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Post by ropeladygags »

Disclaimer: this story may be a bit strange for some. If you don’t like sci fi alien situations, it may not be for you. The TUG part is a bit loosely folded in but the “tied up and gagged” aspect is still there (about a third of the way in you will encounter it). I may be stretching if a bit, I think, but what can I say? I love to write and I have weird ideas abound!

I hope you like it!

A good night’s sleep was warranted after a long day of working in the fields. Sweet corn doesn’t harvest itself. My sister and I had spent all of the morning cultivating the north east crop and then the rest of the afternoon hauling it all back and sorting it into what as salvageable for sale and what would be used as livestock feed.

By the time we walked back into the house as the sun was beginning to set, we smelled of dirt and sweat. A nice long, hot shower soothed our aching bodies and removed all of the dirt and grime.

Melissa and I were just now settling into our beds for the evening. Her room was adjacent to mine, but we could usually hear each other through the walls.

“Night, sis!” I called. She answered almost immediately,


Melissa and I had taken control of the farm only last summer. The land and the farm itself belonged to our parents. Sadly, they disappeared a year ago last January. They had gone out to the stables to check on the horses after the din of their neighing had woken them from sleep. The cold January air made it much more of a chore than they wanted, but the horses were part of their livelihood, so it was necessary.

Melissa and I contacted the authorities a day later when they had not called us. Each day we either received a phone call or a text from them as a check in about their wellbeing. Sadly, when the cops came to check the property, they couldn’t find our parents anywhere. After a long year of figuring out what to do with the place, Mel and I decided to just take over. Our lives hadn’t gone in any particular direction at that point. Both of us were living in our own modest apartments downtown and were each working two jobs to keep up with rent.

It was a bittersweet first season returning to the property. Keeping it up wasn’t a problem since we had been raised in this life. It just didn’t feel the same without our parents there. The recollection made me tear up a bit as I pulled the sheets over my shoulders and rolled onto my left side to doze off.

…Something stirred me from my sleep. It wasn’t a noise I had heard, or the fact that something had touched me. It was just a strange feeling I had in my gut. I opened my eyes and laid still. The chirping of the crickets outside my window reached my ears as I heard the baying of the hound dog at the farm a mile down the road. That was strange I could have sworn something was off, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

I rolled over onto my back and that’s when my heart almost jumped into my throat. My door was open, even thought I knew I had closed it before climbing into bed. The nightlight from the hallway shined brightly in contrast to the pitch black night. But something blocked it from reaching my eyes. A dark silhouette stood motionless in the doorway and my breath caught in my throat.

Whatever it was, it did not appear human. It stood tall enough that part of its head was covered by the top of the door frame. Broad shoulders spread out at the bottom of a long, thin neck. Its body was a strange shape, but I could tell that, whatever it as, it was bipedal. The rest of its silhouette lost distinction the farther down my eyes scanned.

“Wh…who are you?” I asked, my voice shaking, “What do you want?”

There was only a moment of hesitation from the creature before it crossed the threshold of my room and approached my bed. That’s when its glowing green eyes were easier to discern. They were set wide apart, and the color disappeared very so often when it blinked. Its breathing sounded strange, as if it were breathing into a bucket or something.

The light of the moon shone in from my other window, giving me a better look at its body. The chest and shoulder area was very broad as a large bone-like structure protruded out the front. Its torso thinned out as I continued to look down until it reached what I assumed was its waist. I noticed several holes there, not sure what they were for. Its limbs were very long and slender and ended with long, pointed appendages, complete with what appeared to be very sharp claws.

The horrific sound of Melissa screaming from her room reached my ears. I didn’t hesitate. I couldn’t care less if this thing was standing by my bed. Jumping out of bed, I tried to run to the door to check on her. But the creature was having none of that. I heard a guttural groan from behind meant I was suddenly unable to move. Looking down, I could feel myself lifting off of the floor and turning around. The creature had its hand extended toward me.

“What do you want?!” I shouted.

It tilted its head as it stopped only a couple steps from me,

“What do you want?” I heard my voice repeated from the creature’s mouth and gasped.

I tried to wiggle around, but my limbs were only catching air. What was going on? What was this thing?

A bright light shine in from outside, but the beam focused on my sisters room. Listening closely, I could hear her protesting with someone,
“Please, let me go. Please. Pleammmmmmmmph! Nmmmmmmmmmmph! Hllmmmmmmmmmpj!” Her muffled cries became quieter and quieter as I heard loud stomps from her room. I turned to the creature before me, angry this time,

“Let my sister go, you asshole!”

In an instant, I discovered what the holes on the creature’s torso were for. Each of them opened and out came long, sinewy tendrils of some kind, much like tentacles. They wriggled around for a moment and then advanced on me before I could blink. Before I knew it, one of them had gone over my head and pulled my hands together, wrapping around my crossed wrists. Another four of them wrapped around my legs, securing them at my ankles, shins, knees and thighs. I felt a few more encircling my torso, pinning my arms to my body. The tentacles felt warm and squelched, as if covered in slime.

I panicked and tried to pull at them, but the creature only tightened them the more I struggled. It grabbed my face with one of its slender hands and held my jaw open. With the other, I saw it reach toward my mouth with a small pearl-like object. Placing it on my tongue, it closed my mouth and held it shut. On the surface of my tongue, I could feel the outside of the pearl dissolving. To my horror, whatever was inside it began to grow rapidly. I felt it fill my mouth with a rubbery, slimy substance. It stopped at my back molars and continued forward toward my lips. Some of it pushed out between my lips and continued to spread. It created a wide, sticky band that covered the bottom half of my face from just below my nose to just above my chin. The band then spread around to the back of my head and secured itself there. I felt it tighten and then remain still. I had been very effectively and horrifically silenced. I breathed heavily through my nose, unsure of what would happen next.

The creature reached up to the area of its throat. I saw a pulsating round object there. It pressed it down and a bright light flashed before me. The entire scene changed. We were no longer in my bedroom, but in a large room well lit with fluorescent light. If I had to guess, I would say it was a laboratory. My mind couldn’t comprehend what it was seeing. The tech looked foreign and much more advanced than anything I had seen. Several other creatures stood around this lab, touching holographic images in the space before them.

I was brought to the center of the room where a bay of metal slabs stood in a circular pattern. I saw my sister being taken to another slab only a few paces away. We made eye contact and then screamed into the alien gags made for us. Our struggles were futile as we were brought to the metal tables and laid down on them facing the ceiling.

I felt the tendrils release me only to be replaced with thick straps. They came out from the table and wrapped around me tightly at three inch intervals, successfully pinning me to the slab. Another came out and wrapped itself around my forehead, securing it in place. I couldn’t see anything but what was right in front of me.

Another creature stood behind me, and looked down at my face. Its eyes were oval and green. It had no other discernible facial features. Its cheeks narrowed into a thin, rounded chin, but there was no nose or mouth opening. Its skin was a dark blue color, like the sky at twilight. As I watched it, I saw the skin around the mouth area ripple like water. A faint sound reached my ears.

“Was it talking to me?” I wondered.

A large machine came out of the ceiling and moved toward me. It floated above me with some kind of propeller system like a miniature helicopter. A long arm appeared from the head of this machine with a long, flat object on its end. It came close to my face and I closed my eyes, horrified of what was about to happen. I heard a faint humming sound and then nothing. Looking up again, I could no longer see the machine for a minute or so until I noticed it coming back toward my face. After stopping right above my eyes, it disappeared into the ceiling again.

‘What just happened?” I thought to myself.

The creature standing behind me began to change. I watched as its form morphed. Within a few minutes, I was looking at a perfect copy of myself standing behind me. I gasped through my nose and began to scream into the slimy gag that was still in my mouth. Another creature approached it and gave it some kind of instruction. It reached out its arm and the other creature placed some kind of brand on the inside of its right wrist. It looked like a triangle with a dot at each vertex.

The straps pinning my torso to the table were removed, but it was short lived. My arms were spread out on either side and then refastened with new straps. I felt two more go around my chest, pulling me harder onto the table. Two more creatures approached my outstretched arms. In their hands, they held different tools that I could not make out. My eyes moved to the face of my clone when I suddenly felt a harsh poke on my left hand.

Screaming into my gag made my clone turn to its comrade and shake its head. Then if felt something very hot burning my skin on my right palm and screamed again. My clone made the same gesture to that creature. Suddenly the straps around my chest became tighter and tighter. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I looked desperately at my clone, mumbling what I could into the gag, but to no avail. Long fingers touched the gag on my face and, to my surprise it began to melt away. The creature reached into my mouth and pulled out the pearl from before. But I still couldn’t take a full breath.

“Pl…please. I….can’t…breathe.” I said through my gasps. Soon I couldn’t pull in any air, and just as I thought I was going to pass out, the straps loosened and I gasped for breath.

“Thank you, human.” My voice spoke from behind me. Flabbergasted, I looked up, eye to eye with the creature that had morphed into me. It smiled at my dumfounded expression,

“What the hell is going on?” I asked. She held up her hand to silence me,

“We are studying your planet, but we can’t do it looking the way we do. Right now were are borrowing you in order to assimilate. We have done it with several other humans.”

“Why did you nearly suffocate me? And the poking and burning, what was that all about?” I demanded.

“We are working on understanding human thresholds of pain and discomfort. Our apologies.” She responded.

“So, what now?” I asked.

“Now I will go to Earth.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Won’t people be confused by there being TWO of me walking around down there?”

“I will be going down. You will remain in hyper sleep here on the ship.” She said and disappeared from my view. I panicked.

“Wha…mmmmmmmph!” Long slender fingers grabbed my face and began shoving something into my mouth. It felt like an oval shaped, metal frame that pressed against my lips and forced them open. Over my tongue was a wide, straw-like object, making it impossible for me to talk. I felt a warm sensation at the back of my neck as the same substance use to gag me before moved across my cheeks and connected with this object at my mouth, securing it in place. The straps came off of me for a brief moment. From under my body, I heard a suction sound and, in an instant all of my clothing was removed, leaving me exposed on the table. My arms were moved to my sides and the straps were replaced, holding me to the slab once more.

That’s when we started to move. Or, I did, rather. The entire metal slab I was laying on began to float forward. Several of the creatures walked beside me, including my clone. I watched as the room disappeared behind me and we entered a large chamber. It stretched for what looked like miles upward, each level containing its own balcony and walkway. Looking closer, I realized that lining the walls of this chamber were pods. Each one contained a person suspended in some kind of liquid. Oh God. Was I going into one of those?

It felt like hours before we stopped at one of the many balconies of this massive chamber. The straps were removed from my body, but they were replaced with the long, slimy tentacles of one of the creatures, who bound me with them in a similar fashion to when I encountered it in my room. I was lifted off the table and suspended in the air, facing forward. Before me was an empty pod. My eyes wandered, looking at the other pods when I gasped.

“MOM! DAD!” I saw them in the pods on either side of the empty one. Their eyes were closed and they appeared asleep.

I could say nothing since the thing in my mouth was effectively silencing me. The creature turned me around and pushed me into the pod. The tentacles released me and the door was closed.

“You will stay here until we feel we have gathered sufficient information about you and your way of life. You will then be released with no memory of any of this. Sleep well, human.”

The creatures walked away, along with my clone, leaving me to wonder what was about to happen. With my limbs now free, I began to look around. There wasn’t much to the pod in any way. It was build with a metal frame and reinforced with glass. At my feet was a square frame while the rest of the floor of the pod appeared to have several metal circles.

I heard a rush of air from the bottom and watched in horror as a green substance began to cover my feet. It wasn’t liquid or solid really. It was slimy, and it felt alive, but was not. Hugging my skin closely, it continued up my legs and past my hips. I heard a mechanical sound from behind me as two metal coils of some kind wrapped around each of my wrists and pulled them down to my sides. The slime continued to creep up my body, covering my hands, passing my chest and stopping at my shoulders. The metal coils disappeared. I looked down and wondered what this substance was.

That’s when it began to harden. I could feel it pulling tighter and tighter, like it was shrink wrapping me from the neck down. I felt more of it creep up the back of my neck and over my ears as it began to harden there too. By the time it was completely dry, it felt like I was wrapped in plastic and ready for transport. The horror wasn’t over though. Another mechanical sound reached my ears from behind as I saw another large metal coil appear from over my head and stop right in front of the contraption in my mouth. It looked like a metal cylindrical shape with flexible metal tubes attached to each side of it.

Without warning, it slammed itself into the metal contraption and I heard it click into place. Then the awful feeling of something creeping into my mouth made be start to protest loudly. A sensation of warmth began at my feet, but I couldn’t look down to watch. By the time I realized what was going on, the pod was almost filled with liquid up to my shoulders. The sensation in my mouth was shoved down my throat. I gagged for a second, but then realized it was a breathing tube to keep me from drowning. A plug was placed on my nose as the liquid continued to fill the pod. I took one last look out the glass and then everything went black.

Gasping with a start, I sat up in bed. The sunlight filled my room and I heard the sound of the rooster from outside my window.

Melissa was at my door in an instant,
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” She approached the bed and sat down.

I took a minute to catch my breath.

“Not sure. I think it was just a really bad dream.” I said. Melissa smiled empathetically and embraced me. We sat in each other’s arms for a few minutes, taking in the morning sounds of the farm.

Melissa broke from the hug and stood from the bed.
“Well, get up and come have some breakfast. Maybe that will make you feel better.” She smiled and stood in the doorway, holding herself up with her right hand on the frame. I smiled at her and ran my hands through my hair. I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes,

“That sounds like a great idea. I’ll be right down.”

My smile almost immediately melted as they locked on the skin of her wrist. Just below her hand, I saw drawn on her skin, a black triangle with a dot at each vertex.
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Post by GreyLord »

Very nice, [mention]ropeladygags[/mention]. Welcome to this site. I do hope you will continue posting stories here. Well done.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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