Tim's new job (MM/M)

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Tim's new job (MM/M)

Post by Marvinou »

Hello there ! :D

That's the first time I write a story in there. In particular, it don't clearly involve on "bondage only" story with a first look. In fact, the story will have many situation of bondages, and other fetish that I like.
I am also totally open to some other ideas guys :D It could be suggestion of some situation (you can MP me), or some interesting fetish I could insert in the story. For now, the story don't go very far because I would likee to have your opinion, and maybe some other idea. In particular, I want to see if you like it ...

So let's begin :D Thanks for reading me ! Don't hesitate to put a comment.
I also precise that I don't talk english, so there could be some weird passage in the text I tried to correct as much as possible. Don't hesitate to suggest me some modifications so it can be better to read !

Thanks :D


I growl as my alarm clock wakes me from sleep. I turn it off, wincing, and looking at the time. 8 o'clock. It must have been a normal time to get up, but in my world, it is not. The reason for waking up so early for me was a new job opportunity that presented itself. Indeed, it had been a few weeks since I had been unemployed, looking for a job. My brother had however kindly offered an opportunity to get a well-pid job. He didn't tell me more, he just told me that he had to introduce me to his boss, to potentially make my first day.
Yes… It was undeclared illegal work that I'm about to do. But hey, all the reasons are good to make money, eh? Especially when we were 21.

I get up, and, taking off my Batman pajamas - a gray T-shirt with the Batman logo on it - I went to take a shower. Matthew, my big brother, should arrive within an hour. I had to prepare myself.
Leaving the bathroom, I actually receive an SMS from Matthew: "I'm on my way, little brother, I hope you're ready.". I hurried to get dressed, putting on some simple jeans and a gray sweater that I had bought a few weeks ago, with "NYC" in black and "LA" in white written on it, over the NYC, the everything over a T-shirt of course. I let him know by text message that I'm ready and waiting for him.

I didn't have to wait long for someone to ring my bell. I let Matthew enter who greeted me with a hug, with a confident smile. He was half a head taller than me, and was tall, with brune short hairs.

- So, sleep well, Tim? Have you packed your suitcase?

- Yes and you ? Uh… my suitcase?

- Yes… let's say that this job… well… if all goes well, you will start today, with me. But sometimes the job requires us to go to… hotels, let's say. So it's better that you pack a small suitcase, just in case. Take it easy eh, no need to encumber yourself, we are not stopping on the other side of Earth, obviously.

I nod, although a little cautious. Caught off guard, I stuffed a small suitcase with the first things I could get hold of - including my pajamas that I hadn't allowed myself to put away. And in a few moments, putting on a hooded jacket over my sweater, I left with Matthew. We got into his car - a beautiful black car, which looked really rich. There's no denying it, I didn't know what job we were going to do, but Matthew had the money.
Speaking of which, I questioned him about it; because I still did not know what work I was going to do, precisely, or how much I was going to be paid, or why I had to take a suitcase...

- You will see on the spot, do not worry. It doesn't require any special skills. Just ... knowing how to keep your tongue, that's all. On the other hand, arrived there, you let me speak eh. I'll take care of everything.

We were going to a relatively uncrowded part of town. And even badly attended, I want to say. But that didn't really surprise me, I was expecting it a bit. For him to have that much money moonlighting, it most certainly had to be in some pretty… illegal activity, let's say. But I assumed the thing.

Leaving my suitcase in the car, I went out with Matthew, who waved a big arm in front of the door. He seemed to know that the two of us were coming, for he nodded and opened the port for us. We enter a rather dark shed, and little frequented. In front of us, a tall man, with sunglasses, was talking to someone a little smaller, rather older. He owned a cane and seemed, by his dress style, very rich. Shortening his conversation, he greeted my brother with a big smile.

- Aaaaah, Matthew! I am glad to see you again! - He said with an accent that I had trouble identifying. So, did you come with your brother? I am delighted with it. Did you let him know?

- Not yet.

- Perfect, perfect, perfect. So what's your name, young man? Timothy, is that it?

I answered with an ascendant.

- Perfecto. For our small activities, it is better that you do not know my name, so you can call me by "The Boss". Everyone calls me like that here, we'll know who you're talking about.

I nod again, a little intimidated. Matthew gave me a little wink. He, on the other hand, seemed in his element.

- Well, that's not all that, but we are going to discuss a little activity, and remuneration. Let's go to a room next door to continue our little discussion ...

We went to a small room with one table, with a big suitcase on top. There was already a henchman in the room. Tall, arms crossed, serious, glaring at us. He also seemed armed. The Boss clapped his hands and smiled.

- Well then, here is the guidebook my child. Your job is very simple. You just have to transport goods across the border.

- … That's all ?

- That's all. You see ? Easy money! The only thing we are going to ask you is mainly two things; the first thing is to never ask questions about what you are carrying. This is my problem, not yours. Did you understand ?

I agree. He looked very serious, but his little smile was meant to be reassuring. The second thing, however, made him look a lot more threatening.

- The second ... is to keep your tongue quiet. You only talk to people with whom we want you to speak, and in any case, you never speak first about what you carry. On that, I will be uncompromising, my child. So I warn you so that our business goes as it should: if you obey these two rules, everything will be fine. Otherwise… You will still have a job here, but it won't be the same, if you know what I mean. It can be varied. Are we clear?

I swallow and nod. He then regained his smile.

- Well, well, perfect, then! You see ? No reason to worry, everything is fine! We're in business now. I dare say that now you are also my brother. My little brother. Well almost. There is one very last thing we need to clarify. You see, I have to be able to know where you are at all times. There is no question that I disturb you in your personal life, no ! But since you are just starting out, I will have to be able to know where you are at all times with my merchandise. And for that I have an ideal way. Take off your jacket.

I look at Matthew, who was still smiling, nodding. I then remove my jacket which a henchman took. Someone else came, to my right, then another to my left, and they took my arms.

- Do not panic. We're just gonna put something in one of your teeth. A plotter, in fact. People will think it's a crown beast, don't worry. And it's risk free. When you get back, we'll take care of your first job and your salary. Okay, let's start Matthew, the time for your brother to come back!

They took me away then. Intimidated, I dared not do anything, I followed them - they held me by the arms anyway. They entered a room, on the contrary, very bright, and reminiscent of a hospital room. A man in a green jumpsuit with a mask on his nose was present, with some rather disturbing utensils. I was pushed a little harshly against the chair, and I was buckled into the seat. My arms and wrists were tied, a belt buckled around my waist, and even another belt, in a cross, blocking my chest. My ankles, too, were tied. I felt somewhat insecure.

- Hello there. Don't worry, everything will be fine. We just made sure you didn't move too much during the operation. But what I suggest is to make you breathe a sedative, so that it goes as well as possible for you, since it's your first time. Okay ?

I nodded shyly. Professional, he nodded, looking serious, and took a mask which he fixed on my face. He had a strange way of stroking my chest with his hand, making me blush and not especially soothing me. He, on the other hand, seemed to be getting off. He rested his hand on my chest, as if trying to feel my breath - which was pretty quick.

- I'll send the gas. You are going to breathe very deeply and especially not to panic, okay? You will have the feeling of suffocation at the beginning, it is completely normal. Afterwards, it will be better, you will see.

I took note of this information. After a few moments, a rather hazy gas came over my mask, blocking my vision. I took a deep breath, and immediately began to cough. Panicked, I struggled a bit. The doctor patted my chest, as if trying to calm me down. Having no choice, I continued to breathe, and after a while I felt like I was leaving. I felt… so much better. I didn't feel much after a while, just a feeling of bliss. I even wanted to laugh. After a few moments, feeling that I had calmed down, the doctor removed the mask.

- Better ? Come on, let's go then.

He made me open my mouth, and let me do it with pleasure. During the whole operation, I felt absolutely no pain, despite the fact that he obviously had to pierce one of the teeth in the back of my mouth. He was gentle, and often stroked my head, or my chest. After a quarter of an hour, it was already over.

- There you go ! See ? It wasn't that complicated. Come on, I'll make you drink a shark. It's a… kind of milk that I… make it be produced, let's say.

Still a little in the air, I could not resist when he made me drink from a glass filled with a white liquid, rather hazy. Barely feeling the taste, I swallowed everything without difficulty. He seemed to smile behind his mask, patting my chest.

- It's all good. You can free him.

I was released, and helped me stand up. The effects of the gas were gradually dissipating. Arriving in the room, I see that Matthew was a little tense, but still smiling. The briefcase was open, and half of its contents were missing. Besides, it contained some kind of odd little white bags ...

- Aaaah, my little Tim '! Perfecto. Did your operation go well? Did he give you a drink or not?

- Erf… Eeuh… yes?

- Perfecto then! Hehehe, you see, I suspected he was going to do it. You owe me $ 50, man. He said to Matthew who gave a knowing look, without my being able to understand too much.

He walked over to me and pulled me over to the suitcase.

- Good then ! We're going to move on to your job as a transporter itself… I'll show you how we operate here. We have very effective solutions so that we do not see that you are transporting this kind of thing, hehe ...

I look at The Boss and my brother with a rather mischievous look. I have already seen enough film to know in advance what was going to happen to me ...
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Post by Marvinou »

Just modified some things, in particular I forgot to correct the name (which was Florian in french) to an other name more accurate with the language (Matthew) ><
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome to the League of TUGs Writers. Don't bother too much about not getting the colloquialisms right, your writing is perfectly understandable. Good to have you on board.
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Post by Marvinou »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Welcome to the League of TUGs Writers. Don't bother too much about not getting the colloquialisms right, your writing is perfectly understandable. Good to have you on board.
Oooh, thank you !! :D I am reassured then :D
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Post by Marvinou »

Well, not much replies sadly, but I hope the next part is going to attract some people :D I think i'll accelerate a bit from the third part :3
Don't hesitate to put a comment !

Part 2

- Since it's your first time, we'll do it properly. I'm going to let your brother take care of you and… well, do the work. When you are ready, you will have part of your payment, the other part will be upon receipt of the package. I'll let you handle this, Matthew !

- No worries, Boss! Come on Tim '.

I followed Florian, having finally recovered from this weird gas. I question him.

- Have you been there too, the first time?

- Yes, absolutely. It's a little worrying at first, we don't really know what they can do to you, but believe me they are fair. I've been working with them for months. Now that you're here, we can even get jobs that are a little better paid.

We entered another room in the hangar containing a bed that looked oddly like a torture bed. There were many loops to tie any individuals into it. Seriously, why did they put all this creepy stuff together?
What intrigued my eye in particular was a small plastic bag suspended by a metal rod, with a small pipe and a valve. There was a little hazy liquid inside. Some water ? No there was something more.

- Good… I must explain it to you; it may not be pleasant. But you see, let's say that when we… deliver our products, it has to be… uh… well… clean, let's say. I have already managed the thing at home, but you on the other hand ... Anyway, I'll have to give you an enema, that's it.

I blink my eyes.

- You kidding me ?

- Don't tell me you haven't guessed? Smuggling drugs - let's say it among ourselves, it's drugs - to another country, it's not something simple at all. You can't imagine all the surveillance measures! The only place they can't search you is where the sun never shines. In your ass, actually. And if it's not clean, I'm not telling you the delirium when the customer picks them up.

- Wait wait, but suddenly how does it work? It is not dangerous ?

- No, don't worry. I told you, they do it properly. Their goal isn't to smash our asses, they just want containers to carry their stuff.

- And ... right now ... you have some of them in you ?

He smiles and nods.

- Don't worry, you'll get used to it. I am used to. But you, you'll have to prepare yourself. Consider yourself lucky that it is not a stranger who takes care of it the first time, because it was my case. I can tell you, it's not the same to get stuffed up your ass by a guy you don't even know!

I sigh, but finally lie down on the table, after lowering my pants and my underwear. He came next to me and started to tie me up. I stop him immediately.

- Hey hey, oh! I don't need that, I'm not going to run away, bro...

- I know I know. But that's the procedure… Well no, just kidding, I just find it funny to inflict this on you.

He giggles.

- Come on, stop pretending. They did this to me the first time, there's no reason it doesn't happen to you, eh. Anyway, I will also have to tie your feet to the ceiling to have access to your ...

- Okay okay. What idea did I have to embark on this?

- Believe me, you won't say the same thing again when you have pretty green bills in your pocket, hehe!

My arms and waist were buckled, He patted my face and smiled, before leaning into my right ear.

- You're just mine now.

I'm shivering.

- Stop playing the kid ... let's finish this as soon as possible.

He stroked my hair and put my feet on spaces of leather thongs attached to the ceiling, legs a little apart. It looked like I was a pregnant woman ready to give birth. Well, in this scenario, it was the complete opposite that was going to happen, in fact.

With that, he approached the metal rod with the water. At the end, there was a kind of little plug. Nothing crazy, just something long with a little hole in the bottom.

- Good… are you ready?

I nod and close my eyes. He inserted the rod into me. I grimace, and had the instinct to try to back away. Fortunately, my straps were holding me back. In the end, it wasn't particularly painful, I just felt like someone was inserting a sort of big thermometer into me. I blush a little, embarrassed that my brother is doing this. The latter, moreover, burst out laughing.

- You would see your face! It's good, it will be fine. You are my brother, I saw a lot more than that eh. You'll never know what it's like to take care of a little brother.

- Shut up.

He then opened the valve. I saw all the soapy water move peacefully down the pipe, and go inside me. Tense, I had waited for the thing, but… strangely, the feeling was not so exceptional. In fact, it was even a little weird. I wasn't sure how to describe it. I felt something was entering me, but it wasn't painful. It even tickled me a little. No, the pain was more psychological; I felt somewhat dishonored to go through this.

- For drug sellers, they have a weird arsenal. Don't they sometimes have BDSM parties here?

- Honestly? Yes. The Boss doesn't just do drugs selling, he also praises the service of certain boys.

- Oh because you're serious, with that ?!

- Obviously! You know, for those kinds of people, drugs aren't enough; they also take sex. And oddly enough, they prefer to haggle with guys. Why not, my faith. I imagine if they do that, that's because they earn money. But don't worry, they're really not degenerates. You do your job, you get paid, and everything is fine.

After a few moments, when the water had all gone down - I was surprised to tell myself that my body was able to contain so much… - he took a basin, and detached the small pipe from the bag, now empty.

- Don't move, I'll bring it all down.

He then removed the kind of plug, and everything poured into the basin posted just below. I who had believed that there was no situation more embarrassing than to undergo an enema, the descent was even more embarrassing. But still, it felts good! I had the impression of feeling relieved of a heavy weight… It was really very pleasant. After a few moments, Matthew wiped my anus, and threw the contents of the basin into a sink provided for this purpose.
He then brought up the suitcase and its contents, placed on a small table with wheels, himself seated on a stool. He prepared a bottle, the contents of which I could not see. He took a latex glove, which he put on with the accompanying little noise, giving me a slightly unhealthy smile. He looks like a crazy doctor who was about to do weird things with his patient. I growl.

- You enjoy it, besides, you bastard ...

- I can't deny it, hehehe. Well, to make it easier, both for you and for me, I'm going to put some lubricant on you.

- Who would have thought that I would have lost my virginity with my brother?

- Dumbass, I'm not going to stuff you. Well, yes, but not with what you think. So don't worry, you'll still have your virginity. Your anus will be just a little more… er… dilated, that's all.

He took the bottle in question, and coated both hands with the substance. With that, he approached them to my Sistine Chapel, and frowned.

- Tim', you're upset. Relax, I'm telling you, it won't hurt, I promise.

- You're funny…

I close my eyes, and try to relax as much as possible. In doing so, he gently entered a first finger in me. I shiver a little. Slowly, but surely, he was pacing back and forth, making sure to neatly spread all the stuff inside me. I moaned a little, timidly, blushing again with shame. But I had to admit that Florian was doing his job well. His gestures were gentle, precise. He seemed… used to it ?!

After a few moments, he inserted a second finger. I tense up a bit, but more by surprise than by pain. In fact, he was always careful not to hurt me. I don't know if there was any benefit to doing this back and forth, but I enjoyed it, oddly. I kept my eyes closed, and I breathed gently, moaning a little every now and then. I enjoyed it and, in spite of myself ...

- Oh my, Tim' ! Haha, what the hell is this now? Are you enjoying yourself ?

With horror, my cock decided to rise suddenly. I shake my head.

- Dumbass !! T-That's not what you think!

- Me, I especially think that you like it when you are fingered, hehe.

- No that's not true. It's just a long time since I ... had the machine worked, that's all.

- And the machine just suddenly decided to activate now ? What a coincidence ! Try to keep your soldier alone, or I'll have to deal with it.

- I hate you with all my heart.

- I love you too, little brother.

After a while, it switched to three fingers. It was starting to get a little sore, but he was still so sweet to me. Unlike earlier with the doctor, I felt safe with him. The only concern of this awkward moment was that damn reproductive system that definitely did not want to return to its normal size.

- Are you sure your thing is at the maximum? I'm quite worry, because for a man, it's a bit disappointing in my opinion.

- Shut up. I don't want to know anything about the size of yours.

- No, you wouldn't want to know, indeed, hehe.

After a while, he finally stopped. He went to wash his gloved hands, and came back to me.

- Good… It's ready. You breathe calmly, and above all: don't be tense.

I close my eyes, and try to relax. He took the first small white sachet and, delicately, he inserted it into my anus. I wince. There, immediately, it was less pleasant! I fidget a little. He pats my thigh in response.

- It will be fine. I don't want to stress you out, but we're only at the first bag, eh. There are still plenty of others waiting for you! What matters is that you let your anus dilate. That, and the lube, you'll be fine.

He inserted the sachet deep inside, pushing it as far as possible. I scowl, and moan a little in pain, but I was holding on. In fact, it wasn't that it was that painful, but it was very unpleasant to insert such a big thing into her anus. It was like inserting a suppository, but XXL version.

He moved on to the second. This one entered a little more easily than the preceding one, which had opened the way for him. There, too, he went as far as possible. And the strangest thing about this story is that my cock was still so stiff! I moan again as he inserts the bags one by one. As he inserted them, I felt them clump into me. I was still moaning, and I almost found myself moaning with pleasure at times.

Towards the last sachets, it was stronger than me; I unintentionally ejaculate under the surprised gaze of my brother. The latter burst out laughing.

- Tim' !! Really ! Hahaha ! Didn't you know how to hold back? Even I didn't do this the first time! There's no need to say, you love your job!

- S-Shut up, and continue to stuff that shit in my ass !

He finished with the last bag. Gently, he untied me, and began to help me up.

- Now is a good time to tense up. Close the front door, don't drop any bags. It won't happen, normally, but you will have the unpleasant feeling of… wanting to expel. You must resist even if it is unpleasant.

I'm getting up again. And indeed, I had this unpleasant feeling. But I shut the door as hard as possible. Apparently, for my first time, he hadn't put a lot of bags. But there, with what I felt, it was already a lot in my opinion! I hope I would quickly get used to it ... Throwing me a look full of mischief, he cleaned my mess around my penis. I clap his hands.

- I can take care of it myself! Take off your gloves and… shit, don't you have anything else to do, damn it ?

- Okay okay ! I'll let you do, hehe ...

I clean up all the mess, embarrassed, and hurry to put my pants and my underwear back on. It was… difficult for me to move around. But it was okay.

After a few moments, Florian having removed his gloves and washing his hands, The Boss entered the room. He gave a big smile revealing a small gold tooth.

- Aaaah, very good, very good! These are my two favorite sons!

- Weren't we your brothers at the base?

- Well, brothers, sons, uncles, father, whatever, what matters is that we are a big family, amigo. Did you go well, Timothy? It's a little weird the first time, I suspect, but you'll get used to it quickly. Luckily, I have a little something to cheer you on.

He walked over and handed me two green tickets. I took it and looked at it skeptically.

- Yes yes, it is "only" $ 200. But I remind you that you and your brother have to cross the border. I would have given you $ 2000 right away, but I don't see how you could justify having so much money to the cops. You will have the rest when everything is delivered. No problem.

He lost his smile, suddenly becoming a little more serious.

- Well, if you're ready ... I'll let you go. Matthew, I was recently warned that the checks are unusually more frequent these days. However, it is out of the question that we cancel; it is an important customer that you are going to see. The GPS is already ready. In the car, you were put a whole load of kibble and animal foods authorized for the transaction. I'm sorry for you boys, but it's not going to be a pleasant smell. I have to do so, because I'm afraid the police dogs will manage to smell your ... container. Normally, this should not happen, as the sachets are perfectly airtight. But we never know.

He paused for a little while.

- So here's the deal; you are a couple who run a dog and cat food business.

- A couple ? Brother, that's enough too eh.

- Yes, well, it's the same, you do what you want between brother, that's none of my business, amigo. Eh eh. Well, in short, what matters is that you deliver a store not very far from the meeting point. For today you are using your classic ID cards, I don't think you need to cover yourself. We have made you a document attesting to the transaction, to cover your back a little. Everything should be fine.

After a few final formalities, we then headed for a black car, a little more discreet than my brother's. I sat on the passenger side, still uncomfortable, after taking my things. Settling in front of the steering wheel, he smiles at me.

- You know you're cute waddling like that?

- Shut up. I hope the pay is worth the effort.

- Oh yes, believe me ...

With that, we start the car, heading for the border.
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