Weekend with sons ( M/MM )

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Weekend with sons ( M/MM )

Post by squirrel »

Hey guys. One of the guys asked me to write a special story for him. I decided to accept the challenge and here is the first chapter. Hope you will enjoy it!

Chapter 1 - Caught in the act

My name is Rick Bolton and I am a cop. I work in one of the police department in the town. I am 43 year old guy, rather tall, with very short hair and deep blue eyes. I live with my two sons, Mark and Shawn. My wife, Helen, died to lung cancer many years ago and from that moment I was alone with our boys. I did my best to make sure they have everything they need, but wasn’t easy. Well, being a single parent is probably never easy…
Rick Bolton.jpg
Mark is 20, he is a sort of athlete. He likes hanging out with his friends and usually has many girls around him. Which isn’t a surprise, because he has his good looks after me. He plays basketball and is a member of a swimming team in his school. He could be a perfect son, but he also has… a dark side. From time to time I have phone calls from his teacher; Mark gets involved in fight quite often and his grades could be much better. He even spent a night in jail once; he and his buddies vandalized a bus stop. My buddies offered me to let him go, but I didn’t want that; I thought a night in prison would do him good. Hopefully I was right.
Shawn on the other hand is more calm and into the books. He is 19 and, just like his brother, is a member of a swimming team. I have never had problems with him, which made me really happy; I have no idea if I could deal with two rowdy teenagers.
Unfortunately, being a policeman means that I wasn’t at home much. I had to take overtime a lot to be able to pay the bills and provide all the necessary things for the boys. Like food, clothes, sport classes for Mark and Shawn. I was lucky I was working with really neat and cool guys, who often offered me their help. We get along really well and we often go to the gym together after work to release the stress.

I often felt guilty for that; teenage boys should have their father around much more than that. So one Friday I decided not to go to the gym; instead I would return home and spend the whole weekend with my boys. Just the three of us, no buddies, no phone calls from work. I just wanted and ordinary weekend, when father and sons hang out together and do dumb stuff like playing video games, watching stupid movies, talking about nothing. I smiled at that thought; it’s been quite a while since we spend the whole weekend together.

I hoped that nothing too serious would happen at work that day. But the fate wasn’t on my side; we had three reports from shops; me and my partner were able to arrest three shoplifters. There was one guy who claimed that his socks were stolen from his feet and wanted me to call for the army to deal with this… huge problem. The guy was able to make the whole police station laugh their asses off, but I just wanted to murder him right there with my bare hands. Plus there were several minor incidents we I had to deal with. But finally the clock chimed four and I was free and more than eager to go home. I shook hands with my friends from work and left.

I didn’t even change from my cop uniform. Which was a big mistake; the traffic was unbelievable and it was really hot that day. By the time I arrived home I was all sweaty and exhausted. I stopped the engine and got off the car, stood in front of my house for a while, enjoying the fresh air. Living in the suburbs has many drawbacks, but the fresh air and quiet neighborhood are definitely not one of them.

After a few minutes wanted to enter the house, but the doors were locked. Strange. From what I knew they boys should be home by now. I unlocked the door and went inside.

“Guys, I’m home!” I said out loud. No response. “Anybody here!?”

I thought that they were out, probably on the swimming practice or something. I went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of cold beer, but when I was passing by Mark’s bedroom I heard some noises. The door ajar a little, so I was able to peek inside. What I saw shocked me: Shawn had his hands tied up with some rope and his mouth was taped shut with a single strip of duct tape. He was sitting on a chair with his arms behind the back of it. Mark was smoking a cigar and was paying on his computer.

“You need to practice more, bro! Maybe next time you’ll manage to win!” I heard Mark say when he stopped the game and turned to Shawn.

“Fckymmpp..” Came the reply and the boys both laughed.

Soon Mark untied Shawn and they continued the game.

I stepped away from the door quietly; I didn’t want the boys to know I was home. I was furious with them; not only they were stealing my cigars, but also they were tying each other up! Why would they do that? Was that some sort of a challenge? Mark did say something about winning next time so probably that was something they did when I was absent. If so… yes! A great idea entered my mind. If they are stupid enough to steal from their own father, they should face the consequences. And what would be better than using their own little game to punish them?

“Just wait, boys, just wait…” I mumbled to myself as I left the house and locked the door.

I got on my car and went down the street to the home improvement store. I bought some coils of rope and a few rolls of super strong gaffer tape. When I was done with the shopping I returned to the police station I work at for some more… supplies. I picked some police zip-ties and was about to leave when one of my buddies spotted me and asked what had happened. I explained him the situation; he just laughed and told me not to be too harsh with the boys. He even offered me his set of handcuffs, but I knew they won’t be necessary. We talked for few more minutes and I went back home.

When I returned the boys were on the couch in the living room, watching TV.

“Hey dad, you’re home already? Didn’t you go to the gym with your pals?” Shawn asked. Apparently they had no idea I was home earlier…

“Nah, I thought I can skip the gym tonight and spend the evening with you two.” I said and ruffled Shawn’s hair.

“That’s a rare occasion, dad.” Mark added without even looking at me.

“I know. But I decided to spend more time with my sons. If it’s all right with you two, I mean.”

It turned out the three of us had a nice evening. We ordered a pizza, watched baseball game on TV together and had much fun. After eleven the boys said they had a tough day and wanted to go to bed. It was just perfect for my plan; the boys went to their bedrooms and I stayed in the living room watching some more TV, drinking beer and enjoying a cigar. I waited half an hour and went to the car; it was time to punish my sons and have some fun with them…
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Post by Xtc »

Good start.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Great stuff, my friend!

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.
You've set the stage for what promises to be a very fun (very horny) story.
Can't wait to see where Rick takes this 8-)

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Post by Deleted User 153 »

yay! A new Squirrel-story! can't wait to read the next chapters!
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 2 - One down, one to go!

I put all the supplies I had taken from the car and put them on the table in the kitchen. There were many coils of rope of various length, four rolls of heavy duty, extra strong gaffer tape, police zip-ties and I still had my own handcuffs at my duty belt. I smiled a little and lit up a fresh cigar. I decided to wait some more time to make sure my boys were fast asleep and that none of them would cause me too much trouble. I sat on one of the chairs and calmly puffed on my cigar. I realized I was feeling as if I was on some police action. There were two dangerous criminals and I was the one to capture them and bring them to justice. The only difference was that the criminals were actually my own sons and it was me who would sentence them. A familiar sensation began to build up in my stomach; the anticipation mixed up with eagerness. I was definitely ready to begin.

I finished the cigar and went to my wardrobe to take my sports bag. I stuffed all the ropes and tapes into it and several zip-ties into my pocket. Then I went quietly upstairs to my older son’s bedroom. When I was passing by the mirror I noted I was still wearing my police uniform. There was no time to change now. I stopped at Mark’s bedroom door and grabbed the knob. I realized that my hands were all sweaty and it would be difficult to do what I wanted to do with such sweaty hands. Fortunately I had my thick police leather gloves with me, so I put them on. I stretched my fingers a little, it was much better now; I was sure my hands wouldn’t slide.

I opened the door and peeked inside; the room was dark, but not completely, because of the moon light. Mark was on his stomach, which was really fortunate. He was wearing only his boxers, which was completely natural; it was really warm that night and one could hardly expect from anyone to wear something else. I put my bag on the ground and picked grabbed my police handcuffs from my duty belt. Mark was sleeping deeply with his mouth slightly open. Carefully, I moved his left arm behind his back and locked the handcuff on it, as quietly as I could. Of course, I could just assault him and restrain him, but I didn’t want him to put up a fight and scream. Not yet, anyway…

When Mark’s left arm was cuffed I grabbed his right hand and forced it behind his back too. I locked the cuffs on, restraining my boy. Now he was totally at my mercy and, to my surprise was starting to wake up. I didn’t want him to shout so I clasped my leather gloved hand over his mouth and lied on top of him, pinning him to the bed. He was fighting and kicking with his legs, so I just wrapped mine around his to further immobilize him.

“Calm down, Mark, it’s me!” I whispered into his ear.

Mark was panting heavily; obviously he was frightened as hell, but when he heard my voice he did calm down. But I didn’t take my hand from his mouth.

“MMMPPHH!!” He tried to speak, violently shaking his head.

“Quiet there, boy.” I told him quietly and squeezed his lower mouth a little. “I saw you today smoking my cigar… and for that you need to get punished.”

I saw Mark look at me completely surprised. So they never found out that I spotted them. Even better; judging by that surprised look I was now sure that Mark was guilty and he needed a proper punishment. I smiled faintly and moved to a sitting position, still hand gagging my son. The boy put up a fight so it wasn’t easy, but I’ve dealt with much bigger and stronger guys; after a few moments I was leaning against the wall and Mark was leaning against me. He was struggling, so I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep him still. That’s when a devious idea crossed my mind.

“Be quiet, kid!” I whispered in a harsh tone.

“MMPPHHH!!” He wasn’t going to cooperate.

“All right, boy. Since you can’t shut up on your own, I’ll make sure you stay nice and quiet.”

To his shock and disgust I started to unlace my left boot with my free hand. When I took it off an overwhelming stench hit our nostrils. I had a really bad habit of not changing socks every day, so after the whole week of wearing them they were more than terrible. They were totally rotten, slimy, moist from my sweat and dirty as hell. To be honest I had no idea how I managed to make them so disgusting. But I didn’t care; for now, they were just perfect for my plan.
My socks.jpg
Mark was probably aware what I had in mind; when he saw the sock he began struggling again. I held him tightly and peeled the sock from my foot. It was absolutely disgusting and for a moment I felt sorry for my son. But I got rid of that feeling immediately; Mark was about to get punished for stealing my property and for lying to me about that.

“You know what’s going to happen now, so just be a good boy and accept your father’s gift.” I whispered and moved the putrid sock to his mouth.

I moved my hand that was covering Marks mouth a little higher and shut his nose with it, making it impossible for him to breathe. Now he was struggling like a wild animal fighting for his live. I waited a few seconds and when I removed my gloved hand from his jaw he immediately opened his mouth to suck some air. That was exactly what I was waiting for; the moment his mouth were available I pushed the sock inside. It must have been really gross; when it entered his mouth Mark started to yell and squirm again, this time much more violently. But I knew there was nothing he could do so I just kept pushing the sock in. Unfortunately for him, I have very big feet, so my socks are large as well. This one was definitely a little… well, MUCH too big for his mouth, but it didn’t matter. It took me some time to stuff his mouth completely and make sure all the material was inside.

“Sorry for that, boy, but it’s your own fault. If you hadn’t stolen my cigars and lied to me, I wouldn’t be forced to punish you.” I said calmly when Mark was gagged and I replaced my gloved hand over his mouth.

“mmmpphhhmmmm...” His shouting was much quieter now.

“Now let’s make sure you won’t be able to spit that magnificent gag out.”

I reached my pocket and took several zip-ties from it. I chose the longest ones and placed one of them between my sons teeth. I zipped it at the back of his head, forcing the dreadful sock further into his mouth. I wasn’t satisfied yet; I took two more zip-ties and repeated the process. Now there was no way my son would be able to get rid of the gag. Exactly what I wanted.

“There you go, boy. Nice and quiet.” I said mockingly when I was done.

He was just staring at me now. There was hatred and anger in his eyes, but that could be expected. I placed him on his bed again. He was lying on his side, looking at me and panting heavily.

“I’m sorry for what I’m going to do now, but you’ve too much strength left to leave you like that, kid. I need to tie you up more properly before I move on to your brother.”

With his hands cuffed and mouth completely stuffed he could do nothing to prevent me from roping him up completely. First I roped his elbows together, making them touch. Mark is a flexible guy, so that shouldn’t be a problem for him. I removed the cuffs and immediately started roping his crossed wrists with a coil of rope. I didn’t hurry, did very nice and tight knots, made sure he wouldn’t be able to reach them with his fingers. Then I used to more zip-ties on his wrists, just to be on the safe side.

“Now the legs.” I said when his arms were immobilized.

I took several more coils and grabbed Mark’s legs. First I tied his ankles together, then his calves and thighs. He wasn’t struggling and just rested on the bed; probably he was too tired to resist. Or maybe he realized it would be futile? Either way, in a matter of minutes I has my son’s legs completely wrapped with rope. But I wasn’t done yet.

“Now, for the final touch.” I said with a devilish smile on my face.

I bent Marks legs and sat on them. He made a rather loud grunt into his gag. I connected his already bound wrists with his ankles, making an extraordinarily tight hogtie. Then I roped his ankles to his thighs. Now he was completely trussed up, with no chances to free himself without help. He was exactly in the place where I wanted him to be right now.

“Good. Now you stay still and quiet while I take care of Shawn.” I said, grabbed my sport bag and left his room

When I was closing and locking his door I heard him begin to struggle again. I smiled and moved to my other son’s bedroom.
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Post by Harlequinn »

Can’t say to see what happens!
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Post by RopedBud »

Definitely liking the direction this sorry is taking ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Niiice 8-) Rick's sock looks big and pungent!
Definitely reminds me of my own. Haha!

I bet Mark really wants to puke that big thing out! Haha 8-)
He should never have let himself get caught smoking his dad's cigar.
If I was his dad, I'd let him chew on that sock all night.
It's not like he'll be able to break from that hogtie, and he's definitely not gonna be calling for help or alerting the neighbors anytime soon. Not with that giant sock plugging his mouth up anyway...

Now SHAWN...oh man, I have to tell you, I definitely have my eye on that cutie.

Yeah, Mark is handsome and all, but Shawn is just....hmm 8-)
I just wanna bundle him up and carry him home with me, you know what I mean? ;)

Sorta reminds me of another cutie I own ([mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]) ;)

Loving it, bro!
Can't wait to see what Rick has in store for his little blondie-boy.

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 3 - Two down, none to go

Before I reached Shawn’s bedroom I had some second thoughts. My heart was pounding in my chest with excitement. I needed to compose myself before I would take care of my other son. I decided to go back to Mark’s room and until the adrenaline wears off. I left the bag in the corridor and entered Mark’s bedroom; he was struggling like crazy, but stopped when he saw me. Immediately he started shouting and moaning, but my slithery sock made a decent gag. All I could hear was some faint grunts. I smiled, took his chair from the desk and sat on it. To humiliate him even more I placed my booted feet right in front of his mouth. As if being gagged with his own father’s putrid socks wasn’t enough, now he was also forced to smell the leather boots. I wanted to relax and calm down a little, but on the contrary, I felt the excitement build up again.


“Shhh, be quiet, son. You don’t want to wake your brother up, do you?” I asked quietly and ruffled his hair.

If the sight could kill I would have been long dead by now. Mark was furious, anger in his eyes clearly visible. I have seen this kind of look so many times when I was arresting people, usually the guys. At first I didn’t know why, but then it struck me: men want to be the best at everything and when they get defeated by another guy, some of them tend to hate the winner. Mark wasn’t different; he was obviously disgusted he lost, and the fact he lost to his own father must have been killing him. Not that it mattered…

“You mind if I smoke, son?” I asked and took out a cigar from my pocket.

“MMmmpphhh!!” He was even madder than before.

“I’ll take that as a yes, kid.” I smiled.

I put the cigar between my teeth and lit it. I puffed on it a few times and soon the room was filled with smoke. I just sat there and relaxed; I didn’t care if my son was furious, or when he struggled, trying to free himself. I knew that my roping was excellent and the zip-ties won’t let him spit the gross gag out. I always liked being in charge, but this time it was special; I was controlling my own son and, to be honest, could do everything with him now. Not like in jail, where the suspects have some right like a phone call. This time I could keep the prisoner for as long as I wanted, restrained as I wanted. And I really doubted he would go to higher instance, mainly because there was none.

“Well, time to go, son. I need to pay a visit to Shawn now. Don’t go anywhere!” I said after half an hour.

It was already past midnight and I needed to get some sleep too. But before that I wanted to punish my other son. Even though, as far as I knew of course, he hasn’t stolen my cigars, but he did know that Mark was doing it. And it was also a crime. It was clear that they had some sort of a game going on, otherwise why would Shawn be bound and gagged, and I wanted to know what was that. But not now. First the punishment, then the question.
I locked Mark’s bedroom and picked up the sport bag with my supplies. I reached the pocket and checked how many zip-ties there were. Just one, but, since Mark was already trussed up and could do nothing to help his brother, it was more than enough. I opened Shawn’s bedroom door quietly and sneaked in. Shawn was lying on his back, sleeping. Just like his brother, he was wearing only boxers. I smiled and looked at him for a second; I was wondering how he would react to his incoming predicament.

“Time for a surprise, Shawn…” I whispered to myself.

I wanted to roll him on his stomach, but when I grabbed hand Shawn woke up. I didn’t expect that, but the element of surprise was on my side. I forced him on his stomach before he had time to react and sat on his butt.

“Dad, fuck, what the hell are you doing?!” He asked loudly. There was no reason to silence him yet.

“Just calm down and take it like a man, son!” I replied and forced his both arms behind his back.

I was ready to handcuff him, but his next move surprised me; Shawn was very flexible and we were already covered in sweat so he somehow managed to wiggle his arms out of my grip and even half rolled over on his back again. I must admit I hadn’t foreseen that; Shawn wasn’t as muscular as his brother, and I always thought he was that combative, but apparently I was wrong.

“I didn’t expect you would have the guts to fight me, boy!” I said with admiration. “I guess I’ll have to go one step at a time. Mark was much easier to handle with…”

“What?! What did you to Mark?!”

“Nothing. He’s just tied up and gagged in his room. Just how you will be soon. And how you were earlier today.”

Shawn was clearly taken aback by my words; I took the chance and placed the handcuffs on his right hand. He began fighting again and I have to say that he was very smart about it; he knew I was much stronger than him so he focused on wiggling out of my grip. He proved to be much more of a challenge that I thought. But he couldn’t avoid the inevitable; after several minutes of struggling I managed to roll him on his stomach and handcuffed his other hand behind his back. It was over.

“Fuck, where did you learn to fight like this?” I asked him while roping his elbows together.

“Dad, come on! What the fuck are you doing?!”

“Don’t you dare to speak to me like that, boy!” I said roughly and smacked his head.
He calmed down a little; I removed the handcuffs and proceeded to wrap his crossed wrists with rope. It went horizontally, vertically and diagonally over his wrists, binding them neatly and tightly. I cinched the knot far away from his fingers. But to make sure he wouldn’t be able to free himself I zip-tied his wrist two times, sealing his fate.

“Why are you doing this?” He asked, in much less aggressive tone this time.

“I saw you today, Shawn. I have no idea what you and Mark were up to, but you definitely deserve to be punished for that.” I said and began roping his ankles together.

“That was nothing, Dad, seriously… And it was just that one cigar, Dad, honest!” Shawn was definitely hiding something from me. Plus he was trying to protect his brother, which proved that they had a nice and strong bond with each other.

“I know that most people think that cops are too dumb to do any other job, kid, but I can count. My cigars kept disappearing now and then. I knew it was just a matter of time until I discover what happened with them.”

“Fuck….” Shawn mumbled under his nose.

“Watch your mouth, boy!” I said while tying his thighs together. “I have a really good way to prevent you from swearing, kid. But first…”

I bent his legs exactly like Mark’s and hogtied my younger son in the same way I did with Mark. Now he was only able to squirm a little; there was no chance for him to free himself. I stood over him and looked proudly at my rope work. I smirked when saw Shawn try to wiggle his hands out of his bonds.

“So, one last thing to do before I go to bed.” I said and put my right feet on the bed, just next to his head.

I unlaced it and took it off. A familiar stench filled the room; my right sock was just as gross and slimy as the left one. I took it off and rolled Shawn on his side. He clamped his mouth shut, knowing exactly what I had in mind. I smiled and simply pinched his nose shut. After a while he had to open his mouth; the moment he did I thrust the sock into his mouth. He was choking and gagging on it, but I didn’t care. I pushed the whole material behind his teeth and then zip-tied it in his mouth with three zip-ties.

“Now you and Mark share the same predicament.” I said as I reached to the sport bag and took out a roll of heavy duty gaffer tape. I unrolled it a little.


“Quiet, boy!”

I wrapped the tape over his mouth ten times and tore the tape with my teeth. I smoothed it over his pleading mouth and patted his cheek gently. I ruffled his hair and left the room, locking it behind me. Then I went to Mark’s room again; he was still awake. Without a word I taped his mouth shut, too. Satisfied with the good job I did I locked his room and went to bed. I didn’t even care to change from my uniform or take my leather gloves off. I lied down on my own big bed and soon I dozed off with a huge smile on my fine. Yeah, tomorrow will be a very exciting day.

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Post by Deleted User 153 »

squirrel wrote: 6 years ago Yeah, tomorrow will be a very exciting day.
I bet it will be :D :twisted:
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Post by Tsuhaya »

This is really hot, hotter the story itself just the photos :twisted:
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by bondagefreak »

Aww man! Now I'm pissed off at Rick.
I can't believe he gagged his cute, little, cooperative blondie-boy with that huge, pungent sock!

Man, I'd treat that little Shawn-boi like a prince!

I'd want him trussed up real fuckin' nice and tight, but I wouldn't be as prone as his dad is to hide that cute little face of his under all that gaffer tape.

Haha, great stuff bro 8-)
I'm sure they'll both have lots of fun sucking and gagging on their father's big socks.

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Post by harveygasson »

Really great story so far! Looking forward to reading more
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Post by handovermouth »

Love it so far! Can't wait to see what lessons Rick will teach his boys! Good work!
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Good story so far. My only complaint being that the boys are apparently pretty hard of hearing if they couldn't hear their dad loudly announcing he was home. Under the circumstances I should think that even the densest of teenagers would be extra alert for unexpected surprises.
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 4 - The Interrogation

After a very awkward day I had yesterday I slept like a little baby. When I woke up on Saturday morning I felt rested and relaxed. I turned my head to see the time; it was barely past eight. I lied in my bed, still in my police uniform and with thick leather gloves on. I recalled the events from yesterday’s evening and smiled; the very thought of my two sons being tightly hogtied and gagged with my gross socks made me cheer up. I don’t know why, but I always felt a little excited when I had an opportunity to take control of another guy. Probably something every single guys feels once in a while: the need to be in control, in charge. And now I had it doubled; not only was I the father now, but also an alpha jock, that my two boys had to obey. This thought made my smile even bigger as I got up from the bed.

I needed to go to the bathroom, but before I did that I thought it would be wise to check on my boys. I was aware I did an excellent job tying them up neatly, but safely, but wanted to make sure everything was all right with them. I went to Mark’s bedroom first but when I reached the door it was clear that I didn’t need to bother entering; Mark was snoring so loudly I could hear him even through the closed door. I left him alone and moved on to Shawn’s room. It was quiet so; I opened the door and peeked inside. My younger son was awake, he was lying on his side, still flawlessly hogtied and gagged. He was straining his muscles and tugging on the ropes in a futile attempt to free himself. I entered the room and sat on his chair.

“Don’t bother, son, you won’t get out of that.” I said calmly.

“Mmmmmpphhmm…” Came the reply.

“Stay quiet kid, Mark is still sleeping.” I stood up and added. “I’m going to take a shower now, son. Then I’ll come back and we’re going to have a little father-son conversation.”

I awaited his reaction, but there was none. He just kept staring at me and fighting with the ropes. He was much more of a fighter than I thought, which made me proud in some way. I was glad my son wasn’t a sissy and tried his best to free himself. When I was about to leave him alone I spotted something else; the kid had a hard-on. I was taken aback by that, because after the whole night in strict restraints I expected him to be exhausted. On the other hand, he was a teenager and that sort of things weren’t unusual, no matter the circumstances.

I closed the door to Shawn’s bedroom, leaving him moaning into his gag. I went to the bathroom, undressed took the gloves off. I put the shirt into the laundry basket and got inside the shower cabin. After the whole day and night in my clothes I was all covered in sweat. I took my time to wash myself, then brushed my teeth and shaved. When I was done I grabbed the trousers and gloves and went to my room. I put on some fresh boxers, socks and then the police trousers with the heavy duty belt. It was getting really hot, so I decided to stay shirtless. Before I went back to Shawn I grabbed a few more zip-ties from my sport bag and put them into the pocket in my pants; I also took a cigar from my cigar box; there were many cigars missing.

I entered Shawn’s bedroom once again and closed the door behind me. I sat on the chair and lit up my stogie. I took my time and puffed on it several times before I turned to Shawn. At that moment I wanted to… interrogate my son and I had to treat him as if he was a real prisoner. Which meant I had to behave as if I was at work and just doing my job. I knew that suspects usually get nervous when I am supposed to begin the interrogation but for some reason procrastinate it a little. I was wondering if this would work with my own kid.

“Look Shawn. I’m going to take your gag out. I will ask you some questions and I want honest answers. If you try to yell the gag goes right back in. Do you understand?”

“Mmmmhhhmm…” He nodded his head a little.

I removed the gaffer tape and cut the zip-ties. Then I took the putrid sock out; it was soaked with saliva now. I put the sock next to Shawn’s head.

“So, boy.” I told him after a while. “Tell me what you two were up to yesterday. I saw Mark smoke my cigar and you tied up and gagged. Why did you two do that?”

“Dad, can you please at least undo the hogtie?”

“No.” I replied calmly but sternly. “You won’t get untied until I am satisfied with your answers boy.”

“It was nothing, dad, really. Mark just wanted to see how the cigar tasted, that’s all. So we went to your room, took one from the box and Mark smoked it. I know we shouldn’t have done that, dad…”

“And why were you tied up and gagged?”

“Oh, yeah, about that… You see, dad… It was a challenge, you know, for the internet. Like an escape challenge. You let someone tie you up and you have ten minutes to escape.”

“Really? Never heard of it. Do you do this sort of challenges often?”

“No dad, that was my first time with the escape challenge. Can you please untie me now? This roping is quite uncomfortable, you know…”

“Not just yet, son.” I said and got up.

I put the cigar between my teeth and took the sock. Shawn knew what I was about to do so he clamped his mouth shut. I smiled and just pinched his nose shut. After while he opened his mouth to breathe; I forced the wet sock back inside his mouth and used two zip-ties to make sure my son would stay silenced properly. After that I reinforced the gag with ten rounds of the gaffer tape.

“I’ll decide what do with you after I talk to Mark.” I said in a cold tone and left Shawn shouting and squirming on his bed.

When I opened Mark’s bedroom he was already awake. He was lying on the bed, breathing through his nose. What surprised me was the fact that Mark was calm and didn’t try to make a noise. Smart boy. I rolled him on his side and told him to be quiet when I remove the gag. He just nodded and soon his mouth was free. But that was the only freedom he would get. For now.

“Aren’t you going to untie me, dad?” He asked calmly when I sat on his chair and took a drag on my cigar.

“No, boy. First I need you to answer a few questions.” I took a few more drags and blew the smoke out.

“Yeah?” He said, the impatience clearly audible. I smiled a little.

“Tell me what happened yesterday. I saw you smoking my cigar, and Shawn was tied up and gagged. What were you two doing?”

“About that cigar, dad. We just wanted to try it, that’s all. We know you like smoking them, so we were just curious.”

“We? You mean Shawn was involved too?”

“Well, yeah. He smoked his cigar first, before I tied him up.”

“And why did you tie him up?”

“I guess he likes this sort of… entertainment, dad. He sometimes asks me to bind him and gag him for an hour or so.” Now that was interesting. And alarming.

“For how long have you been tying him up?”

“Several months, I guess. You usually stay at work in the evenings so we had all house to ourselves.”

“Ok, boy. Enough questions. Now open wide.”

“Wait, what are mmpphh…”

Before Mark could finish the sentence I forced my sock back into his mouth. He was resisting but with his arms and legs bound he was no opponent for me. I had his mouth packed in no time; then came two zip-ties to hold the gag in place and ten wraps of gaffer tape. I smoothed the tape over his cheek and got up. When Mark was on his side I cast a quick glance on his crotch area. There was no hard-on. I left my older son to struggle and whimper, left the room and went to the kitchen.

Now that was something I never expected. I knew that day was supposed to be exciting, but I never imagined just how twisted it would get….

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Post by bondagefreak »

Oh man! Poor little Shawn is in big trouble now!
Should've told his dad the truth and should have known his older brother wouldn't cover up for him.

His bondage fetish is out, but he also lied about the cigar thing.
Not as innocent as he initially let us to believe, it seems 8-)

Little blond prince has been naughty.

But how can you stuff such a foul gag into the poor kiddo's mouth?
He's too cute and perfect to be chewing on his dad's big, putrid sock.
Man, and he's got such a small mouth on top of it.
He must've be gagging and choking on that huge thing!

Poor kid. I bet he's really hating his mouth gag.
That'll teach him a lesson alright!

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 5 - A nice breakfast

I lit up another cigar, I needed to calm down and think the whole situation through. I had two of my sons strictly bound and gagged and it just turned out that the younger one was into being restrained. What was more he played with his brother, who tied him up now and then. That definitely wasn’t something I could expect from my son, but since he liked it, I had to make sure he won’t get into some serious troubles due to his strange fondness. At least now I had the explanation of his hard-on and fighting the ropes; probably the sense of helplessness was arousing him a lot. But that wasn’t the worst: having fetishes and unorthodox bent is one thing but being a thief is something much worse than that. And taking my property without asking for permission first could be definitely counted as theft. And this led me to an obvious conclusion: the boys had to be punished for their crime. And since they already were trussed up nicely, I thought it would be a waste of time thinking of another way to punish them; they would stay bound and gagged for some time.

Having decided that, I couldn’t forget that they were still my sons and they needed to be fed and let go to the toilet. But that was an easy task to deal with. I just had to plan everything and let the boys go one at a time, while the other remains in his tight bonds. I finished the cigar and started preparing the breakfast. I made some toasts with fried eggs on top. My sons liked it very much. When I was done with it I took my handcuffs and went to Mark’s bedroom. He was still lying still and quiet. I rolled him on his side and looked him in the eye.

“I’m gonna release you from the ropes and take your gag out. Then you’re going to give me your hands, so I can cuff them. If you resist in any way or speak without permission I’ll truss you up again and leave you here for the whole day. You get this, kid?” I said sternly.

“….” He didn’t even bother with trying to speak, just nodded his head.

“Good boy, I knew you can be reasonable.”

I undid his hogtie and a loud sigh of relief escaped his mouth. It must have been quite uncomfortable position to sleep in. I gave him a moment and then proceeded to untie him. When his arms and legs were free I told him to sit on the bed. I grabbed his arms and locked the handcuffs on his stretched hands, restraining them in front of him. I peeled the tape off his face and cut the zip-ties holding my sweaty sock in his mouth. He moved his jaw a bit when it was out, but didn’t dare to speak.

“Now listen carefully, kid. You’ve got half an hour to use the bathroom. Use the toilet, take a shower and get dressed. Then go to the kitchen. And if you see you trying something stupid you’re going to be punished, do you understand?”

“Yes, dad, I understand.” He said. His tone was very confident, I wondered what it meant.

“Off you go.”

I watched him take his shorts, white socks, cleats and shirt and disappear behind the bathroom door. Probably it would be a little difficult to take shower and do all the other stuff with his hands cuffed, but I didn’t care about that too much. I gathered all the ropes, put the nasty sock in my pocket and went to the kitchen. I read the newspaper for about fifteen minutes and then prepared a glass of tea for Mark. It wasn’t long when I saw him walking inside with his arms restrained.

“Sit on the chair, boy. And don’t do anything funny.” I ordered him roughly.

“Are you going to tie me up again, dad?” He asked looking at the ropes.

“I am, kid. And if you know what’s good for you don’t oppose me!”

“Isn’t it too much for smoking a cigar?” He asked when I started roping his ankle to the leg of the chair.

“Just shut up, Mark. If I hear one more word from you, you won’t get food or water for the rest of the day!” I said harshly, slightly irritated now.

I thought he would protest, but he didn’t say another word. I roped his left leg to the chair at the level of the ankle and just below his knee. I did the same with his right leg and then roped his thighs to the seat. I move up and bound his chest and stomach to the back of the chair. Finally I unlocked the cuffs from his hands and forced them behind the back of the chair and roped them together, crossed. I took my time tying him; I wanted the bonds to be inescapable, but safe. When I was done I took another chair, sat on it and fed my son with three toasts and a glass of tea.

“There, you want more?” I asked when he gulped the tea.

“No, I’m good, dad.”

“Ok, now open wide, boy, I need to gag you.”

“Wait dad, no. I promise I won’t speak!”

“I know you won’t.” I said with a devilish smile on my face.

I grabbed Marks jaw and squeezed it a bit. When he had to open his mouth I pushed the dreadful sock back into his mouth. He coughed and gagged a little, but I kept pushing the sock until it was all past his teeth. I used another zip-tie to cleave gag him and then taped his lower face again, finishing the gag. Mark was panting and looking at me with his angry eyes. I patted his cheek and ruffled his hair playfully before I left him alone.

“Your turn, boy..” I said to myself as I walked to Shawn’s bedroom.

I opened it and saw that my younger son was still fighting the ropes, although much less this time. And he stopped moaning. Probably it was a little too much even for him. I smiled at him and told him what would happen; the same routine Mark was going through. First I would untie him, then cuff his hands in front of him, take the gag out and send him off to the bathroom. I watched him closely when I was explaining that and noticed a hint of disappointment in his eyes. I ignored that and set him free. Well, almost free.

“Do your business there and meet me in the kitchen, kid.” I told him in a commanding tone and he complied.

I returned to the kitchen, where Mark was sitting tightly bound and gagged. He grunted something into his gag, but I didn’t bother answering. I just made another glass of tea and waited for Shawn to come. It took him nearly thirty minutes, but when he finally appeared I saw him wearing only his shorts, socks and cleats. He chose not to wear a shirt, which was quite natural, since it was really hot.

“On the chair, boy!” I ordered him and he sat.

“Why are you tying us up again?!” He asked angrily but did nothing to prevent me from doing it.

“Because I want, kid! I am the father here, and you are supposed to do as I tell you. So why don’t you just shut your mouth and quit whining!?” I snapped back.

Shawn kept mumbling the whole time I was tying him up to a chair. When I was done he was tied exactly like his brother. I fed him and gave him the tea. He asked for some more, so I poured him a glass of water, which he gulped in no time. When he was done I gagged him with the same saliva soaked sock he was chewing on during the night. It surprised me how much he fought against that gag; from what Mark told me he should be more than willing to accept it. And yet, he didn’t.

“Hope you two boys are having fun.” I smirked when I looked at my two sons.

“Mmmpphhh!!” Came from their mouths. The gags were doing their job well.

I ignored the boys and prepared some breakfast for myself. I didn’t realize that until then, but I was really hungry. I ate the breakfast and carried on with the newspaper. I finished it soon and took my mobile phone. I had to run some errands, but couldn’t possibly leave the kids alone like that. I decided to ask my best friend from my department to come and help. After a few moments he answered my call.

“Hey Frank! Sorry to bother you on your day off, but I was wondering if you could come to my place for an hour or two. I need to leave and need someone to watch over my boys.”

No problem, dude! But aren’t your kids old enough to take care of themselves? They need a baby sitter?”

“I’ll explain everything when you get here, when can you arrive?”

In half an hour. See you.”


I put my phone in my pocket and put my police shirt back on. Although I had nothing to be ashamed of, I couldn’t walk around the city with my torso exposed. Mark gave up struggling and just waited in silence; Shawn on the other hand was trying to shout and squirm. It didn’t do him good, in a few minutes he was all sweaty and panting heavily. I was just about to tell him to shut up and calm down when I heard the car parking in front of my house. After a few seconds Frank came in and we shook hands.
“What the fuck, Rick! What the fuck is going on?!” He asked when he saw my sons.

“The problem is I don’t know, dude.” I replied. “I need to do some shopping and I just want you to make sure that Mark and Shawn will remain tied up and gagged, ok? If they try anything feel free to use more restraints on them.”

“Yeah, no problem, dude! That should be an easy job. You’ve done a nice job binding them.” He said after he had checked my sons’ bonds.

“Feel like at your own place man. And thanks again!” I said and left the house.
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Post by RopedBud »

God I'm loving the the new story! I can't wait to see what Frank has in store for them! ;)
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Post by Deleted User 153 »

great chapter, as expected!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Damn! Those smelly socks again! Haha 8-)

NIce. Can't wait to see how Frank adds his flair to the story.
Looks like the boys are in good hands.

Poor Shawn.
I'd definitely be up for helping him and bringing him to my place if I could ;)

Fantastic work [mention]squirrel[/mention]
Don't forget the Story Catalogue section!

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Post by Tsuhaya »

Great chapters, Rick really knows how to punish his sons, those socks seem to be horrible, poor boys. That's why I avoid touching what isn't mine :lol:

I look forward to seeing what else Frank can do for the boys' situation
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by socjuc »

I like how Rick is forceful and how he wants to punish his boys. The sock torture is ultra hot! Want to see how Frank assesses the situation and applies his own personal justice lol :D
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 6 - On a Shopping Spree

I got on my car and started the engine, but instead of driving I sat back in my seat and thought for a while. First of all I needed to go to some grocery shop. I intended to send either Shawn or Mark to deal with this, but the events didn’t quite go the route I thought they would, so I had to do it myself. Neither of my sons were able to do anything right now, being bound and gagged as they were. I wondered for a short while what should I do with them and decided the best way to punish them for stealing and lying to me was to keep them bound and gagged all weekend. Probably until Monday morning, when I’ll have to go to work. The idea of having a peaceful and quiet weekend with my boys brought a smile on my face. To make my plan work I decided to visit a few more places after the casual shopping.

I drove away from my house and headed to one of the supermarkets, where we usually buy food. It was cheap and the service was nice and competent, so there was no point in looking for something else. It took me nearly an hour to buy everything; it was Sunday morning and all the people who couldn’t do the shopping during the week were probably there. I was a little irritated, but there was nothing I could. Plus, I knew that my sons were safe with Frank, so I didn’t have to hurry too much. I relaxed and waited for my turn to pay for our weekend supplies, left the store and packed everything into the trunk of my car.

My next stop was a cigar store. My son did smoke a lot of them so I needed to restock them. I knew a certain place to go; they had excellent stuff there and, as their old customer, I could always count on a discount. The store wasn’t far away; after another half an hour I left it with a fresh box filled with cigars. I packed it in the trunk as well and went off to the last store I wanted to visit. It took me about forty minutes to get there, mainly due to the terrible traffic. Normally I would get there much sooner, but there are things I had no influence on.

The place I visited was home improvement retailer, where I intended to buy some supplies to keep my sons bound all right over the weekend. The amount of rope I had at home was probably enough, but I always liked to be on the safe side and minimize the risk. I walked around for a few moments, until one of the salesman asked me what I was looking for. I explained I needed lots of flexible rope and a few rolls of the strongest duct tape they had and he was glad to guide to the stall. I gathered six coils of 50m rope and ten rolls of tape. I paid, packed the supplies and was about to go back home.

But on my way there I spotted something that attracted my attention. There was a small sex shop on my right and when I saw it a sudden idea entered my mind. I smiled and found a place where I could leave my car and went inside the shop. I was glad that it was empty; there was only a salesman, a young looking guy with a sheepish smile on his face.

“We rarely have cops here.” He greeted me and went for a handshake. I accepted it and thought I could use the fact that I was still wearing my policeman outfit.

“What can I help you with, Sir?” He asked when we shook hands.

“Well, I am looking for some professional gags.” I told him in a casual tone.

“Certainly Sir, what exactly are you interested in?”

“Well, not sure actually, I just need to make sure that two of my prisoners stay quiet. If you know what I mean.” I added and winked. Probably the guy thought I was acting a role play or something with two women. He smiled understandingly and showed me his collection.

“It depends on how large the mouth is, you know. And how effective you want the gag to be.”

“Pretty large mouths, I guess…” I lied and added: “I want them to be as effective as possible.”

“You seem like a guy who likes the job done well, Sir.”

“Yeah, you can say so.”

He rummaged through his stuff and took two identical boxes from one of the shelves behind him. He opened one and winkled out a very solidly looking gag. As I was told, it was a pecker gag and it was made of leather. It had a huge bulb on the large band; the bulb went inside the mouth, and the leather band was supposed to cover the whole lower face. The gag had also a nice buckle to lock it at the back of victim’s head.

“If you want to silence someone properly, Sir, you should get this one. The bulb is very large, as you can see and, it presses the tongue down, preventing the person from speaking. Plus, it looks good, if you want to know my opinion.”

“Any possibility to dislocate the gag without hands?”

“None, Sir. And believe me, I know what I’m talking about.” He winked at me and laughed.

“Ok, you’ve convinced me. I’ll take two black ones.”

“There you go, Sir. And do come in some time, I’ve got more… interesting accessories.” The salesman said after he packed the gags.

“Who know, maybe I will.” I smiled and paid.

I went back to my car started the engine. All the way home I was thinking how surprised my sons would be when they see, or even better – taste their new presents. Probably Mark won’t like it very much, as he is rather dominant himself, but, if what I figured out was truth, Shawn should be thrilled. Plus, it was one more way to confirm my suspicions; depending on his reaction to the gag I would be able to tell if he likes it or not. And I knew the first impression would be vital.

I arrived home some time later and opened the trunk of the car. I grabbed the grocery shopping and went inside. Frank was in the kitchen with my sons. He was sitting on a chair with his legs on the table, which was one of his habits. He was puffing calmly on a cigar and reading a book. When he saw me enter the kitchen he stood up and placed the book on the table. I put the bags there as well.

“Mmmppph…” My sons were moaning quietly.

“Why do they have their eyes taped shut?” I asked when I saw several strips of tape on Shawn and Mark’s faces.

“They were scuffling and struggling a lot when you left, so I decided to block their vision. That way they have even less chance to free themselves and none to cooperate with each other.” He said in a factual tone. “Hope you don’t mind, dude.”

“Not at all, told you to do whatever it takes to keep them bound.”

Frank helped me unpack the food and then went with me to the car to collect the ropes, tape and gags. I closed the trunk, locked the car and we went inside the house again; the boys were squirming and trying to yell through their gags, but we took no notice of that. Serves them right, I thought to myself.

“Dude, I think you should talk to Shawn.” Frank suddenly said quietly when we were in the living room, far from the boys.

“Why, what’s wrong?” I asked, but I suspected I knew where this conversation was going.

“Nothing at all, but… I noticed he had a hard-on nearly all the time. Plus, it got even bigger when I was duct taping his eyes shut. I think he likes it.”

“Yeah, I think so too. Mark told me he tied and gagged him once in a while.”

“There is nothing wrong with it dude. But you should keep an eye on him.”

“I will, definitely. Thanks for your help, Frank. You wanna stay over for dinner or something?”

“Yeah, sure thing, man!”

I went to the kitchen again and looked at Shawn’s crotch; the kid was definitely enjoying himself…

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Post by Tsuhaya »

Another incredible chapter. Rick really doesn't wanna give his sons any slack. These leather gag seem to be huge, I'm starting to feel sorry for the boys. I really didn't wanted be in the boys' shoes (or maybe I wanna :lol:).
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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