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A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 12 FINALLY ADDED 11/22)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:46 am
by bondage1155
The story before the story:
I am Josh. I'm about 5' 8'' and weigh a skimpy 140 lbs. I'm on the swim team at my high school, but I focus most of my time towards school work. I'm also not part of the "cool gang" at school but my best friend Lucas is. I'm a junior.
My best friend Lucas is on the football team, and track team. He is athletic but not over the top. He is 5' 10'' and weighs 160 lbs all muscle.
Lucas's big brother Matt is very athletic and is captain of the football team and the swim team, so I know him a little. He is a graduated senior and is about as tall as Lucas. He works out all the time and weighs about 180 lbs of pure muscle. He was also one of the most popular kids at school.

It had just turned to Friday on summer vacation and me and Lucas's parents were going on a long vacation without us to the Bahamas. My parents told me that I could stay home alone or go over to Lucas's house and spend the next week with him. Of course I chose to go with Lucas. Matt was going to be there sometimes because he had work and parties to go to.

Once my parents left I gathered up enough clothes for the week and headed over on my bike since we didn't live too far away from each other. I made sure not to pack boxer briefs because I wanted Lucas to give me some of his American Eagle ones or some compression shorts, I had a fetish for them that he didn't know about. Lucas had plenty of them since his family was rich.

When I got done to the corner of my street I found Lucas there waiting for me on his bike.

"I would have rode faster if I knew you were waiting," I said.

"It's fine, I came to see if you needed any help with your bags," he replied.

"Awww, so sweet," I taunted "But I'm fine for now."

We rode on to his house, and on the way we talked about summer and what we would do at his house. When we got there we went directly to his room where we would be sleeping together on his one queen size bed. I deposited my stuff on the bed and looked at him.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Want to play some video games?" He asked

"Fine," I sighed.

Video games may sound fun to anyone but at Lucas's house it means a PlayStation 2 and a golf game. We got downstairs and started to play. I knew I wouldn't be able to bear it for too long and sure enough an hour later I had had enough. I set my controller down and yawned.

"Not exciting enough for you?" he teased.

"Defiantly not," I replied with another yawn.

"How about this, we could have a competition of some sort and the loser will have to do whatever the winner wants for the rest of the week. We would of course sign a contract stating that we agree of these terms. Do you want to try it?" he asked.

I weighed my choices and that instantly sounded like more fun than this stupid golf game.

"Sure, what's the competition?" I asked.

"Hmm... we could see who can ride their bikes the fastest from my house to your house and back," he proposed.

"Sounds fair," I conceded.


"We didn't agree on the "sir" part but I must say it's a good touch" I said as I signed my name next to my best friends.

He smiled and we both walked out to the garage to retrieve our bikes. It was about 6 PM and was getting dark.

"We are going to have to be quick about this," I said.

"I will be, I'm not so sure about you," he teased.

We got to the end of the driveway and I stated "ON YOUR MARK...GET READY... GO!!"

We sped off down the road, and I started to lead. My bike had different gears on it so I could go faster. My only concern was that I didn't have enough endurance to finish the race. And sure enough by the time I got to my house I was wheezing for air. I slowed down considerably and out of nowhere Lucas sped right past me.

"Keep up!" he said, smiling.

I tried my best to keep up but he was too strong. I pedaled into his driveway defeated to look at him sitting in a lawn chair smiling the biggest grin I had ever seen.

"Good evening," he said.

"Shut up you twerp," I replied angrily.

Without he realizing what was happening he walked around me and spanked me with his hand 3 times. I was a bit turned on by his actions and spun around to see him holding the contract pointing at the part that said "PUNISHED".

"I'm sorry, sir" I said rolling my eyes.

"That's better," he said "Follow me"

We went to garage and dropped our bikes. We walked inside the house and to his room. He motioned me to sit on the bed and I complied.

"Tonight won't be too bad for you," he said, "you'll just have to do all of my chores for me."

"Fine, sir" I said as he handed me a list that read:1. Fill dishwasher 2. Fold Laundry.

Didn't seem to bad to me. So I walked to the kitchen and started to fill the dishwasher of all the dirty dishes from his lunch early that day. I only took about 10 minutes and then it was off to folding laundry. Secretively, I wanted it to be an underwear load so I could steal some American Eagle boxer briefs but to my dismay it was only t-shirts and shorts. I finished folding them in 25 minutes and reported back to Lucas who was watching TV.

By that time it was about 9 PM since the race took quite a bit.

"All finished sir," I said in monotone.

"Good, I'm tired after that race and I'm sure you are too. Let's hit the hay."

I was so relieved to hear and that and followed him to his room. I opened my bag to get a change of clothes and a new pair of underwear when I remembered that I didn't pack any.

"Dude," I started,"I feel like an idiot but I forgot to pack any underwear."

"What, how do you forget that?" he asked.

"I guess I was just so excited to come over here that it slipped my mind," I said trying not to be suspicious.

"Fine, they're in the top drawer," he said as he walked into the bathroom.

I opened it to be greeted by all American Eagle underwear of any color along with some Under Armour compression shorts. I chose a pair of blue American Eagles just as Lucas walked out of the bathroom wear yellow AE boxer briefs. I went to bathroom and put them on, feeling sexy and went back to his room in only my underwear. We both got in bed and went to bed. Little did I know how much football gaer, spandex, and rope would be involved on my week stay with Lucas


Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:24 am
by bondagefreak
Welcome on board [mention]bondage1155[/mention]
Very nice first post!

Sounds like Josh, Lucas and Matt are off to a very fun week!
This is definitely a promising start, and I anxiously await the continuation.

Don't forget to add the gender roles to the story title.
When you have the time, you should also consider adding "A Very Very Long Week" to the Story Catalogue section.

Again, welcome to the forum!

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:07 am
by Xtc
Welcome aboard. Well written. Thanks for sharing this.
Please gender tag to story.

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:57 am
by Shadesflirty
I’m very excited to see where this story goes next.. it’s got so much potential and you are great with words. Keep it up!

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:03 am
by squirrel
Very nice beginning, hopefully Josh will spend some quality time with his best buddy :)

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 2 m/m

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:22 pm
by bondage1155
Thanks for all the comments so far!
I meant to say that Matt was a senior this year and would be graduating next May

I slept like a baby that night. I mean why wouldn't I? I was in my favorite brand of underwear sleeping next to my friend in that same brand who is now my master for the next 6 days now? I mean what's not to love?

When I got up I went to my bag to put some clothes on because I was still only in Lucas's AE blue boxer briefs. Just as I unzipped the bag Lucas walked in and said,

"I forbid you to put on clothes for the rest of the day."

"Why did you say that?" I asked, "I mean I'm not walking around your house in just underwear."

I began to think why Lucas would say something like that and then I remembered the contract I signed but it was too late. Lucas pushed me over on my stomach and spanked me 3 time again as he said,

"Wrong answer Josh."

I felt like an idiot, and complied with his request. I walked into the kitchen in literally just underwear and sat down where Lucas had prepared and bowl of cereal for me.

"Eat up dude, we have an entire day of fun ahead," He said and smirked

I ate with increased speed, trying to waste as much time as possible but in the end I took only 5 minutes. I walked over to the sink and deposited my dish in it. As I was doing so Lucas walked behind me and squeezed my butt and whispered:

"We are going to have so much fun today, aren't we?"

I nodded my head and got a little excited for what Lucas had in store for me.

"Let's go play so more golf, I bet I can beat for the 10th time in a row," he teased.

"Nooo," I moaned not realizing my huge mistake until I saw Lucas's huge smile.

"I don't think you understand who you are talking to, this means more punishment," he said.

I fully expected him to spank me again, which I would be fine with, but instead he lead me to his basement. When we finished walking down the stairs I saw tons of rope and duct tape.

"Are you going to tie me up? Sir?,"I added at the end.

"You bet slave," he replied.

He laid me down and a nearby bench with me laying down on my stomach. I was little of this orientation because he could then couldn't see my expanding bulge. Then, without warning, he began to bind me to the bench. He first my hands and bound to the leg of the bench that was closest with rope. As he tied I tried to show some resistance but that only made his tie the ropes harder. When he was done with my hands he moved on to my feet and tied them to the other leg of the bench. I tried kicking but it was no use. When he finished I was tied to the bench with my butt exposed only in AE boxer briefs.

"This only a sliver of what have planned for you this week," Lucas said. "You've been disobedient too many times and I have had enough," he said, "this is your punishment.'

As he finished his last sentence he spanked me, hard. Over and over again until he complained of his hand hurting. From there he grabbed and pin pong paddle and continued his work. With each slap, it became a little more painful and my underwear became a little more tighter.

Just after what felt like and hour of spanking, but was only 10 minutes, he stopped and was pleased with his work. Good thing too because I was about to shoot off a load into the underwear he lent he.

"Hopefully that teaches you," he said,"I'm going to go run for an hour,"

"What about me, sir?" I asked

"That reminds me," he said as he walked out of my view. I heard the crisp sounds of duct tape being ripped off the roll and immediately knew what was coming. Sure enough Lucas came back with 3 strips of duct tape. He placed one directly on my lips, one a little below my lips, and the last a little above my lips.

"Test it out," he commanded.

"MMPPHH," I tried to speak.

"Good, see you slave," he said as he patted my butt and turned the lights off and closed the basement door.

So there I was tied to a bench in dark basement in literally only boxer briefs. I decided not to struggle against my bonds because if I moved much more I would defiantly shoot a load into the underwear he lent me and that's not an experience that would want my best friend to see. I started to dose off into sleep when the door opened and the lights flickered on. I fully expected to hear Lucas's voice say he's joking or what not but instead I heard a much deeper voice say:

"Now what do we have here?"

It was Matt, my swim captain from the team at school. He was wearing some Nike running short and didn't have a shirt on which exposed his 6-pack abs.

"Lucas has got you tied up pretty good," he said,"Is he out running?"

I nodded thinking that he would help untie me.

"Good, I'm going to have a little fun with you while he's away," he said.

My eyes widened. My shirtless swim captain is going to have "fun" with me?! He started his "fun" by squeezing my butt for 5 minutes. It was almost a massage and it made me moan like crazy. It also made my underwear tighter as my bulge grew. Next he grabbed the paddle and began whacking my butt much harder than Lucas probably because he was so much stronger. After each few whacks he would squeeze my butt again.

"mpphhh" I moaned into my gag.

"Good boy," he said.

After what seemed like forever he put the paddle down and was happy with his work. He left me with a pat on the butt, just like his brother. but before he turned the lights off he said:

"I don't say this to a lot of people but damn Josh, you have a nice ass,"

He turned off the lights and closed the door and walked up the stairs. My swim captain just told me I had a nice ass?!! I had no idea what to think about it. Was he gay? Maybe I thought.

Lucas returned later and turned on the lights and started to untie me. Once I was untied he ripped the duct tape off my face and said,

"I'm sorry if I went a little over board there,"

"Don't worry about it, sir. I'm yours and you can do whatever you like,"I replied.

"Good answer," he said.

By that time it was about 2 PM. For the next 4 hours we went outside and swam in the pool and soaked up the sun. I was still only in boxer briefs but he was in a swimsuit which underwear underneath so it didn't matter. When 6 PM came around we were tired and hungry. We walked back into his house with towels and went directly to his room. We both were soaking wet. I really didn't want to wear the wet underwear I had on for the rest of the day.

"Since I am a merciful master to my slave, go get some new boxer briefs for you and myself. But no compression shorts, at least not yet," he added.

I walked over to his underwear drawer with glee to greeted but the rainbow of underwear he had. I chose a red boxer brief for myself and a hot pink for Lucas, of course they were American Eagle. I threw the pink underwear at him and looked at me with an expression that said "Oh I see how it is". Lucas went to the bathroom to change and I went to his closet. I slipped off the blue AE's and stepped into the tight orange and black ones. I opened the door to expect Lucas being there with clothes on but to my surprise he was only in the pink underwear I chose for him. He looked at my expression and said,

"I'm just hot from all the sun and heat,"

He was laying on the bed on his phone and the more I looked at him the more sexier I thought he was.

"What are we having for dinner, sir," I asked.

"I'm warming up some pizza right now. It should take around 30 minutes," he replied.

We walked out to the family room together and sat on the couch to watch TV for 30 minutes. In the middle Matt walked out of his room to the kitchen still wearing the same shorts without a shirt.

"Wow Lucas, nice underwear," he teased.

"Shut the fuck up," he said," and besides Josh picked them out,"

"Well good choice Josh, for Lucas and you," he said as he walked back to his room. Just before he closed his door I made eye contact with him and he winked at me.

Just then the pizza was finished and we brought it into Lucas's room.

"We are going to watch a movie on my laptop while we eat this," he said, "go over to the shelve and pick a movie,"

I got up and walked to the shelve and placed my hands behind my back. That was a huge mistake. Next thing I knew "Click,". That was the sound of the handcuffs Lucas placed around my wrists. I was so taken a back that I nearly fell over but thankfully Lucas caught me.

"You like them?" he teased,"Found them in Matt's room, apparently he's done stuff like this before,"

"In all honesty, I very much dislike them," I said. A split second later Lucas and I both caught my major mistake.

"You know what I'm done you not speaking to me correctly," he said very angered,"Your punishment is losing the ability to speak until we go to bed. Wait here," He said as laid me on the ground. He walked out of the room and towards the stairs to the basement. I knew what was coming.

"What is so bad about some duct tape," I tried to reassure myself.

He came back with, sure enough, the roll of duct tape he used on my earlier. He took to him bed where he tore off what sounded like 5 pieces which was strange because last time he only used 3 which was plenty.

"Open up," he commanded me from behind. It confused me but I complied just as he shoved his yellow AE boxer briefs he wore today into my mouth inside out! "Good boy," he said as he started to apply layer upon layer of duct tape to make sure I couldn't spit them out. "They should taste extra sweaty from my run this morning," he teased,"do they?" I nodded my head frantically. They tasted like a football locker room combined with ass. "There," he said as he finished and admired his work. He then picked me up and placed me on my stomach on his bed facing his laptop. "Let's watch Aladdin," he said.

That was stupidest movie choice ever but I couldn't do anything about it. I had to watch the movie as Lucas ate pizza and as I ate his disgusting underwear that tasted horrible. When it got to the part were Aladdin was tied up Lucas pushed me and said," Hey you and him are twinning except you're only wearing underwear."

After another hour the torture was over. The credits started to roll and Lucas shut the laptop. He then directed his attention towards me. He started to remove each layer of duct tape until he could pull out his underwear. We he took it out it was drenched in saliva and was a darker shade of yellow than what it started out as.

"You can defiantly keep this pair," he said

That was music to my ears as he he shoved it in my backpack. He then started to feed me the remaining slices of pizza and allowed me to drink a glass of water. The pizza and water tasted like sweat and was not appetizing at all.

By then it was about 10 PM and was dark outside.

"Ok, well I'm tired so we are going to bed now," Lucas said.

"Aren't you going to take off these handcuffs, sir?" I asked.

"Umm no, it's my rules and you're keeping them on," he said as I groaned. "Look, you're lucky I let you change your underwear so stop complaining,"

That is true so I decided to count my blessings and turned over on my back and started to go to sleep handcuffed in my underwear next to my best friend/ master who also only in his underwear.

Before I fell asleep Lucas rolled closer to my and squeezed my ass once again and whispered into my ear,"I can't wait to see you in the clothing I'm making you wear tomorrow. Good night slave," he finished as I felt his bulge rub against my ass. My underwear once again became very tight


Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1 m/m

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:59 am
by bondagefreak
Fantastic continuation, my friend!

I must say, that underwear gag was definitely fun to read about.
Matt's minor role in this chapter was also quite pleasant.
I hope he'll be taking a more active part in the fun, later on 8-)
LOTS of possibilities here!

Looking forward to chapter 3!
Don't forget to the edit the title of the first chapter to reflect the new chapter count as you post them.

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1 m/m

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:59 pm
by Tsuhaya
I read this story now and I really enjoyed it. I really liked the underwear gag, interesting to read 8-). Congratulations, looking forward to the next chapter

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1 m/m

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:43 pm
by Veracity
I am enjoying this story quite a lot. A few mistakes that a good proofreader could help you fix but a quality narrative none the less. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 3 m/m

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:52 am
by bondage1155
Again, thanks for the comments above
Sorry this took so long
I'm sorry for my proofreading mistakes above, hopefully this entry was better :D
The italics mean thoughts are in Josh's head and aren't said out loud

That night it was a little more difficult to asleep, probably because my hands were handcuffed behind my back. But I still was next to my best friend in his underwear so it wasn't too bad. I did dread what Lucas would have me put on.

I awoke the next morning with an unusual sense of freedom. I was able to move my hands in all directions and the handcuffs were nowhere to be found. However, there was something blocking my left eye. I appeared to be sticky note, so I took it off my head and it read:


I reread the note again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Sure enough I would have to lose the AE underwear. I was a little excited because the compression shorts and football pants look really tight and I've always wanted to try them on.

I walked to the closet and found his bag and opened it. Inside was everything including the pads and helmet. The only thing that was missing was the athletic cup which was probably a mistake but I wasn't going to say anything.

I started with the grey Under Armour compression shorts and put them on after I took off the AE boxer briefs. They were tight and just felt really comfortable. Next I put on the compression shirt, again Under Armour brand, and had the same feeling I had when I put on the shorts. I then put on the football pants with the pads inside and tightened the belt and laced up the crotch. Once I got them on the pads hugged my thighs and felt amazing. After the pants I put on the shoulder pads and strapped both straps under my armpits so that the pads fit nice and tight and snug. I put on the black Vikings jersey which went well with the red pants. Lastly, I put on the helmet which squeezed my head a little but was otherwise fine. There were no cleats or socks so I decided I was done and walked out of the room to the kitchen.

When I got there, it didn't take long for Lucas to say something.

"Damn, I wish you were on the football team so I could see you in football gear more often," he said as he slapped my ass. The football pants became tighter. "Eat up, quickly," he added.

I sat down in the same chair as yesterday and started to eat the cereal Lucas had provided. Once I was finished I put my bowl in the sink and awaited my next orders.

"Done already? Wow, you must be excited for today. And by looking at your pants I think I'm right," he said. I blushed. I do have to admit I loved every second of this, but I couldn't let him know. "This way," he said as he led me back to his bedroom. "Wait here," he commanded, which I complied and sat on the bed to wait. I heard the basement door open and close and heard Lucas come back down the hallway, in his hands he was carrying rope and duct tape.

"What's that for, sir" I asked.

"Well, I have to go for a run each day and can't have my slave have any freedom while I'm gone. I mean if I did that what would keep you from running to your house?" he said.

"I promise I won't leave, sir," I pleaded. I felt conflicted inside because I did want to get tied up but I didn't because I wanted to try on more of Lucas's underwear.

"Sorry slave, don't trust you yet," he replied. "Lay on my bed on your back," he commanded.

I did as I was told and laid on his bed, which allowed Lucas to get to work on tying me. First he tied rope separately to the four stands that were holding his bed frame up. After all four ropes were secured to the bed frame, Lucas started to tie me wrists to the other ends of the rope starting with the left one. Lucas worked his way around my body tying my wrists and eventually my ankles to the ropes tied to the bed frame. When he was done, I was tied spread-eagle to his bed in an "X" formation in football gear.

"Perfect," he said as he finished checking all the knots. "Comfy?" he asked.

"Not really, I could use I pillow, sir" I said.

"What you could use is a gag to keep that mouth shut," he said as he looked around his room for something to gag me with. After a couple minutes of searching he returned with a pair of socks. "These were the socks that I wore yesterday running, they should taste extra yummy," he teased.

I shut my mouth and shook my head. He didn't seem phased at my actions because he then just plugged my nose until I ran out of breath and had to open my mouth, which is when he shoved both socks in. He proceed to duct tape them in with 5 pieces of duct tape like he did with the underwear gag. The socks tasted like the underwear except it was pure sweat and foot stink. It was just as bad if not worse than the underwear.

"Ok, well, I'm on my way," he said," see you in an hour or so," and with that he left the room and shut the door.

I laid there, spread eagled, on his bed trying to break free. But it was impossible; every move I made had no effect on the knots he had tied. How did he become so good at this? Has he had practice? Does he have a bondage fetish too? All these thoughts kept running through my head over and over again trying to make sense of the situation. "I'll have to ask him when he gets back," I thought. Just as I made that decision I heard the door open and in walked a familiar face.

There, in front of me, was Matt, my swim captain, wearing only white Nike compression shorts. The skin tight shorts showed off his bulge nicely and exposed his hairless chest and abs fully. He turned around to close the door behind him, when he did so I caught I great look at his ass and damn was it hot!!

"Wow, Lucas really knows his stuff," he said, “the idiot thought I wasn't home because my truck isn't in the driveway but here's the thing, I loaned it to my friend for the day. Oh by the way, I hope you don’t mind my attire, I just got out of bed 10 minutes ago. But judging by the bulge in your pants you don't mind at all."

I tried struggling more to try and show that I didn't like being tied up but my pants said otherwise.

"Don't bother trying to get out," he said, “even you did get out, I would just retie you. And besides, you seem to be enjoying yourself anyways judging by the size of your pants there. Is he out running again?" he asked.

I nodded yes, knowing what was coming.

"Alright then, let's have another round of fun together," he said coming closer to the bed.

He walked up and began his "fun". First, he started by squeezing my calves and thighs. "Ooo, you like that?" he teased noticing my pants starting to become tighter. I nodded earnestly hoping that he would help me shoot a load into the football gear. I didn't care what Lucas would say, I needed to cum and that was a fact. "How about this?" he said as me started to make his hand crawl underneath the football gear to my bare chest and started to rub my nipples.

'Mmmmm," moaned into my gag.

"That's it buddy," Matt said soothingly, “I’m your swim captain which automatically makes me your master. That's it, I'll help you cum." he said as the squeezing and rubbing became more frequent.

I was nearly there, I could feel it in my abdomen, and then...... he stopped squeezing and rubbing. He noticed my confused look and said," Don't look confused, I didn't give you permission to cum. Slaves always wait till their master's orders."

I felt the feeling go away and my pants started to lose tightness. I was so mad at Matt, I was so close and then he just stopped. I was about to grunt into my gag but then I noticed his white compression shorts... he was hard!!!

"I'll see you next time, my slave" he said," and damn Josh, you look amazing in football gear! Maybe you should consider joining the football team." He closed the door after his last remark leaving me spread eagle and sweaty in football gear so close to cumming but stopped right before.

Was Matt gay? No Matt was a jock and jocks weren't usually gay. Why was he hard? Maybe he was horny or had morning wood. If Matt was gay then you could be under his control. Actually that doesn't sound half bad to me.

I laid there tied up for 20 more minutes until Lucas showed up. By then my bulge had shrunk down so it wasn't as noticeable.

"Did you enjoy your little nap?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes as he started to untie my wrists and ankle from the bed frame. However, he didn't untie the rope from the bed frame he just loosened it around my ankles and wrists so I could wriggle them out. Maybe he was going to use the rope for something else later.

Once I was freed from the bed, I sat up and awaited my next order.

"Since your wearing football gear currently," Lucas said," it seems only fitting that we play game of football on the PlayStation 2."

I lifted my head and smiled and nodded my head. I started to follow him downstairs to the PlayStation 2. I was the best at this game. No one can beat me and I can beat anyone. I was so confident that I considered asking of we should put a wager on this game. Oh what the hell, why not?

"Um, sir?" I started, “Could we put a wager on this competition?"

Lucas contemplated my offer and shrugged his shoulders and said, “Sure why not? You choose but I have to agree, however you can't get out of the football gear you’re in, you can ask for more underwear, and you can't change that I'm the master and you're the slave. If you haven't chosen by the time the game has loaded there will be now wager"

"Ok,"I said as I took in my options. I could put it as loser gets tied up. No I don't want to seem that I like it even though I do. I could put it as loser pays $20, but I don't have any money. Think Josh, Think!

"Ok times up," Lucas said as the title screen theme song played loudly," what's the wager?"

Shit, ok just go with your gut "The wager is that the loser gets to be tied by the winner in any way in any clothing," I replied.

Lucas looked at me deciding whether to agree or not. "Fine, write a contract Josh and get ready to be tied up again," he teased and smiled. I quickly wrote up a contract and we both signed which said:


We started the game as I picked the Detroit Lions and Lucas picked the Green Bay Packers. I instantly got off to the lead by scoring a touchdown within the first 5 minutes. I scored another touchdown a minute later due to an interception; the score was now 14-0. I couldn't wait to tie up Lucas, I had to win. Lucas then scored a touchdown making the score 14-7. After that it was halftime.

"May the best player win," Lucas said competitively. I swear I could see fire in his eyes, things were about to go down.

The 3rd quarter ended with me scoring 2 more touchdowns making the score 28-7. Lucas started the 4th quarter the same as me with 2 touchdowns making him 7 points behind me. As the clock ran down to 0:00 the game ended 21-28.

Lucas put his controller down and sat back in his chair. I knew he was mad that he didn't win but I didn't care, I got to tie my master up!

"Ok, Josh where to?" Lucas asked.

"Follow me," I said as I led Lucas out of the basement, up the stairs and to his bedroom where the rope he used to tie me up was still tied to the bed frame.

"Strip down to your underwear please," I asked politely.

Lucas reluctantly complied by taking his shirt off exposing his hairless chest and slight ab definition. He then took off his socks and pants revealing his American Eagle turquoise boxer briefs with a black waist band that said American Eagle.

"I didn't know you changed from the pink ones," I said curiously.

"I do like to stay hygienic," he said aggressively, “Besides this is my favorite pair of American Eagles."

"Ok. Lie on your bed on your back," I commanded.

He, again, complied and hoped into his bed and laid the way I did earlier. I then proceed to tie his wrists and ankles to the bed frame using the pre-existing rope attached. I started with the left wrist and worked my way around until I got to his left ankle tying each tight enough for no escape but loose enough for circulation to flow.
When I was finished I had a hot junior tied spread eagle to his bed in his underwear. I set my watch to go off in an hour.

"Now all I need to do is find out what to do with you," I said out loud.

"Wait you haven't decided?" he asked surprised.

"No, but you did remind me to shut you up," I said as he rolled his eyes. I looked around his room for something to stuff his mouth with and then I remembered last night. I went to my bag and grabbed the red AE boxer briefs I wore and walked to the bed.

"No, you're not putting those in my mouth," he said defiantly as he shut his mouth.

"Wanna bet?" I said.

I walked over to the front side of the bed where Lucas was keeping his mouth shut. I pinched his nose so that he would have to open his mouth soon and prepared my other hand to shove the underwear in. After 10 seconds Lucas accepted defeat and opened his mouth while I shoved the used underwear in inside out and taped it in with 5 strips of duct tape. He looked at me and glared. As I began to move away I let my hand slide across his chest which he reacted to by jolting his body and laughing into the gag a little.

That's it! I'll tickle him to death!

I set the duct tape on his desk and walked back to the bed. I repeated my action and slid my hand across his chest. His body started to jolt again trying to get away. I kept moving my hand closer and closer to his right armpit until I got there. Once I got there I attacked! I jabbed my fingers in and danced them all around while listening to Lucas scream into his gag:


I kept tickling his right armpit and then moved my left hand to his left armpit. The volume of his screams of laughter doubled as I made my fingers dance all around his upper body. I began to see tears roll down his eyes which is when I knew I should give him a little break.

I walked back to his desk to admire his full body now covered in sweat. I scanned his entire body to make sure nothing was turning purple or getting a rash. And then I realized something that surprised me. He was RAGING hard! Even his turquoise underwear had begun to turn dark blue from precum near his bulge. After noticing that I noticed that his gorgeous feet were defenseless. I walked over to his feet and said,

"Ready for round 2?"

As I finished speaking I started to dance my fingers along Lucas's feet.

"MMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed. He thrashed around and tried to escape as I just continued my work. I kept an eye on his bulge, watching it get larger and the dark spot kept getting larger. I didn't want to give him the pleasure of cumming so I made sure to stop every once in a while and watch his bulge shrink until I kept started again.

I kept tickling his feet and legs for the next 20 minutes just as I heard my watch start beeping. I groaned and said,

"Well I guess this concludes our fun"

It was about 5 PM when I started to untie his wrists and ankles and untying the rope from the bed frame so he couldn't tie me to his bed again. Once he was fully untied he leaned forward and I reluctantly pulled the tape off and the underwear out of his mouth. The once red boxer briefs had because very dark almost passing as a dark red.

"Gross! Those things tasted awful!" Lucas complained.

"Now you know what I went through last night," I replied.

"Don't think that will stop me from doing it again," he threatened, "And I didn't hear a sir at the end of that sentence. That means punishment, but I'll wait till later," he said as he walked over to his underwear drawer and chose an orange American Eagle boxer brief to wear. He then put on his shorts and shirt.

"Can we eat?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll go warm up some chicken strips or something," he said.

30 minutes later we were both devouring the chicken strips on his bed as we watched some football movie since I was still in his football gear. I had totally forgotten that I had the gear still on. Even when I was tickling Lucas I didn't even notice the metal bars of the helmet. When the movie finished it was around 8 PM and I personally didn't want to go to bed. Apparently neither did Lucas because he put in another movie and sat back down. We watched this movie until 10 PM when it was dark outside. Lucas shut the laptop screen and decided it was time for us to go to bed.

"What's my punishment you said I would have earlier?" I asked.

"Glad you asked. You see, I was going to let you take off the gear for bed but since you still fail to address me properly you will keep it on," he replied proudly.

I rolled my eyes and hoped into his bed with him. He had already stripped down to his underwear when he pulled the sheets over us. I turned on my side and faced the wall as Lucas crawled to my ear and whispered, “Tomorrow’s clothing for you will be way lighter than what you have on now," as he squeezed my ass once more and went to bed. My pants became tight.


Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 4 m/m

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:20 pm
by bondage1155
Part 4

That night was probably the worst night out of the week. The football gear I was in kept making noise every time I adjusted and it was so tight and restrictive I probably only got about 6 hours of sleep. On the other hand, I'm sure Lucas fell asleep easily since he was just in his underwear.

I woke up that morning with sores along my shoulders due to the shoulder pads pushing into my skin. Another sticky note was taped to my forehead and, like yesterday, Lucas was already out of bed. The sticky note read:


I was relieved to know I was finally getting out of the heavy football gear. I started undoing the football gear by first taking off the helmet which finally stopped squeezing my head. Next, I took off the jersey and shoulder pads and set them next to his football bag. I then took off the padded football pants and set them next to the shoulder pads. Lastly, I took off the compression shirt and socks leaving me in just the grey Under Armour compression shorts.

I walked over to his underwear drawer and opened it to the array of American Eagle boxer briefs he had with the occasional Under Armour compression shorts mixed in. I dug around until I found the black pair of compression shorts he was talking about. I slid the grey ones off my body and stepped into the new black ones. Once they were on I rummaged through the drawer some more. I was so close to taking something but I decided since I already had 3 pairs I was taking home I wouldn't need anymore.

I walked out to the kitchen to see Lucas, sure enough, only wearing black Under Armour compression shorts just as he said he would in his note.

"Good morning! You should really consider joining the football team so I can see you in this gear more often," he said as he motioned me to sit at the table where I plate of bacon and eggs was sitting. "I was feeling generous today. Enjoy,"

"Thank you, sir," I said feeling actually appreciative towards him. I sat down and ate at a normal pace because I wanted to savor the flavor since I've been only tasting socks and underwear. Once I was finished licking the plate clean I put the plate in the sink and went over to where Lucas was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Ok, you know the drill. I need to tie you up while I run. And if you don't fight me, I'll let you choose which way I will tie you," he proposed.

I guess that was better than nothing so I followed him to his room and leaned against his bed while he got the rope out. He tied my hands behind my back and then said," Ok so how do you want me to tie you?"

"I guess spread eagle on your bed, like yesterday, sir," I said. It was the most comfortable position I had experienced so far.

"Ok, I, unfortunately, still need to gag you, so I'll be nice today and use a clean sock," he said," I'll start with that." He went over to his sock drawer and fetched a clean sock. "Any last words?" he asked.

"Yeah, why are you wearing only compression shorts right now?" I asked curiously.

"Because I just going to run in these today. The other days I would sweat like a dog and my clothes would get really heavy and smelly. Also, they're just really comfortable, don't you think?" he replied."Open up,"

I nodded as I opened my mouth accepting my fate. The clean sock didn't take bad at all, so it wasn't too bad to suck on. He tore off 5 pieces of duct tape and taped my mouth shut with secured the sock

"I need to go to take a piss, stay right here and I'll be right back. If you don't move I'll let you listen to music, ok?" he said.

I nodded as he left me standing the middle of his room in compression shorts gagged and my hands bound. I stood there waiting for his return when I started to think what Matt would do to me today. Maybe he would tease me again or tickle me, hopefully not.

I heard the door open so I straightened my posture to show I hadn't moved. I was expecting to hear some praise when all of the sudden I heard a deeper voice say,"Lucas you've made this too easy for me," with some moaning that followed

I turned around to see the high school jock Matt in Nike shorts and a Nike t-shirt pushing a bound and gagged Lucas towards the bed and carrying something behind his back. I so took by surprise that I froze and allowed Matt to push me too towards the bed. We both let our chests fall on the bed but our legs stood standing as Matt pushed on both of our backs and said,"You both are mine,"

He then made Lucas stand straight up and said,"Don't you dare move, Josh. I really lucked out today. Thank so much Lucas for tying Josh for me. And also thank you guys for being in just underwear already so I don't have to strip you. You guys are going to enjoy today so much!" he said as he slapped my spandex covered ass and I heard him strap something on Lucas but I couldn't see what. He then laid Lucas and I saw what was strapped on. It was a leather harness! One that went under and above the armpits like the one below!
"Your turn Josh," Matt said as he lifted me up to stand and kept Lucas down by sitting on him. He took another leather harness and undid the buckles and fed the harness above and under my armpits. Once the harness was fully on, he tightened the buckles so that there was no chance of me getting it off. I immediately felt a loss of freedom as he laid me back down and said,"You both will be coming with me. We are going to take a little car ride."

With that, he grabbed the backs of our harnesses which pulled tight and forced us to get up. He then made us walk in front of him all the way to the garage where he opened the back doors of his truck and lifted us into the seats and buckled our seatbelts. He started up the truck and began to drive as he said,"don't be too loud back there," as he smiled.

I tried to wriggle my hands out of the rope but it was no use. Lucas tried the same thing but he failed as well. We drove for about 15 more minutes until we pulled into a subdivision and stopped at a house. Matt got out of the truck and opened the door to my seat and without warning put a pillowcase over my head and I could hear him doing the same to Lucas. He then picked me up and carried me from the truck to wherever. As I heard him open the door I heard someone say,"Who is this?"

Matt replied,"This is Josh whose on the varsity swim team. He was spending the night at my house so I decided to bring him,"

"Nice!" I heard the other voice say. I wanted to think I had heard the new voice before but with the pillowcase over my head, I couldn't pinpoint who it was.

I felt Matt go down some stairs and I defiantly felt the coolness of a basement. He walked a little farther and set me down. "Crawl forward Josh," he ordered pushing me with his shoe.

I complied and crawled forward until I hit my head on something metal. I heard the creak of a metal door closing and latch locking it. I felt the thing I was in being turned around until it stopped and the pillowcase was removed.

I was in a METAL CAGE!! The bars were at least a half inch thick and the door was locked with a padlock. I looked around and boy was I not alone. To my right was Lucas who was just put in his cage and the pillowcase was taken off. Me and him were still only in the black Under Armour compression shorts. To my left was a kid from school named Jack. He was in only his black and orange Adidas boxer briefs. Jack is in basketball and football and is part of the popular gang. To his left was a buff kid named Tanner who was only in his black American Eagle boxer briefs. Tanner is in football and weightlifting so he's pretty strong and part of the popular kids. To his left was another kid named Colby who was only in his red Hollister boxer briefs. He's a part of football, basketball, and weight lifting too so he's strong and in the popular gang. And lastly to his left was a kid named Jaden who was only in his black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. He plays football and basketball and is in the popular gang. All of the people bound were in my grade and were part of the popular gang except me. Also we all where in the same kind of cage and all had the same kind of harness on. We were all kneeling like dogs since the cages were so small. All of our mouths were duct taped shut as well so all we could do is look at each other.

Our captors were standing in front of us, smirking at one another. There was, of course, Matt, the football and swim team captain who was the reason me and Lucas were here. Next to Matt was Justin, a swimmer and weightlifter and a football player, who brought Jack here who was his little brother. Next to him was Jacob, a swimmer and a runner, who brought Jaden here, who was his little brother. Then there was Dawson, who was a football player and weightlifter, who brought Tanner here who was his little brother. Lastly, there was Alex, who plays football and runs, who brought Colby. All of them were the best senior jocks in school and were by far the most popular. All of them were related to one of the bound juniors except me. They all were wearing shorts and t-shirts

Matt stepped forward and began talking. "Welcome, fellow brothers. You are here because you are the guys who will take our place when we graduate and will become the best jocks in the school. However before our senior year begins, according to tradition, we seniors get to have fun with you juniors. We were where you are last year and you will be where we are next year. Also, we all went and bought the harnesses you wear now, so your welcome for that. The way this goes is that each of us gets to chose someone else's little brother and gets to take them home and keep them until the weekend, we may also switch during the week if we desire. We can do whatever we want with you and you must obey or else you will be punished by all of us. Don't worry about our parents finding out, we've told them that we are teaching you guys new techniques for football or some other sport, all the parents bought it. Also, you're not allowed to ever speak of this to any soul living or dead. Think of this as conditioning for the seniors you will be after we graduate," he finished.

'I'll pick first," said Matt,"I chose Josh."

That was me!! I looked at him surprisingly and also dreadfully as I thought about what he planned for me.

"You get to pick 2 since you brought 2," piped up Justin.

"Nah, you can have my second. I just want Josh and only Josh," Matt said.

This made me even more nervous but slightly excited.

Justin seemed happy with that answer and said," I pick Lucas and Jaden,"

They both looked at each other frighteningly and looked back.

Jacob was next and he said,"I'll choose Tanner," as he smiled a creepy grin at Tanner and rubbed his hands together.

Dawson was after Jacob and said,"I chose Colby,"

Lastly, Alex said,"Well Jack, that leaves me and you alone for the next couple of days,"

"Well, it's settled," Matt said,"We will take our 'toys' home now and play with them." Matt walked towards my cage and went to the back to unlock the cage door as the other senior jocks did the same to their new "toys".

"Hey Matt, could you help me out with your brother?" asked Justin, "I don't want him to escape since I have to escort 2 to my car."

"Sure, man" replied Matt,"Stay here Josh," he teased as he went over to Lucas's cage and unlocked. He then pulled Lucas out and yanked by the harness to stand up. He led Lucas up the stairs as Justin led Jaden up the stairs. One after another the bound juniors were led up the stairs until it was only me in my cage. I tried to push the cage door open but the metal padlock prevented me from making much progress.

About 15 minutes later Matt came back down the stairs to fetch me.

"Don't worry buddy, I didn't forget about you," he teased as he opened the cage. "Crawl out now," he commanded.

I obeyed and crawled out of the cage. Once I did so Matt put the pillowcase on my head and picked me up. He walked up the stairs and out the door where I could feel the humidity of the summer day. I heard him open his truck door and he sat down in a seat. He removed the pillowcase and buckled my seat belt. "Ready for our week together?" he said.

"MMPPPHH," I tried to say no.

"I don't know what you said but I'll take it as a yes," he said with a smile. He pulled out of the driveway and began the 15-minute drive home, during which I didn't even bother struggling because I knew I couldn't get out. I was still in the black Under Armour compression shorts so I made sure to duck every time a car passed so they couldn't see me.

We arrived home around 4 PM. He got out of the truck and opened my door and unbuckled the seat belt. "Home sweet home," he said and he picked me and made me stand on the ground. He then pushed by the back of my harness into the house. He led me to Lucas's room where the day first began.

"Ok, here's what's going to happen," he started,"I need to go to work tonight and only tonight. So I'm going to you up and leave you here for the rest of the night. While I'm delivering pizzas, I'll stop by the house to feed you and let you use the bathroom. Don't worry, I'm only working tonight and that's it. We can have all the fun I want tomorrow and beyond."

As he finished he grabbed by the harness again and forced me to lay on the bed stomach up. He then proceed to tie the rope to the bed frame and then to my wrists and ankles. At least being spread eagle on a bed is sort of comfortable. Once he finished I was completely immobilized, the ropes holding my arms and legs were not going to allow any movement.

"I'll right back," he said. He left the room and came back with what looked like a muzzle but for humans. There was something on the part where it goes over your mouth but I couldn't see what it was. "This will give you something to work on while I'm gone. Besides Lucas was too nice to you when he gave you a clean sock as a gag," he said as he moved closer keeping the muzzle behind his back. He ripped off the 5 pieces of duct tape and took out the spit-drenched sock. I let out a sigh of relief due to the fact that I could finally breathe through my mouth. But it wasn't for long, he took the harness from behind his back and allowed me to see. It was a silicon penis!! On the part where it goes in my mouth, there was a silicon penis!!

Matt saw my reaction and smiled as he said,"I couldn't leave you with nothing to do. Open up."

I refused. There was no way that he was going to put that in my mouth. But there was nothing I could do when he just pinched my nose shut and waited for me to lose oxygen. I accepted defeat and reluctantly opened my mouth as Matt shoved in the muzzle and buckled it around my head. I blushed as Matt saw suck on a silicone penis.

He laughed and just said,"Have fun, little buddy. Judging by these spandex shorts, you already are."

I hadn't even realized it but I had already become hard. "Ok, I'll be leaving now. See you, my slave," he said as he closed the door.

That line reminded me of Lucas and the other boys. I wondered how their first day was going. I missed Lucas too because I actually liked him being my master.

I heard the sound of Matt's truck's engine start and then it faded away. I started to struggle with all my might but it was no use. Every movement I made was stopped by the ropes attached to the bed. I started to moan for help but all that came out where muffled whimpers. So there I was, tied spread eagle on my best friends bed, wearing only black Under Armour compression shorts and a leather harness, gagged with a muzzle, and sucking on a silicone penis.

It was about an hour later when Matt returned. He untied my wrists and ankles and led me to the bathroom by my harness. He stood outside as I did my business. He then led me back to the room where he tied me again but took out the muzzle. He then proceed to feed me 2 slices of pizza and a bottle of water.

"You good?" he asked.

I reluctantly nodded my head yes as he put the muzzle back in and made sure the ropes were tight.

"You can go to sleep now if you want, I'm not going to untie you until tomorrow morning," he said he closed the door.

I missed Lucas even more since he would at least let me sleep without being tied up. I tried to find a comfortable position even though I could barely move at all. I started to drift to sleep as I thought what Matt would do to me. I fell asleep on the thought of I would just have to wait to find out.


Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 5 m/m

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:16 am
by bondage1155
Part 5

I awoke thinking that yesterday was just a bad dream, I was mistaken. I was still tied spread eagle to Lucas's bed in just Under Armour black compression shorts and a leather harness. I tried to move but the ropes were just as tight as they were yesterday. I waited for about 15 minutes until my new master came in.

"Good morning Josh! How did you sleep?" Matt said in only white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Honestly, not too bad, judging by the fact that I was traded to a new master," I said annoyed. Lucas was with Justin.

"Hey, you chose the wrong week to sleep over, we've been planning this for months. Anyways the same rules apply as to when Lucas was your master ok?"

"Yes sir," I said reluctantly.

"Good, let's get you untied for breakfast," he said as he started to untie me. I considered trying to escape but chose not to since Matt was faster than me. When I was completely untied he yanked me up by my harness and tied my hands together in front of me.

He led me to the kitchen and sat me down in front of a bowl of cereal. He then tied my legs to the legs of the chair and said, "Eat up, I need to go finish some stuff up,"

He left to go downstairs as I started eating. I started to think of Lucas and all the other boys that are slaves. I was honestly kind of hot to think of the jocks in my grade as slaves. I finished my cereal and tried to get up but the ropes restricted me. I waited for 5 more minutes until my master returned.

"Finished already? Wow, you must be excited, and judging by those shorts I'm not wrong." Matt said

I looked down and noticed that I had become hard thinking of those jocks being slaves. I blushed as he untied my legs from the chair and led me downstairs. When I got down there I didn't see anything different. I saw the beach Lucas and Matt spanked me on but Matt led me away from it.

He opened a door that said, "Matt's room stay out!" We walked in and OMFG Matt had a lot planned. There were tons of rope hanging on the wall and on a table there were tons of gags, vibrators, and what looked like butt plugs. Off to the side, there was a metal cage, a big wooden X, and a wooden stockade. On another table, there were leather restraints and handcuffs all laid out. Then hanging on hangers, was Lucas's football gear/uniform along with Matt's, a spiderman morph suit, a wrestling singlet, and a bunch of speedos/jammers.

I stood there with my mouth open in awe as Matt shuffled around the room

"Let's just say, when me and the boys went to go get those harnesses, we didn't only buy harnesses," Matt said with a smile.

"Yeah, no kidding," I replied still comprehending the room, "How much did this cost you?"

"About $1000," he said as he looked at my wide eyes. "Hey, I started saving when I had to be where you are last year. I thought to myself after my week of torture of fun was over that I should do everything in my power to have the most toys. I explained my idea to the other boys and they agreed and we all started saving from that date on. Now enough talking!" he said as he strapped a leather muzzle around my head without me expecting anything.

I didn't fight because I knew if I did I would just lose. Matt strapped the muzzle and pushed me forward towards the wooden stockade. "Let's start our fun the same way Lucas started his," Matt said as he untied my hands. He then forced my hands and head into the stockade and locked it.

So there I was in only Under Armour black compression shorts and leather harness locked in a stockade gagged with a leather muzzle with my spandex covered ass completely unprotected. I already knew what was coming as I prepared for the first blow.

"I'm doing this so you know who the boss is," he said as SMACK! "MMPPH!" I yelled into my muzzle.

One after the other the hits kept on coming. With each hit my ass got more tender and my shorts got a little tighter. After about 5 minutes of spanking, Matt started to massage my ass, squeezing it and pushing it around.

"Your ass is beautiful," he said.

I grunted into my muzzle but he didn't acknowledge it. He kept up his spanking and massaging for at least another 30 minutes. SMACK SMACK SMACK. By that time my ass with tender AF and I was one spank away from climaxing.

"Alright, I think you've learned the lesson, let's move onto something else," Matt said. He left me locked in the stockade as he walked around the room deciding what to do with me.

He came back over, unlocked the stockade, and pulled me up by the harness and led me to a bed he had in the far corner. He sat me down and said, "lay on your stomach." I saw no reason to resist so I went ahead and laid on my stomach with my ass facing the ceiling.

He squeezed my ass again and brought my hands behind my back and before tying them together, he put leather mitts on them. The mitts didn't have individual finger room, instead, it just had an area where you put all your fingers. I was like a boxing glove. I could guess the purpose of the mitts would be that so I couldn't mess with the ropes.

Once my hands were fully mitted, he tied them together, tight. He then bound my ankles together as well, just as tight. I knew he was doing a hogtie, so I wasn't too worried. He then brought my legs up to my wrists and tied them together so that I was no in a secure hogtie.

He then did something I wasn't expecting. He got one of those rubber gas masks with the tube connected to the mouthpiece and brought it over. He then put it over my already gagged face which made my vision go black since the eyepieces of the mask had been covered with leather pads.

I was now forced to breath whatever air came through the tube, through my nose. At first, the air coming through smelled of rubber, which was predictable. But then I heard the sound of duct tape off in the distance and thought what next? Then the air started to have a sweaty and smelly scent to it. I began to jolt around trying to escape the smell. It became more and more intolerable with every second.

"I see you like my gym shoe," Matt teased," I duct taped to the end of the rubber tube with 9 layers so good luck getting it off. I'm going to go visit Justin, ok? I should be about an hour or so," and with that I heard him walk away and close the door and lock it.

So there I was hogtied in black under armor compression shorts and a leather harness, wearing leather mitts that made my hands useless behind me, gagged with a leather muzzle, and wear a rubber gas mask that turned my vision dark and was connected to a smelly gym shoe. I started to struggle to see if I could loosen the bonds. It was no use. I then tried shaking my head side to side to see if I could get the mask off my face but again, it was no use.

I have to be honest though, I kind of liked being tied up in only compression shorts. My shorts began to get tighter as my bulge expanded. I wanted to climax so I started to struggle even more. But for some reason, I couldn't. I needed to use my hands but they tied behind me. So there I was unable to climax. This was pure torture, and I was enjoying it.

I continued to struggle because I mean what else could I do. I began to work up quite a sweat but still the bonds would not give way. I moaned and grunted into my gag waiting for Matt to come back. I stopped struggling to catch my breath and for a moment there was pure silence. Then I heard a click, I thought Matt was back so I stopped struggling. But then nothing happened. I waited for 10 minutes or so and no more noise had been made and I was still tied up. I brushed off the noise and probably something to do with Matt's furnace. I started to struggle again trying to climax but it was no use.

After 30 more minutes of trying, I heard a click and door open along with footsteps. I stopped struggling to greeted with Matt's voice saying, "Hey sorry I took so long, but when I visited Justin he wanted to play Madden and I just couldn't turn him down. Besides I don't think you minded the wait," he said with a pause. I assumed he was looking at my bulge in my compression shorts.

He began to untie me as he said, "You're going to love what we do next."

He untied my legs from the hogtie and removed the gas mask so I could see and breath some fresh air. He then picked me up by the harness and led me to where there were 2 support poles for the ceiling next to each other. These [oles were connected to the ceiling and the floor. I looked up and I saw 2 hanging chains connected to the ceiling. I started to get a picture of what was to come.

Matt brought me over to the 2 poles and made me stand in between them. He then connected 2 chains that were connected to the bottom of the poles to my ankles. I didn't even see them to begin with. He then untied my hands and connected each mitted hand to a chain. The mitts had a D-Ring on them that the chains could easily connect to. He did the same thing to my other hand until I was completely chained.

I was chained in between 2 poles in just Under Armour black compression shorts and a leather harness and gagged with a leather muzzle. My hands were above my head since the chains forced them to be there.

"One more thing," Matt said as he disappeared out of view. I stood there waiting for him to come back when all of the sudden my vision does dark again. I feel a blindfold being latched behind my head. "There," Matt said.

I stood there blindfolded waiting for Matt's first move. It didn't take too long as I felt a hand crease my hip. I then felt another on the other side. They moved up my body slowly, which sort of tickled, making me jolt a little. They reached my armpits which is when they attacked. Matt dug his finger into my armpits and made them dance crazily around them. I responded by scream laughing into my muzzle and jolting around. I wasn't able to move much due to the chains. Matt then moved from my armpits to my chest and nipples. He did the same thing which tickled even more. His fingers danced around my nipples for a good 10 minutes until they stopped.

I was able to catch my breath for a couple seconds as I heard Matt walk away to get something. I don't know how much I can take of this. My thoughts were harshly interrupted by a shooting pain I felt in my left nipple. It hurt like fire. About 5 seconds later I felt the same pain in my right nipple.

"Mmmm," I moaned as I started to jolt and pull trying to get whatever what was on my nipples, off. But of course, it did not succeed.

"I see you like my nipple clamps," Matt said as I felt his hands start to move up and down my body once more. This made me become instantly hard as I felt the compression shorts get tighter. I felt like I was about to climax but then... Matt stopped. He must have noticed that I was becoming hard.

Next thing I know, the clamps were removed and all I felt was Matt's hands. For the next 20 minutes or so I stood there and allowed my swim captain to rub my body all over.

Then after that, he took off my blindfold. I was finally able to see clearly. I looked down and my nipples were red, and I was covered in sweat.

"That's enough fun for one day," Matt said, "Let's get you to bed." I hadn't even realized the amount of time that had gone by. I looked out the half window and noticed that the sun had already set and it was dark outside. Matt unchained my mitted hands from the support beams and tied them together with rope and led me out of the room. We walked upstairs and into Lucas's bedroom where there was already rope.

"Ok, you know the drill," Matt said," I'm going to unmitt your hands and tie you spread eagle to sleep. Then I will remove your muzzle and fed you, no funny business ok?"

I nodded and allowed my master to go to work. He took off the mitts and untied my wrists. Then I laid on the bed on my back and watched as each of my wrists and ankles were bound to the bed frame. When Matt was done he reached behind my head and unlatched the muzzle. "I'll go get your food," he said as he left the room.

So there I was, tied spread eagle to my friend's bed in black Under Armour compression shorts and a leather harness. Matt came back in with a burger and a bottle of water. He held the burger above my mouth as I slowly took bites of it and then drank the water.

"Ok, well I'll see you tomorrow slave," Matt said with a smile as he squeezed my thigh, "And we are going to have just as much fun as we did today." He left the room and slowly began to fall asleep.


Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1 m/m

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:51 am
by Shadesflirty
I’d forgotten about this story after reading part 1 and wow what a treasure to return to. Great writing mate

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1 m/m

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:53 pm
by GoBucks
Can't believe I'm just seeing this story now! It's fantastic. Glad you decided to continue.

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 1 m/m

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:28 pm
by bondagefreak
[mention]bondage1155[/mention] I hate to repeat myself, but by not updating the title of the first chapter, you're actually depriving yourself of a bunch of readers. Lots of them are still waiting for you to post Chapter 2 and won't be visiting this thread again unless you update the story title to reflect the new chapter count.

Re: A Very Very Long Week Part 6 m/m

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:28 am
by bondage1155
Part 6

The next morning I woke up to being, yet again tied spread eagle to Lucas's bed in black Under Armour compression shorts and a leather harness. I tested my bonds and sure enough, they were secure. I laid there wondering what my master Matt would have in store for me today. About 15 minutes later he came in.

"Good morning my slave! How did you sleep?" he asked standing in front of me wearing only the usual white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts, I guess e has a lot of pairs of those.

"I guess better than last night," I replied.

"That's good because you're going to need all the energy you can get for today!" Matt said smiling," let's get some breakfast in you."

He untied my wrists and ankles and pulled me up by the harness and led me to the kitchen. When I got there, I saw the same thing as yesterday, a sad bowl of cereal.

"Don't be too excited to eat," Matt joked, noticing my expression.

Matt sat me down in front of the bowl and tied my thighs and legs to the legs of the chair. He then untied my hands and allowed me to start eating. I picked up the spoon and started to shovel the cereal into my mouth.

After about 10 minutes I finished my cereal. Matt was on the other side of the table on his phone. I moved my chair just an inch to get his attention.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were done already," he said getting up. He walked other and tied my hands back together and untied my legs.

He picked me up and led me to the family room. This was different, I was expecting to go down to the basement.

"Before we being today's fun, I have a little gift for you," Matt said as he walked to the shelf. Any gift from Matt right now could not be good.

He pulled out a collar from behind one of the picture frames. It looked just like a dog collar but it was leather and looked like it was intended for humans. I also noticed a small box on the outer edge.

Matt came over and started to put it around my neck as he said," I got this for you, I was going to save it for later but hey, what the hell?"

"What's that little box thing on it?" I asked

"Oh, nothing, just a GPS tracker," Matt replied.

Like an idiot, I believed him. He finished putting the collar on as he latched it on the back of my neck. I now felt the feeling of leather wrapped somewhat tightly around my neck.

"Do you like it?" Matt asked.

"Hell no, it's uncomfortable," I said.


I fell over as I felt what I thought was a knife that had dug through my neck.

Matt stood there laughing as he said," A GPS tracker? Really? Of course, it was a shocker. I just wanted to test it out..."

He stopped speaking and looked down at me. I was literally crying on the ground. I had never felt so much pain in my entire life!

"Oh sorry," Matt said as he looked at the remote and then back at me with sympathy," I didn't realize it was set to level 10. Here come here."

As Matt said that he knelt on the ground next to me and began to cradle me. I crawled closer and let him rub my back and hug saying, "I'm so sorry." Right there, next to my master in compression shorts, I felt an odd feeling of safety. I felt safe to be so close to him. I felt that I could trust him to protect me. This made me stop crying and just appreciate Matt calming me down.

"Hey, no offense Josh, but you stink. Let's go take a shower and get you washed up," Matt said as he got up and helped me to my feet. "Please Dad," I replied as he then put his arm around my shoulder and walked me to the bathroom. I was surprised he didn't use the harness.

When we got there, Matt closed the door the door behind us. So there I was standing in the bathroom with my swim captain, both of us wearing compression shorts and me wearing a leather harness and a collar.

"First, let's get this thing off you," he said as he reached behind my neck and unlatched the collar. I looked at him with thankful eyes, like a son would look at his father. "This too, I don't think it's waterproof," he said as he reached behind my back and unlatched the harness and put it on the counter.

I looked at myself in the mirror. There were two red spots were the collar shocked me on my neck and there was still an imprint of the harness on my chest.

"Turn around please," Matt said. I complied and when I did so he handcuffed my hands together behind my back. I wasn't even phased because I knew that he would protect me. "I'm going to take your shorts off ok? Just pretend we're in the boy's swim locker room at school, ok? Matt said.

I nodded as he pulled down the black Under Armour compression shorts, my package stood at attention.

I climbed into the shower and moved to the corner when I heard a noise and turned around, Matt had gotten in the shower with me and had taken off his White Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Just remember, we are in the boy's locker room ok?" he said convincingly. I nodded and waited for him to turn on the water. "Josh, come here, I want to give you a real gift," Matt said.

I complied and moved closer to Matt. He turned me around and grabbed hold of my shaft and started to rub back and forth.

"Ohhhhh... Matt," I moaned loudly since I hadn't climaxed in God knows when.

"Just remember I'm here to protect you. I won't let anything happen to you," he said seductively. His rubbing increased in speed and I felt the feeling in my abdomen. It was coming up and up...

Just as I was about to climax, my foot slipped and I had to turn around to keep my balance. As I turned around, streams of white semen spewed out. Just one after another, I ejected the whole week's events worth of semen out.

When I was finished I looked up to see, Matt standing there drenched in my cum. He gave me a look like," Oh so that's how it is," and turned around and started to rub his shaft. He turned back towards me and spewed his semen towards me. His jets of cum hit me on my chest and all over. It was warm and the feeling of having it drip down was amazing.

We both stood there, drenched in each other's cum. Matt looked amazing with my cum dripping around his tight abs!

"Now let's take shower," Matt said as he turned on the shower head and pulled me closer. We both stood there as the warm water washed away the semen. Every once in a while, our packages would touch.

Matt then grabbed some AXE body wash and started to rub all over my body started with my shoulders all the way to my thighs. When he got to my shaft, he gave it a few extra rubs which made me moan a little more. He then did the same thing to himself and applied soap to his body. We let the soap wash off ourselves, which left us smelling like stereotypical jocks.

"Ok, that's enough, let's get you dried off," Matt said. He opened the shower door and helped me out of the shower. He first unlocked the handcuffs and set them on the counter. He then grabbed a towel and dried me off, starting with my hair and ending with my feet. After 5 minutes I was completely dry, which was when he grabbed the leather harness and put it back on my by re-clipping the harness around my armpits and shoulders. It felt weird to think this but it felt good to have the harness back on, it gave a sense of security and safety.

"I'm going to trust you right now," Matt said,"I'm not going to tie your hands or anything. Go to Lucas's room and grab some more compression shorts to wear, I think he may have one more pair to wear. When you're done with that, come out to the living room and we'll watch some tv."

"Ok, dad," I said feeling a strong bond to Matt as my protector and master.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a leather harness and made my way to Lucas's room. Once I got there I opened his underwear drawer, shoved aside his American Eagle underwear and found his last pair of Black Under Armour compression shorts. I stepped into them and pulled them up to my waist which made a nice bulging effect around my package.

I walked back out to the family room to find Matt laying on the couch in new Nike Pro Combat white compression shorts.

"Come lay with me," Matt said.

I walked over to the couch and laid on the 25% of the couch that was still open trying not to fall. I felt Matt's bulge touch my butt a couple times.

"Do you need more room? Here," he said as he pulled the lever which opened the leg rest. While leg rest was opening, the backrest reclined too which made a kind of slope which I slid down until I was touching Matt and his bulge was in my butt now.

"Is that better?" he asked.

I nodded yes and laid my head down on his bicep. He turned on a football game and we both started to watch it. So there we were 2 high schoolers, both wearing just compression shorts and me wearing a leather harness as well, watching a football game while Matt's bulge went into my butt.

It was the Lions against the Steelers. Every time the Lions scored or got a first down, me and Matt both say "Yes!" or something to celebrate. And every time the Steelers scored or got a first down, me and Matt would shout "NO!". Both times, whether we were celebrating or booing on the Steelers, Matt's body would move and his bulge would go deeper into my butt and then go back out, it was like Matt was dry-humping me in slow motion, and I loved it!

About an hour later, the game was over and the Lions had won. My bulge had tripled in size and was about to climax.

"Oh shoot, I didn't realize what time it was already," Matt said as he looked at his phone," I need to go do something before it gets dark. In order to do that, I'm going to have to restrain you again, ok?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Let's make our way down to the basement," Matt said as he got up off the couch and helped me up too. We made our way to the basement door, down the steps, and through the door with the sign reading "MATT'S ROOM STAY OUT"

Matt wasted no time and led me to the bed where I was previously hogtied on. But before I was told to lay down he said," Wait here."

I obeyed and stood next to the bed and waited as I heard rustling from back in the room.

Matt came back, secretly to my delight, with Lucas's football gear, a gag, and of course rope.

Matt first started by applying the leather muzzle he brought. He positioned it right over my move and strapped in the straps that sealed it into to place. I moaned into to it to make sure it worked, and of course, it did.

"Now before I get you into the football uniform, I need to get a few things in you," Matt said, "Now I'm going to pull down your shorts for a couple seconds, ok? Just remember that I will never let anything bad happen to you," he said soothingly.

I nodded and trusted him. He pulled down the compression shorts to my knees which made my package stand at attention and took something out of a bag. He went behind me and said, "This may hurt a little but it will be worth it. We didn't one of these and I bought this one specifically for you," he said.

Then, he shoved something up my ass! "MMPPH," I yelped. As he said, it definitely did hurt but once whatever it was, was in position, it didn't hurt as much.

"If it's unclear, I just shoved a butt plug up your ass," Matt said coming into view and smiling," and there's one more thing."

He reached into the same bag and pulled out a ring that can disconnect and reconnect. He bent down and disconnected the ring and reconnected it around my member. I was black and rubbery and was kind of tight.

"And that was a cock ring," Matt said, "Both things will make the wait feel less. Now let's get you in that uniform," he said as he pulled up my shorts covering the two devices he put on me.

Matt first started with the padded football pants and allowed me to step into them and slid them up to my waist. He then laced the crotch and tightened the belt. Next, he took the should pads and placed them through my head onto my shoulders and tightened the straps. Next, he took the jersey and put it on over the shoulder pads and put the helmet on my head and socks on my feet.

Then Matt picked up the mitts form yesterday off the ground and put them on my hands. He then tied my hands together behind my back tightly. Next Matt gently laid me on the bed and tied my ankles together. Lastly, he tied my bound wrists and ankles together forming an efficient hogtie.

"All set," Matt said stepping back to admire his work, "Ok, I'll be back in about an hour or so. And don't worry about getting bored, I promise you won't." Matt said he walked out of the room and closed the door.

So there I was hogtied in Lucas's full football uniform, which a leather harness, a cock ring, and a butt plug all underneath the uniform. I couldn't have asked for a better situation.

I started to struggle and moan through the gag. I tried to break through the ropes but those ropes weren't coming off anytime soon since they were so tight, and I was fine with that. I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling and just appreciated the situation I was in.

15 minutes later I heard a


And there was a tingling feeling in my ass. The butt plug must have a vibrator in it! I started to move around to see if I could climax. The vibrations weren't very strong but they still produced a feeling of bliss. I moaned into my gag and prepared to climax just as


The vibrations stopped and I was left with no tingling feeling. I laid and swore into my gag. I was so close to climaxing and


Then I felt another tingling sensation, this time on my cock. The ring must be a vibrator too! I rolled around a little more and I finally climaxed and spewed semen into Lucas's football uniform. I rolled on my back and felt the pure bliss of vibrators mixed with bondage.


The cock ring vibrator stopped and I was left with no vibrations. Then 5 minutes later...


The butt plug turned on again, this time, on a more intense level of vibration. I moaned even louder into the gag and prepared to climax again


This time the cock ring turned on too and the butt plug stayed on. Vibrations from both sides of my body made me climax even more intensely into Lucas's uniform which had started to develop a dark spot around the crotch area.

This cycle continued for the next hour as the butt plug and cock ring kept turning on with a higher intensity which made me climax more intensely. My moans became louder and the dark spot on the football pants started to cover the entire waist area.

When Matt got back the vibrators turned off the football pants had become dark around the crotch area and the thigh area. Matt was still wearing only white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts

"See I told you, you wouldn't get bored," said Matt, "Here, let's get you up and out of this uniform,"

Matt then untied my wrists and ankles and stood me up. He started to take off the uniform starting with the mitt and ending with the football pants that had the biggest dark spot I've ever seen. He then pulled down the compression shorts and took out the butt plug and took off the cock ring.

"Wow, you really did have fun," Matt teased making me blush, "Here why don't we do this? Go take a shower and clean up and I'll put these in the washing machine and get dinner ready. I'll drop off something for you to wear when I come to pick your compression shorts." Matt said as he undid the leather harness.

"Yes, dad," I replied.

We went to the stairs together and then spit up at the top with Matt going to the laundry room and me going to the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom I closed the door behind me and took off the semen covered compression shorts and laid them on the ground. I then got into the shower and closed the door behind me and turned on the shower head.

I let the warm water run down my body, washing away the semen. The room started to steam up since the water was so hot but I didn't care. I then grabbed the bottle of AXE body wash and started to lather it all over my body. I started to smell like a stereotypical jock again.

Then Matt opened the door and said, "Here's what you'll be wearing. Finish up within 10 minutes and meet me in the living room," he said as he closed the door.

I excitedly and quickly rinsed myself off once more and turned off the shower head, eager to see what Matt had brought me. I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel and walked over to the counter to find... a brand spanking new pair of Nike Pro Combat black compression shorts with a note saying "For my favorite slave, sign DAD"

I quickly dried myself off and slipped the shorts over my body. I looked in the mirror and admired the waistband that now matched what Matt was wearing.

I walked out of the bathroom in just those shorts and made my way to the living room to find my dad laying on the couch in just his White Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

He looked up and said, "Hey, sexy. Like the shorts? I bought them for you so we could match and be closer. Also, I think Nike is better than Under Armour,"

"Yeah, I love these compression shorts!! They fit snug and comfy sir," I replied.

"I agree," Matt agreed, "Come lay with me and we'll watch another football game,"

I excitedly walked over to the couch and laid right next to Matt so that his bulge was up against my ass. I laid my head on his pec as he started to stroke my hair.

We ate pizza and watched the Giants and the 49ers and we both didn't care too much for either time but whenever something good or bad would happen Matt would cheer and jolt his body which would force his bulge up my ass farther.

An hour later the game was still going on the time read about 9 PM. I was exhausted from the day we had.

"Dad? Could we go to bed? I'm tired," I said.

"What? Oh yeah of course," Matt said as he turned off the TV.

I got up off the couch and started to make my way to Lucas's bedroom as Matt said, "Hey, why don't you sleep with me tonight?"

I turned and smiled the biggest smile I have ever smiled and nodded as I walked toward Matt and he put his hand on my shoulder as we walked to his bedroom.

As we got there he opened his door and we walked in. His room was scattered with compression shorts and underwear all over the floor. It didn't smell too great, but it smelled like Matt so I was ok with. Then something caught my eye. My leather harness was sitting on his desk. I looked at the bed and noticed there was no rope attached to the bed frame.

Matt noticed my observation and said, "I thought tonight you could sleep freely, no ropes or gags."

I ran over and hugged him since this was my first time in almost a week sleeping freely. When we hugged our bulges touched each other which I enjoyed too.

Matt gestured for me to get into his king size bed as he got in on the other side. Once we were in the bed, Matt put the covers over us and we laid down.

So there I was, in bed with the hottest jock in the school wearing on white compression shorts as I wore only black compression shorts of the same brand. He looked so sexy laying there, I thought. I pretended to stretch and lifted my hands as I secretively inched closer to him to that our legs would touch under the covers.

"Here, let's play truth or dare, ok? Look I know we aren't teenage girls, but I think it would be a great way to get to know each other better," Matt said.

"Ok," I agreed.

"You go first," Matt said

"Truth or Dare?" I asked Matt.

"Truth," he replied.

"Ok, are you and the other jocks gay?" I asked.

Matt laughed and said," No we aren't gay, but we do love each other. We just have major fetishes for bondage and underwear and sports gear. I mean I've tied each one of the up and each one of them has tied me up. Sometimes we carried away but it's all good fun. So, in conclusion, we aren't gay but we do have major fetishes that must be satisfied. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," I replied.

"Do you like being tied up?" Matt asked.

It took me a while to answer but I did and said, "Yes, I like being tied up. The feeling of being restrained always makes me feel horny. And then when I'm tight clothes like spandex or football gear, I get the same feeling,"

"Hey, don't be ashamed about anything, everyone has their own interests, and besides I believe you have a bondage and sports gear fetish, your turn," He said reassuringly.

I smiled and felt comfortable. "Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Let's do another truth," Matt replied.

"Ok, please elaborate when you said that 'you got carried away when you tied each other up'," I said.

"Oh boy," Matted started, "Well when I said that, I meant that we did do some gay things,"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, one time I tied up Jacob, and I got so into it that... I made him suck my dick. Then when it was his turn he made me do the same thing. Honestly, all of those guys have sucked my dick and I've sucked all of theirs. And then this other time I was really horny and into it and I fucked Justin. Once our session was over and I untied him, he got up and looked at me for a solid minute and then pushed me down and did the same to me. Honestly, that's happened with all of the guys," Matt confessed.

Wow, I could believe it. All of the hot jocks in the senior year had sucked each other dicks and fucked each other. I personally thought it was hot AF but still, it showed how much everyone doesn't know about them.

"Hey, what happens here, stays here, ok?" Matt said.

I nodded and said," Of course."

"Good, truth or dare?" Matt asked.

"Let's go with a dare," I said feeling brave.

"I dare you to get up the next morning and make us both breakfast," he said smiling.

"Was the whole point of us playing this game just so you could make me get up early so you could sleep in?" I asked.

"It was part of the reason," Matt said smiling.

"Funny. Ok, this is our last round, and you have to do a dare since you haven't yet," I said.

"Fine," he replied.

"I dare you to sleep with a leather harness on," I said.

"Fine go get it off my desk," he said.

I got out of the bed and walked over to the desk and grabbed the leather harness I was wearing earlier and brought it back to the bed. Matt sat up in the bed and I went over to him, unclipped the latched and re-clipped them around Matt's shoulders.

I got back in bed and looked at Matt. The harness made him look even sexier since the harness made his pecs stand out more. He laid back down and said," I haven't worn one of these in a while. Truth or dare?" he said.

"Truth," I said.

"Do you think me or Lucas was a better master?"

"Oh, you definitely," I replied immediately. "You have made me feel safe and made me feel like you care. I mean don't get me wrong, Lucas cares too, but I don't know there's something about you that just makes me feel good. Also, you look 10 times better than he does," I said.

"Well said," Matt replied. "Well goodnight," he said as he rolled over and turned off the lights from the switch next to his bed.

I then felt him roll closer to me and say, "Do you want to sleep closer? Son?" he said.

"Oh hell yeah," I said as I rolled so close to him that his bulge went up against my ass once more and he put his arm around me. I felt the harness and my back and nipples too. I felt his hand start to move closer to my package and stay there.

"Goodnight son," Matt said, "Welcome to the fetish life," and with that, we drifted off to sleep, together

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 7 ADDED 2/13)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:14 pm
by bondage1155
Part 7

I awoke that morning to a sense of total freedom, something I wasn't accustomed to, and also a tingling feeling. I looked down and saw Matt's phone taped to my crotch with a vibrate only alarm. I grabbed the phone and turned off the alarm and read the note on it.

"Dear son, hope you slept well. I set this alarm so that you could get up and start making breakfast without waking me up. Go get to it! And if you don't there will be severe consequences."

I looked at the sleeping jock next to me. There he lay, asleep, in only white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts and a leather harness I made him wear to bed. He looked so sexy. I kind of wanted to find out what the severe consequences would be, but then I decided to please him and make breakfast.

I walked out of Matt's bedroom in only my Black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts that he bought for me and made my way to the kitchen. When I got there I got a bowl out, some measuring cups and a griddle. I started to look for the pancake mix by opening up every cupboard. Once I found it, I reached in and grabbed it and put it on the counter. I went to close the cupboard door when I saw something in the very back of the cupboard. I reached in farther and grabbed it and it was...

A BALL GAG! It was black and had a leather strap attached. Matt must have hid bondage gear around the house just in case he needed to use it on me.

"I wonder how Matt would look with a ball gag," I thought.

"What? No make breakfast before you get the severe consequence," I thought back.

"But he would look so sexy," I thought.

"But the breakfast won't make itself," I thought back.

"Enough," I said out loud to clear my mind. I put the ball gag back in the cupboard and closed it. I then started to make my way to the basement door.

"I mean he already has the harness on, so might as well," I thought as I made it down the stairs and to Matt's bondage room to grab some gear.

I opened the door and immediately began my search. I, of course, grabbed 4 coils of rope, the muzzle I was previously wearing yesterday, and a black vibrator. I looked at my loot and decided that it would be adequate to restrain Matt.

I went back upstairs directly to Lucas's bedroom where my bag of stuff was. I dug through it and grabbed my phone so I could record Matt being tied up for later. I went back to his bedroom where he was still sleeping peacefully in just his white compression shorts.

I positioned my phone on his desk so that I could record everything as hit the record button and began my work quietly as I slowly took his left arm and pulled it to the left corner of the bed carefully. I then made a secure handcuff out of rope and put it around his wrist making sure I didn't hurt him but secured him. I then attached the rope to the bottom of the bed frame with a triple knot. Now his left arm was fully secured to the bed. I proceed and did the same to his other arm and both legs, making sure that he didn't wake up.

When I was finished with the rope, I had a sexy senior jock tied to his bed, spread eagle, wearing white compression shorts and a leather harness. I then took the muzzle I grabbed and lifted his head gently and strapped the latches around his head so that it covered his mouth. He was about to wake up any time now with the gag on. I quickly took the vibrator and positioned it so that the tip of it was on his crotch. I took some tape I saw laying on his desk and taped it there. I was all done and Matt was completely under my control.

Just as that thought passed through my head Matt started to wake up. He started to try and move his arms and legs as he lifted his head to find out that they were bound. He then looked at me and made an expression that said, "Oh very funny,"

"Good morning Matt," I said," I tried to be quiet as I made breakfast but it seems like I woke you."

"MMPPHH," Matt said into his gag.

"What was that?," I teased, "Oh well, let's have some fun," I said as I turned on the vibrator.

"mmmm," Matt moaned into the muzzle as his package started to grow.

I walked to the bottom of the bed and ran my hand over his feet. Matt responded by jolting around and yelling into his gag. I then started to do it more intensely, having my fingers dance around his bare feet. I continued to do this for about 15 minutes, watching Matt jolt around and scream laughter into the muzzle. The vibrator was still going and Matt's package had around grown twice in size.

I hopped on the bottom of the bed and began to drag my fingers along his thighs and move my body up against his as I went. He wasn't as ticklish here but he did moan louder.

When my hands got to his crotch I stopped and crawled up his body at sat on his bulge so that it went up my ass and the vibrator touched my ass too. I felt his monstrous cock pulse as I sat on it.

I then laid down and started to kiss his hairless abs. I was a little weird I thought but I was letting myself go since Matt trusted me and I trusted him. I started to move his chest with my kissing and when I got to his nipples, I started to suck them. Matt let out the loudest moans I've ever heard as I continued to suck on his nipples. His nipples were covered in spit and his bulge was growing again which made my bulge start to expand too.

"It's now or never," I thought.

"What do you mean," I thought back.

"You have a chance to join the list of people who have sucked Matt off," my head responded.

Should I do it? Well I do have him tied up right below me and well he trusts me and well I wouldn't be the first.

"Hey Matt," I said and he lifted up his head to see me, "Add me to your list," I said as I brushed the vibrator aside and pulled down his compression shorts to reveal his ginormous cock.

"Do it," I thought.

I bent down and opened my mouth as Matt's cock went between my lips and enter my mouth. Matt moaned even louder than the last time and kept moaning. I couldn't believe it, I was sucking Matt's cock!

I started to move up and down with my sucking which was answered with more moaning. I reached my hand under Matt and started to massage his muscular ass as I continued my sucking. Then I felt his cock start to pulse more than usual. Matt stopped jolting just as...

I felt Matt spew semen into my mouth. I tasted strange, like a taste that I couldn't describe, and it just kept coming. I went all over my mouth and started to drip onto Matt's body. Then I swallowed it, one gulp after another just as it spewed its last stream and I swallowed it.

I sat up and pulled up his compression shorts and looked at him. He was all sweaty and worn out and breathing heavily. Just as he wasn't watching I crept off him and bed and went to my phone and hit stop recording.

I then went around the bed and untied each of his limbs from the bed. Once he was free I unlatched the muzzle from his face and threw it on his desk.

Matt sat up and said," I didn't ask you to do that."

"You didn't have to," I replied.

"I must admit that you play a pretty good dom," he said.

"Thanks, dad," I said.

"Now let's go eat some breakfast," he said.

I heart skipped a beat, I didn't make the breakfast! "Yeah about that..." I started.

"Let me guess, you didn't make the breakfast so you could tie me up? Didn't you read the note?" he asked.

"Well yeah, but tying you up seemed to be more fun," I responded.

"It was fun, but I cannot go back on my word, a good master never does," he said.

"I understand," I said.

"Good, now let's get it over with," Matt said.

He got up off the bed and grabbed my shoulder and started to walk me to the basement. We walked down the stairs to the basement and into Matt's bondage room.

"Hmm, what have we not used yet?" Matt said to himself. "Oh, I know,"

He walked me over to the big wooden "X" he had in the corner.

"Let's use this one, but before we start," he said.

He left me and walked over to the bed where I had been previously bound and reached under it. He pulled out another leather harness, identical to the one that he still had on from last night. He walked over to me and put the straps above my shoulders and under my armpits and tightened them. I must admit, I missed the feeling of having the leather harness on. I was going to ask why he still had his one, but I didn't want him to take it off so I kept my mouth shut.

He then moved my left hand to the top left side of the X where a leather strap was and strapped it around my wrist. He then did the same thing for my right wrist, left ankle, and right ankle.

"One more thing," he said as he walked to the table of gags. He came back with the penis gag he gave me on my first night. "I know you like this one, and you'll like even more after you've had the real thing as you just did," he said. I opened my mouth and allowed him to stick the silicon penis into my mouth and latch the straps behind my head.

So there I was, spread eagle standing up against the X, only in black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts and a leather harness with a penis gag in my mouth. And there was Matt who still had his leather harness on and was only in his Whit Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"Now let's begin," Matt said as he started to walk closer to the X where I was bound and gagged. He started to rub my nipples and move his hands all over my chest, I responded by moaning. He then started to move his hands closer to my armpits and then... he attacked.

His fingers danced around quickly in my armpits. The feeling was uncontrollable! All I could do was scream laughter into my gag while sucking on a silicone penis. He continued his work for about 15 minutes never giving me a break. My compression shorts had grown to be pretty tight so far due to my expanding bulge. Matt removed his fingers from my body for a quick second to give me a chance to recuperate. I was very sweaty and exhausted from all the thrashing around.

Then without warning, Matt returned his fingers to my body but this time it was my stomach area. He danced his fingers all over as I returned to thrashing around and laughing. He then danced his fingers over the waistband of my compression shorts and said, "It's only fair,"

Then without warning, he yanked them done, exposing my package, and slipped his mouth over my cock. The feeling was complete bliss. He started to move his mouth back forth which made me feel like I was about to climax. The feeling in my abdomen came and I didn't stop it.

I ejaculated streams off semen into Matt's mouth. One after another the streams kept coming. Matt remained sucking and swallowing just as I did to him. Finally, the last stream was ejected and I stopped. I was sweaty and tired.

Matt got up and said, "Not bad. Now we're square"

He then started to unstrap from the X. As he did so, he said, "You may have felt like that wasn't a punishment and it wasn't, because I didn't want our last day together to have any pain."

I was then unstrapped from the X and Matt took off the penis gag and threw it to the side.

"What time is it? I need to get you back by 3 PM," Matt said as he looked at the clock on the wall," We have got some time. Follow me, I have a surprise for you," he said.

We started to walk back upstairs. As we did so I began wondering what that surprise could be. It could be me getting tied up again or maybe a real present.

We walked into Lucas's bedroom and on the bed was a gift bag with tissue paper. On the label, it said, "For Son."

"I got you this while you were hogtied that one day with the gas mask," he said, "Go ahead open it."

I walked over to the present and began to open it. One by one I took out the tissue paper until I could see what it was.

It was American Eagle underwear! And I'm not talking one or two. I poured out the bag on the bed and counted a total of 15 pair of American Eagle boxer briefs with some trunks mixed in. There were all colors of the rainbow and some stripped patterns as well.

I turned around and ran to Matt and gave him the biggest hug I have ever given anyone. Our harnesses touched each other and so did our bulges

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, "I repeated.

"Hey, no problem. I knew you liked them a lot so I went and got your own. Hey since we sometimes, do you want to try some on with me." he asked.

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Ok, I'll go get my pairs," Matt said as he walked out the room towards his room.

I turned back the bed and decided that the hot pink boxer brief would be first. I stepped out of the black compression shorts and slipped on the American Eagle pink boxer briefs.

Matt then opened the door carrying a basket that contained even more American Eagle underwear in his size.

"Ooo, nice pick," he said checking me out," I think I have a pair just like that," he said as he rummaged through his basket. He pulled out the same boxer briefs I was wearing, took off his compression shorts, and slipped on the American Eagle pink boxer brief. He looked so hot with that his leather harness.

"He let's take a picture," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder and led me to Lucas's mirror.

We both stood there in pink American Eagle boxer briefs and leather harnesses as Matt snapped the picture on his phone.

We then did the same thing with other American Eagle boxer briefs, taking pictures together. It was the best time of my entire life.


Matt's phone went off.

"Sorry man, but we have to go," he said with a sad tone, "Put on the black Under Armour compression shorts and put the American Eagle boxer briefs and black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts I got you in your bag. I wasn't supposed to get you anything or be as nice as I was during our time together but I couldn't help it," he said.

"Well, I appreciated it, sir," I said.

He smiled and said, "I know you did. Once you have everything packed up and the compression shorts that Lucas gave you on, meet me in the family room so we can leave," he said.

"Yes, dad," I responded.

He smiled and rubbed my ass through the American Eagle boxer briefs I was wearing and walked out of the room.

I then started to pack all 15 beautiful pairs of American Eagle underwear and the Black Nike compression shorts into my bag. I then went over to Lucas's drawer and found that Matt put the black Under Armour compression shorts in there after he washed them. I slipped them on after I took off the American Eagle boxer briefs I was wearing. Checking to make sure everything was in my bag I looked over the room. Everything was set.

I walked out to the family where Matt was waiting with rope, duct tape, and a clean sock. He was fully dressed and looked like a regular person.

"I have to return you the same way I got you," he said, "I'll explain everything on the ride."

He picked up the duct tape and sock and said, "Any last words?"

"Yeah, when you were tied up this morning I recorded you. I had to tell you because I felt a little guilty," I said a little embarrassed.

"That's ok," he said which surprised me, "I recorded you that day you were hogtied with the gas mask,"

"So that's what that noise was," I said.

"Yep, it was me. But since we both have videos of each other, let's both agree they will never see the light of day and will never be used as blackmail," he proposed.

"Agreed," I replied.

"Good, anything else?" he asked.

"Thank you so much for these past days, they've been the best of my life, and I love you," I said.

"Love you too and you're welcome," Matt said as he inserted the sock into my mouth and duct taped over it with 3 strips. The sock was clean so I didn't have to deal with any revolting taste. Matt then turned me around and bound my hands together with the rope he had. It was just like how Lucas tied me up before Matt came.

When Matt was finished, my hands were bound behind my back and I was gagged with a sock and duct tape all while wearing Black Under Armour compression shorts and a leather harness.

"Ok let's get going," Matt said putting his hand around my shoulder and leading me to the garage and his truck, "You can sit in the passenger seat," he said opening the door for me and helping me up. Once I was in Matt clicked my seat belt and closed my door and walked around to get in on the driver's side.

Once Matt was in, he started the truck and we were on our way.

"Ok, so the way our adventure was supposed to go was that I was supposed to use you as a servant and tie you up when I wasn't using you. Like I was supposed to make you do the laundry, make meals, and clean the house. I was going to do that if I got anyone but you. But when I knew that you would be among the selection of boys, I knew that I had to have you. You see, I've always wanted to get to know you better because I think you would make a really good subordinate, which you did. I also knew that you liked me because of the way you would peek at me changing in the swim locker room. So instead of making you my servant, I made you my son which I think you enjoyed, I know I did. So now you know. I wasn't supposed to be this nice to you but I couldn't help it. So when you are free, please don't tell anyone about what I did for you, ok? If you do that, maybe we could do this again sometime." he said as he patted my package with one hand.

I nodded as a sign of understanding and Matt kept driving.

Matt continued to drive for the next 20 minutes until he pulled into a subdivision and into a driveway.

"Ok we're here," Matt said, "Remember, I wasn't nice to you at all."

Matt got out of the truck and walked around to my side. He opened the back door first, grabbed a pillowcase, and then opened my door. He unbuckled my seat belt and put the pillowcase over my head. He then reached his arms around and picked up out of the truck and started to carry me.

"Hey Matt," said the voice that sounded like Justin, "How were your days with your toy?"

"Amazing," Matt said.

Matt continued to carry me as I felt us descend down a flight of stairs and were greeted by cool air. He then carried me a little farther and set me down. "Crawl forward, slave" Matt said assertively.

I complied to please Matt and crawled forward until my head hit something metal. The door latched behind me and I heard a padlock be applied. The pillowcase was removed from my head and I wasn't surprised.

I was in the same metal cage as before! Also, everyone was in attendance. Lucas was to my right in his black Under Armour compression shorts. To my left was Jack who was only in his black and orange Adidas boxer briefs. To his left was Tanner who was only in his Black American Eagle boxer briefs. To his left was Colby who was only in his red Hollister boxer briefs. And to his left was Jaden who was only in his black Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. All of us had duct tape gags and the same leather harnesses on as before. I looked over at Lucas and tried to smile but the duct tape prevented me from doing so. He tried to do the same but had the same result. I took another look around and DAMN was these jocks sexy!

In front of us, our captors Matt, Justin, Jacob, Dawson, and Alex had lined up.

"Well," Matt started, "This brings our reign over you guys to an end. You all will speak nothing of this event. That means no SnapChatting, Instagramming, or blackmailing any of us. What happens here stays here. And if any of us find out that one of you snitched, then there will be severe consequences, for all. Keep that in mind. Ok, now each brother will return home with their sibling and act as if nothing happened because nothing actually happened. Also, before we set you free, we all want to say you guys are sexy as fuck."

And with that, each brother returned to their sibling and unlocked the cage and led each sibling up the stairs still bound. Matt walked over to me and Lucas's cages and said, "Let's go home, boys."

He walked behind my cage and unlocked the door and opened. I crawled out and as soon as I was out Matt yanked me by the harness to force me to stand up. He then made me sit on my cage and said, "Wait here." He then unlocked Lucas's cage and yanked him up by the harness as well. He then came over to me and grabbed my harness from the back and forced me a Lucas up the stairs together.

Once we were outside, we walked over to his truck. He led us to the left back seat and opened the door. He forced me into the seat and clicked my seat belt for me. He then walked Lucas over to the other side and did the same. He then got into the driver's seat, started the truck and we were off.

Me and Lucas were both in the back seat with our hands bound behind our back, gagged with duct tape, wearing leather harness, and only in black Under Armour compression shorts. The ride was pretty quiet. Me and Lucas made eye contact and tried to communicate but it was no use with the duct tape.

After about 30 minutes, we made it back to Lucas's house. Matt helped both of us get out of the truck and led us inside and into Lucas's room. He then proceeded to unbind our hands, take off the leather harnesses, and lastly take off the duct tape. When he took off my gag I spit out his sock and was able to breathe a nice breath of clean air. When he removed Lucas's duct tape Lucas spit out a jockstrap.

"Oh thank god!," he said relieved, "That thing tasted awful."

"I'll get this back to Justin," Matt said picking up the jockstrap, rope, and leather harnesses and leaving the room, which left me and Lucas just in our compression shorts.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," Lucas replied, "How was your 'experience?" he asked.

"Awful," I lied, "I literally did all of Matt's laundry and chores. And then he would tie me spread eagle to your bed when he wasn't using me. How about you?" I asked.

"I wish mine was as good as yours," he said, "Me and Jaden were forced to sleep in cages. And we cleaned Justin's house and were literally servants for his every need."

"That sounds horrible," I said, "I'm now happy for my situation."

"Yeah I would be too," he said, "What time do you have to be home?" he asked.

"7 PM," I responded, "I have about 2 hours before I have to go."

"Ok, what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I would say put on some clothes, but I think that would feel weird, judging by the fact that I haven't worn clothes in 6 days," I said.

"Strangely, I feel the same," said Lucas hopping on his bed.

"So now what?" I said joining him on his bed.

"I don't actually know," Lucas said, "Want to go play the PS2?"

"Sure," I replied, "If you want to get beat again."

"So that's how it is?"Lucas asked.

"Oh yeah," I said.

We spent the next hour playing football on his PS2. We kept trading who was winning. For example, I would be winning for the first quarter and then he would be winning for the second quarter but I would take it back in the 3rd quarter etc.

Soon the time came for me to go home.

"Well. I'll see you around," I said as we walked up to his room so I could get my stuff.

"Yeah, sorry if this weekend wasn't what you expected," he said.

"Dude this weekend was better than any weekend I could have expected," I said, really meaning it.

Lucas smiled. I started to put on some clothes and get my backpack on.

"Well, see ya," I said as I walked through the front door. I went over to my bike and was about to pedal off when I looked at the house and saw Matt waving out of his window. I waved back and he made a heart with his hands. I did the same. I couldn't wait for the swim season to start. I started to pedal home.

When I got there my parents weren't home yet but I assumed they would be in the next 30 minutes. I went up to my room and threw my bag on the ground.

"Wow, what an intense weekend," I thought to myself," Let's look at those American Eagle boxer briefs again."

I stripped off my clothing and began to try on each and every one. I took pictures and sent them to Matt. This was the best weekend ever!

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 8 ADDED 3/22)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:45 am
by bondage1155
Part 8

I didn't see Lucas or in fact any of the other guys until school started in September. It was a little weird to see those guys because at school they all looked normal like nothing ever happened, but I knew what happened. I even saw Justin say hi to Jaden and they fist bumped and everything just as if Justin never tied up Jaden. This kept occurring with all the guys that were involved.

But anyway the first few months of school went by fairly quickly. I wore my American Eagle boxer briefs every day and would let the waistband stick out a little so Matt could see. Matt would come by my locker every morning just to get a good look, and when no one was looking he would slap my ass.

The guys who were tied up with me did notice me more than usual and talked to me more than last year. I sat next to Derek for a class and we talked about our summers and how they went. Then Derek said, "How was your experience?"

"With Matt? Horrible. You?" I said.

"Same," he said.

But all in all, everything went on as they usually do. Friday 20th November came along and that meant swim conditioning. And not just swim conditioning, swim conditioning with the swim captain, Matt, my master/dad. We had this one practice and then our school had a week off for Thanksgiving. My parents were on an emergency business trip and left me alone for the whole break.

I went to the swim locker room to get changed for the pool and was disappointed to find out that Matt had already gotten changed. I stepped out of the blue American Eagle boxer briefs I was wearing at the time and stepped into my black jammer (Speedo racing trunks). I walked out to the pool deck to see our captain Matt on the pool deck in his black jammer, talking to 3 football jocks in full uniform and gear.

"Dude, you are so lucky you don't have to come to football practice today. It's 85 fucking degrees outside and the coach is making us wear full gear and do drills all day," said one of the football jocks. As I moved closer I realized that it was Justin who was speaking along with Dawson and Jacob who joined the football team this year.

"Well, I guess that's the perks of being the football captain and swim captain," Matt said with a smile.

"Do you want to do something after these practices?" Justin asked.

"Sure," said Matt, "I'll meet you in the football locker room."

"Ok, well, good luck with these dweebs, we better get to practice boys, See ya, Matt," Justin said as he walked out with the other football jocks.

"Ok boys gather around," said Matt addressing the swim team. "We have the chance to beat everyone if our division but only if we work hard and..." Matt said as he continued with his annual motivational start of the season speech.

The rest of practice went pretty averagely. I was placed in lane 3 of 8 which is for the kids who know what they are doing but aren't the fastest swimmers.

After practice ended we all went the locker room to get changed except for Matt who stayed to talk to our coach about the season's practice schedule. Matt also had to be the last one in the locker room so he could lock the doors and know that there was nobody still in the locker room. So in order to get me and Matt alone in the locker room, I would need to be the last person in there.

I turned on one of the showers and started to rinse my hair of the chlorine from the pool. I stayed in the shower for about 10 minutes waiting for Matt to walk through. Sure enough, Matt walked through the showers winked at me and continued to the lockers.

I turned off my shower and went to the lockers. When I got there, I hoped it would just be me and Matt but 3 other boys were still lugging around. In order to waste time I pulled out my phone and looked to see if my Mom knew we had practice.

"Hurry up Josh, I want to be out of here quick," said Matt still in his jammer.

"Ok, I'm just checking to see if my mom knows we have practice," I responded.

"Make it quick," he said.

I nodded and put away my phone. I took out my blue American Eagle boxer briefs that Matt got me and stepped out of my jammer and into the underwear. I looked over and Matt was changing out of his jammer into his white Nike Pro combat compression shorts. He, as always, looked so hot with them on.

The other 3 boys finally walked out together which just left me and Matt alone in the locker, both of us wearing our underwear.

Without hesitation, I walked over to Matt and was about to speak but he spoke first.

"Don't say anything," he said, "Let me guess, you want more? Don't you?"

I nodded my head yes enthusiastically.

"I thought so," he responded, "Turn around."

I complied and turned around.

"I think goes without saying that I love your ass in these American Eagle boxer briefs," he said slapping my ass.

"Thank you, sir," I responded.

Then without warning, he started to tie up my wrists with rope behind my back.

"What do you say that we get the gang back together and have ourselves another fun weekend?" he asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course, I would say yes," I said.

"Ok, I'll tell the other guys. In the meantime..." Matt said as he suddenly slipped a ball gag into my mouth and strapped it behind my head effectively. "We are going to go on a little trip," he said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

Matt then proceeds to take me out of the swim locker room and into the hallway. I was extremely scared that someone would see us.

"Don't worry I'll make sure no one sees us," he said reassuringly.

I trusted him so I stopped worrying.

Turn after turn we sneakily made our way to the gym I noticed and towards the football locker rooms. I hoped and prayed with all my might that their practice was over and there was nobody in there.

Matt opened the door and we were greeted by the nasty smell of sweat and ass and more sweat. Matt went to the lockers. Thankfully there was nobody in there and I breathed a sigh of relieve. Then I heard 3 voices but it didn't worry me because I recognized them as Justin, Dawson, and Jacob.

Matt turned a corner and sure enough, there was Justin, Dawson, and Jacob still wearing their football gear and uniforms and looking the sweetest I've ever seen anyone.

"Whatcha got there?" Justin asked.

"Get me an open locker and I'll tell you," Matt replied.

Justin beckoned Matt to come forward to the end of the line of lockers. Justin opened the locker and sure enough, it was empty. Matt, with the help of Justin. set me in the locker and made sure that I completely fit. The football lockers were unusually deep like you could fit 2 people in one if you really tried.

"So what's this about?" Justin asked.

"I want to have another weekend like we had other the summer, how about you guys?" he asked.

"Oh hell yeah," they all replied.

"Ok, so in order to do that, we need to get all of the slaves again. I got one," Matt said as he motioned towards me.

"Oh, I see," Justin said, "I'll go get my little bro and you all do the same. And someone needs to let Alex know too," Justin said.

"Ok then, let's get moving," Matt said.

"You go ahead, me, Jacob, and Dawson still need to get changed," Justin said.

"Oh, right," said Matt as he came closer to me, shit the locker door, and put a padlock on the latch and clicked it so it locked, "I'll come back for Josh as soon as I get Lucas."

"Ok sounds good, see ya," Justin said as Matt walked out.

I felt a little nervous that I was now in a room with 3 jocks and none of them were Matt.

Once Matt was gone Jacob said, "I kinda wish Matt didn't lock up Josh, I kinda wanted to play with him."

"You're in luck," Justin said going to his bag on one of the benches.

"What do you mean?" asked Dawson.

"How do you think I tied up Matt earlier this week? I don't have the balls to bring that kind of stuff to school but I knew Matt does. So one day while we were practicing, I came in here to use the bathroom. While I was in here I made an imprint of Matt's key so I could take it to a locksmith and get a printed copy. Later that day, I did just that and the next day I tested it out, and sure enough it worked, and then an hour later Matt was tied up," Justin said with a smile.

I then started to get really nervous because now they had a way to get to me.

"Aha, here it is," Justin said as he moved towards the locker I was in.

I heard the padlock click and be pulled off the latch. Next thing I knew the latch opened the locker did as well. So there I was, in American Eagle blue boxer briefs, my hands tied behind my back, with a ball gag in my mouth, in front of 3 football jocks.

"Dude, I love you," Jacob said.

"Anytime, what should we do with him?" Dawson asked.

"Well I think it smells a little too good in there, so let's fix that," Justin said.

They all knew what to do. Each of the jocks started to undress from their football gear. First the football pads, then the football pants, then the football compression shorts, then the jockstraps, and then they each put on their casual underwear. Justin had Calvin Klein black boxer briefs, Jacob had Aeropostale blue boxer briefs, and Dawson had Champion black boxer briefs.

"Ok let's get started," Justin said.

He picked up his jockstrap that had been stained tan with sweat and walked towards me. He turned it upside down and put the waistband over my neck and then put the straps over my head which made the cup holder go over my mouth and nose.

"MMPHHH," I grunted. The jockstrap smelled absolutely terrible and made me gag.

"I knew you would like it," Justin said.

Jacob and Dawson followed suit and placed their jockstraps over my head as Justin did as well. Now I had 3 disgusting, sweat-stained jockstraps covering my mouth and nose.

"We're not done," Justin said smiling.

Justin then proceeded to pick up the Under Armour compression shorts he was wearing and hung them on the hook next to my head. The other guys followed suit again and thing their compression shorts on the hooks in the locker.

"Let's just shove everything in there," Justin said.

"But the pads won't fit around him," Jacob said.

"Well I guess we will just have to put the pads on him instead," Justin replied.

And with that, Justin picked up the football shoulder pads he wore to practice and slip them over my jockstrap covered faced so that they rested on my shoulders.

"Wait let me put my football pants on him too," Justin said.

Justin grabbed the pants and lifted each one of my legs and put them in the leg holes and slid the waistband up my body and laced up the crotch. Jacob and Dawson then tried to put their pads on me but there was no room left on me so instead they crammed their football pants into the locker near my face and crammed their pads on the bottom of the locker next to my feet on each side.

So there I was, wearing blue American Eagle boxer briefs, but you couldn't see them since I was wearing Justin's sweaty football pants. I also had his sweaty pads on as well. Jacob and Dawson's football pants were crammed right next to my head and their pads were each by my feet on the bottom of the locker. My mouth was gagged by a ball gag that was covered up by 3 sweat-stained jockstraps that covered my mouth and nose. My hands were tied behind my back as well. And last but not least the smell of sweat and ass had intensified by a factor of 10,000 since I had all this sweaty gear around me. I could not breathe without gagging.

"One more thing to complete our work," Justin said as he turned around and grabbed his helmet.

"All football players must wear a helmet," he said. And with that, he stepped forward and shoved the helmet over my head so that the metals bars were in my vision.

"Perfect," he said with a smile.

"Now what?" Jacob asked.

"Well we need to go get our little bros," Justin said, "Or maybe..."

"What is it?" Dawson asked.

"We might be able to use Josh as a way to tie up Matt again," Justin suggested.

"How?" asked Jacob.

"Well we could lock the locker Josh is in with one of my locks that only I have the key to, and the only way Josh will be freed will be if Matt lets us tie him up," Justin explained.

"Oh we have to do that," said Dawson with a devious smile.

"Ok then, it's settled," said Justin as he closed the locker that I was in and locked with his lock.

"Let's hide and wait for him to come back," Jacob said as I saw their figures move out of my sight. Moments later the lights turned and I was alone in a locked locker, tied up, and surrounded by smelly football gear.

I started to get the same feeling that I got before during the summer. The football pants became tighter with my expanding bulge and I realized that I actually enjoyed the smell. I took a deep whiff of Justin's jockstrap on y face and sighed.

It wasn't for another 20 minutes until I heard the door open. I heard footsteps getting closer and then...

"Sorry for the wait Josh, nut Lucas took a while to get tied up, he's in the truck waiting. Ok let's get you out, wait a minute," Matt said.

The lights flew on.

"Hi Matt, long time no see," said Justin.

"Hey did you change this lock?" asked Matt.

"Well yeah, how did you expect I got your rope out of your locker when I tied you up earlier this week?" asked Justin.

"Tricky boy," said Matt, "Ok, then could you go get your key? We really should get going," said Matt.

"Not so fast," said Justin, "You see, I have you right in the grasp of my hand. You can't leave without Josh and Josh doesn't leave until I give you the key."

"What do you want?" asked Matt.

"Oh nothing, just a little fun with you," Justin said.

"Oh whatever," Matt said," but how do I know that you will let Josh go when our fun is over?" Matt said.

"Here," Justin said as he walked over to my locker and unlocked the lock and opened the door," Happy? I'll leave this open so Josh can get a front seat view."

"Ok, I'm yours," Matt said.

"I know you are, slave," Justin said," Now strip to those sexy compression shorts."

It was strange to see Matt as a subordinate, especially to Justin. Anyways Matt walked over to Justin, who was still in his Black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, so I could see him and started to strip down. He removed his shoes and socks to reveal his perfect feet. Next, he removed his shirt to expose his hairless chest, toned pecs, and tight abs. Lastly, he took off his shorts to reveal his Nike Pro Combat white compression shorts and his expanding bulge.

"Good boy," said Justin as he slid his hand across Matt's pecs and nipples. He walked circles around him, as he did so he moved his hand everywhere and slapped his ass. He also noticed that his bulge was growing.

"I can see someone is a little excited," Justin said. Matt gave no expression.

"Jacob, Dawson, want to get in on this?" Justin called as Jacob and Dawson came into view, both still wearing their underwear. and started to replicate what Justin was doing.

Matt continued to stand there, emotionless, as his friends creased every inch of his hot body.

"Ok well that's enough of that," said Justin, giving Matt one more slap on the ass, "Go get the rope, Jacob."

Jacob disappeared from sight I had and came back with 4 coils of black rope.

"Dawson go get that bench from the wall over there and bring it over here," commanded Justin.

Dawson disappeared for a quick second and came back with a black 4 legged bench and set it down.

"Ok Matt, lay on your stomach," said Justin as Matt bent down and laid on his stomach on the bench.

Next Justin, Jacob, and Dawson went around tying each wrist and ankle to one leg of the bench. In no time at all Matt was tied to the bench.

"Ok Matt, I don't know if you're going to enjoy this at all but this is payback for that night," Justin said.

"What night?" Matt asked.

"That night," Justin replied, "When I had something in my mouth that made me feel the gayest I've ever felt."

"That was just spur of the moment," Matt said.

"So is this then," said Justin.

I had no idea what they were talking about but boy was I soon to find out.

One by one they each pulled down their underwear so that they were completely naked. Then Justin moved closer to Matt's mouth and shoved his cock in. Justin began to thrust his cock forward and backward in Matt's mouth but making sure it stayed in there. I don't know what expression Matt was displaying. Either enjoyment or fear, I mean he was in whit Nike Pro Combat compression shorts, tied to a bench, sucking his naked best friend's dick, while 2 other naked boys watched, and a tied up junior in a locker full of football gear.

Justin continued thrusting for 5 more minutes until he took his dick out of Matt's mouth and without warning spewed semen all over Matt's face and even some in his mouth. As he did so he moaned," Oh, Oh, Oh," constantly.

Instead of spitting out the semen that was in his mouth, Matt swallowed it.

Next, Jacob walked closer and took Justin's spot and said, "Get ready big boy." And with that shoved his dick in Matt's mouth and begun thrusting as Justin did. Jacob took about 3 minutes until he removed his dick from Matt's mouth. But instead of aiming for Matt's head, Jacob placed his dick in Matt's hair and spewed streams of semen into Matt's locks of blonde hair.

"Nice," Justin said.

Dawson was next and moved where Jacob was and shoved his dick in Matt's mouth and started thrusting. I was surprised at how well Matt was taking it. He wasn't struggling at all. Maybe that's because he might actually enjoy it. About 6 minutes later Dawson removed his dick from Matt's mouth and instead of staying around Matt''d head. Dawson moved towards Matt's butt, lifted the waistband to his compression shorts and spewed his load into Matt's compression shorts, which turned gray where the semen hit.

"OOhhhhh," Matt moaned.

By the time each of the boys was done, Matt had semen all over his face, in his hair, and in his compression shorts.

Each of the 3 boys put their underwear back on.

"Nicely done boys," Justin said, "Enjoy that slave?"

Matt surprisingly nodded his head but said nothing.

"Well that's good," Justin said," Well me, Jacob and Dawson need to go get our little bros so we need to store you and Josh somehow."

"I know, let's stick them in the same locker together and lock it and then come back and unlock it when we are ready," Jacob proposed.

"I like it," said Justin.

And with that, they started to remove all the football gear that was around me and on me. They unlaced the pants and slid them off and took off the pads and helmet and the jockstraps that were on my head. At the same time, they untied Matt and stood him up and tied his hands behind his back.

"I'm going to take out your ball gag so you and Matt can have some fun times," Justin said as he unlatched the ball gag strap and took it out of my mouth. So there I was, my hands tied behind my back while I was only in blue American Eagle boxer briefs.

"Ok Matt, in you go," said Jacob.

And with that, they helped Matt get into the locker with me. It was a tight squeeze. Our bulges touched and basically so did our entire bodies.

"One more thing," said Justin as he disappeared from sight a came back with a black battery powered vibrator. He went over to the locker where I and Matt were and shoved the vibrator right between our bulges.

Just as Justin was about to close the locker door Matt spoke up expectantly.

"Could you do one thing for me?" Matt asked Justin.

"Depends what it is," said Justin.

"Put the jockstraps back on our faces," Matt requested.

"Really?" Justin asked.

"Yes, and I want yours," Matt replied.

"Ok then," Justin said as he went to go get his jockstrap. Once Justin got it, he came back and fit the waistband over Matt's head and put the straps over Matt's head so that the cup holder of the sweat-stained jockstrap went over Matt's mouth and nose. Justin then disappeared and came back with Jacob's sweat-stained jockstrap and did the same thing to me.

"Thank you," said Matt through the jockstrap.

"Anything for you," Justin said as he kissed Matt on the neck and slapped his ass.

"Ok, see you guys in a half an hour," Justin said as he closed the locker and locked it with a padlock, "And have fun you two."

I looked at Matt and DAMN, he has never been sexier in his entire life! Seeing him smell through a dirty jockstrap while in his compression shorts was so hot!

The 3 of them changed into clothes quickly and walked out of the locker room. On their way, they turned off the lights and I'm assuming Justin had an app that turned the vibrator on because as soon as he left the vibrator turned on.

"OOHHHH," me and Matt both moaned through the jockstraps at the same time.

Matt started to thrust and I soon joined him. There we were, tied up in our underwear thrusting against each other while wearing jockstraps over our faces while locked in a locker. Then the vibrator upped its intensity by 25% which I and Matt answered with hard thrusting and louder moaning. Then it intensified again by another 25% which was answered by even harder thrusting and louder moaning.

Me and Matt thrusted against each and moaned for the next 5 minutes until Matt stopped thrusting, moaned louder than we were before, and started to breathe heavily as I assumed he blew his load. I soon followed doing the exact same thing.

As if the vibrator knew that I and Matt had climaxed, it turned off.

"That was amazing," I said through the jockstrap that was on my head.

"Hell yeah, it was," Matt agreed.

"Why did you have these disgusting jockstraps put back on us?" I asked.

"I'll tell you, but only if you suck on my pecs," Matt said.

I completely did expect that and said, "I truly would but I have a jockstrap covering my mouth."

"Do it through the jockstrap," Matt said.

"Gross, but then I would be licking Jacob's dick and sweat," I complained.

"Well, you already licked mine once," Matt said.

"But that was different," I said.

"Was it?" Matt said, "I guess you don't want to know my reasoning then."

"Ugh fine," I said.

I leaned forward and nuzzled my head over Matt's chest until I found his peck. I then pressed my faced around it and licked it through the jockstrap by pressing my tongue against the jockstrap so that I could feel his peck. The jockstrap tasted awful but to be honest, I was enjoying the experience.

"Good boy," Matt said, "Reminds me of old times."

"Uh-huh," I said as I continued my work.

"The reason I had the jockstraps put back on our faces is that I thought it would add to the intensity of our situation. You see whenever they tie me up, I always try and find something that would take the situation to the next level. You have to admit that while we were trying to climax earlier, the jockstraps added to the mood and made it like we were jock slaves. Didn't that make climaxing all the more enjoyable?" Matt said.

I stopped sucking and said, "You had these gross things put on our heads so that we could climax harder and feel better and feel like jock slaves?"

"Yep," Matt answered, "Did it work?"

I recalled to the time I climaxed and remembered that it was the best climax I had ever done.

"Yeah I guess it did," I said.

"See? It was a good idea," said Matt reassuringly.

I went back to sucking on his peck for about 10 more minutes until the lights suddenly flashed on and we heard a pair of footsteps approaching.

"Well boys, I'm back," said the voice of Justin.

I heard the rattling of the padlock and the unlocking of it and then next thing I knew, the locker was opened.

"I going to pick you up Matt and lift you out of the locker ok?" Justin asked.

"Yes, sir," Matt responded.

I then watched as Matt's jockstrap covered face and body was lifted and moved out of the locker. As Matt was lifted out of the locker the light shined on him and on his compression shorts where his crotch is, there was a giant dark spot that wasn't there before.

"I see you guys had a lot of fun, judging by that dark spot and the sounds you guys made as I could hear you in the hallway outside of the locker room.

"Turn around Matt so I can untie your hands," Justin said.

Matt complied and turned around. When he did so Justin started to untie the rope that bound his hands together. I also saw the dark spot where Dawson cummed in Matt's compression shorts.

"Wow Matt, you are just covered in semen! And most of it isn't even yours," Justin said as he freed Matt's hands.

Matt then brought his hands to his head and removed the jockstrap and threw it aside and said, "Yep and I wouldn't want it any other way." Matt then hugged Justin and Justin hugged back. As they hugged I saw Justin's hands sink lower and lower until they were on Matt's spandex covered ass. When they got there, Justin started to crease Matt's ass.

"Ok then, I'll let you get cleaned up. I assume you can handle that slave right?" Justin said as he broke their hug and pointed at me.

"Oh yeah, he's easy," Matt said.

"Ok well see ya there," Justin said as he left the locker room.

Matt waited for Justin to leave and then said, "Come here Josh, I'll help you get out."

I walked forward and allowed Matt to pick me up and set my feet first on the ground. I looked down and there was a huge dark spot on my American Eagle blue boxer briefs.

"Let's get you untied," Matt said as he started to untie the rope. I felt a little embarrassed about the dark spot on my underwear but it wasn't the first time Matt saw and it sure wasn't going to be the last.

Once Matt got me untied he walked over to his locker and grabbed some soap.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I need to clean up for the upcoming days we are going to have," Matt said, "Care to join me?"

"Oh hell yes," I said excitedly.

We both stripped out of our underwear and made our way to the showers.

We both stood under the shower head in the corner and Matt turned it on. The warm water washed off the semen that covered Matt's body and the semen on my body. Matt then squirted some soap on my shoulders and started to rub it all over. I was facing away so his hand were all over my back but would sometimes come around and rub my chest and abs. Matt's hands went slowly down my body until they reached my ass. Then Matt just squeezed it and massaged it which my me moan.

"Ok rinse off now, I need to wash," Matt said.

"Yes sir," I said as I started to rinse the soap off my body. As I did so, I watch the hot naked jock wash himself to get all the semen off him.

About 5 minutes later Matt was finished soaping himself.

"Enjoy the show?" Matt teased.

I blushed and said, "You know I did."

"Did I miss a spot?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, here let me get it," I said.

I took a step closer to Matt and without hesitation, put my mouth around his nipples.

"Oh you're right I did miss that spot," he chuckled as he patted my head.

I smiled at him and went back to work. I continued to suck his nipples for 10 more minutes. Our cocks occasionally touched which made both of us become hard. While I sucked Matt continuously squeezed my ass and moaned a little. The warm kept pouring down our bodies as we stood there in paradise.

"Oh shit, I forgot Lucas was still in my truck," Matt said.

"We could make him wait," I said.

"While I would love to that, we do need to get going," and with that Matt turned off the shower head and I stopped sucking.

We walked back to the lockers where Matt started to get dressed.

"Umm, dad? I don't have a spare change of underwear," I said.

"It's fine I have a pair for you that I take everywhere just in case something like this happens," Matt said as he dug through his bag and tossed me a pair of red American Eagle boxer briefs.

"Thanks, dad," I said as I slipped them on.

Matt continued to get dressed as I watched him in my boxer briefs. When he was finished he grabbed some rope and said, "Ok, you know the drill."

I nodded and turned around as Matt bound my hands together.

"Ok ready to go?' Matt asked.

I nodded and with that Matt picked me up in a cradle form fashion and left the locker room. Matt then navigated the school to make sure no one saw us. It was about 6 PM so all sports were done by now. Matt finally made it to the door to the student parking lot. He opened it and I was scared that there would be cars but to my relief, there was only Matt's truck.

Matt carried me to his truck and opened the driver side passenger door. Sure enough, on the other side, there was a bound Lucas in only his Under Armour black compression shorts, a leather harness, and a duct tape gag.

"Hey, there bro, sorry for the wait but I ran into the guys and we started to talk and I guess we lost track of time," Matt lied. "Wait here," Matt said.

He walked around the truck and opened the passenger door and opened the glove box and took out a leather harness and duct tape. Matt shut the door and came back around.

"Hold still," Matt said as he latched the leather harness around my shoulders and armpits and tightened it. I missed the feeling of having a leather harness on, to be honest. Matt then ripped off 3 strips of duct tape and put them over my mouth so I couldn't speak. Matt then pushed me back into my chair and buckled my seat belt.

He closed my door and opened the driver door and started his truck and we were off. I looked over at Lucas and he looked so hot in just his compression shorts. I tried to tell him but I forgot about the duct tape. I just tried to smile and he tried the same but other than that we had no way to communicate with each other.

We ended up driving for about 20 more minutes until we pulled into the same house like last time. Matt shut off the truck after we pulled in. He opened the glove box and then said," Shit" to himself.

Matt brushed off whatever he forgot and exited the truck and opened my door. He unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me out of the truck by the harness. He closed my door and led me around to Lucas's side and did the same thing.

Now that I and Lucas were both out of the truck, Matt led us to the porch of the house by our harnesses and knocked on the door.

The door opened and there was Justin.

"Where have you been? You're 30 minutes late. And I thought we agreed to put hoods on them," Justin said.

"Sorry dude, I had a few complications in the football locker room, perhaps you know about them," Matt said as Justin smiled. "And I forgot the hoods."

"Well let's bring them in and get them downstairs," Justin said, "Here, let me help you," he said as he grabbed me by my harness and led me to the basement.

As we walked Justin put his hand on my ass and started to massage it as Matt does. "Matt's right, you do have a nice ass," Justin whispered in my ear.

We went the stairs to the basement and there were the same 6 cages there was the last time. Justin led to one of the cages and made me crawl in and locked the door behind me. Lucas got the same treatment as me from Matt. There were 4 hooded figures next to us and I could only assume it was the other 4 junior jocks.

"Ok let's get this show on the road," Justin said as he called the other senior jocks downstairs to remove the hoods from the victims. Jacob, Dawson, and Alex came down the stairs to join Matt and Justin

One by one the hoods were removed, revealing the identities of the jocks. To my right was Lucas in his black Under Armour compression shorts. To my left was Jack in his black Adidas boxer briefs. To his left was Tanner in his yellow American Eagle boxer briefs. To his left was Colby in his navy blue Hollister boxer briefs. And to his left was Jaden in his Nike black compression shorts. We all had leather harnesses on and we all were gagged with duct tape.

"Welcome back brothers," Justin said. "Since we all have been here before, I'm not going to give the long speech. All of your parents have been notified that you will be spending the next 5 days with us thinking that we are all going to Cedar Point, so no need to worry. Ok if that clears everything up, let's start picking. I choose-,"

"Wait I get to pick first," Matt said as he stepped forward.

"If anything you are picking last. You got to pick first last time, you were 30 minutes late, and you didn't bring hoods for your captured jocks," Justin said.

"Fine," Matt said defeated.

"Ok I want our 2 American Eagle models, Josh and Tanner," Justin said.

I looked over at Matt with fear in my eyes. He looked mad but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Ok, I choose Lucas," Jacob said.

"I have Colby," Dawson said.

"I have Jaden," said Alex.

"Well, Jack, it's me and you," Matt said depressed a little.

"Ok, it's settled. Seniors take your prizes home and have fun," Justin said, "Matt could you give me a hand with my 2?"

"Yeah sure," Matt said he came over to my cage and unlocked it and yanked me by the harness to get me to walk up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry son," Matt whispered in my ear, "You are going to have a different adventure with Justin. He's going to do stuff that I never did that to you."

By now we were outside and I was nervous as heck because I didn't have Matt as my master and I didn't know what Justin was going to do to me.

Matt led me to Justin's white truck and opened the driver side passenger door and helped me in and buckled my seat belt. While Matt was fastening my seat belt I looked to my right and saw my slave counterpart Tanner being fastened in as well. We both looked at each other and then away. I had never talked to Tanner and held a conversation for more than 10 seconds. I do have to say, he looks just as sexy as Lucas does, if not sexier in his yellow American Eagle boxer briefs.

Matt and Justin finished strapping us in and Justin closed Tanner's door. Before Matt closed my door he bent over.

"Don't forget who your real daddy is son," Matt whispered into my ear as he kissed my neck and shut the door.

Justin got into the driver seat and started the truck and started to pull out. I looked out the window to see Matt receive Jack for the weekend. I hope Jack enjoys what I'm missing while I'm with Justin.

We drove in silence for 30 minutes, I didn't realize how far Justin lived away from school. When we got to his house it was about 7:30 PM.

We pulled into Justin's driveway and Justin shut off the engine.

"We're here bitches," Justin said as he got out of the truck to retrieve us. Justin came to my door and opened it. He yanked me by the harness out of his truck and shit the door and led me to the other side to get Tanner. He got Tanner and then both led us by the harness to the front door.

He opened it and pushed us through. Justin had a nice house. His family room was roomy and his kitchen was nice too. There was an upstairs which is where the bedrooms were I assumed. I also saw 2 sets of dog bowls on the ground but I didn't see any dogs. Maybe they were upstairs.

Justin led us to the basement door and down the stairs. Once we arrived he flipped on the lights and led us to a back room. Justin opened it and shoved us in.

Like Matt, Justin's playroom was absolutely stacked with fetish toys. There was rope along the walls. Handcuffs and legcuffs were all over. There were different types of gags too. Vibrators, butt plugs, 2 beds, 2 cages, a wooden X, I mean like Justin had everything plus more. On hangers, there were football uniforms, wrestling singlets, jammers, speedos, underwear, morph suits, and more. I also saw some dog masks or something I wondered what they were for.

"You 2 will be trying on most of the stuff in here," Justin said.

Me and Tanner looked at each other. I didn't know if Tanner was scared or excited.

Justin led us over to a clearing in the room where the 2 cages sat about 3 feet apart. The cages were like the ones earlier where there was only enough room for us to be kneeling on our knees.

"Ok, you 2 will be sleeping here tonight," Justin said as he walked us behind the cages that were already opened.

"Tanner, you first," Justin commanded.

Tanner knelt on the ground and crawled forward with the help of Justin's hand pushing him on his ass. Once Tanner was in the cage Justin closed cage and locked it with a padlock.

"Ok Josh, you next," he said as he led me over to my cage. I knelt down and began to crawl into the cage as Justin pushed me with his hand on my ass. Once I was fully in the cage I heard the cage door shut and be locked with a padlock.

Justin walked in front of us and said, "Ok I'm going to go work out for the rest of the night, we'll begin our adventure tomorrow morning," Justin said. "Good night boys," he said as he walked towards the door.

I took one last look at Tanner. He was so sexy tied up in a cage in his underwear, I started to become hard. The lights went and the door closed. So there we were, hands bound behind our backs, me in American Eagle red boxer briefs, and Tanner in yellow American Eagle boxer briefs, gagged with duct tape and locked inside cages.

Our adventure was about to begin.

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 8 ADDED 3/22)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:46 am
by bondage1155
Part 8

I didn't see Lucas or in fact any of the other guys until school started in September. It was a little weird to see those guys because at school they all looked normal like nothing ever happened, but I knew what happened. I even saw Justin say hi to Jaden and they fist bumped and everything just as if Justin never tied up Jaden. This kept occurring with all the guys that were involved.

But anyway the first few months of school went by fairly quickly. I wore my American Eagle boxer briefs every day and would let the waistband stick out a little so Matt could see. Matt would come by my locker every morning just to get a good look, and when no one was looking he would slap my ass.

The guys who were tied up with me did notice me more than usual and talked to me more than last year. I sat next to Derek for a class and we talked about our summers and how they went. Then Derek said, "How was your experience?"

"With Matt? Horrible. You?" I said.

"Same," he said.

But all in all, everything went on as they usually do. Friday 20th November came along and that meant swim conditioning. And not just swim conditioning, swim conditioning with the swim captain, Matt, my master/dad. We had this one practice and then our school had a week off for Thanksgiving. My parents were on an emergency business trip and left me alone for the whole break.

I went to the swim locker room to get changed for the pool and was disappointed to find out that Matt had already gotten changed. I stepped out of the blue American Eagle boxer briefs I was wearing at the time and stepped into my black jammer (Speedo racing trunks). I walked out to the pool deck to see our captain Matt on the pool deck in his black jammer, talking to 3 football jocks in full uniform and gear.

"Dude, you are so lucky you don't have to come to football practice today. It's 85 fucking degrees outside and the coach is making us wear full gear and do drills all day," said one of the football jocks. As I moved closer I realized that it was Justin who was speaking along with Dawson and Jacob who joined the football team this year.

"Well, I guess that's the perks of being the football captain and swim captain," Matt said with a smile.

"Do you want to do something after these practices?" Justin asked.

"Sure," said Matt, "I'll meet you in the football locker room."

"Ok, well, good luck with these dweebs, we better get to practice boys, See ya, Matt," Justin said as he walked out with the other football jocks.

"Ok boys gather around," said Matt addressing the swim team. "We have the chance to beat everyone if our division but only if we work hard and..." Matt said as he continued with his annual motivational start of the season speech.

The rest of practice went pretty averagely. I was placed in lane 3 of 8 which is for the kids who know what they are doing but aren't the fastest swimmers.

After practice ended we all went the locker room to get changed except for Matt who stayed to talk to our coach about the season's practice schedule. Matt also had to be the last one in the locker room so he could lock the doors and know that there was nobody still in the locker room. So in order to get me and Matt alone in the locker room, I would need to be the last person in there.

I turned on one of the showers and started to rinse my hair of the chlorine from the pool. I stayed in the shower for about 10 minutes waiting for Matt to walk through. Sure enough, Matt walked through the showers winked at me and continued to the lockers.

I turned off my shower and went to the lockers. When I got there, I hoped it would just be me and Matt but 3 other boys were still lugging around. In order to waste time I pulled out my phone and looked to see if my Mom knew we had practice.

"Hurry up Josh, I want to be out of here quick," said Matt still in his jammer.

"Ok, I'm just checking to see if my mom knows we have practice," I responded.

"Make it quick," he said.

I nodded and put away my phone. I took out my blue American Eagle boxer briefs that Matt got me and stepped out of my jammer and into the underwear. I looked over and Matt was changing out of his jammer into his white Nike Pro combat compression shorts. He, as always, looked so hot with them on.

The other 3 boys finally walked out together which just left me and Matt alone in the locker, both of us wearing our underwear.

Without hesitation, I walked over to Matt and was about to speak but he spoke first.

"Don't say anything," he said, "Let me guess, you want more? Don't you?"

I nodded my head yes enthusiastically.

"I thought so," he responded, "Turn around."

I complied and turned around.

"I think goes without saying that I love your ass in these American Eagle boxer briefs," he said slapping my ass.

"Thank you, sir," I responded.

Then without warning, he started to tie up my wrists with rope behind my back.

"What do you say that we get the gang back together and have ourselves another fun weekend?" he asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course, I would say yes," I said.

"Ok, I'll tell the other guys. In the meantime..." Matt said as he suddenly slipped a ball gag into my mouth and strapped it behind my head effectively. "We are going to go on a little trip," he said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

Matt then proceeds to take me out of the swim locker room and into the hallway. I was extremely scared that someone would see us.

"Don't worry I'll make sure no one sees us," he said reassuringly.

I trusted him so I stopped worrying.

Turn after turn we sneakily made our way to the gym I noticed and towards the football locker rooms. I hoped and prayed with all my might that their practice was over and there was nobody in there.

Matt opened the door and we were greeted by the nasty smell of sweat and ass and more sweat. Matt went to the lockers. Thankfully there was nobody in there and I breathed a sigh of relieve. Then I heard 3 voices but it didn't worry me because I recognized them as Justin, Dawson, and Jacob.

Matt turned a corner and sure enough, there was Justin, Dawson, and Jacob still wearing their football gear and uniforms and looking the sweetest I've ever seen anyone.

"Whatcha got there?" Justin asked.

"Get me an open locker and I'll tell you," Matt replied.

Justin beckoned Matt to come forward to the end of the line of lockers. Justin opened the locker and sure enough, it was empty. Matt, with the help of Justin. set me in the locker and made sure that I completely fit. The football lockers were unusually deep like you could fit 2 people in one if you really tried.

"So what's this about?" Justin asked.

"I want to have another weekend like we had other the summer, how about you guys?" he asked.

"Oh hell yeah," they all replied.

"Ok, so in order to do that, we need to get all of the slaves again. I got one," Matt said as he motioned towards me.

"Oh, I see," Justin said, "I'll go get my little bro and you all do the same. And someone needs to let Alex know too," Justin said.

"Ok then, let's get moving," Matt said.

"You go ahead, me, Jacob, and Dawson still need to get changed," Justin said.

"Oh, right," said Matt as he came closer to me, shit the locker door, and put a padlock on the latch and clicked it so it locked, "I'll come back for Josh as soon as I get Lucas."

"Ok sounds good, see ya," Justin said as Matt walked out.

I felt a little nervous that I was now in a room with 3 jocks and none of them were Matt.

Once Matt was gone Jacob said, "I kinda wish Matt didn't lock up Josh, I kinda wanted to play with him."

"You're in luck," Justin said going to his bag on one of the benches.

"What do you mean?" asked Dawson.

"How do you think I tied up Matt earlier this week? I don't have the balls to bring that kind of stuff to school but I knew Matt does. So one day while we were practicing, I came in here to use the bathroom. While I was in here I made an imprint of Matt's key so I could take it to a locksmith and get a printed copy. Later that day, I did just that and the next day I tested it out, and sure enough it worked, and then an hour later Matt was tied up," Justin said with a smile.

I then started to get really nervous because now they had a way to get to me.

"Aha, here it is," Justin said as he moved towards the locker I was in.

I heard the padlock click and be pulled off the latch. Next thing I knew the latch opened the locker did as well. So there I was, in American Eagle blue boxer briefs, my hands tied behind my back, with a ball gag in my mouth, in front of 3 football jocks.

"Dude, I love you," Jacob said.

"Anytime, what should we do with him?" Dawson asked.

"Well I think it smells a little too good in there, so let's fix that," Justin said.

They all knew what to do. Each of the jocks started to undress from their football gear. First the football pads, then the football pants, then the football compression shorts, then the jockstraps, and then they each put on their casual underwear. Justin had Calvin Klein black boxer briefs, Jacob had Aeropostale blue boxer briefs, and Dawson had Champion black boxer briefs.

"Ok let's get started," Justin said.

He picked up his jockstrap that had been stained tan with sweat and walked towards me. He turned it upside down and put the waistband over my neck and then put the straps over my head which made the cup holder go over my mouth and nose.

"MMPHHH," I grunted. The jockstrap smelled absolutely terrible and made me gag.

"I knew you would like it," Justin said.

Jacob and Dawson followed suit and placed their jockstraps over my head as Justin did as well. Now I had 3 disgusting, sweat-stained jockstraps covering my mouth and nose.

"We're not done," Justin said smiling.

Justin then proceeded to pick up the Under Armour compression shorts he was wearing and hung them on the hook next to my head. The other guys followed suit again and thing their compression shorts on the hooks in the locker.

"Let's just shove everything in there," Justin said.

"But the pads won't fit around him," Jacob said.

"Well I guess we will just have to put the pads on him instead," Justin replied.

And with that, Justin picked up the football shoulder pads he wore to practice and slip them over my jockstrap covered faced so that they rested on my shoulders.

"Wait let me put my football pants on him too," Justin said.

Justin grabbed the pants and lifted each one of my legs and put them in the leg holes and slid the waistband up my body and laced up the crotch. Jacob and Dawson then tried to put their pads on me but there was no room left on me so instead they crammed their football pants into the locker near my face and crammed their pads on the bottom of the locker next to my feet on each side.

So there I was, wearing blue American Eagle boxer briefs, but you couldn't see them since I was wearing Justin's sweaty football pants. I also had his sweaty pads on as well. Jacob and Dawson's football pants were crammed right next to my head and their pads were each by my feet on the bottom of the locker. My mouth was gagged by a ball gag that was covered up by 3 sweat-stained jockstraps that covered my mouth and nose. My hands were tied behind my back as well. And last but not least the smell of sweat and ass had intensified by a factor of 10,000 since I had all this sweaty gear around me. I could not breathe without gagging.

"One more thing to complete our work," Justin said as he turned around and grabbed his helmet.

"All football players must wear a helmet," he said. And with that, he stepped forward and shoved the helmet over my head so that the metals bars were in my vision.

"Perfect," he said with a smile.

"Now what?" Jacob asked.

"Well we need to go get our little bros," Justin said, "Or maybe..."

"What is it?" Dawson asked.

"We might be able to use Josh as a way to tie up Matt again," Justin suggested.

"How?" asked Jacob.

"Well we could lock the locker Josh is in with one of my locks that only I have the key to, and the only way Josh will be freed will be if Matt lets us tie him up," Justin explained.

"Oh we have to do that," said Dawson with a devious smile.

"Ok then, it's settled," said Justin as he closed the locker that I was in and locked with his lock.

"Let's hide and wait for him to come back," Jacob said as I saw their figures move out of my sight. Moments later the lights turned and I was alone in a locked locker, tied up, and surrounded by smelly football gear.

I started to get the same feeling that I got before during the summer. The football pants became tighter with my expanding bulge and I realized that I actually enjoyed the smell. I took a deep whiff of Justin's jockstrap on y face and sighed.

It wasn't for another 20 minutes until I heard the door open. I heard footsteps getting closer and then...

"Sorry for the wait Josh, nut Lucas took a while to get tied up, he's in the truck waiting. Ok let's get you out, wait a minute," Matt said.

The lights flew on.

"Hi Matt, long time no see," said Justin.

"Hey did you change this lock?" asked Matt.

"Well yeah, how did you expect I got your rope out of your locker when I tied you up earlier this week?" asked Justin.

"Tricky boy," said Matt, "Ok, then could you go get your key? We really should get going," said Matt.

"Not so fast," said Justin, "You see, I have you right in the grasp of my hand. You can't leave without Josh and Josh doesn't leave until I give you the key."

"What do you want?" asked Matt.

"Oh nothing, just a little fun with you," Justin said.

"Oh whatever," Matt said," but how do I know that you will let Josh go when our fun is over?" Matt said.

"Here," Justin said as he walked over to my locker and unlocked the lock and opened the door," Happy? I'll leave this open so Josh can get a front seat view."

"Ok, I'm yours," Matt said.

"I know you are, slave," Justin said," Now strip to those sexy compression shorts."

It was strange to see Matt as a subordinate, especially to Justin. Anyways Matt walked over to Justin, who was still in his Black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, so I could see him and started to strip down. He removed his shoes and socks to reveal his perfect feet. Next, he removed his shirt to expose his hairless chest, toned pecs, and tight abs. Lastly, he took off his shorts to reveal his Nike Pro Combat white compression shorts and his expanding bulge.

"Good boy," said Justin as he slid his hand across Matt's pecs and nipples. He walked circles around him, as he did so he moved his hand everywhere and slapped his ass. He also noticed that his bulge was growing.

"I can see someone is a little excited," Justin said. Matt gave no expression.

"Jacob, Dawson, want to get in on this?" Justin called as Jacob and Dawson came into view, both still wearing their underwear. and started to replicate what Justin was doing.

Matt continued to stand there, emotionless, as his friends creased every inch of his hot body.

"Ok well that's enough of that," said Justin, giving Matt one more slap on the ass, "Go get the rope, Jacob."

Jacob disappeared from sight I had and came back with 4 coils of black rope.

"Dawson go get that bench from the wall over there and bring it over here," commanded Justin.

Dawson disappeared for a quick second and came back with a black 4 legged bench and set it down.

"Ok Matt, lay on your stomach," said Justin as Matt bent down and laid on his stomach on the bench.

Next Justin, Jacob, and Dawson went around tying each wrist and ankle to one leg of the bench. In no time at all Matt was tied to the bench.

"Ok Matt, I don't know if you're going to enjoy this at all but this is payback for that night," Justin said.

"What night?" Matt asked.

"That night," Justin replied, "When I had something in my mouth that made me feel the gayest I've ever felt."

"That was just spur of the moment," Matt said.

"So is this then," said Justin.

I had no idea what they were talking about but boy was I soon to find out.

One by one they each pulled down their underwear so that they were completely naked. Then Justin moved closer to Matt's mouth and shoved his cock in. Justin began to thrust his cock forward and backward in Matt's mouth but making sure it stayed in there. I don't know what expression Matt was displaying. Either enjoyment or fear, I mean he was in whit Nike Pro Combat compression shorts, tied to a bench, sucking his naked best friend's dick, while 2 other naked boys watched, and a tied up junior in a locker full of football gear.

Justin continued thrusting for 5 more minutes until he took his dick out of Matt's mouth and without warning spewed semen all over Matt's face and even some in his mouth. As he did so he moaned," Oh, Oh, Oh," constantly.

Instead of spitting out the semen that was in his mouth, Matt swallowed it.

Next, Jacob walked closer and took Justin's spot and said, "Get ready big boy." And with that shoved his dick in Matt's mouth and begun thrusting as Justin did. Jacob took about 3 minutes until he removed his dick from Matt's mouth. But instead of aiming for Matt's head, Jacob placed his dick in Matt's hair and spewed streams of semen into Matt's locks of blonde hair.

"Nice," Justin said.

Dawson was next and moved where Jacob was and shoved his dick in Matt's mouth and started thrusting. I was surprised at how well Matt was taking it. He wasn't struggling at all. Maybe that's because he might actually enjoy it. About 6 minutes later Dawson removed his dick from Matt's mouth and instead of staying around Matt''d head. Dawson moved towards Matt's butt, lifted the waistband to his compression shorts and spewed his load into Matt's compression shorts, which turned gray where the semen hit.

"OOhhhhh," Matt moaned.

By the time each of the boys was done, Matt had semen all over his face, in his hair, and in his compression shorts.

Each of the 3 boys put their underwear back on.

"Nicely done boys," Justin said, "Enjoy that slave?"

Matt surprisingly nodded his head but said nothing.

"Well that's good," Justin said," Well me, Jacob and Dawson need to go get our little bros so we need to store you and Josh somehow."

"I know, let's stick them in the same locker together and lock it and then come back and unlock it when we are ready," Jacob proposed.

"I like it," said Justin.

And with that, they started to remove all the football gear that was around me and on me. They unlaced the pants and slid them off and took off the pads and helmet and the jockstraps that were on my head. At the same time, they untied Matt and stood him up and tied his hands behind his back.

"I'm going to take out your ball gag so you and Matt can have some fun times," Justin said as he unlatched the ball gag strap and took it out of my mouth. So there I was, my hands tied behind my back while I was only in blue American Eagle boxer briefs.

"Ok Matt, in you go," said Jacob.

And with that, they helped Matt get into the locker with me. It was a tight squeeze. Our bulges touched and basically so did our entire bodies.

"One more thing," said Justin as he disappeared from sight a came back with a black battery powered vibrator. He went over to the locker where I and Matt were and shoved the vibrator right between our bulges.

Just as Justin was about to close the locker door Matt spoke up expectantly.

"Could you do one thing for me?" Matt asked Justin.

"Depends what it is," said Justin.

"Put the jockstraps back on our faces," Matt requested.

"Really?" Justin asked.

"Yes, and I want yours," Matt replied.

"Ok then," Justin said as he went to go get his jockstrap. Once Justin got it, he came back and fit the waistband over Matt's head and put the straps over Matt's head so that the cup holder of the sweat-stained jockstrap went over Matt's mouth and nose. Justin then disappeared and came back with Jacob's sweat-stained jockstrap and did the same thing to me.

"Thank you," said Matt through the jockstrap.

"Anything for you," Justin said as he kissed Matt on the neck and slapped his ass.

"Ok, see you guys in a half an hour," Justin said as he closed the locker and locked it with a padlock, "And have fun you two."

I looked at Matt and DAMN, he has never been sexier in his entire life! Seeing him smell through a dirty jockstrap while in his compression shorts was so hot!

The 3 of them changed into clothes quickly and walked out of the locker room. On their way, they turned off the lights and I'm assuming Justin had an app that turned the vibrator on because as soon as he left the vibrator turned on.

"OOHHHH," me and Matt both moaned through the jockstraps at the same time.

Matt started to thrust and I soon joined him. There we were, tied up in our underwear thrusting against each other while wearing jockstraps over our faces while locked in a locker. Then the vibrator upped its intensity by 25% which I and Matt answered with hard thrusting and louder moaning. Then it intensified again by another 25% which was answered by even harder thrusting and louder moaning.

Me and Matt thrusted against each and moaned for the next 5 minutes until Matt stopped thrusting, moaned louder than we were before, and started to breathe heavily as I assumed he blew his load. I soon followed doing the exact same thing.

As if the vibrator knew that I and Matt had climaxed, it turned off.

"That was amazing," I said through the jockstrap that was on my head.

"Hell yeah, it was," Matt agreed.

"Why did you have these disgusting jockstraps put back on us?" I asked.

"I'll tell you, but only if you suck on my pecs," Matt said.

I completely did expect that and said, "I truly would but I have a jockstrap covering my mouth."

"Do it through the jockstrap," Matt said.

"Gross, but then I would be licking Jacob's dick and sweat," I complained.

"Well, you already licked mine once," Matt said.

"But that was different," I said.

"Was it?" Matt said, "I guess you don't want to know my reasoning then."

"Ugh fine," I said.

I leaned forward and nuzzled my head over Matt's chest until I found his peck. I then pressed my faced around it and licked it through the jockstrap by pressing my tongue against the jockstrap so that I could feel his peck. The jockstrap tasted awful but to be honest, I was enjoying the experience.

"Good boy," Matt said, "Reminds me of old times."

"Uh-huh," I said as I continued my work.

"The reason I had the jockstraps put back on our faces is that I thought it would add to the intensity of our situation. You see whenever they tie me up, I always try and find something that would take the situation to the next level. You have to admit that while we were trying to climax earlier, the jockstraps added to the mood and made it like we were jock slaves. Didn't that make climaxing all the more enjoyable?" Matt said.

I stopped sucking and said, "You had these gross things put on our heads so that we could climax harder and feel better and feel like jock slaves?"

"Yep," Matt answered, "Did it work?"

I recalled to the time I climaxed and remembered that it was the best climax I had ever done.

"Yeah I guess it did," I said.

"See? It was a good idea," said Matt reassuringly.

I went back to sucking on his peck for about 10 more minutes until the lights suddenly flashed on and we heard a pair of footsteps approaching.

"Well boys, I'm back," said the voice of Justin.

I heard the rattling of the padlock and the unlocking of it and then next thing I knew, the locker was opened.

"I going to pick you up Matt and lift you out of the locker ok?" Justin asked.

"Yes, sir," Matt responded.

I then watched as Matt's jockstrap covered face and body was lifted and moved out of the locker. As Matt was lifted out of the locker the light shined on him and on his compression shorts where his crotch is, there was a giant dark spot that wasn't there before.

"I see you guys had a lot of fun, judging by that dark spot and the sounds you guys made as I could hear you in the hallway outside of the locker room.

"Turn around Matt so I can untie your hands," Justin said.

Matt complied and turned around. When he did so Justin started to untie the rope that bound his hands together. I also saw the dark spot where Dawson cummed in Matt's compression shorts.

"Wow Matt, you are just covered in semen! And most of it isn't even yours," Justin said as he freed Matt's hands.

Matt then brought his hands to his head and removed the jockstrap and threw it aside and said, "Yep and I wouldn't want it any other way." Matt then hugged Justin and Justin hugged back. As they hugged I saw Justin's hands sink lower and lower until they were on Matt's spandex covered ass. When they got there, Justin started to crease Matt's ass.

"Ok then, I'll let you get cleaned up. I assume you can handle that slave right?" Justin said as he broke their hug and pointed at me.

"Oh yeah, he's easy," Matt said.

"Ok well see ya there," Justin said as he left the locker room.

Matt waited for Justin to leave and then said, "Come here Josh, I'll help you get out."

I walked forward and allowed Matt to pick me up and set my feet first on the ground. I looked down and there was a huge dark spot on my American Eagle blue boxer briefs.

"Let's get you untied," Matt said as he started to untie the rope. I felt a little embarrassed about the dark spot on my underwear but it wasn't the first time Matt saw and it sure wasn't going to be the last.

Once Matt got me untied he walked over to his locker and grabbed some soap.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I need to clean up for the upcoming days we are going to have," Matt said, "Care to join me?"

"Oh hell yes," I said excitedly.

We both stripped out of our underwear and made our way to the showers.

We both stood under the shower head in the corner and Matt turned it on. The warm water washed off the semen that covered Matt's body and the semen on my body. Matt then squirted some soap on my shoulders and started to rub it all over. I was facing away so his hand were all over my back but would sometimes come around and rub my chest and abs. Matt's hands went slowly down my body until they reached my ass. Then Matt just squeezed it and massaged it which my me moan.

"Ok rinse off now, I need to wash," Matt said.

"Yes sir," I said as I started to rinse the soap off my body. As I did so, I watch the hot naked jock wash himself to get all the semen off him.

About 5 minutes later Matt was finished soaping himself.

"Enjoy the show?" Matt teased.

I blushed and said, "You know I did."

"Did I miss a spot?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, here let me get it," I said.

I took a step closer to Matt and without hesitation, put my mouth around his nipples.

"Oh you're right I did miss that spot," he chuckled as he patted my head.

I smiled at him and went back to work. I continued to suck his nipples for 10 more minutes. Our cocks occasionally touched which made both of us become hard. While I sucked Matt continuously squeezed my ass and moaned a little. The warm kept pouring down our bodies as we stood there in paradise.

"Oh shit, I forgot Lucas was still in my truck," Matt said.

"We could make him wait," I said.

"While I would love to that, we do need to get going," and with that Matt turned off the shower head and I stopped sucking.

We walked back to the lockers where Matt started to get dressed.

"Umm, dad? I don't have a spare change of underwear," I said.

"It's fine I have a pair for you that I take everywhere just in case something like this happens," Matt said as he dug through his bag and tossed me a pair of red American Eagle boxer briefs.

"Thanks, dad," I said as I slipped them on.

Matt continued to get dressed as I watched him in my boxer briefs. When he was finished he grabbed some rope and said, "Ok, you know the drill."

I nodded and turned around as Matt bound my hands together.

"Ok ready to go?' Matt asked.

I nodded and with that Matt picked me up in a cradle form fashion and left the locker room. Matt then navigated the school to make sure no one saw us. It was about 6 PM so all sports were done by now. Matt finally made it to the door to the student parking lot. He opened it and I was scared that there would be cars but to my relief, there was only Matt's truck.

Matt carried me to his truck and opened the driver side passenger door. Sure enough, on the other side, there was a bound Lucas in only his Under Armour black compression shorts, a leather harness, and a duct tape gag.

"Hey, there bro, sorry for the wait but I ran into the guys and we started to talk and I guess we lost track of time," Matt lied. "Wait here," Matt said.

He walked around the truck and opened the passenger door and opened the glove box and took out a leather harness and duct tape. Matt shut the door and came back around.

"Hold still," Matt said as he latched the leather harness around my shoulders and armpits and tightened it. I missed the feeling of having a leather harness on, to be honest. Matt then ripped off 3 strips of duct tape and put them over my mouth so I couldn't speak. Matt then pushed me back into my chair and buckled my seat belt.

He closed my door and opened the driver door and started his truck and we were off. I looked over at Lucas and he looked so hot in just his compression shorts. I tried to tell him but I forgot about the duct tape. I just tried to smile and he tried the same but other than that we had no way to communicate with each other.

We ended up driving for about 20 more minutes until we pulled into the same house like last time. Matt shut off the truck after we pulled in. He opened the glove box and then said," Shit" to himself.

Matt brushed off whatever he forgot and exited the truck and opened my door. He unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me out of the truck by the harness. He closed my door and led me around to Lucas's side and did the same thing.

Now that I and Lucas were both out of the truck, Matt led us to the porch of the house by our harnesses and knocked on the door.

The door opened and there was Justin.

"Where have you been? You're 30 minutes late. And I thought we agreed to put hoods on them," Justin said.

"Sorry dude, I had a few complications in the football locker room, perhaps you know about them," Matt said as Justin smiled. "And I forgot the hoods."

"Well let's bring them in and get them downstairs," Justin said, "Here, let me help you," he said as he grabbed me by my harness and led me to the basement.

As we walked Justin put his hand on my ass and started to massage it as Matt does. "Matt's right, you do have a nice ass," Justin whispered in my ear.

We went the stairs to the basement and there were the same 6 cages there was the last time. Justin led to one of the cages and made me crawl in and locked the door behind me. Lucas got the same treatment as me from Matt. There were 4 hooded figures next to us and I could only assume it was the other 4 junior jocks.

"Ok let's get this show on the road," Justin said as he called the other senior jocks downstairs to remove the hoods from the victims. Jacob, Dawson, and Alex came down the stairs to join Matt and Justin

One by one the hoods were removed, revealing the identities of the jocks. To my right was Lucas in his black Under Armour compression shorts. To my left was Jack in his black Adidas boxer briefs. To his left was Tanner in his yellow American Eagle boxer briefs. To his left was Colby in his navy blue Hollister boxer briefs. And to his left was Jaden in his Nike black compression shorts. We all had leather harnesses on and we all were gagged with duct tape.

"Welcome back brothers," Justin said. "Since we all have been here before, I'm not going to give the long speech. All of your parents have been notified that you will be spending the next 5 days with us thinking that we are all going to Cedar Point, so no need to worry. Ok if that clears everything up, let's start picking. I choose-,"

"Wait I get to pick first," Matt said as he stepped forward.

"If anything you are picking last. You got to pick first last time, you were 30 minutes late, and you didn't bring hoods for your captured jocks," Justin said.

"Fine," Matt said defeated.

"Ok I want our 2 American Eagle models, Josh and Tanner," Justin said.

I looked over at Matt with fear in my eyes. He looked mad but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Ok, I choose Lucas," Jacob said.

"I have Colby," Dawson said.

"I have Jaden," said Alex.

"Well, Jack, it's me and you," Matt said depressed a little.

"Ok, it's settled. Seniors take your prizes home and have fun," Justin said, "Matt could you give me a hand with my 2?"

"Yeah sure," Matt said he came over to my cage and unlocked it and yanked me by the harness to get me to walk up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry son," Matt whispered in my ear, "You are going to have a different adventure with Justin. He's going to do stuff that I never did that to you."

By now we were outside and I was nervous as heck because I didn't have Matt as my master and I didn't know what Justin was going to do to me.

Matt led me to Justin's white truck and opened the driver side passenger door and helped me in and buckled my seat belt. While Matt was fastening my seat belt I looked to my right and saw my slave counterpart Tanner being fastened in as well. We both looked at each other and then away. I had never talked to Tanner and held a conversation for more than 10 seconds. I do have to say, he looks just as sexy as Lucas does, if not sexier in his yellow American Eagle boxer briefs.

Matt and Justin finished strapping us in and Justin closed Tanner's door. Before Matt closed my door he bent over.

"Don't forget who your real daddy is son," Matt whispered into my ear as he kissed my neck and shut the door.

Justin got into the driver seat and started the truck and started to pull out. I looked out the window to see Matt receive Jack for the weekend. I hope Jack enjoys what I'm missing while I'm with Justin.

We drove in silence for 30 minutes, I didn't realize how far Justin lived away from school. When we got to his house it was about 7:30 PM.

We pulled into Justin's driveway and Justin shut off the engine.

"We're here bitches," Justin said as he got out of the truck to retrieve us. Justin came to my door and opened it. He yanked me by the harness out of his truck and shit the door and led me to the other side to get Tanner. He got Tanner and then both led us by the harness to the front door.

He opened it and pushed us through. Justin had a nice house. His family room was roomy and his kitchen was nice too. There was an upstairs which is where the bedrooms were I assumed. I also saw 2 sets of dog bowls on the ground but I didn't see any dogs. Maybe they were upstairs.

Justin led us to the basement door and down the stairs. Once we arrived he flipped on the lights and led us to a back room. Justin opened it and shoved us in.

Like Matt, Justin's playroom was absolutely stacked with fetish toys. There was rope along the walls. Handcuffs and legcuffs were all over. There were different types of gags too. Vibrators, butt plugs, 2 beds, 2 cages, a wooden X, I mean like Justin had everything plus more. On hangers, there were football uniforms, wrestling singlets, jammers, speedos, underwear, morph suits, and more. I also saw some dog masks or something I wondered what they were for.

"You 2 will be trying on most of the stuff in here," Justin said.

Me and Tanner looked at each other. I didn't know if Tanner was scared or excited.

Justin led us over to a clearing in the room where the 2 cages sat about 3 feet apart. The cages were like the ones earlier where there was only enough room for us to be kneeling on our knees.

"Ok, you 2 will be sleeping here tonight," Justin said as he walked us behind the cages that were already opened.

"Tanner, you first," Justin commanded.

Tanner knelt on the ground and crawled forward with the help of Justin's hand pushing him on his ass. Once Tanner was in the cage Justin closed cage and locked it with a padlock.

"Ok Josh, you next," he said as he led me over to my cage. I knelt down and began to crawl into the cage as Justin pushed me with his hand on my ass. Once I was fully in the cage I heard the cage door shut and be locked with a padlock.

Justin walked in front of us and said, "Ok I'm going to go work out for the rest of the night, we'll begin our adventure tomorrow morning," Justin said. "Good night boys," he said as he walked towards the door.

I took one last look at Tanner. He was so sexy tied up in a cage in his underwear, I started to become hard. The lights went and the door closed. So there we were, hands bound behind our backs, me in American Eagle red boxer briefs, and Tanner in yellow American Eagle boxer briefs, gagged with duct tape and locked inside cages.

Our adventure was about to begin.

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 8 ADDED 3/22)

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:51 am
by GoBucks
Hot new chapter! The football locker room is a perfect setting to be tied up. Love the use of dirty jockstraps and football uniforms. Justin seems to be a lot more extreme than Matt. Look forward to seeing what he has planned :twisted:

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 8 ADDED 3/22)

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:45 am
by Jason07
I got to say I am thoroughly enjoying these stories. I really hope to be reading the next part soon. Kinda scared to see what Justin has in store for them.

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 9 ADDED 5/10)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 3:03 am
by bondage1155
Part 9

I awoke to sound of the door being opened and closed. I hoped with all my might that Matt was the one who opened the door but, instead it was Justin. I was still in a cage with my hands tied behind my back and my mouth duct taped in my red American Eagle boxer briefs and a leather harness. I looked over to my side expecting to see Tanner starting to wake up, but to my surprise, his cage was empty.

Justin walked behind my cage and unlocked the padlock and opened the door.

"Crawl out," he ordered.

I complied and crawled backward out of the cage. As soon as I was out, Justin picked me up by my harness and led me over to a table he had positioned by the edge of the room.

Then without warning, he ripped the duct tape off my mouth aggressively.

"Oooww," I whined.

"If that hurt, then you're not going to like your time with me," Justin said with a smile as he grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me.

"Where's Tanner?" I asked.

"Slaves don't ask questions," Justin said, "But if you really want to know then drink up, you must be thirsty."

I nodded and drained the glass of water.

"You'll soon find out where the other slave is," Justin said.

I immediately felt woozy and dizzy. I went from sitting on the table to laying myself out on it because of how tired I was feeling. And it didn't stop there, I kept feeling tired and more tired and more tired until I blacked out. The last thing I remember seeing is Justin's smiling face, and maybe the sound of a razor.

I awoke later in a strange predicament. I was on a bed and my hands were tied together to the bedpost above my head. Also, I could feel my feet tied together at the bottom of the bed. My eyes were still adjusting to the light but, I still felt a weird feeling. Like I was no longer in my American Eagle red boxer briefs and now I was like naked. But I felt something on my waist, I just don't know what. Also all over my body, I felt lighter and a little cooler.

As soon as my eyes fully adjusted I lifted my head to see what was going on. I WAS IN A JOCKSTRAP AND LEATHER HARNESS AND NOTHING ELSE. Also, my entire body was shaved and was smooth all over. I looked around the room I was in and it wasn't the basement anymore. It looked like it was a bedroom, probably Justin's And I also realized that I wasn't the only one tied to the bed. Tanner and tied the same as me right next to me. It looked like he was fully shaved as well and he also was wearing just a jockstrap and leather harness. Both of our jockstraps were from the same brand: ADDICTED. So they both had the word "addicted" written on the waistband right above the crotch. My jockstrap was red with white stripes with a blue waistband and Tanner's was yellow with white stripes with also a blue waistband.

Tanner looked so fucking hot tied up in jockstrap. And since Justin shaved him, he looked 200% hotter. His pecs and abs seemed to look bigger and tighter. I started to get hard and my jockstrap pouch started to rise and get tighter.

"Hey, you ok?" Tanner said out of the blue.

"Wha, who me? Oh yeah, I'm fine, you?" I asked startled.

"I'm ok, at least we both got a free painless shave out of this so that's a plus," Tanner said jokingly.

I was about to laugh at his joke when Justin opened the door and came into the room. Justin was shirtless with his tight abs and pecs exposed along with wearing some white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. I thought it was weird that Matt had whore the same thing during his adventure with him.

"Oh good, you guys are up," Justin said as he closed the door.

"Let me just say that you both look so much better hairless," Justin said, "You guys are probably wondering why I put you in jockstraps."

"Yeah, why?" Tanner said.

"Because as a slave, you need to earn your right to clothes," Justin said, "I did the same thing with Lucas and Jaden last time. I started them out in jockstraps and rewarded them with better covering clothes after every day that I thought they behaved exceptionally. Now enough talking."

And with that Justin closed the door and jumped on the bed. Justin then ran his fingers down me and Tanner's chests down to our jockstraps.

"Aahhh," me and Tanner moaned. Both of our jockstraps began to get bigger our expanding bulges.

"If you guys like this then you're going to love our time together," Justin said with a smile.

Justin continued his massaging and rubbing on our chests which was answered with more moans and tighter and bigger jockstraps. Justin then focused his attention on our nipples and squeezed them and rubbed them just like he did with our chests. This sort of innocent treatment continued for about 10 minutes and to be honest, it was true bliss. Being massage while tied to a bed and next to sexy jock who is also tied up was a true fantasy for me.

Then the innocent treatment stopped. Justin readjusted himself on the bed and moved down so that he had direct access to the lower half of me and Tanner's bodies.

"I can see and feel that you guys are really enjoying this," Justin said as he started to move hands around our crotches and thighs.

Me and Tanner lifted our heads from the bed to observe what Justin was doing and then set them back down knowing there was no way to stop him... but maybe we didn't want to. I don't know about Tanner, but I was thoroughly enjoying Justin. Justin danced his fingers around our jockstraps for about 5 minutes. Then he moved on and put his fingers under the jockstraps and started to mess with our cocks. He stroked for a little bit, making sure we wouldn't cum, and he also tickled them and squeezed them a little too. Me and Tanner responded with louder moans and more squirming around.

Then without warning, Justin slipped his hands under us and started to massage our asses. He both jolted our waists up as a natural reaction and then put them back on the bed. Justin moved his hands around each check, massaging and pinching it, even getting close to our holes.

"You see this is why I chose you two," Justin explained, "You both have incredible bulges and asses."

Justin continued his rubbing for 10 more minutes until he decided to get on with the day's plan. By now it was 12 PM

"Ok that's enough inspecting," Justin said hopping off the bed.

"Inspecting?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah, I had to make sure you were in tip-top shape," Justin said.

"Did we pass?" Tanner joked?

"Oh yes, you qualified for everything," Justin said returning a devilish smile to the both of us. "Ok let's get you two back downstairs," Justin said.

He walked closer to the bed and first untied our feet from the foot of the bed. He then untied my hands first from the head of the bed. He then yanked me by the harness off the bed to my feet and then tied my hands behind my back. I felt the cold breeze of getting off the bed on my naked ass, a feeling I would just have to get used to due to me not going to get new clothes anytime soon. Next Justin did the same to Tanner and tied his hands behind his back as well.

Justin then led me and Tanner down to the basement in only our jockstraps and leather harnesses as he whore only Nike Pro Combat compression shorts. He led us downstairs to where our cages were, but instead of going there he led us to the dog masks on a table nearby.

"Ok let's get you guys geared up," Justin said as he let go of our harnesses and started fumbling around the dog masks looking for something.

"Here they are," Justin said as he pulled two collars from the table.

"One for Josh," Justin said as he strapped the leather collar around my neck, "And for Tanner," Justin repeated as he strapped the other collar around Tanner. Both of the collars were black leather and both had a D-ring so something could be attached. I got a flash black of the time Matt tried to use a collar on me but then shocked me and hurt me really bad. I hoped that this wouldn't end the same way.

"Great they fit perfectly," Justin said as he looked back at the table.

"Next are these," Justin gesturing toward the assortment of dog masks.

"Let's see, red jockstrap so red mask for Josh," Justin said as he searched for a red mask. He finally found one and fit it over my face so I could only see through the eye holes.

"Yellow jockstrap so yellow for Tanner," Justin mumbled as he searched for a yellow mask. Once he found one, he slipped it over Tanner's head. The masks look like the ones below:
I looked at Tanner through the eyeholes of my mask and DAMN!! He looked already so hot without the mask on but with it on, for some reason I found him even more attractive if that was possible.

"Ok one thing left," Justin said, "Come here you two," he said as he pulled our harnesses and led us to a bed he had situated.

"Lay on your stomach," he commanded. Me and Tanner complied and crawled onto the bed and laid on our stomachs with our naked asses face up. I was a little more difficult than usual because we now had a dog snout in our vision that we weren't used to seeing.

Once we were there, Justin tied our hands to the headboard and our legs to the end of the bed.

"Ok, the last thing," Justin said from behind us, "Tanner you first." Neither of us knew what he was about to do but I was a little excited.

"AAHHHH," Tanner moaned intensely.

"Everyone knows that every dog has a tail," Justin said.

I turned my head around to see Justin shoving a lubed butt plug with a tail on the end of it into Tanner's ass.

"Come on Tanner, you receive worse on the football field," Justin sneered.

"AAAAHHHHhhhhhh," Tanner's moan faded as the butt plug was fully in him now. His eyes in his dog mask showed the sign of true pleasure and bliss.

"Ok Josh you next," Justin said as I felt him move from Tanner to me. Immediately I felt my asshole start to be stretched. The lube really wasn't doing much for the pain.

"AAAHHHHHHHH," I moaned loudly.

The pain was searing! It felt like my asshole was on fire. The plug was being slowly pushed into me and with each second the pain got worse and worse until... it stopped and it was in me.

I could see why Tanner was finding so much pleasure in the tail. It felt like someone was fucking me constantly which felt amazing. I glance over at Tanner, whose eyes were only half open with an extreme sense of bliss.

"I'll leave you two to enjoy yourselves," Justin said getting off the bed and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Me and Tanner laid there, tied to the bed, in our pup masks, leather harnesses, and jockstraps, enjoying the feeling of having our assholes being invaded.

"Oh, this is amazing," Tanner moaned, still with his eyes half open.

"I know, tell me about it," I said, fidgeting around trying to see if I could climax.

"If the rest of the week is like this, then we are very lucky," Tanner said.

"Mm-hm," I agreed and nodded. I looked behind us and saw two black silicon tails sticking out of both me and Tanner, 1 in each of us. I wiggled my ass little and watched as the tail mimicked my movements and wagged and flopped from side to side.

Me and Tanner Laid there for about 20 more minutes in bliss as our assholes were invaded.

Justin then came into the room and said, "Are you guys enjoying yourselves?"

Me and Tanner nodded our heads enthusiastically.

"Here let me see if I can't make this better," Justin said as he walked behind us and got on the bed. I then felt his hand grab my tail and start to twist it and pull it and push it. It felt AMAZING.

"Ah ahhh ahh," I moaned.

I looked over at Tanner and he was doing the exact same thing so I assumed he was receiving the same treatment.

Justin continued to fidget with our tails for about 5 more minutes, and let me tell you, it was the best 5 minutes of my life and asshole.

"Ok well that's enough of that," Justin said, as he stopped touching our tails, "I've been treating you guys too good when you two are actually tied up and under my control. This is where our weekend actually starts, pups. From this point forward, you are pups. Pups walk on all four paws, they don't talk, and they always please their master. That means only whimpering, barking, or whining will be the only sounds you two make? Ok?"

"Yes," Me and Tanner both said at the same time.


My bare ass was immediately struck with a bare hand and judging by Tanner's reaction, he was too. It felt like my ass was on fire it stung so much!

"Ok pups?" Justin said more aggressively.

"Mhh Mm," Me and Tanner both whined at the same time.

"Good, I'm going to untie you separately and put mitts on your hands," Justin said.

Justin first started to untie me. He untied my ankles first, then my wrists. He then yanked me up by my harness and stood me up next to the bed behind Tanner. I had a perfect view of Tanner's ass and OMG it was burning hot! Justin grabbed a pair of mitts off a nearby table and slipped them on my hands. They were black leather and had D-ring so they could be attached to something. I was no unable to use my finger to grab anything at all as a dog would be.

"Don't move," Justin said, as he started to work on untying Tanner. I considered making a run for it but then I decided not to because Justin would definitely catch me and besides, I'm with thee Tanner, one of the hottest jocks in school, tied up right next to me.

I watched as Justin untied Tanner from the bed and slid the mitts on his hands. Tanner didn't resist Justin's actions, he just let them happen.

"Ok let's go upstairs," Justin said.

Me and Tanner started for the door then...


We both fell to the floor in pain. I looked back and I saw my ass was beet red and so was Tanner's.

"Pups walk on 4 paws," Justin scolded.

Me and Tanner got up from the ground and began to crawl on our mitted hands and knees toward the stairs as Justin followed behind us. Crawling up the stairs was a whole new challenge. Not only were we crawling, but we had to worry about the muzzle from the dog mask blocking some of our vision. Slowly but surely we made it one by one up the stairs until we were on the main floor of the house.

"This way," Justin said as he walked in front of us toward the kitchen.

We crawled after him until he stopped right in front of the dog dishes, or in this case pup dishes. I looked at the microwave and the time said 4:00 PM.

"This is your water bowls and food bowls. If you need any water or food please let me know and I'll detach the muzzle on your mask so you can eat or drink, ok?" Justin said.

"Mmmm-hmmm" Me and Tanner both said.

"Look, you're learning not to talk," Justin said with a smile, "This way,"

We crawled out of the kitchen and to the living room where there were dog toys everywhere and 2 dog beds.

"Feel free to play with the toys as much as you like. The 2 beds are for you guys too, but you won't sleep the night there," Justin said, "This way."

We crawled after Justin who led us to the bathroom.

"If you ever need to use the bathroom, you may stand up, relieve yourself, then you must go back to crawling before you leave the bathroom. Understood?" Justin said.

Me and Justin nodded our heads.

"Ok then, that's all the rules, go be pups," Justin said. He walked back to the living room and sat on the couch in his white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts that he had been wearing all day and took out his phone.

Me and Tanner turned around and followed him back to the living room.

So there me and Tanner were, wearing only addicted brand jockstraps, mine blue and red his blue and yellow, leather harnesses, and pup masks, mine red and his yellow. Our hands were mitted with black leather boxing glove-like mitts, and we also have black silicon tails sticking out our assholes.

I felt weird being told to "act like a pup." Like how do I act like a dog when I'm a human. I looked at Tanner to see what he was doing. And when I looked, I was surprised to see what I saw!!

Tanner had crawled over and got and rope and was playing with it as a dog would. He had it in his mouth and was using his mitted hands to move it. He looked at me and grabbed the rope and brought it over to where I was and dropped it and started to wag his tail by shaking his ass. He did the downward dog as if asking me to play. I looked at him and then at the rope.

"hmmm," Tanner whined like a dog.

I looked at him and his tail and then looked back at my tail.

"What's the worse that can happen?" I thought to myself, "Just let go."

I started to shake my ass and my tail started to wag as Tanner's was. I looked back at him and grabbed the rope and started to crawl around with it. Tanner chased after me around the living room trying to get the rope from me, as actual dogs do.

Tanner caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. The rope fell out of my mouth as I landed on my back facing up. I felt more naked than usual, even though I was wearing minimal clothes. I looked down and saw...

My cock had come out of the jockstrap pouch and was at full attention!!! Tanner looked down and saw it. He nuzzled it with his mask and muzzle. He pretended to sniff it and tried to lick it even though there was no mouthpiece for the pup mask.

After inspecting it and touching it, Tanner shoved my cock back into the jockstrap pouch with the muzzle on his mask. Once it was in, I blushed because one of the hottest pups, I mean jocks just saw my cock at full erect.

Tanner crawled over me so that he was directly above me on his hands and knees. He then touched the tip of his muzzle to the tip of my muzzle and winked at me.

"Just go with it," Tanner whispered.

I looked over at Justin to make sure he didn't catch Tanner speak and winked back at Tanner and shoved him off me and went over and got the rope. I don't know why but, I became very excited and I started to wag my tail and go around the living room with the rope.

Tanner barked and chased after me, trying to get the rope. We played together for at least an hour or two, barking and chasing each other while Justin sat on the couch.

When we were down, I was thirsty and hungry and I could tell Tanner was too because he was panting a lot. We crawled over to Justin and started to whimper.

"mmm mmm," Me and Tanner said.

"What? Hungry Thirsty?" Justin asked.

Me and Tanner nodded our heads and started to wag our tails.

"What time is it?" Justin said looking at his phone, "Oh wow it's already 7 PM! It's dinner time for you two. This way."

Me and Tanner followed Justin to the kitchen where our pup dishes were.

"Go sit over there like good pups," Justin said.

Me and Tanner crawled to the wall opposite of the dishes and sat our bare asses like dogs on the ground. We watched with anticipation as Justin poured countless chicken nuggets into each bowl. He also refilled the water in each other bowl. He then came over and detached the muzzle part of the masks which revealed a little hole where I could stick my tongue out.

"Ok, stay, stay, stay," Justin teased.

"Oh come on," I thought to myself, "I just want to eat."

"Stay, stay... ok go eat," Justin finally said.

Me and Tanner charged forward towards the food bowls. I took the set on the left and Tanner took the set on the right. When I got there I started to scarf down all the food. It was a little strange eating with no hands, but it meant I could be as messy as I wanted. When I wanted to take a drink I had to use my tongue and lick up the water, which got old fast, but it's not like I could do anything better. I looked over at Tanner and he was attacking his food as much as I was.

Me and Tanner continued to eat for the next 15 minutes until we were finished.

"All finished?" Justin asked.

Me and Tanner nodded our heads.

"Ok then, hold still," Justin said as he came up to me and re-buttoned the muzzle piece of the mask on so the mouth hole was once again covered. He walked over to Tanner and did the same thing. Now me and Tanner had the full pup mask on again. It was about 7:30 PM.

"Ok pups, time for some fun," Justin said, "Follow me."

Me and Tanner looked at each other with frightened eyes and followed Justin back to the stairs to the basement and to his bondage room.

"Ok back on the bed," Justin said pointing to the bed we were previously tied to.

Me and Tanner made our way to the bed and hopped on.

"I'm going to tie you guys in the same position as before so lay on your stomachs," Justin said.

Me and Tanner complied and laid on our stomachs. Justin then started to bind our wrists and ankles to bedframe once again.

Once he was done me and Tanner were rendered helpless on the bed laying on our stomachs, wearing only jockstraps, leather harnesses, collars, pup masks, mitts, and a tail butt plug shoved up our asses. Justin was still in his white Nike Pro Combat compression shorts.

"You two seem really tense from playing all day, so I'm going to massage your muscles," Justin said.

"Fuck yeah," Tanner said out loud.

"Dude, we can't talk," I said quickly not realizing my mistake.

"What was that?" Justin said, "Did you two just talk?"

We both nodded our heads no and whimpered.

"Wow, first you talk and then lie? I'll be right back," Justin said.

Me and Tanner looked at each other with frightened eyes again.

"I hope this will help you get the message," Justin said coming back behind us and hopping on the bed.


"AHH!" Tanner yelled.


"AHHHH!" I yelled as well. It felt like my ass was literally be hit with a ping pong paddle. I looked behind me and sure enough, it actually was.


Justin kept the blows coming to the both of us, one after another. With each blow, it hurt more and more. It wasn't like when Matt spanked me, this was way more painful because it was a paddle, not a hand. I looked at Tanner and he winced with every blow and I did as well.

Justin kept up the spanking for 10 more minutes until he thought we had learned our lesson.

"Do you guys understand now?" he asked.

We both nodded slowly.

"Good, I'm going to untie you guys and put you to bed," he said. Justin went around the bed untying our ankles and wrists from the bed frame. Once we were both untied, he yanked me and Tanner up by the harnesses and walked us over to a pole that was isolated from the rest of Justin's toys. The pole had 2 chains already attached to it.

"Come here Josh," Justin said as he yanked me to ground. He then took one of the chains and attached a padlock to it. He took the padlock and attached it with the chain to the D-ring on my collar and clicked it so it locked. I was now padlocked to a chain that was attached to a pole. He then took Tanner and duplicated the process. Now we were both padlocked to the chains attached to the pole.

"Well see you in the morning," Justin said as he left us there and shut and locked the door. He left the lights on.

I started to crawl to see how far the chain would let us go. I was almost to the nearest table when the chain yanked me back. We couldn't reach any table or anything around us because the chain was too short.

I crawled back to Tanner and said, "We can't reach anything."

"I figured," he replied, "How's your ass?"

"It hurts a lot," I said, "Yours?"

"I have to say that it does sting," he said.

"Why did you wink at me earlier?" I asked.

"Because I wanted you to play along and I wanted to let you know that you have a nice cock," he replied.

"Wait what?" I asked surprised.

"What? Just because I'm a popular hot jock I can't act a little gay?" he said.

"No no, of course, you can. It's just I was expecting that from you," I said, "Can I just say that you look smoking hot in a pup mask, jockstrap, and leather harness?"

"Really?" he asked, "I thought it would decimate my looks."

"Oh hell no," I said.

"Do you want a closer look?" he asked, "Come here.'"

I crawled closer to Tanner.

"Go on, explore my hotness," he said, "Go on."

"If you say so," I said.

I moved my head closer to his chest and rubbed my muzzle against his nipples. I then moved done to his well-toned abs and rubbed my muzzle all over them. I then crawled around him and got my face closer to his ass. I asked him to get on all fours from his sitting position so I could have a better view. He did so and I shoved my muzzle up against his bare ass. It looked and smelled amazing! I continued to rub my muzzle all over him for the next 15 minutes, occasionally hearing some moans from him.

When I was finished I crawled back to the front of him.

"Have fun?" he asked.

I nodded my head enthusiastically.

"Me too," he said, "You don't look so bad yourself Josh."

"Thanks, dude," I said, "We should probably start getting some sleep."

"Yeah I guess," he said.

I crawled to the right of him and laid down and rest my head on my arms. He did the same to the left of me. We laid there for about 10 minutes on the cold concrete floor.

"Hey, you still up?" I asked.

"Of course I am, it's only been 10 minutes," he said.

"I'm freezing, the floor is so cold!" I said.

"Here come lay by me," he said.

I crawled over and laid close to Tanner but not too close.

"Get closer so we can conserve body heat," Tanner said.

I crawled closer. So close, I felt the bulge of his jockstrap against my bare ass. It was weird that such a popular kid like Tanner was like this but hey, he's cool with it and so am I. I felt Tanner move even closer to me so that his bulge was pressing up against my ass and I could feel his pecs and nipples and me back.

He nuzzled me with his mask and said, "Goodnight hot stuff."

I closed my eyes and tried to take in the fact I was laying next to one of the hottest jocks in the school in only a jockstrap with a leather harness and pup mask and collar and dog tail and mitts on. It was literally a dream come true.


Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 8 ADDED 3/22)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2019 9:50 pm
by njr
Wow, that was extremely hot. Great new chapter! Can't wait to read how this continues

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 9 ADDED 5/10)

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 8:51 am
by Bound Down
This is one of my favorite stories on this site. Thank you for the continuation. It was awesome.

Re: A Very Very Long Week m/m (PART 9 ADDED 5/10)

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 6:46 am
by Jb99
Great story, hope we don't have to wait too long for the next episode!