Video Nasty M/M Updated 9/19

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Video Nasty M/M Updated 9/19

Post by zerg rush »

"I've been into bondage porn since I was a young teen. Like most people, it started with DiD on tv or in films, then soft bondage porn. But the more I watched, the more extreme the porn needed to be for me to be interested. What should I do?"

I posted this on an underground bdsm forum a few months ago. A few of us went back and forth, and someone came up with the answer. My problem with bondage porn is the acting. It's all staged, so there is none of that fear, that genuine terror, that comes with being a hostage or kidnapped for real, not knowing what's going to happen next, if they'll be safe, or even alive. You can see in their eyes that it's all pretend, and you know that as soon as the shoot is done, the model gets untied, gets paid, and that's it done.

Two weeks ago, I got a private message from someone. He claims to have, on tape, an instructional video on how to kidnap someone, with a genuine kidnap victim! I'm not sure if it's legal to buy, or even watch, but it sounded like something I need. I had to pay in bitcoin, and it was pretty expensive. I knew it wasn't actual porn, but it perfectly fitted with what I was after. It arrived today, so I'm going to watch it immediately.

I open the envelope it was shipped in. Just a plain DVD case. Opening the case, I see a plain DVD, and a picture of a gagged male face. His eyes look red from crying, and he looks scared out of his mind. Maybe this is the real deal.

I know I've seen that face before. I check online for local missing people. No, no, no, mayb-no, no. HOLY SHIT, THAT'S HIM!!!! Andrew Langly, aged 19, last seen ... I make that two months ago. It must be real. No-one would go to the effort of faking that much for such a niche product.

A small part of my conscience kicked in. Was this moral, or ethical? To jack off to a real kidnapping? It won't save him, or lead anyone to him. Maybe the police could find it useful though. I'll post it to them, anonymously. AFTER I've watched it.

I put in the DVD and press play. It starts up straight away. No menu, nothing. Straight into cheesy 80s childrens education programme music, with what looks like a 11 year olds' Powerpoint slide, with shitty effects. This was definely amateur, which bodes well.

A huge, muscular man walks into shot, wearing a creased shirt and a gimp mask. "Thank you for buying this guide on how to kidnap someone. In this film, I'll take you step by step, with handy do's and don'ts. At the end of the video, you will have all the knowledge you need to take someone, restrain them, and use them for whatever your end goal is. In this example..."

That's all well and good, but this isn't what I bought this for. I just wanna skip to the bondage. I fast forward through his boring waffle. I vaguely make out shops, a website, things like that. Now I see a chart on a wall. Even on fast forward, this takes a while. Oh, it's cut to outside. It's dark now. I press play on the remote.

", you'd do this away from the streetlights, but this is the most important stage, so you need to see what I'm doing. I'm covering my rag with chloroform, like so. Now I'll hide behind this wall and wait for him to pass" He is wearing all black, still in his gimp mask. I get the feeling he wears it all film.

He walks out of shot. I can just about make out shapes from the streetlight. His camera work is as good as his video editing skills. I can just about make out a man come around the corner, then a blur. I can see what looks like a struggle between two blobs. Then, a jump cut. The huge man has a cloth held over another man's face. The smaller man is struggling, flailing his arms around.

"Now... hold it... over his face... He'll... keep fighting... don't let go... It will ... take a f... few minutes... Notice how I ... use my hand to to hold his.. dommi..minate arm so he... he can't... he can't fight me.

He pants as he speaks. Talking to camera while kidnapping someone can't be easy. In the background, I can hear the smaller mans muffled screams. They get quieter as he struggles. His struggles get less energetic as the chloroform takes hold. Four minutes later, his struggles stop and he lies slumped in the kidnappers arms. He gives his victim a twirly.

"Some people... may pretend to pass out. I use this to make... sure, but you can do... anything that would make an alert person...react"

Still getting his breathe back, he drags the victim under the camera. The camera moves, and focuses on the victim. It looks like they are in the back of a van.

"Now, the important thing here is speed. I'm going to use a ziptie on his wrists, above his elbows, his ankles, and above his knees."
He ties him up as he talks.

"That ought to be enough to *ziiiiiip* hold a man of his si *ziiiiiip* for the initial part of the *ziiiiiiiip* ney. We can be much more thorough later but for *ziiiiiip* we need him tied up before his comes round. Unlike the movies and tv, chloroform takes a while and doesn't last long, which is why I always use zipties."

He lifts out a panel on the floor of the van, revealing a hidden compartment, three foot long and wide, and a foot deep. From it he pulls out a ballgag.

"This isn't the most effective gag there is, but it's plenty good enough for now" he says as he forces the ball behind his victims teeth and buckles the strap. "Now a quick checkover the zipti... see, that one's a little loose. Pull them all as tight as possible. It takes seconds, and could save you a ton of jailtime."

He checks the victims clothes, finding keys, a wallet, tissues and a phone. "Always go through their clothes, and bags if they have one. NEVER let them keep anything other than their clothes. One blade, paperclip, hairclip, anything, could be the difference between a successful kidnap and a failure." I feel something tingling. Knowing this is real is turning me on slightly. The way he suggested this is for speed and he would be much more thorough later makes me hope this is only the start of his bondage.

"Now, we push him in the secret compartment," he gives the victim a shove, forcing him in the hole "...then we replace the panel. To the naked eye, this just looks like an empty van."

He leaves the van, leaving me staring at the inside of an empty van. He comes back a minute later with his camera and a tripod.
"You thought I'd forgotten, didn't you. Nope. Now, we have finished with step one. It's time for step two."

There is a black screen for a second or two before the cheesy music starts again, with a crappy powerpoint presentation going over what I just saw. Forget this shit. I don't want to kidnap anyone. I want to see real life, strict, nonconsensual bondage.


This is all fiction. This never happened, and in real life consent is mandatory for bondage. It's a shame to break the immersion, but I feel with this particular story it's necessary.
Last edited by zerg rush 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I agree that the writer's note is a good idea. Even though this was posted in the Fictional Stories thread, I did a double take after the first part because it felt so real.

I guess this speaks volumes about your talent to create atmosphere and tension. Either way, I really enjoyed this beginning. It's unique, exciting and has a distinct voice. Looking forward to reading the rest.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]zerg rush[/mention] Very interesting and believable.
I can only echo [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention]'s comment about your ability to create a dark and highly believable scene.

Your reluctance to purchase the shady video and the way you skeptically eyed the generic-looking DVD when it arrived by mail, really sets the eerie tone for this piece.

Well done!

Be sure to create an ad for this in the Story Catalogue section if you wanna maximize the amount of views this gets.

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Post by Socksbound »

Wow!! That had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. The tension and atmosphere you created were unbelievable. I was keeping one eye behind me to make sure someone wasn’t sneaking up behind me while I read it.
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Excellent! Thank you.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]zerg rush[/mention]
I just received an erroneous PM from a user who mistakenly thought this was my story.
harukatsukino wrote: 3 years ago I just read your newest story, video nasty, it was stellar
I've informed him it was yours and not mine, and encouraged him to direct his feedback to you instead.
I'm posting this here in case [mention]harukatsukino[/mention] forgets or decides not to share his comment with you.

Seems like you've just made another fan ;)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

The amateurish nature of the video you describe, [mention]zerg rush[/mention], heightens the sense of fright and suspense. It's like he's saying -- Okay, this is what I do. You don't need any fancy bells and whistles. It's a three or four step process. He lays the process out, and now you too can do it.

I really liked the way you described him moving off camera to grab his victim, and you see the blurry image of him struggling to chloroform said victim!

Tanks, [mention]zerg rush[/mention]. Look forward to set two...
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Post by zerg rush »

The presentation ends abruptly. No fading out of the tune, or of the final slide. Just blackness. I hit fast-forward again. 2x speed. All I can see are a few flashes of white, and some yellow and red specks. A faint blurry image flashes across the screen. It comes into shot again, quickly filling the screen. I can make out two lines of metal teeth. Is that... a zip? Must be him, wearing his mask. Is he giving a piece to camera, in the dark, outside, with no lights on?!

I play the film at normal speed. "...and a half. I know this place is quiet from experience, making it an ideal place to..."
Shut the fuck up will you? I don't want to know about this crap! Show me your victim, all tied up and gagged. Everything else is unnecessary. I hit fast-forward. A small indistinguishable object flies out of shot, followed by another. The kidnapper runs out of shot, and I'm left staring at nothing for a few moments. Why would he leave this in his film?

Without warning, we are back inside his van. Finally, some action! I resume playing at normal speed. "... and wallet, it's time to see how our little friend is doing." He removes the panel. There he is, trying to find some way of making himself comfortable in his tiny cubby hole. Space is at a premium, so he is forced to lie on his side, with his knees resting against his chin.

He blinks slowly, like a cat, as his eyes adjust to the light.

"Shut the fuck up. There's no-one else here but us. The only person that can here you is me, and it's pissing me off. You don't want to piss me off do you?
"Nn mmm. Nnmmm." He shakes his head. That's definitely Andrew. Suddenly the reality of what I'm watching hits me. This is a genuine kidnapping that has been recorded. He looked petrified, as would anyone in his position. Minding his own business, knocked out, waking up bound and gagged in a stranger's vehicle. A feeling of unease creeps across me. I feel like a pit has opened up in my stomach. Guilt, possibly? I repeat my previous argument to myself. This has happened. Andrew's fate is not linked to me watching or not watching his kidnapping. This doesn't feel as comforting or reassuring as it did earlier. I know this is wrong, but knowing it's wrong makes it feel more exhilarating.


He looks directly at the camera.
"What you do next is determined by how long your journey is. I don't have far to go, so I'm just going to have a quick check, but if you are going hundreds of miles, seriously consider tying your victim up more, now you have the oppportunity. You don't know when you'll next have a chance, and by then it could be too late."

"I warned you, you little cunt!"

The kidnapper lifts Andrew from the pit in the van, and gives him a hard kick in the lower ribcage.

"Objects don't make noise, understand?"
Andrew nods his head silently. His eyes look moist. I'm disturbed by how quickly his personality goes from a kind old teacher to a sick twisted kidnapper, and back again. It's like he has a switch in his head that dictates his personality. Teacher, kidnapper, teacher kidnapper. I feel scared of him and I'm only watching. I shudder nervously.

"Let's have a quick look. All seems as tight as it was before, which means we did our job correctly at the beginning of the beginning. But let's suppose you have another four hours on the road? Luckilly for us, we used 4 zipties earlier, so we have 6 zipties left. We take one, and we tie it between his wrists, like so...*ziiiip*...this is called a cinch. This makes it slightly tighter, and far harder to ...*ziiiiip* escape from. Now we do the ...*ziiiiiip* to his ankles and *ziiiiip* knees. You can add much more to your victim, but bear in mind having a trunk full of zipties, tape and rope could make for an uncomfortable stop if you get pulled over, which is why I always travel light where I can."

I didn't pay much attention to much of what he said. I am far more interested in watching what he was doing. Thick, tight zipties binding poor Andrew, his clothes offering little protection. He looks so handsome, his lithe frame vulnerable, completely at his kidnapper's mercy, his limbs strapped together. Being tied up suits him. He wears zipties so well! And that gag! His pink lips wrapped around that ball, strapped firmly in his unwilling mouth. Such a pretty face, enhanced immeasurably by being ballgagged. People that good looking, in bondage. It doesn't get any better than that.

I am brought out of my reverie by the burglar pulling a balaclava back to front over Andrew's head. I was enjoying that, you prick! Why cover his gorgeous gagged face ?! I realise that in while watching, subconsciously my right hand has made it down my pants, grasping the base of my now fully erect cock. You know you're watching something good when you start masturbating without realising. I wish I could hear his gagged moans though. He must be terrified of his kidnapper, especially as he can't see anymore.

The burglar pushes Andrew back in the secret compartment.
The panel is replaced, and the kidnapper looks directly at the camera once more. I hit pause. I'm tempted to rewind and play it again, but I really want to see what happens next. I decide to hit fast-forward. He continues to waffle at me. The screen fades to black. Looks like he discovered some effects. Now there is no bondage to look at, my conscience kicks in again. My brain is telling me to stop now, but I can't. I'm conflicted. I know this is real, and that's horrifying, but at the same time, I've waited so long for a bondage film like this, and now I have it, I cant throw it away without finishing it. I need to see more of his sexy body. I need to see him struggling and moaning. Bring back Andrew!
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]zerg rush[/mention] excellent continuation. It’s still dark and moody, but there is also a lightness. The revelation of unknowingly grabbing his cock just one example. Really enjoying the story looking forward to how it plays out.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Can't blame you for being excited.
Seeing something this genuine and frighteningly realistic would excite a lot of us.

Hopefully the victim won't end up hurt of anything.

Loving the creepy, dark atmosphere you've managed to piece together.
Keep it up!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm digging the moral dilemma the narrator experiences. Really nails the sense that he's doing something he probably shouldn't be doing. :shock:
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by zerg rush »

The screen changes again. I think. I'm looking at a different shot of black. I can make out a blob in the middle, but that's it. A sudden flash of white makes me jump. The screen goes black again. A light is turned on. Wherever we are is lit by a dim, naked yellow bulb, hanging from a fitting. A man is tied to a chair, in a small, bare room. The back wall looks like plain plaster. Wooden support beams hold up the ceiling; more plain plaster. The floor is bare concrete. There doesn't appear to be any more furniture in the room, which I assume is a basement. I press play.

My eyes are drawn to the man in the chair. From a distance, he looks well tied. His legs are covered in horizontal blue and black stripes. His upper body is all black. His feet look bare, but apart from that he appears to be fully clothed. His entire head is black. Is that Andrew? He had a black hood on earlier.

The kidnapper appears in front of the screen. "Welcome to my hideout. This is where my victims are prepared, before they go to their final destination."

Yeesss! This is what I want to see.

"Number 84 has been nicely packaged off screen. For me to show you how I tied him would be boring, and not very informative..."

For fuck sake. I was looking forward to that. I love watching people getting tied on screen. Being made more and more helpless, watching the hope drain from their face. Knowing for certain they are tied up enough, only for more and more tight bondage being added. How would that have been boring?!

"There is no one right way to tie someone up. I personally like the chair tie. It's secure, and it looks good. Most importantly, I can put the camera on the tripod, and make ransom videos, knowing they will stay in the same place while I zoom in or out. But you can do it in any way you want, really. This part is the easiest step of the operation, and the most fun. Apart from getting paid, of course! So enjoy yourself. Use it to experiment on positions, materials, and things of that nature. You can have as many bondage supplies as you want in your hideout, as long as your expenses don't go over what you make."

"One piece of advice I would give is not to cut corners. The whole journey to your hideout, your victims will be planning their escape. They usually try to escape while taking them from your vehicle to your hideout. Maybe they hope someone will see you with them. Maybe its fight or flight. For that reason, I normally knock them out in the van before I carry them down here. They come round while I'm tying them up, but by then they are mine. The human body is capable of mind blowing feats of strength in life or death situations, so we need to neutralize that. A rule of thumb I follow is to mentally double their strength, and use enough to make someone that strong inescapably bound. More is more!"

He walks out of shot. Normally I would skip his instructions, but I'm trying to see how his victim has been tied. As if he has heard me, the camera zooms in on the captive's head. "Now it's time to film the ransom video!"

Here we go! I put my hand down the front of my pants.

"Hello miss Langly. I have something of yours you may be interested in"
He pulls off the hood. It's Andrew! His eyes are narrow, adjusting to the light. His face is sweaty. His lower face, from the bottom of his nose to under his chin, is wrapped with layers of black tape. I can make out a huge bulge where his mouth should be. Somehow everything looks different.

"Look, it's mommy. Say hi to mommy!"

I work out why it looks different. It's been filmed in much better quality than before. Looks like 1080p. He must have wanted his ransom video to look good.

"He is being held, all tied up, against his will. If you want to see him alive again, follow my instructions carefully.
"Mmm? mmm mmmm!"


"Didn't you ever tell your son not to talk with his mouth full? He is currently chewing on his thick, sweaty, dirty socks. It's a tight fit. I really had to cram them in there. Taste good?"
"Well, just spit them out. Oh yeah, you can't. They are being held in by layer upon layer of extra sticky gorilla tape. Not sure how many. I lost count in the excitement!"

This isn't real. This isn't real. I tell myself this is all an act. If I can convince myself it's just another bondage porn clip, I can masturbate without the guilt. I would have liked seeing him get gagged onscreen, but I can imagine the scene in my mind. His sweaty socks, slowly peeled off his feet. Taunted with them, waved in front of his face. Ballgag removed, and the socks shoved in before he can get a scream out. He chokes on their foul taste, as they pack his mouth completely full. Using one hand to keep the sock their, he picks up a huge roll of gorilla tape. Round and round his face he goes with the tape, over his mouth, making sure he can't spit out the soaking wet cotton. My cock is rock hard in my hand. I can feel the main vein throb with my thumb. This isn't real. He is acting. What a good actor our handsome twink is!

He moves out of shot again. The camera moves. He's giving us a tour of Andrew's body! I'm in heaven! He starts at his feet before moving to his ankles. "Look at..." No! I rewind slightly and hit play. He starts back at Andrew's feet and I pause the DVD. And what pretty feet they are! Small whisps of hair at the base of his big toes. More whisps on the tops of his feet. Nice and meaty, not too bony. Toes tapered. Perfect. But not so perfect that a ziptie tying his big toes together woundn't improve them. I'd do anything to get my mouth on them! Just imagine the taste, slightly sweaty on my tongue. His confused, disgusted pleas as I suck and slurp on them. My right hand goes up and down my shaft, with a firm grip and minimal pressure.

I unpause the dvd. "Look at all that tape on his legs. Look how tight it all is. And under all that tape are zipties, pulled as tight as possible, biting and pinching his skin." He appears to be wearing jeans, but covering them are vast quantities of black tape. An enormous thick band from the botton of his ankles to half way up his shins. More tape is wrapped round his lower legs and the front chair legs. The tape is wrapped horizontally, and vertically in all the space between his legs and the chair legs, like a long wide cinch. From the top of his knees to just under his cock is mummified to the seat of the chair. This is all an act. No-one has been kidnapped. Just a porn film. My wrist moves up and down much faster.

The camera pans up to his upper body. It is just a solid block of black tape, from his hips to his shoulders. "I used a whole roll of gorilla tape just on his legs. I used one and a half rolls for his body." The camera lingers on his chest. "Wow. Look at his labored breathing. Watch as he struggles to draw in air, so tight is the mass of tape confining his chest." We go to the back of the chair. "Believe it or not, that is both his arms under all that tape. They are fused together from above his elbows..."

Andrew has been tied with his back to the chair, and the entirety of his arms the other side of the back rest, with the top digging into his armpits. I can tell by the shape his arms make under all that tape. They make a narrow Y shape, with the straight line going all the way to his elbows. " The camera pans down. Even Andrews hands have been taped up.

"...all the way to the very tips of his fingers, in yards and yards of tape. Like his legs, under all that tape are more zipties, as tight as possible, for maximum discomfort. Looks painful, doesn't it. Put your arms behind your back, and get your elbows to touch. Can't do it, can you? Your poor son has had his elbows crush together behind his back for hours now. Can you imagine the pain he is in? If I was him, I'd be a mess, crying in agony."

The camera goes back on the tripod. The screen zooms in on Andrew's face. He is indeed crying in agony. Tears run down the tape on his cheeks, clearly visible. They run harmlessly off the water resistant gorilla tape. I really want an internal monologue about how dreadful his socks taste, how big and thick they are, how tight all that tape is. That bulge the socks make look huge. Like the bulge in my pants. I can feel myself getting close.

"Only you can relieve your son's pain and misery. $10,000 in bitcoin, and you can have him back. If you go to the police, he dies. If you don't pay up, he dies. I'm not feeding him or giving him anything to drink. That is your time limit. I'll be in touch via phone. Anything you want to say to your mom before we go, boy?"

""mmmm, mmmm. Mmmm!"

"What is that? Struggle! Show your mom how much you want to live!"


The chair wobbles marginally. The camera pans down. I can see Andrews toes move, but that's the extent of his struggling. The camera cuts to his arms and hands. His taped hands and fingers move side to side. I can hear soft moans. A jump cut and we go back to his front. More attempted struggling, against miles of gorilla tape, several zipties, and his own socks. He shakes his head. I suddenly cum in my underwear.

The struggling continues for a few minutes, with the camera cutting to different parts of his body, and a close up of his face. His hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat. Even though I've ejaculated, I can't stop myself from masturbating. "Cut."

His tone changes. "Those of you paying attention will have noticed I used my real voice." Shut up! Some of us are trying to wank! I can't hear his sexy gagged moans! "This ransom video isn't real. His mom will never see it. His fate is already sealed. He'll never see his family again."

""Mmm?! MmmMMMMnMMMM!!!!"

"In a real ransom video, never use your own voice. It could be used to trace you. Use a disguise. You can run your voice through a computer programme. I prefer using this hand held voice box. I don't like kidnapping for ransom. High chance of getting cau..."

He really likes the sound of his own voice. Using my free hand, I rewind back to the ransom video. 20 minutes of footage of that hot twink bound with masses of tape, with his socks turning his pleas into those moans! I pause at my favorite places. His feet. The tied elbows. The tapes hands. And especially that extreme close-up of that gag! I make it to 11 minutes before I cum in my briefs again. This is very nearly perfect. One toe tie away from the greatest film ever made. I stop the dvd and turn off the tv. I pull my hand out from my pants. Not that sticky or tacky. My briefs must be soaked in semen then. I take off my pants and pull down my briefs. Sure enough there are two huge wet patches inside. A feeling of shame washes over me, quickly overwhelmed by a feeling of immense guilt. I masturbated, and came twice, to a legit kidnapping. And that ransom reveal implies he never got a happy ending. He's probably dead at best, or a sex slave at worst. What have I done? I'm a monster. I'm no better than the kidnapper. Worse if anything. He did it for money. I used him for my own sexual gratification. I need a shower. I feel extremely dirty.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Socksbound »

Really love the story. The dark nature and moral dilemma going on really makes the story so worth reading. Will we find out what happens to Andrew?
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Post by gaggedfeety »

Damn I just discovered this story. But it was amazing, so dark and chilling and yet I'm feeling exactly as the viewer is. I'm wondering what he'll do? Reach out to the guy? Maybe see if there's more of Andrew, as a way to see if he's still alive and try to save him?
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

This isn't real. This isn't real. I tell myself this is all an act. If I can convince myself it's just another bondage porn clip...

He moves out of shot again. The camera moves. He's giving us a tour of Andrew's body! I'm in heaven! He starts at his feet before moving to his ankles.
You really the skirt the edge between reality and fantasy here...

Nice how it's unfolding.
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Post by harukatsukino »

Thanks for mentioning me and my error, @zerg rush it was a nice beginning for a potentially great story. Love it! Haven't read the next episode so, gotta read it
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @zerg rush
I just received an erroneous PM from a user who mistakenly thought this was my story.
harukatsukino wrote: 3 years ago I just read your newest story, video nasty, it was stellar
I've informed him it was yours and not mine, and encouraged him to direct his feedback to you instead.
I'm posting this here in case @harukatsukino forgets or decides not to share his comment with you.

Seems like you've just made another fan ;)
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Post by zerg rush »

Thank you to everyone who left a comment. :) I'll thank you all properly when I have time, but I wanted to acknowledge everyone who took the time to reply.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by bondagefreak »

"Didn't you ever tell your son not to talk with his mouth full? He is currently chewing on his thick, sweaty, dirty socks. It's a tight fit. I really had to cram them in there. Taste good?"
"Well, just spit them out. Oh yeah, you can't. They are being held in by layer upon layer of extra sticky gorilla tape. Not sure how many. I lost count in the excitement!"

This isn't real. This isn't real. I tell myself this is all an act. If I can convince myself it's just another bondage porn clip, I can masturbate without the guilt. I would have liked seeing him get gagged onscreen, but I can imagine the scene in my mind. His sweaty socks, slowly peeled off his feet. Taunted with them, waved in front of his face. Ballgag removed, and the socks shoved in before he can get a scream out. He chokes on their foul taste, as they pack his mouth completely full. Using one hand to keep the sock their, he picks up a huge roll of gorilla tape. Round and round his face he goes with the tape, over his mouth, making sure he can't spit out the soaking wet cotton. My cock is rock hard in my hand. I can feel the main vein throb with my thumb. This isn't real. He is acting. What a good actor our handsome twink is!
One of the best things I've read on here in a while.
[mention]zerg rush[/mention] you've seriously outdone yourself.

Congrats, man! This is mind-blowingly arousing!

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Post by Boundcurious »

Brilliant how you walk that moral dilemma, and fresh. I am slightly concerned for the protagonist though, if you continue. Surely the kidnapper knows where he lives? Is that how he’ll source his victims?!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Boundcurious wrote: 3 years ago I am slightly concerned for the protagonist though, if you continue. Surely the kidnapper knows where he lives? Is that how he’ll source his victims?!
Now THAT is an interesting hypothesis.

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Post by blackbound »

Boundcurious wrote: 3 years ago Brilliant how you walk that moral dilemma, and fresh. I am slightly concerned for the protagonist though, if you continue. Surely the kidnapper knows where he lives? Is that how he’ll source his victims?!
I'm picturing a livestream the protagonist is invited to only to find out he's the next victim live on camera.

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Post by JLG_Justice »

Is this story to be continued? I hope so!
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Post by blackbound »

I second this wish, also for the incredible Footjob Felon.

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Post by alkaid_ »


great moral dilema... enjoy the vid but notice it's a real kidnapping...

and the kidnaping guy maybe not ended very well.
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Post by IamCool »

I hope this will be continued, good story
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