The Gag-party (M/M)

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Deleted User 153

The Gag-party (M/M)

Post by Deleted User 153 »

A small sideproject, sort of created by accident.

Small introduction: When I was just discovering my bondage-interest, I stumbled upon the drawings and stories of tugger049. I still consider the discovery of his work as a turning point for me.
Over the years I forgot about it, but recently got in touch with the man himself.
During our chats, this story got created. He is all into suits, silk handkerchiefs in a breastpocket and handkerchief gags, and has strong fantasies well dressed father/son kidnappings. So I wrote this story as a thank you for him. Quite elaborate on the dresscode, but let's keep in mind that is was for a specific audience :)

For those who are unfamiliar with his work:


Deleted User 153

Post by Deleted User 153 »

The Gag-party


It was an average morning at the Brown mansion. At first light, Frederic opened his eyes and got out of bed. He walked towards his dressingroom, where he had a large selection of suits, shirts ,ties,… a look for every occasion. After a few minutes he pulled out a grey suit with a very subtle pinstripe checks. He liked the detail on it, a detail only visible when you are very closeby. Next, he took a white shirt and a grey striped tie. To finish it off, Frederic added a white silk pockethandkerchief.

As he checked the overall look in the mirror, he adjusted the silk puff in his chest pocket. He looked spotless, as his father always taught him. Mr Brown, his father had a very clear idea on how to dress. Appearance is everything, and you should always dress the part. In his younger years, Frederic always tried to avoid dressing up, but as the years went by, he started to like the way he looked in a suit. He liked being a Dandy.
Frederic went down the stairs, and opened the mailbox. Inside, there was a big envelope with his name on it. He took the envelope towards the kitchen, and opened it over a cup of coffee.
Inside the envelope, there was an invitation, and a sealed envelope with his father’s name on it.

“Dear Frederic,
You are invited to attend our first ever gag-party. The dresscode is, as expected, Dandy.
Handkerchiefs, bandana’s, rope,… all is provided. All we expect from you is to bring your guest along.
Enclosed you will find the invitation for your father. He will be unaware of the nature of the party. As far as he will know, it’s a social gathering of the countryclub, organized for father and son bonding time. Little will he know he can take the bonding quite literally.
We’ll see you tonight at 8pm.

It took him some time to realize what was written. The younger guys at the country club have become a group of close friends. Often, they talked about the possibilities to have a gag-party, making their fathers the victims. The past few years it remained just a fantasy, but apparently Michael has taken it a step up. Frederic was getting all excited of capturing his father. After a few minutes, he calmed down enough to face his dad, and to offer him the invitation. He finished his coffee and walked towards his father’s study. As he stood in front of the door, he took a final deep breath and knocked on the door.


Deleted User 153

Post by Deleted User 153 »


Me and my son have had a difficult relation in the past, but in the past few months, things got better. He left his rebellious attitude, had a close group of friends at the country club, and took more effort to dress up. He was a good looking lad, especially when he dressed the part. He looked like a younger version of me.

Over the years, I’ve matured gracefully. Nice thick grey hair, a full grey beard. Although I’ve aged, I’m still quite fit. I always had a soft spot for the Dandy look. A man dressed in a suit, having a big handkerchief puffed in the chest pocket. For as long as I remember I dressed like that, and tried to bring the same look to my son.

That morning, I was sitting behind my desk, reading the morning paper. I was wearing a light brown suit, brown shirt and a bourgondy patterned tie. My chestpocket handkerchief has the same color and pattern as my tie, and was puffed to the max. When I was halfway through the paper, I heard a knock on my door.


The door opened, and my son Frederic was stepping through. He looked good in his grey suit. Although the handkerchief in his breastpocket could be bigger.

“Goodmoring father. We have received an invitation for a father-son event at the countryclub tonight. I have your invitation here” Frederic walked towards the desk, handing the envelope over. “We’re expected at eight”
I accepted the envelope, took out the invitation and carefully read the details. I closed the invitation, and place it on the side of my desk. I get up from my chair, and walk towards my son.

“Looks like an invite we can’t refuse”
As I stand in front of Frederic, I pull out his breast pocket square. “We better look spotless when we go tonight. I don’t want people to think we’re sloppy” I start folding the hankerchief into a big puff, and stuff it back in Frederic’ chestpocket. As I stuff it in, my fingers feel his strong torso underneath the suit.
“Looks better, don’t you think Son?” I ask him when I tap his shoulder.
“Yes father, it does. Thank you” he meekly repied
“I have some other business to attend to. I’ll pick you up at 7.15”
“That’s alright father, I’ll see you tonight”
I saw Frederic turn around and walk out my study. I cannot help being excited about an opportunity to bond with my son.

Deleted User 153

Post by Deleted User 153 »


The hours passed by rather quickly. I’ve reread the invite a few times, and picturing how the evening would evolve. I always wanted to tie up my father, stuff his mouth with a big wad of handkerchiefs. But I also must admit I sometimes fantasize about being tied up myself. As we talked about it in our group of friends, I never dared to admit I thought about reversing the roles. Better to keep that silent towards my friends, especially Michael. He’s a nice guy, but somehow I think he might take advantage of that knowledge.

Around 7PM, I walked out the frontdoor. I waited a few minutes untill my dad comes down the driveway with his car. I get in on the passenger side. It was an half an hour drive, so we would be a bit early. Father hated being late, a characteristic I clearly share with him. The drive towards the countryclub seemed longer than usual. I felt some nerves for tonight’s event. I did my best not to show my excitement and nerves, as we talked about some actual topics in today’s news.
Finally we parked our car. We walked towards the majestic building, and entered in the great hall. There was a sign indicating the “Father-Son-event”. It was held in the lounge at the end of the building. I must admit Michael thought this through: it is one of the most distant rooms, and rarely used. If it was in use, it was mostly for the younger members as myself. So even if any other uninvited clubmembers would show up, they would not go there. The privacy was guaranteed.

The lounge also has a small hall, which would be perfect to stock the first ropes and handkerchiefs needed to enter. This whole event was perfectly planned.
“Well Son, It looks like I’m going to spend some time on your territory tonight” my father said as soon as he realized what room we were heading to.
“So it seems father” I replied as we reached the door. “Just a minute, I’ll check if we are welcome yet”

I stepped into the hall, and saw what I expected: a large pile of white handkerchiefs and a few coils of rope were on the sidetable. I took two handkerchiefs, opened them and rolled them into a big wad of fabric. “Here goes nothing” I whispered to myself
“Father, It’s ok, you can step in”

I stood behind the door, waiting for my father to come in. As soon as he came through, I shut the door. I grabbed him from behind, pushing him against the wall. I saw him open his mouth to protest, and shoved the big wad of fabric deep down his mouth. I pulled the wad between his jaws using another handkerchief. I see my father is confused by what is happening, and I hear a protest coming out of the wad of cloth.

Before he starts to struggle, I tie my father’s wrists together behind his back. A few loops secure them nicely together, and I finish with a few knots, making sure he cannot reach them with his fingers.

I take his arm and turn him around. He’s staring into my eyes. By the look on his face, he now realizes what’s going on. I see his eyes fill with a sort of anger, as he shouts in his gag.
I pat him on his gagged cheek. “relax Dad. You’re in good hands. And to be honest, I kind of know you like this. I’ve seen the sketchbook in the second drawer of your desk… “
The look in his eyes turned. I could tell he felt a bit vulnerable now that his secret was out. Looks like I have more in common with my dad than I tought….
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Post by LK3869 »

Suits, ties and handkerchiefs, will change us from leather and skaters outfits ;)
Will see if the charm works on me... The story behind the story is nice, adding the pics sets the mood.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
Deleted User 153

Post by Deleted User 153 »


“I’ve seen the sketchbook in the second drawer of your desk…”
His son’s words sank in. He knows. He found his drawings. The second drawer contains my sketchbook, filled with drawings of dressed up men. Dressed up men, tied up with their mouths stuffed with handkerchiefs. I cannot believe he knows, and never mentioned it. I was not sure if I should feel relieved or embarrassed .
On the other hand, I also have mixed emotions on my current situation. My son has the nerve to tie and gag me, to overpower and dominate me. But I also must admit I like the idea, and really want to go along with it.
“MMMPHMM?” was all I could bring out after my secret was revealed. Frederic grabbed my arm and guided me towards the main door of the lounge.

As we enter the room, I see the interior of the lounge: there are a few large chesterfields, a round dining table with high chairs, and a few smaller chairs at the side of the room. There was a large table right across the room against the wall, filled with white coils of rope in different lengths, and an large pile of white handkerchiefs. The round dining table had a cooler holding a few bottles of champagne and 6 glasses. There was a cart next to it with a bottle of bourbon and glasses. This looks not bad at all.
I look to my side, and see Michael, Frederic’ friend standing next to the table. “Ah, it looks our first guests have arrived. Welcome Frederic, welcome Mr Brown. Frederic, I guess you’ll make your father comfortable? I guess my father can use the company.”

At first, I hadn’t noticed Victor Jones, Michael’s father. His arms were secured to his side, arms tied behind his back. Some rope round his ankles and knees holding his legs together. His mouth was stuffed with what seemed an enourmous amount of handkerchiefs, with a big one holding all in, covering his lower face. Mr Jones was dressed in a navy suit, light blue shirt, navy tie and a light blue silk handkerchief was in his chestpocket. The way his arms were tied behind his back made his chest stand out, presenting his tie and pocket handkerchief in all its glory. It looks like he struggled a bit and tipped over in the couch. I see Michael stepping over to him to pull him back up.

“With pleasure” Frederic responded. He pushed me towards the sofa next to mr Jones. Frederic took some more rope, and started to bind my arms together, securing them to my chest. He tied my ankles and knees together. Pleased with his work, he rearranged the handkerchief in my chest pocket. It must have gotten crooked during the process. At that point, I was glad my son had attention to details.
“Now to finish your gag”.

Oh my, is he going to stuff my mouth even more? I’m not sure if I can handle that. I saw him roll a massive handkerchief, and felt him stuff it deep in front of the already giant wad that was filling his mouth. He covered my lower face with the last handkerchief, pulling everything deep in. As he knotted the handkerchief, I chocked a bit on the enormous amount of fabric filling my mouth.
“mmmphm” That is one effective gag…

As soon as he finished my gag, Frederic and Michael got into a conversation. I tested my bonds, and noticed I was tied up exactly the way mr Jones was tied up, except for the clothing. I felt my pants filling up as I got more and more excited.

Over the next half hour, we were joined by four more father-son combinations. The fathers all ended up together, tied in similar ways, their mouths stuffed to the max. All of them dressed to the slightest details . The couches were now filled with mature, tied and gagged men. When everyone was present, I heard the Sons take their champagne glasses.
“Gentlemen, a toast. To our first Gag-party. So far, quite a success”
I heard the sound of glass touching, and they all drank together. After the toast, each of them took place into the couch next to his trussed up dad.

This was just a perfect night for me. Me being bound and gagged with 5 other well-dressed men, in the company of 6 dandy looking young men. I’m not sure if it had something to do with the event, but I’m glad Frederic found my sketchbook.
Deleted User 153

Post by Deleted User 153 »


So far the party was going great. I never expected me to be able to tie up my father the way I did tonight. The way he looks right now… I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it turns me on more than I expected.

I sat next to my trussed up dad, noticing the bulge between his legs. I occasionally let my hands slide over his chest, legs, fondle a bit with his tie and silk puff. Check his bonds every once in a while. As I run my fingers through his hair, he stares me right in the eyes. It was a look I’ve never seen before. A mixture of lust and desire. I guess I felt the same way…

After some conversation between the guys, Michael suggested it was time for a card game. But there was a little twist to it. The loser gets to suffer the same fate as his father. It was, after all a father-son bonding moment. I tried to hide my true feelings. It was a mixture of panic and excitement. I was never good at cardgames, but the thought of surrendering to my friends scared me even more.
We started playing. Even if I tried, I was too distracted by my surroundings. The sight of the firmly tied and gagged men around me made it hard to keep my head in the game. And it showed. Turned out, I was the first loser of the night. Although, I have a feeling the others were teaming up and were plotting against me. So I never had a chance to begin with.

“Come on guys, do we really have to do this?” I ask when everyone stands up and walks towards me?
“Rules are rules dear Frederic” Michael replied “and the loser has to pay his debts”
“But guys… mmmmphm”
I the grip of a hand, covering my mouth and saw a massive wad of handkerchiefs coming closer to my mouth. My cheeks bulge as the fabric was stuffed deeper and deeper into my mouth.
I saw the group of fathers looking at the spectacle from the corner of my eye. Some muffled grunts, a bit of excited struggling from a few of them. Except for my father .His eyes were wide open, as if he refused to miss a thing. He moved as good as he could so he could have a clear view. The desire in his eyes was very present now

When some the guys were finishing of my gag, the others worked on my wrists, arms, legs… In no time I was tied exactly the way our fathers were. They picked me up and carried me towards my father’s couch. I was trying to cover the excitement between my legs, but as far as I could see, I was not the only one who felt that way. Fathers and sons all showed movement and excitement in that area.
“Now for the bonding time” Michael said “Let’s put mister Brown in position”
“MMmphmm?” I grunted into my gag. What does he mean by position?

I saw the guys pull my father’s legs on the couch, stretching him all over the chesterfield. He was lying on his side, his tie and chest puff still promptly showing.
They placed me next to him. Face to face. Chest to chest. We stared into eachothers eyes, and felt our bodies being tied together. The ropes pull our bodies together, and every move we make creates a friction that drives us wild.

As we struggle, our hardons grind against each other, making us moan with pleasure into our gags. The sensation was close to unbearable. Every move my father or I made caused our bulges to grow.
The evening progressed. My friends drank and talked some more, and watched me and my father struggle against eachother. Around midnight, they decided they should round up and go home.
I thought they would untie us, setting us free to go home. But instead, they loosened one single knot at my wrists, and another at my fathers’ wrists. They all untied their own fathers legs, but left their arms tied, and the gags stayed in. As everybody guided their tied and gagged fathers out, Michael turned his head towards us. “We’ve given you a small advantage by loosening a few knots. I thrust you could get out yourselves? If not, I’ll be back in the morning to collect all our gear. If you’re not free by then, I might help you some more. Have a pleasant evening you two!” He smiled as he guided his tied up father out of the room.

Surprised by what we just heard, we started to struggle in our bonds, moaning desperately into our thick handkerchief gags. After struggling, groaning, moaning and grinding our bodies together for over an hour, we both exploded. I felt a stream of hot seed filling my pants as I groan into my gag. I’ve noticed my father is suffering the same fate. During our struggle, my wrist have gotten loose, and I slowly manage to get out of my bonds. As I am free, my dad looks up to me with desperation in his eyes. I slowly untie him, and we both take out the enormous stuffing from between our lips. My jaws ached when I was able to move it again.
Silently, we walked out of the lounge and got in the car. The entire drive was in complete silence. We both felt confused about the evening, and did not know how to react. So not saying anything seemed like the best option.
We first spoke as we entered the hallway. “Father,… erh, I really liked our time together…”
I saw a smile appear my father’s face. “So did I son, so did I”

Needless to say, now both our secrets were out, we frequently joined eachother in our new found common interest… So the gag-party did cause us to bond. In every way.

--- END ---
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Post by bondagefreak »


I'll be very honest here, my friend.
When I saw the first few posts, I didn't pay this thread much attention.
I really didn't think this would be my thing. Nothing wrong with the storyline, just different tastes for different people.

Anyways, these last three chapters have really changed my mind, and I'm glad I came back to revisit this thread even though I hadn't initially intended and reading through it all.

This is fantastic!

Well written, short and sweet.
I was never a huge handkerchief and suit bondage guy, but now my appreciation for both things has grown CONSIDERABLY 8-) All that, thanks to you!

I'm sure more readers will discover this fascinating tale and provide you with interesting feedback over the coming days. This definitely belongs in the Story Catalogue section.

Well done!
Fantastic use of severe mouth-stuffings and tight ropework.
Enjoyed all of it.

As usual, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
Keep up the good work ;)

Deleted User 153

Post by Deleted User 153 »

I appreciate your honesty ;) and I'm glad I was able to change your mind !

I was very aware that this is quite a niche. Even for me at some point way too specific, but as mentioned before, he is a quite detail-oriented person.
In the end I'm glad you liked it, and I hope some other niche-market-person would like it too.

And now I'm curious if the charm worked on you in the end ?
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Post by LK3869 »

[mention]Boundluis[/mention] :
I liked the classy feel, extreme attention to very formal dressing and that country club "scotch amid the crafted woodwork" ambiance, well behaved people ... It's like a different planet for me :lol: but that makes this story very distinctive.

Won't linger on the father/son attraction, mine dressed even worst than me and I heard enough of what fun he was having with my mother ( just across the corridor, small French houses with thin walls...) to conclude we probably had no common kink :mrgreen:
Which makes me think that large affluent US homes with more baths than beds must help into feeling "remote" from your father and maybe, maybe spring some other kind of bonding desires.
There's some of that in the first part, the son anxious to knock on his father's office, such a formal lifestyle... ( that was lingering a bit on the subject, in the end :? )

Anyway, that part is treated rather "politely" and your story keeps a clean and sharp profile, like some Bret Easton Ellis without the porn and blood.

So: I'm probably not the best reviewer for that particular story, but if there's more of the genre with the same quality, there must be the right place for them .
Hope some well-dressed gentlemen will give their opinion and let you know ;)
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Post by squirrel »

Really nice story, although very short. I wonder if the father-son bonding will continue and who ties whom :)

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Post by TightropesEU »

Wow so hot, love the gags of Tugger (the older guy who makes these hot pictures) and love your story of father/son bonding
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Post by bondagefreak »

Real sad to see my good friend @Boundluis leave us.
Hopefully he'll be back soon.

*Bud, if/when you read this, let me know and I can assign this story (as well as all your old posts) back to your new username. Hope to see you soon.

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