Kidnapped By My Roommates! (FF/F) - New Chapter 09/06

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Kidnapped By My Roommates! (FF/F) - New Chapter 09/06

Post by WrappedUp »

Hello, here is a new F/F story about a naughty girl who is punished by her roommates. This is a first draft before I upload it on my DeviantArt. I would like to know if anything can be improved in this story. Let me know if you have suggestions, thanks! :D

Chapter 1 : Proposal

Everyone makes mistakes, but my mistakes are a bit different from other's.

I'm not stupid, I know when I'm doing something I shouldn't. But I can't help myself, there is a sick thrill I get from doing "bad" things. My life has been pretty cut and dry to this point. I did everything right. I studied hard, I kept to myself and I never stepped out of line.

But every since I left home to go to college half way across the country it's like a new Natalie has come out. I go to parties every night and sleep during class time. I collect speeding tickets like Pokemon cards. I'm the sort of nasty bitch I always resented in my high school days.

I live in a shared dorm room with three other girls. We each have our own rooms that connect to a common kitchen and living room. My roommates hate me. They're all friends with each other and they treat me like an outsider. On campus I have tons of friends and guys looking to get me in bed, but in my dorm I'm back to being the small outcast Natalie.

So...I sleep with my roommate Clarissa's boyfriend...more than once...just to spite that stuck up bitch.

It didn't feel good at first, it wasn't the sort of sweet revenge I figure it'd be, but each time we met up it felt better. I was becoming a monster, and after our latest meet up I began to rethink my actions.

I lay in bed, clad in my grey Calvin Klein bra and panties with his white t-shirt on. Sam had just left an hour ago.

I sat up in bed, looking at myself in the mirror hanging on the wall. My hair was long and thick, died dark red. Who was this girl looking back at me? Her thick black eyeliner and red lipstick...that wasn't Natalie. God, I'm a mess.

After another bout of self loathing I finally fell asleep, thinking when I woke up I could start a new as a better Natalie. Little did I know I would be starting a new when I rose, but not in the way I imagined I would.



I screamed as I suddenly jolted awake. A bright light shone in my eyes. I went to scream but found my words muffled. A hand was clamped tightly over my mouth!

"Mmmm-mmmmph!", I tried to grab the hand but my arms were pinned down to the bed. Someone was sitting on top of me!

"Shhhhh, you'd better keep your mouth shut if you know what's best for you", a deep female voice whispered, "You wouldn't want to wake Clarissa right now"

My heart sank. I realized it was my roommate Charli sitting on top of me, holding my wrists down. My other roommate Jessica stood over me, keeping my head down by tightly covering my mouth. I could hardly keep my eyes open as she shone the light directly at my face.

"We know what you did", Charli whispered, "With Sam"

My heart was beating faster and faster, I froze up as Charli said Sam's name. How did she know about that? All three girls went out together. It was just me and Sam in the dorm...there was no way anyone knew!

"There we go, that's a good girl", Charli spoke as my muffled whines slowly faded, "Jessica is going to uncover your mouth but don't be stupid. It's your funeral if you wake up Clarissa"

I nodded my head. Jessica removed her hand and shone the flashlight up at the ceiling. I took a deep breath and looked up at the girls.

Charli had long dark hair that flowed down her back. She had tan skin and sharp features. She was wearing a grey cropped tank top and matching jogging pants. She was a bit shorter than me, but I went completely overpowered as she sat on top of me, holding my wrists.

"Why'd you do it Natalie, just to spite Clarissa?", Charli asked.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything I swear!", I replied.

"Oh! You hear that Jessica, she's innocent", Charli chuckled.

"I am innocent! Just let go of me, I didn't do anything wrong!", I protested.

"Well Charli, I guess it was her doppelganger that we caught on camera", Jessica turned her phone over to me. A tingle went down my spine as I saw a security camera recording of me and Sam in the midst of action in bed. I looked up at the ceiling, seeing a small hole with a lenses reflecting the beam from the flashlight.

"YOU SET UP A CAMERA IN MY R-mmmmph!", Jessica's hand quickly clamped over my mouth as I began to shout.

"MMmmmmmph!", I screamed, thrashing against Charli's grip.

"'re going to be in big trouble if you wake up Clarissa", Charli spoke, "You know how crazy she can be"

"Mmmmmmph!", I tried to kick myself free as the girls held me down tighter.

"Keep still bitch!", Charli tried to hold me in place, fighting as I tried to shake her off.

"Mmmmm-HELP! SOMEONE HELP M-mmmmmph!"

The girls got me on my belly, pushing my face into the pillow. I could feel my wrists forced behind my back. The pillow was tightly held against my face, making me quickly lose air as I was bound with some sort of rope.

I kicked and shook around as my wrists were bound together. The rope went around each wrist tightly and then finished off in-between them. I was already getting light headed as the girls began to bind my ankles together. I lost my strength to fight bit by bit as the rope weaved around my bare legs. My muffled cries grew quiet.

Finally I was flipped around again. I breathed in and out rapidly as Jessica switched places with Charli. Now the taller, more athletic girl sat on top of me. She was wearing black yoga pants with a matching sports bra. She had a well toned body and medium length black hair, often tied in a ponytail or bun.

"Don't bullshit us Natalie", she spoke, "Me and Charli caught on pretty quick. We decided to launch our own investigation into this, keeping Clarissa in the dark"

"You sick fucks! How long have you been recording me!", I yelled back.

"Long enough", Jessica replied coldly, "You disgust me"

"Fuck off! You had better untie me right th-", I was quickly cut off as Jessica slapped me across the face. I looked up at her with wide eyes as she gripped me by the hair.

"Find something to gag her with Charli", Jessica spoke, "I've heard enough from her"

"Gladly", Charli grinned, running over to my desk.

"Gag me? No! Let me g-mmmmph!", I whimpered as Jessica wrapped her hand over my mouth. She pushed my head down against the pillow and glared down at me.

"I don't like you and I never have", she spoke coldly, "I've resented you from day one, I knew you were a restful bitch"

I couldn't see much in the dim light, but I could sense her cold eyes shooting daggers through me. Her face was mostly buried by loose strands of hair, falling out of her messy ponytail. She gripped her fingers into my cheek tightly, pushing her palm directly against my lips.

"mmmmmph", I whined. She looked terrifying in the light from the flashlight. I could feel her strength as she tightly covered my mouth.

"Ooooh, I found something for the slut to suck on", Charli walked over, holding a purple object in her hands. My eyes widened with terror.

"Did you bring the duct tape Charli? We'll need to keep that in place", Jessica spoke.

"Oh I brought the duct tape, don't you worry", Charli set my purple dildo down on my chest, reaching around to the back of her pants to produce a roll of duct tape.

"Bad girls deserve to e punished", Charli ripped the tape open, "We told you to shut up but you didn't listen. So what other choice do we have than to shut you up ourselves?"

In a flash Jessica removed her hand from my mouth and shoved the dildo in deep. I began to gag as it hit the back of my throat. It was thick and filled up my mouth. Jessica held my head up as Charli quickly began duct taping me. She wrapped the tape all around, getting it all caught up in my hair. After a flurry of movement my head was completely covered in tape from below the nostrils to the start of my neck.

"mmmmmmph", I whined, biting down on the dildo and shaking my head. There was no way to push it out of my mouth!

"What? You love cock in the mouth, we have it on video", Charli teased, "You dirty little slut, you'd be in big trouble if word got out about you and Sam"

I whimpered as Jessica began to raise my shirt up. I had a bit of a thick body, with sizable breasts and big thighs. The tall girl rolled my shirt up and ran her fingers along my skin.

"I hate you, but your body is quite delicious", Jessica spoke, "So we have a proposal for you"

I whimpered as Jessica's hot breath beat down on my tummy.

"You will be our personal slave girl. You will do anything we want you to, whenever we want you to until the end of the semester", Charli spoke, "and in exchange Clarissa will never know about you and Sam"

I sucked my stomach in as Jessica's tongue touched down. She began to run along the center of my body. I broke out in goosebumps and tensed up as she reached my navel.

"Sound good?", Charli asked, holding my head.

"mmmmph! mmmmph!", I shook my head yes. Wincing as Jessica's tongue traced light circles around my sensitive belly button.

"Good. You will be allowed to roam freely, but if you mess with Sam again than the matter is out of our hands", Charli spoke, "and we won't hold back Clarissa"

"mmmmmph!", I moaned as Jessica's fingers ran down my sides, gripping my squishy hips as her tongue snaked down into my deep innie.

"Don't be afraid Natalie, we're not going to hurt you", Charli whispered, "You'll be begging for more by the time we're through with you"

"Mmmmmmph!", I moaned as I felt Jessica's tongue poke around. I threw my head back and looked up at Charli. The girl stood above me, grinning viciously as she held my hair.

"Charli! You did a terrible job with the gag, she's too loud!", Jessica perked up.

"Hey, it's not my fault! You're the one pushing her! I thought we were just going to give her the proposal, not start the fun already!", Charli replied.
"We have to go before Clarissa wakes up. Let's cover her bindings and take her to the spot, you know the one", Jessica spoke with an air of authority, "I'll gag her better later"

Charli grunted as Jessica got up off of me. She reached into a bag on the floor.

"Now Natalie, you know a pet needs a collar", the tall girl produced a thin leather collar with a loop at the end, "You're going to wear this at all hours of the day until we've done"

"mmmmmmmmph", I whined as the collar was fashioned around my neck. I didn't hate chokers but the loop was a bit aggressive for daily wear! Plus, this was a sign of ownership, a constantly reminder that I was someone else's property.

I really was her pet now. I never agreed to this...but it was clear I had no choice. If Clarissa found out about my mistake than I wouldn't live to see another day.

"You look pathetic like this", Jessica grinned, "This brings out your true nature, slave"
Last edited by WrappedUp 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Great start to a story! Natalie's captors are quite cruel and I'm very curious as to where it goes next. As for any criticism, I don't really have any. The writing was solid all around and I think I was quite content reading it. Great work!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by RipeForTheTaking »

I couldn't imagine myself ever sleeping with someone else's boyfriend like that haha. But the fact that Natalie is my name too made this quite an enjoyable read~ Definitely looking forward to more of this.
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Post by WrappedUp »

Chapter 2 : Transported

"Mmmmmmph!", I shook whined as Jessica brought me to my feet.

Charli pulled my thick black coat over my body, discreetly hiding my bondage by sliding the coat arms in the front pockets. She pulled the hood up over my head and tied a grey scarf around my face to hide the messy tape gag.

"I know it's hot in there", she whispered, "Just bear with it for a little while"

"mmmmmmmph", I whined as the ropes were cut from around my ankles. There was still rope around my thighs, making it difficult but not impossible to walk.

"We're just going for a little ride to our favorite spot Nat, don't be afraid", Jessica whispered, "We'll treat you well if you're a good girl for us"

Jessica took out a small leash and fashioned it on my collar. She tugged me forward, leading me along in the most humiliating manner.

Charli opened the door, ensuring the coast was clear in our common room before I was dragged out. I followed along meekly, looking over to Clarissa's door. She didn't hear anything right? She wasn't in on this? I wasn't being led off to my death?

"Come on", Jessica tugged on the leash. I better not think about it too hard, maybe I deserved some punishment after all. There was denying my bad behavior.

I was led across the living room and out the door. The hall was dark. Charli went ahead, looking out for people as we approached the stairwell. I looked over at all the rooms in the hall, wondering if someone would come and save me. It was late Sunday night, the chance of us being discovered was slim.

As we reached the door to the stairs Charli suddenly motioned towards a corridor. Jessica pushed me into the tight space, hiding me between the two vending machines.

She wrapped her hand over my gagged mouth and the scarf, her other arm went around my waist. She held me tightly against her body, hiding me in the shadows. It was crammed, her legs were all over me, we were so close together...

"mmmmmph!", I shook my head, finding it difficult to breath with the scarf over my nose.

"Hold your breath and shut the fuck up", Jessica whispered, "I'll snap you in half if you whine like that again"

I stood still as the door to the stairwell opened. I was sweating profusely in the thick jacket, listening to Jessica's quiet breathing. She held me so tight that her nails were almost piercing my skin through all the material.

Charli pretended to use the vending machine as two girls walked by.

"I could use a water to", one of the girls spoke.

"Oh, this machine is out of order!", Charli replied, "It just ate my money, I don't think you should use it"

I struggled to hold in my breath as Charli tried to block the girls from stepping any closer.

"Did you try hitting it?", the other girl asked.

"I tried everything, it doesn't work!", Charli laughed, "So, no point! Tap water is free after all"

Jessica's nails dug in deeper and deeper. I held my breath as well as I could, but I was ready to let it all out any second. I could feel Jessica's heart beat, she was anxious. I could start fighting and the girls could save me! What was Jessica going to do about it anyway with two witnesses in front of us?

"Oh well, good night", one of the girls spoke as they walked away.

"Night", Charli nodded. I finally let a big breath out from my nose as Jessica released her grip. I lost my chance to escape...damnit.

"Clear", Charli spoke. The girls walked me down the stairs to the lowest level of the building.

"Good girl", Jessica whispered in my ear, "I'll reward you for that later"

I whined as I was pushed through the doors into the lowest level of the building. There was nothing here but storage, no one was ever here at night. The girls began to sped up. I couldn't keep up, the leash slipped out of Jessica's hand as I fell to the floor.

"Sling her over your shoulder Jess, we don't have time to mess around", Charli spoke.

"I guess it's a bit hard to run with rope around your thighs huh", Jessica picked me up, effortlessly tossing me over her shoulder. My ass was up in the air as the athletic girl ran along the hallway. I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes in her grasp, she carried my heavy body with no issue.

As we reached the end of the hall the girls ran up a set of stairs that led to the parking lot. Jessica reached in her pocket and threw Charli a set of keys. The short girl ran outside, making a b-line for the car as Jessica set me down on my feet.

"You're heavy", she spoke, "But it's okay, me and you are going to get quite physical together. It might help you burn some calories"
I held back my whimpers as Jessica began to caress my thighs.

"I'll have you know this was my idea", Jessica whispered, "Charli is just along for the thrill"

I bit down harder on the dildo in my mouth as the tall girl ran her fingers along my crotch. I could feel myself grow wet from the situation. This was terrifying! Why was I starting to get excited about it?

"You're my pet, not Charli's", Jessica's fingers ran up and down, making me moan involuntarily, "You belong to me"

As soon as Jessica's fingers slid under my waistband headlights shone through the door. Jessica quickly pushed me along, my bare feet touching the rough concrete as I was led into the backseat of a giant black Escalade.

"Mmmmmph!", I let out one last defiant whine as I was brought into the car. Jessica slammed the door and sat me upright. She removed my coat and strapped me in with additional restraints that ran around the back of the seat.

Charli floored it, taking off down the parking lot and onto the street. I was now secured against the middle seat, belts across my chest and waist. My wrists and thighs were tightly bond with rope.

"We can't have you see where we're taking you", Jessica pulled out a black cloth and wrapped it around my eyes.

"mmmmmmph", I whimpered as my vision was cut off.

"Don't worry, we'll take the blindfold off when we get there", said Jessica, "Maybe"

I let out a small whimper as the tall girl kissed me on the cheek. She brought my ankles back together and quickly tied them with rope.

"It's nice that Natalie agreed to be our slave, isn't it Jess?", Charli spoke.

"I think she knows what's best for her. Plus, I the little deviant is starting to enjoy this whole thing. These panties show everything", Jessica pulled up my shirt, showing off my gray panties, wet with my excitement.

"Mmmmmph!", I shook my head no, shaking around in my restraints.

"Oh don't you even try and deny it Natalie, you can't lie to us", Jessica whispered in my ear. Her hand traced along my belly, sliding along my waistband.

"It's already two in the morning Jess, we'll have to make our first session a short one if we want to make it back in time for class", said Charli.

"Me and Natalie will be missing class tomorrow", Jessica pat me on the thigh, "I need to find all the fun quirks with our new toy before I can do anything else"

"mmmmmmph!", I whimpered as the tall girl squeezed me.

"Oh come on Jess! You can't have her all to yourself", Charli whined, "I have a big test first thing in the morning, I can't just miss it!"

"That's fine, you can play with her afterwards", Jessica replied.

"Jess!'re such a freak!", Charli sighed, "I'll drop you off at the spot and come back after my first class, that should give you more than enough time"

"Perfect, thank you for understanding babe", Jessica put her arm around my shoulder, sliding her hand under my bra.

"mmmmmmph", I whimpered as she groped my breast.

"Don't worry Natalie, I'm in a good mood. I'll be gentle", Jessica whispered, "Well...gentle as I get, that is"
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Post by tickletied84 »

Really enjoying this [mention]WrappedUp[/mention] - and am hoping there's lots more torment for Natalie to come!
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Post by WrappedUp »

Glovedgirllover wrote: 1 year ago Does that's mean you're ???
Yes, that's me :)
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Post by Mirandabound »

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Post by RopeWhoreJenny »

Loving this so far. Hopefully, she isn't too gentle with Natalie. After all, a naughty little slut needs a good punishment in order for the lesson to sink in. xx
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Post by Satin-Queen »

This was a fun read. I hope you continue soon.
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