstrom is asking for my help, and I did offer, and helping feels right. So I nod again. "So how do I free the rest of you?"
"You must burn the church down. Even the basement must be ash."

"Oh." I mean, it sounds logical. But. "Shit. Um." And then I giggle, because, hell, it actually sounds like fun. And I think Shay will help me, maybe even Lili too, damn the consequences. "Sure." I nod, grinning. "I'll do it."
"Thank you Morgan."
"It might take a week." I try to think. "Or two. But. Yeah." Smiling as a rough draft of a plan, call it version one, swims into focus in my head. "I'll burn down St Echoes, and free you to rejoin the rest of you."
"I understand the need for time. Please take all you require." Shay/Maelstrom sighs. "I have waited over eight hundred years for this. I can wait two more weeks"
"Okay. So. What happens now?"
"Now." Shay/Maelstrom smiles, winks. "Take my hands Morgan."

A shift.

I gasp. Blackness, all around, even under my feet. I don't even know if I'm stood, or floating. The only thing I can see, apart from my own naked body, is my red twin.

Stood, or floating, about a metre in front of me, is my exact copy. Huge breasts, slim frame, she's naked like me, but where I'm pink skin with black ink and hair, she's red. Her long hair, her skin, her eyes, all red. She smiles. "Maelstrom?" I ask. A nod. "Yes. I am the Maelstrom inside of you, that part I am willing to gift you, in return for my freedom."
"Right." I nod, feeling butterflies begin to flock and flutter in my belly as nerves set in. "This joining. Whatever it's called. Will it hurt?"
"No. I am ready inside."
"Okay. Well." A deep breath, a failed attempt at finding calm. "What do I do?"
"Just take my hands." Maelstrom holds out hers, she smiles. "Promise I will be free, and take my hands."
"I promise." I reach forwards, closing my eyes in anticipation of something, though I've no idea what, as I feel our hands clasp. The last thing I see is Maelstroms smile.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

This is simply...brilliant.
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »


I'm up off the bed in one fluid motion, going from laying down to standing on the carpeted floor before I've even registered the fact. I turn, looking back at my bed, and smirk. All four cuffs are ruined. Twisted. Bent. Half melted. Strength indeed.

"Hi Lili." I smile, which turns into a frown as I spot her. It looks like she tumbled backwards over the bed as I returned. Her head is peeking out from behind it now, like a lookout. Checking. Waiting for the all clear. She looks funny, a scared and unsure half smile on her face, so I laugh. "Morgan?" She asks. "Yeah." I nod. "I think so."
"But you still look...." Lili stands up, stepping out from the imagined shelter offered by the bed, gesturing up and down me as she does. "I know." I agree, holding out my arms to see, looking down at my huge tattooed breasts, lifting each leg in turn to see them both still covered in swirling ink. "Well." I mutter. "She did say things would stay."
"Nothing." I wave the comment away, then. "What?" As I catch Lili staring. "Your eyes." She points. I shake my head, heading for the bathroom mirror to see what she's talking about.

"Figures." I tut, returning to the bedroom. I need clothes. "Are you really you?" Lili asks as I pull open drawers, tossing faded blue denim hotpants and a black thong onto my bed beside where she's now sat. "Yes." I nod, glaring at my one clean top, a black tee with white skeletal hands grabbing and cupping my breasts, it would've been tight fitting even before said breasts ballooned from Cs to at least Fs. I grab it, slamming the drawer, and struggle it over my head and down over my breasts, scowling as I see it does indeed hug every curve, leaving nothing to the imagination. "I really need to go shopping." I mutter. "Right." I turn my attention to Lili whilst I step into my thong and short shorts. "First off. Fucks sake stop staring."
"Sorry." She flinches. "It's just...."
"I know I know." I lower my voice, feeling bad for snapping. It's my eyes that still have Lili spooked. As if I needed any further reminders that I now posses some kind of power, courtesy of Maelstrom, my pale blue irises are now a deep blood red, though the whites are still white. "It's just." Lili pauses, clearly expecting me to shout again. I shake my head, dropping down on the edge of the bed to sit beside her. "Just what?" I ask, pulling on my old trainers. "Just your eyes." Lili points to her own, trying to make a point. "What happened?"
"Long story." Standing, shrugging into my green waterproof jacket. "And no time. I have questions of my own."
"Oh." Lili nods. "Right. Like what?"
"Firstly. How long was I gone?"
"Yes. I was...." I wave a hand, then twirl it around in a hurry up gesture. "I'll explain later. How long?"
"Um." Lili looks from me to her phone. "We were talking, and then you just stopped replying, and then you...." she puts her hands palms together, miming me, her right hand, leaping up off her left. I laugh, nodding. "Right." Lili looks at her phone again. "Maybe a half hour?"
"Good enough. Now." I stand in front of her, purposefully close, more or less pushing my tits right into her face, putting my hands on my hips. "I'm going to rescue Shay now." Trying not to smile at how kind of funny Lili's face looks peering up at me, only her eyes and up are visible over my thrust forward chest. "And." I adopt a stern expression. "It's going to go badly for anyone I find there. And for any of those three girls who aren't there too. So." I pause for emphasis. "Are you my friend. Or your sisters?"
"I just need to know where she lives." I tell Lili over my shoulder, rooting around in my drawers, pulling out several woolen scarves. "If you tell me then it'll save me the time and effort of tearing the campus apart."
"Um." Lili looks torn, just as she did before. I shrug. "That's fine. Can't say I blame you, even being a bitch she's still family, and that always counts for something."
"Sorry. I. Hey." Lili tries to protest and fight me off as I push her over onto her belly, then climb up onto the bed with her, scarves in hand.

She tries to fight me off, but, even without whatever supernatural power Maelstrom recently gifted me, Lili's a weed, so it's no contest. "Right." I say, leas then five minutes later, stood beside the bed stretching, enjoying the fact I can. "Let's try this again." Lili, still laid on the bed, unable now to do much except talk and wriggle, wriggles her bound still clothed body around, manoeuvring herself so she can look at me. I used the scarves, grateful that for whatever reason I randomly bought so many to uni with me, to hogtie her. I've no doubt it could've been done better, but I'm also sure, based purely on how tightly I was able to yank the knots, that Lili isn't going anywhere now until I decide to free her. Her ankles are tied together, crossed, as are her wrists. Wrists and ankles are then touching, wrapping Lili up like a C shaped flat chested parcel. Finally, because I want her to stay put, I've tied her ankles off to the bed, so she can indeed wriggle around, but she can't leave.

I dangle the final scarf in front of her, I've tied a large double knot in the middle, it's purpose now obvious. "Ready to talk?"
"I." Lili swallows, wriggling again, looking from me to the gag. She shakes her head. "You're gagging me anyway. Aren't you?"
"Look." I interrupt her. "Just. Fucks sake. Tell me the address."
"At this point." I comment, aiming for a casual tone whilst I force the large knot into Lili's open mouth, shutting her up. I yank the scarf where it meets up behind her head, making the simple knot there tight. Lili yelps as the wool digs into the corners of her mouth, then she moans. "As I was saying." I continue, still casually, as though she weren't tied up. "I'm happy to be friends. But I need to rescue Shay first, and." I shrug, reaching down to tug at Lili's bonds, she looks up at me and moans. "Right." I nod, as though she just made perfect sense. "Thing is. Lili. I can't have you getting in my way. Having an attack of 'must help my bitch sister' conscience. So. Just stay here awhile." I cant help the giggles. "You know. Lay down. Have a rest." Lili moans again. I get myself under control. "No. I'm sorry." Laughing again. "It really isn't funny. Now." I drop down, hunkering at eye level with my bound captive. "Fucks sake, tell me the address. Otherwise." I lean in close, dropping my voice to a whisper. "Once I have found Shay. We'll come back here, and the both of us will do to you whatever fucking Elle is currently doing to my maybe girlfriend. So. Where. Is. She?"

My dorm room door slams closed behind me, and I take a moment to lock it, before stuffing the key into my right front pocket. Can't have anyone walking in and finding Lili. She'll be fine, once she's calmed down. I don't know what she saw as I whispered to her. I was mad, itching to be about my task, and, as I whispered to her I felt something shift and rise inside me, something I'm going to have to learn how to control, an invisible wind erupted from behind me, blowing towards Lili as I spoke softly, teasing her hair back off her pretty face. And then she started to scream behind her gag. Two words, over and over. A dorm name, and a room number. She was still screaming them as I left.

Slammimg the main door open, moving at a fast walk, I begin to descend the half dozen steps two at a time, already looking in the direction of Beech House, where Elle and Michelle share a room, where Shay has been for at least the last fourty minutes. I consider running, Beech is, predictably, the furthest dorm house from me, but without a good sports bra, or any bra for that matter, I'm liable to pop out of my very short tee, which keeps riding up, and is barely containing my super tits as it is. "Damn it." I curse, reaching the bottom, wishing I had wings. And then, I feel an answering shift inside me, power flexing awake, responding to my will a second time.

The next instant I'm stood outside the main doors to Beech, feeling the last almost playful tugs of wind on my hair as it settles back down on my head. I feel dizzy, as well I should I suppose, having just been picked up and flung instantaneously across campus. Stumbling slightly, reaching out to steady myself against the nearest wall, the door beside me opens and a girl steps out. She gives me a weird look, a half frown, but smiles back when I stand up straight and grin at her, shaking myself briefly to regain some composure. I see her smile widen as her gaze drops to my wobbling breasts. Honestly, is every girl on campus a lesbian? "Do you mind?" I gesture at the door, now swinging closed. "No no. Sorry." Still smiling, still eyeballing my chest, the girl: Indian I think, dark skin and hair as black as mine, pulled and fashioned into a long plait that hangs over one shoulder, her curvy body hugged by faded red jeans with several designer rips that are tucked into knee high black lace up boots with large evil looking heels, and a grey strappy top with a plunging neckline, over which I can see the lace tops of the cups on her fancy white bra, a bra which is struggling to contain a pair of large and firm looking chocolate coloured breasts, reaches out and grabs the handle, pulling the door back open for me. "Thanks." I step through. "It's Isabelle." She calls after me. "Thanks Isabelle." I half turn, tipping her a salute, noticing as I do the small silver ring piercing the right side of her nose. "Anytime." She let's go of the door, actually licking her lips as she continues to stare at me. Damn. I shake my head, smiling back, unable to not enjoy the brief attention, a rarity before Maelstrom came and changed my appearance, despite the fact I should be focused on rescuing Shay. Reaching the first corner, where I need to hang a left, I look back. Isabelle is still stood at the now closed door, still watching me, making no effort to hide her interest. I give her a small wave, she blows me a kiss. Very forward. Unable to help myself I catch it, then stuff it into my mouth, giving the cute Indian a good view of my teeth. Isabelle, far from being put off, beams as I dissappear around the corner, out of sight. I shake my head, first the stoners in the takeout queue, now Isabelle, not to mention the other looks and double takes, the smiles as I walk around campus, all this sudden attention, from both the girls and the boys, is going to get me in trouble.

Elles dorm room door is open. I frown, puzzled, but don't slow on approach. Stepping in I swing the door closed, giving it a backwards kick to make sure, and look around. I've only been in my room and one other, to pick up a book myself and a boy on my course, Simon, were sharing. This third dorm confirms the fact that all the rooms at St Echoes follow the same pattern: roughly square shaped, with two distinct halves, each containing a bed and desk plus a drawer unit for clothes. A single window, and an ensuite off to one side. The room is empty except for Theresa, sat on one of the beds, a large very old book sits closed beside her.

"Not what I was expecting." I walk properly into the room, dropping down onto the other bed, facing the fourth girl. Fourth because, of the four, Theresa always seems to be hovering behind the other three, more like a hanger on. I'm not even sure I've heard her speak? "I know." She doesn't look up, but shakes her head. "But I expected you. Once I realised you'd escape, because if even half of what I've managed to read in here," patting the book, then resting her hand on it, "if even one page in ten is right, then." A shrug. "Can't escape the storm."
"No." I shake my head. "Where's Shay?"
"Gone?" A sudden flash of anger ignites the wind behind me again, but stronger this time. I watch Theresa grit her teeth as a small tornado rushes a circuit around the room, tearing open drawers, flinging everything into the four corners of the room before, concentrating, I'm somehow able to dispel it. "Gone where?" I ask. Therea shrugs, still not looking up. "Gone when we got back here." A smile ghosts her lips. "She didn't leave a note."
"It isn't fucking funny." I keep my voice level, afraid that, if I let my anger spark again, next time the wind might just decide to take the whole room apart, walls and all. "So you don't know?" Therea does look up then, prehaps she'd expected more then my calm voice having smiled, having had the balls to make a joke out of the situation. "Oh." She exclaims, regarding me. "You aren't...?"
"I am." I nod. Not that I can be sure of what she means, I just feel like being difficult. "Yes." She reaches up, brushing her right eye. "I suppose you are." She gasps suddenly. "You've joined."
"Yes." I grin, exposing my sharp predators teeth. "And you're fucked."

"But." Theresa pats the book beside her. "I thought...."
"Thought what?"
"I thought we could trade?"
"No?" I shake my head, still grinning. She pats the book again, it's ancient leather cover cracked and faded. "But I can give you...."
"Oh I'll be taking the book." I stand up, stepping towards her. "But you owe me. All of you owe me." I look her up and down as I approach. Theresa is tall, above average for a girl, and skinny. An athletes build, complete with a relatively flat chest, no pesky tits to stop her running. Blonde hair is straight, hanging just off her shoulders, curling inwards slightly at the tip. Underneath an unzipped dark blue hoodie all she has on is a sports bra, black with the Nike tick in one corner. Paired with this, keeping the theme, black leggings hug her long toned legs, with clean expensive blue/grey trainers on her feet. She squirms as I approach, unable to get off the bed, yet clearly wanting to escape, laying her upper body down as I, not stopping, climb onto her, straddling her stomach whilst her legs dangle off the beds edge behind me. "What do you want from me?" She breathes, almost whispering, looking worried. "From you?" I shrug. "Nothing. But. Like I said, you owe me, all of you, and it's time to pay the piper."
"What are you going to do to me?" Still whispering. "Well." Grinning, baring my teeth. "You tied me up and abandoned me." I reach down inside, feeling for the power, the speed I felt before, and the world stops at my command.

Or seems to anyway. In reality I'm just moving really really fast. I think. Whichever one it is, Theresa seems frozen in place under me, whilst I appear free to do as I please. I get to work.

Amongst the clothes and coursework, have fun sorting all those pages back into order girls, the tornado managed to scatter Elles sex toys all over the room too. I decide to see just how many I can use on Theresa. As an experiment you understand. Elle isn't a ropes girl, which is just as well, because I doubt I can tie for shit beyond the basics, she seems to go for metal cuffs and a large selection of black leather belts, all of different lengths. Firstly I strip Theresa, since I'm going to need access. Her body moves like a ragdoll, offering no resistance. I toss all her clothes into a corner, collecting up supplies as I go. Rolling her over, spreading her legs wide, I stuff the largest buttplug and dildo I can find up Theresa's various holes. Like a trooper she doesn't even grunt, or flinch, but I imagine she will once I, somehow, restart the clock. To help keep them in I put her leggings back on, minus the thong she was wearing, I stuff that into her mouth, having balled it up first, strapping on a large red ballgag to keep them in. I add nipple clamps, and then wander a circuit of the room, grabbing every belt I can find. I use these to mummify Theresa twice. First, I wrap her up in belts, securing her arms beside her, above and below her small chest. I add a third around her waist, to pin her hands, then carry on downwards. Four smaller belts, cinched tight, keep her legs together. I've no doubt she's already helpless, but I'm not done.

For the second layer I wrap Theresa up in the sheet off the bed, laying her down on one side, then rolling her up. I add belts in all the same places, to hold the sheet in place, and to make her escape harder, then as a final touch I tie each end of the sheet off in a single large knot, sealing her in. Finished, satisfied, I step back, and, on cue, as if it knows I'm ready, which I guess it does, normal speed resumes with a jolt I feel, as though the invisible man just ran up and pushed me in the back.

Theresa, having gone in an eyeblink from laying down being pinned by me to all wrapped up with both her holes invaded, understandably let's out a muffled shriek of surprise. Followed immediately afterwards by a continuous moan of discomfort as she registers both the objects I mostly forced unaided inside her, stretching and filling up her intimate places, and the clamps biting down on her pinkish red nipples. I can't help but laugh, though I do so quietly lest she realises I'm still here, as she begins to struggle, rolling blindly around on the bed, then managing to roll right off the edge, squealing as she lands on the floor with a thump.

Stepping carefully over Theresa I collect the ancient book from where I'd placed it atop a desk, and look around the room. It hadn't occured to me to ask her where the other two, Elle and Michelle, have gone, and now I can't. Nor will I find any clues here, not after my pet tornado went and messed everything up. I stand near the closed door, patting a finger against my lips, still smirking as I watch Theresa struggling towards the bathroom, totally the wrong way. What should I do now?
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Post by RopeBunny »

Left this one too long, sorry. I know some of you read and enjoy my work, apologies for keeping you waiting.

I'm posting the final three chapters now.
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Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, wanting to see the time, because maybe that'll help me figure out both where the last two girls are and what to do next, I'm surprised to find a message alert flashing at the top of the screen. Of course I realise, tutting, I set it to silent before cuffing myself to the bed.

The message, fairly long, is from Shay.
'Hey Boss ;) x
So. Um. How was your day? lol. I'm sorry Boss, but, I've gotta bail. These girls are fucking psychos, and, well, thank fuck I managed to get away, Mum would've killed me if I'd been late lol.
Sorry I can't come rescue you, forgive me?
I had fun with you, before the psychos turned up, but I can't deal with everything you got going on right now. Plus I'm taking an actual break from uni. I think I'm not up to this level yet. Sorry Boss, but, I don't think I'm coming back. I would've untied you and told you, if, you know, we'd had time lol. But, my Mum came to pick me up today. I'm writing this from the car.
Sorry again Boss. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry ;) lol. Call me? I'm up for more fun anytime, just nothing serious okay? Just fun, if you want x
Take care Boss. Whatever this stuff you've got going on, with the eyes and all that new ink, be safe kay :) xx'
I read it through a second time, feeling glum, but not too sad. She's right, we did have fun together, and I can see her angles, her reasons. Some things are what they are. So, I shrug, and try on a smile, which feels good. I type out a quick reply.
I'm free. Thanks so much for all the help on that one lol x.
All is well. I understand. Be well you, maybe I'll get in touch some time, drive to wherever it is you live, bring my cuffs ;).
I think you'd make a very sexy back seat hostage ;) lol.
Talk soon. boss x'
Stuffing my phone back in my pocket, I look around, and decide it's time I was gone.

Feeling quite happy, things might be over with Shay before they even really got off the ground, but it was fun whilst it lasted, and at least, all things considered, like the psychos, we've parted on good terms. Still smiling I look towards the bathroom, at one of the psychos, not that she can really be called that anymore, not in her current state. Theresa has managed to almost make it to the ensuites door, not that she'd know it. Shaking my head, still smiling, I decide to cut the mummified girl some slack. Stepping carefully over her I quietly close the bathrooms door just as she reaches it, blocking her from heading up a blind alley. Then I reverse direction, covering a giggle as I imagine emiting small beeps, and leave the dorm room. I don't close the door behind me, hopefully either Theresa will find help, or help will find her, eventually.

Outside, it's raining, and dark, but I don't reach for whatever power threw me across campus earlier. Where would I go? I want to find Michelle and Elle, but they could literally be anywhere. And what if one of them drives? I'm halfway back to my dorm, head down, feeling at least partly defeated, with a vague plan to take my frustrations out on Lili, to somehow learn more about her sisters on campus routine, when I stop. It's taken this long for the fact to register, but, I don't think I'm getting wet.

I look up, frowning. The sky above is uniform grey clouds, with very few gaps for the stars to shine through, and all around I can hear the hissing of constant rain falling. Tilting my head back down, turning a slow circle, everything around me is soaked: trees, grass, the footpaths. I've stopped beside Pine House, water is falling in a torrent from the roof, overflowing the guttering, creating a waterfall that two boys are busy forcing a third laughing boy under, holding him in place whilst several other students look on. But, though I can feel the occasional drop, it appears the rain is somehow bending away from me as it falls earthwards. If I look directly upwards I can almost see the the effect, as though an invisible cone were suspended high above me, deflecting.

"Come on mate, I think you need to change." Boys, playfully shoving at each other as they walk past me, the relatively dry two still teasing the soaked third, shake me out what had become a near hypnotic state. "Yeah, course mate." The soaked boy punches his friend on the arm. "Best get down the Ark before some other sucker buys 'Chelle a drink. Huh."
"Fuck off Steve." The other guy punches him back, before both burst out laughing, joined shortly by the third boy. I watch them walk away, a smile growing on my face. Just like that, I know where to go.

I'm not a regular visitor to the on campus bar, or any bar for that matter, so I've no clue whether what seems to be a severe case of overcrowding inside the Ark is normal for a Monday evening. I haven't bothered changing, despite the glances, both subtle and obvious, being thrown my way, I'm not here looking for a date. I'm here for the two girls I can see out on what passes for a dance floor, actually just a cleared space beside the bar. Michelle and Elle. The last two. I'm not even sure at this point, watching the girls dancing with at least a half dozen boys between them, why I want revenge. The actual why and who did what to who and whatever of this back and forth now seems like a really complex film plot, one that I'm having trouble recalling. Added to which at least half of the beef between them and me is actually between them and Maelstrom, who isn't here anymore. But, I shrug, downing the last of the rum and coke I bought more for show then out of any desire to drink tonight, I might as well see this through to the end, tie up these two, and then move onto the more difficult, but fun sounding, matter of burning down the old church.

"Another?" The bartender, who I'd spied keeping tabs on me as I leaned against his dark and slightly sticky wooden counter, has appeared at my shoulder, looking keen. No doubt a stiff drink isn't the only thing he wants to offer me I think, smirking. "No." I shake my head, putting my empty glass down. His face freezes halfway towards a sad smile as I reach down inside, calling forth the speed again.

About fourty minutes later, maybe, felt like it anyway, but in everyone else's reality merely an eyeblink of time, I restart the clock, allowing time to flow back into Noahs Ark like that long ago biblical flood, whilst I push open the door, and leave. I'm tempted to stay, to enjoy my victory, it would be quite fun to lean in the corner, away from the action, and gloat over the fallout. But I've seen enough. I'm done.

When I arrived at St Echoes, in my dorm room, on my bed, was a mountain of papers. The biggest by far was a booklet containing the campus rules, along with a map, and a full contact list for all the staff. Somewhere around the middle of the pile had been a leaflet from Noahs Ark, written on which was a list of the various special theme nights they planned on holding throughout the year. The first of these nights took place on Saturday, two days ago. An Under The Sea Spectacular apparently. I didn't go, but most of the decor was still in attendance, so I put it to good use.

Two huge nets are suspended from the ceiling, drooping from diagonal corners of the room, held up by a combination of metal hooks and string. I only need one, but not yet, first I need seaweed. Slimy and, probably, easy to snap under normal circumstances, the decorative and fake weed here was, bizarrely, created by cutting lengths of varying sized rope, and then spray painting it green. About a dozen strands of this 'seaweed' were hanging low enough to grab at, provided I jumped. More then I need. I stripped both Michelle and Elle naked, trying not to giggle too much as I tossed both girls clothing behind the bar. Not impossible to find, but not readily accessible either. Then, using the green rope, I hogtied them as best my novice skills would allow, which meant roped ankles and wrists, and a third rope to join both together. I made sure to yank everything tight, then dragged both girls around until they were laying belly to naked belly a couple of metres apart. Standing back up I pulled out my phone to check the time, out of reflex, shaking my head when I realised. Silly girl. Looking around, at the frozen figures, all caught in mid dance, I was fairly certain that about a half dozen of them had been at least attempting to dance with the two now naked girls. So, taking each boy in turn I dragged and positioned their frozen yet still bendable bodies, like an action figure I decided laughing, in a rough laid down ring surrounding the girls. Lastly, I snagged the huge net I mentioned earlier. Laying it down, pleased to see it covered not only the girls but also the ring of boys, I secured it to the floor. Remembering the sticky, almost organic looking rope like substance I'd seen Maelstrom use on occasion for binding, I spent around ten minutes, and several false starts, attempting and finally succeeding in creating it myself. With focus it seems the rope appears, like magic, before me, twisting and writhing in the air as though alive, awaiting my command. Neat, I decide, nodding, but kinda scary and weird too. I use it this time to secure the net to the bars floor. Positioning ten around the outer edge, where it, somehow, burrows or sticks itself in place, pulling the net taught, pinning all eight of my captives in place.

As the door swings shut behind me I hear, even above the pounding bass, the sudden shrieks and panicked yells of those I've just trapped. The smile that puts on my face remains there the whole way back to my dorm. Hopefully, now that I've tied and generally done the revenge thing on all four girls, we're even, and they'll collectively leave me alone, which is what I plan to do with them.

I'm almost back at my door, already inside the building, just one corner away, when I remember that one of the four, Lili, is still tied up in my room. Oops.
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Post by RopeBunny »


So how do you blow up a church?

After I make it home. After I try, and fail, to not smile and giggle at how funny Lili looks still right where I left her, scarf hogtied to my bed, only looking quite sweaty and dishevelled. After I free her, and after she leaves, I strip naked and shower the strange day off me. Then I lay down, atop my thin duvet, naked, watching both the ceiling and the sliver of cloud filled nighttime sky I can see through the window I haven't drawn the curtains across, enjoying the occasional cold gust of wind across my flat belly.

I don't get much sleep that night, or the next, my mind is too full of everything that's happened, pondering the at times unanswerable questions regarding my Maelstrom induced transformation, I keep trying to probe down inside of myself, to discover the full extent of new powers that are now available. Added to that I'm attempting to figure out the problem of St Echoes too. How do I burn down the symbol of my university without getting expelled for my troubles?

Around all of that thinking, and internal probing, I'm also tackling my growing pile of coursework. Which is how I happen to be in the library early on Thursday morning, sat down and bent over a table, head buried in a thick book about the varying effects of extreme heat and cold when applied to various things whilst a pile of similarly thick books surrounds me like a castle wall. I'm oblivious to the world around me, which is why I don't hear her approach, don't know she's there, until I feel a tap at my right shoulder.

"Huh?" I pivot upright, head turning to look over my shoulder, finding nothing but empty space. "Um?" Looking around, trying to gauge the odds of someone having had time to dart behind the nearest shelf stack, all whilst a small voice somewhere inside me is insisting it must be the invisible man, still stood behind me, most likely laughing, because, if I have powers then why not a whole score of others.

Someone clears their throat, politely, in front of me, a sound which turns halfway into a girlish giggle. I spin back around, which is no good, all I can see now is my book wall, which I partly dismantle across the middle, lowering my fortifications, which reveals a smiling white toothed mouth, framed by a pretty dark skinned face and tumbling black hair. Isabelle.

I feel my own mouth forming a smile in answer to hers, seeing Isabelles stretch slightly wider as a result. It appears we've both dressed roughly the same today, which is to say jeans and a top, though her skinny fits are patchy blue and ripped where mine are white, and her top is a plain blue tee stretched tight over her impressive chest, whilst mine is red, with the Flash lightning bolt in yellow zigzagging down between my own larger, more inflated breasts. The tee is new, one of several I finally bought to accommodate my new improved figure. This one is my own private joke, because I can, kind of, be that fast, when I choose.

"Hello again." Isabelle waves, just her fingers, then shrugs out of her black waterproof coat, watching me as she does, no doubt searching my face for a reaction as she, very unsubtly, thrusts her chest towards me several times whilst freeing each arm from the coats sleeves. I shake my head, but keep the smile. "Could we maybe be any less subtle?"
"Hmm?" Still grinning back, Isabelle licks her lips as her eyes drop, giving my own chest a blatant stare. "What?" She asks, cupping her breasts. "Don't you like what you see?" Cocking her head to the side, a teasing tone. "Am I reading you wrong?"
"No." I shake my head, despite never having had a girl prior to Shay, it seems I enjoyed her enough to want more. "You're not wrong. It's just." I gesture at the book fortifications around me. "I happen to be too busy to play right now."
"Oh." Isabelle does a cute pout, which makes me laugh. "But what if..." She leans in towards me, on her side of my wall, breasts flattening onto the table as she does. Gesturing with her hands, a come here movement, Isabelle pokes her head into the gap I made a moment ago. Still smiling I too lean forwards, meeting her in the middle, both of us now, our heads at least, obscured from view. I assume she's going to kiss me, but instead, her voice dropping to a conspiritory whisper, she says. "What if I know a secret?"
"Well then," I look left and right, as though checking for eavesdroppers, which makes her chuckle quietly, "you should probably keep it to yourself."
"Because." Still whispering, as is she. "Everyone knows a shared secret never comes true. That's like rule one."
"That's for wishes." Isabelle tuts. "And besides." She darts her head forwards, giving my nose a brief lick. "My secret is about you."
"About me huh?" I rub my nose on a nearby book, rolling my eyes at Isabelle whilst I try to decide whether she actually knows something, or is just being a tease. "Well?" I ask. "What is it you think you know about me?"
"I don't think...." Isabelle shakes her head, then winks. "I saw you."
"Saw me huh?" I shrug. "Saw me where?"
"At the bar."
"Oh." I put a shocked expression on my face. "Oh. Oops. Shit. Well." It's no good, my smile leaks out from underneath. "You caught me. I'm the one who keeps stealing the bar mats." I pull up my hands, thrusting both wrists through the gap. "You'd better take me away."
"You cute little idiot." Isabelle, still whispering, smiling as she gently pushes my arms back through to my side, before leaning in again. "No." Shaking her head. "On Monday. I saw you. At the bar. And then. Poof." She brings her own hands up, doing a mock explosion gesture with them. "Tied naked girls everywhere. And there you go out the door." She smiles, tilts her head slightly to the side, studying me. "Care to explain?"
"Hmmm..." I smile back. It seems she's got me stone cold, and, though I could easily try to deny what Isabelle apparently has seen- my flicker jump from one side of Noahs Ark to the other,
-fuck it, I've thought of something much more fun. "How did it go again?" I ask innocently. Isabelle leans in close, placing her hands in the now small gap between us. She makes the explosion gesture again. "Poof." She whispers, blowing me a kiss. I freeze time.

"Poof huh?" I comment from beside Isabelle, putting out an arm to stop her falling forwards. "Was it something like that?"
"Fuu..." Escapes her mouth as she does indeed fall forwards, her breasts bouncing off my arm before she can bring up her hands, which she does, after, using my arm to push herself back upright again. It isn't her fault, she was leaned pretty far forwards before I moved her, using the table as support, and, with that suddenly removed, her traitor mind still thought she needed it, and so was completing the act of toppling forwards, despite Isabelle now being no longer in the library, no longer sat at a table. Where we are instead is a bench, one of the few that provides shelter from the constant rain, despite my not needing such, but I'll show Isabelle that trick another time. Maybe. Having froze time, or whatever it is I do, I shrugged my own coat on, then came around the table and helped Isabelle back into hers. Then, feeling slightly silly, but in a funny half laughing not a bad way, I hoisted her onto my shoulder, and carried her across campus, past at least a hundred frozen students and staff, until I reached my bench of choice. Then, after seating her properly on one side, I plonked down beside her, and restarted the clock.

She looks across at me now, then back over her shoulder, then back at me. I give her a wave. "Umm?" Looking behind her again, though at or for what I couldn't say. "Library's that way." I comment helpfully, pointing back up the path. "Umm." She tries again, looking me up and down. "How did you?"
"How did I....?" I shrug, playing the innocent. "How did you d.." And then, mid sentence, because it's funny, I freeze time again.

"..o that just now?"
"Psst." I hiss loudly in her left ear, making her jump. "Over here silly."
"Huh?" At which point I can't stop the giggles erupting up out of me. This time all I did was push Isabelle across the bench, then sit back down next to her, but on the other side. She looks at me, shaking her head, then begins to laugh too. "You're weird." Nodding, like a decision made. "Sure." I nod. "Just don't tell anyone my secret, kay?"
"Sure thing Clark." Isabelle grins, giggling again. "Promise."
"It probably isn't that big a deal, to be honest." I admit, shrugging, relaxing, leaning back on the bench and reaching out both arms across the back. "Isn't like anyone's after me or anything."
"Okay. Good." Isabelle, apparently taking my outstretched arms as invitation enough, shuffles up against me and leans in, resting her head down on partly my shoulder and partly my breast. I smile, fuck it why not, and put my arm around her. She snuggles in closer.

"How come you can do that anyway?" Isabelle asks sometime later. Being cuddled up with her is playing hell with my sense of passed time. I'm definitely late for class, as by this point she likely is too, I just can't make myself care enough to get up. I shake my head. "Long story."
"Figures." She tilts her head to look up at me, and I lean down to kiss her. Our third proper kiss, one that lasts well over a minute as I feel her tongue questing out towards my own, feeling its way past my sharp teeth. My breathing deepens and slows as our lips lock, as does hers, and, the hand that had been cuddling her into me finally ends its creeping slow journey up underneath her top, as I feel the lace material of her bra against my fingertips. Isabelle moans softly into my mouth as she feels me making contact, my hand climbing higher to caress her breast, squeezing slightly. I grin, not pulling away, gasping as her hand casually but not drops into my lap, resting quite obviously on my crotch, between my spread legs, which, as though on cue and without any conscious thought from me, open wider. Isabelle grins back, pulling away slightly, breaking the kiss. "So." Teasing tone, rubbing her hand up and down my jeans zipper. "Does.." breath catching briefly as my hand worms inside her bra cup, brushing at her nipple. "Yes?" Teasing back, grinning, tweaking her nipple, then squirming as Isabelle yanks my zipper down without warning, plunging her hand inside, grabbing at my pussy. At any moment someone could appear, catch us at this crazy game of one-upmanship, but Isabelle doesn't seem to care, and right now, nor do I. "You were.... fuck. Mmm. You were saying?" I ask, as I feel a finger push passed my thong, and Isabelle begins exploring my pussy slit. "I was...." Trying hard to keep her voice level, failing, because my hand has left her breast, without tucking it back into her bra, and, after finger walking down her relatively flat belly, is now working at her jeans button. Isabelle tries again. "I was wondering whether those amazing tattoos cover all of this sexy body or not?"
"Would you like me to show you?"
"Mmmm." Her jeans finally pop open, exposing a red thong, bright against her dark skin. Isabelle widens her own legs. "Either that." She suddenly twists, pivots, somehow in one fluid motion winding up straddling me, pinning both my arms to the bench top. She grins. "Or." A shrug. "Maybe I'll just take a look anyway." My breath catches at the sudden shift in dynamics, and I gaze upwards into Isabelles pretty face. She grins, licks her lips and pushes down on my held wrists to assert her control, thrusts her chest into my face, forcing me, by pushing at my chin with her tits, to look up at her. It's quite a powerplay, and, despite being fairly sure I now have the strength to easily best her, I'm just too turned on to even consider it. "Beech 30. Twenty minutes." Isabelle tells, almost orders me. I nod, my breath still caught. She nods back, and then, with another fluid movement, climbs off me and walks away. She doesn't look back.
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Eighteen minutes later, my stomach a knot of nervous excitement, I'm walking through the front door of Beech. I went home, thought about changing, then decided against it. I did however remove my thong and bra, because the sudden idea, as I was sifting through my clothes, sounded fun and teasing.

Nineteen minutes. I left my coat back in my dorm too, I only wear it for show anyway since the rain still seems to avoid me. I pass twenty four, with twenty five opposite, just prior to a right turn in the corridor, which, I know from the layout of my own dorm, will bring me to a dead end, with number thirty being the final door. Thirty one is up on the next floor.

Twenty minutes finds me stood before number thirty, lifting my hand to knock, lowering it again. Nerves. I'm still way out of practice at this, at girls. Suddenly, the door opens, and there she is. Isabelle. I swallow, feeling my pulse quicken as I drink in the sight of her. She's plaited her hair, the thick rope of black falls down over her left shoulder, tied off with a simple white silk tie which trails its loose ends downwards. She, unlike me, has changed. Her lingerie is white, what little there is of it, seeming to shine against the midnight dark skin and hair. Just a tiny thong, a triangle to cover her modesty, and nothing more then string under and around, is joined up top by a variation on the theme of corset. Made of part white lace, part white something else, the maybe corset hugs Isabelles belly, giving her a skinny hourglass profile, at the top her large breasts are almost spilling out. The whole thing has a split up the front, with crisscross white laces to hold it in place, but the split is wide enough to reveal plenty of skin, along with a fair amount of breasts. As if all this wasn't enough a single red and green print tartan wool scarf dangles from one hand, being playfully swung gently back and forth. I swallow again, Isabelle giggles. "Well." Grinning. "Ready to play?" I nod, she nods back. "Good. Turn around then. Please." She adds, winking.

Inside, with my wrists bound, it seems rude to not climb up onto Isabelles bed, to not allow her to use two further scarves to hogtie me, tightly but not strictly though I guess it's more for fun anyway, making me, kind of, her prisoner. I wriggle around, giggling as all this struggling makes my unsupported breasts jump and dance around underneath my tee. Isabelle giggles too, grinning as she stands beside the bed, waiting for me to finish manoeuvring myself over onto one side, giving her ample room to come and lay down beside me, putting us belly to belly.

There's no talking, there doesn't seem to be any need. Nothing Isabelle does crosses any boundaries I might've had, had I thought anything through beforehand. Which I didn't. Isabelle strips me, unable to properly remove my clothing, due to the scarves, she makes do with pulling my tee up over my head, leaving it bunched around my tied wrists, and pulling my jeans down to my ankles, gasping when she discovers my nakedness underneath. She plays with me whilst I lay beside her, sort of helpless, making me squirm and moan, making my breath both stop and speed up as her fingers and tongue explore my body. Sucking at nipples, sometimes biting down playfully without warning. Sliding first one then three fingers up inside my pussy, making me wet, making me pant and rock in time with her thrusts. Isabelle runs fingers all over me, tracing the lines of my Maelstrom gifted inkwork, giggling whenever her questing uncovers a ticklish spot, which she then spends several minutes exploiting. Making me giggle too, even whilst I buck and roll about, attempting and failing to throw her off. In the end, after she's bought me up and over into orgasm twice, after she's peeled her own clothes off, then sat open legged before me, smiling as I wriggle my way into position, before using my own tongue to bring her to a climax equal to my own, after all of that we lay together, me still hogtied, botb of us naked. Isabelles arms are around me, both of us laid on our side, bellies and breasts touching, her stroking up and down my back, occasionally tracing circles of my firm pert butt, whilst we kiss, enjoying the moment.

"So how can you do those things?" She asks as we lay cuddling, stroking my hair off my face. I snuggle closer to her, the hogtie only making it slightly harder. I haven't asked to be released, she hasn't offered. "Well." I shrug, not really expecting to be belived, but deciding on the truth anyway. "I'm kind of, partly.... I'm sort of the storm."
"The storm?"
"You mean like," gesturing around, "like Storm, the X Man?"
"No." Smiling. "Anyway. Storms a girl."
"Yes but they're all called X Men."
"I guess. But. No. Storm as in rain and shit. Thunder."
"Yes. Storm as in weather and stuff."
"Oh." Isabelle seems to think about this. Then she shrugs. "Okay. Cool."
"Yeah?" She's nodding, eyeing up my ink, mostly the parts on my huge breasts admittedly. Turns out my porn star chest is a big hit with Isabelle. "Don't you want to know how?" I ask. "Or why?"
"Sure." She shrugs. "Only if you want though. If it's a secret, or like, if you don't know, or whatever, then it's cool."
"Isn't a secret." I shake my head. "Actually." A sudden thought occurs, and I grin. "Maybe you can even help me with something. A favour."
"A favour?" Isabelle looks unsure, but a half grin is spreading onto her face anyway. "Like what?"
"Well." I think. "Long story short. The actual real storm. I'm just like a small part of the real thing. Anyway. The real storm, she's called Maelstrom, is trapped inside St Echoes, and, I kind of promised to free her."
"She?" Isabelles mouth is working, silently, I can almost see her attempting to process everything I've just said. I wait. "The storm is an actual thing?"
"Yes." I shrug. "Turns out. And it got trapped in the church by some medieval arseholes. So. Now. I'm supposed to free her."
"Oh." Isabelle thinks some more. Then grins. "Okay. Sure. I'm in."
"Fuck it. Yeah." Nodding, hugging me closer. "Sounds like quite a mission. How do we free the storm anyway?"
"We have to blow up the church." I tell her, straight faced.

"We what?" Mouth open, shaking her head. "How?"
"No idea." I shrug again. "But I promised, and I won't let Maelstrom down."
"Not sure I'll get used to it having an actual name." Isabelle shakes her head. "But sure." Laughing. "Let's blow up the church."
"Any ideas how?"
"Well." Isabelle gives me a look. "Aren't you the one studying ways to blow shit up?"
"Oh." Silly Morgan. Isabelle giggles at my expression, does a face palm. Laughs some more as I glare at her, which makes me giggle too. "Okay okay." I roll my eyes. "So I'm the idiot here. Fine, you're right. All sorts of chemicals on site I can use to blow up St Echoes. But. It's all under lock and key."
"Hmm." Isabelles smile drops, and she scoots slightly away from me to sit up agaisnt the beds headboard, propped on a pillow. "Don't suppose you know anyone with a key?"
"Actually." I grin up at her, enjoying the view this angle affords me of her own large pert breasts, alongside the ants eye view I currently have of her shaved pussy. I nod at the idea I've just had, my brain finally spinning properly now that Isabelle's helped clear my first, apparently easy, hurdle. I nod. "I know a way."
"Okay. Great." Smiling too, prehaps in part because she's noticed my eyes wandering all over her breasts. Isabelle reaches up, cups them, toys with her nipples. "So." Dropping her hands again, grinning at me. Little tease. "Shall we go see this someone?"
"Sure." I nod. "No time like the present."
"Okay." Jumping up off the bed, heading to her drawer unit, tossing out clothes. "Do you need any help with...." gesturing back over her shoulder, giggling. "Any help with not being my sexy prisoner?"
"No." I comment from just behind her. Isabelle spins, gasping in surprise at finding me fully dressed and sat on the edge of her bed, grinning as I twirl her three scarves idly around in front of me. "Whenever you're ready." I say playfully, tapping at my wrist. Isabelle shakes her head, pulling on a pale blue thong, getting dressed.

"The principal?"
"Vanessa actually." I tell Isabelle, with a grin. "But yes, the principal."
"Vanessa huh?" Isabelle raises an eyebrow, shakes her head. "I guess you two are besties after all." We both laugh, walking up the main administration buildings steps, hand in hand, an act which is giving me a nice tingle down below. I look across at Isabelle, now dressed in a figure hugging white dress, one with a deep scooped front and coloured fish silhouettes in blacks greens and blues swimming around the material. She looks stunning. She looks back at me, which makes me grin. She grins back as we approach the doors. It'd taken a little while to convince her she didn't need a jacket, at St Echoes rain coats are basically part of the dresscode. In the end I'd pinned her arms behind her, frogmarching her out of the building whilst she fought hopelessly against my strength. Once outside, after a minute, she stopped fighting me, stopped flinching and shrieking like a little girl, and started to pay proper attention to the fact that, so long as she stayed next to me, my own invisible umbrella of protection extended far enough to include her too. Then she'd leaned in close, pressing her body into me, kissing me even whislt I felt hands trying to wriggle down inside my jeans to cup at my butt. "Now now." I told her, stepping away. "Playtime again later, blow up the church now." I giggled then, at the same time as Isabelle yelped, because by stepping back I'd put her outside my immediate area, and she was suddenly getting wet. So I held out a hand, and we walked together, through the downpour, to where we are now.

In the building I decide to try properly, because why not. But the young twenty something guy on the desk is having none of it. "No visitors without prior appointment." He tells me again, tapping at the screen of his desktop computer. "Sorry ladies." Shaking his head. "No exceptions."
"Okay." I nod, moving away. Isabelle follows me over to beside the main door back outside. "So what now?" She whispers. "Do we make an appointment and come back?"
"No." Shaking my head, whispering back, grinning. "I've got other ways of getting in."
"You're going to do it." Isabelle looks half impressed, half scared. She nods. "Aren't you?"
"Can I..." She looks around. "Can I come too?"
"Of course." I give her a brief kiss on the lips. She smiles.

I flex just so, and everybody freezes.

I had worried, and puzzled over, how I was going to play this out. All the way over here I'd thought hard and come up with nothing. I know Maelstrom has some kind of influence over principal Smallwood, I just don't know how it works. How do I flick the switch and turn her back into my/Maelstroms obedient little servant?

I needn't of worried.

"Fuck." Isabelle whispers, shaking her head, still stood by my side but now, with me, stood directly in front of the principals fancy wooden desk. "Feels like I just rode Nemesis a half dozen times in reverse." She mutters, blinking. I smile, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, and clear my throat. The principal, sat behind her desk, forking up a salad one handed whilst reading some kind of printed report, doesn't look up. "I'm sorry." She begins, her young voice sounding half distracted. "I didn't hear you come in. And." She mutters, mostly to herself. "Nobody fucking buzzed me, either. How can I...." Voice returning to normal as she puts down the papers, finally looking up, her words simply stopping mid sentence as she catches sight of me.

"Morgan...." Vanessa's voice has dropped to just above a whisper, and gone soft, far away. Reaching up, as though in a daydream, the principal pulls her simple white v necked top and small plain white bra up over her head, exposing her small breasts. She begins idly tracing the ink pattern that swirls out around her left breast, covering it completely. I grimace, not really enjoying the power trip, but, right now, it's necessary. "Is that?" Isabelle beside me, staring from Vanessa's ink to my own. Vanessa's gaze tracks across to Isabelle, and her hand stops its tracing, moving instead to cover her breasts even as a frown builds on her face. "Yes." I loudly whisper back. "Now shush. Let me work." I push Isabelle behind me, out of sight. "Vanessa." I say aloud, which snaps the principals attention back to me. Her hand falls into her lap, and her vacant expression returns. "Yes Morgan." Voice soft. "How may I serve?"

Two hours later, with the campus emptied of both staff and students courtesy of Vanessa's fake bomb drill. It had to be a bomb and not just a simple fire, because an explosive device could be anywhere. The two of us, Isabelle and I, stand a safe distance from old St Echoes church, watching the timer on her phone count the final seconds down to zero. At which point, because I'm quite good with chemicals actually, the church explodes.

The sound is deafening, like an angry Gods roar it rolls up from below, shaking the earth under our feet. Like the end of the world. Like, I suppose, a large bomb exploding quite close by. But there's no fire. No smoke. Instead a rush of pure darkness escapes out into the sky even whilst the buildings stonework and wood is being flung up and out in a wide arc, in the coming weeks a few pieces will even be found outside of the campuses perimeter fence. The darkness expands rapidly, changing, becoming cloud like though no less black in colour. A huge cloud, one that grows so large it must indeed be filling the entire sky from horizon to horizon, sucking in the grey clouds that were filling the sky overhead, and the constant drizzling rain that never ceases falling in and around the valley. Isabelle and me stare upwards, her huddled into me whimpering quietly at the sheer scale of what we've unleashed. For my part my mouth is wide open, in awe of the power on display, so much greater then that small portion I hold inside me. The black cloud boils, appearing to bubble at the edges as sheet lighting ripples throughout it's interior, flashing near constantly, the accompanying rumbles and booms echoing around the valley walls. And then, it shrinks, just as rapidly as it grew moments ago, falling to the ground as it does, changing shape again.

The sky above is blue, with only patches of white cloud like highlights in an artists painting dotted here and there. From behind one of these the actual sun is beginning to peek, making my bare arms tingle at the unexpected warmth. Isabelle steps away from me, her arms stretched wide, turning a slow circle, drinking in the warmth. I bring my gaze back down from the sky, a smile of victory on my face. I might even need to buy a bikini. My smile widens as I look at Isabelle, trying to picture her pretty dark skin clad in something light coloured and made up of small triangles connected by string. My smile turns into a frown as I look beyond her though. "Isabelle." I say, as calmly as I can, my voice wavering slightly. "Can you give us a moment please."
"Huh?" Isabelle turns to look at me, puzzled. "Give us...?" Then she follows my gaze, and gasps.

Stood across from us is a lady. Her skin is all greys and blacks, mottled like a cloud, the colours and tones forever shifting. Long white hair, at least butt length, flows and writhes around behind her as though caught in a constant breeze. It crackles with electricity whenever two tangled clumps touch or rub together. She's naked, with a clearly visible shaved pussy and breasts, it figures since I have them, that make her look like a crazy porn star. Oh, and to top it all she's floating about a half metre off the ground. Blood red eyes, again like mine, obviously, regard the two of us, and her mouth splits open, making a quite scary looking crocodile smile that's all sharp teeth. I take a deep breath, to steady my nerves, and step passed Isabelle, moving closer.

"You?" Her voice is soft, feminine, but mixed in with the rumble of a brewing storm laid in behind like a backing track. She tilts her head to one side as I stop a couple of metres away, with Isabelle gripping one hand, stood trying to look like she isn't hiding behind me. The storm speaks again, addressing me. "You are the one who freed me?"
"Yes." I nod, jerking my head back to indicate Isabelle. "I had help." Isabelle pokes out her head, waves, then ducks back behind me. I smile. "Yes. I freed you."
"You wear my mark." The storm floats closer, examining my skin, my eyes. She nods. "I do not remember you."
"No." I shake my head, then point towards where St Echoes used to be. "Some small part of you was freed in a ritual, and placed inside me. Later, that part was attacked. In defence, hoping to free the greater whole, that part of you sacrificed herself to gift me with your powers, in return for which I have freed you, as agreed."
"I see." The storm lapses into silence, her eyes never leaving mine. I wait. Finally, she speaks again. "I can see then," an outflung arm, gesturing up and down me, "that I chose my champion well. What is your name girl?"
"Morgan." I pause. "You. I mean, the other you, she called herself Maelstrom?"
"So that's your name?"
"Yes." A nod. "I have many, in many tongues, as do all of us who have wandered or swam across the worlds and voids since time was time."
"Right." I nod, being polite, actually really confused, but I doubt Maelstrom would want to explain. "Um." Looking down at my arms, then back up. "Will you be wanting that part of you I carry back now?"
"No." A shake of her head, I breathe a sigh of relief, I'd grown quite attached to my porn star looks and new abilities, but it had seemed polite to offer. Aside from anything else I've no doubt if she wanted my power Maelstrom could simply take it. She smiles down at me. "Keep that part of me I gifted you Morgan, for I can see I was not wrong. You have this day earned the thanks and favour of the storm."
"Oh." I nod, unsure of what that means. "Good."
"I may call on you?"
"Okay." I nod after a moment, not having realised at first that it was a question, not a state of fact. "Sure. Um. Anytime."
"And." Again Maelstrom gestures at my body. "Now that I am free, you will find your own powers will change and increase. Use them well my champion." She smiles. "Be wise. Be swift. Be like the storm."
"I will." I agree, nodding, because what else can I say. Maelstrom leaves then, with a final nod towards me and Isabelle, floating upwards, dispersing even as she climbs higher, coming apart like a cloud after a storm, fading with no more rain left to give it shape and mass, until she's gone.

"Well." Isabelle gives me a hug, leaning in to kiss me. I kiss her back, my arms going around her to cup at her firm butt, pinning her to me. Eventually we seperate, both grinning. "Good work." She tells me, reaching up to tuck a stray hair back behind my ear. She gives me a quick kiss. "You did it."
"We." I kiss her back. "We did it."
"Sure." Wiggling slightly, doing a mini victory dance in my embrace. "Don't you forget that either, champion. You need me."
"Yeah...." I let go of Isabelle, and step back, looking up at the clear sky, frowning. "What do you think she meant about that? Don't champion's have to fight?"

Isabelle laughs, and takes my hand, half dragging me off towards her room. "Come on." Grinning. "Let's go to mine." She winks. "I'm sure we've got a couple of hours before dinner, it'll take them that long to come back on site and cook it anyway."
"Yeah...." Allowing her to lead me, still frowning up at the sky, it dawns on me that I'll just have to learn it all myself. So I shrug, and try on a smile. "Hold on." Tugging Isabelle to a stop. She turns to face me, half smiling. I grin back. "Just give me a moment." I point down at my feet. "If she could fly, maybe I can too." Frowning, concentrating. "I just need to figure out which part of me to flex."
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Post by Risperdaltied »

I have LOVED this story.

Feels like the end but perhaps we’ll see Morgan again....(please!!)
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] you will. I'm currently writing chapter four of a five or six part story. But, once finished, I do have the bare bones beginnings of a story idea for Morgan.

Glad you enjoyed this one.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

:D :D :D
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was another great story that I’m glad had a great ending. I can’t believe how great this type of plot is, and despite it being regularly written, it is a new and amazing story each time. I can’t wait to read more.
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