Causality (F/M, FF/M) (Part 18 Added - 30/10/23)

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Causality (F/M, FF/M) (Part 18 Added - 30/10/23)

Post by Rtj65 »

Part 1

April 2018

Blocking out the noise of the bustling environment surrounding me, I stare downwards into the almost empty glass of whisky, watching the remaining liquid slowly swirl around. Trying to put my more solemn thoughts to the back of my mind, I inwardly curse myself for my choice of drink on a night like this. I'm pulled away from my trance by an eager tapping on my shoulder and look up to see my best friend Miles giving me a smile of reassurance.

"You okay there, buddy?" He asks, resting his hand on my shoulder. I blink away my stupor and return to the room, nodding my head in affirmative.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just feeling a bit tired I think."

"Great, shall I get you another?" He offers, glancing at my nearly empty glass. I nod again, before downing the rest of the drink and handing him the empty glass.

"Just a single this time, please."

While Miles gets up to head to the bar, I look around the booth our group of friends is sat around and try to pick up on the conversation.

".... if you have to say 'what?' for a third time it's best to just act like you heard them and nod - everyone knows that!"

I smiled as I looked around the table, at the five other people here tonight. All of us originally school friends, sat from left to right were the larger than life, enigmatic James; the quiet and reserved Sam; the sweet but naïve Melissa; the cool, outgoing blonde Louise and finally Jack, the resident lothario. Not everyone who was usually here, but still a good group, nonetheless.


September 2017

"You know that it wouldn't be for very long, in the grand scheme of things."

"Well yeah, but three months apart still feels like a lot all in one go. And what if you go back in the spring as well?"

"I know, I know... It's not ideal, but this is now or never really. You know how much this means to me. And besides, we can talk every single day, maybe you could come and visit once or twice..."

I sip on my coffee as I ponder over what to say next. Without looking up, I can see the pretty brunette sat across the table from me biting her lip anxiously. Swallowing the coffee, which was now lukewarm, I set down the cup and looked up.

My girlfriend, Rosie, of nearly three years sat opposite me inside the dainty little café that we had frequented so often during our years together in our hometown. Now both almost twenty years old, having known each other for almost half our lives, I could see that she had blossomed into a beautiful young woman, with a clearly defined and expressive face, framed by her long chestnut coloured hair. In short, I thought that she was the greatest person in the world.

"I want you to go and be happy, I'd just miss having you around, that's all." I say finally, trying to be supportive of her.

"I know that, I'd miss you a lot too. We'd be in different cities if I stayed anyway, right?" Rosie replied, reaching over to take hold of my hand.

"You know that's it's not the same. There's a difference between you being a two-hour train journey away and you being in Australia. But you should go, it's an amazing opportunity."

She smiles in an effort to reassure me. "I'm glad we could talk about this properly. I love you."

"I love you too." I respond, returning the smile.


June 2018

There's hardly a sound in the bedroom as I lay on the bed, almost waiting for her to say or do something, until the silence is broken.

"Come on, I know we've had our ups and downs, but things are so much better now that we can both relax around each other and let loose a bit."

"I don't know, I didn't think that you would be letting anything loose. That's the point of this, right?" I joke back, while trying to gesture to my hands, bound behind my back. Whilst I had been tied up on this bed for a good few minutes now, I had also agreed to all of this voluntarily, though I could feel my heart rate rising as I realised that things were literally out of my own hands now.

I hear a quiet laugh in response, and I look up, watching as my captor smirks back at me while tying back her long blonde hair into a ponytail.

"Don't be shy, we're just getting started!" Louise said from above me, ominously...

To be continued...

Author's note - I realise that this might seem like a bit of a cryptic start to what is my first real go at a story on here, but I do have more parts to come, so hopefully all will become clear as time goes on. For now, I hope anyone reading this enjoyed that first part, and any constructive feedback is welcomed!
Last edited by Rtj65 7 months ago, edited 18 times in total.
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Post by Lost_the_keys »

Keep going...
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Post by scarfgagged »

Oh yes, i can read a little more... lol
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Red86 »

I did enjoy the start to this story! I will agree that it is a bit cryptic however I look forward seeing it progress!!
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Post by Wolfling »

I would say, it's a good start. I'm very interested in finding out, what causality has to do with the story.
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Post by Boundcurious »

You hooked me with the thoughts on opening and closing doors! Definitely looking forward to the rest 😊
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Post by Rtj65 »

Thanks for all the comments guys, glad to hear that this seems to be well-received so far - should hopefully have a second part ready within the next couple of days!
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Part 2

December 2017

After fumbling with the keys in the lock, the door gratefully swings open, inviting me inside, along with a gust of the cold wind that had plagued me outdoors. After peeling off my thick winter gloves and setting them on top of a radiator in the hallway, I bend down and haul off my boots, before hanging up my coat. I breathe a sigh of content while bathing my hands in the warmth of the radiator before heading further inside, where I gladly slump down in an armchair.

It had been another exhausting day on campus, and not only was I hungry, but worn out too. The winter had never been my favourite of the seasons, but this one was proving to be particularly tough so far. Giving myself a moment to relax and ignoring these feelings as best as I could, I pick up my laptop from the table beside me and set it open. If there was one thing that could cheer me up, I knew this would be it.

I only have to wait a couple of minutes for Rosie to appear online and answer my call; she appears on my screen, propped up in her bed, having apparently been waiting for me. It was pretty early where she was, so I assumed that she had just woken up.

"Hey there!" She says, warmly.

"Hey you! How's it going?"

"Pretty good actually! Enjoying the warm weather!"

"Just a couple of weeks left away now. How are you handling it all?" I ask, trying to hide the weariness in my voice.

"It's honestly been a breath of fresh air - everyone is so lovely here, and it's just such a beautiful country."

I feel my heart sink. I know this was meant to be the experience of a lifetime for her but still - she seems so much happier over there than here - away from me.

"Sounds like you'd rather stay out there." I respond after a brief pause, perhaps a little too coldly. Definitely a little too coldly, I realise, as I can see her face drop a little bit. "Sorry, I just miss having you here, that's all."

"I know, I miss you too! It won't be long now, okay?" Rosie says positively, after a pause, trying to cheer me up. I know her well enough to know when she's suppressing her true feelings though. My words got to her a little bit. She doubts whether I want her back here. It makes me wonder if she's just saying that she misses for my own sake or whether she actually means it. Every time we've spoken these last few months she's said how amazing it is for her over there, after all.

"I'm glad you're having a good time, I'm happy for you." I try to say it reassuringly, but it's not easy when I'm struggling on my own, as much as I'd like it to be.

"Thank you, I love you." She smiles back, but I can sense something is wrong. Does she think I'm bitter or resentful that she's out there without me? Still, I can't take back what I said now. Just a couple more weeks, I tell myself, and then it'll be okay.

"I love you too."


June 2018

The newfound sensation of having my wrists secured together behind my back was quite surreal at first. If I could have done, I would have pinched myself to check that this was indeed really happening. In front of me, Louise was perched on the bed with her back to me, tinkering with something I couldn't see.

"What are you doing over there?" I ask, a slightly anxious feeling rising in my chest. Louise turns and faces me, her face a picture of excitement.

"Don't you worry about it..." She says, but the look on her face suggests otherwise. I look down towards my feet as I feel them being pulled together and watch as Louise begins to tie my ankles together. "Hold still." Her words were spoken firmly, taken me aback slightly.

I gasp slightly as the knot was tied off, tightening the ropes around the cuffs of my jeans. Looking up for a moment, Louise raises an eyebrow at me and shakes her head.

"C'mon, it’s not that tight... besides, don't act like you're not enjoying this."

"I didn't say I wasn't - that just, erm, took me be surprise, that's all." I could tell that Louise was more than comfortable in this situation; at least she gave that impression. I was the one tied up, not her, I suppose, but I couldn't be sure that this was the reason I felt so nervous right now.

"Sure..." Louise says sarcastically. I try to ignore her, telling myself to relax and maybe not say anything else that sounds stupid. As Louise turns to rummage through the bundle of ropes behind her again, I ask myself if she is right - am I enjoying this?

The sight of Louise was quite something, she had always been attractive, but it was only now that I was really starting to notice that fact. Was the situation we were in the reason why? Was it this dominant, playful side to her that I'd not seen before?

From my position, I had a very flattering view of Louise's curvy figure as she straddled my legs with her back to me. Her long-sleeved grey top hugged her upper body tightly too, and it was leaving me feeling more than a little bit distracted.

Perhaps sensing my 'discomfort', Louise looks back over her shoulder with a smirk, another rope in hand. "Getting a good look, are you? And to think you were so hesitant about this." She says knowingly.

Swivelling around on my legs, Louise briefly sets the rope to one side, and reaches forwards to grab hold of my sides. "What are you doing?" I ask uneasily.

"I need to you to be sat up for this, isn't it obvious?" It was becoming more obvious, that was for sure. How much more was going to happen? There was a certain excitement about us heading into the unknown, albeit a nervous kind.

With surprising ease, Louise hoists me up into a sitting position, leaving our faces mere inches apart. I feel her teasingly shuffle on my lap as she slowly retrieves the rope, keeping her eyes locked with mine the whole time.

"Yeah, you're definitely enjoying this." Louise said, stating the now obvious point. Taking her time, I can only watch as she wraps the rope around my midriff, just above my elbows, pulling it tight to keep my arms pressed against my back. She couldn't help but grin as the knot was tied off behind me.

Louise had to lean forward in order to reach behind me, pressing her chest against my own. I could feel her hot breath on my neck.

"Y'know, I don't think we've ever been this close, have we?" She asked with a slight laugh.

"Don't think we could get much closer than this," I respond quietly.

"There's time yet..."


April 2018

The night wore on without incident for the most part. As the second of our triannual meetups, it had felt good to catch up with some of the people who I had known for so long now. In the past, I had often been the one to lead the conversation, but more recently I preferred to take more of a back seat and listen. You notice a lot more about people that way, I've realised.

It's funny really, noticing things for the first time that are really quite obvious in hindsight. As of right now, I listen in as Miles regales one of his university anecdotes from the previous year to Sam and Melissa, opposite us. I'd heard this particular story before, but it still brings a smile to my face. What I notice this time though, was just how comfortable Sam and Melissa seemed to be with each other.

Normally, Sam would be quieter and more reserved in these kinds of situations, but for once he was playing more of an active role in the conversation; he seems to be enjoying himself more. And for her part, Melissa seems to be more than a little bit interested in what he has to say. It was nice to see.

As the conversations continue to flow, invariably there comes a time when someone is left without a conversation to participate in. While half listening to Miles and Sam discuss the latest goings on in the football world, I notice Louise at the other side of the table, by herself. She catches my eye, and raises an eyebrow, as if inviting me over.

Scooting over towards her, I figure it's best to make sure that she wasn't being left out.

"What's going on with you then?" I ask her simply. The pair of us rarely spoke one to one like this these days, usually the times we spoke involved someone else.

"Not too much really, just studying, working a bit..." Louise says coolly, leaning forward in her seat a little bit. "How about you?"

How about me? I pause for a moment, asking myself that question in my head. It wasn't something that I did often enough, I decided. The truth was that I was in a bit of a funk at the moment, I just wasn't ready to admit it yet. Still, something about the tone of Louise's voice made me relax a little bit.

"Been better, as you can probably tell, been quite busy as well which helps, I guess."

Louise smiled warmly, responding, "It'll get better, you've got all of us!" She tilted her head slightly, as if she were pondering something. "You been up to anything fun lately?"

"Not as much as I'd like! Haven't really had much time to go out anywhere recently. You?"

"Maybe you should! Yeah, I go out most Fridays - always good to have something to look forward to." Louise says in an upbeat tone. We continue to chat casually for a while; it was enjoyable being able to talk to Louise casually, one on one like this. I found it refreshing, and a welcome distraction.

Eventually though, Louise addresses the elephant in the room. "So, have you spoken to Rosie at all recently?" The question was asked carefully, and thoughtfully. It brought up such a mixture of feelings that I was almost glad that there wasn't much for me to say on the subject.

"Not for a while now, probably the longest time we've gone without speaking since we split up." I say finally, putting on a brave face.

"Oh, that's a shame." Louise offers, sincerely.

To be continued...


Author's note – Sorry that this update has come a lot later than promised, life has gotten in the way recently, but I’ll hopefully have more time to write from now on.
Last edited by Rtj65 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Boundcurious »

I’m excited about the continuation, but take your time, life has to come first :)
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Post by Rtj65 »

Part 3

January 2018

For once it wasn't me doing the waiting around. Quickly closing the car door behind me, I make my way up the path towards the front door of the house that has been like a second home to me for the last few years. Taking a deep breath, I knock on the door sharply. It's a typically cold January morning, and I keep my hands in my pockets to try and keep them warm. After about a minute, Rosie opens the door.

"Hey. Do you want to come in?" She steps back to let me follow her inside, as I greet her in return. She offers me a half-hearted smile, and we go to her bedroom to sit down.

Sitting opposite her, I can see the tiredness etched onto her face, as I'm sure the same can be said of myself. "You okay?" I ask her softly. There's a sombre atmosphere between us that I've never felt before; I think both of us know where this conversation is going to go. That doesn't make it any easier, though.

"Not bad really. I think we've both been struggling a bit recently, haven't we?" Rosie suggested, cutting to the chase quickly.

I nod slowly in agreement, considering my response. Had we both been trying to push back against the inevitable these past few months? I think that part of me had known for a while now that our time together was running out. Still, is there anything that we could have done differently? Choosing my words carefully, I respond, "I think so. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but..." I trail off, at a loss as to how to finish the sentence.

Rather than press me, Rosie just gives me a reassuring smile - one that I've seen countless times before - and I feel a little better already. I only have the look in her eyes to go on, but I feel sure that she and I are on the same train of thought. Namely, was this always going to happen sooner or later, or could we have stopped this happening?

"Look, I feel just the same way, but it's better that we confront it sooner rather than later, right?" As had often been the case, Rosie was the one to take the initiative. Independently, I felt as though I was quite good at taking the initiative, but when it came to other people, I always find myself holding back a little. Rosie was so good at understanding that since the day we first met.

The conversation that follows is hardly easy for either of us, but there's a mutual understanding that it has to happen. We talk for what feels like hours, but probably isn't that long, spending some time reflecting on our time together, as if we are closing the book for the last time. After a while, once we have both made our peace with the fact that our relationship has run its course, there comes a moment where there is nothing left to say. This is the part I had been dreading the most, and by the sorrowful look on Rosie's face, it's the same for her. We had both been crying, but I didn't want to set us off again by simply filling the silence for the sake of it. Instead, Rosie relieves me of the pressure.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, and you will too. We'll be fine," she said, trying to find a positive note to end on.

"It's okay, I'll leave you be now. Take care of yourself. And I'm only a call away if you need anything," I offer sincerely, as I go to leave.

"I will," she says, nodding eagerly. "Take care," she adds finally, and after making our final goodbyes, I head outside to begin the drive home, hoping that this year can only get better from here.


May 2018

"When you said, 'let's go out for drinks again', I didn't think it was just going to be the two of us." I joke to Louise, sat next to me. I was fairly sure that was what she meant though - at least, I think I hoped she did. The only reason I wasn't completely sure she meant just the two of us was because this was quite out of the blue. To me, at least.

"C'mon, you can't be that dense, surely?" Louise responds in kind, cocking her head to one side. She was sat across from me, her body facing mine as we waited for our drinks at the bar. Although it was typical of her to take great care over her appearance, it was clear that she had gone the extra mile tonight. In a stylish, strapless red dress that ended just above her knees and opaque tights, she had caught my eye as soon as she entered the room. Her makeup was done differently to how it had been the week before, drawing attention to her soft, red lips. The only thing that was familiar to me about her appearance was her blonde hair, which she had kept in a ponytail as usual.

In comparison, I felt a little underdressed, wearing a plain black shirt and some jeans. "Well, I didn't want to assume that and then turn out to be wrong, would be pretty awkward..." My palms suddenly felt very sweaty. Had they been like that the whole time and I had only just noticed? Had she noticed? If she did, she wasn't letting on.

"It doesn't matter now, we're both here, aren't we?" Louise said with a warm smile, just as our drinks appeared to our side. She quickly took a sip of hers before carefully setting it back down. "I forgot to say, you look good tonight. You scrub up well." For a moment I felt a touch embarrassed that I hadn't made as much of an effort as she evidently had, but she sounded sincere enough. And I suppose what I'm wearing is fairly smart. It dawns on me that I haven't yet complimented her appearance since she arrived.

"Thanks - you, er, look great tonight too. Really great." I say quickly, feeling flustered already. Why am I so nervous? Am I finding myself intimidated by Louise's confidence and directness? There is definitely something going on in my head right now, I just can't be sure what it is. Maybe a little bit of it is guilt, that would make sense. Don't think about it right now. That won't help anything.

For her part at least, Louise was taking all of this in her stride, being very forgiving of my clearly obvious nerves. She continued to smile kindly, thanking me for the compliment in return. "Anyway, I figured you could do with some cheering up lately, so I thought we could spend some more time together."

"Well thanks, that sounds good to me," I respond gladly. As the evening continues, our conversations begin to flow naturally. The initial awkwardness had been replaced by a fun, more relaxed atmosphere. Something about Louise's manner just seemed to put me at ease the moment she walked in the door. And I appreciate the way in which she seems to genuinely care about my wellbeing; it's a side to her that I had not seen before.

Perhaps it's the drink, but I notice how much more open the pair of us are away from a group setting, even by Louise's standards. Sure, as part of a group she was more than happy to tell private stories from her time at university that other people would be more likely to keep to themselves, but tonight she was going into greater detail than usual. Not that it became uncomfortable or weird for either of us - Louise just gave what would normally be funny, occasionally outrageous anecdotes a more personal touch.

While waiting for a top up of our drinks, I spare a glance at the time, and see how quickly the time has passed by. For a fleeting moment, I feel a sudden, but brief, burst of sadness for some reason, although I'm not sure why. Maybe I've had too much to drink. Whether Louise notices or not, I can't tell either. "Let's make these our last ones, then head home, yeah?" She says in a very matter of fact way, no doubt aware of the time as well.

"Works for me," I say, taking another sip. As I do, I notice as she gently bites her lip, as if mulling over something. "What's on your mind?" I probe.

"Oh, nothing much... You wanna hear another story about my flatmates? I haven't told anyone this one before..." She says intriguingly.


June 2018

Satisfied that I wasn't escaping her ropes any time soon, Louise was taking her time with everything she did. I suspect that she's doing it on purpose though, to try and get a reaction out of me. By now, my legs were securely lashed together just above my knees, stopping me from moving them apart at all. Louise had allowed me to remain sitting up on the bed while I 'tested' by new bindings, but I had found it difficult to keep my balance and now found myself lying on my side, facing Louise.

Unable to escape, I look on as Louise idly paints her nails and light shade of purple, occasionally sparing a look in my direction. Once finished, she holds them out in front of her and waits for them to dry. "You haven't given up already, have you?" She asks with exasperation, perhaps hoping I'd put more of a show on for her. If I had to be patient, then she could be as well.

"Not at all, just having a quick break," I shoot back, fiddling with the bindings around my wrists where Louise couldn't see them. It's no use though - she knows what she's doing, and I feel quite sure that I'll only be free once she allows it. "Could you not have done that earlier?"

"Why? You're not bored, are you?" She asks with mock concern, moving into a cross legged position on her desk chair.

"No, just wondering why you'd go to the trouble of tying me up if you're just going to paint your nails."

"Well, you'll still be there when I'm done, m'kay? Anyway, seeing as you're having so much fun I'm going to go downstairs and do some chores." I look at her incredulously, while Louise stands up, giving me the smuggest looking grin that I've ever seen.

"You're not seriously going to just leave me here while you tidy up or whatever?" I complain, only able to watch as she makes her way towards the door. "And just because I said I'm not bored doesn't mean I'm having loads of fun." She stops just short of the exit, and slowly turns around, placing her hands on her hips.

"I was going to wait a while before I do this but you're just annoying me too much right now," Louise says with a sigh, moving behind me where I can't see. Just as I'm about to respond, I feel Louise stuff a soft, fluffy fabric into my slightly open mouth. "Open up," she adds commandingly, as if it were necessary. Slowly, she pushes the gag further until it almost completely fills my mouth, muffling my complaints thoroughly. Before I have a chance to spit it out, Louise takes a thin blue scarf from the side of the bed and wraps it around my head and between my lips, before tightly knotting it off at the base of my neck.

Stepping back slightly while I angrily struggle and curse her through the gag, Louise smiles with satisfaction, before bending down and squeezing my crotch through my jeans slightly. "Trust me darling, you are definitely having fun," she observes with a laugh, before finally leaving the bedroom as planned.

To be continued....


Author's note - Thanks again for the responses, I really appreciate them. I'm feeling a bit more confident in my writing now, but this was a difficult part to write. I hope that the differences in tone aren't too jarring between the time periods, but I hope it's becoming clear how it all fits together.
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Post by Chris »

A great story!
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Part 4

May 2018

Louise has a way with words that naturally draws you in. So much so that I had told her just as much earlier this evening. Now though, as she was promising to tell me another of her most exciting stories, I found myself subconsciously leaning forward on the edge of my seat. Were we sat this closely together earlier? I can't remember.

"Go on then, let's hear it. What kind of antics have you and Rachel been getting up to this time?" Rachel is Louise's best friend at university, they share a house with a couple of other people, but I don't know their names. Invariably, most of Louise's stories involved Rachel in some way shape or form - I've never met the girl, but from what I gather she and Louise are definitely cut from the same cloth.

Louise giggled, "How did you know she'd be involved?"

"She's always involved," I respond knowingly, but still aware that 'involved' could mean anything with Louise. She laughs, nodding, as if to say, "Fair enough!"

"Well, as you've guessed, it's about Rachel and I," Louise starts, before pausing momentarily, perhaps to consider how to do this story - whatever it is - justice. "So, we were at home one weekend, it was just us and Alex that day - wait, I haven't told you about the rest of my housemates, have I?"

I shake my head. "I don't think so." Louise looks almost cross with herself for having not told me sooner.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew who I lived with!" She shakes her head, before getting back into the flow of storytelling again. "Well, Rachel and I live with two other guys - Alex and Max. They both study politics in the same year as us, pretty cool guys to be honest - you'd like them. Anyway, Max had gone home for the weekend so it was just the three of us, I guess we all should have been studying really, but you know how some days you just feel like doing absolutely anything else?"

"Yeah, I know the exact feeling!" Louise smiles broadly before she continues; I notice for the first time that she has dimples when she smiles. I'd never noticed that before - am I really that unobservant? I continue to watch her with a smile as she rapidly tells me all the details of her living arrangements, getting quite animated about it - she's extremely easy to listen to, I find myself thinking.

"Anyway - so this story - just the three of us for the weekend, and Rachel comes into my room suddenly - she always does that when she's bored. I ask her what's up, and she starts going on about how Alex is downstairs supposedly 'studying' while watching the TV, and she was saying how she couldn't concentrate."

"Was he actually doing any studying?"

"Of course not! I mean, I'm not saying that men can't multitask, but come on..."

"That's a myth! We just...choose not to sometimes."

"Don't think I've ever seen you multitask in my life," Louise fires back accusingly, but not in an unfriendly way.

"Clearly you haven't been paying enough attention. See? I'm listening to you and drinking beer at the same time!" I respond sarcastically. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes in exasperation.

"Whatever - we're getting off topic here. You wanna here this or not?" Yes - obviously, the answer is yes, but I don't even need to give Louise further invitation before she carries on. "So, I've got Rachel bursting into my room complaining about Alex, and we talk for a while - obviously neither of us are getting anything done, and we're bored. So, then Rachel is like, 'You know what we should do? Let's go and tie up Alex, that'll show him.' And then we did!"

"You did what?" I ask in surprise, wanting to make sure I heard her correctly. Louise laughs at my apparent shock.

"We tied him up. With rope - and a couple of scarves if I remember rightly. He was not happy about it! At first anyway - once he realised, he wasn't going anywhere I think he started to enjoy being our footstool." I raise an eyebrow, scarcely believing that this had actually happened. Why shouldn't it have though? Besides, I could tell from the way Louise was speaking that this really was true.

"You made him your footstool? And he just laid there and took it?"

"Well not at first, we really had to wrap him up good. And we had to gag with one of Rachel's scarves when he wouldn't stop swearing. He was pretty docile after that. I think he kinda enjoyed having two girls overpower him like that though." This story was just getting crazier with every detail! Nevertheless, I was more than intrigued.

"Where do you even get ropes from?" I find myself asking her.

"Oh, Rachel just keeps a bunch in her room." As if suddenly realising something, she goes on to explain, "I should say, she and I like to tie each other up from time to time. That's why."

"You tie each other up? Regularly?" I ask, dumbly. For some reason though, Louise is patient with my dumb and obvious questions.

"Sure, it's fun!" Then comes the question that she's been building towards this whole time. "Do you wanna find out how fun?" I don't respond immediately, but a part of my mind wills me to say yes from the moment the question leaves her mouth. I know that I will say yes. There's something about that story, about her, maybe in the way that she tells it, or the way that she looks at me this very second, that intrigues me more than anything else.


August 2018

With the time to return to university for our final year quickly approaching, Miles and I are busy getting ready for the year ahead, but luckily there's still plenty of time for us to chill out. It had been a while since I had last been to his place, I admit to myself as my friend brings in the pizzas that we ordered.

"Nice, thanks for this," I say, carefully picking up a slice.

"No problem, I've been craving something like this for ages," says Miles, gleefully opening his typically meat-riddled pizza.

"You're gonna need a new heart before you're done eating that," I respond, eyeing the chunks of the meat scattered over Miles' pizza with suspicion. He laughs, before beginning to eat without hesitation. Shaking my head, I turn my attention to my own food, and for a few moments we eat in silence, both of us starving.

"So, tell me boss, what's been going on lately?" Miles asks after a short while. Immediately I find my thoughts wandering to Louise - I mean what else has happened these last few months? Still, I figured that it would be best for me to save that bombshell for another day. I trust Miles, and I know he would be completely understanding - supportive even - but some part of me wants this to remain between me and Louise for now.

"Not as much as you'd think really, mate. Exams went about as well as they could have done. You only had a couple, right?"

"Yeah, wasn't too bad for me. Meant I had more time for football too. Think I might have a shot at captaincy this year," he says hopefully.

"Go for it, you've got nothing to lose."

"Yeah, that's true. Anyway, you been in touch with anyone much recently? You ought to - you know what our mates are like," he said with genuine concern. Almost more than anyone, he'd been there for me since the year began the way it did. After all, Miles is my oldest friend. Well, when I say the oldest, I don't mean in terms of age, but rather that I've been friends with him longer than anyone else. Come to think of it, I don't know who my oldest friend would be. Maybe it is actually Miles now that I think about it - it is coming up to his birthday soon.

"Yeah, don't worry, I've kept in touch with people - seen James a couple of times, spoken to Sam, Louise and Melissa too. And all the guys at uni obviously." A sudden look of recollection appeared on Miles' face, sparing me the possibility of having to explain how much Louise and I had been seeing each other.

"Oh, have you heard about those two yet?" I must look very confused to him - surely, he's not referring to Louise, is he? "Sam and Melissa? Sam told me that she spent the night with him a few weeks ago. Whaddya make of that?" Internally, I breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, it was nothing to do with me or Louise - I really need to stop being so paranoid. Obviously not because we've done anything wrong, but I wouldn't want my best friend thinking that I've kept anything from him.

"Really? Wow, I wasn't sure if anything was gonna happen with them." In truth, I think we had all had our suspicions about them for at least a few months now, but neither of them seem particularly the type to make the first move. Especially Melissa, though she has been through a lot after all.

"Thought it might take 'em a couple more years yet!" Miles adds jokingly. He lives for this kind of conversation and does his best to surround himself with plenty of people who are 'in the know' back at uni. The evening continues to pass without incident, and its times like these that I never want to end, yet always seem to be over far too soon.

After a quick session on a few of our favourite games, the time comes for me to head home. I know that I'll miss having Miles close by, but we'll at least see each other a few times over the year. As if reading my mind, he speaks up while I lace up my shoes by the door. "Before you go, I've been meaning to say - I'm thinking of throwing together one last, big outing for everyone before uni restarts. You up for it?"

"Of course - just give me a time and place and we're good." No need to ask me twice, it's another thing for me to look forward to. As we say our goodbyes, I think ahead to my plans for the coming year. In my tiredness though, I forget to ask Miles an important question - who else is going?


June 2018

Since the door closed behind Louise, I am left alone, and with no idea for how long it will last. Had this been her plan all along? Did she get a kick out of tying me up and leaving me alone? This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I had agreed to it, but then again, what did I have in mind? After struggling in my bonds for a few minutes, I decide to lie still and listen out for any noise from downstairs. It's completely silent however, besides the ticking of the clock on Louise's bedside; with no sound to go on, I have no idea what Louise could be doing downstairs.

With little to distract me, I find it hard not to focus on the gag filling my mouth - almost immediately I had noticed a slightly unpleasant, sweaty taste to it, and it's very fluffy too, so I'm assuming that it's some kind of sock. I had tried shouting for Louise right after she had gone, but I quickly came to realise that it was futile, and besides, the gag prevented me from saying anything understandable anyway; it's better for me to stay quiet and wait for her return.

Thinking about her, Louise had always been an confident, outgoing person, but in this situation I can tell that she's in her element, enjoying the power over me. Was she thinking about me as much as I'm thinking about her? It's funny how thoughts like that pop into your head - especially something like that, which there is of course no way of knowing. And what does it matter really? Then again, I had little better to do, given my current position.

Although I can hear the clock, I would have to completely turn around to see it, and I have no idea what time Louise left the room anyway, which makes any attempt to work out how long I've been like this impossible. Instead, I decide to try and wriggle free of my bonds again, but it feels relatively hopeless. Louise has used her ropes expertly - I have clearly underestimated her experience with this - and I notice how she has taken care to hide every single knot out of my potential reach. Is it flattering that she's clearly gone to such an effort to keep me restrained like this? Maybe.

After a short bout of struggling, I decide that it's simply not worth it. The ropes around my legs maybe feel a little looser, but that's not saying very much. Basically, I'm going nowhere fast. Instead of escaping, my priority shifts to getting as comfortable as possible. I'd like to sit up, and spot the soft, lilac pillows at the end of the bed - they'd make the perfect place for me to sit up against. After a few moments, I decide that the best way to move from a prone position into a sitting one is to carefully swing my bound legs over the side of the bed and try to get my feet on the floor.

Surprisingly, it's not as difficult as I thought it might be, and soon I'm shuffling along towards the headboard of the bed, where I shift backwards, bringing my legs back up. Another moment later after turning myself around, I lean back against the pillows and breathe a sigh of relief. No longer exerting myself, the taste of the gag returns to my point of focus. By now, whatever has been stuffed in my mouth is soaked through, but still tastes no better. I notice a few locks of my hair are strewn over my face; I know I must look a ridiculous state right now.

Mercifully, Louise returns; I instinctively turn my head towards the door at the sound of the handle being turned. She struts in as before, still with the same level of confidence and the same, mischievous smile on her face. "Still how I left you, I see?" She says with a quiet satisfaction, not even acknowledging my change in position. "Did you have fun while I was gone?" I utter a series of muffled complaints in response to her teasing.

Louise walks over to the bed and sits down, facing me. "You're still pretty noisy with that, I see. No problem though... You know I heard you downstairs a few times?" Clearly enjoying the one-sided conversation, she continues while checking on her bindings. "You love it really, even if you are a little bit flustered," she says, leaning into me, before whispering into my ear, "besides, I like keeping boys waiting." Without another word, her left-hand roams between my legs, and before long I find myself moaning contentedly through the gag, sporting a full erection.

Pausing for a moment, Louise looks me in the eyes, possibly considering an idea for a moment. "Do you want more?" she whispers seductively. Without hesitation, or having to even think about it, I find myself nodding. Her smile widens, and I watch as she pulls off her top over her head. I have no time to admire her shapely figure though, as she quickly wraps it around my head, blindfolding me. I moan with frustration, but Louise quickly quietens me down, her hand returning to my erection. "Now, I think there are a few too many clothes in the way here, hmm?"

To be continued....


Author's note - Thanks again for the feedback and to everyone following this story. The next part is planned out and in progress, and it's really going to shake things up, so I hope you're still enjoying it! I welcome any further feedback, so let me know what you guys think!
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Post by cj2125 »

I missed this story before but it's actually quite good! Love the nonlinear narrative and you have a way with words to describe the protagonists thoughts and emotions. I'm intrigued to see where his and Louise's relationship goes! Looking forwards the next part!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Part 5

September 2018

I can sense trouble in the air almost as soon as I take my place at the table alongside Miles. Not everyone has arrived yet, but something just feels off. It's nothing to do with the place - my friend had prepared well, booking us a large table in a secluded corner of one of our hometown's most popular Italian restaurants. Why didn't I ask if they were coming? I wonder to myself.

Outwardly, I play the part of my usual self - catching up with my friends who are at least here already. As well as myself and Miles, both Sam and his bespectacled younger sister Katie are sat at the table for now. Just after we sit down, another pair from our group arrives - Jack and Brandon. Strictly speaking, Brandon wasn't part of our regular group - he was a bit older than us, and mostly just tagged along with Jack from time to time.

Miles, ever the enthusiastic host, greets the new arrivals warmly, before offering to get the pair some drinks from the bar. While he's gone, I notice an uncomfortable amount of silence drift across the table. While the early arrivals are sat close to me at one end of the table, Jack and Brandon seem to make a point of sitting as far away from us as possible, not addressing Sam in particular.

"So, Katie, how was life as a fresher?" I ask, desperately trying to ease the growing tension. Katie has just completed her first year at university, so it seems polite to take an interest. She's always been a bit of a nervous type.

"Erm... Pretty good, not at all what I was expecting!" She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose a little awkwardly while speaking. We continue chatting for a while longer, making light conversation, but I'm acutely aware of this strange, silent rift that divides the table. Sam pretty much completely turns his back on the two men at the other end of the table, while they talk quietly amongst themselves.

Mercifully, Miles quickly returns, and with welcome company. "Alright everyone? Good to see you all again!" One of my oldest and closest friends, James, strides in and dramatically throws off his oversized Superdry jacket before taking a seat at the centre of the table. The man likes to play up for an audience, sure, but it's the self-awareness that goes with it that makes him such a likeable person.

"New haircut I see," I point out, gesturing towards his slightly longer, slick black hairstyle, and accompanying beard. From years of playing hockey, tennis and a myriad of other sports, James lays claims to a remarkably athletic build, and his chiselled jawline has been the envy of many a girl since our teenage years.

"Felt like growing it out for a while, cause why not?" He casts an eye around the table expectantly. "Anyway, where is everyone? I'm normally the last one to arrive to these sorts of things!"

"Don't know mate, we've still got another five chairs to fill by my count," says Miles, chiming in.

"That Maths degree's working wonders, I see," James jokes in retaliation. The mood is lifted for a while until the next arrivals come in. From my position, with my back to the wall, I watch as two women in their early twenties stride towards the table. On the left is the short, freckled Melissa, who unsurprisingly takes a seat beside Sam. To her right is Louise, who chooses to sit directly opposite me.

Striking as ever, Louise has her wavy blonde hair down tonight, resting on the shoulders of a stylish, loose fitting top that's tucked into the tightest pair of leather leggings that I've ever set eyes upon. She greets everyone else as normal, and offers me a quick, friendly smile. While everyone else talks freely amongst themselves, Louise included, I can't be sure how I should act. Is it really obvious between us? What's everyone else thinking? Maybe I'm overthinking it. That's what Rosie would tell me.

The confusing back and forth of my inner thoughts is interrupted by the final arrivals, the ones that I had been dreading all evening. "Hi guys, sorry we're late, had to fill up my car with petrol on the way." The voice belongs to Adrian, the effortlessly smooth and 'trendy' new member of our group. James had made friends with him quickly at university, before discovering that Adrian actually lived quite close by. To clarify, it's not Adrian whose arrival I'd been dreading - it was who had come with him. Both my ex-girlfriend and her older sister, Emily, had hitched a ride with him this evening, and now was the first time I had seen either of them for over half a year.

Rosie looked as lovely as ever and had grown her hair longer than I had ever seen it before. Her sister was practically the spitting image of her, albeit slightly taller; it wasn't unusual for them to be mistaken for twins. The trio say their hellos, and when Rosie makes a point of politely greeting me as normal before taking the remaining seat at Jack and Brandon's end of the table, I feel a pang of guilt. Popular amongst everyone here and having been absent for a while means that the sisters get a warm welcome from everyone else.

With all twelve of us now present, Miles takes the lead in arranging for food to be ordered. As we wait, I look around at the table and see what everyone else is talking about. Almost immediately I can tell that I'm not the only one feeling uncomfortable here, judging by the looks on several faces. More or less everyone else is engrossed in conversation to notice that I'm not exactly comfortable. Until I face Louise, who's staring straight at me.

"What's up with you? You look spaced out," she says to me.

"Nothing, I'm fine, just feels like something's going on, y'know..." She rolls her eyes and gives me a look that tells me I'm being ridiculous. Maybe I'm making it obvious - she's at least managing to keep her cool, maybe I should try and follow her lead.

"What's going on?" Miles suddenly chimes in from beside me, showcasing his unnatural ability to partake in multiple conversations at once at the worst possible time. He looks between Louise and I eagerly, waiting for a response.


June 2018

Louise wastes no time in undoing my jeans, pulling them down as far as her ropes will permit. Just when I think that she's made me wait long enough, I feel her hands move away, and she sits still for a while.

"Hmmph?" I mumble, wondering what's going on. Unable to see, I can only imagine what Louise is doing, or thinking right now. What kind of expression is she looking at me with, what does she think of me? Is she having second thoughts about this? My doubts are curtailed when she finally speaks.

"Do you want me?" She asks simply, in a different voice to how she's been talking up to now. It's less playful, and softer, but no less inviting. I consider why she would ask me that now before nodding my head. I hear a brief, contented sigh, before she continues. "You know that you can't stop me from touching you, or doing whatever I want with you, like this, don't you?" Again, I nod my head, and her words only serve to turn me on even more.

I feel her move forwards slightly, so that I can feel her breath on my face. "I promise not to take advantage of you, ever. But I want you to know that I am in control here, understand?" She hardly waits for my response before continuing her speech. One of her hands reaches down and gently strokes me through my underwear.

"This last bit is important - what I like about doing this," she says, playfully tugging on the ropes around my chest for emphasis, "is not just about doing whatever I want, it's about you being unable to control what you want." Her hand ramps up the pace ever so slightly, working me up even further.

"So, I'll ask again, do you want me?" To drive the point home, she pulls her hand away, just as I am on the verge of ecstasy. Without even realising it, I find myself trying to thrust my crotch in the air, searching for her hand, but Louise just laughs. I moan through the gag with desperation, driven by pure lust as I nod my head more vigorously this time.

"Good boy." Louise responds, with a content little laugh. Carefully, she pulls me forwards into a prone position on my back, before gently pulling down my underwear; still extremely hard, I feel myself spring upwards as soon as I'm free of the garment.

Louise gladly takes hold of me once again and rhythmically works her hand up and down, driving me into a frenzy. I press my head back into the bedsheets and lose myself in the sensation of being touched like this whilst unable to do anything myself. Teasingly, Louise once again removes her hand after a while, before I feel a soft, fluffy fabric being slipped over my shaft.

"Seeing as you like chewing on my woolly sock so much, thought I'd let you enjoy the feel of the other one," Louise says, resuming her work by taking hold of me through the sock. Somehow, knowing that she is using the pair of the sock that is stuffed in my mouth - coupled with the fact that she has worn them recently - is quite a turn on for me, which comes as a surprise.

The combination of Louise's teasing remarks and her 'handiwork' deeply turns me on, and I find myself uncontrollably moaning through my gag. Breathing heavily through my nose, I desperately hope that she won't stop this time. Each and every time I feel her hand run up and down my length, gently squeezing occasionally, I get closer to ecstasy.

"Looks like this is working well - might need a longer sock next time," Louise teases. "You look really hot tied up; this was such a good idea..."

Unable to see, my remaining senses feel heightened by my captor's actions. Perhaps it's the intended effect, but in this moment all that exists to me are the conditions Louise has put me in. I feel the soaked, but still full taste of the sock gag on my taste buds. I feel the tightness of the ropes, constricting around my body every time I try to move. I feel her strong legs either side of my own. Finally, I feel her hand around my shaft, working towards a singular goal. Nothing else exists but this.

Maybe a few minutes later - I have no perception of time - the intensity of my situation is overwhelming, and my body can resist no longer. With one final movement, my body jerks upwards as I achieve the most powerful orgasm I have ever experienced. Almost immediately, I feel the characteristic warm stickiness fill up inside the sock, somehow complimenting the softness and warmth of the material surrounding me.

Louise lets out a sigh of delight, and without letting go of me, leans forwards to give me a kiss on the cheek.


September 2018

Mercifully, the awkward silence between myself, Miles and Louise is interrupted by the sound of raised voices from the other end of the table.

"Just piss off, will you? It's none of your business," I catch Sam saying across the table in Jack's direction. The distance between the two men results in there being more than a few uncomfortable looking faces stuck in the middle of whatever is going on.

"All I'm saying is you don't her as well as you think," Jack retorts loudly. Judging by how Melissa sinks further into her seat, I surmise that Jack's referring to her.

"And she already told you to leave her alone, okay?"

"You don't even know what's been said!" The increasingly raised voices are beginning to attract the attention of a few tables on the other side of the room. With no one else seemingly willing to, I decide to step in.

"Look guys, let's calm it down. Maybe we should get some air," I offer to no one in particularly, and begin to stand up, but I hope that the irate Jack will take it up at least.

"It's fine. I don't want to talk about it anymore," Sam says calmly.

"Just stay out of this, mate. You don't know what's going on," Jack aims towards me.

"Yeah, I don't care really, I'm just trying to think of everyone else at this table and cool things down, okay?" I say, glancing at Louise, who gives me a look of encouragement. "Let's get some air."

"Thinking of everyone else? That's so rich coming from you!" Jack scoffs suddenly, ignoring my repeated offer. "Mate, I've seen your car outside her house." He lets the words hang over the table ominously, while I struggle to think of a response. Of all the people here, he knows. I feel multiple pairs of eyes turn towards me, examining me, no doubt all thinking the same thing.

Slowly, I lower myself back into my chair, but I know that I need to say something soon. "Let's just leave it there," I say solemnly. My reaction was probably the greatest admission of guilt I could have managed, but I was caught off guard, I tell myself. I exchange a look with Louise and for the first time I see genuine sadness in her eyes.

There are a few hushed whispers around the table, before Jack and his sidekick, Brandon, decide to finally take my advice and head outside. A little too late for my liking. "Maybe it's best if we all take a break for a few minutes, just to clear the air," I hear someone suggest, before there's a few nods and comments of agreement. Only a handful of people remain behind, including myself, but I feel Miles nudge my shoulder before forcefully ushering me outside, away from everyone.

"What the hell was that all about? What have you done?" Despite his tone, the look in my friend's eyes is not one of anger, but of disappointment. Maybe with a little confusion thrown in there. I take a deep breath, focussing on the cool outdoor air on my face to try and compose myself.

"I've...been seeing someone." I keep it vague to see if Miles can infer the rest, and sure enough, he does.

"You can't be serious... Not with Louise..." He seems equally as surprised as he is unsurprised. "Why wouldn't you tell anyone about this? Not even me?" I realise now just how hurt and betrayed my friend feels for not hearing about this from me. Not only that, but despite what he says, he doesn't mean 'anyone', he means Rosie - and he's right. She shouldn't hear about it like this. Like that.

"It was just going to be between us to start with - believe me, I would have told Rosie by now if I knew that idiot was going to spill everything like that."

"Forget about him - he's my problem to worry about now, I made the mistake of inviting him here. But you need to fix this mess." Miles declares, pointing his finger into my chest. I need no further invitation, and I leave my friend behind to find Rosie - she deserves to know what's been going on.

Unfortunately for me, when I find her just around the corner, she's already being spoken to. By none other than Louise.

To be continued….


Author’s note – I was going to stick with doing three scenes in this part for consistency, but I figured the September 2018 scene has so much going on that it needed more attention.

[mention]Tiedandgagged[/mention] – Thanks for the continued support, I hope this part lived up to expectations!

[mention]cj2125[/mention] – Thank you for commenting, I’m glad that the nonlinear narrative is going down well. I’ve got a good idea for where things will be going with Louise and the protagonist, so I hope you enjoy what’s to come!
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Post by Rtj65 »

[mention]Tiedandgagged[/mention] - Glad to hear it! And I feel like that would be quite a different story :lol:
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Post by cj2125 »

Good addition! Frankly I'm enjoying both sides of the story, both his time tied up by Louise and the interpersonal dram going on with his friends. It seems both sides are about to collide, can't wait to see what's going to happen!
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Post by Rtj65 »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] Glad you're enjoying both sides of things! It's definitely headed that way, things are about to get a lot more complicated for our protagonist and his friends!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Part 6

September 2018

It's only as I'm in the process of approaching Rosie and Louise that I realise one important thing - I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to say when I get there. Besides, there are a million thoughts racing through my mind right now, and just as many emotions to go with them, it seems. Was it always going to come out like this? Everyone else at that table must have pieced it all together now if they hadn't already. Maybe I should have told Rosie sooner, one to one. But how do you even begin that conversation?

The thoughts racing through my head are quick, but my legs are even quicker. I don't feel fully in control over how quickly I'm walking, like I'm being pulled forwards by an underlying sense of moral duty. As I get closer, Rosie spots me, looking at me over Louise's shoulder. It doesn't take a genius to work out that she's upset.

"I'm just so sorry that you had to hear it like this, I honestly wanted to tell you as soon as you arrived, but it didn't seem right in front of everyone." Louise attempts to console my ex-girlfriend, and judging from the silence that follows, realises that I've arrived. She turns her head and glances at me solemnly.

I stand there awkwardly for a moment, as the two women pause their conversation to hear me speak. Looking between the two of them guiltily, the words just seem to get stuck in my throat, though I'm not sure what they are.

"Something you'd like to say?" Rosie's voice doesn't sound as angry as I thought it might, but I can tell that she's putting on a front to try and conceal how upset she is. In the background I can hear Miles' voice as he tries to usher the rest of the group back inside.

"I- I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this." It's all I can manage to say at first, but it makes the rest somewhat easier. Rosie, to her credit, stands and listens patiently as the rest of my rambling apology pours out. Mercifully, she accepts it, before sighing and looking up at the sky. I can tell that she's trying to blink back tears.

"I think all of this could have been avoided had we just talked things through months ago. You had a right to know what was going on before everyone else, and for you to get so upset is the last thing that either of us wants. Really this is my fault, I started this, so I should have come to you right away." Louise steps in, placing a reassuring hand on Rosie's arm. It seems to help; whatever had been said before I arrived must have helped the situation somewhat, which only makes me feel guiltier.

"Thank you for at least trying to think of me, even if it has come a bit late," Rosie says quietly. Louise looks between the two of us, and I realise that she is much more difficult to read. She gives me a look that makes me think that she's trying to silently tell me something, but I can't tell what it is.

"Look, I think the two of you need to talk this out alone for a bit." Louise suggests, slowly walking away before I can object. Finally, Rosie summons the strength to look me in the eyes for the first time since I last spoke.

"I don't think you realise quite why I'm upset," Rosie says. "It's not my place to decide what you can and can't do, but..." As she goes on, I start to realise my real mistake here. I recall my apology from minutes ago, and realise that all I have been doing is telling Rosie how sorry I am, how guilty I am. I've only been thinking of myself, even though I genuinely don't want to hurt her. All I've managed is show her how bad I feel, rather than show her that I care about how she feels.

"I'm sorry. We should have known better than to try and keep this a secret right under your nose. I wasn't thinking of you, and that's not okay. You're still my friend and you should have known about this from the get-go." I immediately feel better for getting that point across, and Rosie forces a weak smile.

"Thank you." For a moment it seems like some hope is restored in her, but this is still difficult for her, I'm sure. "You're so frustrating." She adds after a moment, as if realising it suddenly. "Sometimes - like just then - you're incredibly mature, you know just what to say. But why does it always come too late?"

I look around as if it will help me come up with a response, but the truth is I don't know what to say. Clearly not expecting a response, she continues. "What has upset me most tonight is that I had to hear about what's happened from her before I hear it from you." Judging by Rosie's tone, I can tell that she's not forgotten about some of the things Louise has done in the past. "I at least thought that you would come to me right away and tell me exactly what Jack was going on about, but no, I had to listen as Louise told me about what's been going on between you two. All while you're presumably sat twiddling your thumbs, feeling sorry for yourself. Do you know how humiliating that conversation was?"

It's only now that she raises her voice; it's obvious that she's been suppressing her feelings the whole time, but simply couldn't hold them in any longer. I stand there and take it; she's entitled to be angry. "I'm sorry, Rosie. You should have heard it from me." She lots out a long, exhausted sigh.

"Fine, it's fine, it doesn't matter now. See you later." With that, Rosie walks away, presumably to head home, before I can say anything else. Shortly after, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Look mate, don't worry about it. It's shit, but it's done now. Give it time, things will be good between everyone again." Miles stands beside me, trying to reassure me. I wonder how this might affect everyone else now.

"Maybe for you Miles, you're not in the middle of this," I say, turning to face my friend. Beside him, James observes us quietly; I find his presence reassuring. Maybe I haven't managed to lose all of my friends.

"Think Adrian told Jack and Brandon to get packing as well," says James. "We should head back inside; I think we could all do with a drink." I'm tempted to just go straight home and go to bed, but maybe no one else will speak up about me if I'm still here. It's easier to talk behind people's backs. Unless you're Jack, apparently.

"Go on then, I'm hungry."

"Yes! Although I was hoping for a nice group photo, and now almost everyone's left, so nice one," says Miles, nudging me in the side, although there is no malintent behind it; he's just trying to cheer me up. I shake my head, unable to completely suppress a smile, and three of us head back inside.


January 2016

It's an uncharacteristically sunny, yet still cold, day for this time of year as I take my seat in the garden. "Should've brought your sunglasses." Opposite me, I see that Rosie hasn't made the same mistake as me; her eyes shielded by the dark, red-rimmed pair of glasses that she bought last summer.

"Funnily enough I didn't think of that," I say, remembering the last two weeks of virtually non-stop rain. Rosie smirks slightly, looking up from her book, which she sets on the table by her side.

"We should go for a walk somewhere later, while it's still nice."

"Sure, have anywhere in mind?"

"Not really, does your car need any petrol?" She shakes her head, turning to look down towards the end of the garden, where a few naked trees shiver in the cold, winter air. It's quiet but for a gentle breeze, and the faint noise of bustling, Saturday afternoon traffic in the city centre, a mile or so away. Weekends like these are a welcome break from the frantic pace of our first year at university; our first year as proper adults.

"You should get your hair cut like that more often, it's nice," Rosie says sweetly, referring to my recently trimmed locks. I'd had less off the top this time around, and apparently it suits me.

"Thanks, I will. Have you seen what Melissa's done to her hair?" Melissa had chosen to dye a portion of her hair bright orange and had posted a picture of it online - brighter even than my own, back in our school days. I don't think I can be the only who thinks it looks a little bit ridiculous.

Rosie laughs briefly, then shakes her head. "Come on, don't say it like that, it's not that bad." I raise an eyebrow suspiciously. "Okay, it does look really weird on her. But she's had a rough time of it recently, she's probably just trying to have some fun."

That sounds odd, I had no idea until now that she was going through something. "What's happened then?"

"Y'know that guy she met during freshers' week? Yeah, he was kind of a dick to her."

"I remember. What did he do?"

"Well, you know how if we send pictures to each other, we swear to keep everything private?" Rosie waits to see if I fill in the blanks before continuing, but I catch her meaning.

"Oh, I see. That's really awful." I suddenly feel quite bad for making fun of her hair. We sit in silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's presence, neither one of us taking our eyes off the other.

"Are you cold?" She asks suddenly, folding her arms closely against her chest.

"A little bit, yeah."

"Shall we go inside? Up to my room?" Rosie says suggestively.

"Thought you'd never ask!"


December 2018

"You strip so quickly for me now," Louise observes opposite me. I take a seat on her bed, wearing only my black boxers and a pair of ankle socks.

"Well, there's no time to lose," I respond, always trying to keep pace with Louise's snappy remarks. "Anyway, what are we using today?"

"Well, I will be using something very special today..." Louise muses mysteriously, venturing over to her wardrobe to have a quick rummage inside. I can't help but steal a glance at her gorgeous, legging-clad thighs and rear. Her legs are deceptively strong, as I had learnt the last time that I had visited her.

When Louise turns around, her face is a portrait of excitement mixed with glee as she brandishes her oversized, fluffy pink dressing gown. "Your taste in clothes has always been a little...lacklustre," she says, carefully choosing the appropriate word to insult my fashion sense with. "So, I'm going to fix that."

"You're going to tie me up in that?" Louise laughs at me.

"Not in it silly, with it." She advances on me with the gown, holding it open in front of her. "Arms out, please." Narrowing my eyes suspiciously, I do as am told, holding my arms out in front of me. I feel the soft, fuzzy material slip over my bare arms as Louise guides the garment onto me back to front, and I begin to see what she has in mind.

"How often do your wear this?" I ask, as the thick sleeves reach my shoulders, and Louise begins pulling the rest of the gown around my midriff towards my back. Already I notice that the sleeves are far too long for me - or Louise for that matter - this gown is basically a giant, snuggly blanket with sleeves more than anything else.

"Only when it's cold. Like today, I suppose." It's true, it does feel cold inside the house, especially since I stripped down to my underwear. Maybe Louise is being altruistic by doing it this way. Standing close to me, she tightly pulls the gown closed at the small of my back, covering as much of my bare torso as she can.

"What do you think? Is pink my colour?" I joke while waiting for Louise to finish 'dressing' me. She smirks infectiously, her bright blue eyes shining; she's in her element doing this.

"Oh, definitely," she responds, unconvincingly. "You look ready for a spa weekend."

"Can't think of anything worse!" She raises an eyebrow, seductively. I feel the cord being tightly tied in a knot behind me, keeping the gown in place.

"Great, I'll book us one for the new year then!" Louise says, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I long for more, but she pulls away, nonchalantly dusting off the gown's sleeves. She gets a kick out of teasing me like that, I just know it. "In all seriousness I could really do with next year being a little bit more relaxing, wouldn't you agree?"

"Amen to that. What a weird year it has been." While I speak, Louise doesn't stop her process of securing me in her makeshift straitjacket, pulling the ends of the enormous sleeves beyond my hands, gesturing me to fold them across my chest. I know that I could resist, but I simply don't want to. There are times when doing nothing is a choice in itself - as I know all too well.

"What, you mean me tying you up in my fluffy pink dressing gown is weird?" Louise says mockingly. "Or do you mean that it's weird how you're letting me do this?" She grins, knowing full well what I actually mean.

"I mean everything that's happened. Though I guess you could include this," I say, looking down towards my feet. Although the sleeves are far too big, the gown only comes down to just below my knees. My legs will get cold at this rate.

"Look, next year will be better. We'll get everything sorted out." Louise pulls the sleeves around me, stretching them behind my back until she can knot them together. I feel my arms pressed right up against my chest, trapped within the warm confines of the dressing gown. "But for now, we'll get you sorted out," she continues, moving away to grab some more bindings. Obviously, my legs are still free, but I'm still not fully sure what else Louise has in store.

"I can get behind that," I say, watching as Louise advances on me with a pair of her special ropes. Just the sight of them reminds me of those first, adventurous times we had over the summer...

Louise, for her part, just rolls her eyes, and sets about tying my ankles together. She's an expert; if she wants me to stay put, then there's little I can do about it. "There we go! Looking good, nice and accessible too," she purrs, gently lifting the bottom of the gown to get a glimpse at my crotch. Being tied up by this seductress - no matter the method - always has an obvious effect on my 'mood'. "Good thing my dressing gown covers up your 'indecency'. Now, shall we go downstairs?"

"Downstairs? You said nothing about that...."

To be continued....


Author's note - Hope everyone is still enjoying this, I've still got a lot in the pipeline, and the next part is already partially written. As always, any further feedback would be hugely appreciated! What would you like to see happen to the main characters? Are there any characters you'd like to see more of?
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Post by Rtj65 »

[mention]Tiedandgagged[/mention] - Thanks again, I really appreciate it! Glad you're enjoying the banter too, the dialogue is usually the part that I'm least sure of, so I'm glad it's going down well! The next couple of chapters should start to bring a few of the current characters into play a bit more, so there will be more to come!
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Post by Meghan386 »

Great story!
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Post by cj2125 »

Good character development for all involved! The robe being used as a straightjacket was a nice touch! Really enjoying reading this story so far!
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Post by Rtj65 »

[mention]Meghan386[/mention] and [mention]cj2125[/mention] - Thank you both, glad to hear you're enjoying it! Next chapter should be up some time in the next few days!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Part 7

February 2019

This is a terrible idea. It's too cold for this. I wrap my arms around my midriff, trying not to shiver while my teeth chatter. Finally, Miles emerges from the clubhouse, jogging onto the small pitch to join us.

"Took his bloody time," Sam says from my side. He has the sense to wear long sleeves over his thermals, unlike me. I jog on the spot to try and warm myself up, glad that I at least decided to wear my thermal leggings beneath my shorts.

"It's so cold Miles, what's taken you so long?"

"It's fine, we'll warm up in a minute!" Miles dropped the football he was carrying onto the ground, while ignoring my question. For the first time in what feels like ages, the three of us are playing football together again.

"What were you doing? It took you longer to get ready than it did for me to come all this way!" laments Sam, who had spent several hours on the train to get here. My place of study, on the other hand, was closer to Miles', making days like these more regular for me than for Sam.

Miles scoffs and brushes off the question, and soon all is forgotten as the three of us have a kickabout. It's a liberating change of pace from the day-to-day stresses of studying, something that has had little let up in recent weeks - for me at least.

After an errant pass from Miles sends Sam scrambling across the field, we pause. "So, how are things going with Lou?" He asks me suddenly.

"Yeah, pretty good, it's all very relaxed," I say. Every time the topic of Louise comes up with Miles, I feel a pang of guilt for not telling him about us sooner. "She's coming to mine again next week actually."

"Glad to hear it mate, last time I spoke to her she said everything was great," Miles responds with a knowing wink.

"It's all good, I'm just sorry that it ruined your dinner party!"

"Don't worry about it, Jack's fault."

"He's got even worse lately," Sam interjects, having returned with the ball.

"Has he? No surprises there, what's he done?"

"Won't stop texting Mel - he actually got a new number after she blocked him at first - and then got really angry after she said hello to his mum in the street."

"Ha, he's a TWAT!" Fortunately, there's nobody nearby to hear Miles as he shouts his obscenity.

"I know, what a muppet," Sam agrees, "I don't care though, I'm more focussed on Mel right now." It's good to hear that the two of them are genuinely making things work between them; they both deserve it.

"Do you get to see her often?" I ask, as the conversation shifts back into a more positive note.

"Only occasionally - funnily enough she's been spending more time with Louise since they're close to each other." Sam says, nodding towards me. "It's good though, I think Mel's feeling a bit more confident these days thanks to her."

"You'd better watch out mate, Louise might start giving her ideas, you know what she's like!" Miles jokes.

"I don't know, you tell me! Have I got anything to worry about?" Sam laughs, looking towards me. Oh, she has definitely been giving Mel ideas, I know that. Sam doesn't need to know just yet though.

"My lips are sealed."


December 2018

"Come on you, let's get moving," Louise says, tugging on the long end of the dressing gown cord around my waist, making its secondary purpose clear - as a leash.

"But... Rachel's downstairs," I say in protest, trying to remain still.

"Oh, don't worry, she's fine, I'm in charge, remember?"

I sigh. "Fine, if we must, as long as we're not there all day."

"We won't be. I'm getting a bit tired of you complaining though..." Louise let the leash fall to the floor as she turned away for a moment. Already guessing her plan, it comes as no surprise when she returns with a balled-up pair of her knickers and a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Come on, you don't need to..." Already embarrassed at the prospect of somebody else seeing me like this, having a gag added to the mix doesn't exactly make things any better.

Louise simply ignores me however and goes right ahead with silencing me. Even with my mouth open slightly, she makes light work of cramming every bit of the fabric between my lips, forcing them apart slightly. I feel the softness of the underwear fill the inside of my mouth, pressing against the inside of both my cheeks as it unrolls slightly.

"Shut your mouth for me, good boy," Louise says, giving me a quick peck on the lips after I reluctantly do so.

That said, I can barely bring my lips together, leaving a small gap where Louise's underwear can briefly be seen, but that doesn't deter her from unpeeling a roll of duct tape from her desk, and beginning the process of securing my gag.

As I have come to expect, Louise doesn't go easy on me when it comes to gags, and today is no different; each revolution of the tape around my head only tightens the gag even more, gradually pressing my cheeks inwards like a vice.

Eventually, she tears off the strip from the role and smooths it on my left cheek, after about half a dozen rounds. I can only look on at her in times like this, and as always when tying me up, she has this look of quiet determination mixed with playfulness and a hint of satisfaction.

"Right, how's that? Try saying something." When I try to speak, only a faint muffle is emitted. With my tongue pinned by the stuffing, and mouth held in place by the copious amount of tape, any hope of speaking is vanquished.

"Good, nice and quiet, let's go." Maintaining her business-like manner, Louise retrieves the end of the cord and tugs slightly. Obviously, the ropes around my ankles make movement more difficult, but with the rest of my legs free, I soon get the hang of hopping, traversing the length of Louise's bedroom and the landing with her guidance.

"Okay, we're nearly there now." With the tightness of the tape pressing my cheeks inwards, I can do nothing except slowly breathe through my nose while Louise guides me to the top of the stairs. It's too precarious for me to hop down, so my captor carefully lowers me into a sitting position.

Having to focus on maintaining my balance throughout my 'journey' had distracted me from its purpose until now, when the realisation that somebody other than Louise was about to see me like this. I try and calm myself - after all, Rachel is friendly enough, and does know about what Louise and I do, but still.

Sat on the top step, Louise helps me shuffle down the stairs, one at a time. We must have been making a fair amount of noise, because by the time we reach the bottom, Rachel appears across the hall, looking at us with mixture of surprise and glee.

A tall, slim young woman of Vietnamese descent, Rachel is warm, chirpy, and always the best dressed person in the room. Today, her stylish outfit consists of a pair of denim shorts, patterned black tights and a loose fitting, expensive looking blouse.

"What have you done to him?" Rachel says, trying to sound apologetic for my sake, but completely failing to conceal her laughter.

"He was all like, 'I love your clothes, especially when you're not wearing them,' so I decided that he could wear them instead," Louise mocks, putting on a faux deep voice to imitate me. Silently, I can only sit and roll my eyes. Still, it's little things like that that make me feel like more than just the unwitting butt of Louise's jokes.

The two of them laugh for a moment as Rachel examines exactly what Louise has subjected me, casting an eye over the knotted dressing gown sleeves, clearly impressed.

"Let's go sit down," Louise says, letting Rachel go on, before I am ushered into the lounge area after her. The 'sitting down' part evidently doesn't apply to me, as Louise uses the 'leash' to instead force me onto the floor in front of the sofa where the two girls take a seat.

Wrapping her legs around my upper body, Louise pulls me as close as possible before she and Rachel turn their attention to the TV behind me. My subsequent muffled complaints fall on deaf ears, and Louise keeps me firmly in place, leaving me with no other options.

As I sit there, and look up at Louise pleadingly, I'm almost impressed with how disciplined the pair of them are in ignoring me. Almost like this whole thing was planned. With nothing else to do, I am forced to sit and wait for Louise and Rachel to finish watching their program, while I chew on Louise's underwear. Occasionally, I notice the pair of them converse in hushed whispers, but still, they don't acknowledge me.

Eventually, Rachel gets up and leaves the room momentarily to get herself a drink, leaving me alone with Louise. I look up at her, giving her as disapproving a look as is possible with half my face covered in shiny duct tape.

"C'mon, it's fine, I've sworn Rachel to secrecy already, there's nothing to worry about. I'm still in charge here, not her." She says finally, glancing down at me.

Louise runs her hands over the gown; although it is thick, I could still feel her touch well. When is she going to take me back upstairs? Just as I start to wonder what else she has in store for me, Rachel returns to the room.

"So, what now?" She asks Louise excitedly.

" wanna help me tie him up some more?"


July 2015

There's a few nervous faces around the table as I take a quick sip from my drink, without taking my eyes off the action unfolding in front of us.

"I don't like the look of this," James says anxiously, eyeing the growing piling of poker chips that festoon the soft felt surface directly in front of Miles. Across the table, Jack, our dealer, slowly turns over the river card; a moment that could decide the outcome of this game.

"King of clubs," he says, laying the card for all to see on the table. There's a few groans and complaints from around the table, while Miles quietly scoops up his new winnings.

"Shouldn't have folded," James says, shaking his head. He flips his cards - another king, and a four - onto the table with disgust, before wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

It is quite hot in the dining room, where five of us sit crowded around an ornate table repurposed for card games like these. I remind myself how lucky our group is to have this amazing house to stay in, courtesy of Melissa's father. To celebrate the end of our exams, we've come to the south of France for a week of typical debauchery, and it has been a blast so far.

I glance over at Miles as he reorganises his chips, raising an eyebrow. He must be boiling, dressed as he is. Ever the class clown, my best friend had decided to come dressed as a 'professional poker sensation', as he described it, which apparently involved wearing a thick black hoodie with the hood up and a pair of sunglasses. Indoors.

"Think it could be time to throw the towel in, buddy," Miles said, without looking at James. If his outfit was intended to conceal any 'tells' then it didn't do a perfect job of it. Despite there only be a small opening in the hood, I could easily spot the trademark grin of my friend.

"Rather lose looking good than win looking like a tit," James snaps back, to a chorus of laughter around the table. To be fair to James, he does take the most care of his appearance out of all of us. Not that Miles doesn't - his tall, lanky frame and sharp, handsome features compliment his cheeky, easy going nature. He just covers himself up, more often than not - and not always as part of some joke.

"Whatever - deal us in Jack, it's time to wrap this up," Miles says, hungrily scanning the rest of our chips. His large lead was ominous, and it was only really me and Sam who had any real chance of winning. Even then it looks like Miles has both of us covered nearly twice over. Jack and James were barely hanging on.

With the next round in full flow, Miles once again seizes the initiative, trying to bully us into folding. No one's giving in yet though. Once the flop comes down, Miles rubs his hands together, almost giddily. It's in complete contrast to his behaviour all evening - he's clearly trying to psyche us out. The rest of us look on while Miles begins flooding the centre of the table with more chips, before he stops suddenly.

"Let's up the ante..." He tears a piece of paper from a nearby notepad and scrawls something on it, before folding it up and tossing it onto the growing pot. "You remember that waitress I was chatting to on the first night?"

"You mean the blind one?" Sam interjects, leaving Miles shaking his head.

"She could see perfectly well... Anyway, that's her number in there." Several pairs of eyes darted towards the piece of paper that had now accrued value.

"How are we meant to match that bet?" Jack says incredulously.

"Just match my chips, consider it collateral," Miles offers.

"Well obviously I can't get involved, can I?" I say, already spoken for. Before the round can continue, the door behind us opens, and Rosie pops her head in. I smile to greet her, until I notice the look on her face.

"Can you step away for a few minutes?" Judging the anxiety in her voice, it seems like something serious, so I make my exit quickly, leaving my friends to squabble over a stranger's phone number.

"What's going on? You guys having fun?"

"Not exactly - it's Louise. She's really drunk and keeps trying to get in the car," Rosie explains irritably, as I follow her to the front room where the girls have been spending the evening.

To be continued....


Author's note - Bit later than promised as I've had a few laptop issues, but back up and running now. Hope you enjoy!
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice continuation! I have the feeling Sam will end roped up soon (in the 2019 timeline), the question would be if we'll get to see that. I also enjoyed the little tidbit with Louise and Rachel. The dressing gown was surely a creative way to tie him up!
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Post by Rtj65 »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] Thanks for the support! Glad you're enjoying the different parts of this story. I'm just applying the finishing touches to the next part so it should hopefully be up in the next few hours!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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