All Inclusive Fitness: A Weekendverse Story (MM/MM)(Concluded 8/04/22)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

“I think our work here is done!” Connor announced as he packed away the tape and remaining bits of rope. “Just one more thing…” His voice trailed off as he led Liam back out of the room, leaving their captives to whine and struggle on their own.
Perhaps Liam and Connor have finished tying Kyle and Santiago up in such a unique way, but Kyle and Santiago might end up bonding with each other, as they lay bound to each other!! :D :twisted: :D :twisted:
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Post by gag1195 »

@KidnappedCowboy lots of bonding all around! Glad you're enjoying this tale still!
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Post by gag1195 »

Hey everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting for so long! But life happens, doesn't it? Anyways, I've finally got some down time so I hope to get a couple of chapters finished during this little vacation! And so here we are again, at the end of the night for Connor and Liam! I promise that this isn't the end of the tale, but it is the end of this first part! I have more planned for us to explore, so don't you worry! As always, I can't wait to read your comments and thoughts on this story! Enjoy!

Part 21: Long Way Home

The pair had settled into a comfortable silence after Liam nodded in agreement to Connor’s suggestion. It was late, they were exhausted, the gentle hum of the radio turned down low was calming. Liam felt his eyelids growing heavy, the gentle rocking of the car along the street lulling him closer and closer to sleep. The model fought to stay awake. He wasn’t sure how much longer this night would be, but Connor clearly had some plans, and Liam didn’t want to miss anything his red haired hunk was plotting.

As the quiet buildings slipped away on either side of them, the empty sidewalks illuminated by the orange glow of the streetlights, Liam realized that he didn’t actually know where Connor lived. He was certain that the trainer had mentioned it a few times here and there, usually when Liam complained about his rent, but right now he couldn’t place the memory. Not that he was worried. At this point, he trusted Connor. After everything they’d been through tonight, Liam knew he was safe with his dutiful knight.

“You’re very good with rope for someone who claims to be so new ‘to this whole bondage thing’...” Connor cast a sidelong glance at his companion as he let the statement linger.

Liam immediately tensed up. I guess this conversation is happening again. “Uh… yeah? You think so?” He sputtered out.

“Oh, playing humble are we?” Connor laughed. “Come on, Liam! Those knots were really impressive! Sturdy, tight but with enough slack to not cut off circulation. Looked like some practiced ropework to me.”

Liam’s heart was beating faster now. “I… well… thanks?” It felt very weird to be complimented on something like this, and Liam felt himself getting flustered all over again.

“So, your weekend with Markus and Peter… was an instructional weekend?”

Liam closed his eyes tight, unable to have this conversation. But he nodded silently.

Again, Connor laughed. “Leave it to Markus. Ever the teacher!” He reached over to rest his hand on Liam’s thigh, and Liam shivered. "Well, come on. Don’t be shy, what did our illustrious educator teach you?”

Fuck… Liam took a deep breath to force himself to relax. “Well, it was a lot, actually. Basic rope cuffs, hog tie, frog tie, chair tie, spread eagle. Even mummification…” his voice trailed off as he tried to catch his breath.

Connor let out a low whistle. “All in one weekend? Quite the boot camp. But you haven’t done anything since?”

Liam shook his head. He was still trying to figure everything out, still sorting through all the emotions, thoughts, and dreams that unfolded during that intense weekend of bondage that he hadn’t indulged any further. He wasn’t much for hookups and certainly didn’t trust a random meet up enough to try out anything bondage related. He’d read a few things about self bondage, but that too seemed way too dangerous.

“I’ve just got a good memory for things, and the stuff Markus and Peter taught me stuck with me.” Liam explained.

“So, they just kept tying you up all weekend?”

Again, Liam nodded. “Yes, but I also got to tie one of them up each time. You know, for practice.”

“Ah, that explains it. Hands-on approach?” Pulling to a stop at a red light, Connor turned to fully face Liam. “So which did you like more? Being tied up, or being the one to tie someone else up?”

Liam gulped. He forced himself to look at Connor, his dream dunk, the one who saved him this evening. “It was nice tying them up, especially Peter, but I don’t know, I think I liked being tied up more.”

Connor smiled. “I thought so, I just wanted to be sure.” The light changed green and they continued speeding down the road. “Which position was your favorite?” Connor continued to press.

Liam thought for a moment, reliving every moment from that weekend. Which had been his favorite? Which had gotten him the most excited? “Hmm… probably the spread eagle.” That had been his first dream of Connor, spread eagled on the gym floor with the sexy trainer doing push ups over his bound form. Even now, weeks later, that dream still replayed itself vividly, and still made his cock stiffen.

Hmm… interesting…” Connor said, mostly to himself.

“Ho- How did you get into all this stuff?” Liam found himself asking.

Connor smiled again, a confident smirk as he began reminiscing. College girlfriend actually. We went to the sex shop just a few blocks away from campus. She dared me to buy a set of fuzzy pink handcuffs. Neither of us knew anything about bondage, and it was painfully obvious. We tried it that night, and as soon as I heard the click as they locked around her wrists, I was hooked. She didn’t love it as much as I did, but we experimented with a few more things, rope and tape mostly. Even gave her the chance to tie me up. Wasn’t really her thing.”

He looked back over to Liam, coming back from his memories. “Quite the first date, huh?”

Liam laughed. He couldn’t help it. Maybe he was just overtired, but that comment sounded so absurd to him. “First date? Really?”

“Why not?” Connor defended. “I’ve certainly had worse!”

“You’ve had worse dates than being held hostage and tortured for hours?” Liam retorted.

Connor was fighting back laughter now too. “Ok, maybe not worse, but I’ve definitely been on more boring and uninteresting dates.”

Liam shook his head. “I can’t believe you can call this a date.”

Connor raised his hand and began counting off on his still gloved fingers. “Talked about turn ons? Check. Talked about past relationships? Check. Shared deep personal feelings about each other? Check. Saw you naked? Check. Bondage? Check. Discussed second date plans? Check. Headed back to my place at the end of the night? Check. It’s got all the hallmarks of a successful date in my book.”

Liam stared at this hunk of a man sitting next to him. He was in awe of Connor’s continued cool confidence. It was inspiring, even endearing. And, Bull and Hare aside, Connor was making good points. All of this did sound like a successful, if very strange, first date.

“Maybe you’re right…” Liam agreed hesitantly.

“And again”, Connor continued, “it’s not over yet!”

Liam’s mind began to race. He was certain what Connor was implying. And Liam was excited. But truthfully? He was also incredibly nervous. He’s been crushing on me for months. Will I live up to expectations? Liam also thought back to all of Connor’s talks about his past relationships. Connor has so much more experience than I do. What if he gets bored with me? What if I’m not exciting enough for him?

Those thoughts continued to plague Liam as the car pulled onto a side street, lined on both sides with townhouses and brownstones. Cars on either side made this one-way a bit of a tight squeeze, but Connor remained unfazed. He pulled up to an empty spot in front of a small two story townhouse, its pale blue paint darkened against the harsh shadows cast by the streetlights.

Connor grabbed the confiscated duffle bag of supplies from the backseat then marched up the steps, while Liam fished out his own gym bag and followed him inside.

“It’s a bit late for the grand tour, and I hope you don’t mind the mess. I wasn’t expecting any company.” He took Liam by the hand and led him up the stairs, just past the dark living room where Liam could just make out a few items of discarded clothing.

They rounded the top banister into the open door nearby. Connor’s bedroom. The personal trainer tossed the supply bag against the side of the bed, then yanked Liam’s own bag off and tossed it in the corner of the room. Connor, without ever turning on the light, pulled Liam into the room and closed the door behind them.

Using only the soft light of the streetlamps shining through the blinds, Connor led Liam to the bed. He spun them so Liam was between the bed and the muscular form of the redhead. Connor leaned in and kissed Liam, with more passion and purpose than any other kiss he’d had tonight. It was a kiss of desire, of lust, and clear intentions.

And again, Liam melted into this man. He was safe. With Connor’s arms wrapped around him, he was wanted. He relaxed into the kiss.

And then Connor pushed with his entire form and Liam found himself falling, still safely held in the trainer’s arms, back onto the bed. It was soft, warm, inviting. Liam felt the comforting flannel blanket brush against his skin as Connor freed his companion of his workout clothes. In an instant, Liam was stripped to his compression shorts, the cool air of the bedroom tickling against his skin. Connor joined him shortly, unzipping his sleeveless hoodie and tossing it and his shorts into the pile with Liam’s clothes.

Connor was on him, straddling Liam. He leaned down to pepper kisses against Liam’s neck and chest. His hands explored Liam’s abs, and caressed the model’s arms with gentle leather fingers. Liam moaned at each touch, each kiss and lick against his skin. It was wonderful and exhilarating. He felt his crotch stirring, involuntarily bucking against Connor’s own as it rested atop his.

The redhead felt it, and began exploring lower, trailing his kisses down towards Liam’s trapped erection. Liam begged for Connor to touch him… until those intrusive, doubting thoughts snuck their way back to the front of Liam’s mind.

He tried to push them away. He wanted this, he really did. It felt right, didn’t it? He couldn’t shake those concerns away.

Connor kissed Liam’s waistband, gnawing at it with his teeth, threatening to pull the fabric away and expose the prize within. The redhead’s hands were against Liam’s thighs and butt, holding the smaller man lovingly. But when one hand found its way to the front to pull down the compression shorts, Liam couldn’t stop himself. “Stop!”

Connor immediately let go and sat up. He reached over to switch on the lamp on the nightstand. “What’s wrong? Are you ok? I’m not hurting you am I?” His face was full of distress.

“N-no.” Liam shook his head. He wasn’t hurt. In fact everything had felt amazing. Still… “I-I… Just, um.. Do you think we could take things slow?”

Connor sighed in relief and rolled off Liam. He laid down next to the model and smiled. “Of course. I was worried that I had hurt you. Of course we can take things slow.” He looked into Liam’s eyes, his face turning serious. “Do you still want to stay? I can take you home or call you an uber or something.”

But Liam vigorously shook his head. “No, no! I want to stay. I just don’t know if I’m ready for everything.” He felt so guilty.

“That’s fine!” Connor reassured his guest. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.” Then he smiled a wicked grin. “Would it help if we take things a little bit at a time?”

Liam nodded. A little at a time sounded good.

“In that case, can I tie you up?” Connor ventured. “Not a lot! Just your wrists. Small steps.”

He rolled over and leaned down and produced a single coil of rope, which he held expectantly in his gloved hands.

Liam looked at the sweet expression of his dream hunk, his calmness. And he enthusiastically nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”

The red haired man beamed and gingerly took hold of Liam’s wrists. He peeled the gloves off his captive, and held Liam’s hands in front of him. Liam recognized the now very familiar rope cuffs being looped around his wrists. Connor was thorough, tightening them perfectly. He guided Liam back down onto the bed, resting the model’s head against the pillow.

Liam’s hunk switched off the lamp and tossed the comforter over the two of them as he settled down next to his crush. He pressed close to Liam, enveloping his willing captive in his arms. It didn’t take long for the unpleasant awkwardness between the two of them to fade as Connor continued to pepper kisses on Liam’s neck and shoulders.

He breathed in deeply, inhaling as much of Liam as he could. “You stink really bad.” he whispered into his prisoner’s ear, his husky chuckle tingling Liam’s senses.

“You don’t exactly smell like roses yourself, Red.” Liam whispered back. It was true. The pair had endured two separate workouts, plus Kyle’s and Santiago’s tortures. But neither minded. Their mingling scents of sweat was the sweet smell of victory, and neither was too concerned with washing that away.

“Good night, Liam.” Connor whispered before sleep overtook the personal trainer. The soothing breaths pushed against Liam’s hair as the model too drifted off to sleep, safely bound in the bed of the man that for so long had been only a dream.

There was a lot for them to work out, more conversations to have, plus their promised second date. And there was whatever Connor was planning in terms of Peter. But it was unbelievably late, and all of that would wait until tomorrow, or hell, even the next day. Wrapped in Connor’s ropes and Connor’s arms, that was enough for now.
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Post by Bradstick »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago

Liam realized that he didn’t actually know where Connor lived. He was certain that the trainer had mentioned it a few times here and there, usually when Liam complained about his rent, but right now he couldn’t place the memory.
Sounds like poor Liam is having troubles paying his rent, if only there was hot boyfriend he could move in with…oh wait :lol:

In all seriousness this story has been absolutely amazing. I’m super excited to see what the next plans you have are for it. This story has all the romance combined with the kidnapping, torture and pure drama of it all. And you were able to keep us all in suspense about who these robbers were and what were their motives. Absolutely amazing job. Can’t wait to see the relationship of Liam/Connor goes and to see what happens to Peter and how Markus reacts to Peters plan.
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Post by Volobond »

Yeeeeeeeeeeee! Absolutely adorable! I'm so happy to see them together and to see how respectful and sweet Connor is. Very happy indeed!

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This was super sweet.

Connor is really attentive to Liam, even if he's obviously down for more, it's so nice to see how they talked things out and take some time to figure out their relationship.

This story was amazing and I'd love to see more of this setting in the future.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Guardianbound »

Awwwwww, you made me all fuzzy inside. I love how Connor showers Liam with all the attention and love he deserves. Can't wait to see where you take these two next in your universe.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Liam’s hunk switched off the lamp and tossed the comforter over the two of them as he settled down next to his crush. He pressed close to Liam, enveloping his willing captive in his arms. It didn’t take long for the unpleasant awkwardness between the two of them to fade as Connor continued to pepper kisses on Liam’s neck and shoulders.


Just Aaaaahhhh...

So sweet, [mention]gag1195[/mention] :D
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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick they did just start dating, maybe give them some time before they discuss moving in together! :lol: I really appreciate your wonderful comment about this story! It's been great to share it with you all, so I'm glad you and others are enjoying it!

@Volobond It is nice that Liam and Connor finally have some alone time, without any of those dramatic interruptions. And yes, Connor continues to be Liam's knight!

@DeeperThanRed Of course! There is definitely going to be some relationship growing pains as we continue on with this story! And yes, there is more coming in this story. This tale isn't done yet!

@Guardianbound Liam deserves all of that attention and care showered upon him, and Connor is more than happy to oblige. Our hunky redhead knows how lucky he is to have Liam, so he's going to shower away!

@KidnappedCowboy Thank you friend! Glad you're enjoying it!

Thanks for the comments everyone! Connor and Liam appreciate them too! As I mentioned before, I've got more planned for this story, and it's going to be more vignette style. So stay tuned for the next installment!
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Post by tugfan »

Awesome chapter liked the way story is progressing
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Post by gag1195 »

@tugfan thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying this story so much, and I hope this next part is to your liking!

Here's the next installment. The grueling night is finally over for Liam and Connor, but things are only just beginning for their new relationship! Enjoy!

Part 22: Morning Coffee

It was one of the deepest sleeps Liam could remember. He hadn’t slept that well since his weekend with Markus and Peter, and the night he spent snuggly mummified against his favorite teacher. He only woke up once, and only briefly. It couldn’t have been more than an hour or two after he and Connor finally began their well deserved rest. The big hunk’s alarm went off, his phone vibrating on the end table like mad. Liam, forced into half-consciousness, felt the warmth of the personal trainer leave his space as Connor rolled over to silence the screeching bells. Liam thought he also heard some furious typing before the strong arm once again fell over him. Connor placed a feather light kiss on his captive’s shoulder before sighing back to sleep. Liam wasn’t far behind.

He didn’t stir again until he heard the familiar chime of his own phone alarm, faint and muffled. At first he thought it was simply part of his dream, but the sound remained too constant for it to be a figment of his exhausted imagination. With a groan, Liam forced himself fully into the waking world. He linked his eyes open, adjusting to the light streaming in through the blinds. But what woke Liam up fully was the realization that the bed was empty. He couldn’t feel the comforting warmth of his man pressing against him. He couldn’t feel the weight of the trainer’s body on the mattress.

Panic began to set in. He thrashed against the blanket still covering him and the ropes still binding his wrists. Connor wouldn’t just leave me, would he? His mind, still rattled from last night, immediately went to the worst case scenario. What if Kyle and Santiago are already seeking revenge?

His tension eased as he heard what sounded like Connor’s voice downstairs in the kitchen. No, not talking. The redhead was singing! Liam couldn’t tell what song it was, but he enjoyed the sound nonetheless. He would have enjoyed it more, were it not for the incessant cling clanging of his alarm. Thankfully his legs weren’t bound, so Liam threw the blanket off of him and knelt down next to his gym bag.

His wrists were still effectively rope cuffed, and even though they were tied in front of him, making the process more challenging than it needed to be. It was awkward, basically shifting his entire upper body to the right as he unzipped the gym bag. He managed to keep his balance and successfully fish out his phone. He switched off the alarm, his ears thanking him. He saw that he had a few texts from Peter, but he ignored them for now. He was still mad at his best friend and didn’t want to risk any of Connor’s plans by angrily texting back. Liam shoved his phone back in the bag and grabbed his black boxer briefs he had worn yesterday. He was painfully aware that he was still in his sweaty compression shorts from last night’s multiple workouts, and the meshy fabric was, well, compressing his persistent morning wood.

Liam also felt the intense need to relieve himself. Thankfully, the master bathroom wasn’t difficult to locate. With some difficulty, Liam pulled his compression shorts down, and gripping the sink counter, stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. He emptied his bladder, then awkwardly stepped into his briefs and slowly pulled them up. He took his time, not wanting to lose his balance and smack his head on any of the porcelain surfaces in Connor’s mostly clean bathroom. After successfully adjusting the waistband, Liam rinsed his bound hands before feeling refreshed enough to seek out his dream hunk.

He followed Connor’s singing and humming down the stairs, through the living room, and into the combined kitchen and dining room. The redhead was hunched over the kitchen island sipping on a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. He was only wearing a pair of tight green briefs, and a pair of glasses, which framed his face and gave him a slightly nerdy look. Or they would have if his hard earned muscles weren’t on display.

He stopped humming when he heard Liam’s approach. He straightened up and smiled at his houseguest. “Good morning!” He quickly set down the newspaper and strode over to plant a kiss on Liam’s lips, one that left the lingering taste of caramel creamer and coffee.

“Good morning.” Liam returned the greeting when Connor finally released his mouth from the welcome kiss.

“Would you like some coffee? I wasn’t sure how you wanted it, but I kept the pot warm.” Connor gestured over to the counter where an empty mug was waiting next to the container of sugar and the bottle of creamer.

Liam’s brain perked up at the sound of the sacred bean juice. “Yes. Coffee. Please.” He had gotten what he felt was some amazing sleep, but he still felt dog tired after everything the pair had experienced the night before. If he was being honest with himself, he’d probably be feeling it until at least Monday.

Connor chuckled and motioned for Liam to take a seat at one of the barstools on the side of the island while he stepped up to the coffee maker. He poured the energizing black liquid into the mug, then waited expectantly.

“Oh, just a little bit of sugar, then fill the rest with cream. Thanks.”

Connor raised the creamer carton. “Is caramel ok? It’s all I’ve got.”

Liam nodded. “That’s fine.” At this point, I just need caffeine in me. Hell, hook me up to a caffeine IV. He rested his still bound hands on the countertop and waited.

Connor slid the mug to Liam and watched as the model carefully grasped it in both hands and raised it to his lips. After a few sips, the coffee did its job and Liam finally felt awake enough for normal function.

He set the mug down and held up his wrists. “Think I can convince you to untie me?”

Connor smiled but shook his head. “Nope. Not yet, anyway. I like seeing you like this, knowing it was me that tied you up. Besides, you seem to be getting along just fine.”

Liam opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it. He couldn’t exactly complain. Annoying as the ropes were, they did feel good against his skin, and it was reassuring that these were Connor’s knots, not somebody else’s.

Liam sipped his coffee in silence, enjoying Connor’s gaze that drifted over the top of the newspaper. But there was something gnawing at Liam that he had to bring up. He cleared his throat and set down the half empty mug. “I’m sorry about last night… upstairs. I feel like I ruined the mood.”

Connor set down the paper and stared at his crush. His brows were knit together in concern. “Liam. There is nothing to apologize for. You spoke up about something bothering you. Never say sorry for that. My horniness doesn’t come before your comfort.”

He crossed around the island and wrapped the model into a big hug. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Liam wanted to, but what could he say? No, he wasn’t ready. He softly shook his head against Connor’s chest.

The redhead stroked Liam's head and nodded. “I’m here whenever you’re ready to, ok?” He pulled back so Liam could look into his hazel eyes. “Like I said last night, we’ll take things slow. On your terms.”

Liam sighed and smiled at the incredibly understanding man that stood in front of him.

Connor planted a kiss on Liam’s forehead. “I also need to apologize. I hope my alarm didn’t wake you up this morning. In all the craziness last night, I forgot to change it. I texted Courtney that I didn’t sleep well, and I was taking the day off. She wasn’t happy, but is covering for me. So, new boyfriend, I’m yours all day.”

They settled into easy conversation as they finished their coffees. Eventually, the talks turned to Connor’s ideas of revenge, and how they could get back at Peter for masterminding the entire ordeal.

“So, here’s what I’m thinking…” Connor began.


After spending most of the morning talking and scheming, the couple had devised what they believed to be a wonderful plan for revenge. They would have to be careful, and patient, but they were confident it would work.

Connor stretched and sniffed his exposed pits. Liam found himself leaning in to try and get a whiff for himself, almost unconsciously. “Phew, you were right. I do stink.” He deposited both coffee cups into the sink. “C’mon. I think we could both use a shower.”

Without waiting, Connor began making his way back upstairs. Liam quickly followed, enjoying the view of Connor’s backside as they bounded up the steps. But as they entered Connor’s bedroom, the trainer spun and grabbed Liam by the shoulders. He pushed the model towards the bed, and quick as lightning, bound Liam’s ankles in another pair of rope cuffs.

“What the-” Liam started, but was cut off by the intrusion of a red ball gag which Connor easily tightened around the confused model’s pretty head. “Mmmmaaagggffff!” He groaned into the gag. What is Connor doing?

He produced another coil of rope from the open duffle bag and lashed Liam’s already restrained wrists to his thighs. Liam pulled against his new bonds, but he already knew how futile it was. Connor didn’t want his prisoner going anywhere, so there Liam would remain.

Again, Connor kissed Liam’s forehead. “Sorry, I just couldn’t resist. I’ve wanted to get you like this for a while now. Please trust me, I’m going to respect your wishes. But, I didn’t say anything about taking the bondage slow.” He winked. “And I thought you might enjoy the show.”

He left Liam to struggle as he walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open. From where Liam had been placed on the bed, he had a perfect view straight to the redhead’s glass enclosed shower. He watched as Connor slowly, seductively peeled the tight briefs from his waist, bending down low, his ass facing Liam, until he could step out of them. He flung them back through the door where they landed close to his captive’s feet.

He ignored Liam’s mumbles while he got the shower started, then turned to triumphantly face his new boyfriend. Liam went wide eyed as the massive erection engulfed in the trainer’s flame haired bush. “I got to see naked last night, so it’s only fair that I return the favor!” He raised his voice over the echoing noise of the shower.

He didn’t say anything else, and for that, Liam was grateful. The model was already blushing up a storm, even though he couldn’t avert his gaze as Connor stepped into the shower. Like an animal on display, Connor began showing off all of his assets for his bound beau.

He lathered up his arms, his chest, his abs. He let the soapy water run in rivulets over the curvature of his muscles. He turned away from Liam, and flexed his ass muscles while he shampooed his hair. The steam rose off him, fogging the glass, but not for long as Connor continued to wipe the condensation away. All the while, he continued to stroke his endowment, and Liam felt his own erection straining against the fabric prison.

That sexy bastard. I only hope I’m not getting in over my head… Liam thought as Connor finally ended the tormenting shower and began toweling off.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I love the domestic morning of these two.

Connor is such a tease but I'll admit I'd love to be in Liam's place. For all the stuff he went through last night, watching the hunky ginger shower without being able to touch him (or himself) must be the biggest torture!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Cheeky of Connor to do that. Was expecting the two of them to play around in the shower together, but this is far more of a torment for Liam. Wonder what Connor intends to do next with his captive silent audience.
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Post by Bradstick »

It looks like Liam is having issues with what happened last night. Such as the panic when he woke up bound and Connor was not there. I’m curious if that panic was a one time thing or some trauma that Liam will have to work through.

This was such a sweet chapter and I really think Liam and Connor are a good fit for each other. Can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.
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Post by Volobond »

Oh, Liam. You're definitely getting in over your head, but in the best of ways. Great to see the bondage going on strong and the sweetness of Connor. Also, if Liam sleeps better in bondage... maybe he ought to be tied up every night? :D

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Post by gag1195 »

@DeeperThanRed Most domestic mornings would be greatly improved with bondage! And yes, Connor is a very evil tease, but I'm sure Liam is enjoying this torture more than what he went through last night!

@Guardianbound Connor is trying to respect Liam's boundaries. He sees that Liam wants to take things slow, so a sexy shower together might have been a bit much for our model. This is the next best thing in the hunk's mind!

@Bradstick They certainly did go through a lot, so it's only natural for it to stick with Liam. We'll just have to wait and see how it continues to affect him. I can't wait to share more of Liam and Connor with you all!

@Volobond Glad you enjoyed this chapter, friend! Liam may indeed be in over his head, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing! And of course, Liam should be tied up every night... ya know, for healthy sleep! :D

Thanks for the comments everyone! Next chapter, we'll actually be shifting perspectives for a bit, so look forward to more of this tale!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

That sexy bastard. I only hope I’m not getting in over my head… Liam thought as Connor finally ended the tormenting shower and began toweling off
That's a thought Liam should have considered before Chapter One began.

Connor has him hook, line, and sinker in more ways than one! 8-)
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Post by gag1195 »

@KidnappedCowboy agreed! But hindsight is 20/20 after all!

Hope everyone enjoys this next chapter! It's a short vignette checking in with the characters we left behind at the Cloak and Dagger!

Part 23: Late Shift

Grant smiled as he watched Connor and his handsome friend race off down the corridor and disappear into the alley. He was alone, standing there in the hallway of the bar. Well, not exactly alone. He looked through the open doorway to where his coworker and Santiago waited, bound and gagged, lashed together on the floor. He walked over and knelt down next to Kyle.

“You must’ve really fucked up, my friend.” He patted Kyle on the head.

“MMMMM FMMMMMM HUUUUUPH!’ Kyle screamed into the socked feet he was strapped to.

“I wish I could stay, but I’ve got to tend the bar. My asshole coworker flaked on his shift!” Grant teased as he left the pair to struggle. He set all the items Connor handed him down on one of the shelves by the door. Then he flipped off the storage room lights, plunging the captives into darkness.

“See you after my shift!” He called, closing and locking the door behind him.

Thankfully, the drunken, sweaty patrons of the bar hadn’t destroyed everything in Grant’s absence. It was late enough in the evening that the music and drinks were working their magic to keep the crowd happy and distracted. A few of the lonely hearts and overly inebriated at the bar celebrated Grant’s return as the bartender navigated his way back to his post, but other than that, his disappearance and reappearance had gone unnoticed.

He worked as quickly as he could to satisfy drink orders being shouted over the blaring music, flashing his tip-winning smile and placating the waiting customers. When he found a lull, Grant turned his attention to an ipad hidden at the bar, behind his workstation, underneath the raised counter where the customers nursed their concoctions. With a few taps, Grant pulled up the security footage, and toggled it so he could keep an eye on Kyle and Santiago. It wasn’t the best picture. The storage room camera was high in the corner, and the grainy black-and-white “night vision” of the older system removed a lot of detail. But at least he’d be able to see if the pair was hurt, or in need of help.

Grant looked at the time. It was late, about 30 minutes until closing. Grant was exhausted from working most of this shift alone, but he smiled as an idea struck.

There was no DJ tonight. One was planned, but they canceled at the last minute, leaving the bartenders to awkwardly man the sound system from their ipads. Grant looked around at the writhing bodies, the drunk and happy dancing. He clicked his way to the music controls and in moments, the music went silent, the lights stopped strobing and changing colors.

The sounds of complaints and shouting from the patrons was almost as deafening as the music had been. But Grant was ready for the crowd of angry men to turn on him.

“CLOAK AND DAGGER!” He shouted above the noise, his commanding presence felt by those closest to him. “ARE YOU HAVING A FUN NIGHT?”

The crowd cheered. Many raised the drinks in their hands in support.


He set the music and lights back up, queuing up a dance/techno remix of ‘All Night Long’, while the drunken customers cheered and resumed their Friday night frivolities. Another round of drinks were ordered and made, and his announcement earned Grant quite a few more tips and a handful of numbers.

He flicked his eyes down to check on his charges when he could, contentedly watching the pair struggle. He wasn’t sure if his voice carried into the storage room, but he had an idea that Kyle at least could figure out what the sudden quieting, jeering, then cheering meant. It meant that his and Santiago’s night wasn’t over yet.


And so the night went on. The booze flowed, the music beat, the dancing continued until well past 5am. And all the while, Kyle and Santiago writhed and pulled and strained. But even through the grainy video feed, Grant saw that Connor’s knots held strong. Grant made a mental note to get some lessons from the personal trainer.

The harsh lights of last call blinded the patrons as they filed out of the Cloak and Dagger. The bar and dance floor were a mess, but Grant had no intention of doing anything about it. He’d worked what amounted to a double-shift almost single handedly. Besides, he’d put Kyle’s name down for the afternoon’s opening shift. A fitting punishment for choosing whatever nonsense got him and Santiago into their roped up predicament.

But Grant had another, more immediate punishment in mind.

When the last man stumbled out into the gray pre-dawn light, Grant closed and locked up for the morning. It was finally time to check in on his captives.

With the bar empty and quiet, Grant could hear the faint, muffled screams of who he could only assume was Kyle. the poor man was probably hoarse by now, if he’d kept it up the last few hours. The blonde bartender’s quieted complaints only grew louder as Grant unlocked the storage room door.

“Sorry I’m late!” Grant announced, flipping on the light. “I hope you two enjoyed your night! I know the rest of us did!”

“Mmmmmrrrr!” Kyle groaned, glaring at his friend and coworker. Santiago looked up, but remained quiet.

Grant stood over toe bound men, crossing his arms. “Have anything you want to say, Kyle?”

“Ggrrmmmmmm…” Kyle responded with a growl.

“What was that?” Grant held a hand up to his ear. “Not sure, but I thought I heard, ‘I’m sorry Grant for ditching my shift, while I went off and had a weird kinky time with Santiago, Connor, and Connor’s new boyfriend. Can you ever forgive me?’ Why don’t you try it again?”

Kyle sighed into Santiago’s feet. “Hmmm smmmmry frmmmmm dmmmmphing mmmm hmmmf mmd hmmmmvmmm mmmmky phmmm wymmmph Phmmmtmmmgmmm, Cmmmr, mmmph Cmmmmrph mmmmmyphmmmmd!”

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Grant teased. He sank down to his friend’s level and smiled. “But I’m not sure if it’s enough…”

And then he pounced. Grant dug his fingers into Kyle’s side. He knew his coworker was quite ticklish, and he intended to take full advantage. Kyle, obviously, was not happy about Grant’s sudden betrayal. He bucked against the assault, squirming on top of Santiago’s ass. The trapped blonde tried to bat Grant’s fingers away, but the restrictive ropes prevented that.

“MMMMMMMMFMMMMMM HHMMMMMMM GMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMM!” Kyle howled, trying and failing to free his head from its sock prison, but no luck.

Grant was free to poke and prod Kyle’s sides. He wedged his fingers into the friend’s armpits, but the tight ropes made that approach less effective. Similarly, with Kyle’s feet trapped and roped in his boots, Connor’s bondage cut off that vantage point. But it was enough to bring Kyle to manic tears.

Kyle’s breathing grew increasingly labored as he fought back laughter and tears. “Gmmmmmmt! Plmmmmmmmms!” He begged.

Finally, Grant relented. He took his time undoing the impressive ropework that enveloped his two sexy captives. He separated the pair, untying the ropes that connected them to each other, and releasing Kyle’s face from Santiago’s feet. He fully freed the hulking mechanic, allowing him to massage his sore muscles and put his shoes back on.

Grant turned his attention to his still bound and gagged coworker. “I know you can’t tell me what really happened tonight. I’m not going to ask. I’ll respect Connor’s wishes. For now.” He put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder, pressing down firmly. “But seriously, dude? Leaving me high and dry on a Friday shift? For whatever this was?”

“Grmmmmm, Mmmmm smmmmmm smmmmmry!” Kyle lamented behind the tape. He did sound genuinely remorseful.

“You know you have to make it up to me right?” Kyle nodded. “For starters, You’re opening this afternoon. I signed you up for it.”

“Fmmmmk hmmmmmu!” Kyle grumbled.

“Ok, I guess I can just leave you here for someone else to find.” Grant nodded to Santiago and motioned for him to start leaving.

The giant hesitated, but seeing the look in Grant’s eyes made him reconsider. He stood up, collected his knife from where the bartender left it, and cast a longing glance back at his bound friend before disappearing into the hallway.

Grant turned to follow, but Kyle’s begging stopped him. “HMMMMM MMMM PHMMMMMM MMMM!”

“Alright, alright. I’m not that cruel.” he smiled as he freed his friend.

“You’re such an ass.” Kyle complained as he finally regained his ability to speak.

Grant held out his hand to help Kyle up. “Pot, meet kettle.” he playfully shoved Kyle’s shoulder before reminding him, “You’d better go get some sleep. Your shift starts in a few hours!”
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Post by Bradstick »

Oh, I like Grant. That was that a good case of revenge that also Grant could justify. It’s wasn’t too bad that Kyle could fire Grant, but also at point where Grant was getting his revenge. Besides Kyle can’t complain too much when Grant made his store even more money. I can’t believe that Grant ran a bar by himself all night. No Dj, nothing, just him. I find that quite impressive. I do hope we see more of grant later on.
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Post by Volobond »

Grant is totally awesome! But honestly, I just wanna tie Kyle to the bar and tickle him senseless!

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Post by Guardianbound »

Grant showed us some impressive management skills here, drunk people, rowdy people, bound in the back people. How does he juggle everything at once.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's really thoughtful of Grant to keep an eye on the captives. He might prolong their bondage for longer than strictly necessary (which was hilarious) but it's obvious that he cares about their well-being.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Well, Grant had to untie Kyle and Santiago, but I am glad that the pair got their just desserts. And I'm sure there may be more opportunities to punish them again, should they step out of line! :D

What I really liked was the whole scenario of two, struggling hunks tied up and gagged in a storage room with one screaming his lungs out for release through his gags (and maybe some other release as well 8-) ), while there are a large number of men nearby, completely oblivious to their predicament!! :twisted:
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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]Bradstick[/mention] It's always nice when revenge is fully justified, and you can follow through with it! Grant is proving himself quite impressive, isn't he?

[mention]Volobond[/mention] Maybe someone should suggest a bondage/kink night to Grant and Kyle...

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] He just needs to work on his rope skills, and he may be close to perfect! ;)

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] Of course, Grant would've let them go if he thought it was dangerous or unsafe. But seeing how safe it was, he was more than happy to let them stew for a bit longer!

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] Grant may be working on some more ideas... we'll just have to wait and see! And agreed, it really highlights Kyle's and Santiago's helplessness- serves them right for what they did to Liam and Connor though!

Thanks for the great response everyone! We'll be doing a few more vignettes as we start working on Connor's various plans! Lots more to look forward to! Not sure when I'll get the next chapter out, but hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later!
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Post by gag1195 »

Part 24: Manic Monday

Monday came as both a blessing and a curse for Liam. On one hand, he was sad to leave the new comfort that Connor and his townhouse were becoming. The muscular jock had finally freed Liam just before lunch on Saturday, after he enjoyed his lengthy show-off shower and spent quite a bit of time parading around in the buff to clean and organize his home for his guest. Liam washed off the sweat and stink of the last 12 or so hours while Connor prepared lunch for them.

Saturday had been a dream. The new couple spent the rest of the day talking, getting to know each other beyond their formerly professional relationship of client and trainer. Liam, of course, found himself restrained for most of that afternoon, but he didn’t mind being under Connor’s strong grip. The redhead ordered out for dinner, and the two settled in for a samurai movie marathon (a shared love they discovered during lunch). Liam found himself bound again when it was time for bed, and once again discovered the strange comfort and quality of sleep the ropes provided.

Connor, unfortunately, had work Sunday afternoon. A fact that Courtney called to remind him of 3 separate times Sunday morning. Reluctantly, the pair dressed and loaded into the hunk’s SUV. Connor dropped Liam off at his apartment, leaving him with one last kiss and promising to text him later. The model spent the remainder of Sunday languishing in his empty apartment, missing his red haired knight and trying to distract himself by reviewing their plan for Peter.

On the other hand, Liam was excited to get their revenge started, and that began in their cubicle. He’d have to be careful and not reveal anything too early. His best friend was deviously crafty, and Liam was worried that his own acting skills wouldn’t stand up to the blonde’s scrutiny. But he and Connor had discussed and prepared as much as they could. They were confident in their little plot.

Liam was also happy, practically giddy, to be able to announce to Peter and their coworkers the news that he and Connor were officially an item. Ever since revealing his crush to Markus and Peter, work had spread through the accounting department at an alarming speed. It was sweet, if only mildly annoying, for his work friends to be concerned about his love life, but he was happy to finally move past that line of questions.

In fact, that’s just what Liam was doing when Peter arrived at their cubicle. He was talking with Suzie, their middle aged coworker with curly brown hair, whom they shared a cubicle wall with.

“In retrospect, I should have known that him asking me to hang back and help him close up Friday night was part of his plan to ask me out.” Liam said as his best friend set down his black motorcycle helmet. “But we both sort of asked each other on a date, so it all worked out!”

“I knew it would, Liam!” Suzie said in her naturally perky voice. “So, when’s the first date? You don’t want to keep him waiting too long!”

Liam smiled. “I think I’m safe for now. But, Connor is planning a ‘big date idea’ for this weekend actually.”


“Wait, Li!” Peter practically shouted. “Am I hearing you right? You and Connor finally did it?”

Suzie shook her head. “Honestly, Peter! Always so vulgar, and this early in the morning, too!” She sank back down behind the wall and began typing away at her desk, leaving the two cubicle mates to talk.

“I still can’t believe it!” Peter said, dropping his voice to a whisper. “I honestly didn’t think either of you would have the balls to do it. Congrats! I mean it!” He slapped Liam on the shoulder.

Liam smiled, and winced, and tried to keep his real thoughts down. He’s playing pretend too. If Santiago told us the truth, then he’s known something happened since the text Friday night.

“Oh man, I gotta text Markus!” Without waiting for a response, the blonde whipped out his phone and furiously sent the good news to his boyfriend. “He’ll be in class by now, but he’ll have something to look forward to during his planning.” He turned to his best friend. “Speaking of texts…” Oh shit! Does he know? “Why didn’t you text me all weekend? Or were you too busy to let your best friend in the whole world know the good news?”

Liam’s face went red. There was Peter with his usual nonchalance, so unfazed by less polite conversation.

“Well, go on! Don’t spare any gory details!” Peter demanded as he started leafing through accounts and folders on his desk. “How was it? How big is he? His rope skills as good as I think? Markus is pretty tight lipped about his old flame.”

Thank god Peter is whispering, or I might burst into flame. Liam sighed. It was fine. He anticipated this line of questioning. “We’re taking things slow. We’re trying not to rush into things. But to answer your last question, yes…” Liam smiled as he turned back to his own desk.

“Taking things slow, eh? Respectable, responsible, safe. Can’t say I approve.” Peter joked.

“Of course you don’t,” Liam retorted, “it’s a smart idea.” They laughed. Genuinely laughed as best friends for the first time in a while. I’ve missed this. When the two of them calmed down, Liam leaned close and whispered. “Peter, I’m sorry I’ve been distant lately. Kind of a jerk if I’m being honest. I’ve just been all jumbled up inside since that weekend, and I took it out on you.”

Peter paused in his procrastination and faced his friend. “Don’t worry about it, Li. I knew you were handling it in your own way, even if it did take forever. But, like it or not, you’re stuck with me!”

“Thanks, Pete.” I mean it.

The pair settled back into their familiar flow, talking, joking, figuring out their accounts. Periodically, other coworkers stopped by their cubicle for a file, or help on an assignment, or just to talk. And every single one of them had heard about Liam’s news, thanks to Peter’s and Suzie’s efforts. Lots of congratulations, date night suggestions, requests to see pictures of the hunky personal trainer that finally swept Liam off his feet. Perhaps the constant nagging about my lack of a love life hadn’t been so bad after all…

Around 11, he got a text from Markus. Hey, Liam! Peter told me the good news! So happy for you both! Hope you’re enjoying the honeymoon phase! Let’s catch up soon. Maybe a double date in the near future?

Liam couldn’t help but smile at the teacher’s text. No complaints so far! I’ll have to talk to Connor, I know he’s got a few date ideas already, but a double date sounds great to me! Liam went on to offer much the same apology as he gave Peter. He had genuinely felt back about essentially shutting them out.

Markus responded quickly. I know you’re in good hands with Connor! And thank you, Liam. I know it’s been a bit overwhelming. I understand you needed space. Glad you were able to work things out. I’m always here to talk if you need anything!


Connor had also continued to text Liam throughout the day, and each time his phone buzzed, Liam lit up. They were sweet, mostly innocent- How’s your day so far?, Missing you today, Can’t wait to see you tonight, and the like. Connor also sent more than one shirtless picture, showing off his sweaty abs and chest, which made it hard for Liam to focus on his work.

Around midafternoon, Liam found the perfect moment to begin their revenge plan.

Peter was pretty much finished with any real work for the day, despite there being at least 2 more hours of the day left. He leaned back, stretching in his office chair. “So, now that you and Connor are ‘official’, what does that mean for your training sessions?”

“We hadn’t really discussed it yet. I assume I’ll rejoin you and Markus. But really, it’ll be whatever works for everyone.”

“Well, regardless, we should celebrate. Cloak and Dagger?”

Liam couldn’t help but laugh. “Tonight? Sorry, I’m gonna have to do a raincheck.”

“I see how it is. Gets a new man, and now he’s too busy for his best friend!” Peter studied his schedule for a moment, muttering to himself. “Hmm… not Tuesday, Markus and I have plans, Wednesday we’ve got our session with Connor… What about Thursday?” He leaned over Liam’s desk expectantly.

Time to bait the hook. “Actually, I’m busy Thursday. I was planning on modeling for the Life Drawing Class at the gym’s café...”
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