Bunnyverse: The Four Musketeers (F+/F+) *15/09 NEW UPDATE*

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
Ush should be careful with acquiring more titles - at this rate simple introductions will turn into a tedious affair :P

As a rule of thumb, if you cannot say all your titles and names in a single breath, perhaps you have too many :lol:

Funny guy :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
Of course Parris is doing the old 'I could defeat all of you but I am too bored/busy/going to give you a chance' villain move. I think that one is listed somewhere in a manual for how to *not* succeed in your master plan. Somehow I suspect it might end up backfiring on her in the end...
Yeah, most likely it will. But the cartoon villain way: giving the good guys way too many chances, over explaining. It's all too much fun to do differently.

As for the ramping up of things, big scale fighting as opposed Kayley facing guards with pistols. I'm trying to be 'epic' :D :lol:
GreyLord wrote: 9 months ago I'm enjoying this tremendously.
Excellent. Thanks for dropping a comment letting me know, am trying to weave several aspects together, much as with your 'epic' :D tale. Definitely fun to write.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Ghost Ship.

"This...." Ushinatta, at my feet, bound and naked, looking cute.

I'm a sucker for a tied. Um.

Is she still a girl?

Cute. Anyway.

Laid on wooden planks, Ushinatta lifts her head to glance around before looking up at me. "This isn't the base."
"No?" Frowning.

We've come out the door, me dragging Ushinatta, hogtied and therefore unable to help. Using one of my special skills.

World Walking, Kayley had called it. Accurate really, I can, frequently do, walk between places and worlds, realms. Using doors and a little something. A flex within shall we say. To get from A to whatever B I choose.

This is the first time I haven't ended up at the correct B.

The ship is old, wooden.

And thanks to the Admiral, and despite his being a half buried and vine covered thing in the middle of the forest there is plenty to resemble this with his

I know all about ships.

We've walked out onto the main deck, tall mast directly in front, forecastle and smaller foremast towards the prow. A third, the smallest mast, the mizzen, is up on the poop deck behind with the ships wheel, at the stern situated above the captains cabin.

All the masts, even the bowsprit lancing out of the prow, have furled sails. Rolled and tied off against the various masts.

There's no wind anyway.

Calm seas.

"We're at sea."
"You think?" Laid on her back, legs spread wide left and.

I mean larboard and starboard.

Probably? Not meaning to, but I've got the perfect view of Ushinatta's assets, both above and below the water line.


I like boats. Ships.

Blame the Admiral.

She grins at me as we, because of the ship, bob gently up and down.

Because we're at sea.

"Are we meant to be on a boat?"
"Ship." Another grin, teeth like a shark. Still cute though. Voice teasing. "Not a boat?"
"It's the size."
"Size huh?" Shaking her chest.

Large perfect breasts, thrust out by a combination of her bound elbows, wrists, and the fact she's laid on her back. Flopping and bouncing together, firm and.

I look up, see her looking right at me.

"Oh." Blushing. "I. Well."
"No." Huffing. "I'm." Shaking her head, a shrug. "Not used. Well, it's been awhile since I was anywhere close to a pretty girl. And." Quick wriggle, I fail to not glance at her chest. "These ropes don't help. I," sheepish smile, "kinda like being tied up. Normally."

"I live with a squirrel." Half smile, sharing back. "Spiders, dragons and trees. I." Hunkering down and reaching out, brushing hair back off Ushinatta's face.

Holding her breath as my hand moved, her breasts right there and, well. I wasn't aiming for them but.

Did she think?

And her all trussed up, cute and perfect, I could've.

"Don't get to see many pretty girls either. Especially not gift-wrapped."

She laughs, I let my smile grow.

"Could've done without fucking losing though." Huffed out, suddenly glum.

"So walking through doors is like your thing?"
"So." I'm sitting now, cross legged next to but not facing her, trying to keep my eyes front, off her chest and crotch. I glance briefly now, Ushinatta looking back, shrugs. "Were you. I don't know. Aiming for here?"

Potential methods of explaining running through my thoughts at speed, cascading. Hand gestures, mouth forming words I don't sound out loud.

"No." Shaking my head. "I open the door," waved gesture behind us, the door we came in, "any door. And on the other side is anyplace I want to be."
"Anyplace that has a door?"
"Oh." I laugh. Silly. "Yes. Of course."

"And does it always work?"

Asking nicely, I look over again, Ushinatta shrugs, breasts moving up, down, with the gesture.

"Until now."
"Right." She tuts. "Fucking wands."
"Do you think she...?"
"Paris?" Confused. "Oh no, I was definitely aiming for the base in England."

Laughing, harder when she looks across, sees my confused frown.

"No." Still smiling. "Parris is the redheads name. The, um, wand bearer."
"Oh." I have a little laugh too. "Oops."

"So." Thinking. "You think Parris is. Stopping me? From getting us home?"
"Could be?" Frowning and thoughtful too. "Maybe. Um," glancing back at the door, "try again?"

Standing. Stretching up onto tip toes.

Ushinatta flopping over, wriggling round for a better view.

Of me?

"Should I...?" At the door, hand on the rusted handle and looking back at her. "You...?"
"No." Shaking her head. "If it works, come back through?"

Opening the door, walking confidently through.

"Thirteen doors."
"Huh?" Rolling and squirming, flipping over and looking surprised as I climb up steep wooden steps from the empty gundeck below. "You're?"
"Still here." Nodding, flopping down defeated next to her, dropping the one useful thing I'd been able to find: spare sail for the bowsprit, folded, which I'd dragged up from the bowels of the ship.

"There are thirteen stupid doors on this ship." Shaking my head, elbows resting on knees. "No people. No," quick shiver racing across my shoulders, down my spine, because it is creepy, "sign there even were people on board."
"Weird." Frowning. "Old ship, but, surely there'd at least be." Shrugging as best her ropes allow. "A cup of stale water?"
"Not even that." Looking around the main deck again.

"All the doors lead to each other. I can't get off."
"Right." Ushinatta frowns. "So. Um...?"

In response I shrug, point at the sail.

"I thought, though. Well." Blushing slightly. "That you might be cold?"
"I see." Half smile. "That's very kind of you. Mel."
"Melantha." Nicely, soft. "Please."
"Sure." Smile slightly wider. "Melantha." Rolling and wriggling closer. "Would you like to join me?" Our eyes meeting, briefly. "Help keep me warm?"

I nod. Not trusting my voice right now, nor my hands in truth if I'm about to go and lay down under the covers with a sexy naked girl who happens to be helpless too.

Shaking out the sail I lay it over Ushinatta, sliding in next to her. Resting my head on both hands, pinning them down.

Breath catching as she struggles closer still, resting her head sideways on my elbow, her chest pressed, only just but I can feel her nipples like tickling, against my side.

"Is this okay?"
"Su-" Voice cracking. I swallow. Nod.

We lay in silence for awhile, gentle rocking of the ship. Heat of her body close, so close.

"I don't think you're dark at all." Throwing the observation out, wanting to say something. Something nice.

"No?" Chuckling softly, body rocking slightly. "Actually quite friendly and, um, good. Am I?"
"Well...." Glancing sideways, her face close up, full of humour.

Realisation dawns.

"It's the skin?"
"Sort of." Looking at her arm, the twisting black as it fades towards the shoulder, her pale, like mine, skin showing through. "Dark God is a name for a thing. Like Elemental or." Nod at me. "Dragon. It doesn't define how I act."

"This is...." Some time later, minutes of silence having passed again. Ushinatta speaking first this time. "Pleasant."
"Yes." Turning my head to the side again, offering a little smile. "You." Licking my lips. Nervous, but curious. "Don't mind being bound?"
"I mean." Shrugging. "I'd prefer it wasn't down to Parris's doing." Showing me a smile back, small wriggle. Closer.

And at some point we've both clearly managed to forget, or temporarily stop caring, about the fact we seem to be stuck on an old ship rocking on a calm but unknown ocean.

Ushinatta too, seems to of forgotten or no longer cares, for now, that she's bound in ropes that neither of us can remove.

"Maybe you capturing me instead?"

Urge to kiss her. The moment there. Stretching, gazes locked. Ushinatta blinks.


"You." Cursing the miss. Not thinking. "Don't mind not being able to hug me back?"
"I can't hug back." Grinning. "If you aren't even hugging me."



More eye contact. Ushinatta, the smallest of nods.

And I'm just starting to shift, moving the arm she's laid on, intending to stretch it out, up and around to rest my hand on her back.

Maybe. Stroke her back?

When with a thud that makes us both jump, me sitting up like a guilty schoolgirl.

Kayley appears on the deck, Sergeant Frost standing beside her.

The sergeant dressed mostly in nothing but her underwear.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Underground. Somewhere.
Sergeant Frost.

One fucking shot.

All that training. The successful engagements. Promotion to sergeant, selected for zero battalion, becoming the elite amongst the elite.

Training again, lectures from old men in suits, slides and old shaky video. Hollywood, made real.

It was, is, all real.

And, finally, mission start.


One fucking shot, that's all I managed.

Some fucking marine.

Darkness. Total, not nighttime out in the countryside, all clouds and no moon or stars. Total darkness the absence of all light.


I can smell the bare earth, feel it against my cheek, my face being about the only part of me not bound.

Bad enough I lost, I had to go and get captured by her too.

Feels like I'm inside a straw made out of fabric. Really tight fabric. My tee and combat trousers, she changed them. Waved a wand and, poof.

Tied me up.

The trousers are like a skirt, the tee like a tube, my arms pinned inside. Somehow my pockets have my hands pinched tight, almost like they swallowed them. The altered clothing, as it morphed, constricted. Tighter and smaller until it clung to my every curve, forcing me into this 'stuffed inside a tube' pose. One I can't escape from.

There was a knife, a big one not some pansy flick blade, on my pistol belt.

Which, alongside my rifle and beret, my armour vest, are probably still on the grass in St Andrews.

Because not one of my new squad mates likely understands the concept of not leaving dangerous weapons in public places.

A Queen. A Dark God. And a.

Rope Bunny?

Whatever the fuck that even is?

Power sloshing through all of them, figures I'd- just a plain old human -be the one letting the team down.

Too dark to see. There could, and I did despite my high melancholy try to wriggle free of the impossible cocoon. Failing of course.

I did try to search out, by touch, my immediate surrounds. But even so there could easily be a tunnel leading directly to freedom two feet to my left.

But it's too damn dark to know.

Rolling onto my back, again. Staring up at a ceiling that could be earth, or carved stone. A ceiling that could be two or two hundred feet above.

What am I going t-

Sudden puff of wind, like displaced air. A small white cloud, smoke, drifting lazily across my face.


Kayley's face, looming out of the pitch dark inches above mine, her hand coming down, contact with my shoulder.

I almost. Very nearly, scream.

"Fucks sake." Huffed out, fighting to calm and slow my heart, the blood loud in my ears. "Kay?"
"Yeah." Keeping her head close, voice quiet, smiling down showing far too many sharp teeth.

Just like Ush.

"Scared shit out of me."

Kayley straightens, keeping her hand on my shoulder as her head vanishes into the black. The continued contact reassuring.

"Have you seen her?"
"No." Shaking my head. "Can't see fuck all down here."
"Can't feel her...?" Voice sounds thoughtful. "I don't suppose." Switching to amused now, and I can't see her smile but know she is.

And even on such short acquaintance I've got to say: nobody smiles in quite the same crazy/amused way as her.

"Do you know where we are?"
"Do I...?" Speechless. "I'm cocooned in my own fucking clothes, it's dark. And." Shaking my head. "And...."
"But do you know where we are though?"

Definite humour in her tone.


"Don't you?"
"I knew you were here." Coming back down, face swimming back into visibility. "But," shake of her head, "I don't get told where here is. I see what you see. And I get a rough sense of direction from wherever I am. Kind of."
"Indeed." Running a hand down my front, I tense as it glides between my breasts, very prominent beneath the molded tight fabric. But she continues lower, laying a flat palm on my stomach.

"Now, stay still and I'll see about getting you out."

Minutes pass, I remain still, breathing slow and steady. Try not to fight free as first my combat trousers then tee split apart down the middle.

"Here." Holding out her hand as I sit up. "Careful now, easy."

Helping me stand, limbs feeling achy and weak from so long constricted. I look down at myself, not seeing the black sports bra and hipster boypants, both spandex, a snug fit. Not seeing but I know, thank fuck, that I'm not naked.


"Got your boots still." As though reading my thoughts. "Oh. And."

Feeling my green beret placed just so, perfectly angled, atop my short currently messy blue haired head.

"What's a soldier without her beret?"
"Thank you." Trying to tamp down a sudden burst of emotion. That she came for me, that she thought to bring my hat, a symbol of everything I've worked so hard to be.

Cautiously I, we, stand up. Half expecting the ceiling, not finding it.

"Okay." My hand still on her forearm, the contact helping fight back against the aloneness of this place.

Wherever it is?

"What now?"
"Back to base."
"Good." I nod. "Can you...?"
"I can." Ghost of a grin as I glance sideways.

"Hold on."

Smoke billows, white fog twisting even as I feel twisted, picked up, tossed without actually moving.

Darkness replaced with blinding sunlight. A two inch drop that my panicked brain interprets as several miles. Feel of motion beneath my feet.

And in front of me. Us. Crazy enough that we appear to be on the deck of an old wooden warship, it appears Ush and Melantha are here too, laid together under what looks like a folded ships sail.

Moments away from kissing.
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Post by GreyLord »

Ah, the 4 musketeers converge. With Ush happily hogtied, they don't seem to be in the best shape for a fight. And Paris is out there somewhere.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Certainly not what I was expecting - seems the group (squad? gang? musketeers?) are at a bit of a disadvantage. Some more then others I suppose...

A bit of levity (and boat jokes) to 'reset' the mood after a relatively heavy set of chapters I suppose.

Seems strange for Parris to send them here, but certainly possible that she has their powers twisted into some kind of knot or another.

Or perhaps this is not Parris's doing at all - certainly possible that someone else has noticed the situation, has their own interest in the wands and how multiple of them happen to be under the control of a single person. Perhaps someone wishes to discuss the situation?

Just a thought.
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Post by RopeBunny »

GreyLord wrote: 9 months ago With Ush happily hogtied, they don't seem to be in the best shape for a fight.
True :lol:
BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
A bit of levity (and boat jokes) to 'reset' the mood after a relatively heavy set of chapters I suppose.
What I thought, can't be full on action all the time, needs slowing down and switching up sometimes.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Ghost Ship.

"Let me guess." Smiling as Kay- at least I'm not the only one finding humour in all this -smiles back, as Melantha.

Poor girl. And cute.

Was she about to kiss me?

Did I, flirting and pushing for something though I was, want her too?

As Melantha looks guilty like a bank robber. And as the good sergeant stares left and right in disbelief.

"Aiming for the base too?"
"And how clever of you to disguise it as an old wooden boat." Kay's grin widens, arms spread out wide. "Neat Dark God trick."
"It's the size." Nodding towards Melantha, still sitting beside hogtied naked me, her hand, consciously or not now resting on my butt.

She turns to drop a pleased looking smile.

I, not thinking, blow her a kiss.

She blushes, smile growing.

"Why are we here?"
"Well...?" Neither Kay nor me seem to know, no answer for Frost. And I feel like we, not from here, in possession of various special abilities.

Like shooting fireballs and having an invisible dragon as a friend.

So fucking cool.

I feel like we should know what's going on.

"I've tried." Melantha, standing beside Frost now as Kay kneels beside beached flopping whale me, all helpless. Hands laid on the still occasionally squirming ropes, focus on her face.

"Tried?" The sergeant frowns.

"To walk." Gesturing at the nearest door. "They all lead to another door on the ship."
"You mean you can't use your." Frost, thinking. "Um...."
"No." Shaking her head. "It's working. But the doors take me to other doors, not the base, not the room beyond the door. Just." Waving a wide circle. "Other parts of the ship."

With a grunt my body flops loose of the rope, falling forward onto my belly and chest, limbs weak.

I glance up to see Kay tossing the rope, snake like and still moving, over the side.

"So." Standing, sail wrapped around me. Melantha and Kay still fully clothed, Frost looking, pretty awesome actually: army boots and black gym style underwear, her beret.

"Anyone recognise the ship?"

Heads shaking, Frost wanders over to the rail, peering down, turns back to us all.

"Any reason why we can't leave?"
"Well." Glance at Melantha. "Melantha thought that-"
"That Parris was responsible." Nodding, arms crossed under her breasts, smaller then mine but on such a slender frame they certainly stand out. "And that's a person, not the city."

I cough to hide a laugh.

"Right?" Frost frowns, mouths 'Paris' to Kay, who shrugs. "Well, Ush, Kay. Can you try?"

Sudden pulse, far away.


Flicked glance at Kay. Wide eyed, she sensed it too.

Shrugging off the sail, reaching, hand held up fingers splayed. And moments later Tide Waits for You, the reassuring weight of my katana, in my hand.

"What?" Melantha. Can she sense the pulse? Does she know she can?

Looking around, Frost too.

"Some. One, is...." Licking dry lips, suppressing a shudder.

Is this Parris, back to finish me, us, off?


Beside me Kay gasps. I turn to her, she looks at me, swallows, pointing out to sea with a shaking hand.

On the horizon line, moving closer and throwing up twin plumes of spray in its wake.

A shark fin easily the size of most houses.

"Kay?" Because she looks worried, panicked. And for all that I've never met one I've been assured that the three Elementals aren't anything I should fear.

More powerful then me yes, top of the food chain, but. A straight up fight?


Not unless I did something to piss them....


"You didn't?" Disbelief on my face and in my voice, whilst Melantha and Frost look on, clueless. Frost, taking her lead from me had reached instinctively for a gun she no longer has.

Now she stands, fidgeting arms but otherwise still. Melantha close by, wide eyes staring.

But Kay looks like she wants to bolt.

"Not directly." Shaking her head, darted glances left and right. Nowhere to run. "But," licking her lips, showing me a not scared really smile, "I don't exactly have many friends amongst the higher ups. Not doing what I do."

And what does she do?

No time to ask.

Because, closer and gliding left, beginning to circle, suddenly the Sharks booming voice is filling my head.

Everyone's- seeing Frost flinch, Melantha frown and look up -head.

Speaking, but nonsense words, guttural and slurred.

And then, voice pitched to carry, almost shouting, Kay steps forwards. Being brave, answering in that same tongue, combining her words with gestures. Fingers tap dancing across her other palm, after which she spreads both arms out wide, head bowed.

Silence, the Shark circles.



I keep Tide Waits for You held low, two handed grip. Ready and yet not raised to strike.

Because the Shark, ruler of the oceans and the land, earth and water, who surely bought us all here wouldn't do so for a fight.


"Very well." Booming, In front of us Kay visibly relaxes, dropping her arms. "[More unintelligible slurring] under present circumstances I give you this one chance. Show me change."

"Now. Ushinatta, Ruler of the Endless Desert, the long walk nowhere. Shadowmancer. Keeper of the blade Tide Waits for You."

"Melantha. Queen of the Forest, friend to trees and dragon twinned."

"Frost. Ranked sergeant of the battalion zero. We must. Talk."

"Elemental of water and of earth." Stepping forward, hand on Kay's shoulder, she glances at me, smiles and pats my hand. Nods. I carry on. "Shark and Ruler of many realms. Last Judgment. We are honoured to pass words with you this day."

"The wands must not reunite."
"We are." Looking down at my rope marked wrists. "Working on it."

With a crash that makes me, all of us, jump, a wooden crate pops into existence above the deck, dropping. The crash as it impacts, splitting open, spilling water and wood fragments.

Revealing three weapons.

"The wands must not reunite, what was once one and now seven must not become one once more. To which end I now bestow what help I can."

Almost instinctively, it seems to me. Already holding my own, knowing from that first touch that it was mine. Holding it, using Tide Waits for You. Just feels right.

On apparent instinct each of them picks up a weapon, in turn. The Shark naming each as they do.

"Dawn Overture." As Frost, because of course, picks up a nineteenth century English issue Baker rifle, long metal barrel dark to the point of almost being black, covered in a corkscrew pattern of symbols. "From your Trafalgar, changed and re-forged by fire and by air."

"The Sisters." A pair of hatchets, hand axes the long curving blades apparently made of wood. Not a hint of metal in sight. The carved symbols across both blades glow like luminous green as Melantha turns each one back and forth in her hands. "Carved from wood gifted long ago to the Earth, wood of the trees from your Forest." The briefest of pauses. "Your highness."

"Ishmaels Last Revenge." Naming the roughly seven foot spear that Kay picks up, twirling and passing from right hand to left as though she'd been practicing for months, when I'm damn sure she's never even held a weapon before this day. The shaft is dark wood, the spear point around a foot long and tapering to a wicked sharp looking point, symbols on metal which seems to shift at hints of white and blue depending on the light. "Taken as tribute in the purge of Hado-no-Sky. Forever drowned."

"Thank you." Melantha, turning a slow circle, trying to keep the Shark in front of her. "Um. Mr Shark."

I flinch internally as Kay touches the spear shaft to her forehead, as Frost, watching her, nods out to sea. Saluting.

"Yes." Pausing. "Now. Armed. Equal. You must go and see the task complete. I lift my hold upon this place."

With a flick of it's vast tail the Shark straightens up, diving down.


"Water." Frost, nodding, rifle already slung on her back like an old friend. "I get that. It's a shark."
"The." Kay, leaning on her spear, smug smile of the recently pardoned. "Shark."
"Right." Brushing the comment aside. "Earth though?"
"They fought." I shrug. Melantha frowns and Kay shivers. "Water and Earth. And...."

Pointing my katana out to sea.

"Damn." Frost whistles.

What else can you say? Melantha, by far the easiest method of transferring us all, opens a door.

Back to the base.

For a proper briefing this time.
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Post by RopeBunny »

RAF Benson.
Attempt 2.

[Back in the hanger, back under the Lancasters shadowed bulk.]

[Ushinatta, arriving separately having detoured via the Black Pyramid, home, is back in a dress. Low cut and white, paired with black lingerie and army boots. A match for everyone bar Kayley, wearing white Adidas with her green Skoda tee and blue jeans. Frost too is clothed properly again, a fresh khaki zero battalion tee and black combat trousers.]

[All four weapons are placed on the (not round) table, in front of each ladies seat.]

[Frost, remaining standing, picks up the remote, clicking the large three by four screen back on.]

"Right. Well."
[Waved gesture behind her, the screen once again showing a montage of wand images and text.]
[Shaking her head, Ushinatta, beside Melantha, smirks.]
"You don't need to put your hand up my lady."

[Dropping her hand.]
"Oh. Right."

[Silence. Ushinatta and Kayley share a smile, Kayley then giving Frost a thumbs up. The sergeant allowing a quick smile of her own.]

[All of which Melantha misses, sitting forwards. Waiting patiently.]

"What's your question?"

"Oh. Me?"

[Kayley giggles.]


"Right. Well. I'm hungry."


"We could go back to mine, I'll do burgers. Jody won't mind."


[Grinning wide.]

[Looking at Kayley, but through Melantha.]

[Melantha, glancing, sees Ushinatta looking at her. She blushes as the Dark God smiles.]

[Waved arm behind her.]
"We really need to discuss this stuff. Right?"

"Sure. Course. Only, let's do it over food."

"Great plan."

"But." [Gesturing at the huge screen.] "I can't...."

"What's it on?"
[Pointing at the screen too.]
"The visuals?"

"Um. Laptop."

"Bring it then."
[Giving Frost a friendly smile, standing and picking up Ishmaels Last Revenge. Ushinatta and Melantha, weapons already slung over the back or stowed in a belt sheath respectively, are already stood beside the door.]
"Aren't you hungry too?"

[Glancing back at the other workers, a half dozen men and women in dress uniform: skirt or trousers, open short sleeve shirts. Support staff not front line, and not one of them outranking the sergeant. She smiles. Scooping up Dawn Overture, nodding.]
"Sure. Fuck it let's go."
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
Or perhaps this is not Parris's doing at all - certainly possible that someone else has noticed the situation, has their own interest in the wands and how multiple of them happen to be under the control of a single person. Perhaps someone wishes to discuss the situation?

Just a thought.
:lol: were you peeking at my notes.... :lol:
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago What I thought, can't be full on action all the time, needs slowing down and switching up sometimes.
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago were you peeking at my notes....
Perhaps :P

To be fair, it would make little sense for to be Parris' doing. She could have simply finished them off, so why waste time with some sort of dimensional trap?

Plus the general flow of this type of story is after the initial confrontation the protagonist(s) take time to regroup, perhaps gain new knowledge or abilities or tools. A way to both break up the action, and to raise the stakes a little (and give a reason as to why they would once again try to confront a foe that easily defeated them).

So perhaps not the most difficult thing to guess :)

As for the chapters...

Well we have met the shark. And our heroines are now properly armed - perhaps we will get to see soon what these new weapons can do. Since I would assume an 19th century rifle, some wooden hatchets, and a spear would not be all that useful in their situation without a little extra kick...
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago "Right." Brushing the comment aside. "Earth though?"
"They fought." I shrug. Melantha frowns and Kay shivers. "Water and Earth. And...."
Might just be an idle background worldbuilding thing, but I wonder if this is a hint towards the fact that in this universe perhaps powers can be obtained by defeating the previous owner. Certainly it already sort of works that way with the wands.

Although in that case it makes Parris' actions even more bizarre.

But of course the rules could be different for different situations/beings.

Speculations aside, the overall chaotic atmosphere is certainly amusing, with them randomly deciding to go for lunch. I suppose one cannot save the world (well perhaps not the world, but certainly at least dealing with a serious problem/threat) on an empty stomach...
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
Plus the general flow of this type of story is after the initial confrontation the protagonist(s) take time to regroup, perhaps gain new knowledge or abilities or tools. A way to both break up the action, and to raise the stakes a little (and give a reason as to why they would once again try to confront a foe that easily defeated them).
See :lol: you are peeking. Although in truth/fairness yes, this is a common layout I'm (roughly) following.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
perhaps we will get to see soon what these new weapons can do.
Sure I can conjure another fight onto the page at some point :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago "Right." Brushing the comment aside. "Earth though?"
"They fought." I shrug. Melantha frowns and Kay shivers. "Water and Earth. And...."
Might just be an idle background worldbuilding thing, but I wonder if this is a hint towards the fact that in this universe perhaps powers can be obtained by defeating the previous owner. Certainly it already sort of works that way with the wands.
Can't say I won't make something of it, but, it is mostly idle background worldbuilding on my part. Letting my imagination run riot and having fun with a wider pantheon. History dropping things I'll likely never have to fully describe or explain but that I can play out happily in my head.


I do get tempted to make more of things, so....

We'll see. Regardless I'll have to explain the wands at some point, and no doubt this won't be concluded without something occurring.

Thanks for commenting.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Penthouse flat, Czech Republic.

The trouble is: Kayley unlearned the habit of easy communication, and the Bunny never even knew it was a thing.

Some, but not too much, history.

I dated Kayley in school, five years ago now, except it was really a threesome. Me. Kayley. The Rope Bunny.

An old mischief maker, smoke like, somehow- and for all our research we never did properly answer that one -trapped inside a fifteen year old pretty blonde.

It, bizarrely, worked. Largely because we all loved tie up games. Took awhile to get used to the two of them switching and changing, awhile to learn to read the signals, to figure out who was in charge at any given time of my girlfriends body.

But, it worked.

Until she got shot. Which freaked my parents out, and they came down hard on me. And I folded.

Three years, growing up, college and a new job working for Skoda's Rallying division out here in the Czech Republic. Sinking deeper into the submissive world, getting inked, black hair and nipple rings.

Living my best goth life.

Three years it took me to reach out, to try.

Thank fuck she missed me too, enough that the past is the past. Forgotten.

Onwards we go.

It's just Kayley now. The two of them become one. Seamless, the old and the new.

But in those three years, living a nomads life, wandering where she chose. Kayley ditched her phone, went completely- a single not often checked email aside -off grid.

Spending enough time without to no longer care.

As for the Rope Bunny. She's old, four figures old, in years. God's and mischievous spirits just don't use phones.

So she- with a cheeky smile and a wink, adorable -tells me.

The point here, as I step out of the shower, post work, an evening alone ahead. Maybe I'll put some music on, or watch the weekends truck racing highlights?

Wrapping a towel around myself, stepping from ensuite to bedroom to lounge, staring out over the early evening cityscape beyond the window and our large roof terrace.

I sigh, fingering the black leather cuff on my right wrist, three similar matching bands encircle the other wrist and both ankles. Buckled tight and locked on as soon as I got in an hour ago.

Because yes it has only been a day, but, I miss her.

Don't know when she'll be back.

And behind me the door to the spare bedroom opens with a quiet click.

"What the...?"
"Hi." Polite English, a very skinny black haired girl in shorts and a vest top, army boots and breasts not large but looking big on such an underfed frame.

Hatchets nestled in a waist belted sheath at the small of her back? What?

Strange ink on her, walks through the door, out of no longer the spare room.

Another room, huge like a cavern. A. Lancaster bomber? Looming in the background?

How did she do that?

And where's my spare room gone?

"You must be Jody." Reaching out and shaking my too surprised to pull back hand. "You're very pretty."
"Put her down Melantha."

Another girl, black limbs yet normal skin on her chest and face. Slim, toned like an athlete, black haired too and scary looking eyes to match. Smile like Kayley's only bigger. More weapons, a katana, sheathed and slung across her back.

Wearing nothing but a skimpy white dress, large breasts in danger of spilling out.

"Hi Jody." Actually giving me a quick hug, and me still too stunned to react as she steps in, back. "Got any beer?"
"Both of you pack it in."

Of course there are more of them.

Dressed like a soldier with a small breasted boxers frame to match, khaki tee and black combats, boots. Ancient rifle with spiralling symbols on the barrel over one shoulder, duffel bag in her hand. Green beret, like a marine? From under which messy blue hair erupts.

"Sorry." Showing me a smile, a small nod, whilst the other two.

Melantha? And?

Wander across to the bookcase, begin flicking through the assorted books and records.

"Kayley's idea."
"Hello Jode."

Grinning. And just like her, trickster, cheek, to come through last so I get purposefully confused.

Kayley. Love of my life, wearing the Skoda tee. My, Skoda tee, from work, that she looks so damn sexy in, her canon sized chest forever straining the material.

Blonde hair to my black, and her surgery enhanced F cups swamping my E's as she steps in for a one armed hug.


What the fuck?

In her other hand, tall enough it wouldn't stand upright in most rooms.

"Oh." Laughing, a pure Bunny sound, almost on the borders of crazy town. Nobody laughs or smiles quite like her. Finding amusement in my confusion at these well armed strangers in our penthouse.

"Right." Kayley points. "Melantha."

The too skinny girl turns.

"No." Shaking her head. "I'm just," Kayley gestures at me, "letting Jody know who you are."
"Yes." Walking forward, hand out. "Good evening. Jody." Shaking, as though we didn't just do this barely five minutes ago. I catch sight of Kayley suppressing a smile. "I'm Melantha."
"Um. Hi."

"She is," leaning in to whisper in my ear as Melantha, who on first impressions at least doesn't seem to be all there, wanders over to the wide window, "actually a queen."

Serious face as my gaze shifts between Kayley and Melantha.


"Ush." Pointing out the black skinned girl in the white dress, slung katana. Who turns, giving me a small wave, another shark like smile.

"And." Tipping a small but not mocking salute towards the soldier looking girl. "Sergeant Frost."

Frost nods back as I raise a hand.

"Who needs to borrow our flatscreen later," leaning in to whisper again, "for a top secret briefing."
"Top secret huh?" Small smile, tingle chasing from spine down to pussy as Kayley fingers one of my cuffs.

"Authorised personnel only." Leaning in to kiss me. I can feel her grinning. "So, I'll most likely have to lock you away in the bedroom."
"Riiiiight." Tingle growing, out the corner of my eye brief clashed gaze with Ush, who smiles, heads over to Melantha. "For my own good is it?"

Teasing back. Because bollocks does she actually have to, but.

I'm a sucker for bondage.

"Nah." Tugging the front of my towel, peering down inside like a pervert as I giggle. "I just really want to strap you down naked to the bed."

"Less flirting," Ush, playful, leaning back against the window next to Melantha, who's turning to look, "and more grilling."
"Burgers." Kayley gives my butt a cheeky smack. "Go put some clothes on, I'll make food for us all."

I make an effort: skintight black wet look leggings but barefoot, and a long sleeved fitted top made of fishnet style black mesh that hugs my limbs and curves, showing off my upper body ink: pirate skull and crossed swords on right hand, the dark green vines spiralling up that arm to strangle my neck.

The top is cut short exposing my skinny midriff, whilst a purple string bikini top underneath barely covers my E cups, and does a poor job of hiding the chunky rings piercing both nipples.

I keep the cuffs on, of course.

Because it sounds- I hope she wasn't bluffing or teasing, she doesn't tend to -as though Kay will be using them later.

Back out to the lounge, the terrace doors open, smell of meat grilling outside.

Pleased to literally stop the conversation mid flow as I walk into the groups loose circle, put an arm around Kayley and lean in to kiss her cheek.

Burgers. Chicken thighs. Luckily we had a large loaf of tiger bread, unused and fresh out of the freezer this morning, so instead of rolls everyone gets chunky sandwiches, the beef and chicken sliced up.

Cheese, various sauces. A salad that neither Kay nor Ush- is it the teeth? Touches.

That said Melantha barely touches anything. Half of one burger, a nibble of chicken. Less salad then a five year old.

No wonder she's so skinny.

Beer for Ush and Frost, who drink a pair each with dinner. Melantha, something about an Admiral? Sips rum, neat. Whilst Kayley and me mix vodka with juice.

The various weapons are piled on our kitchen counter, a strange mix of ancient and modern. Wooden axes that are surely some kind of joke were it not for the near luminous symbols on the blades.

No ammo for the old rifle?

The conversation is everything and nothing, never staying on one topic for long as someone remembers, recounts, something. Tells a fact they once heard that another of us comments on, adding in our own details or experiences.

Occasionally one of the three, Ush or Kay or Melantha, strays into the weird. Fantastical stories: a really scary sounding Desert, trees that talk. Kay recounting a kidnapping she foiled back in ancient Greece, only to kidnap the Queen herself instead, because why not?

Eventually we move inside.

Frost, knelt before our large flatscreen, plugging in cables and booting up her slim black laptop. Fiddling with settings.

Melantha and Ush, taking over the sofa and, well, there's been something brewing there. Flicked glances, attention paid.

Kayley takes the armchair, patting her lap, legs spread wide to make room, her arms going around me as I. Not tied up but there's a twinkle in her eye that says.

Maybe after.

I lean back into her, Kayley's arms going around me, my own resting on her leg and arm. Her head on my shoulder.

"Ready?" Frost looking at each of us in turn, slight frown at me. Kayley, her head shifting off my shoulder, back down. Frost nods, shrugs.

"Well then." Sitting cross-legged, laptop open, in her lap, she punches keys and beside her the flatscreen comes to life.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Penthouse flat, Czech Republic.
Attempt 3.

[Melantha and Ushinatta sharing the sofa, empty space between them on the three seater, bottle of half drunk beer in Ushinatta's hand.]

[Kayley on the armchair, Jody in her lap, leaning back.]

[Frost, sat on several cushions, on the floor next to the flatscreen and audio system, the large subwoofer. Laptop flipped open and connected.]

"So." [Gesturing at the screen, the wands, for the third time.] "The wa-"

"-I was there."

[Frost, frowning slight annoyance at yet another derailed attempt, until the words, the deeper meaning, registers.]

"There when...."

[They share a look. Kayley nods, the Dark God shivers, looking down at a beer she no longer wants.]

"Five thousand years ago. Give or take. I was there when man united, that first unexpected time: Egyptian and Mayan, African and Briton. Tribes, coming together to rise up. I was there when they trapped and slew the seventh Dark God at the first Stonehenge. Turning one into seven, his bones becoming the wands. Balancing the scales."

[Kayley shivers, Jody turns her body to the side, hugging the once and still Rope Bunny.]

[Voice far off, eyes staring at nothing any of the others can see.]
[A shaky, not crazy crazy laugh.]
"It didn't quite work out how they planned."


[Shaking her head.]
"Seven wands for seven Kings, that was the bargain. Rulers gambling it all, annihilation if they lost for surely the surviving God's."
[Exchanging a fierce yet grim smile with Ushinatta.]
"Would allow nothing less if man failed. Infinite power for the seven, and their children's children forever more."

[Silence. And then unexpectedly Frost begins to laugh.]

[Shaking her head.]
"But instead the wands, when a bearer dies, switch-"

[Grinning as Ushinatta laughs too, as Jody, everything way over her head and besides which she's mostly just trying to stay patient, for after.]
[As Jody looks thoughtful, and Melantha, her own mind never quite in synch, counts on her fingers. Mouth forming silent numbers.]
"Yes. The slain God, prehaps, having the last laugh?"

[Hand raised as she speaks.]
"Is that why Parris. The." [Frowning.] "Person. Not the city."
[Looking across at Ushinatta, who nods, slides across to the middle seat, reaching up and gently lowering Melantha's arm.]
[Looking at the point of contact, up into Ushinatta's face. Giving the Dark God a quick smile.]
"Is that why she has five?"

[Shaking her head. Staying on the middle cushion but letting go of Melantha.]
"The wands choose. I was taught."
[Glance at Frost, Kayley. The Bunny nodding back.]
"But each." [Flashed smile.] "Human. Only gets one."

"And that part of things does. Did."
[Quick laugh of her own.]
[Looking across at Frost, an open palm gesture.]
"Do you know what changed?"

"What we know, have pieced together. Is."
[Tapping on her laptop, images and script, reports, annotated photos. Bios. A montage of coming/going information to back up her words.]
"Parris tried before she succeeded."

[Luna, looking rebellious on her old college application photo fills the screen.]
[Frost, eons too late, realising, hurriedly pulls it down as Ushinatta flinches like a girl shot.]

"Um. Sorry."

[Ushinatta nods, eyes on the floor fists clenching and not, taking long breaths. Melantha, looking from the screen to the Dark God, reaches out. Tentative, putting an arm around Ushinatta who, after a moments stiffness leans in.]

"Right. Um. Well, we know Parris failed to capture the wand. Any, um, wand, at least once before apparently succeeding. Unfortunately we've been working backwards from the point of discovery, at which stage. By the time we caught up with events. She already had four."

[Spat out, anger bubbling.]
"Five now."

[Melantha, already with her arm around Ushinatta, begins stroking up and down her arm. Slow and steady. Calming.]

"Two more?"

"Yes, my lady." [Nodding.] "We don't know or understand the how or why of it, but. We're almost certain there's an order Parris is forced to follow. She must go after specific wands in turn, and, to miss one, as she. Um."

[Flicked glance at Ushinatta, who looks back. Shuffles herself free of Melantha's embrace. Nods.]

"Go on. I'm." [A sigh.] "Fine."

"We know she. Parris. Ha-"

"-The person."

[Jody giggles, stops herself. Kayley hugs her.]

"Yes, my lady. We know Parris, the person, has five wands now."
[Ticking off fingers in turn.]
"Indominus-decrees-nul. Crimson Requim. Warped Wraith. Ailsing-van-Tempest. And she's just now acquired Titanus-sans-North."

[Silence. Melantha frowning, counting again. Ushinatta and Kayley looking glum, Jody thoughtful. Frost staring at her on screen notes.]

"She'll be going for Nevermore next."
[Looking up as Kayley sucks in a breath.]

[Looking around the room.]
"All the wands can spellcast, if you know how."
[Gaze finding Ushinatta, who, with personal experience through Luna, nods agreement.]
"But each has a speciality too."

"Like Indominus-decrees-bastard and binding?"

[Grinning.] "Exactly. Unfortunately, for us, Nevermore is. Basically." [Shaking her head.] "Out of them all that one's simple, raw, power."



"Fucks sake."

[All three speak at the same time, which makes everyone laugh.]

"And Parris knows what she's about with them."

[Rubbing her wrists.]
"That she does. So, we need a plan."

[Looking at Frost.]
"So you're. Your team, are, what? Tracking it down?"

"Fast as we can. But presumably Parris has some method of doing so too? So...."

"Is it like a race then?"

"Afraid so. I don't suppose any of you...?"

"I mean."
[Looking at Kayley.]
"I. We."
[Flicked glance at Melantha, who nods, then frowns.]
"Could jump all over the globe, checking for a pulse, investigating. But...."

"But mostly what we're likely to do, doing that, is piss off a bunch of fuck knows what. Which isn't good."

"So we wait then?"

"Doesn't seem like we've much choice. Wait on a phonecall, then we. Um. Swoop in? And...?"


"We should protect them?"
[Glancing up at the kitchen counter, small smile.]
"Right? The Admiral would say."
[Dropping her voice to old English gruff.]
"Right thing to do, port in a storm. What."

[Smiling.] "Right. And, it isn't as though we can, somehow, take the wand ourselves is it?"


"Maybe you?"
[Frowning, a shrug.]
"Maybe Jody."
[Jody laughs, nervous, understanding just enough to realise she doesn't particularly want a wand. Any wand.]
"But none of us, and we don't know how she's doing it anyway. How."
[A shrug.]
"Is Parris trapping and collecting what should be randomly distributed."

"Okay. Well."
[Standing. Stretching and looking out at the darkness beyond the window.]
"It's late, so. We'll check in at the base tomorrow morning. In the meantime, with Parris very much on the loose, and now she knows we're out there too."

"But." [Frowning.] "We're inside."

[Fighting a smile.] "Yes my lady. I was going to suggest we not be alone from here on out. Safety in numbers."

"Oh." [Nodding.] "I see. Right. Well."
[Turning to Ushinatta, slight blush climbing her neck and cheeks.]
"Prehaps you'd like to come with me?"

[Nodding, smiling.]

[Collecting their weapons, Ushinatta and Melantha head for the spare room door.]

"Oh eight hundred, in the hanger."

[Dropping a salute, serious not mocking.]

[They leave.]

[Drinking a glass of water, Jody already off towards the bedroom.]
"Spare room?"

"I'll stay out here."
[Looking around, casting a snipers gaze over the exits, the window.]
"If you don't mind?"

"Course not. Bathroom." [Pointing.] "And, if." [Shrugging.] "You know, then I'm down there on the left."

[Nodding, one hand on Dawn Overture, still resting on the counter, Kayley's spear in Kayley's hand.]
"Understood. Goodnight Kay."

"Sleep well sergeant."
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Post by RopeBunny »

Couple of TUGs light chapters.

Sorry, something I try to keep to an absolute minimum given the whole point of this board is.


TUGs :lol:

Had intended on Kayley binding Jody pre briefing, but as I wrote the idea to make it a standalone chapter, after, was too good to not do.

And of course Ush and Melantha are heading off together too....

So, expect me to be making it up to you all with the next update.

Until then I appreciate your patience :D thanks for reading my tale.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago See you are peeking.
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago Sure I can conjure another fight onto the page at some point
I do not doubt it!
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago Can't say I won't make something of it, but, it is mostly idle background worldbuilding on my part. Letting my imagination run riot and having fun with a wider pantheon. History dropping things I'll likely never have to fully describe or explain but that I can play out happily in my head.


I do get tempted to make more of things, so....

We'll see. Regardless I'll have to explain the wands at some point, and no doubt this won't be concluded without something occurring.
Fair enough - on both fronts. Interested to see what you come up with.
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago Thanks for commenting.
You are welcome - seems only fair to show appreciation for all the effort and craft you put into this. And certainly interesting to speculate on the subject.

Chapters are TUGs light as mentioned, but it makes sense given the circumstances (especially with Jody's section having to pull double duty by giving some background on Kayley for new readers). An interesting style with the briefing (you have used it before, but I do like it).
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago Had intended on Kayley binding Jody pre briefing
Well you did leave the 'tease' of it in, so not a surprise.
RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago Until then I appreciate your patience thanks for reading my tale.
It is pleasure to read :)
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Post by GreyLord »

RopeBunny wrote: 9 months ago Couple of TUGs light chapters.


Until then I appreciate your patience :D thanks for reading my tale.
Readers have their own interpretations, of course. But I don't think that this being a tug site means tugs only. To me, tugs are best when supported by a good story. And your story is certainly that! Keep up the good work, please.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
An interesting style with the briefing (you have used it before, but I do like it).
Am trying to change things up, not doing every chapter these days as the dame format. Keeping life interesting.

GreyLord wrote: 9 months ago
To me, tugs are best when supported by a good story. And your story is certainly that! Keep up the good work, please.
Couldn't agree more, storyline is essential I feel. Although I do still try to keep TUGs in most chapters.

Thanks for the comments.

Story continues below.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Calm Before the Storm.
Penthouse flat, Czech Republic.

Stepping into the master bedroom, which like the flat at large looks very much like a bachelor pad: numerous framed motorsport inspired art, shelf of signed team caps from various disciplines on two wheels or four. A lack of pink or frills.

It's almost entirely Jody's stuff, because whilst I did spend three years wandering the earth, nomad style, I wasn't tourist travelling, so, no souvenirs.

Closing the door I find Jody, her back to me staring out the window.

Curtains closed.

Already naked.

"Wow," teasing tone, the oncoming sex flooding my blood and putting a smile on my face, hardening my nipples, "someone's keen."

Jody turns, half turns, arms crossed semi covering her chest. Trying to force a smile but I can see the tear tracks on her pretty face.

"Hey." Closing the distance and pulling her into a hug, manoeuvring us both onto the bed, Jody sat side saddle like in my lap. "Jode. Don't cry."
"I'm sorry. Kay." Sniffing, trying for another smile. Failing. "It's."

Shaking her head.

"I'm scared for you."

No words, I pull her into another hug, quickly so she doesn't get to see the fear reflected on my own face.


I'm old. I've lived thousands of years, seen things: wars declared, swords clashing and more recently bombs dropping.

That fucking huge cloud over Japan.

I've seen Emperors and Kings born and die, the view atop mountains. The quiet of my own temple, small, but mine, built by a grateful Lord too long ago and most likely not on any map.

I've done things, sneaky things and mischief things. Occasionally brave things.


I'm not a fighter.

And even now, the first time grasping Ishmaels Last Revenge, somehow the instinct and skill required suddenly there, in my head like an old well practiced skill. Even now, armed, I still fear taking that first step.

Confronting Parris, because that's the collision course we're set on, and despite knowing them all such a short time I know. Know, deep in the smoke of me, that Ushinatta and Frost won't be backing down.

I can't let them do this alone.

But, I'm afraid of the inevitable war to come.

And I can't let Jody. Pretty, human, Jody. She can't see anything but confidence and bluster from me, because if she's scared, worried, now.

How much worse if she thinks I'm full of doubt and worry.

"Three Queens."
"What?" Pulling back to stare at me. "Kay?"
"Seven Princesses." Allowing a small smile through.

I'm the mother fucking Rope Bunny.

"One Lady dressed like a Lord, fooling everyone." One arm cupping Jody's butt, my other creeping higher, up her belly. "But not me."

Small smile back, small wriggle. My semi serious yet part teasing tone cutting through her funk.

"Over a dozen leading ladies on opening night."

Which earns me a quick shotgun laugh. I creep my hand higher, cup the underside of a breast.

"The Sultan's daughter." Higher still, finger teasing at a chunky gunmetal nipple ring. "On her wedding day."
"No...?" Half faked shock, smiling wider, playing along.

"Yes." Bending down to flick the ring with my tongue. Jody gasps, I come back up and show her a pure Bunny made grin. "Technically I'm probably still married you know."

She laughs, I join in.

"But." And gone again, sobered up like turning on a light. Humour gone. "Parris though? Kay?"
"Listen." Looking her in the eye. Be confidence. Be, unstoppable. "My point is. I've lived and tricked and fooled and danced the razors edge since man was man. And." One hand gently on her chin, tilting her head, bringing mine closer.

Be the Bunny. The fucking Queen of tight spots.

"How many times do you think I got caught?"

For a handful of heartbeats I hold the moment, then, leaning in we kiss. Slow, letting Jody feel my passion for her, another reason not to fuck up this possibly impossible thing I've now set myself against.


Damn me to hell if I fail.

It works, Jody melts, softens. Leaning in to kiss and hug me back.

The moment passing.

I decide to help it along, the only way I know how.

With lots of rope.

"Kaaaaayyyy." Like a sigh and a gasp combined as her four cuffs fall off.

Because, yes they're fun but we both prefer to do without.

Binding. It's my special skill.

Pushing Jody off my lap as rope knits out of the air, appearing around her slim busty body, wrapping and constricting according to my will and whims.

Wrists, pinned together and secured to her waist, the latter wrappings becoming a crotch rope, dug in tight at pussy and butt crack.

Elbows too, forced together, the rope lengthening to encompass Jody's E cups, squeezing them top and bottom, thrusting them out.

She falls sideways as more rope literally takes her legs out, each one bent at the knee thighs bound to lower leg, each leg separate.

"Well." Standing, shedding my tee, stepping out of jeans. "What do we have here."
"Um...." Thoughtful, rolling onto her side to watch me, I stand beside the bed hands on hips in white lace bra and thong.

Jody grins.

"A gift?"
"A gift." Grinning back. "For me?"
"Fucking hope so." Laughing. Shutting up as I reach up and back, unlatching my bra. Letting it fall.

Climbing up onto the bed and sliding down beside her.

"Hey." Wriggling, breasts bouncing with the effort of manoeuvring closer. An old game, often played and always enjoyed: that the tied girl- sometimes me but mostly her -does most of the work when it comes to moving closer.

Eye contact. The moment holding and stretching her tied me not. Laid belly to belly and face to face, Jody's nipple rings brushing my own erect buds.

Her breathing, shallow, excitement at the tight ropes, her helplessness. My own more even despite an almost equal level of arousal.

Jody wriggles, pushing her breasts into mine. I smile back, making no move towards her.

"Fucking Bunny's." Smiling, teasing not mad. "Either kiss me already or gag me."


Jody's eyes go wide as she feels the ball inflate, from nothing appearing inside her mouth, growing until her jaws are forced wide, twin leather straps worming around left and right, buckling tight, sealing the gag on.

I, being a tease, lean in to kiss her now gagged lips.

Jody rolls her eyes.

I move in to attack.

Hands on breasts and crotch rope, tugging and pinching nipples and the attached rings, leaning in to kiss and nibble at them. Running long nails up and down her inner thigh, making her gasp and squirm before moving on to the rope near embedded inside her slit.

Gentle yet insistent tugs, making her moan, making her rock in time to my attentions.

Advancing, rolling Jody over onto her back, bound arms pinned beneath now as I climb atop. Her legs forced wide apart my own in-between. One hand still on her crotch rope, the other on a breast as I begin to jerk her off at the same time as dry humping up and down.

Building speed. Jody's breathing getting faster, more ragged. Her tied body beginning to bounce.

She's climbing back down after climaxing when there's a knock at the bedroom door.

"Yes?" Rolling off even as I remove all the ropes, Jody's body flopping spent, limbs straightening or simply falling to the mattress. I pull the duvet up over her even as the door opens, Frost peering in.

"Sorry," glancing at my thong only nakedness, down at the floor, "Kay. But."
"Hold on." Smiling despite myself, heading to the drawer unit, pulling out faded blue denim hotpants and a grey vest top.

Forgetting a bra.

"What's up?" Stepping back into socks, my Adidas.

"They've found her."
"Her her?"
"The sixth bearer." Nodding. "We need to go."
"Right." Nodding back.

"I don't suppose you can...?" Not looking at the bed, which is sweet, but, Jody's all covered up. And free. So.

"Find Ush and Melantha?"
"Can you?" Dawn Overture already over one shoulder. "I don't think we should wait until morning."

Tapping my chin, thinking.

"Oh." A grin breaking out across my face. "Well, they aren't going to be grateful. But, sure. I can take us to them."
"Why wouldn't they be grateful?" Cautious.

"I can't feel the pulse." Shaking my head. "Not from here. But." Patting Frost's shoulder. "One thing I can do is sense people who are tied up."

I wait. Frost frowns.

From beside us on the bed Jody giggles.


I look across, finding. Oops. She's still gagged. No wonder Frost wasn't willing to look.

Blowing Jody a kiss I will the gag gone. She, mouth free, smiles back. Mouths.

'I love you.'

I, after blowing another kiss, turn back to find Frost shaking her head, amused smile.

She gets it.

"No, they aren't going to be happy." A shrug. "But."

Climbing onto the bed, exchanging a goodbye kiss. Taking hold of Ishmaels Last Revenge.

I smoke jump Frost and me to the others.
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Post by GreyLord »

What will Frost and the Rope Bunny find? This is exciting.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
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Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by GreyLord »

What will Frost and the Rope Bunny find? This is exciting.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by RopeBunny »

GreyLord wrote: 9 months ago This is exciting.
So exciting you had to say it twice :D :lol:

Sorry, know its a glitch, but I couldn't resist the joke.

Thanks for commenting.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Kaylee saying her goodbyes before the coming battle - an iconic image.

Captures the internal battle well, with her trying to not show her own doubts to Jody.

I suppose the next chapter will be seeing what Mel and Ush have been up to. I'd make three guesses, but I think I would get it in one given the foreshadowing on that front :lol:
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago I'd make three guesses, but I think I would get it in one given the foreshadowing on that front :lol:
:lol: quite. Well, I did promise some TUGs after the dry spell, and we aim to please here at RB industries :lol:
BlissfulMisery wrote: 9 months ago
Captures the internal battle well, with her trying to not show her own doubts to Jody.
Thanks, I hoped it would.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Calm Before the Storm.
The Forest.

"So how large is it?"

There are ruins, a half dozen scattered mostly at random throughout my Forest, the only exception being the castles: two high wall surrounded stone keeps, remnants of the only war ever fought here.

The mutiny of the ants. An uprising against human rule, only quashed by the historic treaty signed between dragon and spider.

Bringing an end, bringing peace evermore to the, my now, realm.

Guess which castle is still largely intact.

Not that I've shown either to Ushinatta, we aren't here to sightsee, although a walk is pleasant. Which is why I chose a door attached to an old tumbledown barn like structure, about an hours walk from the tower.

The forever home of my ancestors, Kings and Queens of the Forest.

The tower, as it happens, isn't too far from Admiral Nay's old warship, half sunken into a small island in the middle of a large lake, tree growing up through, piercing the prow. Vines slowly taking over.

No Admiral today though, no Wu-quikf. Although my dragon guardian, because each ruler has, is twinned, to one, is no doubt not too far away.

Keeping an invisible eye on his charge, whether I wish it or not.

Did I mention yet that dragons don't listen. A direct order gets followed, but anything else is treated more like a suggestion.



Up in the trees, a lion sized smile of razor teeth, nothing else visible Wu-quikf sits amongst the canopy, small but not smallest.

Dragons can, along with invisibility and wingless flight, alter size from mouse to, well.

Dragon sized.

Looking up I tut, putting two fingers to my eyes, reversing them to point.

See you.

Receiving a puff of smoke blown from an invisible snout back.

Amused, but, he won't leave.

Smiling I return my attention to Ushinatta.

"The tree?"
"No." Spreading her arms wide, turning a slow circle. "How large is the Forest?"

I've asked the same question, because it isn't obvious, and between the Admiral and my often muddled brain.

I still don't understand.

The Forest, the realm, isn't anywhere on Earth. Above the treeline, often only glimpsed in small patches because clearings aside there aren't many gaps in the canopy, the sky is blue. Pure blue, no clouds and no visible sun.


And yet it's never night, never dark. Which takes getting used to.

Any more proof we aren't on Earth is provided by the moons.

Moons, plural.

Three of them, two comparable with our own satellite, the third.

Huge, often dwarfing a third of the sky.

So logically, because of the moons, the Forest is on another planet, and yet.

And yet.

It isn't a planet, it's a realm.

Which means different rules, including some form of warping at the edges, a barrier of sorts which turns those who wander around despite, or even if, they maintain a straight line. Or you simply walk 'off the map' only to 'spawn' unawares back on the far side.

After all the Forest, the tightly packed lack of many footpaths Forest. It all looks the same, so how would you know?

"Large?" Shrugging with outstretched arms.

"Large." Smiling my word back at me. "It's okay, I don't know the exact dimensions of my." A quick laugh. "Dimension. Either."
"The...." What had that nice Shark said? "Desert?"
"Endless Desert." Nodding.

"Sounds pretty." Picturing sand for days, gentle slopes up and down, prehaps fresh clear lakes surrounded by palms and nomad tribe style tent villages. "I'd love to go there."
"It is." Leaning back against a tree, hands tap tapping a hopping beat against the rough bark. "And. No." Shaking her head. "You wouldn't."

Shortly after arriving she'd done that neat trick: making her katana into sand, to vanish as though sent away. I know Ushinatta can call it back too, at will it seems. And prehaps I can perform similar with The Sisters? Not sand of course but, could I send them to a secret locker, to wait?

For now I'm enjoying the weight and feel of them, wooden green symbol etched blades slid upwards into twin sheaths at the small of my back, handles protruding out and down, diagonal style and easy to grasp. Draw. The sheath harness runs up and over each shoulder, under the armpit like secret agent gun belts I remember seeing in movies.

Ushinatta looks across at me, standing not too far away. I look back, a strange mix of feelings rising to churn up my stomach.

Nerves, because I think I like her, that she's cute, and funny. Playful. But a small prickle of fear too, because she is, quite obviously even before that surge of wind inside the briefing hanger. Ushinatta is power, orders of magnitude above anything I've ever seen.

And, maybe, the trees. Who I've been listening to since we arrived: calling out welcomes, passing on what news they're aware of. Maybe the trees pick up on my baseline- almost certainly unfounded -fear.

And, like good subjects, they act to protect their Queen.

"What thfffffgggmmmmppp?"
"Oh?" I'm saying even as Ushinatta's surprise turns to muffled nonsense, laughing too despite I probably shouldn't.

But, it is a little bit funny.

Vines. Snaking unseen across the overgrown floor, up the tree Ushinatta helpfully decided to lean against.

Moving with sudden speed, the snake striking.

Wrists pulled down and back, trunk far too wide for bringing them together, but, each is held pinned against the bark.

Ankles pinned separately too, legs spread.

More vines wrapping her body from waist to neck, a lower left to upper right cross of her breasts. Slight squeeze.

And the final vine across her face, forced into and filling her mouth, cutting off coherent speech.

The trees, still talking.

"Innnn. Trruuuudeeeeerrr."
"Qquuueeeennn sssssaaaaaffeee."
"Well." Hands on my hips, still not quite banishing the amused smile as Ushinatta looks on wide eyed. And, the problem here is.

If she decides to fight back. The trees of my Forest are tough, more resistant, but. All wood burns in the end.

What if Ushinatta brings the fire.

Or worse.

"Look." Turning a slow circle, managing at last to scowl. "She isn't a."
"Aaadddd. Mmiiiirrraalllll."
"No." Finger up and wagging. The last thing I need. Want. Is for the well meaning Admiral to turn up. "That won't be necessary. Thank you."

Chuckling from the canopy above.

"She's a friend." Putting as much Queen authority into my voice as I- still amused -can. "So." Waved gesture. "Take her gag off."

The top most vine complies, slithering slowly away.

"I mean."

Watching, fascinated as Ushinatta tenses, apparently attempting to pull free.

Small tingle of, something, as she fails.

"Does this happen to everyone?"
"Really?" Laughing. "What is it, some kind of thing, you controlling the trees?"
"Oh." Shaking my head. "No. They were trying to help."
"Told you so did they?"

Teasing, then frowning as I nod. Looking left and right.

"They." Looking again. "Actually talk?"
"I see." Thoughtful. "That's actually pretty cool." Ushinatta grins, voice becoming playful. "Will they let me out?"
"If I ask."

Not realising until after that I've given a Teasing answer back. I was being honest, not considering the deeper meaning.

That Ushinatta's now tied up until I say otherwise.

"Oh." Blushing. "I. You see."
"S'okay." Smile growing.

"Come here."

Words, but I feel pulled as though compelled, stepping closer, eyes drawn to the low already now pulled lower still by vines front of her dress, the yawning chasm of Ushinatta's cleavage.

"Hello." Nervous, stood right in front of her now, hands fidgeting because she's right there. And I....

Well. I....

"Got me right where you want me huh?"
"No. I."

More teasing, she's grinning as I bluster, then blush.

"Don't want me all tied up?" Eyebrow raised. "You could kiss me?"
"I." Closing my mouth as her words register. I blink, look at her.

Ushinatta giving me a small.



"If you wanted." Making another show of struggling, straining and pushing against the vines, failing to pull free when I'm sure if she really wanted to she'd just do that sand trick and jump clear.

Or something equally impressive.

So. Pretend I suppose. But some part of my brain doesn't care, because Ushinatta bound to the tree is quite the sexy sight.

"I." Taking a breath. "Do."
"Well." Giving her bound chest a teasing shake. "Come and get me then."

Another breath for courage.

I step closer. In. Reaching out, my hand drawn as though magnetised towards her breast, my lips puckering, eyes closing.

Closer. Slow, feeling the built up nerves reaching a crescendo as our lips make soft contact, as my hand brushes the soft fabric of her dress front.

As a polite cough sounds behind me.

"Sorry." Kayley, managing not to smile, her apparent default setting. Spear in hand and now dressed in denim shorts and a no bra vest top. Standing beside Frost, rifle slung.

Looking anywhere but at Ushinatta and myself.

"Just another five minutes." Sighing, voicing my thoughts aloud and not thinking.

Not realising until Ushinatta gently laughs.

"I mean."
"Sorry." Kayley again. "Only, we've found them."
"The wand?"
"The wand." Nodding her answer to Ushinatta's question.

I wave my hand at her, the trees, understanding, untangle their vines.

"Right then." Resigned, feeling the slight pressure on my shoulder as Wu-quikf touches down.

The collected gasp of my new becoming friends as, glancing to the side for confirmation, my dragon minder shades into visibility. House cat sized and purple, green underbelly, perched with tail loosely wrapping my neck for support.

"My lady." Deep, well spoken. Kayley blinks and Frost softly swears, Ushinatta smiling, as Wu-quikf speaks. Long serpentine neck angling his face towards mine. "I shall accompany you."
"Yes. Right." Which of course- can't boss a dragon -means whether I wish it or not. "Thank you."

Slow nod, settling down small claws digging slightly into my tee and skin. Not enough to cause bleeding.

"Where?" Walking the short distance back to the ruins. By general unspoken concensus it seems I'm nominated as the easiest method of group travel.

"Siberia." Frost, a shrug as Ushinatta laughs, making a point of fingering her skimpy dress front.

None of us wearing appropriate atire.

"Prehaps." Kayley, looking down at her own shorts and not exactly covering her up top. "You," glancing to Frost, "is there weather gear or. Um?"
"Back to the hanger." Nodding, looking at me. "If we could my lady?"
"Yes." Nodding back, arrived the door which I open. Darkness punctured by widely spaced overheads, looming bulk of that old bomber.

Frost, through first. Shouting orders within moments of crossing over. General increase in bustled noise.

Kayley, pausing. Serious face and a nod to me, head turning slightly to offer a second nod. On my shoulder Wu-quikf shifts, nonsense words. Like the nice Shark? From his mouth. Kayley grins wide, tips a salute to my guardian only just this side of serious. Walks through.

Ushinatta last. Pausing too, leaning in towards me. Leaning close, and too late I realise what she's about, face flushing with nerves even as Ushinatta pauses at the last.

Eyes shifting to my shoulder. I look too this time, see Wu-quikf nod, once. Permission? Ushinatta cracks a small quick smile, turning back to me as I do her.

Leaning the rest of the way in.

Kissing me on the lips. No tongue but there's want there, a kindling spark of desire. Enough to leave me slightly breathless as she pulls back.

Steps through the door with a happy too wide and yet quite cute predators grin splitting her midnight eyed face.

Leaving just me and.

"Well." Wu-quikf, patting my cheek. "And she is pretty too."
"Yes...." Voice far away, watching the swish of Ushinatta's dress clad butt as she walks, her slender curvy frame and long toned legs. The way that Dark God all blackness reaches up from feet and hands as though clawing at the centre of her.

Chuckle at my shoulder, soft and teasing. I, shaking myself, can't help the smile creeping onto my own face.

Through I go, time to work. And, maybe, afterwards they'll be time to play.

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Post by GreyLord »

Siberia, then play. Great!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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