Justin's Diary (multiple M/M) Update 04/07/2021

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Post by Socksbound »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Absolutely adorable! Methinks perhaps Zack has a possible place in this relationship...
cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for the comments! I wanted to give Justin and Ray a little time together before going back to the plot! @Volobond we can always arrange something 😉
...and if not, perhaps you'll send him my way to keep him out of their way?
Totally agree think Zack is going to have a place in the relationship.
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Post by Ossassin »

Always am gunning for a poly ot3.
Perhaps revealing my hand a little in what sort of fiction I favour but I am loving this piece.
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for the coments [mention]Socksbound[/mention], [mention]Volobond[/mention] and [mention]Ossassin[/mention]!You always give me good ideas to add into the story! I probably won't go the full poli way but I do agree that Zack will have a part to play in these relation, though probably not the way he'd wanted at first ;)
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago ...and if not, perhaps you'll send him my way to keep him out of their way?
Oh don't worry! I'm already packing him up for you! Ray and Justin still need their time alone! :lol:
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Post by Socksbound »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for the coments @Socksbound, @Volobond and @Ossassin!You always give me good ideas to add into the story! I probably won't go the full poli way but I do agree that Zack will have a part to play in these relation, though probably not the way he'd wanted at first ;)
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago ...and if not, perhaps you'll send him my way to keep him out of their way?
Oh don't worry! I'm already packing him up for you! Ray and Justin still need their time alone! :lol:
Hmmmm not the way Zack wanted this has me intrigued as to how he now fits in... I was thinking doing what he did here and tying the lovers together, but now you’ve thrown me ;)
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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] oh, you'll see where I'm going... the chapter after this one! XD

December 19th 20_

Plotting with Ray had been so fun! I loved watching his alternate between a nervous goody-two-shoes and dangerously sociopathic! Like his first suggestion was that we force Zack to watch a bad movie and his second suggestion was that we left him naked in the middle of the snow! He is so out of his depth that it’s adorable!


Winter holidays are officially on! Mom and her family are arriving the 21st and we finally got Zack! I got to say Operation Ginger-Napping was a success!

Zack had basketball practice so it gave us plenty of time to get ready! I had told dad I’d be spending the night at Ray’s in advance of our plot (he still doesn’t know we are dating… one thing at the time). According to plan, Fred and Geoff took care to pull Zack’s friends away from him while I sent him a text telling him I needed to see him after practice and would wait for him by his car (Ray said it wouldn’t work but I know that idiot!), Ray had conveniently parked his car next to Kevin’; Zack smiled and waved as he saw me, lightly jogging towards me “So what’s the matter Justin?” that’s when Ray jumped on him. We moved quickly to tape his hands together and wrap his mouth with duct tape, by this point he had snapped out of his shock and was trying to fight back but between the two of us we dumped him in the trunk and taped his ankles together

“Hey idiot!” I smiled pinching his cheek, it was now his turn at trying to melt my head with his eyes and obviously he failed “This is payback!” I stepped back and slammed the door shut. I bet I looked so cool!

It was an hour drive to Ray’s place and it was already getting dark by the time we got there, Zack was dragged out of the trunk and carried to the basement where we had everything ready. Down there, we cut him loose except for the gag, no need to hear his input!

“Okay Shortcake!” Ray stepped forward, undisturbed by the murderous glares Zack was giving him “Take off your clothes and sit on the chair!” of course Zack shook his head and stomped his feet on the ground but Ray after suggested that it was up to him if he kept his undies on, Zack became much more cooperative.

I watched him hang his head defeated and start working on his clothes. Off went his jacket, followed by his shoes, off went his sweater and his t-shirt, finally he undid his belt and dropped down his jeans, remaining in his dark red boxer briefs and black socks. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his right feet over his left, lightly shivering, can’t blame him! The basement was cold, not as bad as outside but the keep in mind all of us were wearing our coats.

“Justin, want to do the honors?” Ray asked, I grabbed the ropes we had brought with us and set to work. I crossed Zack’s hands behind his back and tied his wrist with a piece of white rope, pulling the end and attaching it to a beam that ran between the rear legs of the wooden chair. Next, I ran the ropes around his chest, below his pecs and around his waist. The best part of this was seeing him alternating between giving me puppy eyes and throwing furious glares at the others

“Payback is a bitch!” I ruffled his head, Zack rolled his eyes and mumbled what I think was “asshole”. I moved in front and tied his ankles to the front legs of the chair, which gave me ample view of his hard dick pressing against the fabric of his boxers. That’s one of my favorited sights and what’s better, this time I pictured Ray in his position!

Meanwhile, Ray had been busy setting everything else. He spread a plastic cover over the concrete floor around Zack and went to the kitchen to fetch a large bucket of water and all the stuff we had bought from the supermarket. With Zack securely restrained, I stepped back and joined Ray as we made a huge deal of emptying the bag’s contents, anything to see Zack’s worried face!

You may already guess what we had in mind (if you had sentience of course), we had brought enough stuff to turn Zack into a cake… a rather disgusting one. For the next hour or so we emptied the bag’s contents on that ginger: Eggs, flour, milk, mustard, ketchup, ice cream, cooking oil, maple syrup, chocolate syrup, pickles, canned peaches, sardines and whipped cream.

Zack tried to put up a fight by grunting and cursing at us but slowly he came to the conclusion that this would be useless and became resigned to his situation, accepting his fate. Is it weird for me to say that he looked hot all messed up like that? I think it made him look really defeated, there was no sign of his usual cocky smirk!

“Gee Shortcake, look at the mess you’ve made!” Ray teased Zack “I knew you were gross but this is another level!”

“And you haven’t seen him eating a meatball sub!” I added getting an offended grunt from Zack “sorry buddy! I’m just stating it as fact!” I shrugged, normally I would feel bad for all the abuse Zack was getting, Zack but he seemed to be taking it mostly in stride. Ray snapped a few pictures of Zack before announcing that it was time to take him upstairs, but first we’ll have to clean him up.

Zack had seen the bucket by this point so he merely whimpered and hanged his head accepting his fate, I would admire his stoicism under such circumstances but it broke the moment the cold water touched his skin “FNNNNNNNCH!” He screamed and started madly struggling on the chair as we repeatedly tossed water at him

“MPHHH! GMPHHH FGHHHH- AGHHH! ASSHOLES!” he yelled when the water finally weakened the tape enough for him to break his mouth free, none of us bothered replacing the gag, it was way more fun hearing his screams

“AHHH! Stop! I’m clean! I’m clean- FUCK! THIS IS COLD! I swear I’ll kill you! Ahhh! Stop it” I had forgotten how fun it was torturing that red-haired guy! Eventually we ran out of water and Zack was mostly clean; and I must add I enjoyed admiring his bound, almost-naked, wet body! Even his underwear was clenching to his skin leaving little to the imagination!

“Ray, Justin! Stop checking me out!” goddammit is he an idiot! I blushed and turned to Ray whose face had also gone deep red

“I-I wasn’t checking you out Shortcake!” he exclaimed getting all flustered; Zack gave him a cocky smirk “And you aren’t t-that hot”

“I’m hotter than you! Right Justin?” oh boy! I mean, from a purely objective point Zack was slightly more attractive than Ray, but from a subjective point…

“Sorry Zack! But my boyfriend wins!” I smiled and kissed Ray’s lips

“Not fair! You’re sleeping with the judge!”

Finally, we picked Zack up and carried him up to the kitchen, at least I got revenge on him by threatening to drop him down the stairs a couple times!

“You all are assholes!”’ Zack yelled once he was safely sitting in the middle of Ray’s kitchen “and I can’t believe you are working with Picklehead! Traitor!”

“Well, he is my boyfriend!” I replied and moved to kiss Ray’s lips. I was going for just a peck but Ray snatched my waist and pulled me in for a full on make out session that would have lasted several minutes if Zack hadn’t stopped us

“Get a room!” I glanced at my friend to see his face red and his eyes clearly trying to avert us, Ray on the other side was beaming at me. I mean, his kisses are always good!

We left Zack to sulk in the kitchen and headed to the living room. The rest of the evening was nice, we binge watched the Mandalorian and it turns out Ray has a lot of Star Wars knowledge! (though I almost broke up with Ray after he admitted liking the Phantom Menace!) Eventually we ordered a couple pizzas. Once we had filled our bellies with that delicious junk food, we went back to the kitchen to feed Zack.

His face when he saw the pizza was precious! Zack can be so invertedly cute! That’s something he and Ray have in common! They even have a mean streak, like how Ray refused to feed Zack at first

“Only if you admit that I’m the best, most awesome guy in the world!” Ray grin holding a slice close to Zack’s face

“Sorry but that title is taken by me!” he said defiantly but a growl from his stomach told us he wouldn’t last long “Justin! Make your boyfriend feed me!” he asked making puppy eyes, those are hard to say no but I prevailed!

Eventually hunger took over Zack and broke his resolve, defeated, he glared at Ray and said in the most deadpan way “Ray Ricci is the most amazing guy in the whole universe” I’m pretty sure he died a little bit inside but at least he got to eat three slices of pizza

After feeding him, we ignored his pleas to be untied and headed back to the living room, not before Ray shoved a kitchen rag in his mouth “Hmmm!” he rolled his eyes and started working to push it out with his tongue

We cuddled in front of the TV, not really paying attention to it, instead making out with each other for a few minutes (okay, it was 20, in my defense my boyfriend is hot and making out is fun!) but eventually, we broke off and sank back on the couch. “Don’t tell him I said this” Ray spoke softly “but Zack isn’t that bad, specially when he is tied up”.

“We only have to keep him tied up every time you two are together” I chuckled

“Oh! I’d be into that!” Ray added and we both giggled together at the thought, all in all is a good idea! Eventually our laughter died down and Ray looked at the screen “You like Zack, right?”

“Sure, he is my friend” Ray turned to face me, his big green eyes looking straight at mine

“You know what I’m talking”

I sighed and gently caressed his hand, might as well come clean to him, he was bound to find out eventually “Yeah, I had a crush on Zack when I first met him, but I know it’s not going to happen, he is straight-” Ray raised an eyebrow “okay, he is not, but he is in denial and I wasn’t going to wait until he figures it out. So yeah, I liked him but right now the only hot guy I want to be with is sitting next to me” it’s true! I’m over Zack, right? It’s never going to happen so I’m completely over him!

Ray smiled, satisfied with my answer and cuddled closer to me, resting his head on my chest “though he looks amazing tied up!”

“I know!” I let slip and laughed

“For real, how gay is he?” should I spill the beans? It’s not like me and Zack were still doing it and I’d rather have Ray hear that from me than from other people so, after making him promise not to tell anyone, I lowered my voice “Giving-blowjobs level of gay”

Ray’s eyes opened wide and he covered his mouth before he laughed hard “And he is still in denial? After that?” I shrugged, now that someone else says it aloud it’s kind of obvious Zack isn’t completely straight, right? Maybe if he had manned up earlier… nah! Don’t ponder what could have been, I should focus on my amazing boyfriend! Speaking of whom, he rolled over so he was sitting on top of me, straddling my legs

“You know? Maybe we should also get going with the blowjobs” he smirked and playfully nibbled my earlobe. I already had given Ray a couple but he had a point in that he hadn’t reciprocated yet, granted, the previous times he was tied up but that shouldn’t be an excuse.

“Well, maybe I should tie you up too” I grinned, my hands sliding under his t-shirt, Ray’s smile was huge as he eagerly nodded to my suggestions, I could feel both our dicks growing “get you on your knees and hold your head close to my….”

“Hey assholes! I need to pee!” Goddammit Zack! Way to ruin the moment! Ray suggested Zack could always clean after himself but that would be going too far, besides it was getting late and soon we’d be heading to bed, so we went to the kitchen, started untying Zack and gave him two options: He could cooperate and get to sleep on a bed, or he could be an idiot and sleep in the basement. You can guess which one he took (well, you can’t but that’s not the point now).

After he had emptied his bladder and washed his face, we led him to the guest’s room. Ray wasn’t taking chances leaving Zack free so we tied his ankles and wrists to the four corners of the bed “This isn’t necessary!” Zack grunted as he tugged at his restrains “Just let me out!”

“Nah!” Ray patted his bare chest “You look cute tied like that!” he winked at me and squeezed Zack’s chest. I’m always happy to see Zack getting all flustered, that doesn’t happen that often! His cheeks turned bright red and he turned his attention to me visibly uncomfortable


“Ray has a point” I smiled and walked closer to Zack, my hand running over his abs, playfully tugging the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Zack immediately tried to jerk his body away from me

“Guys! This isn’t funny!” he exclaimed nervously, despite his apparent reluctance, the tent in his boxers remained high

“What’s the matter Shortcake?” Ray smiled gently pinching Zack’s nipple “Can’t take the heat?”

“Fuck you!” Zack growled and tried to pull his hands but the ropes remained tight

“Actually…” I grinned “maybe I could fuck you” I leaned closer, my face just inches from him “What do you say Ray? Wanna take him from in front while I get him from behind?” Zack wasn’t even struggling anymore, his face a scarlet and his eyes were looking at me wide open. I’m sure he was debating whether we were serious or not. How does it feel when someone does it to you Zack?

“Count me in!” Ray grinned and gently caressed Zack’s thigh, making his hand venture a few inches inside the cut of his boxers. I don’t think Zack could take it anymore, his body was still and tense, his breathing pace was rapidly increasing and his eyes were wide and starting to get watery. Finally, we broke character and burst out laughing, pointing that it was just a joke

“ASSHOLES!” Zack yelled angrily squirming on the bed “BOTH OF YOU! That wasn’t funny!” I beg to differ! It was nice giving Zack a taste of his own medicine! “You fucking- oh, hell no-mphhh!” he could do nothing to stop Ray from tying a knotted bandanna between his teeth, we had agreed on that since tape might be too dangerous.

Well, finally we wished good night to Zack and headed to Ray’s room for another make out session. This day has turned out fantastic! I already texted Zack’s parents telling them he is spending the night at my place. Tomorrow we are dropping Zack by Kevin’s place. Still tied up! It’ll be Kevin’s problem now!

And of course, I have to take care of Ray! He is taking a shower right now, but the ropes are ready, as soon as he comes out, I’m trussing him up and… well, I’m going to make word of my threat earlier.

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Post by Jason07 »

Finally! I've been waiting for this story to update! I can't wait for the next one!
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] looking forward to finding out how this love triangle is going to work. I first thought Zack would tie Justin and Ray up, but I may be reading this wrong but Zack could be the one at the boys mercy almost as a cute pet or toy for them. That’s if I’ve read the possible hints you’ve left. Perhaps you’re planning on Zack coming out and confessing his love for Justin that might throw a spanner in the works for the love triangle.

Love the update still got all the fun cute sweet moments this story has had all the way through. Awesome as always.
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Post by Volobond »

First of all, I absolutely love Ray! I'd totally be with him but I won't get greedy - Justin deserves a hot bondage hunk like that. This story is so adorable, and seeing Ray and Justin playing with Zack is HOT!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks all for the coments! Really appreciate them! And yes [mention]Jason07[/mention], I'm finally updating it! Hopefully I can finish this arc before taking another break (that hopefully will be significantly shorter than the previous one)

[mention]Socksbound[/mention], I think you might be on to something, again, no spoilers but I think it's safe to say that now that Justin is with Ray, Zack will need to do a lot of self-reflection to come clean to himself about why he keeps looking for Justin while at the same time holds this irrational grudge towards Ray, but his time will eventually come!
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago First of all, I absolutely love Ray! I'd totally be with him but I won't get greedy - Justin deserves a hot bondage hunk like that. This story is so adorable, and seeing Ray and Justin playing with Zack is HOT!

Oh yeah! Personally I'm having quite a lot of fun writting Ray, Zack and Justin's scenes together. And don't worry! Once this is all over I won't hesitate adding Ray to your hunk order!

Also, since a lot of you guys seem to be doing banners for your stories, I figured I might do mine too! (at least it helps me have a better picture of the main characters!)
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Post by Socksbound »

WOW!!!! Love love love the banner [mention]cj2125[/mention]
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Post by Volobond »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago And don't worry! Once this is all over I won't hesitate adding Ray to your hunk order!

Also, since a lot of you guys seem to be doing banners for your stories, I figured I might do mine too! (at least it helps me have a better picture of the main characters!)
First of all, much obliged, and yay! Send in the hunks! :lol:

And second of all, I love your banner!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Mrtrident178 »

I loved every single part of this
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Post by cj2125 »

December 20th 20_

I’m not sure how to feel. On one side, I’m in a moment of my life where everything seems to be falling in place. On the other… I feel like there’s something off, something I’m missing but I can’t put my finger on it. And then there’s Zack. And Ray. Let me start from when we left.

Ray came out of the shower drying his black hair, he had already changed into a pair of blue boxers, not that he would keep them for too long! He glanced at me, noticed the ropes and smirked “so we are doing this?”

I nodded and held a coil of white cotton rope “Get on your knees!” Ray chuckled in that adorable way and tossed the towel aside

“No” I looked at him confused but he just winked at me “You’ll have to make me” it’s not the first time we’ve playfully wrestle, he usually puts a token fight before giving me the win so I didn’t think about it

“You’re just prolonging the inevitable, Pickle head!” I joked and charged at him.

“Oww! That’s a low blow!” he hates that nickname, to the date I he refuses to tell me why people call him that, something about being too embarrassing. I figured it would take a couple minutes at the most but to my surprise, he actually put up a fight! I’ve said I’m not the strongest person while Ray can go hand in hand with Zack so soon, he had me pinned down to the floor

“I think I’m going to be tying YOU up tonight” he smiled cockily but his attitude quickly crumbled into an expression of concern “Unless you really want to tie me up, I just thought we could switch roles but if you want to be in charge-”

“No, no! It’s okay! You can tie me up!” I quickly assured him; he is so cute when he starts doubting himself! I moved to remove my shirt followed by my jeans, when I grabbed the waistband of my black boxers, Ray stopped me “leave those on! I’ll take care of them myself” he smiled lustfully. I turned on my belly and pulled my hands behind my back and soon Ray was tying them together

“Have you tied someone before?” I asked noticing that his work was decent

“Uh… I’ve done some self-bondage before. Pluss I’ve watched how you tie me up” he explained, making me smile proudly. I bet I’m a good teacher! I felt him tightening the knots around my wrists, it felt good to be tied up by Ray, he was gentle, constantly asking if it was too tight, I never expect him to be willing to take charge like this, normally he is practically a rope bunny!

“Can I ask why the change?” I asked while he looked around for something to gag me with “Not that I don’t like it!” I opened my mouth so he could stuff a black knotted bandanna between my teeth

“Well… I dunno, but having Zack tied up, being in charge, I like it! Don’t get me wrong, I still prefer being tied up, specially by you! But you could say I’m on a power high and don’t want to get down yet” he chuckled and stepped off me, so I could roll over to face him. “God! You look so good!” he added and leaned forwards to kiss my gagged lips, his hand running down my chest and stomach until it grasped my cock through the fabric, getting a gasp from me that quickly melted into a moan, he let it go and turned his attention to my skinny legs, grabbing a second piece of rope to tie my ankles together.

With my legs restrained, his attention came back to my upper body where he went bac to kissing my lips, slowly making his way down my neck and my chest. I moaned and shifted my body underneath him, he reached my nipples and nibbled at them, sending a jolt of pain up my spine that erupted in a long moan, I arched my back, puffing out my chest, scratching the carpet below and wiggling my feet. My ankles may be tied but my legs had enough leeway for me to rub my thighs against his crotch, getting a few appreciative moans from Ray.

“You like this don’t you?” he looked at me nodding “be you wanna be my bitch?” uh… what? He grabbed my hair forcing me to look up at him, not that I wouldn’t have done it anyway “Bet you want my fat cock in your mouth, slut?” excuse me? I frowned and let out an indignant huff taking Ray aback “Oh! Was it too far?” he asked sheepishly let go of my head, it took me a second to realize what he had been trying to do but when I did, I couldn’t help but giggle. His dirty talk is terrible

“Stop laughing!” Ray turned bright red “I don’t get to talk much! You always gag me!” he had a point, maybe I should let him speak more often. My boyfriend decided to use his mouth for something he was much better at and went back to kissing my chest, quickly pulling us back in the mood. I relaxed and bit down on the gag while his lips traced my skin, past my navel until they reached my boxers. Ray smiled mischievously and bit the waistband, lifting it up to my enthusiastic approval, then he let go of it, chuckled at my disappointment and started kissing my crotch over the fabric. I buckled and squirmed, arching my back and rocking my hips, watching his lips travel over the bulge, leaving traces of moist behind.

He traveled it’s length before going back to kiss my lips and nibble at my ear “Hmmm…. Justin…” he whispered, I could feel his body over mine, humping my groin “Wanna spice thing up some more?” I opened my eyes, momentarily breaking away from my ecstasy and cocked my head with interest “Think we can play with Zac too?”

YES! HELL YES! In hindsight that wasn’t such a good idea, like what was I thinking? Well, we weren’t really thinking, right now our dicks were making all decisions so I just nodded at his suggestion. Ray pulled away from me with a nervous smile “Really? Oh boy… well, let’s try it!”

He got off me and helped me get on my feet, chuckling a little bit as I tried to keep my balance. My first attempts to shuffle my feet across the floor came to an end when Ray slapped my butt and told me to hurry up so I was forced to do an undignified bunny hop across the room. I know he did it just to check out my butt!

We burst in Zack’s room, getting a confused look from him as Ray pushed me forwards until I tripped with the bed and laned on top of Zack. I grinned and looked at his freckled face, probably the purest expression of “da fuq?” as I started grinding against him. Despite his initial reluctance I could feel that his semi hard boner rapidly growing under his boxer briefs; knowing him, I started humping against his body, my gagged lips digging into his neck. Zack’s face was deep red as he seemed froze in place but slowly, he started melting and finally allowed some moans to escape his mouth

“Hey! You aren’t supposed to fuck him!” Ray interrupted us and yanked me away from Zack, rolling me over so I was laying next to him, my head resting over Zack’s spread arm. For a moment I was afraid that I had misunderstood Ray’s intentions and crossed a line, but when I noticed his smirk, I knew it was all part of the game

Ray gave me another kiss, letting our lips linger together for a while before turning towards Zack “Jealous?” he frowned and let out an indignant grunt, accompanied by his head shaking, Ray looked at him amused and moved his body over him, resting on top of my friend. He leaned forwards and kissed Zack’s neck, unlike with me, Zack seemed more aware of how he felt about Ray, he growled, shook his head and squirmed on the bed, trying to jerk his limps. Ray looked up at Zack and leaned forwards to whisper something in his ear. Zack’s face went completely red, his eyes opened wide but then, he glanced at me and seemed to relax, giving Ray a slight nod “Good, because you’re mine Shortcake!”

Zack grunted and shook his head, letting out some muffled curse words at Ray, my boyfriend seemed to be reveling in Zack’s plight as his hands ran through his chest, playing with his nipples and groping his muscles. Zack looked mad! Biting down on the gag, trying to jerk his limbs and squirming under Ray, trying to push him off. Now, this might seem wrong and to be honest, I’m sure there were a few issues there but you have to know about two important fact. First that during all this Zack’s boner was raging hard and second, later I would find that Ray offered Zack a safe word, something he could say if he really didn’t want this yet Zack never used it, I guess fighting off Ray was his way of retaining his bruised pride.

For my part, I joined the fun by scooping closer to Zack and trying to kiss his neck through my gag. He momentarily stopped his fight against Ray to roll his eyes at me, smirk through his gag and turn back at Ray, it felt as in the old times when Zack would pretend not to care about my kisses even though he clearly enjoyed them. Coward!

I kept working on his neck, my body pressed against him and gently started grinding against his side, humping his hips. Ray, for his part, ignoring Zack’s objections, was having fun pinching his nipples and grinding his butt over Zack’s hard on. This was so hot! Zack was now making animal growls, shooting daggers at Ray while angrily struggling, the bed shaking underneath us, a layer of sweat covered his pink skin, his nipples were hard and lightly purple from Ray’s bites

“What’s the matter Shortcake? You don’t like this?” Ray grinned and squeezed Zack’s dick getting a mixture of moans and curses from him; his muscles straining and his abs flexing “Nah, you love this don’t you fag?” we both stopped and glared at him “Uh… sorry, got carried away” he said sheepishly. He really needs to work on his dirty talk!

Ray finally turned his attention to me and once more pulled me away from Zack “Stop humping him!” he chuckled and lay on top of me “next time you should be the one tied to the bed!” I’d actually like that! Ray lay on top of me and started kissing my lips, again going down my torso towards my dick, doing wonders for my erection. This time he didn’t stop, he pulled my waistband down and took my whole cock in his mouth. YES! I started thrusting my hips, slowly at first but faster as he went on; one of his hands grasped my butt, groping and spreading my cheeks, the other, pulled Zack’s underwear down, letting out his large, hard cock which he proceeded to pump.

I kept fucking Ray’s face, writhing my wrists behind me, biting down my gag as it was becoming harder to contain my moans. Next to me, Zack seemed to have dropped any pretense of fighting and was now loudly moaning and thrusting his hips, I glanced at him and our eyes met briefly, before he blushed and looked down on Ray. I did the same, it really was hot watching my almost-naked boyfriend down on all four, his head bobbing back and forth as he worked on my dick. For his first time he was doing a pretty good job! His pace increased; I was in heaven! Seeing both Ray sucking me and Zack squirming was amazing! I was alternating between giving loving looks at Ray and trying to kiss Zack’s neck. Speaking of Zack, he was the first to finish, tensing his muscles and loudly moaning as jets of cum shot out of his dick.

I didn’t last much longer, Ray’s eyes opened wide as I unloaded in his mouth, he took it all in and swallowed, looking up at me with a triumphant grin “How was it?”

“Ghmmm…” I turned to see Zack giving a reluctant nod of approval, I beamed at Ray

“Guess I’m pretty good?” he smiled cockily, I wholeheartedly agreed with him while Zack rolled his eyes. He was just playing hard to get!

Ray picked me up and helped me go back to his room, wishing Zack good night. Where he deposited me on his bed, we kissed some more before he made me return the favor, if you know what I mean. “I wouldn’t think you’d pull Zack into this” I spoke once I was finished, worming my way up the bed until I was lying next to him, Ray smiled and wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me closer to him

“Figured it would be fun to try something different. I still can’t believe I actually wanted to have a threesome. And with Zack Hausman of all people!”

“He is hot” I replied, Ray closed his eyes and nodded.

The next morning things were awkward, we untied Zack so he could shower and get dressed and then the three of us had breakfast before I drove him back to his place. He had a blank expression and barely spoke during that time so it was just Ray and me awkwardly trying to start a conversation. “Hey Zack…” Ray said once we were about to leave “Um… I know last night went a little bit wild. In retrospect it was a dumb idea and I should have talk to you first, we know we have our differences but last night I might have misinterpreted the signals and crossed a line and if I did, I want to say I’m sorry…” for a moment I thought they would finally bury the hatchet! Then Zack looked at him with a blank expression before cracking a smirk

“If you had so much trouble getting your boyfriend hard that you needed my help, you should have just asked it, Picklehead”

“Screw you Shortcake!”
“I have your boyfriend for that!” I had to drag Zack away before they went at each other again. The journey to his place was awkward as we both fell in silence again. All the way I was wondering if I went too far, Zack would have never agreed to this if we had asked him, he seemed okay with Ray but what if he was putting up a front? The idea of us getting in legal trouble never crossed my mind, my real concern was that I had hurt Zack.

We finally arrived by his place and I parked the car in front. Zack gave me a weak thanks and turned to open the door when he stopped “Actually… I think we need to talk” oh god! I was waiting for him to turn around but he kept looking at his house through the window “Justin, I have to tell you that I… I….” he stopped and fell in silence, was he telling me that he wanted time away from us? That what we did was messed up? “I’ve been going through a dry spell” what? “All the hot girls in school are either taken, friend’s exes or my exes. I can’t bang any of them and I’m not really looking for a girlfriend right now. I guess I’d have to wait for college, I bet there’ll be a parade of hot sorority girls ready to get in my bed” he chuckled. I just stared at him blankly, why was he telling me this?

“I haven’t gone farther than jerking off since you started dating Ray, not that I’m blaming you! But yesterday was the most action I’ve had in more than a month” was he telling me all this just to… OH MY GOD! He is unbelievable! “So… if you and Ray want to try something like that again, feel free to drag me, just let me know in advance” he is joking right? I really had to fight hard not to laugh at his face, why can he just admit he enjoys gay sex? Dry spell my ass!

He finally turned to face me, his cheeks bright red “Hey! Maybe when you aren’t with Ray we can hang out and maybe… if we are horny-”

“Zack!” I interrupted him “I’m dating Ray! He might be okay playing with you, but you and me? Without him it would feel as if I’m cheating on him!” to my surprise, Zack looked… disappointed “But if you and Ray are up for it, I wouldn’t mind repeating last night” his face brighten a little bit “So… we okay?” he quickly frowned

“I don’t know, I was just kidnapped by one of my closest friends and his boyfriend, tortured and raped” he smirked at my horrified face “just kidding!” he playfully punched my arm “we are okay!”

“You’re an idiot!”

“And you’re an asshole!” he chuckled and jumped out of my car.

Well, I guess everything is good, I have the best boyfriend ever and Zack is back in my life. I should be thrilled! Then… why do I feel like something is missing? I’m happy but… maybe I thought happiness would feel better?

I should go, I still need to clean up my room since Tim is going to stay in here for the next days. I might not have much time to write until after the holidays, I’ll still try to write for Xmas but in case I can’t… Merry Christmas! You, non-sentient block of paper!

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Post by Volobond »

An interesting evolution to the relationship! Ray's adorable - even if his attempt at dirty talk deserves immediate gagging! ;)

As for Zack, he's still firmly in denial. May I suggest proving to him he likes men by edging him until he begs? :twisted: In all seriousness, though, I did LOVE the mention of Ray offering a safeword to Zack - that just made him all the more lovely - and the concern both Ray and Justin had for Zack.

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Ossassin »

Your dialogue is a work of art, specifically loving how everyone reacted to Ray’s attempt at dirty talk (gotta agree with them about the discomfort of the crudeness).
Also love your title card.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

Only done reading the first page.

And this is really good.

Really enjoying it. Justin is a great main character.

I'll check in again after reading some more chapters.

A+ for this mate!
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks all for your comments!
Volobond wrote: 3 years ago An interesting evolution to the relationship! Ray's adorable - even if his attempt at dirty talk deserves immediate gagging! ;)
He needs to pracitce, too bad he won't have many chances to do so. Justin will make sure to keep his mouth too busy for that ;)

[mention]Ossassin[/mention] glad you like the banner! Had fun comming up with Ray's dirty talk, that and Zack's mental gymnastics at the end are for me the highlights of this episode!

[mention]MountainMan_91[/mention] Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying it! It really means a lot comming from you! Hope you keep enjoying reading it!
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Post by Socksbound »

Sorry about not mentioning this sooner didn’t actually realise I hadn’t commented on the latest chapter. Love where this is going [mention]cj2125[/mention] Justin looks like he’s gonna have 2 hot studs at his disposal for all his bondage needs.

Ray and Justin are just so adorable, they are just too cute together. Justin is definitely going to be a bad influence on him ;)
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks [mention]Socksbound[/mention]! I'm really into Ray/Zack/Justin's triangle! We'll have to see how it turns out, but for now...

December 23rd 20_

Dear diary, my mother, her husband Richard and Richard’s son, my step-brother Tim are staying with me for the holidays, Tim is probably the most amazing person you’ll ever meet, he is so smart, handsome, athletic. If we weren’t practically brothers, I would be seriously considering courting him, but alas! I’m cursed to admire his beauty from afar, wishing I could have just a fraction of the gifts the universe had blessed him with.

Okay, that was fun! I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced! My name is Timothy Warren Hogan, Justin’s older step brother and the most amazing human being you’ll ever meet, my dear non-sentient book! Now you might be wondering, if you could wonder, what is this handsome fella doing here and where is Justin? Well, Justin is a little bit tied up at the moment so I decided to take over. And by tied up I mean literally; he is currently hogtied on his bed. I think I did a fairly good job! Not only I tied his ankles to his wrists but I also wrapped some ropes around his chest and knees! I even stuffed one of my socks in his mouth and wrapped like a zillion rounds of tape around it! He loves it! I hate it!

I’ve read the whole diary now, if Justin didn’t want people to read this he shouldn’t have left it in the bottom of his drawer under several comic books! Anyone could have found it! Anyway, it’s been eye-opening! There’s a lot of things I didn’t know about my brother! In hindsight it was pretty obvious he was gay; and that he was in bondage, I still remember how he always wanted to play as a captured super hero when we were kids! Don’t worry Justin! Just as I was willing to keep your secret identity as a super hero, I’ll keep this a secret from our parents until you’re ready to come out! And this time I promise I won’t blurt it out in exchange of ice cream!

But I think I’ve found out more than I expected, half of this diary is just porn! How is it possible that Justin is being more sexually active than me? I’ve had a girlfriend for a year and a half and we didn’t do it that many times! Seriously Justin, slow down! But still, I’ve enjoyed looking into Justin’s thoughts, he doesn’t really open to me as much as he did when we were younger! Because someone told Elijah that I was Racoon Man!

But I’ve discovered a few more things, I have to meet Ray of course, it’s my job as his big brother to make sure that he isn’t taking advantage of Justin and his intentions are pure! But also, I want to meet Zack! Because I have the feeling that there is more than meets the eye! That poor naïve nerd!

Anyway, with Justin all trussed up, I’ll start trying the tortures that he has written down here, he is barefoot already so I can see how ticklish he is, maybe see how he reacts to cloth pegs in his nipples. To be honest my ex-girlfriend used to enjoy tying me up from time to time and I had to admit it was fun but sometimes it was too much even for me (like the time she tried to put a dog collar on me and take me for a walk, unlike Justin I still have dignity!). Who would say that my little brother was as much of a slut as she was? Hey!

I’ll write later with the reports of my findings on Justin, all for science!


Well, good news! Tim has been neutralized! He thought he had me but his knots sucked! So, I got out while he was in the bathroom and when he came out, I jumped on him, wrestled him to the ground and tied him up! It was an epic fight but I managed to come on top, proving that I’m stronger than him!

You jumped me from behind and used handcuffs, that’s cheating!
Stop writing in my diary!

Well, I have him now! As I said, it was a mighty fight but I managed to force him on a chair, running his hands over the backrest, next I wrapped some ropes around his chest and waist, by this point Tim had gotten far more cooperative so it was easier to tie his ankles to the front legs, finally, I wrapped another rope around his thighs, pushing him against the seat. I’m digging seeing him struggle, I’ve never denied that he is mildly attractive, being a swimmer and all that so it’s nice to see the ropes burying in his muscles! I finished by gagging him with one of my socks, he tried to put up a fight by shaking his head and when the sock went in his mouth, I had to clamp my hand over it since he kept trying to spit it. Just for that I shoved the other sock in and use duct tape to keep them in, lots of tape, will it hurt to take it off? Hell yes! How do you like it Tim? As a last touch, I grabbed his winter scarf and tied it over his eyes

He looks pretty good, really hot like that. As I watched him squirm and struggle, I couldn’t help but to rub my hard boner, just picturing Tim getting undressed, I even imagined his hard cock all tied up, begging me to jerk him off. Well, since he couldn’t see me, I put a random Youtube video, turned up the volume and start jerking myself to those fantasies until I cum in one of my socks. I quickly tossed it into the dirty laundry and turn back to Tim. He had no idea what I just did and I’m digging that! Maybe tonight I can tie him up again, I might even go farther this time, it should be easy to strip him to his boxers!

DUDE… WTF?!?!?!?!
HA! I knew you’d be reading my diary!
You’re sick you know?
Actually, I felt gross writing that paragraph.
So… you didn’t jerk off to me?
Did you want me to do that?!?!
Why do we keep writing here? We’ve crossed each other five times in the hallway!

Phew! That was a close one! Mom knocked on my door asking if we wanted to go out with them and if she could come in, we exchanged panicked looks (even though Tim was still blindfolded) and I had to come up with an excuse… which was that Tim is in the bathroom with diarrhea

“Hmm!” he grunted, low enough so mom wouldn’t hear us

“Yeah… must be something he ate, don’t worry, you go ahead! I’ll take care of him!” thankfully she bought it and left us alone though Tim didn’t seem that happy about that. To be honest he has this angry face that actually looks non-threatening at all! Like you just want to pinch his cheeks!

I am threatening!

I pulled the blindfold off and ruffled his hair; he’s always been stronger than me so it was cathartic being the one in charge! I even took a few pages from Zack’s book and gave him a couple wet willies before lifting his shirt and tickling his belly. I had forgotten that he laughs like a little girl!

My laughter is deep and manly!
Nah, you’re already doing that

Finally, I took the greatest pleasure in ripping the tape off his mouth, pulling as much hairs as I could and sat back, watching as he contorted his face until he was able to spit out the sock “Aghh! Tell me that was clean!” I smirked mischievously “Dude! Gross!” he sneered, I was thinking he’d start asking me to untie him, but instead he just looked down at the chair and tried to jerk his limbs, testing the ropes “So, you really are into this?”

“Yup!” I nodded and leaned against the chair “I’ve always been into it, is hard to explain but… well, bondage and sex is amazing”

“Yes, it is” Tim agreed and we took a moment to look longingly in the distance before snapping back to the conversation

“But it doesn’t always need to have sex involved, sometimes I just want the thrill of being trussed up, trying to escape! Or messing with an annoying, self-absorbed, know-it-all!” I teased Tim pinching his cheek, he grinned and tried to bite my fingers but I dodge them aside “Hey! Watch out or I’ll put a muzzle on you!”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true” he laughed. Like a girl


“To be honest, if it wasn’t for Zack none of this would have happened! I wouldn’t have so many friends, Ray wouldn’t be my boyfriend, I wouldn’t even have you tied up here!”

“That’s not really true” Tim shrugged “If you wanted to tie me up, you could have just asked”

“Yeah sure! As if it would be that simple!” I rolled my eyes

“Why not? If you had said: Hey Tim, my amazing brother! Can I tie you up! I think it could be fun” I would have totally done it! And I don’t know Zack or Ray but I’m sure if you just walk up to them and introduce yourself, they would have liked you anyways! You are the most amazing guy I know and any person would be lucky to meet you! I want to be like you! (I might have embelished what he said a little bit)

“I’m not that crazy about this” he continued, trying to flex his chest and abs against the ropes and straining his biceps “But if I wanted to be tied up, I would just approach a friend or you and ask if they can tie me up, if they find it weird, well, at least you tried!”

“But what if they get weirded out and think you’re a freak?” I asked, that has been my biggest fear all this time! Even now, Fred and Geoff know I’m into this but they think it’s a sexual thing, which in part is, but there’s more, now that I think about that, I would like to tie them up too! Not in a hot kinky way, but just as a way of having fun with my friends! But what if I scare them? When Tim found my diary, I completely panicked! It was only when I realized that he wasn’t making a big deal about this that I calmed down!

“Justin, I joke that you’re my brother, I know we aren’t even blood related but I think of you as my brother! We’ve known each other since we were five! Do you think I’d be weirded out and stop talking to you just for that? And Fred and Geoff are your best friends, you think they’ll just abandon you for that? They stuck by your side when (I’m not writing down that!) in fourth grade, you think they’ll walk because you have a weird interest? They might even like it too!” Damnit! Since when did he become so insightful! “I’ve always been like that!” he smiled cockily

“But… technically we aren’t related at all. And to be honest, being tied like this isn’t that bad, in fact I liked it… a lot” he bit down his lip and gave me a lascivious look, I smirked and got closer to him “I think my pants are getting a little bit tight, don’t you want to help me?” he winked. I nodded, glad to help him and slowly unbuckled his belt, lifting his t-shirt so I had a better view of his abs, glistening under a layer of sweat. My fingers fidgeted with his buttons until I pull them apart, pulling down his zipper. I admired his tight blue boxers, how his dick was pushing against the fabric. I looked up at Tim who smirked and nodded, the muscles of his chest bulging against the ropes, his arms, pulled behind his back, straining from the position. I pulled down his waistband and watched as his 7-inch cock sprung to life, twitching in anticipation. Licking my lips, I open my mouth and took it in.

STOP READING MY DIARY! Or I’ll keep writing incest/slash about us!
How did you know how long my dick is?
I guessed- wait! Are you telling me your is…? I didn’t need to know this
We really should stop; it’s starting to make me feel really disturbed

He has a point, maybe I should be more open about it! Come clean to my friends, maybe we can all have some fun getting tied up! Just look at Zack’s brother! He and his friends are having a way better time than I do! Or look at Tim! Think of all the stories I could have told if I had asked him to tie each other up when we were young! Well, he is right! Next time I see my friends I’ll come clean about it!

Or maybe I should wait for next year, coming clean to them and coming out to my parents are going to be awesome New Year Resolutions! Yeah, let’s wait a little more! But I still can make up for the time I lost with Tim! He is still tied up as I write this, he was starting to complain again so my socks went in again, he looks like a chipmunk! I’ll untie him before our parents come back, he still has 2 or 3 hours to go!


And Tim, I know you’re reading this, hope you enjoyed those little tidbits I added to make the story more interesting! Have fun thinking of them bastard!

I did not like them at all
Next story: How Ray and I pig roasted Tim, guess who went behind?
STOOOOP! EWWW! EWWW! Now I have that mental image stuck in my head!
I think I might have gone too far
I hate you!
I hate myself too
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Post by Volobond »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago
To be honest my ex-girlfriend used to enjoy tying me up from time to time and I had to admit it was fun but sometimes it was too much even for me (like the time she tried to put a dog collar on me and take me for a walk, unlike Justin I still have dignity!).
Hee hee... [mention]cj2125[/mention]... please add this one to the hunk order - wearing just a dog collar and muzzle!

Some silly brotherly shenanigans in this chapter, and I'm glad Tim is a nice stepbrother! Not to mention, his advice is great for Justin. I'm interested to see how he interacts with Ray and especially Zack.

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Socksbound »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago
cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago
To be honest my ex-girlfriend used to enjoy tying me up from time to time and I had to admit it was fun but sometimes it was too much even for me (like the time she tried to put a dog collar on me and take me for a walk, unlike Justin I still have dignity!).
Hee hee... @cj2125... please add this one to the hunk order - wearing just a dog collar and muzzle!

Some silly brotherly shenanigans in this chapter, and I'm glad Tim is a nice stepbrother! Not to mention, his advice is great for Justin. I'm interested to see how he interacts with Ray and especially Zack.
I was just about to say another hunk for your order :lol:

[mention]cj2125[/mention] omg I don’t know how you do it, the chapters just get better and better. I actually laughed out loud at some of the quick witted one liners. Tim seems like a good sport looking forward to him meeting Ray and Zack.
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

I've just had the good fortune to stumble across Justin's diary (very careless of him to leave it out in the open!) and have thoroughly enjoyed the first few entries. It's amazing how often peoples' lives become exciting upon receipt of a diary!

I love how the story is progressing with the robbery lighting the spark followed by some drunken play after a party. The foray into the sex shop was educational and I'm now looking forward to seeing Justin enact his revenge on Zach. It'll be interesting to see where their relationship goes and it is clearly quite rocky at the moment.

Love the diary format, with all the little humorous asides. Great writing.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by cj2125 »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago
Hee hee... @cj2125... please add this one to the hunk order - wearing just a dog collar and muzzle!
Added to the list! I'm starting to wonder where you'll store all these hunks! 😂

[mention]Volobond[/mention] and [mention]Socksbound[/mention], It seems Tim was well received, I had lots of fun writing this part, you should be looking forwards to him meeting Ray and Zack!

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] justin can be so careless with his stuff! 😂

I'm glad you decided to give this story a chance! The development of Zack and Justin's relationship is probably the main aspect of this series (even if I like to take small detours here and there). Hope you stick around for the rest of the journey!
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Post by cj2125 »

After taking a short break, here's the next part of the story! [mention]Socksbound[/mention], [mention]Volobond[/mention], [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention], [mention]MountainMan_91[/mention], [mention]Ossassin[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention].

December 24th 20_

Sorry for not writing yesterday, was busy last night if you know what I mean! Tim was tied up to the four corners of the bed in his birthday suit, I crawl on top of him and grabbed his hard boner. He closed his eyes and a soft moan escaped his mouth. “You like it?” I grinned, he whimpered and nodded which was my sign to bring his hard cock to my mouth.

Now that I have scared Tim away from reading this, let’s go to what really happened!

With Ray’s extended family crowding his place too, we didn’t have much time to be together outside of quick date by the coffee shop to exchange gifts. I also know he was a little bit pissed that I decided not to come out yet, I know I should but I’m just not ready yet! So finally, we developed a plan! He would drop by my house as a friend, we would hang out together and eventually he’d spend the night over. The only hiccup on the plan was Tim. Not because he opposes our relation, he has been nothing but supportive (too supportive in my opinion) but because he would be relegated to third wheel. It took a lot of convincing (and the promise of certain favors on my part) for him to agree. Of course, sex was out of the table with Tim in the room, but Ray pointed that just being able to spend time with me was enough, he is right! Just cuddling with him will be enough!

What can I say? Ray was perfectly charming as usual! Mom seemed to fall in love with him during dinner and he even got along with Tim, they bonded over their almost fanatical love to the Red Sox!

“Does anyone like Doctor Who?” I asked, hoping to change the subject but Tim and Ray merely exchanged looks and spoke in unison


I gave up after that.

Dinner went well but to me, it was hard! I wanted to hold Ray’s hands, to kiss his cheek after he told a joke, really, I wanted to show affection to him but we had to remain acting as friends! I couldn’t wait for dinner to be over when finally, the three of us headed for my room. The moment we closed the door behind us, Ray shoved me against the wall and started sucking my face

“I’ve been waiting to be alone with you all evening” he smiled, playfully ruffling my hair

“You guys know I’m standing here right?” Tim interrupted making us blush, Ray meekly apologized and stepped away from me. Our evening ended with the three of us beating each other on Smash. Tim and I have been playing Nintendo all our lives and Ray was experienced too so it was quite an even match, but as the rounds went by, me and Ray started losing interest on the game and focusing more on each other

“Hey Justin! You should dress as Link next Halloween! I think you would look cute!”

“Oh! You should dress as Little Mac! You would look hot!” I replied already imagining him in that costume “Not that you need any help to look good” Ray blushed and gave me a cocky smirk

“Can you guys stop flirting and focus on the game?” Tim rolled his eyes

“Sorry Timmy, but we warned you, you’d be a third wheel!”

“I know but- what did you just called me?” he shoot me a quick glare before turning his attention to the game “Come on guys! You have all night to cuddle, make out, flirt and do other things that will give me nightmares! Can we just beat each other on the screen?”

“He’s got a point Justin” Ray gently pushed me away from him “I like being with you but I’d like to kick his ass”

“Fine! But I’m the one kicking his ass” I chuckled and grabbed my control

“I’m the only one kick ass here!” Tim exclaimed

“Tim, you’re the least experienced in asses from the three of us” I teased him and as predicted, his visibly cringed at the thought.

“Why don’t we make a bet?” Tim finally pulled himself together “Whoever wins this match, losers get…”

“TIED UP!” I quickly exclaimed, a plan forming in my mind “Losers get tied up!” Ray looked at me, momentarily confused until I smiled and raised my eyebrows suggestively

“Uh… Oh! I second it!” Tim had no choice but to agree and so the game begun! Punches, kicks and items flew across the screen as the three of us tried to win the game; the fight was epic, neither of us seemed willing to lose and we were pretty evenly matched. It seemed like a question of luck who would win; well, maybe I could manipulate luck in my favor.

“Hey Ray, you should help me take down Tim” I smirked

“And why would I do that?” Ray asked while trying to shot at my Pikachu

“Because if I win, he gets tied up… and you get tied up… and I’m in charge, you know what that means?” I winked at him. I could see the light blush spreading across his cheeks as he realized what I meant, he beamed at me in the most adorable way and quickly turned his Ganondorf and went after Tim’s Villager

“Hey! Not fair! Are you really going to give up in exchange of sex?” Tim exclaimed as he tried to fend off our attack

Ray chuckled and shrugged “Wouldn’t you do the same?”

Time gave him an offended look “Of course- uh… actually I probably would” he conceded and slumped down, he stood no chance and we easily disposed of his character, which left Ray against me

“Babe?” I smiled cockily, he gave a me an adorable grin and proceeded to make Ganondorf jump off a cliff giving me the ultimate victory

“You’re such a simp!” Tim rolled hies eyes and pouted “and why did you do that? Tied or not, I’m going to be here! It’s not like you’ll do anything in front of me!”

“Why not? We could tie you up and force you to watch, right Ray?” I winked at my boyfriend who quickly agreed with me

“Get away from me freaks!” he rolled his eyes and got up, Ray quickly gave me a concerned look since Tim had raised a good point, it was fun to joke about it but I don’t think I would have been able to perform with an audience! Fortunately, I had a plan which I quickly explain to him while Tim went to the bathroom to change clothes.

A couple minutes later, Tim came out, changed into a black muscle shirt and grey shorts, by that time I already had the ropes out “so we are really doing this?” I nodded and instructed him to cross his hands behind his back. He sighed and did as I told

“We should get him to take off his clothes” Ray smiled

“In your dreams pervert!” Tim winced a little bit as I tightened the ropes around his wrists, but he assured me he was comfortable with the ropes and seemed to relax as I ran the ropes around his chest

“Don’t worry! You have a place in my dreams!” Ray took the chance that Tim was restrained to pinch his cheek

“Justiiin! Your boyfriend is sexually harassing me!”

“Keep acting like that and you won’t get laid until the next year!” I chuckled getting an exaggerated scared expression from Ray

“Noooo! Tim is just a starter, babe! You’re the main dish!” he smiled and pecked my cheek

“He is the main dish?” Tim exclaimed, flexing his abs and straining his arms against the ropes “Come on dude! I love Justin but, he is a dessert at best!”

“Can we stop referring to me as food?” I asked turning red, unfortunately, Ray and Tim exchanged grins before calling me a whole meal. Did they just call me fat? Whatever the case, it was time to shut Tim up. At least he was obedient enough to open his mouth and let me stuff the red cloth inside! He wasn’t that cooperative when I started wrapping duct tape around his lower head and even less cooperative (and way more vocal) as I did the same around his eyes.

“Hmppp!” he grunted as I silently motioned Ray to open the closet, he knew about my plan and nodded enthusiastically, I spun Tim until he was facing the closet, grabbed his neck and back and used all my strength to push him forwards. Taken by surprise, he could only scream under his gag as he stumbled into the closet, crashing against the wall and sliding to the ground. I jumped on him while I ordered Ray to fetch my headphones and my phone. I lashed Tim’s ankles together, followed by his knees and as a last touch, I ran a rope over his neck and pulled it down, tying both ends under his knees. I have to say I liked that sight of Tim! He was forced to pull his knees against his chest and bend over, I loved seeing the way his biceps and thighs were bulging under the ropes and how, even though he was blindfolded, I could almost picture the glare he was giving me.

My faithful boyfriend/assistant handed me the headphones that I put on Tim’s ears, secured them with more tape and connected them to my phone where I quickly put one of my playlists in loop. “Can you hear me Tim?” no response “if you shake your head three times, I’ll let you go!” again no response. I beamed at Ray “He is out!”

Unable to see, speak or hear, Tim wouldn’t be a problem anymore. I closed the door and turned my attention to Ray “time to rope you up!”

In not time, Ray was stripped to his black boxers, laying on my bed with his hands tied to the headboard and his ankles tied together, it was a simple tie but it kept him stretched out, giving me plenty of access to his muscular, hairy chest, his amazing abs and his large, hard 6-inch dick that was pushing against his boxers. Once he was tied up, I turned around and slowly slid down my jeans so he could take a good look of my butt, then climbed on my bed, placing both knees at each side of his waist and pulled my t-shirt over my head

“Hell yeah!” Ray smiled and licked his lips “Come on! Give me all you got daddy!” I just looked at him deadpan and picked up a sock “Come on! That was a good one!” he said turning red, I shook my head and shoved the sock in his mouth as a response. He really needs to work on his dirty talk! Fortunately, he is hot enough to make up for that!

With him under my control I got down to business, playfully biting and licking his nipples and worshiping his chest, my lips went down his abs until I reached his boxers and gave his boner a quick lick, just to tease him and went back to kiss his chest and neck. Ray was loving it! Biting hard on my socks, trying to jerk his arms, thrusting his hips. I stood above him and slowly pulled down my boxers, driving him wild

“You want to suck it don’t you?” I asked grabbing my dick. He nodded so eagerly that I couldn’t make him wait any longer! Besides, there was something else I wanted to try! I got on all four facing his feet and lowered my body until I was laying on top of him, crawling backwards until my face could reach his crotch (and by extension, his could reach mine). I didn’t waste more time to pull his boxers down while Ray spat the socks and practically swallowed my dick

Well, I have to admit that the 69 position is awesome! We worked each other to orgasm and it was so worth it! After that, I went back to make out with Ray until I fell asleep on his chest. What can I say? His chest is soft and warm, makes a perfect pillow!

Now, before I tell you what happened this morning, just stop and think of what we forgot. I know you can’t but I’ll pretend you realized what happened… You guessed it? I know! I feel horrible about it!

I woke up the next morning to the sound of something knocking but my first thoughts went to the guy tied up underneath me. Barely acknowledging the thumps, I looked up at Ray and kissed his lips; he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me “Morning babe” but our short sweet moment was interrupted by the increasingly louder banging. It came from the closet. We just exchanged looks and our eyes went wide as we realized what we had forgotten. FUCK!

I pulled his boxers up and put on a pair of shorts before opening the closet door, Tim immediately rolled out, wildly squirming, flailing his legs and screaming under his gag; we were so dead! I removed the earphones so he could hear us and proceed to untie him while profusely apologizing for leaving him in the closet all night! As soon as the ropes were out of his body, he yanked the tape from his eyes and ran to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind him, I turned to face Ray just as I heard Tim emptying his bladder; I don’t think he would have ever forgiven me if I had untied him a minute later.

Finally, he walked out of the bathroom while I was untying Ray… and proceed to charge at me, tackling me to the floor and pummeling my poor body with his fists, I still have the bruises! “I’ll kill you!” he yelled seemingly determined to commit fratricide, which I think he would have accomplished if Ray hadn’t gotten out of the ropes and subdued him by wrapping his arms around Tim’s armpit. Still dazed from the attack, I got up and took a good look at Tim, remember when I said he wasn’t threatening? I was so wrong!

His eyes were sunken and bloodshot with huge bags beneath them, his skin was paler than usual, his hair was a mess, there were pieces of glue over his face, patches of sweat over his clothes and rope marks over his exposed skin.

The good news is that he eventually calmed down enough to promise us he wouldn’t murder me and even offered to forgive us. The bad news was that he demanded and I quote: “Swift retribution!”

That’s how we ended sitting back-to-back on my shower with Tim wrapping duct tape around us “Is this really necessary?” Ray asked, looking nervously as the tape went over his chest, couldn’t blame him! It would be a bitch to rip it off! Specially over our hairier parts like my legs or his… well, most of his body! “Really Tim, we said we were sorry!”

“Do you have any idea how much my back fucking hurts?” Tim glared at Ray as he kept wrapping the tape around us, all the way from our chests down our ankles. It was a messy job but it still kept us trapped, he even taped our knees to our chests! By this point I had a good feeling of what he was planning, why else would he had tie us in the shower?

“Tim… you didn’t have to do- mphhh!” Tim wrapped the tape over our mouth about five times, taping our heads together

“Quiet Racoon Man!” he exclaimed; Ray gave me a confused look. Long story buddy! With us bound, he stepped back and placed his hand on the shower handle “Now, since you two are too steamy to be responsible, I think you need to cool down- oh stop with the puppy eyes!” he rolled his eyes and opened the shower. With cold water.

“MPPPPPHHHHH!” it was so cold! I hate cold showers!

“Don’t worry! I’m sure you can get out on your own!” he grinned and closed the door on us. Good news is that the water loosened the tape enough for us to get out on our own. The bad news was that it took too freaking long! By the time both of us stumbled out of the room we looked, as Tim pointed, like shivering wet rats! At least our collective suffering was enough to soften Tim’s heart.

We all got dressed and joined our parents for breakfast after which Tim went for a much-needed nap and Ray went back to his house, not before pulling me aside of one last kiss “Sorry for the cold shower” I smiled sheepishly

“Nah, we had it coming!” he shrugged “I feel really bad for leaving Tim in the closet all night, he seems like a cool dude… but after last night” he winked at me “Worth it!”

It was worth it! Anyway, I’m writing this while Tim sleeps, I’ll let him rest for two more hours, after that I might draw dicks on his face! I’m sure he’ll love to see that when he wakes up!

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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Volobond »


So excited to see a triumphant return from Justin, Ray, and Tim! First of all, get me a Ray of my own because a hunky cutie who likes being tied down and also playing video games is just what I need right now. Second of all, poor Tim! I don't blame him at all for taking his revenge. I hope Justin comes out - I'm sure his family would be just as supportive as his stepbrother. I'm looking forward to Ray and Justin getting their well-deserved continued happiness together, although I wonder how Zack will charge his way back into the story - preferably wearing what he looks best in - ropes and a gag! ;)

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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