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Andrew: Sampling the service (M/F)

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:53 pm
by ThatDino
This story stems from a spontaneous RP that the magnificent [mention]Chloe Badelaine[/mention] and I had a few days ago. It has now been refined by us into a comprehensive story. Enjoy!

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The plan was simple, relatively. Arietta Jamerson was the inside woman of this operation she had conceived herself. It was a ransom ploy that would make her quite a fortune if everything went right. A high society student from her college dorm, namely Julienne Davane, was supposed to be taken and ransomed among a few others, and Arietta herself to cover the tracks that could lead back to herself. That is why she had contacted, through shady means, a supposed professional in this field of work and invited him into her home.

That man who was going by the name of Andrew, she did not know if that was even his real name or an alias and she did not really care, was sitting on a wooden chair. Between them, Arietta‘s office desk. Andrew was dressed for the occasion, casual but classy. His lean body was enveloped in a dark grey office suit, his beard was neatly trimmed, his face told of the fact that he was just in his mid 20s. Light brown hair, about 3 or 4 inches long, was loosely combed back.

Across from him, in a revolving desk chair and giving him an appreciative look, his client was seated, wearing a dark grey sweater dress that did good on accentuating her toned body, with light gray thigh high socks, letting a glimpse of black tights underneath shining through the resulting gap then and now. She was about the same age as Andrew, her chestnut brown hair flowing down beyond her shoulders in shapely waves. She wore no shoes.

„So, let me get this straight“, Andrew stated, leaning back in his chair „You want me and my men to invade your dorm at night, abduct a dozen girls according to this list and pics you gave me, ransom them off and split the money? I hope you know what you‘re getting yourself into.” Arietta nodded. “Remember, as soon as this is all over I never heard of you and you never heard of me.“

„Exactly as you‘ve just said“, replied Arietta with a wink and a smile as she casually put one leg on the desktop, readjusting and pulling up her sock „You will, of course, have to get rid of the boys in the opposite dorm somehow, but leave them there. There are only five of them with the night watch, they will not be ransomed. Just knock them out with sleeping gas. On the other hand, your men will have to be nice and gentle with the girls, nothing inappropriate. And, of course, as I suppose you will be using some guns, blanks or unloaded only. Have you arranged for a place to hold us captives?“

„That will be no problem“ Andrew followed up to the first question, then smirked „The ventilation system is quite easy to manipulate as far as I can tell, sleeping gas is the obvious solution here. Also, we're kidnappers, not monsters, my dear. All girls will be taken care of in the most gentleman-like manner possible. No shots will be fired. The abandoned warehouse we chose is well ventilated and heated and you’ll all be kept captive on nice clean brand new mattresses, no ailment will befall the subjects in question.“

„Magnificent” exclaimed a beaming Arietta, “I‘m glad we understand each other so well. Now, there is one other very important aspect I will need to check to make sure everything is in order.“ The client leaned forward in her chair, looking deep into Andrew‘s eyes „I need to experience your tying skills.“

Andrew couldn‘t help but raise an eyebrow to this. „You‘re serious, aren‘t you?“ His opposite only smiled shrewdly and nodded, getting up from her chair and walking over to the large dark green leather chaise that adorned the room. „Go ahead, kidnap me.“, she said as if it was the most normal thing to ask of someone „I need to make sure nobody will be able to escape and ruin this wonderful plan of ours.”

“My dear Miss Jamerson, I almost feel insulted.”, Andrew chuckled cockily “You honestly think I wouldn’t have brushed up on my skills for such an important deal? By the way, as you’ve asked so nicely, I’ll make it up to you. It will be my pleasure.” With that, he got up from his chair, his black duffel bag of supplies in hand. Setting it down next to the chaise and opening it, a pair of thick brown knee high hiking socks was extracted and handed to Arietta.

“First I'll have to ask you to put these over your arms, to protect the captive’s skin from chafing by the other bindings, and to make sure they won't fiddle with them.” Andrew explained as he pulled a few other supplies from his bag in preparation.

Meanwhile a smiling Arietta pulled one of the socks all the way up to her upper arm, partly covering the form fitting long sleeve of her dress. “How very inventive indeed.”, she couldn’t help but marvel, “Will you help me with the other one?” The second sock was pulled over the other arm similarly by her de-facto captor. Arietta tried to move her fingers independently, but couldn’t anymore, the thick cotton of the socks impairing her movement significantly. “I love how that feels, it’s a wonderful idea! Can’t wait to be fully trussed up!”

“Hold your horses, we’re far from done yet.” With that, Andrew grabbed a roll of silver duct tape from his bag and wound it around where the sock met the sleeve, to prevent it from sliding down. “Now please, be a dear and lay down on your stomach.”

“Ho, even duct tape. Somebody’s not taking any chances.” Arietta stated as she complied and positioned herself lengthwise on the chaise. A few pairs of tights and long socks were extracted from the pile of supplies as the professional kidnapper answered, explaining “It's serious business, I can't take any chances. Hands on your back, feet together.” Arietta shivered at the authoritative tone of her soon to be captor, but chose to comply.

“Socks and tights as restraints as well? You are full of surprises, Andrew. But to be honest, I dig it, this is a welcome change from the usual rope or zipties. How would you like my hands? Crossed?” the willing test subject asked with a smile as she put her hands behind her back and joined her feet.

“Parallel, please.” was Andrew’s instruction as he took a pair of black cotton tights, wound them around her sock-covered wrists three times and then knotted them off in between, practically forming fabric cuffs. The process was repeated for the ankles, below the knees and at thigh height. Stepping back for a moment, Andrew inquired “How is it? Any sores or tingles?”

Testing her bonds and finding them to be adequately limiting in terms of mobility, his client assessed, amazed “This is kinda comfy, but… fairly restrictive at the same time. I can’t get loose at all! This will certainly be strict enough for the girls. Will you have enough pairs of socks and tights to bind and gag everyone?”

“Oh believe me, I have my sources. It is in fact rather unproblematic to buy tights and socks in wholesale. Every member of my task force will be equipped with more than enough restraints.” Andrew professionally recapped, grabbing more restraints from his duffel bag, “I'm not done yet, though. Now, to get you real secure...”

A long sock was fashioned into a connection between the wrist and leg bindings, hog-tying Arietta in the process. Its sister was swiftly utilized to serve as a connection between the hogtie and the thigh bindings, arching the captive’s back considerably. “Will this suffice in terms of restricted mobility, Miss Jamerson?”

The addressed tugged at her new bindings for a bit and finally assessed in an almost playful tone “Hm… almost perfect. But I do feel like the upper body should be more restricted as well.” she added wriggling her arms playfully. “See?”

“If you say so.” was the amused kidnapper’s reply as he hoisted his client upright, winding tape around her body below her breasts a few times, then above them, firmly attaching her bound arms to her back. “Better?”

Arietta frowned slightly as she wiggled around a bit in her bindings “Functionally, yes, but… to be honest I’m not the biggest fan of this duct tape.”

Seeing the problem, Andrew pondered for a second, then proposed “May I present to you an alternative that will prove as sturdy? You will have to be gagged first though.”

“Gag me first?”, Arietta wondered as she briefly reconsidered her last statement “Of course, but may i ask why?”

“Let's just say that it would be... Difficult to do that last. You'll see.” A knee high sock was balled up in Andrew‘s hands and led towards his client’s mouth. “Any last words? I’m a patient man.”

Arietta shook her head and opened her mouth wide, allowing her opposite to insert the ball of fabric into her mouth, filling it out completely. “You keep that in there for a moment…” He quipped as an overly big and flexible pair of black dancer’s tights was taken from the bag and unrolled. In pleasant anticipation of what was to come, Arietta closed her mouth around the balled-up sock, meanwhile Andrew was gathering up one tights leg up to the foot part.

“You'll need to work with me a bit here, the first part is always the most difficult.” He explained as he pulled the bunched up part over the young woman’s head, slowly but surely enveloping her upper body in the flexible material, prompting Arietta to help by squirming and wiggling as much as she was able to in a lovely try to be helpful.

“Well, look who’s eager. How are you feeling in there?” The unintelligible, yet affirmative answer came out of Arietta’s stuffed mouth as "’Phleez oogh kheeph ooigh", Andrew couldn‘t help but hear excitement and joy in her muffled voice as he thought she said “please do keep going”.

“Now then, one last step. My men will of course not do this to the subjects in question, but consider it a celebration of our cooperation.” Saying that, Andrew grabbed the loose tights leg that was dangling in front of Arietta’s bound body and led it through in between her legs, tightly tying it off at the wrist bindings. Arietta could not contain a surprised and unwilling moan of pleasure as he did.

“Please enjoy your predicament, and try to escape if you wish to test my skills, as it was requested by you.” The woman on the chaise wasn’t really able to answer, but her enthusiastic moans betrayed her sentiment towards her condition, as she struggled passionately in her bonds. Everything felt snug and comfy, nothing seemed to come loose. She wasn’t even capable of opening her hands or flexing her fingers inside their tight sock prison.

The perpetrator of her restrictive situation moved his chair over to the chaise and sat down, enjoying the show. “Just tell me when you want to be let out, you hear? Haha...” Andrew quipped, feeling content with his own work.

Arietta didn’t even get what he had said, too great was her concentration on the ties that bound her so tightly. To her, this was a challenge, and an exciting one at that. Slowly and with some method at first, she made an attempt at freeing her hands from the fabric shackles that had tightened even more due to the hogtie attached to them. But soon, as the magic of the bindings started to take effect, Arietta’s struggles and movements became more… improvised. Her breathing through the tights got heavier and harder, crescendoing ever more as the crotch rope dug deeper between the stimulated captive’s legs and her panting turned into pleasured moans.

Andrew just leaned back in his chair and took in all those beautiful sounds that were like music to his ears. “I don’t think you’ll doubt my abilities again, will you?” he asked in a slightly mocking tone.

The answer from the chaise was a head clearly shaking ‘No’ and increasingly louder moaning as Arietta’s wrists kept working the tights deeper into her crotch. The sounds of fabric rubbing against itself could be heard as the captor’s prey kept struggling uselessly, unable to move anything but her toes inside her tights and socks and rolling around on the elevated level of her resting place.

“I thought so. Now, you're free to struggle on as you please, as long as you promise me everything will go smoothly during and after the event. I'll have to make sure that everyone plays their part accordingly. Do I make myself clear?” Andrew explained in a sharp and serious tone as he got up and walked over to his captive, threatening to disconnect the crotch rope again, just before her climax. “Again, I can’t take any risks.”

Arietta stiffened in her bonds and let out a worried muffled mewl. “What we are doing is far beyond legal boundaries, as you can imagine.” Andrew continued his explanation, lightly playing with the knot connecting the crotch rope to the trembling woman’s wrists.

“So I ask you again, will everything go according to plan? And believe me, if you screw me over, no witness protection program can save you.” Andrew inquired restlessly, continuing before he moved his hand away from the knot again “But, as I've said, if everything goes as planned, there will be nothing to worry about for the both of us.”

The reaction from Arietta was merely something furious and generally unintelligible moaned into the cotton wad in her mouth while she pushed her crotch towards Andrew’s hand needily and thrashed in her bonds furiously.

“I will take that as a ‘Yes’.” the accused concluded as he grabbed hold of the crotch rope, cinching it even tighter than it was at first “Please, enjoy.”

And with this last tug a wave of pleasure poured over Arietta as she climaxed on the chaise, moaning loudly and arching against her bonds, before falling back down trying to catch her breath through the gag and hood.

“Now that that is settled, shall I set you free or would you like to continue sampling our services? Please moan once for remaining tied, twice for going free.” the considerate captor suggested, being answered by two consecutive half desperate half infuriated mewls. “How very unfortunate, you look quite good in bondage.”

With the grace of a veteran rigger, Andrew detached the crotch rope and pulled off the encasing pair of tights, catching the wet sock that Arietta spat out immediately.

“What do you mean going according to plan?!” was the first wave of rage that Andrew now had to face, spewing from the mouth of his peeved client immediately as she was able to speak again “I can't predict anything! And I hired you because you are supposed to be a skilled professional able to manage every situation. I’ve got to admit, I really wasn’t in love with your menacing tone, my dear!”

“First of all, of course, me and my company are honored that you chose our service over our competitors.” Andrew began his defense while untying the hogtying connection and the binds that tied the legs together “I merely wanted to be sure that you handle situations of stress well enough, and you won't call the authorities on us as soon as it all goes down. Please rest assured that the rest of our interactions will be as calm and professional as you have experienced until now.”

A sigh of relief and a look of understanding was Arietta’s reaction to what she had just heard. “Great, thank you for clarifying! Also, please retie my legs. I would like to have the rest of this conversation trussed up.” Andrew nodded, wordlessly doing as he was asked and restoring the leg bindings to their original state, finally hoisting his client to a sitting position.

“Thank you, that's better. Concerning your service: It is efficient, I feel no discomfort and the bindings are tight enough. That will hold me and the other hostages quite well. If your men are as efficient as you, this will be a piece of cake. And again, no need to tie the boys up, just knock them out.” Arietta stated in closing, looking at Andrew with a warm smile.

“Thank you kindly for your assessment, I am honoured that you are satisfied with our services so far.” Andrew replied, bowing slightly “Believe me, I train my men myself. Everything I know, they know. There will be no problem in the execution from our side. The boys will be disregarded and merely incapacitated, as agreed upon. So, if you have no further queries, do we have a deal, Miss Jamerson?”

“Yes, absolutely.” the addressed responded eagerly “As long as I’ll receive some pictures of the girls tied up. You know, as a memento.”

To that, Andrew could only laugh and confirm “Aye, that can be arranged.” He was met by Arietta’s mischievous smile as she squirmed and repositioned herself against the backrest of the chaise.

“Would you like me to untie you now?” Andrew inquired casually, with a smirk on his face “I have the afternoon free, so I might as well keep you company, as you do seem to enjoy your bonds quite much.”
“i think i'd like to stay tied up a little longer, if you don't mind.” Arietta noted.
“Of course not.”


(for now)

Re: Andrew: Sampling the service (M/F)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:12 am
by zora963
Wow, what a fun and sexy story! I loved the conceit and the chemistry between the two characters.

Re: Andrew: Sampling the service (M/F)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:14 pm
by Boundcurious
I thought I’d commented on this but it looks like I didn’t. I really enjoyed reading it :)

Re: Andrew: Sampling the service (M/F)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:11 pm
by iliketights
I LOVE this story!!!!

Re: Andrew: Sampling the service (M/F)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:55 pm
by Chloe Badelaine
Thank you all for the kind comments
We had great fun working on that and hoped you'd have fun reading it
Glad you enjoyed the ride.

Des Bisous

Re: Andrew: Sampling the service (M/F)

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:44 pm
by MuscularFreak
Great story with much potential, well done!