The Perils of Red Cloak - Part II (MF/F) Jun 21, 2018

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Deleted User 715

The Perils of Red Cloak - Part II (MF/F) Jun 21, 2018

Post by Deleted User 715 »

Rachel McAllister walked into her kitchen. She's a 19 year old girl with short brown hair, blue eyes, glasses and wearing a blue top, red skirt, black tights and shoes. She's currently at home alone all by herself.

Rachel was renting this humble abode while she was in college. It's only about 700 square feet, but it has a kitchen and living room, a dining spot, and a bed with bath. It wasn't much to cry about.

Ms. McAllister was studying to be a bioscience major at school, but she wasn't in classes as this was June. She was doing excellent compared to her classmates. The classes were nothing to write home about.

These were the life and times of the girl who, on social media, went by the codename "Red Cloak." This was used everywhere as it helped hide her. Red Cloak became a thing of legend on the sites she frequented for her snarkiness and helpfulness.

Red Cloak, Ms. McAllister, Rachel... she had a secret interest in bondage, too. She had a secret TUG buddy, but he went home for summer. She tied herself up using ropes, tape, heavy gags, and handcuffs. However, it wasn't the same.

Outside the house, a dark and masked figure was watching the residence. He was going to break into this place, rob it, and torment- or kidnap- its resident. He was an atypical kidnapper: he was a bondage kidnapper.

The nabber was the infamous Brock Trimmer, but he was known online as "Mr. Box Man," which Rachel would discover. She was unaware that she had been stalked on the web. He was going to kidnap her in ways unimaginable.

Brock was a man of little to no emotions. He had stiff policies for his "models." First thing, they were almost always kidnapped and forced into it. If they were unwilling to be submissive yet made well-rated films, he kept them restrained. If they were submissive and popular, he gave them some liberty. If they were submissive and unpopular, he gave them money, made them sign a contract saying they were willing models and that they wouldn't speak, and released them. If they were unwilling to be submissive and unpopular...

He kept them as personal toys or killed them.

Brock walked up to the window in bedroom and checked all ways before entering. This was too easy. He could hear Rachel in the kitchen getting dinner ready. He had to move quickly without being seen. Then, when she had her back to the doorway, he pounced.

"Oh my God! Get the f*** off me!" she screamed.
"Be quiet!!!"
"EEHHHHHH!" she gasped as he grabbed her throat while pushing her to the floor.
"Be good! Or I'll throttle you out!"
"Huuuhhhhhhh!" she tried to pull his arm off.
"Stop it!" he squeezed tighter.
"Ugh!" she stopped.
"Good girl!" he rolled her over and started tying her wrists with rope
"Please... stop...," she wheezed.
"Like I will, 'Red Cloak.'"
"How... do you know me?"
"I know enough to know that you're trying hard to resist orgasming at this."
"What the hell?! Who are you?!" she demanded as her elbows got tied.
"I'm Brock Trimmer... on your forums as 'DaGagHer.' We chatted a few times!"
"You traced me?!"
"Sure did. You're a beauty!"
"Please, stop! I'll give you anything you want that I own in this place," she bargained as a breast harness started pinning her arms.
"It's you I want. You're going to become my personal sex toy."
"Oh my God! NO! Please no! HEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP?!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.
"SILENCE!" he jammed a sock in her mouth.
"MMMMM!" she groaned as he cleave gagged her with a yellow bandana.
"You're going to be a good slave!"
"MMMPH!" she kicked Brock between the legs.
"Ouch!" he groaned in a higher pitch as she got up and ran.
"MMMMMM!" she fumbled with the door knob.
"Come back here!" he dragged her back after slapping her hard.
"Mmmmph!" she wailed.

Rachel sobbed the bitterest tears she had ever sobbed in her life while her ankles, knees, and thighs were tied. A waist rope with a crotch rope under her skirt added to her discomfort and pinned her arms down. She watched helplessly as her home was raided.

After 30 minutes, Brock returned for Rachel and put her inside a plastic bin with airholes. To keep her quiet, over her nose, he tied a red bandana soaked in chloroform. Rachel fought and shook but eventually fell asleep.

This was only the beginning of her torturous adventure.
Last edited by Deleted User 715 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Not really my kinda storie but Well written, keep it up
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by Gagfan »

I enjoy the darker tinged bondage tales. Looking forward to seeing where this one goes
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
Deleted User 715

Post by Deleted User 715 »

Rachel awoke to find herself inside what looked like a dog cage. Her bonds hadn't changed, and bright lines were shining on her. She winced against the lights and started moving around. She had to escape... she just HAD to escape!

She was so busy fighting and kicking that she didn't realize she was being filmed! Finally, her captor came, and he pulled her out of the cage. He slapped her hard on the rear after dragging her into the middle of the room.

"Keep it up! You're great!"
"I just shot a bondage film. You'll be a hit for that one! Keep at it!"

Realizing this, Rachel stopped fighting and instead calmly picked at her knots. He wanted bondage films? Fine! She'd give him garbage then! She wasn't his slave.

"Listen!" Brock ran over, "You'd better resume the act, or I'll turn the tides on you!"
"HMPH!" she scorned him.

He resumed filming, and she resumed her strike. She learned quickly about his temper.

"Don't worry... you'll just sleep!"
"MMMMM!" she fought violently knowing more chloroform was coming.
"Night night!" he tied the scarf over her nose.
"HMMMMMM!" she instinctively fought it.

She continued rolling and fighting the drug. Slowly but surely... she lost consciousness again. Was this actually real?

Rachel was relieved to find out she still had her clothes on when she came around. Her leg bonds had been removed, but she was still tied otherwise. She was seated on a sofa.

"Good evening. I am Brock Trimmer... Mr. Box Man."
"HMPH?!?!!??!!! NOH! she shook her head knowingly.
"We have some rules around here. Miss Brenda Zanto will pick up any slack I forget."
"First rule is simple: obey us unconditionally. Second rule is easier: don't pull anything stupid. I am nasty to deal with, and Miss Zanto is even worse. A girl swore at her on camera once and was rewarded brutally."
"Listen, kid... I put her on the f machine for 45 minutes non-stop. I noosed another into unconsciousness. The last one got electric shock. You mess with me, and I will make you suffer."
"Mmmmmmmm!" Rachel started sobbing in terror.
"Rule 3," Mr. Box Man continued, "Keep your head up. Act like you believe you will escape. Blubbering ruins the films."
"Hmph!" she replied in offense.
"Rule 4: no talking to other people until I say you may. You will remain bound and gagged at night until I decide otherwise."
"I suggest we show her the quarters."
"Great idea... and the torture chambers."
"Hmmmm," Rachel moaned as she was led away.

Rachel could barely walk down the hall from being tied so long. Along the way, she stumbled. Miss Zanto yanked her up by her hair as they went along what was clearly a basement.

"Keep up, slut!"
"Here, are the elite quarters. Here, you get a skylight for daylight and a TV with 200+ channels. You're ready at my command, but free otherwise. You might even be in charge of certain other girls."
"Hmmmm...," Rachel studied the 5 girls in there. She knew she could probably work her way up there... and then use it to escape somehow.
"Next... is tier two. You share bunks and a TV that has no cable, although I provide materials at special request only if you're in good standing. At this stage are allowed to dom in films."
"Ugh," she could tell they were going deeper.
"This is tier 3. Here, you are basically in prison cells as you can see. Again, I don't want you to suffer entirely, but you're that this level still in training."
"Finally, the bottom where you will begin. Here, you spend your days gagged, and often bound. You're just slaves with cots here until you move up. You have no pleasure and no freedom."
"Wisen up, sister. If you're good like me, you'll be here only a month. If you're a pain in the ass, you might never leave!"
"Shaddap!" she slapped Rachel.
"Sorry, sir."
"Now... the torture rooms."

Inside the torture rooms were scores of things... vibrators, shock probes, dildos, nipple clamps, gags, cuffs, whips, and f-ing machine, butt plugs, a dunking tank, a gallows, and more. Rachel shuddered, but then she noticed two clear coffins.

These, she was told, were bondage coffins. They were designed that a girl could be put in them and restrained or left unrestrained. The box clasped shut and was air tight save the hole at the top. Next to that was a valve... designed to allow water in to drown the victim.

"If you're a pain, we might make you do a film in this. Come back to the film lab..."

Back in the lab, she was shown a film of a girl being chloroformed and put in the box. When she came to, the box was filled with water and her drowning was shown. Then they leaned in and told Rachel the truth.

"I really did kill her. Got that? A girl DIED in that box! She was irascible, wouldn't act, and bit both Brenda and I on occasion. I won't show you the film, but we have filmed two actual executions on that gallows. Piss me off enough, and you WILL die! Got that?!"
"Mmm hmm!" she nodded as she tried to maintain consciousness.
"Lead her to her chamber."
"Here...," Brenda led Rachel into a rest room and pulled her pants down.
"Cut the squealing, bitch. I'm letting you use the restroom before you get chained for the night," Brenda shut the door for two minutes.

Rachel McAllister was led away into a room where there was another girl who she couldn't get a good glimpse. There, her legs were tied up again, and a chain collar was put around her neck... the chain ran to a stake in the floor. The door shut, and they were left in total blackness in a chamber of cold concrete.
Deleted User 1591

Post by Deleted User 1591 »

Rachel and the other girl developed a system of talking. After enough effort, she determined that the girl's name was Heidi and that she was from Missouri. Rachel, based on what Heidi grunted, figured they were somewhere hilly

But where?

The girls fell into a fitful sleep, knowing that they were fighting to stay alive. The next morning, Rachel awoke and tried to stretch before remembering that she couldn't. She was sick of rope!

Brenda Zanto came to retrieve them both and led both hopping off into the "living room set," as it was known. They, before they could respond, got new gags of socks and red bandana cleave gags before they were each hogtied and featured in a new film.

After filming was done, they were left there for four hours, after which they both ached. Their hogties were undone, and they were hopped to their new homes... a prison style cell. They were untied and handed their new outfits before the door shut.

Rachel got a black knee-length skirt, a pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and nothing else. Heidi had been handed purple trainers, a pink t-shirt, and a purple bandana. Each got white lengerie. They then examined the cell since they could speak.

"Heidi, right?"
"Yes. Rachel?"
"Yep. What is it?"
"A cell with no windows. Well, we get a shower and toilet, though we apparently have to go nude in front of each other to use either."
"Shitty bunk beds to sleep on."
"It beats the cage."
"I'm scared stiff!"
"We'll get out somehow..."
"Hopefully alive."
"Hopefully," Rachel bit her lower lip.
"Now what?"
"We should take turns showering. We're both red and sore from being tied up so tightly for so long."
"Yeah... I hate stripping before you, but I have no choice!"
"Where are you from?"
"And I'm from Missouri. He kept me out so long that the chloroform evaporated."
"But I didn't regain consciousness until I was here."
"Right. We're in the Rockies somewhere."
"He said something about Colorado to me!"
"When?! WHERE?!" Heidi demanded impatiently as she adjusted the water temperature.
"On tugstories."
"You were on that site?!"
"Yeah! You too?!"
"Yes! I was PrettyFlower!"
"I'm RedCloak."
"I never wanted to chat with people much. I feared being asked personal questions."
"I chatted with the wrong guy."
"Both of us."
"Heidi, we're not going to die. I know we won't."
"Cool. But that doesn't save us either."

Heidi finished showering in silence, then Rachel did the same. Rachel was putting her outfit fun begrudgingly while Heidi, uncertain what else to do, made her purple bandana into a kerchief.

"Do I look OK?" Heidi asked.
"What's it matter?"
"He might strangle me again!"
"He what?!"
"He goat roped me when I first got here because I fought too much on the ride."
"That's horrible."
"Rachel... he said he figures on drowning me for a film soon... I can't!"
"He said he does breathplay. Just cooperate and he won't let you die!"

A slot opened up and in slid two microwave TV dinners.

"Eat up, kids!" Miss Zanto encouraged.
"I suppose we have no choice," Rachel shrugged.
"I guess..."

The food tasted like something fished from the Bakersfield city dump, but Rachel was glad to have food at least. It was quickly apparent there was neither poison nor drugs in it.

Rachel and Heidi discussed their predicament, as they couldn't do anything else. Finally, when the light automatically dimmed itself, they decided they should go to sleep.

The next day, they received a tray of food at 7:30AM, and another at 12M. It was 1:15 when the surprise tray arrived: handcuffs.

"Put these on behind your backs," the note read.
"I suppose we comply," Heidi shrugged.
"I suppose."

The girls did and waited, unaware they were being watched. Miss Zanto arrived and led them to the living room set, where there was a pile of rope and other materials, some of which looked quite serious, on the floor. Their cuffs were removed, and Brock Trimmer arrived.

"Heidi, you're going to tie up RedCloak."
"Tie her up. You know how. I want you to bind her wrists and elbows. I will check to make sure you do a good job."
"No questions."
"Yes, sir!" both said as he walked away.
"Just do it!"

Ten minutes later, he returned. He inspected each bond with the care of an USDA inspector.

"Good job. Now, you two girls are going to be having a verbal fight. Fight about anything as long as you can pretend to act genuinely angry, no matter how stupid. Rachel, you will fight with every inch of your life. Heidi, while fighting, you are going to jam this sock in her mouth and cleave gag her with the knotted black bandana before putting a strip of this over her mouth. Then bind her ankles and thighs. You'll walk off the camera smugly before I give you your next instructions."
"Yes, sir."
"Good... get ready... ACTION!"

"How the hell could you forget the tomato sauce?!"
"I didn't forget! I didn't know!"
"You're such a dumb bitch!"
"If I get out of these ropes, I'll f*ck you to death!"
"I'm going to shut you up, you dumb slut!"
"No way!" Rachel got up and ran.
"Get back here!"
"Mmmm!" Rachel moaned as they came back on camera.

Heidi bound Rachel as instructed.

"Now... pull up her t-shirt and lingerie and tie a breast harness so that her nipples are open," he quietly explained while Rachel struggled.
"Yes, Mr. Trimmer."

Rachel was shocked by what transpired and grunted in dismay. Heidi was a thorough kidnapper! Heidi left and returned with nipple clamps.

"Got what you had coming, bitch!"

Heidi left and returned with another piece of rope and a vibrator. She pulled down Rachel's skirt and underwear and attached the vibrator and set it as instructed. Rachel wept bitterly as she was forced to wet herself.

Brock stopped filming after 20 minutes and led Heidi off the set, but Rachel was left there for 6 hours with the vibrator on the entire time. She was tied so well that she could barely move, and her gag was smothering. Her private region was sore, and she had had a couple forced orgasms.

If this was hell, she hated to see what the next six layers contained.
Deleted User 1591

Post by Deleted User 1591 »

"Rachel, you're all wet and left to suffer all day. Well, it's time for your first experiment with breathplay before you go to bed for the night!"
"Yeah, your clothes will be normal for this. No sexual torment. Just a straight tub drown. I hope you enjoyed making babies with the Hitachi!"
"I'm glad you liked it. You'll learn how to make real bondage love too."
"Let's go, sweetie!"

Brock carried her off to the bathroom set. There, she could see that Heidi was unconscious, wet, but breathing. The clamps caused excruciating pain as he set her on the floor.

"I'll be back."

Ten minutes later, Rachel had been retied so she was clothed yet again and now in the strictest, stiffest hogtie imaginable. Then she was put into the tub.

"Pretend to lose consciousness before you really are going to. Here's some fresh tape!"
"MMMMPH!" Rachel groaned as 6 layers of gray duct tape were wrapped around her face.

Rachel watched in horror as the tub filled with water. First her clothes got wet... Then her breasts were submerged... Then her chin was wet... Then her mouth was covered. Before long, she was drowning. She did as he said, but she still could feel herself losing... Dying. Finally, all went black.

An hour later she opened her eyes and could tell she was still hogtied. Heidi was next to her as well. Heidi looked liked she had been dragged through a meat factory. Finally, they were untied and led back to their cell.

Once the door was locked, both girls removed their gags and shoved them in the marked slot 'garbage,' which went into a can in the hall. Their clothes were soaked, and Heidi pulled off her soaked purple kerchief bandana.

"I guess we lived," Rachel said flatly.
"Did we want to? I don't want to be a drowning toy."
"I do anyway."
"Rachel... I admit that today... for a moment I forgot about our imprisonment."
"I had fun tying you up. If we ever get out of here, we'll make awesome TUG buddies!"
"I guess."
"Here come our clean clothes..."
"Service here is dependable anyway."
"Hey, look, PJs!"
"A note 'For performing well today, sleep like princesses.'"
"Nice! We'll get free yet!"
"We will!"

After showering and changing, the girls ate another microwave dinner before going to bed. They weren't happy with their circumstances, but they were happy to be succeeding at what they hoped led to freedom.

The next day, they awoke to see new clothes on the floor. Heidi had been provided with a white bandana shorts and a white tank-top, and Rachel with a navy blue mini-skirt with pale blue t-shirt. Naturally, handcuffs came with it. The girls just changed and cuffed themselves without a word. It was almost 4PM when they finally got led off to the set of the day.

"Gangsta Girl Heidi F*cks Rebellious Rachel. Sounds good, doesn't it?"
"What?!" Heidi questioned.
"You never used a strap-on before?"
"Of course not!"
"Well, you'd better learn how quickly!"
"I can't do that to her!"
"LiISTEN!" he grabbed her face, "YOU WILL DO IT AND DO IT RIGHT!"
"Yes, sir."
"Do it poorly, and I'll personally rape both of you!"
"Understood, sir," both girls looked down to hide their tears.
"You're going to come from off camera and have a conversation. Talk about anything you like. Heidi, you will grab and tie up Rachel with these ropes and gag her with this ball gag. You will put on the strap-on dildo and... rape her."
"But I like guys!"
"Me too!"
"Right, sir."
"Now, let's do it."

Heidi and Rachel put on their best faces, but both inwardly felt dread through the entire thing. Rachel put up a good fake fight as her wrists, elbows, breasts, thighs, and ankles were roped and as she was gagged. Heidi put on the strap-on and gritted her teeth.

"Time for some fun!" she said with fake pleasure and choking tears.
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Rachel groaned.

Heidi kept doing it for what felt like hours until she was told to stop. She, per orders, hogtied Rachel and left her there.

Rachel couldn't believe what she had just experienced. Pain seared throughout her body. She didn't know if she felt worse for herself for suffering so or for Heidi for being forced to hurt someone. She could see and hear Heidi on the other side of the set filming 'Gangsta Girl Heidi Meets a New Friend.'"

Around 9PM, they were handcuffed, untied and ungagged, and led back to the same old cell where the cuffs were removed. Heidi was in total hysterics, and finally, for the first time, Rachel cried with her. What kind of hell was this?

"Rachel, I am so freaking sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. Then he turned around and hurt me too!"
"What did he do?"
"He taped a dildo in me and every so often pushed on it so that it hurt worse. That thing was 6 sizes too big!"
"I feel like I had internal surgery."
"Me too!"
"Let's go to bed."

Both girls went to bed for a restless, fitful sleep.
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