Page 51 of 198


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:46 am
by bondagefreak
Thursday, April 27 (10:00 PM)

I was startled out of my sleep when a heavy weight settled on the bed, right next to me.
Not being able to see a thing, I didn't know which of the two jocks was in the bedroom with me.

My moment of doubt and uncertainty didn't last too long, however.

The large fingers that pinched my nostrils shut and the sexy laughter that resulted from my muffled cries for help left little doubt as to the identify of the intruder.
It was Zack.

Strong fingers began tickling my abdomen and attacking my defenseless ribs, sending me into a nearly frenzied state of panic as the massive muscle-hunk played with my nostrils and fooled around with my breathing.

I cried and yelled, but even my loudest screams weren't making it out past the mighty muffling tape-muzzle.
Zack just laughed, probably oblivious or uncaring about the fact that I was struggling to cope with the size and taste of the giant wad he'd stuffed inside my mouth.

To make matters worse, the reinforced tape-muzzle Nick had imposed upon me, stopped me from unclenching my jaw and greatly reduced the size of my heavily-overstuffed oral cavity.

The broad-chested hockey player let my nostrils go, allowing me to take in only a portion of the air I needed before pinching them shut again and resuming his attack.

It continued like that, right up to the point where I was so exhausted and out of breath that I actually started fainting.

Zack let go of me just in time, and even gave me a light tap on the cheek to make sure I was awake.

"Aww, haha. Poor boi." he purred, causing me to mewl and sputter beneath my incredibly fat mouth-stuffing.

My moment of respite was short lived though.
Less than a minute later, the hunky stallion was back to tickling me and quickly resumed fooling around with my breathing again.

When Nick finally arrived and made his presence known by plopping down next to my cocooned form, I expected Zack to settle down a little.

But he didn't.

Instead, I felt a second pair of hands join the fray, and broke down in uncontrollable laughter as the two massive brutes went for the kill and used my defenseless state to their advantage.

They tickled me from top to bottom, laughing and encouraging each other as they did so.
I cried out, coughed and screamed in my gag, unable to handle the combination of their curious fingers and aggressive attacks.

When the buzzing of the Hitachi wands hit my ears, I broke out into a frenzy and nearly blew my load on the spot.

They edged me on and off for what seemed like the better part of an hour; mercilessly tickling me, fondling me and playing with my breathing.

The giant brutes knew EXACTLY when to stop, and both of them were adamant about not letting me cum even though it was the thing I wanted most in the world at that point.

Eventually, the torture did stop and I was freed from my gag and allowed to drink.

Zack removed the tape from my face, but he couldn't stop himself from chuckling at the fact that I had trouble spitting his sock out of my mouth, even though nothing was holding it in.

After a few seconds of watching me moan and sputter under the fat wad, Mr. Prince Charming reached in between my outstretched lips and plucked his thick Wigwam sock out himself.

Nick was nowhere in sight, but quickly returned to the bedroom with a tall glass of water in one hand, and a damp facecloth in the other.

The big, blond Alpha sat himself down on the edge of the mattress and handed the glass of water over to Zack before cupping my chin in his hand and wiping the damp cloth over my face and forehead.

I thought maybe they were about release me from the maddening bondage-sack, but that didn't happen.

Zack gently slipped his hand beneath my head and raised it up a little so that I could drink from the glass he was holding.

Our eyes met and locked together as he watched me taking quick, successive gulps of the refreshing liquid.

I drank all the water and allowed myself to breathe a sigh of relief as the glass was pulled away from my lips and placed on the bedside cabinet.

Since it was already late and since I knew both jocks had an early day tomorrow, I was certain Zack would be heading home at that point.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the two muscle-gods get up and strip down for the night.

Zack was gonna be staying over.
And he was gonna be sleeping in bed with us!

I watched as the 6'4, brown haired hunk got up and started to pull his red compression shirt off in front of me.
As soon as he lifted his arms up to peel away his shirt, my eyes glazed over his enormous thighs and focused on the tightness of his black boxers.

My god, this guy was HUGE!

His cock wasn't hard or anything, but even so, his bulge was rather large and impressive, to say the least.


The compression shirt came off, and my eyesight was immediately greeted with a spectacle of perfectly sculpted flesh and muscle. A spectacle that matched even the awe-inspiring sight of my own boyfriend's incredibly buff body.

Zack's massive torso was a sight for sore eyes. But my little sight-seeing tour was quickly interrupted when the FOULEST and CHEESIEST of smells suddenly entered into my nostrils.

After two weeks, I should've gotten used to this. But I hadn't.

I turned my head around to see Nick slipping out of his noisy nylon trackies, and instantly came to the conclusion that he'd kicked off his old basketball sneakers, no doubt with the intention of airing his socked feet out for the night.

The stench was unmistakable, and in a matter of seconds, the entire room stank of his PUTRID socks and trainers.

In truth, the smell was unbearable, and I couldn't help but crinkle my nose up and turn my head away to try and escape his revolting foot odour.

Nick kept his socks and undies on, but dimmed the bedroom lights down before he and Zack lifted me up and slipped me under the heavy-duty down comforter.

I was a bit angry at the fact that they were apparently gonna leave me like this all night, but didn't press my luck or attempt to complain when the thick, smelly duvet was pulled up over my cocooned body.

The two underwear-clad hunks slipped under the covers, Nick to my left and Zack to my right, both of them sandwiching me between their great, big, muscle-bound bodies.

Instead of going to sleep though, my two guardians began chatting about work, hockey and other boring stuff.
The heat of their combined bodies worked it's way through my thin bondage-sack, and within minutes I was purring like a safe, happy kitten.

Some minor teasing occurred...most of it in the form of tickling and most of it coming from Zack, who ever so often slipped a hand over my spandex-clad body and gave my stomach a quick jab with his fingers.
Nick scolded us, ordering me to be quiet and telling his buddy to stop exciting me.
But the grumpy blond god soon had to leave the bedroom, once again leaving Zack in charge of watching over me.

A series of loud farts erupted from my boyfriend's giant ass, causing me to make a face and groan in protest as he shook the thick comforter up and down, and tried to dissipate the strong gas he'd just expelled.

"I need to take a dump." he announced, crawling out of bed and leaving Zack and I alone in the bedroom.

"Damn! Why do I even hang out with that guy?" Zack shot, as soon as Nick had stepped out of the room.
"First he stinks the place up with his socks and now he gasses the room up with his farts!"

I giggled at his comment and quickly broke out into near-hysterical laugher when the massive, underwear-clad hockey-hunk pulled me up against him and dug his fingers into my defenceless ribs.

I was only granted a short break when my tormentor's phone came to life and alerted him of a new notification.
Zack stopped, stretched an arm out to grab his phone and used his fingers to swipe over the touchscreen.

"Uh oh. I think Nick's gonna gag you when he gets back." the hunk suddenly warned, keeping his eyes on his phone and making me believe Nick was the one who'd just sent him a text message.

I immediately whimpered in protest and tried getting Zack to agree that it wasn't my fault and that I didn't deserve to be gagged. After all, HE was the one driving me insane and tickling the crap out of me!

Zack didn't agree to anything though, and he kept teasing me by saying how bad he felt about the fact that I'd soon have one of Nick's horribly putrid socks in my mouth.

I begged and pleaded, until my exceedingly handsome, brown haired captive came up with a bitter-sweet solution.

"Alright, shhhh. Quiet down." he purred, placing a finger over my lips and motioning for me to stop protesting.
"You don't wanna spend the night chewing one of your boyfriend's filthy stinkers, right?" he asked, causing me to crinkle my nose up and vigorously shake my head no.

"Then I can only think of one alternative." he said, sitting up on the bed and reaching down towards the floor before looming back over my puny, sacked up frame.

I looked up at him with a look of curiosity on my face...right up until I realised what he was proposing and saw the sock in his hand.

"Ugghhh. Nooo!" I whimpered, grossed out by large bundle of odorous material he was bringing down over my face.

"It's the only way, kiddo. It's Nick's sock, or my sock." Zack explained, while holding his very own smelly sock just a few inches above my nose.

I groaned in protest and narrowed my eyes on the giant bundle of wadded cloth he was offering to gag me with.
It took me only a second to recognise the second Wigwam stinker he'd peeled off his foot earlier that evening.

Ugh, god. It STANK!

I didn't want that thing in my mouth! But I sure as HELL didn't want Nick's raunchy fucker going in there either!

The choice seemed clear, even though it was half-hearted decision at best.

"Okay..." *Sigh* "I'll take your sock." I eventually answered, unable to stop an expression of sorrow and defeat from making it's way over miserable my face.

Zack gave me a sympathetic look and ran his fingers through my hair before telling me it was for the best.

He bunched his giant sock up over my nose and told me to sniff, causing me to instantly make a face and try to sink the back off my head down inside the lofty pillow.

"Ughhh! Uggghhff..." I cried out, horrified by the cheesiness of the sock and taken aback by the potency of it's smell.

The big, beefy hockey-hunk just chuckled before flashing me one of his super cocky signature smirks.
I had a hard job believing how such a hot, handsome guy could produce such a foul, cheesy smell.
But the proof was right there, in front of my face.

"Alright, bondage-boi. Time to open up." Zack instructed, causing me to once again crinkle my nose up and eye the big ball of cheesy cotton with great fear and apprehension.

When it became clear that I wouldn't cooperate, the charming muscle-King changed his tactics and tried to woo me again.

"You want your boyfriend's sock going in there?" he asked, pointing towards my mouth in an attempt to drive his point home.

I considered his words for a moment, then looked at the foul-smelling sock he was holding and looked back up into his eyes again.

"Noooo." I admitted, casting my gaze down after giving the gorgeous muscle-King a look of utter defeat and sorrow.

"Then you gotta open up." he prodded, holding the fat, smelly bundle over my face and looking down at me like a benevolent father tying to help his son.

It took me some time to work up the courage to do so, but I eventually managed comply with his wishes and opened up through my own free will.

Zack slipped one of his large hands behind my head and gently lifted it up off the pillow before aligning his toe-flavoured bundle over my gaping orifice and telling me what a good boy I was.

As soon as my lips cleared the way, the monstrous stuffing was pushed in, causing my cheeks to start bulging and turning my face into a veritable grimace of emotions.

Too grossed out to care about the fact that my gag would be a lot worse if I didn't accept Zack's cheesy bundle, I instinctively tried to push the pungent wad out by using my tongue.

My efforts failed to yield the expected results and Zack just used his large, strong fingers force his fat, spongy ball of sock deeper inside my mouth.

I coughed and gagged on it, but the suave stallion hushed me down and continued force-feeding me his very own, pungent sock.

"Shhh. Calm down, kiddo. Thaaath's it. There we go."

As soon as the giant cotton ball was stuffed in, the buff King reached for his bag and took out the same roll of sticky hockey tape he'd used on me earlier.

I tried to fight my gag, but with my entire body stuck in the spandex sack and my arms uselessly pinned down at my sides, I could do nothing but groan as the odorous bundle was crammed back inside my yapper.

Zack wrapped the remainder of the hockey tape over my heavily-stuffed, gaping mouth, bringing it full circle around my head a total of nine times before the sticky material finally ran out.

I don't know why, but just as he was wrapping the final layer of tape around my face and patting the sticky stuff down over my cheeks, I glanced over at the bedside cabinet on Nick's side of the bed and noticed my boyfriend's cellphone.

Zack had lied!
That notification he wasn't from Nick!

"Uuuggghhmmpf..." I cried out, sucking on the gorgeous hockey player's cheese-infested sock and protesting as loud as I could into his thick, muffling wad.

I was genuinely infuriated, and yet extremely turned on by the fact that the handsome knight had singlehandedly tricked me into willingly accepting his super smelly sock as my gag for the night.

I spent the next few minutes mewling and moaning into my fat gag, looking up at Zack's triumphant face as he smiled down upon me and told me how everything would be okay.

"Look at you, all safely sacked up and muzzled." he purred, gently cupping his hand under my jaw and squeezing my cheeks to emphasize his point.

I looked up at him, frowned and tried to mouth off in defiance. But the blue eyed muscle-god just chuckled and smirked.

I eventually tried to wiggle away, but my dominant guardian just wrapped his huge arms around me and threw a leg up over the lower half of my cocooned body, quickly pulling me back in and squeezing me into a tight embrace.

"Haha! Come here you little twerp." he laughed, hugging me with his great big arms and pressing my gagged face into his very broad and well developed pecs.

For a moment there, I felt like I was actually melting from the inside out.
But that moment of pure bliss quickly came to an end when the fooling around resumed.

Master Zack apparently had a thing for breathplay. 'Cause the first thing he did after crushing me against his body, was wrap his colossal arms around me and pinch my nostrils shut.

He knew that I couldn't possibly breathe through my mouth, and yet he took a perverse pleasure in making me beg and moan for air.

Eventually though, the breathplay did stop.
And unfortunately for me, it ended up leading to something worse. Something far, far worse.




Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:26 pm
by harsim
1. Steven: Sub, Insecure, Weak.
Nick: Dominant, Stinky, Controlling.
Brad: Bully, Un-trustworthy, Careless.
Jeremy: Scared, Traumatised, Helpless.
Shawn: Alpha, Ripe, Dominant.
Zack: God, Honest, Kind.

2. There are so many good bits...the ripe sneakers, foul socks and foot torture does it for me. Especially Nick and Shawn’s feet - they have no idea how bad they smell but Steven and Jeremy do 😏😏.

3. I’ve been following this story for a long time...came across it when searching the internet. Long may it continue!

4. I would say to Shawn ‘be more dominant with the subs, make them choke and gag on the stench of your feet and sneakers - don’t go easy on them!’.

5. 9. The story is very easy to helps when it’s well written.

6. Yes, I think so as you only see things from his point of view. Maybe try some more writing from the others perspectives like Nick, Shawn, Brad and Zack. I would love to know what goes through their heads as they dominate the subs.

7. I would love to be tied up and gagged by the Shawn and Nick. Gas mask on and forced to endure their sneakers socks and feet all night long. I’d love a bit of teasing and breathing control as well...maybe a few farts 😏. I’d also love to be forced to smell some of Zacks hockey gear... I bet the gloves and skates stinky to high heaven.

8. Shawn...would love to see how dominant he can be.

9. The gas masks are very hot, but being forced to sniff sneakers is up there as well. The night where Jeremy finds himself alone with Shawn...when he protests to the smell and curls his socked feet around the breathing tube...very hot.

10. Shawn...100%


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:37 pm
by Sniffmyfeet
Zack is playing a nasty trick on Steven. Poor Steven will spend the night gagged with a huge, smelly sock because he was tricked into accepting it as a gag. I really feel sorry for him. I'm sure it will be very cosy with two of those muscled guys in bed. But I doubt Steven will get to sleep very well with his unrelenting gag.


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:57 pm
by blackbound
One of my favorite pairs of chapters yet! Intrigued by what is coming next. I forgot Zack was into bc, so I guess that answers who I'd want to tie me up.


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:37 pm
by Trainedsub
Steven- whiny, lucky, jealous
Nick- Childish, sexy, dangerous
Brad- cruel, harsh, dominant
Jeremy- brainwashed, young, relatable
Shawn- Meh, white bread, meh
Zach- beefcake, tease, interesting
2. Definitely Nick
3. Nick- sit on my face?
4. The old forum
5. 10/10
6. Yesss
7. Nickkkkk
8. Nick ❤️
9. Nick’s ass
10. Zach, because I want to live 😂


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:54 pm
by socjuc
Love how we are uncovering Zack's approach to dominating over these latest chapters. Especially enjoyed the force sock sniffing, depriving of air, and his clever outwitting of Steven lol. I would like to see whatever Zack has up his sleeve to torment Steven! Good to see the dual Nick-Zack approach too. Very cool and refreshing!


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:36 pm
by TiedNW
Cool chapters Bondagefreak! I really like the way Zack torments Steven. Wonder what is next


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:50 pm
by ShadowHusky
Zack will always be a heart throb, trickery and breath play are a big yes. Adding that to his incredibly cheesy stinkers and he is a dream man. But I have a big question... Who doesn't bring their phone to the bathroom? 😂


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:41 pm
by GoBucks
Hot hot chapter! Very glad to see Zack is staying the night! Loved the breathplay! I wonder how things are going to get much worse? Oh who am I kidding? I think Steven has too much clean air to breathe in. I'm sure that'll change being trapped in bed between 2 stinky hunks!

Ah what a dream. Sharing a bed with both Nick and Zack. I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.


Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:34 pm
by Straitjacketed
I think this is my first comment on this thread, although I remember the legendary tale in its previous incarnation(s). I must confess, though, that I’d never read it through properly from beginning to end: I’d always dipped into it, looking for the jerk-off material but pretty much ignoring plot or character progression.

Why? Partly because by the time I rediscovered it here, the story was already so established it felt a bit like discovering the works of George R R Martin five volumes into A Song of Ice and Fire. Reading it in chronological order seemed a daunting commitment: where would I find the time?

Well, this past week I’ve been on holiday abroad and have had, over the past 48 hours, the luxury of time to read the entire 150+ chapters straight through. Some of it I’ve read on my ‘phone at a men-only naked beach and let’s just say my back got a good tanning because I had to lie face down. :D

One of the reasons I was keen to do this epic the justice of a proper read-through is that I wanted to answer the recent series of feedback questions - and, believe me, I now will. I have, as they say, Opinions...


Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:44 pm
by Straitjacketed
Steven: melodramatic, narcissistic, housewife
Nick: paternalistic, inconsistent, stinky
Brad: extreme, scapegoated, opaque
Jeremy: infantilised, vulnerable, flaky
Shawn: unformed, amateur, dangerous
Zack: empathic, charming, too-good-to-be-true

I'm most turned on by the bondage, particularly when it involves whole-body immobilisation either with tape or in a sleeping bag (down padding isn't a primary fetish for me bit this story has me Googling "expedition mummy sleeping bag" and seriously considering a purchase). One of the reasons I held back from reading the story in its entirety is that I was fixated on the bondage scenes and, as I saw it, they seemed to have become fewer and further between. It wasn't until I took time to invest in the characters that I fully appreciated the extent to which this works in a wider sense as a detailed examination of different kinds of domination/submission dynamics.

Steven: "Be more honest and direct with other people and with yourself; you're not Carrie Bradshaw and don't have to generate angst and drama at every turn; maybe weep less and communicate more?"

Nick: "You're through adolescence - farting is no longer cute and not an actual personality trait; also, stop shaving your chest and embrace the bear"

Brad: "Don't try so hard at performing 'Master'; some contrast will enhance you and attract respect: do light as well as shade, kindness as well as sadism"

Jeremy: "You're not a child, you're an adult with autonomy, rights and inherent value; remember you always have some degree of choice and exercise it where necessary"

Shawn: "If you're genuinely into BDSM, for fuck's sake learn the basics from someone other than your cousin; at the very least, ensure your captive has a free airway and is able to breathe"

Zack: "With your skillset and charisma, you seem a bit wasted in construction; you're infinitely attractive as a monetisable commodity; perhaps we could meet to talk about that further?"

I can't remember exactly how I found the story, originally. I definitely remember the previous site but was a lurker rather than a contributor. I think I probably found it by Googling keywords ("trussed", "gagged", "helpless", etc.)

I guess probably an 8 or so? I'm a bit of a detail junkie when it comes to bondage scenes so there's always at least some room for improvement.

Steven was the POV character and one usually assumes they're a reliable narrator. That was my starting assumption but, as the story progressed, I questioned his reliability more and more (starting, I think, with his largely unnecessary embellishment of the threats made to him by Brad in the drowning scene, a lie that's never really been exposed). I think he's actually become less reliable, narratively, as time's gone on: I've become more aware of his manipulative streak, strong confirmation bias and tendency to make everything about him. If anything, these days when Steven forms a strong view of a character I automatically view his opinion with scepticism. Despite all of that, he is relatable and certain comments make me laugh with recognition (for example, when he characterises "I'm going to call for help" declarations as "begging for a gag").

I'd most like to be tied up and gagged by Nick for a number of reasons, principally because I'm turned on by the idea that my captor is really into it - he gets off on rendering me helpless and watching me sweat and seethe - to the extent that he'd overrule what I (say I) want because he prefers me bound and gagged. I like his fatherly combination of strict and caring. By contrast, Brad's overly sadistic, Zack's overly chilled and Shawn doesn't know what he's doing (and is disengaged to the point of not really giving a shit). There's obviously a non-consensual element and I guess I've found it easier in the past to go with something that isn't my primary turn-on if my captor knows what he's doing and really gets off on it.

I'm not sure what "in bed with" means in this context. If we're talking mostly vanilla exploration of bodies, that's very secondary for me (the bondage being primary) and I like muscles but also older, hairier men so I'd probably go with Zack.

Ooh, favourite gag... I'm less into the mouth stuffer (I constantly wonder how the characters manage to avoid actually throwing up and choking on their own vomit) and more into the method of taping. As someone who's usually able to dislodge a simple around-the-face tape gag (combination of facial hair, saliva production and sweat that seems to dissolve adhesive) I like it when the captors take additional steps to make it all extra-secure. I liked it when Brad's hogtie was complemented by an over-the-crown-of-the-head taping involving his sports cap. I loved the mummification scene where a reluctant Steven had his whole head taped up (again including under-the-chin-and-over-the-head). I've liked the times the leather muzzle has been added on top of a comprehensive tape gag. I wonder whether the harness is lockable; I like the idea of it being padlocked on top of a well-taped mouth/head so that even if Steven is otherwise unbound, he can't free himself of the gag.

Shoes/socks/feet sniffing is obviously a major theme in this story but, sadly, it's not one of my turn-ons so I'd have to say the least malodorous of the four... so probably Brad?


Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:39 am
by bondagefreak
blackbound wrote: 4 years ago One of my favorite pairs of chapters yet! Intrigued by what is coming next. I forgot Zack was into bc, so I guess that answers who I'd want to tie me up.
Good. Only nine questions left for you to answer ;)
Straitjacketed wrote: 4 years ago Well, this past week I’ve been on holiday abroad and have had, over the past 48 hours, the luxury of time to read the entire 150+ chapters straight through. Some of it I’ve read on my ‘phone at a men-only naked beach and let’s just say my back got a good tanning because I had to lie face down. :D
Always glad to see a new face pop up on here. Especially when we get a few tasty details added to the introductory post. Hope you didn't get too bad a sunburn on your back ;)


Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:25 am
by Straitjacketed
bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Always glad to see a new face pop up on here. Especially when we get a few tasty details added to the introductory post. Hope you didn't get too bad a sunburn on your back ;)
Hahah, I just had to ration my reading of this thread. :)


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:06 am
by bondagefreak


The result is a STUNNING depiction of the double-date scene that starts off with the hour long drive in Zack's Honda CR-V. During the drive, Steven protests 'cause he doesn't want Nick showing off those compromising pics that were taken of him the night before. But Nick just wrestles him down and clamps a gloved hand over his lower face before showing the pics to Zack and Jeremy.

Poor Steven. Trapped and squashed between Nick, and Zack's giant red hockey bag.



[mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention] [mention]handovermouth[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]jay_write[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]Valimure[/mention] [mention]Trainedsub[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]NotRowan[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]boundluis[/mention] [mention]hb54[/mention] [mention]LK3869[/mention] [mention]Scottstud94[/mention] [mention]hotgom[/mention] [mention]Tickler1079[/mention] [mention]atilaus[/mention] [mention]Johnsnow[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Phoenix[/mention] [mention]inky[/mention] [mention]lengban[/mention] [mention]Manlyducttape[/mention] [mention]Blakenome1999[/mention] [mention]sock_gagged[/mention] [mention]Shadesflirty[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Mitchelaiden[/mention] [mention]downlover[/mention] [mention]observer1[/mention] [mention]gaggedup[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Hmmm[/mention] [mention]TiedNW[/mention] [mention]dahandband[/mention] [mention]tieemup[/mention] [mention]that.kid13[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]harsim[/mention] [mention]Straitjacketed[/mention] [mention]jamieti684[/mention]

bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago As far as I was concerned, the less Jeremy knew about last night, the better.
Unfortunately for me though, Nick didn't seem to share that philosophy.

"D'you wanna see what Steven was up to last night?" Nick laughed, putting his hand on Jeremy's seat and scooting forward so that he could show my friend some of those compromising pics he'd taken.

Jeremy was obviously interested.
But I was furious.

"No! Niiiick!" I cried out, desperately trying to wrestle the phone out of my boyfriend's hand.

My attempts to do so failed rather miserably.
And before I knew it, a HUGE leather-clad hand clamped itself over my protesting face and pinned me back against my brutish Alpha's broad torso.

"Nnnmmmphhhh..." I cried out, suddenly finding myself unable to open my mouth or formulate any kind of protest from inside my boyfriend's giant, gloved hand.

My big, blond, oafish lover seemed intent on showing off those photos of him jerking off over my face.
And buckled up, held down and muffled up like I was...I couldn't do a THING to stop him.

"Shhhh. Quiet." Nick ordered, ignoring my muffled pleas and scooting forward in his seat to give young Jeremy a better view of his phone.

I cried out again, before finally surrendering myself to the overpowering smell of leather that filled my nostrils whenever I attempted to breathe in. Nick's thick police gloves creaked furiously as he tightened his grasp over my face, but he had absolutely no trouble keeping me muzzled up and quiet.
His hands were huge and easily covered two thirds of my face; from my chin, right up to the bridge of my nose.

I can't tell you how surprised I was when Zack decided to step in and shield Jeremy's eyes from the photo's Nick wanted to share.

"Don't look. You're too young for those photos." he chuckled, extending his arm and temporarily clamping his gloved hand over Jeremy's upper face to stop him from looking.

"Get outta here!" Nick laughed, scooting forward and moving his phone up between the two front seats so that Jeremy could look at the photos he'd taken.

Zack shook his head and snickered before removing his hand from Jeremy's face and focusing back on the road ahead.

I cried out, but it was already too late.

Jeremy was real quiet at first.

It probably took him a few seconds to realize what he was looking at.
But once he did, his face turned beet red and he couldn't stop a disbelieving smile from curling up his lips.

Zack too managed to throw a quick glance at Nick's phone.
But contrary to the young, green eyed teen, he was very vocal about it.

Artwork by local Deviant Art star "LK3869"

"Awww dude! Hahaha! That's fucking NASTY!" he laughed, grinning like crazy as he pulled his eyes off the screen and forced his focus back onto the road.

With all three of them laughing at my expense, I couldn't help but roll my eyes and furrow my brow in disapproval.
This was all Nick's fault!

"Mmmpphh...uugghnnmmpphh...mmppphh!" I tried telling him, glaring upwards as he casually settled back into his seat and put his phone away in one of his pockets.


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:01 am
by DeeperThanRed
That's really impressing stuff. Great job LK!


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:30 am
by bondagefreak
Thursday, April 27 (11:00 PM)

"So, kiddo? Nick tells me you have a thing for sniffing smelly shoes. Is that true?" Zack asked, looking down at me with a mischievous smile spreading across his handsome face.

"Ugghhmm...ugghmmm uuuggmmphf!" I cried, instantly shaking my head no and sputtering a series of unintelligible protests behind my mighty, muffling gag.

My huge, muscled guardian raised an eyebrow and gave me a quizzical look before informing me that he didn't understand a single word of what I was saying.

I grunted in frustration and gave it another try, angrily mouthing off beneath the giant stuff gag with renewed zeal and vigour.

There was a pause, and for a moment there I actually thought Zack had understood what I was trying to say.
His quizzical expression quickly faded away though, and instead, gave way to a cocky, toothy white grin.

"Damn, you're cute!" the stud laughed, smirking as I glared up at him, and chuckling at the fact that I was trying to mouth and yell from underneath the mouth-stuffing he'd fed me.

The comment made me blush, but I struggled and fought against the tight spandex sack...if only to keep up the illusion that his teasing infuriated me. Not such a hard thing to do, considering how pissed I was at having been tricked into accepting his smelly, unwashed sock inside my mouth.

It's only when Zack sat up on the bed and reached down to grab one of Nick's discarded trainers that my tone changed from one of defiance, to one of utter submission.


"Ugghhmmphf! Ugghmmmphf! Uhhmuugghphf!" I immediately cried out, shaking my head no and desperately trying to work my arms out of the sleepsack's internal sleeves.

"What's wrong, kiddo? Don't wanna sniff your boyfriend's shoe?" Zack teased, causing me to actually call for Nick's help through my gag.

Although Nick wouldn't normally come to my rescue in these situations, I'm fairly certain he would've stepped in given how late it was and given how he didn't want him friend exciting me before bed.

Unfortunately for me though, Mr. Prince Charming's big balled up sock did a more than adequate job at shutting me up and stopped me from getting any meaningful sounds out.

Meanwhile, my hunky blond lover was probably sitting on his porcelain throne and reading a magazine, completely oblivious to the fact that I was about to be tortured with his incredibly rank and horrifyingly putrid trainers.
Worst of all, I had no way to let him know I was in trouble. No way to alert him or get a message out through his buddy's cheesy old sock.

I was fucked and Zack knew it.
The fact that the handsome stallion played coy with me by pretending not to understand my pleas, really pissed me off and turned me on at the same time.

After all, Zack was a good guy.
Even though I didn't know him well, I knew he harbored no ill will towards me.
He was just having a bit of fun at my expense...much like I'd had when I had Jeremy cuffed to the bed and under my control back on Tuesday.

I'd practically tickled the kid to death and had even stuffed my own two socks into his screaming mouth so that he could cry out and alert the neighbors.
Not only that, I'd actually forced the little guy to sniff my boyfriend's giant, butt-stained boxers.

And now I was about to get a taste of my own medicine.

The sound of soft, creaking leather echoed across the bedroom as the super beefy, heavily-built muscle-hunk opened up his buddy's giant size 13 sneaker.

The stench was so strong that the air inside the room had become virtually unbreathable by that point.
So I was kinda glad to see Zack being inconvenienced by it as well.

The broad-shouldered giant put Nick's shoe down for a few seconds and turned his head away before breathing out through his mouth and waving a hand in front of his face.

"Uggh, man. Pfffff. That is some SERIOUS foot odour." he remarked, temporarily losing the smile on his face and appearing more than a little grossed out by the stench that was beginning to filter inside his nostrils.

"Ugghhmph...uuuggmmph uugghm!" I protested, trying to remind the powerful stallion that I was the one lying here with my mouth taped shut and arms pinned down.
I couldn't breathe through my mouth. I couldn't wave a hand in front of my face.
I couldn't even protest the vomit-inducing smell!

Hearing my garbled pleas and muffled screams immediately caused Zack's features to light back up.

The enormous basketball shoe was once again picked up. It's tremendously large gaping maw was angled down over my face and it's opening was spread wide open, giving me an up close view of just how rotten and horrifyingly FILTHY it was in there.

Nick's beat up sneaker barely made it a foot above my face that I was already convulsing in my sack and coughing beneath my gag.

I guess my reaction was so genuinely disturbing that it even managed to give my tormentor pause.

" come on." the hockey-stud chuckled, probably feeling a little guilty about what he was doing.
"It can't be THAT bad." he added, slowly turning basketball shoe up towards his face and lowering his nose close to the opening so that he could take a quick, tentative sniff.

Zack's eyes shot WIDE open. And for a moment there, he actually looked genuinely distraught.

"Holy mother of GOD!" he cried out, tossing the shoe down to the floor and breaking out into an incredulous laughter.

The jock spent the next thirty seconds of so, breathing in and out through his mouth and waving a hand in front of his face, probably to stop himself from being sick.

"I can't believe you actually LIKE this stuff!" he shot, ruffling my hair up and flashing me another one of his signature smirks.

I growled in defiance, but the super-beefy muscle-King just ignored me and kept laughing.

Meanwhile, the dimly lit bedroom was getting smellier and smellier from the incredibly strong stench of my boyfriend's rotten, festering hightops.
And I knew it would only get worse once the sock-clad brute made it back to the room and climbed into bed with us.

Zack fooled around with me for a few minutes after that.

My nipples were twisted, my stomach was prodded, my nostrils were pinched shut and my thighs were tickled.

It's only after I broke out into a final, desperate fit of laughter that the charming stud ruffled my hair up again and gave me something else to worry about.

"Hey, I got something else for you to enjoy." he chuckled, twisting his body around and reaching down towards the floor on his side of the bed.

I watched as he pulled up one of his own giant running shoes, and watched as he slowly started to unlace the smelly, godforsaken thing.

"Ugghhmmphf! Ugghmmmphf!" I cried out, shaking my head no, over and over.

"Haha! Yeah, you're gonna have fun sniffin' THESE stinky fuckers." he chuckled, causing me to scream and struggle even more inside my tight prison-sack.

"Aww come on, kiddo. Aren't you just the least bit curious?" he asked, throwing me a quick glance as he worked his fingers to undo the grimy, dirt-stained laces.

Don't tell Zack I said this, but I secretly WAS a bit curious.
If the sock in my mouth was any indicator as to the smell contained inside his shoe though...then I knew I'd be in serious trouble.

The laces were undone, the tongue was pulled back, and the old running shoe's gaping maw was forced wide open.

An amused chuckle escaped from Zack's lips as he lowered the sneaker's opening above my face and allowed it to hover a few centimeters above my flaring nostrils.

"Ughmmphf! Ughmphf! Ugggghhhmmmmpf!"

The cheesiness and potency of his shoe hit me like a brick wall and almost immediately caused me to choke and cough. My eyes narrowed down on the heavily-worn, smelly thing...and for a minute there, it actually became my number one worst enemy.

I cried out, struggled against the tight spandex sack and twisted my head left and right to try and avoid the handsome hockey player's extremely ripe shoe.

A few more seconds of struggling ensued, until it finally became clear that I had nowhere left to go.
Pretty soon, Zack's giant stinker was so close to my face that all I could do was sink my head down as much as the lofty pillow would allow it, and come to terms with the fact that my face was about to be buried inside it.

And then it happened.
Zack's HUGE, size 13 running shoe came down on top of me, it's gaping mouth clamping down over the entirety of my face and cutting me off from the outside world.

My defeat was complete.
Game over, I thought to myself.

I sniffed, and an incredibly strong whiff of rotting cheese and strong vinegar made it into my defenceless nostrils.

My eyes beamed wide in shock and my muscles and toes instantly froze and tensed up.
The air inside his running shoe smelled FETID!

"UGGGHHMMPH! UGGGHMMMPH!" I screamed, renewing my attempts to escape from the unrelenting grip of the inescapable bondage-sack.

Zack lifted his shoe up, only to clamp it back down over my face a few seconds later and repeating the process again and again.

He continued teasing me on and off, even going as far as rubbing my throbbing hard-on and taunting me as to the effect his foot odour was having on my libido.

He was having a LOT of fun, and I could tell by his facial expression that he really enjoyed fooling around with me and hearing me cry out for help from beneath my very thick, very disabling sockgag.

It's only when we heard the distant sound of the flushing toilet that things finally settled down.

Nick quickly made it back to the bedroom after that, and I couldn't help but notice how positively unbothered he looked that his buddy had a huge grin on his face and that I was quite literally panting under my gag.

The tight Calvins he wore did a rather poor job at concealing the bulk on his manhood, and it was virtually impossible not to notice the way his giant bulge just stuck out from in between his colossal thighs.

Zack lied about my mouth stuffing and casually implied that it had been necessary to put an end to my incessant complaints...a lie which, surprisingly enough, failed to make me protest.

I'm not sure why, but something about being sandwiched in bed between these two massive brutes really worked wonders at making me feel small and docile.
I actually just lowered my eyes down and obediently sucked on the giant wad that had been stuffed in between my lips...reminding myself that it was an extension of Zack's will and something he'd probably been wearing on his feet for at least a few days.

The thought of that alone would've been enough to fuel multiple orgasms.
If only my hands and arms hadn't been stuck inside that infernal sleepsack of his...

Nick and Zack spent the next few minutes chatting and getting cozy under the sheets.
Eventually though, they called it a night and turned the lights off, bathing the room in darkness and allowing the soft glow of the moonlight to filter in through the curtains.

A huge arm wrapped around my restrained body, and I was quickly flipped over on my stomach and pulled underneath my MASSIVE, 240-pound Alpha.

Nick fumbled with the rear end of my spandex restraint, the sound of a zipper was heard, and I suddenly found myself both surprised and terrified at the fact that a convenient opening in the sack led right to my back entrance.

I whimpered in fright, thinking I was gonna be fucked on the spot.
But the blond muscle-King just hushed me down and pressed his underwear-clad package into my butt before lowering himself on top of me and crossing his arms around his lofty pillow.

Nick's incredible weight would've normally been enough to knock the air right out of my lungs and suffocate me. But the memory foam mattress was real forgiving and immediately worked to accommodate the bulky giant's great size and mass.

Instead of being crushed like a bug, my body was pressed down and the slim contour of my spandex-clad form was engulfed by the thick, foamy bed.

I unsuccessfully tried to wrestle my face out of my boyfriend's big, lofty pillow and spent a few seconds fighting the sticky hockey tape and attempting to stretch my jaw open.
Eventually though, I tired of fighting and just gave up altogether.

I chewed on my fat, muffling gag and slowly accepted the taste of Zack's cheesy bundle inside my mouth.

Finally, I closed my eyes and sniffed the scent of my Alpha-god's giant pillow before purring and moaning in satisfaction.

That's when the three of us finally fell asleep.


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:48 am
by Straitjacketed
bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago GUYS! OUR FAVOURITE ARTIST ''LK3869" HAS ONCE AGAIN OUTDONE HIMSELF.

Wow, this is a thing of beauty! Thanks indeed, LK3869!


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:47 am
by ShadowHusky
@LK3869 , brilliant piece with stunning composition and skill. And amazing chapter, you know what those kinds of scenes do to me~ So good...


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:33 pm
by Ossassin
As ever LK3869 your work is a fantastic addition to any piece on this board, it's a delight to see.
Also BondageFreak I am loving everything to do with this latex sleepsack, it is awesome fun


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:16 pm
by Msueta@2
I loved that chapter so much


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:23 pm
by socjuc
@LK3869 your latest addition to this story is again exceptional. Always compliments the story so well, and provides the reader yet another aspect to enjoy with this epic tale.

@Bondagefreak, this latest chapter is HOT. Awesome how Zack fools Steven again by teasing that he would use Nick's shoes, but he had the real intention of using his own ones, complimenting his sock gag. A truly overpowering scenario for Steven.

Love it when someone outside, in this case Zack, feels empowered to insert himself, and inflict his own torture and manipulation of Nick's sub. :)


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:55 pm
by GoBucks
@LK3869 Wow, that is some stunning work! Thanks for the visual!

@Bondagefreak, another chapter that I just loved! I just can't get enough Zack. I love his playful method of torturing. It's not out of a need be cruel or to punish. He's just having a good time with jockbro type pranks.

And where can I order this sandwich? I need one!


Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:56 am
by Sniffmyfeet
I love the beautiful picture. It looks awesome!

Chapter 154 blew me away, wow! That's so hot and again I really like the playful way Zack forces Steven to sniff his running shoes. I also love how Steven finally accepts his gag for the night and gets used to the taste of Zack's sweaty feet. That sentence in which he says that the thought of it alone would be enough to fuel several orgasms 😍


Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:51 am
I bet [mention]that.kid13[/mention] would love to be tied and gagged like that.


Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:06 am
by Deleted User 2786 wrote: 4 years ago I bet @that.kid13 would love to be tied and gagged like that.
Kick rocks ;-)