Petra and Her Valentine Yin Yang (F/FFFF)

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Petra and Her Valentine Yin Yang (F/FFFF)

Post by LordNelson »

Happy Valentine’s to my Dear Petra

I normally only send a card that I swiped from the internet but since you seem to enjoy my stories I wrote one just for you. I hope that you like it.

With the site being down at Valentine’s I had extra time to write a few stories for my favorite ladies. Here is one for my dear friend Petra who I am pleased to say managed to find the new site. I offer this tale as a welcoming gift.

Petra and Her Valentine Yin Yang

It had been a crappy day and Petra was glad to be going home. Work had been more hectic than usual and everyone she had dealt with had been difficult, crabby or just plain stupid. Right now she needed to kick off her heels and pamper her aching feet.

As she exited the building she was approached by a very pretty and familiar face. It was Rushi, the chauffeur for the owner of her favorite spa.

‘Hello Miss Petra, how is you are today?’ she smilingly inquired with her broken English.

‘I is tired and I is grumpy’ she snapped back mocking the girl’s pronunciation.

‘Maybe you want to feel so better?’ asked Rushi ignoring Petra’s rude tone.

‘I’m sorry’ replied an apologetic Petra ‘it has been a shitty day, and yes I would like to feel better.’

‘You good customer, mistress like you very much’ said Rushi ‘she make you special offer for Valentine’s gift. A free treatment for you, so special.’

‘Free?’ asked a puzzled Petra knowing that their services were normally a little pricey ‘Why free?’

‘Is new treatment. First time. We do, you tell us you like or not maybe.’

Petra had no plans, Lou was away on business and their Valentine’s plans consisted of some naked Skyping later with a bit of self-gratification thrown in. That could wait until after she had been pampered, at no charge.

The long black limousine was idling at the curb and Rushi opened the door for Petra. She got in and was helped into her seat by two more attractive Asian girls who sat her between them. There was plenty of room on the wide seat for three but they crowded in against her anyways and Petra didn’t mind at all.

On the opposite seat were two more beauties who got onto their knees, removed Petra’s shoes and began to massage her tired toes, aching arches and hurting heels. The girls seated beside Petra handed her a cup of tea and then began to rub her shoulders and neck.

As the limo pulled away from the curb Petra sank back into the luxurious seat and sipped her aromatic brew while four lovely woman attended her. Work was soon forgotten.

As the car crawled through rush hour traffic Petra was soothed and sedate…possibly more sedate than she thought she should have been.

‘What kind of tea is this” she asked.

‘Is our own custom blend’ said one girl. ‘Make you relax, but not sleepy’ said another.

Petra knew she was pleasantly stoned and it didn’t concern her. She was in good hands and had no fear of what they had planned for her…actually there wasn’t much that could scare her in her euphoric state.

The blissful vehicle rolled through the fashion district and then the financial center, then the retail zone and the suburbs. It finally came to a halt in an industrial park outside of a vacant warehouse. The girls put her shoes back on and walked her with an intoxicated wobble into the building. As Petra was to find out the shoes, as well as her clothes, wouldn’t be staying on much longer.

Inside the building was grimy looking and gray just as it had been left when abandoned years ago. The entourage of beautiful women passed through what was once a reception area with dusty dilapidated chairs, a filthy desk strewn with papers and an old water cooler that contained a brown unappetizing looking liquid. ‘We make nice soon’ one of the girls told her.

They passed through a rusty steel door into storage area dimly lit with dusty bare bulbs and lined with corroded shelves laden with deteriorating cardboard boxes. Then they opened a creaking door into…paradise.

Colorful lanterns hung from the ceiling that had been painted to look like a cloudy sky. Silk tapestries hung on the walls and the floor was nearly concealed by soft cushions scattered about. The spacious area, once a factory floor, had been sectioned off into large cubicles with intricately illustrated folding screens of silk, rattan and woven reeds.

In the first cubicle Petra was stripped of her clothes and dressed in a luxurious silk robe. She didn’t find it odd when the sash was put around her waist and knotted behind her back and then her wrists were crossed over the knot and it was tied again binding her hands. They knew her preferences and she expected nothing less.

Beautifully embroidered slippers were available but they didn’t offer them knowing that Petra would rather be bare foot.

Mistress came in to greet customers in the traditional manner of a gentle hand shake but when she saw Petra she rushed to her and gave her a big hug. She followed that with a kiss full on the lips, a welcome reserved only for Petra.

She then took Petra by the hand and led her to the first treatment cubicle. On the way she explained the technique of the new methods which were based on the ancient philosophy of Yin and Yang. She said that the energies of yin yang was how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

The order of the universe is based on two principles, one negative, dark, and feminine, yin, and one positive, bright, and masculine, yang, whose interaction influences the destinies of creatures and things. Petra heard the words and some of them even made sense but the tea induced fog made it all seem unimportant to know how it worked as long as she felt better when it was all done.

She left Petra with a young woman in the next cubicle promising to see her again when her stay was done. The woman wore a Shinobi Shozoku, the black Ninja style uniform, but hers was embellished with beautifully embroidered gold and red dragons.

The folding screens were embellished with scenes of violence, fierce dragons and warfare. The floor was covered with plain Tatami mats made of woven rice straw. A very ancient looking bare wooden table was in the center of the room and she silently gestured for Petra to get on it. The thin silk robe offered no protection and it was cold on Petra’s bum and colder yet when she laid down.

The woman took hold of Petra’s ankles and pulled her down until her feet stuck out over the edge. She then tied braided hemp ropes around Petra’s ankles binding them to the table. Petra found lying on her arms uncomfortable as her wrists remained bound by the sash. She attempted to complain but prickly sphere of braided hemp attached to a cord was forced into her mouth like a ball gag and tied on tightly.

It wasn’t the usual comfort she was lavished with when she availed herself of the services of this spa but she was still too mellow from the tea to worry…all would be fine.

The first stroke had Petra bolt upright as the pain seared through her. The lash of a leather strap across the sole of her foot dissipated the fog produced by the tea. She screamed into the gag and struggled to free her wrists. She knew more was coming and her intent was to stop it.

The woman raised the strap and struck again and again. Each stroke was carefully placed so that it didn’t overlap a previous blow and the entire sole was eventually tortured. When she was done she rang a small gong and two attendants came in and untied Petra’s ankles.

With tears in her eyes she was carried to another cubicle.

Brightly lit with paper lanterns the screens had floral patterns and scenes of cherry blossoms. The floor was covered with fragrant flower petals and Petra was placed on a heap of cushions in the center. A rather muscular man, quite handsome in his crimson changshan, awaited her with a selection of balms and salves.

He washed her tormented feet with rosewater and then applied soothing floral scented ointments. At first his gentle touch only revived the pain but after a few minutes the intense burning became a soft warm glow. His talented fingers caressed her heels and arches and toes. It was then that Petra understood the Yin and the Yang.

The woman’s attentions had been dark and negative which served to intensify his bright and positive response which created a balance. It was an extreme way to make a point…and it wasn’t over yet.

He removed the harsh gag and rubbed a thin oil onto Petra’s chafed lips. Then the attendants returned. They re-gagged her with much more pleasant silk scarves and re-tied her ankles and then carried her back to the first cubicle.

Anticipating what was to happen next Petra squirmed in protest even though she knew it was futile. They tied her to the table face down and left her to the ministrations of the Dragon Lady.

Petra felt the cool air on her tush as the robe was lifted to expose her bum. She closed her eyes knowing that the strap was going to be used again. Ropes across her waist and thighs held her still as her bottom was thrashed.

The attendants once again brought her back to the peaceful place of healing where the Flower Man alleviated the throbbing that wracked her cheeks. As Petra, who was no stranger to being tormented, basked in his restorative ministrations she reflected on the extremes she was being subjected to. In the past her partners, such as Suzi, never strayed to the dark side, always being considerate. The Dragon Lady had no such reservations.

For a third time Petra was taken back to the torment table. Her hands were freed and then re-tied to the corners of the table above her head. Her ankles were tied to the other corners leaving her stretched in a spread eagle position. Her robe was opened and ropes were tightly wrapped around her breasts squeezing them until they began to turn purple.

Petra fought fiercely to protect her precious boobs trying to turn to one side or the other but she was held firmly in place as the strap once again delivered its punishment. Petra’s agonized howls were muffled by the silk stuffed into her mouth.

This time the Flower Man came for her himself and cradled her in his arms and carried her to his sanctuary. His herbal remedies once again restored Petra. When she reached the point where the pain was gone she began to be apprehensive about what was next. She had one more erotic area that had yet to be exploited. Sensing her mounting dread he softly said ‘We are done.’

The attendants came and washed her face and did her hair with flowers and beads. They then dressed Petra in a pretty kimono and took her to another room where the Mistress was waiting for her. ‘Happy Valentines’ she said as she offered a glass of wine ‘how was yin yang, you like?’

Petra drained the glass in one gulp and handed it back for a refill. ’Yin yang is very…’ she paused searching for the right word ‘…challenging.’

‘You do again maybe?’

‘Maybe, I’ll have to think about it.’

‘No more yin yang’ she said as she handed the glass, full to the brim, back to Petra ‘now we learn about fángzhōngshù.’

Petra’s puzzled face said more than words could.

‘You not be able to say it’ laughed the Mistress ‘but I know you can probably teach it to me better, is said in English the bedroom arts.’

It was late when Petra finally got home and booted up Skype on her computer. She had phoned Lou from the limo and asked her to wait up.

‘You look like a Geisha’ Lou said ‘you’re gorgeous!’

‘Wait until I tell you about it…it was incredible…’
Deleted User 236

Post by Deleted User 236 »

Wow. That is so much more than I have ever experienced or even thought of. I would never have expected a story about my boobs being whipped but just like balm man, Mr Yan, your skill with words make it truly A M A Z I N G.

Thank you.

Do I get the feeling you have more ideas about Lou and me?
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Post by KingMush »

Loving it!
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Post by BoundJana »

Great one!
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by LordNelson »

Thank you both for your kind comments. Sadly Petra did not like the switch to the new site and has departed. I have posted many stories about her and they are only a fraction of what we collaborated on. I will miss her.
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