Taken at the Gym (MMM/M) (Mature Content) Bonus Chapter added 3/26/2021

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Taken at the Gym (MMM/M) (Mature Content) Bonus Chapter added 3/26/2021

Post by ShortSocks »

********** WARNING: THIS STORY WILL GET INTO SOME MORE EXPLICIT MATERIAL - Read at your own risk! ************

Chapter 1:

Austin, TX

My name is Jordan and I had just moved to town. Fresh out of college, I had accepted a a role for my career for a big software company. I was so excited for a fresh beginning! I grew up in suburban southern California and had obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from UCLA. I grew up quite shy, and kept mostly to myself in my high school days. I got picked on a lot for being shy and for being skinny. After High School however, I really blossomed in college. I began working out A TON! My goal was not to be a buff bodybuilder type, but to build out a toned frame. Working out became my outlet, and I would spend 2-3 hours per day at the gym, doing a lot of moderate weight with high reps and a lot of cardio and core workouts. The results during college were dramatic and I had managed to put on about 40 lbs of lean muscle.

I dated around a little bit in my college days, and had become quite the ladies man. At a 6’0 and 195 lb frame, baby blue eyes an improved sense of style and a better, more attractive combover haircut, i had become what most would consider attractive., I had done a lot to achieve how I looked now, and the ladies really started to take notice. I never took dating seriously, and just bounced around from different girl to different girl. You see, even though I had developed my physique, I am still what most would consider a little strange. I am a natural born submissive in the bedroom, and I grew up with a thing for socks. Not just any kind of socks, but the short, no show/liner type of socks. It didnt matter the color, i liked them all. Just the sight of them was enough of a turn on. I wore mens liner socks all the time, because I liked the way they made my feet look. Not as a turn on, but just because I figured if I thought they looked more appealing, maybe girls would too. I only ever told one girl I was seeing about my sock fetish, and she was so weirded out by it that she ended things, so from that point forward I kept it to myself.

Fast forward to present day. I moved to Austin, Texas a couple of months ago and finally started getting settled into both my new career as well as my condo downtown. Being new to town was a pretty lonely feeling. I didnt know anyone, and I wasnt familiar with the local area at all. I felt my inner shy-ness coming back out a bit and for the first couple of weeks, I just worked and came home. I knew what would get me out of this funk however. Getting back to working out and going to the gym was a sure fire way for me to blow off steam and get rid of this anxiety I was feeling.

After a little research, I found the perfect gym! It was a 24 hour access gym just a couple miles from my home.

“Perfect!” I thought to myself.

The next day, I got home from work. I called the gym and was walked through setting up an account online. They gave me a pin number to type in when I got there. This place was perfect. It had everything you could look for in a gym. A huge section for cardio, a ton of machines, a huge free weight section, showers, pools etc. It had EVERYTHING! Finally, I was excited to get back to the gym. I wanted to wait a little bit before going though. I preferred to go later in the evenings to avoid the after work crowd. I could barely contain my excitement though! I cooked up some grilled chicken and ate. I then sauntered over to my bedroom and changed into my workout gear. I put on a plain black t shirt, tight fitting low cut briefs, white basketball shorts, a pair of black liner socks, and my Nike running shoes. I grabbed a duffle bag and tossed in a change of comfy clothes to change into after my workout and shower. I packed in a designer t shirt, some grey sweatpants, another pair of skimpy briefs, and another pair of black liner socks.

I headed off to the gym shortly thereafter. I could barely contain my excitement!

I get to the gym and it was massive! I excitedly walk up yo the door, duffle slung over my shoulder, chest puffed out and I try punching my pin code into the keypad. It wasnt working!

“No no no no! This cant be happening!” I yell as my frustration builds.

I try typing in pin again, thinking maybe I had typed my pin in all wrong. Again, it didnt work. I try it again, same thing.

“Oh come on! You have to be kidding me!” I lower my head in frustration and yell.

I walk away from the pin pad, and peer into the nearest glass pane window. Inside the gym, it looked just like it did online. I was so excited but worried I may not be able to get inside. The gym was actually fairly empty, except for a few girls, and a few guys. No one was on staff at the counter.

“Why isnt anyone working? Its only 7:30.” I shake my head in frustration.

I tap on the window hoping someone would let me in. I dont think anyone heard me, so I banged on the window a little louder.

Finally, I see a guy around my age, maybe slightly older than myself and a slightly more muscular build dressed in a similar workout attire to my own looked up at me peering in through the window with a smile. I would estimate he was probably about 6’1 and around 225 lbs. He jogged over to the door and opens it.

“Hey, pin not working?” He asked inquisitively with a grin.

“No, I dont get why either. I called and got everything set up a couple of hours ago over the phone.” I replied.

“Yeah not a worry at all, happens all the time. Sometimes the pins can take up to 24 hours to fully activate.” He replied re-assuringly.

I think it over for a moment and it makes sense.

I notice him eye me up and down, but didnt really think anything of it. He finally interjects.

“Well come on in! You will really enjoy this place!” He says, ushering me into the gym.

“Thank you so much!” I exlaimed. “Im new to town, and am just eager to finally find a gym.”

“New to town huh? Well, my name is Mark. Where ya from?” He asked with a grin as he reached his hand out for a handshake.

I reached out and shook his hand. “Hey Mark, I am Jordan, I grew up in California and recently moved here for work.”

“Nice to meet you Jordan! You will love it here! Austin is such a great place to live! Let me show you around the place really quick! Ive been coming here with my buddies for a couple of years now.” He stated excitedly.

“Yeah, that would be great. I really appreciate it! -Hey, why arent there any employees working?” I asked inquisitively.

“They leave for the day around 7. I assume to help keep costs down, but no worries.” Mark responded as he ushered me forward with a gentle swoop of his arm.

“Ah, yeah that makes sense.” I begin walking forward, not noticing that Mark was checking out my ass and legs from behind.

Mark took me on a really great tour, showing me where everything was situated. The locker rooms, the showers, the workout areas etc. I was very thankful that he was being so friendly and thanked him after the tour.

“Absolutely! And if you ever need a spot or anything, just give me a shout. Me and my buddies are here about the same time every day. My buddies Zach and Chris are over there.” He points to the area where two guys, who were also in great shape were chatting it up with one another.

They look up when they see Mark pointing at them and they both give a “whats up” nod.

“Awesome Mark, I really appreciate it! Thank you for going out of your way to be so nice to me! It sucks moving to a new city.”

“Absolutely! Well, if you need anything let me know.” And with that he jogged over to rejoin his buddies Zach and Chris.

I smiled and went to the locker room and got everything ready to go and placed my duffle in the locker and locked it.

I start to walk out of the locker room when I bumped into both Chris and Zach.

“Oh, hey, sorry guys!” I said, taken aback.

Both of them laughed and said no worries and no need to apologize.

“We just wanted to introduce ourselves. I’m Zach” said Zach, whom was a couple inches taller than me, but a similar build, so probably around 210 lbs and again in great shape.

“Oh, hey Zach, I am Jordan.” I shook his hand before Chris chimed in.

“And I am Chris. Welcome to town and welcome to the gym, Mark told us you were new to town. If you need anything, we would be glad to help.” He said enthusiastically as he shook my hand. Chris was a a few inches shorter, probably about 5’9, and a pretty good build, probably around 185 lbs.

“Awesome, thanks guys! I really appreciate it!” I said as I walked around them to head out to the gym, not knowing that both of them were eyeing me up from behind as well.

“Man, people in Texas are way friendlier than I thought they would be” I thought to myself.

I then proceeded to go through doing my workout, not knowing that I was being watched by Mark, Zach, and Chris as they worked out as well.

I wrapped up having a pretty intense workout, that I needed so badly, and finished up by jogging over to the locker rooms, covered in sweat.

When I got into the locker room, I saw Mark, Zach, and Chris all in there getting dressed after im assuming they all took showers, talking with each other. I noticed they had a similar post workout style as me, and I noticed they too were wearing liner socks.

“Oh hey Jordan! Get a good workout in?” Asked Mark.

“Yeah man, you guys dont mind if I shower, do you?” I responded as I unlocked my locker and grabbed my underwear, socks, and soaps from my duffle.

“Oh no man, go for it! Everyone does!” Replied Mark.

“Awesome, thanks guys!” I responded and headed over to the attached room with the separated showers. I proceeded to take off my shoes, standing in my socks. I then remove my shirt, revealing my sweat covered six pack. I look in the mirror and give myself a nod of approval before slipping out of my basketball shorts, leaving me in just my briefs and socks.

Just then, Mark came turning around the corner and startled me. I see him look down at my junk in my skimpy briefs and I quickly cover it up with my hands as he surveyed me and I saw him look at my socked feet which I found weird.

“Oh hey man! I didnt mean to startle ya!” Mark stated while chuckling. “These showers can be a little difficult to learn, so I just wanted to show you how they work.”

“Oh haha, yeah I appreciate it!” I responded, forgetting the odd feeling I had.

Mark showed me how to turn everything on. I thanked him, and off he went. I finished getting undressed and took my shower. I came out of the shower and put on my briefs and socks and headed out to the locker room. I got everything together and got dressed and left.


Over the next couple of months, I started going to the gym every day, around the same time. It was great! Not many people there to hold up the workouts waiting for machines to open or anything. I had become fast friends with Zach, Chris and Mark. It was great. They were awesome workout buddies, and pushed me to do better in the gym as well. They taught me a really interesting workout technique of having my shows off during lifting to help blood-flow to my legs and feet. I didnt think anything of it, it made sense to me. What was weird is every once in a while I thought id catch one of them staring at my socked feet, or checking me out in general. I always shrugged it off as them making sure my form was good.

We all became good workout buddies, and every once in a while we would go out to a bar or restaurant after our workouts and grab food or drinks. It was always a good time. They were fun to be around.

It was a Friday evening when I got to the gym. I came in ready to rock this workout. Mark, Chris and Zach were already there when I came walking in. I look over at them and give them the “whats up” nod and a grin.

“Hey man! You ready to party tonight?” Mark yelled over to me inquisitively. We had planned earlier in the week to go grab drinks after our workout tonight. I had no idea the word party meant something different for them tonight.

“Hell yeah man! Just ready to let loose!” I responded back happily.

It had been a long, rough week at work, and I was just glad it was over. Coming to the gym had been my way of blowing off steam and I was definitely glad to be off for the weekend.

The gym was even more empty than usual, but it was a beautiful Friday night, and Im sure most people were out doing other things.

“I will take it” i thought to myself as I marched toward the locker room wearing a white Under Armour t shirt, black basketball shorts, and white no show liner socks and a pair of memory foam slides.

Unbeknownst to me...Mark, Chris and Zach were checking me out as I headed to the locker room.

I came back out, and we went through our normal workout routine. After I wrapped up my final set, the guys said they were going to go get showered and changed.

“Im going to just do a quick cardio sesh on the treadmill and I will catch up with you guys.” I said.

They went off to the locker room, and I popped in some waterproof wireless earbuds and started blasting some music. I looked around the gym and it was empty. I loved it! I went up a tier upstairs to the treadmills and put it on a setting fast enough to get a brisk jog, but not full on running going. I was in the groove. I did this for about 15 minutes before finally ending my treadmill session. I hopped down and went downstairs to the main level, my legs feeling like jello. I was totally spent. It was such a great workout.

I headed over to the locker room and walked inside. Mark, Zach, and Chris were all already out of the shower and were getting dressed. I nodded at them and made my way to my locker. I did my usual, and grabbed out my towel, my soaps, a pair of black skimpy calvin klein briefs with a red waistband, and a pair of thin white no show liner socks. I headed off to the shower room, ear buds still in and blasting music. I didnt even bother to notice the guys staring at me and smirking.

I stripped down to my skivvies and socks and posed in front of the mirror. I really enjoyed how my physique was coming along. I then finished getting undressed and hopped in the shower. The hot water felt good against my tired and sore body. I was so glad it was the weekend, and was ready to go hang out with friends.


While I was in the shower taking my time, I had no idea on what was taking place outside the shower room. Mark, Chris and Zach were giddy with excitement. It had been a while since any of them got to take advantage of a new guy in town. All this work and preparation leading up to this day. They had brought a bag of goodies that they fully intended on using on Jordan. Mark and Zach were sorting through things in the bag and getting them organized while Chris had made a sign that he attached to the locker room door that read “Closed- Under Maintenance- We apologize for the inconvenience” and had managed to jimmy rig some chord around the two door handles so they would not open if anyone tried to come in.

The trap was in place. Now they waited. Mark went and hid around the corner from where Jordan would ultimately come walking out of the shower room from and waited. The suspense was building, and Mark, Zach, and Chris eagerly awaited with lust for their pray to come out.


I had just finished up my shower, and I felt refreshed. Taking a shower after an intense workout is always such a rewarding feeling. I scampered over to my bench area and dried off, ear buds still loudly blasting music. I put on my pair of briefs and looked at myself in the mirror. I approved. I looked good.

“I think I am ready to start dating some of the ladies down here now.” I thought to myself.

I then sat on the bench and slipped on my little white no show liner socks. I hopped up and headed out of the shower room.

As I walked out, I saw Zach and Chris still standing there in their underwear and socks. I shoot them a puzzled look when all of a sudden I am grabbed from behind and put into a full nelson.

“Hey! What the hell is going on here?!” I yelled, completely startled and unsure of what was going on.

Zach and Chris merely smiled.

“Arent you guys going to help me? Dont just stand there!” I said, struggling against whoever was holding me’s grip.

I couldnt hear what was said, but I saw Chris respond with a smile and I read his lips “Yeah man, we will help you.”

I continued to struggle as Chris and Zach made their way over to me. I had no clue what was going on. I didnt know if this was some cruel joke or what. I didnt even notice that Chris had a jump rope in his hands as he walked up. He immediately got to work and began tying my socked feet together at the ankles both efficiently and tightly. My feet were secured, I couldnt move them at all, only squirm.

I looked at him and yelled, “What the fuck Chris! This isnt funny!”

They said nothing, and whoever had me in the full nelson was too strong, and my body was too exhausted to put up much fight. I was so confused. Zach and Chris began feeling up my body while I continued yelling and struggling in vain. I was so lost, so confused, and so helpless.

I then felt Zach take my dick into his mouth through my briefs and began shifting his mouth from my dick to my balls, and Chris was kissing and sucking on my earlobe while playing with my nipples.

I had no idea what was going on. I was so angry, and I couldnt do anything to stop what was going on. I yelled at the top of my lungs which caused Zach to grab a pair of scissors. He cut off my briefs and then forcefully shoved them deep into my mouth!

“Wha-mmm—mmmph!” I yelled as this happened. Zach stood there and looked me directly in my eyes, and held a finger to my now stuffed mouth and said “Shut the f*** up”.

I was in real trouble here. Was I about to be taken advantage of by the only friends I had made in Austin? I screamed into my gag and all that came out was a muffled moan.


End of Chapter 1. Thanks for reading! Stay tuned as I continue the story!
Last edited by ShortSocks 2 years ago, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

That was a really hot first chapter .
Centennial Club
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Post by ShortSocks »

Msueta@2 wrote: 3 years ago That was a really hot first chapter .
Thank you!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]ShortSocks[/mention] hey what are your turn ons ?
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Post by ShortSocks »

Msueta@2 wrote: 3 years ago @ShortSocks hey what are your turn ons ?
Being tied up and little no show liner socks.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Amazing first chapter, dude! Jordan being such a tease for his gym buddies without even knowing is definitely my favorite part. Zach had the right idea by stuffing his mouth with his own briefs. :D

As much as I enjoy stories where both parties are into each other, there's something captivating about reading M/M stories where the sub is straight. Looking forward to the rest of Jordan's misadventure.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by ShortSocks »

Thank you for the positive feedback! It means alot! I like a mix of stories from Non-consensual and consensual. I think the Non-con adds a little more thrill for me though! I will hopefully type up Chapter 2 soon!
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Post by ShortSocks »

Chapter 2:

I couldnt believe or comprehend what was happening. After Zach held had gagged me with my own underwear, I was totally naked aside from my socks and I was totally helpless. I couldnt yell for help, and even if I could the gym was empty.

Chris reached up and pulled the earbuds out of my ears. I glanced at him and let out a subtle confused groan into my gag. Both he and Zach just smiled at me.

“We’ve been planning this for a while” the person holding me in a full nelson from behind whispered into my ear before giving my earlobe a light nibble.

“Wh-mmmph?” I asked inquisitively as I attempted to struggle against the man’s grip.

“It was the perfect opportunity. New guy in town, no family, no friends, just yourself alone in the new big city!” Said the man holding me in his normal voice.

I couldnt believe it! It was Mark! I moaned loudly into my gag and gave my best attempt at thrashing around as Mark, Zach, and Chris all had a good chuckle.

“Dont worry, we will take extra good care of you Jordan.” Zach said as he lightly stroked the side of my face with my bulged out cheeks from the gag.

“N-mmmph” I yelled into my gag, shaking my head in disbelief.

“Listen, its not every day a lost soul comes wandering into our gym like a lost puppy.” Mark stated with a laugh. “But dont worry, we REALLY like you!” He said with another laugh. My brain was scrambling.

“We REALLY do!” Chris and Zach repeated as they started fondling my body again.

I moaned into my gag, struggling more, I could feel Mark starting to grow hard through his briefs behind me. I had to do something. I lashed my body with as much torque as I could muster. It was enough to send Mark stumbling sideways and caused him to lose his grip on me.

I hadnt thought it out much further than this point with my socked feet bound together with jump rope. I had honestly forgotten about it. As I attempted to lunge forward, I threw out both of my arms giving both Chris and Zach a hard shove. They staggered back a few steps and Chris actually tripped and fell. But in this one failed attempt, I had forgotten my feet were tied and I went crumbling like a heap to the floor as well.

“I guess he has a little more fight than we thought!” Said Mark with a slight chuckle as he, Zach, and Chris collected themselves.

I reached down at my ankles and began trying to untie them. It was very tight, but I started to make some progress when Chris made his way towards me.

I knew in my mind I wasnt going to get it undone fast enough. I started crawling towards the locker room exit, trying to pull my ankles apart as I was doing so.

They let out a collective laugh. I looked back and Chris and all of them stopped chasing me momentarily. I was confused. I quickly flipped back onto my butt and began untying my ankles again.

“Its no use. You are ours tonight.” Mark stated.

I wasnt even trying to listen to what he was saying. I finally managed to get my feet untied. I reach up and pull my briefs out of my mouth and stand up, glaring at the three of them.

“What the f*** guys? What is this, some kind of sick joke?” I asked angrilly.

They all just stood there and smiled at me, a sinister predatory look on all of their faces. My back was turned to the exit doors, as I was facing them. I had enough and was ready to go, naked or not. I didnt like where this was going. I started slowly walking backwards towards the exit.

“I love it when they try to run.” Said Zach with a smirk.

With that, I turned around and bolted for the exit doors. I could come back for my stuff another time. As I reach the doors, I noticed they were tied shut with a chord. I begin frantically tugging at the chord and trying to untie it. Behind me, Zach, Chris, and Mark had gathered up some items and began walking back over to me.

“God dammit god dammit! Come on!” I yelled as I was attemptimg to get one of the main knots loose. I glance back over my shoulder and I see them taking their sweet time walking up to me, equipped with hands filled with duct tape, rope and other items.

I had to do something and quick.

“I think I am going to have to try to fight my way out of here or try to buy myself some time somehow” i thought to myself as I unsuccessfully yankee at the knot once more. Whoever tied this chord around the door was apparently a miracle worker with knots. I sighed, and turned to face Zach, Mark, and Chris. They stop and look at me inquisitively.

“You ready to give up?” Asked Chris, waving his bundle of rope at me.

“Umm, not exactly.” I said defiantly as I tried to run full sprint around them to the right side. I could tell they were a little shocked to see me pull this move, but i also think it added fuel to their fire. Chris tried to cut me off at an angle. I juked back left and there was Zach. I quickly spun to the right as Zach lunged at me with another coil of rope. As I spun, Mark was right there. I reached out and stiff armed him in his chest which gave me just enough time to bounce away from him.

I immediately bolted forward. I saw a bunch of items they had laid out on the locker room benches. I felt a nervous twitch in the pit of my stomach. What was I going to do? I felt trapped and like I was just delaying the inevitable. Mark, Zach and Chris were right behind me. I heard the zzzzt sound of duct tape being ripped from the roll. I had to do something fast.

“Just give up already, its no use!” Zach yelled from behind me.

I yelled “Not a chance!” as I veered left into the shower room to try to give myself a more open area to try to maneuver around them. I can hear them close behind me. It was time for a desperate move, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I stopped dead in my tracks and lunged my upper body backwards, colliding with whom happened to be Mark who went flying backwards, the roll of tape flying from his hands. We both toppled over, and Zach and Chris went sliding in there slippery no show liner socks as they tumbled to the floor as well. I quickly scrambled to my feet. I began to run and as I took a step, Mark grabbed my ankle. I stumbled forward, but managed to break loose from his grip. I ran towards the locker room once more as the guys were yelling “Get him!”

I noticed on the locker room bench, the pair of scissors they had used to cut off my underwear!

“Of course!” I thought to myself. I veered over and hastily went to pick up the scissors. It was a little off course from heading to the doors, but I was hoping I had bought enough time to grab them and cut the chord and get out of here. I had a glimmer of hope! I reached down to grab the scissors, but in my frantic pace, I fumbled around with them and they fell to the floor.

“S***” i thought to myself. Just as I bent down to grab them I looked over and there was Zach running right at me.

I stood up and started to run, and thrust my arm out to try to stiff arm him as well, but to no avail. Apparently Zach decided to drop his rope in the shower room. He latched onto my arm with both hands and gave me a strong yank.

I lost my balance as I tried to wrestle with Zach, but it was too late. As I was attempting to break free from his grip, Mark rammed right into me, both breaking me free from Zach, and slamming me to the floor with a thud.

“Quick! Get over here Chris!” Yelled Mark as he was busy pinning down my struggling body.

Chris was a master with rope. He sprinted over and immediately began getting back to work on my flailing legs. He began winding the thin rope around my ankles in intricate ways with such efficiency that I couldnt believe. I could feel the rope getting tighter and tighter with each pass. Finally he cinched everything off with one of his exotic knots, tightly binding my sock clad feet together. He gave my socked feet a quick little tickle which prompted me to yell and attempt thrashing about. This couldnt be happening I thought to myself.

“There that oughta do it!” Chris exclaimed.

“All right guys, really, this isnt funny anymore. Just let me go and no one has to know about this.” I stated.

“Let you go?” Mark asked with a scoff. “Jordan we have only just begun.” He said as he gave my hair a playful tug, snapping my head back momentarily before he climbed off of me.

As soon as he got up, i tried springing back to untie my ankles once more, but this time they werent having it. Zach and Chris pounced on me, pinning me back to the floor. With only being able to make my socked feet squirm a bit, I didnt have enough power to stop anything. I just laid down in defeat as Mark had walked back off to the shower room.

“Finally giving up?” Asked Chris.

“I guess I dont have much choice when Im outnumbered and my feet are tied up.”

Chris and Zach both laughed.

“Yeah, I have been learning knots for quite some time. You arent going anywhere anytime soon.” He said defiantly.

“We are going to have so much fun with you tonight!” Zach added enthusiastically.

I felt a knot in my stomach begin to form.

“I just dont get it though...why me? What do you guys want?” I asked in a fearful tone.

Just then Mark had come strutting out of the shower room. He had the roll of black duct tape in hand.

“We already told you Jordan. Its not every day a hot guy wanders into our gym like a lost puppy dog freshly moved into town with no connections.” He paused as he walked over to the bench in front of his locker and plopped down.

As he sat down, Zach and Chris get up and lift me up. Zach bear hugged me from behind, i could feel him getting hard, while Chris sauntered over to grab more rope.

Mark continues speaking, “I knew from the first moment I met you that we were going to have you.” Mark peeled off his dirty little black liner socks and plopped them on the bench next to him, while putting on a fresh pair of white ones.

“Have me? What do you mean have me?” I asked.

Chris walked back over, and pulled my wrists behind my back and slowly, and emphatically used his intricate rope work to cinch my hands behind my back. I was really really in trouble now and I didnt like where this was going.

Mark had finished putting on his fresh socks. He picked up his dirty, sweaty no show liner socks and folded them into a tiny ball. He then picked up the roll of duct tape and started towards me. I was still being held up by Zach and Chris.

“You see Jordan. The three of us discovered we were all very alike. We shared our delight of being able to have our way, and lastly, we REALLY have a thing for guys that where little socks like ours!” Mark exclaimed.

He walked right up to me. I looked at him in his eyes as I struggled a bit.

“I still dont fully understand. What are you guys going to do to me?” I asked.

“Whatever we want.” Mark replied with a grin.

And with that I tried thrashing and struggling with all my might to no avail.

“What?! No! Hel-mmmmph!” I screamed as Mark shoved his dirty, sweaty no shows deep into my mouth. Chris then clamped his hand over my mouth as Mark began to rip the duct tape from the roll so I couldnt spit them out.

“Mmph mmm mmmph!” I yelled and moaned into my gag.

It made the zzzt sound as he ripped the strip off the role. He tore off a single strip. Chris removed his hand and Mark swiftly and smoothly plastered the piece of black duct tape to my mouth.

I screamed into the gag, but all that was coming out was muffled groans and moans. Mark followed up with two more strips of tape over my mouth “zzzt” “zzzzt” before planting a kiss on my gagged lips.

“Time to have some fun!” Mark exclaimed, his eyes beaming with excitement.


End of Chapter 2! What else is in store for Jordan? Does he have any more fight left in him! Stay tuned for Chapter 3 to find out! Please leave any feedback! It would be greatly appreciated!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Great story, so far. :D

Jordan is not the first to fall into the clutches of this trio! :o

What's happened to the guys with short socks before him, [mention]ShortSocks[/mention]? :evil:
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Post by ShortSocks »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 3 years ago Great story, so far. :D

Jordan is not the first to fall into the clutches of this trio! :o

What's happened to the guys with short socks before him, @ShortSocks? :evil:
Thank you so much! I am glad you are enjoying it thus far! I think you are just going to have to wait for Chapter 3 to find out! ;)
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]ShortSocks[/mention] I really loved second chapter so much . I love sock chewing .
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Post by ShortSocks »

Msueta@2 wrote: 3 years ago @ShortSocks I really loved second chapter so much . I love sock chewing .
Thank you! Yes, socks are great! More to come in Chapter 3!
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Post by ShortSocks »

Just so people can get an idea on the style of socks mentioned. I am attaching some example links below to see the cut, height, and style of what no show liners typically look like! Thanks!

https://www.nordstrom.com/s/polo-ralph ... &color=001

https://www.nordstrom.com/s/polo-ralph ... &color=100

https://sheecsocks.com/products/no-sho ... et-mid-cut

https://sheecsocks.com/products/no-sho ... et-low-cut
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Post by ShortSocks »


Here I was, completely naked, helpless and vulnerable. My hands were tightly roped behind my back, and my socked feet were also tightly bound with rope as well. I was silenced by having little socks balled up, stuffed into my mouth, and strips of tape smoothed over my lips making sure the socks could not be spit out.

My brain was scrambling. I had been tied up by my only friends I had made since moving to Austin. I didnt know what to expect.

“Lets get him over here” said Mark motioning towards the benches by their lockers.

“Absolutely.” Replied Chris and Zach as they began dragging my struggling body towards the bench.

I moaned into my gag. Inside my head, a war was going on. I had never been tied up before. To be honest, I began to feel slightly aroused at the helpless feeling. I couldnt show that though, I had to remain mentally tough.

Zach and Chris then lift my up by my shoulders and feet, and plop me down so I was laying flat on the bench.

“Dont move.” Said Zach sternly.

“Mmmph” i replied as I squirmed slightly to get my body resting comfortably.

Zach, Chris, and Mark began to gather some supplies and came back over to me.

“On second thought...” Zach said with a pause. “Lets stand him up Mark.”

Mark and Zach hoisted me back up off of the bench and held me up.

“We are going to untie your hands for a moment. If you put up a fight, there will be consequences.” warned Zach.

At this point, I was too exhausted to really put up much more of a fight. I was too focused on the salty, sweaty flavored socks in my mouth to really listen. Deep down, my curiosity of where this was headed. “Relax.” I thought to myself.

“Do you understand?” Zach asked.

“Mmmph” i replied, nodding my head.

“Good” said Zach as he grabbed the pair of scissors while Mark held me up.

Zach carefully and softly squeezed the scissors between my wrists and the rope and gave it a snip, freeing my hands.

“Hey, I worked hard on those knots!” Chris joked.

I stood completely still. For some strange reason, I was starting to feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I stood still.

“Dont worry, there is plenty more rope Chris.” Said Zach with a chuckle.

“Yeah yeah! Ya know, sometimes I think you guys take my knot tying skills for granted.” Chris said with a smirk.

They all shared a chuckle, as I continued to stand still. My mind was still trying to wrap my head around everything. I had never gotten any weird vibes from these guys and I considered them good friends. Was this all just because I wore little sock liners like them? Were they attracted to me? Were they going to rape me? These were all questions running through my head, but oddly enough, even if I wasnt exhausted, I likely would have complied at this point to see where things went.

“What the hell Jordan, you like girls! Get out of your head” I thought to myself.

“Hold out your hands together out in front of you.” Zach ordered. I did as I was told, my butterflies getting stronger.

“You get another chance to show off your skills” said Zach with a smirk as he tossed Chris another bundle of thin rope.

“Oh yeah? Watch this?” Said Chris defiantly with a smirk.

It was insane to watch. The intricacies of how Chris was winding the ropes around my wrists was mesmerizing. As he wound the rope through, and around and around with such precision, I couldnt help but be impressed. Finally, he cinched everything off with another exotic knot, and my wrists snapped together tightly in front of me with a good amount of force causing me to let out a moan of surprise into my gag.

“There, all done!” Chris joked as he lightly tapped me on my cheek.

“Mmmph” i gave a soft reply from behind my gag.

“How’s my socks taste?” asked Mark with a chuckle. I moaned into my gag again as I shook my head no, though deep down, I was actually starting to think I liked it.

“Oh come on, they arent that bad!” Said Mark in an offended tone, but clearly joking.

“Back to the bench you go!” Exclaimed Zach.

And with that Mark and Zach carefully hoisted me up and gently placed me down onto the bench, my hands now tied up in front of me. Mark then reached over, grabbed a roll of duct tape and began ripping it from the roll, “zzzzt”. He passed it over my chest and handed it to Zach, who promptly pulled it down tightly over my chest, and then ran it underneath before passing the roll back off to Mark. They repeated this process several times, until my upper body was totally secured to the bench. Chris just stood and watched, clearly aroused, as I noticed him growing in his briefs.

I felt a twitch of excitement, fear, adrenaline, all of the above. “What is happening to me?” I thought to myself as Zach finished ripping the tape from the roll before plastering it down over my now tightly bound upper body.

“Dont worry Jordan, we arent going to do anything you dont approve of, okay?” Mark said as he stroked my face gently. I nodded my head.

“If we begin doing anything you are uncomfortable with, just shake your head no, and we will stop.” Said Zach.

This was so confusing to me, but oddly made me feel reassured. I relaxed, the butterflies in the pit of my stomach going crazy. I needed more information though, so I yelled loudly into my gag and shook my head no.

After I shook my head no, I glanced around the room. I could see the look of disappointment on their faces. Mark frowned as he carefully peeled the tape from my mouth. I spit out his socks, and the fell to the floor.

“You are that against all of this huh?” Asked Mark in a disappointed tone.

“Honestly, I am just caught off guard by all of this. I just want some more questions answered, and if you guys are really my friends, you will answer. Dont give me the tough guy facade s***” I stated as I looked at Mark.

“Okay, ask away.” Said Mark.

“Well, you guys pretty much kidnapped me.” I said before getting cut off by Zach.

“We didnt kidnap you, you were already here. We just kinda...tied you up against your will.” Said Zach.

I looked over at him and said, “Semantics! Come on man! I really want to know, are we actually friends?”

They all responded with “Of course” and “Yes.” I really wanted to get all of this sorted out.

“Okay, well thats good at least. So, why did you all decide to tie me up without asking me first?” I asked.

“Honestly,” said Mark with a slight pause. “We werent sure if you would go for it or not.”

“Well, I dont know if I would have or not, but you should have at least asked. You guys scared me.” I replied.

“Well, honestly, given my track record with guys that wear these types of socks to the gym, I thought you would be into it.” Answered Mark.

“What do you mean your track record? And, is this really all about my socks?” I asked curiously.

I had never thought about it like this before. Psychologically, I thought my feet looked more appealing in this style of sock wear and hoped women would think the same way. I had never even considered that men may be attracted to these types of socks, and I was honestly the only person I knew of with the fetish.

“It isnt ALL about the socks, no. You are just a really gorgeous guy. Dont get me wrong, liner socks are sexy, and such a turn on for the three of us. They just accentuate feet features so well.” Mark said with a pause as he stared down at my helpless socked feet. What he said, and him staring at my feet gave me butterflies. Not the bad kind either.

“Well, Zach and Chris both wear them too, why dont you tie them up?” I asked inquisitively.

Mark chuckled and said, “I was getting to that before you cut me off. You asked me about what I meant by my track record, right?”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Well, Zach and Chris ARE my track record.” Mark replied.

“Wh- wait, what?” I asked as I shot puzzled looks at Zach and Chris whom were both nodding their heads.

I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I was speechless. I opened my mouth to reply, but was cut off by Mark speaking.

“Thats right, yes. Zach and Chris, at different times, mind you, were once tied up against their will...at first.” He said.

“At first?” I responded, confused.

This time Zach chimed in, “Yeah man, I was Mark’s first capture. I fought it at first, but I couldnt deny the passion he had of wanting me, and I was so flattered that I gave in, and really enjoyed it.” He finished.

What Zach said resonated with me. I oddly felt the exact same way. My head was spinning. I wasnt sure what to say. I loved women, but I had never experienced anything like this. The passion, the lust, the desire. The same shared sock fetish. “Am I bi-curious?” i thought to myself.

I shot a glance over at Chris as he chimed in.

“Obviously, I was Mark’s second victim.” He said with a little chuckle. “It started out with Mark and Zach capturing me against my will in the same way we did you. I was just as confused as you were, although I didnt put up nearly as much of a fight.” He added.

“But once captured, I was given the same opportunity to have my questions answered. The explanations blew me away. Not only could I believe someone shared my fetish, but that they wanted me badly enough to tie me up. It was really thrilling.” Chris stated.

My mind was blown. My butterflies were going around in full effect. Everything they were saying described me to a tee.

“That’s one of the reasons we never invited you over to any of our places Jordan, we take turns ganging up on one unlucky sap out of the three of us, and tie them up and have our way with them, worship their socks, whatever we want. We didnt want to expose you to that.” Said Mark.

“Things can sometimes get hot and heavy. Sometimes things get aggressive, but we all enjoy it.” Mark added.

It all made sense. I was always curious why they all always hung out at each others places, but I was only invited to dinner or for drinks.

“So are you guys saying I should give in and join you?” I responded with my butterflies going wild. My head was a whirlwind. I felt my dick give a slight twitch of life, which confused me.

“Well, we dont have a club name or anything, we just refer to ourselves as The Sock Boys.” replied Mark with a laugh. We all chuckled at this, including myself.

“But yes, you should give in and join us.” Added Zach.

I looked around at all of them. They all had hopeful gleams in their eyes as they stared at me like a piece of meat. I lay there helplessly as I looked around the locker room at all of them. They all looked so pleased as they eyed me up. I hadnt even realized I had gotten fully erect.

I couldnt deny it any longer. Everything I had in me was telling me to say yes. I had never felt anyone desire me so much. I had never experienced this sort of passion. I had never met other people that shared my exact same sock fetish. The knots in my stomach were so tight. I was even beginning to enjoy the helpless feeling of helpless and being someone’s tied up prize. My heart was going a mile a minute. I couldnt take it anymore.

I glance around the room one last time.

“I give in. I will join you.” I replied with a smile.

They all gave joyous responses of “Awesome” and “Hell yeah.” They were so excited.

Giving in, I felt an immense release of pent up endorphins. I was weirdly in a state of bliss. I really wanted to see where this was going to go. I gave a cute little wiggle, struggling against my bonds on the bench which they seemed to enjoy.

Chris sat down on the bench, lifted my socked feet onto his lap with his rock hard cock and began giving me the most amazing and most sensual foot massage. I had never felt anything like it. It was amazing.

“Oh man, that feels amazing Chris, dont stop!” I yelled.

I was thoroughly enjoying this. I didnt want it to stop. I closed my eyes and just took in the foot massage. While that was happening, Zach had gone to his duffle and pulled out some old dirty liner socks. He balled them up and handed them to Mark with a smile.

“I think we forgot something.” Said Mark.

I opened my eyes and looked over at him as I said, “What’s tha-mmmmph!” Mark crammed Zach’s dirty, old, used liner socks into my mouth.

Mark then grabbed the roll of duct tape, and ripped a piece of the roll, “zzzt” and then said “Now the fun begins” with a smile before smoothing the tape over my mouth!

“Mmmph” i replied.


End of Chapter 3! I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave feedback and tag people that may enjoy this story! Im too new to know what names of people are into what yet!

Stay tuned for Chapter 4!
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Post by ShortSocks »

[mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]GMen[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

It's great seeing Jordan caving in to the three hunks and their shared interest in socks. :)

I wonder if Sock Boys are going to be a quartet in the future, haha. I'm curious how far they'll go with their latest friend.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

You can reach my list of written work here: https://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38808#p38808
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I really love this story so much . Can't wait to read chapter 4 .
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Post by ShortSocks »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 3 years ago It's great seeing Jordan caving in to the three hunks and their shared interest in socks. :)

I wonder if Sock Boys are going to be a quartet in the future, haha. I'm curious how far they'll go with their latest friend.

Thank you! I thought it would make an interesting twist, and create a way to pivot for future chapters/stories involving them! Glad you liked it!
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Post by ShortSocks »

Msueta@2 wrote: 3 years ago I really love this story so much . Can't wait to read chapter 4 .
Thank you! I am looking forward to continuing this adventure!
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Post by Jason07 »

I've been watching this story progress as well and I am VERY much looking forward to more.
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Post by ShortSocks »

Jason07 wrote: 3 years ago I've been watching this story progress as well and I am VERY much looking forward to more.
Thank you so much! It really means a lot to keep seeing more positive responses! Chapter 4 will be out anytime between later tonight to Monday afternoon (EST) at the latest!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Just finished reading the first chapter, and although the end of it appears to be non-consensual and morally reprehensible, I had a quick glance at the following two, which seem to confirm that Jordan's predicament is not entirely non-consensual. As such, I don't feel as bad to be rooting for his captors. Also helps that I share the same name as one of them 8-) (not to mention a similar build, though substantially heavier).

This is off to a great start, my friend.
Stories featuring underwear gags and sockgags are a sure way to go on here, and with your great writing added to the mix, "Taken At The Gym" is bound to be a popular hit.

Well done!
Gonna keep chapter two for a bit later tonight.
Should be caught up by this time tomorrow.

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Post by ShortSocks »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago @ShortSocks
Just finished reading the first chapter, and although the end of it appears to be non-consensual and morally reprehensible, I had a quick glance at the following two, which seem to confirm that Jordan's predicament is not entirely non-consensual. As such, I don't feel as bad to be rooting for his captors. Also helps that I share the same name as one of them 8-) (not to mention a similar build, though substantially heavier).

This is off to a great start, my friend.
Stories featuring underwear gags and sockgags are a sure way to go on here, and with your great writing added to the mix, "Taken At The Gym" is bound to be a popular hit.

Well done!
Gonna keep chapter two for a bit later tonight.
Should be caught up by this time tomorrow.
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! Yes, the thrill of initial non-consensual appeals to me, but I like to circle it back and make it more about passion, desire, etc. Itll always circle back to consensual in any story I do though!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the remainder of the story!
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Chapter 4:

I had no clue whose socks were in my mouth, but they tasted putrid. They didnt taste like they were super dirty, just that they had once been super sweaty, clearly used during a workout. They must have been sitting for a while as they were slightly crusty, which was gross, but the more I was sucking on those socks, the sooner they went soft like normal, my mouth filling with the juices. I couldnt believe it, but I actually liked it.

Chris was still giving my socked feet a super sensual massage, which was evoking some very loud pleasurable moans from me from behind my gag, moans I didnt even know I had in me.

Mark leans over and whispers into Zach’s ear, “Oh..my god..he is perfect!” He whispered with excitement, causing Zach to smirk.

I was in a state of bliss, but apparently the way I was moaning, and involuntarily struggling against my bonds subconsciously, was exactly what they were hoping for.

“Hey Chris, I think it is someone elses turn to have a go.” Stated Mark.

“Mmmph?” I asked with sadness. I didnt want the massage to end.

Chris didnt seem to mind too much, but he got up and reluctantly placed my bound sock clad feet back onto the bench. I immediately started struggling. I wanted more attention.

“Dont worry,” chuckled Mark. “We arent done with you yet.”

Just then, Mark plopped down, straddling the bench by my bound socked feet. He placed his hands on my bound ankles and said, “New blood in our group is always so exciting. How are you liking this?”

I couldnt really give a well spoken response due to my situation, but it sounded something like “Ymmph Kmmp Gmmhph” which translated to “Yes, Keep going” as I nodded my head.

Mark smiled. He got up from the bench and knelt down by my socked feet and began kissing and licking around my socked feet and ankles just below where the rope was.

I must admit, it was actually quite an erotic feeling having this sort of attention paid to my feet. Mark then gripped both of my feet at the toes, and angled them apart as much as the rope would allow. He then started kissing, sucking and trailing his tongue along the line of where the cut of my sock was, on the arches of my feet. This must have been an erogenous zone for me because it drove me absolutely crazy! It felt absolutely amazing!

I moaned into my gag as if I was having sex. All of this was so crazy, but I was enjoying every second of it. Zach had then walked around to the other side of the bench and I began to feel him kiss all around with my right socked foot and Mark had switched gears and began continuing what he was doing with my left socked foot. I was in ecstasy. I had never had anything this sensual done TO ME. My eyes had been closed this whole time as I was taking everything in.

Apparently Chris was feeling left out. He knelt down and then proceeded to clamp his hand over my taped mouth causing me to startle and let out a surprised yelp into my gag. I opened my eyes and shifted them to look at him and his smirk. He then forced my head to look away, hand still clamped over my gagged mouth. He then began kissing, licking and sucking on my neck and ear.

Apparently I was sensitive everywhere. Women never gave me this sort of attention. They always just expected me to do this to them.

“OMMMPH MMMH GMMMPH” I exclaimed into my gag which translated roughly to “Oh my god!”

All of them continued what they were doing for several more minutes, driving me absolutely insane. I struggled against my bonds, and their grips in slow passionate movements as I was thoroughly enjoying everything happening, when suddenly, it stopped.

Confused, I opened my eyes and let out a confused “Mmph?” as I saw them all standing up, staring at me.

“Cut him loose and stand him up.” Demanded Mark.

“Nmmmph mmmph!” I yelled into my gag. I was enjoying everything and didnt want them to stop.

Chris, who was by my upper body quickly grabbed the scissors and cut loose the duct tape that was holding my upper body to the bench, cutting me free from it. I just laid there as Zach and Chris grabbed me from under my shoulders and carefully lifted me up off of the bench and stood me up. My cock was rock hard as both of them held me in place.

“It looks like you are rather enjoying yourself!” Exclaimed Mark as he looked down at my pelvic region.

I glanced down and noticed it. I was slightly embarrassed, but at the same time, I didnt really care. Everything that had just transpired was so hot.

“Mmmph mmm” i said into my gag as I gave a slight shrug while nodding my head.

“Good” responded Mark with a smile.

“However, we have a rule about first time tie ups. We dont get you off, and you dont get us off. Zach tried to break that rule earlier when he placed your member into his mouth and for that he is going to be punished by Chris and I later tonight.” Mark added with a wink.

Im not going to lie. It was weird that I felt saddened to here that they werent going to do anything to get me off. I pleaded sadly into my gag but to no avail. Mark went into his locker, grabbed a pen and a sticky note and began to write something. He slapped the sticky note onto my locker.

“We are so excited for you to join us Jordan. You put up the biggest fight out of anyone to not be tied up, which was truly exhilarating for us!” Mark said as he motioned for Chris and Zach to lay me on the floor.

“You are sexy, your socked feet are sexy, and the amount of resistance you gave us was sexy.” Mark added.

I didnt know what was going on as I lay on the floor listening. Chris and Zach began to gather up and put away all of their supplies.

“The note I put on your locker is the address to my home just outside the city limits of Austin. We want to continue this adventure and push things a little further. I want you there 11 AM SHARP tomorrow morning.” Mark continued.

“Is that understood?” Asked Mark.

I moaned into my gag and nodded.

“Good” replied Mark.

The three of them began to get dressed. Chris had wandered over to the doors and cut the chord loose so they could leave.

I was worried they were going to leave me here like this and I began thrashing around and moaning into my gag.

“Dont worry, we arent leaving you here.” Said Chris as he walked back over and cut my hands free.

“The rest , you will have to untie yourself.” Said Zach jokingly before continuing, “Dont worry though, you can keep my socks that are in your mouth cutie.”

I merely moaned into my gag, that was kinda hot. Im not going to lie, I didnt want this to end, so I was a little sad, and super horny.

“We will see you tomorrow,” added Mark. “Bring that same fight you had today. That was so hot and it will really get us worked up. We like the challenge.” He said with a smirk.

And with that they all walked out. I immediately went to work on untying my ankles. As I was doing so, I admired the way my socked feet looked tied up. I could see the appeal in it.

I finally after about 5 minutes, got my ankles freed. I then ripped the tape off of my mouth, and spit out Zach’s socks. I picked up his socks and walked over to my locker.

“Holy shit that was awesome.” I whispered to myself. I was sexually frustrated now however, which made me slightly sad.

I looked up at my locker though, and saw the note. It had Mark’s address listed, and below it, a note that read “Thank you for joining us, be prepared to be tied up all day tomorrow. You better put up a good fight, not that itll matter. We WILL have you. Sincerely, the Sock Boys”

I smiled at the post it note as I peeled it off of the locker. I opened my locker and put the address into my phone and a reminder as for what time I needed to leave by to be at the house by 11 AM. I then got dressed, and headed off.

On my drive home, my head was swimming. I never thought I would be into this sort of thing. I had to admit, it was extremely hot though, and I thoroughly enjoyed being tied up, helpless, and the focus of Chris, Mark and Zach’s sexual desires. It was a really sexy and amazing thought to be wanted that much. Butterflies hit my stomach super hard. I was so excited for tomorrow!

I had to take care of my own situation though. I quickly ran up into my apartment and started gathering several athletic outfits that I knew looked good on me, several pairs of my favorite skimpy briefs, and of course several pairs of my no show liner socks in varying colors. I tossed in my favorite pair of running shoes, and crammed everything into my duffle bag and placed my Nike slides next to the duffle. I was going to pick out an outfit to wear over to Mark’s house tomorrow morning.

For now I needed to take care of something however.

I plopped down on my bed, and masturbated while thinking of all the events that transpired. I got the sweet release I was looking for and when I finished, i looked down at my cute little no show sock liners on my feet and smiled.

Tomorrow was about to be an amazing and thrilling day.


End of Chapter 4


Be sure to tune in to Chapter 5 as Jordan willingly walks into the hornets nest, willing to play the relucant victim and try to escape the clutches of his friends, the Sock Boys. Things are about to get steamy!

Let me know what you all think! Thank you all again for the continued positive feedback!
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Post by User4525 »

Please post more asap I'm riveted.
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