Alpha Domme (F/F) Updated: August 4th *ON HIATUS*

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Mistress Citrine
Ms Hawtrey
Jynx the Mynx
Queen Vasilka
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Lady Estela
Madame Muse
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Alpha Domme (F/F) Updated: August 4th *ON HIATUS*

Post by TomYi »

Coming Soon: Superstar dominatrix, Bee Devine, is hitting the small screen to host the first reality show of its kind…

Bee Devine, the queen of queens, has gathered ten dominas from around the world to compete against one another for the title of ALPHA DOMME . On top of that, the winner of this season will receive a $100,000 prize!
Either wait until primetime, or stream online at any time to drop in on our contestants as they compete against each other within the walls of Dungeon Devine!

Each and every day with these domineering dames is sure to be filled with titillating trials, steamy strife, and beautiful bondage! Not only will the contestants need to constantly compete to be the most dominant, but they’ll also have to undergo special challenges to earn sweet bonuses and get the advantage.

And at the end of every week, one unworthy contestant gets sent home!!!

Who wins and loses is decided by the Queen Bee, and her alone. But, Bee Devine is a benevolent queen, and so she shall take the will of the people into account. That’s why, before each week’s elimination, you will have the chance to vote on who deserves to lose!

And speaking of which...











And how is it that you can add your voice to the series? Well, look no further than: THE DOMME TALLY

Through this handy polling tool, you all get to vote on who you want to win or lose. Remember: even queens need your help to survive! You can always come back and change your vote at any time as the show goes on.


And now that you've gotten yourselves acquainted, strap yourselves in, because the premier is on its way!

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Post by tickletied84 »

Well this sounds like a great TV's hoping it's on Free To Air....
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Post by TomYi »

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Oh, subscriptions are free :P

Just remember to subscribe this topic, so you never miss an update!

And now, The premier!

First a hellish red, then a cool blue. The studio lights lit up.

A hiss resonated as a thick fog filled up the entryway and slowly flowed its way toward the cameras.

And from the fog, in the picture-perfect lighting, they came.

It was grand entrance. The director had done an excellent job instructing the contestants on their debuts. Either that, or they had already had it in them. Half of the dommes marched down the carpet as though they had an army marching behind them. The other half marched as though they were ready to single-handedly take down said army.

A cold poker face was second nature for Bee Devine, but already, she was hiding excitement. She greatly looked forward to seeing the slow-motion shots.

She stood alone, atop a wide semicircle staircase leading to the entrance of her dungeon. Just as they’d rehearsed, the contestants all spread apart when they reached the foot of the stairs. Once evenly spaced, they all turned and looked up at their goddess.

Bee took a moment to size up the contestants while the camera crew repositioned all their equipment. The ten dommes were all dressed to kill. Or at least, to torture. Shiny latex was naturally the popular attire, with some leather and fishnets thrown in here and there. The only ones dressed noticeably different were the schoolteacher and the bald one.

They had both had the same objection to the costume designer’s fetish selection: ‘that’s not really my style.’ The director had a few choice words for that, but Bee had talked that bigwig down. They were right to commit to their characters. Ms Hawtrey was dressed like the posh mistress that she was, complete with a light gray jacket and a matching hat that both looked like they’d been inherited from Princess Diana. Meanwhile, Velvette was counting on a studded leather jacket and some ripped jeans to sell her ‘rough tomboy’ image.

With all the lights on her, Bee Devine clicked her tongue, and addressed her guests. “Ladies, welcome to Dungeon Devine!”

Truthfully, she still wasn’t one hundred percent onboard with that name, but it had been the best option any of the producers could come up with. Bee continued. “Within these walls, you will find everything a dominatrix could ever dream of; and herein, you shall each have the opportunity to prove which of you, is truly, the Alpha Domme.”

The director gave the cue for everyone to react with excitement and joy. They all gave the cameras the expressions they so desired, but none of them had to really act excited. That much came naturally, especially for Scarlett and Miki.

“Let’s not wait any longer, my dearies,” Bee said, as she turned and beckoned the others to follow. “Come. The dungeon awaits…”
The cameras cut off before any one of them stepped through the doorway. It, of course, was just a set that led nowhere. They had to walk a little way to the right before reaching the studio soundstage that had been renovated into Bee’s ‘dungeon’.

They had less than ten minutes of footage, and already they had resorted to a choreographed entrance, scripted lines, and fake locations. That was reality TV for you, and Bee Devine had no problem with that. She was mostly just glad to be here. Back in her early days, no producer in Hollywood would have touched this idea with a forty-foot pole.

But they didn’t call her the queen of queens for nothing. Over the course of her legendary career, Bee Devine was always a trailblazer. She had unabashedly owned her controversial job, and scoffed at all judgement. It was in no small part thanks to her that BDSM had been propelled into the mainstream.

She had dominated countless clients from all walks of life, and starred in countless movies (and not all of them were cheap pornos). Goddess Devine had always pushed for a higher production value, and even had parts in three Hollywood blockbusters!

And now, as she led her latex lambs onto the set, her achievements went on full display.
They began their tour with behind-the-scenes stuff that the audience didn’t need to see. Bathrooms, fire exits, the kitchen, and the soundproofed ‘confession rooms’ which contained nothing but a green screen and a camera, which the contestants would activate and use to record their video logs. Every reality show had them, and footage from these ‘confessions’ would break up the scenes quite nicely.

From the confession rooms, the contestants were led down the dormitory, which was just a pair of hallways lined with doors to their private rooms. Each room was not only a place to rest peacefully, but also a miniature dungeon in and of itself.

The dormitories’ hallways intersected in the middle like a big plus sign. On the south end of the hallway, were the confession rooms. Next, Bee Devine led them down the east hallway to the courtyard. There, they found a tranquil environment that frankly made the dominas feel like fish out of water. It was bright and calm, with hammocks, pool tables, and a garden.

As they passed through the courtyard, Bee read the other women’s eyes. They were focusing quite a bit on the benches and the gazebos, concocting ideas on how to apply them to bondage. This pleased the queen of queens. They were thinking like she would, and this made her all the more eager to move on to the next area.

From the courtyard, they moved to the gym on the north end of Dungeon Devine. Everyone’s faces lit up when they saw the assortment of exercise machines ready for use. Of course, only a few of them were excited for that. Bee saw what they saw, and they saw anchor points. Indeed, the only off-limit locations in the dungeon were the bathroom stalls and the confession rooms; so there was little doubt that more than a few victims would be tied up in the gym. Probably on the sit-up bench, or the squat rack.

Bee could read every one of them like a book. The gears were turning in their heads, and anticipation was rising. Oh, but weren’t they in for a surprise. She had saved the best for last.

At Bee Devine’s beckon call, everyone most out of the gym, and into the dungeon’s west wing.

Genuine gasps and awes escaped the contestants’ mouths as they laid eyes on a sprawling open room, crowded full of every imaginable BDSM device. It resembled the show floor of a furniture store; only, instead of beds and sofas, it was littered with wooden horses, St Andrew’s crosses, spanking benches, sybians, pillories, and cages of all shapes and sizes.

On each wall, there was a work station with paddles, floggers, and other such devices hung over cabinets that were filled with all manner of restraints. Each work station also included a sink for clean ups. And the anchor points! All across the ceiling, as well as the walls and floor, sturdy steel rings had been installed. The carpenters had been perplexed by this decision, but the dommes already knew that those rings opened up a whole new world of possibilities.

Bee Devine had not been exaggerating when she said that they would have everything a dominatrix could ever dream of. She turned to face her ecstatic guests and spoke up. “Before you, is the main playroom. This is where I expect to see lots of action from you.”

The camera crew had been following them for the entire tour. They had mostly kept out of the way, but now, they flocked around to get Bee’s next line from every angle.

“Now, at this point, you must be thinking,” Bee said. “Just where are the subs? Where’s the yin to our yang? The bottoms and the rope bunnies? Well, look no further, ladies. You are standing amongst them.”

The ten contestants all put on an act of shock and awe. Eyebrows went up, jaws went down, and all that good stuff. Of course, these reactions were completely scripted. The women all knew precisely what they were getting into, and had each signed five pounds’ worth of waivers and consent forms. Vasilka, Estela, and Miki all overacted in Bee’s opinion, but she wouldn’t be surprised if the showrunners picked out their footage for the final cut.

Bee continued her lines. “That’s right, dearies. Over the course of your stay here, you will be dominating one another to prove yourselves, and win it all. This is where we go our separate ways. Know that you will all be seeing me again. Until then, play rough, and play often…”

After three takes, the director was satisfied, and the camera crew dispersed. Interns and PAs helped move each of the contestants’ belongings to their assigned rooms, and Bee Devine headed for her trailer. Her job was over for now.

At this point, the production crew would evacuate the dungeon, and the contestants would be left alone with only each other. Well, that plus the dozens of high-definition cameras spread around the entire dungeon. It was through these cameras that every moment of their lives would be captured, and streamed online to the subscribers. The underpaid editors would be compiling the footage around the clock and filtering it down into digestible, forty-four-minute episodes.

And it was through this footage, that Bee Devine would be making her judgements. This was the part that she truly looked forward to. No more staged scenes or retakes. No more lies. They had finally gotten to the ‘real’ part of reality TV.

Giddiness was beneath Bee Devine, but she admittedly did feel a great deal of excitement. This show’s premise was comparable to throwing a tiger, a lion, a panther, and a jaguar all in the same room and watching what happens. But whereas the dommes would likely be just as chaotic as the cats, there wouldn’t be so much hissing and mauling. Instead, there would be humiliation, subjugation, vendettas, and drama. And it would be oh so sweet!

On her way to her trailer, Bee passed by an editing room, where the camera crew manned the remote cameras. From behind her, she heard the door open, and someone calling her name.

“Miss Devine! Excuse me!”

She turned to face a short, balding man that she didn’t recognize. But he was wearing a shirt that labeled him as important.

He waved her over. “We’ve got our first altercation, and I was wondering if you’d like to see it as it happens? The black one and the big girl are fighting in the big playroom!”

Already? This was going as well as she could have hoped. Without a word, Bee Devine followed the man into a room full of monitors, and watched TV history in the making.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]TomYi[/mention] Holy f*ck! Absolutely fantastic job, mate!
The setting is downright hot and intriguing and you've absolutely surpassed yourself with the editing and detailing here.

Lady Estela is drop dead gorgeous!
The mini-interviews also made me smirk, in that the answers given seemed entirely fitting of the Dominatrix answering the questions; especially in Ms Hawtrey's case ;) Their answers are all spot on and totally in-character.

Well done, mate 8-)
I'm glad you were able to use Flickr to host these large-size photos.
This looks a million times better than those crummy photo attachments.

Really looking forward to the rest of this.
Hopefully our fellow readers will prove a little more vocal in their support.
F/F stories usually come out as the top option on polls about what the readers on here wanna read the most.
But when the time comes to actually comment on said stories, the commenter turn-out just isn't there.

There's your cue, guys.
Now's the time to comment and show your support.


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Post by wolfman »

I absolutely love the set up for this. You have captured the style of a reality show perfectly and I for one will be regularly tuning in.

The bio's work really well, introducing the characters in a fun way without being too exposition heavy.

Looking forward to more.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by TomYi »

Well, holy crap. I didn't expect to be hearing from bondagefreak today, let alone hear one of my best reviews from him!

Thanks for the kind words, and for encouraging more commenters. Thanks to wolfman as well. I've had this idea in my head for a long time, and I've already worked very hard on it.

The Alpha Domme project is going to take a veerrrry long time, and hopefully it can gather up a decent following along the way. But for now, everybody stay patient, and subscribe!
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Post by TomYi »

Episode 1 - Part 1:

“I am sooooooo glad to be here!
That playroom is a paradise, and I
just cannot wait to get started!”

- from the video log of Icy Fyre

Icy Fyre recognized her luggage being moved down the dormitory, but she didn’t follow. It would just be awkward to engage in small talk with the bellhops, and unpacking was the last thing on her mind. What Icy wanted, was to go back to the playroom. She had known that Bee Devine would hook them up with a good setup, but this was overwhelming! So many devices… It could take her hours to properly go through everything in that room.

Well, no time like the present! It would be advantageous to become well acquainted with the dungeon while everyone else was still changing out of their catsuits. Icy Fyre slinked past the crew members, and made her way west.

The first thing she noticed on the second go, was the variety. Variety not just in the kinds of devices, but in their models as well. Some of the wooden horses were just glorified sawhorses, while others more closely resembled the frightening torture devices from the dark ages. She also noticed right away that the D rings in the walls and floor were sunk in flush with the surface, so while they were folded down, there was no way anyone could trip over them. As for the ones in the ceiling…

It was at the nearest workstation that Icy found the small step ladders she had missed the first time. That’s how she could reach the ceiling and attach her ropes. While she was there, she decided to do some rummaging and see what all was in the drawers. The answer: quite a lot! She could have spent another hour examining all the restraints in there, but after a few minutes, she realized that she was getting sidetracked, and went back to the larger devices.

The spanking benches in particular had tons of variety between all their different designs. But there was one that really caught Icy’s eye. The bench was designed like a sawhorse, but with long, padded planks going along the legs on either side. Icy had never used one like this before, but she had seen them before. The sub was supposed to lay face down on the top plank, while resting his arms and legs on the side planks. There, they would be strapped down along the forearms and calves. This left the sub with his butt exposed and vulnerable to whatever torment the domme desired.

Both the top and side planks were well padded with a matte black cushioning. This contrasted the glossy coating over the wooden frame quite well. Icy gripped it at the top, and shook it. Great! No rocking! It was always the worst when you had to level out a short leg with magazines or --

“Fine piece of work, ain’t it?”

Icy’s heart jumped, but she was able to stop herself from doing the same. She turned around to see a muscle-bound, African-American woman smirking at her. Jynx the Mynx, wasn’t it? Lousy name, but Icy didn’t exactly have the right to criticize anyone’s title for unnecessary Ys.

Jynx began her approach, and Icy noticed that she was carrying some leather belts. “But it’s missing something, don’t you think?”

Calm down’ Icy thought to herself. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. But why did it have to involve Bobby Lashley’s little sister?

Icy was going to have to play this smart. She put her hands on her hips and gave her head a sassy back-and-forth. It was successful in drawing Jynx’s attention away from Icy’s feet, as she slowly slipped out of her heels.

“Oh, I completely agree,” Icy retorted with unwavering eye-contact. “But I think we have different ideas on just what that missing ingredient is.”

“Bitch, you know exactly what I meant,” Jynx said before her look turned fierce. “Lay down.”

Icy did not lay down.

Jynx took another step, and spoke again. “Girl, your only gonna make this hard on yourself.”

“Hard,” Icy asked. “At what point did you think I’d be easy?”

And with that, she kicked hard and ran. The kick sent her loose shoe flying straight at Jynx, who flinched and dodged it just in time, and that gave Icy the opening she needed to bolt for the work station. She needed an extra advantage, and she remembered the exact drawer where she could find it. Icy yanked open the drawer, and grabbed a pink pair of hinged handcuffs. The key was in its hole, and she quickly stashed it into her cleavage.

By now, Jynx had surely seen her opponent’s ploy. They were both wearing high heels, but Icy’s shoes were easy to remove, whereas Jynx’s boots were pulled up to her thighs. Icy now had more mobility, and there was no way Jynx could hope to level the playing field by removing her own boots.

Now armed, Icy spun around, and nearly came face to face with Jynx. Between all of Icy’s advantages, she had hoped that Jynx would see the writing on the wall and leave, but this woman was on a mission! She had chased Icy down with remarkable speed, and was still pressing.

Icy tried a few times to move around her attacker, but Jynx’s side-steps were on point. She was not about to let herself get outmaneuvered, and was managing to hold her own.

“I didn’t come here to dance,” Jynx taunted.

“That’s good,” Icy said. “Because you won’t be able to once I’m done with you.”

Jynx pressed on, but Icy was able to keep her distance. All the way up until she backed right into a giant cross. It was then that Jynx charged. Unable to dodge, Icy braced against the base of the cross and put everything into a direct shove. Her weight advantage paid off, and it successfully repelled Jynx.

Icy tried to keep up her momentum, stepping forward and throwing Jynx to the floor. The ebony menace moved fast – faster than Icy could have expected – and latched on to her. With a sharp spin, Icy was thrown down to the floor with Jynx.

“Hoh, thought you could get away,” Jynx asked. She would repeat that taunt a lot in between breaths over the course of the fight.

They both hit the floor hard, and Icy came down on Jynx’s right arm, but they both recovered fast, and the grappling ensued. It didn’t take long before Jynx abandoned her leather straps, and focused on wresting the cuffs away from Icy. The winner of that bout would be determined by who could clasp the cuffs on first, and they both knew it.

Icy had done all she could to gain the upper hand, but Jynx had broken through; and now, it came down to a battle of strength and willpower. It was pretty obvious that Jynx had the strength, but if anyone had the willpower, it was Icy.

She had come here to make a name for herself, and there was no way she was going to let herself be Alpha Domme’s first victim ever!

From there on, it was just a matter of remaining face-up on the floor. Icy couldn’t allow her hands to be pulled behind her back. She was successful. So much so, that Jynx eventually growled, “Fuck this,” and pulled Icy’s hands high.

“Noo,” Icy croaked as her hands were cuffed together in front of her. There was only one thing on her mind then: Outlast her. She’s tired too. You’ve got to outlast her.

With Icy’s hands tied in front, she could still put up somewhat of a fight. At least, she thought as much. Jynx stumbled back and grabbed her longest belt. She rolled Icy over and pulled it around her torso. Despite Icy’s desperate resistance, the belt soon pinned her arms against her belly.

As the belt dug into her flesh, Icy Fyre could literally feel her dignity shatter. She had lost.

The proud domme’s embarrassment didn’t go unnoticed by Jynx, who was more than willing to salt the wound. “Oh, don’t cry, honey. Once I’m done with you, the humiliation’s gonna be the least of your worri-- Aah!“

A blonde woman plowed straight into Jynx’s side, and they both hit the floor next to Icy. She recognized the blonde woman, but couldn’t remember her name. It may have sounded like ‘citrus’ or something.

Throughout the fight, Icy had done her best to stay quiet. She had done so for precisely this reason. The two of them had made too much noise, and attracted a scavenger. And now, the blonde vulture was here to pick up the scraps.

Whoever this was, she must have been watching and learning, because she was mimicking not only Jynx’s brute force, but Icy’s tactics. She was barefoot too, and clasped a pair of chrome handcuffs onto Jynx’s wrist.

“Hell no,” Jynx shouted. She struggled, but soon found herself in over her head. “You goddamn snake!”

The fight with Icy Fyre had taken its toll, and Citrus was able to cuff Jynx’s hands behind her back with relative ease. She smiled triumphantly. “Hah! Well, what can I say? An opportunity’s an opportunity!”

Citrus rolled Jynx face-up on the floor. She spoke up again as she squatted down over her prisoner. “I mean, why settle for one sub when I could have two?”

Jynx scowled. “Bitch, do I look like a damn sub to you?!”

Their blonde captor made a frown and rubbed her chin. “Hmm… I guess not.”

She strapped a leather collar around Jynx’s neck, and smiled. “But now you do!”

Jynx’s face twisted into the fiercest glare Icy Fyre had ever seen. She spat up at Citrus and began shrieking at an ear-splitting volume. Fortunately, Jynx’s mouth was pretty dry, and she only got two and a half words out before Citrus shoved a black ball gag between her teeth and cut her off.

That was the best thing Icy had seen since arriving at Dungeon Devine. Not just because she didn’t have to hear that arrogant hoe’s voice anymore, but because it meant that at the very least, she wasn’t the first contestant on to be gagged.

'Every cloud has a silver lining,' Icy thought to herself as Citrus moved on over to her, collar and ball gag in hand…
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hahaha! Well played, Mistress Citrine!

And well played [mention]TomYi[/mention] for entertaining me so much!

When Jynx took the upper hand, I was convinced Icy was done for.
I really didn't expect the blonde vulture-babe to show up and snatch victory away from our ebony queen 8-)

Some of the things that stood out for me in this chapter was Icy continually using the slightly derogatory nickname of Citrus to qualify the would-be scavenger. She knew that Citrus wasn't the right name, but she didn't care. Citrus, Citrus, Citrus :lol:

The other thing I found myself really enjoying was your refreshingly colourful repertoire of adjectives to qualify the different Dommes in this episode. This one example comes to mind.
The ebony menace moved fast – faster than Icy could have expected...

Really makes the different between a bland text and a vivid one.
Awesome stuff, buddy! Your efforts and the time you put in this are really paying off!

Can't help but wonder if Madame Muse's vast experience advantage will come in handy during the competition.

Can't wait for what happens next!

P.s- I also appreciate the realism, in that the high heels were a hindrance and had to be removed (or thrown around and used as projectile weapons ;)).

Tagging a few users who I think might be into this:

[mention]Tights tights tights[/mention]

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Post by Red86 »

In all the years I've been in the shadows of this site and the previous site, I do not believe I've seen anything quite like this. This was very well executed. Really liked the intro of the contestants with the images. Episode 1 part 1 didn't disappoint either. I look forward to seeing this story progress!

My question is, when does this actually become a reality TV show we can see? :D
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Post by TomYi »

“Upon my arrival, the first thing
to stand out was the impropriety.
Apart from Bee Devine, I may be
the only true lady on the show!”

- from the video log of Ms Hawtrey

There was a loud commotion coming from the playroom. Quite the kerfuffle, by the sound of it. Could those ruffians not maintain civility for but a single minute?

Ms Hawtrey scoffed. Her acquaintances were in dire need of training, and she was up to the task. As a matter of fact, she was as keen as mustard, and she knew precisely how to get started!

Once the servants had been shooed out of her room, the fine English lady got to work, preparing; And there wasn’t much work needed. Another advantage to sporting cotton, rather than latex.

Ms Hawtrey hung up her hat and jacket, and examined herself in the mirror. Her dark hair was kempt, and her makeup was superb. She pulled the wrinkles out of her long pencil skirt, and straightened the puffy neckpiece on her favourite white blouse. An American client had once called it a ‘Seinfeld Shirt’, but she had no idea why.

Her look was complete, and so she moved on to equipment. For what she had in mind, it would be best to rely on leather. A laced armbinder, some furry ankle cuffs, and a matching collar. She settled on a black bit gag to accompany the leather. The splendid thing about these items was that when folded neatly enough, they could all fit in a stylish handbag.

Well, everything except Mrs Payne.

The contestants had been discouraged from bringing too many of their own accessories on the show with them, but there was no bloody way Ms Hawtrey was about to part ways with her favourite tool.

Payne was a marvelously handcrafted riding crop, made with naturally brown leather and top-notch cane. Gold wrappings decorated the handle and it ended in a flat leather tongue with a gold inlay that read ‘Mrs Payne’.

One of her favourite tricks as a dominatrix was to announce that she would be calling in her ‘teaching assistant’: Mrs Payne. Her clients’ faces would light up, thinking that they were in for some manner of surprise threesome. Then, Hawtrey would brandish the crop and wipe the eager smile right off their face. Ah, glorious! With any luck, she might pull that one on her next ‘student’.

And Ms Hawtrey knew just the girl to use that on. During their little tour, Hawtrey had observed not only her environment, but her acquaintances as well. The Asian lass, Miki, was short, and had the face of a young schoolgirl. That little girl was the perfect match for the resident schoolmistress!

Ms Hawtrey moved with an elegant walk through the dormitories, towards Miki’s room. She had seen Miki retreat to that room shortly after the cameramen had left. Perhaps she was hiding from whoever that was causing all the ruckus in the playroom.

But she couldn’t hide from her teacher…

Ms Hawtrey swung the door open and placed her hands on her hips. Even she could feel her own terrorizing presence. Miki’s room was identical to Hawtrey’s in terms of layout. There was a closet, a dresser, a mirror, a desk, and a chair. Most notably, the bed was the same as Hawtrey’s, and she expected that everyone was sleeping on the same model: an iron frame, four-poster bed. Quite the thoughtful furnishing. The slender iron post at each of the bed’s corners would most certainly be utilized in the coming days; and the ornate pattern of iron bars at both the head and foot of the bed not only looked spiffy, but provided all the more potential for bondage.

And there, at the foot of this bed, stood Miki. She had had her back turned to the door, and spun around with big, round eyes. She had already changed out of her PVC costume, and was now barefoot, with a pair of denim shorts on as well as a white and pink ‘Hello Kitty’ shirt. In one hand, was a Styrofoam bowl of ramen noodles; several strands of which were dangling from the girl’s mouth. She held a pair of wooden chopsticks in the other hand, and had a golden-brown teddy bear squeezed under her elbow.

Goodness, gracious’, Ms Hawtrey thought to herself. ‘Is this girl even legally old enough to be here?

She shook off the thought. Of course Miki was of age. She simply chose to dress like a ten-year-old. All the more reason that Ms Hawtrey had made the right choice in coming here first.

The petite Asian slurped up the last of her pasta and set the bowl aside. “Hello,” she said in a high, squeaky voice. “Why you no knock?”

Ohhh, this was going to be delightful…

“I am here to make proper ladies out of the lot of you,” Ms Hawtrey announced. “And, young lady, your room is a mess!”

The strict, posh, schoolmistress: Hawtrey’s favourite character. In truth, it wasn’t really much of a character. It aligned quite well with the English lady’s real-life background. It even reminded Hawtrey of some of her childhood instructors.

Miki shrugged. “Yeah, but it my room. Are you a teacher? I like teachers…”

Hawtrey raised Mrs Payne at her new victim as though she were wielding a rapier. “You will address me as Ms Hawtrey, young lady!”

“And you address me as Mistress Miki,” the young girl retorted. “What, you call me young because you so old?”

That last repartee struck a nerve, but that was good in a certain sense. Anger could be utilized quite effectively when Hawtrey was working with Payne.

“That’s quite enough out of you,” Ms Hawtrey declared as she stepped forward and wound up. She swung her beloved crop straight her student.

The girl’s arm moved like a striking cobra. Quicker than the eye, in fact. At least, Ms Hawtrey never saw it. The next thing she knew, she was staring at Mrs Payne, snatched up in mid-swing between Miki’s chopsticks.

Very seldom did Ms Hawtrey allow her mouth to hang open. It was improper for a lady to do so. But in that moment, she could not hold back her disbelief. How had Miki done that?! A smile cracked across Miki’s face and she shot a wink at the teacher. That was the last thing Hawtrey saw before her would be student spun around at lightning speed, and swept her legs out from under her.

Hawtrey hit the floor, face down, and the wind was knocked right out of her. She didn’t have nearly enough time to recover before Miki dropped her weight down on Hawtrey’s back. A pair of slender hands came down on Hawtrey’s right arm, and one of them held a strand of what appeared to be jute rope.

Where did that come from,’ Hawtrey thought to herself.

But before she had even finished that thought, the rope had been fastened around her wrist in a tight loop. Miki yanked hard on it, and drew the schoolmistress’ hand behind her back. That was the last Hawtrey saw of that rope. It had fallen out of her sight, but she could still feel it constricting around her wrists, binding them tight.

Miki was far from done with that rope, and she moved with stupendous speed. Hawtrey felt the rope loop around her bicep, run through her armpits and behind her neck, then ensnare her other arm. Miki moved like a well-oiled machine, cutting Hawtrey’s freedom away by the second; and as the old schoolteacher pulled uselessly against her bonds, a dreadful revelation came over her.

Ms Hawtrey had gotten herself in a bind (literally, and figuratively). That girl’s cute act of innocence and youthfulness… It was utter codswallop! This was no little girl she was dealing with. This was a beastly fiend! A wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Miki squeezed her prey’s ankles together and began lashing them tight with a new rope. “Like I said, I like teachers! I like being teacher too! Think it’s time I teach old dog new tricks!”

Hawtrey swallowed hard. How was she to escape this? Never mind that. How was she to retain her pride after this? With the lowest, most intimidating voice Hawtrey could muster, she said: “Unhand me this instant. I am no one’s dog!”

“Wrong”, Miki honked.

Hands came down on Ms Hawtrey once more, and a narrow collar was fastened tight around her neck. She felt Miki’s weight rise off of her back, and one second later, she was being dragged face-down on the floor by her ankle rope. Away from the door. Away from freedom.

“Training begins, now!”
Last edited by TomYi 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago In all the years I've been in the shadows of this site and the previous site, I do not believe I've seen anything quite like this.
Thanks so much for coming out of the shadows and expressing your support, my friend.
We need more folks like you on here!

I too have never witnessed such a flamboyant entrance as the one [mention]TomYi[/mention] has prepared for us.

A common complaint on this board is the strong predominance of M/M stories.
Complaints have been made about the lack of F/F material. But when such material does in fact materialize, the supporters are usually nowhere to be found and the public support evaporates.

This is a subject that's plagued many of our community discussions over the years, and one that we've been unable to solve or fix.
I find it very disheartening to see so many views on such a fabulous tale, and yet almost no comments to support it.
Very disheartening.

It is my hope that those who are following this will speak up and that guest users who are silently lurking and reading will sign up and signal their support. Signing up takes only a few seconds and is free of charge.

And for those of you who are shy or who don't know how to review a story, I've constructed a short guide to give you some ideas and inspiration: BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO: STORY REVIEWS
Be sure to check it out, and then come back on here and drop a note!

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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Phenomenally well written and produced! You've really gone above and beyond with all of the graphics and the writing and it's honestly kind of jaw dropping to see just how much work and effort has gone into this, and it shows! It really does, and it's all excellently done! Bravo!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by bondagefreak »

A wolf in sheep's clothing she may be, but Miki is quite simply brilliant and adorable!
A "Hello Kitty" shirt? Hahaha :lol:
Definitely a contestant I'm interested in learning more about!

As for our posh Ms Hawtrey, well...I could practically feel the shame and humiliation she was experiencing during her swift defeat at the hands of the petite Asian lass.

Well done Miki!
And well done to you [mention]TomYi[/mention]!

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Post by TomYi »

Thank you so much [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for all the support! I never would have expected the top M/M author on this site to become my biggest fan, but your feedback and support has done a lot to keep this project going!

You may be interested in the latest feature I've added to the older posts: Video Logs! (it's not an afterthought. I just forgot to do it the first two times :oops: )

Didn't think those confession rooms were for nothing, did you? ;)

And for anyone else reading this: I encourage you to SUBSCRIBE! Stories like these can get buried in the forums awfully fast, and it would be a shame to miss a new post!

It's actually been brought to my attention that some of you don't know how to subcribe. Well, you'll be pleased to know that it's really easy! Just click on the wrench below the title, and hit Subcribe!

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]TomYi[/mention] No need to thank me, mister ;)
F/F is usually not my go-to fiction on here, but when the writing and editing is as sensational as this, the reader just can't help but be drawn in, no matter what his/her preference(s) might be. This is definitely a tribute to your writing!
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Post by wolfman »

I have to agree with Bondagefreak on this story. The quality of writing is excellent.

You have a dynamic base for a great tale, with elegantly and efficiently framed characters. I will definitely, keep following this tale.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by TomYi »

“Pretty sure if I died and went to
heaven, it would look like this.”

- from the video log of Scarlett

Between Jynx the Mynx’s chiseled body, Icy Fyre’s feisty composure, and Mistress Citrine’s terrific ass, Scarlett was really enjoying the show!

She brushed her crimson locks over her ear and allowed a soft grin to form. She could probably jump Citrine, just as Citrine had with Jynx, but that really wasn’t her style. Besides, she’d surely tucker herself out in the process, and probably get caught in a never-ending cycle of ambushes. But most important of all, she wasn’t focused on the three fighters. She wanted a piece of the stunning Latina watching the bout from afar.

Oh yes, Scarlett hadn’t been the only one who had decided to investigate the playroom’s noise. There, in the doorway to the gym, Lady Estela spectated the combat as it unfolded. Scarlett had seen Estela early on, but was fairly certain that she herself remained unnoticed.

She decided that it was time to change that. Scarlett lifted herself from the wall she’d been leaning on, and made her way across the playroom.

As she wound through the maze of torture devices, she caught a glance of Mistress Citrine inserting her hand into Icy’s cleavage.

Citrine’s voice carried across the playroom. “I’ll be taking this now, if you don’t mind.”

The sexy opportunist brandished a small, shiny object. A layman wouldn’t be able to identify that thing from so far away, but Scarlett recognized the familiar sight of handcuff keys. Citrine slid the key onto a little keyring where it joined a second key. Without a doubt, those were the keys to Icy and Jynx’s freedom.

Citrine could barely contain her giddiness as she lifted her living spoils of war off the floor, and latched a chain leash to each of their collars. “Now, come along. I’ve got something special planned for the two of you…”

She turned her back to her captives, gave their leashes a hard tug, and began a triumphant strut. Only, she didn’t get very far. Despite all the action Icy had just endured, it seemed that she still wasn’t ready to give up. The curvy beauty planted her feet, and stood her ground.

As a teenager back in Oklahoma, Scarlett had visited a sheep farm during a field trip. In between all her kissing and cuddling with the baby lambs, she had earned a thing or two about those precious animals. Sheep weren’t always such keen followers, as people tended to think. When a ewe didn’t want to be led by a halter, she would sit her ass down, and let the farmer pull on her dead weight to no avail.

That’s what Scarlett was seeing here. Icy Fyre wasn’t about to be led anywhere, and she was using her dead weight as an effective protest. Citrine realized immediately that she couldn’t move her prisoners like this, and Scarlett could only imagine what the next move would be.

Citrine shook her head and sighed. “If you wanna make this hard on yourself, I’m fine by that. Just don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

She went to the nearby workstation and pulled out two pairs of ankle cuffs, each separated by about two feet of chain. Scarlett would have used those right off the bat, but to each their own.

Citrine knelt in front of Icy, and opened the ankle cuffs. As she brought them in, Icy made her move. A hard kick knocked the cuffs right out of Citrine’s hands, and sent the blonde domina stumbling backwards. Icy didn’t let off an ounce of pressure, and mounted her fallen captor where she laid. With Citrine pinned down, Jynx saw the opportunity, and joined in.

Scarlett hadn’t seen the tables turn so hard since Super Bowl LI. Citrine lay kicking and screaming on the floor, pinned beneath two bound and gagged dommes. Her screams were muffled though, because while Icy straddled her waist, Jynx had sat on her face.

The sight before Scarlett’s eyes inspired all manner of ideas of just what she could do once she’d ensnared an adorable prisoner; and those thoughts got her so unbelievably excited! She bit her lip, and sped up her pace towards Estela.

Icy leaned forward, and began frisking her captor with her bound hands. She was after those keys, no question about it. As for Citrine’s hands, they had been grasping and scratching at anything they could find, but with little effect. Then, they resorted to something Scarlett would never have thought of. Citrine dug her fingers into Icy’s ribs, and started to tickle.

Icy had a ball gag strapped between her teeth, but that didn’t stop her laughter from travelling all the way to Scarlett’s ears. The curvy dominatrix broke her focus, and stood up in an attempt to get away. It only lasted for a moment, but Citrine took full advantage of that. She bucked herself out from under Jynx, and scrambled to her feet.

The two bound women followed suit, and fast. Citrine tried to put some distance between herself and them, but the handcuffed revolutionaries were hot on her tail. It wasn’t long before she found herself backed into a corner…

By this point, Scarlett had completed her journey to Estela, who was watching more intently than ever. The Brazilian supermodel jumped as Scarlett broke her silence. “Now isn’t that the hottest uprising you ever saw?”

Lady Estela was disappointingly withdrawn. All she had to say in response was: “Don’t even think about trying to steal this opportunity from me.”

Scarlett laughed at that. It was just as she suspected. Lady Estela wanted to mimic Citrine’s opportunism, but Scarlett had other ideas.

“Oh, sweetie,” Scarlett said. “Does that really look like something you want to get involved in?”

Estela looked back at Citrine. Things weren’t looking good for her, and everyone knew it. As Jynx and Icy moved in on her, Citrine reached into her own cleavage, and brandished the keyring. She dangled it in front of the others for a moment before chucking it across the playroom, where it bounced off of a stretching rack, and jingled to a stop on the floor.

Jynx and Icy both shot each other a brief look, and bolted. With her tormentors racing in the opposite direction, Citrine discreetly slinked away. Jynx was the first to reach the keys. She dived for them, but slid too far. As Icy caught up, Scarlett spoke again to Estela.

“You were right about one thing though: This is an opportunity. An opportunity to place a little bet.”

Estela paused for a moment before turning to Scarlett. “I’m listening…”

Scarlett grinned. “That Jynx is a juggernaut. I’d wager that she’ll be the first to get herself free. If I’m wrong, then I’ll let you tie me up and do whatever you want with me. And if it turns out I’m right… well, you get the idea.”

She had been careful to word her proposal in the most appealing way, and it seemed to have worked. Estela looked back at the dueling dominas for a long moment before cracking a smile.

“You may be right about Jynx’s strength, but she has her hands behind her back. She’ll have a much harder time unlocking her cuffs.” Estela turned and offered her hand to Scarlett. “I’ll take that bet.”

Scarlet accepted that hand with a vigorous shake, and the two of them watched on in silence.

Icy knelt over the keys, reaching as far as her restraints would allow. Jynx spun around fast, and kicked the keyring away just as it entered Icy’s reach. It slid about ten feet away, and the two of them shuffled over in hot pursuit.

Both Scarlett and Estela chuckled. It was like watching a YouTube video of two eighty-year-old men in a street fight. Jynx flung herself once again at the keys, and this time she landed face-up, right on top of her target. Icy was just one second behind her, but with her hands bound the way they were, pushing Jynx off the keys proved exceedingly difficult.

Scarlett pumped her clenched fists in anticipation. Her horse was in the lead!

Over and over, Icy tried to get Jynx off of the keyring, but her mobility just wasn’t there. Every attempt to move Jynx only succeeded in sliding her over a little. All the while, Scarlett’s ebony champion was fumbling away at her cuffs.

As the outcome became more and more apparent, Estela became more and more antsy; even going so far as to yell “C’mon, sua puta, move her ass!”

Scarlett, on the other hand, was having a blast! Not long after Estela’s outburst, Jynx’s hands shot out from under her, devoid of any cuffs.

With a devious smirk, Scarlett, glanced over to Lady Estela, who threw her head back and let out a long groan. She turned to face Scarlett and asked, “Do you wanna go double or nothing?”

“Hah! Oh hell no. A deal’s a deal, sweetpea,” Scarlett replied.

Estela’s arms fell to her side and she sighed softly. “Well, do we really need to do this here? Right now?”

“Oh my, no,” Scarlett grinned. “I’m taking you somewhere nice and private.”

Estela’s mouth opened again. She wasn’t done pouting, but a stammered gasp was all that left her lips as Scarlett moved behind her. Lady Estela’s hands were pulled behind her back, and her wrists soon felt the constricting bite of a plastic zip tie.

Scarlett locked arms with her new plaything and smirked. “Come hither, cutie pie. We’re going to have us some fun!”
Last edited by TomYi 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by wolfman »

Another excellent chapter. I love the seemless transitions between the struggles of the would be subs and their domme and the action with Scarlett.

The narration style put me right in the action and it never meandered, remaining tight and focused throughout, but at the same time presented a excellent scene.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by TomYi »

Thanks a ton for your comments, [mention]wolfman[/mention]! It's always a treat to see a new fan.

You'll be pleased to know, that you'll all be getting another update posted this weekend!!! Perhaps even more, depending on how high the demand is.
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“I would like this to go on record:
Fatigue, brought on by jet lag,
substantially contributed to any
shortcomings on my part today.”

- from the video log of Ms Hawtrey

A bead of sweat ran across Hawtrey’s brow. Tension was building up, and Miki hadn’t even begun her torment.

That being said, the petite rigger had not been idle. With Hawtrey neatly wrapped up, Miki had thrown her up onto the bed. Piece by piece, she had removed every last article of clothing below the teacher’s waist. She’d been able to do that by untying Ms Hawtrey’s ankles, and then retying them once she’d been stripped. Only now, her ankles were tied separately to opposite sides of the iron headboard, leaving her legs spread wide open.

Hawtrey laid face-up in the sheets. Her hands were roped up behind her back more securely than ever now. Miki had taken her time reinforcing her initial boxtie, and had even added a terribly revealing chest harness. It certainly didn’t help that that foul wench had torn off Hawtrey’s neckpiece, unbuttoned her blouse, and unhooked her bra. Her bosom was fully exposed to the cold air, and encircled every which way in itchy rope.

Ms Hawtrey could think of a million places she would rather be; but Miki, on the other hand, looked chuffed to bits. That seemed to be her mood, no matter what was happening. In all her years, Hawtrey had never met anyone capable of overpowering and subduing somebody whilst maintaining a cheery face, and she found that most unsettling.

The girl leapt onto the bed and straddled Hawtrey’s naked belly, bearing her smile that had started off charming, but was now just disturbing. Aside from an undersized backpack she now wore, Miki hadn’t changed a bit of her childish attire. It looked as though she had no intention of doing so either. She was fully ready to torment her prey…

“Way less wrinkles than I expected! Real good,” Miki exclaimed as she ran her eyes over Hawtrey’s body.

Hawtrey collected herself, and tried her best to remain defiant. At this point, her dominant reputation was all she could hope to save.

“You ready to train now,” the girl asked.

Hawtrey’s poker face held strong. She clicked her tongue and said, “Young lady, you ought to be ashamed of your behavior!”

“Wrong answer,” Miki responded. “I am teacher now! We train now!”

As she spoke, she slowly moved her bare legs around in two big arcs. Arcs that happened to centre on Ms Hawtrey’s head. As the bare soles drew close, Hawtrey’s composure broke, and she thrashed around beneath the Asian girl.

“Get those ghastly feet away from me,” she screamed.

Miki shook her head in disapproval. “Ohhh, you need lots of training.”

And with that remark, she reached into her backpack like a well-prepared freshman on the first day of school. From its pouch, she drew some thin red string, and the all too familiar chopsticks. Just as before, Miki took hold of the sticks and struck like a viper. The sticks shot into Ms Hawtrey’s mouth and pinched around her tongue, eliciting a startled squawk from the middle-aged mistress.

Miki moved just as quickly as she had with the jute rope. It was a matter of seconds before the chopsticks ran horizontally between Ms Hawtrey’s teeth. The sticks were bound together with the red string, which clamped them down on her tongue and forced it to jut out quite a ways.

Miki stuck her tongue out at Hawtrey before chirping some girlish giggles. Hawtrey glowered up at the girl. She had never seen a gag like this before, and truthfully, it wasn’t much of a gag. It certainly didn’t mute the volume of her voice whatsoever, and only succeeded in garbling a scant few letters of the alphabet.

Hawtrey decided to speak through her gag as Miki rummaged through her backpack again. “Yung wady, if dis is wut yu call a gag, then yur skills ar qwite wacking.”

“There no talking now,” Miki snapped. “Only screaming.”

Hawtrey squirmed a bit when she saw what Miki held in her hand: a Wartenburg wheel. The pin-lined wheel on the end of a long handle was easily recognizable, but this one had a cord running from its base. It connected to a bulky Velcro strap, which Miki wore like a weighted wristband. What was the purpose of that?

Miki slowly lowered the wheel down to Hawtrey’s face, and as the wheel’s side grazed the tip of her outstretched tongue, her question was answered.

“Uwaagh!” Hawtrey squawked again as an electric current arced through the inside of her mouth.

So that was it. The Wartenburg wheel was charged with electricity. Bad enough that needles were going to run all along her bare skin, but now she had to deal with jolts as well?! Not only that, but a cloud of fear cast down on Ms Hawtrey as she gradually realised the true purpose of her gag…

The tied teacher grunted in pain as the wheel ran across the centre of her bosom. Poking at the skin and pulsating painful shocks all along the way. Miki then moved her hand behind her and began torturing Hawtrey’s outstretched legs. Not being able to see where the jolts would hit next made the torment all the more abysmal, and Hawtrey could swear that the voltage was growing stronger with each pass!

“Okay,” Miki chirped out of nowhere. “Shock class is over. It time for recess!”

The pricks and the shocks came to a sudden, relieving halt. In the spontaneous calmness, Ms Hawtrey realized that she had been hyperventilating, and fought to get herself back under control. Miki was not about to make that easy, though.

Like a minacious warplane, the Asian girl hovered her foot above Ms Hawtrey’s face, and began to descend.

Naturally, the schoolmistress had some choice words for that development. But they all came out garbled. “Wut duh yu think yur duhing?! Dun’t yu dare!

But there was nothing she could do. Miki’s sole came down on her exposed tongue, and smeared itself back and forth. Hawtrey’s protests quickly turned to disgusted hacks, coughs, and gags. She wasn’t even able to turn her head away. That atrocious appendage just followed her.

Hawtrey held back her dry heaves and wondered, ‘What fresh hell is this?!

And then, a new sound erupted from Hawtrey’s gagged mouth: a moan. There was a vibrator buzzing against her womanhood. She couldn’t see it, but it felt like a wand, and a damn good one at that. A blitz of pleasure enveloped her, in direct conflict with the disgust she derived from Miki’s foot. The teacher’s ropes held tight, and she could only lay there, simultaneously suffering the gross torture and absorbing the great pleasure.

Just as the precursors of Hawtrey’s climax began to bubble up, Miki turned off the vibrator. She killed it just as abruptly as she had with the wheel. “Okay. Recess over. Back to shock class!”

Dash it all,’ Hawtrey shouted internally. She pulled against her ropes and let out a long, hoarse groan as the shocks returned with a vengeance. And this time, the wheel wasn’t alone. A loud smack resonated from Hawtrey’s breasts as Miki slapped them hard with the teacher’s beloved riding crop: Mrs Payne. Hawtrey really felt that one! It would seem that her chest harness had made her nipples more sensitive than usual. Between the shocks, the needles, the nudity, the helplessness, the pain, and the humiliation of having her favourite tool turned against her, Ms Hawtrey had a long bloody list of reasons to loathe this moment.

“Ohhh! That’s a good crop,” Miki beamed as she brought it down again.

This living hell went on until poor Ms Hawtrey felt a lump forming in her throat. Then, just as swiftly as it had started, the agony came to a halt. Hawtrey’s spirit soared at the sound of the wand buzzing back to life.

And then, the foot was back.

“Nuh,” Hawtrey pleaded with wild eyes. “Pweeze, nuh!”

No sooner had her nether regions been re-stimulated, did she find her tongue being pinched between Miki’s filthy toes. They slid up and down that bound tongue in much the same way an energetic stripper danced her tantalizing dance around the pole.

And speaking of tantalizing, Miki’s wand was rubbing Hawtrey in all the right ways! That girl handled the vibrator with such remarkable expertise, as though she had known all her life just how the old lady preferred to be stimulated. Between the repulsive toes, and the heavenly vibrations, Hawtrey never noticed that Miki had opened up her shorts with her free hand, and was now pleasuring herself to the teacher’s treatment.

Hawtrey could feel it rising up! In spite of the foul feet – in spite of everything – she was going to squirt!

“Hope you enjoyed recess,” Miki sang. “Shock class now!”

Hawtrey feebly shook her weak head back and forth, desperate for an end. “Uhh nuhh! Nut the shuck cluh-- GAAHH!”

How long was this going to go on?! Would that dastardly sadist deny her an orgasm until the end of time?! That wonderful wand had given Hawtrey her greatest thrill in years, and to recant that from her was beyond cruel! It was criminal! She wanted to cum! Right now! She just wanted to f**king cum, God damn it!

This third wave of shock treatment was worse than ever! The wheel’s voltage must have been cranked up to maximum power. It had to be! And the flogging! Oh Lord, if this was the agony that Mrs Payne wrought, then perhaps the world was better off without her.



Hawtrey lay there on the bed. Her hair was a blasted mess. She breathed. She could do nothing but breathe. The buzzing was there, and it was strong, but she felt nothing. She breathed three more times before realising that she was being taunted. That wretched monster was holding the wand just above her clit, only a centimeter or two away from sweet ecstasy.

With a smug grin on her face, Miki leaned forward, and untied Hawtrey’s gag. She even had the courtesy to fix the lady’s glasses, which had become mislaid diagonally across her brow. The bound captive gasped in relief. She began rolling her tongue around in her mouth, working the life back into it. Hawtrey wanted to cough and spit out all the filth, but her devotion to proper etiquette stopped her.

And then she saw the foot.

It hovered over her, motionless. The toes were close enough to lick, but it remained still as a statue; Suspended above her like… like the wand!

Hawtrey shot a look at Miki, who looked right back at her with a coy smirk.

“You know what you have to do,” the Asian dominatrix slowly whispered.

Hawtrey felt her lips curl up into a wicked snarl, and she growled, “Damn you to hell, witch!”

Then, like a famished calf, Ms Hawtrey shot her head upward and wrapped her lips around Miki’s toes. She never saw the insidious satisfaction in her captor’s face – Hawtrey kept her eye’s closed all throughout her suckling – but she did catch a faint whisper just before the vibrator dropped, and carried her to heaven.

In a chilling, sinister tone, the quiet voice had said, “Lesson: learned…”
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Post by Red86 »

Great continuation!! [mention]TomYi[/mention] You have created a work of art with this story and this is nothing short of fantastic. Presently I am unsure of an answer to the pole. Its a little hard for me at this moment to vote anyone of them off just yet :D . I'll make my mind up soon and I look forward to the next chapter.
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Thanks so much for coming out of the shadows and expressing your support, my friend.
We need more folks like you on here!

I too have never witnessed such a flamboyant entrance as the one [mention]TomYi[/mention] has prepared for us.

A common complaint on this board is the strong predominance of M/M stories.
Complaints have been made about the lack of F/F material. But when such material does in fact materialize, the supporters are usually nowhere to be found and the public support evaporates.

This is a subject that's plagued many of our community discussions over the years, and one that we've been unable to solve or fix.
I find it very disheartening to see so many views on such a fabulous tale, and yet almost no comments to support it.
Very disheartening.
You are welcome! After seeing you're numerous post over the years on this subject, I finally took your advise and created an account to comment on stories I enjoy. My only regret is not doing so sooner. I have seen 1st hand, what you have spoken of with the lack of comments. I have seen a few different stories that seem to of lost steam after a few chapters and I have seen stories never finished possibly due to the lack of feedback. It is disheartening. So I also agree we need more people like myself to come out of the shadows.
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago F/F is usually not my go-to fiction on here, but when the writing and editing is as sensational as this, the reader just can't help but be drawn in, no matter what his/her preference(s) might be. This is definitely a tribute to your writing!
This is something else I can agree with. My preference is mostly M/F & F/M however I do not just limit myself to those and if a F/F or M/M story is well written, I can set my preferences aside and read the story in general!
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Post by TomYi »

[mention]Red86[/mention] Thanks for the kind words, and for taking the time to write them.

I think a lot of people just don't understand how important feedback is. It's the fuel that powers us as writers. I'm having fun writing this story, and that should be all that matters; but when you put a ton of work into a project, and then you present it to nothing but crickets, it's really hard to not see that as a failure on your part. Disheartening doesn't even begin to cover that feeling...

So to everyone who's given me their support: Thank you from the bottom of my heart! The next update's for you guys!
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Post by TomYi »


“That bitch had better enjoy her
little victory, because IT. IS. ON!
Before all this is over, she is going
to regret messing with Fyre!”

- from the video log of Icy Fyre

“Y’know, the funny thing about all this, is that if you had just done what I said, we’d have been here a half hour ago.”

“Hrrmph,” Icy growled.

Jynx the Mynx had never bothered to remove the black ball gag from between Icy’s teeth. She had just taken hold of her leash, and hauled her away. Well, that, and gloated constantly. Let it never be said that this domme couldn’t multi-task.

Icy had resisted. She never stopped resisting. But lord have mercy, that was one strong dominatrix! It was kind of insane, actually. Despite all the prior action, Jynx was still able to manhandle her victim all the way back to where they had met. Where this whole war had started.

The spanking bench.

Jynx pulled on the leather strap holding Icy’s right forearm. It was already tight, but apparently, she felt that it needed to go one more hole. Icy’s arm sank further into the bench’s padding, and there it would most certainly stay. That was the last one. The last of the leather belts that held down her wrists, forearms, calves, and ankles against the bench’s side planks. Icy Fyre was stuck for good now.

The Mynx wasn’t done talking. Of course she wasn’t. “I mean, your eyes work, right? You saw these guns…” She knelt in front of Icy and flexed. Her bicep bulged as though something inside were trying to escape. “…and you still felt like playin’ the fool?!”

Icy could do nothing but give her the stink eye, but that had no impact. Jynx’s laughter indicated as much.

“Ha! Girl, you got a whole lotta learning to do around here. You know I’m the only woman to never get beaten by VeVe Lane at bondage wrestling?”

Icy knew. This wasn’t the first time her captor had mentioned that.

“Well, you chose to learn it the hard way,” Jynx continued. “So, brace yourself. I got some teaching to do!”

Jynx got up and left Icy’s field of vision. She was undoubtedly going to the workstations to fetch some floggers and paddles. That much was fairly predictable, considering that Icy was on a spanking bench. She wanted to brace before each blow. She knew it would make it easier, but that was problematic, considering that she couldn’t see her assailant. Icy Fyre rested her fingers on fistfuls of padding, ready to squeeze when needed.

And boy, did she need it.

A loud WHACK pierced the air, followed by a gasp from Icy. Her hands gripped the padding beneath them, and hard. Something had just connected hard with her right buttocks. A wad of spit dripped out from her ball gag and fell to the floor.

“Whoooh,” Jynx cheered. “You made that sound painful! Now, just imagine how bad it’d be if I weren’t holding back?”

She walked in front of her prisoner and knelt down so they were face-to-face. She gave icy a very sober look and said, “Now this is your first offence, so I might be willing to let you off with a warning, if you cooperate. All you gotta do, is tell me what you learned. You gotta say: Don’t f**k with the Mynx.”

Icy’s noggin stopped just an inch away from Jynx’s nose. The proud prisoner had thought that she could get in a decent headbutt, but was mistaken. Still, she could always attempt to cuss.

“Ghh th hll, yhh mmphrfrrkmn bhhhss!”

Jynx’s serious expression turned devious. “Ohh, I’m gonna enjoy breaking you…”

She slapped Icy across the face with the paddle. She definitely hadn’t put full power behind that blow, and Icy braced in case she struck again. Jynx did not do as Icy feared; At least, not before moving behind her to focus on her butt.


Icy quickly found herself grateful for the blonde one’s choice of gag. She bit down hard into the rubber ball, and didn’t let off; Not even when she wanted to scream.

And she really wanted to scream.

But Icy stopped herself. The curvy queen knew first-hand just how amazing it felt to hear a muffled scream, and she wasn’t about to give that bitch the satisfaction. And so, she held on, grasping at the upholstery and chomping on her gag with her eyes squeezed shut. She wasn’t able to stay silent though, as the occasional grunt or growl would sometimes come out; almost involuntarily.

“Sure, honey, sure,” Jynx taunted. “Hold on to that pride. I can do this for as long as you need!”

With each strike, Icy became more and more convinced of the honesty in her tormentor’s words. It felt as though they had gone on all day, and the paddling was only getting harsher. Jynx could probably go on for another eighteen hours, and Icy wasn’t sure if she could hold out for half as long.

In reality, they had only been going for six minutes.

Icy had never changed out of the costumes they’d given her for the debut: A full-body leather catsuit. It’s a shame that padding and armor couldn’t look sexy, because Icy Fyre would likely need it at Dungeon Devine. What little protection the leather offered, had worn out long ago.


“Mmmmph!” Icy broke her vow, and let out her first scream.

“See,” the Mynx demanded. “I warned you! You think I was playin’ when I said I was holding back?!”

The torture let off for a moment, and Icy could finally hear her own breath. It was heavy. Shaky. She felt as though her nostrils couldn’t provide enough air, and the drool from her gag had evolved into a long, steady drip.

The sound of stomping heels reached Icy’s ears. Jynx was on the move, and she was pissed.

Something swung at her face. It moved with such speed that it appeared as a blur. Icy flinched, before realizing a moment later that it had stopped just in front of her nose. It was a rattan cane, on display as a scare tactic, but it didn’t frighten Icy. At least, not so much as the fist that clenched it.

Jynx’s hand looked as though it were trying to strangle the damned cane. The muscles in her forearm bulged something fierce, and so did her veins. The thought of that arm swinging that cane brought a wave of dread over the bound domina. But she couldn’t give in. Never.

“Bad enough you had to resist getting tied up,” Jynx snarled, “but now you gotta be f**king stupid too?! Did you forget what you were commanded to say, or what?”

The cane swung out of sight, and Icy Fyre braced for the first lash on her behind. But it didn’t strike her behind. Instead, the cane’s sting was felt in the sole of her bare foot.

Icy, not expecting this, cried into her gag. The cane came down again, accompanied by Jynx’s voice. “Do I got to jog your memory or what. ‘Don’t f**k with the Mynx!’ That’s all you gotta say to stop this. Don’t think I can’t hear you through that gag!”

Her words stopped, but the caning persisted. The bastinado’s repetition was even more frequent than the paddle had been, and Icy found herself wondering if she could ever walk comfortably again. Then Jynx began swinging the paddle as well as the cane, and Icy wasn’t sure if she could ever sit comfortably either.

This spanking/bastinado onslaught was overwhelming. Inside her head, Icy repeated a little mantra, over and over: ‘Don’t give her the satisfaction… Don’t give her the satisfaction…’ But as time went on, she found herself breaking down more and more. She was whimpering with every exhale, having long abandoned her oath of silence.

Then, her torturer spoke. But it wasn’t a taunt or a gloat. It was a shout-- no, a roar. A terrifying roar.

Say it, you dumb cow! You think you’re proving something by taking this sh*t?!

The whacks came hard and fast with every word. “DON’T. F**K. WITH. THE. MYNX!

I beat VeVe-motherf**king-Lane, and you still don’t get it? You wanna lay there forever, bound and gagged with yo fat ass in the air just so you can keep pretending that you’re better than me?!







“MMMMMMPH!” Icy wailed into her gag, and the first tear fell.

Then the second tear. And then the third. Like a stream breaking through a collapsing dam, Icy Fyre broke down, and began to sob. She couldn’t stop herself, and that only made it worse. Why was she even crying? Was it something specific, like the pain, or was it everything?

Icy lowered her head in a pitiful attempt to hide behind her hair. She didn’t want to be seen like this, but she knew that everyone saw her now, in this humiliating state. Something clattered against the floor, but Icy wasn’t looking. Her eyes were clamped shut in a vain attempt to suppress her waterworks.

But she still heard, and she still felt. Felt the pressure let off her right arm as the belts were torn off of her wrist and forearm. And she heard the Mynx mutter: “F**king pathetic,” before storming away.

The first thing Icy clawed off was the collar that Citrus had applied. She was neither a pet, nor a sub, and a collar had no business around her neck. The second thing to go was her gag. She got a runny nose when she cried, and wanted to breathe through her mouth. After a few more sobs, Icy gradually got her arm loose before moving on to her legs. Finally, she was free.

Just as she expected, it hurt to walk. But it wasn’t as bad as she’d feared. Not as bad as it had been two minutes ago.

Icy Fyre didn’t bother looking for her misplaced shoes. She sniffled (again), wiped her tears (again), and decided that it was time to unpack in the solitude of her room.
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Post by wolfman »

Pitch perfect again. Great pacing, action and interaction. The character development is on point and it sets the stage perfectly for the story to come.

Absolutely enthralling installment. Thank you for posting.
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Post by Red86 »

Another fantastic chapter! Now I am really conflicted to cast my vote. While Icy may have broken down after that, I could see her getting redemption. Looking forward to another chapter!!
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