The Inscrutable Mr. Henley (M/M)

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The Inscrutable Mr. Henley (M/M)

Post by KayDee »

100% Fiction! Grown in my own garden.

The house at the end of Ashcroft never rented for long. Some say the landlady would accept almost any shady person to live there, as long as they paid rent on time and kept things quiet. According to local police, the latter would prove to be right two out of three times over the past ten years.

It wasn’t a big place, barely kept in acceptable shape. That was until the last tenant, Mr. Henley, moved in. Bit by bit, weeds had been removed, hinges repaired, boards nailed down, thus losing the decrepit horror vibe.
Besides the more welcoming look of the place, Mr. Henley kept to himself. No one could tell where he went shopping, socializing or if he did anything public at all. The only thing people figured out was that he drove a silver sedan with tinted windows; usually through town once or twice a week and return hours – sometimes, days – later.

For about a year, people felt more at ease passing the quiet house toward the wooded lake park. But even the nosiest church elders couldn’t find an acceptable excuse to show up with a casserole. After three months, it would look mighty suspicious to show up out of the blue. You would want to keep proper, not to appear like you were a Snoopy Susan.

Danny rode his bike one last summer. He had graduated high school and enjoyed what the sleepy town had to offer. The next chapter of his life was coming fast, and college would take him states away.
He did have friends, but most went on well-earned trips, had one last job at the nearby summer camp, or had moved away. Memories included sleepovers, backyard birthday parties, tree houses, building hideouts in the woods, and lots of running.

I could include tales of tie-up games – those did happen. Boys will be boys, and sleepy Coalbrook did not claim modern moral views that are common with big city parents.
Danny did find himself in the occasional bind; never with regularity. He was decent at escaping, but it wasn’t a hobby he liked to advertise. He learned that after Boy-scout Leader Harris was replaced. Some parents took quite an issue with the extracurricular hogtie demonstrations that a few boys, even Danny, found themselves in.
Heading for 19 like most of his peers, one should start to get more serious about life and leave childish play behind. Except, the bondage left an impression on Danny. Not an obsession; then again, his internet history could shed more light on that.
Adolescent exploration was a private thing for Danny. It was more a matter for small-town conformity than for self-shaming reasons. Shy feelings would be a matter for the future. Let’s keep it at that, shall we.

It wasn’t really on his mind as he rode his bike down Ashcroft.

He was dressed in shorts, sneakers, tank-top, ball cap. If you saw him with his blonde hair, red cheeks, incredibly blue eyes, and decent muscle tone, you’d agree: 9 out of 10, imminently tieable. If he flashed his winning smile, a full 10.

The last house came into view. To his surprise, he saw Mr. Henley walk to the mailbox. Danny slowed down, with natural curiosity.

“Hey there.” said the man, looking up from the pack of envelopes as the youth came to a halt.

“You’re Mister Henley?” Danny asked.

“And you are…?” came the friendly, yet surprising response.

“Uhm… Danny Wilder.” he was brought up properly and would reply automatically to such a question.

“Nice to meet you, Danny.” the man said. “I remember seeing you pass by a few times.”

“Yeah, I like to hang out at the lake while I still can.”

The conversation did continue but wasn’t at all impressive. Denny discovered Mr. Henley as a burly man with full beard, tight spandex shirt, cargo shorts, and work boots. His eyes, a dark brown, visible once he moved his sunglasses to the top of his hat.

“I am actually about to move, soon.” Mr. Henley changed topics.

“Wow, why?”

“Found a place to own in New Jersey.”

“I think a lot of people here would hate to see you go.”

“Hm, yeah. Hate to leave. Say, I could use some help packing things up over the weekend. If you want to earn a few bucks...”

It didn’t take much thinking for Danny to seize the opportunity. He wasn’t nosey like Misses Jenkins, but getting to know the mysterious man would give family dinner that extra oomph; even if the side effect was dispelling unfounded rumors and wild guesses about the last house on Ashcroft – and its tenant.

Family dinner conversation was dominated by the obvious topic. As expected, he could spend his last summer as he wished. His parents treated Danny as the young adult he grew into, but he always confirmed his plans with them. Making the extra buck was certainly welcomed by his dad. A good work ethic was essential.

“Well, take your cellphone with, and text me if you’re gonna be later than nine, sweetie.” His mother concluded.


Saturday arrived and Danny returned to Ashcroft. Mr. Henley suggested sneakers as well as long pants.
His attire was now an old and baggy pair of jeans, with frayed cuffs and faded from use. Beat up sneakers and a light, sleeveless hoodie completed the appropriate look.

Mr. Henley expected the young man at noon, and promptly opened the front door, looking not dissimilar than last time; be it as well with a long pair of jeans.

Danny closed the door behind him, standing in the living room. He had heard stories of drug dealers and other, lesser desirables keeping the house like a pigsty, but what he saw surprised him. The place looked a hundred times better, with patched and painted walls, and cheap yet decent furniture.

Mr. Henley was taping various boxes from flat to useful, some already filled with paper-wrapped things. There wasn’t much to deduct his personality from his belongings. They were not unique, and boxes next to empty shelves had their contents already taped shut.

They spent the day boxing up items in neat fashion, taped and labeled. There was conversation, and Mr. Henley got to know his helper. It seemed to Danny that he helped move things along quicker, but his company seemed more important than his muscle. He did learn a few things about Ryan.
Mr. Henley, that is, was single and worked from home as a consultant. He preferred quiet evenings, cooked for himself, and loved jazz. They had common interests like horror and science fiction movies and football – be it opposing teams.

Danny would share most of those details with his mother later.

With one noticeable exception.

They started moving the boxes to the spacious garage. Danny noticed a pair of peculiar handcuffs on the workbench. They looked fancy, old.
He picked them up with intrigue.

“Hiatt,” Ryan said, carrying another box.


“The cuffs, vintage Hiatt,” Ryan said, arranging the box with others. “Made in the 1840s, not the cheap tin replicas from the 70s.”

“Sweet, they look strange tho.” – “Modern designs are more functional and more difficult to open.”

“What makes these easier?” Danny asked.

“Here.” Ryan produced a key, screwed it into one of the round holes on the side to open, then the other. “Impossible to open with a paperclip, but once you have the key… there, easy.”

“Mind if I try them on?” – “Go ahead…”

Ryan held the open cuffs in front of Danny with a slight smile. They closed with loud clicks around the wrists.

“I’ll get the rest of the boxes.” he told the young man, and placed the key on the workbench. “Knock yourself out,” he added before walking back into the house.

Danny started to twist his wrists slightly, slowly examining the old restraints. They were comfortable, had no sharp edges, and the connecting links in the center allowed for some movement. The keyholes were on the outsides, easy to reach. He tested his range of motion and realized that the cuffs did fulfill their purpose.
Ryan went back and forth, bringing the rest of the boxes into the garage. Danny barely noticed but threw him a sheepish grin when he did. Ryan smiled back but concentrated on the stacking task.

It wasn’t until Danny’s wandering thoughts, too fast to verbalize, caused his excitement to manifest below his belt. He caught himself before he’d stand in plain view with a rather visible bulge.

He grabbed the key from the workbench and shifted his attention to the task of escaping. Opening those cuffs does take many turns of the key. It wasn’t easy, but he managed to finally free his left wrist. The key had to be unscrewed to be used on the other side.

Ryan had finished and stood at a comfortable distance from Danny, observing. The young man had managed to free his wrists again, now unscrewing the key to separate them from the cuffs.

“They’re cool,” he told Ryan as he handed cuffs and key back, trying to hide his excitement. He didn’t want to let on how much he had enjoyed the moment.

“Yes, they are,” confirmed Ryan calmly as he placed the cuffs back on the workbench. “I think we should eat a little. I have some grub and soda... or a beer if you like.”

Danny thought for a second. “Uh, soda’s OK. But thanks.”

He followed Ryan to the kitchen, his mind still with the cuffs. Ryan opened the mostly empty fridge.

“I got some subs. Meatball or pastrami… your call. And if not beer, then lime soda.”

They sat down at the kitchen table with their choices.

“So, not many things to box up then?” Danny continued the conversation.

“Yeah, just a handful of things that I need for the next few days,” replied Ryan, biting into the pastrami.

“Then what’s left to do?”

Ryan chewed, then swallowed as Danny started with his meatball. “Loading, and cleaning.” – “Hm?” - “That’s tomorrow, tho. I want to give this place a good clean.”

He burped quietly and continued, “Leave a place better than you found it. Shouldn’t take us too long, but we’d be done by midnight if we...”

“Oh, shit!” Danny exclaimed. “Hold on.”

He hadn’t noticed what time it was. Ryan paused and watched him pull his phone out of a back pocket.

“Damn.” Danny started typing fast with his thumbs, half his brain concentrating on what he said. “It’s OK, I’m just letting my mom know I’m a bit late.”

“That strict, huh?”

“No, just letting her know that I’m still here.”

Ryan took another bite.

“I can let her know that I’ll stay longer…?” Danny offered.

“Naw,” Ryan said, between chewing, “I think we’ve done all we can today.”

Danny stuffed his phone back into its pocket. He was eager to help, and perhaps eager to at least ask more about the handcuffs – perhaps another chance to wear them. But he didn’t want to push his luck.
Not long after, he went home with a cool $60 in his pocket.


Danny returned the next day, same time. He did notice a gray van backed up to the garage.

“Sold the sedan, it’s too small for all the boxes,” Ryan explained.

They spent the next hour loading the vehicle. Ryan was excellent at storing things. Boxes piled up in the back, stacked at the sides, leaving some space in the middle.

“Just enough for some last things. But that’s later.” Ryan explained. “Let’s clean.” They were both sweating already.

Ryan explained that he had started the day early, getting chores done, and even some cleaning. Danny would have noticed. There was a faint mix of lemon and bleach in the air, and the kitchen and bathrooms seemed spotless.

Ryan insisted on wiping every surface and vacuuming all the carpets. He handed Danny one of the two buckets and pointed out the box with sponges, towels, dust-rags, and gloves.
Once Danny picked up the pace with Ryan, time just flew by. They did take a few breaks, but Ryan did not stop for long before focusing on the next thing to clean.
It took them nearly three hours before Ryan announced his satisfaction.

“We’ve done a good job here,” he concluded, sitting down at the kitchen table and grabbing for his soda.

“I don’t think I’ve cleaned a place so thoroughly,” Danny commented. There was no snippy undertone. He was just very happy to sit down. Ryan was older but seemed to have plenty of stamina for his age.

It wasn’t long before they put everything back into the cleaning box.

“I’ll take the box if you take the vacuum. Those go into the van as well.” Ryan finally announced.

They walked into the garage and put the items in the back of the van. Still with plenty of space to spare.
Danny almost forgot about the handcuffs during the busy day, until he noticed them almost hidden by a black gym bag on the workbench. Fascination had a grip on him, and he seized his moment.

“Can I try those cuffs again?” he asked.

(To Be Continued)
Last edited by KayDee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KayDee »

I must admit that I am nervous about posting. Not the story itself, but getting it right, minding tone and rules.

This story began as a 2,000 words entry for the November 2020 Short Story Contest.
I decided that while technically applicable, and with all necessary parts, I’d expand the details from shortened/implied elements, add more evil, and post it in this here, adult forum.

Long time reader, first-time poster. Have at it.

Part two (the thrilling conclusion) to come, perhaps adjusted based on feedback.
Last edited by KayDee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

A great start! While light on action, I loved the tone and writing in this chapter, as well as how well it builds ip the characters.

I can hardly wait for the next one! Hopefully, Mr. Henley will make sure to introduce Danny to more than just handcuffs. ;)
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

A very interesting start! It was cute to read how interested Danny was in the cuffs! I'm excited to see what happens to him!

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Post by RopedBud »

I'm definitely curious to see where things will go from here 😁😁😁
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Post by KayDee »

- Continued -

“Uh, sure,” answered Ryan. “But maybe inside, so we don’t scare people walking by.”

He handed the cuffs and key to Danny before grabbing the gym bag.
He followed the eager youth, closing the door to the house behind him.

The living room with drawn curtains was private enough for Ryan.
Danny stood in the center, now a spacious area with a clean carpet.

“Sure, you can open them in front… how about with hands on your back?”

Danny smirked, then went for the challenge. “Sounds doable.”

Ryan held his hand out for the cuffs and key. Danny turned around, presenting both wrists on his back. The cuffs closed with familiar sounds.

Danny turned back, his hoodie-covered chest nicely displayed and bare arms pulled behind him. He couldn’t hide a silly grin. Ryan considered him for a long second.

“Looks good on you. Want to try a bit more than the handcuffs?” – “Hmm, what do you have?” – “Matching ankle cuffs would be next.”

Danny contemplated an answer, while Ryan fished a larger set of Hiatt’s from the black bag.

“Same principle,” Ryan explained, presenting the shackles for Danny’s benefit. “Should be easy enough for you. But if you think...”

“Bring it.” Danny interrupted, driven by hormones.

“Alright… just wanted to make sure you’re up for it,” Ryan said and smiled. He put the keys to both cuffs on the carpet.

“It’s best you get on the floor. Don’t want you to bang your head.”

Danny complied. He knelt and plopped torso first on the carpet. Ryan hovered over Danny’s legs, snapped one cuff on one ankle, then the other.

“These also original? There’s no slack to walk in them for a prisoner.”

“Had them modified. It’s more fun this way.” Ryan replied, looking down at the cuffed young man.

The sheepish grin returned to Danny’s face. He started to explore the unforgiving metal around his wrists and moved his cuffed feet around. Ryan backed up a little, watching and enjoying the struggle.

“Wow, these are neat,” Danny shared. ”Never been in actual cuffs like this before.”

“Rope been your usual experience?” – “Yeah.”

“Well, these will hold you better and longer than rope could,” Ryan said, producing a lock from his pocket. “Let’s kick it up a notch?”

Before Danny could answer, he felt his ankles pulled, his legs bent towards his wrist – “OK.. oh, wow” – and a finalizing jerk followed by a heavy snapping sound.

Danny was now effectively hogtied.

Ryan stepped back again, but not before he removed Danny’s phone from the back pocket. “Don’t want to break that.”

Danny had no response. He was concentrating more on his growing lack of movement. And something else was growing in his pants. He knew it would happen as it had the day before, but he did not know that he would be so helpless. And his dick seemed to like it, squished between his body and the carpet.

This was amazing and more than he had wished for.

He barely noticed that Ryan went into the kitchen to retrieve one of the chairs, came back, and sat down with enough distance to watch the young man struggle.

Danny’s legs folded nicely, and the connecting lock kept both cuffs and shackles with minimal slack. He was able to wiggle around in a comfortable fashion, exploring the lock and checking every keyhole for access, again.

“I still think I can get out of this.” Danny estimated, looking at the two keys in front of him.

“But do you want to?” asked Ryan with a teasing smile.

“Well… ugh...” Danny answered, trying to pace his excitement, “give me a minute.”

“OK, let’s give you… 15 minutes to enjoy this.” Ryan had tapped on Danny’s phone, finishing with one decided click. “And go.”

Truth was, Danny wanted to enjoy every second of this. He had never felt this helpless before. There were a couple of exceptions, especially in rope hogties. Here were no knots to find, no rope ends to fiddle with.

Danny spent a couple of minutes on basic struggling. He tried to concentrate, to pace himself, and would be able to – mostly – hide his growing excitement. But even if it did show, Ryan said no word.
He pulled at his wrists, knowing that the lock would not come apart – he had to try. He wiggled from left to right like a fish out of water and reveled in every moment that he was helpless.

Ryan broke the silence as Danny slowed flailing, turning his body to the side.

“You wanted this all day, huh?” he chuckled in the chair, arms crossed, grinning.

“This is awesome!” Danny answered with some exhaustion.

The conversation went on, as Ryan tried to entertain the helpless youth during his struggle. A historic fact about cuffs here, a simple question about Danny’s experience there.

Eventually, the cell phone’s beep interrupted the flow.

“Well, I guess you really like being in those cuffs.”

Danny had turned to his other side, now looking over at the burly man.

Ryan stood up from the chair, walked over to Danny, and knelt down.
He fixed his eyes on the hogtied package in front if him.

Danny was stuck in a moment of uncertainty. He turned his head towards the keys, merely two feet but out of reach. Then he looked back again and up at Ryan. First – without really meaning to – at his crotch, then up at the face; it was just for a split second, but Ryan’s eyes moved from what must have been Danny’s denim-covered tumescence until they both looked directly at each other.

“Seems like your dick likes it, too,” Ryan concluded, pointing out the evident. His expression was a mix of calculation and devious smile.

Danny was transfixed. He was caught off-guard.

With precision, he pulled the youth back on his stomach and drew the black bag closer.
Danny could only hear some metal clanking, followed by a ratcheting sound.

“Thumb cuffs will make this a bit more interesting,” Ryan announced before Danny could feel them fastened expertly to his thumbs. He did not know that the extra motion came from pushing the locking pins.

“And as I think they’ll fit...” Ryan commented, pulling off Danny’s shoes and socks with quick moves. “… also on big toes.”
Danny tried to wiggle his soft, moist feet; instinctively, to stop the inevitable. He gasped ever so slightly, unable to get out any word. Ryan grabbed one foot, affixed one side of the small cuffs, and drew the opposing closer to the other big toe.

Danny was surprised by Ryan’s applied additions. He was still excited, yet started to feel a little bit overwhelmed with the new challenges.

His thumbs were locked in place, restricting his hands even further. His big toes encircled at their base by polished nickel, bending back and forth, holding his bare feet flexing as one connected unit.
“I… it’s not quite fair… don’t think I can…,” he was able to communicate while testing the added predicament.

“And you’re right. It’s not fair… and you won’t escape.” proclaimed Ryan with a stern voice.

A sudden sinking feeling replaced Danny’s playful excitement and quickly grew into panic.
He was certainly not prepared for his own smelly ankle socks stuffed forcefully into his mouth. Ryan had used his left hand to grip Danny’s face swiftly, pushing thumb and middle finger against the sides of the cheeks to force him to open his mouth.
He could barely get out a scream before being silenced by the still warm, smelly, and moist socks. No shaking prevented Ryan to keep the gag where he intended. Nor could it stop the multiple passes of electrical tape pulled snug around Danny’s head and under his chin. Whatever protests would have been possible were reduced to muffled grunts with each pass.

He struggled to get free, like the captured prey he was to Ryan.

He looked at the helpless bundle, restrained and gagged. He gripped one of the soft feet with his hand and ran his thumb over the sole to appreciate its texture. His right hand, appreciating his own hard dick through his pants, hard as a rock.
His face was mostly neutral, observing, concentrating, appreciating. But, just for a moment.

The bag held a few final items, that Danny could only estimate in horrified anticipation. Ryan applied a wide leather belt around Danny’s torso, pinning his arms to the body and securing the elbows. Another couple of belts removed every possibility of unfolding the legs, sandwiching his wrists between his heels and ass.

What little bucking he could still do didn’t seem to concern Ryan much. He methodically applied various locks to the belts, savoring the growing moans that came with every click.

The final touches would have his barefoot captive ready for the next part.
“Go ahead and tire yourself out, little man.” his captor added. “It’s a long way to New Jer… no… Colorado.”

Danny tried but couldn’t squirm away as Ryan bent close. He felt the intrusion of an earplug in his left ear, held firmly in place as it expanded. He could only complain with feeble grunts for the other, slowly taking every outside noise away and amplifying each nostril breath and muffled moan in his head.

The last thing he saw for a while was a blacked-out pair of swimming goggles pulled over his eyes.

His frantic, unwillingly horny, struggle would last for an hour before overwhelming exhaustion made him go limp.

- Concluded -
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Oh my... it's amazing how a simple pair of handcuffs escalated into an inescapable bondage topped off with perfect sock and tape gag along with sensory deprivation. Danny must be regretting his choices hard or living the time of his life - or both. :D
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by BDBrit »

Great story so far! I liked the slow build-up. You knew what was coming but just didn't know when. Looking forward to the next part.
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Post by Volobond »

Mr. Henley really knew his stuff, haha! Very thrilling conclusion!

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Post by MaxRoper »

A great first story. Absolutely no complaints or suggestions. Well edited, good character development, and a slow buildup to the inevitable conclusion.

I like to think Danny is enjoying his new life. I also like to think there will be many more stories from you. Thanks for taking the time to make that first plunge, and welcome to the ranks of TUGs storytellers.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Absolutely wonderful job [mention]KayDee[/mention]!
Welcome to the League of M/M Tug writers!

Your writing is superb, and I must say; that final chapter was the cherry on the cake for me.
Those "still warm, smelly, and moist socks" quickly followed with the generous tape wrapping served as the perfect gag.

Well done! 8-)

Since you're into sockgags, I've taken the liberty of tagging you on the M/M sockgag survey.
Feel free to answer the questionnaire and read through the latest update I've just posted.

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Post by TightsBound »

This was excellent! Very well written with great characters and a great twisty ending. And definitely has the potential to become an anthology series. Thank you for writing!
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Post by KayDee »

Thank you all so far. My inner attention whore appreciates the input, and certainly gives me a… the confidence to write more.

No plans to continue this story. I do know what happens next – immediately and long after – but I believe it plays much more vividly in one’s head. Mr. Henley is truly a calculating monster. Anything more and I believe the story will lessen in its intent (also, see title).
Characters like Danny and Ryan will appear in other stories.

Thanks goes to XTC to (unknowingly) seed doubt that it doesn’t fit the contest. This is a good thing, and it seems to fit better in Adult Fiction.
Thanks also to bondagefreak to expand on some edge cases regarding adult content. And yes, there’ll be some sock gags, but… you’ll see.
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Loved the beginning, middle, and end. Nice work on the characters, I can identify with both of them somehow.
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Post by jackroper »

Great story, loved it!
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Post by Boundcurious »

Call me dumb (or tired) but I somehow didn’t see that end coming. Enjoyed the story!
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Post by jackroper »

My previous comment was way too short. Kay Dee has a remarkable writing gift, as this story ably demonstrates. I have always enjoyed stories that don't go on too long, and also that don't immediately jump into the "action," as this one did so superbly. Danny is apparently enjoying his predicament up to the point of being gagged, and even then there is an unstated possibility that his one hour of futile struggle led to an explosive orgasm.

Most of the time when these stories continue the writer seems obliged to become more severe and sadistic, as in the capacity for cruelty. Kay Dee alluded to this possibility, so I'm glad he concluded "Inscrutable" where he did, in our imagination.

Can't wait to read more from this writer, hopefully sooner than later. 8-)
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Post by jackinpurple »

What a great story! Good pacing, well written, exciting, just the right mixture of believable and fantasy. Not sure whether I pity or envy Danny more...
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Post by dwild »

A brilliantly written story. The build up, Danny's horror when he could no longer escape, all written perfectly. Will Danny regret, or will he enjoy what he has ahead of him? So many questions - the sign of an excellent story.
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