The Once Perfect Life of Jacob Davidson (MM/MM) - CHAPTER 10 POSTED (10/11)

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Post by Scottstud94 »

Chapter 7 - The Weekend From Hell

The two went to work. Billy had his turn first, and was extremely rough. No disregard for me. I was just an object in his mind and he lubed me up and fucked me until he was finished.

No reprieve though as the sadist Noah began. I won’t go into details, but his goal was to inflict as much pain on me as possible.

After that, Billy again. Then Noah. Three times each before the country hunks had their fill. The pain has been indescribable. I didn’t even fight as the chains that kept me secured to the bed were removed. I had lost feeling in my taped fist hands long ago anyway.

My wrists were cuffed behind me and ankle shackles applied as my naked body was dragged from the bed an unceremoniously put into one of the large cages set up for me. The key was turned in the lock.

“Whew boy that was fun,” Billy said putting his clothes back on.

“Yeah let’s do it again tomorrow,” Noah said. “After your chores of course.”

I didn’t even respond just crumpled into a ball on the cold cage floor.

They didn’t even offer me a pillow or blanket. I had already cried myself out and I was at the lowest point. I missed my warm bed. My house. Hanging out with my friends. It had only been three days. I simply couldn’t believe there were people this cruel. They saw themselves as the poor taking their share from me the rich boy, who mistakenly wandered into their property.

To them this was justice. In reality, they were just monsters justifying their actions. I was scared for Alex too. I didn’t know if he was captured too. They said he wasn’t but why would I believe them.

I was too weak to even try to escape the cage. So I did my best to get some rest. The night was difficult, but eventually I dozed off.


Saturday Morning - Alex’s Point of View


I woke up to the bangs on my door. I got home last last night and simply slithered off to bed. No response from Jacob and when I called him his phone went straight to voicemail.

My door opened, the bright light pouring into my dark room. It was my mom. She was on the war path. My blankets were thrown off my as I quickly was jostled awake.

“Any reason why Headmaster Davidson called and said you got hazed but you’re not going to tell him who did it?” She asked.

“They shoved a grenade in my mouth Mom, I know they took it too far, but they shouldn’t get in trouble for that.” I said rubbing my eyes. I knew telling the truth would only put Jacob in more danger.

“They could’ve killed you and you’re going to take the punishment because you don’t want some bullies to get in trouble.”

“They’re my teammates,” I lied. “Besides, Dad said when he was in school they kept the freshman locked in the dungeons for a week.”

“I don’t care, this went too far Alex, you need to tell Headmaster who did it.”

“I will not,” Alex said.

His mother looked down at her stubborn son frustrated. She knew Arcadia’s hazing and bullying were rough at times, but the end was always a sure thing, an Ivy League gentlemen. She sighed.

“I have no choice but to ground you,” she said grabbing her son’s phone.

“But mom please I have… Mmmmmppphhh!” She grabbed a wadded up sock of Alex’s from the floor and put it in his mouth. She plastered a roll of duct tape on his head and wrapped tightly around his head five times before tearing the roll.

“Arms above your head,” she grabbed Alex’s wrists and cuffed them to the headboard. Then shackled his ankles to the foot of the bed.

He realized his ability to help his friend now was severely compromised.

“You can’t keep covering for these people Alex, and you’re grounded outside of school until you decide to tell Headmaster who did it!”


Jacob’s Point of View

The morning came and the two unlocked the pole barn. It was 6:00 in the morning, the sun not even up yet.

The cage door unlocked and I was dragged out. “Good morning sunshine, ready for a day of work?”

I didn’t respond. Noah pulled a cattle prod out from the corner and pointed at me.

“I said ready for a day of work?” I nodded. Playing along. Realizing I had no choice. I tried to speak through the gag, hoping for some food or water.

Billy took the tape off but gave no inclination of being willing to remove the wires.

“Wahtuhr” I said through my teeth. The two relented and poured some water down my throat. It was welcome after 12 difficult hours.

“We’ll take the wiring off after your chores and you can eat. Noah is insistent upon you giving him a blow job tonight anyway, so that’s the only reason you’re being allowed to eat.”

The chore today was building a new fence. replacing the old rickety one. It was also less see through so their backyard would be more private. Both of them worked with me. They wanted this done. They weren’t bad workers, but would continuously whip me with a belt if I was moved too slow. I had a noticeable limp from the night before.

It was hard to work in cuffs and shackles but I had gotten used to it. Escape was always on my mind but one of my ankles was always chained to a metal post in the ground and padlocked. They told me the key was in the pole barn so even if I incapacitated them I’d still be stuck there.

14 hours later it was 8:00pm. I was chained down to the table where the wiring around my jaw was carefully removed. I reworked my jaw as the wiring was cast aside.

I was cuffed, locked in the cage and given two biscuits as both decided what to do with me. I quickly devoured the biscuits.

“You’re sure we can’t make him our blowjob bitch?” Noah said. “I want to rip his teeth out then we don’t have to worry about him biting.”

“No, he’s going to convince the headmaster to let us into that school. Then we can live there, be rich, and have all the fuck Bois we want. Can also keep this one under our watch. It’s a great plan.”

“Fine well how do we make sure he does bite then?”

“I have an idea, let’s get him on the table. First I got an idea.”

The two chained me down but kept my mouth ungagged for now.
Billy the showman started to lube up my penis and started rubbing up and down.

“Please not again,” I said meekly knowing they would likely not let me release.

“I’ll let you cum boy but first you’re going to tell me some things I want to hear.”

“I want you to tell me all about how you like getting tied down to the bed and fucked by us,” Billy said.

“I like getting tied down to the bed and fucked by you guys,” I weakly replied.

“Details. Details.” Billy started to move slower to encourage me to be more detailed in my response.

“I like it when you chain me down and tape my mouth shut.”

Faster he went. “Louder!”

“I love it when you take turns and I can’t wait to suck you off tonight!”

Faster faster.

“I love how you tape the chains down so I can’t slip out!!!”

Faster faster.



Cum exploded everywhere. I gasped in exhaustion thankful for the release. But immediately after regret poured over me.

No catching my breath though. An O ring gag was applied to me and locked onto my face. “See. No biting now. Also Noah, you get that recorded?”

“Yep now if he ever says it wasn’t consensual, we can play this. It’s consensual. You want this boy. You just said it yourself.”

I screamed into the gag, knowing what was to come and that I had been hoodwinked. I felt so ashamed.

“Fine, once we’re into the school then can I rip out his teeth and make him blowjob boy?” Noah said.

“Dammit Noah, you really won’t drop this. As soon as we get in the school, get a nice crop of recruits, and get out of the country. Maybe find a nice cabin in rural Canada, yeah then you can.”

“Let’s go,” he said giving me an evil smirk. “You’re going to be sucking this cock for a long time once our plan is done boy.”

More noise was getting out of my mouth with the new gag, but the boys simply cranked up some country music to drown out my cries as I was moved to the bed. Chained down again. Night number two was underway.

Noah fucked my face while Billy fucked me in the ass to start. The boys would switch throughout. If I had the chance to bite down I would have. It was easier tonight, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard. Noah began whipping me with a belt across the ass something fierce at one point.

When the two were done, they discussed my gag. The boys didn’t want to go through the process of wiring my jaws shut, for their plan opted against sewing my lips, and decided tape was too risky. So they wound up supergluing my lips together then using tape around my head. They weren’t afraid to go extreme with their gags. I was cuffed, shackled, thrown into the cage, and locked in for another solitary night.

I woke up the next day. It was sunday. My last long day. Then after that, I was planning to go to the authorities but that recording changed everything.

I worked again that day, we finished the fence and at 5:00 I was allowed to go home.

“If you tell anyone what happened, we’ll burn your house down and everyone in it boy, understand?” Billy said.

“Besides you wanted it didn’t you boy?” Noah said.

I gulped as I was putting on my clothes. I knew better than to talk back. “Yes sir I said, remnants of glue still around my lips.”

Once I got off their property I hobbled home. Unsure of what to do. My phone was smashed. No doubt I was in a load of trouble. I decided to change paths and see what happened to Alex. I just hoped he was okay.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Chapter 8 - Welcome to Arcadia

When I got to Alex’s house I was turned away by his mom. Apparently he was grounded. From there I made the short walk home.

It was not going to be fun.

“Two days Jacob. You disappeared two days. Broke your phone. Socks disheveled. We were worried sick,” my mother yelled at me.

“I told you a million times. I went to check our Vermont’s soccer team, went to a party Friday night and decided to stay another night. My phone broke during it.”

“I mean you are so grounded you don’t even know it son. You’re lucky boarding school is literally next week.” My father said.

“Since you’re only grounded until you go to boarding school it’s going to be so severe,” my mother said.

“First we aren’t replacing your phone. You just don’t get one anymore. Second, every day after school you’re getting locked in your closet. Third, since you can’t take this sock thing seriously and we’re not letting you go to school without having learned this lesson we’re going to have to take some more serious measures,” said my father.

I was sent off to bed. In the morning, mom gave me extra large Arcadia socks that went nearly to my thighs. I was forced to tape it down with nearly half a roll of tape.

We can’t let them go through with the plan. I told Alex after practice in the school locker room, after every one had gone. “What plan?”

“We’ll boys let us tell you,” Billy said appearing in the doorway, Noah at his wing.

“So here’s what’s going to happen. We want to get into this school of yours,” Billy said.

“You’re mad, they’ll never let you in,” Alex said.

“Not unless we have someone vouch for us to your headmaster,” Noah said smiling.

“You assholes raped me, why would I vouch for you?” I said.

“I’m glad you asked, because you see we’re going to tie up this one here,” pointing to Alex, “strap a bomb to his chest, and if you don’t get us in we’ll kill him.”

“You wouldn’t,” I said trying to call their bluff.

“They shoved a grenade in my mouth Jacob, yeah they would,” Alex said. “Just get it over,” with he said putting his hands behind his back.

Billy smiled, handcuffed him and gave me a roll of silver gray duct tape. “You tape his mouth shut.”

I fumbled with the tape as I wrapped it around my best friend’s mouth. I pulled it as tight as I could. The boys made me keep going until 15 wraps were done.

Noah put Alex in a chair and began duct taping him down, while Billy held me to prevent any funny business.

Noah then grabbed a bomb looking device and true to his word taped it to my best friends chest.

“You know the stakes. Now how do we get in?” Billy said.

“If I get you in, you’ll let Alex go?”

The two nodded. “And we’ll free you from your trespassing slave weeks,” Billy said.

It was an impossible choice. Risk my best friends life or expose my school to these monsters and be free from two more weeks of hell. I had to take my chances with the latter.

“Fine. Well first you have to change, wear Arcadia clothing. Look the part. The Headmaster he hates short socks, like with a passion.”

“Our socks are plenty long,” Noah said pointing to the boys white boot socks.

“No no like we have special socks we have to wear and you have to tape them up. If you stretch them, tape them over your knees, look presentable, and have $70,000 a term, you can get in.”

I smiled knowing that the money would stop them in their tracks. They didn’t have it. They couldn’t. But I was wrong.

Each boy in the locker room had two school uniforms in their lockers. I grabbed some of mine and Alex’s and hoped they’d fit.

While they got ready I was handcuffed to a pipe. The boys undressed and managed to get the Arcadia socks over their knees and taped up. Then came the slacks, undershirt, jacket, tie.

Soon I was leading Billy and Noah up the steps to the doors of Arcadia. Campus was quiet as most students were spending time with family before the boarding part of term started. I used my ID badge and we were in.

Alex was tied to the chair. A bomb tied to his chest. Billy showed me the detonator. “One wrong weird, goodbye Alex.”

I marched up to the Headmaster’s door. I knocked softly.

“Come in.”

I slowly opened the large door to the Headmaster’s quarters.

“Ah, Davidson. Nephew. You come at this late hour with some friends. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Headmaster said.

“Headmaster, I’ve known Billy, I mean William and Noah my whole life. They’re upstanding kids, they’re juniors and seniors respectively at Autumn Hills High School and they’ve been great friends growing up. They’ll also take the knee sock rule very seriously. They hate ankle socks, I’ve never seen them in them. I know this is unusual, but I was hoping that as a family favor you would be willing to let them into Arcadia for this boarding term,” I said nervous for the response.

William and Noah had cleaned up good. They fit the part. Combed hair. Clean shaven. They shined in the school uniform. Slacks. Ties. Overcoat. Headmaster inspected their taped up socks.

“This is unusual Davidson. Tell me you there, what’s your name?”

“Noah sir.”

“Tell me of your family,” Headmaster said.

“Well sir our parents were lawyers. They were very kind and we lived in a nice house in Connecticut growing up. Then…”

Noah teared up. “The accident. They died in a car crash when we were young. We inherited their estate and moved in with our aunt. Went to Autumn Hills like our good friend Jacob said.”

“You have transcripts then I assume?” The Headmaster asked. I grinned. Hoping the gig was up. Surely when Headmaster saw their true poor grades they had no chance, but Billy had thought ahead of me. Handing over what surely were fake transcripts.

“My my my. Even for a public school I must say I’m impressed. Why do you want to come to Arcadia?”

“The same reason anybody would sir. Your school is the pinnacle of student development. We want to be lawyers just like our parents were and to be able to have friends here like Jacob,” Billy patted my shoulder. “Well that’d just make everything better.”

“Very well Jacob, they have the funds and they look good. Your transcripts are impeccable. Welcome to Arcadia.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. A mix of relief and fear about the future.

He shook hands with both boys. “I respect any youth who wants to further his education. Your socks are exemplary, wish more of our boys were able to get them above the knee. My nephew here could learn something from you. Alright, Monday we start. Tuition is due beginning of the term.

You will be bunking with eachother, and your connected rooms will be Jacob here and his roommate Alex.”

I couldn’t say anything. I could only sob internally as I had helped my rapists get into our school.

Their plan had worked, and soon they’d be free to terrorize Arcadia.

Afterwards Billy and Noah released Alex, defused the bomb, and I hugged Alex. Monday was going to be an interesting day.
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Post by blackbound »

Man, these guys will stop at nothing. Noah seems particularly insane. Monday will be interesting indeed!

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Post by Scottstud94 »

Chapter 9 - The New Suitemates

Move in day of senior year. It wasn’t what I had been hoping it would be. I lost my phone permanently. The last five days I had been locked in a closet as punishment after school. Oh yeah and me and my best friend were about to move into Arcadia with two goons in connected adjacent room.

Two goons that forced us to get them in.

Mom and dad were furious at my behavior. They got me garters that had a lock on it, with Headmaster Davidson ensuring my parents that my socks would secured up 24/7 outside of showers.

Winston was one of the head boys and was put in charge of my key. Winston was son of a politician who was serving in the House of Representatives. He thought very highly of himself, and was known to pick on freshman pretty consistently. Unafraid to use his power to his advantage.

We brought my suitcases up to the third floor dormitory where I would be staying. Alex had already moved in by the time I was. Monday was move in day and classes started on Tuesday.

It felt normal. Friends came to say hello. Many of our soccer friends were roaming the hall. Christian, Nick, Logan, George. My brother was on the 2nd floor. We said goodbye to our parents and went off to the great hall for the feast.

Headmaster Davidson addressed us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Billy and Noah. I couldn’t believe it, they were talking with Winston and some of the other school prefects. Of course they’d get along with Winston. They probably would bully some of the freshman together.

After the feast we were all required to return to our rooms. Our room was connected to Billy and Noah’s room by the bathroom. While we could lock our doors, we couldn’t avoid them forever.

Alex and I sat, shoes off, on our beds.

Alex had his pajamas on. I did as well, but unlike Alex I couldn’t remove my socks. The garters stayed locked on. Socks were required for wearing except showers and sleeping.

“So what should we do?” Alex asked.

“We can’t cowher here the whole year,” I told him.

A knock came on our door. “Davidson come here,” I opened the door and there was Winston with the key to my garters.

“Sock trouble Davidson? Headmaster’s nephew can’t follow the rules?” Winston said holding the key up. “If you think about it, I control your shower schedule.”

“Can you just hand me the keys so I can remove this? I’ll keep my socks taped up.” I said.

“Fat chance of that,” Winston said. “I’m looking forward to a long year together.”

He eyed our locked bathroom door. “Why’s the door locked,” he asked.

“Privacy,” I responded.

“No no I don’t think so,” he said forcing his way in and unlocking the door. “You two… Noah, William, your suite mates would like to meet you,” Winston said.

The two came over, Billy errr William was 20 but looked the part of a school boy.

“You know what i changed my mind. Here’s the keys to the garters Davidson, but I’m checking your socks every day. They’re too low, I’m sending you to detention.” Winston closed our door and in our room now were Billy and Noah.

The two wore the school pajamas, no socks, and big wide smiles on their faces. Noah grabbed our lock on the bathroom door and hit it with a hammer, busting it open.

“You got what you wanted. You’re in Arcadia, can’t you leave us alone?” Alex said from his top bunk.

“Come on, we just want to be friends.” William said.

“You shoved a grenade in my mouth. You taped a bomb to my chest. You raped Jacob. You’re lucky you’re not in prison, let alone in the best boarding school in the northeast.” Alex said.

Tensions were high. We didn’t know what they were going to do.

“We make the rules around here. Anything we need, homework, cleaning, you guys are going to do. Two, each of us gets one blowjob a night from one of you. Three, you help us get one of those prefect jobs. If you do those three things, we’ll leave you alone.” Billy said.

“Or the alternative, we come in every single night, tie you down, and do whatever we please. We’ve got plenty of duct tape and nobody will hear your screams.” Noah said.

Alex and I both looked at eachother. “Fine,” I said.

“Good we’ll give you a break tonight, tomorrow the fun begins,” said Billy.

“Wa… wait.” Alex stammered. “Why do you want to become prefects?”

Billy and Noah smiled at eachother. “We have a plan, you’ll find out soon enough.”
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Chapter 10 - The Wheel

Knowing Alex had to serve lunch detention and after school detention the next three weeks, I went into lunch hoping for the best.

I sat down with some of the soccer team as they are. Billy and Noah had taken a spot with Winston and some of the school prefects.

Alex ate his lunch on the stage in solitary manner as was Arcadia tradition. It was cool out today so most of the boys were wearing long pants.

At the 15 minute mark, those in detention were forced to strip. Some of the prefects helped secure ball gags in their mouth then cuff their hands behind them.

One by one each of them was hoisted into the air, to the cheers of those sitting in the cafeteria itself, their special Arcadia underwear which were grey boxer briefs were hung onto hooks on the wall and the boys were left to hang in only their underwear as an old example to the rest.

Some threw eggs or sandwich’s, milks at the boys as they hung in shame. Me, I tried to keep my head down and ignore it.

That is until Noah walked up the stage to Alex. He looked at him up and down before dumping a milk over his head to the cheers of most of the cafeteria.

He then took another thrown to him by the prefect table and poured it down his underwear.

I couldn’t handle it, I got up from my seat and walked briskly to the stage. “Hey Noah!”

I came up to the big country boy in prep clothing and gave him a push that barely nudged him. A hush came over the cafeteria.

“Why don’t you leave him alone?”

The boys lifted me and threw me down head first into the near empty garbage can.

“Anybody have any trash, Davidson here has volunteer to take it for you.”

“Guess we’ll be seeing you in detention after school,” said Winston.

Alex and I walked down to the dungeons together for after school detention.

We were greeted by a row of about 6 boys facing the prospect of after school detention, seated with their hands cuffed in front of them. Both Alex and I placed cuffs on our wrists and took our seats. Christian, Nick, and Logan were there as well.

Leading the detention was Winston, Milos, and their two new tough guys to help them… Billy and Noah.

The wheel had a punishment for each slot.
- 60 minute tickle torture
- Locked in tiny cage.
- Turned into a mummy
- Forced to eat something we hate.
- Hung from our underwear on the school flag pole
- Spend the night with Noah
- Waterboarded
- Locked in a locker
- All prefects beat you up
- Get electrocuted
- Count grains of sand
- Drink random mixtures of things in the school fridge
- Get completely shaved
- Be chained upside down by your toes
- Free space.
- Eat a sock
- Get tied to a horse and dragged through the mud
- Do homework
- Mouth taped shut for a week
- Tied to train tracks
- Chastity cage applied for a month
- Tied to the top of radio tower
- Your sibling joins you in after school detention
- Tied to a treadmill and forced to run
- Used as paintball target
- School lunch replaced with baby food for a month
- Wear a diaper for a week
- Locked in freezer

It was going to be a long few weeks. You decide! What punishments do you think the boys should get for their crimes? What sort of scheme are these four power hungry boys up to?
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Milos, Winston, Billy, and Noah stood at the front of the detention. The prefects of the school were left to distribute discipline as they saw fit and the six of us; me, Alex, Christian, Nick, Logan, and a boy named Will sat cuffed. Looking on as the boys stood proudly in front of us.

“You, four eyes,” Milos said pointing at Will. “Time to spin the wheel first.”

Will, head down, walked up slowly to the wheel at the front of the room. His cuffed hands meekly went to it and spun it, as the wheel slowed it trickled past free space, being locked in a freezer, and siblings joining them in detention, finally landing on being locked in a locker.

“Easy enough,” Winston said. “Billy, Noah, shove this runt in the locker in the back, and lock it.”

Billy and Noah were clearly the brutes, the strongmen behind Winston and Milos’ power. Soon enough they returned without Will.

One by one all of us spun the wheels. Christian got lucky, getting “do homework”. Nick was not so lucky, he’d be locked in a tiny cage. Logan was to be tied to a treadmill and forced to run. Alex would go next, and Billy and Noah took great interest in what he would get. I hoped he’d get a free space. He’d been through enough.

He wasn’t lucky though, he did avoid the worst punishments, but having his mouth taped shut for a week is a tough punishment.

So Christian sat quietly and did his homework in cuffs. Logan had been tied to a treadmill in the corner, and was jogging and keeping pace as long as he could, in another corner, Nick was stuffed in a tiny cage and locked in. Alex’s mouth was duct taped shut, and he sat quietly at his desk. For good measure, Milos had Billy and Noah shove a sock in Alex’s mouth, doused in hot sauce. The only one left to spin was me.

I got up to the wheel and felt the eyes of everyone on me. Spending the night with Noah would be the worst. I spun the wheel and watched praying for a free space, the wheel passed being tied to the train tracks, being electrocuted, and spending the night with Noah, finally landing on sibling joining me in after school detention tomorrow.

“Noooo!!!” I shouted not wanting to bring Keaton to this dungeon, only to get punched in the gut by Noah.

“Shut the fuck up and sit at your desk, maybe the wheel will give us something better tomorrow.”

I went back and sat at my seat. Serving the rest of my detention. That night, there wasn’t much to talk about. Alex’s mouth was taped shut the next week. The worst parts of these punishments were that if you had multiple days in detention like we did, punishments could stack.
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Post by harveygasson »

Very happy to see this story continue! Another good post and now Jacob's brother is in the mix
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